SI24995A - A mechanical-hydraulic system with a pressure regulator for maintaining constant power of the traction force of the winch - Google Patents

A mechanical-hydraulic system with a pressure regulator for maintaining constant power of the traction force of the winch Download PDF


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SI24995A SI201500123A SI201500123A SI24995A SI 24995 A SI24995 A SI 24995A SI 201500123 A SI201500123 A SI 201500123A SI 201500123 A SI201500123 A SI 201500123A SI 24995 A SI24995 A SI 24995A
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pressure regulator
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Slovenian (sl)
Franc Pišek
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Application filed by PIĹ EK - VITLI KRPAN, d.o.o. filed Critical PIĹ EK - VITLI KRPAN, d.o.o.
Priority to SI201500123A priority Critical patent/SI24995A/en
Priority to HUE15203152A priority patent/HUE050951T2/en
Priority to SI201531343T priority patent/SI3093264T1/en
Priority to PL15203152T priority patent/PL3093264T3/en
Priority to RS20201069A priority patent/RS60799B1/en
Priority to EP15203152.2A priority patent/EP3093264B1/en
Publication of SI24995A publication Critical patent/SI24995A/en
Priority to HRP20201427TT priority patent/HRP20201427T1/en



    • B66D1/00Rope, cable, or chain winding mechanisms; Capstans
    • B66D1/28Other constructional details
    • B66D1/40Control devices
    • B66D1/48Control devices automatic
    • B66D1/50Control devices automatic for maintaining predetermined rope, cable, or chain tension, e.g. in ropes or cables for towing craft, in chains for anchors; Warping or mooring winch-cable tension control
    • B66D1/00Rope, cable, or chain winding mechanisms; Capstans
    • B66D1/02Driving gear
    • B66D1/08Driving gear incorporating fluid motors


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • Actuator (AREA)
  • Tension Adjustment In Filamentary Materials (AREA)
  • Auxiliary Drives, Propulsion Controls, And Safety Devices (AREA)


Izum sodi v področje strojništva, natančneje v področje hidravličnih sistemov s hidravličnim akumulatorjem kot dodatnim virom hidravlične tlačne energije zlasti primernih pri napravah z neenakomerno porabo. Ravno tako sodi izum v področje regulatorjev tlaka za zagotavljanje konstantne vlečne sile gozdarskih vitlov. Bistvo mehansko-hidravličnega sistema z regulatorjem tlaka za ohranjanje konstantne moči vlečne sile vitla je v tem, da se potisni valj ob navijanju vsake nove plasti vlečne vrvi na boben vitlaodmakne, pri čemer zasuka os vilic, ki nosi potisni valj. Zasuk osi vilic povzroči premik droga, ki za eno stopnjo potisne bat regulatorja tlaka, kar povzroči zvišanje tlaka olja, ki povzroči povečanje potiska bata cilindra na sklopke, ta pa povečanje momenta bobna. Izum sloni na matematičnemu algoritmu določenim z razdaljami "e", "f" in "g", ki povzroči premik bata regulatorja tlaka, za vsak premik potisnega valja oziroma osi vilic, zaradi nove plasti vlečne vrvi na bobnu. Spovečanjem ali manjšanjem tlaka olja hidravličnega sistema v skladu s spreminjanjem razdalj "e", "f" in "g" se ohranja skoraj konstantna vlečna sila vitla.The invention belongs to the field of mechanical engineering, more precisely to the field of hydraulic systems with a hydraulic accumulator as an additional source of hydraulic pressure energy, especially suitable for devices with uneven consumption. The invention also belongs to the region of pressure regulators to provide a constant traction force of forestry winches. The essence of a mechanical-hydraulic system with a pressure controller in order to maintain the constant power of the towing force of the winch is that the pusher cylinder, when winding each new layer of the tow rope on the drum, is welded to the drum, rotating the axis of the forks bearing the pushing cylinder. The fork shaft rotation causes the shaft to move, which pushes the pressure regulator piston one step, causing an increase in the oil pressure, which increases the thrust of the cylinder piston to the clutches, which increases the drum moment. The invention is based on a mathematical algorithm defined by the distances "e", "f" and "g", which causes the pressure regulator piston to move, for each displacement of the pushing cylinder or fork axle, due to the new layer of the tow rope on the drum. By virtue of varying the distances "e", "f" and "g", the hydraulic system's oil pressure is reduced or reduced, and the constant towing torque of the winch is maintained.


Področje tehnikeThe field of technology

Izum sodi v področje strojništva, natančneje v področje hidravličnih sistemov s hidravličnim akumulatorjem kot dodatnim virom hidravlične tlačne energije zlasti primernih pri napravah z neenakomerno porabo. Ravno tako sodi izum v področje regulatorjev tlaka za zagotavljanje konstantne vlečne sile gozdarskih vitlov.The invention belongs to the field of mechanical engineering, more specifically to the field of hydraulic systems with a hydraulic accumulator as an additional source of hydraulic pressure energy, particularly suitable for devices with uneven consumption. The invention also falls within the scope of pressure regulators for providing constant traction of forestry winches.

Tehnični problemA technical problem

Tehnični problem, ki ga pričujoči izum rešuje, je konstrukcija takega hidravličnega sistema za krmiljenje in upravljanje navijalnega bobna vitla, ki bo skupaj z mehanskim sklopom pri navijalnem bobnu omogočal ohranjanje skoraj konstantne vlečne sile vitla. Ko je vitel v uporabi, se spreminja premer bobna v odvisnosti od števila plasti navite žice, kar posledično vpliva na spremembo vlečne sile vitla. Naloga izuma je konstrukcijska razporeditev posameznih funkcionalnih elementov vitla skupaj z elementi hidravličnega sistema, kar bi omogočalo vzdrževanje konstantne vlečne sile vitla tudi, ko je na bobnu vitla navita cela vlečna vrv ali pa je skoraj cela odvita. Pri uporabi vitla, lahko pride do situacije, da je potrebno regulirati vlečno silo glede na nastalo situacijo pri delovnem procesu. Če vitlu pada vlečna sila z naraščanjem radija vrvi na bobnu vse do te mere, da sila upora presega vlečno silo, se breme ustavi, ker začnejo lamele sklopke drseti, kar je v praksi problematično. Konstantna vlečna sila omogoča optimalno delovanje sklopke. Naloga izuma je konstrukcijska rešitev mehanskih delov bobna skupaj s pomožnimi deli, ki bo omogočala vplivanje na hidravlične parametre.A technical problem to be solved by the present invention is the construction of such a hydraulic system for controlling and controlling the winding drum winch, which together with the mechanical assembly of the winding drum will allow the winch to be kept almost constant. When the winch is in use, the diameter of the drum changes depending on the number of layers of coiled wire, which in turn results in a change in the pulling force of the winch. It is an object of the invention to design the individual functional elements of the winch together with the elements of the hydraulic system, which would make it possible to maintain a constant winch force even when the entire tow rope is wound or almost unscrewed. When using the winch, there may be a situation where it is necessary to regulate the tractive force according to the situation in the work process. If the winch drops traction by increasing the rope radius on the drum until the resistance force exceeds the traction force, the load is stopped because the clutch blades start to slip, which is problematic in practice. The constant pulling force enables optimum clutch operation. It is an object of the invention to provide a structural solution for the mechanical parts of the drum, together with its auxiliary parts, which will allow the hydraulic parameters to be influenced.

Znano stanje tehnikeThe prior art

Običajni gozdarski vitli imajo največjo vlečno silo, kadar je boben prazen oziroma pri prvi plasti vrvi na bobnu. Lamelne sklopke so stisnjene s konstantno silo, zato se s pogonske gredi na boben vitla vedno prenaša konstanten moment. Z navijanjem vrvi na boben se radij zadnje plasti vrvi na bobnu povečuje, zato vlečna sila pada, saj je vrtilni moment enak produktu sile in razdalje premice sile od osi. Do sedaj znane rešitve optimizacije vlečne sile vitla zaradi vpliva števila navojev vlečne vrvi na bobnu vitla so EP2565144 »Vitel« in SI24108 »Gozdarski vitel s kontroliranim navijanjem vlečne vrvi in varovanjem le-te proti preobremenitvi«.Conventional forestry winches have the highest pulling force when the drum is empty or at the first layer of rope on the drum. The clutch blades are compressed with constant force, so a constant torque is always transmitted from the drive shaft to the winch drum. By winding the rope on the drum, the radius of the back layer of the rope on the drum increases, so the pulling force falls, since the torque is equal to the product of the force and the distance of the force line from the axis. The known solutions to optimize winch traction due to the influence of the number of threads on the winch drum are EP2565144 "Winch" and SI24108 "Forest winch with controlled winding of the tow rope and protecting it against overload".

Vitel, ki je opisan v EP2565144, obsega pogonsko gred, vrvni boben za navijanje vrvi, sklopko bobna za prenos vrtilnega gibanja pogonske gredi na vrvni boben, zavoro bobna za zaviranje vrvnega bobna in odvodno napravo vrvi z vsaj eno vrvenico. Vrvenico je moč poganjati za odvijanje vrvi in preko transmisije, ki ima sklopko odvoda vrvi, pri čemer je vrvenica povezana s pogonsko gredjo. Izum je značilen po tem, da se sklopka odvoda vrvi tvori s sklopko, ki se aktivira hidravlično. Rešitev se razlikuje od pričujočega izuma, kjer je sicer hidravlično krmiljen mehanizem vključen v zagotavljanje mehanskega odmika ročic v cilju ohranjanja skoraj konstantne vlečne sile vitla.The winch described in EP2565144 comprises a drive shaft, a rope winding drum, a clutch drum to transfer the rotary movement of the drive shaft to a rope drum, a drum brake to brake the rope drum, and a rope drainage device with at least one rope. The rope can be driven for rope unwinding and via a transmission having a rope drain clutch, with the rope connected to the drive shaft. The invention is characterized in that the rope drain clutch is formed by a hydraulically actuated clutch. The solution differs from the present invention, where an otherwise hydraulically controlled mechanism is involved in providing a mechanical deflection of the arms in order to maintain the winch's almost constant pulling force.

Po slovenskem patentu št. 24108 je znana rešitev gozdarskega vitla, pri katerem navijanje vrvi poteka na kontroliran način, tako da so ovoji vrvi na površini navijalnega bobna razporejeni drug ob drugem in brez medsebojnega križanja in prekrivanja, obenem pa je preprečena preobremenitev vlečne vrvi in ostalih elementov pogonskega sklopa vitla zaradi vleke pretežkega bremena. Vitel je v ta namen v območju med zgornjim škripcem in navijalnim bobnom opremljen z okoli vertikalne geometrijske osi prosto vrtljivim ali vsaj za ustrezen kot zasukljivim usmerjevalnim sklopom, ki po izbiri vključuje dinamometer za merjenje natezne sile v vlečni vrvi, tako daje tudi pogon bobna lahko krmiljen v odvisnosti od vsakokrat izmerjene obremenitve vlečne vrvi.According to Slovenian patent no. 24108 is a well-known solution of a forestry winch in which the rope winding is controlled in such a way that the ropes on the surface of the winding drum are arranged side by side without crossing and overlapping, while preventing overloading of the tow rope and other elements of the winch drive assembly due to towing a heavy load. For this purpose, the winch is provided, in the area between the upper pulley and the winding drum, with a freely rotatable or at least suitable rotary steering assembly, which optionally includes a dynamometer for measuring the tensile force in the tow rope, so that the drive of the drum can be controlled depending on the load rope load measured at each time.

Znane rešitve iz prakse ne rešujejo tehničnega problema na način kot ga rešuje pričujoči izum, ki omogoča regulacijo tlaka olja v odvisnosti od velikosti premera navite žične vrvi, kar posledično pomeni vzdrževanje skoraj konstantne vlečne sile vrvi vitla.Known solutions in practice do not solve the technical problem in the way solved by the present invention, which allows the regulation of oil pressure depending on the size of the diameter of the coiled wire rope, which in turn means maintaining the almost constant pulling force of the winch rope.

Opis rešitve tehničnega problemaDescription of solution to a technical problem

Bistvo mehansko-hidravličnega sistema z regulatorjem tlaka za ohranjanje konstantne moči vlečne sile vitla je v tem, da se potisni valj ob navijanju vsake nove plasti vlečne vrvi na boben vitla odmakne, pri čemer zasuka os vilic, ki nosi potisni valj. Zasuk osi vilic povzroči premik droga, ki za eno stopnjo potisne bat regulatorja tlaka, kar povzroči zvišanje tlaka olja, ki povzroči povečanje potiska bata cilindra na sklopke, ta pa povečanje momenta bobna. Izum sloni na matematičnemu algoritmu določenim z razdaljami »e«, »f« in »g«, ki povzroči premik bata regulatorja tlaka, za vsak premik potisnega valja oziroma osi vilic, zaradi nove plasti vlečne vrvi na bobnu. S povečanjem ali manjšanjem tlaka olja hidravličnega sistema v skladu s spreminjanjem razdalj »e«, »f« in »g« se ohranja skoraj konstantna vlečna sila vitla.The point of a mechanical-hydraulic system with a pressure regulator to keep the winch's pulling force constant is that the thrust roller moves away from the winch drum by winding each new layer of the draw rope, rotating the fork axis carrying the thrust roller. The rotation of the fork axis causes the rod to be displaced, which pushes the pressure regulator piston one stage, causing the oil pressure to increase, which causes the cylinder piston thrust to increase, thereby increasing the drum torque. The invention is based on a mathematical algorithm defined by distances "e", "f" and "g", which causes the displacement of the pressure regulator piston, for each displacement of the thrust roller or fork axis, due to the new layer of traction cable on the drum. By increasing or decreasing the hydraulic system oil pressure in accordance with changing distances "e", "f" and "g", the winch's almost pulling force is maintained.

Mehansko-hidravlični sistem z regulatorjem tlaka za natančno določanje vlečne sile vitla bo v nadaljevanju podrobneje opisan s pomočjo slik, ki kažejo:The mechanical-hydraulic system with a pressure regulator for precisely determining the winch's pulling force will be described in more detail below with the help of figures showing:

Slika 1 hidravlično shemo sistema z regulatorjem tlaka,Figure 1 is a hydraulic diagram of a system with a pressure regulator,

Slika 2 shematski prikaz sistema nadzora konstantne oziroma spremenljive vlečne sile,Figure 2 is a schematic illustration of a constant or variable traction control system,

Slika 3 mehansko-hidravlični sistem po izumu,Figure 3 mechanical-hydraulic system according to the invention,

Slika 4 shematski prikaz radijev vrvi na bobnu,Figure 4 is a schematic representation of the drum rope radio,

Slika 5 grafični prikaz možnosti nastavitve vlečne sile.Figure 5 is a graphical representation of the tractive force adjustment options.

Črpalka 3 napolni preko protipovratnih ventilov 4 in 7 hidravlični akumulator 9 na delovni tlak, ki je nastavljen na razbremenilnem ventilu 5. Ko olje v hidravličnem akumulatorju 9 doseže nastavljeni delovni tlak, se razbremenilni ventil 5 odpre in tako tudi ostane, dokler v hidravličnem akumulatorju 9 ne pade tlak za določeno vrednost, ki je približno od 10 do 15 barov. Olje prosto steče do regulatorja pretoka 16 in krmilnega ventila 6, ko je odprt ventil 5. Manjši upor je na strani ventila 6, zato olje steče skozi njega v rezervoar olja 1. Zaradi takšne izvedbe hidravlične opreme deluje črpalka 3 večino časa pri nižjem tlaku in sicer do 10 barov. Če uporabnik izbere funkcijo odvijanja vrvi, se preklopita sočasno ventila 6 (desno) in 11 (desno). Olje steče iz črpalke preko ventila 6 do regulatorja pretoka 16, protipovratnega ventila 17 do hidromotorja 19, ki poganja odvijalno vrvenico, preko katere je speljana vrv 31 z bobna 30 vitla. Sočasno pa tudi olje iz hidravličnega akumulatorja 9 preko dušilke 8, ventila 11 in nastavljive dušilke 13 aktivira cilinder zavore 14 in tako sprosti zavoro bobna, da se vrv na bobnu 31 začne odvijati zaradi vlečne sile v vrvi 31, ki jo povzroča hidromotor 19. Tlak v dovodni liniji do hidromotorja 19 naraste do 50-70 bar.Pump 3 fills through the non-return valves 4 and 7 the hydraulic accumulator 9 to the working pressure set on the relief valve 5. When the oil in the hydraulic accumulator 9 reaches the set operating pressure, the relief valve 5 opens and stays there for as long as it is in the hydraulic accumulator 9 the pressure does not drop by a certain value of approximately 10 to 15 bar. The oil flows freely to the flow regulator 16 and the control valve 6 when valve 5 is open. There is less resistance on the valve side 6, so the oil flows through it into the oil tank 1. Because of this hydraulic equipment, pump 3 operates most of the time at lower pressure and otherwise up to 10 bars. If the user selects the rope unwinding function, valves 6 (right) and 11 (right) switch at the same time. The oil flows from the pump through the valve 6 to the flow regulator 16, the non-return valve 17 to the hydraulic motor 19, which drives the retractor through which the rope 31 is routed from the winch drum 30. At the same time, the oil from the hydraulic accumulator 9 activates the brake cylinder 14 through the throttle 8, the valve 11 and the adjustable throttle 13, thus releasing the drum brake so that the rope on the drum 31 begins to unwind due to the pulling force in the rope 31 caused by the hydraulic motor 19. Pressure in the supply line to the motor 19 increases to 50-70 bar.

Kadar uporabnik vklopi navijanje vrvi, se preklopita ventila 11 (levo) in ventil 20 (desno) ter olje steče iz hidravličnega akumulatorja 9 preko dušilke 8, ventila 11 in regulatorja tlaka 21 aktivira cilinder 15 sklopke.When the user activates the winding of the rope, valves 11 (left) and valve 20 (right) are switched and oil flows from the hydraulic accumulator 9 through the throttle 8, valve 11 and pressure regulator 21 activates the clutch cylinder 15.

V primeru, da v hidravličnem akumulatorju 9 pade tlak na določeno vrednost, se zapre razbremenilni ventil 5 in črpalka napolni hidravlični akumulator 9 na nastavljen delovni tlak.If the pressure in the hydraulic accumulator 9 drops to a certain value, the relief valve 5 closes and the pump fills the hydraulic accumulator 9 to the set operating pressure.

Ko olje steče preko ventila 5 v skupno točko z ventilom 6 in rezervoarjem, steče tok tudi do krmilnega ventila 20, ki je vzporedno vezan s hidravličnim cilindrom 15 sklopke. V primeru navijanja je potrebno sočasno preklopiti ventila 11 in 20, da se vklopi hidravlični cilinder 15 sklopke. Pri vklopu navijanja se sočasno preklopita levi del ventila 11 in desni del ventila 20. Olje iz akumulatorja steče proti hidravličnem cilindru 15 sklopke in jo aktivira, pri tem pa olje ne more teči skozi desni del ventila 20. Po sprostitvi navijanja se ventila 11 in 20 preklopita v izhodiščni legi. Če kateri izmed ventilov zablokira, lahko olje vedno steče prosto v rezervoar skozi ventil 11 ali 20. V hidravlično shemo je vključen regulator tlaka 21 in protipovratni ventil 22, ki je na eni strani povezan z vozliščem rezervoarja 1, ventila 6 in ventila 20 in na drugi strani z regulatorjem tlaka 21.When the oil flows through valve 5 to a common point with valve 6 and tank, it flows to the control valve 20, which is connected in parallel with the hydraulic cylinder 15 of the clutch. In the case of winding, valves 11 and 20 must be switched simultaneously to activate the clutch hydraulic cylinder 15. When the winding is started, the left part of the valve 11 and the right part of the valve 20 are switched simultaneously. The oil from the accumulator flows towards the hydraulic cylinder 15 of the clutch and the oil cannot flow through the right part of the valve 20. After the winding is released, valves 11 and 20 switch in the starting position. If one of the valves becomes blocked, the oil can always flow freely into the tank through valve 11 or 20. The hydraulic circuit includes a pressure regulator 21 and a non-return valve 22 connected to the node of the tank 1, valve 6 and valve 20 on one side and to the other side with a pressure regulator 21.

Običajni gozdarski vitli imajo največjo vlečno silo F, kadar je boben 30 prazen oziroma pri prvi plasti vrvi 31 na bobnu 30. Lamele sklopke so stisnjene s konstantno silo, zato se s pogonske gredi na boben 30 vitla vedno prenaša konstanten vrtilni • tConventional forestry winches have a maximum pulling force F when the drum 30 is empty or at the first layer of rope 31 on the drum 30. The clutch blades are compressed with constant force, so a constant rotating speed is always transmitted from the drive shaft to the winch drum 30.

moment M. Z navijanjem vrvi 31 na boben 30 se radij »r« zadnje plasti vrvi na bobnu povečuje, zato vlečna sila F pada, saj velja M = r x F.moment M. By winding rope 31 onto drum 30, the radius "r" of the back layer of the rope on the drum increases, so the pulling force F falls, since M = r x F.

Kot kaže slika 3 ima prva plast vrvi na bobnu polmer »rn« in zadnja predvidena plast vrvi na bobnu radij »rz«. Delovni tlak je »po«. Ko je potisni valj na nivoju prve plasti vrvi na bobnu, pride do sklopke zmanjšan delovni tlak, in sicer pn = po x rn/rz;As shown in Figure 3, the first layer of rope on the drum has a radius of "rn" and the last intended layer of rope on the drum has a radius of "rz". Working pressure is "after". When the thrust roller is at the level of the first layer of rope on the drum, the clutch has a reduced working pressure, namely pn = after x rn / rz;

Rezultat je, da je pri praznem bobnu delovni tlak »p« manjši. Kadar je na boben navita vsa vrv, je delovni tlak »p« enak tlaku »po«. Ko je odvito nekaj vrvi in je »r« poljuben, pa je vrednost tlaka možno izračunati po enačbi:As a result, the working pressure "p" is lower when the drum is empty. When all the rope is wound on the drum, the working pressure "p" is equal to the pressure "po". When some rope is unwound and "r" is arbitrary, the pressure value can be calculated by the equation:

p=po x r/rz.p = po x r / rz.

Pritisk tlaka »p« v regulatorju tlaka 21 se nastavi s prestavo vzvodov oz. ročic, torej z izborom ročic »e« in »g« in dolžine »f« droga 36.Pressure "p" in pressure regulator 21 is set by shifting levers or. levers, therefore, by selecting the levers "e" and "g" and the length "f" of the rod 36.

Mehansko-hidravlični sistem po izumu ima potisni valj 33 nameščen na vilice 34, ki nihajo okrog spodnje osi 34a, na katero je na eni strani preko nastavka 35a vpeta vzmet 35 in na drugi strani nameščen pritrdilni element 36a za drog 36. Razdalja »g« je med središčnico osi 34a, kamor je vpet spodnji del nastavka 35a, in središčnico zgornjega dela nastavka 35a, kamor je vpeta vzmet 35. Na drugi strani osi 34a je vpet pritrdilni element 36a z utorom 36a', kjer je nameščen en konec droga 36, ki je prednostno navojna palica. Drugi del droga 36 je vrtljivo vpet v nosilec 36b, ki z delom 36b' dotika bat regulacijskega ventila 21. Razdalja »e« je med središčnico osi 34a in mestom v utora 36a', kjer je fiksiran prvi del droga 36. Razdalja »f« je med prvim delom droga 36 in središčnice petja drugega dela droga 36 v nosilec 36b. Prednapeta vzmet 35 vleče vilice 34 na ročici »g« in tako pritiska potisni valj 33 na boben 30 z navito vrvjo 31.The mechanical-hydraulic system of the invention has a thrust roller 33 mounted on forks 34, which oscillate about the lower axis 34a, to which a spring 35 is mounted on one side and a mounting element 36a for the rod 36 on the other side. between the center line of the axis 34a, to which the lower part of the mount 35a is fixed, and the center line of the upper part of the mount 35a, to which the spring 35 is clamped. On the other side of the axis 34a, a fastening element 36a is engaged with a groove 36a 'where one end of the bar 36 is mounted. which is preferably a threaded rod. The second part of the rod 36 is pivotally engaged in the bracket 36b, which with the part 36b 'touches the piston of the control valve 21. The distance "e" is between the center line of the axis 34a and the place in the groove 36a', where the first part of the rod 36 is fixed. The distance "f" is between the first portion of the rod 36 and the center line of the singing of the second portion of the rod 36 in the carrier 36b. The prestressed spring 35 pulls the fork 34 on the lever "g", thereby pushing the thrust roller 33 onto the reel 30 with a coiled cord 31.

Z navijanjem vrvi 31 na boben 30 se radij aktualne plasti vrvi na bobnu povečuje. Potisni valj 33, ki je nameščen na vilice 34, se zato vse bolj odmika od osi bobna 30,By winding the rope 31 onto the drum 30, the radius of the current layer of the rope on the drum increases. The thrust roller 33, which is mounted on the forks 34, therefore increasingly moves away from the axis of the drum 30,

saj se vilice 34 zavrtijo okrog osi 34a. Zasuk vilic 34 pa povzroči vodoravni pomik droga 36 po utoru 36a' pritrdilnega elementa 36a. Velikost vodoravnega pomika dela 36b' nastavka 36b je nastavljiva preko razdalj »f« in »e«. Drog 36 preko dela 36b' nastavka 36b potisne bat regulatorja tlaka 21, ki povzroči zvišanje tlaka olja. Če se drog 36 odmakne, se zaradi odmika dela 36b' sprosti bat regulatorja tlaka 21 in se tlak olja zniž the forks 34 rotate about the axis 34a. The rotation of the forks 34, however, causes the horizontal movement of the rod 36 along the groove 36a 'of the fastener 36a. The horizontal displacement of part 36b 'of attachment 36b is adjustable via the distances' f' and 'e'. The rod 36 pushes the pressure regulator piston 21 over the part 36b 'of the adapter 36b, causing the oil pressure to rise. If the rod 36 is moved, the pressure regulator piston 21 is released due to the offset of part 36b 'and the oil pressure is lowered.

V odvisnosti od izvedbe regulatorja tlaka 21, se lahko preko droga 36 potisne za določeno vrednost bat protipovratnega ventila 22. Dolžina pomika dela 36b' nastavka 36b proti regulacijskem ventilu 21 je omejena. Izhodiščni položaj dela 36b', da je povsem izvlečen. Pri tem potisni valj 33 na bobnu 30 potiska na prvo plast vrvi. Tlak olja, ki ga regulator tlaka 21 spusti do cilindra sklopke, je »pn« in je najnižji okrog 90 barov. Zveza med odmikom potisnega valja 33 od osi bobna 30 in pomikom dela 36b' nastavka 36b proti regulacijskem ventilu 21 je približno linearna. Torej se z večanjem radija plasti na bobnu 30 tudi linearno povečuje tlak olja do cilindra sklopke 15. Ko doseže plast vrvi na bobnu radij »rz«, je bat regulatorja tlaka 21 s pomočjo droga 36 maksimalno potisnjen in je tlak olja do cilindra sklopke 15 največji.Depending on the design of the pressure regulator 21, the piston of the non-return valve 22 may be pushed through the rod 36 for a certain length of displacement of the portion 36b 'of the adapter 36b towards the control valve 21. The starting position of part 36b 'to be fully extended. In doing so, the thrust roller 33 on the drum 30 is pushed to the first layer of rope. The oil pressure released by the pressure regulator 21 to the clutch cylinder is "pn" and is at a minimum of about 90 bar. The relationship between the displacement of the thrust cylinder 33 from the axis of the drum 30 and the displacement of the part 36b 'of the adapter 36b towards the control valve 21 is approximately linear. Thus, as the radius of the layer on the drum 30 increases, the oil pressure up to the clutch cylinder 15 increases linearly, when the rope layer on the drum radius "rz" reaches, the pressure regulator piston 21 is maximally suppressed by the rod 36 and the oil pressure up to the clutch cylinder 15 is greatest. .

Slika 4 prikazuje boben vitla in premer »m« ter premer »rz« in na vertikalni osi silo F, pri čemer so področja A, B, C, D odvisna od izbranih velikosti sile Fn, da je F konstantna. Iz slike 4 je razvidno, da je možno izbrati velikost sile Fn s spreminjanjem razdalje »e«, »g« in »f«, pri čemer se sila F približno linearno spreminja. Nastavitve razdalj »e«, »g« in »f« so omogočene s spreminjanjem lege vpetja vzmeti 35 in obeh koncev droga 36.Figure 4 shows the winch drum and the diameter "m" and the diameter "rz" and the force F on the vertical axis, where the areas A, B, C, D depend on the selected magnitudes of the force Fn, so that F is constant. Figure 4 shows that it is possible to choose the magnitude of the force Fn by varying the distances "e", "g" and "f", with the force F approximately varying linearly. The distance adjustments "e", "g" and "f" are enabled by changing the position of the springs 35 and both ends of the bar 36.

Rezultat prej opisane konstrukcije bobna 30 z navito vrvjo 31, vilicami 34, drogom 36, ki je direktno povezan z regulatorjem 21 tlaka, je skoraj konstantna vlečna sila F za celotno področje navijanja vrvi 31 na boben 30, kot tudi možnost nastavljanja različne vlečne sile F z določanjem razdalj »e«, »g« in »f«.The result of the previously described construction of the drum 30 with a coiled rope 31, a fork 34, a rod 36 directly connected to the pressure regulator 21, results in an almost constant pulling force F for the entire winding area of the rope 31 onto the drum 30, as well as the possibility of adjusting different pulling force F by specifying distances "e", "g" and "f".

Claims (4)

Patentni zahtevkiPatent claims 1. Mehansko-hidravlični sistem z regulatorjem tlaka za ohranjanje konstantne moči vlečne sile vitla, značilen po tem, da se potisni valj ob navijanju vsake nove plasti vlečne vrvi na boben vitla odmakne, pri čemer zasuka os vilic, ki nosi potisni valj; da zasuk osi vilic povzroči premik droga, ki za eno stopnjo potisne bat regulatorja tlaka, kar povzroči zvišanje tlaka olja, ki povzroči povečanje potiska bata cilindra na sklopke, ta pa povečanje momenta bobna; da se razdalje »e«, »f« in »g« spreminjajo zaradi vsakega premika potisnega valja oziroma osi vilic, zaradi nove plasti vlečne vrvi na bobnu in posledično premični deli nastavkov zapirajo ali odpirajo regulator tlaka, kar poveča ali zmanjša tlak olja hidravličnega sistema; da se v skladu s spreminjanjem razdalj »e«, »f« in »g« in direktno povezanih vilic potisnega valja, vzmeti in droga ohranja skoraj konstantna vlečna sila vitla.Mechanical-hydraulic system with pressure regulator to maintain the constant power of the towing force of the winch, characterized in that the pusher cylinder moves away from each new layer of the tow rope on the drum of the winch by rotating the axis of the forks carrying the pushing cylinder; the rotation of the fork shaft causes the shaft to move, which pushes the pressure regulator pressure piston one step, causing the oil pressure to increase, increasing the thrust of the cylinder piston to the clutch, which increases the drum moment; that the distances "e", "f" and "g" change due to each displacement of the pushing cylinder or axle fork, due to the new layer of the tow rope on the drum and, consequently, the movable parts of the fittings, the pressure regulator is closed or opened, which increases or reduces the oil pressure of the hydraulic system ; in accordance with the variation of the distances 'e', 'f' and 'g' and directly connected forks of the pushing cylinder, the springs and the rod, the almost constant towing force of the winch is maintained. 2. Mehansko-hidravlični z regulatorjem tlaka za ohranjanje konstantne vlečne sile po zahtevku 1, značilen po tem, da potisni valj (33) potiska vrv (31) na boben (30); da je potisni valj (33) vrtljivo vpet na vilice (34), ki nihajo okrog spodnje osi; da imajo vilice (34) spremenljivo dolžino ročic (e) in (g); da je med ročico (e) in proporcionalnim regulatorjem tlaka (21) drog 36 dolžine (f), ki je nastavljiva; da prednapeta vzmet (35) vleče vilice (34) na ročici (g) in potiska potisni valj (33) na vrv (31) in boben (30).2. Mechanical-hydraulic with pressure regulator for maintaining a constant traction force according to claim 1, characterized in that the pushing cylinder (33) pushes the rope (31) on the drum (30); characterized in that the pushing cylinder (33) is rotatably engaged on the forks (34) which swing around the lower axis; characterized in that the forks (34) have a variable length of the arms (e) and (g); characterized in that between the lever (e) and the proportional pressure regulator (21), the rod 36 of the length (f) is adjustable; to pull the spring (35) to pull the fork (34) on the lever (g) and push the pushing cylinder (33) to the rope (31) and the drum (30). 3. Mehansko-hidravlični sistem z regulatorjem tlaka za ohranjanje konstantne vlečne sile po zahtevku 2, značilen po tem, da se pritisk tlaka (p) v regulatorju (21) tlaka nastavi s prestavo vzvodov oz. ročic, torej z izborom ročic »e« in »g« in dolžine »f« droga 36.A mechanical hydraulic system with a pressure regulator for maintaining a constant traction force according to claim 2, characterized in that the pressure of the pressure (p) in the pressure regulator (21) is adjusted by the movement of the levers or, lever, ie by selecting the "e" and "g" arms and the length "f" of the rod 36. 4. Mehansko-hidravlični sistem z regulatorjem tlaka za ohranjanje konstantne vlečne sile po kateremkoli od prejšnjih zahtevkov, značilen po tem, da je možno izbrati velikost sile (Fn) s spreminjanjem razdalje ( e), (g) in (f), pri čemer se sila F približno linearno spreminja.A mechanical-hydraulic system with a pressure regulator for maintaining a constant traction force according to any one of the preceding claims, characterized in that it is possible to select the force size (Fn) by varying the distances (e), (g) and (f) the force F is approximately linearly changing.
SI201500123A 2015-05-09 2015-05-09 A mechanical-hydraulic system with a pressure regulator for maintaining constant power of the traction force of the winch SI24995A (en)

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SI201500123A SI24995A (en) 2015-05-09 2015-05-09 A mechanical-hydraulic system with a pressure regulator for maintaining constant power of the traction force of the winch
HUE15203152A HUE050951T2 (en) 2015-05-09 2015-12-30 A mechanic-hydraulic system with a pressure regulator for maintaining a constant tractive force power of a winch
SI201531343T SI3093264T1 (en) 2015-05-09 2015-12-30 A mechanic-hydraulic system with a pressure regulator for maintaining a constant tractive force power of a winch
PL15203152T PL3093264T3 (en) 2015-05-09 2015-12-30 A mechanic-hydraulic system with a pressure regulator for maintaining a constant tractive force power of a winch
RS20201069A RS60799B1 (en) 2015-05-09 2015-12-30 A mechanic-hydraulic system with a pressure regulator for maintaining a constant tractive force power of a winch
EP15203152.2A EP3093264B1 (en) 2015-05-09 2015-12-30 A mechanic-hydraulic system with a pressure regulator for maintaining a constant tractive force power of a winch
HRP20201427TT HRP20201427T1 (en) 2015-05-09 2020-09-07 A mechanic-hydraulic system with a pressure regulator for maintaining a constant tractive force power of a winch

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