SI22262A - Fridge or freezer door handle - Google Patents

Fridge or freezer door handle Download PDF


Publication number
SI22262A SI200600101A SI200600101A SI22262A SI 22262 A SI22262 A SI 22262A SI 200600101 A SI200600101 A SI 200600101A SI 200600101 A SI200600101 A SI 200600101A SI 22262 A SI22262 A SI 22262A
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Peter Groznik
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Gorenje Gospodinjski Aparati, D.D.
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Application filed by Gorenje Gospodinjski Aparati, D.D. filed Critical Gorenje Gospodinjski Aparati, D.D.
Priority to SI200600101A priority Critical patent/SI22262A/en
Priority to DE200710018323 priority patent/DE102007018323B4/en
Publication of SI22262A publication Critical patent/SI22262A/en



    • F25D23/00General constructional features
    • F25D23/02Doors; Covers
    • F25D23/028Details
    • E05B1/00Knobs or handles for wings; Knobs, handles, or press buttons for locks or latches on wings
    • E05B1/0038Sliding handles, e.g. push buttons
    • E05B17/00Accessories in connection with locks
    • E05B17/0025Devices for forcing the wing firmly against its seat or to initiate the opening of the wing
    • E05B17/0033Devices for forcing the wing firmly against its seat or to initiate the opening of the wing for opening only


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  • General Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Refrigerator Housings (AREA)


The fridge or freezer handle (1) in particularly for households is provided in order that during the opening of doors (2) it serves at the same time as a straddling device between doors (2) and the fridge or freezer chassis (3), and is applied fixed to the door (2) in at east one point (4) as well as consists of a gripping part (5) which is aimed at manual control of doors (2) and at least one linking element (6) which links the gripping part (5) with the doors (2). Typical of the invention is that inside the gripping part (5) on the door wall (2) there is a guide (7) for the pressure element (8) for manual operations by the user when opening doors (2) while the guide (7) is preferably made as a groove, and the pressure element (8) located within it is supported by at least one spring (9) which forces it in the direction of doors (2), and further within the handle (1) there is at least one rotating lever (12) which is approximately in the centre embedded inside the bedding (12a), by one end rotationally attached to the straddling device (15), which is axial-flexibly embedded in the linking element (6) while the straddling element (15) is so long that it runs through door (2) and by its free end touches the fridge or freezer enclosure (3).


GORENJE gospodinjski aparati, d.d.GORENJE home appliances, d.d.


Predmet izumaThe subject of the invention

Predmet izuma je ročaj vrat hladilnika ali zamrzovalnika, zlasti za gospodinjstvo, pri čemer ročaj omogoča večjo silo razpiranje vrat in ohišja hladilnika oziroma zamrzovalnika zaradi podtlaka, ki nastane v notranjosti hladilnika oziroma zamrzovalnika vsled skrčenja ohlajenega zraka v notranjosti hladilnika oziroma zamrzovalnika.The object of the invention is to handle the door of a refrigerator or freezer, especially for a household, the handle allowing a greater force to open the door and housing of the refrigerator or freezer due to the pressure generated inside the refrigerator or freezer due to the shrinkage of chilled air inside the refrigerator or freezer.

Tehnični problemA technical problem

Tehnični problem, ki ga rešuje izum je, kako zasnovati tak ročaj vrat hladilnika ali zamrzovalnika, ki bo pri ročnem odpiranju vrat dodatno razpiral vrata od ohišja zaradi premagovanja podtlaka v hladilniku in sicer tako, da je potreben poseben ročni gib pri ročaju za razpiranje vrat poleg giba za odpiranje vrat ob hkratnem natančnem ročnem vodenju vrat zlasti pri odpiranju.A technical problem solved by the invention is how to design such a door handle of the refrigerator or freezer, which when manually opening the door will further open the door from the housing to overcome the vacuum in the refrigerator, so that a special manual movement is required in the door to open the door in addition of the door opening movement with the precise manual control of the door, especially when opening it.

Znano stanje tehnikeThe prior art

Znanih je več rešitev za razpiranje vrat hladilnika ali zamrzovalnika pri odpiranju vrat.There are several known solutions for opening a refrigerator or freezer door when opening a door.

Poznamo sledeče patentne prijave oziroma patente:We know the following patent applications or patents:

WO 97/38273; DE19652828A1; W02005/057106, EPI 174668; EP0598979.WO 97/38273; DE19652828A1; W02005 / 057106, EPI 174668; EP0598979.

Značilnost vseh ročajev po izumih po navedenih patentnih prijavah oziroma patentih je v tem, daje prijemalni del ročaja zasukljiv pri odpiranju vrat glede na zunanjo ravnino vrat. Z zasukom prijemalnega dela ročaja se preko različniThe characteristic of all handles according to the inventions according to the above patent applications or patents is that the gripping part of the handle is rotatable when opening the door with respect to the outer plane of the door. By rotating the gripping part of the handle, it is different

33288/1V-06/Vr vzvodov po vsakem navedenih izumov tvori večja sila, kot jo izvajamo z roko na ročaj pri odpiranju vrat in ki deluje tako, da se vrata razpirajo glede na ohišje hladilnika oziroma zamrzovalnika premagujoč podtlak v notranjosti.33288 / 1V-06 / Vr of levers according to each of the present inventions forms a greater force than is performed by hand on handle when opening the door and which acts in such a way that the door opens in relation to the housing of the refrigerator or freezer, overcoming the internal pressure.

Pomanjkljivost vseh teh rešitev izhaja iz dejstva, da so vrata hladilnika in često tudi zamrzovalnika z notranje strani izvedena s policami za živila, zaradi česar se skupna teža vrat in hrane v njih poveča. Pri povečani teži vrat je njihova vztrajnost večja. Zato se pri odprtih vratih, ko ni več učinka podtlaka iz notranjosti hladilnika, zaradi take teže vrat pojavi ne dovolj natančno vodenje nadaljnjega odpiranja vrat, ker se ročaj zaradi vztrajnosti vrat lahko nezaželeno zasuka v svojem tečaju in s tem dovoli drugačno lego vrat od tiste, ki jo z gibanjem roke pričakuje uporabnik.The disadvantage of all these solutions stems from the fact that the door of the refrigerator and often also the freezer on the inside are made with shelves for food, which increases the overall weight of the door and the food inside. With increased door weight, their inertia is greater. Therefore, with the weight of the door open, when there is no longer any effect of underpressure from the interior of the refrigerator, it does not appear to be sufficiently precise to control the further opening of the door, because the door's inertia handle may rotate undesirably in its hinge, thereby permitting a different door position from that of the expected by the movement of the hand by the user.

Zato je cilj izuma odpraviti to pomanjkljivost.Therefore, the object of the invention is to remedy this disadvantage.

Značilnost ročaja vrat hladilnika ali zamrzovalnika po izumu, ki rešuje gornji problem, je v tem, daje fiksno nameščen na vratih vsaj v eni točki, prednostno pa v dveh,, s čimer ima uporabnik ves čas odpiranja in zapiranja vrat natančen ročni nadzor nad lego oziroma gibanjem vrat. Za premagovanje podtlaka v notranjosti aparata pri začetku odpiranja vrat pa je v fiksnem ročaju izveden vzvod, na katerega deluje uporabnik s stiskanjem pesti medtem ko kontrolirano drži vrata z isto roko, pri čemer deluje ta vzvod med stiskanjem s pestjo tako, da odriva na vrata od ohišja aparata s tako silo, da le-ta premaga silo podtlaka v notranjosti aparata.A characteristic feature of the door handle of a refrigerator or freezer according to the invention, which solves the above problem, is that it is fixedly mounted on the door at at least one point, preferably at two points, thus giving the user precise manual control over the position or opening of the door at all times. the movement of the door. In order to overcome the pressure inside the appliance when opening the door, a fixed handle is provided with a lever operated by the user while clutching the hinge while controlling the door with the same hand, while operating this lever by pushing the hinge away from the door. the housing of the apparatus with such force that it overcomes the force of the vacuum inside the apparatus.

Podrobneje bo bistvo izuma pojasnjeno v nadaljevanju z ozirom na priloženo risbo, na kateri kaže sl. 1 vzdolžni prerez ročaja po izumu, nameščenega na zaprtih vratih hladilnika ali zamrzovalnika;The essence of the invention will be explained in more detail below with reference to the accompanying drawing, in which FIG. 1 is a longitudinal cross-sectional view of a handle according to the invention mounted on the closed door of a refrigerator or freezer;

33288/IV-06/Vr sl. 2 vzdolžni prerez ročaja po izumu, nameščenega na odprtih vratih hladilnika ali zamrzovalnika, sl. 3 detajl ročaja po izumu v povečanem merilu.33288 / IV-06 / Vr FIG. 2 is a longitudinal cross-sectional view of a handle according to the invention mounted on the open door of a refrigerator or freezer, FIG. 3 detail of the handle according to the invention in an enlarged scale.

Ročaj 1 vrat hladilnika ali zamrzovalnika, zlasti za gospodinjstvo je predviden, da pri odpiranju vrat 2 deluje hkrati razpiralno med vrati 2 in ohišjem 3 hladilnika oziroma zamrzovalnika. Ročaj 1 je togo nameščen na vratih 2 hladilnika ali zamrzovalnika v vsaj eni točki 4 , prednostno pa v dveh točkah 4. Ročaj 1 sestoji iz prijemalnega dela 5, ki je predviden za ročno upravljanje vrat 2, in vsaj enega veznega dela 6, ki povezuje prijemalni del 5 z vrati 2 tako, da leži prijemalni del 5 v odmiku od vrat 2 toliko, da ustvarja prostor za roko uporabnika. Prednostno pa sta predvidena dva vezna dela 6. ki izhajata iz prijemalnega dela 5 v območju obeh njegovih koncev.The door handle 1 of the refrigerator or freezer, in particular for the household, is intended to operate simultaneously with the expander between the door 2 and the housing 3 of the refrigerator or freezer when opening door 2. The handle 1 is rigidly mounted on the door 2 of the refrigerator or freezer at at least one point 4, preferably at two points 4. The handle 1 consists of a gripping part 5 intended for manual operation of the door 2 and at least one connecting part 6 connecting the gripping portion 5 with the door 2 so that the gripping portion 5 lies away from the door 2 so as to create a space for the user's hand. Preferably, however, are provided two connecting parts 6. which originate from the gripping portion 5 in the region of both ends thereof.

V prijemalnem delu 5 je na strani vrat 2 izvedeno vodilo 7 za pritisni element 8, ki ga uporabnik z ročnim stiskom dovede do tega, da razpre vrata 2 in ohišje 3.In the gripping portion 5, a guide 7 for a pressure element 8 is implemented on the side of the door 2, which the user presses manually to open the door 2 and the housing 3.

Vodilo 7 je v prednostni izvedbi izvedeno kot žleb. V vodilu 7 nameščeni pritisni element 8 je oprt na vsaj eno vzmet 9, ki ga tišči v smeri vrat 2. Hkrati je pritisni element 8 z vsaj enim omejilnikom 10 omejen v gibanju v smeri vrat 2, da ne izpade iz območja vodila 7. Vsaka vzmet 9 je v prednostni izvedbi nameščena na čepu 11, ki se nahaja v vodilu 7.The guide 7 is preferably configured as a groove in the preferred embodiment. In the guide 7, the pressure element 8 mounted rests on at least one spring 9 which it presses in the direction of the door 2. At the same time, the pressure element 8 with at least one limiter 10 is restricted in the movement in the direction of the door 2, so that it does not fall out of the area of the guide 7. Each the spring 9 is preferably mounted on a pin 11 located in the guide 7.

V ročaju 1 je izveden vsaj en zasukljiv vzvod 12, ki je približno na sredini zasukljivo uležajen v ležaju 12a, z enim koncem zasukljivo vpet v ležaju 13 na pritisnem elementu 8, hkrati pa je z nasprotnim koncem zasukljivo vpet v ležaju 14, ki je del razpiralnega elementa 15. Element 15 je osno pomično uležajen v veznem delu 6, pri čemer je razpiralni element 15 tako dolg, da teče skozi vrata 2 in sicer skozi luknjo 2a ter skozi ali pa ob tesnilu 2b vrat 2 in s svojim prostimIn the handle 1, at least one pivoting lever 12 is made, which is pivotally mounted in the bearing 12a about one in the middle, with one end rotatably mounted in the bearing 13 on the pressure element 8, and at the same time rotated in the opposite end with the bearing 14, which is part of the spacer element 15. The element 15 is pivotally mounted in the connecting part 6, the spacer element 15 being long enough to flow through the door 2 through the hole 2a and through or with the gasket 2b of the door 2 and with its free

33288/IV-06/Vr koncem dotika ohišje 3 hladilnika ali zamrzovalnika. Vzvod 12 je lahko oprt na drugo vzmet 16, ki sodeluje z vzmetjo 9.33288 / IV-06 / Finally comes the case of 3 refrigerator or freezer compartment. The lever 12 may be supported by a second spring 16 which cooperates with the spring 9.

Vzvod 12 ima glede na svoj ležaj 12a lahko različno dolga kraka, ki se končata z ležajema 13 in 14, s čimer je možno določiti razmerje sile, ki jo doseže uporabnik s stiskom ročaja in razpiralne sile vrat od ohišja, ki je posledica delovanja roke uporabnika.The lever 12 may have different lengths of ends, which end with the bearings 13 and 14, depending on its bearing 12a, thereby determining the ratio of the force achieved by the user by squeezing the handle and the breaking force of the door from the housing resulting from the operation of the user's arm .

Razpiralni del 15 je lahko dodatno voden s tem, da vsebuje podolgovato luknjo 17, v kateri se nahaja čep 18. Dolžina luknje 17 je enaka ali večja od predvidene dolžine pomika razpiralnega dela 15 pri odpiranju vrat 2, medtem ko je čep 18 nameščen v veznem delu 6.The spacer portion 15 may be further guided by having an elongated hole 17 in which the plug 18 is located. The length of the hole 17 is equal to or greater than the intended displacement length of the spacer portion 15 when opening the door 2 while the plug 18 is positioned in the connecting Part 6.

Ročaj po izumu deluje tako, da uporabnik med držanjem prijemalnega dela 5 pri odpiranju vrat 2 hkrati tudi stisne pritisni element 8 v prijemalni del 5. S primikom dela 8 v prijemalni del 5 se zasuka vzvod 12, ki premakne razpiralni del 15 v svoji osni smeri proti ohišju 3 in s tem razpre vrata 2 od ohišja, da se izenači notranji tlak v aparatu z zunanjih zračnim tlakom. Po izenačitvi obeh tlakov se vrata odpirajo in zapirajo z neznatno silo.The handle according to the invention operates in such a way that while holding the gripping part 5 while opening the door 2, the user also compresses the pressure element 8 into the gripping part 5. By moving the part 8 into the gripping part 5, the lever 12 is moved, which moves the spreading part 15 in its axial direction. against the housing 3, thereby opening door 2 from the housing to equalize the internal pressure in the apparatus with the outside air pressure. After the two pressures are equalized, the door opens and closes with little force.

Ročaj po izumu jev prednostni izvedbi izveden iz poljubne umetne snovi ali pa kovine z znanimi postopki.The handle according to the invention in a preferred embodiment is made of any plastic or metal by known methods.

Razume se, da je razumljivo strokovnjaku s tega področja, da lahko na osnovi poznavanja gornjega opisa izuma zasnuje tudi drugačne izvedbene primere izuma zlasti v smislu industrijskega oblikovanja, ne a bi obšel značilnosti izuma, ki so opredeljene v sledečih patentnih zahtevkih.It is to be understood by one of ordinary skill in the art that, based on knowledge of the above description of the invention, he may also design different embodiments of the invention, particularly in terms of industrial design, without circumventing the features of the invention defined in the following claims.

33288/IV-06/Vr33288 / IV-06 / Vr

Claims (5)

1. Ročaj (1) vrat hladilnika ali zamrzovalnika, zlasti za gospodinjstvo, pri čemer je predviden, da pri odpiranju vrat (2) deluje hkrati razpiralno med vrati (2) in ohišjem (3) hladilnika oziroma zamrzovalnika, je togo nameščen na vratih (2) v vsaj eni točki (4) , prednostno pa v dveh točkah (4) in sestoji iz prijemalnega dela (5), ki je predviden za ročno upravljanje vrat (2), in vsaj enega veznega dela (6), ki povezuje prijemalni del (5) z vrati (2) tako, da leži prijemalni del (5) v odmiku od vrat (2), pri čemer sta prednostno predvidena dva vezna dela (6), ki izhajata iz prijemalnega dela (5) v območju obeh njegovih koncev, ter iz razpiralnega dela (15), ki razpre vrata (2) in ohišje (3), potem ko deluje uporabnik z roko na ročaj, označen s tem, daje v prijemalnem delu (5) na strani vrat (2) izvedeno vodilo (7) za pritisni element (8) za ročno delovanjem uporabnika pri odpiranju vrat (2), pri čemer je vodilo (7) v prednostni izvedbi izvedeno kot žleb in je v njem nameščeni pritisni element (8) oprt na vsaj eno vzmet (9), ki ga tišči v smeri vrat (2) in delno zunaj pritisnega elementa (8) tako daje hkrati pritisni element (8) z vsaj enim omejilnikom (10) omejen v gibanju v smeri vrat (2), da ne izpade iz območja vodila (7);1. The door handle (1) of the refrigerator or freezer door, in particular for the household, provided that when opening the door (2) it acts simultaneously at the opening between the door (2) and the housing (3) of the refrigerator or freezer, it is rigidly mounted on the door ( 2) at least one point (4), preferably two points (4) and consists of a gripping part (5) intended for manual control of the door (2) and at least one connecting part (6) connecting the gripping a part (5) with a door (2) such that the gripping part (5) lies at a distance from the door (2), with two connecting parts (6) preferably projecting from the gripping part (5) in the area of both ends, and from the spreading part (15) which opens the door (2) and the housing (3) after the user has operated a hand on the handle, characterized in that a guide is provided in the gripping part (5) on the side of the door (2) (7) for a push element (8) for manual operation of the user when opening the door (2), the guide (7) being in the preferred embodiment as a groove and having n a positioned pressure element (8) resting on at least one spring (9) which is pressed in the direction of the door (2) and partly outside the pressure element (8) so that the pressure element (8) with at least one stop (10) is limited in motion at the same time in the direction of the door (2) so as not to fall out of the guide area (7); nadalje, daje v ročaju (1) izveden vsaj en zasukljiv vzvod (12), kije približno na sredini zasukljivo uležajen v ležaju (12a), z enim koncem zasukljivo vpet v ležaju (13) na pritisnem elementu (8), hkrati pa je z nasprotnim koncem zasukljivo vpet v ležaju (14), ki je del razpiralnega elementa (15), ki je osno pomično uležajen v veznem delu (6), pri čemer je razpiralni element (15) tako dolg, da teče skozi vrata (2) in s svojim prostim koncem dotika ohišje (3) hladilnika ali zamrzovalnika.further, that at least one swivel lever (12) is provided in the handle (1), which is pivotally mounted in the bearing (12a) about one in the middle, with one end pivotally mounted in the bearing (13) on the pressure element (8), the opposite ends pivotally engaged in a bearing (14) which is part of a spacer element (15) which is pivotally mounted in the connecting part (6), the spacer element (15) being so long that it flows through the door (2) and with its free end it touches the housing (3) of the refrigerator or freezer. 2. Ročaj po zahtevku 1, označen s tem, da ima lahko vzvod (12) glede na svoj ležaj (12a) različno dolga kraka, ki se končata z ležajema (13) in (14),Handle according to claim 1, characterized in that the lever (12), depending on its bearing (12a), may have differently long arms ending in bearings (13) and (14), 33288/IV-06/Vr33288 / IV-06 / Vr 3, Ročaj po zahtevkih 1 in 2, označen s tem, daje lahko vzvod (12) oprt na drugo vzmet (16), ki sodeluje z vzmetjo (9).3, The handle according to claims 1 and 2, characterized in that the lever (12) can be supported on another spring (16) that cooperates with the spring (9). 4. Ročaj po zahtevkih 1 do 3, označen s tem, da je vsaka vzmet (9) v prednostni izvedbi nameščena na čepu (11), ki se nahaja v vodilu (7).Handle according to claims 1 to 3, characterized in that each spring (9) is preferably mounted on a pin (11) located in the guide (7). 5. Ročaj po zahtevkih 1 do 3, označen s tem, daje razpiralni del (15) lahko dodatno voden s tem, da vsebuje podolgovato luknjo (17), v kateri se nahaja čep (18), pri čemer je dolžina luknje (17) enaka ali večja od predvidene dolžine pomika razpiralnega dela (15) pri odpiranju vrat (2), medtem ko je čep (18) nameščen v veznem delu (6).Handle according to claims 1 to 3, characterized in that the spreading member (15) can be further guided by the fact that it contains an elongated hole (17) in which the pin (18) is located, the hole length (17) being equal to or greater than the intended displacement length of the expansion portion (15) when opening the door (2) while the pin (18) is mounted in the connecting portion (6).
SI200600101A 2006-04-18 2006-04-18 Fridge or freezer door handle SI22262A (en)

Priority Applications (2)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
SI200600101A SI22262A (en) 2006-04-18 2006-04-18 Fridge or freezer door handle
DE200710018323 DE102007018323B4 (en) 2006-04-18 2007-04-18 Refrigerator or freezer door handle

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SI200600101A SI22262A (en) 2006-04-18 2006-04-18 Fridge or freezer door handle

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SI200600101A SI22262A (en) 2006-04-18 2006-04-18 Fridge or freezer door handle

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DE102007018323B4 (en) 2014-10-09
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KR100630228B1 (en) hinge for door of refrigerator

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