SI8610053A8 - Process for marking granulated agent for improving washing agents - Google Patents

Process for marking granulated agent for improving washing agents Download PDF


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SI8610053A8 SI8610053A SI8610053A SI8610053A8 SI 8610053 A8 SI8610053 A8 SI 8610053A8 SI 8610053 A SI8610053 A SI 8610053A SI 8610053 A SI8610053 A SI 8610053A SI 8610053 A8 SI8610053 A8 SI 8610053A8
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ethylene oxide
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Manfred Diehl
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Publication of SI8610053A8 publication Critical patent/SI8610053A8/en



  • Detergent Compositions (AREA)




Oblast tehnikeTechnical field

Pronalazak je iz oblasti proizvodnje sredstava za pranje i odnosi se na postupak za proizvodnju novog granuliranog sredstva, koje služi 'za pobolj sanje sredstava za pranje,koja ne sadrže fosfate.The invention relates to the manufacture of detergents and relates to a process for the production of a new granular detergent, which is used to improve phosphate-free detergents.

Tehnički problemTechnical problem

Tehnički problem koji se rešava ovim pronalaskom je u torne kako proizvesti granulirano sredstvo,koje služi kao zamena za fosfat u sredstvima za pranje, koje bi se moglo bez problema mešati sa ostalim sastojcima sredstava za pranje a pri tom imalo visoku sposobnost apsorpcije vode i tenzida, zatim koje bi se moglo dobro ponovo disDergovati,i imalo veoma malu količinu prašine.A technical problem to be solved by the present invention is how to produce a granular agent, which serves as a substitute for phosphate in detergents, which can be easily mixed with other constituents of detergents while having a high ability to absorb water and surfactants. then which could be well re-disordered and had a very small amount of dust.

Stanje tehnikeThe state of the art

Poznati su postupci za proizvodnju praškastih zeolita tipa A,koji se kao zamena za fosfat upotrebljavaju u sredstvima za pranje. Medutim zbog male veličine čestica ova zamena fosfata ima sklonost ka aglomeraciji i teško se meša sa ostalim sastojcima sredstava za pranje.Methods for the production of type A powdered zeolites are known and are used as a substitute for phosphate in detergents. However, due to the small particle size, this phosphate substitution has a tendency to agglomerate and is difficult to mix with other detergent ingredients.

Takode je poznato da se natrijum sulfat primenjuje za tretiranje zeolitnih suspenzi ja,koje se zatim raspršivanjem suše i granuliraju, a zatim mešaju sa ostalim sastojcima sredstava za pranje(vidi E°-OS 870 Kali-Chemie).Sodium sulfate is also known to be used to treat zeolite suspensions, which are then spray dried and granulated and then mixed with other detergent ingredients (see E ° -OS 870 Kali-Chemie).

. . .. -:- 2 -- :. . .. -: - 2 -:

Svi ovi granulati zeolita proizvedeni poznatim postupcima medutim ne ispunjavaju sve potrebne uslove kao što su nesmanjena sposobnost vezivanja kalcijuma,dobra moč ponovnog dispergovanja,štabiInost priiikom transporta kao i stabilnost zrna.However, all of these zeolite granules produced by known methods do not meet all the necessary conditions, such as unchanged calcium binding ability, good re-dispersing power, transport stability and grain stability.

Od posebnog značaja je što je moguče manji sadržaj prašine.It is of particular importance that the dust content is as low as possible.

Stoga je postojala potreba da se pronade Dostupak koji bi omoaučio proizvodnju novog granuliranog sredstva, koje bi služilo kao zamena za fosfate u sredstvima za pranje, a koje bi zadovoljavalo sve gore navedene uslove.Therefore, there was a need to find a facility that would facilitate the production of a new granular agent, which would serve as a substitute for phosphates in detergents, which would satisfy all of the above conditions.


Navedeni tehički problemi u proizvodnju sredstava za pranje rešavaju se novim postupkom 2a izradu granuliranog sredstva za poboljšanje sredstava za pranje, koje sadrži 70 do 80 mas.% u vodi nerastvorljivog, za vezivanje kalcijuma sposobnog silikata u obliku fino usitnjenog,sintetički proizvoedenog,u vodi nerastvor1jivog kristalnog jedinjenja,koje sadrži vezanu vodu, a čija je opšta formula (Kat2/n0)x . Me203 . (SiO2)y (I), · u kojoj Kat označava sa kalcijumom zamenljivi katjon valentnosti n, x je broj od 0,7 do 1,5, Me je bor ili aluminijum , a y je broj od 0,8 do 6, a pored toga sadrži 4 do 5 mas.% natrijumsulfata, 2 do 3 mas.% nejonizovanog tenzida, do 1 mas.% alkalija i 0,5 do 1 mas.% karboksimetil celuloze i/ili metilceluloze dok je ostatak voda, koji se postupak odlikuje po torne što se vodenasta početna mešavina navedenih sestavnih delova,koja sadrži 50 do 65 masenih procenata vode, preko dizni raspršuje u jedan prostor, gde se zatim suši pomoču gasova za sušenj&čija je ulazna temperatura od.These technical problems in the production of detergents are solved by a new process 2a for the manufacture of a granular detergent enhancer containing 70 to 80% by weight in water-insoluble calcium-capable silicate in the form of finely divided, synthetically produced, water-insoluble of a crystalline compound containing bound water, the general formula of which is (Cat 2 / n 0) x . Me 2 0 3 . (SiO 2 ) y (I), · in which Kat denotes a calcium exchangeable cation of valence n, x is a number from 0.7 to 1.5, Me is boron or aluminum, and y is a number from 0.8 to 6, and in addition contains 4 to 5% by weight of sodium sulfate, 2 to 3% by weight of non-ionized surfactant, up to 1% by weight of alkali and 0.5 to 1% by weight of carboxymethyl cellulose and / or methylcellulose, while the rest of the water being characterized by the process The aqueous initial mixture of the aforementioned components, containing 50 to 65% by weight of water, is dispersed over a nozzle into one space, where it is then dried with the aid of drying gases & having an inlet temperature of.

150 do 280°C, a izlazna temperatura od 50 do 120°C, sve dok sadržaj vlage u mešavini 'ne spadne na 8 do 18 masenih procenata, pri čemu se taj sadržaj vlage može ukloniti na 145°C.150 to 280 ° C, and the outlet temperature from 50 to 120 ° C, until the moisture content of the mixture 'falls to 8 to 18 weight percent, whereby that moisture content can be removed at 145 ° C.

Komponenti prema formuli I može se uz puno prednosti dodati alu= minijumsilikat.Compounds of formula I may be advantageously added with alu = minium silicate.

U formuli I y može da označava jedan broj od 1,3 do 4.In formula I, y can denote a single number from 1.3 to 4.

Kristalna komponenta prema formuli I može, u jednom izvedbenom obliku kome se daje prednost da bude zeolit tipa A.The crystalline component of formula I may, in one embodiment, be preferred to be type A zeolite.

Aluminijumsilikat! prema formuli I mogu da budu prirodnog pore= kla ali isto tako i sintetički proizvedeni proizvodi, pri čemu se Sintetički proizvedenim proizvodima daje prednost. Oni se mo= gu proizvesti na primer putem reakcije u vodi rastvornih silika= ta sa u vodi rastvornim aluminatima u prisustvu vode. U tom ci= lju se mogu vodeni rastvori polaznih materija medjusobno pome= sati ili pak jedna od komponenata koja jeu čvrstom stanju reagu= je sa drugom koraponentom koja se nalazi u vodenom rastvoru. Me= djutim, isto tako mešanjem obeju komponenta, ako ,se one nalaze u čvrstom stanju, dobijaju se, u prisustvu vode, željeni alumi= nijumsilikati. Isto tako mogu se reakcijom A1(OH)2»Aluminum silicate! according to the formula I may be natural pores but also synthetically produced products, with synthetically manufactured products being preferred. They can be produced, for example, by the reaction of water-soluble silicates with water-soluble aluminates in the presence of water. In this target, the aqueous solutions of starting materials may be interchanged for hours or one of the components which, in the solid state, can be reacted with another component contained in the aqueous solution. However, by mixing both components as well, if they are in the solid state, the desired alum = numosilicates are obtained in the presence of water. They can also be reacted with A1 (OH) 2 »

Si02 sa alkalnosilikafcnim ili alkalnoaluminatnim rastvorima do= biti tj. proizvesti aluminijumsilikati. Proizvodnja može da se odvija po poznatim postupoima. Pronalazak se posebno odnosi na aluminijumsilikate koji imaju jednu trodimenzionalnu prostomu resetkastu strukturu. Sposobnost vezivanja kalcijuma, kojoj se daje prednost, a koja leži u oblasti od 100 do 200 mg CaO/g AS najčešče kod oko 100 do 180 mg CaO/g AS, sreče se pre svega u jedinjenima sastava:Si0 2 with alkaline silica or alkaline aluminate solutions up to = be ie. produce aluminum silicates. Production can take place according to known methods. The invention particularly relates to aluminum silicates having a three-dimensional simple lattice structure. The preferred calcium-binding ability, which lies in the range of 100 to 200 mg CaO / g AS, most commonly at about 100 to 180 mg CaO / g AS, is primarily found in the composition compounds:

0,7- 1,1 Na20 . Al203 . 1,3-3,5 SiO2 0.7- 1.1 Na 2 0. Al 2 0 3 . 1,3-3,5 SiO 2

Ova zbirna formula obuhvata dva tipa različitih kristalnih struk tura (odnosno njihove nekristalne poluproizvode), koji se tako= dje razlikuju po svojim zbirnim formulama.To su:This summary formula includes two types of different crystalline structures (or their non-crystalline half-products), which differ in their aggregate formulas. These are:

1. 0,7-1,1 Na20 . Al^ . 1,3-2,4 Si02 1. 0.7-1.1 Na 2 0. Al ^. 1,3-2,4 Si0 2

2. 0,7-1,1 Na20 . Al^ . 2,4-3,3 Si02 2. 0.7-1.1 Na 2 0. Al ^. 2,4-3,3 Si0 2

Različite kristalne strukture uočljive su na rentgenekom difra= kcionom dijagramu.Different crystal structures are visible on the X-ray diffraction diagram.

Kristalni aluminijunsilikat koji se nalazi u vodenoj suspenziji može se pomoču filtracije odvojiti od ostatnog vodenog rastvora i osušiti. Vec prema uslovima samoga sušenja dobija se proizvod sa više ili manje vezane vode. Aluminijumsilikati ne moraju, na= kon njihove proizvodnje da se suše radi pripreme sastavne kompo= nente sredstva za pranje; mnogo više prednosti ima ako se kori= sti aluminijumsilikat koji je vlažan još od same proizvodnje.The crystalline alumina silicate contained in the aqueous suspension can be separated by filtration from the remaining aqueous solution and dried. Already according to the drying conditions, a product with more or less bound water is obtained. Aluminum silicates do not have to be dried after their production to prepare the constituent detergent; There are many more advantages to using aluminum silicate that has been wet since manufacture.

Veličina čestica pojedinačnih zrnaca aluminijumsilikata može da bude različita i nalazi se u oblasti npr. od 0,1 /U i 0,1 mm. Ovaj podatak odnosi se na veličinu primarnih čestica tj. na ve= ličinu čestica štvorenih prilikom taloženja odnosno kristaliza= cije koja se dalje vrši. Sa posebnom prednošcu primenjuju se alu minijumsilikati koji se sastoje najmanje sa 80 tež.% čestica ve= ličine od 10 do 0,01 /um, a naročito od 8 do 0,1 /Um.The particle size of the individual alumina granules may be different and is in the area of e.g. of 0.1 / U and 0.1 mm. This information refers to the size of the primary particles, ie. to the size of the particles formed during deposition or crystallization to be carried out. Particularly preferred are aluminum mini-silicates consisting of at least 80% by weight of particles of size 10 to 0.01 / um, and in particular 8 to 0.1 / Um.

Ovi aluminijumsilikati prvenstveno ne sadrže više nikakve prima= rne ili sekundarne čestiee prečnika iznad 45 /Um. Kao sekundarne čestiee označavaju se one cestice koje su aglomeracijom primar= nih čestica oformile vece skupine.These aluminum silicates primarily no longer contain any primary or secondary particles with diameters above 45 / Um. Secondary particles are those particles that have formed a larger group by the agglomeration of primary particles.

U pogledu na aglomeraciju primarnih Čestica u vece skupine, na= ročito dobrim se pokazala primena vlažnog aluminijumsilikata, čija vlažnost potiče još iz same proizvodnje, za proizvodnju sastavne komponente sredstva za pranje, obzirom da se ispos= tavilo da je primenom ovog još svežeg proizvoda praktično potpu= no prekinuto.In view of the agglomeration of the primary particles into larger groups, the application of wet aluminum silicate, whose humidity originates from the production itself, for the production of the constituent of the detergent, has proved to be particularly good, since it has been shown that the application of this still fresh product is practicable completely interrupted.

U Jednom izvedbenom obliku pronalaska, sa posebnom prednošču se kao komponenta A upotrebljava praškasti zeolit tipa A sa posebno difinisanim spektrom čestica.In one embodiment of the invention, a type A powdered zeolite with a particularly defined particle spectrum is used as a particular preferred component.

Zeolitni prah ove vrste može se proizvesti prema DE-AS 24 47 o21 DE-AS 25 17 218, DE-OS 26 52 419, DB-OS 26 51 42o, DE-OS 26 51 43 DE-OS 26 51 437, DiFOS26 51 445 ili DE-OS 26 51 485. U tom slu= čaju oni imaju ovde naznačene podeone krive čestica.Zeolite powder of this kind can be produced according to DE-AS 24 47 o21 DE-AS 25 17 218, DE-OS 26 52 419, DB-OS 26 51 42o, DE-OS 26 51 43 DE-OS 26 51 437, DiFOS26 51 445 or DE-OS 26 51 485. In this case, they have the particle curves specified here.

U jednom izvedbenom obliku, sa posebnom prednošču se može pri= meniti praškasti zeolit tipa A, koji ima raspodelu veličina če= stiča opisanu u DE-OS 26 51 485.In one embodiment, powdered zeolite type A can be used with special preference, having the distribution of cone sizes described in DE-OS 26 51 485.

Kao neionizovani tenzidi primenjuju se taložni proizvodi sa 4 do 40, prvenstveno 4 do 20 mola etilen oksida na 1 mol masnih alkohola, alkilfenol, masne kiseline, masni amini, amidi masnih kiselina ili alkansulfonamid. Od naročite važnosti su talnožni proizvodi sa 5 — 16 mola etilenoksida na alkohole kokosovog ulja ili alkohole lojnog ulja, na oleil alkohol ili na sekundarne al= kohole sa 8 - 18, prvenstveno 12-18 C—atoma., kao i na mono ili dialkilfenole sa 6 — 14 C—atoma u alkilnom ostatku. Od pose= bnog interesa je taložni proizvod sa 5 mola etilen oksida na alkoholu lojnog ulja. Pored ovih neionizovanih tenzida rastvor= nih u vodi od interesa su medjutim takodje i u vodi nerastvor= ni ili u vodi nepotpuno rastvorni poliglikoletar sa 1-4 etilen= glikoletar ostatka u molekulu, naročito ako se oni upotrebe za= jedno sa neionizovanim ili anionskim tezidima rastvornim u vodi. Dalje se mogu kao neionizovani tenzidi upotrebiti u vodi rast= vorne 20 - 250 etilenglikoletar grupe i 10 — 100 propilenglikol= etar grupe koje sadrži taložni proizvod etilen oksid na polipro= pilenglikol, alkilendiamiri-polipropilenglikol i alkilpolipropi= lenglikoli sa 1 - 10 C-atoma u alkilnom lancu, u kojima poli= propilenglikolski lanac fungira kao hidrofobni ostatak.Precipitated products of 4 to 40, preferably 4 to 20 moles of ethylene oxide per 1 mole of fatty alcohols, alkylphenol, fatty acids, fatty amines, fatty acid amides or alkanesulfonamide are used as non-ionized surfactants. Of particular importance are soil products with 5 to 16 moles of ethylene oxide on coconut or tallow alcohols, on oleyl alcohol or on secondary al = cohols of 8-18, primarily 12-18 C atoms, as well as mono or dialkylphenols. with 6 - 14 C atoms in the alkyl moiety. Of particular interest is a precipitate product with 5 moles of ethylene oxide on tallow alcohol. In addition to these non-ionized surfactants soluble in water, however, water-insoluble or water-insoluble polyglycoleter with 1-4 ethylene = glycoleter of the residue in the molecule is also of interest, especially if used for = one with non-ionized or anionic solutes in the water. Further, non-ionized surfactants can be used in water: growth = 20-2050 ethylene glycol ether group and 10-100 propylene glycol = ether group containing ethylene oxide precipitate at polypropylene glycol, alkylenediamyl-polypropylene glycol and alkylpolypropyl = 1 to 10 glycols with 1-10 C glycols in an alkyl chain, in which the poly = propylene glycol chain functions as a hydrophobic residue.

Kao neionizovani tenzidi mogu se takodje primeniti i razni ti= povi aminoksida ili sulfoksida.Non-ionized surfactants can also be used in various ti = amines of sulfur oxides.

Od naročitog interesa je primena, kao neionizovanog tenzida, jedne mešavine od najmanje 2 različita etoksilata masnih al= kohola na bazi izotridecil alkohola ili alifatskog C^—alko= hola i etilen oksida. Ova mešavina može prvenstveno da se sa= stoji od etoksilata masnih alkohola sa 4,5 do 5,5 EO i etoksi= lata masnih alkohola sa 6 do 8 EO.Of particular interest is the use, as a non-ionized surfactant, of a mixture of at least 2 different ethoxylates of fatty al = cochols based on isotridecyl alcohol or aliphatic C ^ -alkoxy and ethylene oxide. This mixture can be primarily composed of fatty alcohol ethoxylates of 4.5 to 5.5 EO and fatty alcohol ethoxylates of 6 to 8 EO.

Dalje, kao neionizovani tenzid može da se primeni jedna meša= vina od najmanje 2 različita etoksilata alkilfenola formule:Further, as a non-ionized surfactant, one blend = wines of at least 2 different alkylphenol ethoxylates of the formula may be used:


-oh2- J n-1-oh 2 - J n-1

-o-ch2-ch2-oh (II)-o-ch 2 -ch 2 -oh (II)

Pri ovome R može da predstavlja alifatski ostatak sa 1 do 15, na primer -CH^, -C^^, propil, butil, pentil, heksil, heptil, oktil i nonil prvenstveno sa 9 C-atoma kao nonil. Ostatak R može da bude zamenjen u orto, meta ili/i para položaju. Takodje mogu da budu primenjene i mešavine u kojima pored p-zamenjenog arilnog prstena može da bude takodje i malo o-zamenjen benzolov prsten. Primenjuju se i mešavine u kojima se sa 90 % nalazi jedna p-zamena ili sa 10 % jedna orto-zaraena.Here R may be an aliphatic residue having from 1 to 15, for example -CH2, -C3-6, propyl, butyl, pentyl, hexyl, heptyl, octyl and nonyl, preferably with 9 C atoms as nonyl. The remainder R may be replaced in the ortho, meta or / and para position. Mixtures may also be employed where, in addition to the p-substituted aryl ring, there may also be a slightly o-substituted benzene ring. Mixtures containing 90% of one p-substitute or 10% of one ortho-infected are also applicable.

n može u jednom alkilfenoletoksilatu, primenjenom u mešavini, da označava 2 do 7, prvenstveno 4 do 6, naročito 5 a u drugom alkilfenoletoksilatu 8 do 15, prvenstveno 8 do 12, naročito 9 ili 10. Medjutim, n može u smešama alkilfenolata da bude 7 ili 9 ili 12.n may in one alkylphenolethoxylate used in the mixture denote 2 to 7, preferably 4 to 6, especially 5 and in another alkylphenolethoxylate 8 to 15, preferably 8 to 12, especially 9 or 10. However, n may be in alkylphenolate mixtures 7 or 9 or 12.

Alkilfenoletoksilati i izotridecilalkoholetoksilati mogu u že= ljenim mešavinama da budu u odnosu 1 : 9 do 9 : 1, prvenstveno 2 : 3 do 3 : 2, a naročtio 0,9 : 1,1 do 1,1 : 0,9. Pri ovome alkilfenoletoksilati odgovaraju formuli u kojoj R označava no= nil a n je 5 odnosno 9.Alkylphenolethoxylates and isotridecylalcholethoxylates can be in the desired mixtures in a ratio of 1: 9 to 9: 1, preferably 2: 3 to 3: 2, and in particular 0.9: 1.1 to 1.1: 0.9. In this case alkylphenolethoxylates correspond to the formula in which R is no = nil and n is 5 and 9 respectively.

Kao alkalija mogu da budu upotrebl3eni NaOH i/ili KOH. Proiz= vodnja sastavne komponente sredstva za pranje granulatnog ob= lika prema pronalasku može da se vrši i na taj način što se pojedinačne komponente medjusobno mešaju, podesi sušenjem ras= pršivanjem pogodna konzistencija putem merenja količina vode I tako dobijena suspenzija suši raspršivanjem.As alkali, NaOH and / or KOH may be used. The manufacture of the constituent component of the granulate detergent according to the invention can also be made by mixing the individual components with each other, adjusting by spray drying = suitable consistency by measuring the amount of water and the resulting suspension being spray dried.

Granulisana sastavne komponenta sredstva za pranje prema pro= nalasku može se transportovati, dobro ponovo dispergovati i ima ekstremno malu sadržinu prašine.The granular component of the detergent according to the invention can be transported, dispersed well and has extremely low dust content.

Osim toga, proizvod prema pronalasku ima izuzetno visoku sposo= bnost apsorpcije za vodu i tenzide,In addition, the product according to the invention has an extremely high absorption capacity for water and surfactants,

Granulisana sastavn komponenta sredstva za pranje, i zračena postup kom prema pronalasku može da se zbog svoje zrnaste strukture, pu= tem jednostavnog mešanja sa ostalim zrnastim sastavnim elemen= tima sredstva za pranje, · dalje preradi u sredstvo za pra= nje. Pri ovome ne nastaja ponovno raslojavanje ove mešavine.The granular constituent of the detergent, and radiated by the process of the invention, can be further transformed into a detergent due to its granular structure, simply mixed with the other granular constituent of the detergent. This does not re-stratify this mixture.


Najpre se prema DE-OS 26 51 485 proizvede filtarska pogača zeo= lit-A. Pri torne dobijeni praškasti zeolit tipa A ima tamo nazna= ceni spektar veličina čestica.First, a filter cake zeo = lit-A is produced according to DE-OS 26 51 485. The type A powdered zeolite obtained in this case has the name = value of the particle size spectrum.

Filtarska pogača zeolit-A se izmeša sa jednim disolverom i nakon ovoga se u jednoj posudi od 50 litara zagreje na temperaturu od 45°C. U njoj se neionizovani tenzid umešava u trajanju od 15 mi= nuta pomoču jedne mešalice sa 75 — 76 o/min, pri Čemu se tempe= ratura rastvora penje na 50°C.The zeolite-A filter cake is mixed with one disolver and then heated to a temperature of 45 ° C in a 50 liter container. In it, the non-ionized surfactant is stirred for 15 mi = with the help of one mixer at 75 - 76 rpm, whereby the temp = solution solution rises to 50 ° C.

Kao neionizovani tenzidi upotrebljavaju se sledeče supstan= ce:The following substances are used as non-ionized surfactants:

1. izotridecilalkoholetoksilat 5 mol EO1. Isotridecylalcholethoxylate 5 mol EO

2. izotridecilalkoholetoksilat 6,75 mola EO2. Isotridecylalcholethoxylate 6.75 moles of EO

3. nonilfenoletoksilat 5 EO3. Nonylphenolethoxylate 5 EO

4. nonilfenoletoksilat 9 EO4. Nonylphenolethoxylate 9 EO

5. lojani alkoholetoksilat 5 EO5. Alcohol alkoxylate 5 EO

Dobljena suspenzija se meša sa ostalim, u tabeli navedenim, sa= stojcima, i najzad suši raspršivanjem (ulazna temperatura suši= lice sa diznama 180°C, temperatura izlaznog vazduha 75°C).The resulting suspension was mixed with the rest of the tables indicated by = stands and finally spray dried (inlet drying temperature = face with nozzles 180 ° C, outlet air temperature 75 ° C).

Rezultati su navedeni u sledečoj tabeli I:The results are listed in the following Table I:

:--9Tabela I: - 9Table I

Primer Example l.uporedni primer l.parallel example 2.primer po prona= lasku 2.example by find = lasku 3.primer po prona= lasku 3.example by find = lasku

Karakteristike po recepturiCharacteristics by recipe

Zeolit A Zeolite A % % 77,0 77,0 77,0 77,0 77,' 77, ' Lojani alkohol+5 Alcohol + 5 EO % EO% 2,6 2.6 2, 2, Nonilfenol 5E0 Nonylphenol 5E0 % % -/- - / - 1,3 1.3 -/ - / Nonilfenol 9E0 Nonylphenol 9E0 % % 1,3 1.3 -/· - / · Izotridecilalkohol 5E0 Isotridecylalcohol 5E0 -/- - / - Izotridecilalkohol 6,75 EO Isotridecylalcohol 6.75 EO -/- - / - -/- - / - -/· - / · Natrijumsulfat Sodium sulfate % % 4,9 4.9 4,4 4.4 4, 4, Natrijeva lužina Sodium alkali % % 0,5 0.5 0,5 0.5 0, 0, CMC/MC CMC / MC % % 0 0 0,5 . 0.5. 0, 0, Voda Water % % 15,0 15.0 15,0 15.0 15, 15,

Podaci o proizvodu (srednje vrednosti)Product Data (Mean)

Nasipna težina g/1 Bulk weight g / 1 530 530 490 490 490 490 Spektar zrna >1,6 mm % Grain spectrum> 1.6 mm% 0 0 0 0 0 0 >0,8 mm % > 0.8 mm% 0 0 1 1 1 1 >0,4 mm % > 0,4 mm% 0 0 23 23 21 21 >0,2 mm % > 0.2 mm% 32 32 57 57 58 58 >0,1 mm % > 0,1 mm% 52 52 17 17 18 18 <0,1 mm % <0.1 mm% 16 16 2 2 2 2 Test na prašini prema Dust test according to Groschopp Groschopp 0,32 0.32 0,06 0.06 0, 0,

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4. primer po prona= laskuExample 4 by Find

5. uporedni primer5. comparative example

Karakteristike po recepturi Characteristics by recipe Zeolit A % Zeolite A% 77,0 77,0 77,0 77,0 Lojani alkohol+5 EO % Alcohol + 5 EO% Nonilfenol 5E0 % Nonylphenol 5E0% -/- - / - Nonilfenol 9 EO % Nonylphenol 9 EO% -/- - / - -/- - / - Izotridecilalkohol 5E0 Isotridecylalcohol 5E0 1,3 1.3 -/- - / - Izotridecilalkohol 6,75 EO Isotridecylalcohol 6.75 EO 1,3 1.3 Natrijumsulfat % Sodium sulfate% 4,4 4.4 8,0 8.0 Natrijeva lužina % Sodium alkali% 0,5 0.5 -/- - / - CMC/MC % CMC / MC% 0,5 0.5 Voda % Water% 15,0 15.0 15,0 15.0 Podaci o proizvodu (srednje Product Data (Medium vrednosti) values) Nasipna težina g/1 Bulk weight g / 1 495 495 550 550 Spektar zrna >1,6 mm % Grain spectrum> 1.6 mm% 0 0 0 0 >0,8 mm % > 0.8 mm% 2 2 0 0 >0,4 mm % > 0,4 mm% 22 22 25 25 >0,2 mm % > 0.2 mm% 56 56 58 58 >0,1 mm % > 0,1 mm% 18 18 14 14 <0,1 mm % <0.1 mm% 2 2 3 3 Test na prašinu prema Dust test according to Groschopp Groschopp 0,07 0.07 0,16 0.16

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Test na prašinu prema Dr.Groschopp-u izvodi se na sledeči na= čin:The dust test according to Dr.Groschopp is performed as follows: = rank:

Prah koji putem jednog nasipnog žljeba pada u jedan cilindar, hvata se u posudu koja je postavljena ispod nasipnog mesta, dok se cestice prašine izvan ove posude talože na podnoj plo= či cilindra i mogu se gravimetrijski odrediti. Pri ovome se upotrebljava sledeča oprema:Dust, which falls into a single cylinder through a groove, is trapped in a vessel that is placed below the embankment, while dust particles outside this vessel are deposited on the floor plate of the cylinder and can be determined gravimetrically. This uses the following equipment:

— aparatura za odredjivanje prašine koja se sastoji od jednog nasipnog žljeba proizvodjač: AEG, tip DR 50- Dust measuring apparatus consisting of one bulkhead groove manufacturer: AEG, type DR 50

220 V, 50 Hz, 0,15 A — spoljni cilindar višina 70 cm, prečnik 40 cm gore zatvoren, dole otvoren — pokrivna ploča koja u sredini ima kružni otvor prečnika 3 cm, u koju ulazi cev za punjenje, — unutrašnji cilindar220 V, 50 Hz, 0,15 A - outer cylinder height 70 cm, diameter 40 cm above closed, bottom open - cover plate with a circular opening 3 cm in the center, into which the filling tube enters, - inner cylinder

Vidina 10 cm, prečnik 18 cm dole zatvoren, gore otvoren — podna ploča oblik: okrugao, prečnik 48 cmVision 10 cm, diameter 18 cm below closed, open above - floor panel shape: round, 48 cm diameter

- cev za punjenje dužina 30 cm, prečnik 2,5 cm dubina potapanja cevi u spoljni cilindar: 20cm Bubina potapanja se održava konstantno pomoču jednog mesinganog prstena zaletovanog na spolj= ni zid cevi za punjenje. Prečnik prstena 15 cm, debljina 1 mm.- Filling tube 30 cm long, 2.5 cm diameter Depth of tube insertion into outer cylinder: 20cm The immersion tube is kept constant by means of one brass ring stuck to the outer wall of the filling tube. Ring diameter 15 cm, thickness 1 mm.

- levak gornji prečnik: 15 cm, prečnik na izlazu iz levka:1,8c dužina cevi levka: 8 cm.- funnel top diameter: 15 cm, funnel outlet diameter: 1,8c funnel tube length: 8 cm.

Aparatura je prikazana na priloženom crtežu. Iz crteža proizilazi da je nasipni žljeb postavljen na jedan laboratorijski stol. Ras= pored ostalih delova aparature je takav da izlaz iz nasipnog žljeba bude direktno u sredini levka (3) a da njegovo odstojanje od gornje ivice levka iznosi 5,5 cm.The apparatus is shown in the accompanying drawing. It follows from the drawing that the embankment groove is mounted on one laboratory table. Ras = among other parts of the apparatus is such that the outlet of the embankment groove is directly in the middle of the funnel (3) and that its distance from the top edge of the funnel is 5.5 cm.

Izvodj enje:Execution:

100 grama probnog uzorka se pomoču predajnog levka (1) uvodi u nasipni žljeb (2).100 grams of the test sample is introduced into the embankment groove (2) by means of the transfer funnel (1).

Frekvencija nasipnog žljeba treba da iznosi 50 Hz a otvor prore= za treba da bude tako podešen da materijal prod j e kroz nasipni žljeb u roku od 1 minute.The frequency of the groove should be 50 Hz and the opening should be adjusted so that the material passes through the groove within 1 minute.

Prah pada kroz levak (3) i cev za punjenje (4) u unutrašnji ci= lindar opitne aparature (5) koji je postavljen ispod, dok se prašina izvan ove posude skuplja na podnoj ploči (6) spoljnog cilindra (7).The dust flows through the hopper (3) and the filler tube (4) into the inner ci = cylinder of the test apparatus (5) placed below, while dust outside this container collects on the floor plate (6) of the outer cylinder (7).

Nakon završetka protoka praha kroz nasipni žljeb se eventualno zaostali ostaci praha u levku pazljivim lupkanjem u levak otre= su sa njega tako da padnu u aparaturu.Upon completion of the powder flow through the embankment groove, any residual dust in the funnel, carefully slamming into the funnel, is removed from the funnel so that it falls into the apparatus.

Kod proizvoda koji nemaju mnogo prašine, ostavi se da se praši= na taloži u vremenu od 1 minute, dok se kod materijala sa vi= še prašine ovo taloženje vrši tokom 2 minute.For products that do not have a lot of dust, allow to dust = settle for 1 minute, while for materials with more dust this deposition takes place over 2 minutes.

Prašina koja se nataložila na blanko poliranu podnu ploču saku= plja se pomocu jedne metalne špatule u tas od vage a zatim se vrši merenje.The dust deposited on the blank polished saku = floor plate is spit with a metal spatula into a weighing pan and then measured.

Sadržaj prašine se daje u procentima u odnosu na rastur (gubi= tak u težini pri merenju).The dust content is given as a percentage of the slurry (weight loss when measured).

Sa sastavnom komponentom sredstva za pranje prema pronalasku, koja je sušenja raspršivanjem i koja sadrži neionizovani ten= zid lojni alkohol 5 EO (primer 3) vrši se test na transportne karakteristike prilikom pneumatskog odnosno mehaničkog tran= športa:The component of the detergent according to the invention, which is spray dried and contains non-ionized complexion = wall tallow alcohol 5 EO (example 3), is tested for transport characteristics during pneumatic or mechanical tran = sport:

Za ocenjivanje materijala koji se transportuje mere se prome= ne u nasipnoj gustini i tečljivosti.For grading the material being transported, measurements are made in bulk density and fluidity.

Uzorak materijala se transportuje na visinu pomocu jednog puž= no transportera u spremište za materijal. Pri ovome se podeš= ljivi pogonski motor podešava na jedan manji broj obrtaja od 300 o/min.The material sample is transported to a height by a single screw conveyor into the material storage. In this case, the adjustable drive motor is set to a single speed of 300 rpm.

Tehničke karakteristike:Technical characteristics:

Pužni transporter sistema Worm conveyor system RO-EO, tipa RP 80/D RO-EO, type RP 80 / D Pogonski broj obrtaja Drive speed 300 o/min 300 rpm Lužina transportovanja Transport puddle . 6,9 m, od toga 1 cevni luk . 6.9 m, of which 1 tubular bow 45° ♦ prečnik 3 m 45 ° ♦ diameter 3 m cev 4 m, uspon 45° do izlaz tube 4 m, rise 45 ° to exit Višina dizanja Elevation height 2,2 m 2.2 m Cev pužnog transportera Worm conveyor tube 80 mm 0 80 mm 0 Transportni učinak Transport effect 1650 kg/h 1650 kg / h Sastavna komponenta An integral component Nasipna Višina vibracione Bulk Vibratory height sredstva za pranje detergents gustina(g/l) kugle (mm) density (g / l) of ball (mm)

Pre transporta Posle transportaBefore transport After transport




Kod transportovanog materijala nije nastala skoro nikakva pro= mena u nasipno j (vibracionoj) gustini. Granule sastavne kompo= nente sredstva za pranje nisu razorene.There was almost no change in the bulk density of the transported material. The constituent components of the detergent were not destroyed.

Izuzetno dobra adsorpciona sposobnost može se videti iz sledeceg eksperimenta, pri kome je upotrebljen uzorak prema primeru 5.Extremely good adsorption capacity can be seen from the following experiment, using the sample of Example 5.

Uzorak br. Sample no. % h2o% h 2 o Tečljivost (svež materijal) Fluidity (fresh material) 1 1 - 1 1 2 2 3,6 3.6 1 1 3 3 7,1 7.1 1 1 4 4 10,7 10.7 1 1 5 5 14,3 14.3 1 1 6 6 17,9 17,9 1 1 7 7 21,4 21.4 1 1 8 9+) 8 9 +) 25,0 25,0 1 1 36,0 36,0 2 2 10 10 43,0 43,0 6 6

+) Uzorak br. 9 sadrži aglomerate do oko 2 mm, koji se mogu lako izdrobiti. + ) Sample no. 9 contains agglomerates up to about 2 mm, which can be easily crushed.

Ocene za tečljivost: 1 = vrlo dobar..... 6 = nije više tečijivFluency ratings: 1 = very good ..... 6 = no longer flowable

Odredjivanje tečljivosti opisano je u periodici.Pigmente der Degussa AG br. 50, strana 11.The determination of fluidity is described in the Periodical. Pigmente der Degussa AG no. 50, page 11.

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Claims (1)

Patentni zahtevClaim 1. Postupak za izradu granuliranog sredstva za poboljšanje sredstava za pranje, koje sadrži 70 do 80 mas.% u vodi nerastvorljivog, za vezivanje kalcijuma sposobnog silikata u obliku fino usitnjenog.sintetički proizv edenog.u vodi nerastvorljivog kristalnog jedinjenja,koje sadrži vezanu vodu, a čija je opšta formula <Kat2/„0)x · Me2°3 ' <Si°2>y (I) u kojoj Kat označava sa kalcijumom zamenljivi katjon valentnosti n, kao što je Na, x je1. A process for making a granular detergent enhancer comprising 70 to 80% by weight in water insoluble, for the binding of calcium-capable silicate in the form of finely divided synthetically produced water-insoluble crystalline compound containing bound water. and whose general formula is < Kat 2 / „ 0) x · Me 2 ° 3 '< Si ° 2> y (I) in which Kat denotes with calcium a exchangeable cation of valence n such as Na, x is 0,7 do 1,5, Me je bor ili aluminijum , a y je broj od 0,8 do 6, a pored toga sadrži 4 do 5 mas.% natrijumsulfata, 2 do 3 mas.% nejonizovanog tenzida kao što je smeša 1 mola izotridecilalkoholetoksilata i 5-6,75 mola etilenoksida ili smeša 1 mola nonilfenoletoksilata i 5-9 mola etilenoksida ili smeša 1 mola lojanog alkoholetoksilata i 5 mola etilenoksida, do 1 mas.% alkalija kao što su KOH ili NaOH i 0,5 do 1 mas.% karboksimetilceluloze i/ili metilceluloze, dok je ostatak voda, naznačen time, što se vodenasta početna mešavina navedenih sastavnih delova, koja sadrži 50 do 65 masenih procenata vode suši raspršivanjem pomocu gasova za sušenje kao što je vazduh, čija je ulazna temperatura od 150 do 280°C, a izlazna temperatura od 50 do 120°C, sve dok asdržaj vlage u mešavini ne spadne na 8 do 18 masenih procenata, pri čemu se taj sadržaj vlage može ukloniti na 145°C.0.7 to 1.5, Me is boron or aluminum, ay is a number from 0.8 to 6, and in addition contains 4 to 5 wt% of sodium sulfate, 2 to 3 wt% of non-ionized surfactant such as a mixture of 1 mole isotridecylalcholethoxylate and 5-6.75 moles of ethylene oxide or a mixture of 1 mol of nonylphenolethoxylate and 5-9 moles of ethylene oxide or a mixture of 1 mol of tallow alcoholethoxylate and 5 moles of ethylene oxide, up to 1% by weight of alkali such as KOH or NaOH and 0.5 to 1 wt. % carboxymethylcellulose and / or methylcellulose, the remainder being water, characterized in that the aqueous initial mixture of said components containing 50 to 65 weight percent water is spray dried by means of drying gases such as air having an inlet temperature of 150 up to 280 ° C and the outlet temperature from 50 to 120 ° C until the moisture content of the mixture drops to 8 to 18 weight percent, whereby this moisture content can be removed at 145 ° C.
SI8610053A 1985-02-09 1986-01-15 Process for marking granulated agent for improving washing agents SI8610053A8 (en)

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DE19853504450 DE3504450A1 (en) 1985-02-09 1985-02-09 DETERGENT PICTURES
YU53/86A YU44539B (en) 1985-02-09 1986-01-15 Process for making granulated agent for improving washing agents

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