USD119786S - Design fob a baseboard register - Google Patents

Design fob a baseboard register Download PDF


Publication number
USD119786S US D119786 S USD119786 S US D119786S
United States
Prior art keywords
design fob
baseboard register
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Application number
Carl S. Lundgren
Original Assignee
Air Control Products
Filing date
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April 1940- c. s. LUNDGREN Des. 119,786
BASEBOARD REGISTER Filed Nov. '15, 1959 INVENTOR Car/ S. Landgrm W 4, 34/
ATTORNEY Patented Apr. 2, 1940 Des. 119,786
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE 119,786 DESIGN FOR A BASE-BOARD REGISTER Carl S. Lundgren, Muskegon, Mich, assignor to Air Control Products, Inc., Muskegon, Mich, a corporation Application November 13, 1939, Serial No. 88,239 Term of patent 7 years To all whom it may concern: Figure 1 is a front elevational view of a base- Be it known that I, Carl S. Lundgren, a citizen board register showing my new design; and of the United States, residing at Muskegon, in the Figure 2 is a side elevational view thereof; and county of Muskegon and State of Michigan, have Figure 3 is a top plan thereof. invented a new, original, and ornamental Design I claim; for Baseboard Register, of which the following The ornamental design for a baseboard regisis a specification, reference being had to the acter, as shown in the accompanying drawing. companying drawing, forming a part thereof.
In the drawing, CARL S. LUNDGREN.



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