US798820A - Sleeping-car. - Google Patents

Sleeping-car. Download PDF


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US798820A US23654704A US1904236547A US798820A US 798820 A US798820 A US 798820A US 23654704 A US23654704 A US 23654704A US 1904236547 A US1904236547 A US 1904236547A US 798820 A US798820 A US 798820A
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Duncan S Mcewing
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    • B61D1/00Carriages for ordinary railway passenger traffic
    • B61D1/06Carriages for ordinary railway passenger traffic with multiple deck arrangement
    • B61D1/08Carriages for ordinary railway passenger traffic with multiple deck arrangement of sleeping carriages


  • nmnzw a cum ca. Pucwmmunua. mswnmom n c.
  • the chairs in the two rows be- Beit known that .I, DUNCAN S. Molfiwmu, a ing opposite each other and each pair of opcitizen of the United States, residing at Chiposite chairs being adapted to form an upper cage, in the county of Cook and State of lllij and a lower berth.
  • Each chair is pivotally 6o nois, have invented certain new and useful supported in such manner as to swing about Improvements in Sleeping-Cars; and I do a pivotalaxislocated near the rearof thechairhereby d clare that the following is a full, seat and centrally with respect to the length clear, and exact description thereof, reference thereof.
  • This invention relates to sleeping-cars; and with and adjacent to the side wall of the car, it includes both improvements in convertible and when the chairs are turned to bring the chairs and berths and in means for forming seat portions thereof longitudinally of the compartments in the car within which the l car, with the front edges of the seats of the berths are contained when adjusted for use.
  • the invention consists in the matters heretcnsible seat portions of the two chairs when inafter described, and pointed out in the acextended will form a lower berth and the back companying claims. portions of the two chairs will meet edge to As shown in the accompanying drawings, edge to form an upper berth.
  • Figure I is a plan view of a part of a railwayfrom the arrangement described that when car, showing four chairs arranged side by the chairs are in use in the day-time as seats side and made up to form two berths and they will stand transversely of the car along two other chairs in condition for use as seats, l the sides of the same, thereby forming a censaid plan section being taken upon the inditral aisle, and when the chairs are swung on reet line 1 1 of Fig. 2.
  • Fig. 2 is a longitutheir pivots so as to face each other and form dinal section of the car, taken on line 2 2 of the upper and lower berths said berths will Fig. 1.
  • Fig. 1 is a longitutheir pivots so as to face each other and form dinal section of the car, taken on line 2 2 of the upper and lower berths said berths will Fig. 1.
  • Fig. 1 Fig.
  • FIG. 3 is a cross-section of the car, extend transversely of the car along the centaken on the line 3 of Fig. 2.
  • Fig. T is a ter line thereof, and two aisles will be formed like cross-section of the car, taken upon line in the car along the side walls thereof. & at of Fig. 2.
  • Fig. 5 is a detail vertical sec- Now referring to the construction of the tion ofone of the chair-seats in its folded conchair, the frame of each chair, as herein dition.
  • Fig. (5 is a like section showing the shown, consists principally of horizontal side chair-seat in its extended position.
  • Fig. T is pieces B I), attached at their rear ends to upa detail section taken on line T 7 of Fig.
  • Fig. 9 is a detail crosslegs for the front of the frame, the said side section taken upon line 9 9 of Fig. Fig. pieces B and uprights B I3 being connected I0 is a detail cross-section taken on line l0 10 by a rear cross-piece and a front cross-piece of Fig. 9.
  • Fig. 11 is a detail plan section 0. These parts form a horizontally-dis wsed taken on line 11 11 of Fig. 4:. base-frame and an upright back-frame.
  • A indicates chairframe as a whole is supported by means the car-floor; A A, the side walls of the car; of a pivotal support U, located adjacent to A the turret-roof; A A, the side walls of the the rear margin of the chair-frame beneath or I00 turret, and A" the lateral portions of the carnearly beneath the back-frame, the same being roof which connect the upper margins of the preferably attached to the lower end of said side walls A A with the side walls- A A" of I back-frame.
  • Said pivotal supports G are lothe turret.
  • Said side walls A" A of the turl cated at a distance from the side walls of the car ret are shown as extended downwardly below somewhat more than one-half of the width of I05 the inner margins of the side portions A A the chair-seat, so that each chair may be faced of the car-roof and connected with lateral in either direction endwise of the car, or outceiling-sections A A wardly toward the sides of the car, while at the
  • the convertible chairs which constitute a same time when the chair is brought with its principal feature of my invention, have extenend adjacent to the side wall of the car it will be I I0 sible seats and hinged back-sections and are close to said side wall, as indicated in the case arranged along the sides of the car in two of the two chairs which are shown in Fig. 1
  • the said chair-seats will usually be made, as shown, of a length sufficient to seat two persons, so that'when in position for use in the day-time two persons may occupy each of the two chairs at opposite sides of the center of the car, and when the two opposite chairs are swung into a position facing each other and their seats extended to form a lower berth said lower berth will constitute a double berth or will be wide enough for two persons.
  • the general features of construction may, however, be employed where the chairs are only wide enough to seat one person; but in such case the berth will be narrower or wide enough for one person only.
  • he pivotal support C consists of a flanged casting C, which is secured to the floor of the car, and a bearing-spindle G which is aflixed to the bottom of the backframe and enters a bearing-socket in said casting C.
  • the lower part of the back-frame is shown as provided with a lower cross-piece 5 below the level of the horizontal frame-piece 5, and the spindle C is shown as extended upwardly through the cross-piece 7) and secured at its upper end to the cross-piece 5, thereby affording a rigid connection between said spindle C and the chair-frame.
  • the two standards B B are adapted to rest upon the car-floor, and to thereby afford a rigid support for the forward edge of the seat.
  • Said standards or legs B B are shown as extended upwardly and attached to horizontal rails b 5 which extend rearwardly to the sides of the back-frame and constitute the chair-arms.
  • the back of the chair embraces a rear vertical wall 71*, which reaches to the top of the chair-back and which is attached to the uprights B B and extends between said uprights.
  • Across the top of the rear wall 6 extends a horizontal too piece 72", which is attached at its ends to the sides of the uprights B B.
  • the said rear wall I) constitutes a partition which when the parts are arranged to form a berth constitutes the lower part of the outer or lateral wall of the berthsection, or, in other words, constitutes the lower portion of a partition by which the lateral passages of the car are separated from the berth-sections.
  • the side margins of the back wall I) of the chair-frame are extended beyond or outside of the uprights B B and provided with forwardly-facing flanges b 6 Fig. 8, which flanges form, with the uprights B B, for wardly-facing guide-grooves to receive and hold in place the edges of curtains, as hereinafter described.
  • B* B are hinged arm-rests, consisting of separate pieces located over the rails 5 b of the chair-arms and which are connected with said rails by hinges 6 6 located at the inner faces of the rails, so that the arm-rests may be swung upwardly and inwardly to an inwardly-extended position, as seen in dotted lines in Fig. 7.
  • the said arm-rests extend normally outward in front of the guidegrooves at the sides of the chair-backs, and the purpose of the hinged construction in the arm-rests is to enable them to be thrown inside of the plane of said grooves, so that they will be out of the way of the curtains which engage said grooves.
  • the D indicates a seat-back section which is hinged at its upper margin to the top rail 6 of the chair-back and is provided with a cushion D, which formsthe back of the seat,1but which when the section D is swung upwardly to form one part or end portion of an upper berth constitutes the end portion of the bedbottom of the upper berth or in case such upper berth be provided with a mattress forms a support for a mattress placed thereon.
  • Devices are provided for supporting the free edges of the seat-back sectionsv D, as hereinafter described.
  • the cushion D is shown as consisting of acushion-frame D, made separate from and detachably secured to the back-section.
  • the means for connecting the said cushion-frame D with the backsection consist, as herein shown, of rigid hook-like projections cl on the back-section, which engage a depending cross-strip (Z on the upper horizontal frame member of the frame (Z, as clearly seen in Fig. 5, the cushion having in its rear face adjacent to the said upper horizontal frame member (Z pockets to receive the said hook-like projections d.
  • the seat portion of the chair is made extensible by the employment of two bed-bottom sections adapted to be folded one upon each other to form a seat for use in the daytime and to be unfolded and brought to the same horizontal plane to form part of a lower berth, said bed-bottom sections being hinged at their inner margins, so as to be folded one upon the other, and the upper bed-bottom section-being provided on its side which is uppermost when the parts are folded with a cushion which forms the chair-seat.
  • the bedbottom sections are adapted to be drawn outwardly and the back-cushion to be thrown into a rearwardly-inclined position to form a reclining-chair.
  • F is the upper and F- the lower bedbottom section.
  • Said bed -bottom sections embrace rectangular frames ff, the inner longitudinal bars of which are connected at their adjacent margins by hinges f
  • the upper frame F may be folded forwardly over the lower frame F to the position shown in Fig. 5, and when both of said bed-bottom sections are slid forwardly in or on the base-frame B I the upper sectionF may be swung rearwardly on the hinges f and the two sections thus brought in the same plane, as seen in Fig. 6.
  • the said bed-bottom sections F and F areshown as provided with suitable spring-upl bolstering, as indicated by f f which may l in itself form the be'd-bottom or on which a mattress may be placed.
  • the said bed-bot- 1 tom section F has an upholstered surface f at its top constituting the seat-cushion when daytime, as seen in Fig. 5.
  • the vertical side pieces B B of 3 said base-frame are provided with inwardlyextending horizontal ledges B B Figs. 5, t), and T, on which the end members of the lower bed-bottom section F is adapted to rest and slide, as clearly seen in said Fig. 7.
  • the lower bed-bottom section F is provided with two depending rigid legs F adapted to rest upon the car-floor and to support the forward margin of said lower bed-bottom section when both sections are drawn outwardly, and the upper section F rests on the ledges B B, as seen in Fig. 6. These parts are preferably so arranged that the legs F F will come transversely in line with and between the legs B B of the chair-frame when the chairbottom sections are thrust inwardly, as seen in Figs. 5 and 7.
  • the rear longitudinal frame member of the said section F is provided at the margin which is uppermost when the parts are folded, as seen in Fig. 5, with a rearwardly-extending partf, having at its rear margin a rising portion f, adapted to extend behind the lower margin of the backsection I) and against which said back-section rests when the parts are in use as a seat.
  • Supporting means for the free ends of the hinged backsections are provided along the center line of the car and are so constructed as to support or sustain the edges of the back-sections of the two chairs when the same are brought together beneath the said center line.
  • Said supporting devices consist generally of vertically-movable hangers Gr, which are sustained by chains or llexible connections (i in such manner that the hangers may be raised or lowered or may be drawn downwardly to engage and support the back-sections and elevated to points adjacent to the car-roof when not in use.
  • Two hangers (i (ii are employed for each upper berth, and they are preferably connected'rigidly with each other by horizontal bars (V, which extend beneath the meeting edges of the seat-back sections, below and parallel with said meeting edges.
  • each hanger is adapted for interlocking engagement with the forward corners of both of the seat-back sections supported thereby, so that they hold or look together the meeting edges of said seat-back sections.
  • the devices illustrated for raising and lowering the hangers consist, as shown, of spring-actuated rollers H 11, mounted on the car-roof, and one of which is employed for the two hinges, which operate in connection with a single berth. Said spring-rollers may be constructed in any usual or preferred manner. As shown in the drawings, the two rollers employed for each berth are mounted on a shaft H, around which are arranged coiled springs A h for turning the rollers.
  • hangers G 1n the day-time or when the berths are not in use the hangers G (i are held at the top of the car, as shown at the left-hand end of Fig. 2, by the action of the springs l1 l1, and said hangers may be drawn downwardly and engaged with the two back-sections, which constitute the upper berth, at the time of making up the said berth.
  • the hangers (1" i consist each of an upright part to the upper end of which the lower end of the simporting-chain G is attached and the lower end of which is provided with a horizontal part or extension adapted to extend beneath and form a support for the seat-back sections, the said horizontal parts or extensions of the hangers being wide enough to extend beneath the corner portions of both seat-back sections.
  • Said horizontal connecting-bars (j serve to hold the two &
  • hangers at the distance apart required for their proper engagement with the end of the seat-back sections.
  • the latter are provided at their outer corners with holes or sockets (Z (Z Figs. 9 and 10, and the horizontal lower parts of said hangers are provided with looking studs or prongs g which rise therefrom inside of and parallel with the main or upright parts thereof, so that they may engage or pass through said sockets (Z tliand thereby hold the hangers interlocked with both of the seat-back sections and at the same time hold together or in contact with each other the 'free edges of said sections, as clearly seen in Figs. 9 and 10.
  • the corners of the seat-back cushions D D are notched to give room for the ends of the studs g g, which rise above the seat-back sections, as clearly seen in Figs. 1, 9, and 10.
  • movable partition-sections II are hinged to the'lower margins of the side walls A of the car-roof in such manner that they may be swung upwardly into a vertical position against the inner faces of the said walls A and there remaining when not in use and when making up the berths may be swung downwardly, so as to depend from said walls and meet at their lower end margins the upper edges of the seat-back, said hinged partitions thus arranged forming downward continuations of the wall A adapted to fill or close the spaces between the lower edges of the said walls A and the seat-backs below the same.
  • Said hinged partition-sections are adapted to overlap the front faces of the upper margins of the seat-backs.
  • said partition-sections are provided at their lower margins with flanges i, which extend toward the seat-backs when the latter are lowered and are adapted to extend beneath the forwardly-extending L-shaped flanges 1)" of the seat-backs.
  • FIG. 3 of the accompanying drawings shows a partition-section I in its lowered position and engaged with the upper part of the seat-back in the manner described, and from this figure it will be seen that the said partition-section I,
  • the side margins of said curtains J which will preferably be made of material having some degree of stiffness, will be held in engagement with said side walls of said seatbacks by entering the guide-grooves formed in the sides of the seat-backs by the L-shaped flanges 6, Figs. 1 and'8, the outer parts of said flanges, together with the uprights B of the seat-backs, constituting grooves adapted to receive and hold in place the side margins of the said curtainsyas hereinbeforestated;
  • curtains K which are mounted on spring-rollers K, arranged parallel with and at the lower edges of the walls A A in the spaces between the hinged partition-sections I, which curtains are wide enough to fill the spaces between the backs of the seats of the adjacent sections and between the adjacent side margins of the partition-sections I I when the latter are folded downwardly to meet the seat-backs.
  • Said curtains J J when drawn down form, with the hinged partition-sections I I and the seat-backs, a continuous wall or partition separating the passages at the sides of the car from the several sections, and either of said curtains may be raised to enable the occupants of the sections to enter the same from said side passages.
  • Guard-rails for the sides of the upper berths are provided as follows: Said guard-rails (in cheated by L him the drawings) consist of which is made of the same width as the seati flat strips, preferably of metal, which are hinged to the partition-sections 1 near the free edges of the same and on the sides thereof which face inwardly when the partition-sections are lowered, as shown in Fig. 3. Two of said guard-rails L L are mounted on each partitioirsection, the same being each hinged at one end to the partition-section at one of the side edges of the latter.
  • the chairs are first swung or turned so as to bring the opposite chairs facing each other, the bedbottom sections constituting the chair-seats are then drawn out and unfolded.
  • the partition-sections I are then lowered to bring guide-grooves at the sides of the chair-hacks 1 formed by the flanges b 6
  • the side curtains The outer ends of the guard-rails are adapted to rest or bear the when the berths are not in use. Said doors or openings are closed by the movable partition-sections l when the latter are folded upwardly against the said side walls
  • a sleeping-car provided with pivotally- 1 supported chairs arranged at opposite sides of extended or in position for use, the said guard- 9 chairs arranged at opposite sides of the car,
  • a sleeping-car provided with chairs arranged at opposite sides of the car and pivotally sup 'iorted on pivots located near the rear margins of the seats thereof and at such distances from the sides of the car that when the chairs are swung into a position with their seat-backs transverse to the car, a center aisle will be formed between them, and when swung into position with their seat-backs parallel with the sides of the car, two side aisles will be formed, said chairs having seats which are extensible to form lower berths when the chairs are faced toward each other.
  • A. sleeping-car provided with chairs arranged at opposite sides of the car and pivotally supported on pivots located near the rear margins of the seats thereof and at such distances from the sides of the car that when the chairs are swung into a position with their seat-backs transverse to the car, a center aisle will be formed between them, and when swung into a position with their seat-backs parallel with the sides of the car, two side aisles will be formed, said chairs having seats which are extensible to form lower berths and having also movable seat-back sections adapted to be placed in a horizontal position to form upper berths when the chairs are faced toward each other.
  • Asleeping-car provided with two pivoted chairs located at opposite sides of the center line of the car, the seat portions of said chairs comprising upper and lower bed-bottom sections hinged together at their rear margins and adapted to slide on the seat-frames and the pivots of the chairs being arranged at such distance apart that when the said bed-bottom sections are unfolded, they will meet each other to form a lower berth.
  • a sleeping-car provided with two pivoted chairs located at opposite sides of the center line' of the car, the seat portions of said chairs comprising upper and lower bed-bottom sections hinged to each other at their rear edges and adapted to slide on the seatframe and the pivots of the chairs being arranged at such distance apart that when the said bed-bottom sections are unfolded, they will meet each other to form a, lower berth, and said chairs having seat-back sections hinged to the chair-backs and adapted to be placed in a horizontal position and to meet each other to form an upper berth.
  • a sleeping-car provided with pivotallysupported chairs, arranged opposite each other, and having extensible seats arranged to form the lower berths when the chairs are faced toward each other and the seats are extended, and hinged partition-sections on the roof of the car adapted to meet the chair-backs to form therewith end walls for the berths.
  • a sleeping-car provided with two pivotally: supported chairs arranged at opposite sides of the center line of the car, and provided with extensible seats adapted, when the chairs are faced toward each other and the seats are extended, to form a lower berth, and having seat-back sections hinged to the chair-backs and adapted to form an upper berth, and partition-sections hinged to the side walls of the roof-turret of the car and adapted to meet the chair-backs to form end walls for the berths.
  • a sleeping-car provided with two pivotally-supported chairs located at opposite sides of the center line of the car and provided with extensible seat-sections adapted to form a lower berth and with movable seat-back sections adapted to form an upper berth, the roof of the car being provided with a central elevated or turret portion having vertical side walls, partition-sections hinged to the lower edges of said vertical side walls and adapted to be folded upwardly against said vertical side walls, or to be folded downwardly to meet the upper edges of the seat-backs.
  • a sleeping-car provided with two oppositely arranged pivoted chairs, having seats which are extensible to form a lower berth and movable seat-back sections adapted to form an upper berth, and partition-sections hinged to the car-roof and adapted to meet the upper margins of the chair-back, the lower margins of said partition-sections overlapping the upper margins of the chair-backs, so that they will be held in contact therewith by the seat-back sections when the latter are elevated.
  • a sleeping-car provided with two pivoted chairs arranged on opposite sides of the center line of the car and having extensible seats adapted, when the chairs are faced toward each other and the seats are extended, to form a lower berth, and having seat-back sections which are hinged at their upper edges to the seat-backs and are adapted when placed in a horizontal position to form an upper berth and supporting means hung from the car-roof at the center line thereof and adapted to engage the meeting edges of said seat-back sections to sustain the same.
  • a sleeping-car provided with two pivoted chairs arranged opposite each other and having extensible seats adapted, when the chairs are faced toward each other and the seats are extended, to form lower berths, and having seat-back sections which are hinged at their upper edges to the seat-backs and supporting means on the car-roof adapted to engage the free edges of said seat-back sections when the same are placed in a horizontal position, embracing two hangers each of which has interlocking connection with the corners of both seat-back sections.
  • a sleeping-car provided with two pivoted chairs having extensible seats adapted to form a lower berth and seat-back sections which are hinged to the chair-backs and are adapted to form an upper berth and means for supporting the free edges of said seatback sections from the roof of the car, embracing vertically-movable hangers adapted for engagement with the corners of the seatback sections.
  • a sleeping-car provided with two pivoted chairs arranged opposite each other and having extensible seats adapted to form lower berths and seat-back sections which are hinged to the chair-backs, and means for supporting the free edges of said seat-back sections from the roof of the car embracing vertically-movable hangers adapted for engagement with the seat-back sections, supporting-chains for the hangers and spring-rollers for said chains.
  • a sleeping-car provided with two pivoted chairs arranged opposite each other and having extensible seats adapted to form lower berths, and seat-back sections which are hinged to the chair-backs, and means for supporting the free edges of said seat-back sections from the roof of-the car embracing two verticallymovable hangers adapted to engage the corners of said sections and horizontal connecting-bars joining the two hangers.
  • a sleeping-car provided with two piv- ICO oted chairs having extensible seats adapted to form lower berths, and seat-back sections which are hinged to the chair-backs, and means for stmporting the free edges of said seat-back sections from the roof of the car embracing vertically movable hangers provided with horizontal portions which extend beneath the corners of the seat-back sections, and are provided with upwardly-projccting studs adapted to engage sockets in said corners of the seatback sections.
  • a sleeping-car provided with two pivoted chairs having extensible seats adapted to form lower berths and seat-back sections which are hinged to the chair-backs and means for supporting the free edges of the seat-back sections from the roof of the car embracing vertically movable hangers provided with horizontal parts which extend beneath the corners of the seat-back sections and have interlocking engagement therewith, supportingchains for the hangers and spring-rollers for said chains.
  • a sleeping-car provided with pivoted chairs having extensible seats adapted to form lower berths and seat-back sections which are hinged to the seat-backs, and means for supporting the free edges of the seat-back sections from the roof of the car embracing two vertically movable hangers provided with horizontal parts adapted to extend beneath the corners of the seat-back sections and which have interlocking engagement therewith, supporting-chains for the hangers, spring-rollers for said chains, and connecting-bars rigidly joining the two hangers with each other.
  • a sleeping-car chair the seat portion of which comprises two folding bed-bottom sections hinged together at their rear edges, the said sections being adapted to slide inwardly and outwardly on the chair-frame and the lower section being provided at its forward edge with supporting-legs.
  • a sleeping-car chair the seat portion of which comprises two folding bed-bottom sections hinged together at their rear edges, said sections being adapted to slide inwardly and outwardly on the chair-frame and the upper section being adapted to rest on the chairframe behind the lower section when the sections are shifted outwardly and unfolded, said upper section being provided with a cushion adapted to constitute when the sections are folded a cushion for the chair-seat.
  • the seat portion of which is extensible to form part of a lower berth and which is provided with a seat-back section hinged to the upper margin of the chair-luck and a cushion for the said seatback section embracinga cushion-frame which 1s made separable from the seat-back section,
  • said seat-back section and the cushion-frame being provided with interlocking parts by which the cushion is detachably secured to the seat-back section.
  • a sleeping-car chair the seat portion of which comprises two folding bed-bottom sections hinged together at their rear edges, the said sections being adapted to slide inwardlv and outwardly on the chairframe, and the back of the chair being provided with a hinged seat-back section adapted to be swung upwardly on its hinges to a horizontal position, the upper bed-bottom section being provided at its rear margin with a rearwardly-extend- 'ing part adapted to engage the lower or free edge of said seat-back section.
  • a sleeping-car chair having a hinged seat-back section adapted to be placed in a horizontal position to form part of an upper berth, a partiti n-section hinged to the carroof and adapted to meet the upper edge of the chair-back, a hanger on the car-roof for supporting the free edge of the seat-back section and a guard-rail which is hinged at one end to the partition-section and is adapted for engagement at its free end with said hanger.
  • a sleeping-car having two opposite chairs provided with extensible seats and the backs of which are provided at their side margins with forwardly-facingguide-grooves,and a curtain hung from the car-roof and adapted, when drawn downwardly, to engage at its side edges with said guide-grooves.
  • a sleeping-car provided with two pivotally-supported chairs arranged opposite to each other and havingextensible seats adapted to form a lower berth, the chair-backs being provided at their side margins with forwardly-facing guide-grooves, movable partition-sections adapted to form upward extensions of the chair-backs, and a curtain lmng on the car-roof adapted to be drawn downwardly with its side margins in engagement with the said guide-grooves.
  • a sleeping-car provided with two pivoted chairs having extensible seats arranged to form a lower berth when the chairs are turned to face each other, and a roller-curtain on the car-roof extending transversely of the car, the backs of said chairs being provided at their side margins with forwardly-facing guide-grooves for engagement with the side edges of the curtain, and the side arms of the chair having arm-rests which are hinged to the chair-arms so that they may be thrown inwardly out of the path of the curtain.
  • a sleeping-car provided with pivoted chairs arranged at opposite sides of the car with their pivots located at such distances from the sides of the car that when the chairs are swung to a position with their seat-backs transverse of the car, a center aisle will be formed between them, and when swung in a position with their seat-backs parallel with the sides of the car, two side aisles will be formed, said chairs having seats which are extensible to form lower berths, extensible partition-sections on the side walls of the carroof turret adapted to form partitions separating the berths from the side aisles of the car.
  • a sleeping-car provided with pivoted chairs arranged at opposite sides of the car with their pivots located at such distances from the sides of the car that when the chairs are swung to a position with their seat-backs transverse of the car, a center aisle will be formed between them, and when swung in a position with their seat-backs parallel with the sides of the car, two side aisles will be formed, said chairs having seats which are extensible to form lower berths, and movable seat back sections adapted to be placed in horizontal position to form upper berths, and extensible partition-sections on the side walls of the car-roof turret adapted to form partitions separating the upper berths from the side aisles of the car.
  • a sleeping-car provided on the side walls of its roof-turret with extensible partition-sections adapted to form the upper parts of partitions separating berth-sections from side aisles of the car.
  • a sleeping-car provided on the side walls of its roof-turret with extensible partition-sections adapted to form the upper parts of partitions separating berth-sections from side aisles of the car, and roller-curtains hung on the car-roof between the side walls of the roof-turret and adapted to form transverse partitions between the sections.
  • a sleeping-car provided with chairs having seats which are extensible to form lower berths when the seats are faced toward the center of the car, and extensible partition-sections on the side walls of the ear-roof turret adapted to meet the upper margins of the chair-backs to form the upper parts of partitions between the berth-sections and the said side aisles of the car.
  • a sleeping-car provided with chairs having seats which are extensible to form lower berths when the seats are faced toward the center of the car, extensible partition-sections on the side walls of the ear-roof turret adapted to meet the upper margins of the chairbacks to form the upper parts of the partitions between the berth-sections and the said side aisles of the car, and roller-curtains hung on the car-roof between the side walls of the roof-turret and adapted to form transverse partitions between the sections.
  • a sleeping-car provided with pivoted chairs arranged at opposite sides of the car with their pivots at such distance from the sides of the car that when the chairs are swung to. a position with their seat-backs transverse of the car, a center aisle will be formed between them, and when swung in a position with their seat-backs parallel with the sides of the car, two side aisles will be formed, said chairs having seats which are extensible to form lower berths when the seats are faced toward the center of the car, and extensible partitionsections on the side walls of the car-roof turret adapted to meet the chair-backs to form the upper parts of the partitions between the sections and the said side aisles of the car.
  • a sleeping-car provided with chairs convertible into berths, the car-roof having a central elevated or turret portion provided with vertical side walls, and lateral ceilingsections, which form, with the said side walls and the lateral parts of the car-roof, inelosed spaces or chambers; said vertical side walls of the turret portion having, in their lower parts, openings affording access to the said spaces or chambers.
  • a sleeping-car provided with pivoted chairs arranged opposite each other and having extensible seats adapted to form lower berths when the chairs are turned to face each other, hinged partition-sections on the car-roof adapted to meet the upper margins of the chair-backs to form end walls for the berths, and roller-curtains hung on the car-roof and adapted to form transverse partitions between the sections.
  • a sleeping-car provided with pivoted chairs arranged at opposite sides of the center line of the car and having extensible seats adapted to form lower berths when the chairs are turned to face each other, partition-sections hinged to the side walls of the car-roof turret and adapted to meet the upper margins of the chair-backs to form the end walls for the berths, and roller-curtains hung on the car-roof between said side walls of the roof-turret and adapted to form transverse partitions between the sections.
  • a sleeping-car provided with pivoted chairs arranged at opposite sides of the center line of the car and having extensible seats adapted to form lower berths when the chairs "are turned to face each other, partition-sections hinged to the side walls of the car-roof turret and adapted to meet the upper margins of the chair-backs to form the end walls for the berths, and roller-curtains hung on the car-roof between said side walls of the roof-turret and adapted to form transverse partitions between the sections, the chairbacks being provided with guide-grooves at their side margins adapted for engagement with the said roller-curtains when the latter are drawn downwardly.
  • a sleeping-ear provided with two oppositely-arranged, pivotally-supported chai rs. provided with extensible seats adapted to form berths, the root of the ear being provided with a central elevated turret portion having vertical side walls, partition-sections hinged at their edges to the lower edges of said Vertieal side walls, and adapted to be folded upwardl against said side walls, or to be folded downwardly to meet the upper edges of the seat-backs, and roller-curtains mounted on the said Vertical side walls of the turret between the partition-seetions.
  • a sleeping-ear provided with pivotallysupported chairs arranged on opposite sides of the center line of the car, said ehairs having seats which are extensible to form lower berths and movable seat-back sections adapted to form upper berths, hinged partitionsections hung on the ear-roof parallel with the sides of the ear and adapted to meet the chair-backs when the chairs are faced inwardly, roller-eurtains suspended from the car-roof transversely of the ear and in line with the ends of the hinged partition-sections and roller-curtains hung on the ear-root parallel with the side walls of the ear and between the hinged partition-sections, said curtains being adapted to form, with the chair-backs and the hinged partition-sections, compartments or inelosures for the berths.


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Transportation (AREA)
  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • Chairs For Special Purposes, Such As Reclining Chairs (AREA)


No. 798,820. PATENTED SEPT. 5, 1905. D. S. McEWING.
nmnzw a cum: ca. Pucwmmunua. mswnmom n c.
Rm 0 9 1 5 1 E S D B T N E T A P G N I W E O M S D 0 2 w oo 9 7 0 N SLEEPING GAR.
I Jayme, 9 M
No. 798,820. PATENTED SEPT. 5, 1905. D. S. McEWING. SLEEPING GAR.
moth". I Wm 00. wow-vacuum. wnmnmwn. a c
No. 798,820. PATENTED SEPT. 5, 1905. D. S. MQEWING.
mrnzw a slum :0. Puumuwcuanuzns. wAsnmuwu. D c,
No. 798,820, Specification of Letters Patent. Patented Sept. 5, 1905.
Application filed December 12, 1904. Serial No. 236,547.
14/"! if 'J/ parallel rows, the chairs in the two rows be- Beit known that .I, DUNCAN S. Molfiwmu, a ing opposite each other and each pair of opcitizen of the United States, residing at Chiposite chairs being adapted to form an upper cage, in the county of Cook and State of lllij and a lower berth. Each chair is pivotally 6o nois, have invented certain new and useful supported in such manner as to swing about Improvements in Sleeping-Cars; and I do a pivotalaxislocated near the rearof thechairhereby d clare that the following is a full, seat and centrally with respect to the length clear, and exact description thereof, reference thereof. The pivots of the chairs are so arbeing bad to the accompanying drawings, and ranged that when thechairs are swung into poto the letters of reference marked thereon, sitiontobringtheseatsthereoftransversely of which form a part of this specification. the car one end of each seat will stand parallel This invention relates to sleeping-cars; and with and adjacent to the side wall of the car, it includes both improvements in convertible and when the chairs are turned to bring the chairs and berths and in means for forming seat portions thereof longitudinally of the compartments in the car within which the l car, with the front edges of the seats of the berths are contained when adjusted for use. two opposite chairs facing each other, the ex- The invention consists in the matters heretcnsible seat portions of the two chairs when inafter described, and pointed out in the acextended will form a lower berth and the back companying claims. portions of the two chairs will meet edge to As shown in the accompanying drawings, edge to form an upper berth. It follows Figure I is a plan view of a part of a railwayfrom the arrangement described that when car, showing four chairs arranged side by the chairs are in use in the day-time as seats side and made up to form two berths and they will stand transversely of the car along two other chairs in condition for use as seats, l the sides of the same, thereby forming a censaid plan section being taken upon the inditral aisle, and when the chairs are swung on reet line 1 1 of Fig. 2. Fig. 2 is a longitutheir pivots so as to face each other and form dinal section of the car, taken on line 2 2 of the upper and lower berths said berths will Fig. 1. Fig. 3 is a cross-section of the car, extend transversely of the car along the centaken on the line 3 of Fig. 2. Fig. T is a ter line thereof, and two aisles will be formed like cross-section of the car, taken upon line in the car along the side walls thereof. & at of Fig. 2. Fig. 5 is a detail vertical sec- Now referring to the construction of the tion ofone of the chair-seats in its folded conchair, the frame of each chair, as herein dition. Fig. (5 is a like section showing the shown, consists principally of horizontal side chair-seat in its extended position. Fig. T is pieces B I), attached at their rear ends to upa detail section taken on line T 7 of Fig. rights B b of the chair-back and at their Fig. 8 is an enlarged detail section taken on forward ends to standards II B which form line b 8 of Fig. 2. Fig. 9 is a detail crosslegs for the front of the frame, the said side section taken upon line 9 9 of Fig. Fig. pieces B and uprights B I3 being connected I0 is a detail cross-section taken on line l0 10 by a rear cross-piece and a front cross-piece of Fig. 9. Fig. 11 is a detail plan section 0. These parts form a horizontally-dis wsed taken on line 11 11 of Fig. 4:. base-frame and an upright back-frame. The As illustrated in said drawings, A indicates chairframe as a whole is supported by means the car-floor; A A, the side walls of the car; of a pivotal support U, located adjacent to A the turret-roof; A A, the side walls of the the rear margin of the chair-frame beneath or I00 turret, and A" the lateral portions of the carnearly beneath the back-frame, the same being roof which connect the upper margins of the preferably attached to the lower end of said side walls A A with the side walls- A A" of I back-frame. Said pivotal supports G are lothe turret. Said side walls A" A of the turl cated at a distance from the side walls of the car ret are shown as extended downwardly below somewhat more than one-half of the width of I05 the inner margins of the side portions A A the chair-seat, so that each chair may be faced of the car-roof and connected with lateral in either direction endwise of the car, or outceiling-sections A A wardly toward the sides of the car, while at the The convertible chairs, which constitute a same time when the chair is brought with its principal feature of my invention, have extenend adjacent to the side wall of the car it will be I I0 sible seats and hinged back-sections and are close to said side wall, as indicated in the case arranged along the sides of the car in two of the two chairs which are shown in Fig. 1
in the position which they will occupy in the day-time. The said chair-seats will usually be made, as shown, of a length sufficient to seat two persons, so that'when in position for use in the day-time two persons may occupy each of the two chairs at opposite sides of the center of the car, and when the two opposite chairs are swung into a position facing each other and their seats extended to form a lower berth said lower berth will constitute a double berth or will be wide enough for two persons. The general features of construction may, however, be employed where the chairs are only wide enough to seat one person; but in such case the berth will be narrower or wide enough for one person only.
he pivotal support C, as shown, consists of a flanged casting C, which is secured to the floor of the car, and a bearing-spindle G which is aflixed to the bottom of the backframe and enters a bearing-socket in said casting C. The lower part of the back-frame is shown as provided with a lower cross-piece 5 below the level of the horizontal frame-piece 5, and the spindle C is shown as extended upwardly through the cross-piece 7) and secured at its upper end to the cross-piece 5, thereby affording a rigid connection between said spindle C and the chair-frame.
The two standards B B are adapted to rest upon the car-floor, and to thereby afford a rigid support for the forward edge of the seat. Said standards or legs B B are shown as extended upwardly and attached to horizontal rails b 5 which extend rearwardly to the sides of the back-frame and constitute the chair-arms. The back of the chair embraces a rear vertical wall 71*, which reaches to the top of the chair-back and which is attached to the uprights B B and extends between said uprights. Across the top of the rear wall 6 extends a horizontal too piece 72", which is attached at its ends to the sides of the uprights B B. The said rear wall I) constitutes a partition which when the parts are arranged to form a berth constitutes the lower part of the outer or lateral wall of the berthsection, or, in other words, constitutes the lower portion of a partition by which the lateral passages of the car are separated from the berth-sections. I The side margins of the back wall I) of the chair-frame are extended beyond or outside of the uprights B B and provided with forwardly-facing flanges b 6 Fig. 8, which flanges form, with the uprights B B, for wardly-facing guide-grooves to receive and hold in place the edges of curtains, as hereinafter described.
B* B are hinged arm-rests, consisting of separate pieces located over the rails 5 b of the chair-arms and which are connected with said rails by hinges 6 6 located at the inner faces of the rails, so that the arm-rests may be swung upwardly and inwardly to an inwardly-extended position, as seen in dotted lines in Fig. 7. The said arm-rests extend normally outward in front of the guidegrooves at the sides of the chair-backs, and the purpose of the hinged construction in the arm-rests is to enable them to be thrown inside of the plane of said grooves, so that they will be out of the way of the curtains which engage said grooves.
D indicates a seat-back section which is hinged at its upper margin to the top rail 6 of the chair-back and is provided with a cushion D, which formsthe back of the seat,1but which when the section D is swung upwardly to form one part or end portion of an upper berth constitutes the end portion of the bedbottom of the upper berth or in case such upper berth be provided with a mattress forms a support for a mattress placed thereon. Devices are provided for supporting the free edges of the seat-back sectionsv D, as hereinafter described. The cushion D is shown as consisting of acushion-frame D, made separate from and detachably secured to the back-section. The means for connecting the said cushion-frame D with the backsection consist, as herein shown, of rigid hook-like projections cl on the back-section, which engage a depending cross-strip (Z on the upper horizontal frame member of the frame (Z, as clearly seen in Fig. 5, the cushion having in its rear face adjacent to the said upper horizontal frame member (Z pockets to receive the said hook-like projections d.
The seat portion of the chair is made extensible by the employment of two bed-bottom sections adapted to be folded one upon each other to form a seat for use in the daytime and to be unfolded and brought to the same horizontal plane to form part of a lower berth, said bed-bottom sections being hinged at their inner margins, so as to be folded one upon the other, and the upper bed-bottom section-being provided on its side which is uppermost when the parts are folded with a cushion which forms the chair-seat. As a separate feature of the invention the bedbottom sections are adapted to be drawn outwardly and the back-cushion to be thrown into a rearwardly-inclined position to form a reclining-chair. These parts are constructed as follows: F is the upper and F- the lower bedbottom section. Said bed -bottom sections embrace rectangular frames ff, the inner longitudinal bars of which are connected at their adjacent margins by hinges f These parts are so arranged that the upper frame F may be folded forwardly over the lower frame F to the position shown in Fig. 5, and when both of said bed-bottom sections are slid forwardly in or on the base-frame B I the upper sectionF may be swung rearwardly on the hinges f and the two sections thus brought in the same plane, as seen in Fig. 6. The said bed-bottom sections F and F areshown as provided with suitable spring-upl bolstering, as indicated by f f which may l in itself form the be'd-bottom or on which a mattress may be placed. The said bed-bot- 1 tom section F has an upholstered surface f at its top constituting the seat-cushion when daytime, as seen in Fig. 5. In order to properly support the bed-bottom sections so that they may slide inwardly and outwardly on the base-frame B, the vertical side pieces B B of 3 said base-frame are provided with inwardlyextending horizontal ledges B B Figs. 5, t), and T, on which the end members of the lower bed-bottom section F is adapted to rest and slide, as clearly seen in said Fig. 7. The lower bed-bottom section F is provided with two depending rigid legs F adapted to rest upon the car-floor and to support the forward margin of said lower bed-bottom section when both sections are drawn outwardly, and the upper section F rests on the ledges B B, as seen in Fig. 6. These parts are preferably so arranged that the legs F F will come transversely in line with and between the legs B B of the chair-frame when the chairbottom sections are thrust inwardly, as seen in Figs. 5 and 7.
\Yhen the two opposite chairs which form a berth are turned to face toward each other and the bed-bottom sectionsF and F are unfolded and drawn out, as seen in Fig. 6, the sections F and F of the two chairs will meet each other and the four sections belonging to the two chairs will form a lower berth, as clearly seen in Figs. 1 and 3.
in order to maintain the lower or free margin of the seat-section l) and cushion I) thereon always in proper position with respect to the bed-bottom sections F and F when the latter are folded to form a seat, the rear longitudinal frame member of the said section F is provided at the margin which is uppermost when the parts are folded, as seen in Fig. 5, with a rearwardly-extending partf, having at its rear margin a rising portion f, adapted to extend behind the lower margin of the backsection I) and against which said back-section rests when the parts are in use as a seat. This construction enables the seat to be easily shifted to form a reclining-chair, it being manifest that when the parts are in the position shown in Fig. 5 if the bed-bottom sections F F be drawn forwardly a desired distance the lower part of the baclcsection D and its cushion D will be correspondingly drawn forward, so that the cushion f will stand forward of its rearward position and the seat-cushion will stand in an inclined position, thus affording an inclined rest for the backs of the occupants of the seat. It will of course be understood that when the bed-bottom sections F F are thus drawn forward they will be supported at their forward edges by the legs F l l the parts are folded for use as a seat in the Now referring to the means illustrated for supporting or sustaining the free ends of the hinged back-sections D l) of two adjacent seats, made as above described, when the two chairs which form a berth are turned to face each other and said back-sections are swung upwardly to form the two end portions of a single upper berth these parts are constructed as follows: As hereinbefore described, the chairs are pivotally supported near the sides of the car in such manner that the seats and backs of each opposite pair of chairs constitute an upper and lower berth. Supporting means for the free ends of the hinged backsections are provided along the center line of the car and are so constructed as to support or sustain the edges of the back-sections of the two chairs when the same are brought together beneath the said center line. Said supporting devices consist generally of vertically-movable hangers Gr, which are sustained by chains or llexible connections (i in such manner that the hangers may be raised or lowered or may be drawn downwardly to engage and support the back-sections and elevated to points adjacent to the car-roof when not in use. Two hangers (i (ii are employed for each upper berth, and they are preferably connected'rigidly with each other by horizontal bars (V, which extend beneath the meeting edges of the seat-back sections, below and parallel with said meeting edges. Moreover, each hanger is adapted for interlocking engagement with the forward corners of both of the seat-back sections supported thereby, so that they hold or look together the meeting edges of said seat-back sections. The devices illustrated for raising and lowering the hangers consist, as shown, of spring-actuated rollers H 11, mounted on the car-roof, and one of which is employed for the two hinges, which operate in connection with a single berth. Said spring-rollers may be constructed in any usual or preferred manner. As shown in the drawings, the two rollers employed for each berth are mounted on a shaft H, around which are arranged coiled springs A h for turning the rollers. 1n the day-time or when the berths are not in use the hangers G (i are held at the top of the car, as shown at the left-hand end of Fig. 2, by the action of the springs l1 l1, and said hangers may be drawn downwardly and engaged with the two back-sections, which constitute the upper berth, at the time of making up the said berth. The hangers (1" (i consist each of an upright part to the upper end of which the lower end of the simporting-chain G is attached and the lower end of which is provided with a horizontal part or extension adapted to extend beneath and form a support for the seat-back sections, the said horizontal parts or extensions of the hangers being wide enough to extend beneath the corner portions of both seat-back sections. Said horizontal connecting-bars (j serve to hold the two &
hangers at the distance apart required for their proper engagement with the end of the seat-back sections. To afford suitable interlocking connection of the same hangers G with the seat-back sections D D, the latter are provided at their outer corners with holes or sockets (Z (Z Figs. 9 and 10, and the horizontal lower parts of said hangers are provided with looking studs or prongs g which rise therefrom inside of and parallel with the main or upright parts thereof, so that they may engage or pass through said sockets (Z tliand thereby hold the hangers interlocked with both of the seat-back sections and at the same time hold together or in contact with each other the 'free edges of said sections, as clearly seen in Figs. 9 and 10. The corners of the seat-back cushions D D are notched to give room for the ends of the studs g g, which rise above the seat-back sections, as clearly seen in Figs. 1, 9, and 10.
For closing the spaces at the ends of the upper berths above the walls (P of the chairbacks movable partition-sections II are hinged to the'lower margins of the side walls A of the car-roof in such manner that they may be swung upwardly into a vertical position against the inner faces of the said walls A and there remaining when not in use and when making up the berths may be swung downwardly, so as to depend from said walls and meet at their lower end margins the upper edges of the seat-back, said hinged partitions thus arranged forming downward continuations of the wall A adapted to fill or close the spaces between the lower edges of the said walls A and the seat-backs below the same. Said hinged partition-sections are adapted to overlap the front faces of the upper margins of the seat-backs. Preferably said partition-sections are provided at their lower margins with flanges i, which extend toward the seat-backs when the latter are lowered and are adapted to extend beneath the forwardly-extending L-shaped flanges 1)" of the seat-backs. When said hinged partitionsections are swung downwardly into vertical position and overlap at their lower edges, the
' upper edges of the seat-backs and the seatback sections D, with their cushion D, are raised to their horizontal positions, the lower edges of the partition-sections are held in contact or engagement with the seat-backs by the said back-sections, the cushion parts D of which rise above the level of the tops of the top rails 6", so as to press against the inner faces of the lower margins of the partition-sections, and thereby hold the same from inward movement. Fig. 3 of the accompanying drawings shows a partition-section I in its lowered position and engaged with the upper part of the seat-back in the manner described, and from this figure it will be seen that the said partition-section I,
back, constitutes, with the seat-back, an exterior or end partition-wall for both berths or a side wall for the compartment or sec-V tween and meet the side edges of the backs of the two chairs constituting each berth or section. The side margins of said curtains J, which will preferably be made of material having some degree of stiffness, will be held in engagement with said side walls of said seatbacks by entering the guide-grooves formed in the sides of the seat-backs by the L-shaped flanges 6, Figs. 1 and'8, the outer parts of said flanges, together with the uprights B of the seat-backs, constituting grooves adapted to receive and hold in place the side margins of the said curtainsyas hereinbeforestated;
While a curtain J is provided for both sides of each berth, yet it will be understood that ordinarily only one curtain of each pair will be drawn down and will form a rear partitionwall for the upper and lower berths of one section, while the other curtain of the pair will be left rolled up, so that the upper and lower berths will open into the spaces between the berths of one section and the curtain J belonging to the next adjacent section, a space or compartment being thus provided between the two adjacent upper and lower berths for the use of the occupants of each section. For
the purpose of closing the ends of said spaces or compartments between the sections I provide other curtains K, which are mounted on spring-rollers K, arranged parallel with and at the lower edges of the walls A A in the spaces between the hinged partition-sections I, which curtains are wide enough to fill the spaces between the backs of the seats of the adjacent sections and between the adjacent side margins of the partition-sections I I when the latter are folded downwardly to meet the seat-backs. Said curtains J J when drawn down form, with the hinged partition-sections I I and the seat-backs, a continuous wall or partition separating the passages at the sides of the car from the several sections, and either of said curtains may be raised to enable the occupants of the sections to enter the same from said side passages.
Guard-rails for the sides of the upper berths are provided as follows: Said guard-rails (in cheated by L him the drawings) consist of which is made of the same width as the seati flat strips, preferably of metal, which are hinged to the partition-sections 1 near the free edges of the same and on the sides thereof which face inwardly when the partition-sections are lowered, as shown in Fig. 3. Two of said guard-rails L L are mounted on each partitioirsection, the same being each hinged at one end to the partition-section at one of the side edges of the latter. are made thin and flat and adapted to be folded one over the other tlatwise against the face of the partition-sections I, so that when said partition section is folded upwardly against the wall A", as shown in Fig. t, the folded guard-rails will rest between the par- K K will then be drawn down, so as to complete the inelosures for the several berths.
'lheside walls A of the turret, together with the lateral portions A of the car-roofand lateral ceiling-sections A constitute inclosed spaces or chambers, which are provided with doors or openings formed in the lower part Said guard-rails of the side walls A of the turret and are adapted to contain beilclothing and the like tition-section and the upper part of the wall A, as clearly seen in Figs. and 11. \Yhen rails stand at right angles to the partition- 1 sections, extending from the same along the sides of the berths to points near the middle. of the length of the berth, so that the two guard-rails, which are in line with each other, together serve as a guard or protection for one side of the berth. To hold the said guardrails in place when unfolded or in position for use, they are adapted for engagement at their freev or moving ends with the hangers (i. For this purpose in the construction shown said hangers G are provided in their upper parts,
which extend above the level of the upper berth, wit-h two locking-slots 1/, and the guard-rails L are provided at their free ends with laterally extending locking lugs 1, adapted to engage said slots.
against the inner faces of the said hangers and the lugs to extend outwardly through said slots u. so that after the seat-back sections have been raised to form the upper berths and engaged with the hangers (it the said guard-rails may he then unfolded and swung outward until the lugs Z on their outer ends are brought into engagement with said slots, as clearly seen in Figs. 3, 9, and 10.
In arranging for use the berth in a sleeping-car constructed as described the chairs are first swung or turned so as to bring the opposite chairs facing each other, the bedbottom sections constituting the chair-seats are then drawn out and unfolded. the partition-sections I are then lowered to bring guide-grooves at the sides of the chair-hacks 1 formed by the flanges b 6 The side curtains The outer ends of the guard-rails are adapted to rest or bear the when the berths are not in use. Said doors or openings are closed by the movable partition-sections l when the latter are folded upwardly against the said side walls A 1 claim as my invention l. A sleeping-car provided with pivotally- 1 supported chairs arranged at opposite sides of extended or in position for use, the said guard- 9 chairs arranged at opposite sides of the car,
with their pivots locatedat such distance from the sides of the car that when the chairs are swung into a position with their seat-backs transverse to the car, a center aisle will be formed between them. and when swung into a position with their seat-backs parallel with the sides of the car, two side aisles will be formed, said chairs having seats which are extensible to fornr lower berths, and having also movable seat-back sections adapted to be placed in a horizontal position to form upper berths.
3. A sleeping-car provided with chairs arranged at opposite sides of the car and pivotally sup 'iorted on pivots located near the rear margins of the seats thereof and at such distances from the sides of the car that when the chairs are swung into a position with their seat-backs transverse to the car, a center aisle will be formed between them, and when swung into position with their seat-backs parallel with the sides of the car, two side aisles will be formed, said chairs having seats which are extensible to form lower berths when the chairs are faced toward each other.
t. A. sleeping-car provided with chairs arranged at opposite sides of the car and pivotally supported on pivots located near the rear margins of the seats thereof and at such distances from the sides of the car that when the chairs are swung into a position with their seat-backs transverse to the car, a center aisle will be formed between them, and when swung into a position with their seat-backs parallel with the sides of the car, two side aisles will be formed, said chairs having seats which are extensible to form lower berths and having also movable seat-back sections adapted to be placed in a horizontal position to form upper berths when the chairs are faced toward each other.
5. Asleeping-car provided with two pivoted chairs located at opposite sides of the center line of the car, the seat portions of said chairs comprising upper and lower bed-bottom sections hinged together at their rear margins and adapted to slide on the seat-frames and the pivots of the chairs being arranged at such distance apart that when the said bed-bottom sections are unfolded, they will meet each other to form a lower berth.
6. A sleeping-car provided with two pivoted chairs located at opposite sides of the center line' of the car, the seat portions of said chairs comprising upper and lower bed-bottom sections hinged to each other at their rear edges and adapted to slide on the seatframe and the pivots of the chairs being arranged at such distance apart that when the said bed-bottom sections are unfolded, they will meet each other to form a, lower berth, and said chairs having seat-back sections hinged to the chair-backs and adapted to be placed in a horizontal position and to meet each other to form an upper berth.
7. A sleeping-car provided with pivotallysupported chairs, arranged opposite each other, and having extensible seats arranged to form the lower berths when the chairs are faced toward each other and the seats are extended, and hinged partition-sections on the roof of the car adapted to meet the chair-backs to form therewith end walls for the berths.
8. A sleeping-car provided with two pivotally: supported chairs arranged at opposite sides of the center line of the car, and provided with extensible seats adapted, when the chairs are faced toward each other and the seats are extended, to form a lower berth, and having seat-back sections hinged to the chair-backs and adapted to form an upper berth, and partition-sections hinged to the side walls of the roof-turret of the car and adapted to meet the chair-backs to form end walls for the berths.
9. A sleeping-car provided with two pivotally-supported chairs located at opposite sides of the center line of the car and provided with extensible seat-sections adapted to form a lower berth and with movable seat-back sections adapted to form an upper berth, the roof of the car being provided with a central elevated or turret portion having vertical side walls, partition-sections hinged to the lower edges of said vertical side walls and adapted to be folded upwardly against said vertical side walls, or to be folded downwardly to meet the upper edges of the seat-backs.
10. A sleeping-car provided with two oppositely arranged pivoted chairs, having seats which are extensible to form a lower berth and movable seat-back sections adapted to form an upper berth, and partition-sections hinged to the car-roof and adapted to meet the upper margins of the chair-back, the lower margins of said partition-sections overlapping the upper margins of the chair-backs, so that they will be held in contact therewith by the seat-back sections when the latter are elevated. v
11. A sleeping-car provided with two pivoted chairs arranged on opposite sides of the center line of the car and having extensible seats adapted, when the chairs are faced toward each other and the seats are extended, to form a lower berth, and having seat-back sections which are hinged at their upper edges to the seat-backs and are adapted when placed in a horizontal position to form an upper berth and supporting means hung from the car-roof at the center line thereof and adapted to engage the meeting edges of said seat-back sections to sustain the same.
12. A sleeping-car provided with two pivoted chairs arranged opposite each other and having extensible seats adapted, when the chairs are faced toward each other and the seats are extended, to form lower berths, and having seat-back sections which are hinged at their upper edges to the seat-backs and supporting means on the car-roof adapted to engage the free edges of said seat-back sections when the same are placed in a horizontal position, embracing two hangers each of which has interlocking connection with the corners of both seat-back sections.
13. A sleeping-car provided with two pivoted chairs having extensible seats adapted to form a lower berth and seat-back sections which are hinged to the chair-backs and are adapted to form an upper berth and means for supporting the free edges of said seatback sections from the roof of the car, embracing vertically-movable hangers adapted for engagement with the corners of the seatback sections.
14. A sleeping-car provided with two pivoted chairs arranged opposite each other and having extensible seats adapted to form lower berths and seat-back sections which are hinged to the chair-backs, and means for supporting the free edges of said seat-back sections from the roof of the car embracing vertically-movable hangers adapted for engagement with the seat-back sections, supporting-chains for the hangers and spring-rollers for said chains.
15. A sleeping-car provided with two pivoted chairs arranged opposite each other and having extensible seats adapted to form lower berths, and seat-back sections which are hinged to the chair-backs, and means for supporting the free edges of said seat-back sections from the roof of-the car embracing two verticallymovable hangers adapted to engage the corners of said sections and horizontal connecting-bars joining the two hangers.
16. A sleeping-car provided with two piv- ICO oted chairs having extensible seats adapted to form lower berths, and seat-back sections which are hinged to the chair-backs, and means for stmporting the free edges of said seat-back sections from the roof of the car embracing vertically movable hangers provided with horizontal portions which extend beneath the corners of the seat-back sections, and are provided with upwardly-projccting studs adapted to engage sockets in said corners of the seatback sections.
IT. A sleeping-car provided with two pivoted chairs having extensible seats adapted to form lower berths and seat-back sections which are hinged to the chair-backs and means for supporting the free edges of the seat-back sections from the roof of the car embracing vertically movable hangers provided with horizontal parts which extend beneath the corners of the seat-back sections and have interlocking engagement therewith, supportingchains for the hangers and spring-rollers for said chains.
18. A sleeping-car provided with pivoted chairs having extensible seats adapted to form lower berths and seat-back sections which are hinged to the seat-backs, and means for supporting the free edges of the seat-back sections from the roof of the car embracing two vertically movable hangers provided with horizontal parts adapted to extend beneath the corners of the seat-back sections and which have interlocking engagement therewith, supporting-chains for the hangers, spring-rollers for said chains, and connecting-bars rigidly joining the two hangers with each other.
it). A sleeping-car chair the seat portion of which comprises two folding bed-bottom sections hinged together at their rear edges, the said sections being adapted to slide inwardly and outwardly on the chair-frame and the lower section being provided at its forward edge with supporting-legs.
20. A sleeping-car chair, the seat portion of which comprises two folding bed-bottom sections hinged together at their rear edges, said sections being adapted to slide inwardly and outwardly on the chair-frame and the upper section being adapted to rest on the chairframe behind the lower section when the sections are shifted outwardly and unfolded, said upper section being provided with a cushion adapted to constitute when the sections are folded a cushion for the chair-seat.
21. in a sleeping-car chair, the seat portion of which is extensible to form part of a lower berth and which is provided with a seat-back section hinged to the upper margin of the chair-luck and a cushion for the said seatback section embracinga cushion-frame which 1s made separable from the seat-back section,
said seat-back section and the cushion-frame being provided with interlocking parts by which the cushion is detachably secured to the seat-back section.
l l l l 22. A sleeping-car chair. the seat portion of which comprises two folding bed-bottom sections hinged together at their rear edges, the said sections being adapted to slide inwardlv and outwardly on the chairframe, and the back of the chair being provided with a hinged seat-back section adapted to be swung upwardly on its hinges to a horizontal position, the upper bed-bottom section being provided at its rear margin with a rearwardly-extend- 'ing part adapted to engage the lower or free edge of said seat-back section.
25. A sleeping-car chair having a hinged seat-back section adapted to be placed in a horizontal position to form part of an upper berth, a partiti n-section hinged to the carroof and adapted to meet the upper edge of the chair-back, a hanger on the car-roof for supporting the free edge of the seat-back section and a guard-rail which is hinged at one end to the partition-section and is adapted for engagement at its free end with said hanger.
2*. A sleeping-car having two opposite chairs provided with extensible seats and the backs of which are provided at their side margins with forwardly-facingguide-grooves,and a curtain hung from the car-roof and adapted, when drawn downwardly, to engage at its side edges with said guide-grooves.
A sleeping-car provided with two pivotally-supported chairs arranged opposite to each other and havingextensible seats adapted to form a lower berth, the chair-backs being provided at their side margins with forwardly-facing guide-grooves, movable partition-sections adapted to form upward extensions of the chair-backs, and a curtain lmng on the car-roof adapted to be drawn downwardly with its side margins in engagement with the said guide-grooves.
26. A sleeping-car provided with two pivoted chairs having extensible seats arranged to form a lower berth when the chairs are turned to face each other, and a roller-curtain on the car-roof extending transversely of the car, the backs of said chairs being provided at their side margins with forwardly-facing guide-grooves for engagement with the side edges of the curtain, and the side arms of the chair having arm-rests which are hinged to the chair-arms so that they may be thrown inwardly out of the path of the curtain.
27. A sleeping-car provided with pivoted chairs arranged at opposite sides of the car with their pivots located at such distances from the sides of the car that when the chairs are swung to a position with their seat-backs transverse of the car, a center aisle will be formed between them, and when swung in a position with their seat-backs parallel with the sides of the car, two side aisles will be formed, said chairs having seats which are extensible to form lower berths, extensible partition-sections on the side walls of the carroof turret adapted to form partitions separating the berths from the side aisles of the car.
28. A sleeping-car provided with pivoted chairs arranged at opposite sides of the car with their pivots located at such distances from the sides of the car that when the chairs are swung to a position with their seat-backs transverse of the car, a center aisle will be formed between them, and when swung in a position with their seat-backs parallel with the sides of the car, two side aisles will be formed, said chairs having seats which are extensible to form lower berths, and movable seat back sections adapted to be placed in horizontal position to form upper berths, and extensible partition-sections on the side walls of the car-roof turret adapted to form partitions separating the upper berths from the side aisles of the car.
29. A sleeping-car provided on the side walls of its roof-turret with extensible partition-sections adapted to form the upper parts of partitions separating berth-sections from side aisles of the car.
30. A sleeping-car provided on the side walls of its roof-turret with extensible partition-sections adapted to form the upper parts of partitions separating berth-sections from side aisles of the car, and roller-curtains hung on the car-roof between the side walls of the roof-turret and adapted to form transverse partitions between the sections.
31. A sleeping-car provided with chairs having seats which are extensible to form lower berths when the seats are faced toward the center of the car, and extensible partition-sections on the side walls of the ear-roof turret adapted to meet the upper margins of the chair-backs to form the upper parts of partitions between the berth-sections and the said side aisles of the car.
32. A sleeping-car provided with chairs having seats which are extensible to form lower berths when the seats are faced toward the center of the car, extensible partition-sections on the side walls of the ear-roof turret adapted to meet the upper margins of the chairbacks to form the upper parts of the partitions between the berth-sections and the said side aisles of the car, and roller-curtains hung on the car-roof between the side walls of the roof-turret and adapted to form transverse partitions between the sections.
38. A sleeping-car provided with pivoted chairs arranged at opposite sides of the car with their pivots at such distance from the sides of the car that when the chairs are swung to. a position with their seat-backs transverse of the car, a center aisle will be formed between them, and when swung in a position with their seat-backs parallel with the sides of the car, two side aisles will be formed, said chairs having seats which are extensible to form lower berths when the seats are faced toward the center of the car, and extensible partitionsections on the side walls of the car-roof turret adapted to meet the chair-backs to form the upper parts of the partitions between the sections and the said side aisles of the car.
34. A sleeping-car provided with chairs convertible into berths, the car-roof havinga central elevated or turret portion provided with vertical side walls, and lateral ceilingsections, which form, with the said side walls and the lateral parts of the car-roof, inelosed spaces or chambers; said vertical side walls of the turret portion having, in their lower parts, openings affording access to the said spaces or chambers. I
35. A sleeping-car provided with chairs convertible into berths, the car-roof having a central elevated or turret portion provided with vertical side walls, lateral ceiling-sections which form, with the said side walls and the lateral parts of the carroof, inelosed spaces or chambers; said vertical side walls of the turret portion having, in their lower parts, openings affording access to the said spaces or chambers, and partition-sections hinged to the lower margins of said vertical side walls and adapted to close said openings when swung upwardly into a vertical position against the inner faces thereof.
36. A sleeping-car provided with pivoted chairs arranged opposite each other and having extensible seats adapted to form lower berths when the chairs are turned to face each other, hinged partition-sections on the car-roof adapted to meet the upper margins of the chair-backs to form end walls for the berths, and roller-curtains hung on the car-roof and adapted to form transverse partitions between the sections.
37. A sleeping-car provided with pivoted chairs arranged at opposite sides of the center line of the car and having extensible seats adapted to form lower berths when the chairs are turned to face each other, partition-sections hinged to the side walls of the car-roof turret and adapted to meet the upper margins of the chair-backs to form the end walls for the berths, and roller-curtains hung on the car-roof between said side walls of the roof-turret and adapted to form transverse partitions between the sections.
38. A sleeping-car provided with pivoted chairs arranged at opposite sides of the center line of the car and having extensible seats adapted to form lower berths when the chairs "are turned to face each other, partition-sections hinged to the side walls of the car-roof turret and adapted to meet the upper margins of the chair-backs to form the end walls for the berths, and roller-curtains hung on the car-roof between said side walls of the roof-turret and adapted to form transverse partitions between the sections, the chairbacks being provided with guide-grooves at their side margins adapted for engagement with the said roller-curtains when the latter are drawn downwardly.
39. A sleeping-ear provided with two oppositely-arranged, pivotally-supported chai rs. provided with extensible seats adapted to form berths, the root of the ear being provided with a central elevated turret portion having vertical side walls, partition-sections hinged at their edges to the lower edges of said Vertieal side walls, and adapted to be folded upwardl against said side walls, or to be folded downwardly to meet the upper edges of the seat-backs, and roller-curtains mounted on the said Vertical side walls of the turret between the partition-seetions.
at). A sleeping-ear provided with pivotallysupported chairs arranged on opposite sides of the center line of the car, said ehairs having seats which are extensible to form lower berths and movable seat-back sections adapted to form upper berths, hinged partitionsections hung on the ear-roof parallel with the sides of the ear and adapted to meet the chair-backs when the chairs are faced inwardly, roller-eurtains suspended from the car-roof transversely of the ear and in line with the ends of the hinged partition-sections and roller-curtains hung on the ear-root parallel with the side walls of the ear and between the hinged partition-sections, said curtains being adapted to form, with the chair-backs and the hinged partition-sections, compartments or inelosures for the berths.
In testimony that I claim the foregoing as my invention 1 allix my signature, in presence of two witnesses, this Tth day of December, A. l). 1904.
G. CLARENCE looLn, ('ir. R. \V'imuNs.
US23654704A 1904-12-12 1904-12-12 Sleeping-car. Expired - Lifetime US798820A (en)

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