TWM329863U - Structure of LED module - Google Patents

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TWM329863U TW96215221U TW96215221U TWM329863U TW M329863 U TWM329863 U TW M329863U TW 96215221 U TW96215221 U TW 96215221U TW 96215221 U TW96215221 U TW 96215221U TW M329863 U TWM329863 U TW M329863U
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yu-ping Zhong
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Honfu Technology Corp
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Priority to TW96215221U priority Critical patent/TWM329863U/en
Publication of TWM329863U publication Critical patent/TWM329863U/en



  • Led Device Packages (AREA)


M329863 八'新型說明: 【新型所屬之技術領域】 本創作係關於一種發光二極體,尤指一種發光二極體 模組的結構,可令發光二極體晶片所產生的熱,能迅速消 散’使得該發光二極體模組具有絕佳的散熱效果。 【先前技術】 按’發光^—極體(Light Emitting Diode,以下簡稱 LED)是一種半導體元件,發展初期大都係用作指示燈、顯 示板等;隨著白光LED的出現,也被用作照明,它是21世 紀的新型光源,具有效率高,壽命長,不易破損等傳統光 源無法比擬的優點。 1993年’當時在日本NichiaCorporation(日亞化工) 工作的中村修二(Shuji Nakamura)發明了基於寬帶半導 體材料氮化鎵(GaN)和銦氮化鎵(inGaN)的具有商業應 用價值的藍光LED,該種LED在1990年代後期得到廣泛應 用。理論上,藍光LED係結合原有的紅光led和綠光LED, 以產生白光,但現在的白光led卻很少是以此種方式製 造’現在生產的白光LED大部分是在藍光LED(near-UV, 波長450 nm至470 nm)上覆蓋一層淡黃色螢光粉塗層而 製成,該種黃色磷光體通常是透過將摻了鈽的釔-鋁一鎵 (Ce3+:YAG)晶體磨成粉末後,混和在一種稠密的黏合劑中 而製成,當LE:D晶片發出藍光時,這種晶體會以很高的效 率,將部分藍光轉換成一個光譜較寬(光譜中心約為58〇nm) 的光,主要為黃色的光,由於黃光會刺激肉眼中的紅光和 5 M329863 綠光受體,再齡LED本身的縣,使它看絲就像白色 光,這種製作白光LED的方法是由Nichia Corporation 所開發,並從1996年開始用在生產白光LED上。 另-個製作白光LED的方法,則有點像製作日光燈, 在發出近«*外光的LED上塗佈兩㈣紐的混合物,一種 是發紅光和藍光_ ’另—種是發綠光的,齡了硫化辞 (ZnS)的銅和銘’但㈣料料使齡财崎氧樹脂裂 化變質’所以生產難度較高,壽命亦較短,與第一種方法 相較,它效率較低,且產生較多熱,但好處是光譜的特性 較佳’產生的光比較好看。而由於紫外光的LED功率較高, 所以其效轉味第-種方法低,絲的亮度卻相若。 最新一種製造白光LE:D的方法沒再用上磷光體,其做 法是在硒化鋅(ZnSe)基板上生長硒化鋅的磊晶層,通電時 其活躍地帶會藍光板會發黃光,齡起來便是 白色光。 一般言,發光二極體是被封裝在塑膠透鏡内的,比使 用玻璃的燈泡或日光燈更堅固,有時這些外層封裝會被上 色,但這只是為了裝飾或增加對比度,實質上並不能改變 發光二極體發光的顏色。最常見的LED工作功率,都是設 定於30至60毫瓦電能以下。在1999年開始引入了可以在 1瓦電力輸入下,連續使用的商業品級LED,該等LED都以 特大的半導體晶片來處理高電能輸入的問題,且該等半導 體晶片都是固定在金屬鐵片上,以助散熱。在2〇〇2年,市 場上開始有5瓦的LE:D的出現,而其效率大約是每瓦以 M329863 至22流明。2003年九月,Cree,Inc·公司展示了其新款 的藍光LED,在20毫安下達到35%的照明效率,他們亦製 造了 一款達65流明每瓦的白光LE:D商品,這是當時市場上 最光的白光LED,在2005年,他們展示了一款白光LED原 型,在350耄安工作環境下,創下了每瓦7〇流明的記錄性 效率。 然而,由於白光LED通常會使用一或多種的螢光粉, 螢光粉受到熱的影響,效率會衰減降低,且導致光色的改 變。另,高神的白光LED對電流的變化特別敏感,不均 勻的電流岔度分佈在接合點(juncti〇n)上,可能會產生 局部的熱點,存在熱燒毁的風險,基板的不均勻更導致熱 傳導損失,將使得問題變的更為嚴重,常見的是來自於焊 接材料的孔洞,或電子遷移效應和KirkendaU空洞,熱燒 毀是LED上最常發生的問題。有些塑膠封裝的材質,亦會 因熱而變黃’導致局部波長的光吸收,而影響波長。此外, 當南功率的白光LED產生的誠力,使得環輸脂的封裝 達到玻璃轉移溫度時,樹脂亦會快速膨脹,而在半導體和 焊點接觸的位置產生機械應力,發生弱化雜斷焊點的問 題。 因此,傳統上,為解決㈣的散熱問題,在製作一 led 換組1G時,參閱第1圖所示,除了在-絕緣基座11(如: 壤氧樹脂材料製紅基座)之_分難設二導電接腳U 外,尚會在該絕緣基座11之頂面預設一導熱金屬片 13(如··銅質或鋁質的片體),嗣,將一 LED晶片14之底部 M329863 貼附至該導熱金屬片13之頂面,财該發光二極體晶片 Η之陰極及陽極分別與該二條導電接腳12相連接,再以 透明樹脂或玻璃材料15,封裝該LED晶片14,即形成本創 作所稱之LED麵1〇。如此,當透職導電接腳12對該 ⑽晶片14之陽極施加電流時,該LED晶片14即產生可 見光’而其上所產生的熱能,則透過該導熱金屬片Μ,向 該絕緣基座11相對於該等導電接腳12之兩鱗,參閱第 2圖所示,進行熱傳導,以期將該LED晶片14所產生之孰 能,傳導至該LED模組1()外。然而,事實上,由於該導熱 金屬片13哺剖_非常嫌,致所達雜效果自然 亦非吊有限,並無法迅速消散LED晶片14所產生的熱能, 故LED換組1〇中的led晶片14目受熱所遭遇的前述諸多 問題,至今始終未能有效解決。 、,故’如何在製造LED模組10時,尤其是在製造高功率 白光LED模組b^· ’施使LED晶片所產生的熱,迅速消散, 且在不增加製雜序及成本㈣形下,製料具有絕佳散 熱效果之LED模組’即成為許多業者刻正努力研發並亟欲 達成的一重要目標。 【新型内容】 有鐘於傳統LE:D模組因散熱不良而衍生之諸多問題, 創作人經長久努力研究後,終於開發設計&本創作之一種 發光二極體模組的結構。 本創作之一目的,係在提供一種發光二極體模組的結 構’包括-絕緣基板(如··環氧樹脂材料製成之基板),該 M329863 絕緣基板上開設有一個貫穿孔,且其頂面在鄰近該貫穿孔 的位置,佈設有二條導電線路;一導熱金屬板(如:銅板、 鋁板或表面電鍍有銅箔之鋁板),該導熱金屬板之頂面上設 有-個凸起部,該導熱金屬板之頂面係_至該絕緣基板 之底面,使得該凸起部能嵌入該貫穿孔,且該凸起部之頂 面能凸伸至鄰近該絕緣基板之頂面的位置;及一 LED晶 片,該LED晶片之底部係貼附至該凸起部之頂面,且其陰 極及陽極係分別與該二條導電線路相連接。如此,當透過 該導電線路對該陽極施加電流時,該LED晶#即產生可見 光,而其上所產生的熱能,則透過該凸起部,迅速傳導至 該絶緣基板之底面所設之該導熱金屬板,令該⑽模組具 有絕佳的散熱效果。 ^創作之另-目的’係在提供__種LED模組的結構, 使得複數個LED晶 >;可分職帛二條齡的連接線路,以 透過該等連接線路,同時對複數個LED晶片的陰極及陽極 知加電机’使純數個LED晶片可同時產生可見光,以大 幅降低高解白光⑽模_製造程序及成本。 ^創作之又-目的’係在提供—種模組的結構, 使%·複數個LED晶片可共賴—導熱金屬板,將其上所產 生的熱能,迅速傳導至該⑽模組外,以大幅降低高功率 白光LED模組的製造程序及成本。 本創作之又另—目的,料熱金屬板之散熱面積係直 接t露在該LED模組外,除可提供極佳之雜效果外,更 可搭配其匕散熱結構(如:散熱鰭片)或元件(如:絲風 .M329863 扇)後’更迅速地將LED晶片所產生的熱能傳導至該led模 組外’大幅提昇LED晶片及LED模組的使用壽命。 茲為令貴審查委員能對本創作之目的、處理程式及其 功效,能有更進一步之認識與瞭解,特列舉實施例,並配 合圖式,詳細說明如下: 【實施方式】 本創作係一種發光二極體(Light Emitting Diode, 以下簡稱LED)模組的結構,在本創作之一最佳實施例中, 參閱第3圖所示,該LED模組30包括一絕緣基板31、一 導熱金屬板32及至少一個LE:D晶片33,其中該絕緣基板 31係由環氧樹脂材料或其它絕緣材料製成之薄型基板,其 上開設有至少一個貫穿孔311 ;在該最佳實施例中,係以 開設有12個貫穿孔311之絕緣基板31為例,加以說明, 惟,本創作在實際施作時,並不侷限於此;該等貫穿孔311 係平行地排列成兩排,且彼此間保持一預定的間距,該絕 緣基板31之頂面315,在鄰近各該貫穿孔31ι的位置,佈 設有二條導電線路312 ;該導熱金屬板32係由銅板、鋁板 或表面電鍍有銅箔之鋁板等導熱金屬薄板製成,其頂面325 上設有至少一個凸起部321 ;在該最佳實施例中,係以設 有12個凸起部321之導熱金屬板32為例 ,加以說明,惟’ 本創作在實際施作時,並不侷限於此;該導熱金屬板32之 頂面325係貼附固定至該絕緣基板31之底面316,且各該 凸起部321的大小及位置,恰可令該凸起部321能嵌入該 絕緣基板31上對應之貫穿孔31ι,且令各該凸起部321之 M329863 頂面能凸伸至對應之各貫穿孔311中鄰近該絕緣基板31之 頂面315的位置;該Lm)晶片33之底部係貼附固定至該凸 起部321之頂面,參閱第4圖所示,且其陰極331及陽極 332係分別藉導線34與該二條導電線路312相連接。 據上所述,當該絕緣基板31、導熱金屬板32及該等 LED曰曰片33被組裝成-體後,即可使用透明樹脂或玻璃材 料,對各該LED晶片33及其上的導線34進行封裝,並在 其上形成一封裝透鏡35,如此,即製作出本創作所稱之Lm) 模組30。在此需特別注意者,俟完成對該等L]ed晶片犯 及導線34之封裝後,該絕緣基板31上僅部份之導電線路 312係裸露在各該封裝透鏡35外,用以作為該led模組邪 的導電接腳,此時,若透過該導電線路312對該陰極331 及陽極332施加電流時,該LE:D晶片33即產生可見光,而 其上所產生的熱能,則透過該凸起部321,迅速傳導至該 絕緣基板31之底面316所設之該導熱金屬板32,令該led 模組30具有絕佳的散熱效果。 在該最佳實施例中,復參閱第3及4圖所示,由於, 該LE1D模組30上每一排的6個LED晶片33的陰極331及 陽極332所連接的導電線路312,係可分別共用二條彼此 獨立的連接線路313,以透過各該連接線路313,同時對各 該LED晶片33的陰極331及陽極332施加電流,使得各該 LED晶片33可同時產生可見光,如此,即可以最簡化的製 造私序及隶低的製造成本,製作出可取代曰光燈或螢光燈 的高功率白光aD模組30。另,由於該le:D模組30係共 11 M329863 用同-導熱金屬板32,將各該LED晶片33所產生的齡, 迅速傳導至該LED模組30外,故可透過該導熱金屬板% 所提供的大散熱面積,大幅提高散熱效果。 在本創作的其它實施例中,亦可藉由對第4圖所示的 led模組進行切割,以製作出如第5 _示之複數個⑽ 模組50 ’其中每一個LED模組50包括一絕緣基板51,該 =基板51上開設有一個貫穿孔511,且其頂面在鄰近該 貝牙孔511的位置’佈設有二條導電線路512 導熱金 屬板52 ’該導熱金屬板52之頂面上設有一個凸起部^ 該導熱金屬板52之頂面係細至該絕緣基板51之底面, 使得該凸起部521驗入該貫穿孔5U,且該凸起部521 之頂面能伸人該貫穿孔511至鄰近該絕緣基板51之頂面的 位置;一 LED晶片53 ’該晶片53之底部係貼附至該 凸起部521之頂面’且其陰極及陽極係分別與該二導電線 路512相連接;及一封裝透鏡55,該封裝透鏡55係用以 封裝該LED晶片53,且令該絕緣基板51上僅部份之導電 ^路512裸露在該封裝透鏡55外,作為該⑽模組5〇的 =電接腳。如此,當透職導電線路512對該LED晶片53 =電机時’該LED晶片53即產生可見光,其上所產生的 =能’則透過該凸起部521,迅速傳導至該導熱金屬板犯, 令該LED觀50具有絕佳的散熱效果。 在本創作的另一實施例中,亦可藉改變前述絕緣基板 的構這衣作出如第6圖所示的一 LED模組卯,該模 組60包括一絕緣基座61,該絕緣基座61之頂面開設有」 12 M329863 凹槽66,中央開設有一個貫穿孔611,其上設有二導電接 腳612,各該導電接腳612之一端係延伸至該凹槽66,鄰 近該貝牙孔611的位置,另一端則延伸至該絕緣基座61 外;一導熱金屬板62,該導熱金屬板62之頂面上設有一 们凸起4 621 ’該導熱金屬板62之頂面係貼附至該絕緣基 座61之底面,使得該凸起部621能嵌入該貫穿孔611,且 該凸起部621之頂面能伸入該貫穿孔611至鄰近該絕緣基 座61之頂面的位置;一 LED晶片63,該LED晶片63係被 置放在該凹槽66中,且其底部係貼附至該凸起部621之頂 面/、陰極及%極係分別藉二導線6心與該二導電接腳Μ〗 相連接;及一封裝透鏡65,該封裝透鏡65係填充至該凹 槽66中,用以封裝該LED晶片63及導線64。如此,延伸 在該絕緣基座61外之料電獅612,即可作為該LED模 組60的導電接腳,當透職導電接腳612對該LED晶片 3知力口電抓’該咖晶63即產生可見光,而其上所 產生的熱能’可透過該凸起部621,迅速料至該導熱金 屬板62。 在本創作之如述實施例中,由於前述該導熱金屬板之 散熱面積係直接暴露在該led模組外,除可提供極佳之散 熱效果外,若能搭配其它散熱結構(如··散熱鰭片)或元件 (如·散熱風扇),軸將令其錢更佳之散熱效果。有鑑 於此’本_之又—實侧乃藉由在前述導熱金屬板之底 面增設散熱鰭片,以製作出如第7圖所示的-LED模組70, 該LED模、、且70包括一絕緣基板η,該絕緣基板η上開設 13 M329863 有’貫穿孔711,且其頂面在鄰近該貫穿孔711的位置, 佈設有二條導電線路712; i熱金屬板72,該導熱金屬 板72之頂面上設有一個凸起部721,其底面則設有複數個 散熱鰭片74,該導熱金屬板72之頂面係貼附至該絕緣基 板71之底面,使得該凸起部721能嵌入該貫穿孔711,且 該凸起部721之頂面能伸入該貫穿孔711至鄰近該絕緣基 板71之頂面的位置;一 LK)晶片73,該晶片73之底 部係貼附至該凸起部721之頂面,且其陰極及陽極係分別 與該二導電線路712相連接;及一封裝透鏡75,該封裝透 鏡75係用以封裝該LED晶片73,且令該絕緣基板71上僅 部份之導電線路712裸露在該封裝透鏡75外,作為該led 模組70的導電接腳。如此,當透過該導電線路Η?對該 LED晶片73施加電流時,該LE:D晶片73即產生可見光, 而其上所產生的熱能,將透過該凸起部721,將經由該導 熱金屬板72,迅速傳導至該等散熱鰭片74,並透過該等散 熱鰭片74提供的大量散熱面積,迅速地將ud晶片73所 產生的熱能發散至該LED模組70外,大幅提昇了 LED晶片 73及LEID模組70的使用壽命。 以上所述,僅為本創作之一最佳具體實施例,惟本創 作之设计並不侷限於此,任何熟悉該項技藝者在本創作領 域内,可輕易思及之變化或修飾,皆可涵蓋在以下本案之 申請專利範圍内。 【圖式簡單說明】 第1圖係習知LED模組之剖面示意圖; .M329863 第2圖係習知LED模組之立體示意圖; 第3圖係本創作之一最佳實施例之LED模組之分解示音圖; 第4圖係第3圖所示LED模組之局部剖面示意圖; 第5圖係第4圖所示LED模組切割成之單一 LED模組之剖面示 意圖; 第6圖係本創作之另一實施例之LED模組之剖面示意圖;及M329863 八's new description: [New technical field] This creation is about a light-emitting diode, especially a structure of a light-emitting diode module, which can quickly dissipate the heat generated by the light-emitting diode chip. 'Make the LED module have excellent heat dissipation. [Prior Art] According to the 'Light Emitting Diode (LED) is a kind of semiconductor component, it is mostly used as an indicator light, a display panel, etc. in the early stage of development; as a white LED, it is also used as illumination. It is a new type of light source in the 21st century, which has the advantages of high efficiency, long life and not easy to be broken, which is unmatched by traditional light sources. In 1993, Shuji Nakamura, who worked at Nichia Corporation in Japan, invented a commercially available blue LED based on the broadband semiconductor materials gallium nitride (GaN) and indium gallium nitride (inGaN). LEDs were widely used in the late 1990s. In theory, blue LEDs combine the original red and green LEDs to produce white light, but now white LEDs are rarely manufactured in this way. 'The white LEDs produced today are mostly in blue LEDs (near) -UV, wavelength 450 nm to 470 nm) is coated with a light yellow phosphor coating. This yellow phosphor is usually ground by ruthenium-doped gallium-aluminum-gallium (Ce3+:YAG) crystals. After the powder is mixed and mixed in a dense binder, when the LE:D wafer emits blue light, the crystal converts part of the blue light into a broad spectrum with high efficiency (the spectral center is about 58〇). The light of nm) is mainly yellow light. Since yellow light will stimulate red light in the naked eye and 5 M329863 green light receptor, the county of LED itself is made to look like silk, this method of making white LED It was developed by Nichia Corporation and has been used in the production of white LEDs since 1996. Another method of making white LEDs is a bit like making fluorescent lamps. Applying a mixture of two (four) buttons on a LED that emits near-** external light, one is red and blue _ 'the other is green The age of the sulphide (ZnS) copper and the Ming 'but (four) material makes the age of the kisaki oxygen resin cracking metamorphism' so the production is more difficult, the life is also shorter, compared with the first method, it is less efficient, And it produces more heat, but the advantage is that the characteristics of the spectrum are better. The light produced is better. Since the LED power of the ultraviolet light is high, the effect of the first method is low, and the brightness of the silk is similar. The latest method for manufacturing white light LE:D does not use phosphors. The practice is to grow an epitaxial layer of zinc selenide on a zinc selenide (ZnSe) substrate. When it is energized, the blue plate will glow yellow when it is active. It is white light when it is old. In general, LEDs are packaged in plastic lenses that are stronger than glass bulbs or fluorescent lamps. Sometimes these outer packages are colored, but this is only for decoration or to increase contrast, and it does not change. The color of the light emitting diode. The most common LED operating powers are set below 30 to 60 milliwatts of electrical energy. In 1999, commercial grade LEDs, which can be used continuously under 1 watt of power input, have been introduced. These LEDs handle the problem of high power input with extra large semiconductor wafers, and these semiconductor wafers are fixed to metal iron. On the chip to help dissipate heat. In 2002, there were 5 watts of LE:D on the market, and the efficiency was about M329863 to 22 lumens per watt. In September 2003, Cree, Inc. demonstrated its new blue LEDs, which achieved 35% illumination efficiency at 20 mAh. They also produced a white light LE:D product of 65 lumens per watt. At the time, the brightest white LEDs on the market, in 2005, they showed a white LED prototype, which achieved a record efficiency of 7 lumens per watt in a 350 amp environment. However, since white LEDs typically use one or more phosphors, the phosphor is affected by heat, the efficiency is attenuated, and the color of the light is changed. In addition, Gaoshen's white LED is particularly sensitive to changes in current. Uneven current turbulence is distributed at the junction (juncti〇n), which may cause local hot spots, there is a risk of thermal burnout, and the substrate is uneven. The loss of heat conduction will make the problem even worse. Commonly, holes from welding materials, or electron migration effects and KirkendaU voids, which are the most common problems on LEDs. Some plastic packaging materials will also turn yellow due to heat, causing local wavelength light absorption and affecting wavelength. In addition, when the power of the white power LED of South Power makes the packaging of the ring grease reach the glass transition temperature, the resin will also expand rapidly, and the mechanical stress will be generated at the position where the semiconductor and the solder joint are in contact, and the weak solder joint will occur. The problem. Therefore, traditionally, in order to solve the heat dissipation problem of (4), when making a LED replacement group 1G, refer to Fig. 1 except for the insulative pedestal 11 (such as: red pedestal made of earth oxide resin material) It is difficult to set the second conductive pin U, and a heat conductive metal piece 13 (such as a copper or aluminum plate) is preset on the top surface of the insulating base 11, and the bottom of an LED chip 14 is placed. M329863 is attached to the top surface of the heat conductive metal sheet 13, and the cathode and the anode of the light emitting diode chip are respectively connected to the two conductive pins 12, and the LED chip 14 is encapsulated by a transparent resin or glass material 15. That is, the LED surface referred to in this creation is formed. Thus, when the transmissive conductive pin 12 applies a current to the anode of the (10) wafer 14, the LED chip 14 generates visible light, and the thermal energy generated thereon passes through the thermally conductive metal sheet to the insulating base 11. With respect to the two scales of the conductive pins 12, as shown in FIG. 2, heat conduction is performed in order to conduct the energy generated by the LED chips 14 to the outside of the LED module 1 (). However, in fact, since the heat conductive metal sheet 13 is very smothered, the effect of the impurity is naturally limited and the thermal energy generated by the LED chip 14 cannot be quickly dissipated, so the LED is replaced by the LED chip in the stack. The aforementioned problems encountered in the 14th heat have not been effectively solved so far. Therefore, "how to make the LED module 10, especially in the manufacture of high-power white LED module b ^ · 'Encourage the heat generated by the LED chip, quickly dissipate, and without increasing the complexity and cost (four) shape Under the hood, the LED module with excellent heat dissipation effect has become an important goal that many operators are striving to develop and hope to achieve. [New content] There are many problems that the traditional LE:D module has been derived from poor heat dissipation. After long-term research, the creator finally developed the structure of a light-emitting diode module of the design & One of the purposes of the present invention is to provide a structure of a light-emitting diode module comprising: an insulating substrate (such as a substrate made of epoxy resin material), the M329863 insulating substrate is provided with a through hole, and The top surface is disposed adjacent to the through hole, and is provided with two conductive lines; a heat conductive metal plate (such as a copper plate, an aluminum plate or an aluminum plate with a copper foil plated on the surface), and a top surface of the heat conductive metal plate is provided with a protrusion The top surface of the heat conductive metal plate is _ to the bottom surface of the insulating substrate, so that the convex portion can be embedded in the through hole, and the top surface of the convex portion can protrude to a position adjacent to the top surface of the insulating substrate And an LED chip, the bottom of the LED chip is attached to the top surface of the protrusion, and the cathode and the anode are respectively connected to the two conductive lines. In this way, when a current is applied to the anode through the conductive line, the LED crystal # generates visible light, and the thermal energy generated thereon is transmitted through the convex portion to the heat conduction provided on the bottom surface of the insulating substrate. The metal plate makes the (10) module have excellent heat dissipation. ^The other purpose of the creation is to provide the structure of the LED module, so that a plurality of LED crystals can be divided into two connection lines for transmitting the plurality of LED chips simultaneously through the connection lines. The cathode and anode know-how motors enable pure LED chips to simultaneously generate visible light, which greatly reduces the high-resolution white light (10) mode-manufacturing process and cost. ^Creating the purpose-purpose' is to provide the structure of the module, so that the %·multiple LED chips can share the heat-conducting metal plate, and the heat energy generated on it is quickly transmitted to the outside of the (10) module. Significantly reduce the manufacturing process and cost of high-power white LED modules. Another purpose of this creation is that the heat dissipation area of the hot metal plate is directly exposed to the LED module, and in addition to providing excellent miscellaneous effects, it can also be combined with its heat dissipation structure (eg, heat sink fins). Or components (such as: Silk Wind. M329863 fan) after 'more rapid transfer of thermal energy generated by the LED chip to the outside of the LED module' greatly improved the life of the LED chip and LED module. In order to enable your review committee to have a better understanding and understanding of the purpose of the creation, the processing of the program and its efficacy, the examples are listed, and the drawings are detailed as follows: [Embodiment] This creation is a kind of illumination. The structure of a Light Emitting Diode (LED) module is a preferred embodiment of the present invention. Referring to FIG. 3, the LED module 30 includes an insulating substrate 31 and a thermally conductive metal plate. 32 and at least one LE:D wafer 33, wherein the insulating substrate 31 is a thin substrate made of an epoxy material or other insulating material, and at least one through hole 311 is formed therein; in the preferred embodiment, The insulating substrate 31 having the twelve through holes 311 is taken as an example for description. However, the present invention is not limited to the actual application; the through holes 311 are arranged in two rows in parallel, and are mutually arranged. Maintaining a predetermined spacing, the top surface 315 of the insulating substrate 31 is disposed adjacent to each of the through holes 311, and two conductive lines 312 are disposed; the heat conductive metal plate 32 is plated with copper, aluminum or copper. It is made of a heat conductive metal sheet such as an aluminum plate, and the top surface 325 is provided with at least one convex portion 321; in the preferred embodiment, the heat conductive metal plate 32 having 12 convex portions 321 is taken as an example. In addition, the present invention is not limited to the actual application; the top surface 325 of the heat conductive metal plate 32 is attached and fixed to the bottom surface 316 of the insulating substrate 31, and the size of each of the convex portions 321 and The position of the convex portion 321 can be embedded in the corresponding through hole 311 of the insulating substrate 31, and the top surface of the M329863 of each convex portion 321 can be protruded into the corresponding through hole 311 adjacent to the insulating substrate. The position of the top surface 315 of the 31; the bottom of the Lm) wafer 33 is attached and fixed to the top surface of the convex portion 321 , as shown in FIG. 4 , and the cathode 331 and the anode 332 are respectively connected by wires 34 and Two conductive lines 312 are connected. According to the above, when the insulating substrate 31, the heat conductive metal plate 32, and the LED chips 33 are assembled into a body, a transparent resin or a glass material can be used for each of the LED chips 33 and the wires thereon. 34 is packaged and a package lens 35 is formed thereon, thus forming the Lm) module 30 referred to in the present application. It is to be noted that, after the package of the L]ed wafer and the wire 34 is completed, only a part of the conductive line 312 on the insulating substrate 31 is exposed outside each of the package lenses 35 for use as the When the current is applied to the cathode 331 and the anode 332 through the conductive line 312, the LE:D wafer 33 generates visible light, and the heat generated thereon passes through the conductive pin. The protruding portion 321 is quickly conducted to the heat conducting metal plate 32 provided on the bottom surface 316 of the insulating substrate 31, so that the LED module 30 has an excellent heat dissipation effect. In the preferred embodiment, reference is made to FIGS. 3 and 4, because the cathode 331 and the conductive line 312 connected to the anode 332 of the six LED chips 33 in each row of the LE1D module 30 are Two mutually independent connection lines 313 are respectively shared to transmit current to each of the cathode 331 and the anode 332 of the LED chip 33 through the connection lines 313, so that each of the LED chips 33 can simultaneously generate visible light, so that The simplified manufacturing process and the low manufacturing cost make a high-power white light aD module 30 that can replace the neon or fluorescent lamp. In addition, since the le:D module 30 is a total of 11 M329863, the same-heat-conducting metal plate 32 is used, and the age generated by each of the LED chips 33 is quickly transmitted to the outside of the LED module 30, so that the thermal conductive metal plate can be transmitted through % The large heat dissipation area provided greatly improves the heat dissipation. In other embodiments of the present invention, the LED module shown in FIG. 4 can also be cut to produce a plurality of (10) modules 50 as shown in FIG. 5, wherein each of the LED modules 50 includes An insulating substrate 51, the substrate 51 is provided with a through hole 511, and the top surface of the substrate 51 is disposed with two conductive lines 512, a heat conducting metal plate 52', and a top surface of the heat conducting metal plate 52. A top surface of the heat conducting metal plate 52 is thinned to the bottom surface of the insulating substrate 51, so that the convex portion 521 is inspected into the through hole 5U, and the top surface of the convex portion 521 can be extended. The through hole 511 is adjacent to the top surface of the insulating substrate 51; an LED chip 53' is attached to the top surface of the convex portion 521 and the cathode and the anode are respectively electrically connected to the second conductive layer The circuit 512 is connected to each other; and a package lens 55 is used for encapsulating the LED chip 53, and only a part of the conductive path 512 of the insulating substrate 51 is exposed outside the package lens 55 as the (10) Module 5〇 = electric pin. Thus, when the transmissive conductive line 512 detects the LED chip 53 = motor, the LED chip 53 generates visible light, and the generated energy can be transmitted through the convex portion 521 to the thermally conductive metal plate. , the LED view 50 has an excellent heat dissipation effect. In another embodiment of the present invention, an LED module 如 as shown in FIG. 6 can be formed by changing the structure of the insulating substrate. The module 60 includes an insulating base 61. The insulating base The top surface of the 61 is provided with a 12 M329863 recess 66, and a through hole 611 is defined in the center, and two conductive pins 612 are disposed thereon, and one end of each of the conductive pins 612 extends to the recess 66 adjacent to the bay. The position of the tooth hole 611 extends to the outside of the insulating base 61. A heat conducting metal plate 62 is provided on the top surface of the heat conducting metal plate 62 with a protrusion 4 621 'the top surface of the heat conducting metal plate 62 Attached to the bottom surface of the insulating base 61 so that the protruding portion 621 can be embedded in the through hole 611, and the top surface of the protruding portion 621 can protrude into the through hole 611 to be adjacent to the top surface of the insulating base 61 The LED chip 63 is placed in the recess 66, and the bottom portion of the LED chip 63 is attached to the top surface of the boss portion 621, and the cathode and the % pole system are respectively connected by two wires 6. The core is connected to the two conductive pins; and a package lens 65, the package lens 65 is filled into the groove 66, The LED chip 63 and the wires 64 are packaged. Thus, the electric lion 612 extending outside the insulating base 61 can serve as a conductive pin of the LED module 60. When the conductive conductive pin 612 passes the LED chip 3 to the power of the LED chip 3, the coffee crystal 63 is grasped. That is, visible light is generated, and the heat energy generated thereon is transmitted through the convex portion 621 to the thermally conductive metal plate 62. In the embodiment of the present invention, since the heat dissipation area of the heat conductive metal plate is directly exposed to the LED module, in addition to providing an excellent heat dissipation effect, if it can be combined with other heat dissipation structures (eg, heat dissipation) Fins) or components (such as · cooling fans), the shaft will make its money better heat dissipation. In view of the fact that the heat sink fin is added to the bottom surface of the heat conductive metal plate to produce the LED module 70 as shown in FIG. 7, the LED module 70 includes An insulating substrate η, the insulating substrate η is provided with 13 M329863 having a through hole 711, and a top surface thereof is adjacent to the through hole 711, and two conductive lines 712 are disposed; i hot metal plate 72, the heat conductive metal plate 72 A top surface of the heat-dissipating metal plate 72 is attached to the bottom surface of the insulating substrate 71 so that the convex portion 721 can be disposed on the top surface of the insulating substrate 71. The through hole 711 is embedded, and the top surface of the protrusion 721 can extend into the through hole 711 to a position adjacent to the top surface of the insulating substrate 71; an LK) wafer 73, the bottom of the wafer 73 is attached to the a top surface of the raised portion 721, and a cathode and an anode thereof are respectively connected to the two conductive lines 712; and a package lens 75 for packaging the LED chip 73, and the insulating substrate 71 is mounted on the insulating substrate 71 Only a portion of the conductive line 712 is exposed outside the package lens 75 as the LED module 70 Electrical pins. Thus, when a current is applied to the LED chip 73 through the conductive path, the LE:D wafer 73 generates visible light, and the thermal energy generated thereon will pass through the convex portion 721 through the thermally conductive metal plate. 72, rapidly radiating to the heat dissipation fins 74, and rapidly dissipating the heat energy generated by the ud wafer 73 to the LED module 70 through the large heat dissipation area provided by the heat dissipation fins 74, thereby greatly improving the LED chip The service life of 73 and LEID module 70. The above description is only one of the best specific embodiments of the present invention, but the design of the present creation is not limited thereto, and any person skilled in the art can easily change or modify it in the field of creation. It is covered by the following patent application in this case. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS Fig. 1 is a schematic cross-sectional view of a conventional LED module; .M329863 Fig. 2 is a perspective view of a conventional LED module; Fig. 3 is a preferred embodiment of the LED module of the present invention Figure 4 is a partial cross-sectional view of the LED module shown in Figure 3; Figure 5 is a schematic cross-sectional view of the single LED module cut into the LED module shown in Figure 4; A schematic cross-sectional view of an LED module of another embodiment of the present invention; and

第7圖係本創作之又一實施例之LED模組之剖面示意圖。 【主要元件符號說明】 LED模組 絕緣基板 導熱金屬板 LED晶片 貫穿孔 導電線路 連接線路 頂面 底面 凸起部 陰極 陽極 封裝透鏡 導線 絕緣基座 凹槽 30、50、60、70 3 卜 51、71 32、 52、62、72 33、 53、63、73 31 卜 511、611、711 312、512、712 313 315 、 325 316 321、521、621、721 331 332 35、55、65、75 34、 64 61 66 15 M329863 • 導電接腳 ...............… 612 散熱鰭片 ...............… 74Figure 7 is a cross-sectional view showing an LED module of still another embodiment of the present invention. [Main component symbol description] LED module insulation substrate thermal conductive metal plate LED wafer through hole conductive line connection line top surface bottom surface convex portion cathode anode package lens wire insulation base groove 30, 50, 60, 70 3 Bu 51, 71 32, 52, 62, 72 33, 53, 63, 73 31 511, 611, 711 312, 512, 712 313 315, 325 316 321, 521, 621, 721 331 332 35, 55, 65, 75 34, 64 61 66 15 M329863 • Conductive pins.................. 612 Cooling fins..................74


Claims (1)

M329863 九、申請專利範圍: 1、一種發光二極體模組,包括 成之薄型基板,其上開 近該貫穿孔的位置,佈 一絕緣基板,係由絕緣材料製 設有-個貫穿孔,其頂面在鄰 設有二條導電線路; -導熱金屬板’係由導熱金屬材料製成的薄板,其頂 面上c又有個凸起部’該導熱金屬板之頂面係貼附至M329863 Nine, the scope of application for patents: 1. A light-emitting diode module comprising a thin substrate, the position of which is adjacent to the through-hole, and an insulating substrate, which is made of an insulating material and has a through hole. The top surface of the top surface is provided with two conductive lines; the heat conductive metal plate is a thin plate made of a heat conductive metal material, and the top surface c has a convex portion, and the top surface of the heat conductive metal plate is attached to 該絕緣基板之底面,該凸起部係伸入至對應貫穿孔中 鄰近該絕緣基板之頂面的位置;及 - LED晶片’其底部係貼附至該凸起部之頂面,且其 陰極及陽極係分別藉導線,與該二條導電線路相連接 2、 如申清專利祀圍第1項所述之發光二極體模組,尚包括 -封裝透鏡,該封裝透鏡係—翻樹脂或玻璃材料, 用以對該LED晶纽魏進行封裝,舰緣基板上僅 部份之導電線路裸露在各該封裝透鏡外,作為該⑽ 模組的導電接腳。 3、 如申請專利範圍第i或2項所述之魏二極體模組, 其中該導熱金屬板之底部設有複數個散熱鰭片。 4、 一種發光二極體模組,包括: 一絕緣基板,係由絕緣材料製成之薄型基板,其上開 设有一個以上的貫穿孔,其頂面在鄰近各該貫穿孔的 位置,佈設有二條導電線路; 一導熱金屬板,係由導熱金屬材料製成的薄板,其頂 面上設有一個以上的凸起部,該導熱金屬板之頂面係 17a bottom surface of the insulating substrate, the protruding portion extends into a position corresponding to a top surface of the corresponding through hole in the through hole; and - a bottom surface of the LED chip is attached to a top surface of the convex portion, and a cathode thereof And the anode system is connected to the two conductive lines by wires, respectively. 2. The light-emitting diode module according to the first item of the patent application, including the package lens, the package lens-return resin or glass The material is used for encapsulating the LED crystal button, and only a part of the conductive lines on the ship edge substrate are exposed outside each of the package lenses as the conductive pins of the (10) module. 3. The Wei diode module of claim i or 2, wherein the heat conducting metal plate has a plurality of heat dissipating fins at the bottom. 4. A light-emitting diode module comprising: an insulating substrate, a thin substrate made of an insulating material, having one or more through holes formed thereon, the top surface of which is disposed adjacent to each of the through holes There are two conductive lines; a heat conductive metal plate, which is a thin plate made of a heat conductive metal material, and has more than one convex portion on the top surface thereof, and the top surface of the heat conductive metal plate is 17 一導熱金屬板,係由導熱金屬材料製成的薄板,其頂 面上設有一個凸起部,該導熱金屬板之頂面係貼附至 M329863 貼附至該絕緣基板之底面,各該凸起部係伸入至對應 貝牙孔中鄰近該絕緣基板之頂面的位置;及 個以上的led晶#,各該LED晶片之底部係貼附至 各該凸起部之頂面,且其陰極及陽極係分別藉導線, 與對應之該二導電線路相連接。 如申請專利細第4項所述之發光二極魏組,其中 該、、、邑緣基板之頂面尚設有二條彼此獨立的連接線路, 各該連接線路係分別與各該導電線路相連接,以透過 各該連接線路,分別提供各該LED晶片之陰極及陽極 所需之電能。 、如申請專概圍第4項所述之發光二極體模組,尚包 括-封I透鏡,該聽透鏡係—透鴨脂或玻璃材 料用以對該LED B曰曰片及導線進行封裝,該絕緣基板 上僅部份之導電線路裸露在各該封裝透鏡外,作為該 led模組的導電接腳。 7、 如申請專利範圍第4、5或6項所述之發光二極體模組, 其中該導熱金屬板之底部設有複數個散熱鰭片。 8、 一種發光二極體模組,包括: 、邑緣基座,係由絕緣材料製成,其頂面開設有一凹 槽^中央開設有—個貫穿孔,其上設有二導電接腳, 各該導電接腳之一端係延伸至該凹槽,鄰近該貫穿孔 的位置,另一端則延伸至該絕緣基座外; 18 M329863 該絕緣基板之底面,該凸起部係伸入至 鄰近該絕緣基板之頂面的位置;及 …貝牙孔令 - LED晶#,储置放在細射, J凸,之頂面,且其陰極及陽極係i別藉導線,與 邊一蛤電接腳相連接。 ^專她群8項所述之發光二鋪模組,尚包 料^封錢鏡,贿裝魏係—透簡脂或玻璃材 用以,充至該凹槽中,對該⑽晶片及導線進行 該纟G縣板上僅部份之導電祕裸露在各該封 、兄外作為該led模組的導電接腳。 專利範圍第8或9項所述之發光二極體模組, 々該導熱金屬板之底部設有複數個散熱鰭片。 19a heat conducting metal plate, which is a thin plate made of a heat conductive metal material, and has a convex portion on a top surface thereof, and a top surface of the heat conductive metal plate is attached to a bottom surface of the insulating substrate attached to the M329863, each of the convex portions The top portion protrudes into a position corresponding to a top surface of the insulating substrate adjacent to the insulating substrate; and more than one LED crystal #, the bottom of each of the LED chips is attached to a top surface of each of the convex portions, and The cathode and the anode are respectively connected to the corresponding two conductive lines by wires. The illuminating dipole group according to claim 4, wherein the top surface of the substrate is provided with two independent connecting lines, and each connecting circuit is respectively connected to each of the conductive lines. To provide the electrical energy required for each of the cathode and anode of the LED chip through each of the connection lines. For example, the light-emitting diode module described in the fourth aspect of the application further includes an -I lens, which is used for encapsulating the LED B and the wire. Only a part of the conductive lines on the insulating substrate are exposed outside each of the package lenses as a conductive pin of the LED module. 7. The light-emitting diode module according to claim 4, 5 or 6, wherein a plurality of heat-dissipating fins are arranged at the bottom of the heat-conductive metal plate. 8. A light-emitting diode module comprising: a rim base, which is made of an insulating material, and has a groove on a top surface thereof; a through hole is formed in the center, and two conductive pins are arranged thereon; One end of each of the conductive pins extends to the groove, adjacent to the position of the through hole, and the other end extends to the outside of the insulating base; 18 M329863 The bottom surface of the insulating substrate, the protruding portion extends into the vicinity The position of the top surface of the insulating substrate; and...Bee Hole Order - LED Crystal #, stored on the top surface of the fine shot, J convex, and the cathode and anode system are not connected by wires, and are electrically connected to the side The feet are connected. ^Specially her group of 8 light-emitting two shop modules, still wrapped in ^ money mirror, bribe Wei system - through the grease or glass material, into the groove, the (10) wafer and wire Only a part of the conductive secrets on the 纟G county board are exposed to each of the seals and the outer conductors as the conductive pins of the LED module. The light-emitting diode module according to Item 8 or 9, wherein a plurality of heat-dissipating fins are arranged at the bottom of the heat-conductive metal plate. 19
TW96215221U 2007-09-11 2007-09-11 Structure of LED module TWM329863U (en)

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