SI25202A - Two-axis door hinge at washing machine - Google Patents

Two-axis door hinge at washing machine Download PDF


Publication number
SI25202A SI201600125A SI201600125A SI25202A SI 25202 A SI25202 A SI 25202A SI 201600125 A SI201600125 A SI 201600125A SI 201600125 A SI201600125 A SI 201600125A SI 25202 A SI25202 A SI 25202A
Prior art keywords
washing machine
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Slovenian (sl)
Miha Plevel
MatjaĹľ 3320 Velenje Kuhar
Uroš Gril
Original Assignee
Gorenje Gospodinjski Aparati, D.D.
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
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Application filed by Gorenje Gospodinjski Aparati, D.D. filed Critical Gorenje Gospodinjski Aparati, D.D.
Priority to SI201600125A priority Critical patent/SI25202A/en
Priority to PCT/IB2017/052223 priority patent/WO2017191517A1/en
Publication of SI25202A publication Critical patent/SI25202A/en



    • D06F37/00Details specific to washing machines covered by groups D06F21/00 - D06F25/00
    • D06F37/26Casings; Tubs
    • D06F37/28Doors; Security means therefor


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Textile Engineering (AREA)
  • Main Body Construction Of Washing Machines And Laundry Dryers (AREA)


Predlagani izum se nanaša na pralni stroj, obsegajoč v ohišju razporejeno pralno kad, v kateri je razporejen v bistvu okoli vodoravne osi vrtljiv boben, pri čemer se da omenjeno pralno kad zapreti s pomočjo vrat, s katerimi se zapira in/ali odpira dostopno odprtino za dodajanje in/ali odvzemanje perila, zlasti pa se izum nanaša na dvoosni šarnir, s pomočjo katerega so omenjena vrata zasukljiva, pri čemer je omenjeni dvoosni šarnir lahko po eni strani pritrjen na pralno kad in po drugi strani na omenjena vrata. Po predlaganem izumu omenjeni dvoosni šarnir obsega pritrdilni element (8), šarnirsko roko (12) in pritrdilno sredstvo (19), pri čemer je na šarnirski roki (12) razporejeno blokirno sredstvo (22), ki je predvideno za sodelovanje s pritrdilnim elementom (8) dvoosnega šarnirja (6).The present invention relates to a washing machine, comprising a rotating bathtub arranged in a housing in which a rotary drum is arranged substantially around a horizontal axis, wherein said washing tray is closed by means of a door that closes and / or opens the access opening for adding and / or removing the laundry, and in particular the invention relates to a two-axis hinge, by means of which said door is rotatable, said two-axis hinge being on one side attached to the washing tub and on the other side to said door. According to the present invention, said two-axis hinge comprises a fastening element (8), a hinge arm (12), and an attachment means (19), whereby a locking means (22) is provided on the hinge arm (12) provided for cooperating with the fixing element 8) of a two-axis hinge (6).


DVOOSNI ŠARNIR VRAT PRI PRALNEM STROJU [0001] Predlagani izum se nanaša na pralni stroj, obsegajoč v ohišju razporejeno pralno kad, v kateri je razporejen v bistvu okoli vodoravne osi vrtljiv boben, pri čemer se da omenjeno pralno kad zapreti s pomočjo vrat, s katerimi se zapira in/ali odpira dostopno odprtino za dodajanje in/ali odvzemanje perila, zlasti pa se izum nanaša na dvoosni šamir, s pomočjo katerega so omenjena vrata zasukljiva, pri čemer je omenjeni dvoosni šamir lahko po eni strani pritrjen na pralno kad in po drugi strani na omenjena vrata.[0001] The present invention relates to a washing machine comprising a washing tub arranged in a housing in which a rotating drum is arranged substantially about a horizontal axis, the said washing tub being capable of being closed by means of a door with which closes and / or opens an accessible opening for adding and / or removing laundry, and in particular the invention relates to a two-axis shimmer by means of which said door can be rotated, said two-axis shamir being capable of being attached to the washing tub on the one hand and on the other pages on said door.

[0002] Dvoosni šamir vrat se uporablja pri tistih pralnih strojih, pri katerih mora biti ob zaprtih vratih zagotovljeno popolno tesnjenje kadi pralnega stroja in kjer je potrebno zagotoviti zadosten kot odpiranja vrat, ki ga ni mogoče doseči z običajnim enoosnim šamirjem. Dvoosni šamir vrat je še posebej uporaben pri takšnih izvedbah pralnega stroja, ki se polnijo s sprednje strani, pri katerih so vrata pralnega stroja pritrjena neposredno na kad pralnega stroja, in pri katerih so vrata pralnega stroja poravnana s sprednjo steno pralnega stroja.[0002] A two-axis door slammer is used in those washing machines where the closed door of the washing machine must be completely sealed and where necessary, a sufficient door opening angle cannot be achieved which cannot be achieved with a conventional one-axis slammer. The two-axis door slammer is particularly useful for such front-loading washing machine embodiments of which the washing machine door is attached directly to the washing machine tub and where the washing machine door is aligned with the front wall of the washing machine.

[0003] Pri znanih dvoosnih šamirjih se na strani šamiija lahko pojavi neželen odmik v osni smeri vrat proč od kadi, kar vodi k netesnosti sicer zaprtih vrat. Omenjeni odmik v osni smeri oz. omenjena netesnost je lahko posledica zračnosti v oseh, deformacij šamirja in vrat, ipd. Zlasti pa lahko do netesnosti vrat pride tekom samega pranja, ko na vrata oz. šamir delujejo sile zaradi udarjanja perila na vrata in sile zaradi pospeškov kadi, vrat in šamirja tekom pranja in centrifugiranja.[0003] In the case of known biaxial shamers, an undesired deviation in the axial direction of the door away from the tub may occur on the shamii side, leading to the leakage of an otherwise closed door. The said offset in the axial direction or. the aforementioned leakage may be due to axial play, deformation of the shamir and neck, etc. In particular, door leakage can occur during the washing process itself, when the door or door is being washed. Shamir is acted upon by the impact of laundry on the door and by the acceleration of the tubs, doors and shamir during washing and spinning.

[0004] Naloga izuma je zagotoviti zanesljivo tesnjenje vrat na kadi pralnega stroja z dvoosnim šamirjem vrat.[0004] It is an object of the invention to provide a reliable door seal on the bathtub of a washing machine with a two-axis door slammer.

[0005] Zastavljena naloga je po predlaganem izumu rešena z značilnostmi, podanimi značilnostnem delu 1. patentnega zahtevka. Podrobnosti izuma so razkrite v pripadajočih podzahtevkih. Predlagani izum torej razkriva dvoosni šamir, ki obsega blokimo sredstvo, s pomočjo katerega se bistveno poveča togost povezave med vrati in kadjo pralnega stroja na strani šamirja vrat in ki je razporejeno neposredno na šarnirju vrat. Pralni stroj po izumu obsega ohišje s pralno kadjo, v kateri je razporejen vrtljiv boben in katera obsega dostopno odprtino za sprejemanje in/ali odvzemanje perila. Omenjena dostopna odprtina je tekom pranja zaprta z • · · dostopnimi vrati, obsegajočimi tesnilno sredstvo, pri čemer omenjena vrata tesnilno sodelujejo s stranjo pralne kadi, ki je obrnjena k dostopnim vratom. Slednja na svojem prvem koncu obsegajo zatič za blokimo sodelovanje z blokimim sredstvom na pralni kadi, na svojem drugem koncu pa so zgibno povezana dvoosnim šarnirjem, ki je pritrjen na omenjeno kad. Omenjeni dvoosni šamir obsega blokimo sredstvo, ki je razporejeno na šamirski roki omenjenega šamirja in ki je pri zaprtih vratih pralnega stroja v prijemu s pritrdilnim elementom dvoosnega šamirja. Na tak način je preprečen odmik šamirske roke šamirja v pretežno osni smeri kadi proč od pritrdilnega elementa, ki je pritrjen na pralni kadi ali na ohišju pralnega stroja. Omenjeno blokimo sredstvo pride iz prijema s pritrdilnim elementom dvoosnega šamirja, ko se dostopna vrata odpre oz. zasuče okoli svoje vrtilne osi za kot približno 45 ločnih stopinj. Tekom zapiranja dostopnih vrat pralnega stroja pride blokimo sredstvo v prijem s pritrdilnim elementom dvoosnega šamirja tik preden se aktivira elektronska zapora dostopnih vrat, ki se običajno nahaja na diametralno nasprotni strani dvoosnega šamirja, oz. ko do popolnega zaprtja vrat manjka še največ 5 ločnih stopinj.[0005] The object of the present invention is solved by the features given in the characteristic part of claim 1. Details of the invention are disclosed in the corresponding sub-claims. The present invention therefore discloses a two-axis shamir comprising a blocking means by which the rigidity of the connection between the door and the bathtub of the washing machine on the side of the door shimmer is significantly increased and which is arranged directly on the door hinge. The washing machine according to the invention comprises a housing with a washing tub in which a rotating drum is arranged and comprising an accessible opening for receiving and / or removing laundry. Said access opening is closed during the wash with • · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · vrati vrati dostop vrati, vrati,,, obseg, obseg tesnil tes tes tes,,, sredstvo,,,, čemer. The two ends at their first end comprise a locking pin for interlocking with the block means in the washing tub, and at their other end are articulated by a two-axis hinge attached to said tub. Said biaxial shamir comprises a locking means disposed on the shamir arm of said shamir and which, when the door of the washing machine is closed, is gripped with the biaxial shamir fastener. This prevents the shamir shamer's arm from moving in the substantially axial direction of the tub away from the fixture attached to the washer or the washer housing. Said interlock means come from the grip with the biaxial hinge attachment when the access door opens or. rotates about 45 separate degrees around its rotary axis. During the closing of the access door of the washing machine, the means are locked into the grip with the biaxial hinge fastener just before the electronic access door lock, which is usually located on the diametrically opposite side of the biaxial hinge, is activated. when a maximum of 5 separate degrees are missing until the door is completely closed.

[0006] Izum je v nadaljevanju podrobneje predstavljen na osnovi neomejujočega izvedbenega primera in s sklicevanjem na priložene skice, kjer kaže sl. 1 pralni stroj z dvoosnim šarnirjem vrat v tridimenzionalnem shematskem pogledu; sl. 2 dvoosni šamir vrat pralnega stroja v tridimenzionalnem pogledu;[0006] The invention is hereinafter described in more detail on the basis of a non-limiting embodiment and with reference to the accompanying drawings, where FIG. 1 washing machine with two-axis door hinge in three-dimensional schematic view; FIG. 2 two-axis shimmer of the door of the washing machine in three-dimensional view;

sl. 3 šamir s sl. 2 v začetnem položaju,.zaprto”;FIG. 3 is a shamir of FIG. 2 in the starting position, "closed";

sl. 4 šamir s sl. 2 v vmesnem položaju „delno odprto”;FIG. 4 is a shamir of FIG. 2 in the 'partially open' position;

sl. 5 šamir s sl. 2 v končnem položaju „odprto”.FIG. 5 is a shamir of FIG. 2 in end position 'open'.

[0007] Pralni stroj po izumu obsega ohišje 1, v katerem je razporejena pralna kad 2. V slednji je razporejen v bistvu okoli vodoravne osi vrtljiv boben 3, pri čemer se da omenjeni boben 3 zapreti s pomočjo vrat 4, s katerimi se zapira in/ali odpira dostopno odprtino 5 za dodajanje in/ali odvzemanje perila. Omenjena vrata 4 so s pomočjo dvoosnega šamirja 6 pritrjena na pralno kad 2, pri čemer se jih da v zaprtem položaju blokirati s pomočjo zatiča 7, ki sodeluje s po sebi znano in podrobneje neprikazano vratno zaporo na pralni kadi 2.[0007] The washing machine according to the invention comprises a housing 1 in which a washing tub 2 is arranged. In the latter, a rotating drum 3 is arranged substantially around the horizontal axis, said drum 3 being closed by means of a door 4 which closes and / or opens the access opening 5 for adding and / or removing laundry. Said doors 4 are secured to the washbasin 2 by means of a two-axis slam 6, and can be locked in the closed position by means of a pin 7, which cooperates with a well-known and in detail not shown door lock on the washbasin 2.

[0008] Omenjeni dvoosni šamir 6 obsega približno v smislu črke L zasnovan pritrdilni element 8 s prvim krakom 8’ in drugim krakom 8”, ki je pod kotom postavljen glede na omenjeni prvi krak 8’. Omenjeni prvi krak 8’ pritrdilnega elementa 8 je namenjen povezavi s • · • · • · • ···· · · ****·” · · pralno kadjo 2, pri čemer prvi krak 8’ s svojo ploskvijo 8a, ki leži‘na*strani, obfnjehl proč’09 drugega kraka 8”, sodeluje s primemo zasnovanim ležiščem na pralni kadi 2 za sprejem pritrdilnega elementa 8 oz. prvega kraka 8’. Vsaj delu prostega konca omenjenega drugega kraka 8” je prigrajeno ležajno sredstvo 9, na primer vsaj ena valjasta puša, za sprejem prve vrtilne osi 10 šamirja. Omenjeni prvi krak 8’ je dalje zasnovan s približno središčno postavljenim izrezom 11.Said biaxial shamer 6 comprises, in the sense of the letter L, a fastening element 8 having a first arm 8 'and a second arm 8' which is angled relative to said first arm 8 '. Said first arm 8 'of fastener 8 is intended to be connected to the washing tub 2, the first arm 8' having its surface 8a lying 'on the * side, obfnjehl away '09 of the second arm 8', cooperates with a primed designed bed on the washbasin 2 to receive the attachment element 8 or. of the first arm 8 '. At least part of the free end of said second arm 8 ”is fitted with a bearing means 9, for example at least one cylindrical sleeve, for receiving the first pivot axis 10 of the shamir. Said first arm 8 ' is further designed with an approximately centered notch 11.

[0009] Omenjeni dvoosni šamir 6 dalje obsega šarnirsko roko 12, ki je s pomočjo prve vrtilne osi 10 zgibno povezana s pritrdilnim elementom 8. Omenjena Šamirska roka 12 je zasnovana v smislu črke L, pri čemer je vsaj del prostega konca njenega prvega kraka 13 opremljen z ležajnim sredstvom 14, na primer z vsaj eno valjasto pušo, za sodelovanje s prvo vrtilno osjo 10. Približno pravokotno na prvi krak 13 šamirske roke 12 in v smeri, potekajoči proč od pritrdilnega elementa 8, je omenjenemu prvemu kraku 13 priključen drugi krak 15 šamirske roke 12. Vsaj del prostega konca drugega kraka 15 je opremljen z ležajnim sredstvom 16, na primer z vsaj eno valjasto pušo, za sprejem druge vrtilne osi 17 šamirja 6. Omenjeni drugi krak 15 šamirske roke 12 je dalje zasnovan s približno središčno postavljenim izrezom 18.Said biaxial shamir 6 further comprises a hinge arm 12 which is pivotally connected to the fastener by means of the first rotary axis 10. Said shamir arm 12 is designed in the sense of the letter L, with at least part of the free end of its first leg 13 provided with a bearing means 14, such as at least one cylindrical sleeve, to cooperate with the first rotary axis 10. Approximately perpendicular to the first leg 13 of the shimmer arm 12 and in the direction extending away from the fastener 8, a second arm is connected to said first arm 13 15 of the shamir arm 12. At least part of the free end of the second arm 15 is provided with a bearing means 16, such as at least one cylindrical sleeve, to receive the second swivel axis 17 of the shamir 6. Said second arm 15 of the shamir arm 12 is further designed approximately centrally positioned cutout 18.

[0010] Še dalje omenjeni dvoosni šamir 6 obsega pritrdilno sredstvo 19, ki je na svojem prvem koncu zasnovano z ležajnim sredstvom 20, na primer z vsaj eno valjasto pušo, za sodelovanje z drugo vrtilno osjo 17 šamirja 6. Prosti konec 19’ pritrdilnega sredstva 19 je zasnovan za sprejem vrat 4 pralnega stroja po izumu. Pritrdilno sredstvo 19 je na svojem prvem koncu in približno središčno glede na ležajno sredstvo 20 opremljeno z odmikalom 21. Pritrdilno sredstvo 19 in odmikalo 21 sta medsebojno togo povezana in skupaj zasukljiva okoli omenjene drage vrtilne osi 17 šamirja 6.[0010] The aforementioned two-axis shamer 6 comprises a fastening means 19, which at its first end is designed with a bearing means 20, such as at least one cylindrical sleeve, to cooperate with the second swivel axis 17 of the shamers 6. The free end 19 'of the fastening means 19 is designed to receive the door 4 of a washing machine according to the invention. The fastening means 19 are provided at their first end and approximately centrally with respect to the bearing means 20 with a cam 21. The fastening means 19 and the cam 21 are interconnected and rotatable about said expensive shimmer axis 17.

[0011] Omenjena šamirska roka 12 je zasnovana z blokirnim sredstvom 22, ki je razporejeno v območju omenjenega izreza 18 in je vrtljivo približno pravokotno na ravnino drugega kraka 15 šamirske roke 12. Omenjeno vrtljivost blokirnega sredstva 22 se doseže s tem, da je slednje vrtljivo uležajeno na vrtilni osi 23, ki je pritrjena v ušesih 24 omenjenega izreza 18. Prvi konec blokirnega sredstva 22 sodeluje z odmikalom 21, medtem ko dragi konec blokirnega sredstva 22 sodeluje z omenjenim izrezom 11 pritrdilnega elementa 8. V ta namen je omenjeno blokimo sredstvo 22 zasnovano z nosom 25, ki prijemlje na rob omenjenega izreza 11. Da se prepreči nenadzorovano odklepanje šamirja 6, je blokimo sredstvo 22 opremljeno z vzmetnim sredstvom 26, ki deluje nanj tako, da nos 25 pri zaprtih vratih 4 oziroma zaprtem položaju • · · · šamirja 6 pritiska na rob izreza 11.[0011] Said shamir arm 12 is designed with a locking means 22 disposed in the region of said cutout 18 and rotatable approximately perpendicular to the plane of the second arm 15 of the shamiric arm 12. Said rotation of the locking means 22 is achieved by the latter being rotatable. mounted on the rotary axis 23, which is fixed in the ears 24 of said recess 18. The first end of the locking means 22 cooperates with the cam 21, while the expensive end of the locking means 22 cooperates with said recess 11 of the fastener 8. To this end, said locking means 22 designed with a nose 25 that grips the edge of said cutout 11. In order to prevent uncontrolled unlocking of the slammer 6, the locking means 22 is provided with a spring means 26 which act on it so that the nose 25 is closed with the door 4 or closed. the slammer 6 presses the edge of the cutout 11.

[0012] Dvoosni šarnir 6 je v nadaljevanju s sklicevanjem na priložene skice opisan v različnih delovnih položajih. Tako je na sl. 3 prikazan dvoosni šarnir 6 v popolnoma zaprtem položaju, kar pomeni, da so vrata 4 pralnega stroja popolnoma zaprta. Kot že zgoraj omenjeno, je dvoosni šarnir 6 s pomočjo pritrdilnega elementa 8 na po sebi znan način, na primer z vijaki, pritrjen na pralno kad 2, tako da omenjena ploskev 8a prvega kraka 8’ pritrdilnega elementa 8 sodeluje s primemo zasnovanim ležiščem na pralni kadi 2. V tem položaju je omenjeni prvi krak 8’ oz. je omenjena ploskev 8a postavljena približno vzporedno s sprednjo steno pralnega stroja. Šamirska roka 12 je povsem pomaknjena k omenjenemu prvemu kraku 8’ pritrdilnega elementa 8, pri čemer koleno, ki ga tvorita prvi krak 13 in drugi krak 15 šamirske roke 12, sega skozi izrez 11 v prvem kraku 8’ pritrdilnega elementa 8. Pritrdilno sredstvo 19 oz. njegov prosti konec 19’ je pri tem postavljen približno vzporedno s prvim krakom 8’ pritrdilnega elementa 8, pri čemer je nos 21’ omenjenega odmikala 21 odmaknjen iz prijema z aktivimim odsekom 22’ omenjenega blokimega sredstva 22. Blokimo sredstvo 22 s svojim nosom 25, ki leži na nasprotnem koncu kot omenjeni aktivimi odsek 22’, prijemlje v notranji rob omenjenega izreza 11 v prvem kraku 8’ pritrdilnega elementa 8.[0012] The biaxial hinge 6 is hereinafter referred to in various operating positions with reference to the accompanying drawings. Thus, in FIG. 3 shows the two-axis hinge 6 in the fully closed position, which means that the door 4 of the washing machine is completely closed. As mentioned above, the biaxial hinge 6 is known in a manner known per se, by means of a fastener 8, for example, by screws fastened to a washbasin 2, so that said surface 8a of the first bush 8 'of the fastener 8 cooperates with a suitably designed washbasin bed tubs 2. In this position, said first arm is 8 'respectively. said surface 8a is positioned approximately parallel to the front wall of the washing machine. The shamir arm 12 is completely moved to said first arm 8 'of the fastening element 8, the knee formed by the first arm 13 and the second arm 15 of the shamir arm 12 extending through the recess 11 in the first arm 8' of the fastening element 8. The fastening means 19 oz. its free end 19 'is thus positioned approximately parallel to the first arm 8' of the fastener 8, with the nose 21 'of said cam 21 disengaged from the grip with the active section 22' of said locking means 22. Block means 22 with its nose 25, lying at the opposite end as said active section 22 'grips into the inner edge of said recess 11 in the first arm 8' of the fastener 8.

[0013] Dalje je na sl. 4 prikazan dvoosni šarnir 6 v prvem vmesnem položaju, kar pomeni, da so vrata 4 pralnega stroja 1 delno odprta. V tem primeru uporabnik delno odpre vrata 4, pri čemer se pritrdilno sredstvo 19 oz. njegov prosti konec 19’ zavrti okoli druge vrtilne osi 17 dvoosnega šamirja 6. Omenjeni nos 21’ odmikala 21 tedaj pritisne na aktivimi odsek 22’ blokimega sredstva 22, ki se zavrti okoli svoje vrtilne osi 23, pri čemer se posledično nos 25 blokimega sredstva 22 postavi iz prijema z omenjenim notranjim robom izreza 11 v prvem kraku 8’ pritrdilnega elementa 8, medtem ko se omenjeni aktivimi odsek 22’ nasloni na notranji rob izreza 18 v drugem kraku 15 šamirske roke 12. Dvoosni šarnir 6 je sedaj pripravljena za dokončno odpiranje.[0013] Further in FIG. 4 shows a two-axis hinge 6 in the first intermediate position, which means that the door 4 of the washing machine 1 is partially open. In this case, the user partially opens port 4, with the fastening means 19 or. its free end 19 'rotates about the second rotary axis 17 of the biaxial shamir 6. Said nose 21' of the cam 21 then presses on the active section 22 'of the blocking means 22, which rotates about its rotary axis 23, and consequently the nose 25 of the blocking means 22 is positioned from the grip with said inner edge of the cutout 11 in the first arm 8 'of the fastener 8, while said active section 22' rests on the inner edge of the cutout 18 in the second arm 15 of the shamir arm 12. The two-axis hinge 6 is now ready for final opening.

[0014] Dalje je na sl. 5 prikazan dvoosni šarnir 6 v končnem položaju, kar pomeni, da so vrata 4 pralnega stroja 1 popolnoma odprta. Odpiranje dvoosnega šamirja 6 iz vmesnega položaja po sl. 4 se sedaj nadaljuje z nadaljnjim izvajanjem odpiralne sile na pritrdilno sredstvo[0014] Further in FIG. 5 shows the two-axis hinge 6 in the end position, which means that the door 4 of the washing machine 1 is fully open. Opening the two-axis slammer 6 from the intermediate position according to FIG. 4 is now proceeding with the further application of the opening force to the fastening means

19. S tem, ko se omenjeni aktivimi odsek 22’ nasloni na notranji rob izreza 18 v drugem kraku 15 šamirske roke 12, je dosežen največji mogoči zasuk pritrdilnega sredstva 19 okoli druge vrtilne osi 17. Odpiralna sila se tedaj prenese na šamirsko roko 12, ki se zasuče okoli prve • · • ··· vrtilne osi 10, dokler ne doseže položaja »popolnoma odprto”. V tem položaju je prvi krak 13 šamirske roke 12 postavljen približno vzporedno s prvim krakom 8’ pritrdilnega elementa 8, pri čemer je nadaljnje sukanje šamirske roke 12 okoli prve vrtilne osi 10 preprečeno s pralno kadjo 2 oz. zaključnim elementom, razporejenim na pralni kadi 2.19. By restraining said active section 22 'on the inner edge of the cutout 18 in the second arm 15 of the shamir arm 12, the largest possible rotation of the fastening means 19 is obtained about the second rotary axis 17. The opening force is then transferred to the shamir arm 12, which rotates about the first • · • ··· of the rotary axis 10 until it reaches the “fully open” position. In this position, the first arm 13 of the shamir arm 12 is positioned approximately parallel to the first arm 8 'of the fastener 8, preventing further rotation of the shamir arm 12 around the first rotary axis 10 by washing the tub 2 or. finishing elements arranged on the washing tub 2.

[0015] Zapiranje vrat 4 pralnega stroja 1 po izumu smiselno sledi v obratnem vrstnem redu.[0015] The closing of the door 4 of the washing machine 1 according to the invention is reasonably followed in reverse order.

Claims (8)

1. Dvoosni šamir pri pralnem stroju, značilen po tem, da omenjeni dvoosni šarnir (6) obsega pritrdilni element (8), šarnirsko roko (12) in pritrdilno sredstvo (19), pri čemer je na šamirski roki (12) razporejeno blokimo sredstvo (22), ki je predvideno za sodelovanje z omenjenim pritrdilnim elementom (8) dvoosnega šamirja (6).A two-axis washer for a washing machine, characterized in that said two-axis hinge (6) comprises a fastening element (8), a hinged arm (12) and a fastening means (19), with a blocking means arranged on the shamir arm (12). (22), which is intended to cooperate with said fastening element (8) of the biaxial shamir (6). 2. Dvoosni šamir po zahtevku 1, značilen po tem, da je omenjeni pritrdilni element (8) zasnovan v smislu črke L, pri čemer obsega prvi krak (8’), ki je namenjen povezavi s pralno kadjo (2), in drugi krak (8”), ki mu je prigrajeno ležajno sredstvo (9) za sprejem prve vrtilne osi (10) šamirja (6), pri čemer je omenjeni prvi krak (8’) zasnovan s približno središčno postavljenim izrezom (11), ki je predviden za sodelovanje z omenjenim blokimim sredstvom (22).Biaxial sham according to claim 1, characterized in that said fastening element (8) is designed in the sense of the letter L, comprising the first arm (8 ') intended for connection to the washing tub (2) and the second arm (8 ”) to which a bearing means (9) is provided to receive the first swivel axis (10) of the shamir (6), said first arm (8 ') being designed with an approximately centrally arranged cutout (11) provided for cooperating with said block agent (22). 3. Dvoosni šamir po zahtevku 1, značilen po tem, da je omenjena šamirska roka (12), ki je s pomočjo omenjene prve vrtilne osi (10) zgibno povezana z omenjenim pritrdilnim elementom (8), zasnovana v smislu črke L, pri čemer obsega prvi krak (13), ki mu je prigrajeno ležajno sredstvo (14) za sodelovanje z omenjeno prvo vrtilno osjo (10), in drugi krak (15), ki je opremljen z ležajnim sredstvom (16) za sprejem druge vrtilne osi (17) šamirja (6), in pri čemer je omenjeni drugi krak (15) šamirske roke (12) zasnovan s približno središčno postavljenim izrezom (18) za sprejem blokimega sredstva (22).Biaxial shamir according to claim 1, characterized in that said shamir arm (12), which is articulated with said first rotary axis (10) through said fastening element (8), is designed in the sense of the letter L, wherein comprising a first arm (13) to which a bearing means (14) is attached to engage with said first rotary axis (10) and a second arm (15) provided with a bearing means (16) for receiving the second rotary axis (17) ) of the shamir (6), and said second arm (15) of the shamir arm (12) being designed with an approximately centrally positioned cutout (18) for receiving the blocking means (22). 4. Dvoosni šamir po zahtevku 1, značilen po tem, da obsega pritrdilno sredstvo (19), ki je na svojem prvem koncu zasnovano z ležajnim sredstvom (20) za sodelovanje z omenjeno drugo vrtilno osjo (17) šamirja (6), medtem ko je drugi, prosti konec (19’) pritrdilnega sredstva (19) zasnovan za sprejem vrat (4) pralnega stroja (1), pri čemer je omenjeno pritrdilno sredstvo (19) na svojem prvem koncu in približno središčno glede na ležajno sredstvo (20) opremljeno z odmikalom (21), ki je predvideno za sodelovanje z omenjenim blokimim sredstvom (22).Biaxial shamir according to claim 1, characterized in that it comprises a fastening means (19), which at its first end is designed with a bearing means (20) for cooperating with said second swivel axis (17) of the shamir (6), while the second, free end (19 ') of the fastening means (19) is designed to receive the door (4) of the washing machine (1), said fastening means (19) being at its first end and approximately centered with respect to the bearing means (20) provided with a cam (21) which is intended to cooperate with said block means (22). 5. Dvoosni šamir po kateremkoli od predhodnih zahtevkov, značilen po tem, da je omenjeno blokimo sredstvo (22) vrtljivo uležajeno na vrtilni osi (23), ki je pritrjena v ušesih (24) omenjenega izreza (18), pri čemer prvi konec blokimega sredstva (22) sodeluje z odmikalom (21), medtem ko drugi konec blokimega sredstva (22) sodeluje z omenjenim • · • · · ·· · izrezom (11) pritrdilnega elementa (8).A two-axis sham according to any one of the preceding claims, characterized in that said locking means (22) is pivotally mounted on a rotary axis (23), which is fixed in the ears (24) of said cutout (18), the first end of the locking means means (22) interacts with the cam (21), while the other end of the locking means (22) cooperates with said notch (11) of the fastener (8). 6. Dvoosni šamir po kateremkoli od predhodnih zahtevkov, značilen po tem, da je omenjeno blokimo sredstvo (22) zasnovano z nosom (25), ki prijemlje v rob omenjenega izreza (11).A two-axis sham according to any one of the preceding claims, characterized in that said block means (22) is formed by a nose (25) which grips the edge of said cut (11). 7. Dvoosni šamir po kateremkoli od predhodnih zahtevkov, značilen po tem, da je blokimo sredstvo (22) s pomočjo vzmetnega sredstva (26) vseskozi držano v položaju zaprto.Biaxial sham according to any one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the means (22) are locked in a closed position by means of a spring means (26). 8. Pralni stroj, značilen po tem, da so vrata (4) pralnega stroja (1) zasukljiva na dvoosnem šamiiju (6) po kateremkoli od predhodnih zahtevkov.Washing machine, characterized in that the door (4) of the washing machine (1) is rotatable on a two-axis shamii (6) according to any one of the preceding claims.
SI201600125A 2016-05-06 2016-05-06 Two-axis door hinge at washing machine SI25202A (en)

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SI201600125A SI25202A (en) 2016-05-06 2016-05-06 Two-axis door hinge at washing machine
PCT/IB2017/052223 WO2017191517A1 (en) 2016-05-06 2017-04-19 A biaxial door hinge of a washing machine

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KR100425126B1 (en) * 2002-03-13 2004-03-30 엘지전자 주식회사 Device for linking case to door in drum type washing machine and method for assembling the same
US7617570B2 (en) * 2006-03-22 2009-11-17 Whirlpool Corporation Double-pivot, constrained kinematic hinge for a front-loading laundry machine

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