SI23799A - Device and method for the preparation of beverage - Google Patents

Device and method for the preparation of beverage Download PDF


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SI23799A SI201100272A SI201100272A SI23799A SI 23799 A SI23799 A SI 23799A SI 201100272 A SI201100272 A SI 201100272A SI 201100272 A SI201100272 A SI 201100272A SI 23799 A SI23799 A SI 23799A
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Slovenian (sl)
Aleš Hrvatin
Branko NadiĹľar
Original Assignee
ŽITO prehrambena industrija, d.d.
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Application filed by ŽITO prehrambena industrija, d.d. filed Critical ŽITO prehrambena industrija, d.d.
Priority to SI201100272A priority Critical patent/SI23799A/en
Priority to PCT/SI2012/000048 priority patent/WO2013015748A2/en
Publication of SI23799A publication Critical patent/SI23799A/en



    • B65D85/00Containers, packaging elements or packages, specially adapted for particular articles or materials
    • B65D85/70Containers, packaging elements or packages, specially adapted for particular articles or materials for materials not otherwise provided for
    • B65D85/804Disposable containers or packages with contents which are mixed, infused or dissolved in situ, i.e. without having been previously removed from the package
    • B65D85/808Disposable containers or packages with contents which are mixed, infused or dissolved in situ, i.e. without having been previously removed from the package for immersion in the liquid to release part or all of their contents, e.g. tea bags
    • B65D85/812Disposable containers or packages with contents which are mixed, infused or dissolved in situ, i.e. without having been previously removed from the package for immersion in the liquid to release part or all of their contents, e.g. tea bags with features facilitating their manipulation or suspension


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • Closures For Containers (AREA)
  • Medical Preparation Storing Or Oral Administration Devices (AREA)


Naprava in postopek za pripravo napitka rešuje tehnični problem izgube toplote' in kapljevine med pripravljanjem napitkov, prednostno čajev tako, da je na lopatici, ki je vstavljena skozi pokrov sicer običajnega vsebnika, prednostno za enkratno uporabo, vsebnik s suho tvarjo, prednostno čajna vrečka. Uporabnik napolni vsebnik za vročo vodo, prednostno lonček za enkratno uporabo, z vročo vodo in s pomočjo lopatice potisne vsebnik s suho tvarjo v vročo vodo.The device and process for the preparation of a beverage solves the technical problem of heat loss and liquid during the preparation of beverages, preferably teas, such that, on a spatula inserted through the cover of an otherwise conventional container, preferably a one-time use, a container with a dry substance, preferably a tea bag. The user fills the hot water container, preferably a disposable cup, with hot water and pushes the container with dry substance into the hot water using a spatula.



Področje tehnikeThe field of technology

Priprava napitkovPreparation of beverages

Tehnični problemA technical problem

Tehnični problem, ki ga rešuje prikazani izum, je izguba toplote in kapljevine med pripravljanjem napitkov, prednostno čajev.A technical problem solved by the present invention is the loss of heat and liquid during the preparation of beverages, preferably teas.

Stanje tehnikeThe state of the art

Na področju priprave toplih napitkov obstaja kar nekaj izumov, ki se nanašajo na pripravo napitkov. Tako je v patentu GB 931 533 z 16.11.1959 prikazana izboljšana naprava za podpiranje čajne vrečke v skodelici vroče vode, pri čemer je naprava izdelana tako, da je moč čajno vrečko umakniti iz vroče vode in pri tem iztisniti kar največ tekočine iz vrečke, pri tem pa je naprava izdelana tako, da preprečuje izgubo toplote.In the field of hot beverage production, there are quite a few inventions that relate to the preparation of beverages. Thus, patent GB 931 533 of 16.11.1959 illustrates an improved device for supporting a tea bag in a hot water cup, the device being designed in such a way that it is possible to withdraw the tea bag from hot water and at the same time extract as much liquid from the bag as possible. however, the device is designed to prevent heat loss.

V patentu št. US 4250990 z dne 17.2.1981 je prikazana vrečka za čaj, ki sejo namoči v vročo vodo in je obešena iz prečk, ki se naslanjajo na nasprotni strani obsega čajne skodelice. Ta prečka je v obliki narobe obrnjene črke V in jo je zato moč uporabiti tudi za iztiskanje odvečne vode pred zavrženjem.In patent no. US 4250990 of 2/17/1981 depicts a tea bag soaking in hot water and suspended from rungs resting on the opposite side of the circumference of the tea cup. This crossbar is in the form of an inverted letter V and can therefore also be used to squeeze out excess water before discarding.

V patentu EP 1.690.805 z dne 17.9.2008 je prikazan pokrov za vsebnik za pijačo za sprejem raztopine, prednostno za čajno skodelico za enkratno uporabo, pri čemer ima pokrov osnovno ploščo, pokrov in hranilni prostor v katerem je čajna vrečka, ki se jo po uporabi izvleče v hranilni prostor in nato odvrže.EP 1.690.805 of 9/17/2008 discloses a lid for a beverage container for receiving a solution, preferably for a disposable tea cup, the lid having a base plate, a lid and a storage space containing the tea bag to be used. pulls it into the storage room after use and then discards it.

Opis nove rešitveDescription of the new solution

Naprava in postopek za pripravo napitka rešuje zgoraj prikazani tehnični problem tako, da je na lopatici, ki je vstavljena skozi pokrov sicer običajnega vsebnika, prednostno za enkratno uporabo, vsebnik s suho tvarjo, prednostno čajna vrečka. Uporabnik napolni vsebnik za vročo vodo, prednostno lonček za enkratno uporabo, z vročo vodo in s pomočjo lopatice potisne vsebnik s suho tvaijo v vročo vodo.The beverage preparation apparatus and process solves the technical problem shown above by placing a dry bag, preferably a tea bag, on a blade inserted through the lid of an otherwise conventional container, preferably a disposable container. The user fills the hot water container, preferably a disposable crucible, with hot water and pushes the container with a dry blade into the hot water with a spatula.

Vroča voda na običajen način deluje s suho tvarjo v vsebniku s suho tvarjo in tvori napitek. Seveda je mogoče v vsebnik spraviti tudi prah ali drugo tvar, ki tvori napitek s hladno vodo, kar ne spremeni bistva izuma.Hot water normally works with dry matter in a dry container to form a beverage. Of course, it is also possible to store dust or other substance forming a cold water beverage in the container, which does not change the essence of the invention.

V izvedbenem primeru je vsebnik s suho tvarjo vrečka za čaj, suha tvar pa posušeni, drobljeni listi čajevca ali druge rastline ali njih mešanice, ki v stiku z vročo vodo ustvarijo topel napitek - čaj ali drugačen topli ali hladni napitek. Seveda je lahko v vsebniku tudi prah, ki je topen v vodi in pripraven za pripravo hladnega ali toplega napitka.In the embodiment, the dry substance container is a tea bag and the dry substance is the dried, crushed leaves of tea tree or other plants or mixtures thereof which, in contact with hot water, create a warm beverage - tea or other hot or cold beverage. Of course, the container may also have a water-soluble powder that can be used to prepare a cold or warm beverage.

Po preteku časa, potrebnega za tvorjenje napitka, se lopatico s pritrjenim vsebnikom s suho tvarjo potegne iz vroče vode ter napitek izpije - bodisi tako, da se pokrov odvrže, bodisi, da se napitek pije s pokritim pokrovom.After the time required to form the beverage has elapsed, the paddle with the dry container attached is pulled out of the hot water and the beverage is drunk - either by discarding the lid or by drinking the lid with the lid covered.

V nadaljevanju je bistvo izuma prikazano s skicami, pri čemer skice tvorijo del pričujoče patentne prijave, in prikazujejo:Hereinafter, the essence of the invention is shown in the drawings, the drawings forming part of the present patent application and showing:

Skica 1 prikazuje pokrov (1) za vsebnik z odprtino za pitje (2) in odprtino za ročaj lopatice (3).Figure 1 shows a lid (1) for a container with a drinking opening (2) and an opening for the blade handle (3).

Skica 2 prikazuje pokrov (1) za vsebnik z odprtino za pitje (2), odprtino za ročaj lopatice (3), lopatico (4) za vsebnik s suho tvarjo ter ročajem (5) lopatice za vsebnik s suho tvarjo.Figure 2 shows the lid (1) for the container with a drinking opening (2), the opening for the handle of the blade (3), the spatula (4) for the container with dry substance and the handle (5) of the blade for the container with the dry substance.

Skica 3 prikazuje pokrov (1) za vsebnik z odprtino za pitje (2), odprtino za ročaj lopatice (3) ter ročaj (5) lopatice za vsebnik s suho tvarjo.Figure 3 shows the lid (1) for the container with the drinking opening (2), the opening for the handle of the blade (3) and the handle (5) of the blade for the container with the dry substance.

Skica 4 prikazuje ročaj (5) lopatice za vsebnik s suho tvarjo, vsebnik za suho tvar (6) ter zgornji del pritiskalca vsebnika s suho tvarjo (8)Figure 4 shows the handle (5) of the blades for the dry container, the container for the dry substance (6) and the upper part of the container presser of the dry substance (8)

Skica 5 prikazuje razvito lopatico za vsebnik s suho tvarjo (4), spodnji del pritiskalca vsebnika s suho tvarjo (7) in zgornji del pritiskalnika vsebnika s suho tvarjo (8).Figure 5 shows the developed bladder for the dry container (4), the lower part of the dry container container (7) and the upper part of the dry container container (8).

Skica 6 prikazuje ročaj lopatice za vsebnik s suho tvarjo (5), vsebnik za suho tvar (6) ter spodnji del pritiskalnika vsebnika s suho tvarjo (7).Figure 6 shows the blade handle for the dry container (5), the dry container (6), and the lower part of the dry container container presser (7).

V izvedbenem primeru se vsebnik s suho tvarjo (6), prednostno čajna vrečka postavi na lopatico za vsebnik s suho tvarjo (4) tako, da nanjo s spodnje strani pritisne spodnji del pritiskalnika vsebnika s suho tvarjo (7), z zgornje strani pa zgornji del pritiskalnika vsebnika s suho tvarjo (8). Pred vstavljanjem ima lopatica za vsebnik s suho tvarjo (4) razvito obliko, kot prikazano na skici 5.In the embodiment, the container of dry substance (6), preferably the tea bag, is placed on the paddle for the container of dry substance (4) by pushing it from the underside of the bottom of the container presser with the dry substance (7) and from the upper side by the upper part of the container press of the dry substance (8). Prior to insertion, the bladder for the dry container (4) has a developed shape as shown in Figure 5.

Po sestavljanju, ko je torej vsebnik s suho tvarjo (6) vpet med zgornji (8) in spodnji(7) pritiskalnik se lopatica vstavi v pokrov za vsebnik s suho tvarjo (1) tako, da ročaj lopatice (5) sega skozi odprtino za ročaj lopatice (3).After assembly, when the dry substance container (6) is clamped between the upper (8) and lower (7) presses, the blade is inserted into the lid of the dry substance container (1) so that the handle of the blade (5) extends through the opening for blade handle (3).

Vsebino po izumu se uporabi tako, da uporabnik napolni vsebnik, prednostno lonček iz umetne snovi ali papirja z vročo vodo, nanj pritrdi pokrov (1) ter potisne lopatico (4) z vsebnikom (6) v vročo vodo.The contents of the invention are used to fill a container, preferably a crucible of plastic or hot water paper, attach a lid (1) to it and push a spatula (4) with the container (6) into hot water.

Po pripravi napitka uporabnik potegne ročaj (5) lopatice (4) proti sebi in tako vsebnik (6) potegne iz pripravljenega napitka. Nato pokraov (1) bodisi odstrani ali pa pije napitek skozi odprtino (2).After preparation of the beverage, the user pulls the handle (5) of the spatula (4) towards him, thus pulling the container (6) from the prepared beverage. He then either removes the poker (1) or drinks the potion through the opening (2).

Claims (5)

PATENTNI ZAHTEVKIPATENT APPLICATIONS 1. Naprava za pripravo napitka, označena po tem, da obsega pokrov (1) za vsebnik z odprtino za pitje (2), odprtino za ročaj lopatice (3), lopatico (4) za vsebnik s suho tvarjo, ročaj (5) lopatice za vsebnik s suho tvarjo ter vsebnik s suho tvarjo (6) , pri čemer je lopatica (4) z ročajem (5) potisnjena skozi odprtino (3) za ročaj lopatice.A beverage preparation device, characterized in that it comprises a lid (1) for a container with a drinking opening (2), an opening for the handle of a spatula (3), a spatula (4) for a container with a dry substance, a handle (5) of the spatula for a container with a dry substance and a container with a dry substance (6), the blade (4) being pushed through the opening (3) by the handle of the blade with the handle (5). 2. Naprava po zahtevku 1, označena po tem, daje vsebnik s suho tvarjo (6) vpet med zgornji del pritiskalnika vsebnika s suho tvarjo (8) in spodnji del pritiskalnika vsebinka s suho tvarjo (7).Apparatus according to claim 1, characterized in that the dry matter container (6) is clamped between the upper part of the dry matter container presser (8) and the lower part of the pressure container of the dry matter container (7). 3. Postopek za pripravo napitka, označen po tem, da se vsebnik s suho tvarjo (6), prednostno čajna vrečka, postavi na lopatico za vsebnik s suho tvarjo (4) tako, da nanjo s spodnje strani pritisne spodnji del pritiskalnika vsebnika s suho tvarjo (7) , z zgornje strani pa zgornji del pritiskalnika vsebnika s suho tvarjo (8), lopatica (4) pa potisne skozi odprtino za ročaj lopatice (3).Method for preparing a beverage, characterized in that the container of dry matter (6), preferably a tea bag, is placed on the spatula of the container of dry substance (4) by pushing it from the underside of the container container with a dry substance substance (7) and from above the top of the container press with dry substance (8), and the blade (4) is pushed through the blade handle opening (3). 4. Uporaba naprave za pripravo napitka, označena po tem, da uporabnik napolni vsebnik, prednostno lonček iz umetne snovi ali papirja z vročo vodo, nanj pritrdi pokrov (1) ter potisne lopatico (4) z vsebnikom (6) v vročo vodo.Use of a beverage preparation device, characterized in that the user fills the container, preferably a pot of plastic or hot water paper, attaches a lid (1) to it and pushes the spatula (4) with the container (6) into hot water. 5. Uporaba po zahtevku 4, označena po tem, da po pripravi napitka uporabnik potegne ročaj (5) lopatice (4) proti sebi in tako vsebnik (6) potegne iz pripravljenega napitka, pokrov (1) pa nato bodisi odstrani ali pa pije napitek skozi odprtino (2) v pokrovu (1).Use according to claim 4, characterized in that, after preparing the beverage, the user pulls the handle (5) of the blade (4) towards him, thus removing the container (6) from the prepared beverage and the lid (1) then either removing or drinking the beverage through the opening (2) in the lid (1).
SI201100272A 2011-07-25 2011-07-25 Device and method for the preparation of beverage SI23799A (en)

Priority Applications (2)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
SI201100272A SI23799A (en) 2011-07-25 2011-07-25 Device and method for the preparation of beverage
PCT/SI2012/000048 WO2013015748A2 (en) 2011-07-25 2012-07-18 Device and method for infusion preparation

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SI201100272A SI23799A (en) 2011-07-25 2011-07-25 Device and method for the preparation of beverage

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SI201100272A SI23799A (en) 2011-07-25 2011-07-25 Device and method for the preparation of beverage

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* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
DE102019118878B3 (en) * 2019-07-11 2020-12-31 Stefan Zawacki Lid device for use with a drinking cup

Family Cites Families (11)

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