US1370238A - Combined typewriting and computing - Google Patents

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US1370238A US1370238DA US1370238A US 1370238 A US1370238 A US 1370238A US 1370238D A US1370238D A US 1370238DA US 1370238 A US1370238 A US 1370238A
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    • G06C21/00Programming-mechanisms for determining the steps to be performed by the computing machine, e.g. when a key or certain keys are depressed
    • G06C29/00Combinations of computing machines with other machines, e.g. with typewriter, with money-changing apparatus


  • This invention relates to combined typewriting and computing r aehines and is herein applied to a machine oi the Underwood-Hanson type, in which the numbers to be computed set up on index pins by the numeral keys and are subsequently run into diahwheels .by mechanism Yactuated by an electric or other rmotor substantially Vas shown in Patent No. idll, issued to Frederick A. Hart August 2l, i917.
  • Th tabulating mechanislA includes a series o" keys, at the depression of which the motor is started anda carriage stop is raised and latched in eiiectiye'position until struck by a column stop on the carriage.
  • a feature oi my invention consists in inaking kit possible ⁇ to control the tabulating .movements ofthe carriage by the general operatorQ Ar-:cording to one form of my invyen'tion aslierein illustrated, when a 'tabulating key is depressed, lalter a number is written and indexed, to position the carriage :ior a succeeding computation, the motor will be started tovrun the indexed number into the number'wheels, but the typewriter carriage willV be held until the end oi the computing action; then ithe carriage will be released bythe/computing mechanis' ,to complete tile tahulating By this mode ouoperation, the'operatiye is'enabled to manipulate the typewriter in the ordinary manner, paying-no attention tothe computing' mechanism or 'to the tabulating mechanism, and needenly make sure to employ a tabulating keyto position the carriage i'or computation.
  • tebulaaing key may be inetfectiye to start the motor heiore a number is set up on the pins so that the carriage may be tabulated into the tiret com- Y kpiring lZone without idly actuating the com# puting mechanism.
  • computing vmechanism may be automatically put undercontrol'oi the tabulating keys by the type- Speeieation of Letters atent.
  • Another rfeature is that the typewriter carriage may automatically disconnect the cemputing mechanism Jfrom the control ei' the tabulating keys when said carriage moves ou'toi' a computing zone so that ordi- Y nary tabulating may be performed thereafter .without idly actuating the computing mechanism.
  • Another feature provides means whereby the operative may predetermine whether the actuation oi the tabulating keys shall start only a tabulating operation, or the computing mechanism also, at predetermined positions the carriage.
  • Figure i is a sectional side View or" a combined typewriting aud computing machine, showing the invention applied theretol and the parts in normal position.
  • Fig. 2 is a fragmentary sectional 'front View of the tabulator stops, showing one of said stops arresting the carriage.
  • Fig. 8 is a fragmentary top plan View or" the tabulator stops and the mechanism actuated thereby for restoring the carriage to the control oi the escapement mechanism.
  • Fig. i is a sectional top plan view oi the computing mechanism below the typewriter.
  • Fig. 5 is a diagrammatic skeleton side riew, showing a tabuiating action at the completion ot the return stroke of the general operator.
  • Fig. (i is a detail View, showing the speed governor for the carriage and adjacent mechanism.
  • Fig. i' is a skeleton, isometric, perspectiye View, looking irom the rear, showingl a portion of the machine in Ynormal position.
  • each numeral key lever 12 is provided with a pendant 34 (Fig. 1) which, on the down-stroke of the key, actuates a linkage mechanism oin an indexing device (Figs. 1 and 4), to depress a corresponding index pin 3G on denomina.- tional members 3T, having ⁇ racks 3S formed at their forward ends in mesh with pinions 8f) mounted on number wheels 4U.
  • the denominational member 37 upon which a pin 3G is to be depressed, is moved into coperative relation with the linkage mechanism y) by a denominational selecting mechanism 41 (F igs. 1 and 4) controlled by the typewriter carriage in a manner common in machines of the Underwood-Hanson type.
  • lVhen a number is thus set up or registered on the pins 36, a power driven general operator 42 (Figs. 1, 4, 5 and v7) having a bar 43 universal. to all the denominational members 3T and moving in the path of the depressed pins 3G, is reciprocated to engage the pins and move iorwardly said denominational members amounts directly proportional to the digital value of the depressed pins to actuate the number wheels in accord with the value of the set pins.
  • a normally silent electrically driven motor 44 (Fig. 5), provided with a switch and connected with a reciprocating mechanism 46 (Figs. and 7), is provided for the purpose of driving' said general operator 42.
  • a universal plate 50 (Fig. 1) connected with a parallel motion device 51.
  • Said plate is actuated by an arm 52 last on a rock shaft 53, (Figs. l, 5 and 7) which has at one end a downwardly-extending arm 54 engageable by a oneray pawl 55 mounted on the general operator 42, in such a manner that when said general operator is moved forwardly, said pawl will pass the arm 54 idly, but will actuate said arm on the return stroke of the general operator to raise the universal plate 50 and therewith all the depressed index pins 36, after which said plate will return to its normal position.
  • a manually-operable handle 59 (Figs. 1 and 4) connected with gearing 60 to drive the general operator, after which a tabulating key 26 may be actuated to denominationally position the carriage 16 for typing the next number to be computed.
  • the tabulating keys are provided with connections whereby the motor may be started and the carriage tabulated at a single stroke of any tabulating key. It is, however, undesirable to actuate the computing mechanism and the typewriter carriage concomitantly since the actuation of the typewriter carriage may actuate the denominational selecting mechanism 41 of the computing mechanism, while the parts of the computing mechanism are in action, thereby causing a malaction or wreckage of the machine.
  • the raised denominational stop i8 actuates a universal bar 64 (Figs. 1, 5, and 7) fast on a rock shaft 65 which has an arm 66 thereon, overlying an interponent 67 placed between the tabulating mechanism and the motor-starting mechanism, to depress said interponent 67 when positioned as shown in Fig. 5, and through the intermediary of a parallel motion device 68, depress the forward end of a bar 69 to swing a transverse lever 7 0 against the tension of its spring 71 to raise the latch 72 of the motor switch 45, thereby closing the circuit through the motor.
  • the rotation of the motor actuates the general opera-tor 42 through the driving connections 46, so that the universal bar 43 thereof engages all of the depressed pins 36 to drive the denominational members 37, to run numbers into the number wheels.
  • the rock shaft 53 of the pin-restoring-device Voperated by the general goperator ⁇ 12, ⁇ is provided withL an upstanding arm 75 (Figs. 1, 4, 5 and7), tast thereon and connected'by al link 76 to a bellcraiik'77, to depress, by means of a pin-andslotconnection 77, an upwardly-extending -link78 connected tothe rear end otra lever 79.
  • the downwardly-extending' arm of the double bell crank S5 is connected by a link 109 (Figs. 1, 5 and 7) to the .ntei'ponei L 67 which lies between the tabiiating mechanism and motor-starting defices, to move the upper end. of said ⁇ interponent which underlies the arm 6G, forming part ci the universal bar 6s for thedenoininational stops, so that the upper endotsaid iiiteiponent will lie under a notch 110 in said arm in Stich a manner thatwliei said arm is actuated at the depression of a tabiilating rey 26, it will! be ineffective to depress the interponent'and start the motor.
  • the downwardly-extending arm of the double bellcrank ⁇ 85 is also connected to link 67 by means of a spring' 199 Wliicn acts to restore link 67, bell-crank 85 and the parts associated therewith, to normal position.
  • the arm G6 oi the universal bai' 64. associated with the denominational stops7 is connected to depressa link 111 (Figs. 5 and 7), the upper feiidof which is connected with the lever 79 for raising the i-ackQQ to disconnect the carriage Jifioin the escapement mechanism at the depression of tabulating key, said lever-79 being locked in 'effective position iii the saine manner asivlien the caiiiage is released by the Vgeneral operator.
  • Said link 111 is connected to bell-crank 85 by means of a link'112 and by shifting said izo bell-crank either link 67 or link 111 Will ⁇ be effective to rock lever 79.
  • the lever 79 is returned to its normal position when the carriage reaches the end of its run.
  • the typewriter carriage is provided with a speed governor 111 (Fie: which is pivoted on the machine ame at 11F and has a pinion 116 normally out e ment'ivith the rack lllhen the rack l is disengaged from the esoapen'ient niet' 2O in a tabulat- 'ing operation, by leve.' 9, an arm fast on said lever en ⁇ es an arm 117 fast on the speed governor 11 to swing the latter about its pivot 115 to engage its pinion 116 ivith the rack 22, so that the speed governor will be efl'ective to retard the carri ge, thereby reducing the force with Which its columnstop 29 strikes the raised denominational .stop 28, thus avoiding a rebound oi the typewriter carri-aon.
  • a speed governor 111 Fie: which is pivoted on the machine ame at 11F and has a pinion 116 normally out e ment'ivith the rack lllhen the rack l is disengaged from
  • the speed governor 114i will be held cil-lectiva position duriiw the run ell the carriage by the latch 100, tl ugh the intermediary oi' the lever i9 its computing mechanism, may be positioned so as to be effective for any desired letter-space position, and may be made of such extent as to be effective for a plurality of letter-space positions.
  • the same columnstops 29 may be employed when it is not desired that the typewriter carriage shall render the tabulating keys efi'ective to control on the computing; mechanism.
  • the extensions 81 of the column-stops extend only over a portion of their width so that a stop may be placed on the carriage with the extension 81 in or out oi engaging relation With the cam 82, as seen in Fig. 7, at the will of the operative.
  • the tabulating keys are inef'fective to control the computing mechanism.
  • the handle 59 may be actuated to run the indexed number into the number Wheels 4:0, and a tabulating key 26 may then be depressed in the usual manner to position the carriage for the next computation.
  • handle 59 may also be employed when it is desired to compute a number Written in a computing zone for which no properly positioned column-stop has been provided, Without the disarrangement of the column-stops 29, or in case a properly positioned columnstop 29 has been carried past cam 82 Without actuation of a tabulating lever to cause motor actuation of the general operator.
  • the bar 69 is provided ivith a hinge 118, and is so proportioned relatively to the lever 70, that when said bar is actuated at the depression of a tabulating key 26, the forward end of the bar will trip off the end of the lever 70, a i'ter starting,r the motor 44, and the latch 72 and the lever 70 will immediately be returned to their Vnormal positions by the spring' 71. IN hen the lever 70 is thus returned, it Will swing the forward end of the bar on its hinge 118 against the tension ci a spring 119, provided to return said forivard end toits normal position above the lever 70 when the denominational stop 28 is released.
  • typewriting means including' a traveling carriage and an escapement therefor, a carriage-release device, computingr mechanism including a general operator, a device operable by said general operator in its return movement, tabulating means includingr a member movable each time tabulation is to be effected, and means controlled by the carriage to connect the carriage-release device with the general operator-actuated device, or to said movable member.
  • computing mechanism including,r indexing devices, a general operator, a motor mechanism for actuating; the general operator, typewriting mechanism including a traveling carriage and an escapement mechanism therefor, tabulating keys, tabulating mechanism operable by said tabulating keys including a device universal to said keys, carriage-release means normally opei'able by said universal device, a starting device for said motor mechanism, and carriage-controlled means for rendering said universal device ineffective to operate said carriage-release means and effective to operate said starting device.
  • computing mechanism comprising 'a general operator and a motor for actuating said general operator, typewriting mechanism including a V'traveling carriage and a carriage-escapement mechanism, 'tabulating mechanism including keys for actuating' the same, a inembei universal to said tabulating keys, car i'iage-releasing means including a link adapted to be actuated by said universal member, and normally positioned to be actuatedthereby, a motor-starting device including a'link adapted to be actuated by said universal member, but normally in ineffective relation therewith, and carriage-controlled means for moving' said carriage-releasing link into ineffective position relative to said universal member, and said motorestarting link into effective relation therewith, whereby depression of a tabulating key will cause the actuation of the 2general op# eratoil and will be ineffective to release the carriage.
  • typewriting mechanism including a V'traveling carriage and a carriage-escapement mechanism
  • 'tabulating mechanism including keys for actuating' the same
  • typewriting 'mechanism including a traveling' carriage and Van escapement ⁇ mechanism therefor, a carriage-releasing device, a latch to maintain' said releasing'device in its actuated position
  • computing mechanism including a l@general operator, a member movably supported adjacent said lgeneral operator, said general operator being ineffective on said member inV its ⁇ effective movement, but effective thereon neai' the 'end of its return movement, and means whereby actuation of said member by said general operator may ⁇ move said releasing' device toreleasing position, to be retained in such position by said latch.
  • a traveling' carriage tabulating means therefor including' de- Vnoi'ninational stops, means to latch said stops in ractuated position, a member .universal to said vdenominational stops l'and actuable thereby a carriagefcontrolled link moved into eective.
  • computing mechanism including a general operator, a motor for actuating the general operator, alever foi' starting said mo.- toi', a second lever having its free end overlying the free Vend of the first lever, and connections between the second lever and said link, whereby actuation of said link will actuate the lmotor-starting lever, the free end koi'said second lever being hinged andY held in alinement with the rest of the lever by a spring, whereby the free end of the second lever, after actuating' the first lever, f
  • writing' mechanism including' a traveling carriage and numeral-keys, of a computing' mechanism in which numbers may be indexed while the carriage is passing through a computing' zone, tabulating mechanism inoluding keys by which the same may be actuated, means whereby said tabulating' keys may be made ineffective to release said cai'- i'iage and mayV be made effective to cause actuation of said computing mechanism to compute a iiiunber so indexed, and means rendered l'effective by said computing mechanism as it completes computation of the number to release said carriage to enable tabulatingl to be effected.k v
  • a computinginechaiiism comprising numeral-keys andindex- .ing means in which digits of a number may be indexed, a traveling' carriage, means controlled by said traveling carriage to determine the denomination in which indexing will be effected upon the depression4 of a numeral-key as the carriage passes through a computing Zone, a general operator to 'effeet computation ofthe number so indexed, tabu-latine' keys, tabulating mechanism normally operable by said tabulatine; keys, and means whereby depression offa tabulating key, immediately after the indexing of the digit of lowest denomination in the number, will cause actuation of said general operator, and, upon return of thelatter to its home position, will release said carriage to enable the tabulating movement thereof to be completed.
  • a computing mechanism for denominationally positioning the carriage in a computing column, numeral keys for letter-feeding the carriage, and means for enabling the tabulating keys to control the computing mechanism when said carriage passes out of units position.
  • a computing mechanism In a combined typewriting and computing machine, the combination of a computing mechanism, a traveling carriage. tabulating keys. means for setting up a number in said mechanism, means for typewriting each digit of the number as it is set up in said mechanism. and means for starting a computation of the number so set up, at the depression of a tabulatinef key. whereby. upon completion of the computation, the carriafre will be positioned for the setting; up of another number. y
  • a computing mechanism In a combined typewriting and computing' machine, the combination of a computing mechanism, a travelingY carriage.l means for setting up in said mechanism the digits of a number to be computed and concomitantly typewriting the same, tabulating keys, and means for actuatinaV said mechanism and tabulating the earriaqe in sequence at asingle stroke of a tabulating key.
  • typewritingv mechanism including a traveling apement mechanism controltalnilating ⁇ keys controlling; iid canin-re 'a computing mechanism in which the digits o't' a ⁇ number are set up as tyneivritten, controllable by Said tabulatkeys, and means for releasing' the cai'- ige from the control of the escapement mechanism through the computingr mechanism.
  • Iii a combined typewritingand computing machine ⁇ the ⁇ combination of a conipnt'ing mechanism, a traveling ⁇ carriage, means ⁇ for setting up numbers in said mech anism. and typewriting; the same, tabulating keys normally ineffective toy control said mechanism, and means for automatically rendering said mechanism controllable from said keys.
  • n li typeyvriting mechanism including), a cariage, a totalizer, and d ing means thereY r including indexing mechanism and ⁇ eneral operator, of motor mechanism ifo said general operator, means foi said motor mechanism, a key and means to connect said ly ivith said startng means when said carriage is in cert l-tter-space positions to enable actuation et sal1 starting means by said key.
  • the combination with a computing mechanism of means including a l-:ey tor positioning the carrie in coniputing Zone, and means ivlierel said key is rendered effective to control said compiw ing mechanism When the carriage is in certain letter-space posi ions, and is rendered ineffective When the carriage is in any other letter-space position.
  • the combination ivith a computing mechanism, of a traveling carriage, tabulating keys normally ineffective to control said mechanism, means for automatically rendering said mechanism controllable from said keys, and means controlled by said carriage for releasing said mechanism from the control of said keys.
  • the cominnation with coinputing mechanism including index-devices, a general operator, and means actuated by said general operator to restore said indexdevices to normal condition, of a traifeling carriage escapement mechanisn including a rack pivotally mounted on said carriage, and a pinion with ivhich said rack is normally in engagement
  • tabulating mechanism including column-stops on said carriage, tabulating keys, counter-stops actuable by said tabulating keys, means to latch said counter-stops in effective position, means rendered effective by a tabulator-key to actuate said general operator, means actuated by said restoring means to disengage said rack from said pinion, means te latch said rack in disengaged position, the counter-stop latch being released unen engagement of a counterstep by a columnstop, and means whereby the unlatching of the counter-stop latch causes the release of the latch for said rack.
  • n'.fO. YIn a combined typewriting and comput machine, the combination with a computing' mechanism, a traveling carriage, and devices 'for causing letter-feed movements thereof; of tabulating keys, means for controlling the tabulating movements of the carriage from said keys, means for controll' the tabulating movements of the carc 'from said mechanism, and means adjustable on the'carriage for determining letter-space positions at which the carriage shall be controlled from the keys or from said mechanism.
  • tabulating mechanism including keys, computing mechanism, means for setting up a number in said mechanism and typeivriting the number so set up, means controlled by said keys ior running said number into the number Wheels, and means for delaying the tabulating action until the completion of the running o'f said number into said Wheels.
  • a combined typeyvriting and computing machine the combination with a traveling carriage, of numeral keys, a plurality of number wheels, means operable by said keys for indexing the digits of numbers to becomputed and typewriting the digits so indexed, a general operator ior running the numbers so vindexed into the number wheels, power-driven means for actuating the general operator, a series of tabulating keys, means operable by said tabulating keys for controlling said power-driven means, and means whereby the operation of tabulating the carriageis effected subsequently to the computation of a previously indexed number.
  • a combined typewriting and computing machine the combination with a carriage, a computing mechanism including an indexing device and a set of numeral keys, of a motor for driving said computing mechanism, normallyV ineffective driving connections between said motor and said computing mechanism, a'serics of tabulating keys for rendering said driving connections elfective at the depression of a key, and means controlled by the carriage for enabling said keys to control said connections.
  • a tabulatinof mechanism including a series of keys, num er wheels, a motor for actuating the number wheels, a motor-starting device, and means controlled by the carriage for connecting said motor-starting de vice with said tabulating mechanism to start the motor at the depression of a tabulating key.
  • v50 In a combined typewriting and computing machine, the combination with number wheels, type-keys, and a traveling carriage; of a device in which a number is temporarily registered by said type-keys, a tabulating key for positioning the carriage to type another number, a general operator for running the first registered number into said wheels, a motor for driving said general operator, andmeans operated by said tabulating keyand controlled by the carriage for causing said motor to drivesaid general operator.
  • the combination with a computing mechanism, of a traveling can riage tabulating keys for positioning the carriage in a computing zone, numeral keys for causing letter-feed movements of the carriage, and means for actuating the computing mechanism and tabulating the carriage in sequence at a single stroke of a tabulating key when the carriage is in a predetermined letter-space position.
  • 54.111 a combined typewriting and com puting machine, the combination with a computing mechanism and a traveling car* riage, of tabulating keys, connections between said keys and said carriage for releasing the latter at the depression of the former, and means controlled by the carriage for breaking said connections and for connecting said keys to start the computing mechanism.V
  • the combination with a computing mechanism and a traveling carriage, of tabulating keys normally operative connections between said keys and said carriage for releasing the latter at the depression of the former, connections between said keys and said computing mechanism for starting the latter at the depression of the former, connections between said computing mechanism and said carriage for releasing the latter by the actuation of the former, means controlled by said carriage for rendering said first-named connections inoperative and for rendering said second and third-named connections operative, means for locking said thirdnamed connections in effective position until the carriage reaches the end of its travel, and means controllable by the carriage for unlocking ⁇ said third-named connections.
  • a combined typewriting ⁇ and computingI machine the combination with a computing mechanism, of a 'raveling earriage, tabulating; mechanism including' keys and a carriagcreleasing means, an indexing device in which the digits of a number are temporarily registered, means actuable at the end of a computation for restoring said indexing device to normal position, means controlled by the carriage for rendering the computing mechanism controllable by said keys, connections between said restoring means and carriage for actuating said carriage-reieasing means, a latch for holding said carriage-rcleasing means in effete position, and means for permitting the return of said indexing-device-restoring means to normal position when said carria,f ,'e-releasing, ⁇ means is latched in eli'ective posit-ion.
  • a combined typewriting and computing machine the combination with a computing mechanism, of a motor for driving said computing mechanism, traveling carriage, a series of tabulating keys normally ineffective to start the motor, means controlled by the carriage for automatically connecting said keys to start the motor at the depression ot a key, and means other than said motor for drivingsaid computing' mechanism at all times.


  • Physics & Mathematics (AREA)
  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Mathematical Physics (AREA)
  • Computer Hardware Design (AREA)
  • Computing Systems (AREA)
  • General Physics & Mathematics (AREA)
  • Theoretical Computer Science (AREA)
  • Character Spaces And Line Spaces In Printers (AREA)


Patented Mm. 1, 1921.
onlhwwa HI A @Mr 5 4 SHEETS-SHEET I.
' APPLICATION FJLED MAY 2. 1918. 1,370,238-, Patented Mar. 1, 1921.
Patend Mar. 1, 1921.
1,370,238. Patented Mar. 1, 1921.
4 SHEETS-SHEET wif/165595.-
f UNITE-FD" SIe-res,
ToaZZ lwhom t'may concern.' i
` s Beit known that l, Bunnies; L. ferien `Narr a citizenoi' the United States, residing in Elizabeth, in the countyoi1 Union and State ot New Jersey, have Invented certain This invention relates to combined typewriting and computing r aehines and is herein applied to a machine oi the Underwood-Hanson type, in which the numbers to be computed set up on index pins by the numeral keys and are subsequently run into diahwheels .by mechanism Yactuated by an electric or other rmotor substantially Vas shown in Patent No. idll, issued to Frederick A. Hart August 2l, i917. Th tabulating mechanislA includes a series o" keys, at the depression of which the motor is started anda carriage stop is raised and latched in eiiectiye'position until struck by a column stop on the carriage.
, A feature oi my invention consists in inaking kit possible `to control the tabulating .movements ofthe carriage by the general operatorQ Ar-:cording to one form of my invyen'tion aslierein illustrated, when a 'tabulating key is depressed, lalter a number is written and indexed, to position the carriage :ior a succeeding computation, the motor will be started tovrun the indexed number into the number'wheels, but the typewriter carriage willV be held until the end oi the computing action; then ithe carriage will be released bythe/computing mechanis' ,to complete tile tahulating By this mode ouoperation, the'operatiye is'enabled to manipulate the typewriter in the ordinary manner, paying-no attention tothe computing' mechanism or 'to the tabulating mechanism, and needenly make sure to employ a tabulating keyto position the carriage i'or computation.
Aiiiother feature is that the tebulaaing key may be inetfectiye to start the motor heiore a number is set up on the pins so that the carriage may be tabulated into the tiret com- Y kpiring lZone without idly actuating the com# puting mechanism. Y
another feature is that the computing vmechanism may be automatically put undercontrol'oi the tabulating keys by the type- Speeieation of Letters atent.
`Application filed May 2, 1918. Serial No. 232,06.
writer carriage after a number is set up on the index pins.
Another rfeature is that the typewriter carriage may automatically disconnect the cemputing mechanism Jfrom the control ei' the tabulating keys when said carriage moves ou'toi' a computing zone so that ordi- Y nary tabulating may be performed thereafter .without idly actuating the computing mechanism. y
Another feature provides means whereby the operative may predetermine whether the actuation oi the tabulating keys shall start only a tabulating operation, or the computing mechanism also, at predetermined positions the carriage.
Other features and advantages will hereinafter appear. l
Yln the accompanying drawings,
Figure i is a sectional side View or" a combined typewriting aud computing machine, showing the invention applied theretol and the parts in normal position.
Fig. 2 is a fragmentary sectional 'front View of the tabulator stops, showing one of said stops arresting the carriage.
Fig. 8 is a fragmentary top plan View or" the tabulator stops and the mechanism actuated thereby for restoring the carriage to the control oi the escapement mechanism.
Fig. i is a sectional top plan view oi the computing mechanism below the typewriter.
Fig. 5 is a diagrammatic skeleton side riew, showing a tabuiating action at the completion ot the return stroke of the general operator.
Fig. (i is a detail View, showing the speed governor for the carriage and adjacent mechanism. I
Fig. i' is a skeleton, isometric, perspectiye View, looking irom the rear, showingl a portion of the machine in Ynormal position.
Numeral keys 10 and character keys 1l mounted on key levers l2 (Fig. l)V actuate wardly and rearwardly against' a platen l5 Y mounted on a typewriter carriage i6. To
letter-eed the carriage, heels 17 on the type- Y bars actuate a universal bar 18 to swing dogs i9 of an escapementV mechanism 20 provided with a` pinion 21 in mesh with rack 22 swingably mounted on the carriage.
A Series of tabulating keys 26 mounted on key levers 27 raise denominational stops 28 into the path ot' column-stops 29 adjustable on the carriage 1G, the stops 2S being adapted, through the intermediary or' connections to be hereinafter described, to raise the rack bar 22 of the typewriter carriage out of mesh with the pinion 21 of the escapement mechanism, permitting a spring drum 3() (Fig. 1) to draw the carriage in letter-feeding direction.
To compute the numbers typed upon the work-sheet on the platen, each numeral key lever 12 is provided with a pendant 34 (Fig. 1) which, on the down-stroke of the key, actuates a linkage mechanism oin an indexing device (Figs. 1 and 4), to depress a corresponding index pin 3G on denomina.- tional members 3T, having` racks 3S formed at their forward ends in mesh with pinions 8f) mounted on number wheels 4U. The denominational member 37, upon which a pin 3G is to be depressed, is moved into coperative relation with the linkage mechanism y) by a denominational selecting mechanism 41 (F igs. 1 and 4) controlled by the typewriter carriage in a manner common in machines of the Underwood-Hanson type.
lVhen a number is thus set up or registered on the pins 36, a power driven general operator 42 (Figs. 1, 4, 5 and v7) having a bar 43 universal. to all the denominational members 3T and moving in the path of the depressed pins 3G, is reciprocated to engage the pins and move iorwardly said denominational members amounts directly proportional to the digital value of the depressed pins to actuate the number wheels in accord with the value of the set pins.
A normally silent electrically driven motor 44 (Fig. 5), provided with a switch and connected with a reciprocating mechanism 46 (Figs. and 7), is provided for the purpose of driving' said general operator 42.
lVhen the general operator 42 reaches the end of its return stroke, the index pins 36 are returned to their normal positions by a universal plate 50 (Fig. 1) connected with a parallel motion device 51. Said plate is actuated by an arm 52 last on a rock shaft 53, (Figs. l, 5 and 7) which has at one end a downwardly-extending arm 54 engageable by a oneray pawl 55 mounted on the general operator 42, in such a manner that when said general operator is moved forwardly, said pawl will pass the arm 54 idly, but will actuate said arm on the return stroke of the general operator to raise the universal plate 50 and therewith all the depressed index pins 36, after which said plate will return to its normal position.
)Vhen the last digit of a number is typed and set up in the indexing device, the motor for driving the general operator. to run the number into the number wheels, may be started by a special key, not shown herein,
or the general operator* may be driven by a manually-operable handle 59 (Figs. 1 and 4) connected with gearing 60 to drive the general operator, after which a tabulating key 26 may be actuated to denominationally position the carriage 16 for typing the next number to be computed.
It is a great saving of time, however, to start the motor to actuate the computing mechanism and to tabulate the typewriter carriage at a single stroke of a key. For this purpose, the tabulating keys are provided with connections whereby the motor may be started and the carriage tabulated at a single stroke of any tabulating key. It is, however, undesirable to actuate the computing mechanism and the typewriter carriage concomitantly since the actuation of the typewriter carriage may actuate the denominational selecting mechanism 41 of the computing mechanism, while the parts of the computing mechanism are in action, thereby causing a malaction or wreckage of the machine.
To avoid this difliculty, means are provided whereby the carriage will not move until after the general operator 42 has run the first number set up on the pins into the number wheels 40.
For thus actuating the machine, the raised denominational stop i8 actuates a universal bar 64 (Figs. 1, 5, and 7) fast on a rock shaft 65 which has an arm 66 thereon, overlying an interponent 67 placed between the tabulating mechanism and the motor-starting mechanism, to depress said interponent 67 when positioned as shown in Fig. 5, and through the intermediary of a parallel motion device 68, depress the forward end of a bar 69 to swing a transverse lever 7 0 against the tension of its spring 71 to raise the latch 72 of the motor switch 45, thereby closing the circuit through the motor.
The rotation of the motor actuates the general opera-tor 42 through the driving connections 46, so that the universal bar 43 thereof engages all of the depressed pins 36 to drive the denominational members 37, to run numbers into the number wheels.
W' ith the parts positioned as in Fig. 5, the carriage will not be released at the depression of the tabulating key 26, since the rack bar 22 of the carriage remains in mesh with the pinion 21 of the escapement mechanism 20, thereby holding said carriage against tabulating movements.
lVhen the general operator 42 reaches the end oi" its return stroke` it actuates mechanism to disconnect the carriage 16 from the escapement mechanism 20, to permit the carriage to be rapidly drawn by the spring drum 30 until a column-stop 29 thereon strikes against the raised denominational stop 28.
For this purpose, the rock shaft 53 of the pin-restoring-device, Voperated by the general goperator {12,{is provided withL an upstanding arm 75 (Figs. 1, 4, 5 and7), tast thereon and connected'by al link 76 to a bellcraiik'77, to depress, by means of a pin-andslotconnection 77, an upwardly-extending -link78 connected tothe rear end otra lever 79. f- When said-link 78v is depressed at the end of the general operator stroke, the forkWard end of said lever 79 is raised so that a an extension 81 on the column-stop 29 moves to the apex of aca-m 82, formed at one end otra lever S3, 'iilcriimed tothe framework of the machine midway its ends, toraise a link 811attheotherendthereoyto swing e double bell-crank 85 to connect said up- LVi'vaidly-eizte ndiiig link 8 with the lever 7 9, said linkhaving a hook 86 iformed at its upper end,vvhich moves into engagement with Y ,a pin 87 at the rear end oi said lever 79, thus connecting said lever 7 9 with the computing Vmechanism..`A link 88 (Figs. 1, 5 and connectssaiddoublebell-crank 85 with the i' link 7 8,1-anda spring 89 serves to hold the Vce link 7 8 normally in the highest position peimitteolby its piii-and-slot connection 77"L with Vbell-ciaiik 77. 4
Y ySince Vthe carriage is held against a tabulating movement until the end of a computing-actioiriit isy desirable to hold the raised vdenomifiational stop 28 in eili'ective position during the actuation of the general operator anddiiringlthe actiiatioii of the carriage ina'tabulating operation. .Each denominational stop 28 is `provided with a latch .98
(Figs. 1, ,-2 and 5) to snapover a top plate 94;ofV the denominational stop housing when a stop 28 is raised; and is urged into latching "position by aleaf spring 95 (Figs. 1 and provided` foiiyeacli denominational stop.
Yllhen saidistopisrthus hitched, Vthe operative When a columnstop 29 strikes against the raised denominational stop Q8, the upper lend thereof Will be'moved leitivardly as iii Fig. 2, against its spring 95, to move the latch y93 'ont of engagement With said top plate r,94, and to permit-a spring 96. one toi1 cachot said .stops 28, to return said stop to its normal position. 'lt `will be noted that apertures 97 (Figs. 2 and' 3)'. are provided Ain theftop plate 9-1, throughivhich said stops 28 project, and each of said apertures is .of
with the lever 79,
siii'icient Width to permit the leftvvard movement of saidV stops While being raised or being unlatched.
To hold the carriage rack 22 out oi engagement with the escapement mechanism 20 during a tabiilating riin oit ythe carriage 16, the lever 79 which raises said rack is locked in effective position when actuated as in Fig". 5, by a latch 100 (Figs. 2, 3, 5 and 7), pivoted on the framework at L101 and urged into effective position by a spring 102.
`Wheii the carriage 16 reaches the end of atabulating run, it is restored to the control of the type keys when the stop 29 moves the upper end ot the raised stop .28 leftwardly and therewith-a slide 103 (Figs. 1, 2, 3 and 5), universalto all oi said stops 2S against the 'tension of a spring 104, so that a cani 105 formed thereon swings said lever-.locking latch 100 to ineilective position, to release the lever 79 and permit the carriage n ,rack-22 to mesh with the escapement mechanism 20.
To avoid idle actuation oi the general operator when a tabiilating key is depressed prior to a computation, as ivlien tabulating the carriage into the i'st computing zone. the mechanism for tripping the latch 72. which controls the motor 114-, is disconnected from the control of the tabiilating mechaiiism.
For this p uipose, the downwardly-extending' arm of the double bell crank S5 is connected by a link 109 (Figs. 1, 5 and 7) to the .ntei'ponei L 67 which lies between the tabiiating mechanism and motor-starting defices, to move the upper end. of said `interponent which underlies the arm 6G, forming part ci the universal bar 6s for thedenoininational stops, so that the upper endotsaid iiiteiponent will lie under a notch 110 in said arm in Stich a manner thatwliei said arm is actuated at the depression of a tabiilating rey 26, it will! be ineffective to depress the interponent'and start the motor. The downwardly-extending arm of the double bellcrank` 85 is also connected to link 67 by means of a spring' 199 Wliicn acts to restore link 67, bell-crank 85 and the parts associated therewith, to normal position.
in order to. release the carriage directly troni 'tlie-tabulating keys when the computing mechanism is noty controllable thereon, the arm G6 oi the universal bai' 64. associated with the denominational stops7 is connected to depressa link 111 (Figs. 5 and 7), the upper feiidof which is connected with the lever 79 for raising the i-ackQQ to disconnect the carriage Jifioin the escapement mechanism at the depression of tabulating key, said lever-79 being locked in 'effective position iii the saine manner asivlien the caiiiage is released by the Vgeneral operator. Said link 111 is connected to bell-crank 85 by means of a link'112 and by shifting said izo bell-crank either link 67 or link 111 Will` be effective to rock lever 79. The lever 79 is returned to its normal position when the carriage reaches the end of its run.
lVlien the typewriter carriage moves at high speed in a tabulatingaction, its column-stop 29 striking against a denominational stop 28 may cause a rebound oi thc carriage, thereby arresting,- 'the carriage at an incorrect denominational position, in case its rack 22 is engaged Withthe escapcment mechanism when said carriage is rebounded.
To avoid this difliculty, the typewriter carriage is provided with a speed governor 111 (Fie: which is pivoted on the machine ame at 11F and has a pinion 116 normally out e ment'ivith the rack lllhen the rack l is disengaged from the esoapen'ient niet' 2O in a tabulat- 'ing operation, by leve.' 9, an arm fast on said lever en` es an arm 117 fast on the speed governor 11 to swing the latter about its pivot 115 to engage its pinion 116 ivith the rack 22, so that the speed governor will be efl'ective to retard the carri ge, thereby reducing the force with Which its columnstop 29 strikes the raised denominational .stop 28, thus avoiding a rebound oi the typewriter carri-aon. The speed governor 114i will be held cil-lectiva position duriiw the run ell the carriage by the latch 100, tl ugh the intermediary oi' the lever i9 its computing mechanism, may be positioned so as to be effective for any desired letter-space position, and may be made of such extent as to be effective for a plurality of letter-space positions.
It will also be noted that the same columnstops 29 may be employed when it is not desired that the typewriter carriage shall render the tabulating keys efi'ective to control on the computing; mechanism. For this purpose, the extensions 81 of the column-stops extend only over a portion of their width so that a stop may be placed on the carriage with the extension 81 in or out oi engaging relation With the cam 82, as seen in Fig. 7, at the will of the operative.
lWhen it is desired to Write a Word or acharacter after a number to be computed, the carriage having been moved out of the computing Zone by this operation, the tabulating keys are inef'fective to control the computing mechanism. To avoidreturning` the carriage into the computing zone, in order to start the computing mechanismfrom said keys, the handle 59 may be actuated to run the indexed number into the number Wheels 4:0, and a tabulating key 26 may then be depressed in the usual manner to position the carriage for the next computation. The.
handle 59 may also be employed when it is desired to compute a number Written in a computing zone for which no properly positioned column-stop has been provided, Without the disarrangement of the column-stops 29, or in case a properly positioned columnstop 29 has been carried past cam 82 Without actuation of a tabulating lever to cause motor actuation of the general operator.
lVhen a tabulating key is depressed to start the computing mechanism, and to latch into effective position the associated denominational stop 28, the bar 69 (Fig. 7) will be held in depressed position until the denominational stop 28 is released by the typewriter carriage. It will be seen that if this bar 69 should hold the switch latch 72 in raised position until the end of the tabulating operation, the motor 44 will continue to drive the machine after the end of a computation.
To avoid this difficulty, the bar 69 is provided ivith a hinge 118, and is so proportioned relatively to the lever 70, that when said bar is actuated at the depression of a tabulating key 26, the forward end of the bar will trip off the end of the lever 70, a i'ter starting,r the motor 44, and the latch 72 and the lever 70 will immediately be returned to their Vnormal positions by the spring' 71. IN hen the lever 70 is thus returned, it Will swing the forward end of the bar on its hinge 118 against the tension ci a spring 119, provided to return said forivard end toits normal position above the lever 70 when the denominational stop 28 is released.
Variations may be resorted to Within the scope of the invention, and portions of the improvements may be used without others.
Having thus described my invention, I claim:
1. In a combined typewriting and computingr machine, in combination, typewriting means including' a traveling carriage and an escapement therefor, a carriage-release device, computingr mechanism including a general operator, a device operable by said general operator in its return movement, tabulating means includingr a member movable each time tabulation is to be effected, and means controlled by the carriage to connect the carriage-release device with the general operator-actuated device, or to said movable member. Y
2. In a combined typewriting and computing machine, in combination, computing mechanism including,r indexing devices, a general operator, a motor mechanism for actuating; the general operator, typewriting mechanism including a traveling carriage and an escapement mechanism therefor, tabulating keys, tabulating mechanism operable by said tabulating keys including a device universal to said keys, carriage-release means normally opei'able by said universal device, a starting device for said motor mechanism, and carriage-controlled means for rendering said universal device ineffective to operate said carriage-release means and effective to operate said starting device.
. 3. In a combined typewriting and computing machine, in combination, computing mechanism comprising 'a general operator and a motor for actuating said general operator, typewriting mechanism including a V'traveling carriage and a carriage-escapement mechanism, 'tabulating mechanism including keys for actuating' the same, a inembei universal to said tabulating keys, car i'iage-releasing means including a link adapted to be actuated by said universal member, and normally positioned to be actuatedthereby, a motor-starting device including a'link adapted to be actuated by said universal member, but normally in ineffective relation therewith, and carriage-controlled means for moving' said carriage-releasing link into ineffective position relative to said universal member, and said motorestarting link into effective relation therewith, whereby depression of a tabulating key will cause the actuation of the 2general op# eratoil and will be ineffective to release the carriage. Y
4f.I In a combined typewriting and computing machine, combination, typewriting 'mechanism including a traveling' carriage and Van escapement` mechanism therefor, a carriage-releasing device, a latch to maintain' said releasing'device in its actuated position, computing mechanism including a l@general operator, a member movably supported adjacent said lgeneral operator, said general operator being ineffective on said member inV its` effective movement, but effective thereon neai' the 'end of its return movement, and means whereby actuation of said member by said general operator may` move said releasing' device toreleasing position, to be retained in such position by said latch.
5. In combination, a traveling' carriage, tabulating means therefor including' de- Vnoi'ninational stops, means to latch said stops in ractuated position, a member .universal to said vdenominational stops l'and actuable thereby a carriagefcontrolled link moved into eective. relation with said universal memberv when the carriagev is in certain positions, computing mechanism including a general operator, a motor for actuating the general operator, alever foi' starting said mo.- toi', a second lever having its free end overlying the free Vend of the first lever, and connections between the second lever and said link, whereby actuation of said link will actuate the lmotor-starting lever, the free end koi'said second lever being hinged andY held in alinement with the rest of the lever by a spring, whereby the free end of the second lever, after actuating' the first lever, f
writing' mechanism including' a traveling carriage and numeral-keys, of a computing' mechanism in which numbers may be indexed while the carriage is passing through a computing' zone, tabulating mechanism inoluding keys by which the same may be actuated, means whereby said tabulating' keys may be made ineffective to release said cai'- i'iage and mayV be made effective to cause actuation of said computing mechanism to compute a iiiunber so indexed, and means rendered l'effective by said computing mechanism as it completes computation of the number to release said carriage to enable tabulatingl to be effected.k v
7. The combination of a computinginechaiiism comprising numeral-keys andindex- .ing means in which digits of a number may be indexed, a traveling' carriage, means controlled by said traveling carriage to determine the denomination in which indexing will be effected upon the depression4 of a numeral-key as the carriage passes through a computing Zone, a general operator to 'effeet computation ofthe number so indexed, tabu-latine' keys, tabulating mechanism normally operable by said tabulatine; keys, and means whereby depression offa tabulating key, immediately after the indexing of the digit of lowest denomination in the number, will cause actuation of said general operator, and, upon return of thelatter to its home position, will release said carriage to enable the tabulating movement thereof to be completed. i
8. In a combined typewriting` and coinputing machine, the combination with a traveling` carriage, numeral-keys and numeral-key-controlled escapement mechanism or'said carriage, of computing means in which numbers may kbe indexed by said numeral-keys, in different denominations determined byY said carriage as it passes through computing' zone, tabulating' keys, tabulati ng mechanism -operable by said tabulating keys and normally eiiiective to release said carriage upon depression of one of the tabulatii'ig keys, a general operator whereby computation of vnumbers so 'indexed may be effected, means whereby actuation of a'tabuating' key, after indexing'` the digitof lowest denomination of a number, will cause actuation of the general operator and render said tabulatiiig keys ineffective to release the carriage, and means 'whereby lsaid general iso effect release of the carriage to permit the tabulating action, initiated by the tabulating key depressed, to be completed.
9. In a combined typewriting and computing machine, the combination of a computing mechanism, a traveling carriage, tabulating keys for denominationally positioning the carriage in a computing column, numeral keys for letter-feeding the carriage, and means for enabling the tabulating keys to control the computing mechanism when said carriage passes out of units position.
10. In a combined typeivriting and coni-- puting machine. the combination of a computing mechanism, a traveling carriage.J tabulating keys for denominationally positioning the carriage in a computing column. numeral keys -for letter-feeding' the carriage, and means for enabling the tabulating' keys to start the actuation of the computing; mechanism when said carriage passes into a letter-space beyond the units position.
11. In a combined typewriting and computing machine. the combination of a traveling carriage, numeral keys, tabulating keys, and means operable for starting a computing' action after typing a number, at the depression of a tabulating key to position the cai'- riage for typinar another number.
12. In a combined typewriting and computing machine, the combination of a computing mechanism, a traveling carriage. tabulating keys. means for setting up a number in said mechanism, means for typewriting each digit of the number as it is set up in said mechanism. and means for starting a computation of the number so set up, at the depression of a tabulatinef key. whereby. upon completion of the computation, the carriafre will be positioned for the setting; up of another number. y
13. In a combined typeivritingr and'computing machine. the combination of a computing mechanism, a traveling carriage.r tabulating keys. means for setting up the digits of a number in said mechanism and typewriting said digits as set up, and means for startingI a computingv action at the depression of a tabulatiner key after the setting' up of a. digit in units denomination.
14. In a combined typewriting and computing' machine, the combination of a computing mechanism, a travelingY carriage.l means for setting up in said mechanism the digits of a number to be computed and concomitantly typewriting the same, tabulating keys, and means for actuatinaV said mechanism and tabulating the earriaqe in sequence at asingle stroke of a tabulating key.
15. In a combined typewriting and computing machine. the combination of a computin!!` me"hanism, a traveling carriage, tabulatin'g;r keys, numeral keys for causingr denominational letter-feed movements of the carriage, andmeans for actuating said mechanism and tabulating the carriage in seque ce at a single stroke of a tabulating key after the actuation oi' a numeral key in units denomination.
1G. In a. combined type\vritingY and computing machine. the combination of typewritingv mechanism including a traveling apement mechanism controltalnilating` keys controlling; iid canin-re 'a computing mechanism in which the digits o't' a` number are set up as tyneivritten, controllable by Said tabulatkeys, and means for releasing' the cai'- ige from the control of the escapement mechanism through the computingr mechanism.
l?. In a combined `typeiviiting and computing," machine, the combination of a traveling,r carriage.r escapenient mechanism for conl'roll saidL carnage, tabulating keys controlling said ciwrian'e, computing' mechanism including' a general opera tor controlled by the tabulatinir keys, and means for releasing the carriage `from the control of the escapement meehanism at the end ot the general operator actuation.
1S. In combined tyiiewritina' and computing; machine. the combination with a computing mechanism including: number Wheels. of a travelingy carriage. tabulatingl keys. means for concomitantly .setting up the diI 'ts of a number in the computing mechannm and typeivritinf; the same, mechanism 'for running; the number into the number wheels. and means tor starting` said lastiiamed/ mechanism at the depression of a tebnlatinnj kej,y after setting up a digit in uniteI denomination.
19. In a combined typewritinn; and computinn` machine. the combination of a comifutingzj mechanism. a' `tiavelincY carriage, means Afor coiicon'iitantly setting up numbers in said mechanism and typewriting the same. tabu ating; keys.y means for actuatingr said mechanism and initiating); a tabulating action at the depression ot a tabulating key.y means for completing the tabulatinn action subseonent to the computing action.
20. In a combined tvfpiwritingiv and coinputingr machine. the canicinatioii of a computing mechanism. a travel ing carriage, means lier concomi .fly setting up numbers in said mechanism and typewriting the same. tabulatingr keys.V numeral keys for causing denominational letter-feed movements of the carriage, and means for actuating); said mechanism and tabulating the carriage in sequence at a single stroke of a. tabulatine key when the carriage. is one letter-space bevond units position.
21. In a combined typewriting and computingy machine. the combination of a computing mechanism, a. traveling' carriage, a key-controlled tabul-.iting mechanism for positioning the carriagev in computing zones.,l
1y 65v bers in said mechanism and typeyvriting the `and means :for driving said computingl means for driving Vsaid computing mechan'ism controlled by the tabulating` keys when `the carriage is in certain letter-space positions `relative to said zones, and settable means for determining before the carlriagegent-ers lthe first computing zone, whether said 'keysshall be effective or ineffective tocontrol said driving means when "the carriage is in VVsaid letter-space positions.
23. In 'a combined typevvriting and coinputing machine, the combination of a traveling carriage, a key-controlled tabnlating` mechanism for positioning' the carriage in computing zones, acomputing mechanism 'including a general operator, a motor for driving the general operator controllable by the tabulatingkeys when the carriage is in certainV letterspace positions, and settable means for determining' before the carriage enters the first computing Zone whether said keys shallrbe effective or ineffective to control saidm'otor'vvhen the carriage is in said letter-space positions.
'24. In a combined typevvriting and computing machine, the combina-tion with a com` puting` mechanism and a travelingl carriage, of tabnlating mechanism, including keys, forpositioning the carriage in computingr zones, means for driving said computing 1nechanism,and controlling means forpplac ing' said driving means under the control of said keys at certain lettenspace positions relative ,to said lZones, said controlling means including settable devices, one for eachzone, Whereby'said controlling means may bev rendered ineffective for any of said `letter-space positions.
25. In 'a combined typewriting and coini puting", machine, the combination of a compnting mechanism, atravelingcarriage, a key-'controlled tabulating mechanism for positioning the carriage in computing; zones, and means controlled by the tabnlating' keys` for 'driving 'said computing` mechanism when the carriage is in one letter-space beyond units position, said keys being' ineffective to control said driving' means when the carriage is out rof saidletterspace position.
26. ln ya combined typeyvriting and compnting machine, the combination of a comu puting mechanism, a traveling carriage., meansl forconcomitantly setting` np num same, tabnlating keys, a motor controlled by said keys for driving said mechanism, and means controlled by the carriage for rendering` said keys ineffective to control the motor.
` 2'2". ln a combined typewi'iting' and compnting machine, the combination of a computing mechanism, a traveling carriage, tabulating keys, a motor controlled by said keys for driving said mechanism when the carriage is in certain letter-space posit-ions, and means controlled by the carriage for rendering said keys ineffective to control the motor when the carriage is ont of said positions.
28. ln a combined typewriting and com` pnting machine, the combination of a compntingl mechanism, a traveling' carriage, tabnlating keys, a motor controlled by said keys for driving' said mechanism when the carriage is one letter-space beyond units position. and means controlled. by the carringe 'for rendering said keys ineffective to control the motor when the carriage is ont of said letter-space position. Y
29. ln a combined typewriting and computing' machine, the combination With a traveling carriage, of a computing mechanism, means for concomitantly setting up nnmbersin said mechanism and typewriting the same, tabnlatingf; keys, means4 for controlling` the tabnlating movements of the carriage from said keys, means for controlling; tabnlatinp; movements of the carriage from said mechanism, and means controlled by the carriage for determining` Whether said carriage shall be controlled from the keys oi.' from said mechanism.
30. ln a combined typewritinej and computing' machine, the combination with a traveliniin carriage, of a computing' mechaV nism, tabnlatingkeys, moans for controllingthe tabnlatinn' movements of the carriage from said keys, means foi' controlling' the computing' mechanism 'from said keys, and means controlled by the carriage for deterniinine' Whether or said keysshall con trol the carriage from the computing' moche anism.
In a combined typeivritinp; and compntinp; machinevjthe combination of a coinpnting mechanism a traveling carriage, means for concomitantly setting; un -nnmH bers in said mechanism and typm K ning the same, tabnlating' keys normally ineffective to control said mechanism, and means for renderin 0 mechanism controllable from said keys. v
32. Iii a combined typewritingand computing machine` the `combination of a conipnt'ing mechanism, a traveling` carriage, means `for setting up numbers in said mech anism. and typewriting; the same, tabulating keys normally ineffective toy control said mechanism, and means for automatically rendering said mechanism controllable from said keys.
33. In a combined typewriting and computing machine, the combination with a computing mechanism, of a traif'eling carriage, tabulating keys normally ineiTectiv to control said meel anism, and means controlled by Jthe carriage 't rendering said mechanism controllable from said l-rys.
34. In a combined typeu'r i" and computing machine, the combin n li typeyvriting mechanism including), a cariage, a totalizer, and d ing means thereY r including indexing mechanism and `eneral operator, of motor mechanism ifo said general operator, means foi said motor mechanism, a key and means to connect said ly ivith said startng means when said carriage is in cert l-tter-space positions to enable actuation et sal1 starting means by said key.
In a combined typeiviiting and computing' machine, the combination with a computing mechanism, of means including a l-:ey tor positioning the carrie in coniputing Zone, and means ivlierel said key is rendered effective to control said compiw ing mechanism When the carriage is in certain letter-space posi ions, and is rendered ineffective When the carriage is in any other letter-space position.
36. In a combined typewriting and computing machine, the combination ivith a computing mechanism, of a traveling carriage, tabulating keys normally ineffective to control said mechanism, means for automatically rendering said mechanism controllable from said keys, and means controlled by said carriage for releasing said mechanism from the control of said keys.
37. In a combined typen/uiting and computing machine, the cominnation with coinputing mechanism including index-devices, a general operator, and means actuated by said general operator to restore said indexdevices to normal condition, of a traifeling carriage escapement mechanisn including a rack pivotally mounted on said carriage, and a pinion with ivhich said rack is normally in engagement, tabulating mechanism including column-stops on said carriage, tabulating keys, counter-stops actuable by said tabulating keys, means to latch said counter-stops in effective position, means rendered effective by a tabulator-key to actuate said general operator, means actuated by said restoring means to disengage said rack from said pinion, means te latch said rack in disengaged position, the counter-stop latch being released unen engagement of a counterstep by a columnstop, and means whereby the unlatching of the counter-stop latch causes the release of the latch for said rack. J
il... *je
38. In a combined typewriting and computing machine, the combination with a computing mechanism, of a traveling carriage, keys tor controlling the tabulating movements of the carriage and for controlling said mechanism, and means adjustable on said carriage for rendering said keys ineffective to control said mechanism.
In a combined typeyvrit-ing and computing machine, the combination with a Comput' mechanism, of a traveling carriage, tal-u ating keys, means for controlling the tabulating movements of the carriage said keys, means for controlling the tf...miating movements of the carriage from said mechanism, and means adjustable on the carriage for determining Whether said carriage shall be controlled from said keys or from said mechanism.
n'.fO. YIn a combined typewriting and comput machine, the combination with a computing' mechanism, a traveling carriage, and devices 'for causing letter-feed movements thereof; of tabulating keys, means for controlling the tabulating movements of the carriage from said keys, means for controll' the tabulating movements of the carc 'from said mechanism, and means adjustable on the'carriage for determining letter-space positions at which the carriage shall be controlled from the keys or from said mechanism.
l-l. In a combined typewriting and computing machine, the combination with a computing mechanism, ot' a traveling cariagc, 'te-lmlating keys normally ineffective to control said mechanism, and means adjustable onthe carriage for rendering said mechanism controllable from said keys.
9 ln a combined typeivriting and commachine, the combination With a commechanism, ot a traveling carriage, latingkeys, means for rendering said kejs effective to control said carriage, means rendering said keys ellective to control .iechanism when the carriage is in one of a number of given computing positions, =d means traveling with the carriage for i .dering said keys ineli'ective to control said mechanism.
In a combined typewriting and com- `outingmachina the combination With number wheels, of a traveling carriage, tabulating mechanism, including keys, computing mechanism, means for setting up a number in said mechanism and typeivriting the number so set up, means controlled by said keys ior running said number into the number Wheels, and means for delaying the tabulating action until the completion of the running o'f said number into said Wheels.
44:. In a combined typeyvriting and computing machine, the combination with a traveling carriage, of numeral keys, a plurality of number wheels, means operable by said keys for indexing the digits of numbers to becomputed and typewriting the digits so indexed, a general operator ior running the numbers so vindexed into the number wheels, power-driven means for actuating the general operator, a series of tabulating keys, means operable by said tabulating keys for controlling said power-driven means, and means whereby the operation of tabulating the carriageis effected subsequently to the computation of a previously indexed number.
45. In a combined typewriting and computing machinekthe combination with a traveling carriage, of tabulating keys, computing mechanism, means to set up a number in said mechanism and typewrite the same, a motor for driving said mechanism, connections between said keys and said motor for starting the latter at the depression of a key,
and connections between said mechanism and said carriage `for tabulating lthe latter at the end of the actuation oit' said mechanism.
46. In a combined typewriting and computingV machine, the combination with a traveling carriage, of tabulating mechanism including keys, computing mechanism, a motor `for driving said mechanism, a motorstarting mechanism, an interponent between the tabulating mechanism and the motorstarting mechanism, whereby said motor may be started at the depression of a tabulating key, and means controlled by Jthe carriage for moving said interponent into or out of position to start the motor.
47. In a combined typewriting and computing machine, the combination with a carriage, a computing mechanism including an indexing device and a set of numeral keys, of a motor for driving said computing mechanism, normallyV ineffective driving connections between said motor and said computing mechanism, a'serics of tabulating keys for rendering said driving connections elfective at the depression of a key, and means controlled by the carriage for enabling said keys to control said connections.
48. In a combined typewriting and computing machine, the combination with a carriage, numeral keys and numberl wheels, of tabulating keys, a device in whlch numbers are temporarily registered, power-driven means for running into the number wheels the numbers registered in said device, a universal bar operated by said tabulating keys, and means controlled by the carriage and operable by said universal bar for connecting said power-driven means to said device.
49. In a combined typewriting and computing machine,fthe combination with a can riage, of a tabulatinof mechanism including a series of keys, num er wheels, a motor for actuating the number wheels, a motor-starting device, and means controlled by the carriage for connecting said motor-starting de vice with said tabulating mechanism to start the motor at the depression of a tabulating key..
v50. In a combined typewriting and computing machine, the combination with number wheels, type-keys, and a traveling carriage; of a device in which a number is temporarily registered by said type-keys, a tabulating key for positioning the carriage to type another number, a general operator for running the first registered number into said wheels, a motor for driving said general operator, andmeans operated by said tabulating keyand controlled by the carriage for causing said motor to drivesaid general operator.
5l. In a combined typewriting and Comput ing machine, the combination with a traveling carriage, of numeral keys normally controlling said carriage, tabulating keys controlling said carriage, a computing mechanism controllable by said tabulating keys, and means forreleasing the carriage from the control of the numeral keys through the computing mechanism.
52. In a combined typewritng and computing machine, the combination with a computing mechanism, of a traveling can riage, tabulating keys for positioning the carriage in a computing zone, numeral keys for causing letter-feed movements of the carriage, and means for actuating the computing mechanism and tabulating the carriage in sequence at a single stroke of a tabulating key when the carriage is in a predetermined letter-space position.
53. In a combined typewriting and computing machine, the combination with a computing mechanism, of a traveling carriage, tabul ating keys, numeral keys for controlling said mechanism and said carriage and for typing a number, and means for rendering said mechanism controllable by said tabulating keys by actuation of a numeral key when the carriage is in units position in a computing zone.
54.111 a combined typewriting and com puting machine, the combination with a computing mechanism and a traveling car* riage, of tabulating keys, connections between said keys and said carriage for releasing the latter at the depression of the former, and means controlled by the carriage for breaking said connections and for connecting said keys to start the computing mechanism.V
55. In a combined typewriting and computing machine, the combination with a computing mechanism and a traveling carriage, of tabulatingkeys, normally operative connections between said keys and said carriage for releasing the latter at the depression of the former, connections between said keys and said computing mechanism for starting the latter the depression of the former, connections between' said computing mechanism and said vcarriage for releasing the latter by the actuation of the former, and means controlled by said carriage `for rendering said first-named connections inoperative and for rendering said second and third-named connections operative.
56. In a combined typewriting and computing machine, the combination with a computing mechanism and a traveling carriage, of tabulating` keys, normally operative connections between said keys and'said carriage for releasing,- the latter at the depression of the former, connectionsv between said keys and'said computing mechanism :for starting the latter at the depression of' -the former, connections between said computing mechanism and said carriage for releasing the latter by the vactuation of' the former, means controlled by said carriage for rendering said first-named connections inoperative and for rendering said second and third-named connections operative, and means for locking said thirdnamed connections in effective position until the carriage reaches the end of its travel.
57. In a combined typewriting and computing machine, the combination with a computing mechanism and a traveling carriage, of tabulating keys, normally operative connections between said keys and said carriage for releasing the latter at the depression of the former, connections between said keys and said computing mechanism for starting the latter at the depression of the former, connections between said computing mechanism and said carriage for releasing the latter by the actuation of the former, means controlled by said carriage for rendering said first-named connections inoperative and for rendering said second and third-named connections operative, means for locking said thirdnamed connections in effective position until the carriage reaches the end of its travel, and means controllable by the carriage for unlocking` said third-named connections.
In a combined typewriting` and computingI machine, the combination with a computing mechanism, of a 'raveling earriage, tabulating; mechanism including' keys and a carriagcreleasing means, an indexing device in which the digits of a number are temporarily registered, means actuable at the end of a computation for restoring said indexing device to normal position, means controlled by the carriage for rendering the computing mechanism controllable by said keys, connections between said restoring means and carriage for actuating said carriage-reieasing means, a latch for holding said carriage-rcleasing means in efective position, and means for permitting the return of said indexing-device-restoring means to normal position when said carria,f ,'e-releasing,` means is latched in eli'ective posit-ion.
59. In a combined typewriting` and coinputin(T machine, the combination of a come putin@- mechanisn, a traveling carriage, means for concomitantly setting up numbers in said computingl mechanism and typewriting the same, tabulating keys normally ineffective to control the computingI mechanism, means controlled by the carriage for automatically rendering the computing,` mechanism controllable by said keys, and means for controlling the com puting mechanism when said keys are ineffective to control the computing mechanism.
GO. In a combined typewriting and computing machine, the combination with a computing mechanism, of a motor for driving said computing mechanism, traveling carriage, a series of tabulating keys normally ineffective to start the motor, means controlled by the carriage for automatically connecting said keys to start the motor at the depression ot a key, and means other than said motor for drivingsaid computing' mechanism at all times.
US1370238D Combined typewriting and computing Expired - Lifetime US1370238A (en)

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Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US2626749A (en) * 1947-12-06 1953-01-27 Ncr Co Overdraft mechanism for accounting machines

Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US2626749A (en) * 1947-12-06 1953-01-27 Ncr Co Overdraft mechanism for accounting machines

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