USD118075S - Design for an embroidered trimming - Google Patents

Design for an embroidered trimming Download PDF


Publication number
USD118075S US D118075 S USD118075 S US D118075S
United States
Prior art keywords
embroidered trimming
Prior art date
Application number
Michael B. Kaplan
Filing date
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Dec. 12, 1939. MBKAPLAN Des. 118,075 I EMBRO IDERED TR IMMING Filed NOV. 9, 1959 MICHAEL B KAPLAN INVENTOR Z/QW f%%w HTTORN-EY Patented Dec. 12,1939 r r I Des. 118,075
' UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE I 'Michael B. Kaplan, New York, N. Y.
Application November 9, 1939, Serial No. 88,135
Term of patent 3 years ,To all whom it may concern: panying drawing, forming part thereof, wherein Be it known that I, Michael B. Kaplan, a citithe figure is a plan view of a piece of embroidered zen of the United States of America, residing in trimming showing my new design.
New Yorkcity, in the Borough of Manhattan, I claim:
county and State of New York, have invented a The ornamental design for an embroidered new, original, and ornamental Design for an trimming substantially as shown.
Embroidered Trimming of which the following is a specification, reference being bad to the accom- MICHAEL B. KAPLAN.



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