USD100621S - Design fob a goblet or similar - Google Patents

Design fob a goblet or similar Download PDF


Publication number
USD100621S US D100621 S USD100621 S US D100621S
United States
Prior art keywords
design fob
Prior art date
Application number
Andrew J. Cunningham
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1936. A. J. CUNNINGHAM Des. 100,621
GOBLET OR SIMILAR ARTICLE Filed June 9, 1936 INVENTOR Patented Aug. 4, 1936 Des.
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A GOBLET OR SIMILAR ARTICLE Andrew J. Cunningham, Snyder, N. Y. Application June 9, 1936, Serial No. 63,117
Term of patent 7 years To all whom it may concern: Fig. 1 is a front elevational view of a goblet Be it known that I, Andrew J. Cunningham, a showing my design.
citizen of the United States, residing at Snyder, Fig. 2 is a cross sectional view thereof, taken in the county of Erie and State of New York, along line IIII of Fig. l. The dominant feahave invented a. new, original, and ornamental ture of the design is shown in full lines.
Design for a Goblet or Similar Article, of which I claim:
the following is a specification, reference being The ornamental design for a goblet or similar had to the accompanying drawing, forming part article, as shown and described. thereof. ANDREW J. CUNNINGHAM.



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