US96395A - Improvement in affakatdb for transmitting rotary motiow - Google Patents

Improvement in affakatdb for transmitting rotary motiow Download PDF


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US96395A US96395DA US96395A US 96395 A US96395 A US 96395A US 96395D A US96395D A US 96395DA US 96395 A US96395 A US 96395A
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    • F16D3/00Yielding couplings, i.e. with means permitting movement between the connected parts during the drive
    • F16D3/16Universal joints in which flexibility is produced by means of pivots or sliding or rolling connecting parts
    • F16D3/20Universal joints in which flexibility is produced by means of pivots or sliding or rolling connecting parts one coupling part entering a sleeve of the other coupling part and connected thereto by sliding or rolling members


  • Fgnrel is a side elevation of the said device, shown coupling together a vertical and a horizontal shalt;
  • y Figure 2 is :t similar side elevation of 'the same when the connected shafts are revolved on their axes one-fourth of a revolution from ytheir position showp lin fig; 1.
  • Figure 3 is an inside plan view of the pivoted crank arms of the vertical shaft.
  • FIG. 4 shows a inode of construction of the piv' oted crank-arras, so that they shall eachother on their shafts'.
  • vvmy said invention consists, c hiey, in connecting any t-wo revolving shafts together, for propelling machinery, by means of one or more pairs ot' crank-arais,.which are attached, at their inner ends,
  • k and l are 'twosimilar pivoted crank-arms, of equal lengths, pivoted to the hub e4 by the pivoted pin m, as h and i are pi'oted to the h'ub c.
  • the centre line n. o, o f the pivot- ⁇ pin j is at right angles to the linep q; which is the centre line ofthe crank-armsltand i.
  • crank-arm h and i, of thc shaft a are joined, at their outer ends, ,to the two crank-arms k and l, of the shaft b, by ball-and-socket-joints, whose centres are, respectively, at thev points of intersection of the centre lines of the crank-arms so joined together, the. crank-arm h being connectethbyits ball 11, -to the crank-arm k, by its socket-box a, and the clankarm o', being similarly connected, by its ball t, to the crank-arm l, by its'socicet-hox u.
  • the ball-aml-soeket joints r s and t u are properly era11k- ⁇ vrists," connecting the' crank-arms together in pairs, by universalpivjot connection, and theyare vthe points at .which motionand power are transn'iitted from the appendages of one shaft to the like appendages of the other shaft.
  • crank-arms It. and k
  • k is of exactly equal length, measured in a straight lir'e, drawn from thel centre pointot' their ball-antl-stwket. joint.
  • each of the pair of crank-arms 'i and l must vhe of exactly equal length.
  • the line 'v w is the lenfrth of Ithe crank-arm h
  • the equal line v x is the length of the crnkarm k
  • the' line y'w is the length ofthe crank-arm t'
  • the equal lille y :u is the length of the clank-arm l.
  • z tt' is theialxis-line ofthe shaft a la' c' is the line' of the shaft 1)',- and d is the point of their intersection.
  • e' f' is a. line, bisecting the angle of intersection' of the axis-linesz ⁇ a and b c', and it is at an angle of fortyive degrees to each of them.
  • the centre points, w and x, ot' the pivot-pins j and m, are at equal distances from the inteisection pointd.
  • the line g h', passing through' the pivot-points 'w Aand z, is at right angles to the iiue e' f', and i is their point of intersection.
  • the line v w (representing the crank-arm hjeis at an angle oftwenty-two and one-half degrees from a right-angle'line to the axis of the shaft' a, and the line o y, of the crank-ann k, is similarly at an angle' ot' twenty-two and one-half degrees from a rightangle line tothe axis ofthe shaft b, vso that the angle of intersection of the crank-arm lines lv w and o :c is fort)l -tive degrees.
  • the line y w, of the crank-arm i is at all angle of twenty-two alld one-hall ⁇ degrees witll the axis-lille of the shall'I a
  • the line y 11:, of the crank-arm l is similarly at all angle of twenty-two and one-half degrees with the axis-line of the shaft b, so that t-lle angle of intersection ol' the crankarlll lines y w and y :l: is forty-'li ve degrees.
  • fj isa circle, whose centre is at the intersection point i', and wllose radius is the line 'i' 'v or i y, the line e y bein.;r its diameter.
  • This ci-rcle'jf represent-s a perfect spllere, in whose circumference, and. ill a plane, ot' wllicll the lille c y is the horizontal projection, the centre pivot-points ofthe ball-andsocket joints r s and t u will always move, when the drivingsllaft, oftlleshafts a and Il, is revolved.
  • 'pivot-points is ll 1 idway between, and crosses at an an gie of forty-tivc degrees, and at ⁇ their intersecting line, the planes of rotation of the, pivot-pinsj and m ofthe shafts a and b.
  • Fig. 1 sllows the shafts a and b, and the crank-arms, in one position of a. revolution, and iig. 2 shows the same ir. a position one-fourth of a revolution of them from the position shown in lig. 1. .v
  • crank-arms h and k in the position shown in tig. 2, being, respectively, partly horizontally opposite to the crank-arms 'i 'and 1,'are not wholly shown ill that figure of the drawing.
  • crank-arms change posiliills relative to one another, afnd to their respective shafts, by rotary and pivot movements, as follows, viz:
  • crank-arlns hand Ic will continue its bollire-described inner-end pivot movements, and tnrll all angle of thirtyve degrees more onits respective shaft-pivot, and, at the saule time, each ot' the pair ot' crank-arms, 'i and l, will continue its before s described inner-end pivot move ments, turning all additional angle of' iifty-fivedeurees on itsY respective shaft-pivots, and, simultaneously, eachfcranklarm makes equal alld reverse outer-chil pivot. movements,from those just before described of thelll ill the first one-fourth of a. revolution ol' c and b.
  • Equal alld nnitoljln power and motion maybe transmitted froml one shaft to the other, as from a to Ii, at all poillts ot' a revolution of them, by means ot t-lle dei scribed pivoted crank-shaft coupler.
  • This is evident, witllollt furtheranalysls of the mechanical principlesof construction alld action of the device., when it is rouside-rcd that the. shafts n alld b, and their connecting parts, are adapted, as sllowl: alld described, for free and l'lninternpted nllvenlellts in their required directions of rotation at a-ll points of a revolutionot' them,
  • crankarms which connect the two shnftsfand areth'c means vottransmission ot' power alldlnotioll from oncsllatt to the other.
  • each crank-arm und its .appenda'ges may be independently lialanced'at all points of a'revolntioll, and atall required positions of the shaft-s a alld Il, is to extend each crank-arm across its shaft, so thatit will, witll its appendages, 'be balanced on its shaft-pivot.- lhe dotted lines, k' and l', ill liv. 1, show fcteusion and balancing,r of the two crank-arms h
  • Another way of balancing the cranloarlns is to extend each crank-arm across-its shaft, so that the .centre of gravity ofthe.
  • One mode ot' balancing the' crank-arias is to make one crankarm and its appendages bnlancethe, other opposite crank-arm and its appendages pn the same shaft, atall points ot'a revolution ot'tllwshafts.
  • Balancing the crank-anus of each shaft by this described modeot' balancing may bedone in one way, by-propcr disposition ot' weights attached to theA crankarms.
  • Figs. l and 2 show such use of weight-s.
  • the weights m and n', on the crank-arms h and@- of the shaft a, and the weights o' and -1)',jon the crank-- arms k and l, are for that purpose. 'They are, as shown, adjustable both longitudinally and at right angles to their respective cra'nkearms, but they ,may be adapted for only one ot' thoseladjustments, or for tixed, non-adjustable attachment to their respective crank-arms, and accomplish the same required result 0f balancing.
  • the weights are similar and equal, and are placed similarly on their arms, at equal distances't'rom their inner ends, so that when one crank-arm is swung t'ur- 'therout from its shatt than the other crank-arm on the same shaft is, the attached weight of the former is thrown nearer the shaft than is the attached weight of the latter arm, as shown in ngz-1 t
  • ghtsit is necessary
  • the centre of gravity of the one crank-arm, and itsadded weight and itis appendages shall he at a point in a line passing through the centre ot' their shaft-pivot, opposite yto and at the Harborstance out from the axis ot its shal't, as isthe centre ot' gravity ot' the opposite crankarm, its weight and appendages.
  • crank-arms of each shatt may be so constructed as to balance cac-h other and their appendages at all l points of a revolution ot' the shafts a and b.
  • crank-arms are shown curved attheirinne' forked ends, iu such a. manner that when one'cmnk-ami of -one shaft is swung tin-'ther out from its shat't than is the other arm of the same shaft, the curved inner end ofthe tin'mer is swung nearer to the shaft than is the curved inn'er en d ot' the other ar'm, so that the centre ot' gravity ot' the crank-arm u', and its appendages, being at the point c', andthe centre of gravity ot' the crank-ann ur', and its appendages, being at the opposite point x', and at the same distance that the point v' is from the axis of their shaft a, they .will balance I pendages, being each other at all points o f zii-evolution; and,
  • crank-arms In similar construction of the crank-arms, as shown in tig. 4, if weights'are'required to balance them, they may be used eitheron the inside ot' the crank-arms,
  • Intig. 4 is shown amodeot connecting the. outer ends ot' each pair of crank-arms together' by pivot-pins, which may he used, in some-cases, in substitution for the described ball-:md-socket-joint connection of them, but. not with equal ⁇ advantages ot' accuracy of movements in transmissie/n ot' power and motion, and durability ot theconnectiug-parts.
  • crank-.arm w'l is securcdpthe pivot-pin c", set in the line e ff, iceutrallywith its crank-arm. It passes through. thejputer end ot? t-he crank-arm af, connecting it .to thev crank-arm w', and
  • pivot-piu c" must not only be made to turn, but also to rock in the end ofthe crank-arm u", 'as by enlarged tapering of the pivot-hole in a", asi-shownby the'dot ted lines d", which represent a vertical section on the vline z at', through the centre of crank-'arm w', when, the shatts'a and b are revolved one-fourth of a revolution from the other position shown in liu. 4.
  • crank-armsn' and y arejcounected .togetherby-j the p ivot-pin g", similarly as describedof4 the crankarms 'w' and a". f"
  • the shafts a and b may be placed. at other angles than at right angles with each other, and'equal and unit'orm power ⁇ and motion he transmitted ti'om'one shatt to the other by the described pivoted crank-r -To do this, and for suitable and convenientadjust' ments of the shafts c and b, and theironnectiugparts, so as to be well secured and supported in their proper relative positions, the supporting-plate g is used, and it is adapted so that theshat't a may be' swung as on a pivot at the point w, and so that the shaft b may also be swung as'on a pivot at the point x, by meansot making these firing-bolts h" h h h' ofthe journal-box d pass through and be adjustable in curved slots in the plate g, and by means of making the securing-bolts j"j"j'1 ot' the journal-box f
  • each shaft shouldbe swung -equally toward the other, if more .than nlnet-y degrees is required to be turned by it,
  • crank-shaft coupler may he,it'desi1able, made such that the crank-arms of each ypair shall be vat greater, or less angles with each other, and with their shafts, than those shown aud described; ,but inA all 'cases itis necessary that the crank-arms ot' each pair be lof equal lengths, and that'they have 'respectively the same relative positions totheir shatts at all points ot' a revolution.
  • the device could be used to transmit equal and uniform power and motion from the one shaft to the other, similarly as before described of it.
  • adjustable collars may be attached to the shafts la and b, or to their hubs c and c, onl bothsides of the.
  • journal-boxes d and f and the shaftsbe adjusted, as required, longitudinall y, by moving the collars equally out or in on their hubs or shafts.
  • crank-arms as h and 7c, or 'i and l, may be dispensed with, and equal and unilorm motion and power be transmitted by the remaining pair fromv one shalt to the other; but the described ⁇ use of the twopairs is most'advantageous, because, when both pairs are used, 'the transmission of power and motion from -one shaft to the other, as from a to b, is accom- ⁇ plished by distribution'and'action of eqnalmoments of driving-three al'.I opposite points, on ⁇ both sides of the shafts, producing thereby the very important'i'esuit of a balanced transmission of rotary force fromonc shaft to the other,.wbich is evidently not obtained by the use of only one. pair of crank-arms.
  • The.supporting-plate'g is not indispensably necessary, for the described pivoted crank-shaft coupler may be suitably adjusted and secured in its required position for the purposes described of it, by other means of attachment of supporting journal-lames.
  • the shafts a. and b may be, secured to their hubs c andc by any other suitable and commonly-known modes' of shaft-conuection for such purposes.
  • pivot-pinsj and m maybe ofany-other desired form of construction which adapts them for their described purposes, and they maybe connected to their hubs c and e in various ways commonly known for .similar purposes. i
  • crank-arms may be connected in various ways to their inner-end pivots, as by journal-,boxes of anv known kind, adapted to admit of the described innerend pivotI movements 'and action, and thev may be adapted for taking up wezr'offtheir fi'ctio'nafl surfiices, or tor adjustments-of the inner ends-of thecrank-arms to their described'requred positions.
  • cranks arms tothcir shafts or to each other when both the. construction and connection of the clank-arms adapt them to produce substantially the same described mechanical action,I in transmission of power and motion from the one shaft to the other, which they are employed to connect.
  • crankfarms 7i and k or their equivalents 'i and 1, in combination with the shafts a ⁇ and b, when the said pair of crank-'arms is connected togetlier and to the shafts a ⁇ and b, substantially as described, and for the purposes set forth.
  • crank-arms h k and i l in combination with the shaft-s u and b, when said crank-arms are connected together and to the shaft-s u and b, substantally as described, and so ns to enable thereby a. balanced transmission ofrotary i'orce trom one shaft tothe other, substantially as described.
  • crank-arlnsu and w' when constructed substantially as shown and di-scribed, and adapted in their combination together and with the shafts a. and b, for hansmission of rotary force from one shaft to the other, as described, and so as to balance each other on their shafts, substantially as described.
  • crank-shaft coupler consisting of the hubs v and e, pivot-pins j and 1n,'pivoted crankarms hi and k I, ball-and-socket-.joints lr s and t u, and )ralaiicing-wciglits m';n and o p', all supported in jom'nal-boxes d and f, and cmmccting the shafts a and b, substantially as described; and for the purposes Bet forth.


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • General Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • Transmission Devices (AREA)


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Letters Patent No. 96,395, dated November 2, 1869.
:MnovnMnNr nv APPARafrUs :fon TRANSMITTING nouns' Monos.
The Schedule refarr'odto in these Latter: Patent: and making im o! the lame.
. To all whom it may concern Be. itknown that L'Mnnvitnn Comunas, of Springfield,` in the county of Hampden, in the State otMas-.
sachusctts, have invented a new and useful 'Device' for Transmitting Rotary Motion and Power from one revolving shaft of machinery to another. which I denominate The Pivoted Crank-Shaft Conpler; and I do hereby declare. thatthe. following is at'ull and exact description of the const-motion and operation of the same, reference hein;r had to the accompanying drawings, and to thev letters of reference nnlrked thereon,
making part of this specification.
Fgnrel is a side elevation of the said device, shown coupling together a vertical and a horizontal shalt; t
yFigure 2 is :t similar side elevation of 'the same when the connected shafts are revolved on their axes one-fourth of a revolution from ytheir position showp lin fig; 1.
Figure 3 is an inside plan view of the pivoted crank arms of the vertical shaft.
` Figure 4 shows a inode of construction of the piv' oted crank-arras, so that they shall eachother on their shafts'.
'The red-ink diagram lines'on the figures' are employed to illustrate mechanical features ot 'construction and operation of the device.
counter-balanc ,Like mais refer to are pms man' the figuresy where they are employed.
- The nature ofvvmy said invention consists, c hiey, in connecting any t-wo revolving shafts together, for propelling machinery, by means of one or more pairs ot' crank-arais,.which are attached, at their inner ends,
to the connected ends of the shafts by `a'pivoted connection thereto, and which are pivoted together, at their outer ends, in such 'a manner, substantially 'as hereinaiter set. forth, as to ena-ble, thereby, the transmission 'of equal and uniform rotary power and motion from one shaft to the other, whether the said shafts are set in line witheach other, or set in lines diverging from each other.
Referring to the drawings -for a description of the construction and operation of thesaid devicea and b are Atwo rev-olvingshalts, for oonnnunieating motion to machinery, which :u'econnected together by my said pivoted crank-shalt cou-pier, the shaft a heing vertical, and .the shaft b horizontal, so that the whose inner ends are forked, as -s'hown in tig'. 3, and pivted on a pivot-pim'j, which is fixed, centrally', 'in the end of the hub c, and is at right angles to it.
k and l are 'twosimilar pivoted crank-arms, of equal lengths, pivoted to the hub e4 by the pivoted pin m, as h and i are pi'oted to the h'ub c.
As shown in iig. ,3, the centre line n. o, o f the pivot- `pin j, is at right angles to the linep q; which is the centre line ofthe crank-armsltand i.
` The two crank-arms, h and i, of thc shaft a, are joined, at their outer ends, ,to the two crank-arms k and l, of the shaft b, by ball-and-socket-joints, whose centres are, respectively, at thev points of intersection of the centre lines of the crank-arms so joined together, the. crank-arm h being connectethbyits ball 11, -to the crank-arm k, by its socket-box a, and the clankarm o', being similarly connected, by its ball t, to the crank-arm l, by its'socicet-hox u.
The ball-aml-soeket joints r s and t u are properly era11k-\vrists," connecting the' crank-arms together in pairs, by universalpivjot connection, and theyare vthe points at .which motionand power are transn'iitted from the appendages of one shaft to the like appendages of the other shaft.
Each of the pair. of crank-arms, It. and k, is of exactly equal length, measured in a straight lir'e, drawn from thel centre pointot' their ball-antl-stwket. joint.,
to the centre points of theirnner-end'pivotpins; and Y similarly, each of the pair of crank-arms 'i and l must vhe of exactly equal length.
Thus, the line 'v w is the lenfrth of Ithe crank-arm h, and the equal line v x is the length of the crnkarm k,- and similarly, the' line y'w is the length ofthe crank-arm t', and the equal lille y :u is the length of the clank-arm l.
To aid in describing the principles of construction and operation of-the device, reference will now b e made to the. red-inkA diagram lines'on the figures.
z tt' is theialxis-line ofthe shaft a la' c' is the line' of the shaft 1)',- and d is the point of their intersection.
e' f' is a. line, bisecting the angle of intersection' of the axis-linesz` a and b c', and it is at an angle of fortyive degrees to each of them. r The centre points, w and x, ot' the pivot-pins j and m, are at equal distances from the inteisection pointd. The line g h', passing through' the pivot-points 'w Aand z, is at right angles to the iiue e' f', and i is their point of intersection.
The line v w (representing the crank-arm hjeis at an angle oftwenty-two and one-half degrees from a right-angle'line to the axis of the shaft' a, and the line o y, of the crank-ann k, is similarly at an angle' ot' twenty-two and one-half degrees from a rightangle line tothe axis ofthe shaft b, vso that the angle of intersection of the crank-arm lines lv w and o :c is fort)l -tive degrees.
The line y w, of the crank-arm i, is at all angle of twenty-two alld one-hall` degrees witll the axis-lille of the shall'I a, and the line y 11:, of the crank-arm l, is similarly at all angle of twenty-two and one-half degrees with the axis-line of the shaft b, so that t-lle angle of intersection ol' the crankarlll lines y w and y :l: is forty-'li ve degrees.
fj isa circle, whose centre is at the intersection point i', and wllose radius is the line 'i' 'v or i y, the line e y bein.;r its diameter. This ci-rcle'jf represent-s a perfect spllere, in whose circumference, and. ill a plane, ot' wllicll the lille c y is the horizontal projection, the centre pivot-points ofthe ball-andsocket joints r s and t u will always move, when the drivingsllaft, oftlleshafts a and Il, is revolved.
This plane. of circular movement of these centre.
'pivot-points., is ll 1 idway between, and crosses at an an gie of forty-tivc degrees, and at` their intersecting line, the planes of rotation of the, pivot-pinsj and m ofthe shafts a and b.
Fig. 1 sllows the shafts a and b, and the crank-arms, in one position of a. revolution, and iig. 2 shows the same ir. a position one-fourth of a revolution of them from the position shown in lig. 1. .v
The crank-arms h and k, in the position shown in tig. 2, being, respectively, partly horizontally opposite to the crank-arms 'i 'and 1,'are not wholly shown ill that figure of the drawing.
VIleu the'shafts a and ll are revolved to a position of olle llalfof a revolutiorrof theln from the position .shown ill tig. 1, tllecrank-arlns h and 'i will have exchanged positions with each otller, and simultaneously the clallkqlrlns k and l will also have. exchanged positions with eachother. Similarly, when' the shafts a and b are revolved one-halt' of a ljevohnion of them from the position shown ill fig. 2, the clank-arms h and i will have. exchanged positions with each other, and, inthe salllc tilne,the crallk-arms 7.: alld Zwill have exchanged positions with each other.
In the positions of the crank-arms, shown ill fig. 2, the dotted lines m 'mf' sllow a vertical sei-tion through the cent're of thel crank-arm I, on the lille :zn-', and the dotted lines l" l" sllow a horizontal section through .the centre of the erallk-arlll I, on the lille b' c.
The crank-arms change posiliills relative to one another, afnd to their respective shafts, by rotary and pivot movements, as follows, viz:
n'revolving the shaft-s a and b, from the position shown in fig. 1, tothe position shown ing. 2, or. onefifty-tive degrees, and, at the. saine time, each ot' thc pairofcrallk-arlns, 1'. and I, turns outward on its innerelld.s'llait-pivot, all angle of thirty-live degrees, and, simultaneously, each crank-arm turns on its outeren( pivot, all angle ot' forty-tive degrees, ill a direction of movement at right angles to its just-described diilrln simnltalleously turns on its outer-end pivot all angle of ten degrees ill an inward direction -of movenlent, at right angles to its other just-described direction ofouter-elld pivotnlovelnentl On revolving a and 7l, in the same descrihed'direction, .one-fourth of a revolution more, all 'the clankarms will be carried by rotary movements olle-fourth of a revolution lllore about their shaft-axes, and, si lnllltalleonsly, each of the. pair of crank-arlns hand Ic will continue its bollire-described inner-end pivot movements, and tnrll all angle of thirtyve degrees more onits respective shaft-pivot, and, at the saule time, each ot' the pair ot' crank-arms, 'i and l, will continue its before s described inner-end pivot move ments, turning all additional angle of' iifty-fivedeurees on itsY respective shaft-pivots, and, simultaneously, eachfcranklarm makes equal alld reverse outer-chil pivot. movements,from those just before described of thelll ill the first one-fourth of a. revolution ol' c and b.
On revolving a and b in the same described dire-ctoll, one-halt` ot' a revolution more, t-hus completing one entire. revolution of them, `all the'crank-arms will be carried by rotary movements one-half of a revolution more about their shall-axes, alld, simultaneously, they will all take their first-named positions ot' inner' alld outer-end pivoting, (sllown in fig.-1,) by eqnalanrl reverse innerfend pivot movements, and equal and silllilar outer-end pivot movements, to those described ofthenrin the-tirst-described one-llalfrcvolution ot' a and ll.
` Both of the described mner and outer-'end pivot movell'lents ot' the clank-arms are not oscillating or vibrating pivot movements, in'whichmotioll of the crank-arms is snspended,alld their inert-ia required to be overcome at each termination of the, 'pivot nlove `ment-s; but their described pivot movements arewith- -elilled fortytive.del:rces to, and crossing, as described,
the planes o't' rotary'movenlent in which their inner ellds more continuously alld freely. The device, therefore, adlllits `of high speed, alld uniform, undisturbed, and colltilluons rotary motions ot' the shafts aand b and their connecting p'alzts,
Equal alld nnitoljln power and motion maybe transmitted froml one shaft to the other, as from a to Ii, at all poillts ot' a revolution of them, by means ot t-lle dei scribed pivoted crank-shaft coupler. This is evident, witllollt furtheranalysls of the mechanical principlesof construction alld action of the device., when it is rouside-rcd that the. shafts n alld b, and their connecting parts, are adapted, as sllowl: alld described, for free and l'lninternpted nllvenlellts in their required directions of rotation at a-ll points of a revolutionot' them,
alld when it is further considered that the described and sllown construction anu adaptation of the crankarms (which connect the two shnftsfand areth'c means vottransmission ot' power alldlnotioll from oncsllatt to the other.) are such, that tlloseclank-arllls, which are 4connected with each other, 'arc like and equal, and
llavethe salue movements and thc s alne mechanical lid-ations to their ,respective shafts for transll'lt-ting powerannfmotion at'all'points of a. revolution ot' them.
In order to produce steady rotary lllovelllents of the shafts aalld b, and their connectiugl:v parts, without shaking or jarring on their supporting journal-boxes, (l alld f, the. crank-arllls and their appendageson each shaft mast be balanced at all points ot'a revolution ot the shafts (l and 1;.
There are various ways and .modes ill which this may he dolle..
One way ill which each crank-arm und its .appenda'ges may be independently lialanced'at all points of a'revolntioll, and atall required positions of the shaft-s a alld Il, is to extend each crank-arm across its shaft, so thatit will, witll its appendages, 'be balanced on its shaft-pivot.- lhe dotted lines, k' and l', ill liv. 1, show fcteusion and balancing,r of the two crank-arms h Another way of balancing the cranloarlns is to extend each crank-arm across-its shaft, so that the .centre of gravity ofthe. two parts ot' the two crank-arms, lying ori the one side ot' tllcir shaft, shall he, at all points ofa revolution, the saine distance ont at right angles froni the axis of their shaft, as is theecllt-re of gravity ofthe two parts of thel same two crank-arms lying on the other opposite side of the shall. Such a way part l'ot' the erankarm 1', I ringdntheir side of the shaft a, is the samtdistance'. ont ina right-angle line from the axis ot' the shaft a, at all ponts'ot' a revolution of a, asis the'ceutre ot' gravity ot' that part ot' the crankarm, and the extended part k ot' the crank-arm It, lying on the opposite side 'ot' the s'haft a.
One mode ot' balancing the' crank-arias is to make one crankarm and its appendages bnlancethe, other opposite crank-arm and its appendages pn the same shaft, atall points ot'a revolution ot'tllwshafts.
In the position shown in fig. 2, they would ot' themselvesl balance cach other, because= they are alike iu construction, and have opposite and like relative positions to their respect-ive shal'ts. But, iu the position shown in fig. 1,.they would he out ot' balance, because they have different relative positions 'to their shafts,
and their centres of gravity are consequently at un-A equal distances from the axis ot'the shafts.
Balancing the crank-anus of each shaft by this described modeot' balancing, may bedone in one way, by-propcr disposition ot' weights attached to theA crankarms. Figs. l and 2 show such use of weight-s.
The weights m and n', on the crank-arms h and@- of the shaft a, and the weights o' and -1)',jon the crank-- arms k and l, are for that purpose. 'They are, as shown, adjustable both longitudinally and at right angles to their respective cra'nkearms, but they ,may be adapted for only one ot' thoseladjustments, or for tixed, non-adjustable attachment to their respective crank-arms, and accomplish the same required result 0f balancing.
The weights are similar and equal, and are placed similarly on their arms, at equal distances't'rom their inner ends, so that when one crank-arm is swung t'ur- 'therout from its shatt than the other crank-arm on the same shaft is, the attached weight of the former is thrown nearer the shaft than is the attached weight of the latter arm, as shown in ngz-1 t In such-described use ofthe we|ghtsit is necessary,
that in the position shown in tig. 1, the centre of gravity of the one crank-arm, and itsadded weight and itis appendages, shall he at a point in a line passing through the centre ot' their shaft-pivot, opposite yto and at the samedistance out from the axis ot its shal't, as isthe centre ot' gravity ot' the opposite crankarm, its weight and appendages.
`Thus the centre of gravity ot' thefcrank-arm h, its
weight m', and other appendages, when atthepoiut ,g,-will, at all .points of a revolution of the shaft a,.
balance the 'crank-armi, its weight n', and its other appendages, when the centre ot'. gravity of the latter is at the opposite point fl. Similarly 4when the ciank-arm It', its weight o', and
its other appendages 'have the centre of their gravity at the point s', they will balance, as required, the crank-armi, its weight p', and its other appendages,
when the centre of'gravity ot'fthe latter is at theopposite point t.
By the same mode of balancing as last-described,
the crank-arms of each shatt may be so constructed as to balance cac-h other and their appendages at all l points of a revolution ot' the shafts a and b.
Such a way ot' balancing is shown in`tig.4, in which the crank-arms are shown curved attheirinne' forked ends, iu such a. manner that when one'cmnk-ami of -one shaft is swung tin-'ther out from its shat't than is the other arm of the same shaft, the curved inner end ofthe tin'mer is swung nearer to the shaft than is the curved inn'er en d ot' the other ar'm, so that the centre ot' gravity ot' the crank-arm u', and its appendages, being at the point c', andthe centre of gravity ot' the crank-ann ur', and its appendages, being at the opposite point x', and at the same distance that the point v' is from the axis of their shaft a, they .will balance I pendages, being each other at all points o f zii-evolution; and, similarly, the centre ot' gravity of .the crai'ik-arm y', and its apat the point z, and the centre 'of gravity of the crank-arm a", and its appendages, being at the opposite point b", they'will also balance each othlcrat all points ot", a revolution of the shafts a am b.
In similar construction of the crank-arms, as shown in tig. 4, if weights'are'required to balance them, they may be used eitheron the inside ot' the crank-arms,
as1 the weights d 'on the crank-arms u w', or'oon the outside of vthe crank-arms, as the weights f' j",
Intig. 4 is shown amodeot connecting the. outer ends ot' each pair of crank-arms together' by pivot-pins, which may he used, in some-cases, in substitution for the described ball-:md-socket-joint connection of them, but. not with equal `advantages ot' accuracy of movements in transmissie/n ot' power and motion, and durability ot theconnectiug-parts.
In the outer end ot' the crank-.arm w'lis securcdpthe pivot-pin c", set in the line e ff, iceutrallywith its crank-arm. It passes through. thejputer end ot? t-he crank-arm af, connecting it .to thev crank-arm w', and
forming a pivot for it to turn on. To admit ot' both ot' the before-described outer-end pivot movements ot' the connected crank-arms, the
pivot-piu c" must not only be made to turn, but also to rock in the end ofthe crank-arm u", 'as by enlarged tapering of the pivot-hole in a", asi-shownby the'dot ted lines d", which represent a vertical section on the vline z at', through the centre of crank-'arm w', when, the shatts'a and b are revolved one-fourth of a revolution from the other position shown in liu. 4.
The' crank-armsn' and y arejcounected .togetherby-j the p ivot-pin g", similarly as describedof4 the crankarms 'w' and a". f"
The shafts a and b may be placed. at other angles than at right angles with each other, and'equal and unit'orm power` and motion he transmitted ti'om'one shatt to the other by the described pivoted crank-r -To do this, and for suitable and convenientadjust' ments of the shafts c and b, and theironnectiugparts, so as to be well secured and supported in their proper relative positions, the supporting-plate g is used, and it is adapted so that theshat't a may be' swung as on a pivot at the point w, and so that the shaft b may also be swung as'on a pivot at the point x, by meansot making these firing-bolts h" h h h' ofthe journal-box d pass through and be adjustable in curved slots in the plate g, and by means of making the securing-bolts j"j"j'1 ot' the journal-box f'pass through and be adjustable in similar curved slotslfkfin the plate g. '41u the described adjustments ot' the shafts to other angles with each other than a right angle., each shaftshouldbe swung -equally toward the other, if more .than nlnet-y degrees is required to be turned by it,
and from -each other if less than ninety' degrees is required to be turned by them.,
The construction or adjustment of the described pivoted crank-shaft coupler may he,it'desi1able, made such that the crank-arms of each ypair shall be vat greater, or less angles with each other, and with their shafts, than those shown aud described; ,but inA all 'cases itis necessary that the crank-arms ot' each pair be lof equal lengths, and that'they have 'respectively the same relative positions totheir shatts at all points ot' a revolution.
Moving the shafts a and b equally andlsimllarly in a longitudinal direction, either inwardfor outward, wouldbe such an adjustmentof the device as would make the crank-arms of each pair at greater or le'ss angles with each other and with their shatts, and the crankarms ot' each pair 'would be of equal length,
and have the same relative positions to their shafts at all points ofa revolution, and when. so adjusted. the device could be used to transmit equal and uniform power and motion from the one shaft to the other, similarly as before described of it. v
To enable longitudinal adjustments o f the shafts a and b, adjustable collars may be attached to the shafts la and b, or to their hubs c and c, onl bothsides of the.
journal-boxes d and f, and the shaftsbe adjusted, as required, longitudinall y, by moving the collars equally out or in on their hubs or shafts. 'L-
In tln's just before-described dercnt constructionor adjustment of the crank-arms, the centre pivotpoints of the outer ends of thcvcrank-axms would not move in a true circle, as they' do when constructed and adjusted as shown in the drawings.
` One pair of the crank-arms, as h and 7c, or 'i and l, may be dispensed with, and equal and unilorm motion and power be transmitted by the remaining pair fromv one shalt to the other; but the described `use of the twopairs is most'advantageous, because, when both pairs are used, 'the transmission of power and motion from -one shaft to the other, as from a to b, is accom-` plished by distribution'and'action of eqnalmoments of driving-three al'.I opposite points, on `both sides of the shafts, producing thereby the very important'i'esuit of a balanced transmission of rotary force fromonc shaft to the other,.wbich is evidently not obtained by the use of only one. pair of crank-arms.
The.supporting-plate'g is not indispensably necessary, for the described pivoted crank-shaft coupler may be suitably adjusted and secured in its required position for the purposes described of it, by other means of attachment of supporting journal-lames.
The shafts a. and b may be, secured to their hubs c andc by any other suitable and commonly-known modes' of shaft-conuection for such purposes.
The pivot-pinsj and m maybe ofany-other desired form of construction which adapts them for their described purposes, and they maybe connected to their hubs c and e in various ways commonly known for .similar purposes. i
The crank-arms may be connected in various ways to their inner-end pivots, as by journal-,boxes of anv known kind, adapted to admit of the described innerend pivotI movements 'and action, and thev may be adapted for taking up wezr'offtheir fi'ctio'nafl surfiices, or tor adjustments-of the inner ends-of thecrank-arms to their described'requred positions.
The. ball-audsocket joints atthe ou'ter ends of th'e clank-arms maybe made. adjustable -in wavs conimonly known, so as to enable taking up for'wear of their frictional surfaces, or for adjustments of the outer ends ot' the crank-arms to` their described required posit-ions. Y
Other modes than those described may be used, both of construction and of connection of the cranks arms tothcir shafts or to each other, when both the. construction and connection of the clank-arms adapt them to produce substantially the same described mechanical action,I in transmission of power and motion from the one shaft to the other, which they are employed to connect.
1 cla-im as new, and of my invention- 1. '.lmnsmitting, from one revolving shaft of machinery to another, equal and uniform rotary motion and power at all points of a. revolution of them, whether the shafts are set 'in lines at right angles to each other, or at various other angles of divergence from each other, by means of one or more pairs of pivoted crank-arms, which are employed and adapted to'connect the shafts together, and to produce ther`eby substantially the same mechanical action as that. described in the described transmission ot' rotary motion and power from the shaft a to the shaft-b.`
se, 39s 4 2.' The employment of one or more pairs ofpivoted crank-arms, for connecting 'together two revolving` shafts of machi|n`ry, and the adaptation of each pair of-crank-arms to their shafts and to each other, substantially as sct forth, so that the shafts so connected may be adjusted and schuin lilies at right .angles to `each otheror at various other angles of divergence from each other, -and equal and uniform rotary motion and power be transmitted lthereby from one shaftto the. other, at all points' of a revolution of them, substantially-as set fbrth. y 4.
3. Joinbi" together the outer ends of the crankarms by the described connections, or by other connections which enable the described or equivalent rotary and pivot. movemonts oflthe outer ends of the crank-arms, for the purposes set fol/th, and I further claim said outer-end connections ofthe crankarms,in combination with the described inner-end connections of them to their shafts, or with other inner-end conand pivot movements of theintfor the purposes set forth.
4. AT he one pair of crankfarms 7i and k, or their equivalents 'i and 1, in combination with the shafts a` and b, when the said pair of crank-'arms is connected togetlier and to the shafts a` and b, substantially as described, and for the purposes set forth.
5. The twopairs of crank-arms h k and i l, in combination with the shaft-s u and b, when said crank-arms are connected together and to the shaft-s u and b, substantally as described, and so ns to enable thereby a. balanced transmission ofrotary i'orce trom one shaft tothe other, substantially as described.
6. 1he weights mrn and o'p', in combination with the crank-arms h i and k l, whcn employed substantially asv described, and for the purposes set forth.
described shaft-coupler, with' the curved slots Vi" and c k, substantially as described, vand for the purposes set forth.
8. The crank-arlnsu and w', with their similar and connected clank-arms y' and a", when constructed substantially as shown and di-scribed, and adapted in their combination together and with the shafts a. and b, for hansmission of rotary force from one shaft to the other, as described, and so as to balance each other on their shafts, substantially as described.
9. Extending each crank-arm of the described shaftcoupler across its s haft. so as to be thereby balanced on its shaft, substantially as described, and for the purposes set forth;
10. Extending each crank-ar1n across its shaft, so
' tbatthe two parts of the two eranksfanns lying on the one. side of their shaft shall balance, as required and described, the two parts of the same crank-arm lying on the other opposite side of their shaft.
means of weights, adjusted on and attached to the crank-arms, substantially as described. y
4'12. Constriicting the 'crank-arms" siibs'til'l'ifally' as shown and described, so that one crank-arln of one .shaft shall balance, as described, the other opposite; crank-arm of the same shaft.
13. The pvotcd crank-shaft coupler, consisting of the hubs v and e, pivot-pins j and 1n,'pivoted crankarms hi and k I, ball-and-socket-.joints lr s and t u, and )ralaiicing-wciglits m';n and o p', all supported in jom'nal-boxes d and f, and cmmccting the shafts a and b, substantially as described; and for the purposes Bet forth.
Guo. F. CLEMoNs, LAURA D. CLEiaoNs.
nections, which enable `the described inner-exu1 rotary 7. 'lhe supportiugqilate g, in combination with the 11. Balancing the crank-arms on their shafts, by'
US96395D Improvement in affakatdb for transmitting rotary motiow Expired - Lifetime US96395A (en)

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US96395A true US96395A (en) 1869-11-02



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US96395D Expired - Lifetime US96395A (en) Improvement in affakatdb for transmitting rotary motiow

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Cited By (3)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US3477249A (en) * 1968-07-08 1969-11-11 Southwestern Ind Inc Constant velocity universal joint
WO2010134119A1 (en) 2009-05-19 2010-11-25 Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna Closed-chain rotational mechanism having decoupled and homokinetic actuation
US10156265B2 (en) 2014-10-09 2018-12-18 Harris Dynamics Articulating torsional coupling

Cited By (3)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US3477249A (en) * 1968-07-08 1969-11-11 Southwestern Ind Inc Constant velocity universal joint
WO2010134119A1 (en) 2009-05-19 2010-11-25 Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna Closed-chain rotational mechanism having decoupled and homokinetic actuation
US10156265B2 (en) 2014-10-09 2018-12-18 Harris Dynamics Articulating torsional coupling

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