TWM334866U - Bidirectional energy dissipation device - Google Patents

Bidirectional energy dissipation device Download PDF


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TWM334866U TW96222079U TW96222079U TWM334866U TW M334866 U TWM334866 U TW M334866U TW 96222079 U TW96222079 U TW 96222079U TW 96222079 U TW96222079 U TW 96222079U TW M334866 U TWM334866 U TW M334866U
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steel plate
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Chen-Hsien Shu
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Chen-Hsien Shu
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Application filed by Chen-Hsien Shu filed Critical Chen-Hsien Shu
Priority to TW96222079U priority Critical patent/TWM334866U/en
Publication of TWM334866U publication Critical patent/TWM334866U/en



  • Buildings Adapted To Withstand Abnormal External Influences (AREA)
  • Vibration Dampers (AREA)


M334866 八、新型說明: 【新型所屬之技術領域】 台灣地處板塊邊緣,災紐地震發生時有_,如何提升建 築結構的耐震能力’確保結構在贿下之安全性,已是所有居者 的期盼。近年來隨著地震工程與材料科技的進步,諸多的制震裝 置皆通過了嚴格_震試驗,證實其具備提升建築物耐震能奴 功效。面對地震工程在耐震設計上的突破性發展,不僅可以讓建 築師在進行規劃時,有著更寬廣的構思空間發揮其創意,而結構 工程師亦可藉由觀織裝置來確躲财找的耐震性能來 抵抗地震擾動的威脅。惟目前相關_震裝置_賈過高,使得 其應用細大受侷限,-般的賴結構在成本效益考量下,大多 望而卻步,⑽際有翻繼裝置機__,也僅侷限 構”才有能力在局部樓細。再者,部分制震裝置 7與安伽上,衫爾肖_崎建築空間規 =使得實際的剌成效不確定性過高,造成工购或業主在採 到防Γ料軸。㈣’目縣職正的享受 到防震科技帶給建築結構的舒適性與安全感。 又 本創作係-減緩結構受地震力反應之 =r向同時進•降伏消能與滑動摩= 切了解置。本崎㈣人衫年結構實務設計經驗,深 特::=:裝置安_所面臨的問題,因此, 問献轉決方法,期望健轉f及化之夢想可 M334866 以早日實現,讓一般的社會大眾亦可以真正享受到防震科技所帶 來的舒適性與安全感。此一構想的實現除了可提升建築結構本身 的耐震能力外,更可進一步的提昇國内營造業的技術水準,加速 產業升級以因應產業面臨全球化的挑戰。 L先前技術】 金屬降伏制震裝置透過對鋼板作適當的切削,使其可以沿高 度方向產生均勻的彎矩降伏,達到消散地震能量之目的。諸多的 實驗至自已證實,當輸人測試架構的地震力方向與制震 ,置作用方向相_,制震裝置可以大幅削減地震傳人架構的能 篁’進而麵架構的安全性^惟考量現實建築空間之規劃,制震 裝置一般魏__社㈣紅方式,將其絲在不妨礙建 桌動線規劃的位置上,而無法達到如同實驗室般的完美邊界條 件,可以將其力量透過斜撐制柱構件上。因此,實務上制震裝 置在消能減震過財,賭構靜«與地震力傳__件的剪 力已經變成何忽略_外,實應職的考慮其縣構影響。 考量制震裝置的絲情形,假若躺傳統單維方向的金屬降 結構中,當結構受到地震擾動而減震的同時,為了 帽力,麵料趣_成-額 卜_力傳_接合的梁構件上’而此項轴 過制震裝置再傳遞到最下細構件上。若是此^無法射 6 M334866 的釋放,不僅制震裝置可朗軸力_產生破壞而失致外,其更 可能造成承載制魏置之梁構件產生剪力破壞,進而影響到择構 的安全性,反而讓安裝制震的結構變成更不安全。 再者,考量制震褒置的内部設計,傳統單維的制震裝置其内 部消能鋼鈑若是採用兩端焊接的接合方式,當鋼板受側力產2綠 曲變形之同時,其本身亦將因垂直高度的變化,導致消能鋼板二 受很大的軸向拉扯力量’造成固接鋼鈑的焊道破壞或使鋼板桂屈 變形;而若在__定支座明桿貫穿消能峨鎖緊的方式, 實務上往往會因為串接鋼板的片數過多,當鋼鈑產㈣曲變形消 能時’螺桿將容易因串接鋼板所傳遞的剪力過大而產生彎曲變 形,使得雜鱗大打折扣,嚴重者甚⑽會發生螺#剪斷,使 消此裝置失效。因此’制單維運動方向的金屬降伏制震襄置, 不論其消能鋼板上下兩端採用焊接或者在螺桿串接鎖緊之 方式,在實務的設計條件上,皆會因為安裝與内部設計的缺陷, 而導致減震功效無法發揮。 【新型内容】 本新型創作之雙向性消能制震裝置,請參閱第一圖與第二圖 所示’整料賴構包括f矩降韻能主體(2 Q)與摩擦消能 主體(3 Q)所組成,主要構件包括具滑動執道(3 2)之變斷 面鋼板(2 2 )、滑動連桿(3 4 )、固定間隔板(3 5 )、加勁歧 M334866 (3 3 )、上定位鋼板(2丄)與下定位鋼板(3 6 )。消能主體 内部的變斷面鋼板(2 2)係由最外兩侧的固定間隔板(3 5) 太千接加勁肢(3 3)頂住其下緣,而内部的變斷面鋼板(2 2) 則透過固定間隔板(3 5)做區隔,讓每一片的變_鋼板(2 2 )不互相接觸進而形成彎矩降伏消能主體(2 0 )。其中變斷面 鋼板(2 2)上緣將與上定位鋼板(21)帛接固定,並透過螺 栓和結構體固接。另―方面在贿面鋼板(2 2 )下方,滑動連 桿(3 4)將貫穿每—片的變斷面鋼板(2 2)的滑動軌道u 2 )與固定_板(3 5 )再由職驟蚊,使之= 能主體(3 Q )。其巾,讀賴板(2 2 )下緣與下私鋼板& 6 )間將維持不接餘態,讓贿确板( 對滑動不受干擾。另外,緊鄰變斷面鋼板(22)的 (3 5 )下緣將以焊接方式蚊於下定位鋼板(3 6 )上,藉以 作為變斷_板(2 2 )的摩擦介質,同時還可崎相互精的 變斷面鋼板(2 2)在進行f矩降伏消能時不會相互碰撞。 、由彎矩降伏消能主體(2 Q)與摩擦消能主體(3◦)所組 j之U彳震主體(1 〇 )係分別透過±定位峨(2丄)和下 —鋼板(3 6 )以螺栓和結構體相互接合。當結構體受地震擾 動時’制震裝置將驅_歸伏軸主體(2 q ) 矩降伏 的遲滞阻尼,而在此同時在垂直方向的摩擦消能主體(3 0)亦 將同步釋放因彎矩降伏所額外引進的垂直向軸力,形成滑動摩擦 阻尼,消散地震傳入結構體的能量。 8 M334866 考量實際使用需要’消能制震主體(1 〇 )型式亦可透過加 勁式的固定間隔版(3 5)區隔變斷面鋼板(2 2)形成另一種 消能功效相同的消能制震主體(i ◦),如第三圖與第四圖所示。 此-形式之消能主體同樣是透過加勁肢(3 3)與兩侧的固定間 隔板(3 5 )夾緊數片之變斷面鋼板(2 2 ) ’内侧變斷面鋼板(2 2 )與鋼板間則利用加勁式的固賴隔板(3 5 )作區隔,形成 彎矩降伏消能主體(2 ◦)。而在變斷面鋼板(2 2 )的下方,滑 動連桿(3 4 )將串接固定間隔板(3 5 )、滑動軌道(3 2 )形 成摩擦消能主體(3 Q ),其中為了避免變斷面鋼板(2 2 )在垂 直向滑動雜消能過程中受軒擾,魏面鋼板(2 2 )下緣和 下定位鋼板(3 6 )將轉稍職態。 、’ 此外’為配合不同的應用場合,實務上可透過調整不同變斷 面鋼板(2 2)厚度與被覆不同的材料於摩擦界面(31)上, 來獲致不同的織效能’而侧的賴_板(2 U亦可透過 不同的開孔或切财式(請翔第五圖、第六圖)來 減震效果。 综上所述,本創作在功能上突破了以往單維方向金屬降伏制 震裝置所忽略的垂直向受力,此項軸力在實驗室因測試機構的尺 寸效應下並不日聰’但在現實結構的應财,這素不僅是影 響消能制震成餐必要條件,更是結構本身安全約的重要^ 鍵’因此’不可以㈣其所帶來之影響。本創作的雙向性消能機 制除了可以透過鋼鈑降伏來達_能外,同時還可崎放因消能 9 M334866 機制所額外引進的軸向力,來確保消能效果可以正常發揮與主結 構的女全性。另外,補作設計概念簡單,邏輯清楚,因此,可M334866 VIII. New Description: 【New Technology Fields】 Taiwan is located at the edge of the plate. When the earthquake occurred in the earthquake, how to improve the seismic capacity of the building structure to ensure the safety of the structure is the responsibility of all the residents. look forward to. In recent years, with the advancement of earthquake engineering and materials technology, many earthquake-damping devices have passed the strict _ earthquake test, which proves that it has the function of improving the earthquake-resistant energy of buildings. Faced with the breakthrough development of seismic engineering in seismic design, it not only allows architects to have a broader concept space to play their creative ideas, but structural engineers can also use the weaving device to find the earthquake-resistant Performance to counter the threat of seismic disturbances. However, the current relevant _shock device _ Jia over high, so that its application is limited, the general structure is cost-effective, most of them are discouraged, (10) there is a gradual device __, only limited configuration The ability is fine in the local building. Moreover, part of the earthquake-damping device 7 and Anga, the Zelshaw _ saki building space regulations = making the actual ambiguity of the results too high, resulting in the purchase of industrial or landlord Axis. (4) 'Mu County's professional enjoyment of the earthquake-proof technology brings comfort and security to the building structure. Also the creative department - the slowing structure is affected by the earthquake force = r to the simultaneous inward and fall into the energy and sliding friction = cut I understand the set. Ben Saki (four) shirts annual structure practice design experience, deep special::=: device security _ problems, therefore, ask for a decision-making method, expecting a healthy turn and the dream of the realization of M334866 to achieve early, Let the general public can truly enjoy the comfort and security brought by the anti-seismic technology. In addition to improving the seismic capacity of the building structure itself, the realization of the concept can further enhance the technical level of the domestic construction industry. Accelerate the industry Upgrade to meet the challenges of globalization in the industry. L Prior Art] The metal-draining and shock-absorbing device can make a uniform bending moment in the height direction by properly cutting the steel plate to achieve the purpose of dissipating seismic energy. It has been confirmed that when the seismic force direction of the input test structure is related to the earthquake and the direction of the action, the seismic device can greatly reduce the energy of the earthquake-transmitting structure, and then the safety of the surface structure. The seismic device is generally in the form of Wei__she (four) red, which can not reach the perfect boundary condition like the laboratory without obstructing the planning of the moving line of the table, and can pass its force through the diagonal column member. Therefore, in practice, the seismic device is used to dissipate energy in the energy-saving and smash-making, and the shearing force of the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ In the case of the wire of the earthquake device, if the structure is in the metal-down structure of the traditional single-dimensional direction, when the structure is disturbed by the earthquake and the shock is absorbed, for the cap force, the fabric is fun_成-额卜_力传_ On the beam member, the shaft is transmitted to the lowermost member by the seismic device. If this is not possible, the release of the M334866 can not only cause the damage of the shock absorber but also cause damage. It is more likely to cause shear damage to the beam members of the bearing system, which in turn affects the safety of the construction. Instead, it makes the installation of the earthquake-damping structure more unsafe. In addition, consider the internal design of the seismic isolation, traditional single In the vibrating device of the dimension, if the inner energy-dissipating steel shovel is welded by both ends, when the steel plate is deformed by the side force 2, it will also change due to the vertical height, resulting in the energy-saving steel plate. The large axial pulling force 'causes the failure of the welded bead of the fixed steel shovel or deforms the slab of the steel plate; and if the __ fixed support rod runs through the energy-dissipating 峨 locking method, the practice is often due to the splicing of the steel plate The number of pieces is too much. When the steel shovel produces (four) the deformation and energy dissipation, the screw will easily bend and deform due to the excessive shear force transmitted by the tandem steel plate, which makes the scales greatly discounted. In severe cases, the snails will be cut. To disable the device. Therefore, the metal-floating shock-dissipating device in the direction of single-dimensional movement, regardless of whether the upper and lower ends of the energy-dissipating steel plate are welded or screwed in series, the practical design conditions will be due to the installation and internal design. Defects, and the damping effect cannot be achieved. [New content] The two-way energy-dissipation and shock-absorbing device of this new creation, please refer to the first and second figures. The whole material structure includes the f-moment-reducing energy main body (2 Q) and the friction energy-dissipating body (3). Q), the main components include the variable section steel plate (2 2 ) with the sliding way (3 2), the sliding link (3 4 ), the fixed partition plate (3 5 ), the stiffening M334866 (3 3 ), Position the steel plate (2丄) and the lower positioning plate (3 6). The variable-section steel plate (2 2) inside the energy-dissipating body is fixed by the outermost two sides of the partition plate (3 5), the Thousand-strong and stiffeners (3 3) are pressed against the lower edge, and the internal variable-section steel plate ( 2 2) Separate through the fixed partition plate (3 5), so that each piece of the change_steel plate (2 2 ) does not contact each other to form a bending moment depleting energy dissipating body (20). The upper edge of the variable section steel plate (2 2) will be fixed to the upper positioning steel plate (21) and fixed by the bolt and the structure. On the other hand, under the brim plate (2 2 ), the sliding link (34) will pass through the sliding track u 2 of the variable section steel plate (2 2) of each piece and the fixed plate (3 5 ) Mosquitoes, so that = can be the main body (3 Q). The towel, the lower edge of the reading board (2 2) and the lower private steel plate & 6) will remain unretained, so that the bribe is not disturbed. In addition, adjacent to the variable section steel plate (22) (3 5) The lower edge will be welded to the lower positioning steel plate (3 6 ), which can be used as a friction medium for the breaking plate (2 2 ), and at the same time, the cross-section steel plate can be refined with each other (2 2) When the f-moment is reduced, the energy does not collide with each other. The U-seismic body (1 〇) of the group consisting of the bending moment energy dissipation main body (2 Q) and the friction energy dissipation body (3 ◦) is respectively transmitted through ± The positioning 峨(2丄) and the lower-steel plate (3 6) are joined to each other by bolts and structures. When the structure is disturbed by earthquake, the damping device will delay the damping of the moment of the main body (2 q ) At the same time, the frictional energy dissipating body (30) in the vertical direction will also synchronously release the vertical axial force additionally introduced by the bending moment, forming a sliding friction damping and dissipating the energy of the seismic incoming structure. 8 M334866 Considering the actual use of the energy-dissipation main body (1 〇) type can also be through the stiffened fixed interval (3 5) zone change The face steel plate (2 2) forms another energy dissipating body (i ◦) with the same energy dissipating effect, as shown in the third and fourth figures. The energy dissipating body of this form is also through the stiffening limb (3 3 ) Clamping several pieces of variable-section steel plate (2 2 ) with fixed spacers (3 5 ) on both sides 'The inner variable-section steel plate (2 2 ) and the steel plate are made of stiffened spacers (3 5 The partition is formed to form a bending moment energy dissipation main body (2 ◦). Under the variable section steel plate (2 2 ), the sliding link (3 4 ) will be connected in series with the fixed partition plate (3 5 ), sliding track (3 2 ) Forming a frictional energy dissipating body (3 Q ), in order to avoid the undercut of the variable-section steel plate (2 2 ) in the vertical sliding miscellaneous energy dissipation process, the lower edge and the lower positioning of the Wei surface steel plate (2 2 ) The steel plate (3 6 ) will be transferred to the position of the job. In addition, in order to suit different applications, it is practical to adjust the thickness of the different sections of the steel plate (2 2) and the different materials to the friction interface (31). To achieve different weaving performances, and the side of the board (2 U can also be shocked through different openings or cuts (see Figure 5, Figure 6) In summary, the creation breaks through the vertical force that is neglected by the single-dimensional metal-draining shock-absorbing device in the past. This axial force is not in the laboratory due to the size effect of the test mechanism. However, in the real structure of the financial resources, this element is not only the necessary condition for influencing the energy-saving shocking meal, but also the important safety of the structure itself. Therefore, it cannot be (4) its influence. The two-way nature of the creation In addition to the energy dissipation mechanism, the energy dissipation mechanism can also be used to reduce the axial force introduced by the energy dissipation mechanism of the 9 M334866 mechanism to ensure that the energy dissipation effect can be properly performed and the female structure of the main structure. In addition, the design concept of the supplement is simple and the logic is clear, so

、透過簡單的機構設計來達到雙重的減震效益。綜觀本創作之特 ,除了可以確侧震功能的發揮與保護結構的安全性外,其簡 早的設計概念技大幅_短製程與品管卫作的時程,可說是同 2備了經濟性與實雜,相信對於提升_建築結構的耐震能 力有=的幫助。摘作之制震裝置除了具備了多元性的消能機 ^性的運動執跡外’其同時還具備了安裝容易與經濟性等 夕功效’就蘭概、進步_實祕之 新型專利申請之要件,錄法糾申請。 實已付口 ‘貫施方式】 本創作「雙向性消能制震裝置」與 相當大的,對於目前 …H a模式具有 專結構型式皆可適用。其與結構體的 ^^肋以土造 形式(請辦第蝴),透t綠成倒V的 口 ^還過上疋位鋼板(9 的梁構件(42)沾人z 2 21)μ螺栓和結構體 以螺检和相互連接之鱗_ (4 3 ρί 2她(3 6 ) 形的形式(請參考第八圖) …或者安裝成X字 」遗過上疋位鋼板(p 1j 律構架(4 3 h螺麵結顧相結合 2)和上部鋼斜 位鋼板(3 6)以螺备和如F μ 乃側同樣可透過下定 和相互連接之下部鋼鱗構架(4 3)結 M334866 合。當結構受地震擾動產生變形時,其將可同時觸發消能制震主 體(1〇)產生、彎矩降伏消能與摩擦消能,進而吸收傳入結構體 内相地震能1,麵結構的安全。此外,翔作亦可配合建築 師對於建築鱗簡的需求或現場施H雜尼裝置安裝於 鋼斜撐構* (4 3)與鋼斜樓構架(4 3)之間形成_似壁體式 請參考第九圖),或者裝置於鋼賊凝土二= 2崎土‘(4 4)之間(請參考第十圖),同樣的可達到預期的 消能效果。其細參考圖賴明如下: L本創作阻尼裝置架裝之型態一參考圖(第七圖),其係安置於梁 下與鋼斜撐構架之間。 、/' 2·本創作阻尼裝置練之型態二參考圖(第八圖),其係安置於鋼 斜撐構架與鋼斜撐構架之間。 3. 本創作二尼裝置架襄之型態三參考圖(第九圖),其係採鋼構壁 式型te安置於鋼斜撐構架與鋼斜撐構架之間。 4. ,創作阻職置架裝之·四參考圖(第十圖),其係採鋼筋混 破土牆壁式型態安置於鋼筋混凝土牆與鋼筋混凝土牆之間。 【圖式簡單說明】 第一圖係本創作制震裝置實·卜外觀分解參考圖。 第二圖係本創作制震裝置實施例-外觀立面舰參考圖。 第二圖係本創作制震襄置實施例二外觀分解參考圖。 M334866 震裝置實施例二外觀立面侧視參考圖。 % 1作制震裝置消能鋼板各種型式參考圖例_。 第’、圖係本創作健H肖能鋼板各種型式參考圖例二。 第七圖係本創作鑛裝置綠之鶴-參相,其係安置於梁下 - 與鋼斜撐構架之間。 第八圖係摘作阻枝置架裝之㈣二參考圖,錢安置於鋼斜 撐構架與鋼斜撐構架之間。 鲁 帛九®係本創彳恤尼裝置架裝之㈣三參考圖,其係細構壁式 型態安置於斜撐構材與斜撐構材之間。 第十圖係本創佩域置架裝之縣四參考圖 ’其係採鋼筋混凝 土牆壁式型態安置於鋼筋混凝土牆與鋼筋混凝土牆之 間。 【主要元件符號說明】 α 〇)消能制震主體 (2 〇)彎矩降伏消能主體 (2 1)上定位鋼板 (2 2)變斷面鋼板 (3 0)摩擦消能主體 (3 1)摩擦界面 (3 2)滑動執道 12 M334866 (3 3)加勁肢 (3 4)滑動連桿 (3 5)固定間隔板 (3 6)下定位鋼板 (4 1)柱構件 (4 2)梁構件 (4 3)鋼斜撐構架 (4 4)鋼筋混凝土牆Double shock absorption benefits through simple mechanical design. Looking at the characteristics of this creation, in addition to the function of the side impact function and the safety of the protection structure, its simple design concept is very large. The short process and the time course of the quality control work can be said to be the same economy. Sex and real, I believe that there is a = help for improving the earthquake resistance of the building structure. In addition to the multi-functional energy-dissipating machine, the seismic device is also equipped with a new type of patent application that is easy to install and economical. Requirements, record the law to apply. The actual payment has been made. ‘The application method】 The “two-way energy-saving shock-absorbing device” of this creation is quite large, and it can be applied to the current ...H a mode. It is in the form of earthwork with the structure of the structure (please do the first butterfly), through the mouth of the green to the inverted V, and also through the upper plate (the beam member of the beam (42) is stuck with z 2 21) μ bolt And the structure is screwed and connected to the scale _ (4 3 ρί 2 her (3 6 ) form (please refer to the eighth figure) ... or installed as an X word" left over the plate (p 1j law frame (4 3 h screw surface combination 2) and upper steel oblique steel plate (3 6) with screw and F μ side are also permeable and interconnected under the steel scale frame (4 3) knot M334866 When the structure is deformed by seismic disturbance, it will simultaneously trigger the generation of the energy-dissipating body (1〇), the bending moment energy dissipation and the friction energy dissipation, and then absorb the seismic energy of the incoming structure. In addition, Xiang Zuo can also cooperate with the architect's demand for building scales or the installation of the site's H-cell installation between the steel diagonal support* (4 3) and the steel diagonal floor frame (4 3). For the wall type, please refer to the ninth figure), or install it between the steel thief congee 2 = 2 sashimi ' (4 4) (please refer to the tenth figure), the same can achieve the expected elimination The effect is as follows: Fig. Lai Ming is as follows: L. The design of the damper device is a reference type (seventh figure), which is placed between the beam and the steel bracing frame. / / 2 This creation The damper device is modeled as a reference picture (eighth figure), which is placed between the steel slant bracing frame and the steel slant bracing frame. 3. The three-figure diagram of the type of the device ), the steel-constructed wall type te is placed between the steel diagonal bracing frame and the steel diagonal bracing frame. 4. Create a four-reference map (the tenth figure) of the resisting frame. The ground-breaking wall type is placed between the reinforced concrete wall and the reinforced concrete wall. [Simplified illustration of the drawing] The first picture is the reference drawing of the appearance of the seismic device of the present creation. The second picture shows the implementation of the seismic device. Example - Appearance facade ship reference drawing. The second picture is the appearance decomposing reference picture of the second embodiment of the present invention. M334866 Seismic device embodiment 2 Appearance elevation side view reference drawing. Various types of reference legends _. The first, the picture of this creation of the health H Xiao can steel plate various types Refer to the second example. The seventh picture shows the green crane-parallel phase of the original mining device, which is placed between the beam and the steel diagonal bracing frame. The eighth picture is taken as the hindrance frame (4) The money is placed between the steel diagonal bracing frame and the steel diagonal bracing frame. The Luyi Nine® series is a (four) three reference drawing of the Tektronix equipment installation, which is arranged in a thin wall shape and placed on the diagonal bracing structure and Between the diagonal bracing members. The tenth figure is the reference map of the county of the local area of the creator. The reinforced concrete wall type is placed between the reinforced concrete wall and the reinforced concrete wall. 】 α 〇) energy dissipation body (2 〇) bending moment depletion main body (2 1) positioning steel plate (2 2) variable section steel plate (30) friction energy dissipation body (3 1) friction interface (3 2) Sliding road 12 M334866 (3 3) stiffening limb (3 4) sliding link (3 5) fixed partition plate (3 6) positioning steel plate (4 1) column member (4 2) beam member (4 3) Steel truss frame (4 4) reinforced concrete wall

Claims (1)

M334866 九、申請專利範圍: 1 ·-種具雙向性消能制震裝置,包含上定位鋼板、下定位鋼板、 具滑動執道的變斷面鋼板、加勁肢、固定間隔板與滑動連桿共 同la裝之消能主體,其特徵在於··滑動連桿貫穿變斷面鋼板下 緣之滑動執道與固定間隔板,兩端再由具加勁肢的固定間隔板 火緊並由螺巾自鎖固,形成消能主體,其中,上定位鋼板與變斷M334866 Nine, the scope of application for patents: 1 ·- a two-way energy-saving shock-absorbing device, including upper positioning steel plate, lower positioning steel plate, variable-section steel plate with sliding way, stiffening limb, fixed partition plate and sliding link The dissipating body of the la-loaded body is characterized in that: the sliding link penetrates the sliding way of the lower edge of the variable-section steel plate and the fixed partition plate, and the two ends are then fired by the fixed spacer plate with the stiffening limb and self-locked by the screw Solid, forming an energy dissipating body, wherein the upper positioning steel plate and the breaking 面鋼板上緣固定,下定位鋼板與固定間隔板下緣固定,當地震 來襲時/肖月匕主體可同時在水平方向與垂直方向產生彎矩降伏 與滑動雜,有效的吸收地震傳入結構的能量,達到減緩結構 體受震之效能者。 2 ·如申料利細第丨項所述之具雙向性消能制震裝置,其中區 隔變斷面鋼板之固㈣隔板與岐間隔板間係採加勁肢連結 3如申明專利範圍第i項所述之具雙向性消能制震敦置,其中變 斷面鋼板之滑域道係為方形、_、v形衫柄之幾何形 狀者。 4 .如申請補範11第i項所述之具雙向性消能制震裝置,其中變 斷面鋼板之兩側切削係為圓形、三角形、梯形、菱形或多邊形 之幾何形狀者。 14The upper edge of the steel plate is fixed, and the lower positioning plate is fixed with the lower edge of the fixed partition plate. When the earthquake strikes, the main body of Xiao Yue can simultaneously generate bending moments and sliding noise in the horizontal direction and the vertical direction, effectively absorbing the seismic afferent structure. The energy that reaches the efficiency of slowing down the structure. 2 · The two-way energy dissipating and seismening device as described in the application of the item, in which the solid (4) partition of the partitioned section steel plate and the interlaminar partition plate are joined with the stiffening limbs. The two-way energy dissipating shock device described in item i, wherein the sliding domain of the variable section steel plate is a geometric shape of a square, _, v-shaped handle. 4. A bidirectional energy dissipating shock device as claimed in claim 11, wherein the cutting machine on both sides of the variable section steel plate has a circular, triangular, trapezoidal, rhombic or polygonal geometry. 14
TW96222079U 2007-12-20 2007-12-20 Bidirectional energy dissipation device TWM334866U (en)

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TW96222079U TWM334866U (en) 2007-12-20 2007-12-20 Bidirectional energy dissipation device

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TW96222079U TWM334866U (en) 2007-12-20 2007-12-20 Bidirectional energy dissipation device

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TW96222079U TWM334866U (en) 2007-12-20 2007-12-20 Bidirectional energy dissipation device

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Cited By (3)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
TWI548800B (en) * 2011-04-06 2016-09-11 賴裕光 The plate energy dissipation device with u-shape clip bases and method for assembling
TWI548801B (en) * 2011-04-06 2016-09-11 賴裕光 The double fixed plate energy dissipation device and method for assembling
TWI548802B (en) * 2011-04-06 2016-09-11 賴裕光 The plate energy dissipation device and method for assembling

Cited By (3)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
TWI548800B (en) * 2011-04-06 2016-09-11 賴裕光 The plate energy dissipation device with u-shape clip bases and method for assembling
TWI548801B (en) * 2011-04-06 2016-09-11 賴裕光 The double fixed plate energy dissipation device and method for assembling
TWI548802B (en) * 2011-04-06 2016-09-11 賴裕光 The plate energy dissipation device and method for assembling

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