US617696A - boeck - Google Patents

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US617696A US617696DA US617696A US 617696 A US617696 A US 617696A US 617696D A US617696D A US 617696DA US 617696 A US617696 A US 617696A
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    • F24B1/00Stoves or ranges
    • F24B1/20Ranges
    • F24B1/202Ranges specially adapted for travelling
    • F24B1/205Ranges specially adapted for travelling collapsible


  • This invention relates 110 portable ovens such as are employed in conneetion with gas 01' vapor stoves and the prinoipal object is 110 provide a praetical knockdown construc- 11i0n, so that ovens of this kind oan be sl1ipped more economioally than heretofore possible.
  • Ovens 01 this type as generally eonstructed at present are not of the knockdown variety, and it is not possible 120 make up even the minimum weight allowed in a given compass, as that afforded by a freight-car, and hence shipment 0f ovens eoonomically has been impossible.
  • I1 is true there are instances in the prior art of knockdown constructions 0f ovens; but they have 11011 been generally rec- 0gnized as practieable, and hence have not been universally adopted.
  • My invention provides a thoroughly prac- 11i0a1 knoekdown eonstruction, so that when the parts of the oven are put together a perfeetly stable structure results and 0110 equally as effieient as when 11011 construoted 0n the knoekdown prinoiple. Moreover, the parts of the oven are capable of being compaeted in a very small compass, making it possible 110 ship and store eeonomieally.
  • Fig. 4 represents the oven in horizontal eross- Serial N0. 688,950. (N0 mollel.)
  • Fig. 7 is a cross-seotion of the latter.
  • the referenoe-letter a designates the bottom plate of the oven, which is centrally apertured, as shown at a, for the admission 015 the produets of combustion, and is forn1ed with upstanding flanges a 011 its four edges5 which fianges are cut out on a ourve o1 0011- caved at their ends, as shown at cv.
  • Immer flanges b extend parallel with the flanges a forming therewith four grooves, and these 111- ner flanges are riveted to the plate a, they being of angular f0rm and made of comparatively thin sheet metal,the same as said plate.
  • braekets are riveted. 120 the plate and provided with screw-threaded openings o in their 011 tstanding portions.
  • the said braekets are preferably 0f considerably heavier material than the plate, being preferably oast in the double-L forn1 shown, so as 110 provide feet for riveting 110 the plate,
  • brackets are set diagonally of the plate, so that their apertured outstanding portions are over the oorner portions of the 1atter in position to reoeive the lower ends of tie-bolts d, whieh are serew-threaded for engagement with the openings c.
  • the oven oomprises a pair of sheet-metal plates e and e, marginally united by crimping 01 bending the edges of the plate e over the edges of the plate e, but sufficiently separated 110 provide an air-spaee e and openings in the plate e near the top admit bot air, which escapes through openings in the plate e near the bottom.
  • the front of the oven difiers in construotion from the sides and the back in that 113 consists of a single plate h, having a beaded edge, and this front plate is formed with a rectangular opening, which is closed by a door consisting of plates z and' 1", marginally united and having an air-space between them, said door being hinged 110 the front plate at IOO one side of the opening therein, as shown -at 'i and having a handle z' at the opposite side, with a turn-button z' adapted to take over the inner side of the front plate, and thereby hold the (1001 closed.
  • Each corner-piece comprises a pair of sheetmetal strips f and f, angular in cross-section,
  • the eonvergenee of the side portions of the strips provides for their more elosely hugging the side plates of the oven and making an airtight olosure, as well as insuring rigidity and a finished appearanee.
  • the inner strip f of the corner-pieoe is preferably 1eft square at the lower end, as shown at f so as 130 extend beyond the outer strips and assist the operator in putting the parts together, While the outer strip 1's ronnded 01' eonvexed, as show'n at f so as to fit the rounded edges a of the fianges a and give a finished exterior appearance to the oven, removing any indication of a knoekdown eonstruction when the pa1ts of the oven are fitted together.
  • Both the inner and outer strips 0f the corner-piece are sinnilarly ronnded at their upper ends, as shown at f*, for a like pnrpose, and the top plate g of the oven is formed with downturned flanges g on all sides, which are cut ont 0n a curve 01 concaved at their ends, as shown at g t0 fit the curved upper edges of the corner-strips.
  • the top of the oven comprises also a plate g formed With nptnrned flanges g, between which and the flanges g grooves are provided to reeeive the upper edges of the sides of the oven, the said plate 9 being seoured 130 the plate g by bolts 9 and nuts g.
  • the tie-bolts d extend up through apertures in the plates g and g, their heads overlying the latter, so that when the bolts are screwed down they will elamp all the plates 0f the oven together.
  • Opposite side plates of the oven may be flnted, if desired, 130 add strength and increase the heating-surface, and a1e preferably stamped out with ledges e to aecommodate shelves such as orinar ily employed in ov'ehs that a suitable deflector will be arranged over the opening in the base-plate.
  • Hand1es j hinged to the outer plates of the sides of the oven, afford means for moving the oven about.
  • top and bottom plates having marginal grooves, side plates whose top and bottom edges oceupy said grooves, corner-strips each of angular cross-section, their wings being formed donble With an outward opening groove 01 space between the members of each wing to receive a side edge of one of the side plates, the inner wing members as well as the outer wing mernbers standing at an angle to each other, and means for holding all the plates together.
  • top and bottom plates having marginal grooves, side plates whose top and bottom edges occupy said grooves, eorner-pieees composed of angular sheet-metal strips secured together and separated to form grooves t0 receive the side edges of the side plates, and means f0r holding all the plates together.


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Chemical & Material Sciences (AREA)
  • Combustion & Propulsion (AREA)
  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • General Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Baking, Grill, Roasting (AREA)


SPEOIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent N0. 617,696, dated J anuary 10, 1899.
Applloation filed August 19, 1898.
T0 all whomit may concern:
Be it known tl1at I, Cmmmzs H. BOEOK, a ci1sizen of the United Staates, residing a1; J ackson, in the oounty of Jaekson and State 0f Michigan, have invented certain new and useful. Improvements in Portable Knockdown Ovens and I do hereby deolare the following 130 be afull, clear, and exaet description of the invention, such as will enable others skilled in the art to whieh it appertains 110 make and use the same.
This invention relates 110 portable ovens such as are employed in conneetion with gas 01' vapor stoves and the prinoipal object is 110 provide a praetical knockdown construc- 11i0n, so that ovens of this kind oan be sl1ipped more economioally than heretofore possible. Ovens 01: this type as generally eonstructed at present are not of the knockdown variety, and it is not possible 120 make up even the minimum weight allowed in a given compass, as that afforded by a freight-car, and hence shipment 0f ovens eoonomically has been impossible. I1: is true there are instances in the prior art of knockdown constructions 0f ovens; but they have 11011 been generally rec- 0gnized as practieable, and hence have not been universally adopted.
My invention provides a thoroughly prac- 11i0a1 knoekdown eonstruction, so that when the parts of the oven are put together a perfeetly stable structure results and 0110 equally as effieient as when 11011 construoted 0n the knoekdown prinoiple. Moreover, the parts of the oven are capable of being compaeted in a very small compass, making it possible 110 ship and store eeonomieally.
With the above-stated object in view the invention co'nsists in a number 0f novel features 0f eonstruetion and combinations of parts, which are recited in the appended clainus, a preferred form 0f embodiment 0f the invention b'eing illustrated in the aceompanying drawings, whieh form part of this speeification, and whereof Figure 1 represents the oven in perspeetive as it appears when ready for use. Fig. 2 represents the same in cross-seotiori. Fig. 3 represents son1e of the parts of the oven in perspeotive as they appear when fitted together.
a and outstanding upper portions.
Fig. 4 represents the oven in horizontal eross- Serial N0. 688,950. (N0 mollel.)
perspeetive, and Fig. 7 is a cross-seotion of the latter.
The referenoe-letter a designates the bottom plate of the oven, which is centrally apertured, as shown at a, for the admission 015 the produets of combustion, and is forn1ed with upstanding flanges a 011 its four edges5 which fianges are cut out on a ourve o1 0011- caved at their ends, as shown at cv. Immer flanges b extend parallel with the flanges a forming therewith four grooves, and these 111- ner flanges are riveted to the plate a, they being of angular f0rm and made of comparatively thin sheet metal,the same as said plate.
At the corners of the base-plate brackets 0 are located, these braekets being riveted. 120 the plate and provided with screw-threaded openings o in their 011 tstanding portions. The said braekets are preferably 0f considerably heavier material than the plate, being preferably oast in the double-L forn1 shown, so as 110 provide feet for riveting 110 the plate,
upstanding portions rising above the flanges These brackets are set diagonally of the plate, so that their apertured outstanding portions are over the oorner portions of the 1atter in position to reoeive the lower ends of tie-bolts d, whieh are serew-threaded for engagement with the openings c.
Bach of the two sides, as also the.baek 0f. the oven oomprises a pair of sheet-metal plates e and e, marginally united by crimping 01 bending the edges of the plate e over the edges of the plate e, but sufficiently separated 110 provide an air-spaee e and openings in the plate e near the top admit bot air, which escapes through openings in the plate e near the bottom.
The front of the oven difiers in construotion from the sides and the back in that 113 consists of a single plate h, having a beaded edge, and this front plate is formed with a rectangular opening, which is closed by a door consisting of plates z and' 1", marginally united and having an air-space between them, said door being hinged 110 the front plate at IOO one side of the opening therein, as shown -at 'i and having a handle z' at the opposite side, with a turn-button z' adapted to take over the inner side of the front plate, and thereby hold the (1001 closed.
The lower edges f the sides, back, and front fit into the grooves provided between the flanges 0f the base-plate, their side edges being in close proximity, as shown in Fig. 5, and adapted to be united by means of cornerpieces of special eonstruetion, as follows: Each corner-piece comprises a pair of sheetmetal strips f and f, angular in cross-section,
and the inner strip f grooved. o1 crirnped at its angle, as shown at f, so as to enter the angle of the outer strip, to which it is couneoted by rivets f passing through the crimped portion of the inner strip. The portions of the latter on opposite sides of the groove f norm ally extend toward corresponding portions of the outer strip, but are separated therefrom, so as to forrn grooves f (see Fig. 7,) and the strips being 0f substantially right angle formation these grooves necessarily are substantially at right angles to each other, so that they are adapted to reeeive the adjacent edges of the sides of the oven in the manner illustrated in I ig. 3. The eonvergenee of the side portions of the strips provides for their more elosely hugging the side plates of the oven and making an airtight olosure, as well as insuring rigidity and a finished appearanee. The inner strip f of the corner-pieoe is preferably 1eft square at the lower end, as shown at f so as 130 extend beyond the outer strips and assist the operator in putting the parts together, While the outer strip 1's ronnded 01' eonvexed, as show'n at f so as to fit the rounded edges a of the fianges a and give a finished exterior appearance to the oven, removing any indication of a knoekdown eonstruction when the pa1ts of the oven are fitted together. Both the inner and outer strips 0f the corner-piece are sinnilarly ronnded at their upper ends, as shown at f*, for a like pnrpose, and the top plate g of the oven is formed with downturned flanges g on all sides, which are cut ont 0n a curve 01 concaved at their ends, as shown at g t0 fit the curved upper edges of the corner-strips.
The top of the oven comprises also a plate g formed With nptnrned flanges g, between which and the flanges g grooves are provided to reeeive the upper edges of the sides of the oven, the said plate 9 being seoured 130 the plate g by bolts 9 and nuts g. The tie-bolts d extend up through apertures in the plates g and g, their heads overlying the latter, so that when the bolts are screwed down they will elamp all the plates 0f the oven together.
Opposite side plates of the oven may be flnted, if desired, 130 add strength and increase the heating-surface, and a1e preferably stamped out with ledges e to aecommodate shelves such as orinar ily employed in ov'ehs that a suitable deflector will be arranged over the opening in the base-plate.
Hand1es j, hinged to the outer plates of the sides of the oven, afford means for moving the oven about.
It will be seen that a construction such as above desoribed and illustrated in the accompanying drawings is well adapted to fulfil the objeots primarily stated. At the same time it Will be understood that modifications in the details of eonstruction ean be made without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention.
The speeial form of corner-piece shown and desoribed is not here elaimed per se, as it has been made the subject-matter of a separate application filed Decernber 7, 1898, Serial N0. 698,567.
I-Iaving thus fully described my invention, what I claim as new,and desire to seeure by Letters Patent of the United States, is-
1. In a knockdown oven, the combination of top and bottom plates having marginal grooves, side plates whose top and bottom edges oceupy said grooves, corner-strips each of angular cross-section, their wings being formed donble With an outward opening groove 01 space between the members of each wing to receive a side edge of one of the side plates, the inner wing members as well as the outer wing mernbers standing at an angle to each other, and means for holding all the plates together.
2. In a knockdown oven, the combination of top and bottom plates having marginal grooves, side plates whose top and bottom edges occupy said grooves, eorner-pieees composed of angular sheet-metal strips secured together and separated to form grooves t0 receive the side edges of the side plates, and means f0r holding all the plates together.
3. In a knockdown oven, the 'eombination of top and bottom plates marginally flanged to form grooves, the ends of the fianges being curved, side plates whose top and bottom edges occupy said grooves, eorner-pieces composed of angnlar strips secured together in pairs With grooves to receive the side edges of the side plates, said strips being curved at the ends 130 conform With the curvature of the fianges of the top and bottom plates, and 1neans for holding all the plates together, substantially as described.
In testimony whereof I afiix my signature in presence of two witnesses.
US617696D boeck Expired - Lifetime US617696A (en)

Publications (1)

Publication Number Publication Date
US617696A true US617696A (en) 1899-01-10



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US617696D Expired - Lifetime US617696A (en) boeck

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US (1) US617696A (en)

Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US20230118537A1 (en) * 2021-10-14 2023-04-20 Brice Hoskin Portable Stove

Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US20230118537A1 (en) * 2021-10-14 2023-04-20 Brice Hoskin Portable Stove

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