SI23490A - Universal mowers cutting head - Google Patents

Universal mowers cutting head Download PDF


Publication number
SI23490A SI201000309A SI201000309A SI23490A SI 23490 A SI23490 A SI 23490A SI 201000309 A SI201000309 A SI 201000309A SI 201000309 A SI201000309 A SI 201000309A SI 23490 A SI23490 A SI 23490A
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cutting head
head according
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Slovenian (sl)
OÄŤko Franjo
Original Assignee
OÄŤko Franjo
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Application filed by OÄŤko Franjo filed Critical OÄŤko Franjo
Priority to SI201000309A priority Critical patent/SI23490A/en
Priority to PCT/SI2011/000055 priority patent/WO2012047176A1/en
Publication of SI23490A publication Critical patent/SI23490A/en



    • A01D34/00Mowers; Mowing apparatus of harvesters
    • A01D34/01Mowers; Mowing apparatus of harvesters characterised by features relating to the type of cutting apparatus
    • A01D34/412Mowers; Mowing apparatus of harvesters characterised by features relating to the type of cutting apparatus having rotating cutters
    • A01D34/63Mowers; Mowing apparatus of harvesters characterised by features relating to the type of cutting apparatus having rotating cutters having cutters rotating about a vertical axis
    • A01D34/73Cutting apparatus
    • A01D34/733Cutting-blade mounting means
    • A01D34/00Mowers; Mowing apparatus of harvesters
    • A01D34/01Mowers; Mowing apparatus of harvesters characterised by features relating to the type of cutting apparatus
    • A01D34/412Mowers; Mowing apparatus of harvesters characterised by features relating to the type of cutting apparatus having rotating cutters
    • A01D34/63Mowers; Mowing apparatus of harvesters characterised by features relating to the type of cutting apparatus having rotating cutters having cutters rotating about a vertical axis
    • A01D34/73Cutting apparatus
    • A01D34/736Flail type


  • Life Sciences & Earth Sciences (AREA)
  • Environmental Sciences (AREA)
  • Harvester Elements (AREA)


Universal cutting head for mowers is an integral mower part mainly used in the agriculture and forestry. The invention solves the problem of mowing all kinds of lower plants with a single cutting head. This head comprises clamping assembly (2), at least three cutting assemblies (1) and a safeguarding gliding disk (3). The basic carrier plate (4) is a part of the clamping assembly (2) and has symmetrically arranged cutting assemblies (1) on its perimeter. The threads are completely replaced with knives (9). The clamping bores (17) on the knives (9) are longitudinally shifted from the knives (9) centre point what causes by an impact into the harder material turning or removing of knives (9) and suddenly return to the initial position needed for an effective moving. The special shape of safeguard gliding disk (3) does not turn but only glides on the surface and improves control. This disk also prevents from fatigue and maintains appropriate distance between ground and knives (9).



Predmet izuma je univerzalna rezalna glava za motorne kose, ki je sestavni del motornih kos in spada predvsem na področje kmetijstva, gozdarstva, ter je prav tako uporaben za profesionalno in domačo rabo pri urejanju okolja.The subject of the invention is a universal cutting head for chainsaws, which is an integral part of chainsaws and belongs mainly to the field of agriculture, forestry, and is also useful for professional and home use in landscaping.

Pri obstoječih motornih kosah se pri rezalnih glavah pojavljajo težave s kratkotrajno uporabo in zamudnim menjavanjem nitk. Pri košnji se nitke ob stiku s kamenjem oziroma drugim tršim materialom pogosto odtrgajo, kar predstavlja strošek za uporabnika. Prav tako pa ti ostanki po nepotrebnem močno onesnažujejo okolje, saj so jeklene oz. plastične nitke težko razgradljive. Proces menjavanja nitk je zamuden, ter predstavlja dodatno opravilo in motnjo pri procesu dela. Nitke na obstoječih motornih kosah prav tako niso zmožne odrezati visoke in suhe trave, grmičevja, tanjših vej, manjših dreves, zaradi česar potrebujemo zopet drugo orodje, da lahko v celoti opravimo delo. Prav tako nitke v večini primerov ne odrežejo trave ampak jo trgajo in cefrajo, zato uporaba takšnih kos ni priporočljiva na urejenih vrtovih, saj lahko poškodujemo zelenico. Večurno delo pri obstoječih motornih kosah prav tako predstavlja napor za delavca, ki mora biti pozoren, kako vodi glavo motorne kose po terenu, ter da je ta na primerni razdalji od tal. V primeru da razdalja ni primerna se lahko poškoduje teren ali pa je potrebno popravljati že pokošeno.Existing chainsaws have problems with cutting heads with short use and delayed thread replacement. When mowing, threads are often torn off when exposed to stones or other hard material, which is a cost to the user. Also, these residues unnecessarily pollute the environment, because they are steel or steel. difficult to break down plastic threads. The process of changing threads is time-consuming and an additional task and disruption to the work process. Threads on existing motorcycle cuts are also not capable of cutting tall and dry grass, shrubs, thin branches, smaller trees, which requires another tool to be able to fully do the job. In most cases, the thread does not cut the grass, but tear it and tear it, so the use of such cuts is not recommended in landscaped gardens, as we can damage the greenery. Working long hours on existing chainsaws also represents an effort for the worker, who must pay attention to the way the head of the chainsaw is driven through the terrain, and that it is at an appropriate distance from the ground. If the distance is not suitable, the terrain may be damaged or repaired.

Tehnični problem, ki ga rešuje izum, je univerzalna rezalna glava za motorne kose, ki kosi vse vrste trave, ter prav tako grmičevje, tanjše veje, manjša drevesa ipd. Pri tem je košnja z univerzalno rezalno glavo na motorni kosi zaradi posebne oblike glave in nožev lažja, hitrejša, ter omogoča manj naporno košnjo na vseh vrstah terena, ter maksimalno učinkovitost košnje pri vseh vrst rastlinja. Sama košnja ne poškoduje trave, ker so rezi ostri in gladki, prav tako pa je rešen tehnični problem ovijanja trave okoli nožev.A technical problem solved by the invention is a universal cutting head for mowers that cuts all kinds of grass, as well as shrubs, thin branches, smaller trees, etc. Thanks to the special shape of the head and knives, mowing with a universal cutting head on a power cutter makes it easier, faster, and enables less effortful mowing on all types of terrain, and maximum cutting efficiency for all types of plants. Mowing itself does not damage the grass because the cuts are sharp and smooth, and the technical problem of wrapping the grass around the blades is also solved.

V nadaljevanju je izum prikazan tudi slikovno z osnovno obliko univerzalne rezalne glave:Hereinafter, the invention is also shown pictorially with the basic shape of a universal cutting head:

Sl. 1 Univerzalna rezalna glava v prerezuFIG. 1 Universal cutting head in cross section

Sl. 2 Postavitev rezalnih sklopov na osnovno nosilno ploščo v tlorisuFIG. 2 Placing the cutting assemblies on the base support plate in the floor plan

Univerzalna rezalna glava za motorne kose, ki jo privijemo na pogonsko os motorne kose, je sestavljena iz vpenjalnega sklopa 2 in vsaj treh rezalnih sklopov 1 ter zaščitno drsne plošče 3.The universal cutter head for screwdriver, which is screwed onto the drive axle of the cutter, consists of a clamping assembly 2 and at least three cutting assemblies 1 and a protective sliding plate 3.

Vpenjalni sklop 2 na univerzalni rezalni glavi je sestavljen iz osnovne nosilne plošče 4, ki se privije na pogonsko os motorne kose z namensko oblikovano matico 5, ki je prilagojena večini motornih kos na tržišču. S spodnje strani je na os matice 5 nameščen ležaj 12 in je vtisnjen v ohišje ležaja 15. Ležaj 12 na osi matice 5 drži spodnji obroč 13. Prav tako je ležaj 12 pred izpadanjem iz ohišja ležaja 15 zaščiten z zgornjim obročem 11. Na spodnjo stran ohišja ležaja 15 pa je z vijakom 14 privita zaščitno drsna plošča 3. Vpenjalni sklop 2 je konstruiran tako, da omogoča lahko in enostavno montažo ter zagotavlja, da se zaradi ležaja 12, ki je vtisnjen v ohišje ležaja 15 in omogoča neodvisno delovanje spodnjega in zgornjega dela vpenjalnega sklopa 2, zaščitno drsna plošča 3 ob stiku s tlemi ne vrti.The universal cutting head clamping assembly 2 consists of a base carrier plate 4 that is screwed onto the drive axle of a motorcycle with a purpose-designed nut 5 that is adapted to most motorcycle pieces on the market. On the bottom side, a bearing 12 is mounted on the axis of the nut 5 and is pressed into the housing of the bearing 15. The bearing 12 on the axis of the nut 5 holds the lower ring 13. Likewise, the bearing 12 is protected by an upper ring 11. from falling out of the housing of the bearing 15. the housing of the bearing 15 is screwed on by the screw 14 to the sliding plate 3. The clamping assembly 2 is designed so that it can be easily and easily assembled and ensures that the bearing 12, which is pressed into the housing of the bearing 15, enables independent operation of the lower and upper part of the clamping assembly 2, the protective sliding plate 3 does not rotate when in contact with the ground.

Vsak rezalni sklop 1 je sestavljen iz noža 9 in namensko oblikovanega obroča 8, kiEach cutting assembly 1 consists of a knife 9 and a purpose-formed ring 8 which

sta nameščena na os 10, preko katere sta z nastavkom 6 in vijakom 7 privita na osnovno nosilno ploščo 4. Pri posebej zasnovanih rezalnih sklopih 1, nitke v celoti nadomeščajo noži 9, s čimer sta rešena problema kratkotrajnosti uporabe nitk in onesnaževanje okolja. S specifično namestitvijo rezalnega sklopa 1 na osnovno nosilno ploščo 4 univerzalne rezalne glave je zagotovljena maksimalna učinkovitost košnje in tudi trajnost nožev 9. Na obodu osnovne nosilne plošče 4 so pritrjeni najmanj trije rezalni sklopi 1 v katere so vpeti noži 9, ki se prosto vrtijo okoli svoje osi. Rezalni sklopi 1 so, glede na center osnovne nosilne plošče 4, simetrično porazdeljeni po njenem obodu, v primeru treh rezalnih sklopov 1 je kot 120°, pri več rezalnih sklopih 1 pa se ta kot sorazmerno pomanjša. V nasprotnem primeru pride do tresljajev, ki otežujejo oz. onemogočajo košenje. Izvrtine za vpetje 17 na nožih 9 , preko katerih jih nasadimo na os 10 in okoli katere se prosto vrtijo, so po dolžini zamaknjene iz centra nožev 9. S tem dosežemo, da so noži 9 vedno v položaju za rezanje. Minimalno 1/3 dolžine nožev 9 sega čez premer osnovne nosilne plošče 4. Ob trku v kamenje in drug trši material se noži 9 zavrtijo oz. umaknejo, zaradi ekscentrično izdelane izvrtine za vpetje 17 pa se vrnejo nazaj v prvotni položaj potreben za učinkovito košenje.they are mounted on the axis 10 through which they are screwed onto the base support plate 4 by means of the attachment 6 and the screw 7. For specially designed cutting assemblies 1, the threads completely replace the blades 9, which solves the problems of the short duration of the thread usage and environmental pollution. The specific mounting of the cutting assembly 1 on the universal support base carrier base plate 4 ensures maximum cutting efficiency and also the durability of the blades 9. At least three cutting assemblies 1 are mounted on the circumference of the basic support plate 4 in which the blades 9 are rotated freely. its axis. The cutting assemblies 1 are symmetrically distributed around its circumference with respect to the center of the base carrier plate 4, and in the case of three cutting assemblies 1, the angle is 120 °, and for several cutting assemblies 1 the angle is reduced relatively. Otherwise, there are vibrations that make it difficult or difficult. they prevent mowing. The mounting bores 17 on the blades 9, through which they are mounted on the axis 10 and rotate freely, are offset from the center of the blades 9 in length. This ensures that the blades 9 are always in the cutting position. A minimum of 1/3 of the length of the blades 9 extends beyond the diameter of the base carrier plate 4. In the event of a collision with rocks and other hard material, the blades 9 rotate or rotate. they are retracted and, due to the eccentrically designed mounting hole 17, are returned to their original position necessary for efficient mowing.

V kolikor pride do poškodb rezil nožev 9, se ta po potrebi tudi nabrusijo in se ponovno uporabijo za košnjo. Vedno se poškodujejo rezila na daljši polovici noža 9 glede na izvrtino za vpetje 17, rezila na krajšem delu noža 9 pa so nepoškodovana. Zato lahko nepoškodovani del noža 9 uporabimo za rezanje in to tako, da poškodovani del skrajšamo, oziroma odrežemo z brusilko po črti 16, ki je označena na nožu 9. Tako nastane oddaljenost izvrtine za vpetje 17 od roba nepoškodovanega dela noža 9 daljša od razdalje do odrezanega roba noža 9. S tem zagotovimo, da je sedaj nepoškodovani del noža 9 v položaju za rezanje.If the blades of the blades 9 are damaged, the blades of the blades 9 are also sanded and reused for cutting. The blades on the longer half of the blade 9 are always damaged relative to the hole for the clamp 17 and the blades on the shorter part of the blade 9 are undamaged. Therefore, the undamaged portion of the knife 9 can be used for cutting by cutting the damaged part or cutting it with a grinder along the line 16 marked on the knife 9. This creates a distance of the hole for clamping 17 from the edge of the undamaged part of the knife 9 beyond the distance to cut off edge of blade 9. This ensures that the intact portion of blade 9 is now in the cutting position.

• ·• ·

V izumu je zagotovljen enostaven način odstranitve nožev 9 za potrebe brušenja. Najprej odvijemo vijak 7 nato odstranimo nastavek 6 in s spodnje strani os 10 potegnemo iz osnovne nosilne plošče 4, odstranimo obroč 8 in nož 9 iz osi 10 ter ga zamenjamo. Rezalni sklop 1 sestavimo v obratnem vrstnem redu.The invention provides an easy way to remove blades 9 for grinding purposes. First, unscrew the screw 7, then remove the nozzle 6 and pull the axle 10 from the base carrier plate 4 from the bottom, remove the ring 8 and the knife 9 from the axis 10 and replace it. The cutting assembly 1 is assembled in reverse order.

Med nožem 9 in osnovno nosilno ploščo 4 je na osi 10 nameščen posebno oblikovan obroč 8, s čemer je v izumu rešen tehnični problem ovijanja trave okoli nožev 9. Obroč 8 je na zunanji strani stanjšan pod kotom, po katerem zdrsi trava in preprečujejo ovijanje okoli nožev 9. Tako je sama košnja lažja in hitrejša saj ni potrebno čistiti trave, ki bi se v nasprotnem primeru ovijala okoli nožev 9.A specially shaped ring 8 is mounted between the knife 9 and the base carrier plate 4 on the axis 10, which in the invention solves the technical problem of wrapping the grass around the blades 9. The ring 8 is externally thinned at an angle at which the grass slips and prevents wrapping around This makes it easier and quicker to mow itself, as there is no need to clean grass that otherwise wraps around the knives 9.

S specifično oblikovano zaščitno drsno ploščo 3 na spodnji strani univerzalne rezalne glave, ki se ne vrti ampak samo drsi po površini, je zagotovljena lažja vodljivost po zelenici ali drugem terenu. S tem je zagotovljena tudi manj naporna košnja, saj koscu ni potrebno paziti, da drži rezalno glavo kose na primerni razdalji od tal, kakor je to v primeru rezalne glave z nitko, ampak z njo drsi po površini. Velikost oziroma premer zaščitno drsne plošče 3 je enak premeru osnovne nosilne plošče 4 rezalnega sklopa 1. Prav tako se radij ukrivljenosti zaščitno drsne plošče 3 veča z večanjem premera in obratno. S tem ohranimo enako višino rezalnega sklopa 1 od tal, ne glede na velikost rezalne glave. V primeru, da želimo porezati travo na večji višini, zamenjamo zaščitno drsno ploščo 3 s ploščo z večjim naklonom. Motorna kosa, zaradi takšne konstrukcije univerzalne rezalne glave, porabi tudi manj moči in s tem manj goriva za košnjo.The specially designed protective sliding plate 3 on the underside of the universal cutting head, which does not rotate but only glides on the surface, provides easier handling on the green or other terrain. This also ensures less effortless mowing, as the cutter does not need to be careful to keep the cutting head at a proper distance from the ground, as in the case of a cutting head with a thread, but with it slides across the surface. The size or diameter of the protective slide plate 3 is equal to the diameter of the base carrier plate 4 of the cutting assembly 1. Also, the radius of curvature of the protective slide plate 3 increases with the diameter and vice versa. This maintains the same height of the cutting assembly 1 from the ground, regardless of the size of the cutting head. If you want to cut grass at a higher height, replace the protective sliding plate 3 with a plate with a higher slope. Because of this universal cutting head design, the power cutter also consumes less power and thus less fuel for mowing.

Claims (11)

PATENTNI ZAHTEVKIPATENT APPLICATIONS 1. Univerzalna rezalna glava za motorne kose, ki se privije na pogonsko os motorne kose, je značilna po tem, da je sestavljena iz vpenjalnega sklopa (2), zaščitno drsne plošče (3) in vsaj treh rezalnih sklopov (1)A universal cutter head for screwdrivers, which is screwed onto the drive axle of the sawmill, characterized in that it consists of a clamping assembly (2), a protective sliding plate (3) and at least three cutting assemblies (1) 2. Univerzalna rezalna glava po zahtevku 1, je značilna po tem, da je vpenjalni sklop (2) sestavljen iz osnovne nosilne plošče (4), ki je privita na pogonsko os motorne kose z namensko oblikovano matico (5), na os matice (5) pa je s spodnje strani nameščen ležaj (12), ki je vtisnjen v ohišje ležaja (15).Universal cutting head according to claim 1, characterized in that the clamping assembly (2) consists of a base support plate (4) that is screwed onto the drive axle of a motor-car with a purpose-designed nut (5) onto the nut axis (5). 5) on the bottom is mounted a bearing (12) which is imprinted on the bearing housing (15). 3. Univerzalna rezalna glava po zahtevku 2, je značilna po tem, da ležaj (12) na osi matice (5) drži v ohišju ležaja (15) spodnji obroč (13), pred izpadanjem iz ohišja ležaja (15) pa je zaščiten z zgornjim obročem (U).Universal cutting head according to claim 2, characterized in that the bearing (12) on the axle of the nut (5) holds the lower ring (13) in the bearing housing (15) and is protected against falling out of the bearing housing (15) by the upper ring (U). 4. Univerzalna rezalna glava po zahtevku 1, je značilna po tem, da je ležaj (12) vtisnjen v ohišje ležaja (15) na katerega je z vijakom (14) privita zaščitno drsna plošča (3), kar preprečuje vrtenje zaščitno drsne plošče (3) ob stiku s tlemi.Universal cutting head according to claim 1, characterized in that the bearing (12) is pressed into the housing of the bearing (15) to which a protective sliding plate (3) is screwed (14) to prevent rotation of the protective sliding plate (3). 3) on contact with the ground. 5. Univerzalna rezalna glava po zahtevku 2, je značilna po tem, da so na osnovno nosilno ploščo (4) pritrjeni najmanj trije rezalni sklopi (1), ki so simetrično porazdeljeni po njenem obodu, v primeru treh rezalnih sklopov (1) je kot 120°, pri več rezalnih sklopih (1) pa se ta kot sorazmerno pomanjša.Universal cutting head according to claim 2, characterized in that at least three cutting assemblies (1) which are symmetrically distributed along its circumference are attached to the base carrier plate (4), in the case of three cutting assemblies (1) 120 °, and for several cutting assemblies (1) the angle is reduced relatively. 6. Univerzalna rezalna glava po zahtevku 5, je značilna po tem, da je os (10) vsakega rezalnega sklopa (1) privita na osnovno nosilno ploščo (4) z vijakom (7) in nastavkom (6), s katerima sta pritrjena nož (9) in namensko oblikovan obroč (8).Universal cutting head according to claim 5, characterized in that the axis (10) of each cutting assembly (1) is screwed onto the base support plate (4) by means of a screw (7) and an attachment (6) with which the knife is attached. (9) and a purpose-designed ring (8). 7. Univerzalna rezalna glava po zahtevku 5 in 6, je značilna po tem, da se v rezalnih sklopih (1) vpeti noži (9) prosto vrtijo okoli svoje osi, pri čemer so izvrtine za vpetje (17) na nožih (9), preko katerih jih nasadimo na os (10) po dolžini zamaknjene iz centra nožev (9).Universal cutting head according to claim 5 and 6, characterized in that the cutting blades (1) rotate the blades (9) freely about their axis, the bores (17) being on the blades (9). through which they are planted on the axis (10) longitudinally displaced from the center of the blades (9). 8. Univerzalna rezalna glava po zahtevku 7, je značilna po tem, da minimalno 1/3 dolžine nožev (9) sega čez premer osnovne nosilne plošče (4).Universal cutting head according to claim 7, characterized in that a minimum of 1/3 of the length of the blades (9) extends beyond the diameter of the base support plate (4). 9. Univerzalna rezalna glava po zahtevku 7 in 8, je značilna po tem, da se na daljši polovici noža (9) glede na izvrtino za vpetje (17) noža (9), poškodovani del noža (9) odreže z brusilko na označeni črti (16) na nožu (9).Universal cutting head according to Claims 7 and 8, characterized in that at the longer half of the knife (9), with respect to the knife mounting hole (17), the damaged part of the knife (9) is cut with a grinder on the marked line. (16) on a knife (9). 10. Univerzalna rezalna glava po zahtevku 5, 6 in 7, je značilna po tem, da je med nožem (9) in osnovno nosilno ploščo (4) na osi (10) nameščen posebno oblikovan obroč (8), ki je na zunanji strani stanjšan pod kotom.Universal cutting head according to claim 5, 6 and 7, characterized in that a specially shaped ring (8) is provided between the knife (9) and the base carrier plate (4) on the axis (10). thinner at an angle. 11. Univerzalna rezalna glava po več predhodnih zahtevkih, je značilna po tem, da je premer zaščitno drsne plošče (3) je enak premeru osnovne nosilne plošče (4) rezalnega sklopa 1, pri čemer se radij ukrivljenosti zaščitno drsne plošče (3) veča z večanjem premera in obratno.Universal cutting head according to several preceding claims, characterized in that the diameter of the protective sliding plate (3) is equal to the diameter of the base carrier plate (4) of the cutting assembly 1, the radius of curvature of the protective sliding plate (3) being increased by increasing the diameter and vice versa.
SI201000309A 2010-10-06 2010-10-06 Universal mowers cutting head SI23490A (en)

Priority Applications (2)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
SI201000309A SI23490A (en) 2010-10-06 2010-10-06 Universal mowers cutting head
PCT/SI2011/000055 WO2012047176A1 (en) 2010-10-06 2011-10-03 Universal cutting head for motor trimmers

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SI201000309A SI23490A (en) 2010-10-06 2010-10-06 Universal mowers cutting head

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* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
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WO2006135952A1 (en) * 2005-04-29 2006-12-28 Raymond Eric Abernethy A cutting blade assembly for a mower

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WO2012047176A1 (en) 2012-04-12

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