US1986267A - Humidifier - Google Patents

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US1986267A US651252A US65125233A US1986267A US 1986267 A US1986267 A US 1986267A US 651252 A US651252 A US 651252A US 65125233 A US65125233 A US 65125233A US 1986267 A US1986267 A US 1986267A
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Leroy W Hoyt
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    • F24F6/00Air-humidification, e.g. cooling by humidification
    • F24F6/12Air-humidification, e.g. cooling by humidification by forming water dispersions in the air


  • FIG. 4 is a detail sectional view through a
  • a further object is to provide a humidifier which float controlled valve means, the-view beine taken is insertable into the stack of a furnace or boiler f substantially along the line 4 4 of Fig. 1; between the adjacent ends of sections of the Fig. 5 is a plan view of a portion of the lower .3 stack to form a portion of the length ofthe or rst section of the humdier; j l
  • Fig. 9 is a View partly rin side elevation and leaving the boiler or furnace, and therefore uses partly in section showing thehumidifier encased zo lwhat would otherwisebe Waste heat, y and connected with conduits ,for conveyingair 20 ⁇
  • Another object is to provide a humidifier into the humidier and for conveying moistened air cluding a series of compartments or receptacles from it.
  • the imwater tc the upper ci said compartments cr re-v proved humidifier as here disclosed is made up ceptacles, means whereby as the water reaches of four sections includinga bottom section l 25 the proper level in an upper compartment or re and upper Sections 11, 12 and 13.
  • Sections 11, 12 and 13 are dupli- ⁇ therefore kept at the proper'level in all the com- CateS- 0f 011e another and any desired number partments or receptaclesby a single control of said sections might be employed depending means, on the amount of moisture desired.
  • An additional object is to provide a humidifier
  • Each of the sections is in the form of an an- 35 which may be readily installed in various loca.
  • nular receptacle and each includes a bottom wall tions on a furnace or boiler stack and which may, 14 an inner Wall 15 and an Outer Wall 15- On if desired, be encased and have conduits attached their' lower suraces each boi/tom Wall is pro to it for the purpose of Conveying moist an. to vided adJacent its'outer edge with an annular distant rooms 0i.
  • a further Object is to provide 'a humder haw inwardly of the outer surface of wall 16 a distance ing the characteristics indicated and which may Whlch 1s the thickness of said Wan
  • the upper be easily and quickly set up ready for use and edge of the Outer Wan 16 .of each secilon or re' ceptacle 1s notched to provide upstanding lugs or 4:. in which any desired number of similar sections projections 18 and Openings 19 between suchlugs 45 may be easily and quickly assembled whereby to or projections.
  • Each section hasiits inner Wall provide 9 humider 0f lage or Smau capacity' of greater height than its outer wall and each other Objects and advantages Will become ap" inner wall is constructed with an offset interpant from 3i Consideration Of the following de* mediate upper and lower edges whereby inner tailed description taken in connection with the and Outer annular Shoulders 20 and 21 respec- 50 accompanying drawings wherein a satisfactory tively are provided. embodiment of the invention is shown. However, The relationship of the various parts is such it will be understood that the invention is not that the sections may be assembled and suplimited to the details disclosed but includes all ported one on the other in stacked relation.
  • a humidi 55 er including the desired number of these sections may be conveniently mounted in a stack between the adjacent ends of sections of the stack the humidier when thus mounted forming a portion of the length of the stack.
  • the lower section 10 of the humidier is mounted on the upper end portion of the lower stack section 22.
  • the relationship'iis'such that the upper end'of stackxpiece or section 22 engages the lower outershoulder 21 of humidier section 10 and the upper end portion of said stack section is embraced by the pore. tion of inner wall 15 below said shoulder 21.. VvThis is as clearly shown in Fig. 3,
  • the upper end portion'of this inner wall of-'sectioni lOlis-embraced by that portion of the innerI wall of section'fll belowtheshoulder v21 ofsai'd section 1l.
  • sections orA receptacles 10 lthrough 131 may'be' divided into ⁇ compartments 2o'i as4 by mea-nsof radiallyextending'walls or ribs 25 ex'- tending between the inner andiouter wallsl 15 and 1'6 of the' sections'.
  • The'sedividi'ng orpartitioning walls 25 l will', of" course; corrduct heat from' the inner waiisiof'f .thereceptacleto the water in' the receptacle thereby further' heating the' waterf'to increase evaporation.
  • each humidifier section (with the exception of the irst or bottom humidifier section 10) is provided with an opening 27 which may be elongated as shown and about each such opening there is provided an upstanding flange or wall 28 each such ange or wall being somewhat greater in height than are the partitioning or dividing walls 25 forming the compartm'ents.
  • Certain of-th'efradially extending partitioning Walls 25 may be provided with enlargements 29 having openings therethrough for thepassage of bolts.
  • enlargements 30 maybe' formed between thefinner'wa'llsl of the various sections andi the various up'st'anding flanges or' walls 28 forming the overiiows.
  • TheseA ⁇ latter enlargements 30' are also provided with vertical openings andl when the various sections are assembled.
  • certain of the openings are brought intore'gi'stry and bolts 31 may be passed through them andi the nuts on the ends of such bolts may be tightened to draw the sections against oneanother'and secure them intheir proper assembled relationship;
  • They watersupply means includes a housing havingaA thickened wall portion 33 provided with a relativelyf'srna'llwater inlet openingr 34 and va valve 35'arranged'when seated-'toclose said water' inlet;
  • a supply pipe V36- connected with any suitable source' of supply is arranged to deliver water tothe smallinlet or passage 34 and when the"valve-35 is off? itsV seat water from the supply pipe36fpasses ⁇ to a pipe or tube 37 which has its upper end portion connected with an L-tting 37a extending through the outer wall of the uppermosthumider section whereby todischarge water into such humidierlsection.
  • the water Ain the upper humidifier section 13A reaches the upper end ofthe overflows represented-:by the openings 27' andthe tubular walls 28, the water passes downwardly through such overflows andiinto the next lower humidier'section, which' in the drawings is the section 12.
  • the overflow' openings in section 12 are as above stated out of. ⁇ registry with the overow openings of section. l3 ⁇ and the section 12 will therefore iill.
  • the water reaches the proper level in'.sectionzlfadditional watersupplied to the section Will overflow through the tubular walls 28 of: saidY section andpass to the next lowermost section or'to the ysection 11 as shown in the drawings.
  • ns 40 will. serve to conduct heat from the inner wall of section 10 outwardly'into the compartment 26a of said section.
  • thewater in this particular compartment will be evaporated more rapidly than will the water in the other compartments and as soon as the level of the water descends, float 39 willv drop andvalve 35 will be raised off its seat whereby vadditional water will be supplied to the uppermost section or receptacle.
  • the water will Loverow from ,one section to the next as abovedescribed until the water in compartment 26a reaches the desired level when the valve will againbe seated;
  • the housing 32 may'have its upper wall 41 removably securedsin place as by screws' 42 and in its lower or bottom wall it may be ⁇ provided with a clean-out opening 43 normally closed as by a plug44.
  • the overflows of the various sections' in addition to providing means whereby a lower section is lled'by water Aoverflowing from an upper section, also provides ⁇ for the circulation of ⁇ air from one section to the next.
  • the openings 19 in the upper edge portions of the outer walls of the section provide for the circulation of air between thesections andr over their open upper sides. Air may also circulate upwardly through the .overflow openings.
  • the bottom Vor initial ⁇ section of the humidifier' may be of the same construction as the upper sections. That is, it may be provided with an overow and in such instance the iioat chamber would'be so arranged that the oat would operate to close the control ⁇ valve .and shut off the supply of water before the waternin the lower section reached overflow level.
  • Figs. 6, 7 and' 8 show various installations of the improved humidifier.
  • a boiler; or furnace is indicated at 45 and is provided cen- ⁇ trally with a stack 46 between the adjacent ends of adjacent sections of which the improved humidier may be inserted as generally suggested at 47.
  • the furnace or boiler isdesighated '48 and has a stack connected with its rear side, the stack including a short rearwardly 'ex.
  • the boiler or furnace ofl Figi, 8 is generally .designated 52 and hasconnected with it a horizontally extending stack portion, 53.into-which may be introduced a T-iitting 54 ⁇ on thevertically extending stem portion of which the humidifier may be mounted as at 55.
  • a suitableibaiile 56- may be introduced to deflect the hot gases upwardly into the humidifier and to prevent the escape of such gases a ⁇ closure 57 may be applied to the upper end of thetting or to theupper end of the humidier.
  • Fig. 9 the humidier generally designated 58 and including the sections 10, 1l, 12 and 13 vis shownvas enclosedvin a casing 59 which may be of sheet metal or the like and the upper side or top of the casing isclosed as by one of the cover members 57.shown in,Fig..8.
  • Conduits 60 and ⁇ 6.1 communicatev with the interior of the casing 59 and the conduits 60 may be used for supplyingy 10 is provided about its upper edge with an in- 5 clined annular flange or lip 63 whereby any condensation formingon the interior of the casing 59 will drain into ⁇ the lowerA humidifier section.
  • each humidifier section when encased as in Fig. 9, may on its outer surface be pro- 5..
  • the humidifier asY installed includes a greater or lesser number of sections or units depending o n the size of the buildings to be treated. On this basis once the device is installed there is no occasion for regulating it since the iioat 39 will operate the valve 35 to keepk the proper water level in each -of the sections of the, humidifier. ⁇ jWith the humidifier installed on a stackY in a basement of. a dwelling the moistened air will penetrate to all parts of the dwelling. When the humidifier is encased as in Fig.
  • a forced circulationof air through thehumidifier A will provide air of the desired humidity to a relatively large structure.
  • the humidifier may be installed in a number of Ways and the invention is not limited to any precise manner of installing the humidifier or to a humidifier of any particular number of sections.
  • the lower section 10 of the humidier need not be structurally different from the other sections although it is preferred that the lower section have an imperforate bottom Wall.VV .
  • the moisture given oli keepsthe floors of the building from drying out, and as this humidifier is placed on the smoke pipe from the heater it is very beneficial. Also,- the water absorbs considerable heat and gives it oif into the' dwelling, which represents a 'considerable saving as it is waste heat which would otherwisebe lost up the chimney.
  • each of saidsections comprising an annular receptacle the inner wall of which is Vo1 a diameter to form a portion of the lengthl of a stackfsaid sections open at their upper'sidesiandzarrangedto have*v air circulate betweenfthem;v meanszfor 'supplying Awater to the uppermost of 'saidlsections; .one of saidf-recepta'cles having fins-on its inner.
  • each-1 of said overflows comprising an opening in! the bottom fwall'v of the compartment andan upstandingwall'about saidopening, and means to automatically shutoff the supplyV of water tothe uppermost compartmentwhenthe waterf in ⁇ - the ilowermost compartment reaches Va predeterminedlevel.
  • eachof said sections comprising a receptacle ⁇ having inner-and outer flanges at its upper edgesandinn'er and outer shoulders at its underside whereby on engagingthe respective flanges ofy onesection with-the respective shoulders of another section the sections' are supported on one another, said sections open'attheir upper sides,v each'V of said sectionslh'av-ing openings through its outer flange whereby-to permit of the circulationfof airabove the section and' below the next' uppermost section, means for supplying water to the ⁇ uppermost of saidsections, means whereby the overflowv from an" upper section passes to the next lowerl section, and means to automatically shut ofi the supply of Water to saidv uppermost section when the water inthe lowermost section'reaches a predetermined level.
  • said receptacles are mounted on a stacklv to have their inner Walls heatedfby gases passing through the stack,'f1ns on theinner wall ofv thelowermost of. said-vreceptacles and extending into said'compartment to conduct heat tothe water therein, and a passage between the oat chamber and the said compartment whereby on the -water in saidicompartmentv reaching and falling below predeterminedlevels the said valve is'closed and/opened.
  • a humidifier means providing a plurality of compartments arrangedone above the other, meansv for supplying water to the uppermost' of said compartments, means whereby the loverflow from an upper compartment passes to the next lower compartment, means toautomatically shut off the supply of vwater to saiduppermost compartment when the wat'er in the lowermost compar-tment reaches a predetermined level, a casing enclosing said humidifier, vertically spaced conduits to conduct air'to and-from. said casing, andababyte in said casing between said conduits whereby air entering'the casingithrough'fone conduit must pass through the humidifier to reach the other of saidconduits.
  • each of said sections comprising a receptacle, said sections open at their upperJsides.l and.arranged;to, haveair cir.-
  • culat'etbetweenitherm vfcmthe; outer: surfaces nfl-saldisections,v means for? supplying' waterY to the: uppermost.. ofi said' compartments, means whereby; thea overflow from; an? ⁇ upper 'compartmenti p'assesy to the next lower compartment, meansfto automatically shutoff the supply of water toi said: .uppermost compartment.
  • Irry a humidifier, a plurality of sections arranged'sone abovethezother, each ofy saidsections comprising anr annular receptacle thel inner Wall of whicheislfofzai diameter to. form-a portion of the4 lengthzof.v a'stack, said sections open at their upperfsidesfand' arranged4 to have air circulate betweenrthem; means for supplying water to the uppermost of saidl sections, Vone of said receptacles having: ns on..its inner wall'to extend into a stack.A to be heated byther gases passing therethrough ⁇ and conductsuch heat to the'watery in therreceptacle, an overflow ineach of said upper compartmentswhereby whensthe water reaches apredetermined'height in an upper compartment it overflows rtoa lower compartment, said overflow in ⁇ each compartment arranged'outof registry-with the overflow of the" compartment beneath' it, each. of. said# overflows' comprising
  • a pluralityof annular sections each: of said sections comprising a receptaclehaving inner and outer flanges'at its upper edges'and'inner,.andjouter shouldersat'its underside whereby on engaging the respective flanges of one; section with. ther respective shoulders of another section. the sections; aresupported on one another, saidsections open at their upper sides, eachof said sections havingopenings through its.outer:iangev whereby to permit of? the-circulationV of. air above the receptacle and below the next' uppermost'. receptacle, ⁇ meansi forr supplying water toV thequppermost of said' sections, and means ⁇ wherebyl the overflow from'an upper section' passes .torthe nextlower section. ⁇
  • a pluralitrality of' sections arranged one above the other, each ofsaid-sections comprisingaa receptacle, said sections-open at their upper sides and arranged to have air circulate between' them, means for supplying water to the uppermostof said sections, means whereby'the overflowl from an upper section'passes tothe' next lower'fsection, means forming a compartment in the lowermost of saidy sections, ⁇ means whereby the Water'will be evaporated most rapidly'from said compartment, and means to automatically shut oi. and start the supply of water to said uppermost section'A when ⁇ the water in: said: compartment reachesi predetermined; levels. ⁇


  • Chemical & Material Sciences (AREA)
  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Dispersion Chemistry (AREA)
  • Combustion & Propulsion (AREA)
  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • General Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Air Humidification (AREA)


Jan. l, 1935. w HOY'T 1,986,267
HUMIDIFIER Filed Jan. l2, 1933 2 Sheets-Sheet l i 7 65 gru/vento@ Jan. 1, 1935.- l L, w HOYT 1,986,267
HUMIDIFIER Filed. Jan. 12, 1933 2 SheetS-Sheel'. 2
Patented Jan. l, 1935 UNITED STATES PATE`VNT-OFFI`CE HUMIDIFIER Leroy W. Hoyt, Stamford; Conn.` Y Application January 12, 1933, serial Nc. 651,252
1oo1ninne.` (o1. 261-114) This invention relates to new and useful irnthe spirit of the invention and the scope of the provements in hurnidiers, and has for an object appended claims. 1
to provide a humidifier which is completely auto- In the drawings: matic in its action and which when once n- Fig. 1 isaplan View of the improvedhumidiler, stalled will need no further attention. parts of the upper Section thereof beine broken 5 Another object is to provide a humidier comaway; y l 1 prising sections whereby a humidier of any de- Fig. 2 is a side elevational view of the same, parts sired capacity may be readily assembled, it being being broken away; l only necessary to install or add the required num- Fg- 3 is a Vertical sectional view taken subber of sections or units to give the proper or destantially along the line 3-3 0f Fig- 1; l l0. sired capacity. Fig. 4 is a detail sectional view through a A further object is to provide a humidifier which float controlled valve means, the-view beine taken is insertable into the stack of a furnace or boiler f substantially along the line 4 4 of Fig. 1; between the adjacent ends of sections of the Fig. 5 is a plan view of a portion of the lower .3 stack to form a portion of the length ofthe or rst section of the humdier; j l
stack and which humidifier functions chiefly or Fies- 6, 1 ande are elevational views Showing evaporates water chiefly by heat extracted from various installations of the humidifier; and the hot gases passing through the stack after Fig. 9 isa View partly rin side elevation and leaving the boiler or furnace, and therefore uses partly in section showing thehumidifier encased zo lwhat would otherwisebe Waste heat, y and connected with conduits ,for conveyingair 20` Another object is to provide a humidifier into the humidier and for conveying moistened air cluding a series of compartments or receptacles from it. f arranged one above the other, means to supply Referring in detail to the drawings, the imwater tc the upper ci said compartments cr re-v proved humidifier as here disclosed is made up ceptacles, means whereby as the water reaches of four sections includinga bottom section l 25 the proper level in an upper compartment or re and upper Sections 11, 12 and 13. AS the de-v ceptacle it overflows to the compartment or rescription proceeds it willnbecome evident that ceptacle nextlowermost, and means to vautomatiin any installation a bottom section 10 must be cally shut ofi the supply of water when the water employed and-that Such SeCi'fOIl might in feet be in the lowermostf'compartment or receptacle used alone and form a-humidifler of considerable 30 reaches a predetermined level. The water is Capacity. The Sections 11, 12 and 13 are dupli-` therefore kept at the proper'level in all the com- CateS- 0f 011e another and any desired number partments or receptaclesby a single control of said sections might be employed depending means, on the amount of moisture desired.
5 An additional object is to provide a humidifier Each of the sections is in the form of an an- 35 which may be readily installed in various loca. nular receptacle and each includes a bottom wall tions on a furnace or boiler stack and which may, 14 an inner Wall 15 and an Outer Wall 15- On if desired, be encased and have conduits attached their' lower suraces each boi/tom Wall is pro to it for the purpose of Conveying moist an. to vided adJacent its'outer edge with an annular distant rooms 0i. locatonsbead orrib 17, the said bead or rib being spaced 40 A further Object is to provide 'a humder haw inwardly of the outer surface of wall 16 a distance ing the characteristics indicated and which may Whlch 1s the thickness of said Wan The upper be easily and quickly set up ready for use and edge of the Outer Wan 16 .of each secilon or re' ceptacle 1s notched to provide upstanding lugs or 4:. in which any desired number of similar sections projections 18 and Openings 19 between suchlugs 45 may be easily and quickly assembled whereby to or projections. Each section hasiits inner Wall provide 9 humider 0f lage or Smau capacity' of greater height than its outer wall and each other Objects and advantages Will become ap" inner wall is constructed with an offset interpant from 3i Consideration Of the following de* mediate upper and lower edges whereby inner tailed description taken in connection with the and Outer annular Shoulders 20 and 21 respec- 50 accompanying drawings wherein a satisfactory tively are provided. embodiment of the invention is shown. However, The relationship of the various parts is such it will be understood that the invention is not that the sections may be assembled and suplimited to the details disclosed but includes all ported one on the other in stacked relation. Fursuch variations and modifications as fall within ther, owing to the structure described a humidi 55 er including the desired number of these sections may be conveniently mounted in a stack between the adjacent ends of sections of the stack the humidier when thus mounted forming a portion of the length of the stack. In assembling the humidifier between the adjacent ends of the sections 22 and 23 of the stack the lower section 10 of the humidier is mounted on the upper end portion of the lower stack section 22. The relationship'iis'such that the upper end'of stackxpiece or section 22 engages the lower outershoulder 21 of humidier section 10 and the upper end portion of said stack section is embraced by the pore. tion of inner wall 15 below said shoulder 21.. VvThis is as clearly shown in Fig. 3,
Next, the humidifier section 11.isstolbe:a'dded and it is simply disposed on the section 10 with its bead or rib 17 arranged'` at* the inner sides" of the upstanding projections or lugs 18 0L section? 10 and with its shoulder 21 resting on the upper edge-offtheinner wall 1`5fof 'section 10E The upper end portion'of this inner wall of-'sectioni lOlis-embraced by that portion of the=innerI wall of section'fll belowtheshoulder v21 ofsai'd section 1l. Section :12"is disposedi on= sectionx 11 inthe same manner in which section 11 was disposed on-sectionlllOl andi theffoperatio'nisrepeated in connection with section 13 and with asmanyadditional sections-as required; l
When thelast -section is-in place-thelupper'section-23* o'f the= sta'ckl isf slipped? intos place' andv its lower end'engagestheihner shoulder 2010i the'last appliedlsection'whioh: inthel drawings is-the section -13-.1 Y"urtlierg 'the4 inner' surface of` thelower end portion of thestacle-section 23 may closely embrace theupper' endp'ortion ofthe inner wall 15 of' the? lastapplied? humidifier section. With this arrangement it willbe-notedthat each added humidiiier' section i'sfsupport-ed'? by the previously mountedhumidiiier section and? that thevarious sections#ofthehumidifier/'eachfornra port-ion of the stack into which they are introduced and that the upper' stack: section is supported againstl the lastaddedihumidi'er section. v
Eachhumidiiier sectionfis=o`penA at its upper side and the notchesor 'openings 19lin=the= upper-edges offthe: outeriwall'sof'the sections provide openings whereby air may? circulate between theA sections andover'their: openupper'sides. Projecting inwar-diy7 from thei'nner wallfof'eachs'ection are a plurality offf ribs or 'rinse 24'fwhi'chribs or fins may ormaynotI beein verticalalignment whent-he sections:- are'N assembledi As "willi later bedescribed, water is supplied tothe'various receptaclescornprisi'ng the-sections ofthek humidifier andi it ywill be appreci`ated=that the ribs or fins-24l ofthe various sections extend intothe stackopening so that the'jhot gases passing through'the'stack'will en gageand'- heatithe4v fins. heat willL beconducted by the'ns-to'theinner wallsof'the various humidifier sections andI suchrwalls themselves be@additionally'heate'dbythe-hot' gases contacting withfthem. The-heat will1 of course, bel transmitted tothewater i'n' the A various sections or receptacles with-l tl 1e'resultL that theewater 'will be rapidly evaporated thus adding considerable moisturetoth'e atmosphere.
The various? sections orA receptacles 10 lthrough 131may'be' divided into` compartments 2o'i as4 by mea-nsof radiallyextending'walls or ribs 25 ex'- tending between the inner andiouter wallsl 15 and 1'6 of the' sections'. The'sedividi'ng orpartitioning walls 25 lwill', of" course; corrduct heat from' the inner waiisiof'f .thereceptacleto the water in' the receptacle thereby further' heating the' waterf'to increase evaporation. In its bottom wall 14 in each of its compartments 26 each humidifier section (with the exception of the irst or bottom humidifier section 10) is provided with an opening 27 which may be elongated as shown and about each such opening there is provided an upstanding flange or wall 28 each such ange or wall being somewhat greater in height than are the partitioning or dividing walls 25 forming the compartm'ents.
The openings- 2'7l together with the upstanding flanges or walls 28 provide overflows, the function of which will later more fully appear. Here,
however, it is pointed out that while such walls kwalls ofthe'various sections l0 through 13. Certain of-th'efradially extending partitioning Walls 25 may be provided with enlargements 29 having openings therethrough for thepassage of bolts.
Also; enlargements 30 maybe' formed between thefinner'wa'llsl of the various sections andi the various up'st'anding flanges or' walls 28 forming the overiiows. TheseA` latter enlargements 30'are also provided with vertical openings andl when the various sections are assembled. to form the humidifier certain of the openings are brought intore'gi'stry and bolts 31 may be passed through them andi the nuts on the ends of such bolts may be tightened to draw the sections against oneanother'and secure them intheir proper assembled relationship; When the sectionsare assembled they are so=arranged relatively that the openings??Y in the bottom of each section is out of registryf'with the openings in the bottom wall ofthe next adjacent section.
They watersupply means includes a housing havingaA thickened wall portion 33 provided with a relativelyf'srna'llwater inlet openingr 34 and va valve 35'arranged'when seated-'toclose said water' inlet; A supply pipe V36- connected with any suitable source' of supply is arranged to deliver water tothe smallinlet or passage 34 and when the"valve-35 is off? itsV seat water from the supply pipe36fpasses` to a pipe or tube 37 which has its upper end portion connected with an L-tting 37a extending through the outer wall of the uppermosthumider section whereby todischarge water into such humidierlsection.
As the water Ain the upper humidifier section 13A reaches the upper end ofthe overflows represented-:by the openings 27' andthe tubular walls 28, the water passes downwardly through such overflows andiinto the next lower humidier'section, which' in the drawings is the section 12. The overflow' openings in section 12 are as above stated out of.` registry with the overow openings of section. l3` and the section 12 will therefore iill. When the water reaches the proper level in'.sectionzlfadditional watersupplied to the section Will overflow through the tubular walls 28 of: saidY section andpass to the next lowermost section or'to the ysection 11 as shown in the drawings.
On section 11 becoming sufciently lled the water overflows to the bottom section 10 and this .section through a fitting or nipple 38 communicates with the float chamber of the housing 32 as clearly shown in Fig. 3. When the water in section 10 reaches the desired predetermined level it Willhave reached this same level in the float chamber of housing 32 with the result that thefloat 39 in said chamber will be lifted to seat the-'valve-B'and"therebycut off the further supply of the-water; (Nipple 38 communicates direct'-, 1y withbut one ofthe compartmentszdofgthe lower section 10 and `this compartment is designated 26a and as clearlyr shown in Fig. 5 isprovided with a seriesof radially extendingns 40 formed with the inner walls.15 ofthe section.
- These ns 40 will. serve to conduct heat from the inner wall of section 10 outwardly'into the compartment 26a of said section. Thus thewater in this particular compartment will be evaporated more rapidly than will the water in the other compartments and as soon as the level of the water descends, float 39 willv drop andvalve 35 will be raised off its seat whereby vadditional water will be supplied to the uppermost section or receptacle. The water will Loverow from ,one section to the next as abovedescribed until the water in compartment 26a reaches the desired level when the valve will againbe seated;
From the foregoing it will be .understood that the water in the compartment 26awill by its level control the opening and closingof thevalve 35; 'I'his is true since such compartment is in communication with the float chamber through the nipple or fitting 38 and an increased evaporation or the more rapid rate of evaporation is provided for by the fins 4U. Of course, it will be understood that fins corresponding with the fins 40 may, if desired, be provided in each ofthe compartments of each section. In the event this is done thenV a greater'number of fins should be provided in the compartment 26a since toinsure a supply of water in all of thesections the water should preferably be evaporated more rapidly from the control compartment. l It will also be `noted that these additional iins are necessary in this particular compartment since there is an increased supply of water` to be'acted on, this increased supply being represented-by .the water int the float chamber.
The housing 32 may'have its upper wall 41 removably securedsin place as by screws' 42 and in its lower or bottom wall it may be` provided with a clean-out opening 43 normally closed as by a plug44. The overflows of the various sections' in addition to providing means whereby a lower section is lled'by water Aoverflowing from an upper section, also provides` for the circulation of` air from one section to the next. Of course, the openings 19 in the upper edge portions of the outer walls of the section provide for the circulation of air between thesections andr over their open upper sides. Air may also circulate upwardly through the .overflow openings. It is furtherto be understood .that vif desired the bottom Vor initial `section of the humidifier'may be of the same construction as the upper sections. That is, it may be provided with an overow and in such instance the iioat chamber would'be so arranged that the oatwould operate to close the control `valve .and shut off the supply of water before the waternin the lower section reached overflow level. 1 l
Figs. 6, 7 and' 8 show various installations of the improved humidifier. In Fi'g.' 6 a boiler; or furnace is indicated at 45 and is provided cen-` trally with a stack 46 between the adjacent ends of adjacent sections of which the improved humidier may be inserted as generally suggested at 47. In Fig. 7 the furnace or boiler isdesighated '48 and has a stack connected with its rear side, the stack including a short rearwardly 'ex. tending section 49 and a vertically extending section 50 in which is mounted the humidifier gener` ally indicated at 51.5' The boiler or furnace ofl Figi, 8 is generally .designated 52 and hasconnected with it a horizontally extending stack portion, 53.into-which may be introduced a T-iitting 54 `on thevertically extending stem portion of which the humidifier may be mounted as at 55. With this kconstruction a suitableibaiile 56-may be introduced to deflect the hot gases upwardly into the humidifier and to prevent the escape of such gases a `closure 57 may be applied to the upper end of thetting or to theupper end of the humidier. Y l
In Fig. 9 the humidier generally designated 58 and including the sections 10, 1l, 12 and 13 vis shownvas enclosedvin a casing 59 which may be of sheet metal or the like and the upper side or top of the casing isclosed as by one of the cover members 57.shown in,Fig..8. Conduits 60 and` 6.1 communicatev with the interior of the casing 59 and the conduits 60 may be used for supplyingy 10 is provided about its upper edge with an in- 5 clined annular flange or lip 63 whereby any condensation formingon the interior of the casing 59 will drain into` the lowerA humidifier section. Further, each humidifier section, when encased as in Fig. 9, may on its outer surface be pro- 5..
vided with ribs or fins 64 to absorb and conduct heat to the water of the section, when heated airy isblown into the casing. l y f It will now be `understood thatvthe humidifier asY installed includes a greater or lesser number of sections or units depending o n the size of the buildings to be treated. On this basis once the device is installed there is no occasion for regulating it since the iioat 39 will operate the valve 35 to keepk the proper water level in each -of the sections of the, humidifier.` jWith the humidifier installed on a stackY in a basement of. a dwelling the moistened air will penetrate to all parts of the dwelling. When the humidifier is encased as in Fig. 9 a forced circulationof air through thehumidifier Awill provide air of the desired humidity to a relatively large structure. Assuggested in Figs. 6, "l and 8 the humidifier may be installed in a number of Ways and the invention is not limited to any precise manner of installing the humidifier or to a humidifier of any particular number of sections. As suggested above the lower section 10 of the humidier need not be structurally different from the other sections although it is preferred that the lower section have an imperforate bottom Wall.VV .The moisture given oli keepsthe floors of the building from drying out, and as this humidifier is placed on the smoke pipe from the heater it is very beneficial. Also,- the water absorbs considerable heat and gives it oif into the' dwelling, which represents a 'considerable saving as it is waste heat which would otherwisebe lost up the chimney.
Having thus set forth ,the nature .of myinvention, whatrI claim is: f
l. In a humidifier, auplurality of sections arrangedone above the other, each of saidsections comprising an annular receptacle the inner wall of which is Vo1 a diameter to form a portion of the lengthl of a stackfsaid sections open at their upper'sidesiandzarrangedto have*v air circulate betweenfthem;v meanszfor 'supplying Awater to the uppermost of 'saidlsections; .one of saidf-recepta'cles having fins-on its inner. wall to 'extend into a stackltobe heated' bythe gasespas'sing theretlirough l and- 'conduct-suchheat to the c water f in the receptacle, anr'overflow in Leach of said? upper compartments' whereby when the water reaches apredeterminedheight 'inian upperfcompartment it overii'ows to1af.lower compartment, said'overflow in each compartment arranged out ofregistry with theover-ow of` the compartment' beneath' it.' each-1 of said overflows comprising an opening in! the bottom fwall'v of the compartment andan upstandingwall'about saidopening, and means to automatically shutoff the supplyV of water tothe uppermost compartmentwhenthe waterf in`- the ilowermost compartment reaches Va predeterminedlevel.`
2.' `Irra humidier, a plurality of annular secti'on's, eachof said" sections comprising a receptacle `having inner-and outer flanges at its upper edgesandinn'er and outer shoulders at its underside whereby on engagingthe respective flanges ofy onesection with-the respective shoulders of another section the sections' are supported on one another, said sections open'attheir upper sides,v each'V of said sectionslh'av-ing openings through its outer flange whereby-to permit of the circulationfof airabove the section and' below the next' uppermost section, means for supplying water to the` uppermost of saidsections, means whereby the overflowv from an" upper section passes to the next lowerl section, and means to automatically shut ofi the supply of Water to saidv uppermost section when the water inthe lowermost section'reaches a predetermined level.
3. In a humidier, a plurality off' annular re'- ceptacles-arranged one above the other, a pipe line'for supplyingwater to thev uppermost of said receptacles, a valve in said-pipe line, .a lloat chamber, a'float'in said chamber and connected with said valve; means'lwhereby the overflow of'water from an upper receptacle passes to the next lower receptacle, rneansdividingI the lowermostof said receptacle 'to form a? compartment therein, means whereby said receptacles are mounted on a stacklv to have their inner Walls heatedfby gases passing through the stack,'f1ns on theinner wall ofv thelowermost of. said-vreceptacles and extending into said'compartment to conduct heat tothe water therein, and a passage between the oat chamber and the said compartment whereby on the -water in saidicompartmentv reaching and falling below predeterminedlevels the said valve is'closed and/opened.
4. In a humidifier, means providing a plurality of compartments arrangedone above the other, meansv for supplying water to the uppermost' of said compartments, means whereby the loverflow from an upper compartment passes to the next lower compartment, means toautomatically shut off the supply of vwater to saiduppermost compartment when the wat'er in the lowermost compar-tment reaches a predetermined level, a casing enclosing said humidifier, vertically spaced conduits to conduct air'to and-from. said casing, andabaiile in said casing between said conduits whereby air entering'the casingithrough'fone conduit must pass through the humidifier to reach the other of saidconduits. f
5. In a humidier,.a plurality of sections arranged one above the other, each of said sections comprising a receptacle, said sections open at their upperJsides.l and.arranged;to, haveair cir.-
culat'etbetweenitherm vfcmthe; outer: surfaces nfl-saldisections,v means for? supplying' waterY to the: uppermost.. ofi said' compartments, means whereby; thea overflow from; an?` upper 'compartmenti p'assesy to the next lower compartment, meansfto automatically shutoff the supply of water toi said: .uppermost compartment. whenr the water the lowermost compartmentreaches a predetermined'level', a casing enclosing saidf hurnidifler;` vertically spaced conduits4 conducting air to and from'zsaidfcasing, andi a baule in said casing betweenv said conduits whereby air enteringfthef casing through one conduit, mustv pass through'fthe vhumidiierto. reach the other of said conduits.`
6. Irry a humidifier, a plurality of sections arranged'sone abovethezother, each ofy saidsections comprising anr annular receptacle thel inner Wall of whicheislfofzai diameter to. form-a portion of the4 lengthzof.v a'stack, said sections open at their upperfsidesfand' arranged4 to have air circulate betweenrthem; means for supplying water to the uppermost of saidl sections, Vone of said receptacles having: ns on..its inner wall'to extend into a stack.A to be heated byther gases passing therethrough` and conductsuch heat to the'watery in therreceptacle, an overflow ineach of said upper compartmentswhereby whensthe water reaches apredetermined'height in an upper compartment it overflows rtoa lower compartment, said overflow in `each compartment arranged'outof registry-with the overflow of the" compartment beneath' it, each. of. said# overflows' comprising an opening' in the: bottom wall of the compartment and an upstandingwallA about said opening.
7. In a humidier, a pluralityof annular sections, each: of said sections comprising a receptaclehaving inner and outer flanges'at its upper edges'and'inner,.andjouter shouldersat'its underside whereby on engaging the respective flanges of one; section with. ther respective shoulders of another section. the sections; aresupported on one another, saidsections open at their upper sides, eachof said sections havingopenings through its.outer:iangev whereby to permit of? the-circulationV of. air above the receptacle and below the next' uppermost'. receptacle, `meansi forr supplying water toV thequppermost of said' sections, and means` wherebyl the overflow from'an upper section' passes .torthe nextlower section.`
8. In'a'humidier, meanszprovidinga plurality of "compartments arranged one above -theother, means'for-supplying water to said compartments, a casingvenclosing saidhumidienconduits to conduct air to and: from saidcasing, a baie in said casing between said conduits wherebyA air entering the casing; through one conduit must pass through the* humidifier to-reach the other ofi said conduitsand aflange arranged to conduct'condensation from the inner surface of the casing to the lowermostof said compartments.
v'9; In a humidiiier, aplurality of' sections arranged one above the other, each ofsaid-sections comprisingaa receptacle, said sections-open at their upper sides and arranged to have air circulate between' them, means for supplying water to the uppermostof said sections, means whereby'the overflowl from an upper section'passes tothe' next lower'fsection, means forming a compartment in the lowermost of saidy sections,` means whereby the Water'will be evaporated most rapidly'from said compartment, and means to automatically shut oi. and start the supply of water to said uppermost section'A when` the water in: said: compartment reachesi predetermined; levels.`
10. Ahumidier section comprsingareceptacle at the under side of said receptacle and spaced having a bottom Wall and inner and outer annuapart as are said flanges whereby a plurality of lar side Walls extending upwardly from said botsuch sections may be supported one on the other tom Wall whereby the section may be inserted in by engaging the respective shoulders of one sec- 5 a stack with its inner annular side Wall forming tion Withthe respective flanges of another section. 5
a portion of the length of the stack, flanges at l Y the upper edges of said side walls, and shoulders LEROY W. HOYT.
US651252A 1933-01-12 1933-01-12 Humidifier Expired - Lifetime US1986267A (en)

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US651252A US1986267A (en) 1933-01-12 1933-01-12 Humidifier

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US651252A Expired - Lifetime US1986267A (en) 1933-01-12 1933-01-12 Humidifier

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Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US2678202A (en) * 1949-08-03 1954-05-11 Brake Leslie Harold Improvements in and relating to apparatus for generating gas

Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US2678202A (en) * 1949-08-03 1954-05-11 Brake Leslie Harold Improvements in and relating to apparatus for generating gas

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