TWI335983B - Method for measuring the brightness uniformity of a panel - Google Patents

Method for measuring the brightness uniformity of a panel Download PDF


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TWI335983B TW96131574A TW96131574A TWI335983B TW I335983 B TWI335983 B TW I335983B TW 96131574 A TW96131574 A TW 96131574A TW 96131574 A TW96131574 A TW 96131574A TW I335983 B TWI335983 B TW I335983B
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Zheng-Yang Li
Ming-Rong Chen
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Au Optronics Suzhou Corp
Au Optronics Corp
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Publication of TW200909789A publication Critical patent/TW200909789A/en
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Publication of TWI335983B publication Critical patent/TWI335983B/en



  • Photometry And Measurement Of Optical Pulse Characteristics (AREA)
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九、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明涉及一種亮度測量方法’尤其是一種發光畫面的亮度均勻性的 測量方法。 【先前技術】 具有發光晝面的顯示產品,例如液晶顯示面板,其整個發光晝面的亮 度必須盡量均勻一致’因爲當為液晶顯示面板提供顯示光源的背光板所發 出的光線不均勻時,其透過液晶面板顯示出的晝面即會出現明暗不均的情 形,影響用戶對液晶面板所顯示畫面的視覺觀感。 現有的對一個發光晝面的亮度均勻性的測量方法係遵循視頻電子標準 協會(VESA)制定的標準,如第一圖及第二圖所示,即通過測量發光晝面 上的9個點L1〜L9或13個點L1〜L13位置的亮度,然後通過計算9個點或 13個點中最小亮度與最大亮度的比值來計算發光晝_均勻度,用以衡量 整個發光晝面的亮度均勻性。㈣這種評估方式存在—定缺陷,因爲單單 測量整個畫面的9個點或U個點時,可能該9個點或13個點的亮度是一 致的’但無贱的亮度可織轉關亮度並不ϋ樣僅通過測量 整個畫面的9個點或13個點就得出整個晝_亮度是均勻的結論只是一^ 概率統計,可能存在誤差。例何的方法難定的9點或η點位 置的亮度進行調整,使9點或13點的亮度達到—致但實際上,整個全面 的其他區域的亮度未必與測量的9點或13點的亮度—致。因此’雖^ 習知的評估方式計算出晝面上某鱗Μ置的亮度是-致的,但胁上可 1335983 能整個發光畫面的亮度单不是·均勻的。 另外’賴通過該習知的方㈣量綠得㈣結論還可以通過人眼的 錄_來檢驗,但㈣人__是錢觸,會由於抑觀察者和環 =的不同仏成判斷結果的差異。例如可能被測量的9個點或η個點的亮度 的而八他點與該被測量9點或13點的亮度並不一致,但當整個晝 面的亮度比較高時,由於人眼對於高亮度下亮度的差異變化感覺不敏銳Τ 所以场認·個晝面之亮度私勻的,但實際上整個畫面的亮度並不均 •勻。每樣一個實際上具有不均勻亮度的不合格產品就可能順利通過習知方 式的測量檢驗而流向市場。因此1知的發光晝面亮度均勻性的判斷方法 存在缺陷,確有必要提供-種方案,以克服和改進習知技術的上述缺陷。 【發明内容】 本發明之目的在於提供-種測量發光畫面亮度網性的方法,其能夠 保證測量結果的準綠性。 鲁 依據本發明之上述目的,本發明提供-種測量發光晝面亮度均句性的 方法’其包括如下步驟:將該發光晝面分成複數區塊;測量每一區塊的亮 度;計算每-區塊的亮度與周圍相鄰區塊的亮度差異的平均值κ;以及將 該Κ值與-就鶴行比較’其巾當κ值大於該縱值時則表示該區塊與 相鄰區塊亮度差異超過所要求的均勻度臨限值,當κ值小於該預定值時則 表示該區塊亮度與相鄰區塊亮度差異符合所要求的均勻度的臨限值。 根據本發明的測量方法,前述發光畫面係被平均分成複數區塊,每一 6 1335983 區塊大小相同,而且該些區塊i矩陣排列。 根據本發明的測量方法,每一區塊的κ值係以下式計算而得: Σί]^ ~ Ln\^n] + ^[\Lk -Lm\/yf2Lm] κ = ~---,其中Lk為區塊的亮度,Ln為包圍該 區塊的相鄰區塊中與該區塊成垂直或平行並列之相鄰區塊的亮度,Lm為包 圍該區塊的相鄰區塊中與該區塊成對角線之相鄰區塊的亮度,其中η為包 圍該區塊的相鄰區塊中與該區塊成垂直或平行並列之相鄰區塊的數量,m _ 為包圍該區塊的相鄰區塊中與該區塊成對角線之相鄰區塊的數量。 本發明之發光畫面之亮度均勻性的測量方法,其測量點係包括整個發 光畫面的所有點,因而能更精確地表示出發光晝面的實際亮度均句性。 【實施方式】 根據早伯定律(weber’s law),在一個刺激能量上,發現一個最小可覺 察的感覺差異,所需的刺激變化量與原刺激量的大小之比是常數。產生的 φ 最小感覺差異稱為最小可覺差(just noticeable difference,JND),用公式表示 是JND=kI或者MI/I,k是常數,&是引起差別感覺的最小刺激變化量, 即JND,I是刺激本身的強度或數量。 本發月根據;伯々律的原理,提供判斷-個發光晝面的亮度是否均句 的方法其通過將畫面分割成複數區塊,然後計算該區塊與周圍相鄰區塊 的亮度差異(即前述刺激變化量)與該相鄰區塊亮度(即前述原刺激量) 的比值K,然後將κ健一預定值(例如最小可覺差細值)比較;當某 【塊的A*度與相碰塊免度之差的κ值小於最小可覺差時,觀察者感覺 7 1335983 不到兩個區塊之間有亮度差,即觀察者感覺兩個區塊之間亮度是均勻的; ¥某仏塊的免度與相鄰區塊的亮度之差的κ值大於最小可覺差時,則觀 察者感覺到兩個區塊之間有亮度差,即觀察者感覺兩個區塊之間亮度是不 均勻的。 下面以測量一液晶面板的發光晝面亮度均勻性為例,對本發明的測量 方法進行詳細説明。 請參閲第三圖與第四圖,首先將一發光畫面分成複數區塊,測量每一 區塊的亮度。在測量發光畫面每一區塊的亮度時,可以採用測量儀器逐點 測量每一區塊亮度的方法’也可以採用電荷耦合元件(charge_c〇upled device ; CCD)對整面晝面同時測量的方法,或者將該些區塊分割成複數個 包含至少一該區塊的組合區塊’同時測量至少一該組合區塊内所有區塊的 亮度’然後逐個測量每一組合區塊直至測量完整個畫面的所有區塊的亮度。 採用測量儀器逐點測量的方法即用測量儀器逐點測量整個發光畫面的 每一區塊的亮度,其測量的區塊的數量可根據被測量晝面的長度和寬度以 及所要達到的測量精度,通過調整測量距離、視角而定。採用CCD整面量 測時,測量的區塊數量需視CCD精度而定。下面以逐點測量法為例,對如 何測量發光晝面的每一區塊的亮度進行説明。如第三圖所示,將一測量儀 器1距離液晶面板2的發光晝面3 —距離Z放置,使其接收發光晝面3的 光線視角為Θ,則測量儀器1對應每次測試的區塊為一圓形區塊,其半徑 r = ztan(0/2);複數區塊的個數為(U2r) * (W/2r),其中L為發光晝面3 的長度,W為發光畫面3的寬度。以一個長度L為412毫米、寬度W為 8 1335983 310毫米的發光畫面的液晶面板2為例,一般測量儀器1與發光晝面3的距 離Z為50釐米,其接收該發光畫面3的光線視角Θ為1度,則可以得出所 測量的每一區塊的直徑為8毫米,則總共測量的區塊數為長度方向為 L=412/8^51個;寬度方向為W=310/8=39個,總共為近2000個區塊。 如第四圖所示,所測量的所有區塊呈矩陣排列,以其中一區塊k為例, 其所測得的亮度為Lk,包圍該區塊k的相鄰區塊中包括與該區塊成垂直或 平行並列之相鄰區塊2、4、5、7,其亮度分別為L2、L4、L5、L7#及與該 區塊成對角線之相鄰區塊1、3、6、8,其亮度分別為、L3、L6、:L8。 然後計算該區塊k與周圍區塊1-8亮度差異的平均值κ,由於包圍該區 線k的相鄰區塊中包括與該區塊成垂直或平行並列之相鄰區塊2、4、5、7 與該區塊k直接緊貼相鄰,其該相鄰區塊2、4、5、7與該區塊k的亮度差 異平均值為: +\Lk-L^/L^ +\Lk -Is|/I5 +\LV-L,\IL· - - - 而與該區塊k成對角線之相鄰區塊1、3、6、8與該區塊k的距離為前述與 、巴塊成垂直或平行並列之相鄰區塊與該區塊k距離的万倍,則該等區塊 與該區塊k的亮度差異平均值為: K +\Lk +\Lk -L6\/-y/2L6 +|Zfc - - 貝I£塊k與包圍該區逸的所有區塊(的贵度差異的平均值為. 9 1335983 察的結果是否一致,以及根據該圖面所示的結杲對κ值大於〇 〇i7的區塊 的亮度進行調節等。 在上述實施例中,對所測量發光晝面劃分成複數區域時,是將該發光 畫面分成複數圓形區塊,在其他實施例令也可將該發光畫面劃分成複數矩 形區塊,或者其他形狀的區境。 另外’前述計算每-區塊κ值以及繪製計算結杲圖面的步驟可由電腦 程式自動執行。 另外上述貫知例疋以測量液晶面板發光畫面的亮度均勾性為例予以 說明,本發明_量方法亦可用于液晶面板背光板的亮度均勻性的測量。 以上所述者僅爲本發明之_實施方式,舉凡熟習本案技術之人士援 依本發明之精神所狀粒修錢變化,皆涵蓋於後社帽專魏圍内。 【圖式簡單說明】 第-圖係習知發光晝面測量方法示意圖。 第二圖係習知的另-種發光晝面測量方法示意圖。 第三圖係本個—實施例的測量發光晝面每—區塊亮度的示意圖。 第四圖係本發明-實施例計算_特定區塊與周圍區塊亮度差異平均值 的參考示意圖。 第五圖係本伽紐光晝_4結果的圖面示意圖。 液晶面板 【主要元件符號說明】 測量儀器 11 1335983 發光晝面,IX. Description of the Invention: [Technical Field] The present invention relates to a method of measuring brightness, in particular, a method of measuring brightness uniformity of a luminescent picture. [Prior Art] A display product having a light-emitting surface, such as a liquid crystal display panel, the brightness of the entire light-emitting surface must be as uniform as possible, because when the backlight of the liquid crystal display panel providing the display light source is uneven, The surface displayed through the liquid crystal panel will have uneven brightness and light, which will affect the user's visual perception of the screen displayed on the LCD panel. The existing method for measuring the brightness uniformity of a luminescent surface follows the standards established by the Video Electronics Standards Association (VESA), as shown in the first and second figures, that is, by measuring 9 points L1 on the illuminating surface. ~ L9 or 13 points L1 ~ L13 position brightness, and then calculate the luminous 昼 _ uniformity by calculating the ratio of the minimum brightness to the maximum brightness of 9 points or 13 points, to measure the brightness uniformity of the entire illuminating surface . (4) This evaluation method exists - fixed defects, because when measuring 9 points or U points of the entire picture alone, the brightness of the 9 points or 13 points may be consistent 'but the brightness of the flawless brightness can be turned off. It is not the case that only by measuring 9 points or 13 points of the entire picture, the whole 昼 _ brightness is uniform. The conclusion is only a probability statistic, and there may be an error. For example, the method is difficult to adjust the brightness of the 9-point or η-point position to make the brightness of 9 or 13 points reach - but in fact, the brightness of other comprehensive areas is not necessarily measured with 9 or 13 points. Brightness-induced. Therefore, although the conventional evaluation method calculates the brightness of a scale on the surface of the enamel, it can be 1335983, and the brightness of the entire illuminating picture is not uniform. In addition, 'the basis of the knowledge of the party (four) is green (4). The conclusion can also be checked by the record of the human eye, but (4) the person __ is the money touch, which will result in the judgment result due to the difference between the observer and the ring = difference. For example, the brightness of 9 points or η points that may be measured and the octave point are not consistent with the brightness of the measured 9 points or 13 points, but when the brightness of the entire face is relatively high, since the human eye is for high brightness The change in the difference in brightness is not sensitive. Therefore, the brightness of the face is flat, but the brightness of the entire picture is not uniform. Each of the substandard products that actually have uneven brightness may be successfully flown to the market through conventional measurement tests. Therefore, there is a drawback in the method for judging the brightness uniformity of the luminescent surface, and it is necessary to provide a solution to overcome and improve the above-mentioned drawbacks of the prior art. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION An object of the present invention is to provide a method for measuring luminance network properties of a luminescent screen, which is capable of ensuring quasi-greenness of measurement results. According to the above object of the present invention, the present invention provides a method for measuring the uniformity of luminance of a luminescent surface, which comprises the steps of: dividing the luminescent surface into a plurality of blocks; measuring the brightness of each block; calculating each - The average value κ of the brightness of the block and the brightness difference of the surrounding adjacent blocks; and comparing the Κ value with the 就 行 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' The brightness difference exceeds the required uniformity threshold. When the κ value is less than the predetermined value, it indicates that the block brightness and the adjacent block brightness difference meet the threshold of the required uniformity. According to the measuring method of the present invention, the aforementioned illuminating picture is equally divided into a plurality of blocks, each 6 1335983 block is the same size, and the blocks i are arranged in a matrix. According to the measuring method of the present invention, the κ value of each block is calculated by the following formula: Σί]^ ~ Ln\^n] + ^[\Lk -Lm\/yf2Lm] κ = ~---, where Lk For the brightness of the block, Ln is the brightness of the adjacent block in the adjacent block surrounding the block that is perpendicular or parallel to the block, and Lm is the adjacent block and the area surrounding the block. The brightness of the adjacent blocks of the diagonal line, where n is the number of adjacent blocks in the adjacent blocks surrounding the block that are perpendicular or parallel to the block, and m _ is the surrounding block The number of adjacent blocks in the adjacent block that are diagonal to the block. The method for measuring the brightness uniformity of the illuminating picture of the present invention, wherein the measuring point includes all points of the entire illuminating picture, thereby more accurately indicating the actual brightness uniformity of the illuminating face. [Embodiment] According to the weber's law, a minimum perceptible sensory difference is found in a stimulus energy, and the ratio of the amount of stimulus change required to the magnitude of the original stimulus is constant. The resulting φ minimum sensory difference is called the just noticeable difference (JND), which is expressed as JND=kI or MI/I, k is a constant, and & is the minimum stimulus change that causes the difference sensation, ie JND , I is the intensity or quantity of the stimulus itself. According to the principle of the law, the present invention provides a method for judging whether the brightness of a luminescent face is uniform or not, by dividing the picture into a plurality of blocks, and then calculating the brightness difference between the block and the surrounding adjacent blocks ( That is, the ratio of the aforementioned stimulus change) to the brightness of the adjacent block (i.e., the amount of the original stimulus), and then compares the value of κ 健 a predetermined value (for example, the minimum sensible difference value); when the A* degree of a certain block When the κ value of the difference of the collision degree of the collision block is less than the minimum sensible difference, the observer feels that 7 1335983 has less brightness difference between the two blocks, that is, the observer feels that the brightness between the two blocks is uniform; When the κ value of the difference between the degree of exemption of a block and the brightness of the adjacent block is greater than the minimum sensible difference, the observer perceives that there is a difference in brightness between the two blocks, that is, the observer feels between the two blocks. The brightness is not uniform. The measurement method of the present invention will be described in detail below by taking the measurement of the uniformity of the luminance of the illumination surface of a liquid crystal panel as an example. Referring to the third and fourth figures, a light-emitting picture is first divided into a plurality of blocks, and the brightness of each block is measured. When measuring the brightness of each block of the illuminating picture, the measuring instrument can be used to measure the brightness of each block point by point. A method of simultaneously measuring the entire surface of the 昼 surface by using a charge coupled device (CCD) can also be used. Or dividing the blocks into a plurality of combined blocks including at least one of the blocks 'simultaneously measuring the brightness of at least one of the blocks in the combined block' and then measuring each combined block one by one until measuring a complete picture The brightness of all blocks. The method of measuring point by point using a measuring instrument is to measure the brightness of each block of the entire illuminating picture point by point with a measuring instrument, and the number of blocks measured can be determined according to the length and width of the measured sill surface and the measurement accuracy to be achieved. It is determined by adjusting the measurement distance and angle of view. When using CCD full-surface measurement, the number of blocks to be measured depends on the accuracy of the CCD. In the following, the point-by-point measurement method is taken as an example to describe how to measure the brightness of each block of the luminescent face. As shown in the third figure, a measuring instrument 1 is placed at a distance Z from the illuminating surface 3 of the liquid crystal panel 2 so that the viewing angle of the light receiving the illuminating surface 3 is Θ, and the measuring instrument 1 corresponds to the block for each test. It is a circular block whose radius r = ztan(0/2); the number of complex blocks is (U2r) * (W/2r), where L is the length of the light-emitting face 3, and W is the light-emitting picture 3 The width. Taking a liquid crystal panel 2 having a length L of 412 mm and a width W of 8 1335983 310 mm as an example, the distance Z between the measuring instrument 1 and the illuminating face 3 is 50 cm, and the light ray of the illuminating picture 3 is received. If the Θ is 1 degree, it can be concluded that the measured diameter of each block is 8 mm, then the total number of blocks measured is L=412/8^51 in the length direction; W=310/8= in the width direction. 39, a total of nearly 2,000 blocks. As shown in the fourth figure, all the blocks measured are arranged in a matrix, taking one of the blocks k as an example, and the measured brightness is Lk, and the adjacent blocks surrounding the block k include and The blocks are vertically or parallelly adjacent to adjacent blocks 2, 4, 5, and 7 with brightness of L2, L4, L5, L7# and adjacent blocks 1, 3, and 6 diagonally to the block. 8, the brightness is, L3, L6, : L8. Then calculating the average value κ of the luminance difference between the block k and the surrounding blocks 1-8, since the adjacent blocks surrounding the area line k include adjacent blocks 2, 4 which are parallel or parallel to the block. 5, 7 is directly adjacent to the block k, and the average brightness difference of the adjacent blocks 2, 4, 5, 7 and the block k is: +\Lk-L^/L^ + \Lk -Is|/I5 +\LV-L,\IL· - - - and the distance between adjacent blocks 1, 3, 6, 8 which are diagonal to the block k and the block k is the aforementioned The average difference between the brightness of the block and the block k is 10,000 times that of the block adjacent to or parallel to the block, and the average brightness difference between the block and the block k is: K +\Lk +\Lk -L6 \/-y/2L6 +|Zfc - - Bay I block k and all blocks surrounding the zone (the average difference of the difference is the value of the 9 1335983, and according to the figure The knot is adjusted for the brightness of the block having a κ value larger than 〇〇i7. In the above embodiment, when the measured illuminating face is divided into a plurality of regions, the illuminating picture is divided into a plurality of circular blocks, Other embodiments may also divide the illuminating picture into a plurality of rectangles Block, or other shape of the area. In addition, the above steps of calculating the κ value per block and drawing the calculated stencil surface can be automatically executed by a computer program. In addition, the above-mentioned example is used to measure the brightness of the liquid crystal panel light-emitting screen. As an example, the method of the present invention can also be used for measuring the uniformity of brightness of a liquid crystal panel backlight. The above is only the embodiment of the present invention, and those skilled in the art can rely on the spirit of the present invention. The changes in the shape of the grain are covered in the Weishe special Weiwei. [Simplified illustration] The first figure is a schematic diagram of the measurement method of the known luminous surface. The second picture is a well-known kind of luminous surface. Schematic diagram of the measurement method. The third figure is a schematic diagram of the measurement of the luminance per luminescence of the luminescence surface of the present embodiment. The fourth diagram is the reference of the present invention - the calculation of the average value of the brightness difference between the specific block and the surrounding block. The fifth figure is a schematic diagram of the results of the Benjag 昼4. LCD panel [main component symbol description] Measuring instrument 11 1335983 illuminating surface,

Claims (1)

1335983 0年^月々日修(更)正替換頁 __ , (替換頁)修改日期2010年10月19日 十、申請專利範圍:、 1·一種測量發光晝面亮度均句性的方法,其包括: 將該發光畫面分成複數區塊; 測量每一區塊的亮度; °十异每一區塊的免度與周圍相鄰區塊的亮度差異的平均值κ;以及 將該K值與一最小可覺差進行比較,其中當尺值大於該最小可覺差時則 表不該區塊1¾度與相鄰區塊免度差異超過所要求的均勻度臨限值,當K 值小於該最小可覺差時則表示該區塊亮度與相鄰區塊亮度差異為符合所 要求的均勻度的臨限值。 2.如申請專利範圍第丨項所述之方法,其中該發光晝面係液晶顯示面板的 晝面。 3·如申請專利範圍第1項所述之方法’其中該發光晝面係液晶顯示面板之 背光板的發光面。 4·如申請專利範圍第1至3項之任一項所述之方法,其中該發光畫面係被 平均分成複數個區塊。 5. 如申請專利範圍第4項所述之方法,其中該些區塊呈矩陣排列。 6. 如申請專利範圍第5項所述之方法,其中所述測量每一區塊的亮度係同時 測量所有區塊的亮度。 7. 如申請專利範圍第5項所述之方法,其中更包括將該些區塊分割成複數 個包含至少一該區塊的組合區塊。 8·如申請專利範圍第7項所述之方法,其中所述測量每一區塊的亮度係同 13 1335983 fl年曰修(更)正瞽換頁 *~—--—一 (替換頁)修改日期2010年10月19曰 時測量至少一該組合區塊内所有區塊的亮度。 9.如申請專利範圍第5項所述之方法,其中所述測量每一區塊的亮度係逐 一測量每一區塊的亮度。 1〇_如申請專利範圍第9項所述之方法,其中所述每一區塊為一圓形區塊β 11_如申請專利範圍第10項所述之方法,其中逐一測量每一區塊的亮度包 括:將一測量儀距離該發光晝面一距離Ζ放置,使該測量儀接收該發光 畫面的光線之視角為Θ,該測量儀對應每次測試的區塊半徑’ 所測複數區塊的個數為(L/2r) * (W/2r),其中L為該發光畫面的長度, W為該發光畫面的寬度》 12. 如申請專利範圍第U項所述之方法,其中前述距離z為50公分,前述 角度Θ為1度。 13. 如申請專利範圍第5項所述之方法,其中κ值係以下式表示: _ ΣίΚ -zn|/^] + X[K -Z„,|/V2ZJ K = ~-~-,其中Lk為該區塊的亮度,Ln為包 圍該區塊的相鄰區塊中與該區塊成垂直或平行並列之相鄰區塊的亮度, Lm為包圍該區塊的該等相鄰區塊中與該區塊成對角線之相鄰區塊的亮 度,其中η為包圍該區塊的相鄰區塊中與該區塊成垂直或平行並列之相 鄰區塊的數量,m為包圍該區塊的該等相鄰區塊中與該區塊成對角線之 相鄰區塊的數量。 14. 如申請專利範圍第i項所述之方法,其中該最小可覺差為〇 〇13至〇 〇17。 15. 如申料利範㈣丨項所述之方法,進_步包括根騎算的各區塊之κ 值繪製一圖面。 1335983 ——. 月y日段(史以-眘換頁 .. ? ' ~ 1 (替換頁)修改日期2010年10月19日 • 16.如申請專利範圍第14項所述之方法,進一步包括在該圖面中以陰影標 示K值超過該最小可覺差之區塊。 / 17.如申請專利範圍第1項所述之方法,其中測量每一區塊的亮度包括以電 ’’ 荷耦合元件對該發光畫面進行測量。1335983 0 years ^月々日修 (more) is replacing page __, (replacement page) modification date October 19, 2010 X. Patent application scope: 1. A method for measuring the uniformity of the brightness of the luminescent surface, The method comprises: dividing the illuminating picture into a plurality of blocks; measuring the brightness of each block; and determining an average value κ of the difference between the degree of exemption of each block and the brightness of the surrounding adjacent block; and the K value and the The minimum sensible difference is compared, wherein when the sizing value is greater than the minimum sensible difference, the difference between the block and the adjacent block exemption exceeds the required uniformity threshold, and when the K value is less than the minimum When the difference is perceived, the difference between the brightness of the block and the brightness of the adjacent block is a threshold that meets the required uniformity. 2. The method of claim 2, wherein the illuminating face is a face of the liquid crystal display panel. 3. The method of claim 1, wherein the illuminating surface is a light-emitting surface of a backlight of a liquid crystal display panel. The method of any one of claims 1 to 3, wherein the illuminating picture is equally divided into a plurality of blocks. 5. The method of claim 4, wherein the blocks are arranged in a matrix. 6. The method of claim 5, wherein the measuring the brightness of each block simultaneously measures the brightness of all of the blocks. 7. The method of claim 5, further comprising dividing the blocks into a plurality of combined blocks comprising at least one of the blocks. 8. The method of claim 7, wherein the measuring the brightness of each block is the same as the 13 1335983 fl-year repair (more) correct page change *~----one (replacement page) modification At the time of October 19, 2010, at least one of the blocks in the combined block is measured for brightness. 9. The method of claim 5, wherein the measuring the brightness of each block measures the brightness of each block one by one. The method of claim 9, wherein each of the blocks is a circular block β 11_, as in the method of claim 10, wherein each block is measured one by one The brightness includes: placing a measuring instrument at a distance from the illuminating surface, so that the measuring device receives the light of the illuminating picture as a Θ, and the measuring instrument corresponds to the block radius of each test. The number is (L/2r) * (W/2r), where L is the length of the illuminated picture, and W is the width of the illuminated picture. 12. The method of claim U, wherein the distance is z is 50 cm, and the aforementioned angle Θ is 1 degree. 13. The method of claim 5, wherein the κ value is represented by the following formula: _ ΣίΚ -zn|/^] + X[K -Z„,|/V2ZJ K = ~-~-, where Lk For the brightness of the block, Ln is the brightness of adjacent blocks in the adjacent block surrounding the block that are perpendicular or parallel to the block, and Lm is the adjacent block surrounding the block. The brightness of the adjacent block diagonal to the block, where n is the number of adjacent blocks in the adjacent block surrounding the block that are perpendicular or parallel to the block, m is to surround the block The number of adjacent blocks in the adjacent blocks of the block that are diagonal to the block. 14. The method of claim i, wherein the minimum sensible difference is 〇〇13 To 〇〇 17. 15. As stated in the application (4), the _ step includes the κ value of each block of the root riding calculation. 1335983 ——. Change page carefully.. ? '~1 (Replacement page) revision date October 19, 2010 • 16. The method of claim 14 further includes shadowing the K value in the drawing. Small can feel the difference between the blocks. / Application 17. The method of claim 1 patentable scope clause, wherein the measurement of each luminance block comprising an electrical '' measurement of the charge coupled device light emitting screen. 1515
TW96131574A 2007-08-24 2007-08-24 Method for measuring the brightness uniformity of a panel TWI335983B (en)

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