TWM403264U - Cooling and heating pad connected in-parallel and-series - Google Patents

Cooling and heating pad connected in-parallel and-series Download PDF


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TWM403264U TW99219259U TW99219259U TWM403264U TW M403264 U TWM403264 U TW M403264U TW 99219259 U TW99219259 U TW 99219259U TW 99219259 U TW99219259 U TW 99219259U TW M403264 U TWM403264 U TW M403264U
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mao-song Ke
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mao-song Ke
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Application filed by mao-song Ke filed Critical mao-song Ke
Priority to TW99219259U priority Critical patent/TWM403264U/en
Publication of TWM403264U publication Critical patent/TWM403264U/en
Priority to JP2011004902U priority patent/JP3171478U/en



  • Thermotherapy And Cooling Therapy Devices (AREA)
  • Mattresses And Other Support Structures For Chairs And Beds (AREA)


五、新型說明: 【新型所屬之技術領域】 本創作係一種串並聯式冷暖墊體,該墊體上設有二循環部, 各邊循環部兩端分別設有一接頭,用以將外界提供之液體導入或 導出各該循環部,使該墊體一側上之二接頭,能藉由彎管相互連 通,且使該墊體另一側上二接頭與相鄰之另一墊體一側上二接 頭,能分別直接或藉一接管相互連通,讓複數個墊體能相互銜接 連通,而逐一串聯或並聯形成一冷暖墊體組合,供使用者能藉單 一個熱交換裝置,而將液體依序導入該冷暖墊體組合中所有墊體 之循%部内,且對液體執行循環加熱或冷卻之熱交換處理,使所 有墊體均能產生且保持在一均勻的溫度。 【先前技術】 按’近年來全球氣候受到溫室效應的影響,導致世界氣候異 常的現象不斷發生,各地室外最高溫及最低溫的紀錄不斷地被打 破;舉例而言,當室外溫度居高不下時,人們常會選擇待在室内 避暑’然而’一旦室内溫度因室外高溫飆升之影響(如:攝氏34 度)’而超過人體的舒適溫度(如:攝氏24度)時,待在室内的 人們即容易大量流汗,使得人們因汗流泱背而時有心理煩躁、坐 立不安的情況,進而喪失活動的能力和意願,影響其日常活動甚 鋲;更甚者,室内高溫亦會嚴重地影響人們的睡眠,使得人們衍 生反覆難眠、淺眠或失眠等睡眠障礙的問題’長久下來,將使得 人們的精神狀態因承受極大的失眠壓力而扭曲異常,更會對其身 體健康產生難以言喻的傷害;再者,當室内溫度因寒冷而低於人 M403264 體的舒適溫度時,亦會導致人_熱量散失、手腳冰冷而喪失活 動的能力和意願’甚至產生糊或睡眠障礙科適症狀,同樣會 影響人們的精神狀態和身體健康。 為解決室内高溫或低溫對人們所造成之不便與不適,人們常 會選擇使用冷氣機或暖氣機等裝置,用以調節室内溫度,使室内 咖·度《b維持在預定的舒適溫度;然而,由於冷、暖氣機運作時, 將耗費極高的電能,如此不但使得人們容易超量用電,導致陷入 ^ 必需支付高額電費的窘境,更將導致全球的溫室效應持續惡化, 不但相當地不環保,更不符合節能減碳的潮流。 為解決前述咼、低溫對人們所造成之不便,同時減少冷、暖 氣機等尚耗電裝置之使用,創作人遂於中華民國96 (2007)年10 月12日提出了一種「冷暖墊結構」之新型專利申請(我國公告第 M332424號專利)’兹配合第1圖之圖式,針對創作人先前所研發 之冷暖墊結構,作說明如下: 請參閱第1圖所示之冷暖墊體11,該冷暖墊體丨丨内包括一進 像 水區12及一出水區13,其中該進水區12及出水區π之一端,分 別設有一入口接頭121及一出口接頭131 ’該進水區12及出水區 13之另一端間’則設有一第一通道14 ’該入口接頭121係用以將 外界提供之液體(如··冷水、熱水)導入該進水區12内,該第一 通道14係用以將該進水區12内之液體,導入該出水區13内,該 出口接頭131係將該出水區13内的液體導出至外界;又,該進水 區Π及出水區13内均勻佈設有複數個氤室15,且各該氣室15 間設有第二通道16,使得流入該進水區12及出水區13之液體, 能經由該等第二通道16,均勻地流經該進水區12及出水區13内 5 M403264 的每一個位置’如此,使用者即可將該冷暖整體u之入口接頭⑵ 及出口接頭131與-熱交換器17相連接,該熱交換器17係能對 液體執行循環加熱或冷卻之熱交顯理,當該紐經由該入口接 頭121流入該進水區12時,係會在該進水區丨2内之該等第二通 道16中流通(如箭頭所示),而均勻地流經該進水區12,並將該 液體溫度均勻地傳達至該進水區12之冷暖 u表面上,飼, 該液體藉由該第-通道14,流人該出水區13之該等第二通道16 内,而均勻地流經該出水區13 ,並將該液體溫度均勻地傳達至該 出水區13之冷暖墊體U表面上,該液體自該出口接頭131流^ 至該熱交換器17,並在該熱交換器17中,經熱交換處理,或冷交 換處理,使δ亥液體增溫或降溫至符合使用者所需之溫度時,再經 由該入口接頭121流入該進水區12中,以進行再一次的熱或冷循 環,使得該冷暖墊體11能根據導入該進水區12及出水區13之液 體溫度,產生且保持在一均勻的冷暖溫度;如此,當人們碰到室 内溫度過高或過低的情況時,只需躺臥或坐臥在該冷暖墊體u 上,同時啟動該熱交換器17,並利用水循環及熱交換的原理,使 3亥冷暖整體11表面的溫度保持在一舒適溫度,讓使用者完全無需 使用冷、暖氣機等咼耗電裝置,即能藉由該冷暖塾體丨1增加或吸 收身體的熱能,而在寒冷的季節舒適地獲取溫暖,或在炎熱的天 氣中感覺到涼爽,因此該冷暖墊體11早已深受民眾的喜愛,而廣 為消費者購買使用。 然而,根據相關市場調查,該冷暖墊體11在實際應用上,仍 有諸多不便之處,茲說明如下: 1、由於該冷暖墊體11僅具有一個入口接頭121及一個出口接頭 M403264 131,因此每個冷暖墊體11均須配置一個熱交換器17,方能順 利運轉’以提供使用者舒適的溫度;舉例而言,當一個小家庭 中的三個成員均欲在燥熱的夏夜裡使用該冷暖墊體1丨以獲取 涼爽的溫度時,則必須購置三個冷暖墊體11及三台熱交換器 17,且必須同時啟動三台熱交換器π,方能躺臥於各自的冷暖 墊體11上以進入舒眠,因此隨著使用人數的加增,使用者即必 須添購同樣數量的冷暖墊體11及熱交換器17,如此大量的冷 暖墊體11及熱交換器17,不但佔據了使用者的儲物空間,同 時也會壓縮使用者的活動空間,而令使用者感到侷促及不便; 再者’由於不同冷暖墊體11的大小尺寸均為固定,當使用者欲 使用較大接觸表面的冷暖墊體11時,則必須購買較大尺寸的冷 暖墊體11,而業者即必須就不同尺寸的冷暖塾體11 ,分別開設 生產線’如此不但大幅侷限了使用者對於該冷暖墊體u之大小 尺寸的選擇性及便利性,亦會使業者因製造不同尺寸的冷暖墊 體11而增加不必要的人力及耗材等的成本支出,更會使得業者 因儲存堆放不同尺寸的冷暖墊體11而增加的製作、儲存及運送 之材積及成本。 2、當使用者在收納該冷暖墊體u時,往往會將該冷暖墊體u沿 著該第一通道14的方向對折,並將其上的進水區12及出水區 13折疊在一起後收納起來;由於該冷暖墊體u之進水區及 出水區13間並未藉任何的緩衝體連接,而僅藉由該第一通道 14相連接及連通,因此當該冷暖墊體u被沿著該第一通道14 的方向反覆地對折時,該冷暖墊體u對應於該第一通道14的 表面極容易因反覆的摺疊而磨損,如此,當使用者躺臥或坐臥 7 在表面磨損的冷暖墊體11上時,該冷暖墊體u磨損處的表面 極可能會因受到使用者所施加的重量,以及其内的水壓之影響 而導致破孔,使得其内的液體由破孔濺溢出來,不但會髒污了 δ玄冷暖墊體11周圍的環境(如··沙發、床墊),甚至溢流的液體 可忐會喷賤到運轉中的熱交換器17或其他電器,而造成熱交換 器17或電器的短路、甚至嚴重損毁,如此景況將同為該冷暖墊 體11的製造業者及使用者所不樂見。 因此,為讓使用者能便利地選擇所使用墊體之大小及尺寸, 同時減少墊體及熱交換器的儲存空間,並加強冷暖墊體的結構, 讓冷暖墊體不致因反覆摺疊所產生的磨損導致液體滲漏的問題, 如何設計出一種創新的丰並聯式冷暖墊體,不但具有抗磨損的連 接部,且能讓使用者能將複數個墊體相連通地串聯或並聯成一冷 暖墊體組合,讓使用者僅需啟動單一個熱交換裝置,即可將液體 依序導入該冷暖墊體組合中所有墊體内,且對液體執行循環加熱 或冷卻之熱交換處理,使所有墊體均能產生且保持在一均勻的溫 度’即成為本創作在此欲探討之一重要課題。 【新型内容】 有鑑於此,為解決前述的問題,創作人經過長久努力研究與 實驗,終於開發設計出本創作之一種串並聯式冷暖墊體,以期藉 由本創作,能加強墊體的結構,讓使用者能便利地選擇所使用墊 體之大小及尺寸,且能有效減少墊體及熱交換器的儲存空間。 本創作之一目的,係提供一種串並聯式冷暖墊體,包括一塾 體,該墊體係由二面材經高週波壓封融接而成,包括一第一循環 M403264 邰、一連接部及一第二循環部,其找連接部係用以將該第一循 環部及第二循環部連接在—起,該第_循環部㈣該連接部之兩 端刀別叹有-第-接頭,各該第一接頭係用以將外界提供之液艘 (如.冷水、熱水)導入該第一循環部中,或將該第一循環部内 =液體導出至外界’該第-循環部内均勻佈設有複數個第一氣 室’各該第-氣室間設有第-通道,鮮第—通道分別與各該第 「接頭相連通,使得流人該第—循環部之液體,能經由該等第一 鲁通it i句勻地流經該第一循環部内的每一個位置,該第二循環部 鄰近該連接部之兩端分別設有―第二接頭,各該第二接頭係用以 將外界提供之液體(如:冷水、熱水)導人該第二循環部中,或 將該第二循環勒躲體導出至外界,該第二循環糊均句佈設 有複數個第二氣室,各該第二氣室間設有第二通道,該等第二通 道分別與各該第二接頭相連通,使得流入該第二循環部之液體, 能經由該等第二通道’均勻地流經該第二循環部内的每一個位 置’該塾體—側上之該第—接頭及第二接頭,能藉―彎管相互連 罄通,該替體另-側上之該第一接頭及第二接頭能與相鄰之另一塾 體側上之第-接頭及第二接頭,能分別直接或藉一接管相互連 通,以此類推,複數個墊體即能相互銜接連通,而逐一串聯或並 聯在一起,形成一冷暖墊體組合,使得該等墊體上的第一循環部 及第二循環部,能藉由對應的第一接頭及第二接頭,相互連通, 使得相鄰之該賴環部狀㈣驗倾賴環,如此,使用者 僅需將單—健交練置,連接至該冷_脸合上之第-接頭 及第二接頭,即可將液體依料人該冷暖墊體組合巾所有塾體之 第循¥部及第二循環部内,且對液體執行循環加熱或冷卻之熱 «03264 又換處理。本創作之串並聯式冷暖紐除能线増轉體组梦* =:的選擇性及便利性外,尚能大幅降低製作、健存及運^ ,且使複數個被串聯或並聯成—體的所有塾體均能產 生且保持在一均勻的溫度。 雜ί創作之另—目的’聽第—娜部及第二循環部乃藉由該 連接在—起’如此,由於該連接部之仙僅在於連接該 的緩=部i第二循環部’且作為該第一循環部及第二循環部間 、,、内並未有任何液體流過,即便該連接部因反覆摺疊 ^損’也不會溢流出任何㈣,因此能有效增加本創作之使用 壽命。 為便貴審査委員能對本創作之目的、技術特徵及其功效, 做更進一步之認識與瞭解,兹舉實施例配合圖式,詳細說明如下: 【實施方式】 本創作係—種串並聯式冷暖墊體,請錢第2 ®所示之串並 聯^冷暖墊體20,係包括—墊體21,驗體21係由二面材經高 ^壓封。融接而成,該二面材係分別由塑化材料製成之薄形片 ,、材㈣可為難性聚氨基㈣轉性體(簡稱TPU)或聚氣乙 稀(簡稱PVC)等,按凡具有熱融合之特性,且可受高溫影響而軟 且彼此#合,並在降低溫度後,會凝固硬化結合成一體之材 貝,均可為本創作所使用的面材之材質,合先陳明。 復請參閱第2圖所示,該塾體21包括一第—循環部22、一連 及/ $一伽部24 ’其中該連接部23係將該第-循環部 循%4 24連接在-起,該第一循環部22鄰近該連接部 M403264 23之兩端分別設有一第一接頭221,各該第一接頭221係用以將 外界提供之賴,諸如冷水聽水等,導人該第—獅部22中, 或將該第-魏部22 _液體導出至外界,該第一循環部22内 均勻佈設有複數個第一氣室222,各該第—氣室222間設有第一通 道223,該等第-通道223分別與各該第一接頭221相連通,使得 流入該帛-循環部22之液體,能經由該等第一通道223,均句地 流經該第一循環部22内的每一個位置。 承上所述,该第二循環部24鄰近該連接部23之兩端分別設 有一第二接頭241 ’各該第二接頭241係用以將外界提供之液體, 諸如冷水或熱水等,導入該第二循環部24中,或將該第二循環部 24内的液體導出至外界,該第二循環部24内均勻佈設有複數個第 二氣室242,各該第二氣室242間設有第二通道243,該等第二通 道243分別與各該第二接頭241相連通,使得流入該第二循環部 24之液體’能經由該等第二通道243,均勻地流經該第二循環部 24内的每一個位置。 # 在本實施例中,睛參閱第2及3圖所示,使用者能將-變管 25分別套設在該坠體21 一側上之該帛一接頭221及第二接頭加 上,以使該第一接頭221及第二接頭241能藉一彎管25相互連通, 且能將-接管26分別套設在該墊體21另—側上之該第—接頭221 及第二接頭241,以及相鄰之另一墊體31 一側上之第一接頭321 及第二接頭341上,使得該墊體21另一側上之第一接頭22丨,能 藉該接管26與相鄰之另-塾體31 一側上之第一接頭321相互連 通’且使雜體21 $ -側上之第二接頭241,能藉該接管%與相 鄰之另塾體31 —侧上之第一接頭341相連通,以此類推,讓使 M403264 用者月b藉由S玄等-f管25及接管26 ’而將複數個塾體21、31相互 衡接連通’而逐-串聯或並聯在―起,形成—冷暖塾體組合, 使得該等塾體21、31上的第-循環部22、32及第二循環部24、 34,能藉由對應的第—接頭22卜321及第二接頭24i、341,相互 連通’使得相鄰之該等循環部22、24、32、34内之液體能依序流 通循環。 如此,使用者僅需將單一個熱交換裝置27,連接至該冷暖墊 體組合40上之第-接頭321及第二接頭341,在本實施例中,該 冷暖墊體組合40上另-塾體31之另一侧的第一接頭321及第三 · 接頭341,係直接插接至該熱交換裴置27中,而與該熱交換裝置 27相連通,然而’在實際施作中,另一墊體31之另一側的第一接 頭321及第二接頭34卜尚能藉由複數個接管26,分別與該熱交 換裝置27上的接頭(圖令未示)相連接,以接受該熱交換裝置傳 來的液體,合先陳明。 承上所述,當該熱交換裝置27將液體依序導入該冷暖墊體组 合40中所有塾體2卜31之第一循環部22、32及第二循環部%、鲁 34内’且對液體執行循環加熱或冷卻之熱交換處理時,使用者即 可躺臥或她在料麵2卜31顺成齡暖魏組合4〇上, 進而藉由該冷體組合4G表面簡的舒雜度,增加或吸收身 體的熱能’而能在寒冬帽取溫暖,或在炎夏_錢涼爽;因此, 藉由本創狀φ並聯式冷_體2()之幫助,使用者不但完全無需 使用冷、暖氣機等高耗電裝置,且若使用者因躺臥面積較大,而 欲使用較大接觸面積的塾體21時,使用者無須再耗資另外講買較 大尺寸的塾體2卜只需藉由該等料25及接管%,將所需數量 12 M403264 的墊體21、31銜接連通在一起,以形成較大接觸面積的冷暖塾體 組合40 ’即可達到使用者所欲之效果;如此,業者只需製作同一 尺寸墊體21供使用者購買,而不必就不同尺寸的墊體21,分別開 設生產線,因此能大幅節省原本因製作及儲放不同尺寸的塾體21 而增加的儲存及運送之材積及成本,讓使用者能自行決定所需的 墊體21之數量,而不致受到不同大小墊體21之尺寸的限制,且 無論使用者將多少個墊體21組裝在一起,也只需將單一個熱交換 裝置27與之相連接,因此使用者的家中不會因堆放了大量不同尺 馨寸的墊體21及熱交換裝置27,而壓縮到使用者的活動空間;因 此,本創作之串並聯式冷暖墊體20不但能大幅增加墊體21、31 組裝大小尺寸的選擇性及便利性外,尚能大幅降低製作、儲存及 運送之材積及成本,且使複數個被串聯或並聯成一體的所有墊體 21、31均能產生且保持在一均勻的溫度。 另,復請參閱第2圖所示,該第一循環部22及第二循環部24 .係藉由該連接部23而連接在一起,使該連接部23能作為該第一 •循環部22及第二循環部24間的緩衝體,由於該連接部23内並未 .有任何液體流過,因此即便該連接部23因反覆指疊而磨損,也不 會溢流出任何賴,因此能有效增加本鑛之串並聯式冷暖塾體 20的使用壽命。 按’前述之敘述,諸如第—娜部及第二循卿上第一接頭 及第二接頭之設置位置、墊體的串聯數量等’僅為本創作之較佳 具體實關,前述實施财所使用之辭彙及描述,不應視為本創 作之限制,凡任何熟悉本創作相關技藝之人士,在掌握本創作的 技術特徵後,概㈣思及之㈣或結構之修飾,或_其他結 13 麵3264 構或裝置加以實現之等效變化,均應屬不脫離本創作之保護範疇。 【圖式簡單說明】 第1圖係創作人先前所研發之冷暖墊結構之示意圖; 第2圖係本創作之較佳實施例之示意圖;及 第3圖係本創作之較佳實施例之另一示意圖。 【主要元件符號說明】 串並聯式冷暖塾體........................20 整體 ........................21 另一墊體 ........................31 第一循環部 ........................22、32 連接部 ........................23 * 33 第二循環部 ........................24、34 彎管 ........................ 25 接管 ........................26 熱交換裝置 ........................27 冷暖墊體組合 ........................40 第一接頭 ........................221 > 321 第一氣室 ........................222 第一通道 ........................223 第一接頭 ........................ 241、341 第二氣室 ........................242 第二通道 ........................243V. New type description: [New technical field] The creation is a series-parallel type of cold and warm pad body. The pad body is provided with two circulation parts, and a joint is arranged at each end of each side of the circulation part for providing the outside world. The liquid is introduced into or out of each of the circulating portions so that the two joints on one side of the mat body can communicate with each other by the elbow, and the second joint on the other side of the mat body and the adjacent other mat body side The two joints can be connected to each other directly or by a connecting pipe, so that a plurality of mats can be connected to each other, and a combination of cold and warm mats can be formed one by one in series or in parallel, so that the user can borrow a single heat exchange device and sequentially order the liquids. The heat exchange treatment of circulating heat or cooling of the liquid is carried out into the circumstance portion of all the mats in the combination of the warm and cold mat body, so that all the mats can be produced and maintained at a uniform temperature. [Prior Art] According to 'the global climate has been affected by the greenhouse effect in recent years, the phenomenon of global climate anomalies continues to occur, and the record of the highest temperature and the lowest temperature in the world is continuously broken; for example, when the outdoor temperature is high People often choose to stay indoors to avoid the heat. However, once the indoor temperature is affected by the outdoor high temperature rise (eg, 34 degrees Celsius) and exceeds the comfortable temperature of the human body (eg, 24 degrees Celsius), people who stay indoors are easy. A lot of sweating makes people feel irritated and restless because of sweating, and then lose their ability and willingness to move, affecting their daily activities. What's more, indoor high temperature will seriously affect people's sleep. It has caused people to develop problems such as sleep disorders such as sleeplessness, shallow sleep or insomnia. 'Long-term, it will make people's mental state distorted by the great stress of insomnia, and it will cause unspeakable damage to their health; When the indoor temperature is lower than the comfortable temperature of the human M403264 due to the cold, it will also cause people to heat. The ability and willingness to lose, cold hands and feet, and loss of activity, and even the symptoms of a paste or sleep disorder, can also affect people's mental state and physical health. In order to solve the inconvenience and discomfort caused by indoor high temperature or low temperature, people often choose to use air conditioners or heaters to adjust the indoor temperature, so that the indoor coffee temperature is maintained at a predetermined comfortable temperature; however, due to When the cold and heating machines are operated, they will consume extremely high electric energy. This will not only make people more likely to use excessive electricity, but also lead to the dilemma of having to pay high electricity bills. It will also cause the global greenhouse effect to continue to deteriorate, not only is it not environmentally friendly. It is even less in line with the trend of energy saving and carbon reduction. In order to solve the inconvenience caused by the above-mentioned enthalpy and low temperature, and to reduce the use of power consuming devices such as cold and heating machines, the creator proposed a "cold warm pad structure" on October 12, 2007 of the Republic of China (2007). The new patent application (China's Announcement No. M332424), together with the pattern of Figure 1, is described as follows: The cold and warm mat structure developed by the creator is as follows: Please refer to the cold and warm mat body 11 shown in Figure 1. The cooling and heating mat body includes an inlet water zone 12 and a water outlet zone 13, wherein the water inlet zone 12 and one end of the water outlet zone π are respectively provided with an inlet joint 121 and an outlet joint 131 'the water inlet zone 12 And the other end of the water outlet area 13 is provided with a first passage 14' for introducing a liquid (such as cold water, hot water) supplied from the outside into the water inlet area 12, the first passage 14 is used to introduce the liquid in the water inlet zone 12 into the water outlet zone 13, and the outlet joint 131 is to discharge the liquid in the water outlet zone 13 to the outside; and, in the water inlet zone and the water outlet zone 13 Evenly distributed with a plurality of chambers 15, and each of the chambers 15 A second passage 16 is provided therebetween, so that liquid flowing into the water inlet zone 12 and the water outlet zone 13 can uniformly flow through the water inlet zone 12 and the water outlet zone 13 through each of the second channel 16 5 M403264 Position 'in this way, the user can connect the inlet and outlet joints (2) and the outlet joints 131 of the heating and cooling unit u to the heat exchanger 17, which is capable of performing heat treatment of circulating heating or cooling on the liquid. When the button flows into the water inlet region 12 via the inlet joint 121, it flows through the second passages 16 in the water inlet region 2 (as indicated by the arrows), and uniformly flows through the water inlet. Zone 12, and uniformly communicating the temperature of the liquid to the surface of the cold and warm u of the water inlet zone 12, and the liquid is passed through the first passage 14 to flow into the second passages 16 of the water discharge zone 13 And uniformly flowing through the water discharge zone 13 and uniformly transmitting the liquid temperature to the surface of the cold and warm pad body U of the water discharge zone 13, the liquid flowing from the outlet joint 131 to the heat exchanger 17, and In the heat exchanger 17, the heat exchange treatment or the cold exchange treatment is used to warm or cool the liquid When it meets the temperature required by the user, it flows into the water inlet zone 12 through the inlet joint 121 to perform another heat or cold cycle, so that the cold and warm mat body 11 can be introduced into the water inlet zone 12 and the water outlet. The liquid temperature of zone 13 is generated and maintained at a uniform cooling and heating temperature; thus, when people encounter a situation in which the indoor temperature is too high or too low, it is only necessary to lie down or sit on the heating and cooling pad body u while starting up. The heat exchanger 17 uses the principle of water circulation and heat exchange to maintain the temperature of the surface of the whole body 11 at a comfortable temperature, so that the user can completely eliminate the need for a power consumption device such as a cold or a heating machine. The warm and cold body 丨1 increases or absorbs the body's heat energy, and comfortably acquires warmth in the cold season, or feels cool in the hot weather. Therefore, the warm and warm mat body 11 has long been popular among the people and is widely consumed. Purchase and use. However, according to the relevant market research, there are still many inconveniences in the practical application of the cold and warm mat body 11, which are explained as follows: 1. Since the warm and warm mat body 11 has only one inlet joint 121 and one outlet joint M403264 131, Each of the heating and cooling mats 11 must be equipped with a heat exchanger 17 to operate smoothly to provide a comfortable temperature for the user; for example, when three members of a small family want to use the hot summer night When the cold and warm mat body is used to obtain a cool temperature, three cold and warm mat bodies 11 and three heat exchangers 17 must be purchased, and three heat exchangers π must be activated at the same time to be able to lie on their respective warm and warm mat bodies. 11 enters the sleep, so as the number of users increases, the user must purchase the same amount of the warm and cold mat 11 and the heat exchanger 17, so that a large number of the warm and cold mat 11 and the heat exchanger 17 not only occupy The user's storage space also compresses the user's activity space, which makes the user feel cramped and inconvenient; in addition, 'because the size of the different warm and cold mats 11 are fixed, when the user When using the hot and cold mat body 11 with a large contact surface, it is necessary to purchase a larger size of the warm and cold mat body 11, and the manufacturer must separately open a production line for the different sizes of the heating and cooling carcass 11 'so that not only greatly limits the user's The selectivity and convenience of the size and size of the heating and cooling pad body will also increase the cost of unnecessary manpower and consumables for the manufacture of different sizes of the heating and cooling pad body 11, and will also cause the operators to store different sizes due to storage. The increase in the volume, cost and cost of production, storage and transportation of the warm and cold mat body 11. 2. When the user is accommodating the heating and cooling pad body u, the heating and cooling pad body u is folded in the direction of the first channel 14 and the water inlet zone 12 and the water outlet zone 13 are folded together. The storage area is closed; since the water inlet area and the water discharge area 13 of the heating and cooling pad body u are not connected by any buffer body, but only the first channel 14 is connected and connected, when the cold and warm pad body u is When the direction of the first passage 14 is repeatedly folded in half, the surface of the warm and cold mat body u corresponding to the first passage 14 is easily worn by the repeated folding, so that when the user lies or sits on the surface, the surface wears. When the cold and warm mat body 11 is on, the surface of the cold and warm mat body u is likely to be broken by the weight applied by the user and the water pressure inside the user, so that the liquid in the hole is broken. Spilling spills, not only will it pollute the environment around the δ 玄暖暖垫垫11 (such as sofas, mattresses), and even the overflowing liquid can sneeze into the running heat exchanger 17 or other electrical appliances. And causing a short circuit or even serious damage to the heat exchanger 17 or the electrical appliance, such as The same situation for the well-being of cushion manufacturers and users of 11 do not like to see. Therefore, in order to allow the user to conveniently select the size and size of the mat to be used, and at the same time reduce the storage space of the cushion body and the heat exchanger, and strengthen the structure of the heating and cooling mat body, the cold and warm mat body is not caused by the reverse folding. The problem of wear leading to liquid leakage, how to design an innovative high-parallel heating and cooling mat body, not only has a wear-resistant connection, but also allows the user to connect multiple mats in series or in parallel to form a cold and warm mat The combination allows the user to directly introduce a single heat exchange device, and then the liquid can be sequentially introduced into all the cushion bodies in the combination of the warm and warm mat body, and the liquid is subjected to cyclic heat heating or cooling heat exchange treatment, so that all the mat bodies are Being able to produce and maintain a uniform temperature' is an important topic to be explored here. [New content] In view of this, in order to solve the above problems, the creator has finally developed and designed a series-parallel cold and warm pad body of this creation after long-term efforts and research, in order to enhance the structure of the pad body by this creation. The user can conveniently select the size and size of the mat to be used, and can effectively reduce the storage space of the cushion body and the heat exchanger. One of the purposes of the present invention is to provide a series-parallel type of cold and warm pad body, comprising a body, which is formed by high-frequency compression sealing of a two-face material, comprising a first cycle M403264 邰, a connecting portion and a second circulation portion, wherein the connection portion is configured to connect the first circulation portion and the second circulation portion, and the first circulation portion (four) has a sigh-to-joint at both ends of the connection portion. Each of the first joints is configured to introduce a liquid tank (such as cold water or hot water) supplied from the outside into the first circulation portion, or to discharge the liquid in the first circulation portion to the outside of the first circulation portion. There are a plurality of first air chambers each having a first passage between the first and the air chambers, and the fresh first passages are respectively connected with the first "connecting joints" so that the liquid flowing through the first circulating portion can pass through the first The first Lutong is flowing through each position in the first circulation portion, and the second circulation portion is respectively provided with a second joint adjacent to both ends of the connecting portion, and each of the second joints is used for The liquid supplied from the outside (such as cold water or hot water) is introduced into the second circulation section, or The second loop is arranged to be exported to the outside, and the second loop is provided with a plurality of second air chambers, and each of the second air chambers is provided with a second passage, and the second passages are respectively associated with the second joints Connected so that the liquid flowing into the second circulation portion can uniformly flow through the second passages 'each of the first joints and the second joints on the side of the second circulation portion The first joint and the second joint on the other side of the substitute body can be directly connected to the first joint and the second joint on the adjacent side of the other body, respectively. Or by a pipe connecting to each other, and so on, a plurality of mats can be connected to each other, and connected in series or in parallel to form a combination of cold and warm mats, so that the first loop portion and the second portion of the mats The circulation portion can be connected to each other by the corresponding first joint and the second joint, so that the adjacent loop portion is shaped into four (4) inspection loops, so that the user only needs to arrange the single-health intersection and connect to The cold_face is closed with the first joint and the second joint, and the liquid can be The cold and warm pad body combination towel is in the first part of the body and the second circulation part of the body, and the heat of circulation heating or cooling is performed on the liquid «03264, and the series-parallel heating and cooling line of the creation is twisted. In addition to the selectivity and convenience of the body group*=:, the production, storage and operation can be greatly reduced, and all the corpses that are connected in series or in parallel can be produced and maintained in a uniform Temperature. The other part of the creation - the purpose of listening to the - part and the second part of the loop is by the connection - so that because the connection is only in the second cycle of the connection 'And there is no liquid flowing between the first circulation part and the second circulation part, and even if the connection part is folded over, it will not overflow any (4), so the creation can be effectively increased. The service life of the author can make a further understanding and understanding of the purpose, technical features and functions of this creation, and the following examples are combined with the drawings, which are described in detail as follows: [Embodiment] Series-parallel heating and cooling mat Please string shown the second money ^ 2 ® and with heating and cooling pad 20, system comprising - a cushion body 21, inspection system 21 from two surfaces by high pressure seal ^. The two-surface material is a thin piece made of a plasticized material, and the material (4) can be a difficult polyamino (tetra) trans-body (referred to as TPU) or a polyethylene (referred to as PVC), etc. Any material that has the characteristics of heat fusion and can be affected by high temperature and soft and mutually combined, and after lowering the temperature, will solidify and harden into a single material, which can be used as the material of the surface material used in this creation. Chen Ming. Referring to FIG. 2, the body 21 includes a first circulation portion 22, a continuous connection, and/or a gamma portion 24', wherein the connection portion 23 connects the first-cycle portion to the %4 24 The first end portion 221 is respectively provided with a first joint 221 adjacent to the connecting portion M403264 23, and each of the first joints 221 is used for providing external protection, such as cold water listening to water, etc. In the lion portion 22, the first ventilating portion 22 is evenly distributed with a plurality of first plenums 222, and the first venting chamber 22 is provided with a first passage. 223, the first passages 223 are respectively connected to the first joints 221, so that the liquid flowing into the first-circulation portion 22 can flow through the first circulation portion 22 uniformly through the first passages 223. Every location inside. As described above, the second circulation portion 24 is respectively provided with a second joint 241 adjacent to both ends of the connecting portion 23. Each of the second joints 241 is used to introduce a liquid supplied from the outside, such as cold water or hot water. In the second circulation portion 24, or the liquid in the second circulation portion 24 is led to the outside, a plurality of second air chambers 242 are evenly disposed in the second circulation portion 24, and each of the second air chambers 242 is disposed. There is a second passage 243, which communicates with each of the second joints 241, respectively, so that the liquid flowing into the second circulation portion 24 can flow through the second passage 243 uniformly through the second passages 243. Each position in the circulation portion 24. # In the present embodiment, as shown in FIGS. 2 and 3, the user can apply the first and second joints 221 and the second joint on the side of the body 21 respectively. The first joint 221 and the second joint 241 can be connected to each other by a curved pipe 25, and the first joint 221 and the second joint 241 can be respectively sleeved on the other side of the cushion body 21, And the first joint 321 and the second joint 341 on one side of the adjacent mat 31 so that the first joint 22 on the other side of the mat 21 can be connected to the adjacent one by the joint 26 - the first joint 321 on one side of the body 31 is in communication with each other' and the second joint 241 on the side of the hybrid body 21 $ can be connected to the first joint on the side of the adjacent other body 31 341 is connected, and so on, so that the M403264 user b is connected to the plurality of scorpions 21, 31 by the S-equivalent-f tube 25 and the take-up 26', and is connected in series or in parallel. Forming a combination of cold and warm body so that the first-cycle portions 22, 32 and the second circulation portions 24, 34 on the bodies 21, 31 can be connected by the corresponding first joint 22 and the second joint The heads 24i, 341 are in communication with each other ' such that the liquid in the adjacent circulating portions 22, 24, 32, 34 can circulate in sequence. Thus, the user only needs to connect a single heat exchange device 27 to the first joint 321 and the second joint 341 on the cold and warm mat body assembly 40. In this embodiment, the cold and warm mat body assembly 40 is further 塾The first joint 321 and the third joint 341 on the other side of the body 31 are directly inserted into the heat exchange device 27 to communicate with the heat exchange device 27, but 'in actual application, another pad The first joint 321 and the second joint 34 on the other side of the body 31 can be connected to the joint (not shown) on the heat exchange device 27 by a plurality of nozzles 26 to receive the heat exchange device. The liquid coming, the first Chen Ming. As described above, when the heat exchange device 27 sequentially introduces the liquid into the first circulation portions 22, 32 and the second circulation portion %, the inside of the second circulation portion of the body 2 of the heating and cooling pad assembly 40, and When the liquid performs the heat exchange treatment of circulating heating or cooling, the user can lie down or she is on the surface of the mater, and then combines the cold surface with the simple surface of the 4G. , increase or absorb the body's heat energy' and can take warmth in the winter cap, or in the summer _ money cool; therefore, with the help of the creation of φ parallel cold _ body 2 (), users not only do not need to use cold, heating If the user wants to use the larger contact area of the carcass 21, the user does not need to spend another time to buy a larger size car. From the material 25 and the take-over %, the required number of 12 M403264 mats 21, 31 are connected together to form a large contact area of the cold and warm body combination 40' to achieve the desired effect of the user; The manufacturer only needs to make the same size pad 21 for the user to purchase without having to Different sizes of the mats 21 have separate production lines, thereby greatly reducing the storage and transportation cost and cost of the original shovel 21 which are originally produced and stored, so that the user can determine the required mat 21 The number is not limited by the size of the mats 21 of different sizes, and no matter how many mats 21 are assembled by the user, only a single heat exchange device 27 is connected thereto, so the user's home It will not be compressed into the user's active space by stacking a large number of different sizes of the cushion body 21 and the heat exchange device 27; therefore, the series-parallel heating and cooling pad body 20 of the present invention can not only greatly increase the cushion body 21, 31 In addition to the selectivity and convenience of assembly size, the material and cost of production, storage and transportation can be greatly reduced, and a plurality of all the mats 21, 31 connected in series or in parallel can be produced and maintained in a uniform manner. temperature. In addition, as shown in FIG. 2, the first circulation portion 22 and the second circulation portion 24 are connected by the connection portion 23, and the connection portion 23 can be used as the first circulation portion 22 Since the buffer body between the second circulation portion 24 does not have any liquid flowing through the connection portion 23, even if the connection portion 23 is worn by the reverse finger joint, it does not overflow any excess, and thus can be effective. Increase the service life of the series-parallel heating and cooling unit 20 of the mine. According to the above description, such as the position of the first joint and the second joint on the first and second seals, the number of the tandem joints, etc., is only a better specific example of the creation, the aforementioned implementation accounting The use of vocabulary and description should not be regarded as a limitation of this creation. Anyone who is familiar with the art of this creation, after mastering the technical characteristics of this creation, will (4) think about it (4) or modify the structure, or _ other knots. Equivalent changes in the implementation of the 13-face 3264 configuration or device shall not fall within the protection scope of this creation. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS Fig. 1 is a schematic diagram of a cold and warm pad structure previously developed by a creator; Fig. 2 is a schematic view of a preferred embodiment of the present invention; and Fig. 3 is another embodiment of the preferred embodiment of the present invention A schematic diagram. [Description of main component symbols] Series and parallel type heating and cooling cylinders........................20 Overall............ ............21 Another cushion body........................31 First circulation department... ....................22,32 Connections........................23 * 33 Second Cycle Department........................24, 34 Bend Pipe............... ......... 25 Take over........................26 Heat Exchanger........... .............27 Cold and warm mat body combination........................40 First joint.... ....................221 > 321 First air chamber...................... ..222 First Passage........................223 First Joint................ ........ 241, 341 second air chamber........................242 Second passage....... .................243

Claims (1)

M403264 六、申請專利範圍: 面材經高週波 1、—種串並聯式冷暖墊體,包括一墊體,係由 壓封融接而成,該墊體包括: 一第一循環部’其兩端分別設有一第一接頌, 係用以將外界提供之液體導人該第―贿部中,^第接頭 猶環部内的液體導出至外界,該第-循環 或將該第一 數個第-氣室’各該第-氣室間設有第 =勻佈°又有複M403264 VI. Patent application scope: The surface material is high-frequency 1, the series-parallel type of cold and warm pad body, including a pad body, which is formed by pressure sealing, and the pad body comprises: a first circulation part The first end is respectively provided with a first port for guiding the liquid provided by the outside world to guide the liquid in the first bribe portion, and the liquid in the joint ring is exported to the outside, the first cycle or the first number - Air chambers - each of the first - air chambers have a = uniform distribution ° 春 ,該算篦一系 道分別與各該第一接頭相連通,使得流入 ,寸乐通 體U由射第-通道,均勻地流經該第—循環部内的每 —個位置; ^第二循環部,其兩端分別設有一第二接頭,各該第二接頭 係用以將外界提供之㈣導人該第二#環部巾 二 循環部内的液體導出至外界,該第二循環部勻 數個第二氣室,各該第二氣室間設有第二通道, 道分別與各該第二接_連通,使得以該第二循環部之液 體’能經由該等第二通道,均勻地流經該第二循環部内的每 —個位置;及 一連接部,將該第一循環部及第二循環部連接在一起。 2、 如請求項1所述之串並聯式冷暖墊體,其中該倾一侧上之 °亥第一接頭及第一接頭,能藉一—管相互連通。 3、 如請求項2所述之串並聯式冷_體,其中該塾體另一側上 之該第-接軌第二接頭’能分職接或藉—接管與一熱交 換裝置相互連通。 ' 如請求項2所述之串並聯式冷暖塾體,其中該墊體另一侧能 15 M403264 與至少一另一墊體’透過對應之該第一接頭及第二接頭,分 別直接或藉一接管,相互連通地串聯或並聯在一起。 如請求項4所述之串並聯式冷暖墊體,其中該另一墊體之另 -側上之該第-接頭及第二接頭’能分別直接或藉一接管與 —熱交換裝置相互連通。 6 =求項3或5所述之串並聯式冷暖塾趙,其中該塾體的第 顧第一循環部鄰近該連接部之兩端的位置。In the spring, the first line is connected to each of the first joints, so that the inflow, the inch of the body U passes through the first passage, and uniformly flows through each position in the first loop portion; The second joint is respectively provided with a second joint, and the second joint is used for guiding the liquid in the second loop portion of the second #环巾巾 to the outside, and the second loop portion is evenly distributed. a second air chamber, wherein each of the second air chambers is provided with a second passage, and the passages are respectively connected to the second joints, so that the liquids in the second circulation portion can uniformly pass through the second passages Flowing through each position in the second circulation portion; and a connecting portion connecting the first circulation portion and the second circulation portion together. 2. The series-parallel cold and warm pad body according to claim 1, wherein the first joint and the first joint on the inclined side are connected to each other by a tube. 3. The series-parallel cold body according to claim 2, wherein the first-connected second joint 'on the other side of the body can be connected to or from the heat exchange device. The series-parallel heating and cooling body according to claim 2, wherein the other side of the mat body 15 M403264 and the at least one other mat body pass through the first joint and the second joint, respectively, or directly Take over, connected in series or in parallel with each other. The series-parallel cold and warm pad body according to claim 4, wherein the first joint and the second joint ' on the other side of the other mat body can communicate with each other directly or by a nozzle and a heat exchange device. 6 = The series-parallel type of heating and cooling according to claim 3 or 5, wherein the first cycle portion of the first body of the body is adjacent to a position of both ends of the connecting portion. 式冷暖塾趙,其中該的第二接 另u於对一舰部鄰近該連接邹之兩端的位置。 « 16The type is cold and warm, and the second one is located at a position adjacent to the end of the connection. « 16
TW99219259U 2010-10-06 2010-10-06 Cooling and heating pad connected in-parallel and-series TWM403264U (en)

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* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
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CN110996415A (en) * 2019-12-05 2020-04-10 共青城航群电子有限公司 Electric heating blanket with high safety performance

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CN106724356A (en) * 2016-11-24 2017-05-31 史国新 A kind of attitude-adaptive mattress of controllable temperature
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* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
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CN110996415A (en) * 2019-12-05 2020-04-10 共青城航群电子有限公司 Electric heating blanket with high safety performance

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