US1345474A - Plaiting-machine - Google Patents

Plaiting-machine Download PDF


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US1345474A US208553A US20855317A US1345474A US 1345474 A US1345474 A US 1345474A US 208553 A US208553 A US 208553A US 20855317 A US20855317 A US 20855317A US 1345474 A US1345474 A US 1345474A
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Bischoff Herman
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Defiance Button Machine Co
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Defiance Button Machine Co
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Application filed by Defiance Button Machine Co filed Critical Defiance Button Machine Co
Priority to US208553A priority Critical patent/US1345474A/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of US1345474A publication Critical patent/US1345474A/en
Anticipated expiration legal-status Critical
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    • D06J1/00Pleating, kilting or goffering textile fabrics or wearing apparel
    • D06J1/02Pleating, kilting or goffering textile fabrics or wearing apparel continuously and transversely to the direction of feed
    • D06J1/06Pleating, kilting or goffering textile fabrics or wearing apparel continuously and transversely to the direction of feed by reciprocating blades


  • T0 aZZ'fw-wmlzf may,concern.' y.
  • This invention is a plaiting machine, and the Object is, primarily, to conductinone and the saine structure the operations're quired to be performed on fabrics to produce thereon plaiting known as side plaits and as accordionf lplaits, suchV different e
  • the invention further pertains tothe prof; vision of means for' effecting a variationin the extent of movement of the plaiting knife ⁇ so as to produce side plaitslof different widths, and, also, of means operable at'the same time to effect a variation Vin the angular Vdistance of rotation of the fabric feed rolls, the ⁇ variationin the stroke of which'V plaiting knife and the variation inthe angular ,distance ⁇ of rotationlof said feed rollsl being effected, preferably, by the movement of said single member.
  • the invention vision of means independent of the'l aforesaidv devices wherebythe feed of the fabric may be changedto produce accordion plaiting wherein 'the folds are equal in length
  • the invention pertains also tothe provision of means for feeding the plaiting ⁇ knife under cam pressure, and to effect its return under spring pressure without dragging the knife in contactwith the fabric duringsuch return stroke, whereby thin' delicate fabrics may be plaited to the same advantage as other fabrics,V and, further, Athe machineis adapted for operation upon a plurality of Alayers of ⁇ specificamimf Lettersratent.
  • Vto "prok material, such, c. g., as a layer of fabric and one or more layers of other material such as paper, to the end that the fabric may be plaited without injury from the reciprocating knife or the heated roll or rolls, or
  • the layer or layers of paper may remain in contact with the plaited fabric vupon removal .from the machine so that the plaited paper will assist in retaining the plaits in the fabric during the period ofltiine interven Y ing ybetween removal' from the machine and vthe utilization of the plaited 'fabric in ⁇ garment making, or for other purposes.
  • Theinvention relates further to the provision of means for effecting the operation of the feed rolls independently ofthe auto# matie drive' in order to advance the fabric without plaiting it, lsuch radvance being for regulatable intervals, in order to space apart the plaited portions of the fabric; also, in the provision of means for shifting one feed roll into spaced ⁇ relation to the or materials from roll pressure; and, finally,
  • Fig. Q is a side elevation, partlyvin section, looking at the machine toward the left inl Fig'. 3, the plane of the section being iufiicaad bythe dotted une 2-2 of Fig. :i
  • Fig. 3f is a plan view vof the machine.l Fig. l ⁇ is an enlarged vertical sectional elevation, the plane of the sectionbeing in dicated by the dotted line A.l--lof Fig. 3 lookingiin the Adirection ofthe arrow.
  • .. ⁇ ,lz"ig. 5 is an enlarged vertical section illustra-ting a part of the drive shaftand the shiftable double eccentric on one end portion of said shaft.
  • Fig. 6 is a detail cross section on the line G-.G of Fig. 5.
  • Fig. "7 is an end View of the'shiftable dou ble eccentric.
  • the working parts ofthe machine are supported in the main by two end frames 10, 11, said frames being substantially duplicates, and each provided with depending legs 12 and with upright arms 13 which are spaced in parallel order so as to afford@ guideways for the sliding bearings 14 of an upper pressure roll 15, said rollg15 beingone of a pair of coperating rolls,.the other roll of which pair is a heatable roll, indicated at 16, as will be hereinafter more extending Vup to or into actual Contact with the heatable roll 16.
  • the end frames 10, 11 carry an inclinedplate 23, the lower portion of which is curved to form a pocket 24 into which the plaited material 1s Vadapted to accumulate,
  • the end frames 10, 11 are provided at the bottoms of the guideways formed by the lparallel arms 13 with bearings 26, one of which is shown quite clearly in Fig. 2, said bearings receiving the ourfnals V27 provided ,on the end portions of the lower heatable roll 16.
  • Each journal 27 is a casting separate-V from the body of the hollow roll ,16, 'said casting forming the journal for supporting an end portlon of the roll and the bearing, and said casting being jn'ovided with a series of air inlet openings 28, whereby t'he twouhollow journalsat the opposite ends of theihollow roll provide'an ample supply of atmospheric, air to.
  • the Bunsen burner consists of a horizontal tube supported in a fixed position within the hollow roll 16, said burner tube 29V being provided with a plurality of upwar ly facing slots 30, one of which is shown in Fig. 4. An end portion of this burner tube extends beyond one side of the machine so as to receive a 'mixing tube 31 providedwith a pluralityof air inlets, one of which is indicated at 32 in Fig.
  • the arms 36,V 37V extend upwardly Vfrom lthe ⁇ roclrshaft and carry the plaitingblade 38, the vibratory movement ofthe arms imparting a reciprocatory movement to'fthe plaiting blade.
  • the plaitingblade is shown as a flat plate of metal provided Vwithslts 40 and with slots 41, the slotted'portion of the plate being clampedadjustably byscrews 42 to a rocking barV 43 whichismounted'for pivotal movement in the upperend portions of the arms 36, 37,*whereby theplaiting blade is capable lofy reciprocatory movement relatively to the heatable rolllG, and itis,
  • Said pin affords a pivotal connectionV between the cam-driven ⁇ linlr Vt* 46 and ⁇ the*VV slotted vibratory arml 36so that the motion of eccentric 44and link 46 operateV to automatically impart the vibratory motion to the slotted arm 36, which through the Vrock-- shaft 17 imparts motionvto the other vibraV toryarm 37, which arms 36, 37 Aimpart the reciprocatorj'fV motion tov ther plaiting blade 38.
  • the pivotal pin 48V is.. shiftable ⁇ in the.
  • the lever isi-a Vcurved or bent piece attached rigidly to an end portion of rockshaft 18 whichserves as a fulcrum for said lever, the latter being eXtended so as to produce a lever arm 50a, to 'the free end of which is pivoted a link 51, the
  • the lever 50 is adapted-to be liXed in either one of" ated, as shown in Fig. 2, so as'to determine the position of the lever 50 according ⁇ to the character ol the side plaits to be .termed in the material.
  • lever arm which is indicated by dotted lines in Fig. 17 said lever armbeing provided with a strap, indicatedfin dotted lines 'at-58, which. is loosely itted around the jeurnal or around the hub of the ratchet, wherebyy thelever arm 57 is capable oi' vibratory movement r-.round the axis ot' a ratchet wheel 55.
  • the lever arm' is provided with a stud er pin 59 onv whichis supported a 'feed 'pawl 60, said leed pawl being held .by a spring 61 normally into' engagement with one tooth of the ratchet wheel 55.
  • the pin 59 is litted loosely in a slot 620i an'upright segment G3, which lies alongside o the ratchet wheel 55, and te the upper end of this segment is pivoted a driving link 64; provided at one end with a strap which is itted loosely around an'erccentric G6, the construction of which illustrated morepar 'icularly in .lli s. 5, 6 and 7 of the drawings.
  • Said er'centric is provided with a stud 67, the. axis of the latterheing :it one side of thel axis of the eccentric7 Fig. '7.
  • 'Said stud enters a socket 58 ol a lcani head 59, the latterv bein0 ⁇ secured rigidly to an end portiongol the drive sha'l't 19 so as to'i-otater therewith.
  • the h ad is provided with bind ⁇ ing screw 70 which is tapped into the threaded Opening of the head and is adapted for :frictional contact with., the stud A67, whereby the stud 67 and the eccentric 66 are clamped rigidly tothe head 69 for rotation with the sliaict'lf).
  • Said holt 71 con# stitutes the axis oli movement of' segmentv G3, the vibratory 'in'oticn oiv'which ⁇ under the; action of came?) Operates on j'viivotal belt'59 to impart yment to the pawl -60 and pand-.carrying arni f5?, lthe latter turningf freely en the hub ot the ratchet-with said ratchet androlll as the axis oi' movement of said arni5?, whereby thn pawl ⁇ 6 0 in engagement with a teeth olthe ratchet operates to impart intermittent rotative movement, to the'rutchet and tc roll 16.
  • This motion is automatic under the action el means operated by the eccentric (lith-but the ..z-'ztent olrotation angle ot movement) oi" the ratchet and the roll l@ are capable of variation by itment, lirst7 of the ment G3 and the eccentric 61"), Said segment 63 controllable ⁇ by the movement o' lever 50 which rocks the shaft l13 and lever n the segment r tively tcy the pawl pivot 59 soas to vary the v Vso distance between the pawl pivot and the axis of movement (bolt 71) of the segment, thus making provision for effecting a varia; tion in the throw of the pawl andthe movement of the ratchet, Yit being possible to rotate the ratchet by movement of the segment so asto feed it a distance equivalent to two,three, four or more teeth according to the widthV of the Aside plait.
  • Said feed roll 16 is provided with a gear 79 (see dotted lines in Figa. 1), with which meshes aA gear 8O on the cooperating feed roll 15, said gears operatingto transmit the rotative movement of roll 16 to the companion roll 15 for the purpose of feeding the.v fabric betweenrthe rolls, at which time the heat and pressure of the rolls operate -to flatten and setv the plaits inthe fabric.'
  • the rocking bar 43 by which the plaiting knife 38 is mounted on the vibratory arms 36,37 is capable of a back and forth motionv with said varms so as to impart reciprocatory vmovement tothe plaiting blade,
  • rocking bar and the plaiting blade are capable ofindependent pivotal movement in order that said blade may on its effective .plaiting stroke be positively depressed under camV pressure into contact 'Y withthe Vmaterial or materials, whereby the blade ispositively actuated so as to plaitV the fabric and one or more layers of paper.
  • the cam head 69 is providedl with a cam surfacej81, the contour of vwhich is indicated by dotted lines in Figs. 1 and 6, upon which 'cam surface rides afriction roll 82 mounted loosely on an end portion of a s position indicated in dotted lines in Fig. 4
  • rockerrarm 83 the latter being pivoted by aV i bolt 84 to a short arm 85 attached to theV rockshaft- 18, .thus making provision for shifting under the control of lever 50 the relation of the roller 82 and arm. 83 to the cam surface81 oni'the' cam' head 69.
  • the rocking bar 43 of said plaiting blade 38 is provided at one end with a linger 86 the free Lend of which rides upon a friction roller 87 loosely supported on the lever'arm 83, and as thesurface 81 of the rotary cam head changes position the lever arm ⁇ 83 and linger 86 yare actuated-by theV cam so aslto rock the bar 43 andV blade 387m a manner to depress the same under cam pressure dur# ing the forward strokeof blade 38 vinef fecting the plaiting ,of the materialor ma'- terials.
  • lever 83 engages by roller 82 with the cam, and that finger 86 enga-ges a roller 87 on 'the lever arm, thus reducing to a minimum the friction 'and wear on the surfaces ofthe cam 81 and on the parts V83, 86.
  • a spring 88 acts to rock the bar 43 and lift the blade free from ⁇ contact with ythe Vmaterial, thus precluding the edge of the blade from drag- ⁇ ging over the fabric.
  • V Y Y j v'.l. ⁇ lie'upper roll 15 is pressed bya tension deviceintocontaetwith the lower roll 16, said upper roll may be solid vas *showny in Fig.
  • the upper vroll is shown as having a fabric cover 89.V
  • the sliding bearings 14 of the upper roll are shown as having lugs 90, to which are pivoted at 91 the pres- V sure levers 92, the latter being fulcrumedat Y 93 on membersV 13 of the end frames 10, 11.
  • levers 92 are engaged'adjustably by threaded rods 941of springs 95,
  • yoke96 For the purpose of lifting the upper roll 15 vfrom contact with the lower roll, I provide a yoke96, the arms of which are pivotedat 97 to the tension levers 92, said yoke having.
  • the levers 92 are under the tension of the springs95 to apply pressure .to the roll 15, but the operator is able to shift the yoke to the vertical thereby .raising the levers Y92, the sliding bearings 14 and roll 15, said yoke-operating to retain the roll in said raised position.
  • v Means are providedfor rotating the rolls 15, 16 independently Vof the Vcam-actuated pawl and ratchet feed, vso thatan unplaited or plain fabric may befed through and by Vthe rolls in order to separate two or Vmore plaited portions of thefabric by' one or more Y unplaited portions of said fabric.
  • pawl 102 is pivoted to the lever 100 so that the end of the pawl willtakeinto the rteeth j' stroke of the lever may be regulated between the twok stops 103,105, see Fig.. 1.
  • narrow fabric may befedto therolls and the plaiting blade for kconducting the plalting operationv simultaneously' Aon a inumber of fabrics.
  • the tension and guide devices By placing the tension and guide devices over fthetable ⁇ and adjacent to the blade 38 the fabric can be kept taut 'clear to vthe end of the fabric.
  • the lever 50 is adj usted' ⁇ to a position vwherein' the blade. 38 is moved the desired distance, but the member 66 of the double' cam 6669iis shifted byjreleasing screw 70 and changingthe'cam member66 relatively tolthe head 69, the index disk being movable 46 imparts the desired stroke to the blade i the blade 38upon the effective stroke there-
  • the operationiscony vthe ,same operation thus 'changing Vthe with the "cam member 66 to the desired position, after which the screw 70 istightened and the'parts restored tovoperating Ypositions.
  • v'Now when lthe shaft 19 is rotated
  • Suitable means lare provided for imparte ing rotative movement to the drive shaft 19; as shown, a wheel 111 is. attached to the shaft at ⁇ one end-thereof, said wheel being provided with a crank 112' for its operation by hand.
  • Thefwheel 111 is shown, also,as liavingf a groove adapted to receive a power driven band or belt whereby the wheel-may be drivenv by'powei, from asuitableisource, if desired'. ⁇ f i f L Having thus fully described my invention, what claim -Yasiiew and desire to secure by LettersPatentis l.
  • the 'combination with a reciprocatory plaiting blade, vand material-feeding means, of means for effecting-a variation inthe stroke of said plaiting blade, means for effecting a variation in the motion :of the material-feeding ,means, and means'controllable at will for siinultaneously shifting the plaitingV blade? feed means andthe material feed means.
  • the combination Vwith vibratory arms, afplaiting blade, and a drive shaft, of aYcam-driven member shiftably connected to one ofsaid vibratory arms,V
  • a controlling lever connected for shifting at relatively to] the axis Yofi'novement of the .vibratory arms, andmeans for locking said .lever fin anyv oneyof several positions to Iwhich said vlever may be shifted.
  • ythe lcombination Vwith vibratory arms one ofwhich Yis slotted, 'aplaiting blade carrie'dthereby, andfajdrive Vwill the connection of said cam-driven lever shaft, of a camldriven link having a piv- Y otal connection with said slotted vibratory arm, and a lever Acontrollable at will for shifting saidpivotal connection Yrelatively to the axis of motion of. the vibrato'ry arm.
  • a plaiting machine the combination with a feed table andv feed rolls, of means for placing tension upon a'fabric ,adapted to 4be vmoved. by said feed. ⁇ rolls over said table, means for directing a material other than fabric to said feed rolls, whereby the last mentioned material is advanced by the y feed rolls simultaneously with the fabric, a plaiting blade operable in producing" pl'aits inthe fabric and said other material simultaneously, means for imparting reciprocatory motion to theplaiting blade, and means for rotating)- the feed rolls intermittently.
  • li. ln a plaiting machine ⁇ ythe combination with a feed roll, and a reciprocatory plaiting ⁇ blade, cf a ratchet wheel fast with said feedv roll, a pawl coperating withl ratchet wheel, an arm carrying ysaid pawl, a roclable segment pivotally connected with said arm cani operated means for impartingvibratory motion to said segment and to the pawl-carrying arin and means for shifting the position of said segment withv re-y spect to said pivotal connection between the pawl-carrying arm and the segment.
  • a pla-iting machine in a pla-iting machine, the combination with a feed roll and a reciprocatory. plaiting blade, of a ratchet wheel fast with said feed roll, a pawl-carrier providedA with a pawl cooperating with the ratchet wheel, a segment having a pivotal ,connectioirwith said pawl carrier, means operable at will for shifting said segment relatively to the pawl carrier for imparting' thereto variable movement wherebv the pawl andl ratchet are adapted for varying' the angular distance of movement of the feed roll, and power opery ated means for imparting vibratcryV movement to Asaid segment and the pawl carrier.
  • a plaiting machine the combination with a feed roll and a reciprocatory plaiting blade, of a ratchet-fast with said .feed roll, pawl-carrier provided with pawl coperatingv with the ratchet, aseginent connected with said pawl carrier, power-operated means for imparting vibrator-y motion to said segment and the pawl carrier, and manually-operable means for shifting the segment to vary the distance between the axis of movement of said segment V4and the pawl whereby the angular distance of movement of the feed roll is varied at will independently of the automatic motion imparted to the power-operated means.
  • an -eccentric provided with an eccentric pin attached n to said eccentric head, said eccentricbeing rotatable at will on an axis afforded by the eccentric pin so as to vary the relation of the eccentric pin to the drive shaft, pawl and ratchet mechanism cooperating with the feed roll, and ineansractuated by the eccentric in either of theY adjusted 'positions lthereof for operatingI the pawl and ratchet mechanism te impart movement to the feed roll, the ex-l tent of which movement is ladapted to be varied by adjustmentof the eccentric.
  • a plaiting machine the combination with a feed roll, a pivotally mounted .plaiting blade, and means for imparting ieciprocatory movement to said blade, oil a rotative cam, a lever arm having two rollers one of which is in contact with the cam, an arm attached to said blade and contacting with the other ofsaid rollers for depressingv the blade under canipressure during the eitfective stroke'thereoit', and me'ansoperablev at lwill'for shifting said lever arm relatively to said cam.
  • a, plaiting machine the combination with a feed roll, and a plaitingi blade, of a drive shaft, a cam on said shaft, means including a shiftable pivot operated by said cam for imparting reciprocating movement tol said blade, a secondcam carried by the Ydrive shaft, pawl and ratchet mechanism cofoperating with the feed roll, means including a shiftable pivot operated by the secondcam for actuating the pawl and ratchetmechanism so as to impart intermittent rotative movement to the feed roll, and means operable at will whereby the two'shiitable Vpivots may be changed so as to eillect' at one operation a variation in thepstroke oi the plait'ing blade and a variation in the angular distance of rotation oic the feed roll.
  • unplaited material 2S In a plaiting machine, the combination with a frame, cooperating rolls, and sliding bearings 'for one of saidl rolls,1oi spring. actuated levers connected with said sliding bearings for applying tension toone of said rolls, and a manually operable yoke having Ypivotal connectionrwith said spring Vactuatedl levers, said manually operable yoke being provided at its endportions with projections' positioned forv contact with the :frame and operableV in retaining the Vslidable roll in a raised position relatively to the c0- op'erating roll.


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Textile Engineering (AREA)
  • Treatment Of Fiber Materials (AREA)


Patented July 6, 1920.y
Patented July 6, 1920.
Application fumiV December 24, 1917. seriai No. 208,553.
T0 aZZ'fw-wmlzfmay,concern.' y.
Be it known that I, HERMAN Biscznorr, a citizen of the United States, residing atthe city ofl New York,'borough of `Manhattan,
county'and State of'v New York, haveinventedl a certain newl and useful, PlaitingfMachine, of which, the following 'is a specification.
This inventionis a plaiting machine, and the Object is, primarily, to conductinone and the saine structure the operations're quired to be performed on fabrics to produce thereon plaiting known as side plaits and as accordionf lplaits, suchV different e The invention further pertains tothe prof; vision of means for' effecting a variationin the extent of movement of the plaiting knife` so as to produce side plaitslof different widths, and, also, of means operable at'the same time to effect a variation Vin the angular Vdistance of rotation of the fabric feed rolls, the` variationin the stroke of which'V plaiting knife and the variation inthe angular ,distance `of rotationlof said feed rollsl being effected, preferably, by the movement of said single member. l
The invention vision of means independent of the'l aforesaidv devices wherebythe feed of the fabric may be changedto produce accordion plaiting wherein 'the folds are equal in length,
the automatic operation of the Vplaiting.
knife and of the feed rolls being otherwise unchanged.
The invention pertains also tothe provision of means for feeding the plaiting` knife under cam pressure, and to effect its return under spring pressure without dragging the knife in contactwith the fabric duringsuch return stroke, whereby thin' delicate fabrics may be plaited to the same advantage as other fabrics,V and, further, Athe machineis adapted for operation upon a plurality of Alayers of `specificamimf Lettersratent. Y Patented J-u1y691920,
other feed roll so asv to release the fabric manually-operated control pertains also Vto "prok material, such, c. g., as a layer of fabric and one or more layers of other material such as paper, to the end that the fabric may be plaited without injury from the reciprocating knife or the heated roll or rolls, or
Vwithout imparting a glossy surface to the fabric while passing lthrough themachine, and the layer or layers of paper may remain in contact with the plaited fabric vupon removal .from the machine so that the plaited paper will assist in retaining the plaits in the fabric during the period ofltiine interven Y ing ybetween removal' from the machine and vthe utilization of the plaited 'fabric in `garment making, or for other purposes. f Theinvention relates further to the provision of means for effecting the operation of the feed rolls independently ofthe auto# matie drive' in order to advance the fabric without plaiting it, lsuch radvance being for regulatable intervals, in order to space apart the plaited portions of the fabric; also, in the provision of means for shifting one feed roll into spaced` relation to the or materials from roll pressure; and, finally,
lowing detailed description taken in con- Y nection with the drawings, wherein- Figure l isa side elevation looking at the machine toward the `right in Fig. 3.
. Fig. Qis a side elevation, partlyvin section, looking at the machine toward the left inl Fig'. 3, the plane of the section being iufiicaad bythe dotted une 2-2 of Fig. :i
Fig. 3f is a plan view vof the machine.l Fig. l` is an enlarged vertical sectional elevation, the plane of the sectionbeing in dicated by the dotted line A.l--lof Fig. 3 lookingiin the Adirection ofthe arrow.
..`,lz"ig. 5 is an enlarged vertical section illustra-ting a part of the drive shaftand the shiftable double eccentric on one end portion of said shaft.
Fig. 6 is a detail cross section on the line G-.G of Fig. 5.
` Fig. "7 is an end View of the'shiftable dou ble eccentric.
The working parts ofthe machine are supported in the main by two end frames 10, 11, said frames being substantially duplicates, and each provided with depending legs 12 and with upright arms 13 which are spaced in parallel order so as to afford@ guideways for the sliding bearings 14 of an upper pressure roll 15, said rollg15 beingone of a pair of coperating rolls,.the other roll of which pair is a heatable roll, indicated at 16, as will be hereinafter more extending Vup to or into actual Contact with the heatable roll 16. On the other side of the machine the end frames 10, 11 carry an inclinedplate 23, the lower portion of which is curved to form a pocket 24 into which the plaited material 1s Vadapted to accumulate,
the upper end portion of the plate 23 having a lip 25 positioned into close relation to the peripheral surface of the heatable roll 16, seeFig. 4. c Y
The end frames 10, 11 are provided at the bottoms of the guideways formed by the lparallel arms 13 with bearings 26, one of which is shown quite clearly in Fig. 2, said bearings receiving the ourfnals V27 provided ,on the end portions of the lower heatable roll 16.- Each journal 27 is a casting separate-V from the body of the hollow roll ,16, 'said casting forming the journal for supporting an end portlon of the roll and the bearing, and said casting being jn'ovided with a series of air inlet openings 28, whereby t'he twouhollow journalsat the opposite ends of theihollow roll provide'an ample supply of atmospheric, air to. the interior vof the roll for the purpose of supporting the combustion of the gaseous fuel by a Bunsen burner 29. Said ample supply of atmospheric airis obtainedby openings of large diameter in the hollow journals 27 l vat the endsof the `roll and by the number of air inlets 28 provided in said journals at the respectiveends of said roll, whereby the Bunsen burner 1s adaptedto consume gaseous fuel, the combustionbeing aided by the ample supply of air, so that the roll will be heated by the combustion of gaseous fuel without emitting av perceptible odor, and dispensing with the smoke stack or chimney usually employed in machines ofthis character for carrying off thenoxious'fumes due to imperfect combustion. Y
The Bunsen burner consists of a horizontal tube supported in a fixed position within the hollow roll 16, said burner tube 29V being provided with a plurality of upwar ly facing slots 30, one of which is shown in Fig. 4. An end portion of this burner tube extends beyond one side of the machine so as to receive a 'mixing tube 31 providedwith a pluralityof air inlets, one of which is indicated at 32 in Fig. 3, and into thismiXing tube Vextends a gas nozzle 33 provided on anrend portionof a gas feed* pipe 34 having arcock 35, whereby gas" under V pressure is fed to the nozzle V33 so as to become mixed with air supplied through the v ports 32, the resulting combustible'mi-Xture flowing through burner tube 29jan`d being Y ignited: at the' flame apertures 30v thereof,
an ample supply of atmospheric ai'rffl'owing through vthe roll 16 and the airports 23so as to support combustion of the gaseous'fuel.
bearings provided below the heatable roll,`
.so Y VThe rockshaft '17 i's'mounted injsuitablesaid rockshaft extending the length of the..
machine. To the end portions of the rockshaft` are secured two vibratory arms, one at each end, said armsbeing indicated at 36, 37 .i Thearms 36,V 37V extend upwardly Vfrom lthe `roclrshaft and carry the plaitingblade 38, the vibratory movement ofthe arms imparting a reciprocatory movement to'fthe plaiting blade.'V The plaitingbladeis shown as a flat plate of metal provided Vwithslts 40 and with slots 41, the slotted'portion of the plate being clampedadjustably byscrews 42 to a rocking barV 43 whichismounted'for pivotal movement in the upperend portions of the arms 36, 37,*whereby theplaiting blade is capable lofy reciprocatory movement relatively to the heatable rolllG, and itis,
pivotally Vmounted in the arms forroclring movement therein in "order that'said plait'w` Y ing blade mayfbe depressed by.a positive motion into contact with the material to be operated upon during the effective stroke of f Y UlliY the blade, whereas upon the returnstroke of the blade it is liftedA by springppressure orv a tension'deviceso as to be free fromcfo'ntact with said material upon and during saidA return stroke so as toilprevent the blade during l Y right-hand end portion v*of vdrive shaft19.v The eccentricfis embraced by a strap 45 forming a part of a link 46, the latter extending from thesha'ft 19 toward the arm 36, said arm being ,provided witha Vlongi- Y tudinal slot 47 in which is positionedfa pin 48. Said pin affords a pivotal connectionV between the cam-driven `linlr Vt* 46 and` the*VV slotted vibratory arml 36so that the motion of eccentric 44and link 46 operateV to automatically impart the vibratory motion to the slotted arm 36, which through the Vrock-- shaft 17 imparts motionvto the other vibraV toryarm 37, which arms 36, 37 Aimpart the reciprocatorj'fV motion tov ther plaiting blade 38. The pivotal pin 48Vis.. shiftable` in the.
slot 47 of the arm 36 relatively tothe axis CII of motion of the vibratory arms, and this pin 48 is moved by the operation of a controlling lever 50. The lever isi-a Vcurved or bent piece attached rigidly to an end portion of rockshaft 18 whichserves as a fulcrum for said lever, the latter being eXtended so as to produce a lever arm 50a, to 'the free end of which is pivoted a link 51, the
other end of which link is loosely connected with the shiftable pin i-8.' Movement of the.
lever in one direction operates the link 51 so as to draw the pivotal stud 48' toward the aXis of movement of the vibratory arms,
thereby increasing` the stroke of the plaiting blade, but it is apparent that the lever` 50 can be shifted in an opposite direction for the purpose of moving the pivotal pin -l- S away from thev axis or" movement of the arms 36, 37, thereby decreasing the stroke'oi? the plaiting blade, such variation in the stroke of the plaiting `blade being effected by a manual adjustment of the parts, whereas the and shaft 19 impart automatic movement to the plaiting blade. The lever 50 is adapted-to be liXed in either one of" ated, as shown in Fig. 2, so as'to determine the position of the lever 50 according` to the character ol the side plaits to be .termed in the material. by the movement of theplaiting blade l will now proceed to describe the means for imparting movement automatically to the heatable roll 16 for the purpose of ieeding the plaitedmaterial vfrom the table 20 to the inclined plate or table 23, the extent of angular movement of said roll being variable in accordance with the vvariable stroke 'of the plaiting blade 38, and such variable movement'being imparted to the roll 1G simultaneously with the variable movement given to the plaiting blade 38, all being-controlled by the lever 50. j
'lf he roll 16 at the end opposite to thehun.- sen mixer 31 is provided withl a wheel 55, the diameter of which is considerablyv in excess oi:A the roll, and the periphery of 'which is 'formedV with a multiplicity olf line ratchet teeth 56, the number of ratchetteeth in iny nntchine being` largely in excess of the teeth on ratchets ol other machines oiz which have knowledge. The :ratchet wheel is secured rigidly to the journal 27 at one end eff the roll, and lccsely sleeved upon ythis journal is lever arm 57 the position of '72 se ast-o raise er leu .i
which is indicated by dotted lines in Fig. 17 said lever armbeing provided with a strap, indicatedfin dotted lines 'at-58, which. is loosely itted around the jeurnal or around the hub of the ratchet, wherebyy thelever arm 57 is capable oi' vibratory movement r-.round the axis ot' a ratchet wheel 55. The lever arm' is provided with a stud er pin 59 onv whichis supported a 'feed 'pawl 60, said leed pawl being held .by a spring 61 normally into' engagement with one tooth of the ratchet wheel 55. The pin 59 is litted loosely in a slot 620i an'upright segment G3, which lies alongside o the ratchet wheel 55, and te the upper end of this segment is pivoted a driving link 64; provided at one end with a strap which is itted loosely around an'erccentric G6, the construction of which illustrated morepar 'icularly in .lli s. 5, 6 and 7 of the drawings. Said er'centric is provided with a stud 67, the. axis of the latterheing :it one side of thel axis of the eccentric7 Fig. '7. 'Said stud enters a socket 58 ol a lcani head 59, the latterv bein0` secured rigidly to an end portiongol the drive sha'l't 19 so as to'i-otater therewith. The h ad is provided with bind` ing screw 70 which is tapped into the threaded Opening of the head and is adapted for :frictional contact with., the stud A67, whereby the stud 67 and the eccentric 66 are clamped rigidly tothe head 69 for rotation with the sliaict'lf). lt is 'apparent that the shait 19 and head 'G9 impart rotary m0 tion to the'ccrcntric G6 because the lati'er is "clamped `by the screw T() rigidly to the'head, and said cam acts through the s .up and link (ill, to impart vibratery 'inetion to the Veglnent (33, the lower nid oi: which is piv- 'otally supportedby a bolt 7l attached to" the 'free end ol' :r rocker arm 72 which is clamped by a screw 73 upcn an cndportiou of the rockslntl't 18, to which is attached the controlling lever 50. Said holt 71 con# stitutes the axis oli movement of' segmentv G3, the vibratory 'in'oticn oiv'which `under the; action of came?) Operates on j'viivotal belt'59 to impart yment to the pawl -60 and pand-.carrying arni f5?, lthe latter turningf freely en the hub ot the ratchet-with said ratchet androlll as the axis oi' movement of said arni5?, whereby thn pawl` 6 0 in engagement with a teeth olthe ratchet operates to impart intermittent rotative movement, to the'rutchet and tc roll 16. This motion is automatic under the action el means operated by the eccentric (lith-but the ..z-'ztent olrotation angle ot movement) oi" the ratchet and the roll l@ are capable of variation by itment, lirst7 of the ment G3 and the eccentric 61"), Said segment 63 controllable `by the movement o' lever 50 which rocks the shaft l13 and lever n the segment r tively tcy the pawl pivot 59 soas to vary the v Vso distance between the pawl pivot and the axis of movement (bolt 71) of the segment, thus making provision for effecting a varia; tion in the throw of the pawl andthe movement of the ratchet, Yit being possible to rotate the ratchet by movement of the segment so asto feed it a distance equivalent to two,three, four or more teeth according to the widthV of the Aside plait. lVith the lever held in its first position and with accordion plaiting, and the position of thel eccentric to the cam head is indicated to the operator by an index disk 75, which turns loosely on the studv 67, saiddisk being con- .nectedV to the eccentric by a pin 76 on the diskfitting `in a hole 77 of the eccentric (see F igs. 5 to 7 inclusive), and said disk having a pointer 78 projecting beyond the peripheral edge of theecce'ntric so as to 'traverse suitable marks on the cani head.
After adjusting the eccentric, the screw is tightenedfand the eccentric strap. 65is replacedl on the eccentric so that the latter will act through the driving link 64 in automatically operating the segment for actuating the pawl and ratchet so as to rotatel the feed roll 16. l
Said feed roll 16 is provided with a gear 79 (see dotted lines in Figa. 1), with which meshes aA gear 8O on the cooperating feed roll 15, said gears operatingto transmit the rotative movement of roll 16 to the companion roll 15 for the purpose of feeding the.v fabric betweenrthe rolls, at which time the heat and pressure of the rolls operate -to flatten and setv the plaits inthe fabric.'
The rocking bar 43 by which the plaiting knife 38 is mounted on the vibratory arms 36,37 is capable of a back and forth motionv with said varms so as to impart reciprocatory vmovement tothe plaiting blade,
but this rocking bar and the plaiting blade are capable ofindependent pivotal movement in order that said blade may on its effective .plaiting stroke be positively depressed under camV pressure into contact 'Y withthe Vmaterial or materials, whereby the blade ispositively actuated so as to plaitV the fabric and one or more layers of paper. The cam head 69 is providedl with a cam surfacej81, the contour of vwhich is indicated by dotted lines in Figs. 1 and 6, upon which 'cam surface rides afriction roll 82 mounted loosely on an end portion of a s position indicated in dotted lines in Fig. 4
rockerrarm 83, the latter being pivoted by aV i bolt 84 to a short arm 85 attached to theV rockshaft- 18, .thus making provision for shifting under the control of lever 50 the relation of the roller 82 and arm. 83 to the cam surface81 oni'the' cam' head 69. The rocking bar 43 of said plaiting blade 38is provided at one end with a linger 86 the free Lend of which rides upon a friction roller 87 loosely supported on the lever'arm 83, and as thesurface 81 of the rotary cam head changes position the lever arm^83 and linger 86 yare actuated-by theV cam so aslto rock the bar 43 andV blade 387m a manner to depress the same under cam pressure dur# ing the forward strokeof blade 38 vinef fecting the plaiting ,of the materialor ma'- terials. It will be noted that lever 83 .engages by roller 82 with the cam, and that finger 86 enga-ges a roller 87 on 'the lever arm, thus reducing to a minimum the friction 'and wear on the surfaces ofthe cam 81 and on the parts V83, 86. Uponthe'reverse movement of the blade 38, a spring 88 acts to rock the bar 43 and lift the blade free from` contact with ythe Vmaterial, thus precluding the edge of the blade from drag-` ging over the fabric.V Y Y j v'.l.`lie'upper roll 15 is pressed bya tension deviceintocontaetwith the lower roll 16, said upper roll may be solid vas *showny in Fig. 4 or it may be a hollowv roll like' lower rollj 16. The upper vroll is shown as having a fabric cover 89.V The sliding bearings 14 of the upper roll are shown as having lugs 90, to which are pivoted at 91 the pres- V sure levers 92, the latter being fulcrumedat Y 93 on membersV 13 of the end frames 10, 11. Y
AThe free ends of levers 92 are engaged'adjustably by threaded rods 941of springs 95,
thus making provision for applying spring f pressure to the Yupper roll, the tension of the springs being capable of regulation by adjusting suitable vnuts 96a on the rods V94,- see Figs. `1 and 2. Y Y
For the purpose of lifting the upper roll 15 vfrom contact with the lower roll, I provide a yoke96, the arms of which are pivotedat 97 to the tension levers 92, said yoke having.
al handle 98 and the arms of the yokebeing provided attheir ends with s tuds'99`V positioned to ride upon the top portionsof the Vend frames 10,11. With the yoke in the in clined position of Figs. land 2, the levers 92 are under the tension of the springs95 to apply pressure .to the roll 15, but the operator is able to shift the yoke to the vertical thereby .raising the levers Y92, the sliding bearings 14 and roll 15, said yoke-operating to retain the roll in said raised position.v Means are providedfor rotating the rolls 15, 16 independently Vof the Vcam-actuated pawl and ratchet feed, vso thatan unplaited or plain fabric may befed through and by Vthe rolls in order to separate two or Vmore plaited portions of thefabric by' one or more Y unplaited portions of said fabric. To this "end, a hand lever-100 vis, loosely connected byl a ringl 101 to an end0 .portion of roll 15,'seeFig. 1, sothatthelevermay turn part way around the roll with the latter as the axis ofmovement of the lever; A feed,
pawl 102 is pivoted to the lever 100 so that the end of the pawl willtakeinto the rteeth j' stroke of the lever may be regulated between the twok stops 103,105, see Fig.. 1.
\ The material X to be operated upon iis held under `tension by guiding l'and tension means positioned over thetable 20 so as to Y lie closely adjacent totthe op`erati1ig-blade the end frames 10, 11 at points close to the Suitable brackets 107 arev `fastened to sides of thetable; 20 and intermediate :the ends thereof. Saidy bracketscarryrods 1084` ,109, which extend across the table, and upon these rods are fitted thesliding guides-110,
the latter being shiftable atwillalong the rods so as to correspond to the width of the fabricY to be plaited. adjustment of the sliding plates 110,V two or Amore piecesof v,
narrow fabric may befedto therolls and the plaiting blade for kconducting the plalting operationv simultaneously' Aon a inumber of fabrics. Saidfab'ricvpasses below rodV 108 andv over rods 109.3vhi'ch vact' on the fabric so as to keep the` required tension thereon. By placing the tension and guide devices over fthetable` and adjacent to the blade 38 the fabric can be kept taut 'clear to vthe end of the fabric. l i
ln addition to .feeding'the'fabric to the plaiting blade, means are providedforfeeding papertol saidblade,l one strip of paper Z being shown in Fig. 4 as passing over the table 20 and belowthe fabric X, but itis apparent lthat an additional strip; (not shown) can, be fed Vover the fabric, where by one or more strips vof 'paper'km'ay be plaited withthejfabric bythe voperation of bladev 38.y The stripgor strips Aof paper do not pass through the tension device',` 'The underlyingk paper keeps the:fabricffromdi-L Y rect contactrwith the heatedroll16-s0 las to preclude.scorchingthe fabric, and theoverlying paperprecludes the rollsfrom Vimparting a Aglossyappearance -to fthe-surface of the fabric. A -By plaiting thepaper '-with the fabric, the ypapermaybe removed with'the fabric from themachine so that the `plaited paper -will remain attached to the plaited fabric sok as Ltohelp Vin keeping the plaits in 'the fabricy until,y itis kdesired 'to' use the iatter: f i
.The operation'is asfollows-ssuming" itlis desired to producegside plaitsrin a piece of; fabric, Vwhich. Vside plaits arequite narrow as shown at X in Fig. 4, the material )Qwith'or without one or more layers 'of paper Z is positioned over the table 20 and between rolls 15, 16, and thence extended over the inclinedplate23, saidmaterialfbeing in the path of the plaiting blade and the fabricaT being passed over oneguide rod, below the neXt one, andover the sucf Y lceeding rod so as ,to kepthe fabric under operation, the attendant shifts'lever 50'so as .to regulate thel stroke of ythe plaiting tension.y Before 'setting the `machine. into blade and to regulate, also, the rotative feedV ofy the vroll 16, theeccentric 664 being in the positionof Fig. 1. vThe drive shaft is operated for rotating cams 44V and double cam 66, 69 as a result of which the driving link 38, the `driving link 64 operates segment 63 for actuating fthepawl and ratchet so as `to rotate the yfeed, rolls, and the lever arm is lifted by thecamrhead so as to depress of@l .The fabric is thus plaited and the plaitedfabricfedby the rolls, the head of v.which tends to set the p1`aits,`the plaited fabric Apassing down the plate 23 intov the pocket.v The.V fabric `is fed under tension,
,either alone or in conjunction with one or j more layers ofy paper.
tinued as long as desired Vand 'without change of parts to produce plaits of a, de-` sired Awidth andv 'overlap in the fabric. Should -it be vdesired to decrease the width of lthe plait or the overlap thereof, then the lever`50'ismoved lin one direction 4and held in such positionby the` screw bolt, the
effect of which movement is to shift the pin 48 Vand to shift thesegment 63 at one and stroke of the blade 38y andfchanging also VVthe extent of rotative movement of the feed roll 16upon the Vsubsequent operation of the machine bythe cams 44,66; but should it be VVdesired to increasethe plait or the overlap thereof,rthen the'` lever v50. is moved in an opposite direction, thusreversing the ad v`justmentfof parts 48, 63 so as to correspondingly affect the plaiting blade 38v and the feed roll 16. j
For producing accordion plaiting inr the fabric", the lever 50 is adj usted'` to a position vwherein' the blade. 38 is moved the desired distance, but the member 66 of the double' cam 6669iis shifted byjreleasing screw 70 and changingthe'cam member66 relatively tolthe head 69, the index disk being movable 46 imparts the desired stroke to the blade i the blade 38upon the effective stroke there- The operationiscony vthe ,same operation, thus 'changing Vthe with the "cam member 66 to the desired position, after which the screw 70 istightened and the'parts restored tovoperating Ypositions. v'Now .when lthe shaft 19 is rotated,
`theV several parts'of the machine are operatedas before, butthe cam member66 oper- Y atesthe segment and pawlso as toA feed the *Y fabricy one tooth of the ratchet at a time,
Vsothat there isa uniform feed of the fabricto produce the accordion plaiting, the width of the'nlaits being variableby adjustment of lever 50l which controlsnthe operatingv devices for `the *plaiting blade and thefeedroll. f Y Y Thelever arm .83 Vcontrolled by 'the rock shaft 18 acts to bring the two cams 44, 66, onthe power shaft into synchronism,where bythe changesin the depression and lifting motion of the' plaiting blade and in the feed Vand speed'motion of the' rollers are brought f into unison, which motion requires one setting of the lever 50 instead-of independent i' adjustment of the pins 48, 59. It is apparent 'that the shifting ofthe pivotal pin 48 inthe slotted arm 36 Vresultsalso in'a shifting of the pivotal connection `59 in the slotted's'egment v63, but. this change leaves the relation Vof the cams 44, 66', unchanged and the automatic 'drive would have a tendency vto )vork out of time; butin lmy machine, thev leverv arm 83'is voperatedV from theV shaft. 18 at the time that-the pins 48, 59A are shifted so that the relation Vof the roller 82 to the cam surface 8l is: shifted in order that the cams 44, 66, will operate properly .vith'out resetting either of saidlcams'44, 66. Y
Suitable means lare provided for imparte ing rotative movement to the drive shaft 19; as shown, a wheel 111 is. attached to the shaft at `one end-thereof, said wheel being provided with a crank 112' for its operation by hand. Thefwheel 111 is shown, also,as liavingf a groove adapted to receive a power driven band or belt whereby the wheel-may be drivenv by'powei, from asuitableisource, if desired'.` f i f L Having thus fully described my invention, what claim -Yasiiew and desire to secure by LettersPatentis l. In a plaiting machine, the 'combination with a reciprocatory plaiting blade, vand material-feeding means, of means for effecting-a variation inthe stroke of said plaiting blade, means for effecting a variation in the motion :of the material-feeding ,means, and means'controllable at will for siinultaneously shifting the plaitingV blade? feed means andthe material feed means.
2L 'In a plaiting machine, the combination 'with'a reciprocatory.,plaiting blade, and terial-feeding means, of means for effecting Y .Y a fvaiiat'ion. in the stroke of said- Vplaiting blade, means for effecting a variation in the motion of the material-feedingv means, and a single device controllable at will for shiftfmeans simultaneously. Y
ing theA plaiting-blade feed meansl Vandl the Y materialfee'd means. i Y. Y
3.V In -aYplaiting machine, the combination with a reciprocatory plaiting blade, and material feedA means, ofa single lever controllable at will, aplurality of devicesfcontrollable by said lever, one of said devices being effective invarying the -stroke Vof said blade 'and the other of said devices operating to Y effect a variation in thefeed of said material feed means, and driving means coperating with" said plurality of devices in impartingY plaiting bladerand the mamovement to the terial feed means. .Y Y Y .Y e
`v4.l In a' plaiting machine, Vthe combination with a'ieciprocatory plaiting blade, and material feed means, of driving means for imparting 'movement simultaneously to said plaiting blade andthematerial Vfeed means, :means separate from the Vdriving meansfor effecting a variation inthe stroke of said plaiting blade, means separate from the driving means for effecting, a variation in the feed of said", material feed means, and means operable `at1will and 'independently of the driving means for shifting the bladevariation ,ineans and theV feed 1- variation 5; In a plaiting machine, the combination Vwith vibratory arms, afplaiting blade, and a drive shaft, of aYcam-driven member shiftably connected to one ofsaid vibratory arms,V
a controlling lever connected for shifting at relatively to] the axis Yofi'novement of the .vibratory arms, andmeans for locking said .lever fin anyv oneyof several positions to Iwhich said vlever may be shifted. Y'
'y In a'plaiting machine, ythe lcombination Vwith vibratory arms, one ofwhich Yis slotted, 'aplaiting blade carrie'dthereby, andfajdrive Vwill the connection of said cam-driven lever shaft, of a camldriven link having a piv- Y otal connection with said slotted vibratory arm, and a lever Acontrollable at will for shifting saidpivotal connection Yrelatively to the axis of motion of. the vibrato'ry arm.
l 7.' In a plaiting` machine, the combination withv vibratory arms, a plaiting 'blade carbrat'ory motion to said iarms, of alever arm shiftable at will,ra cam with which contacts said lever arm, `and a finger carried bythev Y lplaiting bladeV and'contacting withsaid lever arm whereby the `plaiting blade'isdepressed y Y n n a n for retaining the parts in a desired relation under campressure andprovision. isA made ried thereby, and means for Vimparting vifinger and contacting therewith, and means for manually shifting the position of said lever arm with respect to the driving cam and said finger.
9. in a plaiting machine, the combination 1 ing cam and the other with said finger, and
means for shifting at will the lever arm with wherebythe travel of the pawland the angular distance of rotation of the feed roll respect to the driving cam and the finger.
i0. ln a plaiting machine, the combination with a feed table andv feed rolls, of means for placing tension upon a'fabric ,adapted to 4be vmoved. by said feed.` rolls over said table, means for directing a material other than fabric to said feed rolls, whereby the last mentioned material is advanced by the y feed rolls simultaneously with the fabric, a plaiting blade operable in producing" pl'aits inthe fabric and said other material simultaneously, means for imparting reciprocatory motion to theplaiting blade, and means for rotating)- the feed rolls intermittently.
li. ln a plaiting machine` ythe combination with a feed roll, and a reciprocatory plaiting` blade, cf a ratchet wheel fast with said feedv roll, a pawl coperating withl ratchet wheel, an arm carrying ysaid pawl, a roclable segment pivotally connected with said arm cani operated means for impartingvibratory motion to said segment and to the pawl-carrying arin and means for shifting the position of said segment withv re-y spect to said pivotal connection between the pawl-carrying arm and the segment.
l2. in a pla-iting machine,the combination with a feed roll and a reciprocatory. plaiting blade, of a ratchet wheel fast with said feed roll, a pawl-carrier providedA with a pawl cooperating with the ratchet wheel, a segment having a pivotal ,connectioirwith said pawl carrier, means operable at will for shifting said segment relatively to the pawl carrier for imparting' thereto variable movement wherebv the pawl andl ratchet are adapted for varying' the angular distance of movement of the feed roll, and power opery ated means for imparting vibratcryV movement to Asaid segment and the pawl carrier.
13. In a plaiting machine, the combination with a feed roll and a reciprocatory plaiting blade, of a ratchet-fast with said .feed roll, pawl-carrier provided with pawl coperatingv with the ratchet, aseginent connected with said pawl carrier, power-operated means for imparting vibrator-y motion to said segment and the pawl carrier, and manually-operable means for shifting the segment to vary the distance between the axis of movement of said segment V4and the pawl whereby the angular distance of movement of the feed roll is varied at will independently of the automatic motion imparted to the power-operated means.
14, in a plaiting machine, the combination with a reciprocatingplaiting blade and av feed roll, of a ratchet fast with said roll, of a segment, power-operated means for rocking said segment, a pawl` cooperating with the ratchet and operated by the movement of the segment, and means for shifting the segment relatively to the pawl so as to vary the distance intermediate the axis ofthe pawl andthe axis of movement of the segment n may be varied at will.V
l5.v In a plaiting machine, the combination 'with a 'plaiting bladefand a feed roll,of a
n connection with said drive shaft, an -eccentric provided with an eccentric pin attached n to said eccentric head, said eccentricbeing rotatable at will on an axis afforded by the eccentric pin so as to vary the relation of the eccentric pin to the drive shaft, pawl and ratchet mechanism cooperating with the feed roll, and ineansractuated by the eccentric in either of theY adjusted 'positions lthereof for operatingI the pawl and ratchet mechanism te impart movement to the feed roll, the ex-l tent of which movement is ladapted to be varied by adjustmentof the eccentric.
i7. In a plaiting machine, the combination with a feed roll and aplaiting blade, of a drive shaft, an eccentric separate from the shaft, said eccentric being provided with an eccentric pinaffording an axis of rotation for the adjustment at will of the eccentric relatively to the axis of the drive shaft, means `whereby said eccentric may be released and.` adjusted to different operative positions 'relatively to. the shaft, Vpawl and ratchet mechanism coperating -with the feed roll, and means operated by the eccein Y tric for *operating the APawl and 'ratchet mechanism the angular moif'einentof which is regiilatable by variation in the relation of said eccentric to the drive shaft.-
18', In a plaiting machine, the combination witha feed roll, and a plaiting blade,
of a di'ivefshaft, a segment, pawl and ratchet mechanism operated by said segment foifrotating said feed roll, an eccentric provided with an eccentric pin aifordingan axis of rotation around which the eccentric is adjustable at will, means for rigidly and detachably connecting said eccentric with the drive shaft, whereby the eccentric may be rotatably adjusted at will with respect to said shaft, and a drivingv link pivoted to the segment and operated by said eccentric. 1
19. .In a plaiting machine, the combination'with a plaiting blade and a feed roll, of a drive shalt, an eccentric carried thereby and shiitable relatively thereto, means for fiiredly attaching said eccentric to the shaft,
a driving link operatedzby said eccentric, a
i .segment pivoted to said driving link, a shittl iulcrum so as to vary the distance interinediing ulcrum for said segment, pawl andv ratchetmechanism operated by the movement of said segmentfor imparting rotative movement to said feed roll, and` means operable at will for shifting` the segment and its ate thel axis oit thc segment and the axis of movement of said pawl. l i
20In a plaiting machine, the combination with a feed roll, a pivotally mounted .plaiting blade, and means for imparting ieciprocatory movement to said blade, oil a rotative cam, a lever arm having two rollers one of which is in contact with the cam, an arm attached to said blade and contacting with the other ofsaid rollers for depressingv the blade under canipressure during the eitfective stroke'thereoit', and me'ansoperablev at lwill'for shifting said lever arm relatively to said cam.
2l. In a, plaiting machine, the combination with a feed roll, and a plaitingi blade, of a drive shaft, a cam on said shaft, means including a shiftable pivot operated by said cam for imparting reciprocating movement tol said blade, a secondcam carried by the Ydrive shaft, pawl and ratchet mechanism cofoperating with the feed roll, means including a shiftable pivot operated by the secondcam for actuating the pawl and ratchetmechanism so as to impart intermittent rotative movement to the feed roll, and means operable at will whereby the two'shiitable Vpivots may be changed so as to eillect' at one operation a variation in thepstroke oi the plait'ing blade and a variation in the angular distance of rotation oic the feed roll.
22. In a'plaiting machine, the combination vwith a pair oit cooperating rolls, one oi' which is hollow, and means ior rotating said oi means operable at will andindependently oi said driving means for imparting roV tative movementto one of said rolls whereby unplaited material may be fed through said rolls. Y. p
24. In a plaiting machine, the combination with cooperating rolls,a plaiting blade,
and driving means `for intermittently roiiig means for rotating saidrolls. Y
4Qro/In a plaiting machine, the combination with cooperating rolls, a plaiting blade, and 'driving means for intermittently rotating said rolls, of a lever and pawl operable at will and independently of the driving means lor rotating said' rolls, and means in the path of' said lever for arresting the motion thereof .whereby the feed. rolls may ltatifng"'said rolls, of a lever and pawlop'enjV able at will-and independently olVv the` drivbe rotated independently of the drivingv means for effecting a variationin the eedoi',
unplaited material 2S, In a plaiting machine, the combination with a frame, cooperating rolls, and sliding bearings 'for one of saidl rolls,1oi spring. actuated levers connected with said sliding bearings for applying tension toone of said rolls, and a manually operable yoke having Ypivotal connectionrwith said spring Vactuatedl levers, said manually operable yoke being provided at its endportions with projections' positioned forv contact with the :frame and operableV in retaining the Vslidable roll in a raised position relatively to the c0- op'erating roll.
QT. In a plaiting machine, the *combina-` tion with a Vi'eed roll, and pawl and ratchet mechanism cooperating therewith, of a vibratory member for actuating said pawl and ratchet mechanism, a drive shaft, a` cam headon saidA shaft, an eccentric attached to the cam head and sliiftaole at will relatively thereto. an index member shiftable with'the eccentric and cooperating with the cam head, and a driving link pivoted to said vibratory member and cooperating with said eccentric.
28. In a plaiting machine, the combination with feed rolls, a pivoted reciprocatory plaiting blade, and an intermittent feed mechanism for said feed rolls, ot a 'drive f shaft, a double eccentric thereon each part of said doublev eccentric being rotatably shiftable at will independently oithe other part, means operated by one partei the double eccentric for actuating the intermittent' roll Vfeed mechanism and means actuated b'7 the other'part of the double eccentric .for imparting pivotal movement to saidV plaiting blade. l I Y v Y lIn testimony whereof I have yhereunto signed my'name.
imaiviAN Bisoiiorii.
US208553A 1917-12-24 1917-12-24 Plaiting-machine Expired - Lifetime US1345474A (en)

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US208553A US1345474A (en) 1917-12-24 1917-12-24 Plaiting-machine

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US208553A US1345474A (en) 1917-12-24 1917-12-24 Plaiting-machine

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US208553A Expired - Lifetime US1345474A (en) 1917-12-24 1917-12-24 Plaiting-machine

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Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
DE1278384B (en) * 1957-11-30 1968-09-26 Daniel Demagny Auxiliary device for changing the depth of folds for pleating machines

Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
DE1278384B (en) * 1957-11-30 1968-09-26 Daniel Demagny Auxiliary device for changing the depth of folds for pleating machines

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