USD121511S - Combined lamp and liquid dispenser - Google Patents

Combined lamp and liquid dispenser Download PDF


Publication number
USD121511S US D121511 S USD121511 S US D121511S
United States
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liquid dispenser
combined lamp
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Harry H. Johnson
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July 16, 1940. H. JOHNSON Des. 121,511
COMBINED LAMP AND LIQUID DISPENSER Filed April 25, 1940 Patented July 16, 1940 Des. 121,511
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A COMBINED LAMP AND LIQUID DISPENSER Harry H. Johnson, Brookline, Mass., assignor of one-half to Charles Poulos, Boston, Mass.
. Application April 25, 1940, Serial No. 91,951
Term of patent 14 years To all whom it may concern: Figure 1 is a front elevation of a combined Be it known that 1, Harry H. Johnson, a citizen lamp and liquid dispenser, embodying my new of the United States, residing at Brookline, in design.
the county of Norfolk and Commonwealth of Figure 2 is a side elevation of the same. Massachusetts, have invented a new, original, and I claim: ornamental Design for a Combined Lamp and The ornamental design for a combined lamp Liquid Dispenser, of which the following is a and liquid dispenser, as shown. specification, reference being had to the accompanying drawing, forming a part thereof. HARRY H. JOHNSON.



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