SI9110977A - Compact golf system - Google Patents

Compact golf system Download PDF


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SI9110977A SI9110977A SI9110977A SI9110977A SI 9110977 A SI9110977 A SI 9110977A SI 9110977 A SI9110977 A SI 9110977A SI 9110977 A SI9110977 A SI 9110977A SI 9110977 A SI9110977 A SI 9110977A
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Milan Milanović
Drenislav Žekić
Davor Šarin
Gordan Širola
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Application filed by ŠIROLA GORDAN, arhitekt filed Critical ŠIROLA GORDAN, arhitekt
Publication of SI9110977A publication Critical patent/SI9110977A/en



    • A63B71/00Games or sports accessories not covered in groups A63B1/00 - A63B69/00
    • A63B71/06Indicating or scoring devices for games or players, or for other sports activities
    • A63B71/0619Displays, user interfaces and indicating devices, specially adapted for sport equipment, e.g. display mounted on treadmills
    • A63B71/0669Score-keepers or score display devices
    • A63B71/0672Score-keepers or score display devices using non-electronic means
    • A63B69/00Training appliances or apparatus for special sports
    • A63B69/36Training appliances or apparatus for special sports for golf
    • A63B69/3691Golf courses; Golf practising terrains having a plurality of driving areas, fairways, greens
    • A63B2102/00Application of clubs, bats, rackets or the like to the sporting activity ; particular sports involving the use of balls and clubs, bats, rackets, or the like
    • A63B2102/32Golf


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  • General Health & Medical Sciences (AREA)
  • Physical Education & Sports Medicine (AREA)
  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Human Computer Interaction (AREA)
  • Pinball Game Machines (AREA)
  • Toys (AREA)


A compact golf system for playing and training golf, which consists of one elementary field, or horizontal, vertical or horizontal-vertical combinations of elementary fields, and rules for playing compact golf, is characterized by that the course for all the phases of the game and training consists of one elementary field divided into a field (JU) of strong strokes whose length is equal to the maximum possible horizontal path of the ball hit with a club on the location (T) in the direction of the longest axis of the field by the player of the category for which the course was built; by that the field contains water hazards (W), sand traps (S),a hole (H) with a flag for hitting the ball in one stroke, mosaics (M) surrounding the hole with the flag around which are drawn concentric circles or geometric biaxial symmetry shapes, demarcations for the distance (U) from the location (T) for the initial stroke where several players can perform strokes at the same time, boundary demarcations (G) of the fields and fields (SU) for precise strokes; by that the fields (SU) consist of fields for escaping from the sand trap (ST) comprising a sand cave, flat area of the field, fence and a field (PG) for initial strokes whose boundary is an irregular closed curve inside which there are holes with the flag.



Predmet izuma je kompakten golf sistem, ki omogoča trening in igranje golfa na enem, bistveno manjšem igrišču od sedanjih igrišč pri čemer so potrebne minimalne spremembe in dopolnila pravil igre golfa. Po mednarodni patentni klasifikaciji sodi izum v A 63B 67/02 razred.The object of the invention is a compact golf system that allows training and playing golf on a single, significantly smaller golf course than the current golf courses, with minimal changes and additions to the rules of the golf game. According to the international patent classification, the invention belongs to class A 63B 67/02.

Golf je športna igra na odptem igrišču, kjer igralci poizkušajo žogico spraviti v luknjice z minimalnim številom udarcev žogice s palico. Sodobni golf, kije nastal na Škotskem 1552. leta je sedaj priljubljen tudi kot tekmovalni šport in je danes razširjen po celem svetu. Golf je špotma igra, ki še ni uvrščena v olimpijske panoge. Kljub razširjenosti igranja golfa po celem svetuje še vedno predvsem igra v razvitem svetu in je dostopna bogatim. Razlog zato je v strogih pravilih igre in visokih stroških izgradnje in vzdrževanja igrišča. Čeprav obstaja tekmovanje profesionalcev in ljubiteljev golfa, to igro neguje majhno število privržencev. Poleg socialno-ekonomskih ovir za igranje golfa obstajajo tudi tehnični problemi za razvoj tega športa. En od teh je velikost igrišča za golf, kije osnovni vzrok za ekskluzivnost in elitnost te športne igre. Ker so stroški izgradnje in vzdrževanja igrišča za golf v sorazmerju z velikostjo igrišča, je tehnični problem zmanjšanje iigišča za golf z majhnimi spremembami in dopolnitvami načina in pravil igre. V primeijavi z drugimi športi, kot so igre z žogo: nogomet, rokomet, ragbi, hokej in druge, v golfu je na igrišču majhno število igralcev. Izkoristek igrišča za golf, merjen po enoti površine in časa igre, je zelo nizek v primeijavi z navedenimi igrami z žogo. Golf je sezonska igra in je zelo odvisna od dnevnih in letnih klimatskih pogojev. Ker se golf igra na prostem niso možna tekmovanja po zimi ali pri slabih klimatskih prilikah.Golf is a sports game on the open field where players try to put the ball in the holes with a minimum number of strokes of the ball with the stick. Contemporary golf, which originated in Scotland in 1552, is now also popular as a competitive sport and is nowadays widespread throughout the world. Golf is a sports game not yet classified in the Olympic industry. Despite the prevalence of golf, it is generally advised to play mostly in the developed world and is accessible to the rich. This is because of the strict rules of the game and the high cost of building and maintaining the pitch. Although there is a competition between golf professionals and golf fans, this game is nurtured by a small number of followers. In addition to the socio-economic barriers to golf, there are also technical problems for the development of the sport. One of these is the size of the golf course, which is the root cause of the exclusivity and elite of this sport. Because the cost of building and maintaining a golf course is proportional to the size of the golf course, the technical problem is to reduce the golf course with small changes and additions to the way and rules of the game. Compared to other sports such as ball games: football, handball, rugby, hockey and more, there are a small number of players on the golf course. The utilization of the golf course, measured by unit area and playing time, is very low compared to the above mentioned ball games. Golf is a seasonal game and is highly dependent on daily and annual climatic conditions. Because outdoor golf is not possible during the winter or in bad weather.

S tem izumom je rešen tehnični problem zmanjšanja površine igrišča za golf, kar ima za posledico zmanjšanje stroškov izgradnje in vzdrževanja odprtih igrišč, večji izkoristek igrišča, možnost izgradnje zaprtih igrišč ter igrišč na nadstropja zaradi podaljšanja sezone igranja, kot tudi povečana možnost za treniranje in igranje z dejanskim ali namišljenim nasprotnikom. Rešitev zastavljenega tehničnega problema po tem izumu zahteva majhne spremembe in dopolnitve načina in pravil igre golfa.The present invention solves the technical problem of reducing the surface of a golf course, resulting in a reduction in the cost of constructing and maintaining open golf courses, greater utilization of the golf course, the possibility of constructing indoor and outdoor playgrounds to prolong the playing season, as well as an increased opportunity for training and playing. with an actual or imaginary opponent. The solution of the technical problem of the present invention requires small changes and additions to the manner and rules of golf.

Igrišče za golf je prostrano neravno zemljišče površine od 35 do 70 ha, kije razdeljena na 9 do 18 polj. Vsako polje ima začetno startno mesto na katerem se izvede začetni udarec in končno luknjo v katero je potrebno spraviti žogico. Polja so dolga od 100 dO 500 m različnih oblik z naravnimi posebnostmi, kot so visoka trava, drevesa, gozdički, potoki, peščene jame, močvirja in jezera. Začetni udarec se izvede na startni jasi pvega polja. Igralci s palico spravljajo žogice od luknje do luknje vse do končne luknje na cilju.A golf course is a vast, uneven land of 35 to 70 ha, divided into 9 to 18 fields. Each field has a starting starting point where the initial kick is made and the final hole into which the ball is to be put. The fields are 100 to 500 m long in various shapes with natural features such as tall grass, trees, forests, streams, sand caves, swamps and lakes. The initial impact is made on the starting field of the fifth field. Players use the stick to roll balls from hole to hole all the way to the final hole on the goal.

Poznane so tri rešitve tehničnega problema. Prvi način zmanjšanja površine igrišča za golf je znan iz poligonov za treniranje, ki predstavlja segmente kompletnega igrišča. Poligoni omogočajo trening posameznih faz igre na karakterističnih poljih, kot so polja za začetni udarec, polja za treniranje natančnosti, polja za treniranje udarcev za zadetek luknje i. t.n. Te rešitve zadoščajo za potrebe treniranja in jih ni možno združiti v kompleten sistem za igro golfa. V drugi znani rešitvi tehničnega problema je uporabljena metoda zmanjšanja merila igrišča. Najbolj poznana igra tega tipa je mini golf' ali mali golf. Ta igra ima predvsem rekreativni značaj v kateri igralci tako kot v igri golfa morajo z najmanjšim številom udarcev spraviti žogico v luknje na stezah. Igrišče je sestavljeno od 9 do 18 različnih polj, prosto razporejenih betonskih stez, širokih okoli 85 cm dolgih od 6 do 17 m. Na steze so postavljene razne ovire od zidakov, betona, metala ali lesa s ciljem, da onemogočajo enostavno zadevanje luknje. Kot v vsaki igri obstaja direktna odvisnost pravil in duha igre od igrišča in je pri tej rešitvi osnovna igra golf izgubila osnovne značilnosti igre. Osnovna pomankljivost te rešitve je izguba močnih in preciznih udarcev, tako da je igri ostal predvsem precizen udarec majhne moči. To je tudi največje pomanjšanje igrišča za golf, kije namenjeno igri v naravi. Še večje zmanjšanje igrišča za golf je doseženo v računalniških video igrah. Tretja rešitev ne pristopa tehničnemu problemu na način, da izkorišča segmente igrišča, kot prva rešitev in tudi ne uporablja pomanjšavo igrišča, kot v drugi rešitvi. Problem je rešen s preklapljanjem delov posameznih polj v del igrišča, kije skupen vsakem polju. Tak pristop reševanju tehničnega problema je znan iz patentnega spisa DE 3909467. Rešitev je v tem, da se vsa polja igrišča preklopijo v delih za izvajanje začetnih udarcev v eno skupno krožno mesto. Rešitev prikazuje 12 polj dolžine 120 do 350 metrov, žarkasto postavljenih okoli skupnega kroga za izvajanje začetnih udarcev. Na ta način je možno graditi igrišča s površino od 5 do 40 hektarov.Three solutions to a technical problem are known. The first way to reduce the surface of a golf course is to know from training polygons that represent segments of a complete golf course. Polygons allow training of individual stages of the game in characteristic fields, such as initial punch, precision training, punch, hole punch i. т.н. These solutions are sufficient for training purposes and cannot be combined into a complete golf game system. Another known solution to a technical problem is the method used to reduce the scale of the pitch. The most famous game of this type is mini golf 'or small golf. This game is primarily a recreational character in which players, as in the game of golf, have to put the ball in the holes on the tracks with the least number of strokes. The playground consists of 9 to 18 different fields, freely spaced concrete walkways, about 85 cm wide by 6 to 17 m long. There are various obstacles on the paths made of masonry, concrete, metal or wood in order to prevent the hole from being hit easily. As in any game, there is a direct dependence of the rules and the spirit of the game on the course, and in this solution the basic golf game has lost the basic characteristics of the game. The basic drawback of this solution is the loss of powerful and precise strokes, so that the game is left with a particularly precise punch of low power. It is also the largest reduction in the golf course intended for outdoor play. An even smaller reduction in the golf course is achieved in computer video games. The third solution does not approach the technical problem in such a way that it exploits the segments of the pitch as the first solution and also does not use the reduction of the pitch as in the second solution. The problem is solved by switching parts of individual fields into the part of the pitch that is common to each field. Such an approach to solving a technical problem is known from patent file DE 3909467. The solution is to switch all playground fields in parts to perform initial strikes into one common circular spot. The solution shows 12 120- to 350-meter-long fields, beamed around a common circle to perform initial blows. In this way it is possible to build playgrounds with an area of 5 to 40 hectares.

Pomankljivosti te rešitve so naslednje: Rešitev problema obljublja več kot je doseženo, ker se velikost igrišča ne zmanjša bistveno. Če bi zgradili igrišče z optimalno dolžino polja od 225 metrov bi bila potrebna površina igrišča od 20 do 25 hektarov. To je približno desetkrat več kot je potrebno za kompaktno igrišče za golf. Pomanjkljivost te rešive je tudi ta, da se igralci morajo vračati na centralno mesto, kar odpira problem sigurnosti igralcev na terenu in pa daljšega časa, ki je potreben za igro. Maksimalno število igralcev je omejeno na 24.The disadvantages of this solution are the following: The solution to the problem promises more than is achieved because the size of the playground does not decrease significantly. To build a playground with an optimum field length of 225 meters would require a playground area of 20 to 25 hectares. That's about ten times what it takes for a compact golf course. The disadvantage of this solution is that players have to return to the center, which raises the problem of player safety on the field and the longer time required for the game. The maximum number of players is limited to 24.

Tehnični problem zmanjšanja površine igrišča je rešen z igriščem, ki ima eno samo polje na katerem se odvijajo vse faze igre in treniranja golfa. Bistvo izumu je v tem, da se vse faze igre odvijajo na enem polju, kije dimenzionirano maksimalnim realno možnim udarcem igralcev. Tak udarec dimenzionira elementarno polje, ki je za polovico krajše od maksimalno dovoljenega polja. Po izkušnji dolžina maksimalnega udarca znaša 225 metrov. Da bi se na elementarnem polju igrišča golfa lahko odvijale vse faze treniranja in igranja golfa, je potrebno prilagoditi pravila igre takemu igrišču. Ker je rešitev zasnovana tako, da ne omejuje karakterističen udarec žogice, igra ohranja karakter originalne igre. Vsi začetni udarci se izvajajo na enem mestu, razen končnih udarcev, ki se izvajajo na malih poljih v bližini mesta za začetne udarce. Problem istočasnega igranja in treniranja več igralcev naenkrat je rešen s konfiguracijo polj, ki so žarkasto nameščena okoli začetnega polja. Po izvajanju udarca igralec ne spremlja fizično žogico, pač pa samo vizualno ter s pomočjo optičnih in elektronskih naprav, registrira lego, kjer se žogica ustavi. Žogice, ki so na igrišču v mirovanju ali gibanju, upoštevajo se kot del igrišča in se poberejo v premorih igre ali dnevno. Na osnovi lege žogice na igrišču igralec pripravi in izvede naslednji udarec. Na ta način so izvedene vse faze igre in treniranja. Končni udarci, oziroma precizni udarci se izvajajo v majhnih poljih, ki so nameščeni na nasprotni strani od polja za začetne udarce, da ne bi ovirali igralcev na začetnih pozicijah.The technical problem of reducing the surface of a golf course is solved by a golf course that has a single field where all stages of golf play and training take place. The essence of the invention is that all phases of the game take place in a single field, which is dimensioned by the maximum real hits of the players. Such an impact shall measure the elemental field by half the maximum permissible field. According to experience, the maximum impact length is 225 meters. In order to allow all stages of training and playing golf to take place in the elementary field of the golf course, it is necessary to adapt the rules of the game to such a golf course. Because the solution is designed not to limit the characteristic kick of the ball, the game retains the character of the original game. All initial strokes shall be made in one place, except for the final strokes, which shall be carried out in small fields near the site for initial strokes. The problem of playing and coaching multiple players at once is solved by configuring the fields that are beamed around the starting field. After the impact, the player does not physically monitor the ball, but only visually, using optical and electronic devices, registers the position where the ball stops. Balls that are at rest or in motion on the court are counted as part of the pitch and are picked up during the game breaks or daily. Based on the position of the ball on the court, the player prepares and executes the next blow. In this way all phases of play and coaching are performed. Final strokes and / or precision strokes are carried out in small boxes located opposite to the starting kick box, in order not to obstruct the players in the starting positions.

U primerjavi s poligonskimi rešitvami je novost prijavljenega izuma v tem, da se skoraj neokrnjena igra golfa odvija na majhni površini in istočasno omogoča odvijanje cele igre. Pri mini golfu je zmanjšanje igrišča povzročilo spremembo bistvenih elementov golfa, zlasti dolžine oziroma zmanjšanje jakosti udarca, kar ni primer pri prijavljenemu izumu. V rešitvi, kije opisana v patentni prijavi DE 3909467 je izhodiščni princip isti kot v prijavljenemu izumu s tem, daje dosežen manjši efekt zmanjšanja igrišča. Poleg tega se pojavljajo problemi sigurnosti igralcev, podaljšanja dolžine igre in omejitev števila igralcev na igrišču.Compared to polygon solutions, the novelty of the claimed invention is that the almost unspoiled golf course is played over a small area and at the same time allows the whole game to take place. In miniature golf, the reduction of the golf course caused a change in the essential elements of golf, in particular the length or the impact strength, which is not the case with the present invention. In the solution described in patent application DE 3909467, the starting principle is the same as in the claimed invention, with the result that a smaller playground reduction effect is achieved. In addition, there are problems with player safety, extending the length of the game and limiting the number of players on the court.

Kompakten golf sistem za igro in treniranje golfa, zasnovan na dolžini maksimalnega udarca v golfu, oziroma elementarnem polju igre bo v nadaljevanju podrobneje opisan s pomočjo slik, ki prikazujejo:The compact golf system for golf play and training, based on the length of the maximum golf stroke or elementary field of play, will be described in more detail below with the help of pictures showing:

slika 1 - tloris igrišča za kompakten golf sistem slika 2 - tabelo za vpisovanje doseženih točk pri igliFigure 1 - Ground plan for a compact golf system Figure 2 - A needle entry table

Slika 1 prikazuje igrišče kompaktnega golfa, kije sestavljen od najmanj enega elementarnega polja Pl ali več elementarnih polj Pl, P2, itn. v eni ravnini. Osnovni element igrišča je elementarno polje. Igrišča so lahko zgrajena od enega ali več elementarnih polj, ki so kombinirana v eni ali več ravnin. Na sliki 1 je prikazana kombinacija dveh polj v eni ravnini, kjer se polja prekrivajo v končnih delih v območju radiusa R. Osnovna večravninska kombinacija je sestavljena iz več enoravninskih kombinacij in je na ta način možno graditi različna igrišča za golf. Osnovno, komparativno, velikost sestavljenih igrišč kompaktnega golfa, ki se lahko primeija s celim igriščem klasičnega golfa od 9 do 18 polj, nadomešča elementarno polje kompaktnega golfa. Kombinacija horizontalnih, vertikalnih in mešanih elementov teh polj nadomeščajo analogno kombinacijo več igrišč klasičnega golfa, ki ni poznana iz prakse. Zaradi tega zadostuje prikaz elementarnega polja, ki v bistvu nadomešča celo igrišče klasičnega golfa sestavljenega iz 9 do 18 polj. Ker v športu obstaja naravna zveza pravil igre in igrišča, tudi v tem primeru je potrebno prilagoditi pravila igre novemu igrišču. Igrišče in pravila igre kompaktnega golfa predstavljajo skupaj sistem igre kompaktnega golfa.Figure 1 shows a compact golf course consisting of at least one elementary field Pl or more elementary fields Pl, P2, etc. in one plane. The basic element of the pitch is the elemental field. Playgrounds may be constructed of one or more elementary fields that are combined in one or more planes. Figure 1 shows a combination of two fields in one plane, where the fields overlap in the end sections within the radius R. The basic multi-plane combination consists of several single-plane combinations and thus different golf courses can be built. The basic, comparative, size of compound golf courses, which can be compared to the entire golf course from 9 to 18 fields, replaces the elementary field of compact golf. The combination of horizontal, vertical and mixed elements of these fields replace the analogous combination of several golf courses not known in practice. For this reason, it is sufficient to show the elementary field, which essentially replaces the entire golf course consisting of 9 to 18 fields. Because in sports there is a natural link between the rules of the game and the pitch, even in this case it is necessary to adjust the rules of the game to the new pitch. The golf course and rules of play are together the system of compact golf.

Igrišče kompaktnega golfa je sestavljeno iz enega elementarnega polja Pl ali kombinacije več elementarnih polj Pl, P2, itn, ki so omejena z ograjo O. V igrišče se pride skozi vhod U do klubske stavbe C. Cela igra ali trening poteka na enem elementarnem polju Pl. Elementarno polje Pl je neravna površina, kije naravno ali umetno oblikovana. Dimenzije polja v obeh primerih se določijo po maksimalnih razdaljah, kijih doseže žogica. Dolžina polja se določi po maksimalnem dosegu žogice, kije udaijena iz mesta T za začetni udarec v smeri najdaljše osi polja ozrima polja močnih udarcev JU pred mestom T, ki ji je dodana dolžina polja šibkih udarcev SU zadaj za mestom T. Danes možni maksimalno močni udarci omejujejo dolžino polja na približno 225 metrov. Če se tej dolžini doda dolžina polja šibkih udarcev od 25 metrov se dobi maksimalna dolžina elementarnega polja od 250 metrov. To dimenzijo je možno po potrebi prilagoditi maksimalnim udarcem igralcev in kvaliteti opreme. Širino polja določa maksimalen odmik od poti žogic z ozirom na moč udarcev, kot v klasičnem golfu. Širina polja je lahko spremenljiva in se prilagaja konfiguraciji terena. Pravilne meje polja v obliki trapeza kot prikazuje slika 1 so lahko ena od oblik polja, kije najbolj pogosta pri igriščih od umetnih materialov.The compact golf course consists of a single elemental field Pl or a combination of several elementary fields Pl, P2, etc., which are bounded by fence O. The course leads through the entrance U to the club building C. The whole game or training takes place on one elementary field Pl . The elementary field Pl is an uneven surface that is naturally or artificially shaped. The field dimensions in both cases are determined by the maximum distances the ball reaches. The length of the field is determined by the maximum reach of the ball, which is removed from the starting point T in the direction of the longest axis of the field, takes the field of strong blows JU before the place T, to which the length of the weak field SU behind the place T. is added. limit the length of the field to about 225 meters. If this length is added to the field of weak strokes of 25 meters, the maximum elementary field length of 250 meters is obtained. This dimension can be adjusted to the maximum impact of players and the quality of equipment, as needed. The width of the field determines the maximum distance from the path of the balls in terms of the impact power, as in classic golf. The width of the field can be variable and adapt to the terrain configuration. Correct trapezoidal field boundaries, as shown in Figure 1, may be one of the most common field forms for plastic materials.

Elementarno polje Pl kompaktnega golfa vsebuje vse pasti in ovire v naravni velikosti, ki so na naravnih poljih klasičnega golfa. To so vozne ovire W in peščene ovire S. Konstrukcijske spremembe na polju kompaktnega golfa v primerjavi s poljem v klasičnem golfu so v mestu za začetni udarec T in oznak na polju. Mesto za začetni udarec T je urejeno mesto, lahko tudi z nadstrešnico, s katerega lahko istočasno začenja igro več igralcev. Število igralcev, ki lahko istočasno igrajo, določa širina mesta za začetni udarec in širina polja.The Compact Golf Pl elemental field contains all the traps and obstacles of a natural size that are found in the natural fields of classic golf. These are the driving obstacles W and the sand obstacles S. The structural changes in the field of compact golf compared to the field in classic golf are in place for the initial impact of T and the marks on the field. The kick start point T is a tidy place, even with a canopy, from which multiple players can start playing at the same time. The number of players who can play at the same time is determined by the width of the starting point and the width of the field.

Oznake na polju so konstrukcijske dopolnitve, ki jih v klasičnem golfu ni. To so oznake dolžine udarcev U, oznake lukenj H za igro zadetkov v enem poizkusu, ter oznake mozaika M. Oznake dolžine udarcev U so oznake na polju, ki označujejo dolžino v metrih od mesta za začetni udarec T. S pomočjo teh oznak igralci odčitavajo doseženo dolžino in dolžino naslednjega udarca. Koje cilj igralcev spraviti žogico iz začetnega mesta T v luknjo H, ima le ta zastavico. Pozicija te luknje ni nujno vedno na istem mestu in jo je možno tudi prestaviti po polju skupaj z zastavico.Field markings are structural additions that are not found in classic golf. These are stroke length markers U, hole marks H for one-hit play, and mosaic markers M. stroke length marks are field markers that indicate the length in meters of the starting point T. The readings made by the players indicate the achievement the length and length of the next stroke. Which player's goal to get the ball from the starting point T to the H hole has only that flag. The position of this hole may not always be in the same place and can also be moved around the box along with the flag.

Mozaik M je konstrukcijska rešitev igrišča, ki omogoča prehode iz faze igre z močnimi udarci v fazo igre s preciznimi udarci oziroma končnih udarcev PG. Udarci proti mozaiku M se izvajajo tako, da se z enim udarcem spravi žogica v luknjo z zastavico. Če igralec žogico ne spravi v luknjo z enim udarcem, se odčita pozicija v mozaiku, kjer se je žogica ustavila. Razdalja žogice do luknje je izhodišče za končni udarec na polju končnih udarcev PG. Na enem polju je lahko označen en ali več mozaikov, kar je odvisno od velikosti igrišča oziroma števila igralcev, ki so lahko istočasno v igri. Oznake mozaika so koncentrične krožnice premera 1, 2, 3,... metrov, ki imajo v središču luknjo z zastavico. Oznake mozaika so lako tudi drugi pravilni geometrijski liki, ki so enakomerno razporejeni okoli luknje. Na polju preciznih udarcev SU sta dva manjša polja, prvo je polje za končne udarce PG, drugo pa polje za izhod iz peska ST. Polje za končne udarce PG je označeno z nepravilno krivuljo, ki zapira prostor v katerem so luknje označene z zastavicami. Prvi končni udarec se izvaja s točke na zaprti krivulji proti luknji, kije oddaljena od luknje toliko, kot je bilo izmeijeno v mozaiku M. Če žogica konča v luknji s prvim poizkusom, je igra končana, če pa ne, se nadaljuje poizkus iz mesta, kjer seje žogica ustavila.Mosaic M is a construction solution of the pitch that allows transitions from the high-impact phase to the precision phase or PG final phase. The strikes against the mosaic M are performed by throwing the ball into the flag hole with one stroke. If the player does not put the ball into the hole with one stroke, the position in the mosaic where the ball has stopped is read. The distance of the ball to the hole is the starting point for the final blow in the PG final strike field. One or more mosaics can be marked on one field, depending on the size of the pitch or the number of players that can be in the game at the same time. The mosaic markings are concentric circles of 1, 2, 3, ... meters in diameter, with a flag hole in the center. Mosaic markings are easily other regular geometric shapes evenly spaced around the hole. There are two smaller fields in the SU Precision Impact Field, the first is the PG Final Impact Box and the second is the ST Sand Exit Box. The PG end impact box is marked by an irregular curve that closes the space in which the holes are marked with flags. The first final blow is made from the point on the closed curve against the hole, which is as far from the hole as the mosaic M. The ball ends in the hole with the first attempt, the game is over, but if not, the attempt from the city continues. where the ball stopped.

Polje za izhod iz peska ST je sestavljeno iz jame s peskom in ravnega dela, kije omejen z zaprto linijo. Ko v teku igre na polju močnih udarcev žogica pade v eno od peščenih pasti S, se igra nadaljuje v polju ST in tako igralcem ni treba hoditi v samo polje močnih udarcev. Igralec v polju ST za izhod iz peska meče žogico čez ramo v jamo s peskom in z udarci palice poizkuša vreči žogico na ravni omejeni del. Igra v polju ST traja vse dokler igralec ne vrže žogice iz jame s peskom. Če žogica udari ob ograjo polja ST ali skoči čez ograjo tega polja, se igra nadaljuje dokler žogica ni pravilno vržena na raven del polja ST in se pri tem ne dotika ograje.The ST sand exit box consists of a sand pit and a flat part bounded by a closed line. When a ball falls into one of the S's sand traps during a high-impact field, the game continues in the ST field, so players do not have to go into the high-impact field alone. The ST thrower throws a ball over his shoulder into the pit of sand and tries to throw the ball on a flat, restricted area with the stroke of a stick. Playing in the ST box lasts until the player throws a ball out of the sand pit. If the ball strikes the ST field fence or jumps over the ST field fence, play continues until the ball is properly thrown to a straight section of the ST field without touching the fence.

Pravila igre kompaktnega golfa se nekoliko razlikujejo od pravil igre klasičnega golfa. Pri igri kompaktnega golfa ni sprememb v izvajanju udarcev, ki se izvajajo na enak način, kot pri klasičnem golfu. Palice in žogice so ravno tako enake. Razlika v vsebini igre je v tem, da igralci ne sledijo žogici v polje močnih udarcev. Izvajanje vseh močnih udarcev je iz mesta T za začetek igre. Po izvajanju začetnega udarca igralec s pomočjo optičnih in elektronskih naprav, registrira mesto, kjer seje žogica ustavila. Žogice na terenu se poberejo občasno. Na osnovi lege žogice na terenu se planirajo in izvajajo naslednji udarci. Na ta način se izvajajo vse faze igre in treniranja golfa. Končni udarci, oziroma precizni udarci s ciljem, da žogica konča v luknji, se izvajajo na poljih za končne udarce PG, ki so nameščeni na nasprotni strani od začetnega mesta T. Spremembe in dopolnitve posameznih pravil igre kompaktnega golfa je možno prikazati s pomočjo sistema točkovanja, kije prikazan na sliki 2.The rules of compact golf play are slightly different from the rules of classic golf. In compact golf, there is no change in the impact that is performed in the same way as in classic golf. The sticks and balls are just the same. The difference in the content of the game is that players do not follow the ball into the field of high impact. Running all the power punches is from the T spot to start the game. After performing the initial blow, the player registers the spot where the ball stopped sitting using optical and electronic devices. Field balls are picked up occasionally. The following kicks are planned and executed based on the position of the ball on the field. This is how all stages of golf play and coaching are done. Final strokes and / or precision strokes with the aim of finishing the ball in the hole are made on the PG finishing strokes that are located opposite the starting point T. Changes and additions to the individual rules of the compact golf game can be shown by the scoring system , which is shown in Figure 2.

Točkovna kartica je dokument s katero se definirajo parametri igre, se sledi toku igre in ugotovitvi končnega rezultata. V igri golfa sodelujeta dva igralca ali dva para igralcev. Vsak igralec ima na začetku enako kartico in v njo vpisuje rezultate, ki jih v posamezin fazah igre dosega. Kot prikazuje slika 2 ima točkovna kartica označena polja, število udarcev, dolžina, kjer je radeljeno na dolžine, kijih dosežejo moški in dolžine kijih dosežejo ženske.A point card is a document that defines the parameters of the game, tracks the game and determines the end result. Two golfers or two pairs of players participate in a golf game. Each player initially has the same card and records the results he or she achieves in each phase of the game. As shown in Figure 2, the point card has marked boxes, the number of strokes, the length where it is drawn to the lengths reached by men and the lengths reached by women.

V prvi koloni so vpisane števike polj od 1 do 9 ali 18 odvisno od tega, koliko iger je. V drugi stolpec se vpisuje število udarcev, ki jih je igralec potreboval za dosego določene lege žogice. V tretji stolpec se vpisuje dolžina, ki sojo dosegli moški igralci in v četrti stolpec se vpisuje dolžina, ki so jo dosegle ženske igralke. V petem stolpcu se vpisjujejo rezultati posameznih faz igre. Sesti stolpec je za vpisovanje seštevka točk po posameznih vrsticah.The first column lists the numbers from 1 to 9 or 18, depending on how many games there are. The second column lists the number of strokes it took to reach a particular ball position. In the third column is entered the length reached by the male players and in the fourth column is entered the length reached by the female actresses. The fifth column shows the results of each phase of the game. The sixth column is for entering points by line.

Pojem polje” v igri kompaktnega golfa se nanaša na polje zamišljene in/ali dogovoijene dolžine.The term "field" in a compact golf game refers to a field of imagined and / or agreed length.

V tretji in četrti stolpec se vpisujejo zamišljene razdalje od mesta T za začetni udarec do zamišljenih lukenj na posameznih poljih v metrih. Te dolžine so lahko daljše, krajše ali večje od dejanskih dolžin elementarnega polja. Ponavadi je vseh 9 ali 18 polj različno dolgih in se njihova dolžina določa pred začetkom igre in se vpisujejo v tretji in četrti stolpec. Na osnovi dolžin posameznih polj vpisanih v tretji in četrti stolpec se predvidi število potrebnih udarcev za vsako polje in se vpisuje v drugi stolpec.In the third and fourth columns enter the imaginary distances from the place T for the initial impact to the imaginary holes in the individual fields in meters. These lengths may be longer, shorter, or greater than the actual elementary field lengths. Usually all 9 or 18 boxes are different lengths and their length is determined before the start of the game and they are entered in the third and fourth columns. Based on the lengths of the individual fields entered in the third and fourth columns, the number of strokes required for each field is predicted and entered in the second column.

Točkovna kartica z vpisanimi podatki v prvem, drugem, tretjem in četrtem stolpcu vsebuje cilje, ki jih igralci poizkušajo doseči po pravilih klasičnega golfa. Ker kompaktno igrišče za golf ne omogoča vseh pravil igre značilnih za klasičen golf, se v fazah, kjer je to potrebno prilagodijo tudi pravila in točkovanje. Rezultati igre karakteristične za kompaktni golf se vnašajo v peti stolpec.The scorecard containing the entries in columns 1, 2, 3 and 4 contains the goals that players are trying to achieve according to the rules of classic golf. Since the compact golf course does not allow all the rules of the game typical of classic golf, the rules and scoring are adjusted in stages where necessary. The results of the game characteristic of compact golf are entered in the fifth column.

Razlike med igro klasičnega golfa in kompaktnega golfa v igri sami in točkovanju so v naslednjih fazah:The differences between classic golf and compact golf in-game golf and scoring are in the following stages:

V igri kompaktnega golfa je dolžina polja fiktivna dolžina, ki jo mora žogica udaijena iz mesta T premagati in sicer tako, da se dolžine posameznih udarcev seštevajo. Zaradi tega je potrebno razen števila udarcev v vsakem polju, vpisati dolžino v metrih vsakega udarca v tem polju zaradi planiranja naslednjih udarcev in vpisati s koliko udarcev je igralec spravil žogico v luknjo. Število udarcev s katerimi je igralec premagal zadnjo dolžino se upisuje na koncu vrstice v rubriko dolžina. Dolžino udarca v igi kompaktnega golfa v polju močnih udarcev ni možno natančno določiti podobno, kot pri klasičnem golfu. V klasičnem golfu igralec pride do žogice in ni potrebno oceniti dolžino. V igri kompaktnega golfa igralec fizično ne sledi žogici v polju močnih udarcev in je potrebno definirati odstopanje v točnosti odčitane dolžine udarca. To se najlažje doseže z merjenjem dolžine udarca od začetnega mesta T do linije, ki označuje mesto ustavljanja žogic ah pa linije, ki jo je žogica zadnjo prešla. To priznano dolžino se sešteva z že priznanimi dolžinami prejšnjih udarcev in se odvzame od v začetku določene ciljne dolžine polja. Na ta način se oceni dolžina polja, ki jo je potrebno premagati ter obstaja možnost planiranja števila preostalih udarvcev. V igri kompaktnega golfa se točkuje vsak udarec, kot v igri klasičnega golfa. Celotna dolžina doseženih udarcev mora biti enaka ali večja od ciljne dolžine polja. Če je seštevek priznanih udarcev večji od ciljne dolžine polja za dolžino raznika dveh oznak na polju, se doda vsoti udarcev še en udarec. Če je ta razlika še večja, velja pravilo, da se seštevku vseh udarcev doda toliko udarcev za kolikor dolžin razdelkov polja je seštevek priznanih udarcev večji od ciljne dolžine polja. Na ta način seštevek udarcev, kije sestavljen od priznanih udarcev in kaznenih udarcev za prekoračitev dolžine se vpisuje na koncu vrste pod rubriko dolžina.In the game of compact golf, the length of the field is a fictitious length that must be beaten by the ball from the spot T by adding the lengths of the individual strokes. For this reason, apart from the number of strokes in each field, it is necessary to enter the length in meters of each stroke in this field in order to plan the next strokes and to enter with how many strokes the player put the ball in the hole. The number of strokes that the player has beaten the last length is entered at the end of the line in the length section. The length of the stroke in a compact golf course in a high impact field cannot be determined exactly like in the case of conventional golf. In classic golf, the player gets to the ball and no length is required. In compact golf, the player does not physically follow the ball in the field of high impact, and it is necessary to define a deviation in the accuracy of the read stroke length. This is most easily achieved by measuring the length of impact from the starting point T to the line marking the stopping point of the balls ah and the line that the ball crossed the last. This recognized length is summed up by the previously recognized lengths of previous strokes and subtracted from the beginning of the specified target field length. In this way, the length of the field to be overcome is estimated and there is a possibility of plotting the number of remaining impacts. Compact golf scores every punch, just like in classic golf. The total length of strokes scored must be equal to or greater than the target length of the field. If the total of the recognized hits is greater than the target length of the field by the length of the difference between the two marks in the field, a further blow shall be added to the sum of the hits. If this difference is even greater, the rule applies that the total number of strokes be added to the total number of strokes for as long as the length of the sections of the field is the sum of the recognized strokes greater than the target length of the field. In this way, the sum of the strokes, consisting of recognized strokes and punches for exceeding the length, is entered at the end of the row under the heading length.

*w** w *

Ce žogica pade v eno od peščenih pasti S na polju močnih udarcev, se prizna dolžina od mesta za T do prve naslednje oznake na polju, ki seka ali dotika peščeno past. ta dolžina se vpisuje v prvo vrstico petega stolpca. Igralec ne odhaja na polje močnih udarcev ampak nadaljuje igro pobega iz peščene pasti na polju ST. Pobeg iz peščene pasti na polju ST igralec izvaja tako, da pride k peščeni jami, obme hrbet in vrže žogico čez rame v njo. Potem se spusti v peščeno jamo in z udarci palice meče žogico ven na travnati del polja ST. Za pravilni udarec se šteje tisti, ki spravi žogico iz peščene jame na travnati del polja ST in sicer tako, da ostane žogica znatraj polja ST in se ne dotika ograje tega polja. Vsi ostali udarci se štejejo za nepravilne in se prištejejo skupnem rezultatu. Udarci v polju ST se upisujejo v vrstico st. Skupno število udarcev v polju ST se upisuje v peti stolpec na koncu vrste za pripadajoče polje. Če žogica pade v vodno past W se prizna dolžina udarca T, katerega zadnja oznaka oddaljenosti od mesta T seka ali dotika vodno poast W. Za udarce, ki so spravili žogico v vodno past, se prišteje en kazenski udarec, ki se ne izvaja. Če žogica tekom igre pade izven meja polja se ne prizna dosežena dolžina udarca pri čemer se sam udarec upošteva. V tem primeru se igra nadaljuje tako, da igralec izvaja udarec iz mesta T do prve oznake oddaljenosti pri čemer se prišteje en kazenski udarec. Če igralec tekom igre namenoma ali slučajno spravi žogico na pozicijo H v enem samem poizkusu, se igra v tem polju konča. Šteje se, da je ta igralec dosegel cilj z enim samim udarcem ne glede na to, koliko regularnih in kazenskih udarcev je do tedaj že izvedel.If the ball falls into one of the sand traps S in the impact field, the length from the spot T to the first next mark in the field that cuts or touches the sand trap is recognized. this length is entered in the first row of the fifth column. The player does not go to the field of high blows but continues the game of escape from the sand trap in the ST field. The player escapes from a sand trap in the ST field by coming to a sand pit, wrap his back, and throw a ball over his shoulder into it. Then it drops into the sand pit and, with the stroke of the stick, throws the ball out onto the grassy part of the ST field. The correct blow is considered to be that which puts the ball out of the sand pit on the grassy part of the ST field, so that the ball stays beyond the ST field and does not touch the fence of that field. All other strokes are considered incorrect and added to the total score. The strokes in the ST box are entered in line st. The total number of hits in the ST field is entered in the fifth column at the end of the row for the associated field. If the ball falls into the water trap W, the length of the impact T shall be recognized, the last mark of the distance from the point T intersecting or touching the water poo W. One punch shall be added to the impact that put the ball into the water trap, which shall not be performed. If the ball falls outside the boundary of the field during the game, the achieved stroke length is not recognized and the impact is taken into account. In this case, the game is resumed by striking the player from the T spot to the first distance mark, with one penalty kick added. If a player intentionally or accidentally puts the ball in position H in a single attempt, the game ends in that box. This player is considered to have hit the target with a single shot no matter how many regular and penalty kicks he has already completed.

Igra kompaktnega golfa v enem polju se lahko konča na tri načine. Prvi je ta, da z enim udarcem iz mesta T spravi žogica v luknjo na poziciji H. Rezultat igre v tem polju je en udarec. Drugi način konca igre v enem polju je, da se žogico spravi v eno ljuknjo v mozaiku M. Če se igra ni končala na prvi način, se začetek igre, po zadnjem udarcu za premagovanje dolžine, prenese na mozaik M. Cilj igre v enem polju klasičnega golfa je zadeti luknjo na koncu tega polja. Da bi se ta lastnost ohranila tudi v kompaktem goliu, se končni udarec izvaja iz mesta T proti luknji v mozaiku M, ne glede na odstopanja seštevka dolžin vseh udarcev v polju od ciljne dolžnine. Če igralec spravi žogico v luknjo v mozaiku M se igra konča. Rezultat igre je seštevek vseh regularnih in kazenskih udarcev, ki so bili doseženi pri premagovanju dolžine polja, peščenih in vodnih zank in udarcu proti mozaiku M. Tretji način za zaključek igre v enem polju je ta, da se žogica z udarcem spravi v luknjo na polju za izvajanje končnih udarcev PG. Če se igra v polju ni zaključila na drugi način, z enim udarcem zadetek luknje v mozaiku M, se igra nadaljuje s ponavljanem udarcev proti mozaiku M s ciljem, da se pridobi pozicija za izvajanje končnih udarcev na polju končnih udarcev PG. Če se žogica ustavi izven mozaika M, se udarec ponavlja dokler se žogica ne ustavi znotraj polja M ali v luknji v središču mozaika M. Če se v enem od ponovljenih udarcev žogice, se igra konča po vPlaying compact golf in one box can be completed in three ways. The first is to take the ball into the hole at position H with one stroke from T. The result of the game in this box is one stroke. Another way to end the game in one box is to put the ball in one hole in mosaic M. If the game did not end the first way, the beginning of the game, after the last stroke to overcome the length, is transferred to the mosaic M. The goal of the game in one box classic golf is to hit the hole at the end of this field. In order to maintain this property even in compact goli, the final blow is carried out from the location T towards the hole in the mosaic M, regardless of the deviations of the sum of the lengths of all the strokes in the field from the target length. If the player puts the ball in the hole in the mosaic M, the game ends. The result of the game is the sum of all the regular and penalty shots that were achieved in overcoming the length of the field, sand and water loops and hitting the mosaic M. The third way to end the game in one box is to get the ball into the hole in the field to perform PG final punches. Unless otherwise completed in the field by one stroke of a hole in the mosaic M, the game continues with repeated strokes against the mosaic M with the aim of obtaining a position to execute final strokes in the field of final strokes of PG. If the ball stops outside the mosaic M, the blow is repeated until the ball stops inside the field M or in the hole in the center of the mosaic M. If in one of the repeated strokes of the ball, the game ends after v

drugem načinu za konec igre. Število udarcev proti mozaiku se vpisuje v tabelo na točkovni kartici v petem stolpcu v tretji vrstici pripadajočega polja. Tudi po tretjem načinu končanja igre se seštejejo vsi udarci v polju PG in se vpišejo v tabelo v peti stolpec in četrti vrstici pripadajočega polja. Igrišča kompaktnega golfa so lahko postavljena v naravno okolje, kot klasičen golf. Polja kompaktnega golfa so lahko zgrajena tudi umetno, kot na primer s kombinacijo večnivojskih polj, izdelana s polmočjo umetnih materialov.another way to end the game. The number of strokes against the mosaic is entered in the table on the scorecard in the fifth column in the third row of the corresponding field. Even after the third method of ending the game, all the hits in the PG field are summed up and entered in the table in the fifth column and the fourth row of the corresponding field. Compact golf courses can be set up in a natural environment like classic golf. Compact golf courses can also be constructed artificially, such as by combining multi-level golf courses made with artificial materials.

Claims (2)

PATENTNA ZAHTEVKAPATENT APPLICATION Kompaktni golf sistem za igro in treniranje golfa, kije sestavljen od enega elementarnega polja ali horizontalnih, vertikalnih ali horizontalno-vertikalnih kombinacij elementarnih polj in pravil igre kompaktnega golfa, označen s tem, daje igrišče za vse faze igre in treniranja golfa narejeno od enega elementranega polja razdeljenega v polje (JU) močnih udarcev, katerega dolžina je enaka maksimalno možni vodoravni dolžini poti žogice, ki jo igralec tiste kategorije za katero je igrišče grajeno, udari s palico na mestu (T) v smeri najdaljše osi polja, da polje vsebuje vodne pasti (W), peščene pasti (S), luknjo (H) z zastavico za zadetek žogice v enem pizkusu, mozaike (M), ki so sestavljeni iz luknje z zastavico okoli katerih so opisani koncentrični krogi oziroma dvoosno simetrični geometrijski liki, oznak za razdaljo (U) od mesta (T) za začetni udarec, kjer lahko več igralcev istočasno izvaja udarce, oznak mej (G) polj in polj (SU) preciznih udarcev, da so polja (SU) sestavljena od polj za izhod iz peščene pasti (ST), ki je sestavljena iz peščene jame, ravnega dela polja, ograje polja in polja (PG) za začetne udarce, kije omejena z nepravilno zaprto krivuljo znotraj katere so luknje z zastavico.Compact golf system for golf play and training consisting of a single elemental field or horizontal, vertical or horizontal-vertical combinations of elementary fields and rules of compact golf game, characterized in that the golf course is made of one elementary field for all phases of golf play and training. divided into a field (JU) of heavy blows, the length of which is equal to the maximum horizontal length of the ball path that the player of the category for which the pitch is constructed, strikes with a stick at the location (T) in the direction of the longest axis of the field, so that the field contains water traps (W), sand traps (S), hole (H) with flag for hitting a ball in one pick, mosaics (M) consisting of a hole with a flag around which concentric circles or two-axis symmetrical geometric figures are described, distance markers (U) from the location (T) of the initial strike, where multiple players may simultaneously strike, field boundaries (G) and precision impact fields (SU) to be fields (SU) s consisting of a sand trap (ST) exit field consisting of a sand pit, a flat section of the field, a field fence, and a field (PG) for initial shocks, bounded by an irregularly closed curve within which are flag holes. 2. Kompakten golf sistem za igro in trening golfa, katerega pravila se razlikujejo od pravil igre klasičnega golfa po zahtevku 1, označen s tem, da igralci po izvajanju udarcev fizično ne sledijo žogici v polje (JU) močnih udarcev, da igralci poizkušajo doseči zastavljeno dolžino polja s predvidim številom udarcev za to polje s seštevanjem posameznih udarcev, da se po izvajanju udarca za premagovanje zastavljene dolžine polja nadaljuje z izvajanjem udarcev po enem od mozaikov (M) da bi dosegli pozicijo za izvajanje prvega udarca v polju (PG), da se igra v enem konča, ko je žogica v zastavljeni luknji ali z naslednjim udarcem s pozicije kjer se je žogica zaustavila, da se dolžina udarca odčita s pomočjo oznak (U) za oddaljenost od mesta (T) za začetni udarec, da se za seštevek dolžin v enem polju, kije večji od zastavljene dolžine polja prišteva dodaten kazneni udarec za vsako prekoračitev, kije večje od dveh sosednjih oznak (U), da se prizna razdalja žogice, ki pristane v peščeni pasti (S) in to razdalja od mesta (T) za začetni udarec ali dotika peščeno zamko (S), da se izhod iz peščene zanke (S) vrši v polju (ST) izvajanjem pravilnega udarca s katerim se žogica spravi na travnati del polja (ST), daje udarec nepravilen, če je žogica izven polja (ST) ali se dotika ograje polja (ST), da se prizna dolžina udarca žogice v vodni pasti (W) in to tista dolžina ki od mesta (T) seka ali dotika vodno past (W) ter se dodaja en kazenski udarec, ki se ne izvaja, da ni priznana dolžina udarca žogice, ki se ustavi izven meja polja močnih udarcev (JU) in se v tem primeru igra nadaljuje z izvajanjem začetnega udarca do prve oznake oddaljenosti od mesta za začetni udarec (T) ter se seštevku udarcev dodaja en kazenski udarec, da igralec konča igro v enem polju v primeru, da iz mesta za začetni udarec (T) spravi žogico v luknjo na mestu (H) in se v tem primeru računa, da je igralec dosegel cilj z enim udarcem ne glede na to koliko regularnih udarcev je do tedaj naredil v tem polju, da igralec konča igro v enem polju, ko z udarcem iz mesta (T) poizkuša spraviti žogico z enim samim udarcem v luknjo (H) v tem primeru se računa, daje igralec izpeljal vse naloge v tem polju ne glede na to koliko je imel regularnih in kazenskih udarcev, toda, če ni končal igro z zadetkom v luknjo na poziciji (H) iz pozicije (T) lahko v nadaljevanju igre konča z zadetkom žogice v luknjo izbranega mozaika (M) z udarcem iz mesta (T) pri čemer je rezultat igre v tem polju vsota regularnih in kazenskih udarcev v tem polju, če v tem polju igralec še ni končal igro, jo mora končati z udarcem v polju (PG) končnih udarcev po tem, ko je z udarcem v polju proti mozaiku (M) pridobil pozicijo v mozaiku, oziroma oddaljenost žogice v mozaiku (M) od luknje v tem mozaiku, s katere bo izvajal udarec z roba tega polja proti luknji, ki je v polju (PG) oddaljena od roba polja toliko, kolikor je bila oddaljena žogica od luknje v mozaiku (M), da igralec naslednje udarce izvaja iz pozicij, kjer se žogica ustavi do končnega zadetka v luknjo, daje rezultat v tem polju vsota regularnih in kazenskih udarcev v tem polju.2. Compact golf golf course and training system, the rules of which differ from the rules of the classic golf game according to claim 1, characterized in that the players do not physically follow the ball into the field (JU) after hitting the ball, in order to try to reach the set goal the length of the field with the estimated number of strokes for that field by summing the individual strokes so that after performing the blow to overcome the set length of the field, continue to perform strokes on one of the mosaics (M) in order to reach the position for performing the first field stroke (PG); is played in one end when the ball is in the hole or with the next stroke from the position where the ball stopped to read the length of the stroke by means of the markings (U) from the distance (T) for the initial blow to add up lengths in one field greater than the set field length counts an additional penalty kick for each overshoot greater than two adjacent marks (U) to acknowledge the distance of the ball, k i lands in the sand trap (S) and this distance from the starting point (T) for the initial impact or touching the sand trap (S) to exit the sand loop (S) in the field (ST) by performing the correct blow to bring the ball to grass field (ST), strikes irregularly when the ball is out of field (ST) or touches the field fence (ST) to acknowledge the length of impact of the ball in the water trap (W) and that length which is out of place (T ) cuts or touches the water trap (W) and adds one penalty kick that is not performed, that the ball's length is not recognized, which stops outside the boundaries of the high impact field (JU), in which case the game resumes the initial impact to the first mark of the distance from the starting point (T) and one penalty kick is added to the total to hit the player to end the game in one box if he drops the ball into the hole at the starting point (T) and in this case, the player is counted on to hit the target with one hit no matter how many controls by that time he has made in this box that the player ends the game in one box when trying to hit the ball with one single shot into the hole (H) in that case it counts that the player has completed all the tasks in regardless of how many regular and penalty shots he had, but if he did not finish the game by hitting the hole in position (H) from position (T), he may end up hitting the ball into the hole of the selected mosaic (M) with city kicks (T) where the result of a game in this box is the sum of regular and penalty kicks in that box, if in this box the player has not finished the game then must end it with a field kick (PG) of the final kicks after by striking in the mosaic (M) field, obtain the position in the mosaic, or the distance of the ball in the mosaic (M) from the hole in that mosaic, from which it will strike from the edge of this field towards the hole in the field (PG) away from the edge fields as far as the ball away from the hole in the mosaic (M), yes the player performs the following kicks from the position where the ball stops until the final shot into the hole, giving the result in this box the sum of regular and penalty kicks in that box.
SI9110977A 1991-06-03 1991-06-03 Compact golf system SI9110977A (en)

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* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
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US5431402A (en) * 1993-12-28 1995-07-11 Aguilera; Miguel Golf course
US5490671A (en) * 1995-04-26 1996-02-13 Picard; Roy W. Target gold course and game
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Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US3599980A (en) * 1968-11-22 1971-08-17 Jesse E Harmond Concentrated golf game
US4572512A (en) * 1982-09-30 1986-02-25 Tegart Harold G Golf course

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