TW201140200A - Method for manufacturing a touch panel and the products thereof - Google Patents

Method for manufacturing a touch panel and the products thereof Download PDF


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TW201140200A TW99114895A TW99114895A TW201140200A TW 201140200 A TW201140200 A TW 201140200A TW 99114895 A TW99114895 A TW 99114895A TW 99114895 A TW99114895 A TW 99114895A TW 201140200 A TW201140200 A TW 201140200A
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touch panel
conductive film
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Yu-Yen Chang
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Kunshan Paishider Optoelectronic Technology Co Ltd
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Application filed by Kunshan Paishider Optoelectronic Technology Co Ltd filed Critical Kunshan Paishider Optoelectronic Technology Co Ltd
Priority to TW99114895A priority Critical patent/TW201140200A/en
Publication of TW201140200A publication Critical patent/TW201140200A/en



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A method for manufacturing a touch panel and the products thereof, such a method comprises: an injection molding process for forming a transparent plastic base by injection-compression molding; at least one printing process for forming a printing layer on a lower surface of the base directly; and at least a plating process for forming a conductive film on the lower surface of the base. Such a method replaces the conventional glass base with the plastic base, and replaces the conventional two-layer glass structure with the single base, which simplifies the process of manufacturing the touch panel and improves the safety of using.


201140200 六、發明說明: 尤指一種觸控面板製造方法及其 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明涉及一種觸控面板, 産品0 【先前技術】 所=觸控面板’是可接收觸轉輸人峨的感應式液晶顯示 裝置,當接觸了螢幕上的圖形按辦,螢幕上的觸覺反饋系統可 根據預先編程的程式驅動各種連結裝置,可用以取代機械式的按 紐面板,並借域晶顯示畫面製灿絲的影音效果。 目別市%上的-種習用觸控面板1〇的結構如第^圖所示, 包括一層玻板11,玻板11的上表_光學膠12膠合有 -層ΙΤ0導電膜13,最上層用光學膠14膠合—抑土玻璃15作 爲操作面’所述習用觸控面㈣的主要製造步驟爲,清潔玻璃基 板11的上表面、在玻璃基板u上表面塗布光學膠12,膠合ιτ〇 導電膜13 ’在導電膜13上塗布光學膠14,膠合石夕土玻璃心 上述習用觸控面板的結構及其製造方法存在町諸多問題: 卜加工工藝複雜、成本高且良品率低:ΙΊΌ導電膜13膠合在 玻璃基板11的上表面’ ΙΤ0 $電膜13非常脆弱,觸摸幾下就會損 壞’不能直接作爲操作面’必須要在上面膠合一層石夕土玻璃⑸乍 爲操作面,因此,要經歷至少兩次塗膠、膠合的工藝,需要投入 多條生產線,成本代價高;且製成時難以保證塗布光學膠的均勻 性,膠合過程中也容易産生氣泡,再加上玻璃的易碎性,所有這 201140200 些都導致了觸控面板製成的良品率比較低。 2安王性差.獅玻璃作爲基板和操作面,玻璃具有易碎性, 加工、運輸、存放、使用的任何一個壞節都有可能損壞和破碎, 因此存在很高的安全隱患。 3、 透先率差··玻璃本相透光率可朗娜社,但因爲有 兩層玻璃且塗有兩層光學膠,影響了玻璃的透綠果,這導致觸 控面板的透光率最高只能達到80%。 4、 、、》構複雜、厚度較厚:包括兩層玻璃、兩層光學膠和一層 導電膜成觸控面板的結構複雜,且厚度較厚。 【發明内容] 本發明的目的在於提供一種觸控面板製造方法及其産品,本 發明能夠簡化觸控面板的製成工藝,所製成_控面板結構簡 單、易於加工’能夠確保加卫和使用的安全性。 爲實現上述目的,本發明提供了一種觸控面板製造方法及其 產品’所述觸控面板製造方法至少包括以下步驟: 射出乂驟’利用射出壓縮成型方法成型-透明的塑膠基板; ’ P席]步驟,在所述基板的下表面直接印刷形成至少一 印刷層; 至少-鍍導麵步驟,在所述基板的下表面形成至少一層導 電膜。 另包括至少-錢光學鑛膜步驟’使基板的上表面另形成有至 少一層光學鍍臈。 201140200 所述鐘導電臈步驟、印刷步驟、鐘光學鍛膜步驟的順序可根 據製造方法需要做調整。 一種觸控面缺是經由至少包括—射出步驟、—印刷步驟和 鍍導電膜步驟的製造方法加工而成。通過射出步驟成型一透明 塑膠基板,通過_步驟在該歸基㈣下表面直接印刷成型有 印刷層,通職導電膜步驟在該塑膠基板的下表面成型有導電膜。 因爲塑膠具有質地輕、成本低和安全性高的優點,相比于玻 璃更適σ祕觸控面板的基板,但因爲傳統注塑細的塑膠板存 在七彩、應力和變料問題,使得傳統注塑成型的娜目前仍無 法運用於觸控面板領域’本發明人在專利贈_155嶋中公開 了-種注麵職具,職注麵賴具加工喊的娜板不存 在七彩、應力和變形問題’本發明人賴自己在塑膠電子行業多 年的從業域,並經過進—步的創造性研究,將該專利的發明創 造應用到觸控面板領域’並通過—㈣的實驗,證實了注塑壓縮 模具所生産的塑膠板用作觸控面板的可行性和優越性。 本發明因爲採用射出步驟加卫而成的塑膠板做基板所帶來的 一系列有益效果在於·· 1、簡化了觸控面板的製成工藝,降低了生產成本··在射出壓 縮成型的基板下表面直接印刷和鍍導電膜,改變了習用觸控面板 在表層粘帖邊框和在兩層玻璃之間用光學膠膠合導電膜的工藝, 大大簡化了製造工藝,能夠通過流水線作業進行大批量生産從 而降低了生產成本。 201140200 2、 製成的觸控面板結構簡單、厚度薄:導電膜直接成型於基 板的下表面,使基板上表面直接做操作面,而不用另外建構其他 操作面,如此加工而成的觸控面板爲單片基板式,結構更爲簡單, 且單片基板式比起兩層玻璃的結構,大大降低了産品的厚度。 3、 用塑膠基板取代習用的玻璃基板,能夠確保觸控面板加工 和使用的安全性:用射出壓縮成型的方法加工而成的塑膠基板, 不會出現七彩、應力及變形等問題,更加適合做觸控面板的基板, 鲁且能夠克服習用結構玻璃的易碎性,確保觸控面板加工和使用的 安全。 【實施方式】 請參閱第2圖所示,所述觸控面板製造方法2〇主要包括以下 步驟: 一射出步驟21,是利用射出壓縮成型方法成型一透明塑膠基 板, # 一印刷步驟22,是在所述基板下表面直接印刷形成印刷層, 該印刷層具體實施時可利用一般油墨印刷形成有邊框、1〇g〇或其 他裝飾性圖案,也可利用可溶性油墨、導電性油墨或光學性油墨 進行印刷’以滿足功能方面的需求; 一鐘光學錢膜步驟23,是在所述基板上表面直接鑛光學锻膜; 鑛導電膜步驟24 ’疋在所述基板下表面錄導電膜; 其中,射出步驟21的具體過程請配合參閱第3圖所示,注塑 壓縮模具30包括一上模31和一下模32,上模31和下模32之間 201140200 上設置有一活動壓板31〇 ,該活動壓 形成一模具型腔33,上模31 板310受-壓縮機構34的驅動而上下移動,從而使該模具型腔% 具有容積可變的特點,物料35㈣σ 注人模具型腔犯,活動 壓板310朝向下模32移動,其下表面壓縮物料35,使得物料邪 均勻填充於模具型腔33。如此成型的基板結構均勻,克服了普通 注塑成型的板材所存麵七彩、應力和變形等_ ^較佳的,該 基板的材質爲亞克力,錢力具有高透光率,透絲達娜,亞 克力並兼具良好的表面硬度與光澤,_好,不倾損,更加適 合用作觸控面板的基板。 由於玻璃表面印刷對表面處理、溫度、印刷壓力等工藝條件 要求非常高’爲了降低成本,習_觸控面板—般是在玻璃面板 的外表層馳邊框、logo及其他裝飾賴案,如此,不但視覺上 比較呆板,且在使用中容易脫落,本發明在印刷步驟22中,邊框、 logo及其他裝飾性圖案是作爲印刷層直接印刷成型於基板的下表 面,透過基板上表面看下去,會感覺印刷層具有立體感和浮凸感, 可增加視覺美感,且不存在脫落問題; 習用觸控面板在導電膜上成型電極圖形採用的是蝕刻法,需 要將面板浸入化學蝕刻液中,讓導電臈電極圖形以外的部分與化 干姓刻液元全反應掉’以形成電極圖形,其不足在於,工菽比較 複雜,蝕刻液爲酸性或鹼性,在浸泡過程中會損壞導電膜,在廢 液處理時還會産生很大的環境污染,本發明在印刷步驟22中,可 在基板的下表面直接印刷一層可溶性油墨,用以覆蓋以後導電膜 201140200 成型電極_以外的部分,當鑛上導電膜後,導電膜會覆蓋在可 溶性油墨上,經過沖洗,可溶性油墨溶解,導電膜電極圖形以外 的部分附隨可溶性油墨被沖洗掉,這樣就省略了導電膜侧的工 序,避免了酸域浸泡過程中對導電膜的損傷,簡化了工序和工藝, 具有冋效、快捷、環保、省時、節水的功效。另外,印刷層也可 爲導電性油墨和光學性油墨,以滿足其他功能性需求。 在鍍光學鑛膜步驟23中,光學鍍膜是直接成型於基板的上表 面’光學麵可以提高光線的穿透率,㈣增加馳面板的透光 率’並且能夠折射有害光線、增強表面硬度,以及達到防靜電、 防眩光和防偷窺的效果。 在導電膜步驟24中’導電膜直接通過電鑛、濺鑛或蒸鐘的方 式成型於基板下表® ’上面有基板作爲倾,可直接喊板的上 表面作爲操作面’而不用另外建構其他操作面,如此使得觸控面 板成爲單絲板絲構,*但簡化了_面_結構,而且大大 降低了觸控面板的厚度。 以上所述製造方法的步驟順序安排可根據需要進行調整,如 先實施_電膜步驟24 ’再實施錄光學賴23,製造方法步驟順 序的變化並落人本發_保護_。且根據需要,印刷步驟^、 鑛光學鑛膜步驟23、鍵導電膜步驟24可分別重復兩次以上。本發 月製k方法簡單’對工藝條件的要求不高,可通過流水線作業大 批量生産,從敎大降低觸麵板的生産成本。 明參閱第4 ®、第5 ®所示,通過以上所述步驟加工而成的 201140200 觸控面板40,包括有一透明基板41,該基板41爲通過射出步驟 21加工而成的透明塑膠板,基板41的下表面爲通過印刷步驟以 印刷而成的印刷層42,該印刷層42可爲邊框、logo、裝飾性圖索, 或可溶性油墨、導電性油墨、光學性油墨,如第4圖、第5圖所 示,該印刷層42爲一邊框,通過鍍導電膜步驟24將至少—層IT〇 導電膜43直接鍍於基板41的下表面,請再配合參閱第6圖所示, 該印刷層42爲可溶性油墨、導電性油墨或光學性油墨,通過鍍導 電膜步驟24將至少一層ΙΤ0導電膜43鍍於基板41的下表面,並 覆蓋印刷層42,基板41的上表面通過鍍光學鍍膜步驟23形成有 至少一層光學鍍膜44作爲保護層。 【圖式簡單說明】 第1圖爲習用觸控面板結構。 第2圖爲本發明的觸控面板製造方法制程實施步驟示意圖。 第3圖爲本發明射出步驟所使用的射出壓縮成型模具結構示 意圖。 第4圖爲本發明的觸控面板結構示意圖。 第5圖爲第4圖的每一層結構示意圖。 第6圖爲本發明_控面板另—實施例的結構示意圖。 【主要元件符號說明】 習用 1〇觸控面板 201140200 \' 11玻璃基板 12光學膠 13導電膜 14光學膠 15矽土玻璃201140200 VI. Description of the invention: A touch panel manufacturing method and the technical field thereof [Invention] The present invention relates to a touch panel, and the product 0 [prior art] = the touch panel is capable of receiving a touch input峨Inductive liquid crystal display device, when touched on the screen, the tactile feedback system on the screen can drive various connecting devices according to the pre-programmed program, which can be used to replace the mechanical button panel and display by field crystal The effect of the screen is the effect of the silk. As shown in FIG. 2, the structure of the conventional touch panel 1 包括 includes a glass plate 11 , and the upper surface of the glass plate 11 is glued with a layer ΙΤ 0 conductive film 13 , and the uppermost layer The main manufacturing step of the conventional touch surface (4) is as follows: the upper surface of the glass substrate 11 is cleaned, and the optical adhesive 12 is coated on the upper surface of the glass substrate u, which is electrically conductive. The film 13' is coated with the optical adhesive 14 on the conductive film 13, and the structure of the conventional touch panel and the method for manufacturing the same are present in the town: a complicated processing process, high cost, and low yield: ΙΊΌ conductive film 13 glued on the upper surface of the glass substrate 11 ' ΙΤ 0 $ film 13 is very fragile, it will be damaged when touched a few times 'can not be directly used as the operation surface' must be glued on top of a layer of stone stone (5) as the operation surface, therefore, After at least two processes of gluing and gluing, it is necessary to put in multiple production lines at a high cost; and it is difficult to ensure the uniformity of the coated optical glue when it is made, and bubbles are easily generated during the gluing process, plus glass. The fragility of all of this 201140200 has led to a lower yield of touch panels. 2 Anwang is poor. Lion glass is used as the substrate and operation surface. The glass is fragile. Any bad section of processing, transportation, storage and use may be damaged and broken, so there is a high safety hazard. 3, poor penetration rate · glass transmittance of the phase can be Lona, but because there are two layers of glass and coated with two layers of optical glue, affecting the glass through the green fruit, which leads to the transmittance of the touch panel The maximum can only reach 80%. 4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION An object of the present invention is to provide a method for manufacturing a touch panel and a product thereof, which can simplify the manufacturing process of the touch panel, and the structure of the control panel is simple and easy to process, which can ensure the protection and use. Security. In order to achieve the above object, the present invention provides a touch panel manufacturing method and a product thereof. The touch panel manufacturing method includes at least the following steps: an ejection step of forming a transparent plastic substrate by an injection compression molding method; a step of directly printing at least one printed layer on a lower surface of the substrate; at least a step of plating a conductive surface, forming at least one conductive film on a lower surface of the substrate. Also included is at least a "money optical filming step" wherein the upper surface of the substrate is further formed with at least one layer of optically rhodium. The order of the step of the conductive step of the clock, the printing step, and the step of the optical forging film of the clock can be adjusted according to the manufacturing method. A touch surface defect is processed by a manufacturing method including at least an - ejecting step, a printing step, and a step of plating a conductive film. A transparent plastic substrate is formed by an ejection step, and a printed layer is directly printed on the lower surface of the base (4) by a step, and a conductive film is formed on the lower surface of the plastic substrate by a step of conducting a conductive film. Because plastic has the advantages of light weight, low cost and high safety, it is more suitable for the substrate of the touch panel than glass, but because of the colorful, stress and variable material problems of the traditional injection molded fine plastic plate, the traditional injection molding The present is still unable to be used in the field of touch panels. 'The inventor disclosed in the patent _155 - - 种 种 种 种 种 种 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 职 职 职 职 职 职 职 娜 娜 娜 娜 娜 娜 娜The inventor relied on his own years of experience in the plastics electronics industry, and through the creative research of the patent, applied the invention of the patent to the field of touch panels, and confirmed the production of injection-molded compression molds through the experiments of (4). The feasibility and superiority of the plastic plate as a touch panel. The invention has a series of beneficial effects brought about by the use of a plastic plate which is reinforced by the injection step as a substrate. 1. The simplification of the manufacturing process of the touch panel and the reduction of the production cost. The direct printing and plating of the conductive film on the lower surface changes the process of bonding the printed contact panel to the surface layer and bonding the conductive film between the two layers of glass with optical glue, which greatly simplifies the manufacturing process and enables mass production through assembly line operations. Thereby reducing production costs. 201140200 2. The touch panel is simple in structure and thin in thickness: the conductive film is directly formed on the lower surface of the substrate, so that the upper surface of the substrate is directly used as the operation surface, without separately constructing other operation surfaces, and the touch panel thus processed The single-substrate type has a simpler structure, and the single-substrate type has a structure that greatly reduces the thickness of the product compared to the structure of the two-layer glass. 3. Replacing the conventional glass substrate with a plastic substrate can ensure the safety of the processing and use of the touch panel: the plastic substrate processed by the injection compression molding method does not have problems such as colorful, stress and deformation, and is more suitable for doing. The substrate of the touch panel can overcome the fragility of the conventional structural glass and ensure the safety of processing and use of the touch panel. [Embodiment] Referring to FIG. 2, the touch panel manufacturing method 2b mainly includes the following steps: an injection step 21 is a method of forming a transparent plastic substrate by using an injection compression molding method, #一印刷步骤22, The printed layer is directly printed on the lower surface of the substrate, and the printed layer can be formed by using general ink printing to form a frame, a 〇g〇 or other decorative pattern, or a soluble ink, a conductive ink or an optical ink. Performing printing 'to meet the functional requirements; one optical optical film step 23 is to directly mine the optical forged film on the upper surface of the substrate; the conductive conductive film step 24 '疋 on the lower surface of the substrate to record the conductive film; For the specific process of the injection step 21, please refer to FIG. 3, the injection compression mold 30 includes an upper mold 31 and a lower mold 32. A movable platen 31 is disposed on the 201140200 between the upper mold 31 and the lower mold 32. Forming a mold cavity 33, the upper mold 31 plate 310 is driven up and down by the compression mechanism 34, so that the mold cavity has a variable volume characteristic, material 35(4) σ Injecting the mold cavity, the movable platen 310 moves toward the lower mold 32, and the lower surface compresses the material 35 so that the material is uniformly filled in the mold cavity 33. The thus-formed substrate has a uniform structure, which overcomes the colorful, stress and deformation of the ordinary injection-molded sheet. The substrate is made of acrylic, the Qianli has high light transmittance, and the silky Dana and acrylic are combined. It has good surface hardness and gloss, _good, no damage, and is more suitable for use as a substrate for a touch panel. Because the surface printing of glass has very high requirements on surface treatment, temperature, printing pressure and other process conditions. In order to reduce the cost, the touch panel is generally used to frame the logo, logo and other decorations on the outer surface of the glass panel. It is visually relatively rigid and easy to fall off during use. In the printing step 22, the frame, logo and other decorative patterns are directly printed on the lower surface of the substrate as a printed layer, and are seen through the upper surface of the substrate. The printed layer has a three-dimensional and embossed feel, which can increase the visual beauty without the problem of falling off. The conventional touch panel is formed by etching on the conductive film, and the immersion method is required to immerse the panel in the chemical etching solution to make the conductive 臈The part other than the electrode pattern is completely reacted with the etched liquid element to form an electrode pattern. The disadvantage is that the work raft is more complicated, the etchant is acidic or alkaline, and the conductive film is damaged during the immersion process. A large environmental pollution is also generated during the treatment, and the present invention can directly print a lower surface of the substrate in the printing step 22. The layer of soluble ink is used to cover the portion of the conductive film 201140200 after the electrode _, after the conductive film on the mine, the conductive film will cover the soluble ink, after washing, the soluble ink dissolves, and the part other than the conductive film electrode pattern The soluble ink is washed away, thus omitting the process of the conductive film side, avoiding the damage to the conductive film during the soaking process in the acid domain, simplifying the process and the process, and having the effects of being effective, quick, environmentally friendly, time-saving, and water-saving. In addition, the printed layer can also be a conductive ink and an optical ink to meet other functional requirements. In the step of coating the optical mineral film, the optical coating is directly formed on the upper surface of the substrate. The optical surface can improve the transmittance of light, (4) increase the transmittance of the surface of the panel, and can refract harmful light and enhance surface hardness, and Anti-static, anti-glare and anti-peep effects are achieved. In the conductive film step 24, the conductive film is directly formed on the substrate by means of electric ore, splashing or steaming. The following table is mounted on the substrate: 'The substrate is tilted, and the upper surface of the plate can be directly used as the operation surface' without additionally constructing other The operating surface, so that the touch panel becomes a monofilament plate structure, but simplifies the _ surface structure, and greatly reduces the thickness of the touch panel. The sequence of the steps of the above manufacturing method can be adjusted as needed, such as first performing the electro-membrane step 24' and then performing the recording optical ray 23, and the steps of the manufacturing method are sequentially changed and dropped into the present invention. And, as needed, the printing step, the ore optical film step 23, and the key conductive film step 24 may be repeated twice or more respectively. The monthly method of this method is simple. 'The requirements for the process conditions are not high. It can be mass-produced through the assembly line operation, and the production cost of the touch panel is reduced from the large. Referring to the 4th and 5th, the 201140200 touch panel 40 processed by the above steps includes a transparent substrate 41 which is a transparent plastic plate processed by the shooting step 21, and the substrate The lower surface of 41 is a printed layer 42 printed by a printing step, and the printed layer 42 can be a frame, a logo, a decorative image, or a soluble ink, a conductive ink, or an optical ink, as shown in FIG. 4, As shown in FIG. 5, the printed layer 42 is a frame, and at least the layer of the IT conductive film 43 is directly plated on the lower surface of the substrate 41 by the step of plating the conductive film. Please refer to FIG. 6 for the printed layer. 42 is a soluble ink, a conductive ink or an optical ink. At least one layer of the ITO conductive film 43 is plated on the lower surface of the substrate 41 by the conductive film step 24, and covers the printed layer 42. The upper surface of the substrate 41 is subjected to a plating optical coating step. 23 is formed with at least one optical coating 44 as a protective layer. [Simple diagram of the figure] Figure 1 shows the structure of the conventional touch panel. FIG. 2 is a schematic view showing the steps of the manufacturing process of the touch panel manufacturing method of the present invention. Fig. 3 is a view showing the structure of the injection compression molding die used in the injection step of the present invention. 4 is a schematic structural view of a touch panel of the present invention. Figure 5 is a schematic view of the structure of each layer of Figure 4. Figure 6 is a schematic view showing the structure of another embodiment of the invention. [Main component symbol description] Conventional 1〇Touch panel 201140200 \' 11 glass substrate 12 optical adhesive 13 conductive film 14 optical adhesive 15 alumina glass

本發明 20觸控面板製造方法 21射出步驟 22印刷步驟 24鍍導電膜步驟 30射出壓縮成型模具 31上模 310活動壓板 320 澆口 33模具型腔 35物料 40觸控面板 41基板 42印刷層 43導電膜 44光學鍍膜 23鍍光學鍍膜步驟 32下模 34壓縮機構The present invention 20 touch panel manufacturing method 21 injection step 22 printing step 24 plating conductive film step 30 injection compression molding mold 31 upper mold 310 movable platen 320 gate 33 mold cavity 35 material 40 touch panel 41 substrate 42 printed layer 43 conductive Film 44 optical coating 23 plating optical coating step 32 lower mold 34 compression mechanism



Claims (1)

201140200 七、申請專利範圍: 卜一種觸控面板製造方法,該製造方法至少包括有以下步驟: 一射出步驟’利用射出壓縮成型方法成垂l透明的塑膠基板; 至夕印刷步驟,在所述基板的下表面直接印刷形成至少一 印刷層; 至少一鍍導電膜步驟,在所述基板的下表面形成至少一層導 電膜。 曰 2、如申請專利範圍第丨項的觸控面板製造方法,其中,另包 括至少-鍍光學鍍膜倾’使騎基板的上表面絲成有光學: 膜。 干又 3、 如申請專利範圍第丨項的觸控面板製造方法,其中,所述 印刷步驟,導賴步驟、航學_步驟_序可根據製造方^ 法需要做調整。 ^ 4、 如申請專利範圍第1項的觸控面板製造方法,其中 、乂 射出步驟射出壓縮成型的塑膠基板爲亞克力基板。 a 5、 如申請專利範圍第丨項的觸控面板製造方法〇其中,所述 印刷層爲邊框、logo或裝飾性圖案,或爲可溶性 ,田蛋、導電性油 墨、光學性油墨。 6、 如申請專利範圍第1項的觸控面板製造方 ^ ^ 再中,所述 鍍導電膜步驟中所採用的鍍膜方法爲電鍍、濺鍍或蒸鍍。 ^…印刷步驟和 7、 一種觸控面板,是經由至少一射出步 鍍導電膜步驟加工而成。 12 201140200 8、 如申請專利範圍第7項的觸控面板,其中,一透明塑膠基 板經由射出步驟加工而成’至少一印刷層經由印刷步驟直接印刷 形成於基板的下表面,至少一層導電膜經由鍍導電膜步驟形成於 基板的下表面。 9、 如申請專利範圍第8項的觸控面板,其中,所述基板爲透 明亞克力板。 10、 如申請專利範圍第8項的觸控面板,其中,至少一層光 • 學鑛膜另經由一鑛光學鍍膜步驟形成於基板的上表面。 13201140200 VII. Patent application scope: A touch panel manufacturing method, the manufacturing method includes at least the following steps: an injection step 'using a compression compression molding method to form a transparent plastic substrate; an evening printing step on the substrate The lower surface is directly printed to form at least one printed layer; at least one step of plating a conductive film, at least one conductive film is formed on the lower surface of the substrate. 2. A method of manufacturing a touch panel according to the scope of the invention, wherein the method further comprises at least - plating an optical coating to cause the upper surface of the substrate to be optically: a film. 3. The method of manufacturing a touch panel according to the third aspect of the invention, wherein the printing step, the guiding step, the aeronautical_step_order can be adjusted according to a manufacturing method. 4. The method for manufacturing a touch panel according to claim 1, wherein the 射 ejection step ejects the compression-molded plastic substrate into an acrylic substrate. The method of manufacturing the touch panel according to the invention of claim 2, wherein the printed layer is a frame, a logo or a decorative pattern, or is a soluble, field egg, conductive ink, or optical ink. 6. The touch panel manufacturer of claim 1 is further characterized in that the plating method used in the step of plating the conductive film is electroplating, sputtering or evaporation. ^...Printing Steps and 7. A touch panel is processed by the step of plating a conductive film through at least one shot. The invention relates to a touch panel according to claim 7 , wherein a transparent plastic substrate is processed through an injection step: “at least one printed layer is directly printed on a lower surface of the substrate via a printing step, and at least one conductive film is passed through The step of plating a conductive film is formed on the lower surface of the substrate. 9. The touch panel of claim 8, wherein the substrate is a transparent acrylic plate. 10. The touch panel of claim 8, wherein at least one layer of light mineral film is formed on the upper surface of the substrate via a mineral optical coating step. 13
TW99114895A 2010-05-11 2010-05-11 Method for manufacturing a touch panel and the products thereof TW201140200A (en)

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TW99114895A TW201140200A (en) 2010-05-11 2010-05-11 Method for manufacturing a touch panel and the products thereof

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TW99114895A TW201140200A (en) 2010-05-11 2010-05-11 Method for manufacturing a touch panel and the products thereof

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