US2675124A - Extrusion machine - Google Patents

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US2675124A US145184A US14518450A US2675124A US 2675124 A US2675124 A US 2675124A US 145184 A US145184 A US 145184A US 14518450 A US14518450 A US 14518450A US 2675124 A US2675124 A US 2675124A
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Biginelli Oreste Flavi Alfredo
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    • B21C25/00Profiling tools for metal extruding
    • Y10T29/00Metal working
    • Y10T29/51Plural diverse manufacturing apparatus including means for metal shaping or assembling
    • Y10T29/5184Casting and working


  • the second; stepthe obtained rough piece is lengthened throughiimp'artings al relative movement; to the; female'member with respect; to the punch; in; order tozdrivethemetal of said rough piece: through the: annular space provided; between: said female member: and said punch:
  • A1 bottom comprising an inner'relief
  • the case which is obtained may have a bottom of any desired thickness.


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • Forging (AREA)


April 13, 1954 o. F. A. BIGINELLI EXTRUSION MACHINE 5 Sheets-Sheet 2 Filed Feb. 20, 1950 IuvENTpR: ORESTE FLAVIO ALFREDO .ficemuu "B7 LXJJMMI LII/M4) TTORNEYS April 13, 1954 O. F. A. BIGINELLI EXTRUSION MACHINE 5 Sheets-Sheet 3 Filed Feb. 20, 1950 INVENTORi ALFREDO BIGINELLI 0 V A L CI E T S E R 0 ATTorem Eys 5 Sheets-Sheet 4 Ill I r r EXTRUSION MACHINE O. F. A. BIGINELLI April 13, 1954 Filed Feb. 20, 1950 ORESTE FLAWQALFRE O Bmmleu 7 wx/wiu-fi i- 9M1- ATTORNE Y5 A ril 13, 1954 o. F. A. BIGJNELLI 4 EXTRUSION MACHINE Filed Feb. 20, 1950 s Sheets-Sheet 5 FIG-14 FIG-11 IMVENTQR:
ATTOQN Eys Patented Apr. 13, 1954 oresteFlavlo Alf redo BiginelIi GIermont-F Fer-rand, France-v Applicatibn Fehruaryzfl, 1950'; Serial No: 145, 18!- Claims priority; applicatiqniErance-v December 23- 19.49
5 claims".- 1 The subject. ofuthe presentirivention is to produce a hollow cylindrical element in the form of a case starting from: a sohd'starting element of cylindrical shape;
The invention relates to a method for shaping.
tubulan elements through: chasing of a. material from a solid starting element, comprising; a step starting element; in; the? space provided. between a; stationary punch and thewfemale: element which isialsozs'tationamy.
According to another characteristic featuretrof thezinventionr in; the second; stepthe obtained rough piece" is lengthened throughiimp'artings al relative movement; to the; female'member with respect; to the punch; in; order tozdrivethemetal of said rough piece: through the: annular space provided; between: said female member: and said punch:
According to another characteristic: featureeo'f I the invention one. andthe. same, movable member is used for shaping, the. rough piece in the first step and for placing the female member with respect" to thefi'rs-t punch: and for removing the tubular element finished in the second step.
The invention also covers a=machine for"carrying into practice the preceding methods or-si'milar methods, said machine being characterized by the fact that it comprises a stationary punch and an open-coaxial female member'with two bores-,- said fmaleme'mbe'r being capable of en'- gaging said punch and of moving: with respect to this latter; a
According to a characteristic feature of: the
invention the female member is combined with a rammer which is" movable with respect to said female m'emher and which can compress" the metal ofthe starting elementin the" space-pro 2 According to another characteristic of the. invention the female member is provided with a bore" ofa large diameter providing around the head of tne punch a: space in which the rough piece is shaped and with a bore of a smaller diameter correspondingto' that of thevrarnmer, the punch forming a piston in the boreof a large diameter and the head offsaid punch providing 1 between itself: and the bore of a; small diameter an annularspacethrough which the metal forced out through the" piston-forming punch is extrudedi The-invention also covers tubularelements'such as sockets; rough pieces of" shells, cases, rough piecesobtainedin accordance with the preceding methods and by means of the: preceding devices or similar methods and devices" and characteri'zedby:
(a-)- A well of a" cylindrical outer shape and'of acylirrdricaP or: conical inner shape opening -to-"- wardthe'ed'g'es;"
(11) A1 bottom comprising an inner'relief;
(c) A bottom comprisingan outerrelief'.
hastly; the=inventibn extendsto: the following characteristic features and to-their-various possible" combinations;
Machinesforcarryingthe method of the invention into practice are shown byway of examplesin the" accompanying drawings in which:
Figure 1- is anaxial section through the machine; theramm-er Being moved" away'from the die.
Figures 2; 3'; 4" are-three cross section's' ofsaid machine along lines"*2*2, 3-3and 4-4 of Figure 1.
Figure 5 is an axialsection' through the machine, the rammer beingj inserted" in the die.
Figure 6 is, an. axial}. section; through the. ma.- chine thesrammer being removed.
Figure 1 is a section showing a detail of the extractor-.. A A
Fig. 8*is aniaxialzsectiomthrough the: machine after the work of the punch.
Figure imam axial section through: themachine-arter-tneremovarn om the die.
Figure-1 0 is an axial section through the mal-- chine-after theen'g'agementof the case;-
Fi gure'sd'l to" are" axialse'ctionsshowing' (iii?- ferent shapes of cases which can be obtained by means of the method in accordance with the invention.
The machine shown in Figure 1 comprises the following elements.
A punch I3 secured, for example through screwing, to the stationary head Id of the press.
Said punch comprises a cylindrical rod I3, a shoulder in the shape of a cylindrical collar I5 and, lastly, a head It of a shape suited to that of the case to be obtained as, for example, a frustoconical shape in the case of the example shown.
A female element I'I forming both a die and a die-stock. Said female element II is centered on punch I3 and secured, for example by threads at 2i, below a slide it slidably arrangedon rod I3 of the punch and rigidly secured to the movable head of the press through tWo rods I9, 26.
The female element I1 is bored along the axis of punch I3 so as to form two different elements,
an upper element 22 the diameter of which is markedly larger than the largest diameter of the head It of the punch and a lower element 23 the diameter of which is equal to the diameter of the case to be obtained. Both said bores are connected together through a rounded part.
This female element is surrounded, as the case may be, by a heating means 24 such as electric resistances in order to allow a working in the hot. 'A rammer 25 co-axial with punch I3 and formed of a cylindrical rod 25 carrying at its upper end a head 26 the diameter of which is slightly larger than that of the rod.
'S'aid head can slide with a sliding fit in the lower bore 23 of the female element I1.
The cylindrical rod 25 of the rammer carries on the sideopposed to head 26 a cylindrical foot 21 the diameter of which is larger than that of rod 25.
The above described rammer is carried by a movable member 28 of the press.
Said movable member 28 comprises two recesses 29-30 limited on one side of a diametral plane :t-x 'by' a cylindrical surface the axis of which is that of rammer rod 25 and of punch I3 and being on the other side, freely open at the end (Figures? and 4), a
The diameter of the cylindrical part of recess 29 corresponds, save the play, to the diameter of rod 25 of the rammer while the diameter of recess 30 corresponds to the diameter of foot 21 of said rammer.
Two washers 3I-32 arranged in recess 3% on both sides of foot 21 of the rammer limit the displacements of said rammer with respect to the press member 28 and act as stops.
A handle secured to the rammer makes it possibleto grasp the rammer and, more particularly, to put it in position in the movable member 28 or to remove it therefrom.
A removable wedge 33 (Figure 2) in the shape of'a horseshoe and provided with a handle 34 can be interposed between the head I4 of the press and the slide I8. This wedge holds fast the slide I8 which abuts downwards against the shoulder !5 of punch I3 and upwardly against said wedge 33 which itself abuts upwardly against head I4. I
Anextractor 36 which can be set in position in recess 30 with a large diameter of movable member 28 when rammer 25 is removed. a I
Said extractor-36 v{Figure 6) is such that it makes it possible downwardly to introduce a eyin r g l bi i having a iame er equal q-that of the rammer head but prevents said object to rise.
In the case of the example shown said extractor is formed of a ring 36 having an outer cylindrical surface fitted in recess 30 of the movable head and an inner frusto-conical surface 31. Independent sectors 38 are provided with a nose 39 on the inside and, on the outside, with a frusto-conical bearing surface corresponding to the inner surface 39 of ring 36. Said sectors are axially pushed upwardly through springs 40 and thus tendto come nearer axis y-y (Figure 7) while sliding against the conical inner surface 31 of the ring.
A cylindrical piece introduced between the extractor sectors can be moved downwardly while pushing the sectors 38 away from one another but not upwardly, for said sectors are jammed between said piece and the inner conical bearing surface 3'l of ring 35.
The above described machine works as follows:
The starting piece is a short length of a bar or billet I of a cylindrical shape. Its diameter is by a few tenths of one millimetre smaller than that of the case to be obtained.
The. various working steps are the following.
(a) Setting in position (Figure 1) The movable press head 28 is in its lower position.
Rammer 25 is in position in the movable head 28'.'
' Billet I is placed on the head of rammer 25. "The female element ll is locked in its lower position through the horseshoe-shaped wedge 33 inserted between slide I8 and press head I-I. When working in the hot the heating sleeve 24 isset in action and billet I is previously heated.
The inside of female element I1 and billet I are lubricated.
(b) Formation of the rough piece (Figurefl) The movable press member 28 moves in the directionof arrow I while carrying with it rammer 25"thehead 26 of which enters bore 23 of the female element after billet I carried by said head.
. Billet'I 'is'squeezed and opens on head I6'of the stationary punch and the metal is forced back around said head into the space provided between said head IE and the upper bore 22 of the femaleielement which then acts as a die.
'At the end of. the stroke of rammer 25 a rough piece M is obtained which surrounds head I6 of the punch and externally fits the shape of die 22.
v v (cl .Settin g tn position of the extractor j (Figure 6) The movable member 28 is moved downward ly till-a position in which-rammer head 26 is released from die I1. a Ra mmer ;25 is then removed from movable press member by seizing it with its handle 35 and releasing it laterally. a
I Extractor 36 maintained in position through rings 3I-32-is then introduced into recess 30 of the movable head 28.
Wedge 33 of the slide is then removed.
H (til-Extruding 0f the case (Figure 8) When the movable press member 28 is moved upwardlywin the direction-of arrow f l'said movable member- 28 strikes with its upperface against the lowe-r face of the female member Y H and moves said female member I! upwardly.
enem es Duringth is movement the metal of the rough pieced! which covers the stationary punch head 16 is forced back downwardly andextruded into the annular space provided between punch head it and the rounded edge forming the entry of the lower bore 23 of the female member l1, then between said head it and the lower bore 23 itself, which thus acts as a die-stock.
The case is thus formed while developing downwardly and entering the upper bore 29 of the movable head and then extending between the segments 38 ofextraotor36.
This movement of the movable head 28 proceeds further till the shoulder which separates both bores 22-2-3 of the female member l1 comes to strike againstcollar l5 of the stationary punch. At this moment all the metal of the rough piece 4! has been extruded in-a tubular cylindrical shape and forms the case 42.
(e) Extraction (Figures 9 and While the movable hcad28 then movesdownwardly in a directionaccording to arrow 7 the female member [1 and theslide 18 follow this movement till said slide l8 comes'to strike against 132 as well as extractor 36' out of the movable head 28 while laterally releasing them as already done for rammer 25.
Rammer 25 is then reset in position on the movable head 23 and the device is ready for another operation.
The above described method offers many technical advantages and more particularly the following.
(1) The billet which is used as the starting element has a diameter which is substantially equal to that of the case to be obtained instead of having a very large diameter as in the case of the known methods.
Said reduction in the diameter of the bar which must be divided into small lengths through sawing reduces the loss of metal due to the sawdust and, consequently, the cost of the case.
(2) In the step for the iormation of the rough piece rammer 25 acts upon a billet the diameter of which is comparatively small, which requires from the press a stress which .is less than in the known machines in which the rammer shapes and forces back a starting element the diameter of which is substantially larger.
The second step (formation of the case) re quires a stress which is less important as that of the first step. It is thus possible, in accordance with the present invention, to use a press of less force than in the case of the known machines.
(3) When the case is completely extruded metal particles may remain in the neighbourhood of the shoulder which separates both bores 22-23 of the female member H but in the course of space provided between said head 16 and the bore 22 of thef'ema'le'member ll.
'In the course'of the following: extrusion oper-- ation these particles will not interfere withthe extrusion nor scratch the cylindrical walls ofthe extruded case. They will finally be incorporated with the metal of the case edges which metal will be removed later.
(4) The volume ofthe billets which are cut is never rigorously constant; in the case of the method which is claimed these diiierences in the volume of the starting element result in a bottom which is more or less thick in the rough piece 4| withoutsaid dilferences of thickness giving rise to changes in the position of the punch head 16 with respect to the female member 1 l.
The second step, the extrusion, also always occurs in the same conditions of initial position and if the bottomsmay show slightly different thicknesses the inner shape of all the cases is rigorously the same from one piece to another.
(5) The case which is obtained may have a bottom of any desired thickness.
(6) If the punch head It is a cylindrical one the formed case will have itself a cylindrical inner shape. If the punch head is a frustoconical one the inner shape of the formed case will be slightly conical and the walls of said case will be thinner on the edge than in the neighbourhood of the bottom.
(7) Through giving a suitable relief to the lower face of thepunch head 16 it will be possible to give the same relief to the inner face of the case bottom.
Likewise, a relief carried by the head 28 of rammer 2 5 will be reproduced on the outer face of the bottom of said case.
The above described method may be used :for all metals, alloys or materials which can be shaped through a chasing operation under pressure in the cold or in the hot as, for example, brass, aluminium, light alloys, aluminium bronze, mild steel and the like.
The method may be used for making hollow elongatedelements as, in most cases, cylindrical cases having a bottom, irrespective of the size of saidelements, the thickness of the walls and that of the bottom.
The method in accordance with the invention may be used, more particularly, for making rough pieces for cartridge cases and shell cases.
Figures 11 to 14 are axial sections showing rough pieces for shell cases obtained with the method in accordance with the invention.
In the case of Figure 11 the cylindrical walls of thorough piece have a thickness which decreases from the bottom to the edges and the bottom is smooth on both faces.
In the case of Figure 12 the bottom of the rough piece 45 is provided with a central hollow 48 on the outside and with an inner annular groove 44.
Said rough pieces make it possible through a single drawing operation after annealing to obtain the definitive shape of the case.
The manufacture of such shell cases is thus much simplified and the cost of said cases is reduced.
The method and the machines in accordance with the invention may also be used for making rough pieces for compressed gas bottles (Figures 13 and 14). They make it possible to obtain rough pieces having cylindrical walls of a very regular thickness without any part being out of centre and bottoms having a convex shape (Fig- 1111313) or a plane shape (Figure 14) with any desired thickness. r
The method may also be used for making shell rough pieces which require no external turning operation in order to level the thicknesses of the wall owing to the very good centering of the extruded shape.
I claim:
1. In a machine for shaping tubular elements through chasing material from a solid starting element, a press with a stationary head and a movable member having a recess, a stationary punch fixed to the press head, a female member co-axial with said punch and provided with two bores of different diameters, a rammer removably mounted in the recess of the movable member of the press, said rammer being capable of compressing the metal of the starting elements in the space provided between the punch and the bore of large diameter in the female member in order to form the rough piece, means for moving the female member with respect to the punch in order to drive the metal of the rough piece through the annular space formed between the punch and the bore of smaller diameter in the female member, and an extractor capable of being removably mounted in the recess of the movable member of the press instead of the rammer.
2. In a machine for shaping tubular elements through chasing material from a solid starting element, a press with a stationary head and a movable member, said movable member comprising arecess formed of two parts and limited on the one side of a diametral plane xr', through cylindrical bearing surfaces co-axial with the rammer rod and the punch and the diameters of which are different, said parts of the recess being freely open on the outside on the other side of the diametral plane x-m', a stationary punch fixed to the press head, a female member coaxial with the punch and provided with two bores of different diameters, a rammer removably mounted in the recess of the movable member of the press, said rammer being capable of compressing the metal of the starting element in the space provided between the punch and the .bore of large diameter in the female member in order to form the rough piece, means for moving the female member with respect to the punch in order 'to drive the metal of the rough piece through the annular space provided between the punch and the bore of smaller diameter in the female member, and an extractor capable of being removably mounted in the recess of the movable member of the press instead of the rammer, the change being effected by releasing said rammer laterally through the free opening in both parts of the recess of the movable memher.
3. In a machine for shaping tubular elements through chasing material from a solid starting element, a press with a stationary head and a movable member comprising a recess formed of two parts and limited on the one side of a diametral plane :cx' by cylindrical bearing sur faces co-axial with the rammer rod and the punch and the diameters of which are different, both parts of said recess being freely open on the of larger diameter of the movable member, said rammer being capable of compressing the metal of the starting element in the space provided between the punch and the bore of larger diameter in the female member in order to form the rough piece, means for moving the female member with respect to the punch in order to drive the metal of the rough piece through the annular space provided between the punch and the bore having a smaller diameter of the female member, and an extractor which can be removably mounted in the recess of the movable member of the press instead of the rammer, the change being effected by releasing said rammer laterally through the free opening of the recess of the movable member.
4. In a machine for shaping tubular elements through chasing material from a solid starting element, a press with a stationary head and a movable member comprising a recess formed of two parts and limited on the one side of a diametral plane w-x by cylindrical surfaces coaxial with the rammer rod and the punch and the diameters of which are different, said recess being freely open on the outside on the other side of the diametral plane a:--;t', a punch fast with the press head, a femal member co-axial with the punch and provided with two bores of difierent diameters, a rammer provided with a head which can slide in the bore having the smaller diameter of the female member, a cylindrical rod entering the recess having the smaller diameter of the movable member and a foot the diameter of which is larger than that of the rod and entering the recess of the larger diameter of the movable member, washers arranged in the recess having the larger diameter on both sides of the foot of the rammer, said rammer being capable of compressing the metal of the starting element in the space comprised between the punch and the bore of large diameter in the female member in order to form the rough piece, means for moving the female member with respect to the punch in order to drive the metal of the rough piece through the annular space provided between the punch and the bore having the smaller diameter in the female member, and an extractor which can be removably mounted in the recess of the movable member of the press, instead of the rammer, the change being effected by releasing the rammer laterally through the free opening of the recess of the movable member.
5. In a machine for shaping tubular elements through chasing material from a solid starting element, a press with a stationary head and a movable member, a slide which can slide on head and be moved through abutment by the movable member of the press, a stationary punch fixed to the press head and comprising a cylindrical rod secured to said head, and on which the slide slides, said punch comprising, furthermore, a collar and a head the diameter of which is smaller than that of the collar, a female member secured to the slide co-axial with the punch provided with two bores of difierent diameters, one of large diameter in which the collar of the punch can slide, said collar acting as a piston, and the other of larger diameter which the head of the piston can enter while providing a free annular space, a rammer fastened to the movable member of the press and capable of compressing the metal of the starting element in the space provided between the punch and the bore of large diameter in the female member in order to form the rough respect to the punch in order to drive the metal 10 of the rough piece through the annular space Number Name Date provided between the punch and the bore of 2,115,519 Talbot-Crosbie et a1. Apr. 26, 1938 smaller diameter in the female member, a. horse- 2,140,775 Talbot-Crosbie et a1. Dec. 20, 1938 shoe-shaped wedge provided with a handle and 2,237,993 Korbuly Apr. 8, 1941 which can be arranged around the rod of the 5 2,327,936 Slater Aug. 24, 1943 pnnch between the stationary press head and the OTHER REFERENCES slide fast w1th the lemale member 1n order to i hold fast this female member with respect to Extruslon 0f Mel/9:18, Machmerys Reference press head and to the punch and to Shape the Book, No. 110. Published by Machinery, N. Y., rough piece. 10 page References Cited in the file of this patent UNITED STATES PATENTS Number Name Date 2,021,828 Berry Nov. 19, 1935 15
US145184A 1949-12-23 1950-02-20 Extrusion machine Expired - Lifetime US2675124A (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
FR2675124X 1949-12-23

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US2675124A true US2675124A (en) 1954-04-13



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Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
US145184A Expired - Lifetime US2675124A (en) 1949-12-23 1950-02-20 Extrusion machine

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US (1) US2675124A (en)

Cited By (2)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US2893553A (en) * 1951-12-27 1959-07-07 Kreidler Alfred Apparatus for the production of hollow metallic articles
US3064347A (en) * 1957-10-22 1962-11-20 Harvey Machine Co Inc Method of and apparatus for making impact extrusions

Citations (5)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US2021828A (en) * 1931-10-31 1935-11-19 Berry Solder Co Inc Solder extruding machine
US2115519A (en) * 1936-02-04 1938-04-26 Talbot-Crosble John Burrell Method of producing ammunition shell and like cases
US2140775A (en) * 1937-02-22 1938-12-20 Talbot-Crosbie John Burrell Method for the production of ammunition shells
US2237993A (en) * 1938-04-23 1941-04-08 Firm Tube Ind Participation Lt Production of cup-shaped hollow bodies from metal billets
US2327936A (en) * 1942-05-01 1943-08-24 Remington Arms Co Inc Tube drawing apparatus

Patent Citations (5)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US2021828A (en) * 1931-10-31 1935-11-19 Berry Solder Co Inc Solder extruding machine
US2115519A (en) * 1936-02-04 1938-04-26 Talbot-Crosble John Burrell Method of producing ammunition shell and like cases
US2140775A (en) * 1937-02-22 1938-12-20 Talbot-Crosbie John Burrell Method for the production of ammunition shells
US2237993A (en) * 1938-04-23 1941-04-08 Firm Tube Ind Participation Lt Production of cup-shaped hollow bodies from metal billets
US2327936A (en) * 1942-05-01 1943-08-24 Remington Arms Co Inc Tube drawing apparatus

Cited By (2)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US2893553A (en) * 1951-12-27 1959-07-07 Kreidler Alfred Apparatus for the production of hollow metallic articles
US3064347A (en) * 1957-10-22 1962-11-20 Harvey Machine Co Inc Method of and apparatus for making impact extrusions

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