SI23825A - The control set of reflector lamp for motor vehicle - Google Patents

The control set of reflector lamp for motor vehicle Download PDF


Publication number
SI23825A SI201100313A SI201100313A SI23825A SI 23825 A SI23825 A SI 23825A SI 201100313 A SI201100313 A SI 201100313A SI 201100313 A SI201100313 A SI 201100313A SI 23825 A SI23825 A SI 23825A
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control assembly
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Slovenian (sl)
TomaĹľ AnĹľin
Marko Mencin
Original Assignee
Hella Saturnus Slovenija, Proizvodnja Svetlobne Opreme Za Motorna In Druga Vozila, D.O.O.
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Application filed by Hella Saturnus Slovenija, Proizvodnja Svetlobne Opreme Za Motorna In Druga Vozila, D.O.O. filed Critical Hella Saturnus Slovenija, Proizvodnja Svetlobne Opreme Za Motorna In Druga Vozila, D.O.O.
Priority to SI201100313A priority Critical patent/SI23825A/en
Priority to EP12753601.9A priority patent/EP2741939A1/en
Priority to PCT/SI2012/000044 priority patent/WO2013025176A1/en
Publication of SI23825A publication Critical patent/SI23825A/en



    • B60Q1/00Arrangement of optical signalling or lighting devices, the mounting or supporting thereof or circuits therefor
    • B60Q1/02Arrangement of optical signalling or lighting devices, the mounting or supporting thereof or circuits therefor the devices being primarily intended to illuminate the way ahead or to illuminate other areas of way or environments
    • B60Q1/04Arrangement of optical signalling or lighting devices, the mounting or supporting thereof or circuits therefor the devices being primarily intended to illuminate the way ahead or to illuminate other areas of way or environments the devices being headlights
    • B60Q1/06Arrangement of optical signalling or lighting devices, the mounting or supporting thereof or circuits therefor the devices being primarily intended to illuminate the way ahead or to illuminate other areas of way or environments the devices being headlights adjustable, e.g. remotely-controlled from inside vehicle
    • B60Q1/068Arrangement of optical signalling or lighting devices, the mounting or supporting thereof or circuits therefor the devices being primarily intended to illuminate the way ahead or to illuminate other areas of way or environments the devices being headlights adjustable, e.g. remotely-controlled from inside vehicle by mechanical means
    • B60Q1/0683Adjustable by rotation of a screw


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • Non-Portable Lighting Devices Or Systems Thereof (AREA)
  • Lighting Device Outwards From Vehicle And Optical Signal (AREA)


Regulacijski sklop reflektorja pri svetilu motornega vozila je prirejen za uravnavanje položaja reflektorja (3) po izbiri vključno s pripadajočim svetlobnim virom (2) ali neodvisno od le-tega glede na ohišje (1) svetila. Tovrsten regulacijski sklop obsega vreteno (40), ki je prirejeno za sodelovanje z ustrezno navojno luknjo (14) v ohišju (1) in katerega v notranjost ohišja (1) segajoč konec (40') je prirejen za sodelovanje z reflektorjem (3), medtem ko je njegov izven ohišja (1) segajoč konec (40")povezan z ženskim delom (442), ki je prirejen za sodelovanje s primernim orodjem za generiranje vrtilnega momenta za sukanje omenjenega vretena (40) in s tem zagotavljanje aksialnih premikov omenjenega vretena (40) zaradi premikanja z njim vsaj posredno sodelujočega reflektorja (3). Omenjen ženski del (442) sočasno z zmožnostjo sodelovanja z orodjem za zagotavljanje vrtilnega momenta predstavlja del sklopke (44), sestoječe iz omenjenega ženskega dela (442) in z njim v smislu možnosti prenašanja zgoljomejenega vrtilnega momenta oblikosklepno povezljivega moškega dela (441), ki je po drugi strani povezan z izven ohišja (1) svetila segajočim koncem (40") vretena (40).The reflector control assembly for a motor vehicle light is adapted to adjust the position of the reflector (3), optionally including the associated light source (2) or independently of the light source (1). Such a control assembly comprises a spindle (40) adapted to engage with a corresponding threaded hole (14) in the housing (1) and whose extending end (40 ') extends into the interior of the housing (40') to engage with the reflector (3), while its extending end (1) extends beyond the end (40 ") to a female part (442) adapted to cooperate with a suitable torque-generating tool for rotating said spindle (40) and thereby providing axial movements of said spindle (40) for moving at least an indirectly cooperating reflector (3), said female part (442), together with the ability to cooperate with a torque tool, constitutes a part of the clutch (44) consisting of said female part (442) in in terms of the ability to transmit solely the torque of the lockable male portion (441), which, in turn, is connected to the spindle (40) extending beyond the housing (1) by the illuminating end (40).


svetlobne in druge opreme za motorna vozila d.o.o.of light and other motor vehicle equipment d.o.o.

Regulacijski sklop reflektorja pri svetilu motornega vozilaReflector control assembly for motor vehicle light

Izum se nanaša na regulacijski sklop reflektorja pri svetilu motornega vozila in spada na področje vozil, namreč na področje s pomočjo mehanskih sredstev nastavljivih svetil za motoma vozila.The invention relates to a reflector control assembly for a motor vehicle light and belongs to the field of vehicles, namely to the field by means of mechanical means of adjustable lamps for the vehicle moto.

Pri tem je izum osnovan na problemu, kako zasnovati regulacijski sklop, pri katerem bo z omejitvijo vrtilnega momenta med vrtenjem regulacijskega vijaka v eno smer ali po izbiri tudi obe smeri možno preprečiti preobremenitve vsakokrat izpostavljenih delov samega regulacijskega sklopa in s tem posledično izboljšati zanesljivost nastavljanja položaja reflektorja v notranjosti ohišja, obenem pa naj bi bil tovrsten sklop izvedljiv iz delov, ki so karseda preprosti za izdelavo in od katerih naj bi jih bilo ne glede na različne oblike svetil in reflektorje za različne tipe vozil čim več tipiziranih oz. univerzalnih, namreč uporabljivih pri več različnih tipih svetil.The invention is based on the problem of how to design a control unit, in which by limiting the torque during the rotation of the control screw in one direction, or optionally, both directions, it is possible to prevent overloading of the exposed parts of the control unit in each case and consequently improve the position adjustment reliability the reflector inside the housing, and at the same time, this assembly should be feasible from parts that are as simple as possible to manufacture and of which, regardless of the different forms of lamps and reflectors for different types of vehicles, should be as many as possible typified or. universal, namely usable in many different types of lamps.

Regulacijski sklop reflektorja pri svetilu motornega vozila je opisan v EP 0 857 608 Al. Pri tem gre za svetilo, ki v osnovi sestoji iz ohišja, v katerem je vgrajen svetlobni vir s pripadajočim reflektorjem. Ohišje je v ustreznem položaju vgradljivo v vsakokratno vozilo. Zaradi pravilnega delovanja, še zlasti zaradi pravilne razporeditve svetlobnih žarkov v območju pred svetilom, je potrebno ob vgradnji svetila ali še tudi kasneje med samo uporabo nastaviti položaj reflektorja, ki je predviden za zbiranje in preusmerjanje svetlobnih žarkov v omenjeno območje pred svetilom. Položaj reflektorja glede na svetilo je v splošnem nastavljiv v pomočjo regulacijskega vijaka, ki je vrtljivo uležiščen v ohišju, in vretena, ki je povezano z reflektorjem. Vijak je zaključen z zobnikom, ki je prirejen za sodelovanje z zobnikom, ki je na voljo na omenjenem vretenu, ki poteka skozi matico oz. navojno pušo, ki je izvedena v ohišju oz. integralno z njim. Med vrtenjem vijaka se vrtilni moment preko omenjenih zobnikov prenaša na vreteno, ki se zaradi vrtenja v omenjeni puši premika v aksialni smeri, kar ima zahvaljujoč njegovi povezanosti z reflektorjem za posledico ustrezen premik oz. nagib reflektorja v eno ali drugo smer. Zaradi potrebne prestave je navoj na omenjenem vretenu in puši običajno tkzv. drobni navoj, konkurenčna tehnologija izdelave svetil pa temelji na množični produkciji svetil, katerih deli kolikor mogoče temeljijo na materialih iz skupine polimernih termoplastičnih mas. Dejstvo je, da je med samo izdelavo tovrstnih delov možno predvideti in zagotavljati določene tolerance, vendar pa so zaradi same narave polimernih materialov pogoste določene kasnejše spremembe dimenzije in oblik delov zaradi sproščanja notranjih napetosti in drugih fenomenov. Po sestavljanju omenjenih delov regulacijskega sklopa se upoštevajoč omenjene fenomene po eni strani tudi v območju samega ohišja in po drugi strani v območju vpetja reflektorja v ohišje v praksi dogaja, da se trenje med deli sklopa lahko bistveno spreminja. Iz navedenega razloga se po eni strani spreminja vrtilni moment, ki je potreben za sukanje vretena in s tem spreminjanje položaja reflektorja, po drugi strani pa se spreminja tudi deformacijsko stanje posameznih delov regulacijskega sklopa. Tako se npr. med nastavljanjem delov zgodi, daje potrebno za premik reflektorja zagotoviti razmeroma velik vrtilni moment, ki pa potem privede ne le do premika reflektorja temveč tudi do povečanja obremenitev in napetosti v nekaterih sestavnih delih, ki se pri tem deformirajo. Še po tistem, ko je položaj reflektorja že nastavljen, pa potem pogosto prihaja do sproščanja omenjenih napetosti in deformacij v samem regulacijskem sklopu, zaradi česar se položaj reflektorja lahko • · nekontrolirano spremeni. Ob uporabi sodobnih električnih ročnih vijačnih orodij navedeni problemi pridejo kvečjemu še bolj do izraza. V kontekstu rešitve po EP 0 857 608 Al namreč v primeru previsokega vrtilnega momenta lahko pride bodisi do preskoka med zobnikoma na vijaku in vretenu ali pa do preskoka med navojem na vretenu in navojem v navojni puši. V takem primeru lahko pride do znatnih plastičnih deformacij in poškodb omenjenih sestavnih delov. Še pogosteje pa lahko pride do tolikšnega povečanja trenja vretena v omenjeni puši, da vretena praktično ni mogoče več zasukati v eno ali drugo smer, odtlej pa regulacijski sklop ne služi več svojemu namenu.The reflector control assembly for the motor vehicle light is described in EP 0 857 608 Al. This is a lamp consisting essentially of a housing in which a light source with an associated reflector is installed. The housing is in the right position to be fitted to each vehicle. For proper operation, and in particular for the correct distribution of light rays in the area before the light, it is necessary to adjust the position of the reflector intended for collecting and redirecting the light rays into the said area before the light when installing the lamp or even later during its use. The position of the reflector with respect to the luminaire is generally adjustable by means of a control screw rotatably mounted in the housing and a spindle connected to the reflector. The bolt is completed with a sprocket adapted to engage with the sprocket available on said spindle passing through the nut or nut. threaded sleeve, which is made in the housing or. integral with it. During the rotation of the bolt, the torque is transmitted through said gears to a spindle which, due to rotation in said bushing, moves in the axial direction, which, due to its connection with the reflector, results in a corresponding displacement or. tilt of the reflector in one direction or the other. Due to the necessary gearing, the thread on said spindle and smoking is usually so called. fine thread, and competitive luminaire technology is based on mass production of luminaires, parts of which are based as much as possible on materials in the polymer thermoplastic group. The fact is that during the manufacturing of such parts, certain tolerances can be predicted and guaranteed, but due to the very nature of the polymer materials, later changes in the dimensions and shapes of the parts are often determined due to the release of internal stresses and other phenomena. After assembling said parts of the control assembly, taking into account the mentioned phenomena, on the one hand, in the area of the housing itself, and on the other hand, in the area of the reflector mounting into the housing, in practice, it occurs that the friction between the parts of the assembly can change significantly. For this reason, the torque required to rotate the spindle and thus the position of the reflector changes, on the one hand, and the deformation state of the individual parts of the control assembly changes. Thus, e.g. during the adjustment of the parts, it is necessary to provide a relatively high torque for the displacement of the reflector, which then leads not only to the displacement of the reflector but also to an increase in the loads and stresses in some of the deformed components. Even after the position of the reflector has already been adjusted, then the stresses and deformations in the control unit are often released, which can cause the position of the reflector to change uncontrollably. With the use of modern electric hand tools, these problems are even more pronounced. In the context of the EP 0 857 608 Al solution, in the case of excessive torque, there may be either a jump between the gears on the screw and the spindle or a jump between the thread on the spindle and the thread in the threaded sleeve. In such a case, considerable plastic deformation and damage to the components may occur. More often, however, there may be such an increase in the friction of the spindle in said sleeve that the spindle can practically no longer be rotated in one direction or the other, and since then the control assembly no longer serves its purpose.

izum se nanaša na regulacijski sklop reflektorja pri svetilu motornega vozila, ki je prirejen za uravnavanje položaja reflektorja po izbiri vključno s pripadajočim svetlobnim virom ali tudi neodvisno od le-tega glede na ohišje svetila, pri čemer tovrsten regulacijski sklop obsega vreteno, ki je prirejeno za sodelovanje z ustrezno navojno luknjo v ohišju in katerega v notranjost ohišja segajoč konec je prirejen za sodelovanje z reflektorjem, medtem ko je njegov izven ohišja segajoč konec povezan s primernim ženskim delom, ki je prirejen za sodelovanje s primernim orodjem za generiranje vrtilnega momenta za sukanje omenjenega vretena in s tem zagotavljanje aksialnih premikov omenjenega vretena zaradi premikanja z njim vsaj posredno sodelujočega reflektorja.The invention relates to a reflector control assembly for a motor vehicle light, which is adapted to adjust the position of the reflector optionally including the associated light source, or also independently of the light source, wherein said control assembly comprises a spindle adapted for cooperating with a suitable threaded hole in the housing and the inside of the housing of which the projecting end is adapted to engage with the reflector, while the outside of the housing projecting end is connected to a suitable female part adapted to cooperate with a suitable torque generating tool for rotating said the spindle and thereby providing the axial displacements of said spindle in order to move the reflector at least indirectly.

Po izumu je predvideno, da omenjen ženski del sočasno z zmožnostjo sodelovanja z orodjem za zagotavljanje vrtilnega momenta predstavlja del sklopke, sestoječe iz omenjenega ženskega dela in z njim v smislu možnosti prenašanja zgolj omejenega vrtilnega momenta oblikosklepno povezljivega moškega dela, ki je po drugi strani povezan z izven ohišja svetila segajočim koncem vretena.According to the invention, it is contemplated that said female part, together with the ability to cooperate with a torque-providing tool, constitutes a part of a clutch consisting of said female part and with it in terms of being able to transmit only a limited torque of a lockable male part connected in turn. with the end of the spindle extending beyond the lamp housing.

Pri prednostni izvedbi izuma je moški del sklopke razmeroma togo zasnovan in obsega določeno število med seboj po obodu enakomerno razporejenih radialnih reber in med njimi razporejenih vrzeli, medtem ko razmeroma prožno zasnovan in vsaj vIn a preferred embodiment of the invention, the male part of the clutch is relatively rigidly designed and comprises a number of radially ribbed, evenly spaced, and gaps spaced between them, while relatively flexible and at least in

območju sodelovanja z omenjenim moškim delom v radialni smeri elastično deformabilen ženski del obsega določeno število po obodu med seboj enakomerno razmaknjenih segmentov, od katerih jih je vsaj določeno število opremljenih s po vsaj enim radialno navznoter usmerjenim nastavkom, ki je prirejen za sodelovanje z vsakokrat razpoložljivim rebrom in/ali vrzeljo na moškem delu.the area of engagement with said male portion in a radially elastic deformable female portion comprises a number of circumferentially spaced segments circumferentially circumscribed, at least a certain number of which are provided with at least one radially inwardly arranged attachment adapted to cooperate with each rib available and / or the gap on the male part.

Pri eni od izvedb izuma sta boka vsakokratnega rebra in/ali vrzeli na moškem delu sklopke simetrična glede na vsakokrat pripadajočo skozi rebro potekajočo radialno geometrijsko. V takem primeru sta prednostno tudi boka vsakokratnega nastavka na pripadajočem segmentu ženskega dela sklopke simetrična glede na vsakokrat pripadajočo skozi rebro potekajočo radialno geometrijsko os.In one embodiment of the invention, the edges of each rib and / or gap in the male coupling portion are symmetrical with respect to the radially geometrically extending through the rib. In such a case, preferably, the edges of the respective nozzle on the corresponding segment of the female part of the clutch are also symmetrical with respect to the radial geometric axis corresponding to each corresponding through the rib.

Pri nadaljnji možni izvedbi izuma sta boka vsakokratnega rebra in/ali vrzeli na moškem delu sklopke asimetrična glede na vsakokrat pripadajočo skozi rebro potekajočo radialno geometrijsko os. V takem primeru sta prednostno tudi boka vsakokratnega nastavka na segmentu ženskega dela sklopke simetrična glede na vsakokrat pripadajočo skozi rebro potekajočo radialno geometrijsko os. Pri tem je eden izmed bokov vsakokratnega rebra in/ali vrzeli na moškem delu sklopke prednostno zasnovan kot poševnina, vsakokrat preostali bok pa kot vsaj približno v radialni smeri potekajoč nased, pri čemer pa sta oblika in razporeditev bokov na vseh razpoložljivih rebrih moškega dela prirejena prenosu vrtilnega momenta v vsakokrat izbrano smer vrtenja sklopke in posledično vretena. Temu ustrezno je eden izmed bokov vsakokratnega nastavka na segmentu na ženskem delu sklopke zasnovan kot poševnina, vsakokrat preostali bok pa kot vsaj približno v radialni smeri potekajoč nased, pri čemer sta oblika in razporeditev bokov na vseh razpoložljivih nastavkih tudi v tem primeru na segmentih ženskega dela prirejena prenosu vrtilnega momenta v vsakokrat izbrano smer vrtenja sklopke in posledično vretena. Strokovnjaku bo razumljivo, da so v okviru tega izuma možne različne in vsakokratnim razmeram prilagodljive kombinacije poševnin, ter simetrije in asimetrije na bokih reber in/ali vrzeli moškega dela in nastavkih na elastično deformabilnih ženskega dela sklopke.In a further possible embodiment of the invention, the edges of the respective ribs and / or gaps on the male part of the clutch are asymmetrical with respect to the radially geometric axis passing through the ribs. In such a case, preferably, the edges of the respective attachment on the segment of the female part of the clutch are also symmetrical with respect to the radially geometric axis corresponding to each passing through the rib. In this case, one of the flanks of each rib and / or gap in the male part of the clutch is preferably designed as a slant, and in each case the remaining flank is an at least radially extending settlement, with the shape and arrangement of the flanks on all available ribs of the male part being adapted to the transmission. of torque in each direction of rotation of the clutch and consequently of the spindle. Accordingly, one of the flanks of each fitting on the segment on the female part of the clutch is designed as a slant, and each remaining flank is at least radially running in the radial direction, the shape and arrangement of the flanks on all available fittings including in this case the segments of the female part. Adapted to the transfer of torque to the direction of rotation of the clutch and, consequently, the spindle. It will be understood by one skilled in the art that various combinations of slopes and symmetries and asymmetries on the flanks of ribs and / or gaps of the male part and the fittings on the elastically deformable female part of the clutch are possible within the scope of the present invention.

Izum bo v nadaljevanju podrobneje obrazložen s primeroma izvedbe, ki sta ponazorjena na priloženi skici, kjer kažeThe invention will now be explained in more detail with examples of embodiments illustrated in the accompanying drawing showing

Sl. 1 shematično ponazorjen regulacijski sklop reflektorja pri svetilu motornega vozila v prerezu v vzdolžni vertikalni ravnini skozi svetilo;FIG. 1 is a schematically illustrated control unit of a reflector for a motor vehicle illumination in cross-section in a longitudinal vertical plane through the lamp;

Sl. 2 prvo izvedbo v prerezu v ravnini A - A po Sl. 1;FIG. 2 is a first cross-sectional view in the plane A - A of FIG. 1;

Sl. 3 pa drugo izvedbo, v prerezu v smiselno enaki ravnini kot na Sl. 2.FIG. 3 is a second embodiment, in cross-section in a substantially identical plane as in FIG. 2.

Na Sl. 1 je ponazorjeno svetilo motornega vozila, ki sestoji iz ohišja 1 z za svetlobo prepustno prednjo steno 11, nadalje iz svetlobnega vira 2 in reflektorja 3 za preusmerjanje s svetlobnim virom 2 generiranih svetlobnih žarkov skozi omenjeno prednjo steno 11 ohišja 1 v vsakokrat želeno območje pred svetilom.In FIG. 1 is an illustrated motor vehicle light consisting of a housing 1 with a light-transmitting front wall 11, further from a light source 2 and a reflector 3 to be diverted by a light source 2 through the said front wall 11 of the housing 1 into the desired area before the light .

Omenjeni reflektor 3 je bodisi skupaj s svetlobnim virom 2 ali neodvisno od le-tega v ohišju 1 glede na slednje premakljiv vsaj do te mere, da je možno s spreminjanjem položaja reflektorja 3, še zlasti z zasukom okoli vodoravne osi, ki poteka prečno glede na vzdolžno os svetila, potekajočo npr. soosno s svetlobnim virom 2, uravnati usmerjanje svetlobnih žarkov vsaj v tista območja, da svetilo izpolnjuje zahteve, ki so povezane z normativi za uporabo svetil v prometu. V ta namen je reflektor 2 povezan z regulacijskim sklopom 4, ki je predviden za uravnavanje položaja reflektorja 3 glede na ohišje 1.Said reflector 3 is either movable together with the light source 2 or independently thereof in the housing 1 with respect to the latter, at least to the extent that it is possible to change the position of the reflector 3, in particular by rotating about a horizontal axis transverse to longitudinal axis of the lamp running e.g. in co-ordination with the light source 2, to regulate the directing of the light beams at least in those areas so that the light meets the requirements related to the norms for the use of traffic lights. To this end, the reflector 2 is connected to the control assembly 4, which is designed to adjust the position of the reflector 3 relative to the housing 1.

Regulacijski sklop 4 sestoji iz vretena 40, ki obsega navoj 41, ki je prirejen za sodelovanje z navojno luknjo 14 v ohišju 1. Vreteno 40 je na svojem proti notranjosti ohišja 1 obrnjenem koncu 40' opremljeno z nastavkom 401, ki je prirejen za sodelovanje z nasedom 34 reflektorja 3, pri čemer je reflektor 3 v prikazanem primeru v območju omenjenega naseda 34 podprt z vzmetjo 31, ki je vstavljena med omenjenim nasedom 34 reflektorja 3 in ohišjem 1 ter s katero je potem nased 34 pritisnjen v smeri proti omenjenemu nastavku 401 vretena 40. Na preostalem, ven iz ohišja 1 štrlečem koncu 40 vretena 40 je predviden primemo oblikovan nastavek 402 za oblikosklepno povezavo vretena 40 s sklopko 44. Nastavek 402 omogoča prenosThe control assembly 4 consists of a spindle 40 comprising a thread 41 adapted to engage with a threaded hole 14 in the housing 1. The spindle 40 is provided with an attachment 401, which is adapted to cooperate with the spotlight 34 of the reflector 3, wherein the reflector 3, in the example shown, is supported in the area of said spot 34 by a spring 31 inserted between said spotlight 34 of the reflector 3 and the housing 1, and with which the seat 34 is then pressed in the direction toward said spindle extension 401. 40. On the rest, out of the housing 1 of the projecting end 40 of the spindle 40, there is provided an appropriately shaped nozzle 402 for the connection of the spindle 40 with the clutch 44 in a form-locked manner.

vrtilnega momenta s sklopke 44 na vreteno 40 in je lahko izveden npr. s kvadratnim ali šesterokotnim profilom ali tudi drugače. Nadalje je v območju omenjenega nastavka 402 v prikazanem primeru na voljo prednostno kot O-obroč zasnovano tesnilo 43, s katerim je preprečen dostop vlage in nečistoč z zunanje strani ohišja 1 v območje vretena 40 oz. proti notranjosti ohišja 1.of torque from clutch 44 to spindle 40 and can be effected e.g. with square or hexagonal profile or otherwise. Further, in the area of said nozzle 402, in the example shown, a gasket 43 is designed as an O-ring, which prevents moisture and impurities from externally from the housing 1 from entering the spindle area 40 or. towards the inside of the housing 1.

Sklopka 44 sestoji iz moškega dela 441, ki je v prikazanem primeru povezljiv z omenjenim vretenom 40, in ženski del 442, ki je v prikazanem primeru prirejen za sodelovanje z neprikazanim sredstvom za ustvarjanjem vrtilnega momenta, ki je vsakokrat na voljo za vrtenje vretena 40, npr. z ročnim izvijačem ali po izbiri z ustreznim nastavkom električnega orodja za vijačenje.The coupling 44 consists of a male part 441, which in this case is connected to said spindle 40, and a female part 442, adapted in this case to cooperate with a non-shown torque generating means, which is available at each time to rotate the spindle 40, e.g. with a hand-held screwdriver, or optionally with a suitable screwdriver tool.

Moški del 441 sklopke 44 je zasnovan razmeroma togo in enovito ter obsega množico po obodu enakomerno razporejenih in radialno navzven štrlečih reber 4411, med katerimi so na voljo primemo oblikovane vrzeli 4412. Po drugi strani pa je ženski del 442 omenjene sklopke 44 vsaj v območju sodelovanja z moškim delom 441 zasnovan razmeroma prožno in deformabilno v svoji radialni smeri in v ta namen sestoji iz določenega števila segmentov 4421, od katerih so vsaj nekateri opremljeni z vsaj enim nastavkom 4422, ki je prirejen za sodelovanje z vsakokrat pripadajočim rebrom 4411 in/ali vsakokrat pripadajočo vrzeljo 4412 moškega dela 441 sklopke 44.The male part 441 of the clutch 44 is relatively rigid and uniform, comprising a plurality of circumferentially spaced and radially projecting ribs 4411 circumferentially circumscribed, including gaps 4412 available. On the other hand, the female part 442 of said clutch 44 is at least in the area of engagement. with male part 441 designed relatively flexible and deformable in its radial direction and for this purpose consists of a number of segments 4421, at least some of which are provided with at least one adapter 4422 adapted to engage with each associated rib 4411 and / or each the associated gap 4412 of clutch 44 male part 441.

Temu ustrezno je potem sklopka 44 zmožna prenašati zgolj tolikšen vrtilni moment, pri katerem elastične deformacije omenjenih segmentov 4421 sestava ženskega dela 442 in moškega dela 441 še dopuščajo oblikosklepno povezavo med nastavki 4422 ženskega dela 442 in rebri 4411 oz. vrzelmi 4412 moškega dela. Kadar je sklopka 44 izpostavljena večjemu vrtilnemu momentu, se namreč vsakokraten segment 4421 ženskega dela 442 elastično deformira radialni v smeri, tako da pripadajoč nastavek 4422 izstopi iz uprijema z rebrom 4411 ali vrzeljo 4412 moškega dela 441, s čimer se oblikosklepna povezava med moškim delom 441 in ženskim delom 442 sklopke 44 v smislu zmožnosti prenosa vrtilnega momenta začasno prekine.Accordingly, the clutch 44 is capable of transmitting only such torque at which the elastic deformations of the said segments 4421 of the female part 442 and the male part 441 still allow for a form-locked connection between the female part 442 attachments 44 and the ribs 4411 and. gaps 4412 of male labor. When the clutch 44 is subjected to greater torque, the respective segment 4421 of the female part 442 is elastically deformed radially in such a way that the associated nozzle 4422 exits the abutment with a rib 4411 or a gap 4412 of the male part 441, thereby forming a joint between the male part 441 and female parts 442 of clutch 44 in terms of torque transfer capability.

Preprostejša izvedba regulacijskega sklopa 4 s pripadajočo sklopko 44 je ponazorjena na Sl. 2. V tem primeru so rebra 4411 na moškem delu 441 sklopke 44 glede na vsakokrat pripadajočo radialno geometrijsko os izvedena simetrično, taisto pa velja tudi za vrzeli 4412 med omenjenimi rebri 4411. Temu ustrezno so potem simetrično izvedeni nastavki 4422 na v radialni smeri elastično deformabilnih segmentih 4421 ženskega dela 442. Odvisno od vnaprej določene prožnosti oz. togosti omenjenih segmentov 4421 ženskega dela 442 je tovrstna sklopka 44 potem zmožna prenašati vnaprej določen vrtilni moment, ki pa je v obeh smereh vrtenja ženskega dela 442 oz. tudi vretena 40 enak.A simpler embodiment of control unit 4 with associated coupling 44 is illustrated in FIG. 2. In this case, the ribs 4411 on the male part 441 of the clutch 44 are symmetrically symmetrical with respect to the respective radial geometric axis, and the same applies to the gaps 4412 between said ribs 4411. segments 4421 of women's work 442. Depending on the pre-determined flexibility or. the rigidity of the said segments 4421 of the female part 442 is such a coupling 44 is then capable of transmitting a predetermined torque, which in both directions of rotation of the female part 442 or. also spindles 40 equal.

Po drugi strani je na Sl. 3 ponazorjena nadaljnja izvedba sklopke 44, pri kateri je dopusten vrtilni moment, ki ga sklopka lahko še prenaša v eno ali drugo smer, različen. V tem primeru je namreč vsaj doloženo število nastavkov 4422 na segmentih 4421 ženskega dela na enem boku opremljen s poševnino 4422', na preostalem boku pa z radialnim naslonom 4422, temu ustrezno pa je potem na moškem delu 441 bodisi vsaj določeno število reber 4411 in/ali določeno število vrzeli 4412 na enem boku opremljeno s poševnino 4411', na preostalem boku pa z radialnim naslonom 4411. Glede na razporeditev omenjenih poševnin 441Γ, 4422' je po Sl. 3 torej očitno, da se pri vrtenju ženskega dela 442 sklopke 44 v smeri urinih kazalcev segmenti 4421 ženskega dela 442 sklopke 44 odklonijo pri manjšem vrtilnem momentu kot v primeru vrtenja v nasprotni smeri urinih kazalcev, zato je pri tovrstni sklopki 44 zmožnost prenosa vrtilnega momenta v eno ali drugo smer različna.On the other hand, in FIG. 3 illustrates a further embodiment of the clutch 44, wherein the permissible torque that the clutch can still convey in one direction or another is different. In this case, at least a certain number of lugs 4422 in the segments 4421 of the female portion on one side are provided with a sloping 4422 'and on the remaining flank with a radial backing 4422, and thereafter, there is at least a certain number of ribs 4411 on the male part 441 and / or a certain number of gaps 4412 are provided on one side with a slant 4411 'and on the remaining flank with a radial support 4411. According to the arrangement of the said slopes 441Γ, 4422', according to FIG. 3, therefore, it is apparent that, when rotating the female part 442 of the clutch 44 clockwise, the segments 4421 of the female part 442 of the clutch 44 deviate at a lower torque than in the case of counter-clockwise rotation, and therefore in such a clutch 44 the ability to transmit torque to one way or the other different.

Claims (8)

1. Regulacijski sklop reflektorja pri svetilu motornega vozila, ki je prirejen za uravnavanje položaja reflektorja (3) po izbiri vključno s pripadajočim svetlobnim virom (2) ali neodvisno od le-tega glede na ohišje svetila (1), pri čemer tovrsten regulacijski sklop obsega vreteno (40), ki je prirejeno za sodelovanje z ustrezno navojno luknjo (14) v ohišju (1) in katerega v notranjost ohišja (1) segajoč konec (40') je prirejen za sodelovanje z reflektorjem (3), medtem ko je njegov izven ohišja (1) segajoč konec (40) povezan z ženskim delom (442), ki je prirejen za sodelovanje s primernim orodjem za generiranje vrtilnega momenta za sukanje omenjenega vretena (40) in s tem zagotavljanje aksialnih premikov omenjenega vretena (40) zaradi premikanja z njim vsaj posredno sodelujočega reflektorja (3), označen s tem, da omenjen ženski del (442) sočasno z zmožnostjo sodelovanja z orodjem za zagotavljanje vrtilnega momenta predstavlja del sklopke (44), sestoječe iz omenjenega ženskega dela (442) in z njim v smislu možnosti prenašanja zgolj omejenega vrtilnega momenta oblikosklepno povezljivega moškega dela (441), ki je po drugi strani povezan z izven ohišja (1) svetila segajočim koncem (40) vretena (40).1. A reflector control assembly for a motor vehicle light adapted for adjusting the position of the reflector (3) optionally including the associated light source (2) or independently thereof with respect to the lamp housing (1), wherein such control assembly comprises a spindle (40) adapted to engage with a corresponding threaded hole (14) in the housing (1) and whose projecting end (40 ') extending into the housing (1) is adapted to engage with the reflector (3) outside the housing (1), the extending end (40) is connected to a female part (442) adapted to cooperate with a suitable torque-generating tool for rotating said spindle (40), thereby providing axial movements of said spindle (40) for movement with it, at least indirectly, a reflector (3), characterized in that said female part (442), together with the ability to cooperate with a torque-providing tool, constitutes a part of the clutch (44) consisting of the aforementioned (442) and in this sense in terms of being able to transmit only a limited torque of the lockable male part (441), which, in turn, is connected to the spindle (40) extending beyond the housing (1). 2. Regulacijski sklop po zahtevku 1, označen s tem, da je moški del (441) sklopke (44) razmeroma togo zasnovan in obsega določeno število med seboj po obodu enakomerno razporejenih radialnih reber (4411) in med njimi razporejenih vrzeli (4412), medtem ko razmeroma prožno zasnovan in vsaj v območju sodelovanja z omenjenim moškim delom (441) v radialni smeri elastično deformabilen ženski del (442) obsega določeno število po obodu med seboj enakomerno razmaknjenih segmentov (4421), od katerih jih je vsaj določeno število opremljenih s po vsaj enim radialno navznoter usmerjenim nastavkom (4422), ki je prirejen za sodelovanje z vsakokrat razpoložljivim rebrom (4411) in/ali vrzeljo (4412) na moškem delu (441).A control assembly according to claim 1, characterized in that the male part (441) of the clutch (44) is relatively rigidly designed and comprises a certain number of radially ribbed ends (4411) and gaps (4412) arranged between them circumferentially, while relatively flexible and at least in the area of engagement with said male portion (441) in radially elastic deformable female portion (442) comprises a number of circumferentially spaced segments (4421) circumferentially circumscribed, of which at least a certain number are provided with according to at least one radially inwardly-mounted nozzle (4422) adapted to cooperate with each available rib (4411) and / or gap (4412) on the male portion (441). • * • · * · · · • ·• * • · * · · · • · 3. Regulacijski sklop po zahtevku 2, označen s tem, da sta boka (441Γ, 4411) vsakokratnega rebra (4411) in/ali vrzeli (4412) na moškem delu (441) sklopke (44) simetrična glede na vsakokrat pripadajočo skozi rebro (4411) potekajočo radialno geometrijsko os.Control assembly according to claim 2, characterized in that the sides (441Γ, 4411) of the respective rib (4411) and / or the gap (4412) on the male part (441) of the clutch (44) are symmetrical with respect to each corresponding through the rib ( 4411) running radial geometric axis. 4. Regulacijski sklop po zahtevku 2 ali 3, označen s tem, da sta boka (4422’, 4422) vsakokratnega nastavka (4422) na segmentu (4421) ženskega dela (442) sklopke (44) simetrična glede na vsakokrat pripadajočo skozi rebro (4411) potekajočo radialno geometrijsko os.Control assembly according to claim 2 or 3, characterized in that the sides (4422 ', 4422) of the respective attachment (4422) on the segment (4421) of the female part (442) of the clutch (44) are symmetrical with respect to each corresponding through the rib ( 4411) running radial geometric axis. 5. Regulacijski sklop po zahtevku 2, označen s tem, da sta boka (441Γ, 4411) vsakokratnega rebra (4411) in/ali vrzeli (4412) na moškem delu (441) sklopke (44) asimetrična glede na vsakokrat pripadajočo skozi rebro (4411) potekajočo radialno geometrijsko os.Control assembly according to claim 2, characterized in that the sides (441Γ, 4411) of the respective rib (4411) and / or the gap (4412) on the male part (441) of the clutch (44) are asymmetric with respect to each corresponding through the rib ( 4411) running radial geometric axis. 6. Regulacijski sklop po zahtevku 3 ali 5, označen s tem, da sta boka (4422', 4422) vsakokratnega nastavka (4422) na segmentu (4421) ženskega dela (442) sklopke (44) simetrična glede na vsakokrat pripadajočo skozi rebro (4411) potekajočo radialno geometrijsko os.Control assembly according to claim 3 or 5, characterized in that the sides (4422 ', 4422) of the respective attachment (4422) on the segment (4421) of the female part (442) of the clutch (44) are symmetrical with respect to each corresponding through the rib ( 4411) running radial geometric axis. 7. Regulacijski sklop po zahtevku 5, označen s tem, da je eden izmed bokov (441Γ) vsakokratnega rebra (4411) in/ali vrzeli (4412) na moškem delu (441) sklopke (44) zasnovan kot poševnina, vsakokrat preostali bok (4411) pa kot vsaj približno v radialni smeri potekajoč nased, pri čemer sta oblika in razporeditev bokov (441Γ, 4411) na vseh razpoložljivih rebrih (4411) moškega dela (441) prirejena prenosu vrtilnega momenta v vsakokrat izbrano smer vrtenja sklopke (44) in posledično vretena (40).Control assembly according to claim 5, characterized in that one of the flanks (441Γ) of the respective rib (4411) and / or the gap (4412) on the male part (441) of the clutch (44) is designed as a slant, each remaining flank (44). 4411), but at least radially in the direction of running, with the shape and arrangement of the flanks (441Γ, 4411) on all available ribs (4411) of the male part (441) being adapted to transmit torque to the direction of rotation of the clutch (44) in each case and consequently spindles (40). • «• « 8. Regulacijski sklop po zahtevku 5, označen s tem, da je eden izmed bokov (4422') vsakokratnega nastavka (4422) na segmentu (4421) na ženskem delu (442) sklopke (44) zasnovan kot poševnina, vsakokrat preostali bok (4422) pa kot vsaj približno v radialni smeri potekajoč nased, pri čemer sta oblika in razporeditev bokov (4422', 4422) na vseh razpoložljivih nastavkih (4422) na segmentih (4421) ženskega dela (442) prirejena prenosu vrtilnega momenta v vsakokrat izbrano smer vrtenja sklopke (44) in posledično vretena (40).Control assembly according to claim 5, characterized in that one of the flanks (4422 ') of the respective nozzle (4422) on the segment (4421) on the female part (442) of the clutch (44) is designed as a slant, each time the remaining flank (4422) ), but at least radially in the direction of running, with the shape and arrangement of the flanks (4422 ', 4422) in all available mountings (4422) on the segments (4421) of the female part (442) being adapted to transmit the torque to each direction of rotation selected. couplings (44) and consequently spindles (40).
SI201100313A 2011-08-12 2011-08-12 The control set of reflector lamp for motor vehicle SI23825A (en)

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EP12753601.9A EP2741939A1 (en) 2011-08-12 2012-07-03 Motor vehicle headlight regulating assembly
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