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US394606A US394606DA US394606A US 394606 A US394606 A US 394606A US 394606D A US394606D A US 394606DA US 394606 A US394606 A US 394606A
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    • D03WEAVING
    • D03D39/00Pile-fabric looms
    • D03D39/16Double-plush looms, i.e. for weaving two pile fabrics face-to-face
    • D03D39/18Separating the two plush layers, e.g. by cutting


  • a grooved guideplate or carriage-race, M Transversely across the front of the loom is arranged a grooved guideplate or carriage-race, M, the'position of which elatively to the supporting-bar L is shown in Figs. 2, 4, and 5.
  • This'transverse guide-plate is grooved longitudinally to form a slide or race for the knife-carriage K ,and is recessed at both ends to admit two friction pulleyrollers, N N, which have their bearings in the guide-plate.


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Textile Engineering (AREA)
  • Looms (AREA)


(No Model.) 2 Sheets-Sheet 1..
No. 394,606. Patented Dec. 18, 1888.
INVENTOR N, PETERS. Plwwumn n her, Washimzlcm. D. C.
2 SheetsSheet 2.
G. PEARSON, Decd. M. Pmnsou, Administratrix.
Patented Dec. 18, 1888.
(No Model.)
INVENTOR .W.ITN ESSESI: 6W0- N4 PETiRs. Phdoiilhognplwn Washington. D. c.
SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 394,606, dated. December 18, 1888. Application filed December 5, 1884- Serial No. 149,546. (No model.) Patented in England April 17, 1885, No. 4,766.
T0 all whom, it may concern: rack-bar and gearing to actuate the pulley- 50 Be it known that I, CHARLES PEARSON, a Wheel, and the cords or bands leading from subject of the Queen of Great Britain, at the latter to the knife-carriage. Figs. 6 and present residing in the city of Philadelphia, 7 are side and top views, respectively, of the in the State of Pennsylvania, have invented cam and rack-bar by means of which the pulcertain new and useful Improvements in Pileley-wheel is partially revolved in opposite di- 5 5 Cutting Mechanism for Double-Pile-Fabric rections to wind and unwind thereon cords Looms, of which the following is a full, clear, attached to opposite sides of the knife-carand exact description, reference being had to riage, by means whereof the latter is recipro- 10 the accompanying drawings, forming a part cated in the carriage-race.
of this specification, and for which I have 0b- The construction and operation of that part tained a patent in England, dated April 17, of the mechanism of the loom which is used 1885, No. 4,766. for weaving the double pile fabric in the My invention relates to that part of the mannerstatedIdonotdeemit necessary to de- 15 mechanism of the loom used for severing the scribe, the same being well known in the art;
pile-threads of double pile fabrics woven in and I shall therefore confine myself to showthe well-known manner in two backings or ing and describing only that part of the mechcloths with intervening connecting pileanisin of thelooln involving myinvention, and threads, so that when out apart laterally which performs the otlice of cutting the fabric 20 through the pile two distinct pieces of pile laterally and l'n'oducing therefrom two pieces fabric are produced; and my invention conof pile fabric. sists in the construction and arrangement of The framing supports between its sides A the driving mechanism which reciprocates A, at the front of the loom, a supporting or the knife-carriage, and in the construction and cutting bar, L, which is a fiat metal plate rea 5 arrangement on the transverse guide-plate or cessed at R, to admit of the insertion and vercarriage-race of stopping mechanism for the tical motion therein of the housing or frame knife-carriage, as hereinafter fully described. for the sharpening-rollers, which need not be In the drawings, Figure 1 is a front view of described, as they may be of any known cona part of a loom for weaving double pile fabstrnction. l'pon this plate or bar L the woven 3 ric, showing the arrangement of the grooved double pile fabric is received and over it the race-bar, the cords which reciprocate the cutting-knife K" passes. The bar L may, knife carriage, the circumferentially-grooved however, be recessed in like manner at the double-acting pulley-wheel, and cog-gearing other end, so as to admit of the insertion connecting the latter with the rack-bar of the therein of a second and similar pair of sharp- 35 actuating-cam. Fig. 2 is a top view of the ening-rollers, in order that the knife may be grooved guide-plate or carriage-race and supsharpened at each extremity of its lateral porting-plate on which the pile fabric is sevtravel and during its intervals of rest at each ered. Fig. 3 is an enlarged top view of one end of the race-bar, as hereinafterdescribed. end of the carriage-race, showing the position Upper and lower velvet-rollers, I F, suitap 4 of the knife-carriage, the mode of securing bly mounted in the frame of the loom (see the cords thereto, the stopping device, and one Fig. -'l) take up the two pieces of severed pile of the cord friction-rollers. Fig. l is a defabric T T, cut apart by the knife K, from tached vertical section of the velvet-deliverthe two woven connected backings and draw ing rollers, supporting-plate for the fabric, forward the uncut double pile fabric T up to 45 carriage-race,knife-carriage, and knife. Fig. the traveling knife as it is delivered over and 5 is a side view in vertical section of one side upon the supporting-bar L. 5 of the loom from the inside, showing the up- The rollers F F are geared together and i per cam to actuate the sharpening mechanactuated by a Worm, to which motion is com- 1 ism, the lower or knife-actuating cam and its municated from the picking-shaft or by other appropriate means. Transversely across the front of the loom is arranged a grooved guideplate or carriage-race, M, the'position of which elatively to the supporting-bar L is shown in Figs. 2, 4, and 5. This'transverse guide-plate is grooved longitudinally to form a slide or race for the knife-carriage K ,and is recessed at both ends to admit two friction pulleyrollers, N N, which have their bearings in the guide-plate.
The cutting mechanism proper consists of a knife-carriage, K, which supports a knifeholder, K, in which the knifel is adjusted, the construction and arrangement of all of which, however, are the same as heretofore employed and known in the art. .(For example, see English patent of George Davies, No. 2,429, dated November 1, 1858.)
The knife-carriage moves laterally backward and forward in the groove of the guideplate or race-bar M, being so reciprocated therein by means'of. two cords, E E, each of which passes over its respective frictionroller N or N in the guide-race M. One cord, E, is fastened to one side of the knife-carriage and passes thence over the frictionroller N, and the other cord, E, is fastened to the other side of the knife-carriage and passes from thence over the other friction-roller, N. It is at this point in the construction of the driving mechanism that my improvement begins. I-leretofore all such looms were supplied with a pair of single-acting pulleywheels, one on each side of the framing of the loom, one wheel winding up one of said cords, E, while the other pulley was caused to revolve at the same time to unwind the other cord, E, attached to the other side of the knife-carriage, and vice versa, alternately, and these pulley-wh eels were usually mounted on a shaft extending from side to side to the loom-frame, which shaft was revolved by a rack-bar reciprocated by means of a cam, usually of complicated construction, connected directly or indirectly with the main driving-shaft. Such construction caused inequalities in the working parts, due to unequal wear and tension of the cords and pulleys and their driving-gear, and it is well'known and manifest that the result would be and is a corresponding inequality and imperfection in the independent driving-pulleys, each operating only upon its side of the knife-carriage to move it in one direction, and this result is aided in my improved loom by the use of a single positive-action cam, instead of the usual double cam, to actuate the driving-pulley; hence I dispense with the usual pair of pul-. leysone on each side of the loon1mounted on a shaft extending from side to side of the loom-frame, and substitute therefor a single double-acting )ulley-wheel, D, grooved circumferentially and rigidly secured to a shaft, 12, which has its outer bearing in an arm, H, affixed to the frame of the loom. Y
The cords E E, above described, fastened to either side of the knife-carriage and passing over the friction-rollers N N, have their other endsfastened to the pulley D in the following manner: ()ne cord, say E, on the side of the loom supporting the pulley D passes directly to the said pulley-wheel and has its end knotted in the periphery thereof, while the other cord, E, fastened to the other side of the knife-carriage, passes over its appropriate friction roller N, thence under the race-bar M to a second friction-roller, G, and thence to and partially around the pulleywheel D in a contrary direction from the other cord,E, and is in like manner fastened thereto. The said pulley-wheel has a movement given to it, which is a partial revolution, first in one direction and then in the other, by means of the mechanism hereinafter described, andshown in Figs. 5, 6, and 7. This arrangement causes the knife-carriage K to be reciprocated in the grooved transverse guide-plate orrace-bar M, the to-and-fro movement in both directions being accomplished by a single actuating mechanism, the doubleacting pulley-wheel D, with the described arrangement of the cords thereon, acting directly upon both sides of the knife-carriage at the same time, the winding up of cord E drawing the knife-carriage K in one direction, while the simultaneous unwinding of cord E permits of such movement, and vice versa, al-.
Figs. 5, 6, and '7, and it is actuated by a cogwheel, B Which gears with a cog-wheel, C, which, by means of its cam C, actuates the sharpening mechanism, as shown in Fig. 5. The c0g-wheel C is mounted on the end of a horizontal shaft having bearings in the frame of the loom. The cam B is securely Ioo fixed to the outer face of its actuating cogwheel B, around the end of the shaft B,
upon which said cog is mounted, said shaft.
having its bearings inthe frame of the loom and projecting slightly beyond the outer face of the cog. This cam B operates to give reciprocating motion to the rack-bar B by bearing alternately against the friction-rollers B and 13". The bar B is provided with a cograck, 13", on a part of its upper surface, which gears with a small cog-wheel, D, secured to the same shaft as the cog D, which in turn drives the cog D', secured to the pulleywheel D, and by these means the said pulleywheel is partially revolved in either direction alternately, and thus winds and unwinds successively the cords E E, one being wound up while the other is unwound, and vice versa, alternately, and so reciprocates the knife-carriage in the grooved guide-plate and severs the double pile fabric presented to the knife over and upon the supporting-bar L, as shown in Fig. 4, T representing; the uncut double pile fabric, T T being the two pieces cut therefrom. cam B is of itself anovel'feature of my invention. It is of the form of a segment of an annular plate with a central hole, thus showing two rounded sides, the smaller (being the inner one) fitting rigidly around the cog-shaft B and the larger (the outer side) being the part which comes in contact with the frictionrollers 13 B Now the operation. of this cam B, being arranged as shown, is such that, motion being given thereto by revolution of the shaft B, moved by the cog-wheel B", the rack-bar B is reciproeated, and its rack B", acting on the cogs D D D, as described, causes a partial revolution of the pulley-wheel D in either direction, as the bar B may be movingbaclnvard or forward, depending upon the position of the cam B between the friction-rollers 15 b and by this cam being constructed and arranged as shown the rackbar B" is at-rest pending that part of the revolution of the cam B shown in the drawings, Figs. 5 and G, as just completed, and therefore the knife-carriage is reeiprocated along the groove of the guide-plate M, not by a constant backwardand-forward motion, but between intervals of positive rest (which occur directly opposite the sharpening-rollers) at each end of its lateraltravel on the grooved race-plate, equal to two picks of the loom at each interval.
The second part of my improy'ement consists of an elastic stopping mechanism for the knife-carriage at each end of its lateral travel in the grooved race-bar M, as shown in Fig. 3, and described as follows: Two flanged cross-bars, 1 and 2, are secured to the plate M as bearings for a stoppenrod, 6, which has an enlarged end, 7, serving as a stopper for the knife-carriage. Encireling this stopperrod, on that part of it which is between the flanges of the cross -bars, are placed two pieces of rubber tubing, 4 and 5, and between them a metal band, 3, having a setscrew, 8, by which latter either piece of rubber tubing maybe compressed to or from either flange of the cross-bars 1 and 2. By this device,
The peculiar configuration of thiswhich serves as an elastic cushion for the knife-carriage, I am also enabled to bring different parts of the knife-blade against the sharpening-rollers from time to time, as may be (lesired, by moving forward the rod (3 and shifting the position of the set-screw band :3 along the rod (3 to corresptmd, thereby bringing the enlarged end of the rod 0 in greater or less proximity to the extreme point of lateral travel of the knifcmarriage, so that the sharpening-rollers may thus be brought to act on different portions of the knife-edge, according as the stopper-rod 6 may be adjusted laterally in the manner described, the sharpening-rollers being usually made circularly concave, or, if not so constructed in the first instance, assume that form from constant wear.
Having thus described my invention, what I claim as new, and desire to secure by Letters Patent, is
1. The combination, with the frame A of the loom, a transverse race-bar, M, and a knife-carriage, K, of mechanism to reciprocate said knife-carriage in said race-bar, consisting of the double-actin circumferentiallygrooved pulley-wheel D, located and supported on one side of the loom-frame, actuating-cords E E, connecting said knife-carriage on opposite sides thereof with opposite points on the periphery of said pulley-wheel, and mechanism to partially revolve said pulley-wheel in either direction alternately, substantially as described.
2. The combination, with the frame A, a transverse race-bar, a knife-carriage, and pulley mechanism to reciprocate the same in said race-bar, of actuating mechanism consisting of the shaft B and the cam I5, constructed as a segment of an annular plate, with the smaller side thereof applied to said shaft, the rack-bar B, and gearing connecting the latter with said pulley mechanism, whereby the knife-carriage is reciprocated in said race-bar l'leiween intervals of positive rest at each end thereof and opposite the sharpening mechanism, substantially as described.
3. The combination, with the frame A and shaft B, of the single cam B, constructed as a segment of an annular plate, ,with the smaller side applied to the said shaft, the rack-bar IS, the double-acting pulley 1), arranged to reci n'ocate the knife-carriage in both directions, gearing connecting said pulley-wheel with said rack-bar, the grooved race-bar M, knife-carriage K, and actuatingcords E E, connected with opposite ends of said knife-carriage and with opposite points on the periphery of said pulley-wheel, said parts being constructed, combined, and operating substantially in the manner and forthe purpose set forth.
4. The combination, with the frame A of the loom, a transverse race-bar, M, a laterally-reciprocating knife-carriage, and mechanism to so actuate the same on said bar, of
elastic stopping mechanism for the knife-car-- riage, consisting of the rod 6, its bearings 1 and 2, elastic tubing 4 5 and setscrew band 3, con- 5 strueted and arranged substantially as set forth. x
In testimony whereof I have hereunto affixed my signature this 21st day of Novemher, A. D. 1884.
US394606D pearson Expired - Lifetime US394606A (en)

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US394606A true US394606A (en) 1888-12-18



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US394606D Expired - Lifetime US394606A (en) pearson

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