TW306021B - On-site manufacture of ultra-high-purity hydrochloric acid for semiconductor processing - Google Patents

On-site manufacture of ultra-high-purity hydrochloric acid for semiconductor processing Download PDF


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TW306021B TW85102562A TW85102562A TW306021B TW 306021 B TW306021 B TW 306021B TW 85102562 A TW85102562 A TW 85102562A TW 85102562 A TW85102562 A TW 85102562A TW 306021 B TW306021 B TW 306021B
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G Hoffman Joe
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Startec Venture Inc
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Priority to TW85102562A priority Critical patent/TW306021B/en
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Publication of TW306021B publication Critical patent/TW306021B/en



  • Gas Separation By Absorption (AREA)


Highly purified HC1 for use in semiconductor manufacturing is prepared on-site by drawing HC1 vapor from a liquid HC1 reservoir, and scrubbing the filtered vapor in a low-pH aqueous scrubber.


^06021 經濟部中央標準局貝工消费合作社印製 五、 發明説明 (1 ) 1 1 | 相 關 專 利 請 案 之 對 照 1 1 1 美 國 臨 時 性 專 利 申 諳 案 08/499 ,413 f 1 9 9 5 年 7 月 7 曰 1 I 發 明 背 景 及 提 要 請 先 1 1 閲· I 本 發 明 相 關 於 供 應 超 高 純 度 氛 化 氫 (鹽酸)給 半 導 體 製 讀 背 1 造 之 % 統 及 方 法 0 面 之 1 注 I —- 般 而 言 污 染 偽 積 體 電 路 製 造 方 面 極 為 關 注 之 問 題 意 事 〇 在 現 代 積 體 電 路 製 造 過 程 中 » 大 部 分 之 工 作 步 驟 像 各 種 項 再 1 填 不 同 之 淨 化 步 驟 該 等 淨 化 步 驟 可 能 需 要 清 除 有 機 污 染 物 % 本 %- » 金 屬 污 染 物 » 光 致 抗 蝕 劑 (或其無機殘留物) &gt; 刻 蝕 副 産 頁 1 1 品 f 天 妖 氯 化 物 等 0 1 I 自 1 9 95 年 起 9 一 部 新 前 端 處 理 機 ( 積 體 電 路 晶 圓 製’ 造 1 1 設 備 )通常耗資1 0億( 1 , 0 0 0 , 0 00 , 00 0) 餘 美 元 * 且 該 等 費 用 η 訂 之 大 部 分 係 用 在 撤 粒 控 制 淨 化 及 污 染 控 制 等 量 度 儀 器 I 方 面 0 1 1 污 染 之 一 個 重 要 來 源 係 加 工 用 化 學 品 之 雜 質 0 因 淨 化 1 I 工 作 極 為 頻 繁 及 重 要 t 所 以 由 淨 化 化 學 反 應 引 起 之 污 染 非 1 1 常 令 人 厭 惡 0 1 在 半 導 髏 加 工 方 面 有 許 多 技 術 上 之 更 易 9 其 中 之 乃 I 濕 式 加 工 與 乾 式 加 工 之 變 換 (及試圖變換) 0 在 乾 式 加 工 中 1 9 僅 氣 態 或 電 漿 相 反 ’應 物 與 晶 圓 接 觸 〇 在 濕 式 加 工 中 1 將 1 1 許 多 液 體 品 劑 應 用 在 不 同 場 合 » 例 如 ; 蝕 刻 二 氣 化 矽 或 除 1 I 去 天 然 氣 化 物 層 » 除 去 有 機 物 質 或 徹 置 有 機 污 染 物 » 除 去 1 1 各 種 金 屬 或 撤 量 有 機 污 染 物 1 蝕 刻 氮 化 矽 » 独 刻 矽 0 1 I 電 漿 独 刻 具 有 許 多 值 得 注 3 意 之 能 力 t 但 並 不 適 於 淨 化 1 1 1 1 1 1 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210 X 297公釐) 306021五、發明説明(2 ) 經濟部中央標準局員工消费合作社印製 之顯 溫淨 留金,法蓋驟表通以 型及種在可歡接干 迎 Η '高施 殘重物化、,步將率隨 子、他。物受液若 歡加 作實 劑及化淨要化可速緊 離磷其物染干溶外 受體 需要 蝕.,鹵之重淨驟擊後 即、多染污若水此 不導 無需 抗 W性應不干步撞之 亦砷許污等者一 。 最半 後後 致 W發反將若化之驟 ,、但之該再與者 干代。隨之 光 I揮學度要淨面步。點硼。迎多。矽中 若現此且, ..:成化純需,表化要缺 &lt; 區歡許加當液 取對如而除 含to:形式之後前體淨重大質雜受,增即溶 除法將,剝 包 j能濕品之之導體常重摻摻不下之亦於 可化亦在以 能 5 不要學躱物半液非項許型極況電,高 法淨來存加 可屬多需化步染因因則一些η-傺情漏内將 方式未劑需 質金大。用等污但且度有用及且之點矽度 ,學濕之蝕劑 物 土質去工該等。,純具使型,分接入濃 化此見抗蝕 之錄物除加,該去倍之工僅Ρ-者公:析衡 之.因可致抗 除.,等其時前進除萬品加構之性方如凝平 成。在光, 清鈉該將刻之引物百學式結需活立例物之 現金且有者 須;。能蝕施驟染出化濕之所氣13/ ,染物 無黃並時之 必3)u不漿實步污高體,路成電0L果污染 物金 1 亦:,刻代 用 刻電驟溫性刻液何電形有 效之污 且如要蝕而 作 h 蝕在步高險蝕,如體以具:於害差中 聚 ·· 而例重施取 化 漿此溫在危漿驟論積}靨低毒較矽 。,為實。 淨 j電如高且之電步無。銻則遠有度 , 用質極 理。 以 在並上較溫 染或質度具程時 作雜得. 處化 物屬所 因,面常高 污間摻濃能迎觸 ^^------Γ 訂-.1-----^ — (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 本紙張尺度逍用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X 297公釐) 3060^1 A7 B7 經濟部中央標準局貝工消費合作社印裝 五、 發明説明 (3 ) 1 1 I 受 歡 迎 程 度 較 差 之 污 染 物 具 有 極 高 之 擴 散 僳 數 t 因 此 將 該 1 1 1 等 摻 質 引 進 矽 晶 圓 内 任 何 部 分 則 可 能 容 許 該 等 污 染 物 四 處 1 I 擴 散 &gt; 包 含 接 點 部 位 r 在 該 處 該 等 污 染 物 將 導 致 漏 電 〇 請 先 1 1 因 此 9 半 導 體 晶 圓 上 所 用 之 所 有 液 體 溶 液 9 其 所 有 金 聞 讀 1 | 靨 離 子 含 量 最 好 維 持 在 最 低 水 準 0 所 有 金 靥 總 濃 度 以 低 於 之 1 I 300 値 兆 分 點 9 任 何 一 種 金 靨 低 於 10値 兆 分 點 為 佳 尤 其 江 意 畢 1 1 該 等 濃 度 愈 低 愈 佳 0 此 外 $ 由 陰 陽 兩 種 離 子 形 成 之 污 染 項 再 1 填 亦 必 須 加 以 控 制 0 (若干陰離子可能具有傷害性效果, 例 如 % 本 : 錯 合 之 金 靥 離 子 可 能 在 矽 格 子 内 還 原 成 游 動 之 金 屬 原 子 頁 '---- 1 1 或 離 子 )0 1 | 前 端 設 施 通 常 包 含 用 以 製 備 高 純 度 水 (去離子水) 之 現 1 1 場 純 化 糸 統 0 但 欲 獲 得 具 有 所 需 純 度 之 加 工 用 化 學 品 則 更 4 訂 為 困 難 〇 i 原 專 利 申 請 案 曾 掲 示 一 種 於 半 導 體 晶 圓 生 産 現 場 内 一 1 1 現 場 % 統 中 製 備 超 高 純 氛 之 方 法 &gt; 其 中 包 括 白 . 液 態 氨 1 1 儲 槽 吸 取 氨 蒸 氣 &gt; 使 該 氛 蒸 氣 通 過 一 徹 濾 過 m 器 1 及 用 高 1 1 酸 齡 度 之 純 化 水 (以 經 與 m 流 動 體 實 施 平 衡 作 用 之 去 離 子 | 水 為 佳 ) 洗 滌 該 經 過 濾 之 蒸 氣 0 此 項 發 現 容 許 將 商 業 级 氨 1 I 轉 變 成 高 精 密 製 造 業 所 需 之 高 純 度 氨 » 而 無 需 使 用 傳 統 之 1 塔 式 蒸 餾 EDS 〇 白 供 應 儲 槽 中 吸 取 氨 蒸 氣 本 身 m 係 一 項 單 级 蒸 1 1 踊 » 並 將 非:揮 發 性 及 高 沸 點 雜 質 t 例 如 m 金 屬 及 鹼 土 金 1 I 屬 之 氣 化 物 9 m 酸 鹽 及 氫 化 物 過 渡 金 颶 之 鹵 化 物 及 氫 化 1 1 物 • 及 高 沸 點 烴 類 及 鹵 硕 化 合 物 0 在 商 業 级 氨 中 可 能 發 現 1 I 若 干 活 性 揮 發 性 雜 質 9 例 如 5 若 干 過 渡 金 屬 鹵 化 物 9 第 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4规格(210X297公釐) 經濟部中央標準局負工消费合作社印製 A7 B7 五、發明説明(4 ) 族金靥氫化物及齒化物,砮干第IV族氫化物及鹵化物,及 鹵素,以往認為需要蒸餾才能除去者,經發現可藉洗滌而 淸除,達到適於高精密作業之純度。此乃一項驚奇的發現 ,蓋因洗滌塔技術傳統上偽用以清除巨大型雜質,而非徹 細型雜質。 半導體製造所要求之極高純度層次涤工業加工程序中 稀有或獨持者。在如此高純度層次下,化學品之處理固然 厭煩(當然無法完全避免)。超純化學品對空氣(持別是亦 有工人在場之環境)之暴露必須降至最低。該項暴露具有 引進撖粒並形成污染之風險。因製造廠商或使用者之場所 原本對形成污染具有較高之風險,所以將超純化學品置&quot;入 密閉容器内蓮输仍羼不夠理想。再者,未經偵檢出之污染 可能損害昂貴之大量晶圓。 因半導體加工過程中通常使用許多腐蝕性及/或毒性 化學品,品劑供應場所通常與前端處理機工人工作場所分 開不在一起。供應超高純度氣體及液體之配管,其装配及 保養均係半導體工業界所熟知者,所以絶大多數之氣體或 液體可從同一建築物内任何地方(或甚至同一現場)輸送至 各晶圓製造站。 本專利申請案所掲示者偽用以在半導體製造設施内現 場製備高純:度化學品之条統及方法,因此該等高純度化學 品得以經管線直接送至各使用點。該等經掲示之集統均俱 非常輕巧之單元,該等單元可位於同一建築(或鄰近建築) 内作為一前端處理機,因此可省去搬運處理工作。 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) Α4規格(210X 297公釐) i I ----------{於-- (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁)^ 06021 Printed by the Beigong Consumer Cooperative of the Central Bureau of Standards of the Ministry of Economic Affairs 5. Description of invention (1) 1 1 | Comparison of relevant patent applications 1 1 1 U.S. Provisional Patent Application Case 08/499, 413 f 1 9 9 5 years July 7: 1 I Background and summary of the invention first 1 1 Read · I The present invention relates to the supply of ultra-high purity hydrogenated hydrogen (hydrochloric acid) to semiconductor manufacturing systems and methods. -Generally speaking, it is a matter of great concern in the manufacture of contaminated pseudo-integrated circuits. In the manufacturing process of modern integrated circuits »Most of the work steps are like various items, and then fill in different purification steps. These purification steps may require the removal of organic % Of pollutants-% of metal pollutants »photoresist (or its inorganic residue) &gt; etching byproducts page 1 1 product f Demon Chloride, etc. 0 1 I Since 1 95, 9 a new front-end processor (integrated circuit wafer manufacturing 1 1 equipment) usually cost 10 billion (100, 0 0 0, 0 00, 00 0 ) Remaining US dollars * and most of these fees η are used for measuring instruments I such as particle removal control purification and pollution control 0 1 1 An important source of pollution is impurities of processing chemicals 0 Because purification 1 I work extremely Frequent and important t So the pollution caused by the purification of chemical reactions is not 1 1 is often disgusting 0 1 There are many technically easier in the processing of semi-conducting skeletons 9 Among them is the conversion of wet processing and dry processing (and attempts to change ) 0 In dry processing 1 9 Only gaseous or plasma-reverse 'responses are in contact with the wafer 〇 In wet processing 1 1 1 Many liquid agents are used in different occasions »For example; Etching II Silicone removal or removal of I I degasification layer »Removal of organic matter or thorough removal of organic contaminants» Removal of 1 1 Various metals or removal of organic contaminants 1 Etching of silicon nitride »Monolithic silicon 0 1 I Plasma monolithic has many It is worth noting the ability to note 3 but it is not suitable for purification. 1 1 1 1 1 1 This paper scale is applicable to the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210 X 297 mm) 306021 V. Invention description (2) Central Bureau of Standards, Ministry of Economic Affairs Employee consumer cooperatives print the temperature and net retention money, and the legal cover is available in a variety of forms and types. If the substance is affected by the liquid, if it is added with a solidifying agent and purified, it can be quickly removed from the phosphor and its external receptor needs to be etched. The heavy halogen is immediately after the shock. Sex shouldn't do anything, it's also arsenic and pollution. At the end of the second half, it will cause W to turn back into a sudden step, but it should be replaced by someone else. Following this, I should learn the degree of learning. Point boron. Welcome more. If there is such a thing in silicon, ..: pure chemical needs, lack of expression <Ouhuan, add the right solution and remove the to: form after the inclusion of the to precursor form. The conductors of stripping j energy wet products are often heavy doped and can not be mixed, but also can be used to energy. 5 Do not learn anything semi-liquid non-item type extreme state electricity, high-level net storage and storage can be more demanding The reason for the step dyeing is that some η-Ye loves to miss the way, and it needs a large amount of gold. Use contaminants that are useful and have a degree of silicidity, and wet etchant materials. , Purely used, divided into thickening and adding to the recorded material of this anti-corrosion, the work of doubling is only P- the public: analysis of the balance. Because it can be resisted, etc. The nature of the construction is like condensing. At Guangguang, Qing Na should engrave a hundred-knot-style primers of the engraving, which requires cash to be created and must be. It can be used to irradiate the moisture of 13%, and the dyes are not yellow and must be used at all times. If the etching solution is effective, if it is to be etched, it will be etched. If it is to be etched, it will be eroded at the height of the step, such as the body: with the harm: gathering in the middle of the damage. } Thalium is less toxic than silicon. , To be true. The net electricity is as high as it is and there is no electricity. Antimony is far-reaching and highly qualitative. It can be mixed when it is mixed with a warmer dye or with a better quality. The chemical treatment is due to the cause, and the concentration of the surface is often high. The concentration can be met ^^ ------ Γ 定 -.1 ---- -^ — (Please read the precautions on the back before filling in this page) This paper is used in accordance with Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 (210X 297mm) 3060 ^ 1 A7 B7 Printed by Beigong Consumer Cooperatives, Central Bureau of Standards, Ministry of Economic Affairs Fifth, the description of the invention (3) 1 1 I Pollution with poor popularity has a very high diffusion number t. Therefore, the introduction of 1 1 1 and other dopants into any part of the silicon wafer may allow these pollutants to go around. 1 I Diffusion &gt; Including contact parts r where these contaminants will cause leakage. Please first 1 1 Therefore 9 All liquid solutions used on semiconductor wafers 9 All of its gold reading 1 | The content of tantalum ions is best maintained At the lowest level 0, the total concentration of all gold ions is less than 1 I 300 megapoints 9 It is better if any kind of gold ions are lower than 10 megapoints Jiang Yibi 1 1 The lower the concentration, the better 0. In addition, the pollution item formed by the two ions of yin and yang must also be filled with 1 (some anions may have a harmful effect, such as%) Ions may be reduced to wandering metal atoms in the silicon lattice '---- 1 1 or ions) 0 1 | Front-end facilities usually include the present 1 1 field purification system for preparing high-purity water (deionized water) 0 However, it is even more difficult to obtain processing chemicals with the required purity. 4 It is difficult to make it. I The original patent application once showed a method of preparing ultra-high purity atmosphere in the semiconductor wafer production site-1 1 site% system> ; Including white. Liquid ammonia 1 1 Ammonia vapour from storage tank> Pass the atmospheric vapor through the filter 1 and use purified water with a high acidity of 1 1 (to flow with the m The deionization of the body's balance function | water is preferred) Washing the filtered vapor 0 This finding allows the conversion of commercial grade ammonia 1 I into the high purity ammonia required for high precision manufacturing »without using the traditional 1 tower Distilled EDS 〇Ammonia vapour itself from the white supply storage tank m is a single-stage steaming 1 1 踊 »and will not: volatile and high-boiling impurities t such as m metal and alkaline earth gold 1 I belong to the gasification 9 m acid salt Halides and hydrides of transition gold hurricanes and hydrides 1 1 • High-boiling hydrocarbons and halogen compounds 0 May be found in commercial-grade ammonia 1 I Some active volatile impurities 9 For example 5 Some transition metal halides 9 No. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 This paper scale is applicable to the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210X297 mm). The A7 B7 is printed by the Consumer Labor Cooperative of the Central Standards Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. 5. Description of the invention (4) Family of gold hydride and tooth Compounds, cyanide dried Group IV hydrides and halides, and Halogen, which was thought to require distillation to be removed in the past, was found to be removed by washing to achieve purity suitable for high-precision operations. This is a surprising discovery. The Gain scrubber technology has traditionally been used to remove large impurities rather than fine impurities. Rare or exclusive in the extremely high-purity grade industrial processing procedures required by semiconductor manufacturing. At such a high purity level, the handling of chemicals is certainly boring (of course it cannot be completely avoided). The exposure of ultra-pure chemicals to air (except in environments where workers are present) must be minimized. This exposure has the risk of introducing grains and forming pollution. Because the place of the manufacturer or user originally had a high risk of pollution, it is still not ideal to place the ultra-pure chemicals into the closed container. Furthermore, undetected contamination can damage a large number of expensive wafers. Because many corrosive and / or toxic chemicals are commonly used in semiconductor processing, the supply of chemicals is usually inseparable from the workplace of front-end processor workers. The piping for supplying ultra-high purity gases and liquids is well known in the semiconductor industry for assembly and maintenance, so most of the gases or liquids can be transported from any place in the same building (or even the same site) to each wafer manufacturing station. The authors of this patent application falsely used the methods and methods for preparing high-purity: high-quality chemicals in the field of semiconductor manufacturing facilities, so that these high-purity chemicals can be directly sent to various points of use via pipelines. These integrated units are very light and compact. These units can be located in the same building (or adjacent building) as a front-end processor, so it can save the handling work. This paper scale is applicable to China National Standard (CNS) Α4 specification (210X 297mm) i I ---------- {于-(Please read the precautions on the back before filling this page)

,1T S06Q21 A7 B7 經濟部中央標準局貝工消費合作社印製 五、 發明説明 (5 ) 1 1 鹽 酸 : 1 1 1 氣 態 氣 化 氫 及 鹽 酸 水 溶 液 % 重 要 之 半 導 體 加 工 用 化 學 - 1 I 品 Ο 鹽 酸 水 溶 液 亦 廣 泛 應 用 於 標 準 RC A 淨 化 液 之 酸 性 淨 化 請 1 1 . 閲 I 液 部 分 〇 讀 背 1 I 如 以 上 所 述 &gt; 原 專 利 申 請 案 曾 述 及 用 以 製 造 超 高 純 度 Sj 之 1 注 I 氨 之 方 法 及 % 統 0 現 在 經 發 現 將 該 等 方 法 及 % 統 加 以 修 意 事 1 改 邸 可 用 以 製 備 超 高 純 度 鹽 酸 0 項 再 1 填 所 用 起 始 原 料 傷 商 業 级 無 水 氛 化 氫 〇 第 —- 個 純 化 步 驟 寫 本 乃 簡 DO 単 之 蒸 發 〇 (氛化氫之蒸氣壓是 在7 0 °F時為6 13磅 / 頁 1 1 平 方 吋 表 壓 &gt; 在 125. 5 T 時 為 11 85磅 / 平 方 吋 表 壓 1 所 以 1 I 該 蒸 氣 壓 經 常 提 供 白 散 m 儲 槽 之 充 足 輸 送 壓 〇 ) 最 好 氣 化 1 1 氫 蒸 氣 像 直 接 取 白 儲 槽 〇 (在另- -變通具體實施例中, 液 態 1 訂 1 'J 氛 化 氫 % 採 分 批 方 式 白 散 截 儲 槽 輸 送 並 在 控 制 之 溫 度 及 壓 力 下 9 於 一 蒸 發 室 内 加 以 蒸 發 0 ) ί 1 鹽 酸 之 産 生 1 I 此 時 可 將 經 純 化 之 氣 態 氛 化 氫 溶 解 於 水 以 製 備 濃 鹽 酸。 1 1 | 超 純 混 合 淨 化 液 之 現 場 製 備 本 專 利 申 諳 案 所 掲 示 者 係 = 在 晶 圓 製 備 現 場 赘 由 同 一 1 現 場 超 純 化 過 之 成 分 以 製 備 混 合 淨 化 液 f 例 如 RCA 酸 性 1 淨 化 液 及 RCA鹽基性淨化液。 1 I 該 RCA_化液包含 1 )溶劑清洗液(用 以 除 去 全 部 有 機 1 I 物 )- 於 四 氰 乙 烯 或 類 似 溶 m 内 2 ) 鹽 基 性 淨 化 液 -NH4 0H + 1 1 »2 〇2 + h2 0 及3 )酸性淨化液- HC 1 + h2 02 + H 2〇 0 ) 請 參 閲 處 I I 尼 安 及 賓 恩 所 箸 之 厂 半 導 體 稹 7 體 電 路 加 工 技 術 J » (1 990 1 1 1 1 1 1 本紙張尺度逋用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X297公嫠) 五、發明説明(6 ) A7 B7, 1T S06Q21 A7 B7 Printed by Beigong Consumer Cooperative of Central Bureau of Standards of the Ministry of Economy V. Description of the invention (5) 1 1 Hydrochloric acid: 1 1 1 Gaseous gasified hydrogen and hydrochloric acid aqueous solution% Important semiconductor processing chemistry-1 I Product Ο Hydrochloric acid Aqueous solutions are also widely used for acidic purification of standard RC A purification liquids. Please read 1. Liquid Part 〇 Read Back 1 I. As mentioned above> The original patent application once mentioned 1 used to make ultra-high purity Sj. Note I Ammonia method and% system 0 It is now found that these methods and% system can be modified. 1 Modified di can be used to prepare ultra-high purity hydrochloric acid. Item 1 is filled with the starting materials used to hurt commercial grade anhydrous hydrogenated hydrogen. -A purification step script is the evaporation of Jane DO (vapor pressure of hydrogen chlorinated gas is 6 13 lbs / page 1 1 square at 70 ° F) Gage pressure> 11 85 psi at 125.5 T 1 gauge pressure 1 So 1 I This vapor pressure often provides sufficient delivery pressure of the white m storage tank.) It is best to gasify 1 1 hydrogen vapor directly. White storage tank 〇 (In another specific embodiment, the liquid state is 1% 1% hydrogen volatile gas, which is transported in batches in a white bulk cut storage tank and evaporated in a evaporation chamber under controlled temperature and pressure. 0) 1 Production of hydrochloric acid 1 I At this time, purified gaseous hydrogen can be dissolved in water to prepare concentrated hydrochloric acid. 1 1 | On-site preparation of ultra-pure mixed purifying liquid The person shown in this patent application case = on the wafer preparation site, the same 1 on-site ultra-purified ingredients are used to prepare a mixed purifying liquid f such as RCA acid 1 purifying liquid and RCA Salt-based purification liquid. 1 I The RCA_chemical solution contains 1) solvent cleaning solution (to remove all organic 1 I substances)-in tetracyanoethylene or similar solution 2)) basic cleaning solution-NH4 0H + 1 1 »2 〇2 + h2 0 and 3) Acidic Purification Solution-HC 1 + h2 02 + H 2〇0) Please refer to Division II Nian and Binn ’s Factory for Semiconductor Semiconductor 7 Processing Technology J »(1 990 1 1 1 1 1 1 The size of this paper adopts the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210X297 public daughter) 5. Description of the invention (6) A7 B7

,製處 造在干 製:若 體示以 導暗加 半正需 於此必 用但液 為。溶 。内之 考器内 參容器 作入容 供裝對 出傺, 提常所 併通廠 一 時用 處買使 此購及 ,液内 }化廠 販淨工 出等商 年該造 歡 受 不 是 缠 作Η 理 處 之 品 學 化 度 純 高 超 述 所 上 以 如。 Ο 的 ?1 1 理迎 言序石 例程閲 舉化參 。淨請 用在。 使其度 議,濃 建法及 曾化度 亦淨溫 品前之 學延高 化外較 用、用 化力使 淨強且 之 一 , ’同像 不法 他化 tx If 其淨 多木一 許白加 -增 之中 驟 步 酸 硝 著u 所, 木 J 白用 及應 崎之 面作 方供 延出 外提 束此 子併 分, 在6) 其98 及(1 化66 淨 面 表 溫 低 之 矽, The system is built in dry: if you want to show the dark guide plus half is necessary for this but must be used. Dissolve. The internal reference container in the test device is used for loading and unloading. It is often used in the factory and the factory to buy it. It is not a haunt to make it in the business year such as the liquid in the chemical factory. The morality of the treatment is as pure as the above. Ο's? 1 1 Li Ying's Preface Stone Routine reading reference parameters. Net please use. To discuss it, the strong construction method and the Zenghua degree are also the pre-study extension of the net temperature product. The external use is higher, and the chemical strength is used to make the net stronger and one of them. Baijia-Zengzhong Sudden Acid and Nitrous Acid, Mu J Baiyong and Yingqi's noodles are used for the extension and extraction of the seed and are divided, in 6) its 98 and (1 66) surface temperature is low Silicon

報 學 會 學 學 化 IpBT ---------^ 衣-- (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 考 參 C Η 中 液 化 0 性 酸 為 常 通 例 比 之 ο 2 Η + 或 化纯 淨場 性現 酸將加 Α ,氫 RC場化 ,現氣 點之過 要廠純 新Η超 革造之 項製過 一圓化 之晶純 示在場 掲係現 所}與 -尸夜! 處tl 此彳化 Sr 之 依h純 似 。瞑超 8罾之 ft% 2 {過 :液化 外 意 之 出 偵 以 難 成 造 高 提 以 得 度 純 此。 如低 。降 得則 製險 而風 併之 合染 以污 該内 ,書 說說 以本 加入 式纳 圖併 附一 所且 照例 參施 將實 ,體 明具 發之 諸明 之發 示本 掲示 :所顳 述案營 簡本式 式 圖 圖 等 ,va 經濟部中央標準局員工消費合作社印製 圖 程 流 程Η 之 例 實 傾1 元 單 産 生 酸 :鹽 中純 其超 ,像 考1 參圖 供 以 純 酸 鹽 之 τ-Η 圏 有 裝 能 可 0 中圖 其塊 /IV 方 施之 設站 造化 製淨Hm 晶導 一半 像内 2 ) 圖備 設 化 生 産). 之外 液之 化圓 淨晶 圖度 曰=Μ Α 純 C高畠 R 0 ^ 場U高 現分超 示成經 3種場 _兩現 用施 使設 施 設 造 製 _ 晶 於 同 於 已 分 成 種 兩 該 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) Λ4况格(210X297公釐) 經濟部中央標準局員工消费合作社印製 S06021 五、發明説明(7 ) 合意具體實施例之詳細説明: 本專利申請案之許多革新要點,將待別參照目前之合 意具醱實施例(僅偽舉例說明,但絶不以此為限)加以說明 ,其中: 氣化氫之純化 依照本發明,蒸氣相之氣化氫首先自液態氣化氫供應 儲槽之蒸氣空間取出。以此方式取出蒸氣,如同一單级蒸 皤作用,將若干固體及高沸點雜質留在液相内。供應儲槽 可能是任何傳統式供應槽或其他適於盛裝氯化氫之儲槽, 且氛化氫可能是無水者或一水溶液。儲槽内可保持在大氣 壓力下或必要時保持在高於大氣壓力之壓力下以便氣化^氫 可容易地流經該糸統。最好儲槽加以溫度控制,使溫度範 圍介於約101C與50Ό之間,但以介於約15t:與351C之間較 佳,尤以介於2 0 t與2 5 t之間最佳。 由於氣化氫自蒸氣相取出而除去之雜質包含週期表内 第I族及第I族之金屬以及該等金屬因接觸氯化氫所形成 之錯合物。另外除去者係該等金屬之氣化物及磺酸鹽;以 及氫化物,例如:氫化波及氫化鎂;第I族元素及其氣化 物,以及該等元素之氫化物及鹵化物之銨加成物;過渡金 屬之氫化物;及重烴類及鹵碩化合物,例如:泵油。 取自儲:槽之氨化氫,通過一過濾單元以除去蒸氣所夾 帶之任何固體物質。撤濾及超濾單元之薄膜,市上均可購 得,且亦可使用。濾材等级及類型之1擇則因需要而定。 目前之合意具體實施例係使用一粗大過濾器,在離子型純 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X297公釐) (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) • J·訂 經濟部中央標準局員工消費合作社印製 A7 B7 五、發明説明(8 ) 化器之前經過一 0.1徹米過濾器,且在離子型純化器之後 再無過濾作用。 將過濾過之蒸氣通過一洗滌塔,在該洗滌塔内用低酸 鹸度純化過(最好去離子者)之水將蒸氣加以洗滌。該低酸 鹼度之水最好偽一氛化氫水溶液,藉使其在洗滌塔中實施 再循環作用,而將濃度提昇至飽和。洗滌塔可依照傳統式 洗滌塔之對流方式方便地操作。雖然操作溫度並不重要, 但洗滌塔之操作溫度範圍以約lot:至約50¾為佳,尤以約 15t至約3510更佳。同樣地,操作壓力亦不重要,但合意 之操作壓力範圍為約大氣壓力至大氣壓力以上約30磅/平 方时。通常該塔含有傳統式洗滌塔填充物以提供液體與'氣 體間之高度接觸,最好亦含有除霧段。 在一目前合意之實施例中,該塔之填充高度約為3呎 (0.9公尺)及内徑約為7吋(18公分),以達到一煩充體積 0.84立方呎(24公升),其操作之醱力降約為0.3吋水柱( 0.075仟帕斯卡),其溢流低於10¾,且在溢流為20¾之情況 下,其公稱在循環流量約為2.5加侖/分鐘 (0.16公升/秒) 或5加侖/分鐘(0.32公升/秒),其中氣體像由填充物下方 進入,而液體則由埔充物之上方及除蓀段之下方進入。本 案所述洗滌塔所用之合意填充材料乃公稱尺寸小於八分之 一塔直徑者:。該塔之除霧段且有類似或更緻密之填充物, 且係另一種傳統式之結構。應了解的是,本段之所有説明 及尺寸僅偽實例而已。毎値糸統參數均可有所變化。 在典型操作中,開始時首先用氛化氫使去離子水達到 -10 - 本紙張尺度逋用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4現格(210X 297公釐) (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 袈. 訂 A7 B7 經濟部中央梂準局員工消費合作社印装 五、 發明説明(9 ) 1 I I 飽 和 形 成 — 溶 液 作 為 起 始 洗 滌 介 質 0 洗 滌 塔 運 轉 期 間 1 塔 1 1 I 底 凹 槽 内 之 少 量 液 體 則 作 週 期 性 排 放 9 以 除 去 累 積 之 雜 質。 1 1 I 洗 滌 塔 將 除 去 之 雜 質 之 實 例 包 含 活 性 揮 發 性 雜 質 &gt; 例 請 先 1 1 如 金 屬 鹵 化 物 磷 砷 及 銻 之 鹵 化 物 及 氫 化 物 大 體 而 閲 讀 背 ιέ 之 1 I 論 &gt; 過 渡 金 靥 之 鹵 化 物 及 第 I 族 及 第 VI 族 金 靨 之 鹵 化 物 1 1 及 氫 化 物 〇 注 意 事 1 1 至 此 述 及 之 諸 單 元 可 依 照 分 批 式 連 鑛 式 或 半 連 缠 式 項 再 1 蓮 轉 〇 但 以 連 缠 式 或 半 連 鑛 式 蓮 轉 較 為 合 ate. 〇 氛 化 氫 純 化 填 寫 本 1 % 統 之 體 積 處 理 率 並 不 重 要 且 可 能 有 寬 廣 之 變 化 範 圍 〇 在 頁 1 I 本 發 明 預 期 應 用 之 大 多 數 場 合 , 氣 化 氫 通 過 該 系 统 之 流 量 1 1 約為200西西/小 時 至 數 仟 公 升 /小時。 1 1 因 經 純 化 之 氛 化 氫 應 用 於 製 造 程 序 之 特 殊 類 型 不 同 &gt; 訂 離 開 洗 滌 塔 之 氛 化 氫 9 在 使 用 前 可 隨 意 地 再 作 進 一 步 之 純 1 化 0 舉 例 —X-. 之 t 在 若 干 案 例 中 » 該 % 統 中 能 包 含 一- 脱 水 早 f I 元 及 一 蒸 皤 aa 単 元 將 更 為 有 利 〇 蒸 餾 塔 之 運 轉 亦 可 採 用 分 批 1 | 式 連 缅 式 或 半 連 缠 式 0 在 分 批 式 蓮 轉 中 » 常 用 之 操 作 壓 1 1 力 可 能 是 300 磅 /平方吋絶對壓( 2, 0 6 8仟帕斯卡) f 分 批 量 r* 1 為 100磅(45 .4公 斤 )0 此實例中之洗滌塔之直徑為8 时(20 1 公 分 ), 高度72吋(183公分), 操 作 之 溢 流 量 為 30a;, 蒸 氣 速 1 1 度 為 0 . 0 0 2 2 1呎/秒 (0 . 00067公尺/秒 ), 高度相當於- -1 .5 1 I 吋 (3 . 8公 分:) 之 理 論 板 1 及 4 8値 相 田 板 0 本 實 例 中 之 鍋 爐 1 1 尺 寸 是 : 直 徑 約 18吋 (45 . 7公分) t 長度27吋 (6 8 . 6公分) 9 1 1 回 流 比 為 0 . 5, 再循環冷水進入之溫度為60T (1 5 . 6Ό ) , 1 I 離 開 時 之 溫 度 為 90 T (32 . 2¾ ) 〇 再 度 強 調 之 一 點 是 此 僅 1 1 1 - 11 - 1 1 1 本紙張尺度適用中國國家橾準(CNS ) A4規格(2丨0X 297公釐) 306021 A7 B7 五、發明説明(10) 偽一實例;蒸餾塔結構之變化極為廣泛及操作參數可以使 用。 視其用途不同而定,經純化之氛化氫,無論是否經過 蒸蹓步驟,可用作一經純化之氣體或用作一水溶液〔在該 案例中,該經純化之氣化氫係溶解在經純化(以經去離子 者為佳)之水中〕。 圖1所顯示者偽本發明氣化氫純化單元之流程圖。液 態氛化氫係儲存在儲槽11内。氣化氫蒸氣12係取自儲槽之 蒸氣空間,之後通過一關閉閥13,再經過一過濾器14。經 過濾之氣化氫蒸氣15(其流量由一壓力調整器16控制),將 其導入一洗滌塔17,該洗滌塔含有一填充段18及一除^墊 19。當氣化氫蒸氣向上流動時,飽和之氣化氫水溶液20則 向下流動,液體則由循環泵21予以循環,液面高度係由一 液面傳感器22控制。廢物23則由洗滌塔底所積存之液體内 作週期性之排除。去離子水24偽供給洗滌塔17,其高壓偽 藉泵25來維持。經洗滌過之氣化氫26葆導向三條流路中之 一條流路。該等流路是: ⑴一蒸餾塔2 7 ,在該塔内氣化氫得以進一步純化。所得 蒸餾後之氱化氫28再導至使用地點。 ⑵一溶解單元29,在該處氣化氫與去離子水30结合形成 一水溶液31,再導至使用地點。若工廠作業具有多脑 使用地點,該水溶液可收集在一暫存槽内,再由該暫 存槽將氛化氫送至通往同一工廠内各使用地點之管線 中。 -12 - 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X 297公釐) -----.!丨 L ΐ (靖先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 訂 經濟部中央揉準局爲工消費合作杜印製 經濟部中央標準局貝工消費合作社印製 A7 B7 五、發明説明(11 ) ⑶一輸送管線32,該輸送管線將氣態氣化氫送至使用地 點。 上述第二及第三條流路,其中不利用蒸豳塔27,適宜生産 金羼雜質低於100個兆分點之氛化氫。但於若干應用場合 (例如:若干熔爐淨化之應用場合),以包含蒸餾塔27者可 能有利。在該等案例中,蒸蹓塔係用以除去非冷凝性物質 (例如:氣及氮),蓋因該等物質可能干擾淨化工作。再者 ,因離開洗滌塔17之氛化氫業與水逹成飽和狀態,視蒸餾 塔之待性及效率而定,可隨意地於該糸統内洗滌塔17與蒸 餾塔27之間加裝一脱水單元。 無論在任何該等流路中,所得之流動體,氣態氛化~氫 或水溶液,可能再分成兩値或更多個支流,每値支流導向 不同之使用站,因此純化單元可同時供應經純化之氣化氫 給許多使用站。 實驗提要: 本研究係使用馬西遜氣體製造公司出品之兩個分離銷 瓶之氛化氫。該兩個銷瓶氛化氫之雜質組成具有顯著差異 ,該等差異可能表示大體上氛化氫源之變化性。此項研究 之目的在發展實質上任何進料之純化方法,並非僅對某一 持殊批量之加工方法予以最適化。 整個實:驗程序偽在一通風良好但大氣未經控制之室内 一通風拥中進行。地面像未經處理之水泥地,因此鈣、鉀 及鈉所造成之夾雜量將極可能遠超過具有環境控制之實際 使用點条統内所得者。 -13 - 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X 297公釐) f-- (請先聞讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 訂 經濟部中央標準局員工消費合作杜印装 A7 B7 五、發明説明(12) 取樣器具係由壓縮氣體協會1/4吋筒管接合器及附有 1/4吋筒管配件之纽普羅伸缩密封閥(二者均由不锈銷製成) 所組成。該閥之出口處配以一小段1/4吋鐵弗龍管,如此 則液體或蒸氣可直接導入取樣瓶。在此情況下,氛化氫水 溶液試樣即可直接在試樣瓶内製備,無需在一無控制之環 境中實施液體输送。 用去離子水撤底沖洗試樣瓶,並將四次沖洗水丢棄, 加入約100西西去離子水,並將瓶蓋蓋妥。將來自所選製 造源及方法之氛化氫以發泡之方式送進先前加入試樣瓶之 去離子水中。在絶大多數案例中,氯化氫係繼續通入,直 至氣化氫通過溶液並逸出到達通風櫥而排出,以證明試'樣 瓶内溶液確實達到飽和為止。在飽和情況下,觭摸時該試 樣溶液非常熱,經封蓋及冷卻後,試樣瓶發生部分陷縮現 象。 一模擬離子型純化器糸統偽由1吋鐵弗龍管製成。管 套結之一倒俗焊接在高約1呎之管之加蓋段。管套結之另 一部分偽用纘有兩個1/4吋孔洞之封蓋加以覆蓋。將1/4吋 鐵弗龍細管差入該等緊密配合之孔洞内,其中一個細管直 接深入到達該器具之底部,另一値管僅通過其頂部。該組 合件内靠近下方之4吋範圍内埴入由薄壁1/4吋戡弗龍細 管切成之拉:西環。在實驗過程中,該離子型純化器裝有約 100西西去離子水。使氛化氫氣醴通過底管,可形成一氣 體/液匾界面。由於該組件不如妥為設計、並附有填充塔 之離子型純化器來得有效,離子型純化器之成效極為低落 -14 - 本紙伕尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210 X 29?公釐) (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 訂 A7 B7 經濟部中央標準局貝工消費合作.社印製 五、 發明説明(1 3 ) 1 1 I 是 可 預 見 的 〇 依 照 實 驗 室 m 定 » 取 白 該 離 子 型 純 化 器 之 塔 1 I I 底 試 樣 需 要 作 進 __* 步 之 處 理 &gt; 以 便 將 該 塔 底 試 樣 送 入 —. 試 - 1 1 I 樣 瓶 内 0 因 此 該 離 子 型 純 化 器 塔 底 試 樣 中 可 能 夾 帶 更 多 請 先 1 1 環 境 内 所 含 之 污 染 物 0 閱 T# 1 背 由 每 個 銷 瓶 採 取 氣 化 氣 液 體 試 樣 之 方 法 是 將 銷 瓶 倒 之 1 轉 t 並 使 液 體 流 人 事 先 準 備 之 試 樣 容 器 内 0 經 量 測 其 含 雜 注 意 1 事 1 質 之 程 度 的 確 簌 重 1 蓋 因 此 項 液 體 採 取 技 術 亦 將 抽 取 到 較 項 再 1 L 為 密 组 之 微 粒 t 而 且 額 外 之 處 理 工 作 將 使 試 樣 暴 露 於 室 内 4 寫 本 空 氣 之 時 間 更 久 0 由 該 兩 値 銷 瓶 所 取 液 體 試 樣 之 感 應 m 合 頁 V_^ 1 I 電 漿 法 分 析 結 果 如 表 1 所 示 0 該 等 結 果 業 經 歸 化 至 37 .25¾ 1 1 氣 化 氫 (來自氣化氫使用點条统之氣化氫水溶液公稱規格) 1 1 因 鐵 及 其 他 污 染 物 之 含 量 過 高 9 無 法 再 作 更 m 敏 之 感 應 訂 網 合 電 漿 / 質 (磁) 譜 法 試 驗 &gt; 以 致 較 不 顯 著 污 染 物 之 真 實 1 含 量 仍 羼 未 知 之 數 0 但 只 要 産 品 中 該 等 雜 質 可 減 少 至 合 格 I 之 標 準 9 其 真 實 含 量 僅 傜 技 術 層 面 要 解 決 之 問 題 〇 可 慶 幸 1 I 的 是 9 全 部 該 等 雜 質 均 可 藉 蒸 餾 及 / 或 離 子 型 純 化 技 術 予 I 1 以 除 去 〇 I 經 分 析 該 一 値 或 兩 値 銷 瓶 内 發 現 之 元 素 為 ; 鋁 、 硼 % 1 鋇 鉻 銅 、 鐵 鉀 及 鈉 0 其 污 染 程 度 及 清 除 技 術 將 於 隨 1 後 諸 節 中 討 論 0 1 I 為 驗 證· 對 氛 化 氫 案 例 之 純 化 觀 曾 作 過 許 多 次 實 驗 〇 1 1 為 簡 要 及 清 晰 計 9 類 似 之 實 驗 則 以 分 組 方 式 加 以 説 明 〇 1 | 液 態 firr m 水 氛 化 氳 之 置 測 1 1 將 钢 瓶 倒 轉 使 無 水 液 態 氛 化 氫 直 接 吸 入 水 中 以 量 m 無 1 1 | - 15 - 1 1 1 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(21 OX 297公釐) A7 B7 經濟部中央標準局員工消費合作社印製 五、 發明説明 (1 4) 1 i t 水 液 體 0 此 乃 代 表 一 最 壞 案 例 » 蓋 因 固 態 雜 質 亦 容 易 直 接 1 1 l 導 入 溶 劑 内 0 再 將 該 等 試 樣 作 感 應 m 合 電 漿 法 分 析 以 求 得 1 1 若 干 金 羼 之 含 量 〇 (銷瓶1 試樣 06 2 9 9 3 6 0 2 » 銷 瓶 2 : 請 先 1 1 試 樣 062993 60 5) 〇 • 閱 讀 1 背 1 蒸 氣 無 水 氛 化 氫 之 量 測 Sr 之 1 在 該 等 實 驗 内 f 鋼 瓶 % 經 邇 當 支 撑 » 其 出 P 位 於 上 部 注 意 1 1 事 1 0 無 水 蒸 氣 係 由 液 體 中 m 餾 出 來 f 並 藉 助 於 一 噴 氣 管 使 其 項 再 1 填 溶 解 於 —. 少 量 超 純 水 試 樣 内 0 該 方 法 代 表 傳 統 式 早 级 蒸 寫 本 裝 皤 〇 該 等 數 據 偽 用 來 與 純 化 器 實 驗 作 比 較 〇 (綱瓶1 : 試 樣 頁 1 1 07129360 1 , 鋼瓶2 試樣 ίί 062993603)。 1 1 離 子 型 純 化 器 之 量 測 1 1 此 等 小 型 實 驗 之 實 施 % 使 用 前 述 之 器 具 〇 將 超 純 水 加 1 訂 入 模 擬 純 化 器 並 將 該 純 化 器 之 輸 出 産 品 導 至 另 一 部 分 超 純 1 化 水 之 後 9 氛 化 氫 氣 臛 則 徐 徐 進 入 實 驗 序 列 〇 因 擄 有 大 量 1 1 熱 1 氣 化 氫 經 吸 入 第 一 階 段 純 化 器 直 至 純 化 器 内 之 熱 量 1 1 及 增 加 之 濃 度 到 達 該 % 統 所 需 之 沸 點 0 在 此 溫 度 下 » 氛 化 1 1 氫 氣 體 不 再 吸 入 純 化 器 内 * 卻 經 由 拉 西 環 填 充 物 所 提 供 之 ,r- 1 彎 曲 路 徑 » 通 過 液 體 而 發 泡 9 在 此 情 況 下 &gt; 該 蒸 氣 乃 由 水 1 1 性 介 質 加 以 洗 滌 〇 因 金 屬 雜 質 對 水 溶 液 之 親 和 力 大 於 對 蒸 1 1 氣 態 者 t 所 以 仍 留 在 液 相 内 0 之 後 在 次 一 階 段 1 經 純 化 之 1 1 氣 體 經 吸 收: 而 形 成 鹽 酸 0 留 在 純 化 器 之 液 體 ( 厂 塔 底 J 試 1 1 樣 ) 及 經 厂 洗 滌 J 之 産 品 試 樣 ( 産品」 ) 随 後 用 感 應 網 合 1 I 電 漿 / 質 (磁) 譜 法 加 以 分 析 0 該 兩 値 m 瓶 分 別 各 作 實 驗 數 1 1 次 $ 所 得 结 果 如 表 1 之 其 餘 部 分 所 示 〇 1 1 1 - 1 6 - 1 1 1 本纸張尺度適用中國國家揉準(CNS ) A4规格(210X2S·7公釐) A7 B7 經濟部中央標準局員工消費合作社印裝 五、 發明説明(1 5 ) 1 1 I 實 驗 提 要 1 1 I 將 取 白 每 値 網 瓶 之 液 體 與 由 該 液 體 上 方 蒸 餾 出 來 之 蒸 1 1 氣 相 較 正 顯 示 出 簡 αα 早 蒸 皤 所 具 備 之 純 化 作 用 (鋼 瓶 1 液 體 請 先 I 1 對 銅 瓶 1 蒸 氣 9 銷 瓶 2 液 體 對 鋼 瓶 2 蒸 氣 ) 並 說 明 一 項 分 閱 背 1 1 離 因 數 為 1 0至 5 0 0 0 之 優 良 純 化 作 用 〇 但 有 許 多 種 雜 質 仍 高 t6 之 1 於 1 値 十 億 分 點 之 層 次 0 雖 然 增 加 連 缠 性 或 多 階 段 蒸 餾 能 注 意 事 1 1 力 可 進 一 步 提 高 純 度 9 但 將 會 增 加 成 本 及 複 雜 性 〇 無 論 如 再 1 何 純 化 器 輸 出 産 品 之 不 純 度 將 遠 較 簡 ΒΒ 早 蒸 餾 者 大 幅 減 低 填 寫 本 裝 0 此 外 » 每 次 實 驗 中 塔 底 試 樣 内 任 何 特 殊 元 素 之 含 量 遠 較 頁 1 I 産 品 流 動 體 内 者 高 出 甚 多 $ 正 顯 示 本 技 術 之 分 離 效 率 0 純 1 I 化 器 之 装 設 及 運 轉 均 遠 較 多 階 段 蒸 餾 条 統 更 簡 «30 早 及 更 經、 濟。 1 1 鋼 瓶 -2離子型純化器模擬- I 1 1 訂 1 實 驗 工 作 開 啓 儲 槽 閥 9 An* Μ 洩 漏 〇 開 啓 試 樣 閥 f 太 遠 &gt; 大 量 發 泡 且 液 體 延 伸 至 廢 物 ο 關 閉 試 樣 閥 反 向 太 遠 1 若 1 1 干 吸 回 0 以 合 理 速 率 再 度 開 啓 ο 在 噴 入 去 離 子 水 之 前 « 放 1 I 棄 氣 化 氫 氣 體 數 秒 鐘 〇 去 離 子 水 試 樣 仍 保 持 清 澈 9 離 子 型 1 1 純 化 器 塔 底 液 體 變 得 極 黃 0 抽 出 試 樣 噴 射 管 9 將 氯 化 氫 供 I 應 器 産 品 試 樣 加 以 封 蓋 0 將 試 樣 管 白 試 樣 閥 移 至 離 子 型 純 1 化 器 1 關 閉 試 樣 閥 0 將 離 子 型 純 化 器 之 塔 底 試 樣 傾 倒 入 試 1 樣 容 器 内 0 1 1 試 樣 η 離 子 型 純 化 器 塔 底 液 063093501, 1 1 氮 化 氫 供 應 器 産 品 063093502, 1 1 銷 瓶 - L離子型純化器模擬 1 | 實 驗 工 作 : 開 啓 諸 儲 閥 使 氣 化 氫 暢 流 至 離 子 型 純 化 器 1 1 1 1 7 1 1 1 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(2丨0X 297公釐) 五、發明説明(16 ) A7 B7 , 和 後飽 鐘到 秒達 數樣 。試 器俟 化。 纯瓶 型樣 子試 離進 過引 通線 體管 氣品 氫産 化將 氛 , ,化 後淨 和線 飽管 達成 〇達 之化 前.純 先型 、子 漏離 洩自 之。 孔洞 放孔 釋一 内蝕 閥腐 自内 源封 察密 觀縮 〇 .伸 開在 移定 線必 管洗 品沖 産及 將回 ,-吸 品 産 器 化 純 型 。子 £-&lt; t* 榜難 試: 收:Λ 回樣 槽試 儲 器 液 底 塔 器 化 純 型 子 离 驗 試 器 化 純 型 子 離 2 甲 瓶 網 銨 化 硫 無 但3, ] ο ο 同 6 4 目 3 ο f 9 6 驗1493 ¢74 3¾ ο 1 述液07 前底品 與塔産 序器器 程化化 及純純 置型型 装子子 :離離 作: 工甘 驗樣 實試 果 結 驗 試 之 樣 試 種 各 述 上 係 列 所 表 部果 表三結 析列驗 分下試 樣 型 試 小 (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 裝· 、11 經濟部中央標準局員工消費合作社印製IpBT --------- ^ Clothing-- (please read the notes on the back before filling in this page) Reference C Η The liquefied 0 acid is often compared to the usual example ο 2 Η + Or the pure field-type existing acid will be added Α, hydrogen RC field, after the gas point is to be produced by the factory pure new H super leather, a round crystal is pure and shown in the field. night! At tl this is the same as Sr. Guichao 8% of ft% 2 {Over: liquefaction of the intention to detect is difficult to create a high degree of purity to achieve this. Such as low. If it is lowered, it will be dangerous and the wind will be combined to contaminate the interior. The book talks about adding the Natu with this book and attaching to a place and applying it as usual. The simple version of the case map, etc., va. The example of the printing process of the Central Standards Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. The example of the process of printing the map of the consumer cooperative. The τ-Η ring is equipped with energy. 0 half of the image of the Hm crystal guide made by the site of the map / IV Fangshi ’s manufacturing station is inside the image. 2) The image is prepared for production). The net crystal of the outside liquid is round. = Μ Α Pure C Takahata R 0 ^ Field U high current scores have been shown to be 3 kinds of fields _ Two current use facilities and facilities _ Jing Yu Tong has been divided into two kinds of this paper standard is applicable to China National Standards (CNS) Λ4 condition grid (210X297 mm) S06021 printed by the Employee Consumer Cooperative of the Central Bureau of Standards of the Ministry of Economy V. Description of the invention (7) Detailed description of the preferred specific embodiments: Many of the innovation points of this patent application will be referred to the current consensus With the embodiment (only Pseudo-examples, but by no means limited), where: Purification of gasified hydrogen According to the present invention, gasified hydrogen in the vapor phase is first taken out from the vapor space of the liquid gasified hydrogen supply storage tank. The steam is taken out in this way, as in the same single-stage steaming, leaving some solids and high-boiling impurities in the liquid phase. The supply tank may be any traditional supply tank or other storage tank suitable for holding hydrogen chloride, and the hydrogen atmosphere may be anhydrous or an aqueous solution. The storage tank can be kept at atmospheric pressure or, if necessary, at a pressure higher than atmospheric pressure so that gasification hydrogen can easily flow through the system. It is best to control the temperature of the storage tank so that the temperature range is between about 101C and 50Ό, but preferably between about 15t: and 351C, especially between 20t and 25t. The impurities removed due to the removal of vaporized hydrogen from the vapor phase include Group I and Group I metals in the periodic table and complexes of these metals formed by contact with hydrogen chloride. Also removed are the vapors and sulfonates of these metals; and hydrides, such as hydride and magnesium hydride; Group I elements and their vapors, and ammonium adducts of hydrides and halides of these elements ; Hydrides of transition metals; and heavy hydrocarbons and halogen compounds, such as: pump oil. Taken from the storage: The tank's hydrogenated ammonia passes through a filter unit to remove any solid material entrained by the vapor. The membranes of the filtration and ultrafiltration units are commercially available and can also be used. The choice of filter material grade and type depends on the needs. The current preferred specific embodiment is to use a coarse filter and apply the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210X297mm) at the ionic pure paper scale (please read the precautions on the back before filling this page) • J · The A7 B7 is printed by the employee consumer cooperative of the Central Bureau of Standards of the Ministry of Economy. V. Description of the invention (8) Before the clarifier, it passes through a 0.1 gram filter, and there is no filtering effect after the ionic purifier. The filtered vapor is passed through a scrubber tower, where the vapor is washed with purified water (preferably deionized) with a low acid concentration. The low-acidity water is preferably a pseudo-hydrogenated hydrogen aqueous solution, and the concentration is increased to saturation by recirculating the scrubber. The washing tower can be conveniently operated according to the convection method of the traditional washing tower. Although the operating temperature is not important, the operating temperature range of the scrubber is preferably about lot: to about 50¾, especially about 15t to about 3510. Similarly, the operating pressure is not important, but it is desirable that the operating pressure range is from about atmospheric pressure to about 30 psi / atm above atmospheric pressure. Usually the tower contains conventional scrubber packing to provide a high degree of contact between the liquid and the gas, preferably also contains a defogging section. In a currently desirable embodiment, the tower has a filling height of about 3 feet (0.9 meters) and an inner diameter of about 7 inches (18 centimeters) to achieve a volume of 0.84 cubic feet (24 liters). The operating pressure drop is about 0.3 inches of water (0.075 thousand Pascals), the overflow is less than 10¾, and at an overflow of 20¾, the nominal circulating flow is about 2.5 gallons / minute (0.16 liters / second) Or 5 gallons / minute (0.32 liters / second), where the gas enters from below the filling, and the liquid enters from above the filling and below the decontamination section. The desirable filling materials used in the scrubbers mentioned in this case are those whose nominal size is less than one-eighth of the tower diameter. The defog section of the tower has similar or denser packing and is of another traditional structure. It should be understood that all descriptions and dimensions in this paragraph are only pseudo examples. Every parameter can be changed. In a typical operation, first use deionized hydrogen to make deionized water -10-This paper uses the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 (210X 297mm) (please read the precautions on the back and fill in This page) 袈. Order A7 B7 Printed by the Employee Consumer Cooperative of the Central Bureau of Economic Affairs of the Ministry of Economy V. Description of the invention (9) 1 II Saturation formation-solution as the initial washing medium 0 During the operation of the washing tower 1 Tower 1 1 I Bottom groove A small amount of liquid is periodically discharged 9 to remove accumulated impurities. 1 1 I Examples of impurities to be removed by the scrubber include active volatile impurities> For example, please first 1 1 For example, the metal halide phosphorus arsenic and antimony halide and hydride are roughly read on the back of the 1 I theory> transition gold The halide of tantalum and the halide of group I and group VI of gold tantalum 1 1 and hydride. Note 1 1 The units mentioned so far can be added in accordance with the batch type ore or semi-continuum type But it is more appropriate to use the entangled or semi-connected lotus type. 〇Ambient hydrogen purification It is not important to fill in the volumetric treatment rate of 1% of the system, and there may be a wide range of changes. On page 1 I The present invention is expected In most applications, the flow rate 1 1 of gasified hydrogen through the system is about 200 sis / hour to several thousand liters / hour. 1 1 Due to the different types of purified hydrogenated hydrogen used in the manufacturing process &gt; The hydrogenated hydrogen left from the scrubber 9 can be optionally further purified 1 before use 0 Example-X-. In some cases »The% system can include one-dehydration early f I yuan and a steaming aa unit will be more favorable. The operation of the distillation tower can also be used in batches 1 | Batch lotus transfer »Commonly used operating pressure 1 1 The force may be 300 psi absolute (2, 0 6 8 thousand pascals) f The batch r * 1 is 100 lbs (45.4 kg) 0 This example The diameter of the washing tower is 8 hours (20 1 centimeters), the height is 72 inches (183 centimeters), the operating overflow flow is 30a; the steam speed is 1 1 degree is 0. 0 0 2 2 1 feet per second (0. 00067m / s), the height is equivalent to--1.51 I inches (3.8 cm :) Theoretical plate 1 and 4 8 尤 相 田 板 0 The boiler 1 1 in this example dimensions are: diameter 18 inches (45.7 cm) t length 27 inches (68.6 cm) 9 1 1 The reflux ratio is 0.5, the temperature at which the recirculated cold water enters is 60T (15. 6Ό), 1 I The temperature at the time of departure It is 90 T (32. 2¾). One point that is emphasized again is that this is only 1 1 1-11-1 1 1 The paper size is applicable to the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (2 丨 0X 297 mm) 306021 A7 B7 5 3. Description of the invention (10) Pseudo-one example; the structure of the distillation column has been widely changed and the operating parameters can be used. Depending on its use, purified hydrogenated hydrogen, regardless of whether it has undergone the distillation step, can be used as a purified gas or as an aqueous solution [in this case, the purified hydrogenated hydrogen is dissolved in Purified (preferably deionized water)]. Fig. 1 shows a flow chart of the pseudo-gasification hydrogen purification unit of the present invention. The liquid liquefied hydrogen is stored in the storage tank 11. The vaporized hydrogen vapor 12 is taken from the vapor space of the storage tank, then passes through a closing valve 13, and then passes through a filter 14. The filtered vaporized hydrogen vapor 15 (the flow rate of which is controlled by a pressure regulator 16) is introduced into a scrubber 17, which contains a filling section 18 and a pad 19 for removing. When the vaporized hydrogen vapor flows upward, the saturated vaporized hydrogen aqueous solution 20 flows downward, the liquid is circulated by the circulation pump 21, and the liquid level is controlled by a liquid level sensor 22. The waste 23 is periodically removed from the liquid accumulated in the bottom of the scrubber. The deionized water 24 is pseudo-supplied to the washing tower 17, and its high pressure is pseudo-maintained by the pump 25. The washed gasified hydrogen 26 is directed to one of the three flow paths. The flow paths are: (1) A distillation column 2 7 in which gasified hydrogen can be further purified. The resulting distilled hydrogen trioxide 28 is then redirected to the point of use. (2) A dissolution unit 29, where vaporized hydrogen combines with deionized water 30 to form an aqueous solution 31, and then leads to the place of use. If the factory operation has multiple brain use locations, the aqueous solution can be collected in a temporary storage tank, and then the temporary storage tank can send the chlorinated hydrogen to the pipeline leading to each use location in the same plant. -12-This paper scale is applicable to the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210X 297mm) -----.! 丨 L Ι (Read the precautions on the back and then fill out this page) Bureau for Industrial and Consumer Cooperation Du Printed A7 B7 Printed by Beigong Consumer Cooperative of the Central Standards Bureau of the Ministry of Economy V. Description of the invention (11) ⑶ A delivery line 32, which sends gaseous gasified hydrogen to the place of use. The above-mentioned second and third flow paths, which do not use the steaming tower 27, are suitable for the production of oxygenated hydrogen with an impurity of less than 100 megapoints. However, it may be advantageous to include distillation column 27 in some applications (eg, several furnace purification applications). In these cases, the distillation tower is used to remove non-condensable substances (such as gas and nitrogen), which may interfere with the purification work. In addition, because the hydrogenation industry leaving the scrubber 17 is saturated with water, depending on the hospitality and efficiency of the distillation tower, it can be optionally installed between the scrubber 17 and the distillation tower 27 in the system A dehydration unit. No matter in any of these flow paths, the resulting fluid, gaseous atmosphere ~ hydrogen or aqueous solution, may be further divided into two or more sub-streams, each of which leads to a different use station, so the purification unit can supply purified The gasified hydrogen is given to many use stations. Experimental summary: This research used two separate pin bottles of hydrogenated hydrogen produced by Massison Gas Manufacturing Company. There is a significant difference in the impurity composition of the two pinned bottles of chlorinated hydrogen. These differences may indicate a general variability of the source of chlorinated hydrogen. The purpose of this research is to develop virtually any feed purification method, not just to optimize a particular batch of processing methods. The whole practice: the verification procedure is carried out in a well-ventilated room with uncontrolled atmosphere in a well-ventilated room. The ground is like an untreated cement land, so the inclusions caused by calcium, potassium and sodium will most likely exceed those obtained within the actual use point system with environmental control. -13-This paper scale is applicable to China National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210X 297mm) f-- (please read the notes on the back before filling in this page) Order the consumer consumption cooperation du printing of the Central Standards Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs A7 B7 V. Description of the invention (12) The sampling device is made up of the Compressed Gas Association 1 / 4-inch bobbin adapter and the Newpro telescopic sealing valve with 1 / 4-inch bobbin fittings (both made of stainless pins ). The outlet of the valve is equipped with a short 1/4 inch Teflon tube, so that the liquid or vapor can be directly introduced into the sampling bottle. In this case, the sample of the hydrogenated aqueous solution can be prepared directly in the sample bottle, without the need for liquid delivery in an uncontrolled environment. Rinse the sample bottle with deionized water, discard the four rinse water, add about 100 cc of deionized water, and close the cap. Hydrogenated hydrogen from the selected manufacturing source and method is foamed into the deionized water previously added to the sample bottle. In most cases, the hydrogen chloride system continues to flow in, until the vaporized hydrogen passes through the solution and escapes to the fume hood to be discharged, to prove that the solution in the sample bottle has indeed reached saturation. Under saturated conditions, the sample solution is very hot when touched. After capping and cooling, the sample bottle partially collapses. An analog ion purifier is made of 1-inch Teflon tube. One of the tube sleeves is welded to the capped section of the tube about 1 foot high. The other part of the tube sleeve is covered with two 1 / 4-inch hole covers. Differentiate 1/4 inch Teflon thin tubes into these tightly fitting holes. One of the thin tubes goes deep into the bottom of the appliance, and the other one passes only through the top. Within the 4-inch range below the assembly, a pull cut from a thin-walled 1 / 4-inch gauron tube: West Loop. During the experiment, the ionic purifier was filled with about 100 cc of deionized water. By passing the liquefied hydrogen gas through the bottom tube, a gas / liquid plaque interface can be formed. Because the module is not as effective as the properly designed ionic purifier with a packed tower, the effectiveness of the ionic purifier is extremely low -14-This paper is applicable to the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210 X 29? (Please read the precautions on the back before filling in this page) Order A7 B7 Beigong Consumer Cooperation of the Central Standards Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. Printed by the company V. Description of the invention (1 3) 1 1 I is predictable. According to the laboratory m 定 »The white bottom sample of the ionic purifier 1 II needs to be processed in __ * steps in order to send the bottom sample into-. Test-1 1 I in the sample bottle 0 Therefore this There may be more entrained in the sample at the bottom of the ionic purifier. Please first 1 1 Contaminants contained in the environment 0 读 T # 1 The method of taking the vaporized gas liquid sample from each pin bottle is to invert the pin bottle 1 Turn t and let the liquid flow into the sample container prepared in advance 0 After measurement, it contains miscellaneous injection 1 matter 1 The degree of quality is indeed heavy 1 cover so the liquid adopting technology will also extract the finer particles 1 L which is a dense group and the additional processing work will expose the sample to the room 4 longer time the writing air 0 Induction of liquid samples taken from the two-valued bottles m hinge V_ ^ 1 I The results of the plasma analysis are shown in Table 1 0 These results have been normalized to 37.25¾ 1 1 Gasified hydrogen (from gas Nominal specifications of hydrogenated aqueous solution of hydrogenated gas using dotted system) 1 1 Due to the excessively high content of iron and other pollutants 9 No more sensitive sensing of mesh-bonded plasma / mass (magnetic) spectroscopy test &gt; The true content of less significant contaminants 1 is still an unknown number 0, but as long as the impurities in the product can be reduced to the standard of qualified I 9 its true content is only a technical problem to be solved. Fortunately 1 I is 9 These impurities can be removed by distillation and / or ionic purification techniques to I 1 to remove 〇I. The elements found in the one-value or two-value bottles are: aluminum, boron% 1 barium chromium copper, iron potassium and Sodium 0 The degree of pollution and removal techniques will be discussed in the following sections. 0 1 I is for verification. Many experiments have been conducted on the purification concept of the hydrogenated case. 1 1 is a brief and clear calculation. This is explained in groups. 〇1 | Liquid firr m measurement of water scented water 1 1 Turn the cylinder upside down to make anhydrous liquid scented hydrogen directly suck into the water to measure the amount m no 1 1 |-15-1 1 1 This paper size is suitable for China National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (21 OX 297 mm) A7 B7 Printed by the Employee Consumer Cooperative of the Central Bureau of Standards of the Ministry of Economy V. Description of invention (1 4) 1 it Water liquid 0 This represents the worst Case »Because of the solid impurities, it is also easy to directly introduce 1 1 l into the solvent 0 and then analyze these samples by the induction m-plasma method to obtain the content of 1 1 a number of gold pendants (pin bottle 1 sample 06 2 9 9 3 6 0 2 »Pin 2: Please first 1 1 Sample 062993 60 5) 〇 • Read 1 Back 1 Measurement of vapor anhydrous hydrogen hydride 1 of Sr In these experiments f cylinder% is properly supported» Its outlet P is located in the upper part. Note 1 1 thing 1 0. The water-free vapor is distilled from the liquid m and f is filled with a jet tube to dissolve the term in a small amount of ultrapure water sample 0. This method represents the traditional formula The early-stage steaming book is decorated. These data are forged to be compared with the purifier experiment. (Outline bottle 1: sample page 1 1 07129360 1, steel bottle 2 sample ί 062993603). 1 1 Measurement of ionic purifier 1 1 Implementation of these small experiments% Use the aforementioned equipment ○ Add 1 to ultrapure water to the analog purifier and direct the output of the purifier to another part of ultrapure 1 After the water 9 Atomized hydrogen gas slowly enters the experimental sequence. Because there is a large amount of 1 1 heat 1 gasified hydrogen is sucked into the first-stage purifier until the heat 11 in the purifier and the increased concentration reach the required percentage. Boiling point 0 At this temperature »Atmosphere 1 1 Hydrogen gas is no longer sucked into the purifier * but is provided via the Raschig ring filler, r-1 curved path» Foaming through liquid 9 In this case &gt; The The steam is washed with water 1 1 medium. Because the affinity of metal impurities for the aqueous solution is greater than that of steam 1 1 gaseous t, so it remains in the liquid phase 0 after the next stage 1 purified 1 1 gas Absorption: The liquid that forms hydrochloric acid 0 and remains in the purifier (J test 11 at the bottom of the plant) and product samples (products) washed by the factory J (the product) are then combined with the induction net 1 I plasma / mass (magnetic) Spectral analysis. The two m bottles were each tested for 1 1 times. The results obtained are shown in the rest of Table 1. 〇1 1 1-1 6-1 1 1 This paper size is suitable for Chinese national standards ( CNS) A4 specification (210X2S · 7mm) A7 B7 Printed by the Employees ’Consumer Cooperative of the Central Bureau of Standards of the Ministry of Economy V. Description of the invention (1 5) 1 1 I Experimental summary 1 1 I Will take the liquid and cause of the white net bottle The steam distilled from the liquid above 1 1 The gas phase correction shows the purification effect of simple αα early steaming (cylinder 1 liquid please first I 1 to copper bottle 1 steam 9 pin bottle 2 liquid to steel bottle 2 steam) and description 1 Item classification back 1 1 with a separation factor of 1 0 to 5 0 0 0 However, there are many kinds of impurities that are still higher than t1 of 1 to a value of 1 billion cents. 0 Although increasing the entanglement or multi-stage distillation can pay attention to 1 1 power can further improve the purity 9 but it will increase the cost and complexity The purity of the product output from the purifier will be much lower than that of the simple BB. The distillation of the product will be greatly reduced. Fill in this package. In addition »the content of any special element in the bottom sample in each experiment is much more than that of page 1 I It is much higher in the fluid body. It is showing that the separation efficiency of this technology is 0. The installation and operation of the pure 1 I converter are much more simple. The distillation system is simpler and more economical. 1 1 Cylinder-2 Ion Purifier Simulation-I 1 1 Order 1 Experimental work Open reservoir valve 9 An * Μ Leakage 〇Open sample valve f too far &gt; Mass foaming and liquid extends to waste ο Close sample valve Reverse too far 1 If 1 1 Dry suck back 0 Turn on again at a reasonable rate ο Before spraying with deionized water «Put 1 I Discard gasified hydrogen gas for a few seconds 〇 Deionized water sample remains clear 9 Ionic type 1 1 The liquid at the bottom of the purifier becomes extremely yellow. 0 The sample injection tube is drawn out. 9 The product sample of the hydrogen chloride supply is capped. 0 The white sample valve of the sample tube is moved to the ionic pure 1 device. 1 The sample valve is closed. 0 Pour the bottom sample of the ion purifier into the sample container 0 1 1 Sample η Ion purifier bottom liquid 063093501, 1 1 Hydrogen nitride supplier product 063093502, 1 1 Pin bottle-L ion type Purifier simulation 1 Experimental work: Open the storage valves to make the gasified hydrogen flow to the ion purifier 1 1 1 1 7 1 1 1 This paper standard is applicable to the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (2 丨 0X 297mm) V. Invention Instructions (16) A7 B7, and after full clock to seconds up to a few samples. The tester is customized. The pure bottle type sample is passed through the lead line body tube. The product will produce hydrogen gas, and after the conversion, the net and the line tube will reach the pre-chemical level. The pure pretype and the sub-leak leak from it. Holes and holes are released. An internal erosion valve rot is observed and sealed from the internal source seal. Extending on the transfer line, it is necessary to wash the product and return it to the product.-The product is pure and pure. Sub- &lt; t * List is difficult to test: Receiving: Λ Return to the sample tank test reservoir liquid bottom tower instrumentation pure type ionization tester chemically pure type ionization 2 A bottle of ammonium sulfide is not only 3,] ο ο Same as 6 4 mesh 3 ο f 9 6 test 1493 ¢ 74 3¾ ο 1 scription liquid 07 The former bottom product and the tower sequencer are programmed and purely pure type. The results of the test results are shown in the test series of the three parts of the table in the previous series. The sample type is small (please read the precautions on the back and fill in this page). Printed by the Bureau of Standards and Staff Consumer Cooperative

8 1X 本紙張尺度通用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X297公釐) 經濟部中央樣準局負工消費合作杜印製 A7 ____B7_ 五、發明説明(1 7 ) 試樣分析表 下列三部表所列像上述各種試樣之試驗結果: 小型試驗結果: 批號 062993602 062993603 062993605 063093601 063093602 識別號碼 93-7239 93-07240 93-07242 93-07338 93-07339 試樣 鋼瓶1液證 餌瓶2蒸氣 銷瓶2液體 銷通2雞子 型纯化器 銷通2離子 型純化器 塔底液 産 品 檢 定 6.10 17.31 6.80 34.55 15.34 錕 &lt;2.15 鋁 &lt;136.18 16.S9 164.34 191.91 &lt;54.15 金 &lt;2.15 &lt;24.04 &lt;54.15 | m 2070.12 4.41 745.00 410.77 .&lt;27.20 36.64 &lt;2.15 &lt;12.60 &lt;2.48 -&lt;5.59 致 &lt;1.83 &lt;0.65 &lt;1.64 &lt;0.32 &lt;0.73 1 1 &lt;678.44 &lt;2.15 &lt;608.60 &lt; &lt;269.78 鈣 &lt;7.33 &lt;2.58 8.44 &lt;1.29 &lt; m &lt;14.05 &lt;2.15 &lt;12.60 &lt; &lt;5.59 鈷 &lt;136.13 &lt;2.15 . &lt;122.16 &lt; .... &lt;54.15 ^ I :775.53 &lt;24.10 &lt;61.35 27276.06 &lt;27.20 | m | 1337.34 2.71 &lt;61.35 354.71 &lt;27.20 I m 1 144225 29.22 129696 84865.31 &lt;27.20 | m I &lt;678.44 &lt;239.08 &lt;608.60 &lt;269.78 (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) -19 •从 1衣----- 訂 本纸朵尺度適用t國國家標準(CNS ) Λ4規格(210X297公釐) 經濟部中央揉準局員工消費合作社印製 S〇6〇2l A7 B7 五、發明説明(l8) 批號 062993602 062993603 062993605 063093601 063093602 識別號_ 93-7239 93-07240 93-07242 93-07338 93-07339 :試樣 鋼瓶1液髏 銷瓶2蒸氣 鏑瓶2液體 銷瓶2離子. 型純化器 銷瓶2離子 型純化器 塔底液 '産 品 鍺 &lt;678.44 &lt;239.08 &lt;608.60 &lt;119.78 1 .铟 &lt;2.15 I 鉀. &lt;1801.43 2.39 3.62 1 讕 &lt;2.15 1 鋰 &lt;14.05 &lt;2.15 &lt;12.60 &lt;2.48 &lt;5.59 m &lt;1.83 &lt;0.65 &lt;1.64 &lt;0.32 &lt;0.73 錳 &lt;14.05 &lt;4.95 &lt;12.60 2043.09 &lt;5.59 m &lt;183.20 2.71 &lt;61.35 414.01 &lt;27.20 鈉 293.11 0.97 &lt;0.55 &lt;47.98 &lt;108.06 鎳 &lt;271.74 &lt;95.76 &lt;243.77 14402.97 &lt;108.06 &lt;136.13 &lt;47.99 &lt;122.16 &lt;24.04 &lt;54.15 鉛 - &lt;2.15 &lt;678.44 &lt;2.15 &lt;608.60 &lt;119.78 &lt;269.78 鉑 &lt;678.44 &lt;2.15 &lt;608.60 &lt;119.78 &lt;269.78 銻 ^678.44 &lt;2.15 &lt;608.60 &lt;119.78 &lt;269.78 錫 &lt;339.52 &lt;2.15 &lt;304.57 &lt;59.95 &lt;135.01 锂 &lt;68.39 &lt;2.15 &lt;61.35 &lt;12.08 &lt;27.20 鉅 &lt;678.44 &lt;2.15 &lt;608.60 &lt;119.73 -20 - ^^^1 ^^^1 _·1 1-1-! ill —^n m*-*HI 1 (妹先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 訂 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4规格(210X297公釐)8 1X The standard of this paper is the General Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210X297mm). The central sample bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs of the Ministry of Economic Affairs of the Ministry of Economic Affairs cooperates with the printing of A7 ____B7_ V. Description of the invention (1 7) Sample analysis table The following three tables The test results of the various samples listed above are as follows: Small test results: Lot number 062993602 062993603 062993605 063093601 063093602 identification number 93-7239 93-07240 93-07242 93-07338 93-07339 sample steel bottle 1 liquid certificate bait bottle 2 steam pin bottle 2 liquid sales 2 chicken type purifier sales 2 ion type purifier bottom liquid product verification 6.10 17.31 6.80 34.55 15.34 Kun &lt; 2.15 aluminum &lt; 136.18 16.S9 164.34 191.91 &lt; 54.15 gold & 2.15 &lt; 24.04 &lt; 54.15 | m 2070.12 4.41 745.00 410.77. &Lt; 27.20 36.64 &lt; 2.15 &lt; 12.60 &lt; 2.48-&lt; 5.59 to &lt; 1.83 &lt; 0.65 &lt; 1.64 &lt; 0.32 &lt; 0.73 1 1 &lt; 678.44 &lt; 2.15 &lt; 608.60 &lt; &lt; 269.78 calcium &lt; 7.33 &lt; 2.58 8.44 &lt; 1.29 &lt; m &lt; 14.05 &lt; 2.15 &lt; 12.60 &lt; &lt; 5.59 Cobalt &lt; 136.13 &lt; 2.15. &lt; 122.16 &lt;. ... &lt; 54.15 ^ I: 775 .53 &lt; 24.10 &lt; 61.35 27276.06 &lt; 27.20 | m | 1337.34 2.71 &lt; 61.35 354.71 &lt; 27.20 I m 1 144225 29.22 129696 84865.31 &lt; 27.20 | m I &lt; 678.44 &lt; 239.08 &lt; 608.60 &lt; 269.78 ( Please read the precautions on the back and then fill out this page) -19 • From 1 clothing ----- the size of the printed paper is applicable to the national standard of China (CNS) Λ4 specifications (210X297 mm) Employees of the Central Bureau of Economic Development of the Ministry of Economic Affairs Printed by the consumer cooperative S〇6〇2l A7 B7 V. Description of the invention (l8) Lot number 062993602 062993603 062993605 063093601 063093602 identification number _ 93-7239 93-07240 93-07242 93-07338 93-07339: sample steel cylinder 1 liquid cross pin Bottle 2 Vapor Dysprosium Bottle 2 Liquid Pin Bottle 2 Ion. Type Purifier Pin Bottle 2 Ionic Purifier Tower Bottom Liquid 'Product Germanium &lt; 678.44 &lt; 239.08 &lt; 608.60 &lt; 119.78 1 .Indium &lt; 2.15 I Potassium. &Lt;; 1801.43 2.39 3.62 1 鰰 &lt; 2.15 1 Lithium &lt; 14.05 &lt; 2.15 &lt; 12.60 &lt; 2.48 &lt; 5.59 m &lt; 1.83 &lt; 0.65 &lt; 1.64 &lt; 0.32 &lt; 0.73 Manganese &lt; 14.05 &lt; 4.95 &lt; 12.60 2043.09 &lt; 5.59 m &lt; 183.20 2.71 &lt; 61.35 414.01 &lt; 27.20 sodium 293.11 0.97 &lt; 0.55 &lt; 47.98 &lt; 108.06 Nickel &lt; 271.74 &lt; 95.76 &lt; 243.77 14402.97 &lt; 108.06 &lt; 136.13 &lt; 47.99 &lt; 122.16 &lt; 24.04 &lt; 54.15 Lead- &lt; 2.15 &lt; 678.44 2.15 &lt; 608.60 &lt; 119.78 &lt; 269.78 Platinum &lt; 678.44 &lt; 2.15 &lt; 608.60 &lt; 119.78 &lt; 269.78 Antimony ^ 678.44 &lt; 2.15 &lt; 608.60 &lt; 119.78 &lt; 269.78 Tin &lt; 339.52 &lt; 2.15 &lt; 304.57 &lt; 59.95 &lt; 135.01 Lithium &lt; 68.39 &lt; 2.15 &lt; 61.35 &lt; 12.08 &lt; 27.20 Huge &lt; 678.44 &lt; 2.15 &lt; 608.60 &lt; 119.73 -20-^^^ 1 ^^^ 1 _ · 1 1-1-! Ill — ^ nm *-* HI 1 (Sister first read the precautions on the back and then fill out this page) The size of the revised paper applies to the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210X297mm)

A7 B 五、發明説明() 經濟部中央標準局負工消費合作社印製 批號 062993602 062993603 062993605 063093601 063093602 識別號i 93-7239 93-07240 93-07242 93-07338 93-07339 試樣 鋼瓶1液匾 銷瓶2蒸氣 銷瓶2液體 銷瓶2離子 型純化器 鋼瓶2離子 型純化器 塔底液 産品 钛 &lt;136.18 &lt;47.99 &lt;122.16 &lt;24.04 &lt;54.15 鉈 &lt;2.15 m &lt;68.39 &lt;24.10 &lt;61.35 &lt;12.08 &lt;27.20 m &lt;2.15 鋅 &lt;68.39 &lt;24.10 &lt;61.35 152.02 &lt;27.20 誥 &lt;189.30 &lt;2.15 &lt;122.16 &lt;24.04 &lt;54.15 —21 — (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁)A7 B V. Description of invention () Printed batch number 062993602 062993603 062993605 063093601 063093602 identification number i 93-7239 93-07240 93-07242 93-07338 93-07339 sample cylinder 1 liquid plaque pin Bottle 2 Steam pin bottle 2 Liquid pin bottle 2 Ionic purifier cylinder 2 Ionic purifier tower bottom liquid product Titanium &lt; 136.18 &lt; 47.99 &lt; 122.16 &lt; 24.04 &lt; 54.15 Thallium &lt; 2.15 m &lt; 68.39 &lt; 24.10 &lt; 61.35 &lt; 12.08 &lt; 27.20 m &lt; 2.15 Zinc &lt; 68.39 &lt; 24.10 &lt; 61.35 152.02 &lt; 27.20 诰 &lt; 189.30 &lt; 2.15 &lt; 122.16 &lt; 24.04 &lt; 54.15 —21 — (please first (Read the notes on the back and fill in this page)

L 丁 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) Λ4規格_( 210X 297公釐) A7 B7 五、發明説明(21 ) 經濟部中央標準局員工消費合作杜印製 批號 07019360] ['070193602 071293601 識別號碼 93-07388 93-07389 93-07890 試樣 銷瓶2雞子 型纯化器 •钢瓶2離子 型純化器 _銷瓶1蒸氣 塔底液 1 産 品 m 0.00 &lt;2.58 鏗 &lt;2.53 &lt;2.58 &lt;4.63 &lt;0.33 &lt;2.58 &lt;0.60 1 m 91.15 0.00 &lt;4.63 ' m &lt;12.30 &lt;2.58 &lt;22.56 m &lt;48.87 11.47 &lt;89.65 鎳 &lt;48.87 0.00 &lt;89.65 :趦 &lt;24.49 0.00 &lt;44.93 鉛 0.00 &lt;2.58 钯 &lt;122.01 &lt;2.58 &lt;223.82 .鉑 &lt;122.01 &lt;2.58 &lt;223.82 銻 &lt;122.01 &lt;2.58 &lt;223.82 錫 &lt;61.06 &lt;2.58 &lt;112.01 m &lt;12.30 &lt;2.58 &lt;22.56 .妲 ·· 0.00 &lt;2.58 &lt;223.82 钛 &lt;24.49 0.00 &lt;44.93 鉈 0.00 &lt;2.58 m &lt;12.30 0.00 &lt;22.56 -23 - (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 裝.L Dingben paper size is applicable to China National Standard (CNS) Λ4 specification_ (210X 297mm) A7 B7 V. Description of invention (21) Ministry of Economic Affairs Central Standards Bureau employee consumption cooperation du printing batch number 07019360] ['070193602 071293601 identification number 93-07388 93-07389 93-07890 sample pin bottle 2 chicken type purifier • steel bottle 2 ion type purifier _ pin bottle 1 vapor tower bottom liquid 1 product m 0.00 &lt; 2.58 铿 &lt; 2.53 &lt; 2.58 &lt; 4.63 &lt; 0.33 &lt; 2.58 &lt; 0.60 1 m 91.15 0.00 &lt; 4.63 'm &lt; 12.30 &lt; 2.58 &lt; 22.56 m &lt; 48.87 11.47 &lt; 89.65 Nickel &lt; 48.87 0.00 &lt; 89.65: Qi &lt; 24.49 0.00 &lt; 44.93 Lead 0.00 &lt; 2.58 Palladium &lt; 122.01 &lt; 2.58 &lt; 223.82 .Platinum &lt; 122.01 &lt; 2.58 &lt; 223.82 Antimony &lt; 122.01 &lt; 2.58 &lt; 223.82 Tin &lt; 61.06 &lt; 2.58 &lt; 112.01 m &lt;; 12.30 &lt; 2.58 &lt; 22.56 .Da 0.00 0.00 &lt; 2.58 &lt; 223.82 Titanium &lt; 24.49 0.00 &lt; 44.93 Thallium 0.00 &lt; 2.58 m &lt; 12.30 0.00 &lt; 22.56 -23-(Please read the note on the back first Please fill out this page again).

.•IT 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X297公釐) A7 ___B7五、發明説明(22 ) 批號 070193601 070193602 071293601 識別號碼 93-07388 93-07389 93-07890 試樣 銷瓶2離子 型純化器 鋼瓶2離字 型純化器 銷瓶蒸氣 塔底液 • 産 品 鑌 0.00 &lt;2.58 鋅 &lt;12.30 0.00 &lt;22.56 誥 &lt;24.49 &lt;2.58 &lt;44.93 經濟部中央標準局員工消費合作杜印製 -24 - (.先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁). • IT This paper scale is applicable to China National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210X297mm) A7 ___B7 V. Description of invention (22) Lot number 070193601 070193602 071293601 Identification number 93-07388 93-07389 93-07890 Sample pin bottle 2 ions Type Purifier Steel Bottle 2 Off-type Purifier Pin Bottle Vapor Column Bottom Liquid • Product Pan 0.00 &lt; 2.58 Zinc &lt; 12.30 0.00 &lt; 22.56 诰 &lt; 24.49 &lt; 2.58 &lt; 44.93 Ministry of Economic Affairs Central Standards Bureau Employee Consumption Cooperation Du Print-24-(.Please read the precautions on the back before filling this page)

本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X297公釐) 經濟部中央標準局員工消費合作社印製 ^06021 A7 B7 五、發明説明(23) 批號, 071293602 071293603 071493603 071493604 斑別號碼 93-07891 93-07892 93-07974 93-07975 ,‘試樣 钢瓶1離子 型纯化器 銷瓶1離子 型純化器 銷瓶1雞子 型純化器 钢瓶1離子 型純化器. 塔底液 産品 塔底液 産 品 檢定 16.67 35.08 14.49 | 銀 &lt;24.92 &lt;49.83 7.33 &lt;2.57 | 鋁. 0.00 0.00 3.57 0.67 | 金. 0.00 0.00 &lt;1.06 &lt;2.57 | 硼 &lt;12.52 &lt;25.03 19.64 &lt;2.57 !貝 5.59 &lt;5.14 &lt;1.06 &lt;2:5'7 波 &lt;0.34 &lt;0.67 &lt;1.06 &lt;2.57 ; 秘 &lt;124.17 &lt;248.26 &lt;1.06 &lt;2.57 0 &lt;1.34 &lt;2.68 19.76 , 1.90 m &lt;1.45 &lt;2.90 &lt;1.06 &lt;2.57 鈷 &lt;24.92 &lt;49.33 2.34 &lt;2.57 鉻 &lt;12.52 &lt;25.03 0.00 0.00 銅 &lt;12.52 &lt;25.03 21.02 &lt;2.57 m 62.59 &lt;25.03 0.00 1.75 鎵 ';&lt;124.17 &lt;248.26 0.00 0.00 緒 &lt;124.17 &lt;248.26 0.00 0.00 洇 0.00 0.00 &lt;1.06 &lt;2.57 W 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.08 | I--------f 裝-- (外先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) -25 - 訂 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X 297公釐)This paper scale is applicable to the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210X297 mm) Printed by the Employee Consumer Cooperative of the Central Standards Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs ^ 06021 A7 B7 V. Description of the invention (23) Lot number, 071293602 071293603 071493603 071493604 spot number 93-07891 93-07892 93-07974 93-07975, 'Sample cylinder 1 ion purifier pin 1 ion purifier pin 1 chicken purifier cylinder 1 ion purifier. Bottom liquid product Bottom liquid product verification 16.67 35.08 14.49 | Silver &lt; 24.92 &lt; 49.83 7.33 &lt; 2.57 | Aluminum. 0.00 0.00 3.57 0.67 | Gold. 0.00 0.00 &lt; 1.06 &lt; 2.57 | Boron &lt; 12.52 &lt; 25.03 19.64 &lt; 2.57! Bell 5.59 &lt; 5.14 &lt; 1.06 &lt; 2: 5'7 wave &lt; 0.34 &lt; 0.67 &lt; 1.06 &lt;2.57; secret &lt; 124.17 &lt; 248.26 &lt; 1.06 &lt; 2.57 0 &lt; 1.34 &lt; 2.68 19.76, 1.90 m &lt; 1.45 &lt; 2.90 &lt; 1.06 &lt; 2.57 Cobalt &lt; 24.92 &lt; 49.33 2.34 &lt; 2.57 Chrome &lt; 12.52 &lt; 25.03 0.00 0.00 Copper &lt; 12.52 &lt; 25.03 21.02 &lt; 2.57 m 62.59 &lt; 25.03 0.00 1.75 Gallium ' ; &Lt; 124.17 &lt; 248.26 0.00 0.00 thread &lt; 124.17 &lt; 248.26 0.00 0.00 洇 0.00 0.00 &lt; 1.06 &lt; 2.57 W 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.08 | I -------- f outfit-(Foremost, please read the precautions on the back before filling out this page) -25- The size of the printed paper is in accordance with Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 (210X 297mm)

A 五、發明説明(24) 經濟部中央標準局貝工消費合作社印製 批號, 071293602 071293603 071493603 071493604 識別號碼 93-07891 93-07892 93-07974 93-07975 試樣 铜瓶1離子 型純化器 銷瓶1離子 型純化器 銷瓶1雞子 型純化器 鏑瓶1離子 型純化器 塔底豳 産 品 塔底液 産 S 1 鑭 0.00 0.00 &lt;1.06 &lt;2.57 鋰 &lt;2.57 &lt;5.14 &lt;1.06 &lt;2.57 镁 &lt;0.34 &lt;0.67 11.79 &lt;2.57 m &lt;2.57 &lt;5.14 0.00 0.00 ' m &lt;12.52 &lt;25.03 29.63 &lt;2.57 m &lt;49.73 &lt;99.44 1.71 4.1-9 鎳 &lt;49.73 &lt;99.44 0.00 0.00 j &lt;24.92 &lt;49.83 0.00 0.00 鉛 0.00 0.00 &lt;1.06 &lt;2.57 &lt;124.17 &lt;248.26 &lt;1.06 &lt;2.57 :鉑 &lt;124.17 &lt;248.26 &lt;1.06 &lt;2.57 銻 &lt;124.17 &lt;248.26 &lt;1.06 &lt;2.57 錫 &lt;62.14 &lt;124.24 &lt;1.06 &lt;2.57 m &lt;12.52 &lt;25.03 &lt;1.06 &lt;2.57 鉅 . &lt;124.17 &lt;248.26 &lt;1.06 &lt;2.57 钛 &lt;24.92 &lt;49.83 0.00 0.00 鉈 0.00 0.00 &lt;1.06 &lt;2.57 m &lt;12.52 &lt;25.03 0.00 0.00 -2 6 - (许先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 裝· 訂 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(21 〇 X 297公釐) 五、發明説明(2 5 ) A7 B7 批號, 071293602 071293603 071493603 071493604 斑別號碼 93-07891 93-07892 93-07974 93-07975 試樣 銅瓶1離子 型純化器 銅瓶1離子 型純化器 鏑瓶1離子 型純化器 鏑瓶1離子 型純化器 塔底液 産 品 _ 塔底液 産品. 鎮 0.00 0.00 &lt;1.06 &lt;2.57 鋅 40.23 &lt;25.03 0.00 0.00 詰 &lt;24.92 &lt;49.83 &lt;1.06 &lt;2.57 請· 先 閱 讀 背 ιδ 之 注 意 事 項 再 填J裝 頁 經濟部中央橾準局員工消费合作社印製 變化 將為精 觀念, 准專利 實例。 例言之 製造, 置及電 以另一 體電路 磁$及 造/所 就另一 非嚴格 果較差 修改及 如 之革新 所以獲 之若干 舉 電路之 電子装 再 採用積 :薄膜 電路製 更 接觸並 接觸效 於此項技術者所認知者,本專利申請案所述 隨廣大應用場合之不同可加以修改或轉變, 之技術内容,其應用範圍決不局限於所列舉 ,所掲示之革新技術並非嚴格地局限於積體 亦可應用於製造離散半導體分件,例如:光 源裝置。 實例言之,所掲示之革新技術亦可適用於曾 製造方法之其他技術方面之製造工作,例如 活動點陣液晶顯示器;但其主要用途偽積體 掲示之技術在其他方面之用途則羼次要者。 事實而言,使用一洗滌塔以實施液體-氣體 地需要;可改用一發泡器,惟其氣體/液體 ,雖然非不得已以不用為佳。 -27 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X297公釐) 訂 經濟部中央標準局員工消費合作杜印製 A7 B7 五、發明説明(26 ) 另外可作選擇性採納的是:其他單獨過濾或多階段過 濾可結合所掲示之純化器具共同操作。 應注意的是,雖然目前合意之具體實施例並未如此作 ,必要時純化水内可加入若干添加劑。 如以上所述,主要之具體實施例係一現場純化糸統。 另一種方式是,在另一組不太合意之具體實施例中,所掲 示之純化条統亦可適用於操作部分製造單元以生産準備蓮 輸之超高纯度化學品,但該變通方式具體實施例不能提供 以上所述現場純化之優點。如以上所述,該等應用場合將 遭遇到處理超高純度化學品之固有風險;但對需要經包裝 之化學品(連同隨護處理)之顧客而言,所掲示之革新至少 可提供一種方法以達到一起碼純度,該起碼純度仍高於以 其他技術所達到者。再者,在該等應用場合,於離子型純 化器之後亦可使用一乾燥器步驟。 如以上所述,主要具體實施例旨在提供超純水性化學 品,該等超純水性化學品對半導體製造最為重要。但該等 所掲示之糸統及方法具體實施例亦可用以供應經純化之氣 態流動體。(在許多案例中,於純化器下游使用一乾燥器 將有肋於此。) 應注意的是:以供半導體前端處理機内超純化學品作 為路徑選擇:之配管,可能包含線内或壓力儲槽。所以申請 專利範圍若干項内「引導」配管之參考資料不排除使用該 等儲槽,但絶對排除暴露在未經控制之大氣環境中。 -28 - 本紙張尺度通用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X 297公釐) -----— if — (#.先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 訂A V. Description of invention (24) Batch number printed by Beigong Consumer Cooperative of Central Bureau of Standards, Ministry of Economic Affairs, 071293602 071293603 071493603 071493604 Identification number 93-07891 93-07892 93-07974 93-07975 Sample copper bottle 1 Ion purifier pin bottle 1 ion purifier pin bottle 1 chicken purifier dysprosium bottle 1 ion purifier tower bottom product product bottom liquid production S 1 lanthanum 0.00 0.00 &lt; 1.06 &lt; 2.57 lithium &lt; 2.57 &lt; 5.14 &lt; 1.06 &lt; 2.57 magnesium &lt; 0.34 &lt; 0.67 11.79 &lt; 2.57 m &lt; 2.57 &lt; 5.14 0.00 0.00 'm &lt; 12.52 &lt; 25.03 29.63 &lt; 2.57 m &lt; 49.73 &lt; 99.44 1.71 4.1-9 nickel &lt; 49.73 &lt; 99.44 0.00 0.00 j &lt; 24.92 &lt; 49.83 0.00 0.00 Lead 0.00 0.00 &lt; 1.06 &lt; 2.57 &lt; 124.17 &lt; 248.26 &lt; 1.06 &lt; 2.57: Platinum &lt; 124.17 &lt; 248.26 &lt; 1.06 &lt; 2.57 Antimony &lt; 124.17 &lt; 248.26 &lt; 1.06 &lt; 2.57 Tin &lt; 62.14 &lt; 124.24 &lt; 1.06 &lt; 2.57 m &lt; 12.52 &lt; 25.03 &lt; 1.06 &lt; 2.57 Huge. &Lt; 124.17 &lt; 248.26 &lt; 1.06 &lt; 2.57 Titanium &lt; 24.92 &lt; 49.83 0.00 0.00 Thallium 0.00 0.00 &lt; 1.06 &lt; 2.57 m &lt; 12.52 & l t; 25.03 0.00 0.00 -2 6-(Xu first read the precautions on the back and then fill out this page) The size of the paper for binding and binding is applicable to the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (21 〇X 297 mm) V. Description of invention ( 2 5) A7 B7 batch number, 071293602 071293603 071493603 071493604 spot number 93-07891 93-07892 93-07974 93-07975 sample copper bottle 1 ion type purifier copper bottle 1 ion type purifier dysprosium bottle 1 ion type purifier dysprosium Bottle 1 Ionic Purifier Tower Bottom Liquid Products _ Tower Bottom Liquid Products. Town 0.00 0.00 &lt; 1.06 &lt; 2.57 Zinc 40.23 &lt; 25.03 0.00 0.00 诘 &lt; 24.92 &lt; 49.83 &lt; 1.06 &lt; 2.57 Please read the back first Note for ιδ and then fill in the J page. The changes printed by the Consumer Cooperative of the Central Bureau of Economic Affairs of the Ministry of Economy will be refined concepts and quasi-patent examples. Exemplary manufacturing, placement and electricity use another body circuit magnetic $ and manufacturing / regarding another non-strictly modified and poorly modified and so innovative As is known to those skilled in the art, the scope of application of the technical content described in this patent application can be modified or changed according to the wide range of applications. The scope of application of the technical content is by no means limited to the listed, and the innovative technology shown is not strictly It is also applicable to manufacturing discrete semiconductor sub-components, such as light source devices. For example, the innovative technology shown can also be applied to other technical aspects of manufacturing methods, such as active dot-matrix liquid crystal displays; but its main use is the use of pseudo-integrated display technology in other aspects. By. In fact, the use of a scrubber to implement the liquid-gas requirement is possible; a foamer can be used instead, but the gas / liquid is better, although it is absolutely necessary. -27 This paper scale is applicable to China National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210X297mm). It is ordered by the Ministry of Economic Affairs Central Standards Bureau employee consumption cooperation to print A7 B7. 5. Description of invention (26) In addition, optional adoption is: other Separate filtration or multi-stage filtration can be combined with the purification equipment shown. It should be noted that although the currently preferred specific embodiments do not do so, several additives may be added to the purified water if necessary. As mentioned above, the main specific embodiment is an on-site purification system. Another way is that, in another group of undesirable specific embodiments, the purification system shown can also be applied to operate some manufacturing units to produce ultra-high purity chemicals prepared for lotus delivery, but the modification is specifically implemented Examples cannot provide the advantages of on-site purification described above. As mentioned above, these applications will encounter the inherent risk of handling ultra-high purity chemicals; but for customers who require packaged chemicals (along with accompanying treatment), the innovations shown can provide at least one method To achieve the same code purity, the minimum purity is still higher than that achieved by other technologies. Furthermore, in such applications, a dryer step can also be used after the ionic purifier. As mentioned above, the main specific embodiments are intended to provide ultrapure water-based chemicals that are most important for semiconductor manufacturing. However, the specific embodiments of the illustrated system and method can also be used to supply purified gaseous fluids. (In many cases, the use of a dryer downstream of the purifier will be advantageous.) It should be noted that the ultra-pure chemicals in the semiconductor front-end processor are used as the path selection: the piping may include in-line or pressure storage groove. Therefore, the reference materials for "pilot" piping in several items of the patent application scope do not exclude the use of such storage tanks, but absolutely exclude exposure to uncontrolled atmospheric environments. -28-The size of this paper is in accordance with the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 (210X 297mm) -----— if — (#. Read the precautions on the back before filling out this page)

Claims (1)

申請專利範圍 A8 B8 C8 D8Patent application scope A8 B8 C8 D8 条劑 次品 該度 ,純 統高 条超 次之 場氫 現化 之氨 中括 施包 設供 造提 製業 置作 裝造 體製 導體 半導 在半 CBB ^ 種 一 一 對 可 1.統 提 處 該 由 並 源 0 化 氛 態 液 1 受 接 以 源 發 蒸 : 之 括接 包連 中經 其一 過 通 以 體接 «I 遘 流經 氣體 蒸動 氫、流 化氣 氛蒸 1 氫 供化 氣 該 水 度 純 高 環 循 再 量 大 有 備 元), 單酸 該鹽 體 動 流 氣 蒸 氫 化 氣 該 與 得 該流 自氣 來蒸 受氫 接化 以氯 接該 連將 經並 匿 &gt; βηΜ 元動 單流 器氣 生蒸 産 路 子其化體 /V 接 t* JJJ ·Ϊ1 '7/ 0 ? 滅動 元 單 化 纯 型 度 濃 高 有 含 中 及 氫髏 化液 氱性 該水 之一 器與 體 導 及半 ;至 液送 溶分 水液 純溶 超水 之該 氫將 化組 氛接 括遵 包管 一 配 生該 産 , 以組 合接 結連 相管 配 發 蒸 該 在 中 其 統 条 次 場 現 C之 點項 用 1 使第 各圍 内範 施利 設專 置請 装申 如 2 氣 態 液 該 中 其 。統 器条 濾次 過場 粒現 撤之 - 項 括 1 包第 更圍 間範 之利 器專 化請 純申 該如 與 源3. 条 次 場 現 之 項 ο 1 氫第 化圍 氛範 水利 無專 括請 包申 源如 £ 化 4 ---------ί,衣— (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 訂If 經濟部中央標準局貝工消費合作社印$L 条 次 場 。現 物之 加項 添 1 何第 任圍 含範 不利 水專 度請 純申 高如 環 循5. 条 次 場 。現 度之 純項 级 1 業第 商圍 準範 標利 有專 具請 僅申 源如 氫 化 6 条 次 場 現 之 項 第 圍 範 。利 槽專 儲請 截申 散如 一 係 7 統统 統统 再 童 大 該 中 其 氯 態 液 該 中 其 器 發 蒸 該 中 其 器 發 蒸 該 中 其 本紙張尺度逋用中國國家揲準(CNS ) A4規格(2l〇X297公釐) ^00021 ab! C8 D8 經濟部中央橾準局員工消费合作社印装 六、 申請專利範圍 1 傜 在 一 控 制 之 溫 度 下 蓮 轉 » 且 經 連 接 以 接 受 來 白 散 m 儲 槽 1 I 之 液 態 氣 化 氮 〇 1 1 8 . 一 種 在 半 導 體 装 置 製 造 設 施 中 之 現 場 次 糸 統 1 該 次 糸 請 1 先 1 统 可 對 一 半 導 體 製 造 作 業 提 供 包 括 氣 化 氫 之 超 高 純 度 品 劑 閲 讀 1 I 9 其 中 包 括 : 背 I I 之 1 一 蒸 發 源 9 經 連 接 以 接 受 一 液 m 氯 化 氫 並 由 該 處 提 供 一 注 意 1 I 氣 化 氫 蒸 氣 流 動 髏 事 項 1 I 該 氛 化 氫 蒸 氣 流 動 體 經 連 接 以 通 過 一 離 子 型 純 化 器 早 元 再 填 寫 本 L 9 該 cm 早 元 備 有 大 量 再 循 環 高 純 度 水 (其 中 含 有 高 裏 孩 頁 s_✓ 1 I 度 鹽 酸 ), 得與該氨化氫蒸氣流動體接觸 及 1 1 一 産 生 器 DO 早 元 » 經 連 接 以 接 受 來 白 該 純 化 器 之 該 氯 化 氫 1 I 蒸 氣 流 動 體 並 將 該 氛 化 氫 蒸 氣 流 動 體 與 一 水 性 液 醱 訂 1 相 結 合 以 産 生 一 包 括 氛 化 氫 之 超 純 水 溶 液 因 此 該 超 純 水 溶 液 可 用 在 半 導 體 装 置 製 造 設 施 内 9 無 需 1 I 大 量 輸 送 或 將 液 體 表 面 暴 露 在 任 何 未 經 控 制 之 環 境 1 1 中 〇 1 I 9 . 如 申 讅 專 利 範 圍 第 8 項 之 現 場 次 % 统 &gt; 其 中 在 該 蒸 發 »»·*··» 源 與 該 純 化 器 之 間 更 包 括 一 微 粒 過 濾 器 〇 1 1 10 • 如 申 請 專 利 範 圍 第 8 項 之 現 場 次 条 統 參 其 中 該 液 態 氛 1 1 化 氫 源 包 括 無 水 氱 化 氳 0 1 1 1 11 * 如 申 請 專 利 範 圍 第 8 項 之 現 場 次 糸 統 9 其 中 該 大 ft 再 1 1 循 環 高 純 度 水 不 含 任 何 添 加 物 〇 1 I 12 • 如 申 請 專 利 範 園 第 8 項 之 現 壜 次 % 統 9 其 中 該 液 態 氰 1 1 化 氫 源 僅 具 有 標 準 商 業 级 純 度 0 1 1 I - 30 - - 1 1 1 1 本纸張尺度適用中國國家揉準(CNS ) A4规格(210X297公釐) AB,CD 經濟部中央標準局貝工消費合作社印製 7、申請專利乾圍 13. 如申請專利範圍第8項之現場次糸統,其中該蒸發器 傺一散藏儲槽。 14. 如申請專利範圍第8項之現場次糸統,其中該蒸發器 像在一控制之溫度下蓮轉,且經連接以接受來自散藏儲槽 之液態氣化氫。 15. —種在半導體裝置製造設施中之現場次条統,該次条 统可對一半導髖製造作業提供所需之超高純度氯化氫,其 中包括: 一蒸發源,經連接以接受一液態氯化氫源並由該處提供 一氣化氫蒸氣流動體; 該氛化氫蒸氣流動體經連接以通過一離子型純化單元, 該單元備有大量再循環高純度水(其中含有高濃度 鹽酸),得與該氯化氫蒸氣流動體接》;及 一乾燥器單元,經連接以接受來自該純化器之該氯化氫 蒸氣流動體,並乾燥該氱化氫蒸氣;及 一配管連接組,該配管連接組將該水溶液分送至半導體 裝置製造設施内各使用點。 16. 如申誚專利範圍第15項之現場次条统,其中在該蒸發 源與該純化器之間更包括一撤粒過濾器。 17. 如申請專利範圍第15項之現場次条统,其中該液態氣 化氫源包括無水《化氫。 18. 如申請專利範圍第15項之現場次条統,其中該大量再 循琢离純度水不含任何添加物。 19. 如申請專利範圍第15項之現場次糸統,其中該液態氛 -31 - 本纸浪尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4说格(210X297公釐) --------u------訂 1 (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) ~、申請專利範圍 化氫源僅具有標準商業级純度。 20. 如申請專利範圍第15項之現場次糸統,其中該蒸發器 偽一散藏儲槽。 21. 如申請專利範圍第15項之現場次条統,其中該蒸發器 像在一控制之溫度下蓮轉,且經連接以接受來自散藏儲槽 之液態氛化氫。 22. —種製備超高純度氱化氫之糸統,該条統包括: (a) —液態氱化氳儲槽,該液體上方有一蒸氣空間; (b) —缠接組,用以自該蒸氣空間吸取含有氯化氫氣 體之蒸氣; (c) 一過濾膜,用以自所取蒸氣中除去撤粒;及 (d) —氣體-液體介面室,其中經過濾過之蒸氣曾通過 該過濾膜,於去離子水中與氛化氫之水溶液接® ,如此經洗滌過之蒸氣卽傑經純化之氣化氫氣體。 23. 如申請專利範圍第22項之糸统,其中更包括一蒸皤塔 ,用以蒸皤來自該洗滌塔之蒸氣。 24. —種用以製造高精密電子分件之条统,該条統包括: 經濟部中央標準局負工消費合作社印裝 (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) (a) —含有許多工作站之生産線,該等工作站偽經遇 適當配置,於製造一電子分件時,對含有半導體 材料之晶鬮實施各種不同之步驟,其中至少一鏟 該等工作站使用氣態氛化簠作為一源氣,以便對 該工件實施作業;及 (b) —純化次單元,該次單元俱藉配管與該等工作站 相連,以供應該超高純度氱化氫,該次單元包括: -32 - 本紙張尺度逋用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X 297公釐) ^06021 A8 B8 C8 D8 經濟部中央標準局ec工消費合作社印製 六、 申請專利範圍 1 1 ( ) 一 液 態 氣 化 氫 儲 槽 , 其 液 面 上 方 有 — 蒸 氣 空 1 I 間 1 1 (u ) 一 連 接 組 9 用 以 白 該 蒸 氣 空 間 吸 取 含 有 氣 化 請 先 1 I 氫 氣 之 蒸 氣 閱 it 1 背 1 (iii ) * 過 濾 膜 9 用 以 白 所 吸 蒸 氣 中 除 去 撤 粒 ; 及 之 1 (iv ) 一 洗 滌 塔 9 經 適 當 配 置 可 使 曾 通 過 該 過 濾 膜 注 意 1 事 1 經 溶 過 液 濾 相 後 接 之 觸 蒸 9 氣 經 於 過 去 如 離 此 子 洗 水 滌 中 之 與 蒸 氣 氛 乃 化 經 氫 純 水 化 項 再 填 寫 1 九 本 之 氛 化 氫 氣 體 頁 1 I (C ) 該 純 化 單 元 Μ 配 管 與 該 工 作 站 相 連 » 以 供 應 該 超 1 1 高 純 度 氣 化 氫 0 1 1 25 如 申 請 專 利 範 圍 第 24項 之 % 統 9 其 中 該 次 «9 早 元 更 包 括 訂 一 蒸 皤 塔 t 經 過 適 m 配 置 以 蒸 皤 來 白 該 洗 滌 塔 之 蒸 氣 0 -! 26 • 如 申 請 專 利 範 圍 第 24項 之 % 统 » 其 中 該 次 單 元 更 包 括 1 | 若 干 工 具 9 可 將 該 經 純 化 之 氛 化 氫 氣 體 與 經 純 化 之 水 加 以 1 I 混 合 » 以 形 成 一 氛 化 氫 水 溶 液 0 1 1 27 • 如 申 請 專 利 範 圍 第 24項 之 % 統 &gt; 其 中 經 該 單 元 純 化 之 I 氯 化 氫 離 開 該 次 act 早 元 之 位 置 &gt; 距 應 用 步 驟 (b ) 産 品 直 接 到 1 1 該 工 件 上 之 該 工 具 約 為 30公 分 0 1 I 28 • 如 申 請 專 利 範 圍 第 24項 之 条 统 » 其 中 該 次 單 元 之 尺 寸 1 I 經 適 當 設 定 » 其 生 産 該 經 純 化 氯 化 氫 氣 匾 之 速 率 為 約 2 公 1 1 升 /小時至約200公 升 /小時。 1 I 29 • 如 申 請 專 利 範 園 第 24項 之 % 統 9 其 中 該 次 單 元 之 分 件 1 (ϋ ) (m ) 及 (iv ) 經 配 置 適 於 連 鑛 式 或 半 連 續 式 流 動 0 1 1 I * 33 - - 1 1 1 本紙張尺度逋用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4洗格(210 X 297公釐) 六、申請專利範圍 A8 B8 C8 D8 30. —種用以供應一高純度氣化氳品劑給高精密電子分件 經濟部中央揉準局另工消費合作社印掣 氣 體 使相 氫 於之 於通 列 作作在 傜 蒸 氣 此液 化 :塔 :體 下 塔工解 } 之 氫 因溶 氛 括滌 括氣 括 皤該溶 U 方 化 ,水 該 包洗 包氫 包 蒸至體 驟 上 氣 塔氫 將 更該 更化 更 一體氣 步 :氫 該;滌化 並 中自 中氯 中 過氣氫 中 括化 自e;洗氯 體 其來 其該 其 通氫化 其 包氯 ,激一一 氣 ,將 ,將 , 體化氛 , 法態 膜U過與 氫 法先 法先 法 氣氛該 法 方液 濾 通内 化 方,。方, 方 氫該之 方 該内 過 Η 髏水 氣 之前内之前 之 化導塔 之 ,槽;一 5 氣子 該 項之水項之 項 氯引脯 項 法儲體過00氫離 之。30站之30站。30該於蒸30 方之氣通0.化去 塔站第作化第作化第 之並該 第 之氫氫蹬於氛於 滌作圍工純圍工純圍 塔,自。園 站化化氣大該體 洗工範該經範該之範 滌化來内範 作氯氱氫徑之氣 該該利至在利至步利 洗純將水利 工有取化、粒濾氫及自至專體解專匾一專 該之,之專 一 含吸氣去過化.,來導諳氣溶請氣進請 自步前化請 上一間該除經氛觸收體申簠體申氫作申·.來一之純申 線自空将中将該接回氣如化氣如化塔如驟將進站經如 0 ) ) ) ) 種氱氫種氯皤種步')種 生(au u(d一該化一該蒸一之(b一 造 .導氯.導一 .加 . 製 3弓該 3弓過 3 增 3 i — -I 1 -I II 冬 1^1 —^ϋ tn--------- .. I ‘ (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 本紙張尺度逋用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(2丨0 X 297公釐) O〇6〇^j A8 B8 C8 D8 X、申請專利範圍 約 度 溫 在 況 情 之 V ο 5 約 至 V 驟 步、 中 其 。法 〇 施方施 實之實 下項下 30況 第情 圍之 範P 利35 專約 請至 申它 如15 種約 1 度 .溫 35在 係 驟 步 中。 其施 ,實 法下 方況 之情 項之 33P 第35 圍約 範至 利P 專15 請約 申度 如溫 種在 一 係 及 傺平 / 2磅 /fv 駿30 步約 中至 其力 ,壓 法氣 方大 之約 項力 30壓 第及 圍 , 範 P 利35 專約 請至 Φ P 如15 種約 一 度 .溫 37在 驟 步 中 其 法 方 。之 施項 實33 下第 況圍 情範 之利 力專 壓請 氣申 大如 於種 高 一 吋 . 方38 及 (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) i- 約 至 V 5 1A 約 度 溫 在 係 約 至 力 壓 氣 大 約 力 壓 及 施 實 下 況 情 之 力 0 氣 大 於 高 吋 方 平 / 磅 訂 經濟部中央標準局員工消費合作社印製 本紙張尺度逍用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4洗格(210 X 297公釐)Strips and defective products at this level, the pure system of high-level ultra-hydrogen in the field of ammonia is included in the equipment for the manufacturing industry to be installed as a system conductor semiconductor in the semi-CBB ^ species one by one can be 1. It is necessary to combine the source 0 with the atmospheric liquid 1 to receive the source steam: including the connection through the body to pass through the body «I 遘 flowing through the gas steaming hydrogen, fluidizing atmosphere steaming 1 hydrogen supply (The gas is pure and the water content is high and the circulation is large.) βηΜ Yuandong single-flow device gasification steam production path of its chemical form / V connection t * JJJ · Ϊ1 '7/0? The extinction element has a single pure type with high concentration and contains neutral and hydrogen crosslinking liquid. One device and body guide and half; to the solution of the water solution, the pure solution of the superhydrogen, the hydrogen will be combined with the atmosphere, and the production will be produced, in combination with the connection of the phase tube, the steam will be steamed in it. Use 1 for the item of C in the uniform field, so that Fan Shili will set up a special post The application means 2 which, in its liquid state gas. The system filter filter is now withdrawn-Item includes 1 package of the special weapon tool specialization, please purely apply to the source 3. The current item of the field is ο 1 Hydrogenization of the surrounding environment Fan water conservancy is not included Please apply for the source as £ 化 4 --------- ί, clothing — (please read the notes on the back before filling in this page) Order If the Ministry of Economic Affairs Central Standards Bureau Beigong Consumer Cooperative Prints $ L field. Additions to existing objects Tim 1 He Di Renwei Containing range Unfavorable water level please apply purely Gao Ru Circulation 5. Fields. The current pure item level 1 industry standard quasi-standard standard has specific requirements. Please only apply for the 6 items of hydrogenation. For special storage, please cut off Shensan as a series of 7 all of them, then Tongda University, its chlorine liquid, its instrument steamed, its instrument steamed, and its original paper size used in the Chinese National Standard ) A4 specification (2l0X297 mm) ^ 00021 ab! C8 D8 Printed by the Central Consumer ’s Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs Employee Consumer Cooperative 6. Scope of application for patent 1 傜 哜 進 進 在 這 controlled temperature »and connected to accept to white Loose storage tank 1 I of liquid vaporized nitrogen 〇1 1 8. An on-site sub-system 1 in a semiconductor device manufacturing facility The first sub-system 1 can provide a supercharger including vaporized hydrogen for a semiconductor manufacturing operation High-purity reagents read 1 I 9 which includes: Back II No. 1 An evaporation source 9 is connected to receive a liquid m hydrogen chloride and is provided by the place with a note 1 I Gaseous hydrogen vapor flow Item 1 I The oxidized hydrogen vapor fluid is connected to pass through an ionic purifier Zaoyuan and then fill out this L 9 The cm Zaoyuan is equipped with a large amount of recycled high-purity water (which contains Gaoli children page s_✓ 1 I degree Hydrochloric acid), which may come into contact with the hydrogenated ammonia vapor fluid and 1 1 generator DO Zaoyuan »Connected to accept the hydrogen chloride 1 I vapor fluid flowed from the purifier and the hydrogenated hydrogen vapor fluid An aqueous liquid phase 1 is combined to produce an ultrapure aqueous solution including hydrogenated hydrogen. Therefore, the ultrapure aqueous solution can be used in semiconductor device manufacturing facilities. 9 No mass transfer or exposure of the liquid surface to any uncontrolled environment 1 1 中 〇1 I 9. For example, the on-site sub-item of item 8 of the scope of the patent application> where a particle filter is further included between the evaporation »» · * ·· »source and the purifier Apparatus 〇1 1 10 • For example, the on-site sub-item of the 8th scope of the patent application, where the liquid atmosphere 1 1 hydrogen source includes anhydrous 氱 化 氲 0 1 1 1 11 * If the on-site sub-item of the 8th scope of the patent application System 9 where the large ft 1 1 cycle of high-purity water does not contain any additives 〇1 I 12 • If the application for patent Fan Garden No. 8 is the current number of times 9 System 9 where the liquid cyanide 1 1 hydrogen source is only standard Commercial grade purity 0 1 1 I-30--1 1 1 1 This paper scale is suitable for China National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210X297 mm) AB, CD Printed by Beigong Consumer Cooperative, Central Bureau of Standards, Ministry of Economic Affairs 7. Application for patent application 13. As in the on-site sub-system of item 8 of the patent application scope, the evaporator is a storage tank. 14. The on-site sub-system as claimed in item 8 of the patent scope, in which the evaporator acts like a lotus turn at a controlled temperature and is connected to accept liquid gasified hydrogen from a bulk storage tank. 15. A kind of on-site sub-system in semiconductor device manufacturing facilities, which can provide the ultra-high purity hydrogen chloride required for half of the hip guide manufacturing operations, including: an evaporation source, connected to receive a liquid hydrogen chloride The source is provided with a vaporized hydrogen vapor fluid; the circulated hydrogen vapor fluid is connected to pass through an ionic purification unit, which is equipped with a large amount of recycled high-purity water (containing high-concentration hydrochloric acid), and The hydrogen chloride vapor flow body is connected; and a dryer unit is connected to receive the hydrogen chloride vapor flow body from the purifier and dry the hydrogenated hydrogen vapor; and a piping connection group, the piping connection group connects the aqueous solution Distribute to various use points in semiconductor device manufacturing facilities. 16. For example, the on-site sub-system of claim 15 of the patent scope, in which a particle removal filter is further included between the evaporation source and the purifier. 17. For example, the on-site sub-system of item 15 of the scope of patent application, where the source of liquid gasified hydrogen includes anhydrous hydrogenated hydrogen. 18. For example, the on-site sub-system of item 15 of the scope of patent application, in which the large amount of purified water contains no additives. 19. For example, the on-site sub-system of item 15 of the patent application scope, in which the liquid atmosphere -31-this paper wave scale is applicable to the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 said grid (210X297 mm) -------- u ------ Order 1 (Please read the precautions on the back before filling in this page) ~, the patented scope of hydrogen source only has standard commercial grade purity. 20. For example, the on-site sub-system of item 15 of the patent application scope, in which the evaporator is a pseudo storage tank. 21. For example, the on-site sub-system of item 15 of the patent scope, in which the evaporator turns like a lot at a controlled temperature and is connected to accept liquid liquefied hydrogen from a bulk storage tank. 22. A kind of system for preparing ultra-high-purity hydrogenated hydrogen, the system includes: (a) —Liquid hydride storage tank with a vapor space above the liquid; (b) —Wrapped group for The vapor space draws vapor containing hydrogen chloride gas; (c) a filter membrane to remove and remove particles from the vapor taken; and (d) — a gas-liquid interface chamber in which filtered vapor has passed through the filter membrane, at The deionized water is connected to an aqueous solution of hydrogenated argon®, so the washed steam is the purified gasified hydrogen gas. 23. For example, the item 22 of the patent scope includes a steaming tower for steaming the steam from the washing tower. 24. —A type of system used to manufacture high-precision electronic parts, which includes: Printed by the Consumer Labor Cooperative of the Central Standards Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs (please read the precautions on the back before filling out this page) (a) — contains The production line of many workstations, where these workstations are properly configured, when manufacturing an electronic component, perform various steps on the crystals containing semiconductor materials, at least one of these workstations uses gaseous atmosphere as a Source gas for the operation of the work piece; and (b)-purification sub-unit, which is connected to the workstations with piping to supply the ultra-high purity tritium hydrogen, the sub-unit includes: -32- Paper size is printed in Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 (210X 297mm) ^ 06021 A8 B8 C8 D8 Printed by the Central Bureau of Standards of the Ministry of Economic Affairs ec industrial and consumer cooperatives. Patent application scope 1 1 () A liquid gas hydrogen storage There is a tank above the liquid surface-vapor space 1 I room 1 1 (u) A connection group 9 is used to whiten the vapor space Take the vapor containing the gasification first 1 I Hydrogen vapor read it 1 Back 1 (iii) * The filter membrane 9 is used to remove and remove particles from the absorbed vapor; and Part 1 (iv) A scrubber 9 can be used with proper configuration Pay attention to 1 thing through the filter membrane. 1 After contact with the filtered liquid phase of the dissolved steam, the gas is steamed in the past, if it is separated from the washing water in the past, and the steaming atmosphere is converted into hydrogen. Atomized hydrogen gas page 1 I (C) The purification unit Μ piping is connected to the workstation »to supply the super 1 1 high-purity gasified hydrogen 0 1 1 25 such as% of patent application item 24 system 9 of which this time« 9 Zaoyuan also includes ordering a steaming tower t with a suitable m configuration to steam the steaming tower to whiten the steam of the washing tower 0-! 26 • If applying for a patent % Of 24 items »where the sub-unit further includes 1 | several tools 9 can be used to mix the purified hydrogen gas with purified water 1 I» to form an aqueous hydrogen gas solution 0 1 1 27 • as Item 24 of the patent application scope of the system &gt; where the hydrogen chloride purified by the unit leaves the position of the act early element &gt; from the application step (b) product directly to 1 1 The tool on the workpiece is about 30 cm 0 1 I 28 • As specified in Article 24 of the scope of patent application »where the size of the subunit 1 I is set appropriately» The rate at which the purified hydrogen chloride plaque is produced is about 2 kg 1 1 liter / hour to about 200 Liter / hour. 1 I 29 • For example,% of the 24 items of the patent application park, where 9 of the sub-units of this subunit 1 (ϋ) (m) and (iv) are configured for continuous or semi-continuous flow 0 1 1 I * 33--1 1 1 This paper scale adopts the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 washing grid (210 X 297 mm). Six. Patent application scope A8 B8 C8 D8 30.-A kind used to supply a high-purity gasified radon The agent is used to print the gas for the high-precision electronic parts division of the Central Bureau of Economic Development of the Ministry of Economic Cooperation and the Consumer Cooperative, so that the phase hydrogen can be used as the liquefaction of the vapor in the Tai: the tower: the tower is under the body. Including purifying the gas and dissolving the dissolved U into the water, washing the water with hydrogen, steaming to the upper gas column, the hydrogen will be more improved and more integrated gas step: hydrogen should be purified; Hydrogen is included in e; the chlorine is washed, which should be hydrogenated by encapsulating the chlorine, and the atmosphere is excited, the atmosphere is changed, the normal membrane U is passed through the hydrogen, and the method is preceded by the atmosphere. Liquid filtration through internalization. Side, the hydrogen side of the inner side of the skull before Η water vapor through the inner conductor of the tower before the groove; 5 a gas water entry child items of the primer prolyl chloride term storage method through the body 00 from the hydrogen. 30 of 30 stations. 30 should be steamed in the 30 side of the gas. 0. Go to the tower station, the first station, the first station, and the second hydrogen hydrogen pedal to the atmosphere. The chemical gas in the garden station should be cleaned in the body and cleaned in the process, and then be used as the gas for the chlorine and hydrogen path. And from the special body solution to the special plaque, one of which is dedicated to the inhalation to pass .. To guide the aerosol, please breathe in, please step forward, please go to the last one. Shen hydrogen for Shen .. The pure Shen line from Yiyi will connect the gas back to the air like a chemical gas like a chemical tower, and it will enter the station via a step like 0))))) Hydrogen, Chlorine, and Seeds '') Health (au u (d one should be transformed into one should be steamed (b one made. Leading chlorine. Leading one. Adding. Making 3 bows. The 3 bows over 3 increase 3 i — -I 1 -I II winter 1 ^ 1 — ^ ϋ tn --------- .. I '(please read the precautions on the back before filling in this page) This paper uses the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (2 丨 0 X 297 mm ) O〇6〇 ^ j A8 B8 C8 D8 X, the scope of the patent application about the temperature in the situation of V ο 5 about to V steps, in which. Law 〇 Fang Shi Shi Shi Shi under the 30 conditions of the situation Enclosed Fan P Li 35 special contract please apply for it as 15 kinds of about 1 degree. Wen 35 in the system step. The actual situation of the situation is 33P. 35th circumscription about Fan to profit P. Special 15. Please apply for a degree such as Wen Zhong in one line and Ye Ping / 2 pounds / fv. Qi Fang Da's covenant force 30 pressure and circumstance, Fan P Li 35 special contract please Φ P such as 15 kinds of about one degree. Wen 37 in the step of its French side. Shi Shishi 33 under the circumstances of the situation Lili pressure should be as large as one inch tall. Fang 38 and (please read the precautions on the back and then fill out this page) i- about V 5 1A about the temperature is about to the pressure and the pressure is about the pressure and application In fact, the strength of the situation is 0. The air is greater than the square inch. The size of the paper printed by the Staff Consumer Cooperative of the Central Bureau of Standards of the Ministry of Economic Affairs is printed with the Chinese standard (CNS) A4 (210 X 297 mm).
TW85102562A 1996-03-05 1996-03-05 On-site manufacture of ultra-high-purity hydrochloric acid for semiconductor processing TW306021B (en)

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TW85102562A TW306021B (en) 1996-03-05 1996-03-05 On-site manufacture of ultra-high-purity hydrochloric acid for semiconductor processing

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TW85102562A TW306021B (en) 1996-03-05 1996-03-05 On-site manufacture of ultra-high-purity hydrochloric acid for semiconductor processing

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TW85102562A TW306021B (en) 1996-03-05 1996-03-05 On-site manufacture of ultra-high-purity hydrochloric acid for semiconductor processing

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Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US9216364B2 (en) 2013-03-15 2015-12-22 Air Products And Chemicals, Inc. Onsite ultra high purity chemicals or gas purification

Cited By (2)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US9216364B2 (en) 2013-03-15 2015-12-22 Air Products And Chemicals, Inc. Onsite ultra high purity chemicals or gas purification
US10317136B2 (en) 2013-03-15 2019-06-11 Versum Materials Us, Llc Onsite ultra high purity chemicals or gas purification

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