US1598879A - Gum-breaking machine - Google Patents

Gum-breaking machine Download PDF


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US1598879A US665836A US66583623A US1598879A US 1598879 A US1598879 A US 1598879A US 665836 A US665836 A US 665836A US 66583623 A US66583623 A US 66583623A US 1598879 A US1598879 A US 1598879A
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Willet B Ranney
Arthur E Johnson
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WM Wrigley Jr Co
Original Assignee
WM Wrigley Jr Co
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Application filed by WM Wrigley Jr Co filed Critical WM Wrigley Jr Co
Priority to US665836A priority Critical patent/US1598879A/en
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Publication of US1598879A publication Critical patent/US1598879A/en
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Expired - Lifetime legal-status Critical Current




    • A23G4/00Chewing gum
    • A23G4/02Apparatus specially adapted for manufacture or treatment of chewing gum
    • A23G4/04Apparatus specially adapted for manufacture or treatment of chewing gum for moulding or shaping
    • Y10T225/00Severing by tearing or breaking
    • Y10T225/30Breaking or tearing apparatus
    • Y10T225/329Plural breakers
    • Y10T225/00Severing by tearing or breaking
    • Y10T225/30Breaking or tearing apparatus
    • Y10T225/35Work-parting pullers [bursters]
    • Y10T225/357Relatively movable clamps
    • Y10T83/00Cutting
    • Y10T83/202With product handling means
    • Y10T83/2033Including means to form or hold pile of product pieces
    • Y10T83/2037In stacked or packed relation
    • Y10T83/2046Including means to move stack bodily
    • Y10T83/00Cutting
    • Y10T83/202With product handling means
    • Y10T83/2092Means to move, guide, or permit free fall or flight of product
    • Y10T83/2209Guide
    • Y10T83/2216Inclined conduit, chute or plane


  • GUIBREAKING MACHINE l Filed oct. 1.' 1923 v sheets-sheet s 1 i i, 46 f7 mul i ZM/wow@ M/wss; Y i l y juden/tores' Sept. 7 1926..
  • Thisv inventioni relates to a gum breaking machine and more particularly to amachine adaptedfforl use in the manufacture of cheivingygum for the purpose of breaking up ythe sheets of gum into the form of sticks for introduction into a f Wrapping; machine.y f
  • the object of thisinvention is to provide a machine which will accomplishthe same Work heretofore"accomplishedlby hand, but characteristic oflaborsaving machines yit isv automatic in its operation. and isicapable of handlingmuch larger. quantities of gum'than is possible by hand labor.
  • the machine is designed. to eliminatey allV handling.' of the l ne 0um other thanv maintaining: a ⁇ supply vof sneets in a magazine providedfor the .purpose.v
  • a preferred embodiment. of the invention will be described-in connection with the accompanying drawingsin which:
  • Fig. l is a general/.yum7 infront. elevation ofthe machine
  • Fig. l is aL view in horizontal section of the machine as taken on line 4, 4:- of Fig. 8.
  • Fig. 5 an enlarged' detailed view in 'ront elevation of the pile supporting table :ml breaker' mechanism during; the sheet' L operation;
  • F 5b is an enlarged'detailed vien7 offthev locking deviceassociated vvith the breaking mechanism, in the positionsoccupied during the sheet feeding operation.
  • H Fig.. 6 isa view. similar to Fig. 5 as show 60 mg. the same parts in the next advanced po ⁇ sition and immediately before the breaking. operation-takes place. i
  • Fig. 6a is a. viewin vertical sectiontaken. online 6a, 6? of Fig.. .6.
  • F ig. (5" isa detailed vieuT cofrespondingl to F 5b andl showing the positions of the locking device WhenV the breaking mechanism is in the position-shown inF ig. 6.
  • i K is a detailed vieuT cofrespondingl to F 5b andl showing the positions of the locking device WhenV the breaking mechanism is in the position-shown inF ig. 6.
  • Figui1 is anenlargeddetailedview ofthe. 7()V breaking mechanism immediately after the sa ne has engaged-and bent a vertical roiv of.
  • ' l3. ⁇ ig..7a isa detailed .view ofi thebreaker locking. mechanism in the positionk occupied when said breaker is. in the positionishown in Fig. 7. y
  • Fig. 8 ⁇ is a. detailed view. corresponding y toA 80 'Fig 7,.With the breaker mechanism in itsretracted position and immediatelybefore the gum.L is ejected into ⁇ the chute ofthe Wrapping machine. f
  • Fie'. Sa' is a view in vertical section corre-v 35 sponding to Fig. V5b and showing a sheet4 be@ ing fed onto the pile after the breaking operation.
  • Fig. 9. is a4 perspective view of a pile ot' lsheetsshoiving the arrangement thereof, as 9o they are advanced toward vthe n breaking mechanism... 1
  • FIG. .l0 is a perspective vien'7 of a rvertical pile 'of sticks as they are arranged in the breaking mecha-nisnr immediately before Y th'eyare ejected therefrom, and i Figs. ll and 12are detailed views of the sticks immediatelybefore andnafter bending; and showingy the mannerfinwvhich they are V the'actioniof the-breaking.mecha 100 nism.
  • the pile is so arranged that the top most sheet is twenty fre sticks lon ⁇ and the length ci each succeeding ⁇ sheet is reduced by one stick so that the lower most sheet is a single stick located at the extreme lett forward end ot the pile.
  • the machine operates in cycles, each cycle consisting ot the following, ⁇ major operations; l-tlie feeding; ⁇ et the sheet from the magazine on to the 'top ot' the pile 2ftlie advancing endwise or 'forwardly o' the entire pile A a distance equal to the width of the single stick; 3a rocking 'forward and in the opposite direction to increment Ot' the ⁇ gum pile, otl the breaking ⁇ mechanism C which grips the Vertical row ot' sticks A ⁇ at the forward end et the pile, breaks tlzeui ofi and recedes to its initial position; anal Ll-tlie ejection of the detached pile in a lateral direction from the brea ring mechanism and by suitable ejector into the rertical chute D leading te the wrapping mechanism.
  • the ethod ot piling ⁇ the gum is an important Jfeature ot the machine, this arrangement being; characterized as a continuous process et alternately adding ⁇ horizontal rows of twenty tive sticks to the top of the pile, and removing Vertical rows ot the same number ot sticks from the end ot the pile.
  • cach sheet is shortened by one stick during ⁇ each cucle until it reaches the bottom of the pile in the term ot a single stick and is linallyY consumed coinpletely.
  • the machine may be constructed as a complete unit7 it is illustrated as a part et' a wrapping machine .and therefore will be described as such.
  • the wrapping ⁇ machine is indicated in Fia*- ure l by a vertical pedestal E. and ferias a .support for the breaking ⁇ machine, which rests upon an under trame or bracket l, secured to, and extendingl ⁇ outwardlyv from the part E ot the wrapping ⁇ machine.
  • said bracket paving a base plate .1 to which the iirain-e oi the breaking ⁇ machine is fastened.
  • rlhe breakingr machine consists primarily et Vertical uprights or end trame members Q, Q. and a transverse traine member 3, extendingbetween the upper ends ot the vertical member 2, 9., and supportingl the magazine B and operating parte associated therewith.
  • rihe driving' mechanism is ot the type usually eii'iplojred in machines ot this chai'- acter7 the vast;7 driving' elements beiner supported upon the base plate la and coinprisin-g a main drive shaft Li, operatively connected with a ⁇ suitable source ot power such as a iiiotor or the driving mechanism et the wrap machine.
  • rlhe main .shaft -i extends lon .Qitudinallj7 oit the machine a -d at its outer end carries a bevel rear wheel 5 which meshes with a beveled rfear wheel 6 ke "L Mounted on "ci". to a counter shait i'.
  • the counter shat't 7. are two cani wheels 9 and l0. which operate the breaker mechanism and breaker lock. respectively. as hereinatter to be described.
  • levcd tothe main rhait l is a. cam wheel l?, haring' cani grooi'fes on both tacos, which o ierate the Q;um feeding mechanism associated with the magazine immediately idiant and to the rifht ( Figure All ot' an wheel l2. is another, but si ole/cam wheel 18, operating the presser blockinechanisni associated with the ⁇ gum pile.
  • the cams are of a familiar t5/ipe. being deiigned to translate rotative motion into lnterinittent reciprocatory motion.
  • the cam l0. is typical ot the tjgfpc used.
  • rhe caen wneel is provided with annular-l).7 grroovcd hub 10a in which rides yoke aiifed to the lower end oit rock shatt l5. ertendine to the particular member or mechanism to be operated.
  • the tace ot tie cam is irreg'ularli7 shaped groove, in which rines a cam roller carried by the j-:okc lll-c.
  • a pair of transporting members 22,. 22 Consisting of bars, arranged'on edge in the slots or spaces between the bars 211fot the plate 21 and provided along their edges with steps corresponding to the under snrfaceoontour of the gum pile A.
  • the num bei' of steps corresponds to the number or sticks in a sheet'of gum, nam-ely, twenty tive (25)v as shown invhigure 5; VIntermediate the ends of the transporting bars are pairs of depending arms 28 having); pivotal conF neetion with the endsv of vertical linls 24C; which iny turn have pivoted Connection with ahorizontalpitinan or connecting rod 25,y journalled at Yits ends upon the faces of two crank disc 26, 26 journal'led uponthe frame members 2, 2, carried/by the oranlr dise 26.(to the right and above: the counter'. shaft 7, Figure 1) is a sprocket (not shown) which meshes vwith the sprocket ohain 11a leading from the driving sprocket l10n said counter shaft 7. Y
  • the upper or pusher plate 19 is actnated ina somewhat similar' manner, ⁇ being attachedfalonp; its rear eds-'e toa bar 32,;wh'icli engages a'ilixed guide bar 33 extendingtzho Zontally and rearwardly frointherear wall lt-of the magazine and bolted in place.
  • The. bar 32 has a pair ot integral arms;3:75" ⁇ 32,.conneeted with' a pairgot rocher.
  • said arm carrying' at its end a cani roller (not shown) en a Qing a cam groove (not shown) formed in the right handv face o the large @am wheel 12.
  • a sleeve 40 Secured to the shaft 37 and intel mediate its ends is a sleeve 40, having' an f integral armv e1 depending ⁇ therefrom and inclined 1n a forwardly direction.
  • This arm likewise carries at its end a cam roller which vrides yin the cam ,Ljrooveforined in the lelit rlie manner in whichthe sheets oit (gum are n the magazine B, will be the following.: f
  • the pusher 'and carrier plates move 1forwardly together carryi the bottoinsheetof lgum outwardly through the slotv until t iey reachthe positions shown in Fin'. 8, the pusher plate being; advaneed'inr til' its Vvforward edge reachesthe slot 27 and the carrier plate extending; beyond the slot the full widthot the gam pile n.
  • the earrierplate then moves rearwardly, depositing the sheet of gum upon-the ajuin pile where upon the pusher plate is retracted allow' f the next sheet in the magazine to drop onto the Carrier plate and in front oi the postier plate.V ln otherwords the pains moved from the positions shown in Figure 5 to the positions of Figure 6a.
  • rlrhei functionv ot theV carrier plate is to carry the sheets Ytorwardly and deposit them them to the detrin'iental etleets of slidingythem in Contact with a lined bottoni plate andithiisx removing* the protective coating with whirh desirable, wine' to the weight et the sheets which are piled upon the bottoni one.
  • rlhus, ⁇ he only 'friction occurring ⁇ between thc sheets is between the upper surface el: the bottoni sheet and the under sui-tace et the sheet above.
  • the pile A decreases in thickness from lett to right and each sheet or layer from bottoni to top. projects beyond the right hand end ot the sheet immediately below, a distance equal to the width ot a single stick of gum.
  • the transpor o* bars 22 engage the under side. of the pile the whole is moved endwise and to the lett 'trom the tull line position to the dotted line position oi- Figure 5, the tull amount et' the advance beine' equal to the width ot the row ot sticks at the forward end the pile.
  • the transporting bars 22 are actuated through the medium ot the sprocket chain lla, the crank disks 2G. the connecting; rod Ql, and the links 24,
  • the upper end ot the lever el? is bent inwardly at right angles to term a transverse stop member 40a.
  • a light coil springl e3 which acts to exert a torce intendingto hold said lever arm inwardly and to fard the let.' linmediately below the spring ⁇ is an i ustable set screw arranged at right anales to the lever arm l2 and serving' to limit the nieveinent ot said lever arm to the lett a d under the action ot the spring 1'@ Mounted at it). the end et one ot the.
  • ,ransportingr bars 22 is a projecting; lug 45 adapted to engage the lever arm ft2 duringeach revolution ot said bar, and tor the purpose of moving it to the right du e; the period that a sheetot gum is being delivered to the gum pile.
  • Vlhe lever arm is setso that the stop member 4t2 is in vertical alignment with the right hand extremity or the topinost sheet ot gum, so as each sheet is delivered, the lever arm l2 is carried inwardly and in the event that said sheet is noi. properly loc-ated. it will be moved endwise by the lever arm thus insuring the proper placement oit each sheet as it is delivered troni the mag nine.
  • presser or clamping ⁇ plate ALG Located near the 'front end ot the gum pile is presser or clamping ⁇ plate ALG, adapted to be rocked or oscillated through small arc into and out of contact with the top oit the gum pile.
  • the plate is termed integral with a bell crank lever 4'? journalled upon a horizontal rock sia't't 48 and supported upon a bracket 49 bolted to the front tace ot the machine traine.
  • rlie bell crank lever 417 is pivotally connected at its lower end to a push rod 50, having a yoke 52, mounted at its lower end which co-acts with a cam wheel 5l keyed to the main drive shaft ll.
  • rlhe clan'iping ⁇ plate proper consists of two parts, namely, a iixed plate 46a and a yieldable plate llth, the latter being ⁇ relatively thin and separated trin the lined or main plate by means of a number oit short coil springs .E2-53.
  • the yieldable plate 4Gb is further connected to the main plate by means of bolts extending through apertures through the plate and anchored in the plate Lim). is shown in 5 the clamping plate occupies an inclined position wherein it is raised above the top surface of the gum pile.
  • a heavycoilspring is connected with the lower end ofthe bell crank lever 41.17, the samev extending downwardly and fastened to the frame member 2 at a point immediately below and olf-set inwardly from the lower end of the bell crank lever.
  • a third auxiliary mei'nber co-acting with the gum pile advancing mechanism is a; pair of levers carried upon the gum table Eand pivotallyrconnected near their left handends to the inner face of the bars 21a of gum table as shown in Figa. Y
  • Each lever has a sharpened point extending in a general upwardly direction and adapted for Contact with the underside of a single stick of guml constituting the undermost Vand foremost layer ofthe gum pile.
  • This lever normally assumes a position immediately below'the gum lpile and parallel withthegum table, and engages the rearmost stick of thesecond layer from the lbottom (consisting of Vtwo sticks), just prior .to thebreaking operation, whereupon the remaining single stick 'becomes'the bottomllayer.
  • the main supporting member for the Abreaker mechanism is a rock shaft 604 extending crosswise'ofthe short length is liable to be displaced relativeV end ofthe machinev and rearwardly ofthe forward or left Vend of the lgum pile ⁇ y supporting table.
  • the rock shaft is journalle'd 1n suitable, journal bearings 61, 61 secured to the machine frame.
  • vTlieframe 63 is journalled lupon the rock shaft, by means of bearing sleeves 63a, 63a, on either side of itA carries Yat its forward end, the breaker member 64, and at ltsrea-r or opposite end, a
  • the breaker member G4, ⁇ consists of a frame, having a widthsubstantially equal to thatvoflthe gum pile A arranged at an ob- ⁇ lique anglelto the frame62 to which it is rigidly connected bysuitable connectingmeans.
  • j o At the lower edge of tie breaker frame f Gill, is a laterally extending j awVv 64a terminatingzat itsfforward edge opposite the edge of the gum supporting table 2l, and in alignment with the axis of the rock shaft 60, as shown in Figures to S inclusive.
  • the jaw 6a forms an integral part of the breaker frame which also includes ar back plate 64b inc-lined Anlagenrwardly ⁇ at an angle of about 300 to the vertical when the-top surface of the jaw 64a is horizontal asshown in 4]3 ⁇ igure ⁇ 5; rfhejaw 64 and back plate Gil form twol sides of a rectangular cavity or'recess which embraces the end rowof sticks of the" gum pile at each forward oscillation of the breaker frame,.the third orvtop member being la movable jaw65, located opposite the lower j aw Gela and spaced above it a distance substantially equal to the height of the forward pile of .sticks of the gum.' pile A.
  • the movable jaw member consists 4of vertically sliding blocksa, 65", one above the other and separated by coil springs 66.
  • Thelo'wer block has ⁇ an oblique under surface parallel to thetop surface of the lower jaw.
  • the blocks are..movable'through'la llimited distance by Ia ⁇ toggle device, (Figs. 7 and 8) arranged asfollows:
  • a pair of toggle links 67, 67, are located just above the movable jaw 65,-and centrally of the breaker frame, one'A ofi'said links being pivotally connected to the fil y CI( 67 at the upper edge ot the frame in line with the movable pivot point.
  • the inner ends ot the link are pivotally connected t0- gether and at the end oit a transverse link 68 extending rearwardly through a slot 69 in the breaker trame and pivotally connected to the frame 63.
  • the breaker member 64e is actuated as part of the frame 62, about the axis of the rock shaft (30, and the trame the pile A, and swung rearwardly to ejecting position.
  • a push rod 70 extends obliquely across the ront of the machine, from a cam wheel 7l mounted on the counter shaft 7, to alink pivotally connected to the lower portion of the frame 63. rlhe push rod is actuated with a reciprocating movement through the medium of a yoke 73, coacting with the cam wheel 71, in the same manner as the cams heretotore described.
  • the movement ot the frame 63 is therefore a rocking or oscillatory movement about the rock shaft GO, the 'orward and rear position being shown in Figures 6 and 7 respectively.
  • the breaker member (Se is rocked or oscillated indirectly through the connecting link 68, trom the upper end ot the trame G3, to the toggle levers 67, G7, and thence through the breaker trarne 64rto the frame 62 itself, its movement being derived entirely from the movement of the positively actuated trame 63, although due to the flexing ot the toggle links the two frames do not rock together. This is important since the gripping action ot the Vjaw Gel and G5 is dependent upon relative movement of the oscillating ⁇ parts.
  • the combination 'of an inclined sheet supporting table and adapted to support a pile of sheets of material scored transversely to form a predetermined vimmber of sma'ller@ units, means for feedingr sheets onto said pile, means for intermittently advancing the pile endvvise, a distance equal to the-Widthof one unit, and* breaker mechanism operating to Yremove the end vertical row of units'aft-er each advance movement of said pile.
  • the combination cfa member 'or ing sheets fof), the material ltebeb the, tcp of zsaidple, means for interi ittent supporting a pile of ,the materialte ⁇ be broken, in the form of sheets, sheet feeding mechanism, pile advancingr mechanism and i breaking mechanism, vsaid Amechanisms being operative in cycles, to successively break from the end of the,y pile a quantity of the material equal to that fed'tothepile-during eachcycle.
  • V13 In la machine of the character described, the Vcombination of a pile supporting member, means ⁇ for intermittently :feeding sheets ofthe material to be broken, onto said pile, said sheets consisting of smaller units connected by ⁇ parallel score lines and mechanism 'acting tol break and removel a vertical row of units from one end ofsaid "pile, after each feeding operation, ⁇ A said'row ⁇ consisting of the same number of units con- ⁇ stituting each sheet as fed tosaid pile.
  • VVa ⁇ machine of theV kcharacter described the combination 'of an yinclined table and adapted Vvto support a pile .of scored sheets of gum, each consisting initially of a v,predetermined number ot 'connected sticks,
  • a vertical delivery chute adapted to retain a supply of scored sheets of gum
  • means for discharging the sheets from said magazine means for supporting the sheets in a vertical pile
  • a breaker mechanism adjacent one end of said pile and comprising an oscillating breaker member having fixed and movable jaws, adapted to bend and break successive piles of sticks from the end of said pile, during the oscillation thereof toward said pile, and co-acting mechanism for releasing said jaws and ejecting the sticks from said member during the return oscil- V lation.
  • an inclined pile supporting table adapted to support a pile of scored sheets of gum each consisting initially of a predetermined number of connected sticks, means for intermittently feeding sheets onto said pile, means for advancing the pile bodily after each feeding operation a predetermined distance beyond one end of the table, an oscillating breaker member mounted at the end of .said table, and having a recess adapted to engage and bend the advanced end portion of said pile along the endmost score lines, means operative after the bending operation to clamp the bent end portion in the breaker member, whereby the same is broken from the end of the pile, and means for releasing and ejecting the broken end portions from the breaker member.
  • sheet feeding mechanismassoci-V ated With said magazine pile transporting membersassociated With said tableoscillat ing breaker mechanism located at one'end of said table, and ejector mechanism associated Withsaid ,breaker mechanism, v.said mecha- I Anisms being actuated successively in the order named and in cycles, whereby during each cycle, a sheet is fed, to the pile, 'the pileadvanced Vbodily toward said breaker ⁇ mechanism, a V'vertical stack of material broken along vertically aligned score lines from the. end of the pile, and the same ejected into said chute.
  • Vand a pusher plate superimposed upon said carrier plate and adapted to engage the rear edge of the bottom sheet in said magazine, andmeans for reciprocating said plates.
  • porting member adapted to support a pile Vof material, means for feeding successive lsheets of material onto saidpile, means act- .f ⁇ ing intermittently to break one end portion from said pile, and a clamping member op erative to clampsaid pile against said supporting Vmember during the action of the breaking means.
  • a machine for the purpose described comprising co-acting mechanisms operating alternately to augment a pile ot' scored sheets of gum supported in said machine by the addition oii sheets to said pile, and to deplete said pile by the breaking o the end portions from the sheets or' said pile, the number of sticks broken therefrom being equal to the number added thereto in sheet form.
  • a machine 'tor the purpose described comprising a pile supporting member, means for feeding sheets of gum onto said pile, said sheets being scored to form connected sticks, means for positioning each sheet as it is fed to said pile, to establish yertically inclined lines ot breaking coinciding with the corresponding score lines oi' the sex-'eral sheets, means for intermittently advancing said pile endwise, and breaker mechanism acting intermittently to bend and break successive end portions from said pile and along said inclined lines of breakage.
  • a machine of the character described comprising means for-maintaining a constant supply of scored sheets oi: gum in pile iorm, and means for continually reducing said pile to sticks arranged in superimposed relation, and means for ejeeting said sticks from said machine.


  • Life Sciences & Earth Sciences (AREA)
  • Chemical & Material Sciences (AREA)
  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Food Science & Technology (AREA)
  • Polymers & Plastics (AREA)
  • Sheets, Magazines, And Separation Thereof (AREA)


sept. 7, 1926.
w. B. RANNEY ET AL GUM BREAKING maxima' Filed oci. 1 192s v sheets-sheet 1 www, Nw NN w. B. RNNEY Er Al. GUM BREAKING MAcHins Flled Oct l 1923 7 Sheets-Sheet 2 sept.- 7,1926.
' 1,598,879 w. ya. RANNEY' Er A1.
GUIBREAKING MACHINE l Filed oct. 1.' 1923 v sheets-sheet s 1 i i, 46 f7 mul i ZM/wow@ M/wss; Y i l y juden/tores' Sept. 7 1926..
w. B. RANNEY x-:T AL
GUM BREAKING MACHINE mw N xxsl w Sept. 7 1926.
w. B. RANNEY Er Al."
'GUM BREAKING uncanny JOE/@6071,
Sept. 7 1926.
w. B. RANNEY Er Al.
GUM BREAKING MACHINE Filed ost. 1. 192s 7 Sheets-Sheef, 6
Swept.. 7 1926. 1,598,879
w. B'. RANNEY Er Al.
GUM BREAKING MACHINE med out. 1. 1925 v Smets-sheet v Patented Sept. 7, 17926.
Y' En sfrmies;
A'pplicationled Getohcr 1, 1923; SerialNo. 665,836;
Thisv inventioni relates to a gum breaking machine and more particularly to amachine adaptedfforl use in the manufacture of cheivingygum for the purpose of breaking up ythe sheets of gum into the form of sticks for introduction into a f Wrapping; machine.y f
In'4 the manufacture of chewing.. gum the final' operation of preparing. the gum foi` Wrapping, isthat of breakingv up the scored sheets into stick-form. A sheet may 'consist .ot any number "off connected sticks, but. for the purpose of: describingrthe machine embodying the inventioma' sheet Will be considered as: consisting of a row of 25- sticks` connected along.. their. sidey edges.- The sticks are usually fed into the Wrapping machine by means of'av vertical chute in vvhichlthe sticks are piled one'iuponfthe other.v
' Heretofore itV has been the practice to break up the sheets by4 hand. and feeding the nto the Wrapping.machin-e, andsin the following. manner 1 A; pile of:y sheetsof say l() or l24 in number, arebroken up'simul-zl taneouslybyf bending. and then breaking: successive verticalY rows of sticks'ifromfone end of the' pile, these vertical. rows being` introducedV int the feed. chute of the. Wrapping machine..
The object of thisinvention .is to provide a machine which will accomplishthe same Work heretofore"accomplishedlby hand, but characteristic oflaborsaving machines yit isv automatic in its operation. and isicapable of handlingmuch larger. quantities of gum'than is possible by hand labor. The machine is designed. to eliminatey allV handling.' of the l ne 0um other thanv maintaining: a` supply vof sneets in a magazine providedfor the .purpose.v A preferred embodiment. of the invention will be described-in connection with the accompanying drawingsin which:
Fig. l is a general/.yum7 infront. elevation ofthe machine;
Fig; 'Qris a topplan vieiv of the=machine- F 8 is a view ofthe machinev in rear elevation.
Fig. l is aL view in horizontal section of the machine as taken on line 4, 4:- of Fig. 8. Fig. 5 an enlarged' detailed view in 'ront elevation of the pile supporting table :ml breaker' mechanism during; the sheet' L operation;
lbroken bv Fig. 5a isv` a cross sectional view-.taken on line 53,5 of Fig. 5.` i i.
F 5b is an enlarged'detailed vien7 offthev locking deviceassociated vvith the breaking mechanism, in the positionsoccupied during the sheet feeding operation. H Fig.. 6 isa view. similar to Fig. 5 as show 60 mg. the same parts in the next advanced po` sition and immediately before the breaking. operation-takes place. i
Fig. 6a is a. viewin vertical sectiontaken. online 6a, 6? of Fig.. .6.
F ig. (5" isa detailed vieuT cofrespondingl to F 5b andl showing the positions of the locking device WhenV the breaking mechanism is in the position-shown inF ig. 6. i K
Figui1 is anenlargeddetailedview ofthe. 7()V breaking mechanism immediately after the sa ne has engaged-and bent a vertical roiv of.
vsticks from the endr of the pile andimme diately before the same is gripped` in the breaking mechanism. 75
' l3.`ig..7a isa detailed .view ofi thebreaker locking. mechanism in the positionk occupied when said breaker is. in the positionishown in Fig. 7. y
Fig. 8` is a. detailed view. corresponding y toA 80 'Fig 7,.With the breaker mechanism in itsretracted position and immediatelybefore the gum.L is ejected into` the chute ofthe Wrapping machine. f
Fie'. Sa'is a view in vertical section corre-v 35 sponding to Fig. V5b and showing a sheet4 be@ ing fed onto the pile after the breaking operation.
Fig. a4 perspective view of a pile ot' lsheetsshoiving the arrangement thereof, as 9o they are advanced toward vthe n breaking mechanism... 1
`Fig. .l0 is a perspective vien'7 of a rvertical pile 'of sticks as they are arranged in the breaking mecha-nisnr immediately before Y th'eyare ejected therefrom, and i Figs. ll and 12are detailed views of the sticks immediatelybefore andnafter bending; and showingy the mannerfinwvhich they are V the'actioniof the-breaking.mecha 100 nism. Y
Before describing the construction ofthe machine, a clearer understanding. Will follow from abrief consideration of the principle involved. Referring; immediately therefore'105 to Whatvv'illhereinafter` beV termed the gum pile A, Figures l and 9, and assuming` as a unit, a sheet ot tum ce consisting of twenty tire connected sticks. l), the sheets are ted into a magazine located just above and to the rear otthe pile A.. rFlic pile A, is decreased in thickness trom lett to right, being` twenty liv-c sticks high at the lett hand or toi-ward end and decreases by one stick until it is reduced to one sheet at its right or rear end. To describe it iii another way the pile is so arranged that the top most sheet is twenty fre sticks lon` and the length ci each succeeding` sheet is reduced by one stick so that the lower most sheet is a single stick located at the extreme lett forward end ot the pile.
The machine operates in cycles, each cycle consisting ot the following,` major operations; l-tlie feeding;` et the sheet from the magazine on to the 'top ot' the pile 2ftlie advancing endwise or 'forwardly o' the entire pile A a distance equal to the width of the single stick; 3a rocking 'forward and in the opposite direction to increment Ot' the `gum pile, otl the breaking` mechanism C which grips the Vertical row ot' sticks A `at the forward end et the pile, breaks tlzeui ofi and recedes to its initial position; anal Ll-tlie ejection of the detached pile in a lateral direction from the brea ring mechanism and by suitable ejector into the rertical chute D leading te the wrapping mechanism.
From the foregoing it will be seen that the ethod ot piling` the gum is an important Jfeature ot the machine, this arrangement being; characterized as a continuous process et alternately adding` horizontal rows of twenty tive sticks to the top of the pile, and removing Vertical rows ot the same number ot sticks from the end ot the pile. Thus it will be seen that cach sheet is shortened by one stick during` each cucle until it reaches the bottom of the pile in the term ot a single stick and is linallyY consumed coinpletely.
lll/lith these introductorifv explanations and the principal parts of the machine identitled, the .structural features of the. machine ma;7 now be described.
Villiile the machine may be constructed as a complete unit7 it is illustrated as a part et' a wrapping machine .and therefore will be described as such.
The wrapping` machine is indicated in Fia*- ure l by a vertical pedestal E. and ferias a .support for the breaking` machine, which rests upon an under trame or bracket l, secured to, and extendingl` outwardlyv from the part E ot the wrapping` machine. said bracket paving a base plate .1 to which the iirain-e oi the breaking` machine is fastened. rlhe breakingr machine consists primarily et Vertical uprights or end trame members Q, Q. and a transverse traine member 3, extendingbetween the upper ends ot the vertical member 2, 9., and supportingl the magazine B and operating parte associated therewith. rlliese 'trame members torni the essential parts of the machine traine although there are various arms and brackets bolted or otherwise secured Vto these iti-ame members for supporting' the various operating parts ot the machine.
rihe driving' mechanism is ot the type usually eii'iplojred in machines ot this chai'- acter7 the primar;7 driving' elements beiner supported upon the base plate la and coinprisin-g a main drive shaft Li, operatively connected with a` suitable source ot power such as a iiiotor or the driving mechanism et the wrap machine. rlhe main .shaft -i extends lon .Qitudinallj7 oit the machine a -d at its outer end carries a bevel rear wheel 5 which meshes with a beveled rfear wheel 6 ke "L Mounted on "ci". to a counter shait i'. the counter shat't 7. are two cani wheels 9 and l0. which operate the breaker mechanism and breaker lock. respectively. as hereinatter to be described. Just Jmgwardly ot the cam wheel 9, is keyed sorociret wheel ll. carrying a sprocket chaii. 11L having` driving` connection with the .kf-fum pile tran.- porting,` mechanism. Y
levcd tothe main rhait l is a. cam wheel l?, haring' cani grooi'fes on both tacos, which o ierate the Q;um feeding mechanism associated with the magazine immediately idiant and to the rifht (Figure All ot' an wheel l2. is another, but si ole/cam wheel 18, operating the presser blockinechanisni associated with the `gum pile.
The cams are of a familiar t5/ipe. being deiigned to translate rotative motion into lnterinittent reciprocatory motion. The cam l0. is typical ot the tjgfpc used. rhe caen wneel is provided with annular-l).7 grroovcd hub 10a in which rides yoke aiifed to the lower end oit rock shatt l5. ertendine to the particular member or mechanism to be operated. In the tace ot tie cam is irreg'ularli7 shaped groove, in which rines a cam roller carried by the j-:okc lll-c. sait groove and roller coactina' to impart the dcsirc-fl motion to the rock shai* l' rin? sinrle revolution oli the 'clri'r'e i each cam performs a the feneralarrangement descri ot all.r the'eioie it is proposed omit tailed d cription ot each cani, c?-
out any,Y peci'sliathat ciist in connection with are particu y the man magazine l'consist. Y c lia-"lr and end walls 1S and (Figure The bottom wall ot the magazine, ioriiied l. y two su]V erimposed edeewi.. i ing` plates i9 and 20, tlic u Spor plate being i 19 and 20.
wardlyof the gum pile .supporting plate 21,
consisting of three inclined bars 2.1a spaced apart m parallel relation.
Goa-@ting with the supporting;F plate 21,'
is a pair of transporting members 22,. 22. Consisting of bars, arranged'on edge in the slots or spaces between the bars 211fot the plate 21 and provided along their edges with steps corresponding to the under snrfaceoontour of the gum pile A. The num bei' of steps corresponds to the number or sticks in a sheet'of gum, nam-ely, twenty tive (25)v as shown invhigure 5; VIntermediate the ends of the transporting bars are pairs of depending arms 28 having); pivotal conF neetion with the endsv of vertical linls 24C; which iny turn have pivoted Connection with ahorizontalpitinan or connecting rod 25,y journalled at Yits ends upon the faces of two crank disc 26, 26 journal'led uponthe frame members 2, 2, carried/by the oranlr dise 26.(to the right and above: the counter'. shaft 7, Figure 1) is a sprocket (not shown) which meshes vwith the sprocket ohain 11a leading from the driving sprocket l10n said counter shaft 7. Y
Referring aga-in to the magazine Beitlias already been pointed out that the bottom thereof `consists of two 1 superimposedV Vpla ln` a word, these plates are slidable endwise outwardly `t iron (Fig. 5ft) formed between theI troirtj wall or dam and the vertical wall extending` npwardly iomkthe pile s-upportingtable 2l and in the pla-ne of the top ofl the. pile .Az Y The bottom or carrier plate v20 is securedi carried upon pair of `guide bars whi.
slide within guide slots 3u formed in thennl per tace of the transverse 'trame me )er The guide bars 29-exte`nd rearwardly and are Aconnected with rocher armsv Othroupgh the medium otshortlinlrsl. i y
The upper or pusher plate 19 is actnated ina somewhat similar' manner,` being attachedfalonp; its rear eds-'e toa bar 32,;wh'icli engages a'ilixed guide bar 33 extendingtzho Zontally and rearwardly frointherear wall lt-of the magazine and bolted in place. The. bar 32, has a pair ot integral arms;3:75"` 32,.conneeted with' a pairgot rocher. arms tithrough the medinm ofi linlrs 35; is shown in Fig, 3 the rocher arms 'l-4i are included between the rocker armsBG-SO and joinedtogetherby meansot a web 86, thereby uniting the arms as a rigid'traine. The lowerends of the rocker arms- S-l-fa; are journalled upon a shaft 3T extendingl1` li-y wise oit the machineandnear the b thereof, there being-suitable brackets bolt ed to the-trame members ,2g-2in1" supporting1 this shaft.' 'lllieilover ends' of? the ar' nnderstood from upon the zum pilej without snbiectin SeL-Slhave ya 'form of hnbs 3l@ andinteotral with one of the hubs, namely that'shown attlie right in 3, is an arm 39 extending;
downwardly with a slight forward inclinaf tion, said arm carrying' at its end a cani roller (not shown) en a Qing a cam groove (not shown) formed in the right handv face o the large @am wheel 12.
non-rotatably mounted at the ends oit' tie vshaft 37 and are actuated by the rotation thereoi. Secured to the shaft 37 and intel mediate its ends is a sleeve 40, having' an f integral armv e1 depending` therefrom and inclined 1n a forwardly direction. This arm likewise carries at its end a cam roller which vrides yin the cam ,Ljrooveforined in the lelit rlie manner in whichthe sheets oit (gum are n the magazine B, will be the following.: f
`In Fig. 6a the parts are shown in -a position immediately betere the pusher and discharged lfrom e carrier plates begin their forward strolre to discharge a sheet of pgum from themapazine. lt will be noted thatthe pusher plate 19 is fully withdrawn and its forward mar-` gin adjacent the rear wall loot the maenzine. f The carrier plate 2O tliron .li-- out the bottom of the magazine vwith its for ward edlre' substantially in line with the dis-r charge slot 2T. ln this position av sheet of l`ejum a is permitted to drop onto the carrier plate and immediately in 'front of the pusher plate 19. is soon as the bottoni sheet is in position the pusher 'and carrier plates move 1forwardly together carryi the bottoinsheetof lgum outwardly through the slotv until t iey reachthe positions shown in Fin'. 8, the pusher plate being; advaneed'inr til' its Vvforward edge reachesthe slot 27 and the carrier plate extending; beyond the slot the full widthot the gam pile n. The earrierplate then moves rearwardly, depositing the sheet of gum upon-the ajuin pile where upon the pusher plate is retracted allow' f the next sheet in the magazine to drop onto the Carrier plate and in front oi the postier plate.V ln otherwords the pains moved from the positions shown in Figure 5 to the positions of Figure 6a.
rlrhei functionv ot theV carrier plate is to carry the sheets Ytorwardly and deposit them them to the detrin'iental etleets of slidingythem in Contact with a lined bottoni plate andithiisx removing* the protective coating with whirh desirable, wine' to the weight et the sheets which are piled upon the bottoni one. rlhus, `he only 'friction occurring` between thc sheets is between the upper surface el: the bottoni sheet and the under sui-tace et the sheet above. ln this connection, it is observed that the corner of the vlrl it wall or dam l is cut away along;- an oblique line as at 1 8 (Figure thus permitting the lower sheets te assume a stepped relation tor the purpose ot preventine` the pile in the inae'a- Zine from beine' disturbed and the unitorn feeding interrupted.
Manitestly, the movement ot the pusher and carrier plates takes place at a detinite interval in the cycle ot operation as will later be set ttorth, in considering' the action` ot' the entire machine. For the present, therefore, it is snilicient to point out the tact that immediately after ach sheet is ejected 1frein the magazine l) and deposited'on the top of the p uin pile n., that said pile is nioved bodily in an endwise direction to the lett. Thus, referring` to Figures a' and 6, it will he observed that thel transporting bars have been brought upwardly into contact with the under side ot the pile fr. each notch or step therein engaging the rearnest edge ot each successive sheet or layer constituting' the pile. As already pointed out, the pile A decreases in thickness from lett to right and each sheet or layer from bottoni to top. projects beyond the right hand end ot the sheet immediately below, a distance equal to the width ot a single stick of gum. Thus, as the transpor o* bars 22 engage the under side. of the pile the whole is moved endwise and to the lett 'trom the tull line position to the dotted line position oi- Figure 5, the tull amount et' the advance beine' equal to the width ot the row ot sticks at the forward end the pile. The transporting bars 22 are actuated through the medium ot the sprocket chain lla, the crank disks 2G. the connecting; rod Ql, and the links 24,
bars describing` a circular path in a counter clockwise direction, although in all iositions l movement they are parallel with the botti in oi the zum pile.. Thus, so tar as the advancing; ot the gum pile and the replenishment there-einv from the Magazine is concerned, the action is that alternately depositing' a sheet on to the pile and then adxnaneine,` the pile bodily to the lett tor the purpose ot presenting' the end row ot sticks rein-oval by the breaking; mechanism ff/ iere are certain auxiliary devices which cooperate with the shee teer ing' and pile transportina` inan'a'ine which may be dei Again referring' to .ie observed at the right oum pile, a lever arm er end at a point some nd ot the ,ejun'i table and` n l, is `mounted said ,l there w hand end or pivoted at i distance below to the side ot the vertical frame member 2. The upper end ot the lever el?, is bent inwardly at right angles to term a transverse stop member 40a. Connected with the lever arm is a light coil springl e3 which acts to exert a torce intendingto hold said lever arm inwardly and to fard the let.' linmediately below the spring` is an i ustable set screw arranged at right anales to the lever arm l2 and serving' to limit the nieveinent ot said lever arm to the lett a d under the action ot the spring 1'@ Mounted at it). the end et one ot the. ,ransportingr bars 22 is a projecting; lug 45 adapted to engage the lever arm ft2 duringeach revolution ot said bar, and tor the purpose of moving it to the right du e; the period that a sheetot gum is being delivered to the gum pile. Vlhe lever arm is setso that the stop member 4t2 is in vertical alignment with the right hand extremity or the topinost sheet ot gum, so as each sheet is delivered, the lever arm l2 is carried inwardly and in the event that said sheet is noi. properly loc-ated. it will be moved endwise by the lever arm thus insuring the proper placement oit each sheet as it is delivered troni the mag nine.
Located near the 'front end ot the gum pile is presser or clamping` plate ALG, adapted to be rocked or oscillated through small arc into and out of contact with the top oit the gum pile. As shown in Figs. l and 5a, the plate is termed integral with a bell crank lever 4'? journalled upon a horizontal rock sia't't 48 and supported upon a bracket 49 bolted to the front tace ot the machine traine. rlie bell crank lever 417 is pivotally connected at its lower end to a push rod 50, having a yoke 52, mounted at its lower end which co-acts with a cam wheel 5l keyed to the main drive shaft ll. This cam tunetiens in the saine manner as already described to oscillate the clamping plate at a predetermined interval in the operation ot the machine. rlhe clan'iping` plate proper consists of two parts, namely, a iixed plate 46a and a yieldable plate llth, the latter being` relatively thin and separated trein the lined or main plate by means of a number oit short coil springs .E2-53. The yieldable plate 4Gb is further connected to the main plate by means of bolts extending through apertures through the plate and anchored in the plate Lim). is shown in 5 the clamping plate occupies an inclined position wherein it is raised above the top surface of the gum pile. During' this interval a sheet ot' fum is deposited upon the pile and immediately thereafter the pile is advanced and then the clamping plate is brought down in contact with the pile and to the position shown in The pressure exerted by the clamping` plate holds the pile tightly against the supporting table and prevents the saine troni being lifted or otherl .l r 1,598,879'
wise disturbed during `the breaking operation hereinafter be described.
To insure the positive action ofthe clainping plate, a heavycoilspring is connected with the lower end ofthe bell crank lever 41.17, the samev extending downwardly and fastened to the frame member 2 at a point immediately below and olf-set inwardly from the lower end of the bell crank lever.
A third auxiliary mei'nber co-acting with the gum pile advancing mechanism is a; pair of levers carried upon the gum table Eand pivotallyrconnected near their left handends to the inner face of the bars 21a of gum table as shown in Figa. Y Each lever has a sharpened point extending in a general upwardly direction and adapted for Contact with the underside of a single stick of guml constituting the undermost Vand foremost layer ofthe gum pile. This lever normally assumes a position immediately below'the gum lpile and parallel withthegum table, and engages the rearmost stick of thesecond layer from the lbottom (consisting of Vtwo sticks), just prior .to thebreaking operation, whereupon the remaining single stick 'becomes'the bottomllayer. Duringtheadvance movement ofthe Ypile the rearends of the levers are depressedso asv to disengage the pointed ends from ythe advancing stick. A small coil spring 5G is=connected intermediateV the free end and fulcrum' point of the lever, and is anchored at a suitable point dii` rectly there below. This spring serves to f yieldngly hold said lever in depressed position. Carried uponeach of the transporting barsV 22 immediately adjacent the levers, is a laterally extending lug or pin 57, (Figures 6 and 7) which come infcontact with the underside of the lever just an instant before the pile is moved bodily forward, thusV lifting` the vdepressed end of the lever and withdrawing the pointed end from the'bottomlay'er of gum, consisting, as clearly shown in Figure 7, of a single remaining stick.Y The purpose of this auxiliary lever is tohold the single stickin position, which, due to its extreme to the remainder of the pilei Having considered the gum piling and ad-` vancing mechanism, the mechanism :for breakingthe vertical rows of sticks from the end of the pile yA will nowfbe described. This mechanismhas heretofore beenreferred to asthe breaker C locatedlat the lefthand end of thepile A, Figure-1. The main supporting member for the Abreaker mechanism is a rock shaft 604 extending crosswise'ofthe short length is liable to be displaced relativeV end ofthe machinev and rearwardly ofthe forward or left Vend of the lgum pile`y supporting table. The rock shaftis journalle'd 1n suitable, journal bearings 61, 61 secured to the machine frame.
Mounted upon the rock ish-aft 60,r arev two 'y rocking frames 6,2. and 63,:the former being fixedor :keyed to `the. shaft ythrough the medium ofhubs'62a engaging the shaft at its ends and centralV portions, the intermediate hub having a vpin 62b extending through it and the shaft.
vTlieframe 63 is journalled lupon the rock shaft, by means of bearing sleeves 63a, 63a, on either side of itA carries Yat its forward end, the breaker member 64, and at ltsrea-r or opposite end, a
locking device for momentarily lookingthe frame and the directly connected breaker f member 64, in both the forward land reverse position of its rocking movement. The lockmg device and its presently. f
The breaker member G4, `consists of a frame, having a widthsubstantially equal to thatvoflthe gum pile A arranged at an ob-` lique anglelto the frame62 to which it is rigidly connected bysuitable connectingmeans.
purpose will be set forth j o At the lower edge of tie breaker frame f Gill, is a laterally extending j awVv 64a terminatingzat itsfforward edge opposite the edge of the gum supporting table 2l, and in alignment with the axis of the rock shaft 60, as shown inFigures to S inclusive. The jaw 6a forms an integral part of the breaker frame which also includes ar back plate 64b inc-lined vrearwardly `at an angle of about 300 to the vertical when the-top surface of the jaw 64a is horizontal asshown in 4]3`igure `5; rfhejaw 64 and back plate Gil form twol sides of a rectangular cavity or'recess which embraces the end rowof sticks of the" gum pile at each forward oscillation of the breaker frame,.the third orvtop member being la movable jaw65, located opposite the lower j aw Gela and spaced above it a distance substantially equal to the height of the forward pile of .sticks of the gum.' pile A. The movable jaw member consists 4of vertically sliding blocksa, 65", one above the other and separated by coil springs 66. Thelo'wer block has `an oblique under surface parallel to thetop surface of the lower jaw. The blocks are..movable'through'la llimited distance by Ia` toggle device, (Figs. 7 and 8) arranged asfollows: A pair of toggle links 67, 67, are located just above the movable jaw 65,-and centrally of the breaker frame, one'A ofi'said links being pivotally connected to the fil y CI( 67 at the upper edge ot the frame in line with the movable pivot point. The inner ends ot the link are pivotally connected t0- gether and at the end oit a transverse link 68 extending rearwardly through a slot 69 in the breaker trame and pivotally connected to the frame 63.
Thus it is seen that the breaker member 64e, is actuated as part of the frame 62, about the axis of the rock shaft (30, and the trame the pile A, and swung rearwardly to ejecting position.
lt is important now to observe the manner in which the breaker mechanism is actuated. Referring to Figures 1 and 5, a push rod 70 extends obliquely across the ront of the machine, from a cam wheel 7l mounted on the counter shaft 7, to alink pivotally connected to the lower portion of the frame 63. rlhe push rod is actuated with a reciprocating movement through the medium of a yoke 73, coacting with the cam wheel 71, in the same manner as the cams heretotore described. The movement ot the frame 63, is therefore a rocking or oscillatory movement about the rock shaft GO, the 'orward and rear position being shown in Figures 6 and 7 respectively. The breaker member (Se is rocked or oscillated indirectly through the connecting link 68, trom the upper end ot the trame G3, to the toggle levers 67, G7, and thence through the breaker trarne 64rto the frame 62 itself, its movement being derived entirely from the movement of the positively actuated trame 63, although due to the flexing ot the toggle links the two frames do not rock together. This is important since the gripping action ot the Vjaw Gel and G5 is dependent upon relative movement of the oscillating` parts.
The action vof the breaker mechanism as thus far described will be understood from the following:
During the advanced movement oit' the gum pile by the action ot' the transporting bars Q2, which momentarily engage the bottom of the pile and then recede, in their circular movement, the breaker member is in the position shown in Figures 5 and 6, and about to be moving upward to the position shown in Figure 7.
Assuming that the gum pile A has been advanced endwise and toward the breakerl member 64, to the position shown in Fig.Y 6,
:tessere it will be seen the foremost portion is carried onto the lower jaw Gela ot the breaker frame Gil, and further, that the end surface ot the pile is inclined to the vertical and in a direction away from the breaker. ln this position the breaker member is about to start its movement toward the pile A, the move-- ment being transmitted to the breaker frame, from the rock trame G8, through the link 68 and toggle links G7, 67 which are r'lexed, so that the movable aw G5 is drawn upward ly and the recess'therein opened to its fullest extent. frs clearly shown in Figure 7, initial contact ot' the breaker member with the gum pile bends the forward row ol" f sticks A upwardly at an angle ot' about e5 to the horizontal, this being sutlicient to partially break the several sticks along the score lines. This action is more clearly shown in Figures 1l and 12, in which two single sticks are shown before and after-.the bending operation. The bending action is manifestly accompanied by a shitting oi the sticks in the plane o1 their'contacting surfaces, and for this reason the jaw is retracted so that no pressure is applied from the top during the bending operation. However when the bending` has been completed and the breaker member has reached its full advanced position Figure 7, there takes place a relative movement between the trames G2 and (53, consisting ot a. slight retraction ot the frame 63, while the breaker member remains stationary. This relative movement is clearly represented by the dotted line position ot the arm of the trame G8, in Figure 7, and this movement is sufficient to straighten the toggle links and bring the jaw into gripping contact with the vertical row ot sticks A, as shown in dotted lines `Figure 7. lnasmuch as the movement ot the breaker fram-e is derived through the trame 63, and the connecting link G8, it is necessary to momentarily lock the breaker frame so as to obtain the relative movement required to straighten the toggle links. This is the function of the locking device which will be hereinafter described, but for the present it can be assun ed that the instant the gripping takes place the lockingI device releases and the breaker moves away from the pile A, thus completely severing or pulling the row A a 'ay from the pile and carrying it to the position of Figure S. During the return movement the toggle levers 67, G7 remain in straightened position, thus holding the jaw G5, in clamping` engagement with the row A which now assumes the arrangement of sticks shown in Figure 10.
At this point, there is another slight torward movement of the frame G3, relative to the breaker member, which is sufficientto lleX the toggle links (37, G7 thereby releasing the grip of the movable aw 65, with the llU yso
ble adapted to supporta pile 'of sheets of rthe material to be broken, means for intermittently advancing ,said pile endw'ise a predetermined distance, ,y ya breaking member acting intermittently to grip and break the advanced portion'of said pile, and means for discharging said broken "portion from said breakermember. c 'i 8.,`In a machine of the character described, the combination of amaterial' supporting member on vvhich the material in the form of scored sheets is piled, so that "each successive .sheet .from top to bot-tom of sheets lof gum, consisting of connected sticks, one end of said.y pile being thev -ull said pile is shortened at one endby a predetermined amount,an oscillating breaker memberlocated adjacent the opposite enti of said pile, and means'for advancing said pile into the patli'of'said breakermember whereby vertical rows Yof the material is successively brokenalong the score lines from the advanced endy of said pile.
9. In a' machine of 'the character described, the combination 'of an inclined sheet supporting table and adapted to support a pile of sheets of material scored transversely to form a predetermined vimmber of sma'ller@ units, means for feedingr sheets onto said pile, means for intermittently advancing the pile endvvise, a distance equal to the-Widthof one unit, and* breaker mechanism operating to Yremove the end vertical row of units'aft-er each advance movement of said pile. Y
lO. In a machine 'of the character described, the combination cfa member 'or ing sheets fof), the material ltebeb the, tcp of zsaidple, means for interi ittent= supporting a pile of ,the materialte` be broken, in the form of sheets, sheet feeding mechanism, pile advancingr mechanism and i breaking mechanism, vsaid Amechanisms being operative in cycles, to successively break from the end of the,y pile a quantity of the material equal to that fed'tothepile-during eachcycle. f I Y l1. In a machine ofthe character described, the ,combination of a supporting table, means for feeding scored sheets oi' the material onto a pilev supported on said table,
means for intermittentlyadvancing thel pile horizont-ally through an distance Yequalft'o the distance between score lines, breaker mecha- `nism actingto bend `'and break the Amaterial at successive score lines, and vmeans Vfor ej ecting the broken ,material from the breaker mechanism. Y L
12. In a, machine of the `characterdescribed, the combination cfa'` pile supportin of, member, means for intermittently `feedf ly advancing said pile a predetermined dis-` y' A,tance forwardly-after each sheet isadded, and mechanism acting V'to intermittently break 'and vremove thev 'advanced end 'por- Vtions of said pile.
V13. In la machine of the character described, the Vcombination of a pile supporting member, means `for intermittently :feeding sheets ofthe material to be broken, onto said pile, said sheets consisting of smaller units connected by `parallel score lines and mechanism 'acting tol break and removel a vertical row of units from one end ofsaid "pile, after each feeding operation,`A said'row` consisting of the same number of units con-` stituting each sheet as fed tosaid pile.
, 14. In va ymachine of the character, de-
scribed, 'the combination 0f a supporting y member adapted to support a pile'of'scored thickness of the sheets, each sheet ybeing reduced by one stick ktoward the other end ber of sticks onto said pile, means for inltermittently advancing said Vpile endvvise a Vdistance equal to thewidth of one stick.
whereby eachV sheet from top to bottom et Vthe pile is reduced in length by one stick,
and breaker mechanism acting intermittent-l lyto break rows of sticks from the advanc- -ing endof said pile, the number of sticksin each row .being equal to the number of sticks in eachsheet as they are fed to said pile.-
1,6. In VVa` machine of theV kcharacter described, the combination 'of an yinclined table and adapted Vvto support a pile .of scored sheets of gum, each consisting initially of a v,predetermined number ot 'connected sticks,
and said pile arranged so that` each sheet `from topto bottoni is reduced in length from one end ofthe pile by one stick, means 'for intermittently feeding sheets onto Vsaid pile, means for Vadvancing said pile forivardly a distance substantially equalV to the Width of oneA stick, and means for breaking and removing aV vertical row yof sticks from the forwardend of said pile, after each advancenient.
"17. In` a machine of the-character described, the combination of a magazine adapted to contain a supply of sheets, scored transverselynto form a predeterminednumber of connected sticks, a table adjacent said magazine adapted to support a pile of said sheets, means :fork feeding the sheets frein said magazine onto said pile, means for advancing said pile endwise after each feeding operation, and breaker mechanism located adjacent one end of said table and operating intermittently to break and remove the vertical row of sticks from the adsaid sheets being deposited on top of a pile in which the sheets are graduated from end to end, and from top to bottom by one stick, and co-acting mechanisms for successively adding a sheet to the top of the pile, advancing the pile forwardly, and breaking the advanced vertical row of sticks from said pile.
19. In a machine of the character described the combination of a table adapted to support a pile of scored sheets of gum, feeding mechanism for supplying` sheets to the top of said pile, means for advancing the pile a predetermined distance along said table, and breaker mechanism acting to successively bend and break the advanced end portion of said pile, along the vertically aligned score lines.
20. Ina machine of the character described, the combination of a vertical delivery chute, a magazine adapted to retain a supply of scored sheets of gum, means for discharging the sheets from said magazine, means for supporting the sheets in a vertical pile, and a breaker mechanism adjacent one end of said pile and comprising an oscillating breaker member having fixed and movable jaws, adapted to bend and break successive piles of sticks from the end of said pile, during the oscillation thereof toward said pile, and co-acting mechanism for releasing said jaws and ejecting the sticks from said member during the return oscil- V lation.
Q1. In a. machine of the character described, the combination of a supporting table, means for maintaining a pile of sheets of the material on said table, a transporting member operative to intermittently engage the bottom of the pile and advance the same in a horizontal direction and through a predetermined distance along said table, an oscillating breaker member mounted at the end of said table and operating to break successive end portions from said pile and means for ej ecting the broken material from said breaker member.
22. In a machine of the character described.lthe combination of a tableradapted to support a pile of sheets of the material to be broken, means for feeding sheets onto said table, a rotative transporting member adapted to engage said pile and advance it bodily along said table, and through a predetermined distance, a breaker member mounted for oscillatory movement adjacent the table, and comprising jaws between which the end of the pile is advanced at the end of each forward oscillation, means for actuating the jaws to grip and break the end portion of the pile, and means for releasing the jaws and ejecting the material gripped thereby.
23. In a machine of the character described, the combination of a pile supporting member, means for feeding sheets ofA material onto said pile, means for advancing said pile endwise, and through a predetermined distance, and breaker mechanism mounted at the end of said pile supporting member and comprising fixed and movable jaws, and means for actuating the movable jaw members into clamping engagement with the end portion of the pile after the fixed jaw has engaged and bent the same at an angle to the pile.
24. In a machine of the character described, the combination of an inclined pile supporting table adapted to support a pile of scored sheets of gum each consisting initially of a predetermined number of connected sticks, means for intermittently feeding sheets onto said pile, means for advancing the pile bodily after each feeding operation a predetermined distance beyond one end of the table, an oscillating breaker member mounted at the end of .said table, and having a recess adapted to engage and bend the advanced end portion of said pile along the endmost score lines, means operative after the bending operation to clamp the bent end portion in the breaker member, whereby the same is broken from the end of the pile, and means for releasing and ejecting the broken end portions from the breaker member.
25. In a machine of the character described, the combination of a table for supporting a pile of sheet material adapted to be broken along parallel score lines, means for feeding the sheets onto said pile, a breaker member mounted adjacent one end of said table. mechanism for oscillating said breaker member, mechanism for advancing said pile towardsaid breaker member, the latter acting in its forward movement to bend the end portion of the pile along the end-most score lines, and a clamping` jaw carried by said breaker'member, and operative to clamp the bent end portion of the material whereby the same is broken from the pile in the return movement of said breaker member,
Y 26. In a machine of the character described, the combination of a magazine in which a supply of scored sheets is maintained, means for feeding the sheets from a slot at the base of said magazine and comloa) lll)
said pile.
Which the sheets vare successively discharged,
and mechanism operating intermittently and during the interval between each sheet feeding operation to break the end-inost scored portionsifrom one end of the pile. A
27. Inl a machine of the character described, the combination of stationary table, a pile of scored; sheets supportedon said table, mechanism vassociated with said table for advancing saidpile bodily on said table, oscillating breaker mechanism mounted adjacent the table and operative after each advance movementof the pile tobreak the advanced end portion from said pile.v and ejecting mechanism associatedv With said vbreaker mechanism, and actuated by said sheet feedm ing mechanism for 'ejectingthe Vbroken end portion from said 'breaker mechanism, simultaneously With the feeding. of a sheet onto 28. In a machine of the character Vdescribed, the' combination of a sheet supply magazine` a table, a" pile of scoredsheets supported on said table, a discharge chute, a main drive shaft, a` plurality ofcam actuated Imechanisms driven from said shaft, and
comprising sheet feeding mechanismassoci-V ated With said magazine, pile transporting membersassociated With said tableoscillat ing breaker mechanism located at one'end of said table, and ejector mechanism associated Withsaid ,breaker mechanism, v.said mecha- I Anisms being actuated successively in the order named and in cycles, whereby during each cycle, a sheet is fed, to the pile, 'the pileadvanced Vbodily toward said breaker` mechanism, a V'vertical stack of material broken along vertically aligned score lines from the. end of the pile, and the same ejected into said chute.
29. In a machine of -the character described, the combination of stationary pile Cri supporting member, means for'alternately y feedingscored sheets onto' saidpile and ad-L vancing the ypile bodily along said table, I
whereby a constant quantity of material is maintained in saidV pile, breaker mechanism acting after each pile advancing operation to break the end vertical row of scored elements from thepile, and ejector mechanism piled, means for intermittently ejecting the bottom sheet from saidmagazine onto the top of a pile supporter-lori said table, and` means for Y breaking the end portion from said pile/,after each sheetis added.
3l. In a" machine ofthe character described, the combination of a material supporting table, a magazine adjacent said table i "in Whichsheets of the `.material are piled,
Yportion from said pile.
32. Ina machine of the character .described, the combination of a material snpporting table, a magazine adjacent said table in which sheets of the material are piled,`
means for intermittently ejecting the bottoni sheet 'from said magazine onto the top of a pile supported on said table, and compris- Ving a carrie plate movable in a horizontal plate towards and from Vsaid pile, and constituting the Vbottom Wall of said magazine,
Vand a pusher plate superimposed upon said carrier plate and adapted to engage the rear edge of the bottom sheet in said magazine, andmeans for reciprocating said plates.
33. In a machine vof the character described, the combination of amaterial supporting member adapted to support a pile of material, means for feeding succes-sive sheetsof material onto said pile, means for intermittently adi'iancing said pile, means 4for breaking the end portion of said pile after each advance movement of said pile,
and means for clamping said pile to 'sa-id,
.supporting*member during the breaking operation. u j
In a inachineof the character described, the ccmbinatioii of a material. sup
porting member adapted to support a pile Vof material, means for feeding successive lsheets of material onto saidpile, means act- .f `ing intermittently to break one end portion from said pile, and a clamping member op erative to clampsaid pile against said supporting Vmember during the action of the breaking means. v
`35. In a machine of the character described,y the combinationv ofa material supy porting member adapted to support a pile of material to be broken, mean-s for feeding successive sheets ofinaterial onto said pile, a breaker member mountedadjacent said supporting member, means for intermittently advancingTk said pile toward said breaker member, land a clamping plate mounted above said pile and operative during the actionrof said breaker member, to
clamp said pile` against movement relative to the pile supporting member. i,
36. A machine for the purpose described, comprising means for supportinga quantity transversely to form appredetermined num= n of gum in the form of a Vpile of sheetsscored iso ber of connected sticks, each sheet below the top sheet having one stick removed from one end, thereby reducing the bottom sheet to a single stick, means for successively feeding sheets onto said pile and means tor successively breaking the sticks from the one end ot each sheet together' with the bottom sheet, the sticks thus removed being equivalent to the number of sticks in the sheets as fed onto said pile.
37. A machine for the purpose described, comprising co-acting mechanisms operating alternately to augment a pile ot' scored sheets of gum supported in said machine by the addition oii sheets to said pile, and to deplete said pile by the breaking o the end portions from the sheets or' said pile, the number of sticks broken therefrom being equal to the number added thereto in sheet form.
3S. In a machine o1C the character dcscribed, the combination oi means for supA porting the material to be broken in the 'form of plurality of scored sheets superimposed upon each other with the corresponding score lines otliset to register with lines ot' breakage inclined to the vertical and breaker mechanism acting to bend and break successive end portions along said inclined lines of breakage.
39. ln a machine of the character described, the combination of means iior supporting a plurality of sheets of gum scored to form a plurality of connected sticks, said sheets being superimposed with corresponding lines of scoring, inclined to the Vertical, and a breaker member for bending and breaking successive end portions from the end of said pile and along said inclined score lines.
Ll0. A machine of the character described,
comprising means for arranging a plurality ot' scored sheets of gum into a pile with corresponding score lines odset to provide lines of breakage inclined to the vertical, and means for reducing said pile into sticks,
yby bending and breaking the endmost stacks determined relation o the sheets in said pile and means for breaking superimposed end portions trom said pile.
4Q. A machine 'tor the purpose described, comprising a pile supporting member, means for feeding sheets of gum onto said pile, said sheets being scored to form connected sticks, means for positioning each sheet as it is fed to said pile, to establish yertically inclined lines ot breaking coinciding with the corresponding score lines oi' the sex-'eral sheets, means for intermittently advancing said pile endwise, and breaker mechanism acting intermittently to bend and break successive end portions from said pile and along said inclined lines of breakage.
43. A machine of the character described, comprising means for-maintaining a constant supply of scored sheets oi: gum in pile iorm, and means for continually reducing said pile to sticks arranged in superimposed relation, and means for ejeeting said sticks from said machine.
ln Witness whereof, we hereunto subscribe our names this 19th day of September A. D., 1923.
US665836A 1923-10-01 1923-10-01 Gum-breaking machine Expired - Lifetime US1598879A (en)

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US665836A US1598879A (en) 1923-10-01 1923-10-01 Gum-breaking machine

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US665836A US1598879A (en) 1923-10-01 1923-10-01 Gum-breaking machine

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US665836A Expired - Lifetime US1598879A (en) 1923-10-01 1923-10-01 Gum-breaking machine

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Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US4987723A (en) * 1989-03-09 1991-01-29 The John Henry Company Method and apparatus for stripping tags from die cut sheets

Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US4987723A (en) * 1989-03-09 1991-01-29 The John Henry Company Method and apparatus for stripping tags from die cut sheets

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