TW205072B - Method of making self-tapping screw - Google Patents

Method of making self-tapping screw Download PDF


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TW205072B TW081104182A TW81104182A TW205072B TW 205072 B TW205072 B TW 205072B TW 081104182 A TW081104182 A TW 081104182A TW 81104182 A TW81104182 A TW 81104182A TW 205072 B TW205072 B TW 205072B
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Yaw-Tyng Ke
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  • Heat Treatment Of Articles (AREA)


Method of making self-tapping screw comprising: forging a raw material made of low carbon steel to form a rod; welding the rod with. Austensite steel; Austensite steel becoming a head; cutting the rod to form a shoulder; finishing threads of the rod; quenching the self-tapping screw; in which the head is made of Austensite steel and the threads are made of low carbon steel.



AbI 經濟部中央標準局貝工消費合作社印製 五、發明説明(I ) (―)先前技術背景 近年來由於總梓與總銘鲜鋼板之研究開發與商業化生 產,使此等鋼板之使用薄命由最初之十年不斷提升到目前之 二十年高使用薄命。同時其相關構件如鋼結構、角纖及螺絲 扣件等元件之抗腐触保護塗層亦積極同步發展。其中固定烤 漆鋼板之自攻或自嫌螺絲,因其曝露於大氣中*最易受氣候 變化而迅速破壞,更可能在施工中被刮傷*因此其防触能力 更被重視。最近更由於施工品質之要求不斷提高•促使奥斯 田娥糸不雄鋼自攻與自嫌峨絲之需求:》亦相對增加。但由於 奥斯田撖糸不诱鋼所具有之冶金及機械性質,即如其之加工 硬化大,成形性差·及甚難Μ氮化處理來達到自鎌目的之要 求,因此使得以傅統方法製造之能穿透5mm厚度低碳鋼板 之不綉鋼自攻及自續嫌絲,尚存在一些仍待克服之問題*其 中: 1 ·經氣化處理之不1秀鋼自攻螺絲: 如第1圓所示為常用不#31鋼自攻螺絲之平面示意圖( 画中黑色部份N為氮化區),其主要由奥斯田繊系不 诱鋼之頭部①與自攻媒紋部②所構成,並利用氮化處 理以提高螺紋部之表面硬度;該產品雖然使用氮化處 理可達到自攻嫌絡之硬化目的,唯無可避免的將具有 如下缺點: ⑴因嫌尾甚難用锻造成形及仍缺少滿足自鐵功能之氣 化處理技術,因此此蛾絲不具備自續功能·使實用 性降低。 本紙張尺度逍用中B困家標毕(CKS)甲4規格(210 X 297公釐) (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 娜〇r2 Λ 6 Β6 經濟部中央櫺準局貝工消費合作社印製 五、發明説明(2) ⑵經氣化處理之奥斯田撖糸不银鋼螺絲表面耐腐触性 劣化•因而降低原有耐胜性能。如附件1所示為經 概化之奥斯田赖糸不诱鋼自攻蛾絲在經3 Ο小時鹽 霧試驗後表面诱蝕情形,以供參考。 (3)奥斯田餓糸不|秀鋼之氮化處理溫度約6 0 0° C * 保持時間2〜4小時,使不I秀鋼造成晶界腐触問題, 亦破壊其原有優異耐触性能。 2 ·全斷面硬化而易脆裂之不III鋼自攻與自續螺絲: 針對利於兼具自攻及自鑛功能之製造,乃有將此螺絲 Μ不同材質分別先形成攻入部(或雄入部)與締結咅13, 而後再加Μ焊接及螺紋成形加工後全萍火處理之製造 方式產生。 如第2圖所示為一不銷鋼自攻與自鑕螺絲之平面示意 跚,其主要由奥斯田繊系不|秀鋼頭部①與含蛾紋柄部 ② 構成之締结部及高碳鋼材質之自攻蛾紋部③與嫌尾 部④構成之嫌入部所構成;而其製造方式乃是使締結 部及鑽入部之母材先於W處焊接後,進行螺紋成形友 嫌尾加工,最後利用全泮火處理以提高自攻螺紋部③ 與續尾部④之全斷面硬度製造而成。雖然自攻螺紋部 ③ 與嫌尾部④Μ高碳鋼經全萍火處理而製成,可提高 其全哳面硬度,唯此產品仍具有如下不可忽視之缺黑占 ⑴高碳鋼鍛造性差,只適於以車削法成形鐵尾*成本 提高。另一方面,高碳鋼與不诱鋼焊接熱影響區硬 (請先閲讀背面之注意事项再填寫本頁) 本紙張尺度逍用中a a家樣準(CNS)甲4規格(210x297公*) 205072 Λ 6 Β6 經濟部中央櫺準局Α工消费合作社印製 五、發明説明(>) 度高達Η V 5 ◦0 °以上,因而甚易產生裂縫及蛾 紋成形性變差,脎重降低滚媒紋横具壽命。 (2)高碳鋼自攻媒紋與讚尾部在完成全痒火處理後,形 成如附件2圓所示之自攻嫌紋全斷面硬化後金相組 織*致使嫌紋與嫌尾全撕面硬度髙埵Η V 5 5 Ο〜 6 ΟΟ °,造成髙碳鋼材質之自攻螺紋部及續尾部 因全硬而脆化,在施工中易使螺紋及嫌尾刃部斷裂。 3·受碳污染之不诱鋼自攻與自嫌螺絲: 為了避免高碳鋼與不IJI鋼焊接後熱影響區硬度太高及 易生裂縫之缺失,乃有以低碳鋼為續入部材質而與不 ί秀鋼之締結部一起焊接而後再潑碳處理之製造方式。 如第3圖所示為另一不银鋼自攻與自嫌螺絲之平面示 意_ (圖中黑色部份C為渗碳區)*其主要由奥斯田 餓糸不银鋼頭部①與蛾紋柄部②構成之締结部,及低 碳鋼之自攻蛾紋部③與鑛尾部④構成之續入部所構成 ;其製法主要係使低碳鋼與不诱鋼之母材先於W處焊 接,再完成螺紋成形及鐵尾加工,最後進行一體渗^ 處理,以提高自攻嫌紋部③與鐵尾部④之表面硬度。 此種方式雖可改菩高碳鋼與不诱鋼材質在輝接後所產 生之硬度提高及容易脆裂之缺失,並可使低碳鋼材質 之自攻螺紋與續尾部表面硬化,但因奥斯田鐵糸不诱 鋼之頭部與柄部也一齊潑碳而受碳污染(如附件3所 示),致使原有耐触性遭受破壞,如附件4所示為受 碳汚染後之奥斯田繊糸不綉鋼自攻與自鐵螺絲,經3〇 本紙張尺度逍用中a Η家標毕(CNS)甲4規格(210x297公龙) (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 裝‘ 訂- 線· 205072 Λ fi __IU5_ 五、發明説明 (4) 小時强孩試驗後表面诱触情形;再者·此媒綠之不诱 鋼締結部因受碳污染,而產生降低其防触能力之缺失 *於現今特別簠視施工品»及防触能力之發展下*仍 無較上述由高碳鋼材質構成自攻與自鎌部之不诱鋼螺 絲來得實用。 (二)本發明技術之目的: 本發明之主要目的•在提供一種使用母材為低碳鋼並 預先锻造或切削成含肩部及無螺紋柄部或含嫌尾部之圓桿 ,經渗碳及適當熱處理後,與未經滾媒紋之含頭部奥斯田 纖糸不總鋼圓桿以焊接方法接合在一起,随後切削焊接毛 邊與潑碳鋼部之扃部,最後進行螺紋成形及全痒火處理, 以製造完成一種螺絲締结部具有優異耐触性能•螺絲攻入 部(或鑽入部)具有自攻與自鑽功能之奥斯田娥糸不銹鋼 自攻與自嫌螺絲。利用本發明製成之不诱鋼自攻與自鑛螺 絲,不但可節省媒絡之材料成本,更可同時解決此類不1秀 鋼自攻與自續螺絲,在使用傅統製造方法上:因嫌尾成^ 性差致使横具極易損壞甚或無法锻造、因Μ化處理而產生 不ί秀鋼而曾食由性劣4b、因焊接後一體潑碳處Ϊ里造成碳污染致 使不银鋼表面耐触性劣化、因焊接熱影W區硬度陡升易生 裂趟或成形性劣化及因自攻蛾紋與續尾之全斷面硬化造成 脆裂等技術問題;再因本製法具有適當之低碳鋼扃部,可 更有利於焊接時承受蚰向壓力、軸向電流及自動送料之進 行者。 (請先閲請背而之注总荠項#项寫木") 本紙張尺度逍用中a Η家標準(CHS)IH規格(2丨0x297公;¢) 81. 6. 10,000張(H) 205072 Λ (; It f) 經濟部屮央標準杓α工消合作杜印奴 五、發明説明(f) (三)本發明之技術手段 為進一步說明有Rfl本發明為達成上述目的所採用之技 術手段,及其在產業上實用之功效,兹舉使用本發明之較 佳實施例*並配合圖例說明如下: 如第4園所示為使用本發明製成之不钱網自攻與自續 螺絲之平面示意圖(圖中粗黑色部份C為渗碳區),主要 乃由奥斯田繊糸不$秀鋼之頭部⑤與含螺紋之柄部⑥構成之 締結部,及母材為低碳鋼並經漆碳之自攻螺紋部⑦與鑛尾 部⑧構成之鑽入部所構成。 有關本發明之製造流程之詳細步驟包括:一個如第5 圖所示包含預先成形頭部(51)與無螺紋柄部(61)之奥斯田 繊糸不银鋼圓擇,及一個如第6圖所示母材為低碳鋼並包 含預先成形扇部⑨(扃部之側端外徑D約等於或大於柄咅P (71)之外徑d加上2倍潑碳深度·而肩部之寬度Μ則約等 於或大於焊接熱影響區之寬度加上2倍渗碳深度)及無虫累 紋柄部(71)與成?^鑽尾(81)之圓桿,再將低碳鋼之母材完 % 成如第7圖所示之潑碳處理後,將其心部Α硬度調質到約 HV 1 80°,而表面潑碳層硬度(圖中粗黑色部份C) 則調質到約Η V 2 2 Ο ° ;再以焊接方法將第5圖所示之 圓稈柄部(61)側端與第7圖所示之半成品肩部側端接合在 一起,使成為如第8圖所示斷面形狀,随後切削如第8圖 所示之毛邊(62)與扃部⑨,便成為如第9圖所示之斷面形 狀,使形成一個距焊接介面W,寬度為L之無潑碳硬化區 (此區之硬度受焊接影響而稍提高,但仍低於Η V 2 4 Ο ° 本紙張尺度边用+ a a家標準(CNS) TM規格(210X297公龙) 81. 6. 10,000張 00 經濟部屮央標準工消"合作杜印鉍 205072 Λ G _____Π_6_ 五、發明説明(厶) ,有利於後縯成形加工製程之進行),最後進行螺紋成形 並完成全洋火處理後,即成為如第4圖所示之最終產品。 同理,利用本發明之製造方法與設計原理亦可應用於 不轉鋼自攻螺絲之製造,其嚴終產品之剖面示意圖如第1 〇 圖所示,主要由奥斯田鐵糸不诱鋼頭部⑤與螺紋部⑥及低 碳鋼經&碳處理之自攻螺紋部⑦所構成,其詳细製造步驟 除未成形鎌尾外•其餘與上述自攻與自鑽螺絲之製造方法 完全相同。 本發明之低碳鋼母材於漆碳處理後,當渗碳深度約為 Ο· 3mm時,則所使用低碳鋼母材肩苔Ρ之側端外徑D約 等於或大於無蛾紋柄部之外徑ci加上2倍潑碳深度,而其 寬度Μ則約等於或大於焊接熱影潘區寬度加上2倍滲碳深 度;例如:若焊接熱影區寬度約為2mm時,則扃部之寬 度應約為2 · 6mm,因肩部之側端在焊接後,此側端上 約為Ο· 3mm之漆碳層將被排摘出而成為毛邊,所以扃 部於切削後其寬度扣除肩部二側之潑碳深度(各約為〇 · 3 mm)後,便形成一個距焊接介面W而寬度約為2mm之 無潑碳硬化區。此無潑碳硬化區之形成,可有效解決渗碳 鋼或高碳鋼銲接後,熱影W區硬度太高及容易產生裂纟逢之 問題。又不同焊接製程及焊接參數會產生不同之熱影響區 ,因此扃部宽度與無滲碳硬化區之設計亦應随著改變,Μ 便逹到預期之目的。再者,本發明之低碳鋼母材因具有適 當之肩部,所Μ可更有利於焊接時承受軸向歷力、軸向電 流及自動送料之進行。另本發明之低碳鋼母材亦可選用低 (請先閲-背而之注-事項再艰窍木页) 本紙张尺度边用中as家煤準(CNS)f4規怙(2】0x29?公婕) 81. 6. ΙΟ,ΟΟΟίΜΚ) 205072 Λ fi Π fi 經濟部中央標準^工消"合作杜印51 五、發明説明(7) 碳合金鋼材質;而肩部亦可由圓形、多角形或其它適合之 幾何I形Η犬構成,以、達至IJ+目同之技ί标目的、手段及功筠巨。 Μ下再侬如第11圖所示藉本發明製成之自攻與自續 虫累絲(頭部⑤與締結螺紋部⑥為奥斯田繊系不诱鋼•自攻 螺紋部⑦與鑛尾部⑧為1 Ο 2 2低碳鋼所構成)在全洋火 處理後i品質分析取樣圖,進行各項冶金與機械性質測試, 並與傅統方法所製造之相同材質螺絲作一比較。 如第12圖所示為第11圖之自攻螺紋部⑦上X點到 Y點之硬度分佈圖,結果顯示:心部硬度約為Η V 3 7 Ο。 ,表面硬孝約為Η V 6 5 Ο °,有效潑碳深度約為Ο. 3 2mm,證明心部有足夠朝性,表面有足夠硬度,符合自 攻虫累紋之要求。 如第1 3圖所示為如1 1圖之續尾部®上Q點到P點 之硬度分佈圓,結果顯示:心部硬度約為Η V 3 7 Ο °, 表面硬度約為Η V 6 4 5 °,有效潑碳深度約為Ο· 2 8 mm,證明心部有足夠朝性,表面有足夠硬度,亦符合自 嫌螺絡嫌尾之功能要求。 如第1 4圖所示為如第1 1圖之無潑碳硬化區L中從 Μ點N點之表面硬度分佈圖,其嵌高硬度儘約為Η V 3 7 Ο ° *而距焊接介面W之無潑碳硬化區寬度L約為2mm,可 加強焊接接頭周邊之朗性。 如附件5所示為第11圖之A部金相圓•圖中顯示並 無碳污染,具有極佳之耐触性能。 如附件S所示為使用本發明所製造之奥斯田_系不縛 (請先間-背而之注念^項洱堝寫木页) 本紙张尺度边用中a Η家橒毕(CNS) Ή規怙(2! 0 X 297公;a·) 81. 6. 10,000ft (Η) 205072AbI Printed by Beigong Consumer Cooperative of Central Bureau of Standards of the Ministry of Economy V. Description of Invention (I) (―) Prior Technical Background In recent years, due to the research and development and commercial production of Zongzi and Zuming fresh steel plates, the use of these steel plates has become thin. From the first ten years, it has been continuously improved to the current twenty years of high use and low life. At the same time, the anticorrosion protection coatings of its related components such as steel structure, angle fiber and screw fasteners have also been actively and synchronously developed. Among them, the self-tapping or self-sustaining screws that fix the painted steel plate are most susceptible to rapid damage due to climate change when exposed to the atmosphere, and are more likely to be scratched during construction. Therefore, their anti-touch ability is more valued. Recently, due to the continuous improvement of the requirements of construction quality, the demand for self-tapping and self-suspicion of Aoshi Tianshi Shixiong Steel has also increased relatively. However, due to the metallurgical and mechanical properties of the Ossudao Shibuya steel, that is, if its work hardening is large, the formability is poor, and it is very difficult to achieve the self-sickle purpose by the nitriding treatment, it is made by the traditional method. The self-tapping and self-sustaining wire of stainless steel that can penetrate 5mm thick low-carbon steel plate still has some problems that need to be overcome * Among them: 1 · The gas-treated stainless steel self-tapping screw: No. 1 The circle shows a schematic plan view of the common # 31 steel self-tapping screw (the black part N in the picture is the nitrided area), which is mainly composed of the head of the Ostrapiot stainless steel ① and the self-tapping medium pattern ② It is composed of nitriding treatment to improve the surface hardness of the threaded portion; although the product can achieve the purpose of hardening of self-tapping suspected network by using nitriding treatment, the unavoidable will have the following shortcomings: ⑴ It is very difficult to use because of the tail Forging and forming and the lack of gasification technology to satisfy the function of self-iron, this moth wire does not have a self-sustaining function and reduces its practicality. The size of this paper is easy to use. The standard of the B Bid House Standard (CKS) A 4 (210 X 297 mm) (please read the precautions on the back before filling out this page) Na 〇r2 Λ 6 Β6 Central Ministry of Economic Affairs Printed by the Industrial and Consumer Cooperatives 5. Description of the invention (2) ⑵ The gasification treatment of the surface of the Ostian 泖 糸 non-silver steel screw deteriorates the corrosion resistance and therefore reduces the original resistance performance. As shown in Annex 1, the surface erosion situation of the generalized self-tapping moth wire of Ossin Laitou stainless steel after 3 hours of salt spray test is for reference. (3) Ostian hungry Shitou | Xiugang's nitriding treatment temperature is about 6 0 0 ° C * Holding time is 2 ~ 4 hours, which will cause the problem of grain boundary corrosion caused by Xiugang and also break its original excellent resistance Touch performance. 2. Self-tapping and self-sustaining screws of non-III steel with full-section hardening and brittle cracking: For manufacturing that is beneficial to both self-tapping and self-mining functions, this screw M has different materials to form the tapping part (or The male entry department) and the conclusion 咅 13, and then add M welding and thread forming processing after all Ping fire treatment manufacturing method. As shown in the second picture, it is a flat surface of a self-tapping steel self-tapping screw and a self-tapping screw. The self-tapping moth pattern part ③ and the tail part ④ of the carbon steel material are composed of the suspected part; and the manufacturing method is that the base material of the joint part and the drilled part is welded at the W place first, and then the thread forming is performed. Finally, it is manufactured by using full pan fire treatment to improve the hardness of the full section of the self-tapping threaded part ③ and the continued tail part ④. Although the self-tapping threaded part ③ and the suspected tail part ④M high carbon steel are made by Quan Ping fire treatment, which can improve the hardness of the whole face, but this product still has the following shortcomings that cannot be ignored. The high carbon steel has poor forgeability, only It is suitable for forming iron tails by turning method * Cost increase. On the other hand, the heat affected zone of high carbon steel and stainless steel is hard (please read the precautions on the back before filling out this page). This paper is used in aa family standard (CNS) A 4 specifications (210x297 g *) 205072 Λ 6 Β6 Printed by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Central Bureau of Economic Development, Angong Consumer Cooperative Fifth, Invention Description (>) The degree is as high as Η V 5 ◦0 ° or more, so it is easy to produce cracks and moth pattern formability is deteriorated, and the weight is reduced Rolling media pattern has a long life. (2) After the full-itch treatment of the high-carbon steel self-tapping medium pattern and Zan tail is completed, the metallographic structure after the full-section hardening of the self-tapping suspect pattern shown in the circle of Annex 2 is formed *, causing the suspect pattern and the tail to be completely torn The surface hardness is V V 5 5 Ο ~ 6 ΟΟ °, which causes the self-tapping threaded portion and the tail end of the high carbon steel material to be brittle due to full hardness, and it is easy to break the thread and the tail edge during construction. 3. Self-tapping and self-sustaining screws of carbon-induced stainless steel: In order to avoid the high hardness of the heat-affected zone and the loss of cracks easily after welding high carbon steel and non-IJI steel, low carbon steel is used as the material of the continuous part The manufacturing method of welding with the joint part of Buxiu Steel and then pouring carbon. As shown in Figure 3, it is a schematic diagram of another stainless steel self-tapping and self-susceptible screw _ (the black part C in the figure is the carburizing area) * It is mainly composed of the head of Ostian hungry stainless steel ① and The connection part composed of the moth shank part ②, and the continuation part composed of the self-tapping moth part ③ of the low-carbon steel and the tail part ④ of the mine; its manufacturing method is mainly to make the base material of low-carbon steel and non-inducing steel precede W Welding at the place, then complete the thread forming and iron tail processing, and finally carry out an integrated infiltration treatment to improve the surface hardness of the self-tapping suspect line part ③ and the iron tail part ④. Although this method can improve the hardness of the high carbon steel and the non-inducing steel material after the connection, the lack of easy brittle cracking and the surface hardening of the self-tapping thread and the tail of the low carbon steel material can be hardened. The steel head and handle of Ostian Tieshi don't induce the steel to be splashed with carbon at the same time and are contaminated by carbon (as shown in Annex 3), which causes the original contact resistance to be damaged. As shown in Annex 4, it is after being contaminated by carbon Austin 糸 糸 stainless steel self-tapping and self-tapping screws, used after 30 paper scales a Η home standard Bi (CNS) A 4 specifications (210x297 male dragon) (please read the precautions on the back before filling in This page) Binding '-Line · 205072 Λ fi __IU5_ V. Description of the invention (4) The situation of surface temptation after the hourly strong child test; In addition, the carbon green, non-inducible steel junction is reduced due to carbon pollution The lack of its anti-contact ability * under the special attention to construction products today »and the development of anti-contact ability * is still not more practical than the above-mentioned high-carbon steel material consisting of self-tapping and self-sickle steel screws. (2) The technical objective of the present invention: The main objective of the present invention is to provide a round rod that uses a base material of low-carbon steel and is forged or cut in advance into a round rod with a shoulder and a non-threaded shank or with a suspected tail, after carburizing After proper heat treatment, it is welded to the round steel bar with the head without the embossing pattern, and it is welded together, then the welding burr and the stern of the carbon-splashing steel part are cut, and finally the thread is formed. And itchy fire treatment, to produce a screw connection part with excellent touch resistance. The screw tapping part (or drilling part) has self-tapping and self-drilling stainless steel self-tapping and self-tapping screws. The self-tapping and self-mining screws made of stainless steel made by the present invention can not only save the material cost of the medium, but also solve the self-tapping and self-sustaining screws of these types of steel. At the same time, the Futong manufacturing method is used: Due to the poor tail formation, the horizontal beam is very easy to damage or cannot be forged, due to the chemical treatment, it does not have good steel, and it has poor eating performance. 4b, due to carbon pollution caused by the integral carbon splash after welding. Technical problems such as deterioration of surface contact resistance, cracking easily due to the sharp rise of the welding heat shadow W zone, or deterioration of formability and embrittlement caused by self-tapping moth patterns and full-section hardening of the tail; The low-carbon steel stern can be more conducive to those who can withstand the spur pressure, axial current and automatic feeding during welding. (Please first read the back-to-back note total 荠 项 # 项 写 木 ") This paper is used in a standard Η family standard (CHS) IH specifications (2 丨 0x297 public; ¢) 81. 6. 10,000 sheets (H ) 205072 Λ (; It f) The Ministry of Economic Affairs Standards 揓 α Industry and Consumer Cooperation Du Yinu V. Description of the invention (f) (3) The technical means of the present invention are to further illustrate that the Rfl present invention adopts to achieve the above purpose The technical means and their practical utility in the industry are listed below using the preferred embodiment of the present invention * and illustrated in the following illustrations: As shown in the fourth garden, the self-tapping and self-sustaining of the moneyless network made using the present invention The schematic plan of the screw (the thick black part C in the figure is the carburized area), which is mainly composed of the joint part consisting of the head ⑤ of Ostian Shitou and the handle part with thread ⑥, and the base material is The low-carbon steel and lacquered carbon self-tapping thread part ⑦ and mine tail part ⑧ constitute the drilling part. The detailed steps related to the manufacturing process of the present invention include: a osland satin stainless steel round selection including a pre-formed head (51) and a non-threaded shank (61) as shown in Figure 5, and a 6 The base material shown in the figure is low carbon steel and contains pre-formed fan parts ⑨ (the outer diameter D of the side end of the stern part is approximately equal to or greater than the outer diameter d of the handle P (71) plus 2 times the carbon splash depth The width Μ of the part is approximately equal to or greater than the width of the welding heat affected zone plus 2 times the carburizing depth) and the round rod with no insect reproductive shank (71) and Cheng? ^ Drill tail (81), and then the low carbon steel After the base material is finished with the carbon splashing treatment shown in Figure 7, the hardness of the core A is adjusted to about HV 1 80 °, and the hardness of the surface carbon splashing layer (the thick black part C in the figure) is adjusted. The quality is about Η V 2 2 Ο °; and then weld the round stalk handle (61) side end shown in Figure 5 and the semi-finished shoulder side end shown in Figure 7 together, so as to become as The cross-sectional shape shown in Figure 8, and then cutting the burr (62) and the stern part ⑨ shown in Figure 8, will become the cross-sectional shape shown in Figure 9, so that the formation of a distance from the welding interface W, the width is L no splash Hardened area (The hardness of this area is slightly increased by the influence of welding, but it is still lower than Η V 2 4 Ο ° This paper scale is used + aa home standard (CNS) TM specifications (210X297 male dragon) 81. 6. 10,000 sheets 00 "Ministry of Economics, Standard Work, Consumers " Cooperation, Duyin Bismuth 205072 Λ G _____ Π_6_ V. Description of invention (厶), which is conducive to the development of the post-forming process), and finally after thread forming and the completion of the whole ocean fire treatment, it becomes The final product shown in Figure 4. Similarly, the manufacturing method and design principle of the present invention can also be applied to the manufacture of non-rotating steel self-tapping screws. The schematic diagram of the cross section of the strict final product is shown in Figure 10, which is mainly made by Ostian Tieyu. The head ⑤ and the threaded part ⑥ and the low-carbon steel & carbon treated self-tapping threaded part ⑦, the detailed manufacturing steps are except for the unformed sickle. The rest are completely the same as the above-mentioned self-tapping and self-drilling screw manufacturing methods. the same. After the low carbon steel base material of the present invention is treated with lacquer carbon, when the carburizing depth is about 0.3 mm, the outer diameter D of the side end of the low carbon steel base material shoulder moss is about equal to or greater than the mothless shank The outer diameter ci plus 2 times the carbon penetration depth, and the width M is approximately equal to or greater than the width of the welding heat shadow area plus 2 times the carburizing depth; for example: if the width of the welding heat shadow area is about 2mm, then The width of the part should be about 2 · 6mm, because the side end of the shoulder is welded, the lacquer carbon layer on this side end will be removed and become a burr, so the width of the spur is deducted after cutting After the depth of the carbon splash on both sides of the shoulder (each about 0.3 mm), a hardened area of non-carbon splash with a width of about 2 mm from the welding interface W is formed. The formation of this non-splashing carbon hardened zone can effectively solve the problem that after the carburizing steel or high carbon steel is welded, the hardness of the heat shadow W zone is too high and it is easy to produce cracks. Different welding processes and welding parameters will produce different heat-affected zones. Therefore, the design of the width of the stern and the non-carburized hardened zone should also change, so that the intended purpose can be achieved. Furthermore, since the low-carbon steel base material of the present invention has an appropriate shoulder, it can be more favorable for bearing axial force, axial current and automatic feeding during welding. In addition, the low-carbon steel base material of the present invention can also be selected to be low (please read first-note to the back-the matter is harder to understand). The paper standard is used in the national coal standard (CNS) f4 regulation (2) 0x29 ? Gong Jie) 81. 6. ΙΟ, ΟΟΟίΜΚ) 205072 Λ fi Π fi Central Standard of the Ministry of Economy ^ 工 消 " Cooperative Du Yin 51 V. Description of invention (7) Carbon alloy steel material; and the shoulder can also be made of round, Polygonal or other suitable geometric I-shaped Η dogs constitute, to achieve the IJ + similar technical goals, means and merits. As shown in Figure 11, the self-tapping and self-continuing insect reel made by the present invention is shown in Figure 11 The tail ⑧ is made of 1 Ο 2 2 low carbon steel) i quality analysis sampling chart after the whole ocean fire treatment, various metallurgical and mechanical property tests are carried out, and compared with the same material screw manufactured by Fu Tong method. As shown in Figure 12, it is the hardness distribution diagram from point X to point Y on the self-tapping threaded part ⑦ in Figure 11. The results show that the hardness of the core is about HV 3 7 Ο. The hardness of the surface is about Η V 6 5 Ο °, and the effective carbon penetration depth is about 0.3 2mm, which proves that the heart has sufficient orientation and the surface has sufficient hardness to meet the requirements of self-tapping insects. As shown in Figure 13 is the circle of hardness distribution from point Q to point P on the tail of Figure 11 continued. The results show that the core hardness is about Η V 3 7 Ο °, the surface hardness is about Η V 6 4 5 °, effective carbon splashing depth is about Ο · 2 8 mm, which proves that the heart is sufficiently oriented, the surface has sufficient hardness, and also meets the functional requirements of self-suspicion of screw thread and tail. As shown in Figure 14 is the surface hardness distribution map from point M to point N in the non-splashing carbon hardening zone L as shown in Figure 11, the embedded height hardness is about Η V 3 7 Ο ° * and away from the welding interface The width L of the non-splashing carbon hardening zone of W is about 2 mm, which can enhance the peripheralness of the welded joint. As shown in Annex 5, the metallographic circle in Part A of Figure 11 is shown. There is no carbon pollution in the figure, and it has excellent touch resistance. As shown in Attachment S, it is made by using the present invention. It is not bound (please first-note ^ item Ergu to write wooden pages). This paper is used in the standard a Η 家 橒 毕 (CNS ) Ή Regulations (2! 0 X 297 g; a) 81. 6. 10,000ft (Η) 205072

經浒部中央檁準杓A工消·ίϊ-合作社印W 五、發明説明(2) 鋼自攻與自續蛾絲在經3 Ο小時鹽孩試驗後之外觀,圖中 顯示在鹽孩試驗後不诱鋼締结部之表面並無诱触現象產生* 耐触性能極佳。 如附件7所示為使用本發明之奥斯田锁糸不银鋼自攻 與自嫌蛾綠與傅統方法製造後m化處理之同材質自攻螺絲 在經3 Ο小時鹽霧試驗後之耐触情況比較,結果顯示:使 用本發明所製造之不诱鋼自攻與自續嫌絲具有較佳之耐触 性能。 如附件8所示為使用本發明所製造之奥斯田鐵糸不诱 鋼自攻與自續螺絲與使用傳統方法製造而受碳污染之同材 質自攻與自續螺絡,在經3 Ο小時鹽霧試驗後之表面i秀触 情況比較,结果顯示:使用本發明所製造完成之自攻與自 鑛虫累絲具有較佳之耐蝕性能。 最後在自鑛與自攻試驗中證明,藉本發明所製造而規 格為M5·3XL25·4mm之奥斯田纖糸不诱鋼自攻 與自續螺絲在1 Ο秒以内即可讚透5mm厚度低碳鋼板, 其穿透能力婿美傳統全碳鋼材質自攻與自鐵螺絲。 (四)本發明之功效: 歸納Μ上所述之製程說明與品質分析结果,可知藉本 發明所製成之奥斯田锁糸不ί秀鋼與低碳鋼或低碳合金鋼形 成的複合自攻與自銷螺絲,確實可達到如下技術優點及實 用上之功效: 1 .因續尾部由低碳鋼或低碳合金鋼製成,成形性比高碳 鋼佳,可以用模具锻造成形,適於大童生產,並可提 (凊先閲-*?背而之;.K.t卞項#研¾木订} 裝. 訂- 線. 本紙張尺度遑用中a 8家標準(CNS)甲4規格(2丨0X297公祛) 81. 6. 10,〇〇〇張(η) 205072 Λ β Η 6 經濟部屮央栉準>(';=3:工消伢^作杜印奴 五、發明説明(7) 高憤具使用薄命。 2·因自攻總紋及續尾構成之續入部以低碳鋼或低碳合金 鋼經潑碳而製成•既可達硬化目的,且奥斯田锁糸不 银鋼之頭部與含螺紋柄部構成之締結部可避免耐蝕性 氣化處理而劣化之缺點。 3·因低碳鋼或低碳合金鋼材質之自攻媒紋及續尾在焊接 前已渗碳完成,可避免奥斯田鐵糸不垄秀鋼之頭部與含 虫累紋柄部之耐触性因一體渗碳造成碳污染而劣化之缺 點。 4 ·因焊接後切削渗碳鋼之扃部,使表面形成一偭適當寬 度之無滲碳硬化區,所Μ焊接後之硬度約低於HV240° ,可避免熱影堪區硬度太高及裂縫之產生,進而改菩 滾螺紋困難度,並降低横具費用。 5.因自攻虫索紋及續尾部Μ低碳鋼或低碳合金鋼經潑碳而 製成*可避免如高碳鋼材質製成者之全斷面硬化與脆 裂現象,可提高安全性及施工性。 6 *因低碳鋼或低碳合金鋼母材具有肩部,可更有利於焊 接時承受軸向歷力,軸向電流及自動送料之進行。 綜上所述,依本發明製造方法所製成之自·嫌或自攻虫累 絲,除了鑛入部或攻入部表面有足夠硬度及心部有足夠韋刃 性,而能符合自鐵或自攻之功能須求之有效鐵入(或攻入 )鋼板外,同時本發明之不诱鋼締結部並具有優異耐触性 • Μ當不诱鋼之含螺紋柄部締结於鋼板上,能達到其防触 功能;故本發明應具有產業上之利用價值,又本發明並是 (讣先閱1,?背而之注念卞項#项寫本|{) 裝· 訂 線- 本紙张尺度逍用中國困家樣準(CNS)甲^規仿(2】〇x297公龙) 81. 6. 1〇,〇〇〇張(H) 205072 λπ Π 6 五、發明説明(p) 發明人悉心研究而首先創獲者,因此,本發明應已符合専 利法第一條之規定’乃具文提出申謫。 圖面說明: 第1 圖:經姐化處理之奥斯田繊糸不诱鋼自攻螺絲平面 示意圓。 第2 圖:全斷面硬化之奥斯田繊糸不诱鋼自攻與自鑛虫累 絲之平面示意圖。 第3 圖:受碳污染之奥斯田鐵系不ill鋼自攻與自鑛螺絲 之平面示意圖。 第4 圖:使用本發明所製造完成之奥斯田繊糸不纟秀鋼自 攻與自嫌螺絲平面示意圖。 第5 鼴:預成形之奥斯田鐡糸不ί秀鋼圖桿平面示意画。 第6 圖:預成形之低碳鋼圓桿平面示意圖。 第7 圖:預成形後經渗碳及調質處理之低碳鋼圓禪平面 示意圖。 第8 圖:焊接後尚未切削之半成品平面示意圖。 第9 圖··切除毛邊及肩部後之半成品平面示意圖。 第1 Ο圖:使用本發明所製造完成之奥斯田鐵糸不诱鋼自 攻虫累絲之平面示意圖。 第11圖:使用本發明所製造完成之奥斯田鐵糸不錄鋼自 攻與自鐵螺絲之品質分析取樣圖。 第12圖:如第11圖所示品質分析圖上X點Υ點之硬度 分佈圖° (丄oad:l〇〇g) (^先閱-!'*?背而之注;5;事項#碣艿木玎) 裝· 訂· 線. 本紙張又度边用中aa家標準(CNS)甲很怙(2]0X297公龙) 81. 6. 10,000¾ (H) 205072 Λ G 116 經濟部屮央櫺準,^Α工消价合作杜印^ 五、發明説明 (II) 第13圖:如第11圖所示品質分析圖上Q點P點之硬度 分佈圖。(Load: lOOg) 第1 4圖··如第1 1圖所示品質分析圖上無潑碳硬化區L 中從Μ點到N點之表面硬度分佈圖(L o a d : 1 Ο O s) 附件一:經Μ化處理之奥斯田纖糸不银鋼自攻螺絲經3〇 小時鹽霧試驗之诱触情形。(5%鹽濃度,35° C) 附件二:全硬化自攻螺紋部金相組織圖。(100 X) 附件三:奥斯田鐵系不ill鋼自攻與自鑽螺絡受碳污染後之 金相匾I。(2〇OX) 附件四:奥斯田繊糸不$秀鋼自攻與自鑛螺絲受碳污染後 ,經3 Ο小時鹽霧試驗後之表面鍵触情形。 (5 %鹽濃度,3 5 ° C ) 附件五:如第11圖所示品質分析圃上A部金相圖。( 2 Ο Ο X) 附件六:使用本發明所製成之奥斯田繊糸不iJI鋼自攻與 與自鐵螺絲在經3 Ο小時鹽霧試驗後表面诱食由 情形。(5 %鹽濃度,3 5 ° C ) 附件t::使用本發明所製成之奥斯田繊糸不ίϋ鋼自攻與 自續螺絲與傳統氮化法所製成者在3 Ο小時鹽 孩試驗後之表面轉蝕情形比較。(5%鹽濃度 *35° C ) 附件八:使用本發明所製成之奥斯田鐵糸不轉鋼自攻與 自續螺絲與傳統受碳污染之同材質自攻與自鐵 本紙5IL尺度边用中a Η家標準(CNS)甲4規格(210x297公龙) 81. 6. 10,〇〇〇張(Η) 2050^3 Λ Γ» Μ 6 五、發明説明(Ρ)主累絲在經3 Ο小時鹽霧試驗後之表面诱触情形 比較。(5 %鹽濃度,3 5 ° C) (:Α·先閱1?背而之注-Λ·?庐項外项寫木玎) 裝. 訂 線. 本紙張尺度逍用中as家樣準(CNS)TM規怙(210X297公龙) 81. 6. 10,000張(H)By the Central Department of the Central Ministry of Purification of the A-Chong · Liϊ-Cooperative W. V. Description of the invention (2) The appearance of the steel self-tapping and self-sustaining moth silk after 3 hours of salt child test. The figure is shown in the salt child test There is no temptation phenomenon on the surface of the rear tempting steel connection part. * The touch resistance is excellent. As shown in Appendix 7, the self-tapping screws of the same material made by using the self-tapping and self-suspicing moth green and Futong methods of the Aosta lock-silver steel of the present invention after being subjected to a salt spray test for 3 hours Comparison of touch resistance, the results show that the self-tapping and self-sustaining wire made of stainless steel manufactured by the invention has better touch resistance. As shown in Attachment 8, the self-tapping and self-sustaining screw thread of the same material made by using the present invention is made of Ossie Tieto self-tapping steel and self-tapping screws made of traditional methods and is polluted by carbon. Comparison of the surface i-touch situation after the hour salt spray test. The results show that the self-tapping and self-mining insects produced using the present invention have better corrosion resistance. Finally, it was proved in the self-mine and self-tapping tests that the Mitsubishi Mitsubishi made of the present invention and the specifications are M5 · 3XL25 · 4mm. The self-tapping and self-sustaining screws of the steel can be praised in 5mm thickness in less than 10 seconds. Low carbon steel plate, its penetrating ability is traditional American full carbon steel self tapping and self iron screw. (4) The effect of the present invention: Summarizing the process description and quality analysis results described above, it can be seen that the composite formed by the Ostian Suo Shixiu steel made by the present invention and low-carbon steel or low-carbon alloy steel Self-tapping and self-selling screws can indeed achieve the following technical advantages and practical effects: 1. Because the tail is made of low-carbon steel or low-carbon alloy steel, the formability is better than high-carbon steel, and it can be forged by a die. It is suitable for the production of big children, and it can be provided (凊 先 读-*? Reversely; .Kt 卞 项 # 研 ¾ 木 定) Binding. Binding-line. This paper size is used in a 8 standard (CNS) A 4 specifications (2 丨 0X297 public dispel) 81. 6. 10, 〇〇〇 Zhang (η) 205072 Λ β Η 6 Ministry of Economic Affairs 屮 央 栉 准> ('; = 3: Working Consumers ^ for Du Yinnu five 、 Instructions for invention (7) High indignation and use of thin life. 2. The entry part composed of the self-tapping thread and the tail extension is made of low-carbon steel or low-carbon alloy steel through carbon splashing. The connection part composed of the head of Sida Suo Shibu silver steel and the threaded shank can avoid the disadvantages of deterioration due to corrosion resistance gasification treatment. 3. Self-tapping medium made of low-carbon steel or low-carbon alloy steel And the end of the carburization has been completed before welding, which can avoid the disadvantages of the contact resistance of the head of the ostium iron steel and the insect-bearing stalks due to carbon pollution caused by integrated carburization. 4 · Because After welding, the carburizing steel is cut to form a non-carburized hardened area with an appropriate width. The hardness after welding is about HV240 °, which can avoid the high hardness and cracks in the heat shadow area. Furthermore, it can improve the difficulty of thread rolling and reduce the cost of crossbars. 5. Because the self-tapping insect cable pattern and the tail end M low carbon steel or low carbon alloy steel are made by splashing carbon * It can be avoided to be made of high carbon steel material The phenomenon of full-section hardening and brittle cracking can improve safety and workability. 6 * Because the base material of low-carbon steel or low-carbon alloy steel has shoulders, it is more conducive to withstanding axial force during welding. Current and automatic feeding. In summary, the self-sustained or self-tapping insects made by the manufacturing method of the present invention have sufficient hardness and the edge of the core has sufficient hardness except for the surface of the mine or the attack part. , And the effective iron that can meet the requirements of self-iron or self-tapping function enters (or taps) outside the steel plate At the same time, the non-inducing steel connection part of the present invention has excellent contact resistance. When the non-inducing steel threaded shank is attached to the steel plate, its anti-contact function can be achieved; therefore, the present invention should have industrial utilization value, And the invention is not (I read first ,? Back to the note Bian item #item writings | {) Binding · Threading-This paper scale is easy to use Chinese sleepy home standard (CNS) Jia ^ regulation (2) 〇x297 公 龍) 81. 6. 1〇, 〇〇〇 Zhang (H) 205072 λπ Π 6 V. Description of the invention (p) The inventor is the first to be the first to be found by careful research, therefore, the present invention should have met the first law The provisions of the article are to be applied for in writing. The description on the drawing: Figure 1: The flat surface of the self-tapping screw of the Ostian 糸 糸 treated by the sister. Figure 2: A plan view of the full-field hardening of Ostian Shitou's self-tapping steel and self-mining insects. Figure 3: A schematic plan view of the self-tapping and self-mining screws of the Ollust iron series stainless steel contaminated with carbon. Figure 4: Schematic diagram of the self-tapping and self-suspicing screws of the Oustian Shitouxiu Steel manufactured by using the present invention. Fifth Mole: The pre-formed sketch drawing of the flat steel rod of Ostian Shitou. Figure 6: Plan view of preformed low carbon steel round bar. Figure 7: Schematic diagram of a round low-carbon steel circle after carburizing and tempering after preforming. Figure 8: Plan view of semi-finished products that have not been cut after welding. Figure 9 · A plan view of the semi-finished product after cutting off the burrs and shoulders. Fig. 1 Ο: A schematic plan view of a self-tapping insect-reinforced steel made of Ossian Tieshi made of the present invention. Figure 11: Sampling diagram of quality analysis of self-tapping and self-iron screws of the Oustian Tieshi non-recording steel manufactured by using the present invention. Figure 12: The hardness distribution diagram at point X and point Y on the quality analysis chart as shown in Figure 11 ° (丄 oad: l〇〇g) (^ 先 读-! '*? 將 之 之 注; 5; event #牣 艿 木 玎) Binding · Binding · Thread. This paper is also used in the middle of the aa family standard (CNS) A very good (2) 0X297 male dragon) 81. 6. 10,000¾ (H) 205072 Λ G 116 Ministry of Economic Affairs Yang Bingzhun, ^ Α 工 工 价 价 合作 杜 印 ^ V. Description of the invention (II) Figure 13: Hardness distribution diagram at point Q and point P on the quality analysis chart as shown in figure 11. (Load: 100g) Fig. 14 ························································································································· • ················ One: The inducing situation of the Mitsubishi-treated Otsuda fiberless stainless steel self-tapping screw after 30 hours of salt spray test. (5% salt concentration, 35 ° C) Appendix 2: Metallographic structure diagram of the fully hardened self-tapping threaded part. (100 X) Attachment 3: Metallographic plaque I after the self-tapping and self-drilling screw thread of Oustian iron system stainless steel is contaminated with carbon. (2〇OX) Attachment 4: The surface key contact condition after the 3 Ο hour salt spray test after the self-tapping and self-mining screws of the Xiusgang Steel Co., Ltd. were contaminated with carbon. (5% salt concentration, 3 5 ° C) Appendix 5: Metallographic diagram of Part A on the quality analysis nursery as shown in Figure 11. (2 Ο Ο X) Attachment VI: The self-tapping and self-tapping screws made of Ostian Shitou iJI steel made by the present invention after 3 hours of salt spray test. (5% salt concentration, 3 5 ° C) Attachment t: Use the self-tapping and self-sustaining screws made by the Ostian Shiitou steel made by the invention and the traditional nitrogen method to make salt in 3 Ο hours Comparison of surface erosion after the child test. (5% salt concentration * 35 ° C) Annex VIII: Self-tapping and self-tapping self-tapping and self-iron paper 5IL standard of the same material made by the present invention, which is the self-tapping and self-sustaining screw made of Ossian Tieshi stainless steel Side use a Η home standard (CNS) A 4 specifications (210x297 male dragon) 81. 6. 10, 〇〇〇 Zhang (Η) 2050 ^ 3 Λ Γ »Μ 6 Fifth, the invention description (Ρ) the main tired silk Comparison of surface temptation after 3 Ο hour salt spray test. (5% salt concentration, 3 5 ° C) (: Α · First reading 1? Backward note-Λ ·? Lu Xiang's external item writes wood 玎) Packing. Stranding. This paper scale is easy to use (CNS) TM regulations (210X297 male dragon) 81. 6. 10,000 sheets (H)

Claims (1)

2〇5〇γ?^ 骨 A: ΒΊ Cl D1 六、申諸專利苑® 1 ♦—種奥斯田赖糸不i秀鋼與低碳網或低碳合金鋼形成的 複合自攻與自續螺銳之製法丨其係將母材為低碳鋼或 低碳合金鋼*並預先锻造或切削成含肩部及無螺紋柄 部或含雄尾部(自攻蛾絲無續尾部)之圓桿,在經潑 碳及適當熱處理後•與預先成形頭部之無媒紋奥斯田 鐡糸不iii鋼圓桿以焊接方法接合在一起,随後切削焊 接毛邊與渗碳鋼圓桿之肩部* Μ形成一個適當寬度之 無潑碳硬化區,最後進行滾螺紋加工及全痒火處理, 以製成一種頭部與具螺紋柄締結部為奥斯田鐵糸不i秀 鋼材質,而自攻螺紋部與鑽尾部(自攻螺絲無鑽尾部) 為低碳鋼或低碳合金鋼材質之自攻與自鑛蛾絲。 2 ·如申請專利範圍第1項所述之奥斯田纖糸不i秀鋼與低 碳鋼或低碳合金鋼形成的複合自攻與自鐵螺絲之製法 ,其中低碳鋼或低碳合金鋼圓桿之肩部夕卜徑以約等於 或大於無螺紋柄部之外徑加上2倍渗碳層深度者為佳 ;而其寬度則Μ約等於或大於焊接熱影響區之寬度加 上2倍渗碳深度者為佳。 ' 3 ·如申請專利範圍第丨項所述之奥斯田鐵糸不诱鋼與低 δ炭鋼或低碳合金鋼形成的複合自攻與自鐵媒絲之製法 ,其中低碳鋼或低碳合金鋼圓桿,於切削煩接毛邊與 肩部後,所形成之無潑碳硬化區之寬度以約等於或大 {熗先閲請背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) *線· 甲4(210X297 公省) 205072 AT B7 C7 D7 六 中二Η H死a] 於焊接熱影W區寬度者為佳 •如申請專利範園第1項所述之奥斯田鐵糸不$秀鋼與低 碳鋼或低碳合金鋼形成的複合自攻與自鑕螺絲之製法 *其中低碳鋼或低碳合金鋼圓挥含有之肩部,其形狀 可為圓形,多角形或其它適合之幾何形狀構成。 { it先閱請背面之注意事項再填¾本页) •線. """^^'^813家科(:《)〒4規格(2版297公龙)2〇5〇γ? ^ Bone A: ΒΊ Cl D1 Sixth, apply for the patent garden ® 1 ♦-a kind of composite self-tapping and self-sustaining formed by Oshida Lai Shibu Steel and low carbon mesh or low carbon alloy steel The manufacturing method of screw sharp 丨 It is a base rod made of low-carbon steel or low-carbon alloy steel * and pre-forged or cut into a round rod with shoulders and unthreaded shanks or with male tails (self-tapping moth silk without continuous tails) , After carbon splashing and proper heat treatment • Welded together with the preformed head of the non-marked Osterian Shilubu iii steel round rod by welding, and then cutting and welding the flash and the shoulder of the carburized steel round rod * Μ forms a non-splashing carbon hardened zone of appropriate width, and finally performs thread rolling and full itching treatment to make a head and a threaded shank joint part made of Oshida Tie Shibu steel material, and The tapping part and the tail part (the self-tapping screw has no drilling part) are self-tapping and self-mining moth wire made of low-carbon steel or low-carbon alloy steel. 2 · As described in item 1 of the scope of patent application, the method of composite self-tapping and self-iron screws formed by Oshida fiber steel and low-carbon steel or low-carbon alloy steel, including low-carbon steel or low-carbon alloy The diameter of the shoulder of the steel round rod is preferably equal to or greater than the outer diameter of the unthreaded shank plus 2 times the depth of the carburized layer; and its width is approximately equal to or greater than the width of the welding heat affected zone plus 2 times the carburizing depth is better. '3 · As described in item 丨 of the patent application scope, the production method of composite self-tapping and self-ferrous medium wire formed by Ostian Tieyu steel and low delta carbon steel or low carbon alloy steel, of which low carbon steel or low The width of the non-splashed carbon hardened zone formed by the carbon alloy steel round rod after cutting the burrs and shoulders is approximately equal to or larger (Kong first please read the precautions on the back and then fill out this page) * Thread · A4 (210X297 commune) 205072 AT B7 C7 D7 Sixth Middle School 2H H dead a] It is better if the width of the welding heat shadow W zone is as follows Manufacturing method of composite self-tapping and self-tapping screws formed of low-carbon steel or low-carbon alloy steel * The shoulders of low-carbon steel or low-carbon alloy steel rounded can be round, polygonal or other suitable geometry Shape composition. (it first read the precautions on the back and then fill this page) • Line. " " " ^^ '^ 813 Family Branch (: ")" 4 specifications (2 edition 297 male dragon)
TW081104182A 1992-05-28 1992-05-28 Method of making self-tapping screw TW205072B (en)

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TW081104182A TW205072B (en) 1992-05-28 1992-05-28 Method of making self-tapping screw

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TW081104182A TW205072B (en) 1992-05-28 1992-05-28 Method of making self-tapping screw

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TW081104182A TW205072B (en) 1992-05-28 1992-05-28 Method of making self-tapping screw

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Cited By (2)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
CN101338358B (en) * 2007-07-05 2010-06-02 刘正贤 Method for increasing surface hardness of martensitic stainless steel
CN109986225A (en) * 2018-12-24 2019-07-09 庆达科技股份有限公司 The welding method of composite screws

Cited By (3)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
CN101338358B (en) * 2007-07-05 2010-06-02 刘正贤 Method for increasing surface hardness of martensitic stainless steel
CN109986225A (en) * 2018-12-24 2019-07-09 庆达科技股份有限公司 The welding method of composite screws
CN109986225B (en) * 2018-12-24 2021-08-17 庆达科技股份有限公司 Welding method of composite screw

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