SI26033A - Permanent burning furnace - Google Patents

Permanent burning furnace Download PDF


Publication number
SI26033A SI202100188A SI202100188A SI26033A SI 26033 A SI26033 A SI 26033A SI 202100188 A SI202100188 A SI 202100188A SI 202100188 A SI202100188 A SI 202100188A SI 26033 A SI26033 A SI 26033A
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Danilo Kovačič
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Application filed by Danilo Kovačič filed Critical Danilo Kovačič
Priority to SI202100188A priority Critical patent/SI26033A/en
Publication of SI26033A publication Critical patent/SI26033A/en



  • Solid-Fuel Combustion (AREA)


V trajnožareči peči se kurijo grmičevje, veje in hlodi dolžine kurišča. Peč ima dvojni plašč in med njima posodo za vodo. Peč je pokrita z dvižnim pokrovom. V kurišču je naprava za vžig lesnih plinov. Zrak se v kurišče vpihuje z ventilatorjem. Med kuriščem in žariščem je rešetka s širokimi režami. Pod kuriščem je žarišče z rešetko z ozkimi režami. V režah so premični kavlji. Dvigalo vloži v kurišče zaboj z drvi, ki ima dno sestavljeno iz dveh loput, ki imata po dva hidravlična cilindra. Dno zaboja se razpre in zaboj se odstrani iz kurišča. Skozi rešetko kurišča pepel in žerjavica padata v žarišče. Kavlji rahljajo žerjavico, da pepel pada v posodo za pepel, ki se jo, ko je polna, izvleče iz peči in pokrije s pokrovom, da sesalec izsesa pepel v zabojnik. Kurjenja peči ni potrebno prekinjati, ker pepel ne ostaja v kurišču.Shrubs, branches and logs the length of the hearth are burned in the permanently burning furnace. The stove has a double jacket and a water tank between them. The stove is covered with a lifting lid. There is a wood gas ignition device in the fireplace. The air is blown into the fireplace with a fan. Between the hearth and the hearth is a grate with wide slits. Below the hearth is a hearth with a grate with narrow slits. There are movable hooks in the slots. The elevator puts a box of firewood into the firebox, which has a bottom consisting of two flaps, each with two hydraulic cylinders. The bottom of the box is opened and the box is removed from the firebox. Ashes and embers fall into the hearth through the grate of the firebox. The hooks loosen the embers so that the ash falls into the ash container, which, when full, is pulled out of the kiln and covered with a lid to allow the vacuum cleaner to suck the ash into the container. It is not necessary to stop the burning of the stove, because the ash does not remain in the firebox.



a) Področje tehnike je energetika in gozdarstvo.a) The field of technology is energy and forestry.

b) Prikaz problema, ki ga rešuje izum:b) Demonstration of the problem solved by the invention:

V naravi ostaja in razpada drevje uporabno samo za kurjavo in ustvarja pogoje za požare, ki ogrožajo ljudi in živali. S to lesno maso je mogoče delno nadomestiti fosilna goriva, ohranjati pri delovanju termoelektrarne in izkoriščati obnovljivo zeleno energijo, ki jo ustvarja narava. To je mogoče doseči v trajnožarečih pečeh z ogrevanjem vode za pridobivanje električne energije v termoelektrarnah.In nature, trees remain and decay usable only for firewood and create conditions for fires that endanger humans and animals. With this wood mass, it is possible to partially replace fossil fuels, keep the thermal power plant operating and use renewable green energy created by nature. This can be achieved in permanently burning furnaces by heating water to generate electricity in thermal power plants.

c) Stanje tehnike znanih rešitev in njihove pomanjkljivostic) State of the art of known solutions and their shortcomings

Obstoječe peči imajo majhna kurišča in nimajo žarišč. Kurijo se s poleni ali zdrobljeno lesno maso. Med kurjenjem pepela ni mogoče odstranjevati iz peči, zato ostaja pepel v kurišču. Za pripravo kuriva je potrebo veliko energije in dela, zato se lesna masa v toplarnah ne uporablja. Z znanimi pečmi se ogreva le stanovanjske in druge objekte in pokuri se le manjši del uporabljive lesne mase, zato veliko drevja ostaja v gozdovih, propada ali zgoreva v požarih.Existing stoves have small fireplaces and no foci. They are burned with logs or crushed wood pulp. Ash cannot be removed from the kiln during burning, so the ash remains in the firebox. It takes a lot of energy and work to prepare fuel, so wood pulp is not used in heating plants. With known stoves, only residential and other buildings are heated and only a small part of the usable wood mass is burned, so many trees remain in forests, decay or burn in fires.

Trajnožareča peč je primerna za ogrevanje v toplarnah, kakor tudi za centralno ogrevanje objektov, ker se necepljena drva vlagajo v peč v zaboju velikosti kurišča z dvigalom, pepel pa se med kurjenjem odstranjuje iz peči.The permanently burning stove is suitable for heating in heating plants, as well as for central heating of buildings, because uncleaned firewood is invested in the stove in a box the size of a firebox with a lift, and the ash is removed from the stove during burning.

d) Opis skicd) Description of sketches

Trajnožareča peč 01 ima zunanji plašč 02 notranji plašč 03 in dvižni pokrov 04, ki pokriva kurišče. Na peči je gorilec 05 in ventilator 06. V kurišču je vžigalna svečka 16. Med kuriščem 07 in žariščem 08 je rešetka z velikimi režani 09. Pod žariščem je rešetka z ozkimi podolgovatimi režami 10 s premičnimi kavlji 11 pod njimi je na kolescih posoda za pepel 12, ki ima pokrov 20, ki je s cevjo povezan s sesalcem 17 na zabojniku 18, ki ima dozimik 19. Zaboj za drva 13 ima dno iz dveh loput 14. Na njih sta po dva hidravlična cilindra 15 na nasprotnih stranicah zaboja 13.The permanently burning furnace 01 has an outer jacket 02, an inner jacket 03 and a lifting cover 04, which covers the firebox. There is a burner 05 and a fan 06 on the stove. There is a spark plug 16 in the firebox. 12, which has a cover 20 connected by a hose to a suction cup 17 on a container 18 having a dosing 19.


Predmet izuma je trajnožareča peč 01 namenjena ogrevanju vode v toplarnah in kotlovnicah in ogrevanju prostorov. Trajnožareča peč 01 ima zunanji 02 in notranji plašč 03. Prostor med plaščema je posoda za ogrevanje vode. Peč pokriva dvižni pokrov 04, pod njim je kurišče 07. Pod odprtino za dimne pline je nameščena svečka 16, ki vžiga lesne pline. Na peči je nameščen gorilec 05 za ogrevanje s tekočim ali plinastim gorivom, ki ogreva hladno peč 01, da drva v kurišču 07 zagorijo. Ob gorilcu 05 je nameščen ventilator 06, ki v kurišče in žarišče vpihuje zrak. Med kuriščem 07 in žariščem 08 je nameščena rešetka žarišča 09 z velikimi režami, da skoznje padata žerjavica in pepel. Pod žariščem 08 je rešetka žarišča 10, ki ima ozke podolgovate vzporedne reže, skoznje so nameščeni kavlji 11, ki se premikajo po rešetki žarišča 08, da pepel pada iz žarišča 08 v posodo za pepel 12. Polno posodo pepela se izvleče iz peči 01, pokrije s pokrovom 20, ki je s sesalcem 17 povezan z zabojnikom za pepel 18., ki ima dozimik (19) za polnjene embalaže.The subject of the invention is a permanent incandescent furnace 01 intended for heating water in heating plants and boiler rooms and space heating. The permanently burning furnace 01 has an outer 02 and an inner jacket 03. The space between the shells is a container for heating water. The stove is covered by a lifting cover 04, below which is the hearth 07. A spark plug 16, which ignites wood gases, is placed under the flue gas opening. A burner 05 for heating with liquid or gaseous fuel is installed on the stove, which heats the cold stove 01 so that the wood in the firebox 07 burns. A fan 06 is installed next to the burner 05, which blows air into the firebox and the hearth. Between the firebox 07 and the firebox 08, a firebox grille 09 is installed with large slots so that embers and ashes fall through. Below the focus 08 is a grid 10 having narrow elongated parallel slits, through which hooks 11 are arranged which move along the grid 08 so that the ash falls from the focus 08 into the ash pan 12. The full ash container is removed from the furnace 01, covers with a lid 20, which is connected to the vacuum cleaner 17 by an ash container 18. having a dispenser (19) for filled packages.

Delovanje trajnožareče peči 01:Operation of the permanent incandescent furnace 01:

Zaboj 13 se napolni z vejami in grmičevjem, nanje se položi debla dreves, da zmanjšajo volumen vej in grmičevja. V kurišču 07 se ob gorenju vej in grmičevja pospeši gorenje debel. Zaboj 13 se dostavi pod dvigalo, ki ga odpelje nad peč 01. Drugo dvigalo odmakne pokrov 04. Prvo dvigalo zaboj 13 vloži v kurišče 07. Sprosti se loputa 14, dvigalo zaboj 13 dvigne iz kurišča 07. Dvigalo pokrije kurišče 07. Hladno kurišče 07 napolnjeno z drvi se ogreje z gorilnikom 05 in zakuri. V kurišču 07 drva gorijo, žarijo in razpadajo v žerjavico, ki skupaj s pepelom skozi velike reže rešetke kurišča 09 padajo v žarišče 08, kjer žerjavica izžareva in se spreminja v pepel. S premikanjem kavljev 11 po žarišču 08 se pepel ločuje od žerjavice in skozi reže pada v posodo 12 na kolescih. Posodo se izvleče iz peči 01 pokrije s pokrovom 20, ki je povezan s sesalcem 17 na zabojniku za pepel 12, da izsesa pepel. Med kurjenjem se polno posodo za pepel odstranjuje iz peči 01, zato ni potrebno prekinjati kurjenja zaradi odstranjevanja pepela iz kurišča 07.Box 13 is filled with branches and shrubs, and tree trunks are placed on them to reduce the volume of branches and shrubs. In firebox 07, the burning of branches and bushes accelerates the burning of trunks. Box 13 is delivered under the lift, which takes it over the stove 01. The second lift removes the cover 04. The first lift box 13 inserts into the firebox 07. The flap 14 is released, the lift box 13 is lifted from the firebox 07. The elevator covers the firebox 07. Cold firebox 07 filled with firewood is heated with a burner 05 and ignited. In the hearth 07 the wood burns, glows and disintegrates into embers, which together with the ash through the large slits of the grate of the hearth 09 fall into the hearth 08, where the embers radiate and turn into ash. By moving the hooks 11 around the focus 08, the ash separates from the embers and falls through the slits into the container 12 on wheels. The container is pulled out of the furnace 01 and covered with a lid 20 which is connected to the suction cup 17 on the ash container 12 to suck out the ash. During combustion, the full ash pan is removed from kiln 01, so it is not necessary to stop firing to remove ash from combustion chamber 07.


Claims (2)

PATENTNI ZAHTEVKIPATENT APPLICATIONS 1. Trajnožareča peč (01) značilna po tem, da ima nad kuriščem (07) dvižni pokrov (04); pod njim sta notranji (2) in zunanji plašč (3), ki ustvarjata posodo za vodo; pod dimno odprtino je svečka (16) za vžig lesnih plinov, na peči pred kuriščem je ventilator (06) za vpihovanje zraka v kurišče (07) in gorilec (05) ki ogreva hladno kurišče(07) in žarišče (08), ki je pod rešetko kurišča (09) in ima rešetko z ozkimi podolgovatimi režami (10), v režah premične kavlje (11), pod rešetko (10) pa je posoda za pepel (12), ki ima pokrov (20) s sesalcem (17) povezanim z zabojnikom (18) in dozimikom (19).Permanently burning furnace (01) characterized in that it has a lifting cover (04) above the firebox (07); below it are the inner (2) and outer mantle (3), which create a water tank; under the smoke opening there is a spark plug (16) for igniting wood gases, on the stove in front of the firebox there is a fan (06) for blowing air into the firebox (07) and a burner (05) heating the cold firebox (07) and the firebox (08) under the grate of the firebox (09) and has a grate with narrow elongated slots (10), in the slots of the movable hook (11), and under the grate (10) is an ash container (12) having a lid (20) with a vacuum cleaner (17) connected to the container (18) and the dose (19). 2. Peč po zahtevku 1., značilna po tem, da ima na kovinski progi dvigalo in zaboj za drva (13) ki ima dno sestavljeno iz dveh loput (14), ki ju zapirata po dva hidravlična cilindra (15), ki sta pritrjena na nasprotnima stranicama zaboja (13).Furnace according to Claim 1, characterized in that it has a lift and a wood box (13) on the metal track, the bottom of which consists of two flaps (14), which are closed by two hydraulic cylinders (15) attached. on opposite sides of the crate (13).
SI202100188A 2021-10-18 2021-10-18 Permanent burning furnace SI26033A (en)

Priority Applications (1)

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SI202100188A SI26033A (en) 2021-10-18 2021-10-18 Permanent burning furnace

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SI202100188A SI26033A (en) 2021-10-18 2021-10-18 Permanent burning furnace

Publications (1)

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SI26033A true SI26033A (en) 2022-01-31



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SI202100188A SI26033A (en) 2021-10-18 2021-10-18 Permanent burning furnace

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SI (1) SI26033A (en)

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