USD113620S - Design for a shoe sole - Google Patents

Design for a shoe sole Download PDF


Publication number
USD113620S US D113620 S USD113620 S US D113620S
United States
Prior art keywords
shoe sole
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Application number
William F. Cairns
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March 7, 1939. w, F CAIRNS Des. 113,620
SHOE SOLE Filed Jan. 14, 1939 @nulla-7 ATTORNEYS.
Patented Mar. 7, 1939 Des,
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A SHOE SOLE William F. Cairns, New Haven, Conn., assignor to United States Rubber Company, New York,
` N. Y., a corporation of New Jersey Application January 14, 1939, Serial No. 82,362
Term of patent 7 years To all whom it may concern: Figure 1 is a plan View of the sole; and
Be it known that I, William F. Cairns, a citizen Figure 2 is a longitudinal section on the line of the United States of America, residing at New 2 2 of Figure 1.
Haven, county of New Haven and State of Con- I claim:
nectiout, have invented a new, original, and orna- The ornamental design for a shoe sole, as mental Design for a Shoe Sole, of which the folshown.
lowing is a specification, reference being had to WILLIAM F. CAIRNS. the accompanying drawing, forming part thereof,



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