US462919A - Setts - Google Patents

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US462919A US462919DA US462919A US 462919 A US462919 A US 462919A US 462919D A US462919D A US 462919DA US 462919 A US462919 A US 462919A
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    • D03WEAVING
    • D03D45/00Looms with automatic weft replenishment
    • D03D45/20Changing bobbins, cops, or other shuttle stock


  • Fig. l2 shows a shuttle enlarged ro panying drawings, is a specilication, like letand its holder, the bobbin being in place. oo ters on the drawings representing like parts.
  • the iilling stopmotion can act B14, the trip C', the bobbin or spindle rest Bl", only when the iilling fails, and any failurein 'mounted on the stud BT and located at the filling makes a faultin the cloth.
  • the iilling stopmotion can act B14, the trip C', the bobbin or spindle rest Bl" only when the iilling fails, and any failurein 'mounted on the stud BT and located at the filling makes a faultin the cloth.
  • coarser lower end of the hopper, and the incline D'
  • a picking-shaft, picking mechanism, stop- The invention to be herein described has ping mechanism, as provided for in said patfor its object to change the bobbin, spindle, ent, and some usual shed-forming devices, or other filling-carrier used in the shuttle after warp and take-up beams, and let-od and take- 3o a predetermined number of picks and before up devices. 8C the filling has opportunity of being wovenoff, The shuttle-box is slotted or cutthrough at and consequently perfect cloth as to pick or its bottom, as shown in Fig. 1, to enable the laying of weft is insured. rlhe pusher o1' bobbin, spindle, or weft-carrier b to be pushed transferrer or other device employed to put from the shuttle S through the said slot, to
  • the said pattern surface or indicator determines the number of picks in the cloth being moved in unison with or from some -as the source of motion for the pattern surregularly-moving part of the loom-as, for inface or indicator. of whatever form used, stance, the take-up or crank.
  • the crank-shaft A as herein represented, is provided with an eccentric 10, which actuates a pawl 12, which engages the teeth of and rotates a take-up ratchet-Wheel 13, of usual construction.
  • This ratchetwheel 13 has at its hub a pinion 14, which in the form of our invention herein shown acts through the gears 15 16 and engages and rotates a gear 17, the hub of which carries a pattern surface or indicator 18, which in this embodiment of our invention is shown as a cam; but instead Vof the particular form of pattern surface or indicator shown
  • We may employ any other equivalent pattern surface or indicator,which, at a certain part of its rotation or movement derived from some suitable source of movement by suitable devices, will set in motion the device or devices which aid in starting the movelnent of the pusher or transferrer to insure a new supply of filling.
  • the said pattern-,surface acts on a toe 19 at the lower end vof a connection 20, represented as a slide-bar normally kept down with the lsaid toe against the said cam.
  • the upper end of the connection 2O is represented as provided with a camllat-ch 21, Which co-opcrates With the outer end 22 rof the trip C', said trip being pivoted at 23 upon. a part of the pusher B14.
  • the pusher is normally kept elevated, as represented in Fig. 1, and for such purpose We prefer to employ some sort of spring, as 27, it being represented as Wound about the stud 28, forming the fulcrum for th-e pusher, one end of the spring being connected to the pusher and the other to thestud.
  • the trip has at one side a lug '29, as shown best in Figs. 9 and 11.
  • the machine described in the patent referred to contained a bunter, which at times struck the trip, but in the said patent the bunter Was fixed tothe lay.
  • the bunter is made movable on or with relation to the lay and is placed under the control of the shuttle-box binder t, it being a binder pivoted at one end and adapted to swing out and in at its other end, as common in looms. Will preferably be mounted loosely upon a stud 30, suitably mounted in an ear 31 at the front of the lay.
  • a spring'32 herein represented as surrounding the said stud and connected at one end with the bunter and at the other end with an adjustable collar 33 on the stud, acts to keep the heel 26X of the bunter pressed against the shuttle-box binder t, as represented in Fig. 3.
  • the hopper will contain a series of spindles, bobbins, or weft-carriers; that the outer ends of the filling or weft Wound on'the said spindles, bobbins, or weft-carriers will be held by some suitable holder, and that the shuttles used will have self-threading eyes to enable the filling or weft put into the shuttle by the pusher to be automatically threaded into the shuttle-eyes during the movement of the shuttle in the loom, all as provided for in the said patent.
  • a bobbin being used in a shuttle may, by or through a pattern-surface, be put out of the shuttle and another bobbin be put in its place from a hopper holding bobbins in reserve after any desired or predetermined number of picks, this depending on the pattern-surface, and by arranging the bobbinsin thehopperin the desired sequence as to color striped goods may be woven.
  • This invention is not limited to the exact shape shown for the pusher or to the exact shape or construction of the parts intermediate the pusher and the pattern surface or indicator to enable the pusher to be actuated by the bunter or equivalent while the lay is being moved toward the breast-beam and a shuttle is iu the shuttle-box-
  • the shuttle (shown on a larger scale in Fig. 12) is open at opposite points for the reception of a bobbin or spindle into the holder or jaws j 7:, and for the discharge from the opposite open face of the shuttle of a bobbin somewhat exhausted or to be changed.
  • a shuttle-box, its binder, and a bunter the position of which is made to vary when the shutt-le is in or is absentfrom the shuttlebox, combined with a pusher to push a bobbin into the shuttle in the shuttle-box and intermediate devices to be struck by the bunter and turn the pusher at the desired time, substantially as described.
  • a loom containing thefollowing instrumentalities viz: a hopper to contain a series of bobbins, spindles, or weft-carriers, a lay having a shuttle-box, a shuttle in the said shuttle-box and provided with means to hold a bobbin, spindle, or weft-carrier, abunter, a pusher to push a bobbin into a shuttle, apattern surface or indicator, and means under the control of the said pattern surface or indicator to enable the bunter to aetuate the pusher at a predetcrinined time, substantially as described.
  • a hopper to contain bobbins, spindles, or weft-carriers, a pusher, and a connected trip, combined with a pattern-surface and connections intermediate it and the trip to move the trip upon the pusher, to operate substantially as described.


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Textile Engineering (AREA)
  • Looms (AREA)


(No Model.) 2 sheens-sheen 1.
(No Model.) 2 Sheets--Shee'n 2. W. F. DRAPER 8v J. H. NORTHROP.
No. 462,919. Patented Nov. 10,1891.
I \/E icm/3. Wig? 2i-H77??? We E E. E E.:
L O O Nl SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 462,919, dated November 10, 1891.
Application led May 18,1891. Serial No. 393,092. (No model.)
To @ZZ whom it may concern.' Fig. 3,a detail of the connection 20; Fig. I, a
Be it known that we, WILLIAM F. DRAPER, detail looking from the left in Fig. 1, chiefly of Hopedale, county of lvorcester, State of to show the means for moving the pusher at Massachusetts, and JAMES II. NORTHROP, a a predetermined time, the lineas showingthe 5 subject ot the Queen of Great Britaiu,but reline of section for Fig. 1; Figs. 5 and G, de- 55 siding at I'Iopedale, county of Vorcester, tails of the bunter controlled by the binder; State of Massachusetts, have invented an Im- Figs. 7 and S, details of the pusher; Figs. 9 to provement in Looms, of which the following 1l, details of the trip detached from the description, in connection with the accom pusher; and Fig. l2 showsa shuttle enlarged ro panying drawings, is a specilication, like letand its holder, the bobbin being in place. oo ters on the drawings representing like parts. The frame-work A, the crank-shaft A', the
United States Patent No. 454,810, dated lay A3, its connecting-rods A2, the hopper B, IJune 23, 189i, shows and describes a loom which in practice will contain a series of bobwherein a bobbin, spindle, or lling-carrier is bins, spindles, or weft-carriers I1, the self- 15 put automatically into a shuttle in the shutthreading shuttle S, having a bobbin or spin- 65 tle-boX whenever torany reason the wett fails. dle holder composed of jaws] 7s, the pusher In weaving, the iilling stopmotion can act B14, the trip C', the bobbin or spindle rest Bl", only when the iilling fails, and any failurein 'mounted on the stud BT and located at the filling makes a faultin the cloth. In coarser lower end of the hopper, and the incline D',
zo goods, where the lling is strong, the filling connected with the lay below the slot in the 7o stop-motion acts only when the Iillingvis exshuttle-box, are and may be all substantially hausted from the bobbin or spindle in the as in the said patent, wherein like letters are shuttle, and in the production of liner goods used to designate like parts. with ner filling the stopping of the loom by The loom to which our improvements to be z 5 the breakage ot' iilling is comparatively unherein described will be applied will contain 75 frequent. a picking-shaft, picking mechanism, stop- The invention to be herein described has ping mechanism, as provided for in said patfor its object to change the bobbin, spindle, ent, and some usual shed-forming devices, or other filling-carrier used in the shuttle after warp and take-up beams, and let-od and take- 3o a predetermined number of picks and before up devices. 8C the filling has opportunity of being wovenoff, The shuttle-box is slotted or cutthrough at and consequently perfect cloth as to pick or its bottom, as shown in Fig. 1, to enable the laying of weft is insured. rlhe pusher o1' bobbin, spindle, or weft-carrier b to be pushed transferrer or other device employed to put from the shuttle S through the said slot, to
35 a bobbin, spindle, or wett-carrier into the be discharged at the proper time, according 85 shuttle and to remove from the shuttle a subto the requirements ot' the pattern surface or stantially exhausted bobbin or spindle is con indicator. v trolled as to its time ot` action by a pattern In the formin which our invention is heresurfaee or indicator,-which, after a predein embodied we have for simplicity employed 4o termined number of picks, causes the pusher a part of the regular take-up motion, which 9o to act, the said pattern surface or indicator determines the number of picks in the cloth being moved in unison with or from some -as the source of motion for the pattern surregularly-moving part of the loom-as, for inface or indicator. of whatever form used, stance, the take-up or crank. which pattern-surface byits movement deter- 45 Figure l, in side elevation, represents a sulmines the time at which thepusherorequiva- 9 5 ficient portion of a loom with our improvelent device shall operate to take a full bobments added to enable our invention to be unbin, spindle, or weft-carrier h from the hopderstood, the shuttle-box and shuttle therein per and put it into the shuttle, insteadof the being in section; Figs. 2 and 3, details showbobbin, spindle, or weft-carrier which may 5o ing the lay and pusher in different positions; have been partially exhausted; but, as preroo viously stated, the pattern surface or indicator may derive its lnotion from any suitable moving part of the loom, according to the particular form of loom to which our improvements are added.
The crank-shaft A, as herein represented, is provided with an eccentric 10, which actuates a pawl 12, which engages the teeth of and rotates a take-up ratchet-Wheel 13, of usual construction. This ratchetwheel 13 has at its hub a pinion 14, which in the form of our invention herein shown acts through the gears 15 16 and engages and rotates a gear 17, the hub of which carries a pattern surface or indicator 18, which in this embodiment of our invention is shown as a cam; but instead Vof the particular form of pattern surface or indicator shown We may employ any other equivalent pattern surface or indicator,which, at a certain part of its rotation or movement derived from some suitable source of movement by suitable devices, will set in motion the device or devices which aid in starting the movelnent of the pusher or transferrer to insure a new supply of filling. As herein shown, the said pattern-,surface acts on a toe 19 at the lower end vof a connection 20, represented as a slide-bar normally kept down with the lsaid toe against the said cam. The upper end of the connection 2O is represented as provided with a camllat-ch 21, Which co-opcrates With the outer end 22 rof the trip C', said trip being pivoted at 23 upon. a part of the pusher B14. A suitable spring, as 24, connected at one end to the pin 25 on the said pusher and at its other end to a suitable pin on the trip, acts to normallj7 keep the inner end of the trip down or out of the range of movement of a bunter 26, attached to or moving With the lay. The pusher is normally kept elevated, as represented in Fig. 1, and for such purpose We prefer to employ some sort of spring, as 27, it being represented as Wound about the stud 28, forming the fulcrum for th-e pusher, one end of the spring being connected to the pusher and the other to thestud. The trip has at one side a lug '29, as shown best in Figs. 9 and 11.
The machine described in the patent referred to contained a bunter, which at times struck the trip, but in the said patent the bunter Was fixed tothe lay. In this our invention, however, the bunter is made movable on or with relation to the lay and is placed under the control of the shuttle-box binder t, it being a binder pivoted at one end and adapted to swing out and in at its other end, as common in looms. Will preferably be mounted loosely upon a stud 30, suitably mounted in an ear 31 at the front of the lay. A spring'32, herein represented as surrounding the said stud and connected at one end with the bunter and at the other end with an adjustable collar 33 on the stud, acts to keep the heel 26X of the bunter pressed against the shuttle-box binder t, as represented in Fig. 3.
'as the shoulder 35 gets above it.
This bunter 26 When the shuttle is.
20, and as the latter rises the upper end of p the incline or cam-shaped latch 2l thereof, by acting upon a part of the trip, preferably upon the under side of a lip or projection 29 thereof, lifts the outer end of the trip and carries its inner end down, (see Fig. 3,) so that the bunter cannot hit it. At this same time the upper end .of the latch 21 is gradually pushed in toward the loom side, compressing a spring 34Eon a stud 34X. Theconnection 20, at the lower end of its beveled face 2l, (see Figs 1 and 4,) has a shoulder 35, preferably inclined, as shown in Fig. l by dotted lines and enlarged in Fig. 3, which as the connection ascends finally catches over a part of the arm 22 of the trip, preferably over the lip or projection 29 thereof, the spring 34 acting normally to cause the hook to engage the said lip or projection as soon As orafter the shoulder 35 of the connection engages the arm 22 of the trip the toe 19' in the further rotation of the pattern' surface or indicator drops from the' heel of the cam or from the dotted-line position, Fig. 3, into the fullline position, Fig. 2, (the Weight of the toe being preferablysufiicient to cause it to drop thus,) andthe connection acts on the arm 22 to put the front end of the trip into therange of movement of the bunter 26, as in Fig. 1, so that duringthe forward stroke of the lay, if a shuttle is properly in the shuttle-box, so as to push the binder out and put the bunterin operative position, the said bunter will strike the trip, as in Fig. 1, and as the lay goes yet farther forward the bunter, acting on the trip, Will actuate the pusher, bringing` it into the position Fig. 2 and effecting the transfer of the lowermostbobbin, spindle, or Wett-carrier b from the hopper into the shuttle S in the shuttle-box, causing the incoming bobbin, spindle,'or weft-carrier to act on and eject the previously-exhausted bobbin, spindle, or weft-carrier from the shuttle. Instead of depending upon the Weight of the toe to pull down the connection 20, We may use any equivalent device, such as a spring. Then the bunter strikes the trip, as stated, to depress the pusher, the trip is pushed toward the breast-beam, and at such time the lug or IOO IIO
projection 29 on the arm 22 of the trip is Y connection 2O is lifted slightly, so that as soon as thelug or projection 2f), in its movement toward the breast-beam, passes beyond the said end of the trip then assumes a position out of the path of the bunter, so that the latter cannot again hit the bunter until the trip has again been put in operative position by the pattern surface or indicator.
ln practice it will be understood, as provided for in the said patent, that the hopper will contain a series of spindles, bobbins, or weft-carriers; that the outer ends of the filling or weft Wound on'the said spindles, bobbins, or weft-carriers will be held by some suitable holder, and that the shuttles used will have self-threading eyes to enable the filling or weft put into the shuttle by the pusher to be automatically threaded into the shuttle-eyes during the movement of the shuttle in the loom, all as provided for in the said patent.
In this present invention,based upon the invention contained in said patent, we have omitted from the drawings many parts common to all looms for weaving cotton and other cloth, and have tried to illustrate only those parts of our present invention added to other known parts.
From the foregoing description it will be understood that a bobbin being used in a shuttle may, by or through a pattern-surface, be put out of the shuttle and another bobbin be put in its place from a hopper holding bobbins in reserve after any desired or predetermined number of picks, this depending on the pattern-surface, and by arranging the bobbinsin thehopperin the desired sequence as to color striped goods may be woven.
This invention is not limited to the exact shape shown for the pusher or to the exact shape or construction of the parts intermediate the pusher and the pattern surface or indicator to enable the pusher to be actuated by the bunter or equivalent while the lay is being moved toward the breast-beam and a shuttle is iu the shuttle-box- The shuttle (shown on a larger scale in Fig. 12) is open at opposite points for the reception of a bobbin or spindle into the holder or jaws j 7:, and for the discharge from the opposite open face of the shuttle of a bobbin somewhat exhausted or to be changed.
The substantially straight threading slot S,horn rLand slotted eyes for the thread'will or may be as provided for iu said patent, and so need not be herein further described.
Having described our invention, we claim as new and desire to secure by Letters Pat entl. A pusher to push abobbin, spindle, or weft-carrier into a shuttle in a shuttle-box, combined with a pattern surface or indicator to control the time at which the said pusher may be made to act and transferabobbin, as stated, substantially as described.
2. A shuttle-box, its binder, and a bunter, the position of which is made to vary when the shutt-le is in or is absentfrom the shuttlebox, combined with a pusher to push a bobbin into the shuttle in the shuttle-box and intermediate devices to be struck by the bunter and turn the pusher at the desired time, substantially as described.
A loom containing thefollowing instrumentalities, viz: a hopper to contain a series of bobbins, spindles, or weft-carriers, a lay having a shuttle-box, a shuttle in the said shuttle-box and provided with means to hold a bobbin, spindle, or weft-carrier, abunter, a pusher to push a bobbin into a shuttle, apattern surface or indicator, and means under the control of the said pattern surface or indicator to enable the bunter to aetuate the pusher at a predetcrinined time, substantially as described.
4. In a loom, a hopper to contain bobbins, spindles, or weft-carriers, a pusher, and a connected trip, combined with a pattern-surface and connections intermediate it and the trip to move the trip upon the pusher, to operate substantially as described.
In testimony whereof we have signed our names to this specification in the presence of two subscribing witnesses.
Titnessesz O. H. LANE, E. D. BANCROFT.
US462919D Setts Expired - Lifetime US462919A (en)

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US462919A true US462919A (en) 1891-11-10



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US462919D Expired - Lifetime US462919A (en) Setts

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