US1932925A - Automatic radioelectric standby device - Google Patents

Automatic radioelectric standby device Download PDF


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US1932925A US563455A US56345531A US1932925A US 1932925 A US1932925 A US 1932925A US 563455 A US563455 A US 563455A US 56345531 A US56345531 A US 56345531A US 1932925 A US1932925 A US 1932925A
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Chauveau Louis Lucien Eugene
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Societe Francaise Radio Electrique
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Societe Francaise Radio Electrique
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Application filed by Societe Francaise Radio Electrique filed Critical Societe Francaise Radio Electrique
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Publication of US1932925A publication Critical patent/US1932925A/en
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    • H04L15/00Apparatus or local circuits for transmitting or receiving dot-and-dash codes, e.g. Morse code
    • H04L15/24Apparatus or circuits at the receiving end
    • H04L15/26Apparatus or circuits at the receiving end operating only on reception of predetermined code signals, e.g. distress signals, party-line call signals


  • the present invention has for its object to provide an automatic radioelectric standby device producing a continuous variation of the elements of the receiving oscillatory circuit, the variation being efiected uninterruptedly solong as a signal of sufiicient force to actuate an elec trio relay is not received but the variation coing suspended for a predetermined period of time when a signaler sufficient strengthis received.
  • the automatc standby device may be* combined With a calling oralarm selector in such a manner that the period during which the variation of the Variable clament or elements of the receiving circuit is suspended is Controlled by the form of the signal received.
  • a calling or alarm selector apparatus is arranged to close the circuit of the call ing instrument when the characteristic signal to which they'have been arranged to resporidhas been repeated several times consectively.
  • the alarm selector acting under a series of signals constituted by dashes of four seconds duration is constructed to actuate the alarm instrument after the receipt of three such dashes.
  • the automatic radioeIectric standby dvice combined with an alarm selector is constituted in such a manner that the variation 'of the ele' 5 ments of the standby oScillatory circuit :is suspended for a predetermined period of time .upon the receipt of any signal, this period bein'g substantially increased if the signal received comprises a dash of four seconds duration.
  • Figure 2 illustrates a similar device to that ilpended if the signal reoeived comprises three.
  • an oscillatory receiving 0 circuit is indicated at C0 and comprises a self inductance S shunted by a variable condenser CR and a detector valve L connected in the oscillatory circuit in the usual manner.
  • a relay M N connected in the plate circuit of the valve is arranged to operate when sufiicienty strong signals are received inthe circuit.
  • the relay M N may be arranged to control on the crie hand the automatic standbydevice in the manner hereinaiter explained, and on the other hand, a calling or alarm selector not shown in Figure 1.
  • V r the automatic standbydevice in the manner hereinaiter explained, and on the other hand, a calling or alarm selector not shown in Figure 1.
  • the selector controlled is an alarm selector, it must comprise, in addition to its ordinary equipndent,the following r lstA contact Si, which will be closed when a first signal comprising a dash of four seconds duration is received.
  • the additien of the actuation of these three contacts offers no difiiculty with selectors of kncwn type; it may ven be possible to utilize 'existing contacts.
  • variable condenser CR is operatively connected to thespindl of a small motdr MC With the interposition of a suitable reducing gear to produce a slow variation of the wave length of the oscillatory circuit 00 during the rotation of the motor; the condenser CR will be preferably 5 constituted by substantially strigi-circular -blades which may be continuously rotated, thus permittirig a continuous variation of the wave length, .whilst maintaining the same direction of rotation 01 the motor; the values of the self inductance Sand of the condenser CR are calculated to cover the wave length rang which i is desired to explore. 4
  • a cutting outrelay 0 is arranged to control the motor circuit MC in such manner that the motor 5 is Stopped when the relay C is energized.
  • a relay DM of the slow acting type is so regulated 0 and controls a contact 2 when normally at rest, and 9. contact 3 at the and of its stroke.
  • An auxiliary relay A 15 combined with the slow adting relay DM in such a manner that when a W; le saceived, that is to say, when the relay MEN Wam, tige reiay A 15 energized and remains energized during the period of the stroke o! slow acting relay DM.
  • the relay A is armhgod to control the relay DM, and also the relay C. the result being that upon the reception et a signal, the relays MN, A, DM and C corne intomperation; the latter relay remains encrined for the whole period o! operation of the Mwacting relay DM, and during this period the rotation et the motor MG, and theretore. the variation et the condenser CR. 13 suspended.
  • auxiliary relay B is combined with a slow aating relay DS in a. similar manner to the relays A and DM and the slow acting relay DS is regalated so as to complete its stroke in one minute, being controlled by the contact 81 on the selector with the result that if a first sigrm1causas the contact 81 to operate, the motor MC will be stopped for one minute.
  • contactfl3 ie arranged to control directly %mrelatvWnd 1s closed when the correct signal ilitoNdvlo the third time in succession and closed until the intervention et the O ⁇ ;lfltor.
  • the motor MC is thus permanently atomedw Inentl, with alarm or calling se- Wors, the final clament which controls sa la arranged to remain lbcked pending the interven- ,lmmt the -mzwrator.
  • the automatic standby device as shown by Figure 1 is as tollows: i llhe reiay C bains et rest, the motor MC is wmking and the condenser CR moves slowiy causing the wave length of the oscillatory circuit --to variv over a predetermined range.
  • valve L When the signale are sufllciently power- M tocause the reiay MN to act, the: relay A le as on the one hand. it is connected narrative polo et source 01 electric cur- 10nt by the contact 3 and on the other hand to tmumnitive or the said source by the conland the contact et the relay the -;relay --its own action then becomes directly conthe positive polo by one of its contacts contact).
  • the relayA has completed its operatian.
  • the relays DM and C are no longer encr- MM.
  • -iinxcr d tells and the motor MG is Ihould h hoted that as long as the flnger d is not in its normal position of rest, the contact 2 is open, and the relay A cannot be freshly energized.
  • the finger d When the finger d arrives at its normal position of rest, it again closes the contact 2 and re-establishes the circuit and its members in the original or normal state. I! at this moment a further signal is received, the unit MN, A, DM and C operates and the condenser is stopped at its new position for 12 seconds. 11, on the contrary, no iurther signal is received the relay MN is not energized, the motor MC rotates and varies the capacity of the condenser CR until a sufliciently strong signal is intercepted.
  • the unit MN,A, DM, C From the commencement oi reception et the signal, the unit MN,A, DM, C will operate as has been previously stated, but if during this period of 12 seconds a flrst dash is registered by the selector, the contact 81 is closed.
  • the contact S1 controls the unit B and DS in the same way as the contact et MN controls the unit A and DM, but the slow acting relay DS is regulated for the raising 01 the finger d to last a minute.
  • the relay B thus remains energized for one minute, and controls by its contact 9 the relay C.
  • the motor MC and the condenser CR are thus stopped for one minute.
  • the automatic standby device shown by Figure 2 is similar to that shown in Figure 1, but the slow acting relays DM and DS are replaced by cams CM and 08.
  • the cam CM 15 actuated by the motor MM, as to malte one revolution in 12 seconds.
  • the relay C is 1 the The operation of this device is as follows:' When the signals received cause the relay MN to operate, the relay A is energized, and, through its contact 24 starts the motor MM and moves the cam CM. The relay Cis excited .by means of the contact 25 and stops th motor MC and condenser CR.. Upon the'moment of the cam CM, the contact 22 controlled thereby rises and connects the positive pol of' a source of electric current to the relay A which remains excited for the whole revolution, that is to say, for 12 seconds.
  • cam CS is thus iotated for one rvolution which During this occupies aperiod of one minute. period the relay B remains ,energized by virtue of the contact. 26 being located at its upper position and the rela causes the excitation of the relay C by actuation of the contact 29. At the end of the revolution of the cam CS the contact 26 is moved to its lower position and the relay B is de-energizedso that the motor MC 15 again energized.
  • the automatic 'standby device represented by Figure 3 is similar to those above described but it comprises a slow acting relay combined with a finder of the type used in automatic telephony.
  • the relays MN, A, DM and C are arranged t0 function in the sarne way asthose employed in theapparatusillustrated in Figure 1 and the action of this unit is not altered. Nevertheless, the slow acting relay DM is provided with a supplementary contact 62 which controls a driv-' ing electro-magnet AV of the telephonic finder.
  • the telephonic finder is constructed by a barrel BA containing a string (not shown) which tends to keep the arm BR in the position of rest shown on the drawings. 4
  • the barrel BA is provided with teeth and the actuating electro-magnct AV acts on the teeth by means of a pawl and causes the barrel to rotate in the direction of the arrow f, each im-' pulse received by the electro-magnet AV causing the forward movement of the barrel by one tooth so that the Selector switch arm BR secured to the barrel moves a distance of one contact
  • the barrel is maintained at the position to which it is moved by means of a counter pawl which may be disengaged by the electro-magnet VR.
  • the arm BR moves over a series of 10 terminal-contacts.
  • Arelay G controls the unit A and DM in such manner as to cause it to work continuously.
  • the time of ascent of the finger (1 is 12 seconds, each 12 seconds the electro-magnet AV receives an impulse with the result that the arm BR is brought on to the terminal-contact P5 at the the contact 51.
  • These terminals may be arranged to control the electro-magnet VR, which causes the arm BR to be returned into its normal position.
  • 'A relay E controlled by the contactSl is arranged to bring the terminal P5 into circuit and a.relay F controlled by the contact S2 is arranged to bring the terminal P10 into circuit.
  • the relay G through the medium of its contact 56 also connects the contact 62 .with a source of current and through the medium of its contact 57 affects the supply of current to the control circuit of the relay A.
  • the contact 62 is closed so that the electro-magnet AV receives an impulse and. causes the arm BR to move forward one step.
  • the circuit of the rela A is broken by the opening of the contact 3 and the finger D againfalls causing the contact 2 to be again cloSed, the relay A is again magnetized, and the armatureof the relay DM makes a fresh stroke.
  • the operation of the relays A and DM continues as long as the contact 57 is closed.
  • the contact 62 is closed and the arm BR moves foi- Ward one step so that finaily, afterfive impulses, that is to say, at the end of 1 minute, the arm BR reaches the terminal P5 which,through the medium of the contact 52 When working, and contact 55 when at rest, causes the magnetizatien of the release magnet VR.
  • the electro-magnct VR opens the contact 60, theelectro-magnets EandG are de-energized, the electro-magnet VR withdraws the retaining pawl of the barrel BA and the arm BR is moved back into its normal position of rest.
  • a contact 61 maintains, as a measure of safety, the magnetization of the release magnet VR until the arm BR reaches its normal position of rest.
  • the relay G remains magnetized from the receipt of a signal comprising a dash of 4 seconds duration until the arm BR is located on the contact P5, that is to say, for a period of one minute; as the relay G controls the relay C, the motor MC and movements of the condenser CR is stopped during this period.
  • the relay F controlled by the contact S2 is similar to the relay E, but, through the medium of its contact 55 the relay F is arranged t0 cnnect the input of the electro-magnet VR to the terminal P10, so that under these conditions, if the contact S2 is closed, the relays G and C remain magnetized for 2 minutes.
  • the receiving radioteleg1aphic circuits may be of any type, and may comprise intemwmoonflflm motion, means to automati- M ct mou: vartable flamants, a.ny deslred numol! amplflyinx e1ements baing employed:
  • the oocfllatory circuit may ha et- Weflt ltarcontmfling any one or more clament such 1Wn mpacitat, selt, inductance reaction.
  • 'IhfilWflihhl0 elcments mw be arranged tuenmua MMconfinuous variation of the range of Nwdbd W13 in conncton with which the antois simployed.
  • the periods of oorresmmfling to the diflerent posidllfii qlfllt m selector (12 seconds, 1 and 2 min may be modifled according to requiremonta.
  • Iheautomatic standby device may be With a selcctor of any type, ior example, l-mnloetcr wcsponflins to three letters in signal :IMm.- the flint latter signal acting on the contact 011 the:slconfl on sa, and the th.ird on 83.
  • the auWc standbw device may be used without bulbmc&ombld with a selectcr and in tbis case,
  • slow actins relays may be of tps,1cr emmple, .dashpot relays, clockmm: or thermcstatic relays;
  • the cams CM and. the sets cal contacts controlled may be replaced by connecting or secton systems fulflllins the same tunctions.
  • -mear suitably arranged for the de- Ipouflheln interpod between the couil. radlo-eltric signal receiver.
  • m cans to again set said blumwtla motion when said signal is of other thunamrdlrmgnd configuration. and means for stoppinz the motion when the signal corresponds to said predetermined configuration.
  • an oscil- .lating circuit comprising at least one variable element,a moto:- obntrolling the continuons motion of said element.
  • a slow-satin: devise means to operate the said slow-acting device and simultaneously to stop the motor, and means to again set the said motor in motion afr a predetermined time period of the movement of the slow ncting device when the received signal is other than a. predetermined configuration.
  • a. 1adio-electric signal receiver including a signal selector comprising several selecting stages actuated by an incoming signal in said receiver, an oscillating circuit comprising at least one variable clament, means to impress on said variable element a. continuous motion, means to automatically stop said motion during a predetermined period of time in response to the receipt of a signal in the circuit, and means to prolong the idle state of the said variable element, in the case where the effect of the signal during the first idle pericd is to operate one of said selector-stages.
  • a radioelectric signal receiver including a signal selector including sevoral selecting stages actuated by an incoming signal in said receiver, an oscillating circuit including at least one variable salement.
  • means to impress on said variable element a continuous motion means to automaticafly stop said motion during a. predetermined period of time in response to the receipt of a signal in the circuit, means to repeatedly prolong the idle period et the saki variable element in the case where the effect of the signal during the preceding idle period is to operate one of said selector stages, and means to flnally stop the apparatus when the operation of the selector reaches a. predetermined selecting stage.


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  • Toys (AREA)
  • Motor And Converter Starters (AREA)


v4tt0rne5 Oct. 31, 1933. L. L. E. CHAUVEAU AUTOMATIC RADIOELECTRIC STANDBY DEVICE Filed Sept. 17, 1931 3 Sheets-Sheet 3 LOUIS LUCIEN EUGENE CHAUVEAU Patented Oct. 31, 1933 PATENT OFFICE AUTOMATIC RADIOELECTRIC STANDB DEVIC Louis LucienEugne Chauveau, Paris, France, assig'nor to Socit Franaise Radxo-Electnquc, Paris, France, a corporation of France Application, September 17, 1931, Serial No. 563,455, and in France September 18, 1930,
4 Claims.
It is necessary in radioeleotric receivers, in order to receive a particular transmission, to vary one or {more elements of the receiving oscillatory circuit until the circuit is tuned to 5 the lengthcf wave of the desired transmitting station. v
.The present invention has for its object to provide an automatic radioelectric standby device producing a continuous variation of the elements of the receiving oscillatory circuit, the variation being efiected uninterruptedly solong as a signal of sufiicient force to actuate an elec trio relay is not received but the variation coing suspended for a predetermined period of time when a signaler sufficient strengthis received.
The automatc standby device may be* combined With a calling oralarm selector in such a manner that the period during which the variation of the Variable clament or elements of the receiving circuit is suspended is Controlled by the form of the signal received.
In general, a calling or alarm selector apparatus is arranged to close the circuit of the call ing instrument when the characteristic signal to which they'have been arranged to resporidhas been repeated several times consectively. For example, the alarm selector acting under a series of signals constituted by dashes of four seconds duration, is constructed to actuate the alarm instrument after the receipt of three such dashes.
The automatic radioeIectric standby dvice combined with an alarm selector is constituted in such a manner that the variation 'of the ele' 5 ments of the standby oScillatory circuit :is suspended for a predetermined period of time .upon the receipt of any signal, this period bein'g substantially increased if the signal received comprises a dash of four seconds duration. The
9 period during which the said variations are suspended will be doubled if the signal ieceived comprises two dashs of four seconds duration and finally the variations will be completely susdashes of four seconds duration.
A series of dirent methods are described electric standby device -employing a daSh pot or clock-work slow-acting relay.
Figure 2 illustrates a similar device to that ilpended if the signal reoeived comprises three.
asto complote its operative stroke in 12 seconds lixstrated in Figure 1 but employing rotary relays (motors or clutches) and Figure 3 illustrates a similar device employing a telephonic finder. v
Referring to Figure 1, an oscillatory receiving 0 circuit is indicated at C0 and comprises a self inductance S shunted by a variable condenser CR and a detector valve L connected in the oscillatory circuit in the usual manner. A relay M N connected in the plate circuit of the valve is arranged to operate when sufiicienty strong signals are received inthe circuit. V
The relay M N may be arranged to control on the crie hand the automatic standbydevice in the manner hereinaiter explained, and on the other hand, a calling or alarm selector not shown in Figure 1. V r
Presuming that the selector controlledis an alarm selector, it must comprise, in addition to its ordinary equipndent,the following r lstA contact Si, which will be closed when a first signal comprising a dash of four seconds duration is received.
' 2ndA contact S2 which will be closed when a second signal Comprising a 'dash of four seconds is received.
3rdA contact "S3, which will be closed upon the receipt of a signal constituting a third dash of four seconds duration. In general, the additien of the actuation of these three contacts offers no difiiculty with selectors of kncwn type; it may ven be possible to utilize 'existing contacts.
The variable condenser CR is operatively connected to thespindl of a small motdr MC With the interposition of a suitable reducing gear to produce a slow variation of the wave length of the oscillatory circuit 00 during the rotation of the motor; the condenser CR will be preferably 5 constituted by substantially seini-circular -blades which may be continuously rotated, thus permittirig a continuous variation of the wave length, .whilst maintaining the same direction of rotation 01 the motor; the values of the self inductance Sand of the condenser CR are calculated to cover the wave length rang which i is desired to explore. 4
A cutting outrelay 0 is arranged to control the motor circuit MC in such manner that the motor 5 is Stopped when the relay C is energized.
A relay DM of the slow acting type, eitherby means of a dashpot or by clockwork mechanism or any other slow acting device, is so regulated 0 and controls a contact 2 when normally at rest, and 9. contact 3 at the and of its stroke.
An auxiliary relay A 15 combined with the slow adting relay DM in such a manner that when a W; le saceived, that is to say, when the relay MEN Wam, tige reiay A 15 energized and remains energized during the period of the stroke o! slow acting relay DM. The relay A is armhgod to control the relay DM, and also the relay C. the result being that upon the reception et a signal, the relays MN, A, DM and C corne intomperation; the latter relay remains encrined for the whole period o! operation of the Mwacting relay DM, and during this period the rotation et the motor MG, and theretore. the variation et the condenser CR. 13 suspended.
auxiliary relay B is combined with a slow aating relay DS in a. similar manner to the relays A and DM and the slow acting relay DS is regalated so as to complete its stroke in one minute, being controlled by the contact 81 on the selector with the result that if a first sigrm1causas the contact 81 to operate, the motor MC will be stopped for one minute.
iflmeiaDflslarraxxd to be controlled by the owtaot*fi2 and 18 asaoiated with a contact 10 bythealow acting relay DE. The relay Dlisfiproided tor the purpose of eflfecting a secoaeration of the unit B and DS with the llllfi that it the contact 82 is closed, the slow Wiflg tfll? DE operates twice and the motor M is atopped for 2 minutes.
contactfl3 ie arranged to control directly %mrelatvWnd 1s closed when the correct signal ilitoNdvlo the third time in succession and closed until the intervention et the O};lfltor. The motor MC is thus permanently atomedw Inentl, with alarm or calling se- Wors, the final clament which controls sa la arranged to remain lbcked pending the interven- ,lmmt the -mzwrator.
lwaotion 01 the automatic standby device as shown by Figure 1 is as tollows: i llhe reiay C bains et rest, the motor MC is wmking and the condenser CR moves slowiy causing the wave length of the oscillatory circuit --to variv over a predetermined range.
signale rceived are detected by the valve L:When the signale are sufllciently power- M tocause the reiay MN to act, the: relay A le as on the one hand. it is connected narrative polo et source 01 electric cur- 10nt by the contact 3 and on the other hand to tmumnitive or the said source by the conland the contact et the relay the -;relay --its own action then becomes directly conthe positive polo by one of its contacts contact). lagrjfll through the contact 5 effects the tien 01, the relay C and thus stops the motor relay A also actuates the contact 4 to 1thfllfl0W action reiay DM witii current the latter comes into operation for 12 sectmds.durlng whichperiod the finger d le slowiy tfl;sedWflnafly moulins the contact 3; at this t, the relay A comes to test.
the relayA has completed its operatian. the relays DM and C are no longer encr- MM. -iinxcr d tells and the motor MG is Ihould h hoted that as long as the flnger d is not in its normal position of rest, the contact 2 is open, and the relay A cannot be freshly energized.
When the finger d arrives at its normal position of rest, it again closes the contact 2 and re-establishes the circuit and its members in the original or normal state. I! at this moment a further signal is received, the unit MN, A, DM and C operates and the condenser is stopped at its new position for 12 seconds. 11, on the contrary, no iurther signal is received the relay MN is not energized, the motor MC rotates and varies the capacity of the condenser CR until a sufliciently strong signal is intercepted.
It will thus be seen that any signal et sulficient strength in the prescribed range, whatever it may be, efl'ects the stoppage of the variation of the circuit C0 for 12 seconds and the condenser is then varied until the receipt of a fresh signal.
Supposing now that the automatic standby devise is combined with an auto-alarm selector responding to three consecutive signals o! dashes of 4 seconds duration, the first of these dashes will eifect the closing of the contact SI,
the second that of the contact S2, and the third that of the contact S3.
From the commencement oi reception et the signal, the unit MN,A, DM, C will operate as has been previously stated, but if during this period of 12 seconds a flrst dash is registered by the selector, the contact 81 is closed.
The contact S1 controls the unit B and DS in the same way as the contact et MN controls the unit A and DM, but the slow acting relay DS is regulated for the raising 01 the finger d to last a minute. The relay B thus remains energized for one minute, and controls by its contact 9 the relay C. The motor MC and the condenser CR are thus stopped for one minute.
After this minute, if another dash of 4 seconds has not been registered, the motor starts running again. Il, on the contrary, a second dash of 4 seconds has been received, the contact S2 is closed and the reiay D energized and is maintained energized by the contact 11 and the contact of the slow acting relay DS. The relay D by virtue of its contact 13 maintains the relay C enetgized, and the motor MC remains stopped.
Aiter the first minute, when the flnger d 01 the relay DS closes the contact 6, the relay B receives a fresh excitation by virtue of the contacts 6 and 12 and the relay DS operates atresh but immediately atter the initial movement ci the flnger d. the contact 10 is open and the relay D de-energized.
It will thus be seen that, it in the course et receiving signais, two dashes each of 4 seconde duration, are received, the contacts S1 and S2 are closed and the motor MC 13 stopped for 2 minutes.
Fina1ly, if the correct signal (3 dashes. each 01 4 seconds duration) is received. the contact S3 is closed and remains closed until the operator intervenes. energized, and the motor MC and the condenser CR are stopped finally.
The automatic standby device shown by Figure 2 is similar to that shown in Figure 1, but the slow acting relays DM and DS are replaced by cams CM and 08.
The cam CM 15 actuated by the motor MM, as to malte one revolution in 12 seconds. The cam CS ls actuated by the motor MS in such marmot asto maire one revolution per minute.
In this case, the relay C is 1 the The operation of this device is as follows:' When the signals received cause the relay MN to operate, the relay A is energized, and, through its contact 24 starts the motor MM and moves the cam CM. The relay Cis excited .by means of the contact 25 and stops th motor MC and condenser CR.. Upon the'moment of the cam CM, the contact 22 controlled thereby rises and connects the positive pol of' a source of electric current to the relay A which remains excited for the whole revolution, that is to say, for 12 seconds.
A little before the end of the revolution, the
cam of CM opens the contact 23 so that the relay 0 is no longer excited, and the condenser CR is again moved. At the end of the revolution, the contact 22 is restored to its lower position and, if, at this moment, there is no signal received, the relay A is no longer excited, and the motor MC continues to rotate until the receipt of a urthersignal.
When a signal comprising a dash of 4 seconds duration is. received, the contact S1 is closed, the relay B is excited'and the motor MS is energized bythe closing of the contact 28. The
cam CS is thus iotated for one rvolution which During this occupies aperiod of one minute. period the relay B remains ,energized by virtue of the contact. 26 being located at its upper position and the rela causes the excitation of the relay C by actuation of the contact 29. At the end of the revolution of the cam CS the contact 26 is moved to its lower position and the relay B is de-energizedso that the motor MC 15 again energized.
The operation of the relay D shown in Figure 2 is exactly the same as that of the relay D shown in Figure 1, the contact 30 being opened a little after the commencement of the second rotation 01 the cam CS.
The automatic 'standby device represented by Figure 3 is similar to those above described but it comprises a slow acting relay combined with a finder of the type used in automatic telephony.
The relays MN, A, DM and C are arranged t0 function in the sarne way asthose employed in theapparatusillustrated in Figure 1 and the action of this unit is not altered. Nevertheless, the slow acting relay DM is provided with a supplementary contact 62 which controls a driv-' ing electro-magnet AV of the telephonic finder.
The telephonic finder is constructed by a barrel BA containing a string (not shown) which tends to keep the arm BR in the position of rest shown on the drawings. 4
The barrel BA is provided with teeth and the actuating electro-magnct AV acts on the teeth by means of a pawl and causes the barrel to rotate in the direction of the arrow f, each im-' pulse received by the electro-magnet AV causing the forward movement of the barrel by one tooth so that the Selector switch arm BR secured to the barrel moves a distance of one contact The barrel is maintained at the position to which it is moved by means of a counter pawl which may be disengaged by the electro-magnet VR.
The arm BR moves over a series of 10 terminal-contacts.
Arelay G controls the unit A and DM in such manner as to cause it to work continuously. As the time of ascent of the finger (1 is 12 seconds, each 12 seconds the electro-magnet AV receives an impulse with the result that the arm BR is brought on to the terminal-contact P5 at the the contact 51.
end of one minute and on to the terminal-oentact/P10 at the end of two minutes.
-These terminals may be arranged to control the electro-magnet VR, which causes the arm BR to be returned into its normal position.
'A relay E, controlled by the contactSl is arranged to bring the terminal P5 into circuit and a.relay F controlled by the contact S2 is arranged to bring the terminal P10 into circuit.
The operation of this device is as follows:-
Upon the receipt of any signals whatever, the unit MN, A, DM and C operates as previously described. r
Upon the receipt of a first signal of a dash of 4 seconds duration, the contact S1 is closed,
the elctro-magnct E magnetized and self -locked through themedium of the contact 50 and the relay G isthen excited through the closing of The relay G through the, medium of its contact 58 maintains the relay C energized and the motor ,MC stopped.
The relay G, through the medium of its contact 56 also connects the contact 62 .with a source of current and through the medium of its contact 57 affects the supply of current to the control circuit of the relay A.
Under these conditions after thelapse of 12 1 seconds and the finger d of the relay DM reaches the top of its stroke, the contact 62 is closed so that the electro-magnet AV receives an impulse and. causes the arm BR to move forward one step. The circuit of the rela A is broken by the opening of the contact 3 and the finger D againfalls causing the contact 2 to be again cloSed, the relay A is again magnetized, and the armatureof the relay DM makes a fresh stroke. Thus, the operation of the relays A and DM continues as long as the contact 57 is closed. At each ascent of the finger d, the contact 62 is closed and the arm BR moves foi- Ward one step so that finaily, afterfive impulses, that is to say, at the end of 1 minute, the arm BR reaches the terminal P5 which,through the medium of the contact 52 When working, and contact 55 when at rest, causes the magnetizatien of the release magnet VR.
The electro-magnct VR opens the contact 60, theelectro-magnets EandG are de-energized, the electro-magnet VR withdraws the retaining pawl of the barrel BA and the arm BR is moved back into its normal position of rest.
A contact 61 maintains, as a measure of safety, the magnetization of the release magnet VR until the arm BR reaches its normal position of rest.
It will thus beappreciated that the relay G remains magnetized from the receipt of a signal comprising a dash of 4 seconds duration until the arm BR is located on the contact P5, that is to say, for a period of one minute; as the relay G controls the relay C, the motor MC and movements of the condenser CR is stopped during this period. v
The relay F controlled by the contact S2 is similar to the relay E, but, through the medium of its contact 55 the relay F is arranged t0 cnnect the input of the electro-magnet VR to the terminal P10, so that under these conditions, if the contact S2 is closed, the relays G and C remain magnetized for 2 minutes.
It is to be understood that the automatic standby devices above described, are given as examples and are capable of being varied.
For example, the receiving radioteleg1aphic circuits may be of any type, and may comprise intemwmoonflflm motion, means to automati- M ct mou: vartable flamants, a.ny deslred numol! amplflyinx e1ements baing employed: The
ofif the oocfllatory circuit may ha et- Weflt ltarcontmfling any one or more clament such 1Wn mpacitat, selt, inductance reaction. 'IhfilWflihhl0 elcments mw be arranged tuenmua MMconfinuous variation of the range of Nwdbd W13 in conncton with which the antois simployed. The periods of oorresmmfling to the diflerent posidllfii qlfllt m selector (12 seconds, 1 and 2 minmay be modifled according to requiremonta. Iheautomatic standby device may be With a selcctor of any type, ior exemple, l-mnloetcr wcsponflins to three letters in signal :IMm.- the flint latter signal acting on the contact 011 the:slconfl on sa, and the th.ird on 83. The auWc standbw device may be used without bulbmc&ombld with a selectcr and in tbis case,
mm; 'only a time counting devise will be u1tflnmycd.- fin: slow actins relays may be of tps,1cr emmple, .dashpot relays, clockmm: or thermcstatic relays; The cams CM and. the sets cal contacts controlled may be replaced by connecting or secton systems fulflllins the same tunctions.
t llm flilt devine as ahown by Figure 2 only one htlfltflnmly workinx mater may be employed lnwthis case, the motors MC, M and MS dlueucplaeed bar electrically controlled cou- -nhfiflmei!cctim the coupling of the condenser flWmrM theoams CM, CS to the motor spindle,
-mear suitably arranged for the de- Ipouflheln interpod between the couil. radlo-eltric signal receiver. an osciloomprisfing at least one variable nm to immess on said variable ele- Iton stfl1tmotion during a predctermined iwsponse to the receipt ci. a llbtufl1m thecuit. mcans to again set said blumwtla motion when said signal is of other thunamrdlrmgnd configuration. and means for stoppinz the motion when the signal corresponds to said predetermined configuration.
2. In a. radio-electric signal receiver. an oscil- .lating circuit comprising at least one variable element,a moto:- obntrolling the continuons motion of said element. 9. relay responsive to the incoming signaland associated with the circuit of the said motor, a slow-satin: devise, means to operate the said slow-acting device and simultaneously to stop the motor, and means to again set the said motor in motion afr a predetermined time period of the movement of the slow ncting device when the received signal is other than a. predetermined configuration.
8. In combination. a. 1adio-electric signal receiver including a signal selector comprising several selecting stages actuated by an incoming signal in said receiver, an oscillating circuit comprising at least one variable clament, means to impress on said variable element a. continuous motion, means to automatically stop said motion during a predetermined period of time in response to the receipt of a signal in the circuit, and means to prolong the idle state of the said variable element, in the case where the effect of the signal during the first idle pericd is to operate one of said selector-stages.
4. In combination, a radioelectric signal receiver including a signal selector including sevoral selecting stages actuated by an incoming signal in said receiver, an oscillating circuit including at least one variable salement. means to impress on said variable element a continuous motion, means to automaticafly stop said motion during a. predetermined period of time in response to the receipt of a signal in the circuit, means to repeatedly prolong the idle period et the saki variable element in the case where the effect of the signal during the preceding idle period is to operate one of said selector stages, and means to flnally stop the apparatus when the operation of the selector reaches a. predetermined selecting stage.
US563455A 1930-09-18 1931-09-17 Automatic radioelectric standby device Expired - Lifetime US1932925A (en)

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US563455A Expired - Lifetime US1932925A (en) 1930-09-18 1931-09-17 Automatic radioelectric standby device

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Cited By (3)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US2442583A (en) * 1942-10-10 1948-06-01 Rca Corp Scanning receiving system
US2501575A (en) * 1944-02-08 1950-03-21 Colonial Radio Corp Automatic tuning control circuit
US3094682A (en) * 1957-04-15 1963-06-18 Radiation Service Company Control system

Cited By (3)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US2442583A (en) * 1942-10-10 1948-06-01 Rca Corp Scanning receiving system
US2501575A (en) * 1944-02-08 1950-03-21 Colonial Radio Corp Automatic tuning control circuit
US3094682A (en) * 1957-04-15 1963-06-18 Radiation Service Company Control system

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GB363981A (en) 1931-12-31
FR717740A (en) 1932-01-13

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