USD112430S - Design for a signboard - Google Patents

Design for a signboard Download PDF


Publication number
USD112430S US D112430 S USD112430 S US D112430S
United States
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Alexander L. Bauers
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Dec. 6, 1938. A, L. BAUERS Des. 112,430
SIC-NBOARD Filed Oct. 12, 1938 Patented Dec. 6, 1938 Des,
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A SIGNBOARD Alexander L. Bauers, La Grange, 111., assignor to General Outdoor Advertising 00., Chicago, 111.,
a corporation of New Jersey Application September 12, 1938, Serial No. 79,844
Term of patent '7 years To all whom it may concern: Fig. l is a front elevational view of a signboard Be it known that I, Alexander L. Bauers, a showing my design; citizen of the United States, residing at 405 South Fig. 2 is a side elevational view thereof.
Blackstone, La Grange, in the county of Cook I claim: and State of Illinois, have invented a new, The ornamental design fora signboard, suboriginal, and. ornamental Design for a Signboard, stantially as shown. of which the following is a specification, ref- ALEXANDER L. BAUERS.
erence being had to the accompanying drawing, forming part thereof.



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