US761550A - Combination stock, coal, and coke car. - Google Patents

Combination stock, coal, and coke car. Download PDF


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US761550A US14741503A US1903147415A US761550A US 761550 A US761550 A US 761550A US 14741503 A US14741503 A US 14741503A US 1903147415 A US1903147415 A US 1903147415A US 761550 A US761550 A US 761550A
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Glenn E Simonton
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    • B61D3/00Wagons or vans
    • B61D3/06Flat-bottomed cars convertible into hoppers


  • Patented may 31, 19.04.
  • My mventlon relates to metallic railwaycars adapted for use in the transportation of livestock, coal, and coke, although it-maybe used Jfor transporting ballast and other' d ump I54 l transport live stock in one direction 4over a railroad and thereafter converted into a'can able material and forother substances.
  • the object of this invention is to provide a metallic structure whichl may lbe used to adapted to lcarrycoal, ⁇ coke, ballast, or other f material when 'reshipping the car, thus male ing the car useful in transporting ⁇ freight in any direction and increasing .the earning ca. vpacity' of the car by obviating the return of the samefin an empty condition.
  • Fig. 3 is a longitudinal vertical section through y an end. portion of the improved-car, illustrating the position of a movable false end adapt'- ed for use withinthe carrbody'when-the struc- 'l ture is to beused'as a hopper-car.
  • Fig. 4 is l. a fragmentary detail section through the eo operating hopper-doorsjllustrating the means 15 is, ⁇ an elevation of j adapted to be used within the car when the latlter. is to be loaded with dumpable material, y
  • FIG. 6 another detail fragmentary sectional with a car of the type sliown by Fig. 2. Fig.'
  • Fig. 9 is a cross-sectionv thereof in the plane of .the dotted line 9 9 of Fig. 8.
  • Fig. 10 is another cross-section taken in the plane of the dotted line 10 10 of Fig. .v
  • Fig. 1.1 is a detail perspective view of4 one endsection of the hopper adapted t beysecured in ⁇ place at an end portion ot' the .hopper-opening inthe bottom of'thc car.
  • Fig. 12-- is ⁇ a detail vertical sectional elevation through one sideof the ear, illustrating aieeelrack, a water-trough, and meansvfor simultaneously adjusting said rack and troughto their lfolded 'positions'.
  • Thecarbottom of my invention has its body fand'l underframing lmade of platelsteel and plan View showing the pressed.A steelof commercial shapes, and in Fig.
  • the underframing A ' is shown 'as consisting of a series of sills a and the transverse braeesa?. ⁇
  • This underframing A'f has its series of sillsarranged tosupport a permanent section bof the car-oon'said sections being spaced partly 'throughout :their Alength vto-'proeluce a hopper-opening B in said ear f floor.
  • This hopper-opening extendslongitu? ⁇ the middleA thereof, thev dinally of the 'car at end portions'of saidopening terminating at suitable distances from the ends of the car.
  • the bOdyC of thestock-car is of a slatted construction,k and vit consists of the plurality of channeled metallic posts ce andthe longitudinal vmetallic members, strips, or plates c2.
  • the .posts c are vertical, while the posts c are diagonal,:sai d posts/ being disposed atan angle to thevertical posts c, as shown by Fig. 3.. lprefer to arrange two o'- the diagonal posts d' in downwardly-converging. relation, and the lower meeting endsfof these posts yc arcA flanged and bolted in asuitable way to the corresponding lower ⁇ end lof one ,vertical post 0,' whereby the diagonal.
  • posts serve as braces to the side of the car.
  • the posts c c' overlap and are bolted to thel underframing A', and on these posts aresecured'the plates or. members '2, preferably. luv-riveting the parts together.
  • the v':'st,i'1-le-of car shown bythe drawings vthe body' isequipp'ed with a-deck having charging-openings. extendingA longitudinally thereof, andl said' opening or openings are adaptedto be closedv by doors ⁇ which may beconstructed as disclosed 'in a prior application'.
  • Themembers ot" the deelt-.rafter have straight lower' edges and inclined to p edgesg4 except at upper .edge is straight forv va ⁇ short dista-nce, as indic'atcdat 10 inliig. 8.v
  • the ends of the plates 5 '6 -cornprisingeach deck-rafter are bent substantiallyatright angles 4to form-.the -lips. 131, which-are disposed -in the s'ame't'rans verse plane and are provided withsuitable pei-forations. j (See-Figs. 8 and 10.
  • Tl'iefrat'ter is litted in place between thefvertical posts o on Voppo'sitesides of the car and in position for the end ilangesjll 'to' engage with saidA post s,. thus disposing-the 'ratter in lapping relation to theposts andfallowingthe partsto be riv eted lirmly'together.
  • the space between the lianges rl ofthe deck-plates and the depending flanges 17. of the'sli'dable doorsniay hc made water' tight by the employment' of yicldablestrips ortongues adapted to be fastened to either-of said flanges and to lie in'interposcd positions between the opposing flanges when the doors are closed.
  • fTheslid'able doors 13 14 may be equipped with the running-boards205as shown ⁇ by Fig. 2, ⁇ thus disposing the running-boards out of the way'of the doors'when they are opened tol expose ,thechargingfopening E.
  • the car may provided on one or both sides with suitable y.openings .adapted to be closed byv slidabl'e doors, such side openings'aiiording conven ient means for the loading and vunloading of stock intoa'nd from'the car when it isv em# I ployed as a stock-car.
  • the permanent members b ofthe car-iloor are madeoi ⁇ metallic plates having a wooden iaclngv or covering b2, and this floorI is also provided with doors F. ⁇ (See Figs. 2,4, 5y and 6.)
  • Each Hoor-door F consists of a metallic plate f, which is provided on one side .with a lining or covering j" of wood or its equivalent.
  • the doors Fy are hingedlyconnected to the' permanent sectionsb of the carlfioorm a way which permits these floor-doors to be opened to the inclined positions shown by Figs. 2. and 6, although these doors may beadjusted to horizontal positionsacross the hopper-opening B inthe car-floor for the purpose lof closing said opening.
  • Each Hoor-door F is provided on its under side with a 'seriesofl angular metallic stays f2, and-.the lower louteredge of each door is' constructed in such f a way as to accommodate a hinge-rod 2l;
  • this hinge-rod is loosely fitted a series of strap-hinges22, which are fastened in any suitable way to the permanent section b of the.
  • the sections H at the opposite ends of the hopf A'per-opening are disposed to diverge upwardly toward the car-Hoor, the position of one end section vlosing indicated by 3, and the 25 is engaged by a seriesl of 'hinge-straps'26,
  • the hinges .22 26 for one loor-door and one hopper-door are disposed adjacent toeach-other in order y .to compactly arrange the parts, and, ifdesired, these hinges may be disposed 1n pairs and 1n overlapping relation, so that theyjmay be secured by a single set of rivets or other fastening devices to the lcar-iioor.
  • the joints between the car-.Hoor and the hopy :per-doors are closed by curved metallic hoods 27 each' ⁇ hood having Aa flange or part secured in a suitable way tothe under-framing A and extending over the upper edge of the'h'opperdoor. ⁇ 4rlhe hoods'eiitend longitudinally ofthe hopperfopening at the sidesthereof and quite IOO close to the car-floor, and these hoods are pro- 'Y vided atsuitable intervals with slots'or open- IIO ings which permit thehinge-straps 26to'pass ttachnent of the straps to the car-floor; (See ig-G- Q
  • The'se-springi tongues extend longitudinally of the doors and the hopper-opening, and said tongues are disposed in downwardly-convergent relation for I' vthe purpose ofy making the. tongueslneet or l ahutat their-tree portions, therehyforming a closejointbetween2the doors when the lat-' tei are closed, reference being' had to liigs.y 4 an' 5.
  • This method of arrangingthechains' permits them 4to .lee strained-'simultaneously by therotation of the windingsshaft in' one direction, and the chainsare'adapted todr'awthe doors intofclose relation fo'rthe purpose of compressing the yieldableton'g'ues' 30, thus securing a tight 'joint between rthe ⁇ doors ⁇ and overcoming 'the :loss'vofl thedumpable ⁇ material contained in 4 -nysuitablemeans vmay beemployedffor thecanrotating the winding-shaft 31, such' asv a lever ⁇ and ratchet, well knownfto those'skillvd in the art, and similarlyalocking device in the formA of a ratchet and pawl may 4be used for lock-v iingthe shaft; but as these devices are com-' ⁇ mon in the art I do not con ⁇ nccessary I also provide meansv for positively
  • the cross-tics are disvB 'transverselyacross the length thereof, and the endportions of these ties are fastened in a suitable way to sills of' the undcrtraming A, .
  • the cross-ties pass through suitable slots perdoors 'G Gr", and .when thesev doors are closedvthey abut at their inner facesagainst suitable stop-blocks I', which are secured to the cross-ties in 4th'e'position shownhy.
  • Fig. 2 The improvedl metallic car of my invention is equipped with means for supplying iced and water to livestock which may be carried therein, and in Fig, 12 of the drawings l.
  • the feed-.rack J may be of slotted wooden construction, and this rack is Hat, the lower edge thereof beinghinged or pivoted, as at j, to the car side..
  • the water-trough l( is curved in cross-section and hinged at its outer edge, ⁇ as at k, to the side ot4 the car, the latter points above the hinged.. connection of vthe rack and the trough tojsaid car-body.
  • the 'rack and the trough' are adapted to hc lowered to the operative positions (shown by 4full lines in- Fig. 12;) but I havdprovidcdthe car-with means for simultaneously adjusting the rack and vthe trough to their closed positions.
  • the adjusting means consists of a rockshaft 48, journaled in a suitable way on the 'outsidcct' .the car, said rock-shaft having a ⁇ series o'farms 49and an operati11g-handle 50.
  • Said arms are'connectedwith the trough and the rack bygropes or cables 51, ⁇ which lead over the sheaves It" and arc fastened to the upper free ends of the trough and thc rack.
  • l ⁇ hc handle ofthe shaft is adapted to lic alongor'openings which are provided in the hop- ⁇ posed in positions tospan the hopper-opening i I-IO being-@quipped with guides or vsheaves k at 4 side of the car, as shown by Fig. 12'; but when Wallof the car-body.
  • the partition is pro-vv the shaftis turned and the rack and trough are- ⁇ raised the arni is adapted to extend below the shaft -andto be vengaged by a latch 52.
  • a false partition (indicated at L in Fig. 3 and in detail by Fig. l5.)
  • This false partition is arranged in an inclined position within the end portion of the carto extend from the hopper-section H to the end videdat its lower side edges with the downwardly-converging bevels 54:, and the upper edge of the partition isprovided with a catch 5 5, the latter beingcngaged with a keeper 56, attached to the end wall of the caron the -inside thereof.
  • This partition is stayed in place by--ajbrace 57,-whicli has a hinged connection at 58-Withthe iioor of the car ⁇ the other end of said brace being connected by a link-hinge 591to1the ⁇ partition at a point intermediate of its length.
  • the partition is adapted to be folded into compactrelation tothe end of the car by lifting said partition bodily and folding'it alongwi-ththe brace 57 against said car endgandwhen'in its folded position the catch of said partition is adapted to engage with anotlier-keepei'GO, secured tothe car end in -a positionabove the keeper 56, thus making provision for holding .the partition in its folded position.
  • any suitable means may be employed for closing theliopperfdoors iii lieuof the chains andthe winding-shaft.
  • the ear is constructed especially for transporting dumpable p material
  • the hopper-doors may be stayedby theuse of suitable chains, as 63, and they may' be loosely connected by'intermediate chains,
  • hopper doors may be used individually or coll Having thus described my invention, I claim y'as new and desire to secure by Letters Patent-1- 1.
  • A. convertiblemetallic car having a hop- 4 per-opening in the car-floor, hinged doors arranged to, close across the --hopper-openin'g,
  • a railway-car having an underframing, a liopper-openingin the'car-ioor, longitudinal "hinge-rods secured to the underframing, hop-- per-doors fitted to said '.rods, and 'hoods se- Ian underframe, hinged iioorjdoors, hinged v.hopper-doors located belowsaid floor-doors,l
  • a railwaycar 4 having a hopper-opening in the fioor thereof, a pairv of converging hop-. per-doors hinged to said Hoor, and hoppersections disposed at the end portions of 'the hopper-opening. and arranged to meet the endf,
  • portions of the hopper-doors reach hoppersection consisting of two metallic members which are assembled to produce a'double inclined shoulder bounded on one side bya marginal flange.
  • a railway -ear having hopper -,doors yieldable tongues attached to said doors and disposed in converging and facing relation,' said tongues adapted to meet eachother and v to be compressed bythe'closi'ng movement of said doorsaand means fordrawing the doors together.
  • a railway-'car having hopper-doors, a
  • A. railway-'car having hinged'hopper'- 1 doors, latches carried by one o fsaddoors in 'positions to engage automatically with the other doorwhen the par-ts are closed, and means for adjusting. the latches.
  • a railway-car having hinged hopper- -doors ranging lengthwise of said-car, a series of guide-rollers carried 'byone door, chains or cables arranged transversely beneath the ear and fastened-individually to the other'. door,
  • a railway-ear having a hopper-opening l in the floor thereof, hinge-rods extending lon-'- below ⁇ the' h opper-opening,
  • curved metallicfhood ranging lengthwise of the hopper-opening and attached at one edge to the underframing and servlng as 'a stay therefor,- and a door. ⁇ having its li'nged edge inclosed by said hood'.
  • Arailway-car having a hopper-opening, and .a'movable inclined partition extending continuously from the hopper-opening toan end vportion of the car, said partition being adjustable -tol a vertical position and in close relation to one end 'of the car to 'form an in- 1 side wall ofthev car-body.
  • v 24. A railway-car havingfalhopper-opening and an inclined hopper-section, and -a partition supper-'ted ⁇ removably within the carv and adinstable to an inclined positioncoincidcnt withthe hopper-section.
  • a railway-ear havinga hopper-opening, a partition within said car and extending upwardly from said hopper-opening, and ahinged brace connectedto said partition, the latter beingfoldable against a wall ofthe car;
  • Arailway-car having ahopper-opening, an. inclined partition extending upwardly from thehopperopenin'g and foldable against a wall of the car, means for holding the 'partition in its folded and adjusted positions, and
  • a deck-rafter consisting of complemental longitudinal members united together, the eorrespon'dingend ⁇ 'por- 4 tions of said members being bent in opposite directions and producing'attaching-flanges at 28.
  • a deek-rafter'having complemental longitudinal-*members provided at their end portions with angular flanges. the upper edges of said members having lateral fianges and-one of said menibers'having a lip or tongue bent into locking' relation to lthe other member.
  • a railway-ear having channeled posts in the body thereof, certain 'of saidposts being disposed infeonverging and lapping relation.
  • a railway-car having a hopper-opening, an underframe, erossities secured to the underframe and extending across the hopper-opening, hopper-doors provided with slotsarranged tov looselyl receive the cross-ties, and


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Transportation (AREA)
  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • Emergency Lowering Means (AREA)


No. 761,550. PATENTED MAY 31, 1904..
NO. 761,550. "PATBNTED MAY 31, 1904.. y G. E; SIMONTON.
Stateof Ohio, d proved Combination Stock.,l Coal, and'Coke` `(Jar, 'of which the following is a full, clear, and
No. #61,550 y U NiTnn ATES f eign N'N- ii.
Patented may 31, 19.04.
siMoNfroN, QF'VANWER'T, Aonio.
o erEcIFIcATIoN forming part of Letters Patent No. 761,550, dared May 3'1, 1904. i. Application filed March 12.,.1903. Serial No. 147,415.v (No model.)
To all when?, t may concern..-
Be it knownv that I, GLENN E. SIMoNToN, a citizen of the United States, and aresident of Vanwert, in the countyxof Van Wert and have invented a new and Imexaet description. y
My mventlonrelates to metallic railwaycars adapted for use in the transportation of livestock, coal, and coke, although it-maybe used Jfor transporting ballast and other' d ump I54 l transport live stock in one direction 4over a railroad and thereafter converted into a'can able material and forother substances. The object of this invention is to provide a metallic structure whichl may lbe used to adapted to lcarrycoal,` coke, ballast, or other f material when 'reshipping the car, thus male ing the car useful in transporting` freight in any direction and increasing .the earning ca. vpacity' of the car by obviating the return of the samefin an empty condition.
` Further objects and. advantages of the invention will 'appear in the course'oi' the subjoined description, and the novelty will be defined by .the annexed claims.
Reference-is to be had l tothe accompanying drawings,'forming a part of this specifica tion, fin which slmilar characters enfreference inclicate eforresponrhng .parte vin.;a".ll theii'gures.
l Figure 1 isa struction of myimproved convertible metallic car. Fig=.`2.ifs' vertical transverse section through one style of 'the car, showing it adapt-v ed for use intransporting dumpable material.
Fig. 3 is a longitudinal vertical section through y an end. portion of the improved-car, illustrating the position of a movable false end adapt'- ed for use withinthe carrbody'when-the struc- 'l ture is to beused'as a hopper-car.. Fig. 4 is l. a fragmentary detail section through the eo operating hopper-doorsjllustrating the means 15 is,` an elevation of j adapted to be used within the car when the latlter. is to be loaded with dumpable material, y
showing a means for positively loekmeeting portions of the hopper-doors. Y' Fig. 6 another detail fragmentary sectional with a car of the type sliown by Fig. 2. Fig.'
8 isan enlarged detail persymctive View @fone of the declmafters. Fig. 9 is a cross-sectionv thereof in the plane of .the dotted line 9 9 of Fig. 8. Fig. 10 is another cross-section taken in the plane of the dotted line 10 10 of Fig. .v
8 locking in the direction of the arrow. Fig. 1.1 is a detail perspective view of4 one endsection of the hopper adapted t beysecured in` place at an end portion ot' the .hopper-opening inthe bottom of'thc car. Fig. 12--is` a detail vertical sectional elevation through one sideof the ear, illustrating aieeelrack, a water-trough, and meansvfor simultaneously adjusting said rack and troughto their lfolded 'positions'.
view, in side elevation, of one means for ad- '13 is a. detailv I view illustrating the means for hinging the justing said rack and trough shown in Fig. "I
12. Fig. 14 is' a detail way of closing the hopper-doors relatively to themovablel false end .of a hopper-ear..V Fig. a movable .false end andFig'. 16 is a detail view ofa portion ofthe I body. bottom plan view illustrating the uuderframing employed byme in the-con-y Thecarbottom of my invention has its body fand'l underframing lmade of platelsteel and plan View showing the pressed.A steelof commercial shapes, and in Fig. 1 the underframing A 'is shown 'as consisting of a series of sills a and the transverse braeesa?.` This underframing A'fhas its series of sillsarranged tosupport a permanent section bof the car-oon'said sections being spaced partly 'throughout :their Alength vto-'proeluce a hopper-opening B in said ear f floor. This hopper-opening extendslongitu? `the middleA thereof, thev dinally of the 'car at end portions'of saidopening terminating at suitable distances from the ends of the car. The bOdyC of thestock-car is of a slatted construction,k and vit consists of the plurality of channeled metallic posts ce andthe longitudinal vmetallic members, strips, or plates c2. The .posts c are vertical, while the posts c are diagonal,:sai d posts/ being disposed atan angle to thevertical posts c, as shown by Fig. 3.. lprefer to arrange two o'- the diagonal posts d' in downwardly-converging. relation, and the lower meeting endsfof these posts yc arcA flanged and bolted in asuitable way to the corresponding lower` end lof one ,vertical post 0,' whereby the diagonal. posts serve as braces to the side of the car. The posts c c' overlap and are bolted to thel underframing A', and on these posts aresecured'the plates or. members '2, preferably. luv-riveting the parts together. 1n the v':'st,i'1-le-of car shown bythe drawings vthe body' isequipp'ed with a-deck having charging-openings. extendingA longitudinally thereof, andl said' opening or openings are adaptedto be closedv by doors `which may beconstructed as disclosed 'in a prior application'. for sheet-metal cars tiledby-:me en the 15th' l day..oi,August, 1902, Serial No.'11.9,793 1n lffigs.' Q and Of.' the Adrawings .I have illusf-4 tratcd aparticulargstyle of doors for closing the charging-,openingsinthe deel; or roof v ofv the car, said doors` 'being slidably fitted .`25
tothe deck in 'order to close inwardlytoward eachother. The deckeonsists of plates of sheet-.steel or its-equivalent, -and the. mem?4 bersoi"4 this. deck arel supported solidly` :in
place by theemployrnentcf a series of rafters 1),-wnich rangetransversely of the car-body',
' .cachrafter being preferahly` constructed in the plates fas,vfor examplajthe "platee-is"l -501' the middle portion of. the rater'-, where the tion'.-
1Q of the. drawings.v Eaehdeckj-rafterconsistsofltwo pieces, of pressed'steel, (indicated Aat 5 65) .saidipieces corresponding in shape provided with' a' flange 8'. wlrich' is doubled or v.folded over the. u'p'per'edg'e ofthe other mem`' ber 6,. andthis flange is held vsecurely .in po'f sitionbya transverse rivet 'or bolt 9.. Themembers ot" the deelt-.rafter have straight lower' edges and inclined to p edgesg4 except at upper .edge is straight forv va `short dista-nce, as indic'atcdat 10 inliig. 8.v The ends of the plates 5 '6 -cornprisingeach deck-rafter are bent substantiallyatright angles 4to form-.the -lips. 131, which-are disposed -in the s'ame't'rans verse plane and are provided withsuitable pei-forations. j (See-Figs. 8 and 10. Tl'iefrat'ter is litted in place between thefvertical posts o on Voppo'sitesides of the car and in position for the end ilangesjll 'to' engage with saidA post s,. thus disposing-the 'ratter in lapping relation to theposts andfallowingthe partsto be riv eted lirmly'together. The inclined'topedges of the vseries ot'l deck-.rafters afford substantial I supports to the members or plates (Z comprising the vdeckfor roof, and to 4make provision' f for the' ready attachment of the platesto the I rafters I prefer Ato make each lralter with angle-iron'strips 12, which are riveted be'- tween the upperedges y of the members 5 6,1
saidffianges 12eXtending substantially at right angles to the vplane of the rafter members 5 G 'and lying against the under faces ofthe deckplate' The peculiar' construction ot the rafters allows them to extend across the charging-openings in the deck or roof and tol Vafi'ord minimum obstruf'ztionl to the free passage of-mater-ial from a chute or other loading 4device into the car when `the latter is used for thetransportation of dumpablematerial. p The" charging-'opening E extends longitudinally of the car atthe middle portion thereof,'
landthis opening is adapted .to be closed by the slidable doors 13.111.' The doors are pro.
vided at their/inner edges with up'standing lianges.15,adapt ed to have abutting engagement Whenthe doors occupy their'elosedv positions, and the joint between these lianges of the oppostelyfslidable'doors is adapted to he Aclosed by a suitable strip, as indicated atlG.
.jin Fig. 2. "Each door isprovidedat its outer edge witha depending flange 17 and to provide.' for the freeslidingmovement of thedoo'r 18,- one of which is shown by lFig. "7 Eachroller-18 isloosely'journaled inl the dependving lug of'ametallic hanger 19," .which is rivs etedfinoverlapping relation tothe edge', portionofa door. It4 will bev understood that a series of these hangers' and their complements v of rollers are provided along the outer edge of each door and that said rollers are adapted to travel with minimum frictiononthe top exposed face of*l one of the decleplates d. The lia'nge 17 ofthe door is adapted to have abut.
ting engagement with an opstanding flange al', which is provided atv the inner edge of each deck-plate d, said flanges d ofthe deck-plates vdefining, theliniits of the charging-openingE inthe-deck.
, Il desired, the space between the lianges rl ofthe deck-plates and the depending flanges 17. of the'sli'dable doorsniay hc made water' tight by the employment' of yicldablestrips ortongues adapted to be fastened to either-of said flanges and to lie in'interposcd positions between the opposing flanges when the doors are closed. fTheslid'able doors 13 14 may be equipped with the running-boards205as shown` by Fig. 2,` thus disposing the running-boards out of the way'of the doors'when they are opened tol expose ,thechargingfopening E.
It will be understood that the doors in theirl closed position rest on the straight top edges of the 'seriesof deck-rafters D, thus supporting said doorslirmly in position.
In lthe drawings l have shown the car as being. equipped with the deck or root' doors;
but will be understood that the car may provided on one or both sides with suitable y.openings .adapted to be closed byv slidabl'e doors, such side openings'aiiording conven ient means for the loading and vunloading of stock intoa'nd from'the car when it isv em# I ployed as a stock-car.
The permanent members b ofthe car-iloor are madeoi` metallic plates having a wooden iaclngv or covering b2, and this floorI is also provided with doors F.` (See Figs. 2,4, 5y and 6.) Each Hoor-door F consists of a metallic plate f, which is provided on one side .with a lining or covering j" of wood or its equivalent.. The doors Fy are hingedlyconnected to the' permanent sectionsb of the carlfioorm a way which permits these floor-doors to be opened to the inclined positions shown by Figs. 2. and 6, although these doors may beadjusted to horizontal positionsacross the hopper-opening B inthe car-floor for the purpose lof closing said opening. Each Hoor-door F is provided on its under side with a 'seriesofl angular metallic stays f2, and-.the lower louteredge of each door is' constructed in such f a way as to accommodate a hinge-rod 2l;
Around this hinge-rod is loosely fitted a series of strap-hinges22, which are fastened in any suitable way to the permanent section b of the.
car-floor,L saidv strap-hinges beingfreceived in suitable notches or. recesses provided in the:
edge 'of the door F, which is attached' to the rod 21.`4 The two doorsare attached by a like nu'mberor` rods 2l tothe inner edgesof the permanent ,Hoor-sections. b, (see Fig. 2,1) and these doors are adapted lto be opened or closed individually. The doors in their raised opened positipns are adapted to rest against the. respective sides of the car and to assume the inclined positions shown by Fig. 2', the
inclination of said-doors F corresponding to the lnclination ofthe hopper-doors, to be presently described, thus providing forthe ready passage of the material from the car-body into the hopperlwhen the car is to -be unloaded.
In the practical construction of the hopper at the bottom of the carl employ the hopper-V doorsl G G'and two end section's H-, said doors lhaving hinged connection with thepermanent floor-section b to constitute the closure for the hopper,v while the end sections H are attached l'iirmly 1n a suitable way to the underframing Aat the end portions of vthe hopper-opening B.- 1n Fig. 11 of the drawings I -have shown the detailed construction and forni of an end section of the hopper, the same being. made in two pieces't/t'of sheet-steel. The piece L is fashioned vtoproduce the upwardly-diverging slde portions shown by Fig. 11,'while the base .-L isdisposed over the piece/a and flanged at to rest on certain sills of the underframing portions of lthe hopper-opening B. The pieces constituting the end sections H 'are fastened lirmly byl riveting them, and these.
piecesare assembled. in such relation as to pro- `duce the shoulders 23 24, (shown by'Fig. 2,) said shoulders meeting at an angle at the lower extremity of the section H and diverging upwardly toward the permanent floor-sections t.
The sections H at the opposite ends of the hopf A'per-opening are disposed to diverge upwardly toward the car-Hoor, the position of one end section vlosing indicated by 3, and the 25 is engaged by a seriesl of 'hinge-straps'26,
` which 'are fastened in a suitable way to the iiovorf).v In Fig. 6 I have shown the detailed construction of thehinges, which individually connect the iloor-doors F and the hopperdoors G.G;to the car-floor, and by reference to this `figure of the drawings itlwill be seen that the fioor-doors are hinged individually at the side edges of the hopper-opening 1B.. The hinges .22 26 for one loor-door and one hopper-door are disposed adjacent toeach-other in order y .to compactly arrange the parts, and, ifdesired, these hinges may be disposed 1n pairs and 1n overlapping relation, so that theyjmay be secured by a single set of rivets or other fastening devices to the lcar-iioor.
. The joints between the car-.Hoor and the hopy :per-doors are closed by curved metallic hoods 27 each' `hood having Aa flange or part secured in a suitable way tothe under-framing A and extending over the upper edge of the'h'opperdoor.` 4rlhe hoods'eiitend longitudinally ofthe hopperfopening at the sidesthereof and quite IOO close to the car-floor, and these hoods are pro- 'Y vided atsuitable intervals with slots'or open- IIO ings which permit thehinge-straps 26to'pass ttachnent of the straps to the car-floor; (See ig-G- Q The hopper-doors G G'are provided at their free adjacent edges with-depending lips 28, which in the closed positions'of the doors are disposed in close parallel relation, as shown 'by Figsfet ando, and the extreme edges of X20 the lips are doubled upon themselves to form the loops 29.' The hopper-doors are also' pro therethrough, thus making provision for the lvided with iiexible or springrnetal tonguesf BO, which are, preferably fastened to ythe inr ner faces of the doors and-extend below the angle formed bythe bending-oil the metallic doors to provide the lips 28. -The'se-springi tongues extend longitudinally of the doors and the hopper-opening, and said tongues are disposed in downwardly-convergent relation for I' vthe purpose ofy making the. tongueslneet or l ahutat their-tree portions, therehyforming a closejointbetween2the doors when the lat-' tei are closed, reference being' had to liigs.y 4 an' 5.,
- ,'Anysuitable means'nnay be provided for drawing'the hopper'doorsj tightly. together .suitabl-ebearings afforded hy the ,under-fram" when the 'car is losded'with dumpahle mate. rialg.-v but, as shown by the' drawingsl prefer to" employ awinding-shaftl, which. extendsv longitudinally of the car and is journaled in ing. This. wihdin "fshaft is provided at intervalswith drums, indicated at 32` in Fig.
1,.) and on saiddrums are adapted tobe coiled the winding-chains 33,"said chains and drums being spaced at suitable intervalsalongthe carhopper and the windingshaft. Each ch ain After passingfth-rough the slot and'under the sheave .the-chain ..isdoubled, so` as to extend below thelooped'edge 29of; theliange. on the door' G,fand' thence,the chain leads to and is'coiled on l'one spool 0f the winding shaft. This method of arrangingthechains' permits them 4to .lee strained-'simultaneously by therotation of the windingsshaft in' one direction, and the chainsare'adapted todr'awthe doors intofclose relation fo'rthe purpose of compressing the yieldableton'g'ues' 30, thus securing a tight 'joint between rthe` doors `and overcoming 'the :loss'vofl thedumpable `material contained in 4 -nysuitablemeans vmay beemployedffor thecanrotating the winding-shaft 31, such' asv a lever `and ratchet, well knownfto those'skillvd in the art, and similarlyalocking device in the formA of a ratchet and pawl may 4be used for lock-v iingthe shaft; but as these devices are com-' `mon in the art I do not con` nccessary I also provide meansv for positively locking the doors Gr G in their closed positions, and tojthis end the flange' of 'the door Grjis provided with a seriesof slots 37, in each of which is arranged-one of a seriesof latches 38, each l,latch being pivoted-,as at 39,'t'o the' doorflange.' Thedoor Gr is providedA in its lower edge-with slots or openings', one' o'fwhichis .indicatedv at 401m' Figl, and-the series of latches*areprovided 'with' beaks or shoulders -41 and with beveled noses 42, the other-end ofcachlat'ch being weighted, as at43.l To the ;latc hes38,"at or near the countcrweightc'd portions thereohare fastened cables or chains 4 4. which extend upwardly-,toa suitable rockshaft 45,-sa-id'Mrock-shaithaving ahandle`46 for its `convenient ipulation. When the 'renato doorsG Gf are closed by straining-the chains orcables 33, the flanges 280i said doors are closed to compress -the tongues and to make the latches'38 engage automatically with the notched edges40of the flange on the door G, the beveled noses of the latches riding against vthe edgeof the door G and lifting the latches 'on their pivotsfuntil lthe shoulders 41 lit into engagement with the said doorG'. To release the series of latches simultaneously, it is. only -'neces`sary to turn Athe rockfshaft 45 and strain the cables 44, thus turning thelatches 38jon their pivots and withdrawing the shoulders 41 thereoffrom engagement with said door G.
To'prevent the iloor members b from'collapsingcr bulging along theside edges of ythe hopper-.opening B, I employ a series 'of crossrti'es I, two or more of which may bc employed, as shown' by Fig. 1.. Each crosstie Ifis constructed of-pressed steel orothcr 'preferred sheet metal and lmade in substantially the same lwayfas `the decliraftcr l). (Shown' by'F-ig. 8.) The cross-tics are disvB 'transverselyacross the length thereof, and the endportions of these ties are fastened in a suitable way to sills of' the undcrtraming A, .The cross-ties pass through suitable slots perdoors 'G Gr", and .when thesev doors are closedvthey abut at their inner facesagainst suitable stop-blocks I', which are secured to the cross-ties in 4th'e'position shownhy. Fig. 2. The improvedl metallic car of my invention is equipped with means for supplying iced and water to livestock which may be carried therein, and in Fig, 12 of the drawings l. have shown one side of the car as having a feedrackd and a water-trough K, said4 rack and trough extending lengthwise of 'the car and at -asuitable distance above the floor thereof The feed-.rack J may be of slotted wooden construction, and this rack is Hat, the lower edge thereof beinghinged or pivoted, as at j, to the car side.. The water-trough l( is curved in cross-section and hinged at its outer edge, `as at k, to the side ot4 the car, the latter points above the hinged.. connection of vthe rack and the trough tojsaid car-body. The 'rack and the trough' are adapted to hc lowered to the operative positions (shown by 4full lines in- Fig. 12;) but I havdprovidcdthe car-with means for simultaneously adjusting the rack and vthe trough to their closed positions. (Indicated b'ydottfcd linesin said Fig. v12.) The adjusting means consists of a rockshaft 48, journaled in a suitable way on the 'outsidcct' .the car, said rock-shaft having a `series o'farms 49and an operati11g-handle 50. Said arms are'connectedwith the trough and the rack bygropes or cables 51,\which lead over the sheaves It" and arc fastened to the upper free ends of the trough and thc rack. l`hc handle ofthe shaft is adapted to lic alongor'openings which are provided in the hop-` posed in positions tospan the hopper-opening i I-IO being-@quipped with guides or vsheaves k at 4 side of the car, as shown by Fig. 12'; but when Wallof the car-body. The partition is pro-vv the shaftis turned and the rack and trough are-` raised the arni is adapted to extend below the shaft -andto be vengaged by a latch 52.
. In loading the car with dumpable material*- sucli as coal, coke", or the like-I prefer to employ inc'ach end thereof a false partition, (indicated at L in Fig. 3 and in detail by Fig. l5.) This false partition is arranged in an inclined position within the end portion of the carto extend from the hopper-section H to the end videdat its lower side edges with the downwardly-converging bevels 54:, and the upper edge of the partition isprovided with a catch 5 5, the latter beingcngaged with a keeper 56, attached to the end wall of the caron the -inside thereof. This partition is stayed in place by--ajbrace 57,-whicli has a hinged connection at 58-Withthe iioor of the car` the other end of said brace being connected by a link-hinge 591to1the `partition at a point intermediate of its length. "The partition is adapted to be folded into compactrelation tothe end of the car by lifting said partition bodily and folding'it alongwi-ththe brace 57 against said car endgandwhen'in its folded position the catch of said partition is adapted to engage with anotlier-keepei'GO, secured tothe car end in -a positionabove the keeper 56, thus making provision for holding .the partition in its folded position. When I use the partitions in the end portions of the car, I prefer' to maketlie licor-doors F F with the beveled ends 61, (shown by Figs. 3 and 14,) said bev` eled ends of the doors being adapted for enk gageinent'with' the beveled side edges -54 of .the movable,l partition L, whereby the parts4 are compactly disposed to direct the dumpable material toward .the hopper in the bottom of the car. l,
Any suitable means may be employed for closing theliopperfdoors iii lieuof the chains andthe winding-shaft. Vhen the ear is constructed especially for transporting dumpable p material,"the hopper-doors may be stayedby theuse of suitable chains, as 63, and they may' be loosely connected by'intermediate chains,
(not .shownQ adapted to; limit .the spreading movement of the doors-when they are opened. Although I have shown and described the system of Aiioor-'d cors and hopper-doors as applied yto a car of the vclass known as stockcars, vit will be understood that said floor and 55 lectively in connection v with any kind of'car.
hopper doors may be used individually or coll Having thus described my invention, I claim y'as new and desire to secure by Letters Patent-1- 1. A. convertiblemetallic car having a hop- 4 per-opening in the car-floor, hinged doors arranged to, close across the --hopper-openin'g,
and hopper-doors both of which' are hinged and arranged in their closedpositions to lie in the inclined planes of theiioor-doors when the latterare opened, saidgfioor-doors and hopperdoors when' opened forming continuous in-v clined walls above and below the' hopper-opening, and said hopper-doors moving on their and permanent cross-ties spanning the hopper opening and secured to the underframe, said hopper -jdoors being provided Awith slotsv through which are passed the cross-ties.4
4. A railway-car having an underframing, a liopper-openingin the'car-ioor, longitudinal "hinge-rods secured to the underframing, hop-- per-doors fitted to said '.rods, and 'hoods se- Ian underframe, hinged iioorjdoors, hinged v.hopper-doors located belowsaid floor-doors,l
cured to the underfraiing and housing the rods and the upper edges of the doors; Asaid hoods serving as stays .to the underfraniing.
5. A railwaycar 4having a hopper-opening in the fioor thereof, a pairv of converging hop-. per-doors hinged to said Hoor, and hoppersections disposed at the end portions of 'the hopper-opening. and arranged to meet the endf,
portions of the hopper-doors; reach hoppersection consisting of two metallic members which are assembled to produce a'double inclined shoulder bounded on one side bya marginal flange.
'6. `A railway-car having a liopperiopening of two metallic members which are assembled j to produce inclined shoulders and iianges at one side of .the shoulders, 'and hinged doors arranged tofclose-against the shoulders and within the flanges of said end sections.
vin the iioor, hopper-sections eaeli consisting IIO,
7. In a railway-car,`a hopper end section .1 consisting of an angular plate It', and aanged f plate i united to-saidangular platejsaid end, section being provided with converging shoulders. f I
8. A 'r'ailwayfear'having hinged hopper-A doorsgand-downwardly-inclined tongues carried by the free edgesof the doors and disposed vin opposing or facing relation; said `tongues arranged to meet one-another across the space between the doors on the closure thereof.l
49. A railway -ear having hopper -,doors yieldable tongues attached to said doors and disposed in converging and facing relation,' said tongues adapted to meet eachother and v to be compressed bythe'closi'ng movement of said doorsaand means fordrawing the doors together.
1 0.v Arailway-car having hopper-doors, and
a plurality ofl self-acting latehesearried by one door and disposed ,foi-engagement automatically with the companion door.
.115 .Afrailway-car .having movable hopperdoors, 4 oneof which is provided with a plural- 'ity of keepers, a pluralityoi' gravity-latches carried by the otherdoor for engagement with said ilreeper's' and meansifor rnoving Said latches to free them' from the keepers.
12. A railway-'car having hopper-doors, a
l phiralityfof. latches mounted at' intervals onl one of said doorsanddisposed for engagement automatically with the -otherl door-'on the elosure of the doors., and lneans- `Jfor'simultaneously withdrawing all the latches `from their locking positions. 13. 'A railwaycar l'iavingxhlnged hopper# doors provided'with depending lflanges, yielddoors one of .which 'isprovided with notches able tongues projecting in to the space between said flanges, and vmeans forpositively locking .theol-cors' in their' closedrelation'.
in its I oweredge, andaseries of automatic *latches* carried bygthe other`hopper-door' .and
adapted `toy engage with .the notched doorfor positively locking thezdoors in'their'closed po- 1 5. A. railway-'car having hinged'hopper'- 1 doors, latches carried by one o fsaddoors in 'positions to engage automatically with the other doorwhen the par-ts are closed, and means for adjusting. the latches.
1.6. A railway-carfliaving hinged hopper-` doorsranging lengthwise of said car', a longitudinalwinding-shaf-t, and aseriesof chains or cablesfarrangedstransversely beneath the car, leach individual cable being attaehedto -one door', `4 engaging'with theother door, and
attached to the winding-shaft. 17. A railway-car having hinged hopper- -doors ranging lengthwise of said-car, a series of guide-rollers carried 'byone door, chains or cables arranged transversely beneath the ear and fastened-individually to the other'. door,
and a single longitudinal shaft to. which the Y chains or cablesare'astened; said cables having slidable engagement individually withthe guide-rollers on one door.`
18. A rallwa f-car 'having hinged hopper- Adoors, means for drawing said ldoors totheir closed positions, and latches. carried by one kdoor and adaptedfor engagement automatically with the other door on tire-closure thereof.
19. A railway-ear. having hop'pe r-do'ors,v a
series of guides carriedby one door, aj' series foi' cables or chains attached to the other door and :extending around said guides,- and a series of latches alternating with the cables and carried by one door'for automatic engagement 'with the-other door. i
. 20. A railway-earhaving a hopper-opening l in the floor thereof, hinge-rods extending lon-'- below `the' h opper-opening,
ofthe underfraniingand the free'edge of the fined hood extending over the hinged edge oi' the hopper-door.' v
22; A'railwaycar having an underframing,
a hopper-opening lin the iloor of the car, a
curved metallicfhood ranging lengthwise of the hopper-opening and attached at one edge to the underframing and servlng as 'a stay therefor,- and a door.` having its li'nged edge inclosed by said hood'.
123. Arailway-car having a hopper-opening, and .a'movable inclined partition extending continuously from the hopper-opening toan end vportion of the car, said partition being adjustable -tol a vertical position and in close relation to one end 'of the car to 'form an in- 1 side wall ofthev car-body. v 24. A railway-car havingfalhopper-opening and an inclined hopper-section, and -a partition supper-'ted` removably within the carv and adinstable to an inclined positioncoincidcnt withthe hopper-section.
25. A railway-ear havinga hopper-opening, a partition within said car and extending upwardly from said hopper-opening, and ahinged brace connectedto said partition, the latter beingfoldable against a wall ofthe car;
26. Arailway-car,havingahopper-opening, an. inclined partition extending upwardly from thehopperopenin'g and foldable against a wall of the car, means for holding the 'partition in its folded and adjusted positions, and
-a brace for saidpartition.
'In a railway-ear, a deck-rafter consisting of complemental longitudinal members united together, the eorrespon'dingend `'por- 4 tions of said members being bent in opposite directions and producing'attaching-flanges at 28. In a railway-car, a deek-rafter'having complemental longitudinal-*members provided at their end portions with angular flanges. the upper edges of said members having lateral fianges and-one of said menibers'having a lip or tongue bent into locking' relation to lthe other member.
29. A railway-ear having channeled posts in the body thereof, certain 'of saidposts being disposed infeonverging and lapping relation. V
30. in a railway-ear, a deelt-reiter consist- IOO IIO
ing of complemented metallic sections united firmly together, and angular riVet-ianges secured between the members of the rafter and having exposed angular portions.
3l. A railway-car having a hopper-opening, an underframe, erossities secured to the underframe and extending across the hopper-opening, hopper-doors provided with slotsarranged tov looselyl receive the cross-ties, and
means for closing the slots in said doors when I0 the latter are closed.
In testimony whereof I have signed my name to this specification in the presence of tw subscribing witnesses.
US14741503A 1903-03-12 1903-03-12 Combination stock, coal, and coke car. Expired - Lifetime US761550A (en)

Priority Applications (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
US14741503A US761550A (en) 1903-03-12 1903-03-12 Combination stock, coal, and coke car.

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
US14741503A US761550A (en) 1903-03-12 1903-03-12 Combination stock, coal, and coke car.

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US14741503A Expired - Lifetime US761550A (en) 1903-03-12 1903-03-12 Combination stock, coal, and coke car.

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US (1) US761550A (en)

Cited By (8)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US2915022A (en) * 1952-03-26 1959-12-01 Entpr Railway Equipment Co Hopper door operating mechanism for the discharge-outlet of railway hopper cars
US3169491A (en) * 1960-09-26 1965-02-16 Baldwin Lima Hamilton Corp Railway bottom dump gondola car
US3246610A (en) * 1962-12-03 1966-04-19 Entpr Railway Equipment Co Railway dump car with closure sealing means
US3404650A (en) * 1965-04-14 1968-10-08 Manitowoc Shipbuilding Inc System and apparatus for translating and discharging a load
US3596609A (en) * 1969-08-13 1971-08-03 Ortner Freight Car Co Rapid discharge hopper car door actuator
US3783797A (en) * 1972-02-04 1974-01-08 Pullman Inc Hooper door actuating mechanism and auxiliary lock
US3878794A (en) * 1974-04-24 1975-04-22 Pullman Transport Leasing Co Bottom dumping mating hopper doors sealing arrangement
US4361096A (en) * 1978-10-06 1982-11-30 Ortner Freight Car Company Railway hopper car door seal

Cited By (8)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US2915022A (en) * 1952-03-26 1959-12-01 Entpr Railway Equipment Co Hopper door operating mechanism for the discharge-outlet of railway hopper cars
US3169491A (en) * 1960-09-26 1965-02-16 Baldwin Lima Hamilton Corp Railway bottom dump gondola car
US3246610A (en) * 1962-12-03 1966-04-19 Entpr Railway Equipment Co Railway dump car with closure sealing means
US3404650A (en) * 1965-04-14 1968-10-08 Manitowoc Shipbuilding Inc System and apparatus for translating and discharging a load
US3596609A (en) * 1969-08-13 1971-08-03 Ortner Freight Car Co Rapid discharge hopper car door actuator
US3783797A (en) * 1972-02-04 1974-01-08 Pullman Inc Hooper door actuating mechanism and auxiliary lock
US3878794A (en) * 1974-04-24 1975-04-22 Pullman Transport Leasing Co Bottom dumping mating hopper doors sealing arrangement
US4361096A (en) * 1978-10-06 1982-11-30 Ortner Freight Car Company Railway hopper car door seal

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