TWM425693U - Bending collapse structure of golf cart - Google Patents

Bending collapse structure of golf cart Download PDF


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TWM425693U TW100223160U TW100223160U TWM425693U TW M425693 U TWM425693 U TW M425693U TW 100223160 U TW100223160 U TW 100223160U TW 100223160 U TW100223160 U TW 100223160U TW M425693 U TWM425693 U TW M425693U
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Meng-Rong Wu
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Yuann Tay Entpr Co Ltd
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Application filed by Yuann Tay Entpr Co Ltd filed Critical Yuann Tay Entpr Co Ltd
Priority to TW100223160U priority Critical patent/TWM425693U/en
Publication of TWM425693U publication Critical patent/TWM425693U/en



  • Handcart (AREA)


五、新型說明: 【新型所屬之技術領域】 [0001] 本創作係有關於一種高爾夫球車彎折收合結構,尤 其是指一種利用彎折機構折收前輪與把手,同時扳動上 座上的開關讓主車架體隨連動桿對應往前輪方向收折的 彎折收合結構,達到呈臥式收折的縮小體積功效為創作 應用者。 【先前技術】 [0002] 按,隨著社會風氣的演變、民眾生活水準的日漸提 昇,使得人們開始注重起各式各樣之休間活動,其中高 爾夫球運動因越來越為普及,逐漸廣受到大眾所喜愛, 而由於高爾夫球具包括有高爾夫球及球桿,而球桿往往 成套設置,於運動過程中須隨著場地起伏及環境改變或 擊球距離來更換不同打擊效果之球桿,又球桿係具有相 當重量,因此一般皆係將各球桿置於球袋权,由一特定 人員背負隨著球員移動:然而如此方法極耗人力而有一 定的不便之處,因此後來發展出一種高爾夫球具車,以 方便使用者對笨重之球桿作搬動位移之動作。 [0003] 而高爾夫球車因需置放承載一大袋的球桿及高爾夫 球,相對為具有適當大小的體積,而如此大的體積在收 納上並不便利,因此即有研發出諸多可收合彎折的高爾 夫球車,以下係列舉-案,如公告第Μ4 1 0 5 8 7號 一種高爾夫球袋車收合裝置(十一),包含:一上車架 ,上端具有一把手管;一後輪腳架,藉一連結片與上車 架連接,下端具有後輪;一拉桿,連接上車,架與後輪腳 表單編號Α0101 第3頁/共18頁 M425693 架;一下車架,與上車架連接,下端具有前輪;及一連 桿機構,設於上、下車架之間;俾於收合時,藉.該連桿 機構之連動,使下車架與前輪可往後輪方向靠攏,以省 略再收合前輪的步驟,防止弄髒使用者身體或衣物,且 達操作簡便者。而上述高爾夫球收折後係如該案的第三 圖狀態,為直立式的收合車架,因此具有適當的高度, 相對在使用者欲置入車輛的車廂中,因其高度問題導致 不易承載的缺失。 [0004] 緣是,本創作人有鑑於此,秉持多年該相關行業之 豐富設計開發及實際製作經驗,針對現有之結構及缺失 再予以研究改良,特再提供一種高爾夫球車彎折收合結 構,以期達到更佳實用價值性之目的者。 【新型内容】 [0005] 本創作之高爾夫球車彎折收合結構的主要目的係在 改善現有結構收折後體積大,不易承載收納的缺失,以 藉由本創作利用彎折機構折收前輪與把手,同時扳動上 座上的開關讓主車架體隨連動桿對應往前輪方向收折的 設計,達到呈臥式收折的縮小體積功效為目的者。 [0006] 本創作高爾夫球車彎折收合結構的目的與功效係由 以下之技術所實現: [0007] 其主要設有前輪、兩後輪、主車架體及把手,其中 主車架體對應前輪與把手的位置處設有彎折機構,且主 車架體包含有一上座與主轴桿,而上座設有一固定主軸 桿的開關,且主轴桿上設有可位移滑動的滑座,而滑座 分別連接兩後輪及位於主軸桿上的連桿機構,且滑座與 表單編號A0101 第4頁/共18頁 [0008] 前輪車架間具有一連動桿;藉此,經由彎折機構折收前 輪與把手,同時扳動上座上的開關讓主車架體隨連動桿 對應往前輪方向收折,達到呈臥式收折的縮小體積功效 者。 其中,該連桿機構為於主軸桿兩側分別設有相互樞 接的上、下連桿,而該上連桿對應與上座樞設,下連桿 對應與滑座框設者。 【實施方式】 [0009] 為令本創作所運用之技術内容、創作目的及其達成 之功效有更完整且清楚的揭露J茲於下詳細說明之,並 請一併參閱所揭之圖式及圖號: [0010] 首先,請參閱第一〜二圖所示,為本創作高爾夫球 車彎折收合結構之實施利立體分解、組合剖視示意圖, 其包含有: [0011] 一主車架體(1 ),其係具設有一上、下座(1 1 )、(1 2 ),於上、下座(1 1 )、( 1 2)間對應 組裝一主軸桿(13),而上座(11)設有一固定、 鬆開主軸桿(13)的開關(111),且主軸桿(1 3)上設有可位移滑動的滑座(1 4),而滑座(1 4 )與上座(1 1 )之間設有連桿機構(1 7 ),且滑座 (1 4)兩側柩設有輪架桿(1 5),以分別對應組設 後輪(1 6); 一前車架(2),其係對應與主車架體(1 )之下 座(1 2)連結,且連結處為一彎折機構(2 1 ),且 表單编號A0101 第5頁/共18頁 [0012] [0013]M425693 主車架體(1 )之滑座(14)與前車架間設有一連動 杯(22),而前車架(2)前端對應組設一前輪(2 …J --------- •小肋、丄上座連 結,且連結處為一可將把手(3)收折的彎折機構(3 1 )者。 [0014] 凊一併參閱第一〜八圖所示,其第_圖為本創作展 開的狀態立體圖,當欲進行收合時,其係將主車架體( 1)之上座(1 1)連結把手(3)處的彎折機構(3 工)及主車架體(1)之下座(12)連結前車架(2 )的彎折機構(2 i)扳開鬆放,以讓把手(3)可彎 折下來〔如第二、三圖所示〕,之後,再將上座 )處的開關(1 ;L i )鬆放而不限位主車架體(工)之 主軸桿〔如第四、五圖所示〕,然後,將主車架體(: )乂下座(1 2)連結前車架(2)的彎折機構(2 1 )為圓心而往前收折,而收折過程為當 往前車架(2)方向而其滑座(14)與前車架(2) 間的連動桿(22)抵擎滑座(14) 4)係由主轴桿U 3)下端往上端滑動,同二 機構(1 7 :)之上、, U時,連# u之上、下連桿(171) f曲狀態m w 2 )呈 ‘呈臥式收折〔如第六〜八 後再將其上座(lu_ 、〕,最 車架體(1)之上座w 固定,及主 厓(1 1)連結把手 機構(31)及主車架體( (3)處的彎折 中示瓶(1 )之下座( 車架(2)的彎折棬M rc Q 1 2)連結前 妁彎折機構(21)鎖緊固定。 表單编號A0101 第6頁/共18頁 [0015] 反之,當欲進行展開時,其係將主車架體(1 )之 上座(,1 1)連結把手(3)處的彎折機構(3 1 )及 主車架體(1)之下座(1 2)連結前車架(2)的彎 折機構(2 1 )扳開鬆放,再將上座(工i )處的開關 (1 1 1 )鬆放而不限位主車架體(丄)之主軸桿(工 3),然後,將主車架體(χ)以下座(丄2)連結前 車架(2)的彎折機構(2 1)為圓心而往後展開,而 展開過程為將主車架體(i)與前車架(2)展開,而 展開時其滑座(1 4)與前車架(2)間的連動桿(2 2)會將滑座(1 4)往下帶動.,使滑座(1 4)由主 軸桿(1 3)上端往下端滑動,同時,連桿機構(1 7 )之上、下連桿(171)、(172)也逐漸伸展直 立,爾後’將把手(3)往上轉折展開,而完成展開〔 如第-圖所示〕;最後再將其上座(11)處的開關( 1 1 1)固定,及主車架體(i)之上座(i丄)連結 把手(3)處的彎折機構(3丄)及主車架體(i)之 下座(1 2)連結前車架(2)的彎折機構(2丄)鎖 緊固定。 以上所舉者僅係本創作之部份實施例,並非用以限 制本創作,致依本創作之創意精神及特徵,稍加變化修 飾而成者,亦應包括在本專利範圍之内。 [0017] 藉由以上職,該元件之組成與使用實施說明可知 ’本創作與現有技術相較下, 下: 係具有諸多優點,敘述如 [0018] 本創作高爾夫球車彎折收合結構 表單編號A0101 藉由彎折機構折 第7頁/共18頁 M425693 [0019] [0020] [0021] [0022] [0023] [0024] [0025] [0026] [0027] 表單编號A0101 收前輪與把手,同時扳動上座上的開關讓主車架體 隨連動桿對應往前輪方向收折的設計,達到呈臥式 收折的縮小體積功效為目的者。 2. 本創作高爾夫球車彎折收合結構,藉由彎折機構折 收前輪與把手,同時扳動上座上的開關讓主車架體 隨連動桿對應往前輪方向收折的設計,達到操作簡 單的功效者。 综上所述,本創作實施例確能達到所預期之使用功 效,又其所揭露之具體構造,不僅未曾見諸於同類產品 中,亦未曾公開於申請前,誠已完全符合專利法之規定 與要求,爰依法提出新型專利之申請,懇請惠予審查, 並賜准專利,則實感德便。 【圖式簡單說明】 第一圖:本創作之展開的狀態立體圖 第二圖:本創作之把手收折動作示意圖 第三圖:本創作之把手收折側視示.意圖 第四圖:本創作之局部剖視示意圖 第五圖:本創作之開關動作剖視示意圖 第六圖:本創作之收折動作側視示意圖 第七圖:本創作之完成收折示意圖 第八圖:本創作之完成收折立體示意圖 【主要元件符號說明】 <本創作> 第8頁/共18頁 M425693 [0028] (1) 主車架體 (11) 上座 [0029] (111)開關 (12) 下座 [0030] (13) 主轴桿 (14) 滑座 [0031] (15) 輪架桿 (16) 後輪 [0032] (17) 連桿機構 (171) 上連桿 [0033] (17 2) 下連桿 (2 ) 前車架 [0034] (21) 彎折機構 (22) 連動桿 [0035] (23) 前輪 (3 ) 把手 [0036] (31) 彎折機構 表單编號A0101 第9頁/共18頁V. New description: [New technical field] [0001] This creation relates to a golf cart bending and folding structure, in particular to a folding mechanism for folding the front wheel and the handle while pulling the upper seat The switch allows the main frame body to follow the bending and folding structure of the connecting rod to the front wheel direction, and achieves the reduced volume effect of the horizontal folding for the creation application. [Previous technology] [0002] According to the evolution of social atmosphere and the improvement of people's living standards, people began to pay attention to a variety of activities, among which golf is becoming more and more popular. It is popular among the public, and since the golf club includes golf balls and clubs, the clubs are often set up, and the clubs with different impact effects must be replaced with the fluctuation of the field and the change of the distance during the movement. The club system has considerable weight, so it is generally the responsibility of placing each club in the bag, which is carried by a specific person as the player moves: however, this method is extremely labor intensive and has some inconvenience, so a kind of later developed The golf cart is equipped with a car to facilitate the user to move and displace the heavy club. [0003] While a golf cart needs to be placed with a large bag of golf clubs and golf balls, it has a relatively large volume, and such a large volume is not convenient for storage, so that a lot of collapsible has been developed. A golf cart that is bent, the following series of cases, such as the announcement No. 4 1 0 5 8 7 , a golf bag folding device (11), comprising: an upper frame, a handle tube at the upper end; The wheel stand is connected to the upper frame by a connecting piece, and has a rear wheel at the lower end; a pull rod is connected to the upper car, and the frame and the rear wheel form number Α0101 3rd page/total 18 pages M425693 frame; the lower frame, and the upper frame The frame is connected, the lower end has a front wheel; and a link mechanism is arranged between the upper and lower frames; when the folding is engaged, the linkage of the link mechanism enables the lower frame and the front wheel to be directed to the rear wheel Close together to omit the step of reclosing the front wheel to prevent soiling of the user's body or clothing, and to achieve easy operation. The golf ball is folded as shown in the third figure of the case, and is an upright folding frame, so that it has an appropriate height, which is difficult to be caused by the height problem in the compartment where the user wants to insert the vehicle. Missing bearer. [0004] The reason is that the creator has in view of this, and has been rich in design and development and practical production experience of the relevant industry for many years, and has made research and improvement on the existing structure and lack, and further provides a golf cart bending and folding structure. In order to achieve better practical value for the purpose. [New Content] [0005] The main purpose of the golf cart bending and folding structure of the present invention is to improve the volume of the existing structure after folding, and it is difficult to carry the lack of storage, so as to use the bending mechanism to fold the front wheel and The handle and the switch on the upper seat are simultaneously arranged to make the main frame body corresponding to the design of the front wheel in the direction of the front wheel, and the purpose of reducing the volume effect of the horizontal folding is achieved. [0006] The purpose and function of the folding golf cart folding structure is achieved by the following technologies: [0007] It is mainly provided with a front wheel, two rear wheels, a main frame body and a handle, wherein the main frame body A bending mechanism is arranged at a position corresponding to the front wheel and the handle, and the main frame body includes a upper seat and a main shaft rod, and the upper seat is provided with a switch for fixing the main shaft rod, and the main shaft rod is provided with a sliding sliding seat, and sliding The base is connected to the two rear wheels and the link mechanism on the main shaft, and the slide and the form number A0101 are page 4/18 pages [0008] There is a linkage between the front wheel frame; thereby, the folding mechanism is folded The front wheel and the handle are closed, and the switch on the upper seat is pulled at the same time, so that the main frame body is folded along with the connecting rod in the direction of the front wheel, and the volume reduction function of the horizontal folding is achieved. The connecting rod mechanism is provided with upper and lower connecting rods respectively pivoted on both sides of the main shaft rod, and the upper connecting rod is correspondingly arranged with the upper seat, and the lower connecting rod is corresponding to the sliding frame. [Embodiment] [0009] For a more complete and clear disclosure of the technical content, the purpose of creation and the effect achieved by the present application, please refer to the illustrated figure and Drawing No.: [0010] First, please refer to the first to second figures, which is a three-dimensional exploded, combined cross-sectional schematic view of the implementation of the folding golf cart folding structure, which includes: [0011] a main vehicle The frame body (1) is provided with an upper and lower seats (1 1 ) and (1 2 ), and a spindle rod (13) is assembled between the upper and lower seats (1 1 ) and (12). The upper seat (11) is provided with a switch (111) for fixing and releasing the main shaft rod (13), and the main shaft rod (13) is provided with a slide seat (1 4) which is slidable, and the slide seat (14) A connecting rod mechanism (1 7 ) is disposed between the upper seat (1 1 ), and a wheel carrier rod (15) is disposed on both sides of the sliding seat (14) to respectively set the rear wheel (1 6); The front frame (2) is connected to the lower seat (12) of the main frame body (1), and the joint is a bending mechanism (2 1 ), and the form number A0101 is 5 18 pages [0012] [0013] M425693 main A sliding cup (22) is arranged between the sliding seat (14) of the frame body (1) and the front frame, and a front wheel is arranged corresponding to the front end of the front frame (2) (2 ... J --------- • The small ribs and the upper seat are connected, and the joint is a bending mechanism (3 1 ) that can fold the handle (3). [0014] Referring to the first to eighth figures, the first figure A three-dimensional state diagram of the creation of the original frame, when the body frame is to be folded, the upper frame (1 1) of the main frame body (1) is connected to the bending mechanism (3 work) at the handle (3) and the main frame body. (1) The lower seat (12) is connected to the front frame (2) and the bending mechanism (2 i) is loosened to allow the handle (3) to be bent down (as shown in the second and third figures). After that, the switch (1; L i ) at the upper seat is released and is not limited to the main shaft of the main frame body (as shown in the fourth and fifth figures), and then the main frame body ( : ) The lower seat (1 2) is connected to the front frame (2). The bending mechanism (2 1 ) is centered and folded forward, and the folding process is in the direction of the front frame (2) and its sliding seat (14) The linkage rod (22) between the front frame and the front frame (2) abuts the slide (14) 4) is driven by the main shaft U 3) Sliding to the upper end, above the same two institutions (1 7 :), U, then # u above, lower link (171) f curved state mw 2 ) is 'a horizontal fold [such as the sixth to eight Then, the upper seat (lu_, 〕), the outer frame body (1) upper seat w is fixed, and the main cliff (1 1) is connected to the handle mechanism (31) and the main frame body (the bending at (3) is shown The lower seat of the bottle (1) (the bending of the frame (2) 棬M rc Q 1 2) is locked and fixed by the front 妁 bending mechanism (21). Form No. A0101 Page 6 of 18 [0015] Conversely, when it is to be unfolded, it connects the upper frame (1 1) of the main frame body (1) to the bending mechanism at the handle (3) ( 3 1 ) and the main frame body (1) lower seat (1 2) connected to the front frame (2) of the bending mechanism (2 1) to open the loose, and then the upper seat (work i) switch (1 1 1 ) Loosely and without the spindle shaft of the main frame body (丄), and then bend the front frame (2) of the main frame body (χ) to the front frame (2) The mechanism (2 1) is unfolded for the center of the circle, and the unfolding process is to unfold the main frame body (i) and the front frame (2), and the sliding seat (1 4) and the front frame (2) when unfolding The interlocking rod (2 2) will drive the sliding seat (14) down, so that the sliding seat (14) slides from the upper end of the main shaft (13) to the lower end, and at the same time, the linkage mechanism (17) The upper and lower links (171) and (172) are also gradually extended and erected, and then the handle (3) is turned up and unfolded, and the deployment is completed (as shown in the figure); finally, the upper seat (11) is placed. The switch (1 1 1) is fixed, and the main frame body (i) upper seat (i丄) connection handle (3) Bending mechanism of the bending mechanism lower seat (Shang 3) and the main body frame (i) of (12) connected to the front frame (2) (2 Shang) fixing the locking. The above are only some of the examples of this creation, and are not intended to limit the creation of this creation. The modifications and variations of the creative spirit and characteristics of this creation should also be included in the scope of this patent. [0017] By the above, the composition of the component and the implementation of the description can be seen that 'this creation is compared with the prior art, the following: has many advantages, such as [0018] the creation of the golf cart bending folding structure form No. A0101 is folded by the bending mechanism. Page 7/18 pages M425693 [0020] [0022] [0023] [0024] [0027] [0027] Form No. A0101 The handle and the switch on the upper seat are simultaneously arranged to make the main frame body corresponding to the design of the front wheel in the direction of the front wheel, and the purpose of reducing the volume effect of the horizontal folding is achieved. 2. The creative golf cart bends and folds the structure, and the front wheel and the handle are folded by the bending mechanism, and the switch on the upper seat is pulled at the same time, so that the design of the main frame body corresponding to the front wheel is folded. Simple to operate. In summary, the present embodiment can achieve the expected use efficiency, and the specific structure disclosed therein has not been seen in similar products, nor has it been disclosed before the application, and has fully complied with the provisions of the Patent Law. And the request, the application for a new type of patent in accordance with the law, please give us a review, and grant a patent, it is really sensible. [Simple description of the picture] The first picture: the state of the creation of the creation of the three-dimensional picture of the second picture: the handle of the creation of the folding action diagram of the third picture: the handle of the creation of the folding side view. Intent of the fourth picture: the creation Partial cross-sectional view of the fifth diagram: the schematic diagram of the switch action of the creation of the sixth figure: the side view of the folding action of the creation of the seventh picture: the completion of the creation of the folding diagram of the eighth picture: the completion of the creation Three-dimensional schematic diagram [Description of main component symbols] <This creation> Page 8 of 18 M425693 [0028] (1) Main frame body (11) Upper seat [0029] (111) Switch (12) Lower seat [ 0030] (13) Spindle lever (14) Slider [0031] (15) Wheel carrier lever (16) Rear wheel [0032] (17) Link mechanism (171) Upper link [0033] (17 2) Lower link Rod (2) Front frame [0034] (21) Bending mechanism (22) Linkage lever [0035] (23) Front wheel (3) Handle [0036] (31) Bending mechanism form number A0101 Page 9 / Total 18 pages

Claims (1)

M425693 六、申請專利範圍: 1 . 一種高爾夫球車彎折收合結構,其包含有: 一主車架體,其係具設有一上、下座,於上、下座間 對應組裝一主轴桿,而上座設有一固定、鬆開主轴桿的開 關,且主轴桿上設有可位移滑動的滑座,而滑座與上座之 間設有連桿機構,且滑座兩側樞設有輪架桿,以分別對應 組設後輪; 一前車架,其係對應與主車架體之下座連結,且連結 處為一彎折機構,且主車架體之滑座與前車架間設有一連 動桿,而前車架前端對應組設一前輪; 一把手,其係對應與主車架體上座連結,且連結處為 一可將把手收折的彎折機構者。 2 .如申請專利範圍第1項所述之高爾夫球車彎折收合結構, 其中該連桿機構為於主軸桿兩側分別設有相互樞接的上、 下連桿,而該上連桿對應與上座樞設,下連桿對庳與滑座 樞設者。 100223160 表單编號A0101 第10頁/共18頁 1002076487-0M425693 VI. Patent application scope: 1. A golf cart bending and folding structure, comprising: a main frame body, the base is provided with an upper and lower seat, and a main shaft is assembled correspondingly between the upper and lower seats. The upper seat is provided with a switch for fixing and loosening the main shaft rod, and the main shaft rod is provided with a sliding seat which is slidable, and a connecting rod mechanism is arranged between the sliding seat and the upper seat, and the wheel rod is pivoted on both sides of the sliding seat. a rear frame corresponding to the group; a front frame corresponding to the lower seat of the main frame body, and the joint is a bending mechanism, and the sliding seat of the main frame body and the front frame are arranged There is a linkage rod, and a front wheel is arranged correspondingly to the front end of the front frame; a handle is connected to the upper frame of the main frame body, and the joint is a bending mechanism for folding the handle. 2. The golf cart bending and folding structure according to claim 1, wherein the connecting rod mechanism is provided with upper and lower connecting rods respectively connected to each other on both sides of the main shaft rod, and the upper connecting rod Corresponding to the upper seat pivoting, the lower link is opposite to the slide and the slide is pivoted. 100223160 Form No. A0101 Page 10 of 18 1002076487-0
TW100223160U 2011-12-08 2011-12-08 Bending collapse structure of golf cart TWM425693U (en)

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TW100223160U TWM425693U (en) 2011-12-08 2011-12-08 Bending collapse structure of golf cart

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TW100223160U TWM425693U (en) 2011-12-08 2011-12-08 Bending collapse structure of golf cart

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TW100223160U TWM425693U (en) 2011-12-08 2011-12-08 Bending collapse structure of golf cart

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Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
CN103263760A (en) * 2013-05-23 2013-08-28 常州泰德高尔夫用品有限公司 Foldable golf cart and unfolding method thereof

Cited By (2)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
CN103263760A (en) * 2013-05-23 2013-08-28 常州泰德高尔夫用品有限公司 Foldable golf cart and unfolding method thereof
WO2014186925A1 (en) * 2013-05-23 2014-11-27 常州泰德高尔夫用品有限公司 Collapsible golf cart and unfolding method therefor

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