TWM284764U - Vertical/horizontal position adjustable tunnel work cart - Google Patents

Vertical/horizontal position adjustable tunnel work cart Download PDF


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TWM284764U TW94216055U TW94216055U TWM284764U TW M284764 U TWM284764 U TW M284764U TW 94216055 U TW94216055 U TW 94216055U TW 94216055 U TW94216055 U TW 94216055U TW M284764 U TWM284764 U TW M284764U
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driving device
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Chinese (zh)
Jia-Yu Lin
Chang-Ju Lin
Original Assignee
Jia-Yu Lin
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Application filed by Jia-Yu Lin filed Critical Jia-Yu Lin
Priority to TW94216055U priority Critical patent/TWM284764U/en
Publication of TWM284764U publication Critical patent/TWM284764U/en



  • Lining And Supports For Tunnels (AREA)


M284764 » 八、新型說明: 【新型所屬之技術領域】 本創作係有關-種X作車,尤指—種適賴道頂部各項養護作業使用 之门形隧道工作車,係屬隧道工程技術發展領域者。 【先前技術】 按,我國之地形以高山佔絕大部份,平原地形可謂相當稀少,尤其縱 向綿延南、北兩地之中央山脈,更阻隔了東、西岸之經濟、文化發展,以 | 致東、西岸之城鄉差距過於懸殊。 幸賴近年來科技技術之突飛猛進所賜,東、西岸間已透過北橫、中橫、 南橫等東、西向道路之貫穿,以拉近僅一山之隔之東、西兩岸城鄉之差異, 甚至,今年甫貫穿之雪山隧道更是拉近北部與東北部距離,更將東、西兩 地往來時間大幅縮短。 談到『隧道』,不僅開鑿過程相當銀辛,對於隧道開鑿後續照明設備之 定期保養、結構體損壞維修或其它機電設備養護作業,更是一項不討喜之 ί 作業,何以呢?就目前國内、外針對『随道』之機電或結構體清洗、損壞 修護等’皆採以隧道單車道封閉方式,此種手段雖然對於工作人員而言, 能更專注且快速的達到養護目標,卻也因隧道之單車道封閉,造成交通堵 塞,兩地交通受影響等損害人民通行之權益。 緣是,如何達到有效之隧道之養護作業更形簡易、安全又兼具不影響 駕駛者之行車權益,則是本創作主要達到之最終功效。 【新型内容】 本創作之水平垂直調移式隧道工作車,主要目的乃藉由一橫跨在隧道 5 M284764 . 兩侧邊並可沿隧道通車方向滑移及隧道橫向方向微量調整作業寬度之工作 車,以利施工人員得於該隧道工作車之工作構架上方一面進行隧道内各項 養護工作時,工作構架下方車道亦可供車輛正常通行之水平垂直調移式隨 道工作車。 至於’本創作達到上揭隧道養護及車輛正常通行同步進行之結構功 效’所採用之詳細技術手段,茲列舉本創作工作車之最佳結構空間實施例 說明如后,並請委員參酌所繪製之工作車結構相關圖式,自然能對本創作 I 獲致更進一步之瞭解。 【實施方式】 本創作係有關一種水平垂直調移式隧道工作車,該工作車主要係方便 隨道之機電養護、結構檢修或是結構壁面之粉塵清洗等作業而特別研發出 來之新穎結構,請參照第一至五圖所示,該隧道工作車(1)包括: 一基座(1 〇 ),係隧道工作車(1)之承載結構體,主要係設置在隧 道工作車(1 )左、右兩侧之對稱鋼體,基座(1 〇 )除了具承載隧道工 作車(1)所有結構重量外,更可透過底端兩側水平間隔設置之數個鋼輪 (1 0 1 )’於舖設在隧道通行方向兩外側地面之執道(A)上自由滑移, 且左、右兩基座(1〇)頂端平面之前、中、後段與軌道(A)垂直方向 分別橫設有二組水平_狀之雜(B ),滑軌(B )係供_n形工作構架 (2 0 )於滑軌(b )上橫向滑移調整左、右位置,至於滑執(B )之數 量設定為三組乃針對本實施峨續之工作構架設計之最佳數量 ,至於實際 應用之數量職工物之長短喊,故雜之數量μ變化仍為本創作精 神所含括。 6 M284764 Π形工作構架(2 0),主要包括: 與左、右對稱基座(1 〇 )同為水平方向設置之兩對稱鋼樑實施態樣 之底座(2 0 1 ),工作構架(2 0 )則透過兩底座(2 ο 1)底端對應三 組滑軌(Β )位置所設之鋼輪(2 〇 2 ),而得以左、右向最大6 0公分之 橫向滑移調整,且可透過各滑軌(Β)兩末端形成之楔形止動塊(2 〇 3 ) 提供工作構架(2 0)橫向移位限位功效,以防止工作構架(2 〇)脫離 滑軌(Β)之嚴重危安情事發生; _ 一沿兩底座(2 0 1)垂直方向朝上延伸之左、右對稱鋼套管(2 1), 鋼套管(21)係採對應滑軌(Β)數量及垂直於底座方式設計,鋼套管 (21)由底座(2 01)垂直延設位置,亦採對應於各滑軌(Β)位置 為佳,且,左、右兩侧之三組垂直延設之鋼套管(2 i)係呈中空狀,俾 利’左、右兩組對應鋼套管(21)數量之l形鋼套管(2 2)插接結合; 一左、右對稱之L形鋼套管(2 2 ),係由垂直桿段(2 2 1 )、水平 桿段(2 2 2)及連接垂直、水平桿段之導角桿段(2 2 3)所構成,L 鲁 形鋼套管(2 2)係透過下方之垂直桿段(2 21)以可上、下活動調整 方式插設在左、右三組之中空鋼套管(21)内,又,左、右兩l形鋼套 管(2 2)則透過水平桿段(2 2 2)以可水平橫向活動調整方式插接結 合’以構成一门形工作構架(2 〇)基本架構,至於,銜接用之斜向導角 桿段(2 2 3)功效,透過第四圖可知,乃特別針對隧道頂端之拱形結構 壁面設計’以防止隧道工作車(1)沿隧道地面之軌道(A)推進或退縮 過程’工作構架(2 0)與隧道靠近頂端之壁面相互接觸,而衍生隧道結 構體或工作車結構損壞之情事發生。 7 M284764 另外’工作構架(2 〇 )為達到更穩固之結構剛性,茲將本實施例中 採以二組間隔設計之鋼套管(21)及l形鋼套管(2 2 )間,沿基座(1 0 )長距離方向間隔橫設有數個補強桿(2 3 ),橫向之補強样(2 3 )和 L形鋼套管(2 2)之水平桿段(2 2 2)則交錯畫分出第一區間及第二 區間,第一區間靠近頂端位置舖設有固定式工作踏板(C ),固定式工作踏 板(C )透過第五、六所示進一步發現,係左、右插設在〗形鋼樑實施態 樣之補強桿(2 3 )缺槽内,再利用螺固元件鎖固定位,至於前、後端因 水平Φτ段(2 2 2 )為平面無缺槽,故可於水平桿段(2 2 2 )底端間隔 焊接數個具貫穿孔之鎖接片(圖中未示出)供螺固元件貫穿鎖固結合,以 利固定式工作踏板(C)與第一區間之結合關係更加穩固,至於第二區間 則設有局部橫跨第一區間之伸縮式工作踏板(D ),該伸縮式工作踏板(D ) 一端亦***鎖固在補強桿(2 3)缺槽,另一端因延伸至第一區間之固定 式工作踏板底端,而造成局部橫跨部位支撐力道不足,特別於水平桿段(2 2 2)底端預设處焊固數個支撐用之l形結構體(圖中未示出),以強化伸 縮式工作踏板(D)之支撐強度,且,由於伸縮式工作踏板僅一端和第二 Q間之L形鋼套管鎖固,故第^一區間之L形鋼套管水平桿段脫離第^—區間 水平桿段朝外側拉伸狀態時,伸縮式工作踏板(D)亦會同步受其連動, 以補位工作構架(2 0)橫向拉伸擴張形成之缺口,防止於施工踩踏區作 業之施工人員踩空失足、掉落之危安情事發生。 又,關於承載工作構架(2 0)之基座(1Q)可順利於隨道兩外側 地面之軌道(A)自由滑移技術(另配合參照第七圖),則透過左、右基座 (1 0 )預設處設置一傳動馬達(3 0 ),傳動馬達(3 〇 )和基座(i 〇 ) 8 M284764 底端中央_輪(1 〇 i )之轴制,透過正時皮帶或金屬絲等不同實 施方式之傳動單元(31)達到媒動目的,以利基座(i 〇)得任意於随 道兩侧之軌道(A)上自由婦,連帶使得架設在基座(i g )上之工作 構架(2 0)同步位移。 再者,藉由鋼輪(2 G 2 )滑設在基座(1 G )滑軌⑻上之工作 構架(2 0 ),則透過-設在底座(2 〇工)底端一端固設在基座(工 0 )頂端水平移位關棹實補樣之主驅動裝置(4 Q ),帶動工作構架(2 0 )於預設6 0公分寬之滑軌⑻上水平往覆娜,而基本上主驅動裝 置(4 0 )不像傳動馬達(3 〇 ) f触對應基座數量僅需於工作構架 (2 0 )任-側邊之底座上設置單—主軸裝置(4 Q )即能驅動工作構 架(2 0 )於基座滑軌(b )上橫向限位滑移。 -對應鋼套管(21)數量之垂直驅動裝置,該垂直驅動裝置實施形 態’乃係指可上、下伸縮之油壓桿(5 i)及伸縮至定位而需手動迫緊之 蝸桿(5 2 )’上述之油壓桿(51)及蝸桿(5 2)係採對應鋼套管及l 形鋼套管數量設計’設置之位置則位於每一鋼套管兩侧邊,且油麼桿(5 1)及蜗桿(5 2)—端係固設在鋼套管(2工)適當處,另一端則固設 在L形鋼套管(2 2)之垂直桿段(2 21)預設處,即可透過垂直驅動 裝置作動’帶動L形鋼套管之垂直桿段於中空鋼套管内上、下垂直位移調 整’以適用不同縱向高度之隧道使用,當然,本實施例之垂直驅動裝置亦 能單獨使用油壓桿上下驅動L形鋼套管位移,增設蜗桿(5 2)之用意乃 考量油壓桿(51)故障時,得透過伸縮調整至定點後需施以手動迫緊固 定之蜗桿(5 2)提供工作構架(2 0)安全之垂直支撐力道,以防止位 9 M284764 • 於工作構架上施工之人員因油壓桿故障失去垂直支撐力道,而發生人員跌 落等不樂見之危安情事功效。 另外’ L形鋼套管(2 2)之水平橫向擴張以迫使工作構架(2 〇) 於滑軌(B)上橫向滑移之方式,則採以水平驅動裝置帶動,該水平驅動 裝置和垂直驅動裝置同樣,係指對應L形鋼套管數量之油壓桿(61)及 蜗桿(6 2 ),不同處乃水平驅動裝置之油壓桿(6 i )及蜗桿(6 2 )兩 端分別水平固設在左、右向L形鋼套筒之水平桿段(2 2 2 )適當處,以 • 淋平驅動裝置作動時,可達到工作構架(2 0 )之橫向宽度控制功效, 至於,蜗桿(6 2)亦非屬必要之結構設計,但基本上最佳之結構設計乃 如本實施例所述須搭配油壓桿(6 i)使用,以防止油壓桿(6 i)故障 時之穩固性水平支撐結構。 上述帶動基座(1〇)沿隧道兩侧舖設之軌道(A)上滑移、帶動工 作構架(2 0 )於基座(1 〇 )之橫向滑軌⑻限位滑移、帶動垂直驅 動裝置上下轉及水平驅練置水平位鑛需之動力源及行關之作動方 • 雜制,則是透過設置在工作構架(2 0 ) -側邊底座(2 〇 1)上之驅 動裝置主機(7 〇); 從而,真正達到各驅動裝置預期設計之行進啟、閉控制,乃透過與驅 動裝置主機(7 〇 )呈電性聯結之控綱關(8 0 ),下達上述諸驅動裝置 預设仃進間作動指令之啟、閉,至於控制開關(8 〇)之位置,本實施例 係設置在工作構架(2 〇)之鋼套管(21)適當高度,以方便施工人員 操作虽然,為令施工踩踏區之施工人員能更方便控制隨道工作車(1) 之行進方向,施工踩踏區預設處亦可設置控制開關,但設置在該處之控制 M284764 響 • 開關為防止施工人員不慎踩踏造成結構損壞及突出設計阻礙施工作業,建 議將該處之控制開關採斜向設置,同時於外部增設一硬質之保護殼體加以 克服上述之缺失。 此外,由於本創作之隧道工作車(i )最大幅寬高達七米,幅長固定 為四米之大型鋼樑焊固套接而成之工作構架,為防止如此龐大之工作構架 於滑軌上橫向位移時,易造成工作構架產生傾倒問題,茲特別於工作構架 (2 0)兩側邊底座底端及左、右基座(丄〇)頂端平台預設處,增設左、 | 右對稱之前、後兩組防傾裝置(9 〇 ),防傾裝置(9 〇 )係指固設在底座 底端之“工型”插接元件(9丄),及固設在基座(丄〇 )頂端平面上之播 止構件(9 2 ),該擋止構件(9 2 )乃由兩相對向之z型鋼材以保有插接 π件***方式間隔設置,俾利插接元件(9丄)***該擋止構件(g 2) 時組構出一防傾裝置(9 〇 ),以達結構預期内之防止工作構架(2 〇 )橫 向位移之傾倒功效,如此即為本創作水平垂直調移式隧道工作車之最基本 組成架構敘述。 I 本創作之隧道工作車(i)之幅寬係依隧道口徑而設,故,可跨設在 隧道左、右兩側邊舖設之軌道(A)上,且可沿軌道(A)而^意滑移定 位於隨道某-區段,施工人員只要由側邊攸上工作構架(2 〇)頂端,由 舖設在L形鋼套管水平桿段(2 2 2)之固定式及伸縮式工作踏板(c、 D )共同圍構之施工踩踏區,遂可進行拱形隧道頂端壁面之照明設備安裝、 結構檢修或其他機電養護作業之進行,各項養護工作之進行時由於施工人 員係位於橫跨隧道之工作構架(2 〇)上方,门工作構架(2 〇)下方乃 可供車輛『正常行駛』通車,絲毫不會·項養護卫作造歧通堵塞之情 11 M284764 形,損及駕敌者之路權使用權益。 不僅如此,由於本創作隧道工作車(i )之门形工作構架(2 〇 )係 橫跨滑設於隧道左、右侧邊地面軌道(a)上,故只須將軌道(A)沿隧 道通車方向舖設,即可令本創作之隧道工作車(i)全程通行於隧道之兩 端出口間,且,透過工作構架(2 〇 )橫向滑設在基座(丄〇 )之滑軌(B ) 設計,於各項養護工作範圍中,可透過施工踩踏區預設處之控制開關,控 制工作構架(2 0)於滑軌(B)上做6 0公分(滑軌幅寬可依隧道或設 齡计者視實際需求而任意變化)之橫向限位移滑,透過工作構架(2 〇)可 橫向滑移巧思,即能解決隧道幅寬任意位置之機電養護作業之進行。 不只如此,本創作人更貼心設想到施工人員於工作構架(2 〇)上進 行養護工程時,難免會造成隧道結構之損傷或機電設備拆換之零組件掉落 而傷及工作架構底端通行之車輛,是以,工作構架(2 〇)頂端特別採用 鋼板之工作踏板,以防止養護中不慎掉落之物品阻攔功效,同時鋼板之工 作踏板亦提供施工人員更安全、便利之踩踏空間。 t 再參照第八圖所示,係本創作依随道工作車(1)架構下所衍生之附 屬結構’如該圖所示乃特別於工作構架(2 0)頂端之施工踩踏區之兩側 邊增設防護攔(1 0 0 )(指和隧道通行相同方向),其目的乃藉由防護棚 (10 0)之設置提昇施工人員作業時之安全保護之用,防護攔(1〇 Q ) 採以間隔分離式設計,乃為閃避隧道頂端壁面朝下凸設之照明裝置或其他 機電設備,至於防護攔(10 0)實際實施態樣,除了圖式所揭之门形柱 形狀外,亦能將门形柱防護攔搭配網孔板片、鋼片或直向或橫向柱桿以達 更佳化之施工安全防護功效,甚至,防護欄除圖式所揭焊固在工作構架頂 12 M284764 • 端兩側方式外,亦能採上、下活動拉伸定位或前、後向(和隧道通行同一 方向)掀折上揚定位方式,以達安全防護功效外更兼具保持工作車之美觀 而無任何突兀感產生。 再參照第九圖所*,另外,隧道工作車(丄)之前、後端亦可由左、 右鋼套管、L形鋼套管水平桿段垂直延伸數個辅助桿(i i 〇 ),並將鍊條 實施態樣之感應式止動裝置(1 1 1)沿门形工作構架對應形狀繞設、固 定於數輔助桿(1 1〇)上,並藉由與驅動裝置主機(7 〇)電性連結, > 以利隧道工作車(1)前進或後退時遇有阻礙物時,可藉由該凸出工作車 則、後端之止動裝置(1 1 1 )先行碰觸,以停止隧道工作車(1 )繼續 前行,防止工作車結構碰撞損壞之情事發生。 另再參照第十圖所示,本創作之隧道工作車(1)亦可於L形鋼套管 (2 2)之導角桿段(2 2 3)預設處垂直增設碰撞時具緩衝退位之滑輪 (1 2 0 ),藉以偵測工作構架(2 〇)之安全侧距,如滑輪與隨道碰撞時 則透過控制開關(8 0)調整垂直驅動裝置之上、下高度至安全範圍,即 | 可雜i作車可健面方向前進、後退,而不會發生二作車與壁面接觸之 結構體損壞功效。 復再參照第十-圖所示,本創作之隨道工作車(丄)除具備頂端施工 踩踏區進行隧道頂端機電養護作業效用外,對於車輛通行造成之粉塵囤積 在隧道壁面之清潔問題,則可於隧道工作車(i)左、右兩側以固定方式 或活動方式結合-清潔裝置(1 3 〇 ),清潔裝置(1 3 〇 )乃由複數個傾 斜間隔排列之毛刷所組成,清潔裝置(i 3 〇 )採和隧道側壁面傾斜設置, 則可令喷灑之清洗用水由最頂端之毛刷依序往下流,使得隧道侧壁不會如 13 M284764 毛刷垂直設置方級用糊流下之污水重複清洗,進而触壁面清洗不乾 淨之情事。 最后,針對本創作隧道工作車(i)爬到頂端施工踩踏區作業方式予 以陳述,由於本創作之隧道工作車(i)係針對隧道之養護作業特別設計, 由此可知,工作車定具有一定之距離高度,緣是,為俾利施工人員能快速 到達工作構架(2 0)頂端施工,得於工作構架(2 〇)左、右側邊之兩 鋼套管(2 1)間,以間隔方式設置爬梯(圖中未示出),以利施工人員上 去施工踩踏區較為方便; 甚至,爬梯除供上述以人力攸行設計外,亦可於工作構架(2 〇)設 置有控制開關(8 0)之侧邊鋼套管預設處,架設一具容置空間之升降物 架(圖中未示出),該升降物架則可透過結合同樣受驅動裝置主體(7 〇 ) 控制之油壓桿上、下帶動,以利施工人員站立於該升降物架上,即可透過 控制開關(8 0)之啟動,而緩慢上升,即能不費力情況下抵達工作構架 頂端之施工踩踏區施工作業;甚至,升降物架之設置除供施工人員搭乘外, 對於體型較大、較笨重之物品欲輸送至施工踩踏區上之施工人員使用時, 更是解決人力搬運之耗時費力之一項便捷性設計。 綜上所陳,本創作水平垂直調移式隧道工作車,不僅在結構上有所創 新,亦能兼具達到隧道一面施工同時兼具車輛雙向通行之功效,實已符合 進步性申請規定,故,爰依法向鈞局提出新型專利申請,懇請鈞局能 早曰賜予本案專利權,以利本創作產品之推廣,期能嘉惠我國内隨道工程 作業之便捷性。 M284764 【圖式簡單說明】 第一圖係本創作水平垂直調移式隧道工作車之外觀示意圖。 第二圖係本創作水平垂直調移式隧道工作車之完整實施例外觀示意圖。 第三圖係本創作水平垂直調移式隧道工作車之側面平面示意圖。 第四圖係本創作水平垂直調移式隧道工作車之實際運用於隧道之狀態示意 圖0 第五圖係本創作水平垂直調移式隧道工作車之正向示意圖。 第六圖係第五圖之局部放大示意圖。 第七圖係本創作水平垂直調移式隧道工作車與軌道作動之局部放大示意 第八圖係本卿水平妓_式_工作車觀喊狀局·構外觀示 意圖。 第九圖係梢作水平妓調移歧紅作切設止練置之觸結構外觀 示意圖。 第十圖係本創作水平《調移式料〜車増設滑輪之局·構外觀示意 圖。 第十-圖係本鋪水平幽移式随紅作車增設清雜置之局部結構外 觀示意囷。 15 M284764 【主要元件符號說明】 1 -----隧道工作車 10 1---鋼輪 2 1----鋼套管 2 0 2---鋼輪 2 2----L形鋼套管 2 2 2---水平桿段 • 2 3----補強桿 3 1----傳動單元 5 1----油壓桿 6 1----油壓桿 7 0----驅動裝置主機 9 1----插接元件 9 2----擋止構件 _ 110---輔助桿 12 0---滑輪 B-----滑執 D-----伸縮式工作踏板 10—— 基座 2 0—— ——工作構架 20 1一- ---底座 2 0 3—— ---止動塊 22 1—— 一一垂直桿段 2 2 3-- 一一導角桿段 30--- ---傳動馬達 40--- 一一主驅動裝置 5 2--- 一 一蜗桿 6 2--- 一 一螞桿 80--- 一一控制開關 90--- 一一防傾裝置 1 〇〇-- —防護攔 111-- —止動裝置 13 0 —— 一一清潔裝置 A---- 一一執道 C---- 一一固定式工作踏板 16M284764 » VIII. New description: 【New technology field】 This creation department is related to X-type car, especially the kind of door-shaped tunnel work vehicle used in various maintenance operations at the top of the road. It belongs to tunnel engineering technology development. Domain. [Prior Art] According to the fact that China's topography is dominated by high mountains, the plain terrain is quite rare, especially the central mountain ranges stretching south and north, which further hinders the economic and cultural development of the east and west coasts. The urban-rural gap between the East and West Banks is too wide. Thanks to the rapid advancement of technology and technology in recent years, the east and west coasts have penetrated the east and west roads of Beiheng, Zhongheng and Nanheng, so as to narrow the difference between urban and rural areas on the east and west sides of the mountain. Even the snow-capped mountain tunnel that runs through this year is closer to the north and northeast, and the travel time between the east and the west is greatly shortened. When it comes to "tunneling", not only is the excavation process quite silvery, but it is also an unpleasant ί operation for the regular maintenance of the subsequent lighting equipment, structural damage repair or other mechanical and electrical equipment maintenance work. Why? At present, the domestic and foreign electromechanical or structural cleaning, damage repair, etc. for the "slave" are all closed by tunnel single lane. This means that the staff can concentrate more and quickly on the maintenance. The target is also closed due to the single lane of the tunnel, causing traffic congestion, and the traffic in the two places is affected and the interests of the people are impaired. The reason is that how to achieve an effective tunnel maintenance operation is more simple, safe and does not affect the driver's driving rights, which is the ultimate effect of this creation. [New content] The main purpose of this horizontal horizontal transfer tunnel work vehicle is to work through a tunnel across 5 M284764. Both sides can be slid along the tunnel opening direction and the tunnel width is adjusted in the lateral direction. In order to facilitate the construction personnel to carry out various maintenance work in the tunnel above the working frame of the tunnel work vehicle, the lane below the work frame is also available for the horizontal vertical transfer type of the road work vehicle. As for the detailed technical means adopted by 'this creation achieves the structural effect of the maintenance of the tunnel and the normal traffic of the vehicle,', the explanation of the best structural space of the creative work vehicle is given as follows, and the members are invited to draw The relevant structure of the work car structure can naturally give a further understanding of this creation. [Embodiment] This creation is related to a horizontal and vertical transfer tunnel work vehicle. The work vehicle is mainly a novel structure specially developed for the convenience of electromechanical maintenance, structural maintenance or dust cleaning of structural walls. Referring to Figures 1 to 5, the tunnel work vehicle (1) comprises: a base (1 〇), which is a load-bearing structure of the tunnel work vehicle (1), which is mainly disposed on the left side of the tunnel work vehicle (1), The symmetrical steel body on the right side, the base (1 〇) can be connected to several horizontally spaced steel wheels (1 0 1 ) by the bottom of the bottom, in addition to all the structural weights of the tunnel-carrying work vehicle (1). Laying freely on the two sides of the tunnel in the direction of tunneling (A), and the two groups of the front, middle and rear sections of the left and right pedestal (1〇) are perpendicular to the vertical direction of the track (A). Horizontal _ shape (B), slide rail (B) for _n-shaped work frame (20) on the slide rail (b) laterally to adjust the left and right position, as for the number of slides (B) The three groups are the best number for the design of the work structure of this implementation. As for The actual number of workers and workers is shouting, so the amount of miscellaneous changes is still included in the creative spirit. 6 M284764 Π-shaped working frame (20), mainly including: base with two symmetrical steel beam implementations (2 0 1 ) with horizontal and vertical symmetrical base (1 〇), working structure (2 0) through the two bases (2 ο 1) at the bottom end corresponding to the three sets of slide rails (Β) position of the steel wheel (2 〇 2), and the left and right direction of the maximum 60 cm lateral slip adjustment, and The wedge-shaped stop block (2 〇3) formed at both ends of each slide rail (Β) provides the lateral displacement limit function of the working frame (20) to prevent the working frame (2 〇) from coming off the slide rail (Β) Severe dangerous situation occurs; _ a left and right symmetric steel casing (2 1) extending upward in the vertical direction of the two bases (2 0 1), and the steel casing (21) adopts the corresponding number of sliding rails (Β) Designed perpendicular to the base, the steel casing (21) is vertically extended from the base (2 01), and the position corresponding to each rail (Β) is preferred, and the three sets of vertical extensions on the left and right sides are provided. The steel casing (2 i) is hollow, and the left and right sets of steel sleeves (2 2) corresponding to the number of steel sleeves (21) are plugged and joined; one left and right symmetry The L-shaped steel casing (2 2 ) is composed of a vertical rod section (2 2 1 ), a horizontal pole section (2 2 2) and a guide angle section (2 2 3) connecting the vertical and horizontal pole sections, L The U-shaped steel casing (2 2) is inserted into the hollow steel casing (21) of the left and right groups through the vertical rod section (2 21) in the upper and lower movement adjustment manner, and left, The right two l-shaped steel sleeves (2 2) are inserted into the horizontal section (2 2 2) in a horizontally and horizontally movable manner to form a gate-shaped working frame (2 〇) basic structure. As for the connection, The effect of the oblique guide angle section (2 2 3), as can be seen from the fourth figure, is specifically designed for the arched wall surface of the tunnel top to prevent the tunnel work vehicle (1) from advancing or retreating along the tunnel ground track (A). The process 'working frame (20) is in contact with the wall near the top of the tunnel, and the structure of the resulting tunnel structure or the work vehicle is damaged. 7 M284764 In addition, the 'working frame (2 〇) is used to achieve a more stable structural rigidity. In this embodiment, a steel sleeve (21) and an l-shaped steel sleeve (2 2 ) are designed with two sets of intervals. The pedestal (10) is horizontally spaced with a plurality of reinforcing rods (2 3 ), and the lateral reinforcing samples (2 3 ) and the horizontal rod segments (2 2 2) of the L-shaped steel casings (2 2) are staggered. The first section and the second section are divided into a first section and a second section. The first section is provided with a fixed working pedal (C) near the top position, and the fixed working pedal (C) is further discovered through the fifth and sixth sections. In the ribs of the reinforcing rods (2 3 ) of the steel beam, the screw-solid elements are used to lock the fixed position. As for the front and rear ends, the horizontal Φτ segment (2 2 2 ) is a plane without gaps, so it can be The bottom end of the horizontal rod section (2 2 2 ) is welded at a plurality of locking pieces (not shown) with through holes for the screwing elements to be through the locking joint to facilitate the fixed working pedal (C) and the first interval The combination relationship is more stable, and the second section is provided with a telescopic working pedal (D) partially spanning the first section, the telescopic type The pedal (D) is also inserted at the end of the reinforcing rod (23), and the other end is extended to the bottom end of the fixed working pedal of the first section, resulting in insufficient support of the local cross-section, especially for the horizontal rod. The bottom end of the segment (2 2 2) is preset to weld a plurality of l-shaped structures (not shown) for supporting to strengthen the supporting strength of the telescopic working pedal (D), and due to the telescopic working pedal Only the L-shaped steel casing between the one end and the second Q is locked, so that the horizontal section of the L-shaped steel casing of the first section is separated from the horizontal section of the ^-section horizontally, the telescopic working pedal ( D) will also be synchronized by its linkage to fill the gap formed by the horizontal stretching and expansion of the working structure (20), preventing the construction workers in the construction of the treading area from slamming into the air and falling into danger. In addition, the pedestal (1Q) carrying the working frame (20) can smoothly pass the track (A) free slip technology of the two outer ground tracks (also referred to the seventh figure), and then pass through the left and right pedestals ( 1 0) Preset a drive motor (30), drive motor (3 〇) and base (i 〇) 8 M284764 bottom center _ wheel (1 〇i) shaft through the timing belt or metal The transmission unit (31) of different embodiments, such as wire, achieves the purpose of mediation, so that the base (i 〇) can be freely placed on the track (A) on both sides of the track, and is attached to the base (ig). The working structure (20) synchronous displacement. Furthermore, the working frame (20) which is slid on the base (1G) slide rail (8) by the steel wheel (2G2) is fixed at the bottom end of the base (2) The pedestal (work 0) is horizontally displaced from the top of the main drive unit (4 Q), and the working frame (20) is driven horizontally on the preset 60 cm wide slide rail (8). The upper main drive unit (40) is not like the drive motor (3 〇) f. The number of corresponding bases only needs to be set on the base of the working frame (20) or the side of the side. The working frame (20) slides laterally on the base rail (b). - a vertical drive device corresponding to the number of steel bushings (21), which refers to a hydraulic lever (5 i) that can be extended up and down, and a worm that is telescopically positioned to be manually tightened (5 2) 'The above-mentioned hydraulic rod (51) and worm (5 2) are corresponding to the steel casing and the number of l-shaped steel casings. The setting position is located on both sides of each steel casing, and the oil rod (5 1) and the worm (5 2) - the end is fixed at the appropriate place of the steel casing (2 work), and the other end is fixed to the vertical section of the L-shaped steel casing (2 2) (2 21) At the pre-set, the vertical drive can be used to drive the vertical section of the L-shaped steel sleeve to the upper and lower vertical displacement adjustments in the hollow steel casing to suit the tunnels of different longitudinal heights. Of course, the vertical of this embodiment The driving device can also use the hydraulic rod to drive the displacement of the L-shaped steel casing up and down. The purpose of adding the worm (5 2) is to consider the hydraulic rod (51) failure, and it must be manually adjusted after the telescopic adjustment to the fixed point. The tightly fixed worm (5 2) provides a secure support for the working frame (20) to prevent the position 9 M284764 • The frame construction for the personnel due to loss of hydraulic failure vertical support rod strength, but does not like to see other people falling down the danger efficacy security violations occurred. In addition, the lateral expansion of the 'L-shaped steel casing (2 2) to force the working frame (2 〇) to laterally slide on the sliding rail (B) is driven by a horizontal drive, the horizontal drive and vertical The driving device also refers to the hydraulic rod (61) and the worm (6 2 ) corresponding to the number of L-shaped steel bushings. The different parts are the hydraulic rod (6 i ) and the worm (6 2 ) of the horizontal driving device. The ends are horizontally fixed at the horizontal section (2 2 2 ) of the left and right L-shaped steel sleeves respectively, and the horizontal width control effect of the working frame (20) can be achieved when the drip driving device is actuated. As for the worm (62), it is not necessary structural design, but basically the best structural design is used with the hydraulic rod (6 i) as described in this embodiment to prevent the hydraulic rod (6 i) A stable horizontal support structure at the time of failure. The driving base (1〇) slides along the track (A) laid on both sides of the tunnel, drives the working frame (20) to the lateral sliding rail (8) of the base (1), and drives the vertical driving device. Up and down and horizontally motivate the power source and the driving force of the horizontal ore. • Miscellaneous, through the drive unit set on the working frame (20) - side base (2 〇 1) 7 〇); Thus, the driving start and closing control that actually achieves the intended design of each driving device is released through the control gate (80) electrically connected to the driving device host (7 〇), and the above-mentioned driving device presets are issued. The opening and closing of the actuation command between the squats, as for the position of the control switch (8 〇), this embodiment is set at the appropriate height of the steel casing (21) of the working frame (2 ,) to facilitate the operation of the construction personnel, although It is convenient for the construction personnel in the construction treading area to control the direction of travel of the on-duty work vehicle (1). The control switch can also be set at the preset place of the treading area, but the control set at this place M284764 • The switch is to prevent the construction workers from Careful stepping on the structure and damage Design hinder the construction work, the recommendations of the control switch taken obliquely disposed, while an additional external protective case of a hard to overcome the above-described deletion. In addition, due to the creation of the tunnel work vehicle (i) with a maximum width of up to seven meters and a fixed length of four meters of large steel beam welded and welded, the work frame is constructed to prevent such a large work frame from being laid on the slide rails. In the case of lateral displacement, it is easy to cause the work frame to be dumped. In particular, the working frame (20) is placed at the bottom end of the base and the top and bottom of the base (丄〇) at the top of the platform, and the left and right sides are symmetric. The last two sets of anti-rolling devices (9 〇) and the anti-tilt device (9 〇) refer to the “work type” plug-in components (9丄) fixed at the bottom end of the base, and are fixed on the base (丄〇) a stopping member (92) on the top plane, the blocking member (92) is provided by two opposite z-shaped steel materials at intervals of inserting and inserting the π-piece, and the splicing element (9丄) is inserted. The blocking member (g 2) constitutes an anti-tip device (9 〇) to achieve the tilting effect of the lateral displacement of the working frame (2 〇) within the expected structure, so that the vertical level of the creation level is The most basic composition of the tunnel work vehicle is described. I The width of the tunnel work vehicle (i) is based on the tunnel diameter. Therefore, it can be placed on the track (A) laid on the left and right sides of the tunnel and along the track (A). The intentional slip is positioned in a certain section of the accompanying road. The construction personnel only need to be placed on the top of the working frame (2 〇) from the side, and the fixed and telescopic type is laid on the horizontal section of the L-shaped steel casing (2 2 2). The working pedals (c, D) are used in the construction of the treading area, and the lighting equipment installation, structural maintenance or other electromechanical maintenance operations of the top wall of the arched tunnel can be carried out, and the construction workers are located during the maintenance work. Above the working structure of the tunnel (2 〇), under the working structure of the door (2 〇), it is available for the vehicle to “normally drive”, and it will not be escorted by the guardian of the building. 11 M284764 shape, damage and driving The right of the enemy’s road rights is used. Not only that, because the gate-shaped working structure (2 〇) of the original tunnel work vehicle (i) is slid across the ground track (a) on the left and right sides of the tunnel, it is only necessary to follow the track (A) along the tunnel. By laying in the direction of the traffic, the tunnel work vehicle (i) of this creation can be passed through the exits of both ends of the tunnel, and the slide rails of the base (丄〇) can be slid laterally through the working frame (2 〇). ) Design, in the scope of various maintenance work, can control the working structure (20) to make 60 cm on the slide rail (B) through the control switch of the preset tread zone preset zone (the slide rail width can be tunneled or The age limiter can change arbitrarily according to the actual demand. The horizontal limit displacement slip can be laterally slipped through the working frame (2 〇), which can solve the electromechanical maintenance operation at any position of the tunnel width. Not only that, but the creator even more contemplates that when the construction workers carry out maintenance work on the work structure (2 〇), it will inevitably cause damage to the tunnel structure or the components of the mechanical and electrical equipment to be replaced and the bottom of the working structure will be damaged. The vehicle is based on the working structure (2 〇). The working pedal of the steel plate is specially used to prevent the inadvertent fall of the articles in the maintenance. The working pedal of the steel plate also provides a safer and more convenient stepping space for the construction workers. t Refer to Figure 8 again, which is based on the auxiliary structure derived from the structure of the work vehicle (1). As shown in the figure, it is especially on the sides of the construction treading area at the top of the working frame (20). Adding a protective barrier (1 0 0 ) (refers to the same direction as the tunnel), the purpose of which is to enhance the safety protection of the construction workers during the operation of the shelter (10 0), the protective barrier (1〇Q) The space-separated design is a lighting device or other electromechanical equipment that protrudes from the top wall of the dodge tunnel. As for the actual implementation of the protective barrier (10 0), in addition to the shape of the portal column as shown in the figure, The door-shaped column guard can be matched with the mesh plate, the steel plate or the straight or horizontal column to achieve better construction safety protection. Even the guard bar is removed from the working frame top 12 M284764. In addition to the two sides of the end, it is also possible to adopt the upper and lower movable positioning or the front and rear directions (and the same direction of the tunnel) to fold up and raise the positioning mode, so as to achieve the safety protection effect and maintain the beauty of the work vehicle without Any sudden feelings arise. Referring to Figure 9 again, in addition, the front and rear ends of the tunnel work vehicle (丄) may also extend a plurality of auxiliary rods (ii 〇) vertically from the left and right steel casings and the L-shaped steel casing horizontal rod segments, and The inductive stop device (1 1 1) of the chain implementation is wound around the corresponding shape of the gate-shaped working frame, fixed on the number of auxiliary levers (1 1〇), and electrically connected to the main unit of the driving device (7 〇) Link, > When the Eli tunnel service vehicle (1) encounters obstacles when moving forward or backward, the tunnel can be stopped by the protruding work vehicle and the rear stop device (1 1 1) to stop the tunnel. The work vehicle (1) continues to move forward to prevent the collision of the work vehicle structure from occurring. Referring again to the tenth figure, the tunnel work vehicle (1) of the present invention can also be cushioned and ablated when the collision is vertically added to the guide section of the L-shaped steel casing (2 2). The pulley (1 2 0) is used to detect the safety side distance of the working frame (2 〇). If the pulley collides with the track, the upper and lower heights of the vertical drive are adjusted to the safe range through the control switch (800). That is, it can be used as a car to advance and retreat in the direction of the healthy face, without the structural damage effect of the second car and the wall surface contact. Referring again to the tenth-picture, the creative work vehicle (丄) of this creation has the utility of the top construction treading zone for the mechanical protection work of the tunnel top, and the cleaning problem caused by the dust accumulation of the vehicle on the tunnel wall. It can be combined with the cleaning device (1 3 〇) in a fixed or movable manner on the left and right sides of the tunnel work vehicle (i). The cleaning device (1 3 〇) is composed of a plurality of brushes arranged at an oblique interval, and is cleaned. The device (i 3 〇) mining and the side wall surface of the tunnel are inclined, so that the washing water for spraying can be flowed down from the topmost brush in sequence, so that the tunnel sidewall is not vertically arranged like the 13 M284764 brush. The sewage that has been shed is repeatedly cleaned, and the wall surface is not cleaned. Finally, it is stated that the tunnel work vehicle (i) climbs to the top construction treadmill operation mode. Since the tunnel work vehicle (i) of this creation is specially designed for the maintenance work of the tunnel, it can be seen that the work vehicle must have a certain The height of the distance is the same as that for the construction workers to quickly reach the top of the working frame (20), which is obtained between the two steel casings (2 1) on the left and right sides of the working frame (2 〇). It is convenient to set up the ladder (not shown) to facilitate the construction workers to go to the treading area. Even the ladder can be set up with the control switch (8 〇) in the working frame (2 〇). a side of the steel sleeve at the pre-set, erecting a lifting rack (not shown) with a receiving space, the lifting rack can be combined with the oil pressure controlled by the main body (7 〇) The rod is driven up and down to facilitate the construction personnel to stand on the lifting rack, and can be slowly raised by the start of the control switch (800), that is, it can reach the construction treading area at the top of the working frame without effort. Even if the lifting rack is set up for the construction workers, it is a convenient and convenient way to solve the manpower handling when the large-sized and bulky items are to be transported to the construction workers on the construction treading area. Sexual design. In summary, the horizontal vertical transfer tunnel work vehicle of this creation not only has an innovative structure, but also has the effect of achieving one-way tunnel construction and two-way traffic. It has already met the progressive application requirements. In accordance with the law, the company filed a new type of patent application with the bureau, and requested the bureau to grant the patent right in advance to facilitate the promotion of the creation of the product, and to benefit the convenience of the domestic work. M284764 [Simple description of the diagram] The first picture is a schematic diagram of the appearance of the horizontal vertical transfer tunnel work vehicle. The second figure is a schematic view of the complete embodiment of the horizontal horizontal transfer tunnel work vehicle of the present invention. The third figure is a schematic plan view of the side of the horizontal shifting tunnel work vehicle of the present creation level. The fourth picture shows the state of the actual application of the vertical horizontal transfer tunnel work vehicle to the tunnel. Figure 0 The fifth picture shows the forward direction of the horizontal horizontal transfer tunnel work vehicle. The sixth figure is a partially enlarged schematic view of the fifth figure. The seventh picture shows a partial enlargement of the vertical horizontal transfer tunnel work vehicle and the track action of the present creation. The eighth picture is the level of the 卿 _ _ _ work car view screaming bureau · structure appearance intention. The ninth figure is a schematic diagram showing the appearance of the touch structure of the horizontal 妓 shifting disambiguation. The tenth figure is the outline of the creation level of the transfer level of the shifting material. The tenth-figure system is a horizontally swaying type with the appearance of the local structure of the red car. 15 M284764 [Explanation of main component symbols] 1 -----Tunnel work car 10 1---Steel wheel 2 1----Steel bushing 2 0 2---Steel wheel 2 2----L-shaped steel Sleeve 2 2 2---Horizontal section • 2 3----Reinforcing rod 3 1----Transmission unit 5 1----Hydraulic rod 6 1----Hydraulic rod 7 0-- --Drive unit 9 1----Plug-in component 9 2----Blocking member_110---Auxiliary lever 12 0---Loop B-----Slide D----- Telescopic Workbench 10 - Base 2 0 - - Working Frame 20 1 - - - Base 2 0 3 - --- Stopper 22 1 - One Vertical Bar Section 2 2 3-- One-to-one guide rod section 30-----drive motor 40--- one main drive unit 5 2--- one worm 6 2--- one-one amp 80--- one-to-one control switch 90--- One-way anti-roll device 1 〇〇---Protection bar 111---stop device 13 0 —— one-to-one cleaning device A---- one-on-one C---- one-on-one Working pedal 16

Claims (1)

M284764 餐 九、申請專利範圍: 猶 1、一種水平垂直調移式隧道工作車,該工作車包括: 基座’係1U度之左、右對稱載重結構體,其底端_朝下設有預 設個可沿奴在地雜道滑移之鋼輪,頂端細輪呈#直方向橫設有至少二 組水平間隔狀之滑軌; 一门型工作構架,包含: -與左、右基飼為水平向設置之左、右對稱底座,該底麟應基座滑 ® 軌位置朝下設有對應滑軌數量之鋼輪,工作構架則藉由底座底端設置之鋼 輪,而得以和滑軌呈可橫向滑移調整關係,且,工作構架並可藉由固設在滑 軌兩端之止動塊擋止限位; 一左、右對稱之鋼套管,係對應滑軌數量以間隔排列方式垂直固設在 左、右底座預設位置; 一左、右對稱之L形鋼套管,包括垂直桿段、水平桿段及連接水平垂直 桿段之導角桿段,該左、右對稱之L形鋼套管垂直桿段,則以可上下活動調 _ 整方式與左、右對稱鋼套管呈插接關係,左、右對稱之L形鋼套管水平桿段, 則採以可水平活動調整方式凹凸插接結合,且,左、右向間隔排列之兩鋼套 管間及兩L形鋼套管間適當處,間隔橫設有預設數量之補強桿,補強桿和L 形鋼套管間之水平桿段則畫分出第一區間及第二區間,第一區間設有固定式 工作踏板,第二區間則設有可隨L形鋼套管連動位移之伸縮式工作踏板,藉 以構成一施工踩踏區,同時,亦組成具水平寬度及垂直高度位移調整之门形 工作構架; 一傳動馬達,係設置在基座預設處,且透過一傳動單元帶動基座之鋼輪 17 M284764 沿軌道滑移; 蘑 一主驅動裝置,為一可具内縮及拉伸功效之驅動裝置,其一端係固設在 基座上,另一端則固設在工作構架適當處,以利該主驅動裝置作動時,可帶 動工作構架沿基座上之滑軌橫向位移; 一對應鋼套管數量之垂直驅動裝置,垂直驅動裝置一端係固設在鋼套管 及L形鋼套管垂直桿段預設處,以利垂直驅動裝置作動時,得令插設在鋼套 管内之垂直桿段上下垂直位移,間接控制工作構架之縱向高度及提供L形鋼 ,套管一固定支撐功效; 一對應L形鋼套管數量之水平驅動裝置,水平驅動裝置兩端分別固設在 左、右L形鋼套管水平桿段預設處,以利水平驅動裝置作動時,得令水平相 互插設之左、右L形鋼套管呈遠離或靠近關係,間接控制工作構架及施工踩 踏區之橫向寬度; 一驅動裝置主機,係設置在工作構架預設處,主要係控制傳動馬達、主 驅動裝置、垂直驅動裝置及水平驅動裝置之行進間之作動方式; > 一控制開關,係設置在工作車預設處,控制開關並和驅動裝置主機電性 連結,且透過該控制開關而得以達到各作動形態驅動裝置及傳動裝置之啟、 閉功效者。 2、 根據申請專利範圍第1項所述之水平垂直調移式隧道工作車,其 中,該工作架構之左、右鋼套管及乙形鋼套筒係採三組為最佳者。 3、 根據”專利第!項或第2項所述之水平垂直調移式随道工作 車,其中,該垂直驅動裝置係指設置在每一鋼套筒兩側之油壓桿及螞桿,該 油壓桿及蜗棹一端係固在設鋼套管,另一端則固設在L形鋼套管之垂直桿段 18 M284764 者0 4、 根據申請專利範圍第1項或第2項所述之水平垂直調移式隨道工作 車,其中,該水平驅動裝置係指設置在每一L形鋼套管兩側之油壓桿及蜗桿, 該油壓桿及螞桿兩端分別固設在左、右L形鋼套管之水平桿段預設處者。 5、 根據申請專利範圍第1項所述之水平垂直調移式隧道工作車,其中, 隧道工作車係透藉基座底端之鋼輪與舖設在隧道兩侧邊之軌道呈一自由滑移 關係者。 6、 根據申請專利範圍第1項所述之水平垂直調移式隧道工作車,其中, 傳動單元為正時皮帶或金屬鍊條者。 7、 根據申請專利範圍第1項所述之水平垂直調移式隧道工作車,其中, 主驅動裝置為油壓桿者。 8、 根據申請專利範圍第1項所述之水平垂直調移式隧道工作車,其中, 該施工踩踏區側邊設有防護攔者。 9、 根據申請專利範圍帛1項所述之水平垂直調移摘道工作車,其中, 該工作構架之前、鶴_管及L形鋼套管垂直延伸數個預設長之輔助桿, 輔助桿則供—鍊條狀之感應式止動裝置沿⑽功構架對應形態繞設固定於 輔助桿’侧該止動裝置碰__㈣可停車贿工作車作動者。 10、 根據巾請專利範圍第1項所述之水平垂直調移式_:工作車,其 中’ L形鋼套管之傾斜狀導角桿段垂直延設有—滑輪者。 11、 根據申請專利範圍第1項所述之水平垂直調移式隧道工作車,其 中’該工作構架至少—侧邊設有清紐義壁面之清潔裝置者。 19 1 2根射請專概圍第8項所述之水平垂直調移式隧道工作車,其 M284764 中,該防護攔係由兩個呈間隔狀之门形柱狀結構體,以可上下拉伸定位方式 設置在左、右水平桿段者。 13、 根據申請專利範圍第8項所述之水平垂直調移式隧道工作車,其 中,該防護攔係由兩個呈間隔狀之门形柱狀結構體,以可上下掀折上揚定位 方式设置在左、右水平桿段者。 14、 根據申請專利範圍第11項所述之水平垂直調移式隧道工作車, 其中,該清潔裝置係指複數個以傾斜方式依序排列之刷毛者。 聲 15、根據申請專利範圍第11項或第14項所述之水平垂直調移式隧 道工作車’其中,該清潔裝置係採固定方式斜向結合於工作構架之兩側者。 16、根據申請專利範圍第11項或第14項所述之水平垂直調移式隧 道工作車’其中,該清潔裝置係採可組、拆之活動方式斜向結合於工作構架 之兩侧者。M284764 Meal IX, the scope of application for patent: Jujube 1, a horizontal vertical transfer tunnel work vehicle, the work vehicle includes: The pedestal '1U degree left and right symmetrical load structure, the bottom end _ downwards with pre- There is a steel wheel that can be slipped along the slave road. The top thin wheel is at least two sets of horizontally spaced slides in the direction of the straight line. One type of working frame includes: - with left and right base feeding For the left and right symmetrical bases arranged horizontally, the bottom lining should be provided with a steel wheel corresponding to the number of slide rails with the pedestal slide rail position facing downwards, and the working frame can be slid by the steel wheel provided at the bottom end of the base. The rail has a lateral slip adjustment relationship, and the working frame can be blocked by a stopper block fixed at both ends of the slide rail; a left and right symmetrical steel sleeve is spaced corresponding to the number of slide rails The arrangement is vertically fixed at the preset positions of the left and right bases; a left and right symmetrical L-shaped steel sleeve includes a vertical rod section, a horizontal pole section and a guide angle section connecting the horizontal and vertical pole sections, the left and right sides Symmetrical L-shaped steel casing vertical section, which can be adjusted up and down The type is connected with the left and right symmetric steel sleeves. The left and right symmetrical L-shaped steel casing horizontal rod segments are combined with the horizontal movement adjustment method, and are arranged at the left and right intervals. A suitable number of reinforcing rods are arranged between the two steel casings and the two L-shaped steel casings, and the horizontal section between the reinforcing rods and the L-shaped steel casings is divided into the first section and the second section. In the interval, the first section is provided with a fixed working pedal, and the second section is provided with a telescopic working pedal which can be displaced with the L-shaped steel casing to form a construction treading zone, and also has a horizontal width and a vertical height. Displacement-adjusting gate-shaped working frame; a transmission motor is arranged at the base preset, and the steel wheel 17 M284764 that drives the base through a transmission unit slides along the track; the mushroom-main drive device is an inner device The driving device of the shrinking and stretching effect has one end fixed on the base and the other end fixed at a suitable position of the working frame, so that when the main driving device is actuated, the sliding frame of the working frame along the base can be driven Lateral displacement The vertical driving device of the number of bushings, one end of the vertical driving device is fixed at the preset part of the vertical section of the steel casing and the L-shaped steel casing, so as to facilitate the vertical insertion of the steel casing when the vertical driving device is actuated Vertical displacement of the upper and lower sections of the rod, indirectly controlling the longitudinal height of the working frame and providing L-shaped steel, the sleeve has a fixed supporting effect; a horizontal driving device corresponding to the number of L-shaped steel casings, the two ends of the horizontal driving device are respectively fixed to the left, The preset position of the horizontal rod section of the right L-shaped steel casing, in order to facilitate the horizontal driving device, the left and right L-shaped steel casings inserted horizontally away from each other are in a distant or close relationship, and the working frame and the treading area are indirectly controlled. The lateral width of a driving device is set at a preset position of the working frame, and mainly controls the driving mode between the driving motor, the main driving device, the vertical driving device and the horizontal driving device; > A control switch is set At the preset position of the work vehicle, the control switch is electrically connected to the main body of the driving device, and the driving device and the transmission device are realized by the control switch. Kai, who closed efficacy. 2. According to the horizontal vertical transfer tunnel working vehicle mentioned in the first paragraph of the patent application, the left and right steel casings and the steel sleeves of the working structure are the best. 3. The horizontal vertical transfer type on-the-way work vehicle according to the “Patent Item! or Item 2, wherein the vertical drive device refers to a hydraulic rod and an anion rod disposed on both sides of each steel sleeve. The hydraulic rod and the worm are fixed at one end of the steel sleeve, and the other end is fixed to the vertical rod section of the L-shaped steel sleeve. 18 M284764. 4, according to the first or second item of the patent application scope. The horizontal vertical shifting type working vehicle, wherein the horizontal driving device refers to a hydraulic rod and a worm disposed on both sides of each L-shaped steel sleeve, and the hydraulic rod and the two sides of the rod are respectively fixed The horizontal rod section of the left and right L-shaped steel sleeves is preset. 5. The horizontal vertical transfer tunnel working vehicle according to claim 1, wherein the tunnel working vehicle is borrowed from the bottom of the base The steel wheel of the end is in a free-slip relationship with the rails laid on both sides of the tunnel. 6. The horizontal vertical transfer tunnel working vehicle according to claim 1, wherein the transmission unit is a timing belt Or metal chain. 7. Vertical vertical adjustment according to item 1 of the patent application scope. The utility model relates to a tunnel working vehicle, wherein the main driving device is a hydraulic pressure rod. 8. The horizontal vertical transfer tunnel working vehicle according to claim 1, wherein the construction stepping area has a protection barrier on the side 9. According to the application of patent scope 帛1, the horizontal vertical shifting picking work vehicle, wherein the working frame, the crane tube and the L-shaped steel sleeve extend vertically several auxiliary length auxiliary rods, auxiliary The rod is provided with a chain-shaped inductive stop device which is fixed around the auxiliary rod on the side of the auxiliary structure of the (10) power frame. The stop device touches the __(4) to stop the bribe work vehicle. 10. According to the towel, the patent scope is 1 The horizontal vertical shift type _: work vehicle, wherein the inclined guide angle rod section of the 'L-shaped steel sleeve is vertically extended--the pulley. 11. The horizontal vertical according to the first item of the patent application scope Transferable tunnel work vehicle, in which 'the work frame is at least—the side has a cleaning device for the wall of the New York. 19 1 2 shots for the horizontal vertical transfer tunnel work vehicle mentioned in item 8 , in its M284764, the protection barrier It is composed of two spaced-shaped gate-shaped columnar structures, which can be arranged in the horizontal and vertical sections of the left and right by means of up-and-down stretching and positioning. 13. Horizontal vertical transfer tunnel according to item 8 of the patent application scope The work vehicle, wherein the protective barrier is composed of two spaced-shaped portal-shaped columnar structures, which are arranged on the left and right horizontal pole sections in an up-and-down manner. 14. According to the scope of claim 11 The horizontal vertical transfer tunnel work vehicle, wherein the cleaning device refers to a plurality of bristles arranged in an inclined manner in sequence. Acoustics 15. Horizontal vertical according to claim 11 or 14 of the patent application scope The transfer type tunnel work vehicle 'where the cleaning device is fixedly coupled to the sides of the work frame in a fixed manner. 16. Working according to the horizontal vertical transfer tunnel described in claim 11 or 14 In the vehicle, the cleaning device is coupled to the sides of the working frame obliquely in a movable and disassemblable manner.
TW94216055U 2005-09-16 2005-09-16 Vertical/horizontal position adjustable tunnel work cart TWM284764U (en)

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TW94216055U TWM284764U (en) 2005-09-16 2005-09-16 Vertical/horizontal position adjustable tunnel work cart

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TW94216055U TWM284764U (en) 2005-09-16 2005-09-16 Vertical/horizontal position adjustable tunnel work cart

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TW94216055U TWM284764U (en) 2005-09-16 2005-09-16 Vertical/horizontal position adjustable tunnel work cart

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Cited By (3)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
CN106436750A (en) * 2016-07-11 2017-02-22 国网江苏省电力公司泰州市姜堰区供电公司 Movable type electric power security tunnel for power construction
CN109035475A (en) * 2018-09-28 2018-12-18 西安航空学院 A kind of full-automatic tunnel safety inspection device and method for inspecting
CN113751999A (en) * 2021-09-17 2021-12-07 中车青岛四方机车车辆股份有限公司 Assembling system composed of interlayers of magnetic levitation vehicle and using method thereof

Cited By (3)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
CN106436750A (en) * 2016-07-11 2017-02-22 国网江苏省电力公司泰州市姜堰区供电公司 Movable type electric power security tunnel for power construction
CN109035475A (en) * 2018-09-28 2018-12-18 西安航空学院 A kind of full-automatic tunnel safety inspection device and method for inspecting
CN113751999A (en) * 2021-09-17 2021-12-07 中车青岛四方机车车辆股份有限公司 Assembling system composed of interlayers of magnetic levitation vehicle and using method thereof

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