SI23517A - A device for producing and accumulating electric power - Google Patents

A device for producing and accumulating electric power Download PDF


Publication number
SI23517A SI201000326A SI201000326A SI23517A SI 23517 A SI23517 A SI 23517A SI 201000326 A SI201000326 A SI 201000326A SI 201000326 A SI201000326 A SI 201000326A SI 23517 A SI23517 A SI 23517A
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power plant
hydroelectric power
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Slovenian (sl)
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Application filed by Mitja KOPRIVŠEK filed Critical Mitja KOPRIVŠEK
Priority to SI201000326A priority Critical patent/SI23517A/en
Priority to PCT/SI2011/000057 priority patent/WO2012053988A2/en
Publication of SI23517A publication Critical patent/SI23517A/en



    • F03B13/00Adaptations of machines or engines for special use; Combinations of machines or engines with driving or driven apparatus; Power stations or aggregates
    • F03B13/06Stations or aggregates of water-storage type, e.g. comprising a turbine and a pump
    • F03D9/00Adaptations of wind motors for special use; Combinations of wind motors with apparatus driven thereby; Wind motors specially adapted for installation in particular locations
    • F03D9/007Adaptations of wind motors for special use; Combinations of wind motors with apparatus driven thereby; Wind motors specially adapted for installation in particular locations the wind motor being combined with means for converting solar radiation into useful energy
    • F03D9/00Adaptations of wind motors for special use; Combinations of wind motors with apparatus driven thereby; Wind motors specially adapted for installation in particular locations
    • F03D9/10Combinations of wind motors with apparatus storing energy
    • F03D9/13Combinations of wind motors with apparatus storing energy storing gravitational potential energy
    • F03D9/14Combinations of wind motors with apparatus storing energy storing gravitational potential energy using liquids
    • F03D9/00Adaptations of wind motors for special use; Combinations of wind motors with apparatus driven thereby; Wind motors specially adapted for installation in particular locations
    • F03D9/20Wind motors characterised by the driven apparatus
    • F03D9/25Wind motors characterised by the driven apparatus the apparatus being an electrical generator
    • F03D9/255Wind motors characterised by the driven apparatus the apparatus being an electrical generator connected to electrical distribution networks; Arrangements therefor
    • F05B2240/00Components
    • F05B2240/40Use of a multiplicity of similar components
    • Y02E10/00Energy generation through renewable energy sources
    • Y02E10/20Hydro energy
    • Y02E10/00Energy generation through renewable energy sources
    • Y02E10/70Wind energy
    • Y02E10/72Wind turbines with rotation axis in wind direction
    • Y02E60/00Enabling technologies; Technologies with a potential or indirect contribution to GHG emissions mitigation
    • Y02E60/16Mechanical energy storage, e.g. flywheels or pressurised fluids
    • Y02E70/00Other energy conversion or management systems reducing GHG emissions
    • Y02E70/30Systems combining energy storage with energy generation of non-fossil origin
    • Y02P80/00Climate change mitigation technologies for sector-wide applications
    • Y02P80/10Efficient use of energy, e.g. using compressed air or pressurized fluid as energy carrier


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Chemical & Material Sciences (AREA)
  • Combustion & Propulsion (AREA)
  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • General Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Power Engineering (AREA)
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  • Other Liquid Machine Or Engine Such As Wave Power Use (AREA)


A device for producing and accumulating electric power is suggested, at which an each river decanted hydroelectric power station, composed of dam with turbine and generator, which is through suitable attachment electrically connected with each electric network, and above/before dam available storage lake with the level of water on each available height potential, equipped with return electric wire, with installed pump for pumping water from the area below the dam and therefore for the turbine, which is mechanically connected with applicable generator, in the area of before/above mentioned dam, at which the mentioned pump thanking to steering unit forced with the energy of at least one solar electric power station or/and at least one wind electric power station or by the choice with energy from electric network, on which through the attachment a mentioned generator of hydroelectric power station is attached.



Izum v okviru gradbeništva spada na področje zgradb za industrijske namene, zlasti elektrarne. Po drugi strani izum v okviru elektrotehnike spada na področje pridobivanja, pretvarjanja ali distribucije električne energije, namreč k postajam za distribucijo energije. Še nadalje izum v okviru strojništva spada na področje uravnavanja delovanja vodnih turbin.The invention in the field of construction falls within the field of buildings for industrial purposes, especially power plants. On the other hand, the invention in the field of electrical engineering falls within the field of generation, conversion or distribution of electricity, namely to energy distribution stations. Still further, the invention in the field of mechanical engineering falls within the field of regulating the operation of water turbines.

Izhajajoč po eni strani iz bodisi že razpoložljive ali šele za izgradnjo predvidene verige na isti reki na različnih višinskih potencialih nahajajočih se pretočnih hidroelektrarn, in po drugi strani iz možnosti pridobivanja električne energije iz drugih alternativnih oz. obnovljivih energetskih virov, še zlasti npr. iz sončne in/ali vetrne energije, je izum osnovan na problemu po eni strani izboljšanja učinkovitost delovanja omenjene verige rečnih hidroelektrarn po eni strani glede na vsakokrat razpoložljiv pretok reke in gladino akumulacijskega jezera vsake od omenjenih hidroelektrarn in po drugi strani tudi glede na vsakokratno razpoložljivosti omenjenih alternativnih virov energije, še zlasti sončne svetlobe in/ali vetra, hkrati pa je namen izuma zagotoviti učinkovito akumulacijo vsakokrat pridobljene sončne in/ali vetrne energije.Starting on the one hand from either the already available or just for construction of the planned chain on the same river at different altitudinal potentials of the existing hydroelectric power plants, and on the other, from the possibility of generating electricity from other alternative or. renewable energy sources, in particular e.g. from solar and / or wind energy, the invention is based on the problem of improving the efficiency of said river hydroelectric chain on the one hand with respect to the available river flow and the reservoir water level of each of said hydroelectric power plants, and on the other hand also with respect to the availability of said hydroelectric power plants. alternative sources of energy, in particular sunlight and / or wind, and the object of the invention is to provide an effective accumulation of solar and / or wind energy generated in each case.

Opisani predlog izuma se med drugim nanaša na shranjevanje električne energije, pridobljene s pomočjo obnovljivih virov električne energije, predvsem fotovoltaičnih in vetrnih elektrarn, pri čemer se energija shranjuje v obliki povečane pretočne akumulacije dveh ali več pretočnih hidroelektrarn. Po izumu je namreč zasnovan sistem, ki omogoča shranjevanje električne energije iz sončnih in vetrnih virov, tako da je možno shranjeno energijo uporabiti takrat, ko jo elektroenergetski sistem v konicah porabe najbolj potrebuje.The present invention relates, inter alia, to the storage of electricity obtained from renewable energy sources, in particular photovoltaic and wind power plants, the energy being stored in the form of increased flow accumulation of two or more flow-in hydropower plants. According to the invention, a system has been designed which allows the storage of electricity from solar and wind sources, so that the stored energy can be used when the electricity system needs it most in peak consumption.

Svetovni okoljski problemi, povečani izpusti toplogrednih plinov, višje cene fosilnih goriv in zmanjševanje njihovih svetovnih zalog ter klimatske spremembe so privedle do povečane uporabe obnovljivih virov energije, še posebej energije sonca in vetra ter električne energije, ki jih proizvajajo sončne oz. fotovoltaične elektrarne in vetrne elektrarne. Problem proizvodnje električne energije s pomočjo sonca in vetra pa je predvsem v dejstvu, da oba vira nista stalno prisotna. Fotovoltaične elektrarne delujejo samo v prisotnosti sonca, pri čemer je učinkovitost največja ob jasnih dneh in v opoldanskem času, druge krati pa manjša in celo znatno manjša. Vetrne elektrarne pa na drugi strani delujejo le pod pogojem, če so izpostavljene vetru zadostne jakosti, pri čemer je ta vir glede na vsakokratno geografsko lokacijo še bolj nepredvidljiv. Takšna nestabilnost sončnih in vetrnih virov v primeru majhnega deleža le-teh v elektroenergetskem sistemu sicer še ne predstavlja prevelikega problema. Vendar pa se pričakuje, da se bo delež teh virov povečeval, s čemer se bodo problemi v zvezi z nestabilnostjo virov temu ustrezno povečevali, s tem pa bo bodisi otežena regulacija posameznih delov elektroenergetskega sistema, ali pa bodo sončni in vetrni viri premalo izkoriščeni. Se posebej je izrazit problem dnevnega diagrama obremenitve elektroenergetskega sistema, ki zelo niha zaradi dnevno spreminjajočega se ritma delovanja industrije, gospodinjstev in drugih porabnikov. Problem hitrega in učinkovitega dovajanja električne energije v sistem točno takrat, ko jo le-ta res potrebuje, je zato že zdaj izjemno aktualen in bo s še intenzivnejšim uvajanjem sončnih in vetrnih virov še toliko bolj. Omenjena vira namreč ob upoštevanju tačas relevantnega stanja tehnike lahko zagotavljata možnost pridobivanja električne energije le takrat, ko sta na razpolago in torej običajno ali vsaj zelo verjetno v določenem neskladju oz. časovnem razkoraku s konicami potreb sistema po električni energiji.Global environmental problems, increased greenhouse gas emissions, higher prices of fossil fuels and a decline in their global reserves, and climate change have led to an increased use of renewable energy, especially solar and wind, and solar and electricity. photovoltaic and wind farms. The problem of electricity production through solar and wind is mainly due to the fact that both sources are not constantly present. Photovoltaic power plants operate only in the presence of the sun, with maximum efficiency on clear days and at noon, while other plants are smaller and even significantly smaller. Wind farms, on the other hand, operate only on condition that they are exposed to sufficient wind intensity, making this source even more unpredictable in relation to each geographical location. Such instability of solar and wind sources in the case of a small proportion of them in the power system does not, however, pose too much of a problem. However, the share of these sources is expected to increase, increasing the volatility problems of the sources accordingly, which will either make it difficult to regulate individual parts of the electricity system or make underutilization of solar and wind resources. The problem of the daily load diagram of the power system is particularly pronounced, which fluctuates greatly due to the daily changing rhythm of operation of industry, households and other consumers. The problem of quickly and efficiently supplying electricity to the system exactly when it really needs it is therefore extremely topical and will be even more so with the intensified deployment of solar and wind resources. The aforementioned sources, given the current state of the art, can only guarantee the possibility of generating electricity when they are available and therefore normally or at least very likely in a certain discrepancy or. a time gap with the peaks of the system's electricity needs.

Stanje tehnike obsega več različnih načinov shranjevanja energije, ki so opisani v strokovni literaturi, namreč črpalne hidroelektrarne, stisnjen zrak, baterije, vztrajnike, kondenzatorje oz. kapacitivnost, supraprevodne magnete, shranjevanje vodika in priključena električna vozila. Ker izum govori o pretočni akumulaciji hidroelektrarn, bo v nadaljevanju bolj podrobno opisano stanje zgolj na tem relevantnem področju..The prior art encompasses a number of different energy storage methods, which have been described in the professional literature, namely pumping hydroelectric power plants, compressed air, batteries, flywheels, capacitors or capacitors. capacitance, superconducting magnets, hydrogen storage and connected electric vehicles. Since the invention relates to the flow storage of hydroelectric power plants, the following will describe in more detail only the situation in this relevant field.

Uvodoma velja poudariti, da so že desetletja znane naprave za shranjevanje energije v obliki črpalnih hidroelektrarn elektrarn. Osnovni princip delovanja temelji na črpanju vode iz nižje ležečega rezervoarja v višje ležeči rezervoar vode. Višinska razlika med obema rezervoarjema je običajno velika in znaša od vsaj približno 100 metrov, pogosto pa 500 do 800 metrov. Ena takih naprav z močjo 185 MW, ki je javnosti znana kot nazivom Črpalna hidroelektrarna Avče ( že instalirana v Sloveniji v bližini Nove gorice in deluje na tak način, da iz reke črpa vodo v akumulacijsko jezero, ki je na voljo nekaj sto višinskih metrov višje na hribu. Druga taka elektrarna »Kozjak« na območju Slovenije je načrtovana na Štajerskem in naj bi iz reke Drave črpala vodo v akumulacijsko jezero, ki je na voljo nekaj sto višinskih metrov višje na hribu Kozjak.It should be noted at the outset that energy storage devices in the form of pumped hydroelectric power plants have been known for decades. The basic principle of operation is to draw water from a lower reservoir to a higher reservoir of water. The height difference between the two tanks is usually large, ranging from at least about 100 meters, and often from 500 to 800 meters. One such 185 MW plant, known to the public as the Avče Pumped Hydroelectric Power Station (, has already been installed in Slovenia near Nova Gorica and operates in such a way that it draws water from a river into a reservoir which is at available a few hundred feet high up the hill. Another such Kozjak power plant in Slovenia is planned in Styria and is expected to pump water from the Drava River into a reservoir, which is several hundred meters higher on Kozjak Hill.

Druga značilnost teh tako imenovanih črpalnih hidroelektrarn je, da za črpanje vode uporablja električno energijo iz omrežja v časovnem intervalu, kadar je le-taAnother feature of these so-called pumping hydroelectric plants is that it draws electricity from the grid for the extraction of water over a time interval where it is

najcenejša, torej običajno v nočnih urah. V električnem omrežju, v katerem deluje omenjena HE, se namreč največji del električne energije proizvaja v termoelektrarnah na fosilna goriva, ki optimalno delujejo v stalnem režimu obratovanja. Ker je ponoči poraba energije bistveno manjša kot podnevi, termoelektrarne pa želijo delati v optimalnem režimu, so zato zainteresirane za porabo energije tudi v nočnem času in so zato v nočnem času pripravljene ponuditi električno energijo po nižji ceni. Dejstvo, da zaradi tega termoelektrarne tudi ponoči izpuščajo v ozračje enake količine toplogrednih plinov kot podnevi, je vsekakor slabost takšnih rešitev. Pri tovrstni črpalni hidroelektrarni sta v spodnjem delu črpalne elektrarne nameščena generator in turbina, ki v času, ko voda teče iz zgornjega rezervoarja v spodnji rezervoar, proizvajata električno energijo. V nočnem času, ko je potrebno vodo črpati, pa generator deluje kot motor in poganja turbino, ki v takem primeru deluje kot črpalka. Tak način delovanja je povezan z vsaj dvema pomanjkljivostima. Po eni strani namreč sistem lahko deluje samo v enem režimu istočasno, torej bodisi v črpalnem režimu ali v proizvodnem režimu, tako da gre za reverzibilni črpalno-turbinski sistem. Po drugi strani pa je izgradnja rezervoarjev vključno z zelo dolgimi tunelskimi vodovodnimi cevmi za pretok vode, ki so v ta namen potrebne, povezana z visokimi investicijskimi stroški.the cheapest, so usually during the night. In the electricity network in which the said HPP operates, most of the electricity is produced in fossil fuel thermal power plants, which operate optimally in a continuous operating mode. Because at night the energy consumption is significantly lower than during the day, and the thermal power plants want to operate in an optimal regime, they are therefore interested in energy consumption at night as well and are therefore ready to offer electricity at a lower price at night. The fact that, as a result, thermal power plants also emit the same amount of greenhouse gases at night as during the day, is certainly a disadvantage of such solutions. In the case of such a pumped hydroelectric power plant, a generator and a turbine are installed in the lower part of the pumping power plant, which generates electricity at the time when water flows from the upper reservoir to the lower reservoir. At night, when the water needs to be pumped, the generator acts as an engine and drives the turbine, which in this case acts as a pump. Such a mode of operation is associated with at least two disadvantages. On the one hand, the system can only operate in one mode at a time, ie either in pump mode or in production mode, so that it is a reversible pump-turbine system. On the other hand, the construction of reservoirs, including the very long tunnel water pipes required for this purpose, is associated with high investment costs.

Še nadalje so znani sistemi, ki v črpalne hidroelektrarne vključujejo fotovoltaične in vetrne energetske sisteme. Eden od teh je opisan v EP 1 813 807 in obsega črpalno-turbinski sistem, kije dodatno napajan s strani vetrne elektrarne. Ta sistem ne upošteva fotovoltaične elektrarne, poleg tega omenja sistem z enim zgornjim rezervoarjem, torej gre za klasično reverzibilno črpalno elektrarno z veliko višinsko razliko in dodanim napajanjem iz vetrne elektrarne. Nadalje je v EP 1 925 817 opisan sistem, ki vključuje tako vetrno kot fotovoltaično energijo in obsega ustrezen elektronski sistem napajanja in regulacije, vendar pa tudi tak sistem še vedno deluje na osnovi reverzibilne črpalne elektrarne.Systems that include photovoltaic and wind energy systems are still known in pumped-storage power plants. One of these is described in EP 1 813 807 and comprises a pump-turbine system which is additionally powered by a wind farm. This system does not take into account the photovoltaic power plant, in addition it mentions a system with one upper tank, so it is a classic reversible pumping power plant with a large altitude difference and added power from the wind farm. Furthermore, EP 1 925 817 describes a system that incorporates both wind and photovoltaic energy and incorporates an appropriate electronic power supply and control system, but such a system still operates on the basis of a reversible pump power plant.

Poleg zgoraj opisanih sistemov je potrebno omeniti, da danes obstaja veliko hidroelektrarn, postavljenih na reke in vodotoke, kjer gre za izkoriščanje celotnega vodotoka v neki dolžini in sicer tako, da so elektrarne nanizane v verigo po dolžini vodotoka. Takšne hidroelektrarne imenujemo pretočne, ker gre za relativno nizke višinske razlike med nivojem zajezene vode. Voda se pretaka iz enega zbiralnega jezera v drugega skozi jez v katerem je nameščena turbina z generatorjem. Lahko je seveda več turbin in generatorjev glede na konfiguracijo in moč elektrarne. Takšnih jezov in akumulacijskih jezer je lahko na posamezni reki toliko, kolikor ima takšna reka vodnega potenciala glede na svojo naravno konfiguracijo. Primer takšnih elektrarn v Sloveniji so elektrarne na reki Savi, ki je zaradi svojih značilnosti primerna za sistem pretočnih akumulacijskih hidroelektrarn. Slabost takšnega sistema je, da se pri polni obremenitvi akumulacijska jezera relativno hitro izpraznijo, zato je uporaba tovrstnih hidroelektrarn predvidena za uporabo predvsem v konicah porabe električne energije, ki jo elektroenergetski sistem potrebuje v razmeroma kratkih časovnih intervalih diagrama dnevne obremenitve. Čas polnjenja izpraznjenega akumulacijskega jezera je odvisen od vodostaja reke in je običajno nekajkrat daljši od časa praznjenja oz. časa, v katerem je možno praznjenje in s tem proizvodnja električne energije. Naslednja slika shematsko prikazuje tri zaporedne pretočne elektrarne.In addition to the systems described above, it is worth mentioning that today there are many hydroelectric plants installed on rivers and watercourses, where the whole watercourse is exploited at a certain length, so that the power plants are strung in a chain along the length of the watercourse. Such hydroelectric plants are called flow-through plants because they are relatively low altitudinal differences between the level of the impounded water. Water flows from one reservoir to another through a dam that houses a turbine with a generator. Of course, there may be more turbines and generators depending on the configuration and power of the power plant. Such dams and reservoirs may be on an individual river insofar as such a river has water potential in relation to its natural configuration. An example of such power plants in Slovenia is the power plant on the Sava River, which, due to its characteristics, is suitable for the system of flow storage hydroelectric power plants. The disadvantage of such a system is that, at full load, the reservoirs discharge relatively quickly, so the use of such hydroelectric power plants is intended to be used primarily during peak hours of electricity required by the power system at relatively short time intervals of the daily load diagram. The charge time of the emptied reservoir depends on the water level of the river and is usually several times longer than the discharge time. the time during which the power can be discharged and thus the production of electricity. The following figure schematically shows three successive power plants.

Še nadalje je iz HR P20080132 A2 oz. WO 2009/118572 Al znana elektrarna, ki predstavlja kombinacijo hidroelektrarne in sončne elektrarne. Tovrstna elektrarna obsega jez, s pomočjo katerega je na določeni višini zadrževana določena količina vode, ki predstavlja akumulirano potencialno energijo, ki sejo potem s spuščanjem vode v območje ustrezne turbine pretvarja v kinetično energijo, slednjo pa potem s pomočjo z omenjeno turbino gnanega generatorja v električno energijo. Obenem je na voljo sklop sončnih celic, s pomočjo se razpoložljiva sončna svetloba pretvarja v električno energijo, s pomočjo katere je gnana črpalka, ki omogoča prečrpavanje • ·It is still from HR P20080132 A2 or. WO 2009/118572 Al known power plant, which is a combination of a hydroelectric power plant and a solar power plant. Such a power plant comprises a dam by means of which a certain amount of water is retained at a certain height, which represents accumulated potential energy, which then, by lowering the water into the area of the corresponding turbine, converts it into kinetic energy and the latter then by means of said turbine driven generator into electrical energy. energy. At the same time, a set of solar cells is available to convert the available sunlight into electricity, which drives the pump to pump • ·

določene količine vode iz območja pod jezom in torej za turbino nazaj v območje za oz. nad jezom, s čimer se solarno energijo pretvori nazaj v potencialno energijo in se jo na tak način akumulira. Tovrstna naprava lahko v idealnih razmerah, torej v času zadostnega prestrezanja sončne svetlobe in ob razmeroma nizkem vodostaju, zadovoljivo služi svojemu namenu in na račun akumulirane sončne energije izboljša učinkovitost delovanja vodne elektrarne. Vendar pa se vremenske razmere v naravi nenehno spreminjajo. V odsotnosti sončne svetlobe sončne energije ni na voljo in je torej prečrpavanje vode na osnovi pridobljene sončne energije onemogočeno. V takem primeru lahko tovrstna elektrarna deluje kvečjemu v režimu črpalne elektrarne, pri kateri črpalko poganjajo s pomočjo cenene električne energije iz omrežja, če je ta na voljo. Po drugi strani je npr. po daljšem obdobju padavin akumulacijsko jezero napolnjeno in voda vanj še vedno dokaj intenzivno doteka, obenem pa je na voljo dovolj sončne svetlobe. V takem primeru generator obratuje s polno močjo, neredko pa prihaja celo do primerov, ko je vode preveč in jo neizkoriščeno spuščajo po strugi. Obenem je možno elektriko pridobivati tudi iz sončnih celic, vendar pa je prečrpavanje nepotrebno, zato tudi to energijo pošiljajo v omrežje, ki pa je v taki situaciji morda takrat sploh ne potrebuje. Iz povedanega torej izhaja, da je navzlic ugodni izrabi razpoložljivih energetskih virov v idealnih razmerah v praksi tovrstna naprava praktično še vedno dokaj neprilagodljiva po eni strani naravnim pogojem in po drugi strani vsakokratnim potrebam po električni energiji v električnem omrežju.a certain amount of water from the area below the dam and therefore for the turbine back to the area for or. above the dam, thus converting solar energy back into potential energy and thus accumulating it. Such a device can, in ideal conditions, that is, at a time of sufficient interception of sunlight and at relatively low water levels, serve its purpose satisfactorily and, at the expense of accumulated solar energy, improve the efficiency of the operation of a hydropower plant. However, weather conditions in nature are constantly changing. In the absence of sunlight, solar energy is not available and therefore the pumping of water based on the solar energy generated is prevented. In such a case, this kind of power plant can operate at most in the pump power plant mode, where the pump is powered by cheap electricity from the grid, if available. On the other hand, e.g. after a prolonged period of rainfall, the reservoir is filled and the water is still flowing intensely, while sufficient sunlight is available. In such a case, the generator operates at full power, and often there are cases when there is too much water and it is used unused by the river. At the same time, it is also possible to get electricity from solar cells, but pumping is unnecessary, so they also send that energy to the grid, which in such a situation may not even need it at that time. It follows from the foregoing that, despite the favorable utilization of available energy resources, ideally, in practice, such a device is still fairly inflexible, on the one hand, to the natural conditions and, on the other, to the specific needs for electricity in the electricity grid.

Pričujoči izum se nanaša na napravo za pridobivanje in akumuliranje električne energije, pri kateri je vsakokratna rečna pretočna hidroelektrarna, sestoječa iz jezu s turbino in generatorjem, ki je preko ustreznega priključka električno povezan z vsakokratnim električnim omrežjem, ter za/nad jezom razpoložljivim akumulacijskim jezerom z gladino vode na vsakokrat razpoložljivem višinskem potencialu, opremljena s povratnim vodom z vgrajeno črpalko za prečrpavanje vode iz območja pod jezom in torej za turbino, ki je mehansko povezana s pripadajočim generatorjem, v območje pred/nad omenjenim jezom, pri čemer je omenjena črpalka zahvaljujoč krmilni enoti gnana z energijo vsaj ene sončne elektrarne in/ali vsaj ene vetrne elektrarne ali po izbiri z energijo iz električnega omrežja, na katero je preko priključka priključen omenjen generator omenjene hidroelektrarne.The present invention relates to a device for generating and accumulating electricity, in which each river-flow hydroelectric power plant, consisting of a dam with a turbine and a generator, which is electrically connected to the respective electrical network via a suitable connection, and a reservoir with or above the dam water level at each available height potential, equipped with a return line with a built-in pump for pumping water from the area below the dam and therefore for a turbine mechanically connected to the associated generator into the area before / above said dam, said pump being thanks to a control a unit powered by the energy of at least one solar power plant and / or at least one wind power plant, or optionally, energy from a power grid to which said generator of said hydro power plant is connected via a connection.

Po izumu je predvideno, da tovrstna naprava obsega verigo vsaj dveh, prednostno pa treh ali več na taisti reki na različnih višinskih potencialih nahajajočih se pretočnih hidroelektrarn, od katerih vsaka sestoji iz jezu, v območju katerega je vgrajena vsaj ena turbina s pripadajočim generatorjem, in akumulacijskega jezera, v katerem se gladina vode nahaja na omenjenem višinskem potencialu vsakokratne hidroelektrarne, obenem pa je v območju vsake od omenjenih hidroelektrarn na vsakokrat razpoložljivem višinskem potencialu predviden povratni črpalni vod z vgrajeno vsaj eno črpalko za prečrpavanje vode iz območja pod jezom za turbino z generatorjem vsakokratne hidroelektrarne v območje vsaj enega akumulacijskega jezera pred/nad pripadajočim jezom ali po izbiri v vsaj eno akumulacijsko jezero pred/nad jezom vsaj ene izmed višje ležečih, namreč na višjem višinskem potencialu, nahajajoče se hidroelektrarne, kadar je ta na voljo. Pri tem je vsaka od omenjenih črpalk preko krmilne enote električno povezana po eni strani z vsaj eno vsakokrat razpoložljivo sončno elektrarno in/ali vsaj eno vsakokrat razpoložljivo vetrno elektrarno in po drugi strani preko dodatnega električnega priključka po izbiri z glavnim električnim priključkom za povezavo naprave z električnim omrežjem, razen tega pa so generatorji električno povezani z električnim priključkom, preko katerega je naprava električno povezana z vsakokratnim električnim omrežjem.According to the invention, it is envisaged that such a device comprises a chain of at least two, preferably three or more, on the same river at different altitudinal potentials of flowing hydroelectric power plants, each of which consists of a dam within which at least one turbine with its associated generator is installed, and reservoir, in which the water level is at said height potential of the respective hydroelectric power station, and at the same time in the area of each of the mentioned hydroelectric power plants at each available height potential is provided a return pump line with at least one pump for pumping water from the area below the dam for the turbine with generator each hydroelectric plant in the area of at least one reservoir in front of / above the associated dam or optionally in at least one reservoir in front of / above the dam of at least one of the higher altitude potentials, namely at higher altitude potential, located hydropower plants, where available. Each of said pumps is electrically connected, via the control unit, on one side to at least one solar power plant and / or at least one wind power plant available, and on the other, via an optional electrical connection optionally to the main electrical connection for connecting the device to the electrical and the generators are electrically connected to the electrical outlet through which the device is electrically connected to the respective electrical network.

Pri eni od nadaljnjih možnih izvedb izuma povratni črpalni vod vsaj ene hidroelektrarne, ki se nahaja na nižjem potencialu od vsaj ene izmed preostalih vsakokrat na isti reki na višjih višinskih potencialih razpoložljivih hidroelektrarn, poleg vsaj ene črpalke in voda za prečrpavanje vode iz območja za/pod jezom omenjene hidroelektrarne v območje akumulacijskega jezera nad/pred jezom taiste hidroelektrarne (obsega vsaj en dodaten vod za prečrpavanje vode iz omenjenega območja pod/za jezom omenjene hidroelektrarne v območje akumulacijskega jezera pred/nad jezom vsaj ene izmed višje ležečih, namreč na višjem višinskem potencialu nahajajočih se hidroelektrarn. V takem primeru sta povratni črpalni vod in dodaten črpalni vod prednostno opremljena vsak s svojim ventilom, vsak od omenjenih ventilov pa je preko dodatne krmilne enote krmiljen s pomočjo glavne krmilne enote, s čimer je zahvaljujoč vsakokrat razpoložljivi vsaj eni črpalki v območju pripadajoče hidroelektrarne vodo iz območja pod jezom te hidroelektrarne možno prečrpavati bodisi v območje akumulacijskega jezera te hidroelektrarne in/ali v območje akumulacijskega jezera vsaj ene izmed višje ležečih, namreč na višjem višinskem potencialu nahajajočih se hidroelektrarn na isti reki.In one further embodiment of the invention, the return pump line of at least one hydroelectric power plant located at a lower potential than at least one of the remaining ones on the same river at higher elevation potentials of the available hydroelectric power stations, in addition to at least one pump and water for pumping water from / the dam of said hydroelectric power plant to the reservoir area above / before the dam of that hydroelectric power plant (comprising at least one additional conduit for pumping water from said area under / after the dam of said hydroelectric power station to the reservoir lake area before / above the dam of at least one of higher elevations, namely at higher altitude potential In such a case, the return pump line and the auxiliary pump line are preferably each equipped with its own valve, and each of said valves is controlled via an auxiliary control unit by means of the main control unit, thereby making at least one pump in the range available at all times. associated hydroel It is possible to pump water from the area under the dam of this hydroelectric power plant either into the area of the reservoir of this hydroelectric power plant and / or to the area of the reservoir of at least one of the higher lying hydroelectric power plants located at the higher altitude potential.

Glavna krmilna enota naprave po izumu jev osnovi tako zasnovana, da omogoča krmiljenje po eni strani delovanja turbin in s tem generatorjev in po drugi strani črpalk ter po izbiri ventilov, kadar so ti na voljo, v odvisnosti od trenutnega pretoka reke in/ali trenutne višine gladine vode oz. višinskega potenciala v posameznih hidroelektrarnah, kot tudi od vsakokratne razpoložljivosti energetskih virov za delovanje vsakokrat vsaj ene razpoložljive sončne elektrarne in vsakokrat vsaj ene razpoložljive vetrne elektrarne. Pri nadaljnji možni izvedbi naprave po izumu je krmilna enota tako zasnovana, da so pri krmiljenju po eni strani delovanja turbin in s tem generatorjev ter po drugi strani črpalk in po izbiri tudi omenjenihThe main control unit of the device according to the invention is basically designed to allow control on one side of the operation of the turbines and thus of the generators and on the other of the pumps and, if available, of the valves, depending on the current flow of the river and / or the current height water levels, respectively. altitude potential in individual hydropower plants, as well as from the availability of energy sources for the operation of at least one available solar plant and at least one available wind farm each time. In a further possible embodiment of the device according to the invention, the control unit is designed in such a way that when controlling on one hand the operation of the turbines and thus the generators and on the other hand of the pumps and, optionally, the above mentioned

• · · ventilov povratnega črpalnega voda, kadar so ti na voljo, poleg podatkov o trenutni višini gladine vode oz. višinskega potenciala v posameznih hidroelektrarnah kot tudi o vsakokrat trenutni razpoložljivosti energetskih virov za delovanje vsakokrat vsaj ene razpoložljive sončne elektrarne in vsakokrat vsaj ene razpoložljive vetrne elektrarne, upoštevane tudi za določeno časovno obdobje vnaprej predvidene spremembe podatkov o pretoku reke in/ali višini gladine vode oz. višinskega potenciala v posameznih hidroelektrarnah, kot tudi o razpoložljivosti energetskih virov za delovanje vsakokrat vsaj ene razpoložljive sončne elektrarne in vsakokrat vsaj ene razpoložljive vetrne elektrarne.• · · Return pump valves, when available, in addition to the current water level or altitude potential in individual hydropower plants, as well as the current availability of energy sources for the operation of at least one available solar power plant and at least one available wind power plant at any one time, also taken into account for a certain period of time, foreseen changes in data on river flow and / or water level or altitude potential in individual hydropower plants, as well as the availability of energy sources for the operation of at least one available solar plant and at least one available wind farm each time.

Rešitev problema po tem izumu temelji na verigi pretočnih hidroelektrarn, ki vsebuje vsaj dva, prednostno pa tri ali več na isti reki postavljenih zaporednih pretočnih akumulacijskih jezer z jezovi, v katerih so vgrajeni turbine in generatorji, pri čemer je vsak jez opremljen s povratno-črpalnim sistemom za črpanje vode iz spodnjega v zgornje jezero in vsak posamezen povratno-črpalni sistem vsebuje vsaj dve ali več cevi s črpalkami, tako da se v skladu z razpoložljivo energijo iz fotovoltaičnih celic in vetrnih elektrarn vključi ustrezno število črpalk.The solution to the problem of the present invention is based on a chain of flow hydroelectric power plants containing at least two, preferably three or more, successive flow reservoirs located on the same river with dams in which turbines and generators are installed, each dam being equipped with a back-pump the water pumping system from the lower lake to the upper lake and each individual return pumping system contains at least two or more pump tubes so that an adequate number of pumps are included in accordance with the available energy from photovoltaic cells and wind farms.

Prednost takega sistema je, da se hidro-potencial celotnega sistema pretočnih hidroelektrarn poveča za moč, ki jo dovajata fotovoltaične celice in vetrne elektrarne, s čemer se nestabilnost prisotnosti sonca in vetra prenese v polnjenje akumulacijskih jezer in se čas praznjenja jezer zaradi proizvodnje električne energije poveča za čas, kije sorazmeren dovedeni energiji iz fotovoltaičnih celic in vetrnih elektrarn.The advantage of such a system is that the hydro-potential of the whole system of flow-through hydroelectric power plants is increased by the power supplied by photovoltaic cells and wind power plants, thereby transferring the instability of the presence of sun and wind to the filling of the reservoir lakes and increasing the discharge time of the lakes due to electricity generation. for a time proportional to the energy supplied from photovoltaic cells and wind farms.

Nadalje je prednost takšnega sistema v nižjih investicijskih stroških saj ni potrebno graditi investicijsko zahtevnih akumulacijskih jezer in tunelskih cevovodov kot pri črpalnih elektrarnah z veliko višinsko razliko.Furthermore, such a system has the advantage of lower investment costs, since it is not necessary to build investment-demanding reservoirs and tunnel pipelines than for pumping power plants with large altitude differences.

Še nadaljnja prednost predlagane rešitve se kaže v tem, da lahko takšne povratnočrpalne sisteme dogradimo k že obstoječim pretočnim hidroelektrarnam.A further advantage of the proposed solution lies in the fact that such back-pumping systems can be upgraded to already existing hydropower plants.

Izum bo v nadaljevanju obrazložen na osnovi primera izvedbe, pri čemer je na Sl. 1 shematično in zgolj v ilustrativne namene ponazorjena naprava za pridobivanje in akumuliranje električne energije po izumu.The invention will now be explained on the basis of an embodiment, with FIG. 1 schematically and for illustrative purposes only illustrated device for generating and accumulating electricity according to the invention.

Naprava za pridobivanje in akumuliranje električne energije obsega verigo 1 vsaj dveh, prednostno pa vsaj treh na isti reki na različnih višinskih potencialih HI, H2, H3 razpoložljivih pretočnih hidroelektrarn 11, 12, 13, kot tudi vsaj eno sončno elektrarno 2 in/ali vsaj eno vetrno elektrarno 3. Pri tem izraz sončna elektrarna 2 za potrebe te prijave pomeni napravo za pretvarjanje svetlobne energije kakršnegakoli izvora, še zlasti pa energije sončnega sevanja, v električno energijo, medtem ko izraz vetrna elektrarna 3 označuje napravo za pretvarjanje kakršnekoli energije premikajočih se zračnih tokov v električno energijo.The power generation and storage device comprises a chain 1 of at least two, preferably at least three, on the same river at different elevation potentials of HI, H2, H3 available flow hydroelectric plants 11, 12, 13, as well as at least one solar power plant 2 and / or at least one wind power plant 3. For the purposes of this application, the term solar power plant means a device for converting light energy of any origin, in particular solar energy, into electricity, while the term wind power plant 3 means a device for converting any energy of moving air currents into electricity.

Vsakokratna hidroelektrarna 11, 12, 13 obsega vsaj jez 111, 121, 131 za zadrževanje vsakokrat določene količine vode, zbrane v akumulacijskem jezeru 110, 120, 130, na vsakokrat določenem višinskem potencialu HI, H2, H3. V vsakokratnem jezu je na voljo vsaj eno pretočno polje z vgrajeno pretočno turbino 112, 122, 132, kije mehansko povezana z generatorjem 113, 123, 133, pri čemer se vsakokrat razpoložljiva energija vodnega toka iz vsakokratnega akumulacijskega jezera 110, 120, 130 pretvarja v kinetično energijo rotirajoče turbine 112, 122, 132, ki se v vsakokrat pripadajočem generatorju 113, 123, 133 pretvarja v električno energijo, ki sejo preko ustreznega električnega priključka 5, s katerim so električno povezani vsakokrat razpoložljivi generatorji 113, 123, 133, posreduje v vsakokrat razpoložljivo električno omrežje.Each hydroelectric plant 11, 12, 13 comprises at least dams 111, 121, 131 for retaining the respective amount of water collected in the reservoir 110, 120, 130 at each height altitude potential HI, H2, H3. In each dam there is at least one flow field having a built-in flow turbine 112, 122, 132 which is mechanically connected to the generator 113, 123, 133, whereby the available energy of the water flow from the respective reservoir 110, 120, 130 is converted into the kinetic energy of the rotating turbine 112, 122, 132, which is converted into electricity in the respective generator 113, 123, 133, which is transmitted via the corresponding electrical connection 5 to which the available generators 113, 123, 133 are electrically connected, power supply available at all times.

Po izumu je vsakokratna hidroelektrarna 11, 12, 13 opremljena s črpalko 114, 124, 125, kije vgrajena v pripadajočem povratnem črpalnem vodu 115, 125, 135, kije v vsakokratni hidroelektrarni prirejen za prečrpavanje vode iz območja za turbino 112, 122, 132 z generatorjem 113, 123, 133 nazaj oz. navzgor v območje pred vsakokrat pripadajočim jezom 111, 121, 131. Vsaka od omenjenih črpalk 114, 124, 134, je gnana in krmiljena preko krmilne enote 4, ki je električno povezana v z vsakokrat razpoložljivo sončno elektrarno 2 in/ali vsakokrat razpoložljivo vetrno elektrarno 3 ter po izbiri z električnim priključkom 50, ki je po izbiri električno povezan z glavnim električnim priključkom 5. Dasiravno je na Sl. 1 v območju vsake od hidroelektrarn 11, 12, 13 ponazorjena po ena črpalka 114, 124, 134, vsako od slednjih lahko predstavlja ena ali več črpalk. Zaradi stroškov izdelave je namreč po izbiri smiselno v celotno verigo vgraditi enake črpalke, katerih število pa se lahko pri posameznih hidroelektrarnah 11, 12, 13 v splošnem tudi razlikuje, npr. v odvisnosti od velikosti in zmogljivosti posameznih hidroelektrarn 11, 12, 13.According to the invention, the respective hydroelectric power station 11, 12, 13 is provided with a pump 114, 124, 125, which is installed in the associated return pump line 115, 125, 135, which is adapted for pumping water from the turbine area 112, 122, 132 into the respective hydroelectric station. generators 113, 123, 133 back or. upstream of the respective dam 111, 121, 131. Each of said pumps 114, 124, 134 is driven and controlled by a control unit 4, which is electrically connected to the solar power plant 2 and / or the wind farm 3 available at each time. and optionally with electrical connection 50 optionally electrically connected to the main electrical connection 5. Referring to FIG. 1 in the area of each of the hydropower plants 11, 12, 13 illustrated by one pump 114, 124, 134, each of which can be represented by one or more pumps. Due to the cost of production, it is optionally reasonable to install the same pumps throughout the chain, the number of which may differ for individual hydropower plants 11, 12, 13, for example. depending on the size and capacity of the individual hydropower plants 11, 12, 13.

V skladu z nadaljnjim aspektom izuma je v območju vsaj ene od nižje ležečih hidroelektrarn 11, 12, 13, v primeru po Sl. 1 v območju hidroelektrarne 13, predviden črpalni vod 135', ki je prirejen za prečrpavanje vode iz območja za turbino 132 z generatorjem 133 te hidro elektrarne 3 v območje pred oz. nad jezom 121 vsaj ene predhodne, namreč na višjem višinskem potencialu H2 od potenciala H3 omenjene hidroelektrarne 13 nahajajoče se hidroelektrarne 12. V takem primeru je lahko črpalka 134 vključena v povratni črpalni vod 135, ki zahvaljujoč s pomočjo krmilne enote 4 in dodatne krmilne enote 118 krmiljenima ventiloma 116, 117 zagotavlja prečrpavanje vode iz območja pod jezom 131 nižje ležeče hidroelektrarne za turbino 132 z generatorjem 133 bodisi v območje nad omenjenim jezom 131, ali pa v območje nad jezom 111, 121 vsaj ene predhodne višje ležeče hidroelektrarne 11, 12.According to a further aspect of the invention, in the area of at least one of the lower lying hydro power plants 11, 12, 13, in the case of FIG. 1 in the area of hydroelectric power station 13, a pumping line 135 'which is adapted for pumping water from the turbine area 132 with generator 133 of this hydro power plant 3 into the area before or respectively. above the dam 121 of at least one previous one, namely at a higher elevation potential H2 than the potential H3 of said hydroelectric power station 13 of the existing hydroelectric power station 12. In such a case, the pump 134 may be included in the return pump conduit 135, which, thanks to control unit 4 and additional control unit 118 controlled valves 116, 117 provide water to be pumped from the area below the dam 131 of the downstream hydroelectric power station to the turbine 132 with the generator 133 either to the area above said dam 131, or to the area above the dam 111, 121 of at least one prior higher lying hydroelectric station 11, 12.

Tovrstna zasnova naprave po izumu omogoča različne kombinacije pridobivanja in akumuliranja električne energije v skladu s trenutnimi potrebami vsakokratnega električnega omrežja, s katerim je povezana preko omenjenega električnega priključka 5.Such a design of the device according to the invention allows different combinations of generation and accumulation of electricity according to the current needs of the respective electrical network to which it is connected via said electrical connection 5.

V primeru nerazpoložljivosti sončne in/ali vetrne energije in temu ustrezno nizke učinkovitosti sončne elektrarne 2 in/ali vetrne elektrarne 3, in obenem ob presežku razpoložljive energije v neprikazanem električnem omrežju, je možno vsaj eno od črpalk 114, 124, 134 oskrbovati z električno energijo iz električnega omrežja, pri čemer naprava po izumu deluje po načelu klasične črpalne elektrarne, pri kateri se pri vsaj eni d vsakokrat razpoložljivih hidroelektrarn 11, 12, 13 vodo iz območja pod jezom 111, 121, 131 s pomočjo črpalke 114, 124, 134 prečrpava nazaj v območje pred/nad jezom 111, 121, 131, s čimer npr. navzlic skromnemu dotoku vode v vsakokratno akumulacijsko jezero 110, 120, 130 ohranja potencialno energijo vode, ki se jo kasneje, ko se v električnem omrežju pojavi potreba po energiji, lahko koristno izrabi. Vendar pa tak pasiven režim obratovanja predstavlja zgolj eno od možnosti, ki jo naprava po izumu omogoča.In the case of unavailability of solar and / or wind energy and the correspondingly low efficiency of the solar power plant 2 and / or wind power plant 3, and at the same time with the excess of available energy in the unspecified electricity network, at least one of the pumps 114, 124, 134 may be supplied with electricity from the electrical network, the device according to the invention operates according to the principle of a conventional pump power plant, in which at least one d of the hydroelectric power plants 11, 12, 13 available at all times is pumped through the pump 114, 124, 134 via the pump 114, 124, 134 back to the pre / above dam area 111, 121, 131, e.g. in spite of the modest flow of water into each reservoir 110, 120, 130, it conserves the potential energy of water, which can be utilized later, when the need for electricity arises. However, such a passive mode of operation is only one of the possibilities provided by the device of the invention.

Druge možnosti obratovanja naprave po izumu so vezane na aktivne režime v odvisnosti od razmeroma nepredvidljivih pogojev pridobivanja električne energije iz obnovljivih naravnih virov. Znano je namreč, da so omenjeni naravni viri razmeroma nepredvidljivi oz. je napovedovanje njihove razpoložljivosti vselej povezano z določenimi tveganji oz. nezanesljivostjo. Že zgolj vsakokrat trenuten pretok reke, na kateri so na voljo hidroelektrarne 11, 12, 13, je odvisen od količine padavin v območju reke in pritokov, ki se lahko v različnih letnih časih zelo razlikuje. Razmeroma nepredvidljiva je tudi razpoložljivost sončne energije, ki po eni strani tako ali tako odvisna od letnega časa oz. dolžine dneva, po drugi strani pa od trenutne zastrtosti neba z oblaki. Še bolj nepredvidljiva je energija vetra, ki « · je v osnovi na voljo zgolj v določenih geografskih območjih, kjer je pogostnost vetra dovolj visoka, pa še v takih primerih ni mogoče izključiti možnosti, da je v primeru premočnega vetra vetrno elektrarno 3 potrebno začasno deaktivirati iz varnostnih razlogov.Other operating options of the device according to the invention are related to active modes depending on the relatively unpredictable conditions of obtaining electricity from renewable natural resources. Namely, it is known that these natural resources are relatively unpredictable. forecasting their availability is always associated with certain risks or risks. unreliability. Only the current flow of a river, where hydroelectric power stations are available 11, 12, 13, depends on the amount of rainfall in the river area and tributaries, which can vary greatly in different seasons. The availability of solar energy is also relatively unpredictable, which, on the one hand, depends on the season or the weather. the length of the day, on the other hand, from the current cloud cover. Even more unpredictable is wind energy, which is "basically only available in certain geographical areas where the wind frequency is high enough, but in such cases the possibility that the wind farm 3 may need to be temporarily deactivated cannot be ruled out in such cases. for security reasons.

Pri majhnih pretokih reke, na kateri se nahajajo hidroelektrarne 11, 12, 13, in pri veliki trenutni potrebi po energiji v vsakokratnem električnem omrežju, se v primeru razpoložljivosti sončne in/ali vetrne energije slednjo preko priključkov 50 in 5 pošilja neposredno v električno omrežje. Če v električnem omrežju trenutno potreben po energiji ni, se s sončno elektrarno 2 in/ali vetrno elektrarno 3 pridobljeno energijo poganja vsaj eno od črpalk 114, 124, 134, pri čemer se s prečrpavanjem vode izpod jezu 111, 121, 131 vsaj ene od hidroelektrarn 11, 12, 13 v območje pred jezom te hidroelektrarne 11, 12, 13 ali po izbiri celo iz območja pod jezom 131 nižje ležeče hidroelektrarne 13 v območje pred jezom 111, 121 ene od predhodnih in znatno višje ležečih elektrarn 11, 12, s čimer se po izbiri akumulira večjo ali manjšo količino energije, ki se jo kasneje, v obdobju nerazpoložljivosti sončne in/ali vetrne energije za pogon omenjenih črpalk 114, 124, 134 pridobiva na račun akumulirane potencialne energije vode v akumulacijskih jezerih 110, 120, 130 hidroelektrarn 11, 12, 13.In the case of low river flows, where hydroelectric power stations 11, 12, 13 are located, and in the case of a large current demand for energy in the respective electric grid, the latter is sent directly to the electrical grid through connections 50 and 5, in case of availability of solar and / or wind energy. If there is no current need for electricity, solar power 2 and / or wind power 3 generates at least one of the pumps 114, 124, 134, by pumping water from dams 111, 121, 131 to at least one of hydroelectric plants 11, 12, 13 into the area before the dam of this hydroelectric power station 11, 12, 13, or optionally even from the area below the dam 131 of the lower-lying hydroelectric power station 13 into the area before the dam 111, 121 of one of the previous and significantly higher-lying power plants 11, 12, s optionally accumulating a greater or less amount of energy, which is subsequently generated during the period of unavailability of solar and / or wind power to drive said pumps 114, 124, 134 at the expense of accumulated potential energy of water in reservoirs 110, 120, 130 of hydroelectric power plants 11, 12, 13.

Temu ustrezno je po izumu predvideno, da krmilna enota 4 v odvisnosti od trenutnih potreb električnega omrežja in v skladu s podatki o vsakokrat trenutni gladini HI, H2, H3 vode v akumulacijskih jezerih 110, 120, 130 hidroelektrarn 11, 12, 13 in od vsakokratne razpoložljivosti energije za pogon vsaj sončne elektrarne 2 in/ali vsaj ene vetrne elektrarne in celo ob upoštevanju vremenske prognoze, namreč predvidenega pretoka reke, predvidene razpoložljivosti sončne svetlobe in predvidene razpoložljivosti vetrne energije, po izbiri bodisi odvaja z generatorji 113, 123, 133 in/ali z vsaj eno sončno elektrarno 2 in/ali z vsaj eno vetrnoAccordingly, according to the invention, it is provided that the control unit 4, depending on the current needs of the electrical network and in accordance with the data on the current water levels of HI, H2, H3 in the reservoirs 110, 120, 130, and 11, 12, 13 respectively the availability of energy to drive at least a solar power plant 2 and / or at least one wind farm, and even taking into account the weather forecast, namely the anticipated river flow, the predicted availability of sunlight and the predicted availability of wind power, optionally either discharged by generators 113, 123, 133 and / or with at least one solar power plant 2 and / or with at least one wind farm

elektrarno pridobljeno električno energijo v električno omrežje, ali po izbiri z vsaj eno sončno elektrarno 2 in/ali z vsaj eno vetrno elektrarno 3 pridobljeno energijo preusmerja v pogon vsaj ene od črpalk 114, 124, 134 za prečrpavanje vode bodisi iz območja za jezom 111, 121, 131 vsaj ene hidroelektrarne 11, 12, 13 v območje akumulacijskega jezera 110, 120, 130 taiste elektrarne 11, 12, 13, ali pa celo iz območja pod jezom 131 nižje ležeče hidroelektrarne 13 v območje akumulacijskega jezera 110, 120 nad jezom 111, 121 ene od predhodnih in na ustrezno višjem višinskem potencialu HI, H2 nahajajočih se hidroelektrarn 11, 12.the electricity generated by the power plant, or optionally with at least one solar power plant 2 and / or with at least one wind power plant 3, directs the generated energy to the drive of at least one of the pumps 114, 124, 134 for pumping water or from the dam area 111, 121, 131 of at least one hydroelectric power station 11, 12, 13 into the reservoir area 110, 120, 130 of that power plant 11, 12, 13, or even from the area below dam 131 of lower lying hydroelectric power station 13 to reservoir area 110, 120 above dam 111 , 121 one of the preceding and at the correspondingly higher altitude potential of HI, H2 located hydroelectric power plants 11, 12.

Strokovnjaku bo razumljivo, da veriga vsaj treh na različnih višinskih potencialih HI, H2, H3 nahajajočih se hidroelektrarn 11, 12, 13 ponuja izjemno široke možnosti, da se s pomočjo krmilne enote 4 po eni strani akumulira v vsaj eni sončni elektrarni in/ali vsaj eni vetrni elektrarni 3 pridobljeno električno energijo, in da se po drugi strani izboljša učinkovitost delovanja celotne verige hidroelektrarn 11, 12, 13 v smislu boljšega prilagajanja tako trenutnim potrebam električnega omrežja kot tudi vsakokratnim trenutno razpoložljivim virom za pridobivanje električne energije.It will be understood by one of skill in the art that a chain of at least three hydroelectric power stations located at different heights of HI, H2, H3 11, 12, 13 offers an extremely wide possibility of accumulating at least one solar power plant on one side and / or at least and to improve the efficiency of operation of the entire hydroelectric chain 11, 12, 13 in terms of better adaptation to both the current needs of the electricity grid and to any currently available sources of electricity generation.

Se zlasti tudi možnost upoštevanja vremenske prognoze in s tem razpoložljivost rečnega pretoka, sončne energije in vetrne energije v prihodnje krmilni enoti 4 zagotavlja možnost, da npr. ob pričakovanem povečanju pretoka reke pridobljeno sončno energijo takoj preusmerja v električno omrežje, temu nasprotno pa v primeru pričakovanja zmanjšanja pretoka reke in visoke razpoložljivosti sončne in/ali vetrne energije trenutne presežke pridobljene sončne in/ali vetrne energije uporabi za prečrpavanje po potrebi tudi večje količine vode na po potrebi tudi bistveno višje višinske potenciale HI, H2, H3 in s tem za akumulacijo razmeroma velike količine energije, ki jo je možno kasneje koristno uporabiti. Pri tem priporočljiva moč vsakokratne črpalke 114, 124, 134 v pripadajočem povratnemIn particular, the possibility of taking into account the weather forecast, and thus the availability of river flow, solar and wind energy in the future control unit 4, provides the possibility that e.g. with the expected increase in the river flow, it immediately redirects the obtained solar energy to the electricity grid, however, in the case of the expected reduction of the river flow and high availability of solar and / or wind energy, use the current excess solar and / or wind energy to pump as much water as needed significantly higher altitudinal potentials of HI, H2, H3, if necessary, and thus for the accumulation of a relatively large amount of energy that can be useful later. The recommended power of the respective pump 114, 124, 134 in the corresponding return

črpalnem vodu 115, 125, 135 na jezu 111, 121, 131 vsakokratne hidroelektrarne 11, 12, 13 znaša med % in % inštalirane moči sklopa turbine 112, 122, 132 in generatorja 113, 123, 133 vsakokratnega jezu 111, 121, 131.pump line 115, 125, 135 at dam 111, 121, 131 of each hydroelectric power station 11, 12, 13 is between% and% of the installed power of the turbine assembly 112, 122, 132 and generator 113, 123, 133 of each dam 111, 121, 131.

Značilnost naprave po izumu je tudi v tem, da energetski vod za napajanje črpalk 114, 124, 134 ni neposredno del elektroenergetskega sistema in z njim ni sinhroniziran, če gre za izmenično napetost, variantno pa tak sistem deluje tudi na enosmerno napetost. Odločitev za izmenično ali enosmerno napetost je odvisna od prevladujočega dodatnega vira obnovljive energije. V primeru, da je v bližini inštaliranih več fotovoltaičnih oz. sončnih elektrarn 2, potem je bolj primerna izbira enosmerne napetosti. Je pa to odvisno od posamezne situacije.Another feature of the device according to the invention is that the power supply line for the pumps 114, 124, 134 is not directly part of the power system and is not synchronized with it if it is ac, and alternatively, such a system also acts on direct voltage. The choice of AC or DC depends on the dominant additional source of renewable energy. In case there are several photovoltaic and / or photovoltaic installations installed nearby. solar power plants 2, then the choice of direct current is more appropriate. However, this depends on the particular situation.

Krmilna enota 4 je lahko na voljo kot center za upravljanje in obsega dodatni priključek 50 na elektroenergetsko omrežje, s čimer je omogočeno, da v primeru nedelovanja hidroelektrarn 11, 12, 13 npr. zaradi vzdrževanja, torej, ko povratno prečrpavanje ni smiselno, vsakokrat razpoložljive sončne elektrarne 2 in vetrne elektrarne 3 lahko nemoteno in v skladu z vremenskimi in dnevnimi razmerami proizvajajo električno energijo in jo oddajajo v elektroenergetski sistem oz. v mrežo.Control unit 4 may be available as a control center and comprises an additional connection 50 to the power grid, thereby allowing, for example, hydropower 11, 12, 13 e.g. for maintenance purposes, ie when the pumping is not sensible, the available solar power plants 2 and the wind power plants 3 can generate electricity without any delay and in accordance with the weather and day conditions and supply it to the electric power system and / or electricity. into the net.

Claims (5)

PATENTNI ZAHTEVKIPATENT APPLICATIONS 1. Naprava za pridobivanje in akumuliranje električne energije, pri kateri je vsakokratna rečna pretočna hidroelektrarna (11, 12, 13), sestoječa iz jezu (111, 121, 131) s turbino (112, 122, 132) in generatorjem (113, 123, 133), kije preko ustreznega priključka (5) električno povezan z vsakokratnim električnim omrežjem, ter pred/nad jezom (111, 121, 131) razpoložljivim akumulacijskim jezerom (110, 120, 130) z gladino vode na vsakokrat razpoložljivem višinskem potencialu (HI, H2, H3), opremljena s povratnim vodom (115, 125, 135) z vgrajeno črpalko (114, 124, 134) za prečrpavanje vode iz območja pod jezom (111, 121, 131) in torej za turbino (112, 122, 132), ki je mehansko povezana s pripadajočim generatorjem (113, 123, 133), v območje pred/nad omenjenim jezom (111, 121, 131), pri čemer je omenjena črpalka (114, 124, 134) zahvaljujoč krmilni enoti (4) gnana z energijo vsaj ene sončne elektrarne (2) in/ali vsaj ene vetrne elektrarne (3) ali po izbiri z energijo iz električnega omrežja, na katero je preko priključka (5) priključen omenjen generator (113, 123, 133) hidroelektrarne (11, 12, 13), označena s tem, da obsega verigo vsaj dveh, prednostno pa treh ali več na taisti reki na različnih višinskih potencialih (HI, H2, H3) nahajajočih se pretočnih hidroelektrarn (11, 12, 13), od katerih vsaka sestoji iz jezu (111, 121, 131), v območju katerega je vgrajena vsaj ena turbina (112, 122, 132) s pripadajočim generatorjem (113, 123, 133), in akumulacijskega jezera (110, 120, 130), v katerem se gladina vode nahaja na omenjenem višinskem potencialu (HI, H2, H3) vsakokratne hidroelektrarne (11, 12, 13), in da je v območju vsake od omenjenih hidroelektrarn (11, 12, 13) na vsakokrat razpoložljivem višinskem potencialu (HI, H2, H3) predviden povratni črpalni vod (115, 125, 135) z vgrajeno vsaj eno črpalko (114, 124, 134) za prečrpavanje vode iz območja pod jezom (111, 121, 131) za turbino (112, 122, 132) z generatorjem (113, 123, 133) vsakokratne hidroelektrarne (11, 12, 13) v območje vsaj enega akumulacijskega jezera (110, 120, 130) pred/nad pripadajočim jezom (111, 121, 131) ali po izbiri v vsaj eno akumulacijsko jezero (110, 120, 130) pred/nad jezom (111, 121, 131) vsaj ene izmed višje ležečih, namreč na višjem višinskem potencialu (HI, H2, H3), nahajajoče se hidroelektrarne (11, 12, 13), kadar je ta na voljo, pri čemer je vsaka od omenjenih črpalk (114, 124, 134) preko krmilne enote (4) električno povezana po eni strani z vsaj eno vsakokrat razpoložljivo sončno elektrarno (2) in/ali vsaj eno vsakokrat razpoložljivo vetrno elektrarno (3) in po drugi strani preko dodatnega električnega priključka (50) po izbiri z glavnim električnim priključkom (5) za povezavo naprave z električnim omrežjem, in pri čemer so generatorji (113, 123, 133) električno povezani z električnim priključkom (5), preko katerega je naprava električno povezana z vsakokratnim električnim omrežjem.A device for generating and accumulating electricity, each having a river-flow hydroelectric plant (11, 12, 13) consisting of a dam (111, 121, 131) with a turbine (112, 122, 132) and a generator (113, 123) , 133), which is electrically connected to the respective electrical network via the corresponding connection (5) and to the reservoir (110, 120, 130) with the water level at the available height potential (HI) in front of / above the dam (111, 121, 131) , H2, H3) equipped with a return line (115, 125, 135) with a built-in pump (114, 124, 134) for pumping water from the area below the dam (111, 121, 131) and therefore for the turbine (112, 122, 132), which is mechanically connected to the associated generator (113, 123, 133) into the area in front of / above said dam (111, 121, 131), said pump (114, 124, 134) thanks to the control unit (4 ) powered by the power of at least one solar power plant (2) and / or at least one wind power plant (3) or optionally energy from power plants of a hydroelectric power plant (11, 12, 13) to which said generator (113, 123, 133) is connected via a port (5), characterized in that it comprises a chain of at least two and preferably three or more on the same river on different altitude potentials (HI, H2, H3) of flow-through hydroelectric power plants (11, 12, 13), each consisting of a dam (111, 121, 131), in which at least one turbine is installed (112, 122, 132) with an associated generator (113, 123, 133), and an accumulation lake (110, 120, 130) in which the water level is located at said height potential (HI, H2, H3) of the respective hydroelectric power station (11, 12, 13), and that a return pump line (115, 125, 135) with at least one pump (114, 124, 134) is provided at each available height potential (HI, H2, H3) in the area of each of the mentioned hydropower plants (11, 12, 13) for pumping water from the area below the dam (111, 121, 131) for the turbine (112, 122, 132) with generator (113, 123, 133) each hydroelectric power plants (11, 12, 13) into the area of at least one reservoir lake (110, 120, 130) before / above the associated dam (111, 121, 131) or optionally to at least one reservoir lake (110, 120, 130) before / above the dam (111, 121, 131) of at least one of the higher lying, namely at higher altitude potential (HI, H2, H3), located hydroelectric power plants (11, 12, 13), where available, each of said pumps (114, 124, 134) electrically connected, on the one hand, with at least one solar power plant (2) and / or at least one wind power plant (3) on the one hand, and on the other hand via an additional electrical the connector (50) optionally with the main electrical connector (5) for connecting the device to the electrical network, and wherein the generators (113, 123, 133) are electrically connected to the electrical connector (5) through which the device is electrically connected to the respective electrical network. 2. Naprava po zahtevku 1, označena s tem, da povratni črpalni vod (135) vsaj ene hidroelektrarne (13), ki se nahaja na nižjem potencialu (H3) od vsaj ene izmed preostalih vsakokrat na isti reki na višjih višinskih potencialih (HI, H2) razpoložljivih hidroelektrarn (11, 12), poleg vsaj ene črpalke (134) in voda (135) za prečrpavanje vode iz območja za/pod jezom (131) omenjene hidroelektrarne (13) v območje akumulacijskega jezera (130) nad/pred jezom (131) taiste hidroelektrarne (13) obsega vsaj en dodaten vod (135') za prečrpavanje vode iz območja pod/za jezom (131) omenjene hidroelektrarne (13) v območje akumulacijskega jezera (110, 120) pred/nad jezom (111, 121) vsaj ene izmed višje ležečih, namreč na višjem višinskem potencialu (HI, H2) nahajajočih se hidroelektrarn (11, 12).Apparatus according to claim 1, characterized in that the return pump line (135) of at least one hydroelectric power plant (13) is located at a lower potential (H3) than at least one of the remaining ones on the same river at higher altitude potentials (HI, H2) available hydroelectric power plants (11, 12), in addition to at least one pump (134) and water (135) for pumping water from / under the dam (131) of said hydroelectric power station (13) to the reservoir area (130) above / in front of the dam (131) that hydropower plant (13) comprises at least one additional conduit (135 ') for pumping water from the area under / behind the dam (131) of said hydroelectric power station (13) to the reservoir area (110, 120) before / above the dam (111, 121) at least one of the higher-lying hydroelectric power plants located at higher altitude potential (HI, H2) (11, 12). « ·«· 3. Naprava po zahtevku 2, označena s tem, da sta povratni črpalni vod (135) in dodaten črpalni vod (135') opremljena vsak s svojim ventilom (116, 117), vsak od omenjenih ventilov (116, 117) pa je preko dodatne krmilne enote (118) krmiljen s pomočjo glavne krmilne enote (4), s čimer je zahvaljujoč vsakokrat razpoložljivi vsaj eni črpalki (134) v območju pripadajoče hidroelektrarne (13) vodo iz območja pod jezom (131) te hidroelektrarne (13) možno prečrpavati bodisi v območje akumulacijskega jezera (130) te hidroelektrarne (13) in/ali v območje akumulacijskega jezera (110, 120) vsaj ene izmed višje ležečih, namreč na višjem višinskem potencialu (HI, H2) nahajajočih se hidroelektrarn na isti reki.Device according to claim 2, characterized in that the return pump line (135) and the additional pump line (135 ') are each provided with their own valve (116, 117) and each of said valves (116, 117) is via additional control units (118) controlled by means of the main control unit (4), thanks to which at least one pump (134) is available at any time in the area of the associated hydroelectric power station (13) from the area under the dam (131) of this hydroelectric power station (13) either into the reservoir area (130) of that hydroelectric plant (13) and / or to the reservoir area (110, 120) of at least one of the higher-lying hydroelectric power stations located on the same river at higher altitude potential (HI, H2). 4. Naprava po enem od predhodnih zahtevkov, označena s tem, daje krmilna enota (4) tako zasnovana, da omogoča krmiljenje po eni strani delovanja turbin (112, 122, 132) in s tem generatorjev (113, 123, 133) in po drugi strani črpalk (114, 124, 134) ter po izbiri ventilov (116, 117) povratnega črpalnega voda (135), kadar so ti na voljo, v odvisnosti od trenutnega pretoka reke in/ali trenutne višine gladine vode oz. višinskega potenciala (HI, H2, H3) v posameznih hidroelektrarnah (11, 12, 13) kot tudi od vsakokratne razpoložljivosti energetskih virov za delovanje vsakokrat vsaj ene razpoložljive sončne elektrarne (2) in vsakokrat vsaj ene razpoložljive vetrne elektrarne (3).Device according to one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the control unit (4) is so designed as to enable control on one side of the operation of the turbines (112, 122, 132) and thus the generators (113, 123, 133) and the other side of the pumps (114, 124, 134) and, optionally, valves (116, 117) of the return pump line (135), where available, depending on the current flow of the river and / or the current height of the water level or altitude potential (HI, H2, H3) in individual hydropower plants (11, 12, 13), as well as the availability of energy sources for each operation of at least one available solar power plant (2) and at least one available wind power plant (3). 5. Naprava po zahtevku 4, označena s tem, da je krmilna enota (4) tako zasnovana, da so pri krmiljenju po eni strani delovanja turbin (112, 122, 132) in s tem generatorjev (113, 123, 133) in po drugi strani črpalk (114, 124, 134) ter po izbiri ventilov (116, 117), kadar so ti na voljo, poleg podatkov o trenutnem pretoku reke in/ali trenutni višini gladine vode oz. višinskega potenciala (HI, H2, H3) v posameznih hidroelektrarnah (11, 12, 13) kot tudi o vsakokrat trenutni razpoložljivosti energetskih virov za delovanje vsakokrat vsaj ene razpoložljive sončne elektrarne (2) in vsakokrat vsaj ene razpoložljive vetrne elektrarne (3), upoštevane tudi za določeno časovno obdobje vnaprej predvidene spremembe podatkov o pretoku reke in/ali višine gladine vode oz. višinskega potenciala (HI, H2, H3) v posameznih hidroelektrarnah (11, 12, 13), kot tudi o razpoložljivosti energetskih virov za delovanje vsakokrat vsaj ene razpoložljive sončne elektrarne (2) in vsakokrat vsaj ene razpoložljive vetrne elektrarne (3).Device according to claim 4, characterized in that the control unit (4) is so designed that, when controlling, the turbines (112, 122, 132) and thus the generators (113, 123, 133) and the other side of the pumps (114, 124, 134) and, if available, valves (116, 117), where available, in addition to information on the current river flow and / or the current water level or altitude potential (HI, H2, H3) in individual hydropower plants (11, 12, 13) as well as the current availability of energy sources for the operation of at least one available solar power plant (2) and at least one available wind power plant (3) each also for a certain period of time, changes in the data on the river flow and / or the height of the water level and / or the water level, respectively. altitude potential (HI, H2, H3) in individual hydropower plants (11, 12, 13), as well as the availability of energy sources for the operation of at least one available solar power plant (2) and at least one available wind power plant (3).
SI201000326A 2010-10-19 2010-10-19 A device for producing and accumulating electric power SI23517A (en)

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SI201000326A SI23517A (en) 2010-10-19 2010-10-19 A device for producing and accumulating electric power
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