US798785A - Platen for type-writing machines. - Google Patents

Platen for type-writing machines. Download PDF


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US798785A US7080901A US1901070809A US798785A US 798785 A US798785 A US 798785A US 7080901 A US7080901 A US 7080901A US 1901070809 A US1901070809 A US 1901070809A US 798785 A US798785 A US 798785A
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Hiram Joseph Halle
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Elliott Fisher Co
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    • B41J15/00Devices or arrangements of selective printing mechanisms, e.g. ink-jet printers or thermal printers, specially adapted for supporting or handling copy material in continuous form, e.g. webs
    • B41J15/18Multiple web-feeding apparatus
    • B41J15/20Multiple web-feeding apparatus for webs superimposed during printing


  • This invention relates to type-writing machines, but more particularly to that type which embodies a flat platen with which is associated the machine proper, disposed to travel over the platen and over the work supported thereon in aflat or spread-out condition.
  • the object of the invention is to obviate the delay and annoyance occasioned by the use of separate or loose work-sheets and carbon-sheets; and to this end the invention contemplates the equipment of the platen with means for supporting the work-sheets and carbon-sheets in the form of long webs or strips in a manner to permit their intermittent advance over the writing-surface.
  • the work element, sheet, or strip is designed to be advanced to present different portions thereof in position to be written upon, and by a subsequent advance of the sheet the portion thereof which has been written upon is moved away from the printing area and is severed from the web, the carbon-sheet being advanced as occasion may require.
  • the invention also contemplates the facilitation of manifold printing, which is espe cially useful in connection with commercial billing and the duplication of sales-records, this end being attained by providing for the support and retention of a plurality of work sheets, strips, or webs and a plurality of carbon webs, the work-sheets being arranged for advancement in unison and the carbon webs being likewise disposed for simultaneous advance when necessary to present fresh or unused portions thereof opposite the worksheets.
  • these ends are attained by mounting one or more paper-carriers adjacent to one edge of the platen to deliver one or more worksheets over the platen in one direction, preferably longitudinally thereof, and one or more carbon-carriers adjacent to another edge of the platen to deliver the carbon web or webs over the platen within the printing area and at right angles to the work-sheets, suitable means being provided for retaining the work-sheets and carbon-sheets in proper operative relation.
  • a further instrumentality contributing to the invention in its preferred embodiment is a frame mounted upon the platen for movement away from the same and arranged to retain or to assist in the retention of the work and carbon elements, sheets, or webs in that closely-adjacent relation necessary to the attainment of the best results, and independent means, preferably in the form of movable tracks or guides for the traveling printing mechanism, are also provided for retaining the carbon web or webs independently of the frame, still other independent devices being provided for the retention of the extremities of the webs opposite the carriers from which they are fed.
  • Figure l is a plan view of a platen equipped in accordance with my invention.
  • Fig. 2 is a longitudinal sectional view on the line 2 2 of Fig. 1.
  • Fig. 3 is a transverse sectional view on the line 3 3 of Fig. 1.
  • Fig. -.t is another transverse sectional view on the line a a of Fig. 1.
  • Fig. 5 is a detail view of the work-holding frame.
  • Fig. 6 is a detail view of the front end of the workholding frame with the retaining-plate removed.
  • Fig. 6 is a detail perspective view of the retaining-plate.
  • Fig. 7 is a detail sectional view on the line 7 T of Fig. 5.
  • Fig. 2 is a longitudinal sectional view on the line 2 2 of Fig. 1.
  • Fig. 3 is a transverse sectional view on the line 3 3 of Fig. 1.
  • Fig. -.t is another transverse sectional view on the line a a
  • Fig. 8 is a longitudinal sectional view of a modified form of the invention, the work-sheet carriers or rolls being shown supported upon a support pendent from the rear end of the platen; and
  • Fig. 9 is a detail sectional view illustrating the manner in which a plurality of worksheet-separating platcs'are employed with a plurality of work-sheets.
  • Figs. 10 and 11 are longitudinal and transverse sections, re-
  • This machine is designed not only for writing in books, but also for writing upon loose sheetsas, for instance, in letter-writing or commercial billingand since it provides for printing upon the sheet in a flat or spread-out condition it is necessarily well adaptedfor printing upon long work strips, webs, or continuous sheets and for manifolding when equipped with the several devices to be hereinafter described.
  • the manner of mounting the paperrolls is non-essentialfas by reference to the modification of the invention disclosed in Fig. 8 it will be seen that the paper-rolls may be supported with equal facility in a plane below the platen by disposing the support at in a vertical instead of a horizontal position. Furthermore, a plurality of paper sheets may be wound in a single roll and fed simultaneously over the platen instead of arranging each of the sheets in a separate roll, as shown in the illustrated embodiment of the invention.
  • the paper sheets or webs which obviously may be of any desired width, are disposed one above the other over the writing-surface of the platen and are guided in their longitudinal movement as they are advanced forward to present different portions of the sheets to the printing area by stationary Work-guides 13 13 and let 14:, preferably paired and located adjacent to the opposite ends of the platen and at the opposite side edges of the work sheets or strips guided thereby.
  • stationary Work-guides 13 13 and let 14 preferably paired and located adjacent to the opposite ends of the platen and at the opposite side edges of the work sheets or strips guided thereby.
  • At a point between the pairs of paperguides and preferably midway between the ends of the platen one or more carbon elements or webs 15 are led transversely across the platen from one or more carbon-carriers 16 in a direction at right angles to the paper webs or strips.
  • a single carbon-carrier is shown mounted at the left-hand side of the platen in a suitable bracket 17, which, like the brackets of the paper-carriers, may be attached to any suitable support, provided the carbon-roll 18 is disposed parallel to one edge of the platen to deliver the carbon web across the writingsurface thereof at right angles to the paper to be written upon.
  • web opposite the roll 18 may be retained in a variety of ways; but by preference a second carbon-carrier 19 is disposed at the righthand side of the platen to receive the carbon web as it is unwound from the carrier 16 to present unused portions thereof within the printing area from time to time.
  • the carrier 19 is supported by a bracket 20, attached, for instance, to the base of the platen, and both of the carbon-carriers, which, as shown, are in the form of spindles, are provided with knurled thumb-wheels 21 and 22, by means of which their rotation is facilitated.
  • the carbon web 15 is passed between the paper webs or strips so that the matter printed upon the sheet 11 will be reproduced or copied upon the sheet 12 through the instrumentality of the carbon, and the several paper and carbon sheets or webs are held in proper operative relation by means of what may be termed a work-holding frame 23, disposed longitudinally over the platen and mounted for movement with respect thereto and for complete removal from the platen, as desired.
  • This work-holding frame 23 comprises a pair of parallel longitudinally-disposed rails 2 1 and 25, provided adjacent to their opposite ends with depending studs 26, received within suitable sockets or openings in the platen to retain the frame against movement in ahorizontal plane.
  • the rails are connected by a transverse clamping and guiding roll 28 for the paper strips or sheets, the free ends of which latter are retained at the front end of the frame by a retaining-plate 29, disposed upon the end plate 27 and removably held in place by swinging catches 30, designed to engage the heads of studs 31, projecting upwardly from the plate 27 and designed to ex-
  • the end of the carbon 7 tend through suitable slots 32, formed in the retaining-plate 29 and enlarged atone end to acconnnodate the heads of the studs in a manner which will be made plain by an examination of Figs. 1, 6, and (5 of the drawings.
  • the front ends of the paper strips are clamped between the plates 27 and 29 to prevent the accidental movement of the paper in the direction 'of line-spacing; but in order to facili tate the advance of the sheets to present an unused portion thereof within the printing area the plates 27 and 29 are provided with opposed tingei-o1.)ening's and 3st, slightly elongated in the longitudinal direction of the platen. hen the paper is to be advanced, it is grasped opposite these openings and is drawn forward, the printed portion being severed or torn away by the aid of the front edge of one of said plates serving as a straightedge or cutter.
  • the work-holding frame is provided with paper-guides in the form of guide-lugs 35 and 36, extending from the under side of the retaining-plate 29 and engaging the parallel slots 37 adjacent to the opposite ends of the plate 27 and of sufficient length to permit the relative movement of the plates required for the engagement of the studs 31 with the small ends of the slots 32.
  • guide-lugs are disposed immediately adjacent to the opposite edges of the paper strips as they are passed between the plates 27 and i and serve to prevent lateral slipping of the paper during the severing of its end and also assist in the retention of the plates in their proper relative positions.
  • the frame is equipped at its opposite sides with clamping plates or strips 38 and 39, set into the under sides of the rails 2i and 25 and extended inwardly therefrom a sufficient distanee'to present said clamping-strips over the adjacent longitudinal edges of the paper web at a point immediately over the transverselydisposed carbon elements.
  • the length of these paper-clamps is somewhat less than the width of the carbon element, by preference, so that the transverse paper-separating strips to and *1 carried by the rails may be disposed over the opposite edges of the carbon.
  • the actual printing area is defined between longitudinally-disposed clamping members engaging the opposite edges of the paper to be written upon and transversely-disposed clamping and separating members engaging the opposite edges of the carbon web or webs and serving to insure the separation of the paper sheets and their passage above and below the carbon.
  • the primary function of the transverse strips or plates i0 and -tl is that of separating the paper webs, particularly when a number of the latter are wound into a single roll.
  • the separating and clamping strips are therefore designed not only to assist in the retention of the carbon web in a Hat smooth condition, but are designed to effect such separation of the paper webs or strips as will cause the latter to pass above and below the carbon web without interference therewith.
  • Fig. 5 of the drawings l have shown these separating members formed with slightly-beveled edges and having their ends extended into dovetail recesses a2 in the side rails of the worleholding frame in order to facilitate the removal and replacement of the members it) and 4K1 from the rails, as desired.
  • Fig. 9.1. have illustrated the manner in which a plurality of these transverse separating members or plates are em ployed in connection with a number of paper webs.
  • the dovetail recesses at) are made sufficiently deep to accommodate a number of transverse separating members in superposed relation, and when extensive manifolding is desirable this construction is employed in order that any number of separating members may be mounted in the rails of the frame in accordance with the number of worksheets required for the contemplated manifolding.
  • a flat platen is equipped with means for leading long work-sheets and carbon webs over the writing-surface in directions at right angles to each other and for retaining the sheets and webs in their proper positions and in a flat or spread-out condition within the printing area. It therefore remains to state that the platen is additionally equipped with the main tracks or guides 43 and 44, disposed l mgitudinally of the platen adjacent to its side edges and comprising swinging tracksections *5 and 1L6, designed to move toward and from the surface of the platen and preferably disposed over the carbon web 15 to constitute additional retaining means therefor independent of the work-holding frame.
  • the tracks or guides i3 and 4% are designed for the support of the traveling printingmechanism or type writing machine, which is mounted thereon for movement over the platen in a manner well understood in the art, the rearward movement of the machine being preferably limited by adjustable machinestops to, agz'tinst which the frame of the machine abut-s.
  • a guide-roller eh may be mounted at the rear end of the platen to prevent the abrasion of the paper at that point at which its direction is changed.
  • Figs. 10 and 11 the platen is shown equipped with a number of paper webs and a number of transfer-webs, the several webs being interwoven or disposed in alternating arrangement and separately retained, so that either the transfer-webs or the paper webs may be independently advanced without disturbing the webs disposed at right angles thereto.
  • the type-writing machine In operation the type-writing machine is moved to a position directly over the printing area and is operated in the usual manner to type-write or print the desired matter upon the upper work-sheet or strip of paper.
  • the printed matter will be transferred to the several underlying copy-sheets through the medium of the interposed carbon Webs, and the printed bill, memorandum, record, letter, or the like, together with copies thereof, may then be advanced beyond the end of the workholding frame and severed from the strips,
  • What I claim is- 1.
  • a type-writing machine the combination of a flat platen, tracks or guides for the machine, a paper-roll arranged to deliver its sheet over the platen, means for securing the end of the paper, a carbon-roll arranged to deliver its sheet over the platen, and independent means for securing the carbon.
  • a type-writing machine the combination of a flat bed or platen, a cooperating machine supporting frame arranged to bear lengthwise of the platen to confine the carbonsheet thereon, means for directing a paper web lengthwise of the platen, and means independent of the frame for confining the paper.
  • a type-writing machine the combination of a flat platen, a paper-roll arranged parallel with one edge of the platen and in position to deliver the paper web thereover, a carbon-roll arranged at right angles to the paper web to deliver the carbon across the platen, and means including a track or guide for securing the carbon and the paper in operative relation during the writing action.
  • a type-writing machine the combination of a flat platen, a machine-supporting frame, two paper webs mounted for delivery over the platen, means for confining the webs on the platen during the printing operation, and a carbon-sheet lying between the paper webs and secured in position independently thereof, whereby the advance of the two webs in unison may be effected in order'to bring new portions into the writing plane of the machine without disturbance of the carbon.
  • the main tracks or guides for the traveling machine of a paper-roll arranged to deliver its sheet or web over the platen, and a frame disposed longitudinally of the platen to engage a side edge of the sheet or web.
  • a type-writing machine including a platen and printing mechanism, and having independent means at right angles to each other for securing, respectively, the carbon-sheet and the paper.
  • the combination with a fiat platen and machine-supportingmeans including a movable track or guide, of a carbon element secured by the movable track or guide, and an independent paperolamp disposed at right angles to said movable track or guide.
  • a type-writing machine in combination a flat platen, machine-supporting means including a movable track or guide, a carbonroll arranged to deliver its sheet over the platen to be secured by the movable track or guide, a paper-roll arranged to deliver its sheet over the platen, and a paper-clamp.
  • a type-writing machine having independent means at right angles to each other for securing respectively the carbon-sheet and the paper, one of said means serving also as a movable track or guide for the traveling machine and the other of. said means constituting a clamp.
  • a type-writing machine the combination with a flat platen and printing mechanism, one of which travels relative to the other, of a plurality of paper webs mounted for delivery over the platen, a paper-clamp, a transfer element disposed transverse to the paper webs and lying between the same, a rotary carrier for one end of the transfer element. and means for retaining the opposite end thereof.
  • Jib A type-writer, including printing mechanism and a platen, one of which travels relative to the other, two paper webs led over the platen, a transfer element interposed between the paper webs, and independent means at right angles to each other for securing respectively the transfer elementand the paper.
  • T3 The combination with a flat platen and tracks or guides for the traveling machine, of a paper-roll arranged to deliver a sheet or web over the platen, and means disposed longitudinally of the platen to engage a side edge of the sheet or web.
  • a type-writing machine including a i platen and printing mechanism, oneof which travels relative to the other, said machine having imlependent means at right angles to each other for securing respectively the carbon-sheet and the paper, and means for guarding a longitudinal edge of the paper.
  • a type 1 writing machine including printing mechanism and a platen, relatively movable, indtmendcnt means at right angles to each other for "securing respectively the carbon-sheet and the paper, and means for guarding a longitudinal edge of the paper, said guarding means being removable from its operative position.
  • the combination with a flat platen and tracks orguides for the traveling machine of independent means at right angles to each other for respectively securing a transfer element and a work-sheet, and means imlependent of the tracks or guides for guarding the longitudinal edgeof the work-sheet.
  • a type-writing machine including printing mechanism and a flat platen, a guide disposed to engage the edge of a web, and a movable work-holder disposed to engage and clamp a side edge of the web.
  • 'lhecombinationwithtravelingprinting mechanism a flat platen having a stationary guide disposed to engage the side edge of a web or sheet, of a movable clamping member also disposed to engage a side edge of the web or sheet.
  • a type-writing machine the combination with a flat platen and tracks or guides for a traveling machine, of a paper-roll arranged to deliver a paper sheet or web longitudinally over the platen between the tracks or guides, and carriers disposed to deliver and receive a transfer element extending across the platen at right angles to the paper sheet or web.
  • the combination with a flat platen and machine-supporting means including a movable track or guide, of a carrier, and a transfer element extended over the platen from said carrier and secured by the movable track or guide.
  • the combination with a flat platen and machine-supporting means including a movable track or guide, of carriers, and a transfer element extended between the carriers and engaged by said movable track or guide.
  • the combination with a fiat platen and machine-supporting means including a movable track or guide,
  • a type-writer having printing mechanism and a platen, one of which travels relative to the other a plurality of paper webs led over the platen, a plurality of transfer elements likewise led over the platen and alternating with the paper Webs, and independent means at right angles to each other for securing respectively the transfer elements and the pa per webs.


  • Handling Of Continuous Sheets Of Paper (AREA)


81 14. emto'z lvd/[Mesa c0 PATENTED SEPT. 5, 1905.
awuc/vl bo z gin an m N M I I ll PATENTED SEPT. 5, 1905.
b ram elflalle,
giramr/Jfialle cu. NOYO-LIYNGGRAPNiRS. WASMINGWM. n, c.
5 SHEETS-SHEET 5 .9 I ilirlllllllllllllll4 rlIIl/llJlll/l/IIIII' 1!?! s i M Ullfiilllill) STATES PATENT OFFICE.
PLATEN FOR TYPE-WRITING MACHINES- Specification of Letters Patent.
Patented Sept. 5, 1905.
Application filed August 8, 1901. Serial No. 70.809.
1'0 1.0M [If/b07111 if 71mg concern:
Be it known that I, IIIRABI Josnrii HALLE, a citizen of the United States, residing at Cleveland, in the county of Ouyahoga and State of Ohio, have invented a new and useful .Platen for Type-\Vriting Machines, of which the following is a specification.
This invention relates to type-writing machines, but more particularly to that type which embodies a flat platen with which is associated the machine proper, disposed to travel over the platen and over the work supported thereon in aflat or spread-out condition.
The object of the invention is to obviate the delay and annoyance occasioned by the use of separate or loose work-sheets and carbon-sheets; and to this end the invention contemplates the equipment of the platen with means for supporting the work-sheets and carbon-sheets in the form of long webs or strips in a manner to permit their intermittent advance over the writing-surface. The work element, sheet, or strip is designed to be advanced to present different portions thereof in position to be written upon, and by a subsequent advance of the sheet the portion thereof which has been written upon is moved away from the printing area and is severed from the web, the carbon-sheet being advanced as occasion may require.
The invention also contemplates the facilitation of manifold printing, which is espe cially useful in connection with commercial billing and the duplication of sales-records, this end being attained by providing for the support and retention of a plurality of work sheets, strips, or webs and a plurality of carbon webs, the work-sheets being arranged for advancement in unison and the carbon webs being likewise disposed for simultaneous advance when necessary to present fresh or unused portions thereof opposite the worksheets. In the preferred form of the invention these ends are attained by mounting one or more paper-carriers adjacent to one edge of the platen to deliver one or more worksheets over the platen in one direction, preferably longitudinally thereof, and one or more carbon-carriers adjacent to another edge of the platen to deliver the carbon web or webs over the platen within the printing area and at right angles to the work-sheets, suitable means being provided for retaining the work-sheets and carbon-sheets in proper operative relation.
A further instrumentality contributing to the invention in its preferred embodiment is a frame mounted upon the platen for movement away from the same and arranged to retain or to assist in the retention of the work and carbon elements, sheets, or webs in that closely-adjacent relation necessary to the attainment of the best results, and independent means, preferably in the form of movable tracks or guides for the traveling printing mechanism, are also provided for retaining the carbon web or webs independently of the frame, still other independent devices being provided for the retention of the extremities of the webs opposite the carriers from which they are fed.
The invention also contemplates various other instrumentalities, the nature and utility of which will hereinafter more fully appear as the foregoing and subordinate objects and the means for accomplishing the same are developed in the succeeding description of the preferred form of said invention, which for the purpose of this disclosure I have illustrated in the accompanying drawings.
In said drawings, Figure l is a plan view of a platen equipped in accordance with my invention. Fig. 2 is a longitudinal sectional view on the line 2 2 of Fig. 1. Fig. 3 is a transverse sectional view on the line 3 3 of Fig. 1. Fig. -.t is another transverse sectional view on the line a a of Fig. 1. Fig. 5 is a detail view of the work-holding frame. Fig. 6 is a detail view of the front end of the workholding frame with the retaining-plate removed. Fig. 6 is a detail perspective view of the retaining-plate. Fig. 7 is a detail sectional view on the line 7 T of Fig. 5. Fig. 8 is a longitudinal sectional view of a modified form of the invention, the work-sheet carriers or rolls being shown supported upon a support pendent from the rear end of the platen; and Fig. 9 is a detail sectional view illustrating the manner in which a plurality of worksheet-separating platcs'are employed with a plurality of work-sheets. Figs. 10 and 11 are longitudinal and transverse sections, re-
to designate corresponding parts throughout the views. I
The improvements comprehended by the subject-matter of the present application are not necessarily confined to any particular type of type-writing machine, as they could obviously be adapted for use in connection with any form of type-writer embodying a flat platen for holding the sheet in a flat or spreadout condition. However, in order that the construction and operation of the invention may be clearly understood the several instrumentalities embraced thereby are shown in the drawings as associated with the platen of what is known commercially as the Fisher type-writing machine. This machine is designed not only for writing in books, but also for writing upon loose sheetsas, for instance, in letter-writing or commercial billingand since it provides for printing upon the sheet in a flat or spread-out condition it is necessarily well adaptedfor printing upon long work strips, webs, or continuous sheets and for manifolding when equipped with the several devices to be hereinafter described.
1 indicates the platen, provided with a suitable writing-surface 2 and supported upon a base 3, which in the form of the invention illustrated in the first seven figures of the drawings is extended beyond the rear end of the platen to constitute a supports for a pair of paper-carriers 5 and 6. These carriers are designed for the support of the paper- rolls 7 and 8 and are therefore revolubly mounted in suitable brackets 9, extending from the face of the support 4: and equipped with tension devices 10, which bear against the paperrolls and oppose such resistance to the rotation thereof as will prevent accidental slacking of the work elements, strips, webs, or sheets 11 and 12, extended from the rolls and led longitudinally over the writing-surface of the platen. It should be understood, however, that the manner of mounting the paperrolls is non-essentialfas by reference to the modification of the invention disclosed in Fig. 8 it will be seen that the paper-rolls may be supported with equal facility in a plane below the platen by disposing the support at in a vertical instead of a horizontal position. Furthermore, a plurality of paper sheets may be wound in a single roll and fed simultaneously over the platen instead of arranging each of the sheets in a separate roll, as shown in the illustrated embodiment of the invention.
The paper sheets or webs, which obviously may be of any desired width, are disposed one above the other over the writing-surface of the platen and are guided in their longitudinal movement as they are advanced forward to present different portions of the sheets to the printing area by stationary Work-guides 13 13 and let 14:, preferably paired and located adjacent to the opposite ends of the platen and at the opposite side edges of the work sheets or strips guided thereby. At a point between the pairs of paperguides and preferably midway between the ends of the platen one or more carbon elements or webs 15 are led transversely across the platen from one or more carbon-carriers 16 in a direction at right angles to the paper webs or strips. In the illustrated embodiment of the invention a single carbon-carrier is shown mounted at the left-hand side of the platen in a suitable bracket 17, which, like the brackets of the paper-carriers, may be attached to any suitable support, provided the carbon-roll 18 is disposed parallel to one edge of the platen to deliver the carbon web across the writingsurface thereof at right angles to the paper to be written upon. web opposite the roll 18 may be retained in a variety of ways; but by preference a second carbon-carrier 19 is disposed at the righthand side of the platen to receive the carbon web as it is unwound from the carrier 16 to present unused portions thereof within the printing area from time to time. The carrier 19 is supported by a bracket 20, attached, for instance, to the base of the platen, and both of the carbon-carriers, which, as shown, are in the form of spindles, are provided with knurled thumb- wheels 21 and 22, by means of which their rotation is facilitated.
As shown in Fig. 3, the carbon web 15 is passed between the paper webs or strips so that the matter printed upon the sheet 11 will be reproduced or copied upon the sheet 12 through the instrumentality of the carbon, and the several paper and carbon sheets or webs are held in proper operative relation by means of what may be termed a work-holding frame 23, disposed longitudinally over the platen and mounted for movement with respect thereto and for complete removal from the platen, as desired. This work-holding frame 23 comprises a pair of parallel longitudinally-disposed rails 2 1 and 25, provided adjacent to their opposite ends with depending studs 26, received within suitable sockets or openings in the platen to retain the frame against movement in ahorizontal plane. These side rails of the work-holding frame are located immediately beyond the outer edges of the fixed paper-guides mounted on the platen and are connected at their front ends by the transverse end plate 27, located immediately beyond the front end of the platen and secured to the under sides of the frame-rails. At their rear ends the rails are connected by a transverse clamping and guiding roll 28 for the paper strips or sheets, the free ends of which latter are retained at the front end of the frame by a retaining-plate 29, disposed upon the end plate 27 and removably held in place by swinging catches 30, designed to engage the heads of studs 31, projecting upwardly from the plate 27 and designed to ex- The end of the carbon 7 tend through suitable slots 32, formed in the retaining-plate 29 and enlarged atone end to acconnnodate the heads of the studs in a manner which will be made plain by an examination of Figs. 1, 6, and (5 of the drawings. The front ends of the paper strips are clamped between the plates 27 and 29 to prevent the accidental movement of the paper in the direction 'of line-spacing; but in order to facili tate the advance of the sheets to present an unused portion thereof within the printing area the plates 27 and 29 are provided with opposed tingei-o1.)ening's and 3st, slightly elongated in the longitudinal direction of the platen. hen the paper is to be advanced, it is grasped opposite these openings and is drawn forward, the printed portion being severed or torn away by the aid of the front edge of one of said plates serving as a straightedge or cutter. The work-holding frame is provided with paper-guides in the form of guide- lugs 35 and 36, extending from the under side of the retaining-plate 29 and engaging the parallel slots 37 adjacent to the opposite ends of the plate 27 and of sufficient length to permit the relative movement of the plates required for the engagement of the studs 31 with the small ends of the slots 32. These. guide-lugs are disposed immediately adjacent to the opposite edges of the paper strips as they are passed between the plates 27 and i and serve to prevent lateral slipping of the paper during the severing of its end and also assist in the retention of the plates in their proper relative positions.
In addition to the guide-roll at its rear end and the pzmer-retaining device at its front end the frame is equipped at its opposite sides with clamping plates or strips 38 and 39, set into the under sides of the rails 2i and 25 and extended inwardly therefrom a sufficient distanee'to present said clamping-strips over the adjacent longitudinal edges of the paper web at a point immediately over the transverselydisposed carbon elements. The length of these paper-clamps is somewhat less than the width of the carbon element, by preference, so that the transverse paper-separating strips to and *1 carried by the rails may be disposed over the opposite edges of the carbon. By this means the actual printing area is defined between longitudinally-disposed clamping members engaging the opposite edges of the paper to be written upon and transversely-disposed clamping and separating members engaging the opposite edges of the carbon web or webs and serving to insure the separation of the paper sheets and their passage above and below the carbon. The primary function of the transverse strips or plates i0 and -tl, however, is that of separating the paper webs, particularly when a number of the latter are wound into a single roll. In that event the several strips tend more or less to adhere to each other, and the separating and clamping strips are therefore designed not only to assist in the retention of the carbon web in a Hat smooth condition, but are designed to effect such separation of the paper webs or strips as will cause the latter to pass above and below the carbon web without interference therewith.
The manner of mounting the paper-separat ing and carbon-clamping members is susceptible of wide variation. In Fig. 5 of the drawings l have shown these separating members formed with slightly-beveled edges and having their ends extended into dovetail recesses a2 in the side rails of the worleholding frame in order to facilitate the removal and replacement of the members it) and 4K1 from the rails, as desired. In Fig. 9.1. have illustrated the manner in which a plurality of these transverse separating members or plates are em ployed in connection with a number of paper webs. In this figure the dovetail recesses at) are made sufficiently deep to accommodate a number of transverse separating members in superposed relation, and when extensive manifolding is desirable this construction is employed in order that any number of separating members may be mounted in the rails of the frame in accordance with the number of worksheets required for the contemplated manifolding.
I have now described the manner in which a flat platen is equipped with means for leading long work-sheets and carbon webs over the writing-surface in directions at right angles to each other and for retaining the sheets and webs in their proper positions and in a flat or spread-out condition within the printing area. It therefore remains to state that the platen is additionally equipped with the main tracks or guides 43 and 44, disposed l mgitudinally of the platen adjacent to its side edges and comprising swinging tracksections *5 and 1L6, designed to move toward and from the surface of the platen and preferably disposed over the carbon web 15 to constitute additional retaining means therefor independent of the work-holding frame. The tracks or guides i3 and 4% are designed for the support of the traveling printingmechanism or type writing machine, which is mounted thereon for movement over the platen in a manner well understood in the art, the rearward movement of the machine being preferably limited by adjustable machinestops to, agz'tinst which the frame of the machine abut-s.
For the purpose of properly guiding the work sheets or webs over the roll or rolls suitable guides so may be employed, as best shown in Figs. 1 and 2, or if the rolls are disposed in a plane below the platen, as shown in Fig. 8, a guide-roller eh may be mounted at the rear end of the platen to prevent the abrasion of the paper at that point at which its direction is changed. Ordinarily there is no occasion for removing, adjusting, or other- ICO wise manipulating any part of the platen equipment except the type-writing machine arranged thereover until it becomes necessary to replenish either the paper or carbon rolls; but when this is necessary the work-holding frame 23 may be swung away or removed from the platen, and the swinging sections of the main tracks or guides may be elevated to facilitate the proper positioning of the new paper sheets or carbon webs, as the case may be. The work-holding frame and track-rails may then be restored to their normal positions to retain the several sheets and webs during the subsequent printing operations.
In Figs. 10 and 11 the platen is shown equipped with a number of paper webs and a number of transfer-webs, the several webs being interwoven or disposed in alternating arrangement and separately retained, so that either the transfer-webs or the paper webs may be independently advanced without disturbing the webs disposed at right angles thereto.
In operation the type-writing machine is moved to a position directly over the printing area and is operated in the usual manner to type-write or print the desired matter upon the upper work-sheet or strip of paper. The printed matter will be transferred to the several underlying copy-sheets through the medium of the interposed carbon Webs, and the printed bill, memorandum, record, letter, or the like, together with copies thereof, may then be advanced beyond the end of the workholding frame and severed from the strips,
unused portions of which latter will thus be presented within the printing area for a repetition of the printing operation.
It is thought that from the foregoing the construction, operation, and many advantages of the invention will be clearly understood; but while the illustrated embodiments of said invention are thought at this time to be preferable I do not Wish to limit myself to the structural details defined, but reserve the right to effect such changes, modifications, and variations thereof as may be properly comprehended within the scope of the protection prayed.
What I claim is- 1. In a type-writing machine, the combination of a flat platen, tracks or guides for the machine, a paper-roll arranged to deliver its sheet over the platen, means for securing the end of the paper, a carbon-roll arranged to deliver its sheet over the platen, and independent means for securing the carbon.
2. In a type-writing machine, the combination of a flat bed or platen, a cooperating machine supporting frame arranged to bear lengthwise of the platen to confine the carbonsheet thereon, means for directing a paper web lengthwise of the platen, and means independent of the frame for confining the paper.
3. In a type-writing machine, the combination of a flat platen, a paper-roll arranged parallel with one edge of the platen and in position to deliver the paper web thereover, a carbon-roll arranged at right angles to the paper web to deliver the carbon across the platen, and means including a track or guide for securing the carbon and the paper in operative relation during the writing action.
4. In a type-writing machine, the combination of a flat platen, a machine-supporting frame, two paper webs mounted for delivery over the platen, means for confining the webs on the platen during the printing operation, and a carbon-sheet lying between the paper webs and secured in position independently thereof, whereby the advance of the two webs in unison may be effected in order'to bring new portions into the writing plane of the machine without disturbance of the carbon.
5. In a type-writing machine, the combination with a flat platen, of a cooperating machine-supporting frame, a guide at the rear end for the paper web, a confining device for said web at the forward end, and a support for the carbon-roll arranged lengthwise of the platen.
6. The combination with a flat platen, and the main tracks or guides for the traveling printing mechanism, of a paper-roll arranged to deliver its sheet or web over the platen, and a frame disposed over the platen between said tracks or guides to confine the sheet or web in the printing position.
7. The combination with a flat platen, and
the main tracks or guides for the traveling machine, of a paper-roll arranged to deliver its sheet or web over the platen, and a frame disposed longitudinally of the platen to engage a side edge of the sheet or web.
8. The combination with a flat platen and the main tracks or guides for the traveling machine, of a paper-roll arranged to deliver its sheet or web thereover, and a frame disposed longitudinally over the platen, and having holding and guiding means for said sheet or web.
9. The combination with a flat platen, and the main tracks or guides for the traveling machine, of a paper-roll arranged to deliver its sheet or web over the platen, and a frame disposed longitudinally of the platen between said tracks or guides and having holding and guiding means for said sheet or web.
10. The combination with a flat platen, and the main tracks or guides for the traveling machine, of a paper-roll arranged to deliver its sheet or web over the platen, and a frame disposed over the platen between the main tracks or guides and provided at its opposite ends with transverse work-engaging devices.
11. The combination with a flat platen, and the main tracks or guides for the traveling printing mechanism, of a paper-roll arranged to deliver its sheet or web over the platen,
and a work-holding frame arranged to engage the opposite side edges of the sheet or web.
12. The combination with a flat platen, and the main tracks or guides for the traveling printing mechanism, of a paper-roll disposed to deliver its sheet or web over the platen, and guiding means for the sheet or web disposed to prevent lateral movement thereof during its advance.
13. The combination with a Hat platen, and the main tracks or guides for the traveling machine, of a paper-roll disposed to deliver its sheet or web over the platen, and guiding and clamping means disposed over the platen to guide and clamp the sheet or web.
14:. The combination with a flat platen, a paper-roll disposed to deliver its sheet or web thereover and a transfer element disposed transverse to the paper web, of a frame disposed over the platen and having guiding and clamping means for the sheet or web.
15. The combination with a flat platen having a stationary work-guide disposed to engage the side edge of a worksheet, of a movable work holding frame provided with a clamping member also disposed to engage a side edge of the work-sheet.
16. The combination with a flat platen having stationary guides, of a paper-roll disposed to deliver its sheet or web between the guides. and a frame disposed over the platen, and having guiding and clamping means for the sheet or web.
17. The combination with a flat platen and a traveling machine, of a paper-roll disposed to deliver its sheet or web over the platen, stationary guides between which the sheet or web is passed, and a frame disposed longitudinally of the platen and having clamping means arranged to engage the opposite side edges of the sheet.
18. The combination with a flat platen, and the main tracks or guides for the traveling machine, of stationary work-guides, a paper-roll disposed to deliver its sheet or web over the platen and in operative relation with the stationary guides, and a movable frame disposed over the platen between the main tracks or guides, and provided with clamping members disposed to engage the opposite side edges of the sheet or web.
19. The combination with a flat platen, and the main tracks or guides for the traveling machine, of a paper-roll disposed to deliver its sheet or web over the platen, and a removable frame arranged over the platen between the main tracks or guides and having clamping and guiding means for the sheet.
20. The combination with a flat platen, of a paper-roll disposed to deliver its sheet or web thereover, and a work-holding frame disposed over the platen, said frame being provided with aguide-roller at one end, confining means for the work at its opposite end, and with intermediate longitudinally-disposed clamping members arranged to engage opposite side edges of the work-sheet.
21. The combination with a flat platen, of a paper-roll disposed to deliver its sheet or web thereover, and work-guides arranged in pairs adjacent to the opposite ends of the platen to guide said sheet or web, the pairing of the guides permitting a carbon element or web to be led across the platen at an intermediate point thereof.
22. The combination with a flat platen, of a paperroll disposed to deliver its sheet or web thercover, work-guides arranged in pairs at the opposite ends of the platen, and clamping members disposed to engage the opposite side edges of the sheet or web intermediate of the work-guides.
23. The combination with a flat platen, of a paper-roll disposed to deliver its sheet or web thereover, paired work-guides mounted on the platen, and a work-holding frame, said frame being provided with a transverse guiding and clamping roller at one end, means located at its opposite end for confining the sheet, and longitudinally-disposed clamping members arranged at the opposite sides of the frame and disposed to engage the opposite side edges of the sheet or web at points intermediate of the work-guides.
2- The combination with a flat platen and the tracks or guides for the machine, of papercarrying means for delivering a plnrality of paper sheets or webs over the platen, and means for insuring the separation of said sheets while permitting free movement thereof.
The combination with a flat platen, of a pair of paper sheets or webs mounted for delivery over the platen, a carbon-sheet lying between the paper sheets or webs, and a separating device disposed at one edge only of the carbon-sheet to insure the separation of the paper sheets to permit their passage over and under the carbon-sheet without interference with the latter.
26. The combination with a flat platen, of paper-carrying means disposed to deliver a pair of paper sheets or webs over the platen, a carbon-sheet interposed between the paper sheets or webs, and a separating member dis posed between the paper sheets or webs and engaging the edge only of carbon-sl icet.
27. The combination with a flat platen, of paper-carrying means disposed to deliver a plurality of paper sheets or webs over the platen in unison, carbon-sheets interposed between the paper sheets, and a plurality of separating members disposed between the paper sheets to insure the separation thereof, prior to the passage of the paper sheets to positions opposite the carbon-sheets and permitting free movement of both the paper and carbon sheets.
28. The combination with a llat platen, and paper-carrying means disposed to deliver a plurality of paper sheets or webs thereover, of a carbon-carrier disposed to deliver over the platen a carbon-sheet lying between the paper sheets or webs, and a work-holding frame mounted over the platen and provided with workconfining means and separate means for separating the paper sheets or webs to insure their passage over and under the carbon without interference therewith and permitting both the paper and carbon sheets to be advanced freely.
29. The combination with a flat platen, of paper sheets or webs mounted for delivery over the platen, a carbon lying between the paper sheets or webs, and a work-holding frame provided with a longitudinal clamping member arranged to engage the side edge of a paper sheet or web, and a transverse clamping member disposed to engage one edge of the carbon and to insure the separation of the sheets to prevent disturbance of the carbon.
30. The combination with the flat platen, and the main tracks or guides for the traveling machine, of a paper-roll arranged to deliver its sheet or web in one direction across the platen, a carbon-roll arranged to deliver its web across the platen at right angles to the course of the paper, and a work-holding frame disposed between the tracks or guides and movable independently thereof.
31. The combination with a flat platen, and the main tracks or guides for the traveling machine, of a paper-roll arranged to deliver its sheet or web in one direction across the platen, a carbon-roll arranged to deliver its Web across the platen at right angles to the course of the paper, and a longitudially-disposed work-holding frame mounted upon the platen intermediate of the tracks or guides and having confining and guiding means for the paper sheet or web.
32. The combination with a flat platen, and the movable main tracks or guides for the traveling machine, of a paper-roll disposed to deliver its sheet or web over the platen in one direction, a carbon-roll disposed to deliver its web across the platen in another clirection, said web being retained in part by the movable tracks or guides, and a longitudinally-disposed work-holding frame independent of the main tracks or guides for confining and guiding the paper sheet or web.
33. .The combination with a flat platen and type-writing mechanism, one of which travels relative to the other, of a paper-roll disposed to deliver its sheet or web over the platen in one direction, a carbon-roll disposed to deliver its web over the platen in another direction, and a work-holding frame disposed to hold the paper sheet and the carbon-web in operative relation during the printing operation.
34. In a type-w riting machine the combination with a flatplaten and the tracks or guides for the traveling carriage, of carbon-carriers disposed at opposite sides of the platen, and designed respectively to deliver and receive a carbon web extending across the platen, and a paper-roll arranged to deliver the paper sheet or web longitudinally over the platen at right angles to the carbon-web and between the tracks or guides.
35. The combination with a flat platen, and the main tracks or guides for the traveling printing mechanism, of carbon-carriers disposed at opposite sides of the platen, a carbon web wound upon said carriers and extending transversely across the platen, a paper-roll disposed to deliver its sheet or web at right angles to the carbon web, and a removable frame disposed longitudinally of the platen between the main tracks or guides and having work holding and guiding means.
36. A type-writing machine including a platen and printing mechanism, and having independent means at right angles to each other for securing, respectively, the carbon-sheet and the paper.
37. In a type-writing machine, the combination of printing mechanism, a Hat platen to sustain the sheet to be written on, and independent means at right angles to each other for securing the carbon-sheet and paper, respectively.
38. In a type-writing machine, the combination with a fiat platen and machine-supportingmeans including a movable track or guide, of a carbon element secured by the movable track or guide, and an independent paperolamp disposed at right angles to said movable track or guide.
39. In a type-writing machine, in combination a flat platen, machine-supporting means including a movable track or guide, a carbonroll arranged to deliver its sheet over the platen to be secured by the movable track or guide, a paper-roll arranged to deliver its sheet over the platen, and a paper-clamp.
4C0. A type-writing machine, having independent means at right angles to each other for securing respectively the carbon-sheet and the paper, one of said means serving also as a movable track or guide for the traveling machine and the other of. said means constituting a clamp.
41. In a type-Writing machine, the combination with a flat platen and tracks or guides for the traveling machine, of two paper webs mounted for delivery over the platen, and a transfer element disposed between the paper webs, means for retaining the paper webs in proper relative position, and independent means for retaining the transfer element.
42. In a type-writing machine, the combination with a flat platen and tracks or guides for the traveling machine, of paper webs mounted one above another for delivery over the platen, and a transfer element lying between the paper webs and retained independently thereof, whereby the advance of the roo webs in unison may be effected in order to bring new portions thereof into the writing plane of the machine without disturbing the transfer element.
43. In a tape-writing machine, the combination with a flat platen and tracks or guides for a traveling machine, of paper webs mounted one above another for delivery over the platen, a transfer element lying between the paper webs and disposed transversely of the platen, means for guiding the paper webs, and independent means for retaining the transfer element.
1H. In a type-writing machine, the combination with a flat platen and tracks or guides for the traveling machine, of a plurality of super-postal paper webs disposed longitudinally over the platen, and transfer means interposed between the paper webs and disposed transversely of the platen.
4:5. In a type-writing machine, the combination with a flat plat-en and tracks or guides for the traveling machine, of a plurality of superposed paper webs mounted for delivery over the platen, transfer means disposed transverse to the paper webs and lying between the same, and rotary carriers for the opposite ends of the transfer means.
to In a type-writing machine. the combination with a flat platen and tracks or guides for the traveling machine, of superposed pa per webs mounted for delivery over the platen, means for guiding said webs, a transfer element disposed transverse to the paper webs and lying between the same, and rotary carriers for the opposite ends of the transfer element.
-IT. In a type-writing machine, the combination with a flat platen and printing mechanism, one of which travels relative to the other, of a plurality of paper webs mounted for delivery over the platen, a paper-clamp, a transfer element disposed transverse to the paper webs and lying between the same, a rotary carrier for one end of the transfer element. and means for retaining the opposite end thereof.
Jib. A type-writer, including printing mechanism and a platen, one of which travels relative to the other, two paper webs led over the platen, a transfer element interposed between the paper webs, and independent means at right angles to each other for securing respectively the transfer elementand the paper.
T3). The combination with a flat platen and tracks or guides for the traveling machine, of a paper-roll arranged to deliver a sheet or web over the platen, and means disposed longitudinally of the platen to engage a side edge of the sheet or web.
54). A type-writing machine including a i platen and printing mechanism, oneof which travels relative to the other, said machine having imlependent means at right angles to each other for securing respectively the carbon-sheet and the paper, and means for guarding a longitudinal edge of the paper.
51. A type 1 writing machine, including printing mechanism and a platen, relatively movable, indtmendcnt means at right angles to each other for "securing respectively the carbon-sheet and the paper, and means for guarding a longitudinal edge of the paper, said guarding means being removable from its operative position.
In a type-writii'ig machine, the combination with a flat platen and tracks orguides for the traveling machine, of independent means at right angles to each other for respectively securing a transfer element and a work-sheet, and means imlependent of the tracks or guides for guarding the longitudinal edgeof the work-sheet.
:33. The combination with a flat platen and tracks or guides for the traveling machine, of a paper-roll arranged to deliver a sheet or web over the platen, and webguiding means disposed between said machine traclcs or guides.
5%. In combination with a flat platen and the tracks or guides for the traveling machine, of a paper-roll arranged to deliver its sheet or web over the platen, and means disposed longitmlinally of the platen between the tracks or guides for holding and guiding said sheet or web.
In combination a type-writing machine including printing mechanism and a flat platen, a guide disposed to engage the edge of a web, and a movable work-holder disposed to engage and clamp a side edge of the web.
56. 'lhecombinationwithtravelingprinting mechanism, a flat platen having a stationary guide disposed to engage the side edge of a web or sheet, of a movable clamping member also disposed to engage a side edge of the web or sheet.
57. The combination with a flat platen having stationary guides, of a roll disposed to deliver its sheet or web between the guides, and a frame disposed over theplaten and having guiding means for said sheet or web.
58. The combination with a flat platen, of a roll disposed to deliver its sheet or web thereover, stationary guides between which the sheet or web is passed, and a frame disposed longitudinally of the platen and having guiding means for said sheet or web.
59. The combination with a flat platen and tracks or guides for the traveling machine, of a roll disposed to deliver its sheet or web over the platen, and a removable frame arranged over the platen between the tracks or guides and having guiding means for the sheet.
a pair of paper sheets or webs mounted for l delivery thereover, a transfer element lying between the paper sheets or webs, and means located along one edge of the transfer element 1 to insure the separation of the paper sheets.
60. The combination with a flat platen, of
- arranged for delivery over the platen at right angles to each other, and a holding-frame removable from its operative position.
63. In a type-writing machine, the combination with a flat platen and tracks or guides for a traveling machine, of a paper-roll arranged to deliver a paper sheet or web longitudinally over the platen between the tracks or guides, and carriers disposed to deliver and receive a transfer element extending across the platen at right angles to the paper sheet or web.
64. The combination with a flat platen and machine-supporting means including a movable track or guide, of a carrier, and a transfer element extended over the platen from said carrier and secured by the movable track or guide.
65. In a type-writing machine, the combination with a flat platen and machine-supporting means including a movable track or guide, of carriers, and a transfer element extended between the carriers and engaged by said movable track or guide.
66. In a type-writing machine, the combination with a fiat platen and machine-supporting means including a movable track or guide,
of a carbon-carrier and a paper-carrier dis- 4 67. A type-writer having printing mechanism and a platen, one of which travels relative to the other a plurality of paper webs led over the platen, a plurality of transfer elements likewise led over the platen and alternating with the paper Webs, and independent means at right angles to each other for securing respectively the transfer elements and the pa per webs.
68. In a type-writing machine, the combination with a flat platen, and tracks or guides for the traveling machine, of paper webs mounted one above another and delivered over the platen, and transfer-webs alternating with the paper webs and retained independently thereof, whereby the advance of the paper webs in unison may be effected in order to bring new portions thereof into the writing plane of the machine Without disturbing the transfer elements.
69. In combination, a platen, key-operated printing mechanism, a plurality of paper webs disposed opposite the platen, means for retaining the paper Webs in proper position, rotary carriers, and a plurality of transfer-webs eX- tending between the carriers and alternating with the paper webs.
, In testimony that I claim the foregoing as my own I have hereto afiixed my signature in the presence of two witnesses.
WVitnesses: I
US7080901A 1901-08-03 1901-08-03 Platen for type-writing machines. Expired - Lifetime US798785A (en)

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