SI9400074A - Stoves with rotatable installed heating body - Google Patents

Stoves with rotatable installed heating body Download PDF


Publication number
SI9400074A SI9400074A SI9400074A SI9400074A SI 9400074 A SI9400074 A SI 9400074A SI 9400074 A SI9400074 A SI 9400074A SI 9400074 A SI9400074 A SI 9400074A SI 9400074 A SI9400074 A SI 9400074A
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Slovenian (sl)
Horst Krenz
Walter Gramlich
Original Assignee
Bosch Siemens Hausgeraete
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Application filed by Bosch Siemens Hausgeraete filed Critical Bosch Siemens Hausgeraete
Publication of SI9400074A publication Critical patent/SI9400074A/en



    • F24C7/00Stoves or ranges heated by electric energy
    • F24C7/06Arrangement or mounting of electric heating elements


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Chemical & Material Sciences (AREA)
  • Combustion & Propulsion (AREA)
  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • General Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Muffle Furnaces And Rotary Kilns (AREA)
  • Drying Of Solid Materials (AREA)
  • Apparatuses For Bulk Treatment Of Fruits And Vegetables And Apparatuses For Preparing Feeds (AREA)
  • Baking, Grill, Roasting (AREA)


The invention relates to an oven muffle (1) with at least one heating element (2) mounted in the muffle interior so as to be pivotable parallel to a muffle wall situated at a short distance therefrom. According to the invention, the pivoting axis of the heating element (2) is arranged outside the plane formed by the heating element (2). In particular, the heating element (2) is mounted on a pivot realised in the form of a knife-edge bearing. The pivoting mechanism is of structurally simple and largely wear-free design. The heating element can be relatively easily pivoted owing to the negligible friction. <IMAGE>



Mufla peči, opremljena z zasuČno nameščenim grelnim telesomFurnace muffle fitted with a rotating heater

Izum se nanaša na muflo peči po prvem patentnem zahtevku.The invention relates to a furnace muffle according to the first patent claim.

Znane so že peči za pečenje, pri katerih se poleg za pečenje oz. siceršnje pripravljanje jedi v mufli tudi za takoimenovano katalitsko samočiščenje mufle uporablja pod muflo nameščeno grelno telo kot tudi nad muflo nameščeno grelno telo. Pri tem se notranjost mufle dovede na visoko temperaturo (>550 °C), da se odstrani onesnažena mesta na notranjih stenah mufle.Baking furnaces are already known, in which in addition to baking or baking. otherwise, the preparation of dishes in the muffle is also used for the so-called catalytic self-cleaning of the muffle using a heater located under the muffle as well as above the muffle mounted heater. The interior of the muffle is brought to a high temperature (> 550 ° C) to remove contaminated sites on the inner walls of the muffle.

Nadalje so poznane peči, pri katerih je znotraj mufle nameščeno eno ali več grelnih teles, predvsem tesno pod in vzporedno s stropom mufle, tako da ročno čiščenje stropa mufle ni možno ali pa je možno le v omejenem obsegu. Iz tega razloga imajo takšne peči med stropom mufle in grelnim telesom katalitsko zaslonsko pločevino.Furthermore, there are known furnaces in which one or more heating elements are housed within the muffle, particularly closely below and parallel to the muffle ceiling, so that manual cleaning of the muffle ceiling is not possible or is only possible to a limited extent. For this reason, such furnaces have a catalytic screen sheet between the ceiling of the muffle and the heater.

Katalitsko samočiščenje je povezano z vrsto pomanjkljivosti. Katalitsko samočiščenje najprej zahteva, kot je že bilo omenjeno, sorazmerno visoko temperaturo. To temperaturo je pri tem treba izbrati tako, da se po eni strani lahko doseže želeni učinek čiščenja, da pa se po drugi strani izogne poškodbam oz. postopnemu uničenju notranjosti peči.Catalytic self-purification is associated with a number of disadvantages. Catalytic self-purification first requires, as mentioned earlier, a relatively high temperature. This temperature should be selected in such a way that the desired cleaning effect can be achieved on the one hand, but on the other hand it can avoid damage or damage. the gradual destruction of the interior of the furnace.

Katalitsko samočiščenje zahteva visoko porabo energije in je povezano tudi z nadaljnjo pomanjkljivostjo, da se peči ob čiščenju med sorazmerno dolgim časom ne morejo uporabljati drugje. Ta čas sestoji iz časa, v katerem se vzpostavlja obratovalno temperaturo, iz časa samega čiščenja in končno iz časa, ki je potreben, da se peč ponovno ohladi na temperaturo, ki dopušča varno posluževanje peči.Catalytic self-cleaning requires high energy consumption and is also associated with the further disadvantage that furnaces cannot be used elsewhere for relatively long periods of time. This time consists of the time during which the operating temperature is restored, of the time of cleaning itself, and finally of the time required to allow the furnace to cool again to a temperature which permits safe operation of the furnace.

Iz nemške objavljene patentne prijave DE 37 23 628 je že poznana mikrovalovna peč z enoto s sevalnim grelnim telesom, ki v grelni komori mikrovalovne peči poteka vzporedno s stropom grelne komore in je s svojima končnima kosoma zasučno pritrjeno na zadnji steni grelne komore. Os sukanja leži v ravnini, ki jo tvori enota grelnega telesa. Zasučna enota obstoji iz zasučnega kosa, ki je povezan s končnima kosoma grelnega telesa, in iz okrova ležaja, ki obdaja zasučni kos in ga tvorita dve ležajni objemki. Zasučna enota je s tem po svoji mehanski zgradbi izoblikovana sorazmerno zapleteno. Poleg tega je podvržena obrabi. Razen tega pri zasučnih premikih nastopa trenje, ki otežuje zasučne premike. Izhajajoč iz tega stanja tehnike, je naloga izuma, da poda muflo peči, ki je uvodoma imenovane vrste in je njen zasučni mehanizem konstrukcijsko izveden na preprost način.German patent application DE 37 23 628 already discloses a microwave oven with a radiant heating unit which runs parallel to the ceiling of the heating chamber in the heating chamber of the microwave oven and is pivotally mounted on the back wall of the heating chamber with its end pieces. The axis of rotation lies in the plane formed by the unit of the heater. The rotary unit consists of a rotary piece that is connected to the end pieces of the heater body and a bearing housing that surrounds the rotary piece and is formed by two bearing clamps. The rotary unit is thus relatively complex in its mechanical structure. In addition, it is subject to wear and tear. In addition, there is friction in rotary movements, which makes rotation difficult. Based on this state of the art, it is an object of the invention to provide a furnace muffle, which is of the first named type and whose twist mechanism is constructed in a simple manner.

Ta naloga je po izumu rešena z značilnostmi prvega patentnega zahtevka.The present invention is solved by the features of the first claim.

Grelno telo mufle peči po izumu se lahko preprosto suče, pri čemer zasučno gibanje praktično zavisi le od teže grelnega telesa; pri zasučnem gibanju nastopa trenje le v majhni meri. Nadaljnja prednost obstoji v tem, da konstrukcijsko preprosto strukturiran zasučni mehanizem ni podvržen nikakršni omembe vredni obrabi. Mufla peči po izumu se lahko izvede ob uporabi splošno razpoložljivih grelnih teles za peči, ki so opremljena s prirobnico.The furnace muffle heater according to the invention can be simply twisted, with the rotational motion practically dependent solely on the weight of the heater body; there is only a small amount of friction in the rotational motion. A further advantage is that a structurally simple twist mechanism is not subject to any significant wear and tear. The furnace muffle according to the invention can be made using commonly available heating elements for furnaces equipped with a flange.

Nadaljnje prednostne izvedbene oblike izuma so označene v podzahtevkih.Further preferred embodiments of the invention are indicated in the sub-claims.

Izum je sedaj opisan na osnovi risb.The invention is now described on the basis of the drawings.

Pri tem prikazujeta slika 1 pogled v perspektivi na muflo peči z grelnim telesom, ki je zasukano v odmaknjeni položaj; in slika 2 pogled s strani na grelno telo v položaju po sliki 1.Figure 1 is a perspective view of a furnace muffle with the heater rotated to an offset position; and Figure 2 is a side view of the heater in the position of Figure 1.

Mufla 1, ki je predstavljena na sliki 1, je nameščena v električni peči. Izvedbo po izumu pa se lahko na splošno uporabi v povezavi s pečmi. Mufla 1 je izoblikovana v obliki kvadra. Grelno telo 2 v področju stropa mufle služi tvorjenju zgornje toplote in lahko zavzame dva določena položaja 2.1 in 2.2: v položaju 2.1 je grelno telo nameščeno vzporedno s stropom mufle in neznatno oddaljeno od stropa mufle, v položaju 2.2 pa je grelno telo poševno zasukano proti dnu mufle. V tem položaju je strop mufle prosto dostopen.Muffle 1, presented in Figure 1, is housed in an electric furnace. However, the embodiment of the invention can generally be used in conjunction with furnaces. The muffle 1 is shaped like a square. The heater body 2 in the area of the muffle ceiling serves to produce the upper heat and can occupy two specific positions 2.1 and 2.2: in position 2.1, the heater body is positioned parallel to the muffle ceiling and slightly off from the muffle ceiling, and in position 2.2 the heater is rotated obliquely towards the bottom. muffles. In this position, the muffle ceiling is freely accessible.

Grelno telo 2 je v bistvu izoblikovano plošnato. Obstoji npr. iz večkrakih elementov, ki so vodeni v več ovojih, grelnega telesa s prirobnico 23 (slika 2). V ravnini grelnega telesa nameščen ročaj 3 služi predvsem ročnemu pozicioniranju grelnega telesa v položajih 2.1 in 2.2.The heater body 2 is substantially flattened. There is e.g. from multiple elements guided in multiple envelopes, the heater body with flange 23 (Figure 2). The handle 3 positioned in the plane of the heater mainly serves to manually position the heater in positions 2.1 and 2.2.

Po izumu je os sukanja grelnega telesa 2 nameščena izven ravnine, ki jo tvori grelno telo 2. Pri tem je grelno telo 2 lahko vležajeno v vrtišču, ki je izvedeno kot uležajenje z rezilom.According to the invention, the axis of rotation of the heater body 2 is positioned out of the plane formed by the heater body 2. In this case, the heater body 2 may be mounted in a pivot which is made as a bearing with the blade.

Kot je predstavljeno na sl. 2, ima prirobnica 23 grelnega telesa 2 rob, ki tvori rezilo 24. To rezilo je uležajeno v ponvi 11, kije nameščena na zadnji steni mufle 1 peči. V izvedbenem primeru, kije predstavljena na sliki 2, tvori ponev 11 del 4.As presented in FIG. 2, the flange 23 of the heater body 2 has an edge forming a blade 24. This blade is mounted in a pan 11 which is mounted on the back wall of the furnace muffle 1. In the embodiment shown in FIG. 2, the pan 11 forms part 4.

Del 4 služi kot vodilo prirobnice 23 in s tem grelnega telesa 2. Je nameščen na zadnji steni mufle 1 peči in je npr, ukrivljen na način, kije predstavljen na sl. 2. Ima prerez v obliki črke V, pri čemer je en krak povezan z zadnjo steno mufle peči. Prosta konca obeh krakov sta zapognjena navznoter. Del 4 obstoji npr. iz upognjene pločevine. V svojem spodnjem področju, kot je bilo že omenjeno, del 4 tvori ponev 11, ki sprejema rezilo 24; del 4 v svojem zgornjem področju tvori prislonski omejevalnik 41 za prirobnico 23.Part 4 serves as the guide of the flange 23 and thus of the heating body 2. It is mounted on the back wall of the furnace muffle 1 and is, for example, curved in the manner shown in FIG. 2. It has a V-shaped cross section with one arm connected to the back wall of the muffle furnace. The free ends of both arms are bent inwards. Part 4 exists e.g. made of bent sheet metal. In its lower region, as mentioned above, part 4 forms a pan 11 receiving the blade 24; part 4 in its upper region forms a stop stop 41 for flange 23.

Prirobnica 23 torej vprijema v ukrivljeni del 4, tako da grelno telo 2 s prirobnico 23 v delu 4 zavzame vsaj dva določena položaja 2.1 in 2.2.The flange 23 thus engages the curved part 4 so that the heating body 2 with the flange 23 in part 4 occupies at least two specified positions 2.1 and 2.2.

Prirobnica 23 v prvem položaju 2.1 zapira odprtine 12, ki so predvidene za grelno telo 2 v zadnji steni mufle 1 peči.The flange 23 in the first position 2.1 closes the openings 12 provided for the heater 2 in the rear wall of the furnace muffle 1.

V prvem položaju 2.2 prirobnica 23 zapira odprtine 42, ki so v ukrivljenem delu 4 predvidene za grelno telo 2.In the first position 2.2, the flange 23 closes the openings 42 provided for the heater body 2 in the curved part 4.

V mufli 1 po izumu za peč je grelno telo 2 v svojem prvem položaju 2.1 nameščeno za uporabo v skladu z namenom (segrevanje, kuhanje jedi) vzporedno s stropom mufle.In the muffle 1 according to the invention for the oven, the heater 2 in its first position 2.1 is arranged for use according to the purpose (heating, cooking of the dishes) parallel to the ceiling of the muffle.

V tem položaju je grelno telo 2 s pritrdilnim elementom 7.1, 7.2 držano na stropu mufle.In this position, the heater 2 with the mounting element 7.1, 7.2 is held on the ceiling of the muffle.

Pritrdilni element 7.1, 7.2 obstoji pri izvedbenem primeru, ki je predstavljen v sl. 2 iz pritrdilne zaplate 7.1 in iz ustreznega vijaka 7.2 z narebričeno glavo. S tem se lahko grelno telo brez orodja in na preprost način tako zasuče navzdol kot tudi pritrdi na stropu mufle.The mounting element 7.1, 7.2 exists in the embodiment shown in FIG. 2 from mounting plate 7.1 and from the corresponding screw 7.2 with the ribbed head. This allows the heater to be tool-free and easily rotate downwards as well as fasten to the ceiling of the muffle.

Pritrdilni element 7.1, 7.2 je predvsem nameščen v okolici odprtine za vlaganje na sprednji strani mufle 1 peči, torej na strani, ki leži nasproti osi sukanja, in sicer nekako središčno na sprednji strani mufle peči. Vijak 7.2 z narebričeno glavo je pritrjen na nosilcu grelnega telesa 2. Na tem nosilcu sta pritrjeni tudi dve predbežni in v smeri proti stropu mufle usmerjeni razpori 8, 9. Nameščeni sta na po eni strani grelnega telesa, torej levo in desno glede na odprtino za vlaganje (sl. 1) mufle peči. Vijak 7.2 z narebričeno glavo, ki je povezan s pritrdilno zaplato 7.1, in razpori 8 in 9 zagotavljajo zanesljivo držanje grelnega telesa vzporedno s stropom mufle, torej v položaju 2.1, s čimer je zagotovljen tudi stalen priključek regulatorja peči.The mounting element 7.1, 7.2 is preferably located in the vicinity of the feed opening on the front of the muffle 1 of the furnace, that is, on the side opposite the axis of rotation, centrally centered on the front of the muffle of the furnace. A screw 7.2 with a ribbed head is secured to the support of the heater body 2. There are also two recessed and directional muffles directed towards the ceiling of the heater 8, 9. They are mounted on one side of the heater body, ie left and right with respect to the opening for insertion (Fig. 1) of the muffle furnace. The screw 7.2 with a ribbed head connected to the mounting plate 7.1 and the slots 8 and 9 ensure a secure holding of the heater parallel to the ceiling of the muffle, ie in position 2.1, thereby ensuring a permanent connection of the furnace regulator.

Katalitsko vmesno pločevino se lahko doda naknadno in se jo pritrdi med grelno telo v njegovem položaju 2.1 in strop mufle.The catalytic intermediate plate may be retrofitted and fixed between the heater in its position 2.1 and the ceiling of the muffle.

Grelno telo je torej vležajeno v vodilnem delu 4 v zadnjem področju mufle 1 peči na njeni zadnji steni zasučno med položajema 2.1 in 2.2. Os sukanja grelnega telesa je nameščena izven in predvsem pod ravnino, ki jo tvori grelno telo 2.The heater body is therefore mounted in the guide portion 4 in the rear region of the furnace muffle 1 on its rear wall rotating between positions 2.1 and 2.2. The axis of rotation of the heater body is positioned outside and above the plane formed by the heater body 2.

Vodilni kotnik 5, ki pri namestitvi grelnega telesa, ki je predstavljena na sl. 2, leži zunaj ob mufli 1 peči in služi kot zaslon in vodilo za električne kable. 6 označuje cev za termostatno tipalo, ki je predvideno v ravnini grelnega telesa oz. vzporedno z njim.Guide angle 5 which, when installing the heater, shown in FIG. 2, it lies outside the muffle 1 of the furnace and serves as a screen and guide for electrical cables. 6 indicates a tube for a thermostat sensor provided in the plane of the heater or parallel to it.

Claims (12)

PATENTNI ZAHTEVKIPATENT APPLICATIONS 1. Mufla peči z vsaj enim v notranjosti mufle (1) vzporedno s prostorsko neznatno odmaknjeno steno mufle zasučno nameščenim grelnim telesom (2), pri čemer grelno telo (2) obstoji iz večkrakih elementov grelnega telesa, ki so vodeni v več ovojih in jih oddaja prirobnica (23), označena s tem, da je os sukanja grelnega telesa (2) nameščena izven ravnine, ki jo tvori grelno (2).A furnace muffle with at least one inside the muffle (1) parallel to the spatially insignificantly spaced wall of the muffle with a rotatably mounted heater body (2), wherein the heater body (2) consists of multiple heater elements which are guided in several sheaths and emits a flange (23), characterized in that the axis of rotation of the heater body (2) is positioned out of the plane formed by the heater (2). 2. Mufla peči po zahtevku 1, označena s tem, da je grelno telo (2) vležajeno v vrtišču, kije izvedeno v obliki uležajenja z rezilom.Oven muffle according to claim 1, characterized in that the heating element (2) is mounted in a pivot which is made in the form of a bearing with a blade. 3. Mufla peči po enem izmed predhodnih zahtevkov, označena s tem, da ima prirobnica (23) grelnega telesa (2) rob, ki tvori rezilo (24), in da je rezilo (24) vležajeno v ponvi (11), kije nameščena na zadnji steni mufle (1) peči.Furnace muffle according to one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the flange (23) of the heating body (2) has an edge forming the blade (24) and that the blade (24) is mounted in the pan (11) which is mounted on the back wall of the muffle (1) of the furnace. 4. Mufla peči po enem izmed predhodnih zahtevkov, označena s tem, da je na zadnji steni mufle (1) peči nameščen ukrivljen del (4), ki tvori prislonski omejevalnik (41) za grelno telo (2).Furnace muffle according to one of the preceding claims, characterized in that a curved part (4) is formed on the back wall of the furnace muffle (1) which forms a stop limiter (41) for the heating body (2). 5. Mufla peči po zahtevku 4, označena s tem, da ukrivljeni del (4) tvori ponev (11).Oven muffle according to claim 4, characterized in that the curved part (4) forms a pan (11). 6. Mulfa peči po enem izmed zahtevkov 4 ali 5, označena s tem, da prirobnica (23) vprijema v ukrivljeni del (4) in da grelno telo (2) s prirobnico (23) v ukrivljenem delu (4) zavzema vsaj dva določena položaja (2.1, 2.2).Furnace socket according to one of Claims 4 or 5, characterized in that the flange (23) engages in the curved part (4) and that the heating body (2) with the flange (23) in the curved part (4) occupies at least two specified positions (2.1, 2.2). 7. Mufla peči po zahtevku 6, označena s tem, da prirobnica (23) v prvem položaju (2.1) za grelno telo (2) zapira odprtine, ki so predvidene v zadnji steni muflev (1) peči.Oven muffle according to claim 6, characterized in that the flange (23) in the first position (2.1) closes the openings provided in the rear wall of the muffle (1) for the heater body (2). 8. Mufla peči po enem izmed zahtevkov 6 ali 7, označena s tem, da prirobnica (23) v drugem položaju (2.2) zapira odprtine, ki so predvidene za grelno telo (2) v ukrivljenem delu (4).Oven muffle according to one of Claims 6 or 7, characterized in that the flange (23) in the second position (2.2) closes the openings provided for the heating body (2) in the curved part (4). 9. Mufla peči po enem izmed zahtevkov 7 ali 8, označena s tem, da je grelno telo (2) v svojem prvem položaju (2.1) nameščeno vzporedno s stropom mufle in da je grelnemu telesu (2) in/ali stropu mufle prirejen pritrdilni element (7.1, 7.2), ki drži grelno telo (2) v prvem položaju (2.1) in omogoča zasuke.Oven muffle according to one of Claims 7 or 8, characterized in that the heating element (2) is positioned parallel to the ceiling of the muffle in its first position (2.1) and that the mounting body (2) and / or ceiling of the muffle is provided with a fastening an element (7.1, 7.2) holding the heater body (2) in the first position (2.1) and allowing it to rotate. 10. Mufla peči po zahtevku 9, označena s tem, da pritrdilni element (7.1, 7.2) obstoji iz pritrdilne zaplate (7.1) in iz vijaka (7.2) z narebričeno glavo.Oven muffle according to claim 9, characterized in that the fastening element (7.1, 7.2) consists of a fastening plate (7.1) and a screw (7.2) with a ribbed head. 11. Mufla peči po enem izmed zahtevkov 9ali 10, označena s tem, daje pritrdilni element (7.1, 7.2) nameščen v bližini odprtine za vlaganje.Oven muffle according to one of Claims 9 or 10, characterized in that the mounting element (7.1, 7.2) is located near the insertion opening. 12. Mufla peči po zahtevku 11, označena s tem, da je pritrdilni element (7.1, 7.2) nameščen nekako središčno v okolici odprtine za vlaganje in da sta grelnemu telesu (2) prirejeni dve razpori (8, 9), ki sta usmerjeni proti stropu mufle in sta nameščeni vsaka na eni strani grelnega telesa.Furnace muffle according to claim 11, characterized in that the fastening element (7.1, 7.2) is arranged centrally in the vicinity of the inlet opening and that two openings (8, 9) are directed towards the heating body (2). ceiling muffles and are located each on one side of the heater.
SI9400074A 1993-02-11 1994-02-11 Stoves with rotatable installed heating body SI9400074A (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

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DE4304099A DE4304099A1 (en) 1993-02-11 1993-02-11 Oven muffle with swiveling radiator

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SI9400074A SI9400074A (en) 1993-02-11 1994-02-11 Stoves with rotatable installed heating body

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