US968004A - Adding-machine. - Google Patents

Adding-machine. Download PDF


Publication number
US968004A US33692206A US1906336922A US968004A US 968004 A US968004 A US 968004A US 33692206 A US33692206 A US 33692206A US 1906336922 A US1906336922 A US 1906336922A US 968004 A US968004 A US 968004A
United States
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gear wheels
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Expired - Lifetime
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Jesse G Vincent
Current Assignee (The listed assignees may be inaccurate. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the list.)
Unisys Corp
Original Assignee
Burroughs Adding Machine Co
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Application filed by Burroughs Adding Machine Co filed Critical Burroughs Adding Machine Co
Priority to US33692206A priority Critical patent/US968004A/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of US968004A publication Critical patent/US968004A/en
Anticipated expiration legal-status Critical
Expired - Lifetime legal-status Critical Current




    • G06C7/00Input mechanisms
    • G06C7/02Keyboards
    • G06C7/06Keyboards with one set of keys for each denomination


  • NCRRIS PETERS co., wAsnmnwN, n. c.
  • One object of the present invention is to obviate this necessity for putting the machine through a blank operation and tothis end it is proposed to provide for restoring the transfer mechanism to normal by the simple act of setting the parts for the taking of a total.
  • Minor objects of the present-invention are to lighten the accumulator structure, simplify and render more durable the transfer tripping devices and improve the form and construction of ,parts whereby cooperative action is had between individual counting members of the accumulator and the tripping devices of the transfer mechanism.
  • Figure 1 represents in left side elevation interior parts of an -add ing machine of the well-known Burroughs type with the improvements of the present invention applied thereto, the inclosing casing of the machine and cross shafts, rods and certain studs appearing in section, as well as parts .of the paper carriage attachment at the rear;
  • Fig. 2 is a similar view on a larger scale-of the parts at the front of the machine as relatively positioned at normal;
  • Fig. 3 is a view similar to Fig. 2 but showing the relative positions of parts when the total key has been depressed, dotted lines illustrating the change in position of some of the parts when the operating handle of the machine has been drawn forward;
  • FIGS. 4 and 5 are total elevations illustrating transfer tripping devices under different conditions
  • Fig. (3 is a horizontal sectiontaken on the line G6 of Fig. 3 looking in the direction of the arrows crossing said line
  • Fig. 7 represents in perspective the accumulator and associated transfer mechanism as viewed from the rear
  • Fig. 8 represents in longitudinal section on an enlarged scale a port-ion of the accumulator
  • Figs. 9 and 10 represent. the accumulator in cross section illustrating different relative positions of transfer and zero stop devices.
  • the invention has been illus 'trated as applied to the well known Burroughs adding machine but itis to be understood that it is applicable to other types of machines.
  • Burroughs Patents Nos. 504,963, and 505,078 issued September 12, 1903 and to the Macauley Patent No. 823,474, issued June 12, 1906. It will be sufiicient for the purposes of the present specification to briefly enumerate certain well known parts of the Burroughs machine with which the present invention is more particularly concerned and to point out briefly the usual mode of operation of those parts.
  • the reference numeral 291 designates the usual amount keys and the numeral 610 seg- 1 "mental racks whose extent of movement is determined by stops set by said keys.
  • Small gear wheels or pinions 916 are arranged to mesh with these racks respectively and are compounded with numbered wheels 990 which accumulate the amounts set up on the keyboard.
  • Said pinions and number wheels are carried in a rocking frame having end plates 910 one of which extends below the pivot'rod 900 and carries inwardly projectin studs or pins 958 and 958 one above an the other below said rod.
  • a pitman 914 is branched at the forward end for engagement with these pins or studs and at its rear end connects with a three-armed lever 913 carrying studs or pins 961 arranged to be alternately acted upon by a wipe pawl 821 on the upper end of an arm 813 secured to a rock shaft 800.
  • the latter is oscillated in every operation of the maehine and through the devices described the pitnian is reciprocated.
  • the latter is connectod through a link 911 with a bell crank lever 227 constitutil'lg the total key and. normally upheld by a suitable spring.
  • the racks 610 are carried by levers 611 independently pivoted upon a shaft 600 and extended in rear thereof to carry sets of type 618.
  • a swinging frame 613 extends under all the levers 611 and holds the same normally elevated. Said frame swings down and back at every operation of the machine and thus permits lowering of the levers whenever released by the depression of the amount keys or the total key, then operating to restore the levers and racks to normal.
  • the racks are mounted upon the levers with provision for limited movement independent thereof, being slotted to embrace studs on the levers and connected by springs with the latter tending to elevate the racks. The springs are normally restrained however, by detents engaging studs 651 on the racks.
  • detents are in the form of skeleton plates pivoted upon a rod 460 (Fig. 7) supported in therack guide plates 210 and each etent comprises a long arm 413 extending down to one of the accumulator pinions, an arm 413 extending downwardly and rearwardly at an angle to said 1011 arm for contact with a stop rod 400, a stu 461 for engagement with the rack stud or pin 651 and an arm 413 projecting forward from the pivot rod 460.
  • the stud 461 is formed with two flat faces 461 and 46-1 extending at an acute angle to each other and meeting in a bet-ween the arms 413 and 413
  • This constructlon permits of more satisfactory mauufacturing processes than constructions heretofore employed 1n the same connectlon and furthern'iore possesses advantages in accuracy of operation and in durability.
  • Each of the accumulator pinions 916 carries a round stud or pin 952 projecting from the side of one tooth and the long arm 413 of the detent plate frame is curved to a limited extent at its low'er portion on the are of said pin 952 (Figs. 9 and 10) and beyond said curved portion has a substantially right angle edge 413 for said stud or pin to abut when the accumulator wheel turns backward to zero as illustrated in Fig. 9.
  • the right angle edge 413 forms the upper side of a laterally projecting end of the arm 413, the extremity of which is formed by an edge 413 extending at an acute angle to the edge 413 so that the stud 952 may act upon it with a camming effect when the accumulator wheel turns to zero in forward r0- tation. It will of course be understood that this has the effect of displacing the whole detent structure and carrying the detent stud 461 to the position illustrated in Fig. 5.
  • the above described construction of transfer tripping means possesses advantages over previous constructions in the matter of smoothness and accuracy of operation, friction being reduced to the minimum and an unvarying zero stop action being assured.-
  • the accumulator structure comprises in addition to the parts already enumerated the following described parts which combine to lighten the structure and thus prevent rebound when the accumulator is moved back and forth and furthermore serve to reduce the friction in the bearings of the accumulator wheels.
  • a rod 907 (Figs. 8, 9 and 10) extends between the end plates 910 for the purpose of supporting the wheels and upon this rod are strung a series of sleeves 955 with bushings 939 in their ends and surrounding the rod 907 so as to turn freely thereon.
  • the bushings are of course secured in the sleeves and in this manner a support for each accumulator wheel and gear is provided which turns with the minimum of friction.
  • the sleeves are shouldered to receive the number wheels 990 and the pinions 916 both of which of course turn wlth the sleeves.
  • Washers 925 are preferably employed secured upon the sleeves against the number wheels as shown in Fig. 8.
  • the supporting rod 907 is preferably screwthreaded at one end to enter a tapped hole in the plate 910 and of course slotted at the other end as shown at 933, which construction facilitates assembling and also taking apart of the structure.
  • a tie-rod 901 extends between the end plates 910 and stay pieces in the form of plates 915 embrace this rod, the pivot rod 900 and the rod 907, these plates occurring between the number wheels and serving to stiffen the structure.
  • Strips 927 and 928 are preferably employed as stringers to unite the stay plates.
  • the above described detents are drawn forward by springs 480 and when displaced against the stress of such springs are prevented from immediately returning by the engagement with them of catches drawn rearward by the same springs 480.
  • These catches are in the form of swinging arms 411 depending from a pivot rod and carrying studs 411 notched in the under sides to normally engage the ends of the detent arms 413".
  • the catches have rearwardly and downwardly extending branches 411 (Fig. 7 arranged to be acted upon by the cross rod 922 of a bail comprising end pieces or arms.
  • a de pending arm 922 which may be integral with the arm 922 and is drawn forward by a spring 981 so that the bail is normally retracted.
  • Said depending arm 922 is pivotally connected with a link 918 whose rear end is widened and slotted in the are of a circle as shown at 918 (Fig. 2) to embrace a roller stud 918 on the arm 813.
  • the detent catches are restored to normal at the end of the forward stroke of the operating handle for this brings said arm 813 to the end of its rearw'ard stroke and causes its stud 918 to draw the link 918 rearwardly thereby rocking the bail forwardly.
  • the side arm 922 of the catch restoring bail is provided with a rear- Ward extension or horn 922 (Figs. 2 and 3) whose under edge is formed as a cam.
  • the numeral 1400 (Figs. 1, 2 and 3) designates a familiar rock shaft of the Burroughs machine which is oscillated whenever the total key is depressed, this being brought about through the medium of a crank arm 1410 on said crank shaft and a link 1416 connect.
  • crank arm 1410 is formed with a forwardly and upwardly extending branch 1411 carrying a roller stud 1412 which normally occupies a recess in the rear side of the arm 922 below the horn 922*.
  • the consequent rearward rocking of the crank arm 1410 carries the roller stud 1412 through a short space between it and the cam edge of said horn and then causes said roller stud to act against said edge and thereby force the catch restoring bail forward as illustrated in Fig. 3. It will be seen that this will have the same effect as the rocking of said bail in an operation of the machine viz.
  • the rock shaft 904 is equipped with a series of forwardly projecting arms 922 (Figs. 1, 2 and 3) which have a downward curve and present terminal edges for action upon the studs 651. In the normal condition of the machine these studs are held some distance below said terminal edges, being restrained by the detents, but when the detent-s are displaced and the racks partake of transfer movements the studs are brought up to said terminal edges.
  • the accumulator gear wheels or pinions are normally in mesh with the actuating racks, it is necessary to provide means whereby upon de ression of the total key these pinions wil be moved out of mesh with the racks in order to permit the restoration of the latter to normal position without affecting the accumulator.
  • the left hand end plate 910 of the accumulator frame is formed with a ear segment 920 and a lever 921 is provi ed with a similar gear segment 921 (Figs. 1, 2, 8 and 7) intermeshing with said gear segment 920, said lever being suspende from a pivot point 921 be low the keyboard.
  • This lever has a rearwardly extending branch 921 equipped with a roller stud 921 and the total key lever 227 is formed with a depending lug 227 to which is pivoted a wipe-pawl 227 having a lateral lip 227 taking over the front edge of the lug and drawn thereagainst by a spring 227.
  • this wipe-pawl engages the roller stud 921 and being held from rearward turnlng by the engagement of said lip 227 with the front edge of the lug 227* will thrust the lever 921 forward thereby rocking the accumulator structure by reason of the engagement between the gear segments 921 and 920.
  • the lost motion heretofore referred to as occurring beforethe roller stud 1412 commences to act upon the horn 922 allows time for this operation of the lever 921 to take place prior to the action of the arms 922 upon the racks.
  • an accumulator comprising a plurality of independently and difierentially movable counting members, actuators for the same, transfer devices operating automatically to cause a counting member of higher denomination to advance one step upon the member of next lower denomination having counted up to its capacity, means for taking the total count from the accumulator, and means operating as an incident to the adjustment of parts for taking such total whereby the transfer devices are restored to normal.
  • an accumulator comprising a plurality of independently and dliferentially movable counting members, actuators for the same, spring transfer devices operating automatically to cause a counting member of higher denomination to advance one step upon the member of next lower denomination having co-unted up to its capacity, means for taking the total count fromthe accumulator, and means operating as an incident to the adjustment of parts for taking such total whereby the transfer devices are restored to normal.
  • an accumulator comprising a plurality of independently and dilferentially movable counting members, actuators for the same, transfer devices operating automatically to cause a count-ing member of higher denomination to advance one step upon the member of next lower denomination having counted up to its capacity, means for restoring the transfer devlces to normal in an itemizing operation of the machine, means for taking the total count from the accumulator, and means operating as an incident to the adjustment of parts for taking such total whereb the transfer devicesare restored to norma 4.
  • an accumulator comprising a plurality of independently and differentially movable counting members, actuators for the same, spring transfer devices operating automatlcally to cause a counting member of higher denomination to advance one step upon the member of next lower de' nomination having counted up to its capacity, means for restoring the transfer devices to normal in an itemizing operation of the machine, means for taking the total count from the accumulator, and means operating as an incident to the adjustment of parts for members and catches for holding the detents displaced; means for taking the total count from the accumulator, and means operatlng as an incident to the adjustment of parts for taking such total whereby the transfer catches are restored to normal.
  • an accumulator comprising a plurality of independently and differentially movable counting members, actuators for the same, transfer devices opera-ting automatically to cause a counting member of higher denomination to advance one step upon the member of next lower denomination having counted up to its capacity, said devices comprising spring-pressed detents normally preventing transfer movements of the counting members and catches for bolding the detents displaced; means for taking the total count from the accumulator, and means operating as an incident tothe adj ustment of parts for taking such total whereby the transfer catches are restored to normal.
  • an accumulator comprising a plurality of independently. and differentially movable counting members, actuators for the same, transfer devices operating automatically to cause a counting member of higher denomination to advance one step upon the member of next lower denomination havingcounted up to its capacity, said devices comprising detents normally preventing transfer movements of the counting members and spring-drawn catches for holding the detents displaced; means for taking the total count from the accumulator, and means operating as an incident to the adjustment of parts for taking such total whereby the transfer catches are restored to normal.
  • an accumulator comprising a plurality of independently and differentially movable counting gear wheels, racks for engaging and turning the same, reciprocating carriers for said racks with provisions for permitting movement thereof independent of the carriers, detents normally preventing such movement but adapted to be displaced when the gear wheels have reached full counting capacity, catches for holding the detents displaced, means for taking the total count from the accumulator, and means operating as an incident to the adjustment of parts for the taking of such total whereby the detent catches which have acted and racks which have partaken of movement independentof their carriers are restored to normal.
  • an accumulator comprising a plurality of independently and differentially movable counting gear wheels, spring-drawn racks for engaging and turning the same, reciprocating carriers for Said racks with provisions for permitting movement thereof independent of the carriage, detents normally preventing such movement but adapted to be displaced when the gear Wheels have reached full counting capacity, means for takin the total count from the accumulator, an means operating as an in cident to the adjustment of parts for the taking of such total whereby racks which have partaken of movement independent of their carriers are restored to normal.
  • spring-drawn racks for engaging and turning the same, reciprocating carriers for said racks with provisions for permitting movement thereof independent of the carriers, spring-pressed detents normally preventing such movement but adapted to be dis laced when the gear wheels have reache full counting capacity, means for taking the total count from the accumulator, and means operating as an incident to the adjustment of parts for the taking of such total whereby racks which have partaken of movement independent of their carriers are restored to normal.
  • an accumulator comprising a plurality of independently and differentially movable counting gear wheels, spring-drawn racks for engaging and turning the same, reciprocating carriers for said racks with provisions for permitting movement thereof independent of the carriers, spring-pressed detents normally preventing such movement but adapted to be displaced when the gear wheels have reached full counting capacity, spring drawn catches for holding the detents displaced, means for taking the total count from the accumulator, and means operating as an incident to the adjustment of parts for the taking of such total whereby racks which have partaken of movement independent of their carriers are restored to normal.
  • racks for engaging and turning the same,- reciprocating carriers for said racks with rovisions for permitting movement thereof independent of the carriers, detents normally preventing such movement but adapted to be displaced when the gear wheels have reached full counting capacity, means for restoring to normal in an itemizing operation of the machine racks which have partaken of movement independent of their carriers, means for taking the total count from the accumulator, and means operating as an incident to the adjustment of parts for the taking of such total whereby racks which have partaken of movement independent of their carriers are restored to normal.
  • an accumulator comprising a plurality of independently and difierentially movable counting gear wheels, spring-drawn racks for engaging and turning the same, reciprocating carriers for said racks with provisions for permitting movement thereof independent of the carriers, detents normally preventing such movement but adapted to be displaced when the gear wheels have reached full counting capacity, means for restoring to normal in an ltemizing operation of the machine racks which have partaken of movement independent of their carriers, means for taking the total count from the accumulator, and means operating as an incident to the adjustment of parts for the taking of such total whereby racks which have partaken of movement independent of their carriers are restored to normal.
  • an accumulator I comprising a plurality of independently and differentially movable counting gear wheels, spring-drawn racks for engaging and turning the same, reciprocating carriers for said racks with provisions for permitting movement thereof independent of the carriers, spring-pressed detents normally preventing such movement but adapted to be displaced when the gear wheels have reached full counting capacity, means for restoring to normal in an itemizing operation of the machine racks which have par taken of movement independent of their carriers, means for taking the total count from the accumulator, and means 0 erating as an incident to the adjustment 0 parts for the taking of such total whereby racks which have partaken of movement independent of their carriers are restored to normal.
  • an accumulator comprising a plurality of independently and difierentially movable counting gear wheels, spring-drawn racks for engaging and turning the same, reciprocating carriers for said racks with provisions for permitting movement thereof independent of the carriers, springpressed detent's normally preventing such movement but adapted to be displaced when the gear wheels have reache full counting capacity, spring'drawn catches for holding the detents displaced, means for re storing to normal in an itennzing operation of the machine racks which have partakcn of movement independent of their carriers and catches which have acted, means for taking the total count from the accumulator, and means operating as an incident to the adjustment of parts for the taking of such total whereby the detent catches which have acted' and racks which have partaken of movement independent of their carriers are restored to normal.
  • an accumulator comprising a plurality of independently and differentially movable counting members, 21ctuators for the same, normally engaged therewith, transfer devices operating auto-- matically to cause a counting member of higher denomination to advance one step upon the member of next lower denomination having counted up to its capacity,
  • an accumulator comprising a plurality of independently and differentially movable counting gear wheels, racks normally in mesh therewith, reciprocating carriers for said racks with rovisions for permitting movement thereof independent of the carriers, detents normally preventing such movement but adapted to be displaced when the gear wheels have reached full counting :capacity, means for taking the total count from the accumulator, and means operating as an incident to the adjustment of parts for the taking of such total whereby the gear wheels and racks are disengaged. and racks which have partaken of movement independent of'their carriers are restored to normal.
  • an accumulator comprising a plurality of independently and differentially movable counting members, actuators for the same normally engaged therewith, transfer devices operating automatically to cause a counting member of higher denomination to advance one step upon the member of next lower denomination having counted up to its capacity, said devices comprising detents normally preventin transfer movements of the counting mem ers and catches for holding the detents displaced; means for taking the-total count from the accumulator, and meansoperating as an in cident to the adjustment of parts for taking such total whereby the accumulator and actuators are disengaged and the transfer catches are restored to normal.
  • an accumulator comprising a plurality of independently and differentially movable counting gear wheels, racks normally in mesh therewith, reciprocating carriers for said racks with provisions for permitting movement thereof independent of the carriers, detents normally preventing such movement but adapted to be displaced when the gear wheels have reached full counting capacity, catches for holding the detents displaced, means for taking the total count from the accumulator, and means operating as an incident to the adjustment of parts for the taking of such total whereby thegear wheels and racks are disengaged and the detent catches which have acted and racks which have partaken of movement independent of their carriers are restored to normal.
  • anaccumulator comprising a plurality of independently and differentially movable counting members, actuators for the same normally engaged therewith, transfer devices operating automatically to cause.
  • a counting member of higher denomination to advance one step upon the member of next lower denomination having counted up to its capacity, means for taking the total count from. the accumulator, means operating as an incident to the adjustment of parts for taking such total whereby the accumulator and actuators are disengaged and the transfer devices are restored to normal and means for reengaging the accumulator and actuators at the outset of a totalizing operation.
  • an accumulator comprising a plurality of independently and differentially movable counting gear wheels, racks normally in mesh therewith, reciprocating carriers for said racks with provisions for permitting movement thereof independent of the carriers, detents nor mally preventing such movement but adapted to be displaced when the gear wheels have reached full counting capacity, means for taking the total count from the accumulator, means operating as an incident to the adjustment of parts for the taking of such total whereby the gear wheels and racks are disengaged and racks which have partaken of movement independent of their carriers are restored to normal and means for reengaging the gear wheels and racks at the gagement with the racks, means for moving said support with provisions for adjustment to vary the periods of engagement between the accumulator gear wheels and the racks, reciprocating carriers for said racks with provisions for permitting movement thereof independent of the carriers, detents normally preventing such movement but adapt ed to be displaced when the gear Wheels have reached full countin capacity, means for taking the total count from the accumulator
  • an'accumulator comprising a plurality of independently and differentially movable counting members, actuators for the same, transfer devices operating automatically to cause a counting member of higher denomination to advance one step upon the member of next lower denomination having counted up to its capacity, means for taking the total count from the accumulator including a manipulative controlling key, and means operating as an incident to the adjustment of parts for taking such total by manipulation of said controlling key whereby the transfer devices are restored to normal.
  • an accumulator comprisin a plurality of independently and dilferentia ly movable counting members, actuators for the same, transfer devices operating automatically to cause a counting member of higher denomination to advance one step upon the member of next lowerdenomination having counted up to its capacity, means for restoring the transfer devices to normal in an itemlzing operation of the machine, means for taking the total count from the accumulator including a manipulative controlling key, and means operating as an incident to the adjustment of parts for takin such total by manipulation of said controlling key whereby the transfer devices are restored to normal.
  • an accumulator comprising a plurality of independently and dilferentially movable counting members, actuators for the same, transfer devices oper ating automatically to cause a counting mem ber of higher denomination to advance one step upon the member of next lower denomination having counted up to its capacity, said devices comprising detents nor- 5 mally preventing transfer movements of the counting members and catches for holding the detents displaced; means for taking the total count from the accumulator including a manipulative controlling key, and means operating as an incident to the adjustment of parts for taking such total by manipulation of said controlling key whereby the transfer catches are restored to normal.
  • an accumulator comprisin a plurality of independently and differentia ly movable counting members, actuators for the same, transfer devices operating automatically to cause a counting member of higher denomination to advance one step upon the member of next lower denomination having counted up to its capaoity, said devices comprising detents normally preventing transfer movements of the counting members and catches for holding the detents displaced; means for restoring the transfer devices to normal in an itemizing operation of the machine, means for taking the total count from the accumulator including a manipulative controlling key, and means operating as an incident to the adjustment of parts for taking such total by manipulation of said controlling key whereby the transfer catches are restored to normal.
  • an accumulator comprisin aplurality of independently and difi'erentia ly movable counting gear wheels, racks for engaging and turning the same, reciprocating carriers for said racks with provisions for permitting movement thereof independent of the carriers, detents normally preventing such movement but ada ted to be displaced when the gear whee s have reached full counting capacity, means for takin the total count from the accumulator incl-u ing a manipulative controlling key, and means operating as an incident to the adjustment of parts for the taking ofsuch total by manipulation of said controlling keyflwhereby racks which have partaken of movement independent of their carriers are restored to normal.
  • an accumulator comprisin a plurality of independently and diiferentia ly movable counting gear wheels, racks for engaging and turning the same, reciprocating carriers for said racks with rovisions for permitting movement thereo independent of the carriers, detents normally reventing such movement but ada ted to be displaced when the gear whee s have reached full counting capacity, catches for holding the detents displaced, means for taking the total count from the accumulator including a manipulative controlling key,.and means operating as an incident to the adjustment of parts for the taking of such total by manipulation of said controlling key whereby the detent catches which have acted and racks which have par-taken of movement independent of their carriers are restored to normal.
  • an accumulator comprising a plurality of independently and differentially movable counting gear wheels, racks for engaging and turning the same, reciprocating carriers for said racks with provisions for permitting movement thereof independent of the carriers, detents normally preventing such movement but adapted to be displaced when the gear wheels have reached full counting capacity, means for restoring to normal in an itemizing operation of the machine racks which have partaken of movement independent of their carriers, means for taking the total count from the accumulator including a manipulative controlling key, and means operating as an incident to the adjustment of parts for the taking of such total by manipulation of said controlling key whereby racks which have partaken of movement independent of their carriers are restored to normal.
  • an accumulator comprising a plurality of independently and differentially movable counting gear wheels, racks for engaging and turning the same, reciprocating carriers for said racks with provisions for permitting movement thereof independent of the carriers, detents normally preventing such movement but adapted to be displaced when the gear wheels have reached full counting capacity, catches for holding the detents displaced, means for restoring to normal in an itemizing operation of the machine racks which have partaken of movement independent of their carriers and catches which have acted, means for taking the total count from the accumulator including a manipulative controlling key, and means operating as an incident to the adjustment of parts for the taking of such total by manipulation of said controlling key whereby the detent catches which have acted and racks which, have partaken of. movement independent of their carriers are restored to normal.
  • an accumulator comprising a plurality of independently and diflerentiall movable counting members, actuators or the same normally engaged therewith, transfer devices operating automatically to cause a counting member of higher denomination to advance one step upon the memberof next lower denomina tion having counted up to its capacity, means for taking the total count from the accumulator including a manipulative controlling key, and means operating as an incident to the adjustment of parts for taking such total by manipulation of said con-.
  • trolling key whereby the accumulator and actuators are disengaged and the transfer devices are restored to normal.
  • an accumulator comprising a pluralityof independently and difierentially movable counting members, actuators for the same normally engaged therewith, transfer devices operating auto matically to cause a counting member of higher denomination to advance one step upon the member of next lower denomination having counted up to its capacity, said devices comprising detents normally preventing transfer movements of the counting members and catches for holding the detents displaced; means for taking the total count from the accumulator including a manipulative controlling key, and means operating as an incident to the adjustment of parts for taking such total by manipulation of said controlling key whereby the accumulator and actuators are disengaged and the transfer catches are restored to normal.
  • an accumulator comprisin a plurality of independently and differentifily movable counting gear wheels, racks normally in mesh therewith, reciprocating carriers for said racks with provisions for permitting movement thereof 1ndependent of the carriers, detents normally preventing such movement but adapted to be displaced when the gear wheels have reached full counting capacity, catches for holding the detents displaced, means for taking the total count from the accumulator including a manipulative controlling key, and means 0 rating as an incident to the adjustment 0 parts for the taking of such total by manipulation of said controlling key whereby the gear wheels and racks are disengaged and the detent catches which have acted and racks which have partaken of movement independent of their carriers are restored to normal.
  • an accumulator comprising a plurality of independently and differentially movable counting members, actuators for the same normally engaged therewith, transfer devices operating automatlcally to cause a counting member of higher denomii'iation to advance one step upon the member of next lower denomination having counted up to its capacity, means for taking the total count from the accumulator including a manipulative controlling key, means operating as an incident to the adjustment of parts for taking such total by manipulation of said controlling key whereby the accumulator and actuators are disenga "ed and the transfer devices are restore to normal and means for rengaging the accumulator and actuators at the outset of a totalizing operation.
  • an accumulator comprising a plurality of independently and differentially movable counting gear wheels, racks normally in mesh therewith, recipro eating carriers for said racks with provisions for permitting movement thereof independent of the carriers, detents normally preventing such movement but adapted to be displaced when the gear wheels have reached full counting capacity, means for taking the total count from the accumulator including a manipulative controlling key, means operating as an incident to the adjustment of parts for the taking of such total by manipulation of said controlling key whereby the gear wheels and racks are disengaged and racks which have partaken of movement independent of their carriers are restored to normal and means for reengaging the gear wheels and racks at the outset of a totalizing operation.
  • an accumulator comprising a plurality of independently and differentially movable counting gear wheels, racks for engaging and turning the same, a support for the accumulator --movable to carry the gear Wheels into and out of engagement with the racks, means for moving said support with provisions for adjustment to vary the periods of engagement between the accumulator ear wheels and the racks, said means including a manipulative controlling key, reciprocating carriers for said racks with provisions for permitting movement thereof independent of the carriers, detents normally preventing such movement but adapted to be displaced when the gear wheels have reached full counting capacity, means for taking the total count from the accumulator through adjustment of the before-mentioned i'neans for moving the accumulator support by manipulation of said controlling key, and means operating as an incident to the adjustment of parts for the taking of such total whereby the accumulator support is moved to disengage the gear wheels from the racks and racks which have partaken of movement independent of their carriers are restored to normal.
  • an accumulator comprising a plurality of independently and differentially movable counting members, actuators for the same, transfer devices operating automatically to cause a counting member of higher denomination to advance one step upon the member of next lower denomination having counted up to its capacity, said devices comprising detents normally preventing transfer movements of the counting members and catches for holding the detents displaced; means for taking the total count from the accumulator, and means operating as an incident to the adjustment of parts for taking such total whereby the transfer catches are restored to normal, comprising a rock-shaft having a bail to act against the catches.
  • an accumulator comprising a plurality of independently and differentially movable counting gear wheels, racks for engaging and turning the same, reciprocating carriers for said racks with provisions for permitting movement thereof independent of the carriers, detents normally preventing such movement but adapted to be displaced when the gear wheels have reached full counting capacity, means for taking the total count from the accumulator, and means operating as an incident to the adjustment of parts for the taking of such total whereby racks which have partaken of movement independent of their carriers are restored to normal, said means comprising a rockeshaft having arms to act against the racks.
  • an accumulator comprising a plurality of independently and differentially movable counting gear wheels, racks for engaging and turning the same, reciprocating carriers for said racks with provisions for permitting movement thereof independent of the carriers, detents normally preventing such movement but adapted to be displaced when the gear wheels have reached full countin capacity, catches for holding the detents isplaced, means for taking the total count from the accumulator, and means operating as an incident to the adjustment of parts for the taking of such total whereby the detent catches which have acted and racks which have partaken of movement independent of their carriers are restored to normal, said means comprising a rock-shaft having arms to act against the racks and a bail to act against the catches.
  • an accumulator comprising a plurality of independently and differentially movable counting gear wheels, racks for engaging and turning the same, a support for the accumulator movable to carry the gear wheels into and out of engagement with the racks, means for moving said support with provisions for adjustment to vary the periods of engagement between the accumulator gear wheels and'the racks, said means including a manipulative controlling key, reciprocating carriers for said racks with provisions for permitting movement thereof independent of the carriers, detents normally preventing such movement but adapted to be displaced when the gear wheels have reached full counting capacity, means for taking the total count from the accumulator through adjustment of the before-mentioned means for moving the accumulator support by manipulation of said controlling key, and means 0 erating as an incident to the adjustment 0 parts for the taking of such total whereby the accumulator support is moved to disengage the gear wheels from the racks and racks which have partaken of movement independent of their carriers are restored to normal, said means comprising a lever
  • an accumulator comprising a plurality of independently and difl'erentially movable counting gear whee-ls, racks for engaging and turning the same, a support for the accumulator movable to carry the gear wheels into and out of engagement with the racks said support having a segmental gear, means for moving said support with rovisions for adjustment to vary the perio s of engagement between the accumulator gear wheels and the racks, said means including a manipulative controlling key, reciprocating carriers for said racks with provisions for permitting movement thereof independent of the carriers, detents normally preventing such movement but adapted to be displaced when the gear wheels have reached full counting capacity, means for taking the total count from the accumulator through adjustment of the before-mentioned means for moving the accumulator support by manipulation of said controlling key, and means operating as an incident to the adjustment of parts for the taking of such total whereby the accumulator support ismoved to disengage the gear wheels from the racks and racks
  • an accumulator comprising a plurality of independently and differentially movable counting gear wheels, racks for engaging and turning the same, a support for the accumulator movable to carry the gear wheels into and out of engagement with the racks, means for moving said support with provisions to vary the periods of engagement between the accumulator gear wheels and the racks, said means including a manipulative controlling key, reciprocating carriers for said racks with provisions for permitting movement thereof independent of the carriers, detents normally preventing such movement but adapted to be displaced when the gear wheels have reached full counting capacity, means for taking the total count from the accumulator through adjustment of the be fore-mentioned means for moving the accumulator support by manipulation of said controlling key, and means 0 crating as an incident to the adjustment 0 parts for the taking of such total whereby the accumulator support is moved to disengage the gear wheels from the racks and racks which have partaken of movement independent of their carriers are restored to normal, said means comprising a lever operative
  • said means including a manipulative controlling key, reciprocating carriers for said racks with provisions for permitting movement thereof independent of the carriers, detents normally preventing such movement but adapted to be displaced when the gear wheels have reached full counting capacity, catches for holding the detents displaced, means for taking the total count from the accumulator through adjustment of the before-mentioned means for moving the accumulator support by manipulation of said controlling key, and means operating as an incident to the adjustment of arts for the taking of such total whereby t e detent catches which have acted and the accumulator su port is moved to disengage the gear wheels rom'the racks and racks which have partaken of movement independent of their carriers are restored to normal, said means comprising a lever operatively engaged with the accumulator support, a wipe-pawl carried by said controlling key and adapted to
  • an accumulator comprising a plurality of independently and differentially movable counting gear wheels, racks for engaging and turning the same, a support for the accumulator movable to carry the gear wheels into and out of engagement with the racks, means for moving said support with provisions for adjustment to vary the periods of engagement between the accumulator gear wheels and the racks, said means including a manipulative controlling key in the form of a bell-crank lever, reciprocating carriers for said racks with provisions for ermitting movement thereof independent 0 the carriers, detents nor mally preventing such movement but adapted to be displaced when the gear wheels have reached full counting capacity, catches for holding the detents, displaced, means for taking the total count from the accumulator through adjustment of the before-mentioned means for moving the accumulator support by manipulation of said controlling key, and means operating as an incident to the adjustment of parts for the taking of such total whereby the detent catches which have acted and the accumulator support is moved to disengage
  • an accumulator comprising a plurality of independently and difierentially movable counting gear wheels, racks for engaging and turning the same, a support for the accumulator m'ovable to carry the gear wheels into and out of engagement with the racks, means for moving said support with provisions for ad- 'ustment to vary the periods of enga ement etween the accumulator gear whee s and the racks, said means including a manipulative controlling key in the form of a bellcrank lever, reciprocating carriers for said racks with provisions for permitting move ment thereof independent of the carriers, detents normally reventing such movement but adapted to e displaced when the gear wheels have reached full counting capacity, catches for holding the detents displaced, means for taking the total count from the accumulator through adjustment of the before-mentioned means for moving the accu mulator support by manipulation of said controlling key, and means operating as an incident to the adjustment of parts for the taking
  • said rock-shaft also having a camarm, the shifting of the pitman engaging it with the accumulator frame in such manner to reengage the gear wheels with the racks at the outset of an operation of the machine and a rock-arm connected with the total lever for operating said rock-shaft by acting against the cam-arm thereof.
  • an accumulator structure comprising end plates or arms, a rod supported at its ends in said plates, sleeves strung upon said rod with bushings in their ends, wheels secured on said sleeves, a tiered extending between the end plates, and stay pieces extending between said tie-rod and the sleevecarrying rod at intervals.
  • an accumulator structure comprising end plates or arms, a rod supported at its ends in said plates, sleeves strung upon said rod With bushings in their ends, Wheels secured on said sleeves, a tie-rod extending between the end plates, a pivot rod extending between the end plates and stay pieces extending at intervals between said sleevecagrying rod, said tie-rod and said pivotro 64.
  • an accumulator Wheel having a laterally projecting round transfer pin or stud
  • a pivoted transfer and zero stop arm having an end portion with a cam edge for said pin or stud to act upon in displacing the arm for transfer purposes and a right angle edge for said pin or stud to abut When the Wheel turns backward to zero.


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
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Patented Aug. 23, 1910.
Patented Aug.23,1910.
Fianna! y W M M in; mamas PETERS pm, wuumcrouim c.
APPLICATION FILED OUT. 1 1906. 968,004.
Patented Aug. 23, 1910.
rm: NCRRIS PETERS co., wAsnmnwN, n. c.
APILIOATION FILED 0 T. 968,004. 7 Patented Aug. 23, 1910.
Specification of Letters Patent.
Patented Aug. 23, 1910.
Application filed October 1, 1906. Serial No. 336,922.
. the machine through a blank operation in order to restore the transfer mechanism to normal.
One object of the present invention is to obviate this necessity for putting the machine through a blank operation and tothis end it is proposed to provide for restoring the transfer mechanism to normal by the simple act of setting the parts for the taking of a total.
Minor objects of the present-invention are to lighten the accumulator structure, simplify and render more durable the transfer tripping devices and improve the form and construction of ,parts whereby cooperative action is had between individual counting members of the accumulator and the tripping devices of the transfer mechanism.
With these and incidental objects in view the invention consists in certain novel features of construction and combinations of parts the essential elements whereofare recited in the appended claimsand a preferred form of embodiment of which is described in detail hereinafter and fully illustrated in the accompanying drawings forming part of this specification.
Of said drawings, Figure 1 represents in left side elevation interior parts of an -add ing machine of the well-known Burroughs type with the improvements of the present invention applied thereto, the inclosing casing of the machine and cross shafts, rods and certain studs appearing in section, as well as parts .of the paper carriage attachment at the rear; Fig. 2 is a similar view on a larger scale-of the parts at the front of the machine as relatively positioned at normal; Fig. 3 is a view similar to Fig. 2 but showing the relative positions of parts when the total key has been depressed, dotted lines illustrating the change in position of some of the parts when the operating handle of the machine has been drawn forward; Figs. 4 and 5 are total elevations illustrating transfer tripping devices under different conditions; Fig. (3 is a horizontal sectiontaken on the line G6 of Fig. 3 looking in the direction of the arrows crossing said line; Fig. 7 represents in perspective the accumulator and associated transfer mechanism as viewed from the rear; Fig. 8 represents in longitudinal section on an enlarged scale a port-ion of the accumulator; and Figs. 9 and 10 represent. the accumulator in cross section illustrating different relative positions of transfer and zero stop devices.
By preference the invention has been illus 'trated as applied to the well known Burroughs adding machine but itis to be understood that it is applicable to other types of machines. For a full and complete understanding of all of the details of the Burroughs machine reference may be had to the Burroughs Patents Nos. 504,963, and 505,078 issued September 12, 1903, and to the Macauley Patent No. 823,474, issued June 12, 1906. It will be sufiicient for the purposes of the present specification to briefly enumerate certain well known parts of the Burroughs machine with which the present invention is more particularly concerned and to point out briefly the usual mode of operation of those parts.
The reference numeral 291 designates the usual amount keys and the numeral 610 seg- 1 "mental racks whose extent of movement is determined by stops set by said keys. Small gear wheels or pinions 916 are arranged to mesh with these racks respectively and are compounded with numbered wheels 990 which accumulate the amounts set up on the keyboard. Said pinions and number wheels are carried in a rocking frame having end plates 910 one of which extends below the pivot'rod 900 and carries inwardly projectin studs or pins 958 and 958 one above an the other below said rod. A pitman 914 is branched at the forward end for engagement with these pins or studs and at its rear end connects with a three-armed lever 913 carrying studs or pins 961 arranged to be alternately acted upon by a wipe pawl 821 on the upper end of an arm 813 secured to a rock shaft 800. The latter is oscillated in every operation of the maehine and through the devices described the pitnian is reciprocated. The latter is connectod through a link 911 with a bell crank lever 227 constitutil'lg the total key and. normally upheld by a suitable spring. So long as this total key is so upheld the reciprocations of the pitnian have the effect of removing the accumulator pinions from engagement with the racks at the outset of an operation of the machine and then restoring said pinions to mesh with said racks after the latter have lowered to the extent permitted by depressed amount keys and before the return of said racks to normal. This is due to the fact that normally the stud or pin 958 rests in a notch at the lower end of the triangular frame like portion of the upper branch of the pitman. Depression of the total key lowers the pitman and destroys this operative connection so that when the pitman is thrust forward as the machine starts to operate the accumulator pinions remain in mesh with the racks. The lowering of the pitman in this manner brings the forward extremity of its lower branch into position for engagement with the stud 958 so that when the pltman moves rearwardly it will rock the accumulator frame and disengage the pinions from the racks before the return movement of the latter commences.
The racks 610 are carried by levers 611 independently pivoted upon a shaft 600 and extended in rear thereof to carry sets of type 618. A swinging frame 613 extends under all the levers 611 and holds the same normally elevated. Said frame swings down and back at every operation of the machine and thus permits lowering of the levers whenever released by the depression of the amount keys or the total key, then operating to restore the levers and racks to normal. The racks are mounted upon the levers with provision for limited movement independent thereof, being slotted to embrace studs on the levers and connected by springs with the latter tending to elevate the racks. The springs are normally restrained however, by detents engaging studs 651 on the racks. These detents, according to the present invention, are in the form of skeleton plates pivoted upon a rod 460 (Fig. 7) supported in therack guide plates 210 and each etent comprises a long arm 413 extending down to one of the accumulator pinions, an arm 413 extending downwardly and rearwardly at an angle to said 1011 arm for contact with a stop rod 400, a stu 461 for engagement with the rack stud or pin 651 and an arm 413 projecting forward from the pivot rod 460. The stud 461 is formed with two flat faces 461 and 46-1 extending at an acute angle to each other and meeting in a bet-ween the arms 413 and 413 This constructlon permits of more satisfactory mauufacturing processes than constructions heretofore employed 1n the same connectlon and furthern'iore possesses advantages in accuracy of operation and in durability.
Each of the accumulator pinions 916 carries a round stud or pin 952 projecting from the side of one tooth and the long arm 413 of the detent plate frame is curved to a limited extent at its low'er portion on the are of said pin 952 (Figs. 9 and 10) and beyond said curved portion has a substantially right angle edge 413 for said stud or pin to abut when the accumulator wheel turns backward to zero as illustrated in Fig. 9. The right angle edge 413 forms the upper side of a laterally projecting end of the arm 413, the extremity of which is formed by an edge 413 extending at an acute angle to the edge 413 so that the stud 952 may act upon it with a camming effect when the accumulator wheel turns to zero in forward r0- tation. It will of course be understood that this has the effect of displacing the whole detent structure and carrying the detent stud 461 to the position illustrated in Fig. 5. The above described construction of transfer tripping means possesses advantages over previous constructions in the matter of smoothness and accuracy of operation, friction being reduced to the minimum and an unvarying zero stop action being assured.-
The accumulator structure comprises in addition to the parts already enumerated the following described parts which combine to lighten the structure and thus prevent rebound when the accumulator is moved back and forth and furthermore serve to reduce the friction in the bearings of the accumulator wheels. A rod 907 (Figs. 8, 9 and 10) extends between the end plates 910 for the purpose of supporting the wheels and upon this rod are strung a series of sleeves 955 with bushings 939 in their ends and surrounding the rod 907 so as to turn freely thereon. The bushings are of course secured in the sleeves and in this manner a support for each accumulator wheel and gear is provided which turns with the minimum of friction. The sleeves are shouldered to receive the number wheels 990 and the pinions 916 both of which of course turn wlth the sleeves. Washers 925 are preferably employed secured upon the sleeves against the number wheels as shown in Fig. 8. The supporting rod 907 is preferably screwthreaded at one end to enter a tapped hole in the plate 910 and of course slotted at the other end as shown at 933, which construction facilitates assembling and also taking apart of the structure. A tie-rod 901 extends between the end plates 910 and stay pieces in the form of plates 915 embrace this rod, the pivot rod 900 and the rod 907, these plates occurring between the number wheels and serving to stiffen the structure. Strips 927 and 928 are preferably employed as stringers to unite the stay plates. It will be seen that the above described accumulator structure possesses advantages in reduction of the number of parts without sacrificing strength, but on the contrary working an improvement by reason of lightening this rocking structure.
As in previous construct-ions, the above described detents are drawn forward by springs 480 and when displaced against the stress of such springs are prevented from immediately returning by the engagement with them of catches drawn rearward by the same springs 480. These catches are in the form of swinging arms 411 depending from a pivot rod and carrying studs 411 notched in the under sides to normally engage the ends of the detent arms 413". When the detents are displaced portions of said studs be: yond the notches ass above the arm 413 and thus prevent immediate return of the detents. The catches have rearwardly and downwardly extending branches 411 (Fig. 7 arranged to be acted upon by the cross rod 922 of a bail comprising end pieces or arms. one of which 922 appears in the drawings (Fi 3) and both of which are secured to a roc shaft 904. The latter has a de pending arm 922 which may be integral with the arm 922 and is drawn forward by a spring 981 so that the bail is normally retracted. Said depending arm 922 is pivotally connected with a link 918 whose rear end is widened and slotted in the are of a circle as shown at 918 (Fig. 2) to embrace a roller stud 918 on the arm 813. Through these connections the detent catches are restored to normal at the end of the forward stroke of the operating handle for this brings said arm 813 to the end of its rearw'ard stroke and causes its stud 918 to draw the link 918 rearwardly thereby rocking the bail forwardly. This takes place in every itemizing operation so that the transfer de vices may be restored to normal prior to the a total. As heretofore stated, it is the pur pose of the present invention to provide for restoring the transfer mechanism by the act of setting the parts for a total operation which in the present instance consists in depressing the total key.
In carrying out the above stated object of the invention the side arm 922 of the catch restoring bail is provided with a rear- Ward extension or horn 922 (Figs. 2 and 3) whose under edge is formed as a cam. The numeral 1400 (Figs. 1, 2 and 3) designates a familiar rock shaft of the Burroughs machine which is oscillated whenever the total key is depressed, this being brought about through the medium of a crank arm 1410 on said crank shaft and a link 1416 connect.
ing said crank arm with the depending arm of the bell crank lever 227. This crank arm in the present instance is formed with a forwardly and upwardly extending branch 1411 carrying a roller stud 1412 which normally occupies a recess in the rear side of the arm 922 below the horn 922*. When the total key is depressed the consequent rearward rocking of the crank arm 1410 carries the roller stud 1412 through a short space between it and the cam edge of said horn and then causes said roller stud to act against said edge and thereby force the catch restoring bail forward as illustrated in Fig. 3. It will be seen that this will have the same effect as the rocking of said bail in an operation of the machine viz. that of carrying the notches of the studs 411 outwardly beyond the extremities of the detent arms 413 thus permitting the detents to re turn to effective position. For the purpose of restoring any racks which have performed transfer operations the rock shaft 904 is equipped with a series of forwardly projecting arms 922 (Figs. 1, 2 and 3) which have a downward curve and present terminal edges for action upon the studs 651. In the normal condition of the machine these studs are held some distance below said terminal edges, being restrained by the detents, but when the detent-s are displaced and the racks partake of transfer movements the studs are brought up to said terminal edges. Consequently when the total key is depressed and the shaft 904 rocked with the bail in the manner described the arms 922 moving downward force the racks back to normal position against the stress of their springs. Meantime the catches have been moved in the manner described so that the detents are ready to spring over studs 651 as soon as the latter pass by. The slot 918 in the link 918 is sufliciently elongated to provide for rearward movement of the link as a result of depression of the total key without requiring movement of the arm 813.
As in a machine such as herein described the accumulator gear wheels or pinions are normally in mesh with the actuating racks, it is necessary to provide means whereby upon de ression of the total key these pinions wil be moved out of mesh with the racks in order to permit the restoration of the latter to normal position without affecting the accumulator. To this end the left hand end plate 910 of the accumulator frame is formed with a ear segment 920 and a lever 921 is provi ed with a similar gear segment 921 (Figs. 1, 2, 8 and 7) intermeshing with said gear segment 920, said lever being suspende from a pivot point 921 be low the keyboard. This lever has a rearwardly extending branch 921 equipped with a roller stud 921 and the total key lever 227 is formed with a depending lug 227 to which is pivoted a wipe-pawl 227 having a lateral lip 227 taking over the front edge of the lug and drawn thereagainst by a spring 227. When the total key is depressed this wipe-pawl engages the roller stud 921 and being held from rearward turnlng by the engagement of said lip 227 with the front edge of the lug 227* will thrust the lever 921 forward thereby rocking the accumulator structure by reason of the engagement between the gear segments 921 and 920. The lost motion heretofore referred to as occurring beforethe roller stud 1412 commences to act upon the horn 922 allows time for this operation of the lever 921 to take place prior to the action of the arms 922 upon the racks.
Of course it is essential that the accumulator shall return to mesh with the racks before the latter start upon their downward movements in a totahzing operation. To this end the lowerbranch of the pitman 914, instead of having simply a single prong 91$ as customary, 1s formed with a. second prong 914: in rear of the prong 91 1f with a notch between of such slze as to accommodate the stud 958. Upon depression of the total key and consequent lowering of Fig. 3. Of course it will be understood that,
as usual in the Burroughs machine, depression of the total key 0 crates through the medium of links 226 an a cross rod 226 to withdraw latches 415 from engagement with the racks, which latches in-itemizing operations are severally withdrawn by the detent slides 214 cooperating with the several banks of keys.
It will now be seen that the above described constructions are well calculated to thoroughly fulfil the objects rimarily stated. At the same time it is to e understood that these constructions are susceptible of variation and that the present invention is not confined to the details thereof.
What is claimed is:
1. In a machine of the character described, the combination of an accumulator comprising a plurality of independently and difierentially movable counting members, actuators for the same, transfer devices operating automatically to cause a counting member of higher denomination to advance one step upon the member of next lower denomination having counted up to its capacity, means for taking the total count from the accumulator, and means operating as an incident to the adjustment of parts for taking such total whereby the transfer devices are restored to normal.
2. In a machine of the character described, the combination of an accumulator comprising a plurality of independently and dliferentially movable counting members, actuators for the same, spring transfer devices operating automatically to cause a counting member of higher denomination to advance one step upon the member of next lower denomination having co-unted up to its capacity, means for taking the total count fromthe accumulator, and means operating as an incident to the adjustment of parts for taking such total whereby the transfer devices are restored to normal.
3. In a machine of the character described, the combination of an accumulator comprising a plurality of independently and dilferentially movable counting members, actuators for the same, transfer devices operating automatically to cause a count-ing member of higher denomination to advance one step upon the member of next lower denomination having counted up to its capacity, means for restoring the transfer devlces to normal in an itemizing operation of the machine, means for taking the total count from the accumulator, and means operating as an incident to the adjustment of parts for taking such total whereb the transfer devicesare restored to norma 4. In a machine of the character described, the combination of an accumulator comprising a plurality of independently and differentially movable counting members, actuators for the same, spring transfer devices operating automatlcally to cause a counting member of higher denomination to advance one step upon the member of next lower de' nomination having counted up to its capacity, means for restoring the transfer devices to normal in an itemizing operation of the machine, means for taking the total count from the accumulator, and means operating as an incident to the adjustment of parts for members and catches for holding the detents displaced; means for taking the total count from the accumulator, and means operatlng as an incident to the adjustment of parts for taking such total whereby the transfer catches are restored to normal.
6. In a machine of the character described, the combination of an accumulator comprising a plurality of independently and differentially movable counting members, actuators for the same, transfer devices opera-ting automatically to cause a counting member of higher denomination to advance one step upon the member of next lower denomination having counted up to its capacity, said devices comprising spring-pressed detents normally preventing transfer movements of the counting members and catches for bolding the detents displaced; means for taking the total count from the accumulator, and means operating as an incident tothe adj ustment of parts for taking such total whereby the transfer catches are restored to normal.
7. In a machine of the character described, the combination of an accumulator comprising a plurality of independently. and differentially movable counting members, actuators for the same, transfer devices operating automatically to cause a counting member of higher denomination to advance one step upon the member of next lower denomination havingcounted up to its capacity, said devices comprising detents normally preventing transfer movements of the counting members and spring-drawn catches for holding the detents displaced; means for taking the total count from the accumulator, and means operating as an incident to the adjustment of parts for taking such total whereby the transfer catches are restored to normal.
8. In a machine of the character described, the combination of an accumulator com rising a plurality of independently and differentia-lly movable counting members, actuamembers and catches for holding the detents displaced; means for restoring the transfer devices to normal in an itemizing operation of the machine, means for taking the total count from the accumulator, and means opcrating as an incident to the adjustment of parts for taking such total whereby the transfer catches are restored to normal.
9. In a machine of the character described, the combination of an accumulator com rising a plurality of independently and differentially movable counting gear wheels, racks for engaging and turning the same, reciprocating carriers for said racks with provisions for permitting movement thereof independent of the carriers, detents normally preventing such movement but adapted to be displaced when the gear wheels have reached full counting capacity, means for taking the total count from the accumulator, and means operating as an incident to the adjustment of parts for the taking of such total whereby racks which have partaken of movement independent of their carriers are restored to normal. I
10. In a machine of the character described, the combination of an accumulator comprising a plurality of independently and differentially movable counting gear wheels, racks for engaging and turning the same, reciprocating carriers for said racks with provisions for permitting movement thereof independent of the carriers, detents normally preventing such movement but adapted to be displaced when the gear wheels have reached full counting capacity, catches for holding the detents displaced, means for taking the total count from the accumulator, and means operating as an incident to the adjustment of parts for the taking of such total whereby the detent catches which have acted and racks which have partaken of movement independentof their carriers are restored to normal.
11. In a machine of the character described, the combination of an accumulator comprising a plurality of independently and differentially movable counting gear wheels, spring-drawn racks for engaging and turning the same, reciprocating carriers for Said racks with provisions for permitting movement thereof independent of the carriage, detents normally preventing such movement but adapted to be displaced when the gear Wheels have reached full counting capacity, means for takin the total count from the accumulator, an means operating as an in cident to the adjustment of parts for the taking of such total whereby racks which have partaken of movement independent of their carriers are restored to normal.
12. In a machine of the character described, the combination. of an accumulator comprising a plurality of independently and differentially movable counting gear wheels,
spring-drawn racks for engaging and turning the same, reciprocating carriers for said racks with provisions for permitting movement thereof independent of the carriers, spring-pressed detents normally preventing such movement but adapted to be dis laced when the gear wheels have reache full counting capacity, means for taking the total count from the accumulator, and means operating as an incident to the adjustment of parts for the taking of such total whereby racks which have partaken of movement independent of their carriers are restored to normal.
13. In a machine of the character described, the combination of an accumulator comprising a plurality of independently and differentially movable counting gear wheels, spring-drawn racks for engaging and turning the same, reciprocating carriers for said racks with provisions for permitting movement thereof independent of the carriers, spring-pressed detents normally preventing such movement but adapted to be displaced when the gear wheels have reached full counting capacity, spring drawn catches for holding the detents displaced, means for taking the total count from the accumulator, and means operating as an incident to the adjustment of parts for the taking of such total whereby racks which have partaken of movement independent of their carriers are restored to normal. I
14:. In a machine of the character described, the combination of an accumulator comprising a plurality of independently and differentially movable counting gear wheels,
racks for engaging and turning the same,- reciprocating carriers for said racks with rovisions for permitting movement thereof independent of the carriers, detents normally preventing such movement but adapted to be displaced when the gear wheels have reached full counting capacity, means for restoring to normal in an itemizing operation of the machine racks which have partaken of movement independent of their carriers, means for taking the total count from the accumulator, and means operating as an incident to the adjustment of parts for the taking of such total whereby racks which have partaken of movement independent of their carriers are restored to normal.
15. In a machine of the character described, the combination of an accumulator comprising a plurality of independently and difl'ere'ntially movable counting gear wheels,
racks for engaging and turning the same, re ciprocating carriers for said racks with rovisions for permitting movement thereo independent of the carriers, detents normally preventing such movement but adapted to be displaced when the gear wheels have reached full counting capacity, catches for holding the detents displaced, means for restoring to normal in an itemizing Opera tion of the machine racks which have partaken of movement independent of their carriers and catches which have acted, means for taking the total count from the accumulator, and means operating as an incident to .the adjustment of parts for the taking of such total whereby the detent catches which have acted and racks which have partaken of movement independent or their carriers are restored to normal.
16. In a machine of the character described, the combination of an accumulator comprising a plurality of independently and difierentially movable counting gear wheels, spring-drawn racks for engaging and turning the same, reciprocating carriers for said racks with provisions for permitting movement thereof independent of the carriers, detents normally preventing such movement but adapted to be displaced when the gear wheels have reached full counting capacity, means for restoring to normal in an ltemizing operation of the machine racks which have partaken of movement independent of their carriers, means for taking the total count from the accumulator, and means operating as an incident to the adjustment of parts for the taking of such total whereby racks which have partaken of movement independent of their carriers are restored to normal.
17. In a machine of the character described, the combination of an accumulator I comprising a plurality of independently and differentially movable counting gear wheels, spring-drawn racks for engaging and turning the same, reciprocating carriers for said racks with provisions for permitting movement thereof independent of the carriers, spring-pressed detents normally preventing such movement but adapted to be displaced when the gear wheels have reached full counting capacity, means for restoring to normal in an itemizing operation of the machine racks which have par taken of movement independent of their carriers, means for taking the total count from the accumulator, and means 0 erating as an incident to the adjustment 0 parts for the taking of such total whereby racks which have partaken of movement independent of their carriers are restored to normal.
18. In a machine of the character described, the combination of an accumulator comprising a plurality of independently and difierentially movable counting gear wheels, spring-drawn racks for engaging and turning the same, reciprocating carriers for said racks with provisions for permitting movement thereof independent of the carriers, springpressed detent's normally preventing such movement but adapted to be displaced when the gear wheels have reache full counting capacity, spring'drawn catches for holding the detents displaced, means for re storing to normal in an itennzing operation of the machine racks which have partakcn of movement independent of their carriers and catches which have acted, means for taking the total count from the accumulator, and means operating as an incident to the adjustment of parts for the taking of such total whereby the detent catches which have acted' and racks which have partaken of movement independent of their carriers are restored to normal.
19. In a machine of the character described, the combination of an accumulator comprising a plurality of independently and differentially movable counting members, 21ctuators for the same, normally engaged therewith, transfer devices operating auto-- matically to cause a counting member of higher denomination to advance one step upon the member of next lower denomination having counted up to its capacity,
.means for taking the total count from the accumulator, and means operating as an 1ncident to the adjustment of parts for taking such total whereby the accumulator and actuators are disengaged and the transfer devices are restored to normal.
20. In a machine of the character described, the combination of an accumulator comprising a plurality of independently and differentially movable counting gear wheels, racks normally in mesh therewith, reciprocating carriers for said racks with rovisions for permitting movement thereof independent of the carriers, detents normally preventing such movement but adapted to be displaced when the gear wheels have reached full counting :capacity, means for taking the total count from the accumulator, and means operating as an incident to the adjustment of parts for the taking of such total whereby the gear wheels and racks are disengaged. and racks which have partaken of movement independent of'their carriers are restored to normal.
21. In a machine of the character described, the combination of an accumulator comprising a plurality of independently and differentially movable counting members, actuators for the same normally engaged therewith, transfer devices operating automatically to cause a counting member of higher denomination to advance one step upon the member of next lower denomination having counted up to its capacity, said devices comprising detents normally preventin transfer movements of the counting mem ers and catches for holding the detents displaced; means for taking the-total count from the accumulator, and meansoperating as an in cident to the adjustment of parts for taking such total whereby the accumulator and actuators are disengaged and the transfer catches are restored to normal.
22. In a machine of the character described, the combination of an accumulator comprising a plurality of independently and differentially movable counting gear wheels, racks normally in mesh therewith, reciprocating carriers for said racks with provisions for permitting movement thereof independent of the carriers, detents normally preventing such movement but adapted to be displaced when the gear wheels have reached full counting capacity, catches for holding the detents displaced, means for taking the total count from the accumulator, and means operating as an incident to the adjustment of parts for the taking of such total whereby thegear wheels and racks are disengaged and the detent catches which have acted and racks which have partaken of movement independent of their carriers are restored to normal.
23. In a machine of the character described, the combination of anaccumulator comprising a plurality of independently and differentially movable counting members, actuators for the same normally engaged therewith, transfer devices operating automatically to cause. a counting member of higher denomination to advance one step upon the member of next lower denomination having counted up to its capacity, means for taking the total count from. the accumulator, means operating as an incident to the adjustment of parts for taking such total whereby the accumulator and actuators are disengaged and the transfer devices are restored to normal and means for reengaging the accumulator and actuators at the outset of a totalizing operation.
24:. In a machine of the character described, the combination of an accumulator comprising a plurality of independently and differentially movable counting gear wheels, racks normally in mesh therewith, reciprocating carriers for said racks with provisions for permitting movement thereof independent of the carriers, detents nor mally preventing such movement but adapted to be displaced when the gear wheels have reached full counting capacity, means for taking the total count from the accumulator, means operating as an incident to the adjustment of parts for the taking of such total whereby the gear wheels and racks are disengaged and racks which have partaken of movement independent of their carriers are restored to normal and means for reengaging the gear wheels and racks at the gagement with the racks, means for moving said support with provisions for adjustment to vary the periods of engagement between the accumulator gear wheels and the racks, reciprocating carriers for said racks with provisions for permitting movement thereof independent of the carriers, detents normally preventing such movement but adapt ed to be displaced when the gear Wheels have reached full countin capacity, means for taking the total count from the accumulator through adjustment of the beforementioned means for moving the accu1nulator support, and means operating as an incident to the adjustment of parts for the taking of such total whereby the accumulator SIlPI-art is moved to disengage the gear wheels from the racks and racks which have partaken of movement independent of their carriers are restored to normal.
26. In a machine of the character described, the combination of an'accumulator comprising a plurality of independently and differentially movable counting members, actuators for the same, transfer devices operating automatically to cause a counting member of higher denomination to advance one step upon the member of next lower denomination having counted up to its capacity, means for taking the total count from the accumulator including a manipulative controlling key, and means operating as an incident to the adjustment of parts for taking such total by manipulation of said controlling key whereby the transfer devices are restored to normal.
27. In a machine of the character described, the combination of an accumulator comprisin a plurality of independently and dilferentia ly movable counting members, actuators for the same, transfer devices operating automatically to cause a counting member of higher denomination to advance one step upon the member of next lowerdenomination having counted up to its capacity, means for restoring the transfer devices to normal in an itemlzing operation of the machine, means for taking the total count from the accumulator including a manipulative controlling key, and means operating as an incident to the adjustment of parts for takin such total by manipulation of said controlling key whereby the transfer devices are restored to normal.
28. In a machine of the character described, the combination of an accumulator comprising a plurality of independently and dilferentially movable counting members, actuators for the same, transfer devices oper ating automatically to cause a counting mem ber of higher denomination to advance one step upon the member of next lower denomination having counted up to its capacity, said devices comprising detents nor- 5 mally preventing transfer movements of the counting members and catches for holding the detents displaced; means for taking the total count from the accumulator including a manipulative controlling key, and means operating as an incident to the adjustment of parts for taking such total by manipulation of said controlling key whereby the transfer catches are restored to normal.
29. In a machine of the character described, the combination of an accumulator comprisin a plurality of independently and differentia ly movable counting members, actuators for the same, transfer devices operating automatically to cause a counting member of higher denomination to advance one step upon the member of next lower denomination having counted up to its capaoity, said devices comprising detents normally preventing transfer movements of the counting members and catches for holding the detents displaced; means for restoring the transfer devices to normal in an itemizing operation of the machine, means for taking the total count from the accumulator including a manipulative controlling key, and means operating as an incident to the adjustment of parts for taking such total by manipulation of said controlling key whereby the transfer catches are restored to normal.
30. In a machine of the character described, the combination of an accumulator comprisin aplurality of independently and difi'erentia ly movable counting gear wheels, racks for engaging and turning the same, reciprocating carriers for said racks with provisions for permitting movement thereof independent of the carriers, detents normally preventing such movement but ada ted to be displaced when the gear whee s have reached full counting capacity, means for takin the total count from the accumulator incl-u ing a manipulative controlling key, and means operating as an incident to the adjustment of parts for the taking ofsuch total by manipulation of said controlling keyflwhereby racks which have partaken of movement independent of their carriers are restored to normal.
31; In a machine of the character de scribed, the combination of an accumulator comprisin a plurality of independently and diiferentia ly movable counting gear wheels, racks for engaging and turning the same, reciprocating carriers for said racks with rovisions for permitting movement thereo independent of the carriers, detents normally reventing such movement but ada ted to be displaced when the gear whee s have reached full counting capacity, catches for holding the detents displaced, means for taking the total count from the accumulator including a manipulative controlling key,.and means operating as an incident to the adjustment of parts for the taking of such total by manipulation of said controlling key whereby the detent catches which have acted and racks which have par-taken of movement independent of their carriers are restored to normal.
32. In a machine of the character described, the combination of an accumulator comprising a plurality of independently and differentially movable counting gear wheels, racks for engaging and turning the same, reciprocating carriers for said racks with provisions for permitting movement thereof independent of the carriers, detents normally preventing such movement but adapted to be displaced when the gear wheels have reached full counting capacity, means for restoring to normal in an itemizing operation of the machine racks which have partaken of movement independent of their carriers, means for taking the total count from the accumulator including a manipulative controlling key, and means operating as an incident to the adjustment of parts for the taking of such total by manipulation of said controlling key whereby racks which have partaken of movement independent of their carriers are restored to normal.
38. In a machine of the character described, the combination of an accumulator comprising a plurality of independently and differentially movable counting gear wheels, racks for engaging and turning the same, reciprocating carriers for said racks with provisions for permitting movement thereof independent of the carriers, detents normally preventing such movement but adapted to be displaced when the gear wheels have reached full counting capacity, catches for holding the detents displaced, means for restoring to normal in an itemizing operation of the machine racks which have partaken of movement independent of their carriers and catches which have acted, means for taking the total count from the accumulator including a manipulative controlling key, and means operating as an incident to the adjustment of parts for the taking of such total by manipulation of said controlling key whereby the detent catches which have acted and racks which, have partaken of. movement independent of their carriers are restored to normal.
34. In a machine of the character described, the combination of an accumulator comprising a plurality of independently and diflerentiall movable counting members, actuators or the same normally engaged therewith, transfer devices operating automatically to cause a counting member of higher denomination to advance one step upon the memberof next lower denomina tion having counted up to its capacity, means for taking the total count from the accumulator including a manipulative controlling key, and means operating as an incident to the adjustment of parts for taking such total by manipulation of said con-.
trolling key whereby the accumulator and actuators are disengaged and the transfer devices are restored to normal.
35. I11 a machine of the character described, the combination of an accumulator con'iprising a plurality of independently and differentially movable counting gear wheels, racks normally in mesh therewith, reciprocating carriers for said racks with provisions for permitting movement thereof independent of the carriers, detents normally preventing such movement but adapted to be displaced when the gear wheels have reached full counting capacity,'means for taking the total count from the accumulator including a manipulative controlling key, and means operating as an incident to the adjustment of parts for the taking of such total by manipulation of said controlling key whereby the gear wheels and racks are disengaged and racks which have partaken of movement independent of their carriers are restored to normal.
36. In a machine of the character described, the combination of an accumulator comprising a pluralityof independently and difierentially movable counting members, actuators for the same normally engaged therewith, transfer devices operating auto matically to cause a counting member of higher denomination to advance one step upon the member of next lower denomination having counted up to its capacity, said devices comprising detents normally preventing transfer movements of the counting members and catches for holding the detents displaced; means for taking the total count from the accumulator including a manipulative controlling key, and means operating as an incident to the adjustment of parts for taking such total by manipulation of said controlling key whereby the accumulator and actuators are disengaged and the transfer catches are restored to normal.
37. In a machine of the character described, the combination of an accumulator comprisin a plurality of independently and differentifily movable counting gear wheels, racks normally in mesh therewith, reciprocating carriers for said racks with provisions for permitting movement thereof 1ndependent of the carriers, detents normally preventing such movement but adapted to be displaced when the gear wheels have reached full counting capacity, catches for holding the detents displaced, means for taking the total count from the accumulator including a manipulative controlling key, and means 0 rating as an incident to the adjustment 0 parts for the taking of such total by manipulation of said controlling key whereby the gear wheels and racks are disengaged and the detent catches which have acted and racks which have partaken of movement independent of their carriers are restored to normal.
38. In a machine of the character dcs'cribed, the combination of an accumulator comprising a plurality of independently and differentially movable counting members, actuators for the same normally engaged therewith, transfer devices operating automatlcally to cause a counting member of higher denomii'iation to advance one step upon the member of next lower denomination having counted up to its capacity, means for taking the total count from the accumulator including a manipulative controlling key, means operating as an incident to the adjustment of parts for taking such total by manipulation of said controlling key whereby the accumulator and actuators are disenga "ed and the transfer devices are restore to normal and means for rengaging the accumulator and actuators at the outset of a totalizing operation.
39. In a machine of the character described, the combination of an accumulator comprising a plurality of independently and differentially movable counting gear wheels, racks normally in mesh therewith, recipro eating carriers for said racks with provisions for permitting movement thereof independent of the carriers, detents normally preventing such movement but adapted to be displaced when the gear wheels have reached full counting capacity, means for taking the total count from the accumulator including a manipulative controlling key, means operating as an incident to the adjustment of parts for the taking of such total by manipulation of said controlling key whereby the gear wheels and racks are disengaged and racks which have partaken of movement independent of their carriers are restored to normal and means for reengaging the gear wheels and racks at the outset of a totalizing operation.
40. In a machine of the character described, the combination of an accumulator comprising a plurality of independently and differentially movable counting gear wheels, racks for engaging and turning the same, a support for the accumulator --movable to carry the gear Wheels into and out of engagement with the racks, means for moving said support with provisions for adjustment to vary the periods of engagement between the accumulator ear wheels and the racks, said means including a manipulative controlling key, reciprocating carriers for said racks with provisions for permitting movement thereof independent of the carriers, detents normally preventing such movement but adapted to be displaced when the gear wheels have reached full counting capacity, means for taking the total count from the accumulator through adjustment of the before-mentioned i'neans for moving the accumulator support by manipulation of said controlling key, and means operating as an incident to the adjustment of parts for the taking of such total whereby the accumulator support is moved to disengage the gear wheels from the racks and racks which have partaken of movement independent of their carriers are restored to normal.
41. In a machine of the character described, the combination of an accumulator comprising a plurality of independently and differentially movable counting members, actuators for the same, transfer devices operating automatically to cause a counting member of higher denomination to advance one step upon the member of next lower denomination having counted up to its capacity, said devices comprising detents normally preventing transfer movements of the counting members and catches for holding the detents displaced; means for taking the total count from the accumulator, and means operating as an incident to the adjustment of parts for taking such total whereby the transfer catches are restored to normal, comprising a rock-shaft having a bail to act against the catches.
42. In a machine of the character described, the combination of an accumulator comprising a plurality of independently and differentially movable counting gear wheels, racks for engaging and turning the same, reciprocating carriers for said racks with provisions for permitting movement thereof independent of the carriers, detents normally preventing such movement but adapted to be displaced when the gear wheels have reached full counting capacity, means for taking the total count from the accumulator, and means operating as an incident to the adjustment of parts for the taking of such total whereby racks which have partaken of movement independent of their carriers are restored to normal, said means comprising a rockeshaft having arms to act against the racks.
43. In a machine of the character described, the combination of an accumulator comprising a plurality of independently and differentially movable counting gear wheels, racks for engaging and turning the same, reciprocating carriers for said racks with provisions for permitting movement thereof independent of the carriers, detents normally preventing such movement but adapted to be displaced when the gear wheels have reached full countin capacity, catches for holding the detents isplaced, means for taking the total count from the accumulator, and means operating as an incident to the adjustment of parts for the taking of such total whereby the detent catches which have acted and racks which have partaken of movement independent of their carriers are restored to normal, said means comprising a rock-shaft having arms to act against the racks and a bail to act against the catches.
44. In a machine of the character described, the combination of an accumulator comprising a plurality of independently and differentially movable counting gear wheels, racks for engaging and turning the same, a support for the accumulator movable to carry the gear wheels into and out of engagement with the racks, means for moving said support with provisions for adjustment to vary the periods of engagement between the accumulator gear wheels and'the racks, said means including a manipulative controlling key, reciprocating carriers for said racks with provisions for permitting movement thereof independent of the carriers, detents normally preventing such movement but adapted to be displaced when the gear wheels have reached full counting capacity, means for taking the total count from the accumulator through adjustment of the before-mentioned means for moving the accumulator support by manipulation of said controlling key, and means 0 erating as an incident to the adjustment 0 parts for the taking of such total whereby the accumulator support is moved to disengage the gear wheels from the racks and racks which have partaken of movement independent of their carriers are restored to normal, said means comprising a lever operatively engaged with the accumulator support and a wipe-pawl carried by said controlling key and adapted to engage said lever..
45. In a machine of the character described, the combination of an accumulator comprising a plurality of independently and difl'erentially movable counting gear whee-ls, racks for engaging and turning the same, a support for the accumulator movable to carry the gear wheels into and out of engagement with the racks said support having a segmental gear, means for moving said support with rovisions for adjustment to vary the perio s of engagement between the accumulator gear wheels and the racks, said means including a manipulative controlling key, reciprocating carriers for said racks with provisions for permitting movement thereof independent of the carriers, detents normally preventing such movement but adapted to be displaced when the gear wheels have reached full counting capacity, means for taking the total count from the accumulator through adjustment of the before-mentioned means for moving the accumulator support by manipulation of said controlling key, and means operating as an incident to the adjustment of parts for the taking of such total whereby the accumulator support ismoved to disengage the gear wheels from the racks and racks which have par-taken of movement independent of their carriers are restored to normal, said means comprising a lever having a segmental gear engaging that of the accumulator support, and a wipe-pawl carried by said. controlling key and adapted to engage said lever.
46. In a machine of the character described, the combination of an accumulator comprising a plurality of independently and differentially movable counting gear wheels, racks for engaging and turning the same, a support for the accumulator movable to carry the gear wheels into and out of engagement with the racks, means for moving said support with provisions to vary the periods of engagement between the accumulator gear wheels and the racks, said means including a manipulative controlling key, reciprocating carriers for said racks with provisions for permitting movement thereof independent of the carriers, detents normally preventing such movement but adapted to be displaced when the gear wheels have reached full counting capacity, means for taking the total count from the accumulator through adjustment of the be fore-mentioned means for moving the accumulator support by manipulation of said controlling key, and means 0 crating as an incident to the adjustment 0 parts for the taking of such total whereby the accumulator support is moved to disengage the gear wheels from the racks and racks which have partaken of movement independent of their carriers are restored to normal, said means comprising a lever operatively engaged with the accumulator support, a wipepawl carried by said controlling key and adapted to engage said lever, a rock-shaft having arms to engage the racks, and a rockarm operatively connected with the controlling key and adapted to actuate said rookshaft.
47. In a machine of the character described, the combination of an accumulator comprisin a plurality of independently and differentia ly movable counting gear wheels,
for adjustment racks for engaging and turning the'same, a
support for the accumulator movable to carry the gear wheels into and out of engagement with the racks, means for moving said support with provisions for adjustment to vary the periods of engagement between the accumulator gear wheels and the racks, said means including a manipulative controlling key, reciprocating carriers for said racks with provisions for permitting movement thereof independent of the carriers, detents normally preventing such movement but adapted to be displaced when the gear wheels have reached full counting capacity, catches for holding the detents displaced, means for taking the total count from the accumulator through adjustment of the before-mentioned means for moving the accumulator support by manipulation of said controlling key, and means operating as an incident to the adjustment of arts for the taking of such total whereby t e detent catches which have acted and the accumulator su port is moved to disengage the gear wheels rom'the racks and racks which have partaken of movement independent of their carriers are restored to normal, said means comprising a lever operatively engaged with the accumulator support, a wipe-pawl carried by said controlling key and adapted to engage said lever, a rock-shaft having arms to engage the racks and a bail to engage the catches, and a rock-arm operatively connected with the controlling key and adapted to actuate said rock shaft.
48. In a machine of the character described, the combination of an accumulator comprising a plurality of independently and differentially movable counting gear wheels, racks for engaging and turning the same, a support for the accumulator movable to carry the gear wheels into and out of engagement with the racks, means for moving said support with provisions for adjustment to vary the periods of engagement between the accumulator gear wheels and the racks, said means including a manipulative controlling key in the form of a bell-crank lever, reciprocating carriers for said racks with provisions for ermitting movement thereof independent 0 the carriers, detents nor mally preventing such movement but adapted to be displaced when the gear wheels have reached full counting capacity, catches for holding the detents, displaced, means for taking the total count from the accumulator through adjustment of the before-mentioned means for moving the accumulator support by manipulation of said controlling key, and means operating as an incident to the adjustment of parts for the taking of such total whereby the detent catches which have acted and the accumulator support is moved to disengage the gear wheels from the racks and racks which have partaken of movement independent of their carriers are restored to normal, said means comprising a rockshaft having a bail to act against the catches, a rock-arm to actuate said rock-shaft, and a link connecting said rock-arm and the bellcrank lever.
49. In a machine of the character described, the combination of an accumulator comprising a plurality of independently and difierentially movable counting gear wheels, racks for engaging and turning the same, a support for the accumulator m'ovable to carry the gear wheels into and out of engagement with the racks, means for moving said support with provisions for ad- 'ustment to vary the periods of enga ement etween the accumulator gear whee s and the racks, said means including a manipulative controlling key in the form of a bellcrank lever, reciprocating carriers for said racks with provisions for permitting move ment thereof independent of the carriers, detents normally reventing such movement but adapted to e displaced when the gear wheels have reached full counting capacity, catches for holding the detents displaced, means for taking the total count from the accumulator through adjustment of the before-mentioned means for moving the accu mulator support by manipulation of said controlling key, and means operating as an incident to the adjustment of parts for the taking of such total whereby the detent catches which have acted and the accumulator support is moved to disengage the gear wheels from the racks and racks which have partaken of movement independent of their carriers are restored to normal, said means comprising a rock-shaft having arms to act against the racks, a rock-arm to actuate said rock-shaft, and a link connecting said rockarm and the bell-crank lever.
50. In a machine of the character described, the combination of reciprocating rack-carriers, racks thereon movable to a limited extent independently thereof, an accumulator frame centrally pivoted, an accumulator mounted in said frame on one side of its pivot and comprising gear wheels normally in mesh with said racks respectively and transfer trippers compounded with said wheels, a reciprocating pitman constructed for engagement with said frame on opposite sides of the latters pivot to rock it back and forth under either engagement and shiftable to disengage on one side of the pivot and engage on the other, detents normally holding the racks against movement independent of their carriers and adapted to be displaced by the transfer trippers, total-con trolling devices for shifting the pitman to disable the normal connection between the same and the accumulator frame for disengaging the gear wheels from the racks at the outset of an itemizing operation, means actuated by said controlling devices to effect such disengagement and means subsequently actuated by said controlling devices to restore to normal any racks which have moved independently of their carriers, the shifting of the pitman engaging it with the accumulator frame in such manner as to reengage the gear wheels with the racks at the outset of an operation of the machine.
51. In a machine of the character described, the combination of reciprocating rack-carriers, racks thereon movable to a limited extent independently thereof, an accumulator frame centrally pivoted, an accumulator mounted in said frame on one side of its pivot and comprising gear wheels normally in mesh with said racks respectively and transfer trippers compounded with said wheels, a reciprocating itman constructed for enga ement with sai frame on op osite sides of t e latters pivot to rock it bacr and forth under either engagement and shiftable to disengage on one side of the pivot and engage on the other, detents normally holding the racks against movement independent of their carriers and adapted to be displaced by the transfer trippers, total-controlling devices for shifting the pitman to disable the normal connection between the same and the accumulator frame for disengaging the gear wheels from the racks at the outset of an itemizing operation, a lever actuated by said controlling devices to effect such disengagement and means subsequently actuated by said controlling devices to restore to normal any racks which have moved independently of their carriers, the shifting of the pitman engaging it with the accumulator frame in such manner as to reengage the gear wheels with the racks at the outset of an operation of the machine.
52. In a machine of the character described, the combination of reciprocating rack-carriers, racks thereon movable to a limited extent independently thereof, an accumulator frame centrally pivoted, an accumulator mounted in said frame on one side of its pivot andcomprising gear wheels normally 111 mesh with said racks respectively and transfer trippers compounded with said wheels, a reciprocating pitman constructed for engagement with said frame on opposite sides of the latters pivot to rock it back and forth under either engagement and shiftable to disengage on one side of the pivot and engage on the other, detents normally holding the racks against movement independent of their carriers and adapted to be displaced by the transfer trippers, total-controlling devices for shifting the pitman to disable the normal connection between the same and the accumulator frame for disengaging the gear wheels from the racks at the outset of an itemizing operation, means actuated by said controlling devices to effect such disengagement and a rock-shaft subsequently actuated by said controlling devices and having arms engaging the racks and operating to restore to normal any racks which have moved in dependently of their carriers, the shifting of the pitman engaging it with the accumulator frame in such manner as to reengage the gear wheels with the racks at the outset of an operation of the machine.
53. In a machine of the character described, the combination of reciprocating rack-carriers, racks thereon m vable to a limited extent independently thereof, an accumulator frame centrally pivoted and having a segmental gear, an accumulator mounted in said frame on one side of its scribed, the combination pivot and comprising gear wheels normally in mesh with said racks respectively and transfer trippers compounded with said wheels, a reclprocating pitman constructed for engagement with sald frame on opposite sides of the latters pivot to rock it back and forth under either engagement and shiftable to disengage on one side of the pivot and engage on the other, detents normally holding the racks against movement independent of their carriers and adapted to be displaced by the transfer trippers, total-controlling devices for shifting the pitman to disable the normal connection between the same and the accumulator frame for disengaging the gear wheels from the racks at the outset of an itemizing operation, a lever actuated by said controlling devices to effect such disengagement, said lever having a segmental gear to mesh with that of the accumulator support, and means subsequently actuated by said controlling devices to restore to normal any racks which have moved independently of their carriers, the shifting of the pitman engaging it with the accumulator frame in such manner as to rengage the gear wheels with the racks at the outset of an operation of the machine.
54. In a machine of the character deof reciprocating rack-carriers, racks thereon movable to a limited extent independently thereof, an accumulator frame centrally pivoted, an accumulator mounted in said frame on one side of its pivot and comprising gear wheels normally in mesh with said racks respectively and transfer trippers compounded with said wheels, a reciprocating pitman constructed for engagement with said frame on opposite sides of the latters pivot to rock it back and forth under either engage ment and shiftable to disengage on one side of the pivot and engage on the other, detents normally holding the racks against movement independent of their carriers and adapted to be displaced by the transfer trippers, total-controllin devices for shifting the pitman to disab e the normal connection between the same and the accumulator frame for disengaging the gear wheels from the racks at the outset of an itemizing operation, a lever actuated by said controlling devices to effect such disengagement and a rock-shaft subsequently actuated by said controlling devices and having arms engaging the racks and operating to restore to normal any racks which have moved independently of their carriers, the shifting of the pitman engagingit with the accumulator frame in such manner as to ree'ngage the gear wheels with the racks at the outset of an operation of the machine.
55. In a machine of the character described, the combination of reciprocating rack-carriers, racks thereon movable to a limited extend independently thereof, an accumulator frame centrally pivoted, an accumulator mounted in said frame on one side of its pivot and comprising gear wheels normally in mesh with said racks respectively and transfer trippers compounded with said Wheels, a reciprocating pitman constructed for engagement with said frame on opposite sides of the latters pivot to rock it back and forth-under either engagement and shiftable to disengage on one side of the pivot and engage on the other, detents normally holding the racks against movement independent of their carriers and adapted to be displaced by the transfer trippers, catches adapted to engage the detents to hold the same displaced, total-controlling devices for shifting the pitman to disable the normal connection between the same and the accumulator frame for disengaging the gear wheels from the racks at the outset of an itemizing operation, means actuated by said controlling devices to effect such disengagement and a rock-shaft subsequently actuated by said controlling devices and having arms engaging the racks and operating to restore to normal any racks which have moved independently oftheir carriers and also having a bail acting to restore the catches to normal, the shifting of the pit man engaging it with the accumulator frame in such manner as to re'ngage the gear wheels with the racks at the outset of an operation of the machine.
56. In a machine of the character described, the combination of reciprocating rack-carriers, racks thereon movable to a limited extent independently thereof, an accumulator frame centrally pivoted, an accumulator mounted in said frame on one side of its pivot and comprising gear wheels normally in mesh with said racks respectively and transfer trippers compounded with said wheels, a reciprocating pitman constructed for engagement with said frame on opposite sides of the latters pivot to rock it back and forth under either engagement and shiftable to disengage on one side of the pivot and engage on the other, detents normally holding the racks against movement independently of their carriers and adapted to be displaced by the transfer trippers, a total key for shifting the pitman to disable the normal connection between the same and the accumulator frame for disengaging the gear wheels from the racks at the outset of an itemizing operation, a lever enga ed with the accumulator frame to effect suc disengagement, a wipe-pawl car ried by the total key and adapted to engage and operate said lever, and means subsequently actuated by said controlling devices to restore to normal any racks which have moved independently of their carriers, the shifting of the pitman engaging it with the accumulator frame in such manner as to reengage the gear wheels with the racks at the outset of an operation of the machine.
57. In a machine of the character described, the combination of reciprocating rack-carriers, racks thereon movable to a limited extent independently thereof, an accumulator frame centrally pivoted, an accumulator mounted in said frame on one side of its pivot and comprising gear wheels normally in mesh with said racks respectively and transfer trippers compounded with said wheels, a reciprocating pitman constructed for engagement with said frame on opposite sides of the latters pivot to rock it 6 back and forth under either engagement and shiftable to disengage on one side of the pivot and engage on the other, detents normally holding the racks against movement independent of their carriers and adapted to be displaced by the transfer trippers, a total lever for shifting the pitman to disable the normal connection between the same and the accumulator frame for disengaging the gear wheels from the racks at the outset of an itemizing operation, means actuated by said lever to effect such disengagement, a rock-shaft subsequently actuated by said lever and having arms engaging the racks and operating to restore to normal any racks which have moved independently of their carriers, the shifting of the pitman engaging it with the accumulator frame in such manner as to reengage the gear wheels with the racks at the outset of an operation of the machine, and a rock-arm connected with the total lever for operating said rock-shaft.
58. In a machine of the character described, the combination of reciprocating rack-carriers, racks thereon movable to' a limited extent independently thereof, an ac cumulator frame centrallypivoted, an accumulator mounted in said frame on one side of itspivot and comprising gear wheels normally in mesh with said racks respectively and transfer trippers compounded with sa1d wheels, a reciprocating pitman constructed for engagement with said frame on opposite sides of the latters pivot to rock it back and forth under either engagement and shiftable to disengage on one side of the pivot and engage on the other, detents normally holding the racks against movement independent of their carriers and adapted to be displaced by the transfer trippers, a total lever for shifting the pitman to disable the normal connection between the same and the acshaft subsequently actuated. by said total lever and having arms engaging the racks and operating to restore to normal any racks which have moved independently of their carriers, said rock-shaft also having a camarm, the shifting of the pitman engaging it with the accumulator frame in such manner to reengage the gear wheels with the racks at the outset of an operation of the machine and a rock-arm connected with the total lever for operating said rock-shaft by acting against the cam-arm thereof.
59. In a machine of the character described, the combination of reciprocating rack-carriers, racks thereon movable to a limitedextent independently thereof, an accumulator frame centrally pivoted, an accumulator mounted in said frame on one side of its pivot and comprising gear wheels normally in mesh with said racks respectively and transfer trippers compounded with said wheels, a reciprocating pitman constructed for engagement with said frame on opposite sides of the latters pivot to rock it back and forth under either engagement and shiftable to disengage on one side of the pivot and engage on the other, detents normally holding the racks against movement independent of their carriers and adapted to be displaced by the transfer trippers, a total lever for shifting the pitman to disable the normal connection between the same and the accumulator frame for disengaging the gear Wheels from the racks at the outset of an itemizing operation, means actuated by said controlling devices to effect such disengagement, a rock-shaft subsequently actuated by said controllingdevices and having arms engaging the racks and operating to restore to normal any racks which have moved independently of their carriers, said rock-shaft also having a bail acting to restore the catches to normal and a cam-arm, the shifting of the pitman engaging it with the accumulator frame in such manner as to rengage the gear wheels with the racks at the outset of an operation of the machine; and a rock-arm connected with the total lever for operating said rock-shaft by acting against the cam-arm thereof.
. 60. In a machine of the character described, the combination of reciprocating rack-carriers, racks thereon movable toa limited extent independently thereof, an accumulator frame centrally pivoted, an accumulator mounted in said frame on one side of its pivot and comprising gear wheels normally in mesh with said racks respec-' tively and transfer trippers compounded with said wheels, a reciprocating pitman constructed for engagement with said frame on opposite sides of the latters pivot to rock it back and forth under either engagement and shiftable to disengage on one side of the pivot and engage on the other, detents normally holding the racks against movement independent of their carriers and adapted to be displaced by the transfer trippers, total-controlling devices for shifting the pitman to disable the normal connection between the same and the accumulator frame for disengaging the gear wheels from the racks at the outset of an itemizing operation, means actuated by said controlling devices to efiect such disengagement, means subsequently actuated by said controlling devices to restore to normal any racks which have moved independently of their carriers, the shifting of the pitman engaging it with the accumulator frame in such manner as to reengage the gear wheels with the racks at the outset of an operation of the machine; and means acting in an itemizing operation of the machine to restore the racks to normal.
61. In a machine of the character de scribed, the combination of reciprocating rack-carriers, racks thereon movable to a limited extent independently thereof, an accumulator frame centrally pivoted, an accumulator mounted in said frame on one side of its pivot and comprising gear wheels normally in mesh with said racks respectively and transfer trippers compounded with said wheels, a reciprocating pitman constructed for engagement with said frame on opposite sides of the latters pivot to rock. it back and forth under either engagement and shiftable to disengage on one side of the pivot and engage on the other, detents normally holding the racks against movement independent of their carriers and adapted to be displaced by the transfer trippers,catches adapted to engage the detents to hold the same displaced, total-controlling devices for shifting the pitman to disable the normal connection between the same and the accumulator frame for disengaging the ear wheels from the racks at the onset 0 an itemizing operation, means actuated by said controlling devices to effect such disengagement, a rock-shaft subsequently actuated by said controlling devices and having arms engaging the racks and operating to restore to normal any racks which have moved independently of their carriers and also having a bail acting to restore the catches to normal, the shifting of the pitman engaging it with the accumulator frame in such manner as to reengage the gear wheels with the racks at the outset of an operation of the machine; and means acting in an itemizing operation of the machine to turn the rock-shaft and restore the catches to normal.
62. In a machine of the character described, an accumulator structure comprising end plates or arms, a rod supported at its ends in said plates, sleeves strung upon said rod with bushings in their ends, wheels secured on said sleeves, a tiered extending between the end plates, and stay pieces extending between said tie-rod and the sleevecarrying rod at intervals.
63. In a machine of the character described, an accumulator structure comprising end plates or arms, a rod supported at its ends in said plates, sleeves strung upon said rod With bushings in their ends, Wheels secured on said sleeves, a tie-rod extending between the end plates, a pivot rod extending between the end plates and stay pieces extending at intervals between said sleevecagrying rod, said tie-rod and said pivotro 64. In a machine of the character described, the combination of an accumulator Wheel having a laterally projecting round transfer pin or stud, and a pivoted transfer and zero stop arm having an end portion with a cam edge for said pin or stud to act upon in displacing the arm for transfer purposes and a right angle edge for said pin or stud to abut When the Wheel turns backward to zero.
65. In a machine of the character described, the combination of an accumulator Wheel having a transfer projection, an actuator for said Wheel spring-drawn for transfer purposes and having a laterally projecting stud or pin, and a swinging transfer arm adapted to be displaced by the transfer projection on the Wheel and having a laterally projecting angularly-faced stud one flat side of which normally engages the laterally projecting stud or pin of the actuator to prevent movement thereof, the displacement of the transfer arm permitting said actuator stud or pin to move alon the other flat face of the transfer arm st-u 66. In a machine of the character de scribed, the combination With a prime mover and its operating connections, accumulating and total-taking mechanism in cluding transfer devices, and manipulative controlling devices for said mechanism; of
means for restoring the transfer devices to normal through manipulation of said controlling devices preliminary to the taking of a total by operation of the prime mover and its connect-ions.
US33692206A 1906-10-01 1906-10-01 Adding-machine. Expired - Lifetime US968004A (en)

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US33692206A US968004A (en) 1906-10-01 1906-10-01 Adding-machine.

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US33692206A US968004A (en) 1906-10-01 1906-10-01 Adding-machine.

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US33692206A Expired - Lifetime US968004A (en) 1906-10-01 1906-10-01 Adding-machine.

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Cited By (3)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US2475510A (en) * 1939-07-04 1949-07-05 Victor Adding Machine Co Total taking control
US2651462A (en) * 1946-12-12 1953-09-08 Ct D Etudes M B A Sa Item, total, and repeated registration control mechanism
US20050081813A1 (en) * 2003-10-20 2005-04-21 Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. Cast-in object plate member, partition plate for intake port, intake-port forming sand core and cylinder head

Cited By (3)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US2475510A (en) * 1939-07-04 1949-07-05 Victor Adding Machine Co Total taking control
US2651462A (en) * 1946-12-12 1953-09-08 Ct D Etudes M B A Sa Item, total, and repeated registration control mechanism
US20050081813A1 (en) * 2003-10-20 2005-04-21 Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. Cast-in object plate member, partition plate for intake port, intake-port forming sand core and cylinder head

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