SI25167A - A system for pushing or pulling the train at major inclines - Google Patents

A system for pushing or pulling the train at major inclines Download PDF


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SI25167A SI201600120A SI201600120A SI25167A SI 25167 A SI25167 A SI 25167A SI 201600120 A SI201600120 A SI 201600120A SI 201600120 A SI201600120 A SI 201600120A SI 25167 A SI25167 A SI 25167A
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Application filed by Jože DUHOVNIK, Janez MOŽINA filed Critical Jože DUHOVNIK
Priority to SI201600120A priority Critical patent/SI25167A/en
Priority to EP17000645.6A priority patent/EP3239016B1/en
Publication of SI25167A publication Critical patent/SI25167A/en



    • B61J3/00Shunting or short-distance haulage devices; Similar devices for hauling trains on steep gradients or as starting aids; Car propelling devices therefor
    • B61J3/04Car shunting or haulage devices with cable traction or endless-chain driving means
    • B61J3/06Car shunting or haulage devices with cable traction or endless-chain driving means with vehicle-engaging truck or carriage


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • Electric Propulsion And Braking For Vehicles (AREA)
  • Train Traffic Observation, Control, And Security (AREA)


Predmet izuma je sistem za potiskanje ali vlečenje vlaka pri večjih nagibih proge z uporabo vlečne vrvi in potisnega ali vlečnega vozička. Sistem tvorijo proga malega nagiba z vlakovno kompozicijo (5) in njej vzporedna kratka proga z vozičkom (3) ki sta združeni s kretnico (1); združena proga se od kretnice (1) v dolžini kompozicije (5) nadaljuje z malim nagibom, nato preide v velik nagib, pri čemer je trasa vozička (3) je v celotni dolžini ravna proga (2); voziček (3) je vpet na vlečno vrv (4); na zgornjem delu preide proga z velikega nagiba v progo malega nagiba; v prehodu je generator sistema (6) z vretenom za vlečno vrv (4), motorjem, regulacijami in rekuperacijo energije.Subject of the invention is a system for pushing or traction of a train at major track slopes using a tow rope and a pusher or towing trolley. The system comprises a small slope with a train composition (5) and a parallel short track parallel to it with a trolley (3) which are joined to the switch (1); the joined line extends from the crosspiece (1) in the length of the composition (5) with a slight inclination, then passes into a large slope, with the track (3) along the entire length of the line (2); the trolley (3) is mounted on the tow rope (4); on the upper part passes the line from a large slope to a small slope; in the passage there is a generator system (6) with a spindle for a tow rope (4), a motor, a control, and an energy recovery.


Predmet izuma je sistem za potiskanje ali vlečenje vlaka pri večjih nagibih proge z uporabo vlečne vrvi in potisnega ali vlečnega vozička.The subject of the invention is a system for pushing or pulling a train at higher slopes using a tow rope and a push or pull trolley.

Znano je, da adhezijske sile lokomotiv ne omogočajo vlakovnim kompozicijam premagovanje velikih nagibov. Zaradi tega imamo pri železnicah dolge proge, ki z manjšim naklonom zagotavljajo premagovanje večjih višinskih razlik. Nagibi na običajnih železniških progah so do 25%o, najbolj običajno do 17%o. Večje nagibe do 140%o se uporablja še danes za običajno potniške železniške povezave, medtem, ko se tovorni promet zaključi pri okoli 79 %o.It is known that the adhesive forces of locomotives do not allow trainsets to overcome large inclines. Because of this, we have long lines for railways, which, with a lower inclination, ensure that greater altitude differences are overcome. The inclines on conventional rail lines are up to 25% o, most usually up to 17% o. Higher slopes of up to 140% o are still used today for conventional passenger rail connections, while freight closes at around 79% o.

Razumljivo je, da morajo veliki nagibi imeti večjo vlečno silo, ki jo dosežemo običajno z vključitvijo dveh lokomotiv. Za velike nagibe pa se potreba po vlečni moči pomembno poveča, zato praviloma železniške proge za tovorni promet ne uporabljamo za velike nagibe večje od 17%0. Za velike nagibe uporabljamo tudi lokomotive z večjo vlečno silo kot je npr. lokomotiva z vlečno silo 800 kN, ki se uporablja za vlakovne kompozicije do 40%o.It is understandable that high inclines must have the greater traction that is normally achieved by the inclusion of two locomotives. For high slopes, however, the need for traction is significantly increased, and as a rule, we do not use freight lines for high slopes greater than 17% 0 . For high gradients, we also use locomotives with a higher traction force, such as. locomotive with an 800 kN traction force for train compositions up to 40% o.

V primeru večjih vzponov je možno uporabiti zobato železnico, ki silo za premagovanje uporov in komponento sile teže premaguje z velikim ozobjem, praviloma z paralelnim ozobjem, da se obremenitev bolje prenaša z zamikom delitve.In the case of higher climbs, it is possible to use a toothed rail that overcomes the resistance and the component of the force of gravity with a large tooth, usually with a parallel tooth, so that the load is better tolerated by the delay of division.

Poznane so tudi rešitve vleke vlakovne kompozicije z jekleno vrvjo za transporte do 8 km.Also known are traction solutions for trainsets with steel ropes for transport up to 8 km.

Take rešitve se pogosto uporabljajo v mestih ali lokalnih transportih po letališču.Such solutions are widely used in urban or local airport transportation.

Znane rešitve za zmanjševanje dolžine prog in s tem povečanjega nagiba so izvedene z ali z dodatnimi lokomotivami, ali dodatnim povečevanjem trenja tako, da se posipa z kameninami ali jeklenimi opilki, ali s potiskanjem ali vleko z dodatnimi vlečnimi vozički, ki prenašajo silo preko zobatega profila.Known solutions for reducing track length and thereby increasing slope are made by or with additional locomotives, or by increasing friction by sanding with rocks or steel sawdust, or by pushing or towing with additional haulers that transmit force through a toothed profile .

Vsi dosedaj uporabljeni sistemi pa so omejeni na lažje transporte, predvsem za potniške vlake. Nobeden od znanih sistemov pa se ni uveljavil za velike mase vlakovnih kompozicij ter nagibe, ki presegajo več kot trikrat nagibe, ki so poznani na običajnih železniških progah.All systems used so far, however, are limited to easier transport, especially for passenger trains. None of the known systems has, however, established itself for the large masses of train tracks and slopes exceeding more than three times the slopes known on conventional railway lines.

-2Najbolj znana rešitev z vleko s pomočjo jeklene vrvi je v San Franciscu, kjer je uporaba jeklene vrvi upravičena zaradi velikih strmin, to je do 200%o. Obremenitve so relativno majhne, saj je teža vozičkov in samih potnikov relativno majhna.-2 The most famous steel rope hauling solution is in San Francisco, where the use of steel rope is justified by high slopes, up to 200% o. The loads are relatively small as the weight of the trolleys and the passengers themselves is relatively small.

Naloga izuma je takšen sistem za potiskanje ali vlečenje vlaka ki bo omogočal enostavno, hitro in zanesljivo vožnjo težkega vlaka po progi z velikim nagibom pri premagovanju višinskih razlik od 300 do 500 m in s tem ne bo potrebno dolžino proge podaljšati v spirali ali z drugimi oblikami krivine.It is an object of the invention to provide such a system for pushing or pulling a train, which will allow the heavy, fast and reliable running of a heavy train on a high slope when overcoming altitudes of 300 to 500 m, without the need to extend the length of the line in spirals or other forms. curves.

Po izumu je naloga rešena s sistemom ki omogoča zvezno vožnjo vlaka in povezano vožnjo potisnega vozička s priklopom potisnega vozička od zadaj, ter se voziček v zgornjem delu samo avtomatično odklopi in se vlakovna kompozicija odpelje naprej brez ustavljanja ali zaviranja vlokovne kompozicije.According to the invention, the task is solved by a system that allows continuous train running and coupled pushing of the trolley by attaching the pusher trolley from the rear, and the trolley in the upper part is automatically disconnected and the train composition is carried forward without stopping or inhibiting the train composition.

Izum bo opisan s pomočjo slik, ki prikazujejo:The invention will be described by means of pictures showing:

slika 1: sistem po izumu s potisnim vozičkom v prečnem prerezu, slika 2: sistem po izumu s potisnim vozičkom v narisu.Figure 1: Cross-sectional view of the invention with a push cart; Figure 2: Drawing system of the invention with a push cart in outline.

Sistem za potiskanje ali vlečenje vlaka po tiru z večjim nagibom se sestoji iz posebne kretnice 1, ki je izvedena iz štirih zaporednih delov, od tega sta dva fiksirana, povezanih v celoto, ki tvorijo ravno linijo za nemoteno gibanja vlakovne kompozicije 5 standardnih dimenzij za določeno hitrost vlaka, ki omogoča, da se lahko ukrivljena ali ravna transportna linija železniške proge spremeni v popolnoma ravno linijo proge 2 do najvišje točke dviga tako, da po tistem, ko vlakovna kompozicija z zadnjim vagonom pride v celoti na ravno linijo proge 2 pride od zadaj preko posebne kretnice 1 potisni ali vlečni voziček 3, ki z usklajeno hitrostjo ob dotiku na zadnji vagon vlakovne kompozicije zagotovi prenos sile do projektiranih vrednosti in nato začne potisni ali vlečni voziček 3 vso silo, ki jo zagotavlja jeklena vrv 4, prenesena v potisni ali vlečni voziček 3 z neposrednim dotikom na zadnji vagon vlakovne kompozicije 5 tako, da se vlečna sila lokomotive vlakovne kompozicije ob optimalni hitrosti izkoristi do največje mere in skupaj z obema vlečnima in/ali potisnima silama vozička 3 zagotavljata potrebno silo za premagovanje kotalnega upora, vseh drugih uporov in naklonsko komponento sile teže celotne kompozicije do prehoda na najvišjo točko proge, kjer se železniška proga izvede z nagibom, ki je primeren za lokomotivo z vsemi njenimi karakteristikami, in tako na zgornjem delu železniške proge lokomotiva vlakovne kompozicije 5 začne pospeševati, medtem ko se potisni ali vlečni voziček 3 ustavlja z zavoro z neposredno pretvorbo mehanske v električno energijo.A system for pushing or hauling a train on a higher inclined track consists of a special switch 1, which is made of four consecutive parts, two of which are fixed, connected together, forming a straight line for smooth movements of the train composition of 5 standard dimensions for a given the speed of the train enabling the curved or straight line of the railway line to be transformed into a perfectly straight line of line 2 to the highest point of lift so that after the train composition with the rear wagon comes fully to the straight line of line 2 from behind via special switch 1, push or pull trolley 3 which, at a coordinated speed at the touch of the rear wagon of the train composition, transmits force to the design values, and then begins to push or pull trolley 3 all the force provided by the steel rope 4 transferred to the push or pull trolley 3 by direct contact with the rear wagon of the train composition 5 such that the traction force of the train locomotive is maximizing use at optimum speed and together with both traction and / or thrust forces, the trolley 3 provides the necessary force to overcome the rolling resistance, all other resistances and the inclining component of the gravity of the whole composition until crossing the highest point of the line where the line is made with a slope suitable for the locomotive with all its characteristics, and thus on the upper part of the railway line, the locomotive of the train composition 5 begins to accelerate while the pusher or towing vehicle 3 is stopped by a brake by direct conversion of mechanical to electrical energy.

-3Mehanski in elektronski sistem 6 nadzira in krmili dviganje in spuščanje kompozicije 5.-3Mechanical and electronic system 6 controls and controls the lifting and lowering of the composition 5.

Voziček 3 je pripet na jekleni vrvi 4 v zgornjem položaju in začne pri spuščanju pospeševati pred vlakovno kompozicijo 5 tako, da lokomotiva spuščajoče vlakovne kompozicije 5 zmanjšuje hitrost in da bistven del potrebne zavorne energije prevzame potisni ali vlečni voziček 3, ki nato vso zavorno energijo pri spuščanju prevzame in jo prevede v silo jeklenih vrvi 4, ki so povezane preko velikih pogonskih koles oz. vreten z generatorjem sistema 6 tako, da omogoča pretvorbo mehanske v električno energijo ter se nato potisni ali vlečni voziček 3 v spodnjem delu s pospeševanjem hitrosti odmakne od lokomotive vlakovne kompozicije 5 zato, da pomembno prej prepelje preko kretnice 1 in se umakne iz linije železniških tirov ter tako omogoči, da se posebna kretnica 1 po prevozu potisnega ali vlečnega vozičeka 3 postavi tako, da se lahko lokomotiva z vlakovno kompozicijo prepelje preko izvozne kretnice na običajno železniško progo ter tako zagotovi prost dostop novi vlakovni kompoziciji za vožnjo navzgor.The trolley 3 is fastened to the steel rope 4 in the up position and begins to accelerate before lowering the train composition 5 so that the locomotive of the lower train composition 5 decreases the speed and that a substantial part of the required braking energy is taken up by the pushing or tow truck 3, which then takes all the braking energy at the lowering takes over and translates it into a force of steel ropes 4, which are connected via large drive wheels or. a spindle with a system generator 6 such that it converts mechanical to electrical power, and then pushes or pulls the trolley 3 at the lower part away from the locomotive of the train composition 5 to accelerate significantly through the switch 1 and withdraw from the rail line thus enabling the special switch 1 to be positioned after transporting the pusher or towing trolley 3 so that the locomotive with the train composition can be transported via the export switch to the normal railway track, thus providing free access to the new train composition for upward movement.

Sistem po izumu torej tvorijo proga malega nagiba z vlakovno kompozicijo 5 in njej vzporedna kratka proga z vozičekom 3 ki sta združeni s kretnico 1. Združena proga se od kretnice 1 v dolžini kompozicije 5 nadaljuje z malim nagibom, nato preide v velik nagib. Trasa vozičeka 3 je v celotni dolžini ravna proga 2, to je brez zavojev. Voziček 3 je vpet na vlečno vrv 4 med tiri proge 2. Na zgornjem delu preide proga z velikega nagiba v progo malega nagiba; v prehodu je generator sistema 6 z vretenom za vlečno vrv 4, motorjem, regulacijami in rekuperacijo energije.The system of the invention is thus formed by a low-slope track with train composition 5 and a parallel short track with a trolley 3 connected to it by a hook 1. The combined track continues at low slope from the switch 1 in the length of composition 5, then proceeds to a large slope. The track 3 is a straight line 2 along the whole length, that is, without turns. Trolley 3 is fixed to the tow rope 4 between the tracks 2. On the upper part, the high-slope line passes into the low-slope line; in the passage is a system generator 6 with a drawbar 4, motor, controls and energy recovery.

Sistem za potiskanje ali vlečenje vlaka je sestavljen iz znanih naprav in elementov, ki se uporabljajo v železniškem prometu ter z uporabo vseh spremljajočih naprav in elementov zagotavlja neprekinjeno vožnjo vlakovne kompozicije od prevzema na vstopni točki na spodnjem odseku do oddaje vlakovne kompozicije na zgornjem odseku na standardno železniško omrežje.The train pushing or tow system consists of known devices and elements used in the railway sector and, using all accompanying devices and elements, ensures the continuous running of the train composition from pick-up at the entry point in the lower section to the delivery of the train composition in the upper section to the standard railway network.

Claims (3)

1. Sistem za potiskanje ali vlečenje vlaka pri večjih nagibih proge z uporabo vlečne vrvi in potisnega ali vlečnega vozička, označen s tem, da ga tvorijo proga malega nagiba z vlakovno kompozicijo (5) in njej vzporedna kratka proga z vozičkom (3) ki sta združeni s kretnico (1); združena proga se od kretnice (1) v dolžini kompozicije (5) nadaljuje z malim nagibom, nato preide v velik nagib, pri čemer je trasa vozičeka (3) je v celotni dolžini ravna proga (2); voziček (3) je vpet na vlečno vrv (4); na zgornjem delu preide proga z velikega nagiba v progo malega nagiba; v prehodu je generator sistema (6) z vretenom za vlečno vrv (4), motorjem, regulacijami in rekuperacijo energije.A system for pushing or towing a train at high slopes using a tow rope and a pusher or tow cart, characterized in that it is formed by a low tilt line with a train composition (5) and a parallel short track with a trolley (3) united with a crib (1); the combined track continues at a slight inclination from the switch (1) in the length of the composition (5), then goes into a large incline, with the track (3) being a straight line (2) over the entire length; the trolley (3) is attached to the tow rope (4); at the upper part, the high-slope line passes into the low-slope line; in the passage is a system generator (6) with a drawbar spindle (4), an engine, controls and energy recovery. 2. Postopek potiskanja ali vlečenja vlaka pri večjih nagibih proge z uporabo vlečne vrvi in potisnega ali vlečnega vozička, označen s tem, da ko ob dviganju vlakovna kompozicija (5) z zadnjim vagonom pride v celoti na ravno linijo proge (2) pride od zadaj preko kretnice (1) potisni ali vlečni voziček (3), ki z usklajeno hitrostjo ob dotiku na zadnji vagon vlakovne kompozicije (5) zagotovi prenos sile do projektiranih vrednosti in nato začne potisni ali vlečni voziček (3) vso silo, ki jo zagotavlja jeklena vrv (4), prenesena v potisni ali vlečni voziček (3) z neposrednim dotikom na zadnji vagon vlakovne kompozicije (5) tako, da se vlečna sila lokomotive vlakovne kompozicije (5) ob optimalni hitrosti izkoristi do največje mere in skupaj z obema vlečnima in/ali potisnima silama vozičeka (3) zagotavljata potrebno silo za premagovanje kotalnega upora, vseh drugih uporov in naklonsko komponento sile teže celotne kompozicije do prehoda na najvišjo točko proge, kjer se železniška proga izvede z nagibom, ki je primeren za lokomotivo z vsemi njenimi karakteristikami, in tako na zgornjem delu železniške proge lokomotiva vlakovne kompozicije (5) začne pospeševati, medtem ko se potisni ali vlečni voziček (3) ustavlja z zavoro z neposredno pretvorbo mehanske v električno energijo.2. A method of pushing or pulling a train at higher slopes of the line using a tow rope and pusher or tow trolley, characterized in that when, when lifted, the train composition (5) with the rear wagon comes fully to the straight line of the line (2) via a switch (1) a push or pull trolley (3) which, at a coordinated speed at the touch of the rear wagon of the train composition (5), ensures the transfer of force to the design values and then starts the push or pull trolley (3) with all the force provided by the steel a rope (4) transferred to a thrust or towing trolley (3) by direct contact with the rear wagon of the train composition (5) in such a way that the traction power of the train composition locomotive (5) is utilized to the fullest extent possible and together with both tow and / or the pushing forces of the trolley (3) provide the necessary force to overcome the rolling resistance, all other resistances and the sloping component of the force of gravity of the whole composition to the transition to the highest point of the track where the track is made by a slope suitable for the locomotive with all its characteristics, and thus on the upper part of the track the locomotive of the train composition (5) begins to accelerate, while the pushing or towing vehicle (3) is stopped by a brake by directly converting the mechanical to electricity. 3. Postopek potiskanja ali vlečenja vlaka pri večjih nagibih proge z uporabo vlečne vrvi in potisnega ali vlečnega vozička, označen s tem, da se pri spuščanju vlakovne kompozicije (5) potisni ali vlečni voziček (3) v spodnjem delu s pospeševanjem hitrosti odmakne od lokomotive vlakovne kompozicije (5) zato, da pomembno prej prepelje preko kretnice (1) in se umakne iz linije železniških tirov ter tako omogoči, da se kretnica (1) po prevozu potisnega ali vlečnega vozičeka (3) postavi tako, da se lahko lokomotiva z vlakovno kompozicijo prepelje preko izvozne kretnice na običajno železniško progo ter tako zagotovi prost dostop novi vlakovni kompoziciji za vožnjo navzgor.3. A method of pushing or pulling a train at higher slopes using a tow rope and a push or pull cart, characterized in that, when lowering the train composition (5), the push or tow cart (3) is moved away from the locomotive in the lower part by accelerating speed train compositions (5) in order to travel significantly beyond the switch (1) and to withdraw from the track line, thereby enabling the switch (1) to be positioned after transport of a push or tow trolley (3) so that the locomotive can be moved with It transports the train composition via the export switch to the normal railway track, thereby providing free access to the new train composition for upward movement.
SI201600120A 2016-04-26 2016-04-26 A system for pushing or pulling the train at major inclines SI25167A (en)

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SI201600120A SI25167A (en) 2016-04-26 2016-04-26 A system for pushing or pulling the train at major inclines
EP17000645.6A EP3239016B1 (en) 2016-04-26 2017-04-14 System for pushing or retaining a train on steep slopes

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SI201600120A SI25167A (en) 2016-04-26 2016-04-26 A system for pushing or pulling the train at major inclines

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SI201600120A SI25167A (en) 2016-04-26 2016-04-26 A system for pushing or pulling the train at major inclines

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