US1522498A - conrad - Google Patents

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US1522498A US1522498DA US1522498A US 1522498 A US1522498 A US 1522498A US 1522498D A US1522498D A US 1522498DA US 1522498 A US1522498 A US 1522498A
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    • H01H35/00Switches operated by change of a physical condition
    • H01H35/02Switches operated by change of position, inclination or orientation of the switch itself in relation to gravitational field


  • My invention relates to circuit controlling devices and is designed to provide a device of this character in which the circuit controlling elementslrare carried by a suitable movable container ada'pted to occupy alternative positions, the whole structure so .arranged that'ltheopen circuit or closed circuit,A condition 'ofY said circuit controlling elements depends ⁇ iipon the particular position occupied by .the container; Vin other Words,'if the'container -is moved into one position, the deviceisin circuitclosing condition . Whereas if the Lcoiit'ain'erfis in the alternative position, the device is in the open circuit condition. i v
  • the device' isy 'designed more particularly for high voltage systems and in its preferred form, the containerv isfprvided with arc extinguishing Huid, thus to adapt the device for high voltage use.
  • An important feature of the device' resides finthe provision of circuit controlling elementswhich Islide or roll from one alternative position to the other, thus to insureproper contact as distinguished from devices in which 'two circuit controlling elements are merely brought face'rto vface into abutting condition.
  • the device is'also of such character that it lends itself readily to an increase or decrease of the gap between the contact elements when they are in their open circuit condition. If the device is used, for instance, for circuits of from 2,000 to 2,400 volts, then a gap of two inches or thereabouts may be sufficient and this is considered a relatively low pressure high voltage system and it is frequently necessary to provide a gap up to twenty-four inches in length.
  • the device of my invention is of such a character that it can be easily adapted for any size of gap by primarily increasing certain linear dimensions.
  • My invention also has various other fea- Fig. 3 is a sectional view of my improved ⁇ circuit controlling device
  • Fig. 4 is a sectional view on line4-4 of Fig. 3;
  • F ig. 5 is a view similar to Fig. 4 showing a modified form of the invention
  • Fig. 6 is a fragmentary view of Ya portion Y of the device shown in Fig. 3 but illustrat A ing a modification in the arrangement of the movable circuit controlling'element;
  • Fig. 7 is a fragmentary sectional view on line 7 7 of Fig. 6;
  • Fig. 8 is a view similar to Fig. 2 showing as an addition, the air-break.
  • Fig. 9 is a view similar to Fig. 8 of a modified form of structure.
  • I show three circuit controlling devices, respectively the devices 11, 11, 11, which, in this instance, control a three phase high potential circuit.
  • Each conductor of the three phase circuit system serially includes one of the devices l1.
  • These devices are in the form of a container having an insulating shell 12 and metallic caps 13 and 14.
  • the metallic cap 13 is in electrical contact with an inner annular sleeve 15 of conducting material.
  • the cap 14 is in electrical contact with an inner annular sleeve 16 made of conducting material.
  • the elements 15 and 16 serve for contact making purposes and contact between them is established by a plurality of slidable rods 17 carried by the container.
  • Fig. 3 it will be noted that when the device l1 is in the position there shown, that the rods 17 are in circuit making condition, that is, for uniting the contacts 15 and 10. Should the device l1 be shifted into its alternative position as shown ⁇ for instance' indotted linesnFig. 8, then therodsli" would slide to' the left* and break the circuit ⁇ these rods under such conditions, contacting merely with the, sleeve contact 15.
  • the container is provided with an arc. extinguishing tluid here shown as a liquid ⁇ the level being indicated as at 18.
  • the device is also provided with a rent which permits egress of gases formed when the circuit is broken, thus to relieve the interior of the device of excessivepressure.
  • the arc eitinguisbing liquid does not'ow into the vent' tube'hs a general proposition, althoughit'may be forced into it at times when'a discharge is caused byexcess pressure
  • the veilt consists of a tube 19 having four vent openings't). These vent openings are normally closed by a piston 21 which is backed'by'tlie spring The spring is held in place by'the cap '24 which cap has an encircling hood/or etticoat 25 so as to cover the vents'QO and 'make the device weather proof,
  • rThi container'fl may be, ⁇ "ifde sired, madeof .transparent orI translufent meterial sof'that the o e1"ator may know by 'a visual inspection 'wh ther-'f theV elements 17 are infoben'circuit or' Vclosedy circuit conditron.
  • the'length of the breal may be varied merely by incrcasing'the length of the container 12 and the rods 1T and possibly the sleeve *15.
  • the str ucture for this reason, is veryllcxible and permits' adapting the device fo'r any desired voltage.
  • the devices 11 are desirably carried upon insulators 20, ⁇ suitable straps 27 beine' provided for this purpose.
  • the insulators themselves .ire tixedly carried upon a pipe or tube which tube liascranl: extensions 21W and 31), eat-li provided with a stub shaft, iespectixcly thc Stiib'slmfts 31 and 32
  • the shafts Rl and 32 are respectively carried by bearing 35 and 354 mounted upofthc framework l'tll
  • the stub shaft 3l has ⁇ .'r two fr'rncd'liriclsei "fi which is connected by means of nids :to if.
  • the tube 28 has an extensionll which cooperates with tivo brake elements 4l and 42 suitably held in position by thc curved bracket 42.
  • the extension 40 co-oper :rtes with either thc element Artl or the element 42 as the case may be, and these elements act as a'bralie as the 'structure is movingr ⁇ into its limiting position and 'thereafter act Vas a holdingmeansto 'maintain the device in the position into which it was last moved.
  • I provide flexible conductingr extensions 44 arid 45 fastened res 'ectively tothe metallic Vc'aps'l3 and I4 la'n'd t ese conductive extensions associate the device with the terminals' and -17 respectively.
  • the terminals are desirably carried upon insulators 48 as can be readily seen.
  • These conductive extensions 44 and 45 are preferably in the form'of metallic straps.
  • I l show'a modified form of the device in which I utilize balls 19 instead of the rods I7.
  • Figs. 6 and 7 I sho ⁇ a modified form in which thefrods 17 are united by a Illeaible 'element 50 suitably pinned to each rod by the screws 51'.
  • the advantage of thus enforcinga united action of the rods 17 resides in thefact that the entire weight of all of the rods is instrumental in carrying each individual rod to its corriplcte limiting positon So that no single rod may lag behind the others for anyy reason whatsoever.
  • the lflexible connection between the rods provides that degree of freedom of motion and facility of rontact which maybe necessary to insure proper operation of the de ⁇ ice
  • Fig.' I show a modified for rn of connection to the cap 14.
  • a lead cushion 55 is provided at each end of the shell 12 to prevent recoil of the rods.
  • a flexible conductor 56 may be connected in parallel with the spring 52 to carry the current.
  • Fig. 9 shows a modified form for carrying out the functions performed by the structure of Fig. 8 and in this instance, the cap 14 is provided with a switch tongue 53 which engages a switch quadrant 54 which quadrant is associated with the terminal 47 although not so shown in the illustration. WVlien the device of Fig. 9 is moved contra-clockwise from the position shown in full lines to the position shown in dotted lines, the circuit is' completely broken between the elements 16 and 17 Whereafter thesvvitch tongue 53 leaves the switch quadrant "54 to again indicate, a
  • A'Y device'of the character described comprising amovable container adapted toI oocu'pyalternatiye' positions, movable solid circuit'controlling means therein, stationary contactj neans Yproviding 'contactsspaced in the direction of movement of said circuit controlling means, said circuitcontr'olling means occupyingeither an open 'circuit or cl'osedfcircuit position relative to said contacts'depending upon the position of said ⁇ container, and shock absorbig means for cushioning the shock of said circuit controlling means at both ends of the movement thereof.
  • a device of the character described comprising a tiltable container, a plurality of individual contact elements mounted in said container and means with which said contacts engage to close the circuit through said device, said contacts moving either into or out of engagement With said means as said container is tilted from one position to another and being constrained to move substantially in parallelism.
  • a device of the character described comprising a movable container, a circuit closing device comprising fixed contact means carried by said container and means movable by gravity in said container into either open or closed circuit relation to said fixed contact means as said container is moved, said means comprising a plurality of individual contact elements and means electrically connecting said elements.
  • a device of the character described comprising a movable container, loosely carried connected metallic circuit controlling means therein adapted to occupy either an open-circuit or closed-circuit position depending upon the position of said container, and an arc extinguishingizid within said container.
  • a device of the character described comprising a movable container, connected slidable circuit controlling means therein adapted to occupy either an open-circuit or closed-circuit position depending upon the position of said container, and an arc extinguishing fluid Within said container.
  • a device of the character described comprising a movable container, loosely carried solid circuit controlling means therein adapted to occupy: either an opencircuit or closed-circuit position depending upon the position of said container, and an :arc extinguishing iiuid within said container and venting means for said container to permit the escape of gases formed :therein fromsaid Huid. x'
  • a device of the character described comprising a movable container, slidable solid connected circuit controlling means therein adapted to occupyeither an opencircuit or closed-circuit position depending upon the position of said container, and an arc extinguishing fluid within said container and venting means for said container to permit the escape of gases formed therein from said iuid.
  • a device of the character described comprising a movable container, loosely carried solid connected circuit controlling means therein adapted to occupy either an open-circuit or Yclosed-circuit position depending upon the position of said container ⁇ and an arc extinguishing fluid Within said container and weatherproof venting means for said container to permit the escape of gases formed therein from said fluid.
  • a device of the character described comprising a movable container, a plurality of loosely carried yieldingly united circuit controlling means therein adapted to occupy either an open-circuit or closed-circuit position depending upon the position of said container, and an arc extinguishing fluid Within said container.
  • a device of the character described comprising a movable container, a circuit closing device comprising fixed contact means carried by said container and means movable by gravity in said container into either open or closed circuit relation to said ti. ⁇ ed contact means as said container is moved, saidmeans comprising a plurality' oficontact elements having a limited relative, movement.
  • a device of the character described comprising fannovable container, solid oo nnected..circuitcontrollingmeans therein responsivc to the position of said container', and 4flexible current conducting means extending 'to said container for including said circuit controlling means in circuit.
  • a device of the character described comprising a movable container, circuit controlling means therein responsive to the positioirofysaid container', and current conducting means associated with said container for including said circuit controlling means in circuitsaid current conducting means being constructed to eliect circuit rupture subsequent ⁇ to circuit. rupture by said circuit controlling means.
  • the tcharacter. described comprising a movable container, circuit controllingynieanmtlierein responsivetofthe povsitiiifof's'aid Icontainer, 'a supportadapted to yoccupy,alternative positions upon which said container is mounted, means for exerting a "braking action on,said support when moving to a limiting position, and remotely controlled 'meansfor shifting said support.
  • a device of the V.”chafracter.described comprising a movable container having con-A ducting and insulating portions, a plurality of rigidi ⁇ connected conducting members loosdwithin saidicontainenand means for moving said lcontainer to a plurality of different positions to move said members to circuit opening or closing position.
  • a device of the character described comprising a movable container having con ducting and insulating portions, a plurality either open or closed circuit relationltosaid' of conducting members loose within said container, and means for moving-said container to a plurality ofditierent positions to move said members'to circuit openingfor closing position, said members bein .-provided with means-whereby substantily. all of said members reach their circuit opening or closing Vposition simultaneously.
  • a device of the character described comprising a movable container having conducting and insulating portions, a plurality of conducting members loose within said container, and means for moving said container to a plurality of di'erent positions to move said members to circuit opening or closing position,- said members being proided with connecting. means whereby subi stantially,allof'said 'members reach their circuit opening or closing position simultaneously.
  • a devicerof lthe characterfdescribed comprising a ⁇ movable container, a circuit closing .device comprising fixed contact means carried bysaid container, andf meansV movable by gravity 'in-saidcontainerxintd fixed contact means as said contanerzzis moved, .said means comprising, a 'plurality of .individual contact elementsl and means connectingsaid felements' electrically: and mechanically.
  • a device of the-characrter described comprising a movablecontainer ada tedlto occupy alternativepositions, movab eelon ⁇ gatedsolid circuit controlling means therein,
  • saidvcontactgmembersy beingpaced in,.- the Irlirg'rction of movement .of said circuit'controlling means,and Van arc extinguishing-.liquid in jsaid container, said' ⁇ circuit controllngmeansI being in closed circuit posrtion'm oneA valternative osition of c said container with relation to seid contacts and being inopen circuit positionV in the other alternative position of said container.


  • Devices That Are Associated With Refrigeration Equipment (AREA)


Jan, 13. 1925. 1,522,498
N. J. CONRAD SWITCH Filed July 1o, 1920 :s snets-sheet 1 mtl Jan, 13. 1925.
N. J. lCONRAD SWITCH Filed July lO, 1920 3 Sheets-Sheet 2 Jan, 13. 1925.
N. J. CONRAD 3 Sheets-Sheet 5 Patented Jan. 13, 1925.
Application led July 10, 1920. Serial No. 395,275.
To all whom it mayV concern:
Be it known" that I, NICHOLAS J. CONRAD, a citizen of the United States, residing at Wilmette, in the county of Cook and State of Illinois, have invented a certain new and useful Improvement in' Switches, of which the following is a full, clear, concise, and exact description, reference being had to the accompanying drawings, forming a part of this specification.
My invention relates to circuit controlling devices and is designed to provide a device of this character in which the circuit controlling elementslrare carried by a suitable movable container ada'pted to occupy alternative positions, the whole structure so .arranged that'ltheopen circuit or closed circuit,A condition 'ofY said circuit controlling elements depends`iipon the particular position occupied by .the container; Vin other Words,'if the'container -is moved into one position, the deviceisin circuitclosing condition .Whereas if the Lcoiit'ain'erfis in the alternative position, the device is in the open circuit condition. i v
The device'isy 'designed more particularly for high voltage systems and in its preferred form, the containerv isfprvided with arc extinguishing Huid, thus to adapt the device for high voltage use. An important feature of the device' resides finthe provision of circuit controlling elementswhich Islide or roll from one alternative position to the other, thus to insureproper contact as distinguished from devices in which 'two circuit controlling elements are merely brought face'rto vface into abutting condition.
The device is'also of such character that it lends itself readily to an increase or decrease of the gap between the contact elements when they are in their open circuit condition. If the device is used, for instance, for circuits of from 2,000 to 2,400 volts, then a gap of two inches or thereabouts may be sufficient and this is considered a relatively low pressure high voltage system and it is frequently necessary to provide a gap up to twenty-four inches in length.
The device of my invention is of such a character that it can be easily adapted for any size of gap by primarily increasing certain linear dimensions.
My invention also has various other fea- Fig. 3 is a sectional view of my improved `circuit controlling device;
Fig. 4 is a sectional view on line4-4 of Fig. 3;
F ig. 5 is a view similar to Fig. 4 showing a modified form of the invention;
Fig. 6 is a fragmentary view of Ya portion Y of the device shown in Fig. 3 but illustrat A ing a modification in the arrangement of the movable circuit controlling'element;
Fig. 7 is a fragmentary sectional view on line 7 7 of Fig. 6;
Fig. 8 is a view similar to Fig. 2 showing as an addition, the air-break; and
Fig. 9 is a view similar to Fig. 8 of a modified form of structure.
Referring more particularly to Figs. 1,
2, 3 and 4, I show a framework 10 which,
in the form illustrated, is designed for pole top use. The device as illustrated in these figures is designed for out-door use and is,
so arranged that it is weather proof.
I show three circuit controlling devices, respectively the devices 11, 11, 11, which, in this instance, control a three phase high potential circuit. Each conductor of the three phase circuit system serially includes one of the devices l1. These devices are in the form of a container having an insulating shell 12 and metallic caps 13 and 14. The metallic cap 13 is in electrical contact with an inner annular sleeve 15 of conducting material. The cap 14 is in electrical contact with an inner annular sleeve 16 made of conducting material. The elements 15 and 16 serve for contact making purposes and contact between them is established by a plurality of slidable rods 17 carried by the container. Y
By referring to Fig. 3, it will be noted that when the device l1 is in the position there shown, that the rods 17 are in circuit making condition, that is, for uniting the contacts 15 and 10. Should the device l1 be shifted into its alternative position as shown` for instance' indotted linesnFig. 8, then therodsli" would slide to' the left* and break the circuit` these rods under such conditions, contacting merely with the, sleeve contact 15. The container is provided with an arc. extinguishing tluid here shown as a liquid` the level being indicated as at 18. The device is also provided with a rent which permits egress of gases formed when the circuit is broken, thus to relieve the interior of the device of excessivepressure. The arc eitinguisbing liquid does not'ow into the vent' tube'hs a general proposition, althoughit'may be forced into it at times when'a discharge is caused byexcess pressure The veilt consists of a tube 19 having four vent openings't). These vent openings are normally closed by a piston 21 which is backed'by'tlie spring The spring is held in place by'the cap '24 which cap has an encircling hood/or etticoat 25 so as to cover the vents'QO and 'make the device weather proof,
'Therriig'ement is such that if under cerf tain conditions arc extinguishing liquid is forced'itoh'etube,119,'tlien' this excess pressure is siiiiriceptI t'o causethepst'on 2l to travel 'considerably be'jonfd the Avent" openings 2Q sothattlie iud as'a generalpropositionfr'eniainsfint le t1ube"19,merely the gases escapingthroughfthever'its Q0. 'Upon the sbsiden'ce'o the the 'erce'ssivepressu re, the liquid normally falls back 'into the `con tainer 19.'. rThi container'fl may be,`"ifde sired, madeof .transparent orI translufent meterial sof'that the o e1"ator may know by 'a visual inspection 'wh ther-'f theV elements 17 are infoben'circuit or' Vclosedy circuit conditron.
Iii lorder to prevent fusing of the contacts or otherlimpairment of the metallic circuit controlling parts of the device,`I"ha\'e foiin'd it desirable tonra'lce the sliding'rods 17 of a copper 'graphite' "mixture known under various'trade-names as metite", bronze kolile" and fcopper morganite". Under' certain conditions the rods might be satisfacto'ry ifmade of brass. The rods 17 might also desirably be'niade of electrographite or other low resistance graphite compositions.
It will be noted fromwhat has been described that the'length of the breal: may be varied merely by incrcasing'the length of the container 12 and the rods 1T and possibly the sleeve *15. The str ucture, for this reason, is veryllcxible and permits' adapting the device fo'r any desired voltage. The devices 11 are desirably carried upon insulators 20, `suitable straps 27 beine' provided for this purpose. The insulators themselves .ire tixedly carried upon a pipe or tube which tube liascranl: extensions 21W and 31), eat-li provided with a stub shaft, iespectixcly thc Stiib'slmfts 31 and 32 The shafts Rl and 32 are respectively carried by bearing 35 and 354 mounted upofthc framework l'tll The stub shaft 3l has` .'r two fr'rncd'liriclsei "fi which is connected by means of nids :to if.
upon a support H0 carried liv tiie piilc or other device which rnay support the frange. Work 10. Thus, when it is desired to haugc tli? position 0f the device 11 fiom inuit ClOSQtl t0 lCillllit OpQniD- f pUSitl'ili lire lizirille (Fig. .J) rs sii unir contra-clock@ rse si that the device l1 is swung through an :ric of approximately degrees to occupy its alternative position. Thus a remote i-oirtrol is provided and the operator need not lie adY jacent to the device when operating rt.
The tube 28 has an extensionll which cooperates with tivo brake elements 4l and 42 suitably held in position by thc curved bracket 42. Whenever the de\ice is iii either limitingr position` the extension 40 co-oper :rtes with either thc element Artl or the element 42 as the case may be, and these elements act as a'bralie as the 'structure is movingr` into its limiting position and 'thereafter act Vas a holdingmeansto 'maintain the device in the position into which it was last moved. In order to include tl'ie device in circuit, I provide flexible conductingr extensions 44 arid 45 fastened res 'ectively tothe metallic Vc'aps'l3 and I4 la'n'd t ese conductive extensions associate the device with the terminals' and -17 respectively. The terminals are desirably carried upon insulators 48 as can be readily seen. These conductive extensions 44 and 45 are preferably in the form'of metallic straps.
'In Fig.'5` I lshow'a modified form of the device in which I utilize balls 19 instead of the rods I7.
In Figs. 6 and 7, I sho` a modified form in which thefrods 17 are united by a Illeaible 'element 50 suitably pinned to each rod by the screws 51'. The advantage of thus enforcinga united action of the rods 17 resides in thefact that the entire weight of all of the rods is instrumental in carrying each individual rod to its corriplcte limiting positon So that no single rod may lag behind the others for anyy reason whatsoever. The lflexible connection between the rods, however, provides that degree of freedom of motion and facility of rontact which maybe necessary to insure proper operation of the de\ice In Fig.' I show a modified for rn of connection to the cap 14. In thi instance, l omity the flexible conductor' 45 but provide in its place, a spring 52 which normally engages the cap 14 to lcomplete the ci rciiit con nection from the terminal 4G to the terminal 4i' when (lie dc\i'e is in crrririt rluscd position. Noir whenever the elcnicrt ll is swung to its alternativ; position :is shown in dotted l-iicfV` lhvn tire spring 5f! \\i|l 'fiillriu .rnd maintain contact with the cap lit iintrl the ll'i circuit is actually broken by the elements 16 and 17. vThe further contra-clockwise movement of the device'then carries the cap 14 away from the spring 52, thus to indicate to a person not in position to see the interior of the device, that the circuit is open because an actually definite air-break exists between the circuit terminals 46 and 47. A lead cushion 55 is provided at each end of the shell 12 to prevent recoil of the rods. A flexible conductor 56 may be connected in parallel with the spring 52 to carry the current.
Fig. 9 shows a modified form for carrying out the functions performed by the structure of Fig. 8 and in this instance, the cap 14 is provided with a switch tongue 53 which engages a switch quadrant 54 which quadrant is associated with the terminal 47 although not so shown in the illustration. WVlien the device of Fig. 9 is moved contra-clockwise from the position shown in full lines to the position shown in dotted lines, the circuit is' completely broken between the elements 16 and 17 Whereafter thesvvitch tongue 53 leaves the switch quadrant "54 to again indicate, a
definite air-break in the circuit.
'From/'what has thus been shown and described,` my invention will be readilyv y.some of its various forms, what I now claim and 'desire to secure by Letters Patent is:
1. A'Y device'of the character described, comprising amovable container adapted toI oocu'pyalternatiye' positions, movable solid circuit'controlling means therein, stationary contactj neans Yproviding 'contactsspaced in the direction of movement of said circuit controlling means, said circuitcontr'olling means occupyingeither an open 'circuit or cl'osedfcircuit position relative to said contacts'depending upon the position of said `container, and shock absorbig means for cushioning the shock of said circuit controlling means at both ends of the movement thereof.
2. A device of the character described, comprising a tiltable container, a plurality of individual contact elements mounted in said container and means with which said contacts engage to close the circuit through said device, said contacts moving either into or out of engagement With said means as said container is tilted from one position to another and being constrained to move substantially in parallelism.
3. A device of the character described, comprising a movable container, a circuit closing device comprising fixed contact means carried by said container and means movable by gravity in said container into either open or closed circuit relation to said fixed contact means as said container is moved, said means comprising a plurality of individual contact elements and means electrically connecting said elements.
4. A device of the character described comprising a movable container, loosely carried connected metallic circuit controlling means therein adapted to occupy either an open-circuit or closed-circuit position depending upon the position of said container, and an arc extinguishing luid within said container.
5. A device of the character described comprising a movable container, connected slidable circuit controlling means therein adapted to occupy either an open-circuit or closed-circuit position depending upon the position of said container, and an arc extinguishing fluid Within said container.
6. A device of the character described comprising a movable container, loosely carried solid circuit controlling means therein adapted to occupy: either an opencircuit or closed-circuit position depending upon the position of said container, and an :arc extinguishing iiuid within said container and venting means for said container to permit the escape of gases formed :therein fromsaid Huid. x'
7 ."A device of the character described comprising a movable container, slidable solid connected circuit controlling means therein adapted to occupyeither an opencircuit or closed-circuit position depending upon the position of said container, and an arc extinguishing fluid within said container and venting means for said container to permit the escape of gases formed therein from said iuid. I
8. A device of the character described comprising a movable container, loosely carried solid connected circuit controlling means therein adapted to occupy either an open-circuit or Yclosed-circuit position depending upon the position of said container` and an arc extinguishing fluid Within said container and weatherproof venting means for said container to permit the escape of gases formed therein from said fluid.
9. A device of the character described comprising a movable container, a plurality of loosely carried yieldingly united circuit controlling means therein adapted to occupy either an open-circuit or closed-circuit position depending upon the position of said container, and an arc extinguishing fluid Within said container.
10. A device of the character described, comprising a movable container, a circuit closing device comprising fixed contact means carried by said container and means movable by gravity in said container into either open or closed circuit relation to said ti.\ed contact means as said container is moved, saidmeans comprising a plurality' oficontact elements having a limited relative, movement.
11., A device of the character described comprising fannovable container, solid oo nnected..circuitcontrollingmeans therein responsivc to the position of said container', and 4flexible current conducting means extending 'to said container for including said circuit controlling means in circuit.
l2. A device of the character described comprising a movable container, circuit controlling means therein responsive to the positioirofysaid container', and current conducting means associated with said container for including said circuit controlling means in circuitsaid current conducting means being constructed to eliect circuit rupture subsequent `to circuit. rupture by said circuit controlling means.
13..A:,device of .the.,cl iaracter described comprising a movable container, solid connectedlcircuit ,controlling'means therein respoiisiveto tlieposit'ionpf said container, a
supportadapted.topccupy alternative posi tions, uponjvhich said container is mounted,
andQrem'otely controlled means for shifting said'support.
lLQA device or |the tcharacter. described comprising a movable container, circuit controllingynieanmtlierein responsivetofthe povsitiiifof's'aid Icontainer, 'a supportadapted to yoccupy,alternative positions upon which said container is mounted, means for exerting a "braking action on,said support when moving to a limiting position, and remotely controlled 'meansfor shifting said support.
15. A device of the V."chafracter.described comprising a movable container having con-A ducting and insulating portions, a plurality of rigidi`connected conducting members loosdwithin saidicontainenand means for moving said lcontainer to a plurality of different positions to move said members to circuit opening or closing position.
16. A device of the character described comprising a movable container having con ducting and insulating portions, a plurality either open or closed circuit relationltosaid' of conducting members loose within said container, and means for moving-said container to a plurality ofditierent positions to move said members'to circuit openingfor closing position, said members bein .-provided with means-whereby substantily. all of said members reach their circuit opening or closing Vposition simultaneously.
1T.' A device of the character described comprising a movable container having conducting and insulating portions, a plurality of conducting members loose within said container, and means for moving said container to a plurality of di'erent positions to move said members to circuit opening or closing position,- said members being proided with connecting. means whereby subi stantially,allof'said 'members reach their circuit opening or closing position simultaneously.
18. A devicerof lthe characterfdescribed, comprising a `movable container, a circuit closing .device comprising fixed contact means carried bysaid container, andf meansV movable by gravity 'in-saidcontainerxintd fixed contact means as said contanerzzis moved, .said means comprising, a 'plurality of .individual contact elementsl and means connectingsaid felements' electrically: and mechanically.
19. A device of the-characrter described, comprising a movablecontainer ada tedlto occupy alternativepositions, movab eelon` gatedsolid circuit controlling means therein,
a pairof stationary. contact membersfmounb. 35
ed in saidcontainer, saidvcontactgmembersy beingpaced in,.- the Irlirg'rction of movement .of said circuit'controlling means,and Van arc extinguishing-.liquid in jsaid container, said'` circuit controllngmeansI being in closed circuit posrtion'm oneA valternative osition of c said container with relation to seid contacts and being inopen circuit positionV in the other alternative position of said container.
In wi'tnessiwhereof, I hereunto subscribe my name this 6th day of July, A. D., 1920.
US1522498D conrad Expired - Lifetime US1522498A (en)

Publications (1)

Publication Number Publication Date
US1522498A true US1522498A (en) 1925-01-13



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Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
US1522498D Expired - Lifetime US1522498A (en) conrad

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US (1) US1522498A (en)

Cited By (2)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US2678361A (en) * 1951-03-29 1954-05-11 Mitchell Frank Electrical interrupter
US2889434A (en) * 1951-10-26 1959-06-02 Westinghouse Electric Corp Switching device

Cited By (2)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US2678361A (en) * 1951-03-29 1954-05-11 Mitchell Frank Electrical interrupter
US2889434A (en) * 1951-10-26 1959-06-02 Westinghouse Electric Corp Switching device

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