SI21627A - Cost-effective suction-injecting extractor hood - Google Patents

Cost-effective suction-injecting extractor hood Download PDF


Publication number
SI21627A SI200300229A SI200300229A SI21627A SI 21627 A SI21627 A SI 21627A SI 200300229 A SI200300229 A SI 200300229A SI 200300229 A SI200300229 A SI 200300229A SI 21627 A SI21627 A SI 21627A
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plate heat
heat exchanger
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Slovenian (sl)
Florijan Renar
Original Assignee
Provent, D.O.O.
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Application filed by Provent, D.O.O. filed Critical Provent, D.O.O.
Priority to SI200300229A priority Critical patent/SI21627A/en
Publication of SI21627A publication Critical patent/SI21627A/en



  • Ventilation (AREA)


Subject of the invention is a cost-effective suction-injection extractor hood, hereafter referred to as device, with a large specific suction power, effective distribution of fresh air and recuperation of thermal energy of the exhaust air and passing it on to the fresh intake air. Beneath the central part (1), the device features a suction trough (7) with two suction slots (8) and (9), which due to their location ensure an effective suction and because of their shape provide the elimination of grease from air. The suction trough is located beneath the filter (11) and the plate heat exchanger (12). The plate heat exchanger (12) is attached along its height by a stretching device between the lower sheet metal (1a) and the upper sheet metal (1b) in such a way that good sealing is ensured. Prior the entering of fresh air into the plate heat exchanger (12) two curtains (38) and (39) provide the passage of air through the plate heat exchanger (12) and past it. The majority of the fresh air, which is in winters heated in the plate heat exchanger (12) by using the energy of the exhaust air, passes the upper edge of the device past the direction flaps (21), (22) and (23) to the kitchen area, while a smaller part can be ventilated through the individual slot or different slot (45), (46) and (47) combinations directly beneath the device in such a way that any flow of exhaust air past the device is prevented and at the same time the glass (42) is protected against pollution.



Predmet izuma je varčna sesalno-vpihovalna napa, v nadaljevanju imenovana naprava, z visoko specifično močjo sesanja, učinkovito distribucijo svežega zraka in vračanjem toplotne energije odpadnega zraka v sveži zrak. Predloženi izum sodi na področje prezračevalnih naprav. Najpogosteje se uporablja kot kuhinjska napa v večjih kuhinjah z namenom, da odvaja odpadni zrak, filtrira odpadni zrak in dovaja sveži zrak v prostor. Izum spada v razred F 24F 7/00 mednarodne patentne klasifikacije.The object of the invention is a frugal suction hood, hereinafter referred to as a device, with a high specific suction power, efficient distribution of fresh air and the return of thermal energy of waste air into fresh air. The present invention falls within the field of ventilation devices. It is most commonly used as a cooker hood in larger kitchens for the purpose of exhausting waste air, filtering waste air and supplying fresh air to the room. The invention belongs to class F 24F 7/00 of the international patent classification.

Poznana je naprava z vračanjem energije za dovod zraka in odvod zraka s povečano vlago in maščobami iz patenta Sl 9900127-20289 in DE 100-24-619.2 V tej poznani napravi sta tudi dve vzdolžni sesalni reži. Obe reži sta obrnjeni v isto smer, zato gre odpadni zrak v vsako sesalno režo iz iste strani. Pod ploščnim izmenjevalnikom toplote ni predvidena vgradnja filtra. Naprava ima enega ali več ploščnih izmenjevalnikov toplote, ki so vgrajeni v kletko, ki je težko narediti tako, da je zagotovljeno primerno tesnenje in lahko izvlačenje ploščnih izmenjevalnikov iz nje, kadar jih je potrebno oprati. By-pass za menjavo pretoka svežega zraka skozi ploščni izmenjevalnik toplote in mimo njega je narejen iz dveh pločevinastih rešetk, ki s pomikanjem ene rešetke mimo druge rešetke spuščata sveži zrak enkrat skozi ploščni izmenjevalnik tolpote in drugič mimo njega. Pri tem sistemu je težko zagotoviti dobro tesnenje med rešetkama. Celotna količina dovedenega svežega zraka se vpihuje po zgornjem delu oboda naprave v prostor. Naprava nima predvidenih rež, skozi katero se vpihuje manjši del svežega zraka direktno v sesalni prostor pod napravo.[0003] A device for the return of energy for air supply and air extraction with increased humidity and grease from the patent Sl 9900127-20289 and DE 100-24-619.2 is also known in this known device. There are also two longitudinal suction slots. Both slots are facing in the same direction, so the exhaust air flows into each suction slot from the same side. There is no filter installation under the plate heat exchanger. The device has one or more plate heat exchangers that are integrated into the cage, which can be difficult to make so that adequate sealing is provided and the plate heat exchangers can be pulled out of the cage when they need to be washed. The by-pass for changing the flow of fresh air through and past the plate heat exchanger is made of two sheet gratings which, by moving one grate past the other grille, release fresh air once through the plate heat exchanger and second past it. With this system, it is difficult to ensure good sealing between the bars. The entire amount of fresh air supplied is blown into the room by the upper part of the perimeter of the device. The device does not have slots, through which a small amount of fresh air is blown directly into the intake space below the device.

V napravi po izumu sta sesalni reži obrnjeni v nasprotni smeri tako, da sesata odpadni zrak iz nasprotnih strani. Drugačna smer sesanja, drugačna postavitev rež in drugačen način usmerjanja odpadnega zraka k režam predstavlja pri napravi po izumu različen koncept sesanja odpadnega zraka glede na že znano napravo. V napravo po izumu je predvidena možnost vgraditve filtra pred ploščnimi izmenjevalniki toplote, ker oblika praznega prostora pod napravo in način sesanja omogočata is enakomeren dotok zraka po celotni površini filtra s primerno hitrostjo za učinkovito filtracijo. Naprava po izumu ima ploščne izmenjevalnike toplote podobno kot že poznana naprava s tem, da se sistem vgradnje razlikuje od že poznane naprave zato, da se dosega boljše tesnenje in enostavnejša izdelava. V napravi po izumu je namesto by-passa iz dveh pločevinastih rešetk narejen by-pass z dvema zavesama iz materiala, neprepustnega za zrak in vodo, ki omogočata boljše tesnenje in cenejšo izdelavo. V napravi po izumu se vpihuje sveži zrak iz naprave po njenem obodu, podobno kot v že poznani napravi.In the apparatus according to the invention, the suction slots are rotated in the opposite direction by sucking the exhaust air from opposite sides. A different suction direction, a different arrangement of the slots and a different way of directing the waste air to the slots represents a different concept of suctioning the waste air according to the device according to the invention. The device according to the invention provides for the possibility of installing a filter in front of the plate heat exchangers, since the empty space below the device and the suction mode allow even air to flow throughout the filter surface at a suitable rate for efficient filtration. The device according to the invention has plate heat exchangers, similar to a device already known, in that the installation system differs from the device already known in order to achieve better sealing and simpler construction. In the device according to the invention, instead of a bypass from two sheet metal grilles, a bypass is made with two curtains of air and watertight material, which allow for better sealing and cheaper production. The device according to the invention blows fresh air from the device around its periphery, similar to the device already known.

Druge poznane naprave nimajo dveh sesalnih rež po celotni dolžini naprave, v katerih se sesa zrak z relativno visoko hitrostjo. Poznana je naprava, ki sesa zrak skozi eno sesalno režo vzdolž celotne dolžine naprave z relativno visoko hitrostjo tudi do 7 m/s s tem, da je ta reža na povsem drugem položaju naprave, kot je položaj rež naprave po izumu. Reža te že znane naprave ima drugačno obliko od reže po izumu in dosega tudi drugačne sesalne lastnosti od sesalnih rež po izumu.Other known devices do not have two suction slots along the entire length of the device in which air is drawn at relatively high speeds. A device is known to suck air through one suction slot along the entire length of the device at a relatively high speed up to 7 m / s, in that the slot is at a completely different position than the device slot according to the invention. The slot of this already known device has a different shape from the slot according to the invention and also achieves different suction properties from the suction slots of the invention.

Druge poznane naprave, ki tudi vračajo energijo preko ploščnega izmenjevalnika toplote, imajo by-pass navadno sestavljen iz pločevinastih io elementov in ne z zaveso. Razlikujejo se tudi po konstrukciji mehanizma, ki omogoča spremembo smeri toka svežega zraka.Other known devices, which also return energy via a plate heat exchanger, typically have a by-pass consisting of sheet metal elements rather than a curtain. They also differ in the construction of a mechanism that allows the direction of fresh air to change.

Druge poznane naprave, ki tudi vpihujejo sveži zrak v prostor, vpihujejo navadno celotno količino svežega zraka v prostor. Poznana je naprava, ki vpihuje velik del svežega zraka pod napravo z veliko hitrostjo direktno v is filtre za odvod zraka in s tem poveča sesalno učinkovitost. V napravi po izumu se vpihuje manjši del svežega zraka pod napravo z nizko hitrostjo v njen sesalni del zato, da se prepreči uhajanje odpadnega zraka izven njenega področja, in da se prepreči onesnaženost stekla svetilke.Other known devices, which also blow fresh air into the room, typically blow the entire amount of fresh air into the room. A device is known to inject a large amount of fresh air under a high-speed device directly into the exhaust air filters, thereby increasing suction efficiency. In the device according to the invention, a small amount of fresh air is injected under the low speed device into its suction portion in order to prevent the escape of waste air outside its area and to prevent contamination of the lamp glass.

Pri večini poznanih naprav je pogosto problem, kako doseči vse 20 notranje površine za čiščenje. Naprava po izumu omogoča dostop do vseh zunanjih in notranjih površin v sesalnem prostoru v spodnjem delu naprave in preko prednje stene, ki jo je možno odpreti, dostop do vseh notranjih delov osrednjega dela naprave.With most devices known, the common problem is how to reach all 20 interior cleaning surfaces. The device according to the invention provides access to all external and internal surfaces in the suction space in the lower part of the device and through all the openable front wall access to all internal parts of the central part of the device.

Naprava po izumu sesa z odvodnim ventilatorjem, ki ni del naprave, preko dveh sesalnih rež nad sesalnim koritom, preko enega ali več filtrov in preko enega ali več ploščnih izmenjevalnikov toplote onesnaženi zrak izpod naprave. Preko dovodnega ventilatorja, ki ni del naprave, se v napravo vpihuje zunanji zrak, ki gre v času potrebe po ogrevanju zraka, npr. pozimi, skozi ploščni izmenjevalnik toplote, da se ogreje z energijo odpadnega zraka in po potrebi tudi skozi dodatni grelni element, kot je npr. vodni ali električni grelnik. Sveži zrak gre nato v prostor ob zunanjih stenah naprave, iz katerega se vpihuje v prostor kuhinje. Manjši del svežega zraka gre lahko tudi direktno v sesalni prostor pod napravo za povečanje sesalne učinkovitosti naprave in za preprečevanje onesnaženja stekla svetilke. V času, ko ni potrebe po ogrevanju zraka, gre sveži zrak skozi rešetko by-passa mimo ploščnega izmenjevalnika toplote.The device according to the invention sucks with the exhaust fan, which is not a part of the device, through the two suction slots above the suction pan, through one or more filters and through one or more plate heat exchangers, the polluted air below the device. Through the supply fan, which is not part of the unit, the outside air is blown into the unit, which goes during the need for heating the air, e.g. in winter, through a plate heat exchanger to heat the exhaust air and, if necessary, through an additional heating element such as a water or electric heater. The fresh air then goes into the room next to the outside walls of the appliance, from which it blows into the kitchen space. A small amount of fresh air can also go directly into the intake compartment beneath the device to increase the suction efficiency of the device and to prevent contamination of the lamp glass. At times when there is no need to heat the air, fresh air passes through the by-pass grille past the plate heat exchanger.

Naprava po izumu ima v spodnjem sesalnem delu naprave sesalno korito v obliki črke V postavljeno tako, da se razdeli onesnaženi zrak, ki prihaja pri kuhanju iznad termičnih blokov na dva dela. Onesnaženi zrak potuje ob vsaki strani sesalnega korita do sesalnih rež, ob katerih tako nastopi največja koncentracija pretežno z vlago in maščobami nasičenega zraka. Zaradi visoke koncentracija onesnaženega zraka ob sesalnih režah, sesa naprava primarno onesnažen zrak, kar zagotavlja visoko učinkovitost sesanja. To učinkovitost izboljšuje še učinek visoke hitrosti v sesalni reži, zaradi katere je manjša možnost, da onesnaženi zrak pri visoki hitrosti dvigovanja pobegne mimo sesalne reže. Sesalni reži sta oblikovani tako, da s pomočjo vodilnih profilov spremenita smer vodoravnega toka zraka pri vhodu v sesalno režo v navpičnega navzdol proti sesalnemu koritu in nato navzgor proti filtrom, kjer je razbremenilni prostor za zmanjšanje hitrosti zraka. Sprememba smeri toka zraka v reži omogoča delno izločanje maščob in drugih nečistoč iz zraka. Oblika prečnega prereza korita v obliki črke V daje v zgornjem delu korita primeren razbremenitveni prostor, da se relativno visoka hitrost zraka pri izstopu iz sesalnih rež zmanjša na primerno hitrost enakomerno pred celo površino filtra pod ploščnim izmenjevalnikom toplote. Tako se zagotovi tudi dobra učinkovitost teh filtrov. Sesalno korito je obešeno na napravo tako, da je možno na enostaven način prilagajati višino obeh sesalnih rež na obeh straneh sesalnega korita tehnologiji kuhanja oz. količini onesnaženega zraka po posameznih področjih naprave. Za potrebe is čiščenja sesalnega korita in za potrebe izvlačenja filtrov se lahko spusti sesalno korito na nižjo višino. Tako je tudi omogočen pristop za čiščenje vseh notranjih in zunanjih površin naprave v njenem spodnjem sesalnem delu.The device according to the invention has a V-shaped suction sump in the lower suction portion of the device so as to distribute the polluted air coming from cooking over the thermal blocks into two parts. Contaminated air travels on each side of the intake manifold to the suction slots, where the highest concentration occurs, mainly with moisture and saturated air grease. Due to the high concentration of polluted air at the suction slots, the device sucks primarily contaminated air, which ensures high suction efficiency. This efficiency is further enhanced by the high velocity effect in the suction slot, which makes it less likely for contaminated air to escape past the suction slot at high lifting speed. The suction slots are designed to change the direction of the horizontal airflow at the inlet of the suction slot in a vertical downward direction towards the suction pan and then upward to the filters, where the air pressure is reduced. Changing the direction of air flow in the gap allows partial removal of fats and other impurities from the air. The cross-sectional shape of the V-shaped trough gives a comfortable relief space at the top of the trough to reduce the relatively high air velocity at the exit of the suction slots to a uniform velocity evenly in front of the entire surface of the filter under the plate heat exchanger. This also ensures good performance of these filters. The suction pan is suspended from the appliance so that the height of the two suction slots on either side of the suction pan can be easily adjusted to the cooking technology or. the amount of polluted air by area of the device. The suction pan can be lowered to a lower height for the purpose of cleaning the intake manifold and for filter extraction. This also provides an approach for cleaning all internal and external surfaces of the device in its lower suction section.

Obe zgornji usmerjavalni pločevini za sesalni reži sta oblikovani tako, da je med njima in ploščnim izmenjevalnikom toplote prostor za postavitev filtrov. Na usmerjevalnih pločevinah so pritrjena vodila, v katera se položijo filtri. Ker filtri nimajo možnosti 100% filtracije, gre vedno minimalen del maščob tudi skozi njih v ploščne izmenjevalnike toplote. Na ploščnih izmenjevalnikih toplote se tudi zadrži določena količina maščob, zato imajo poleg prenosa energije tudi funkcijo nadaljne filtracije zraka. Majhna dimenzija ploščnih izmenjevalnikov, npr. 400 x 300 x 300 mm, omogoča enostavno pranje le-teh.The two upper intake manifolds of the intake slots are designed so that there is a space for the installation of filters between them and the plate heat exchanger. Guides are attached to the guidance panels, into which the filters are placed. Because filters do not have 100% filtration capability, a minimal portion of the fat always goes through the plate heat exchangers. The plate heat exchangers also retain a certain amount of fat, so they have the function of further air filtration in addition to energy transfer. Small dimension of plate changers e.g. 400 x 300 x 300 mm, easy to wash.

Med sesalnim koritom in prednjo stranico naprave je nosilna pločevina za svetilko oblikovana tako, da svetilka s pravilnega kota osvetljuje delovno področje pod napravo nad termičnimi bloki. Na nosilni pločevini za svetilko je nameščeno steklo svetilke. Steklo svetilke je položeno na nosilno pločevino tako, da je med steklom in nosilno pločevino svetilke io možna reža na zgornji strani stekla ali na spodnji strani stekla ali na obeh straneh stekla. Z eno od teh kombinacij se vpihuje manjši del svežega zraka, ki prihaja v prostor nad steklom, pod steklo, da se ščiti spodnji del stekla pred onesnaženim zrakom pod napravo in, da se naredi tudi zračna zavesa oziroma zračni tok za preusmeritev onesnaženega zraka, ki je is morebiti ušel mimo sesalne reže, nazaj k sesalni reži. Katera od kombinacij vpihovalnih rež pod steklom se uporablja, zavisi od razdalje med sesalnim koritom in prednjo stranico naprave. Ta razdalja se lahko spreminja v odvisnosti od velikosti in vrste termičnega bloka pod napravo. Med nosilno pločevino svetilke in prednjo steno naprave je lahko tudi reža za vpihovanje dela svežega zraka, ki prihaja iz prostora nad nosilno pločevino svetilke, v sesalni prostor pod napravo. Vpihovani sveži zrak naredi zračno zaveso za prednjo stranico naprave in tako preprečuje onesnaženemu zraku, ki je pri prvem dvigovanju izpod termičnih blokov morebiti ušel mimo sesalne reže, da bi šel ta mimo naprave v prostor pred napravo.Between the intake manifold and the front of the device, the luminaire backing plate is designed so that the lamp illuminates the work area below the device above the thermal blocks from the correct angle. A lamp glass is mounted on the lamp carrier. The luminaire glass shall be placed on the support plate so that a gap can be found between the glass and the lamp support plate on the upper side of the glass or on the underside of the glass or on both sides of the glass. With one of these combinations, a small amount of fresh air entering the space above the glass is blown under the glass to protect the lower glass from the polluted air below the device and to create an air curtain or airflow to divert the polluted air, may have escaped past the suction slot, back to the suction slot. Which of the combinations of blowing slots under glass is used depends on the distance between the suction pan and the front of the device. This distance may vary depending on the size and type of thermal block below the unit. Between the lamp carrier plate and the front wall of the device may also be a slot for the intake of fresh air coming from the space above the lamp carrier plate into the suction space below the device. Blowing in fresh air creates an air curtain for the front of the device, thus preventing contaminated air, which may have escaped past the suction slot when first lifted from the thermal blocks to pass this device into the space in front of the device.

Naprava po izumu ne varčuje energije le s prenosom toplotne energije odpadnega zraka v sveži zrak. Učinkovit sistem sesanja, ki ga podpira rešitev dveh sesalnih rež in rešitev vpihovanja manjšega deleža svežega zraka v sesalni prostor pod napravo, omogoča tudi manjšo potrebno kapaciteto odvodnega ventilatorja za doseganje enakega sesalnega učinka kot pri klasičnem načinu sesanja zraka direktno preko filtrskih modulov.The device according to the invention does not save energy only by transferring the thermal energy of the waste air into fresh air. The efficient suction system, supported by the solution of two suction slots and the solution of blowing a small fraction of fresh air into the suction room below the device, also provides the smaller required exhaust fan capacity to achieve the same suction effect as in the conventional mode of sucking air directly through the filter modules.

Med zgornjo pločevino naprave, na kateri so priključki za kanale in spodnjo pločevino, ki predstavlja dno naprave, so vodila, v katerih ležijo ploščni izmenjevalniki toplote. Ti pločevini se, ko se vstavijo ploščni izmenjevalniki toplote v vodila, z napenjalnimi vijaki ali drugim načinom spenjanja stisnejo k izmenjevalnikom toplote tako, da se zagotavlja dobro tesnjenje in s tem minimalna izguba svežega zraka, ki gre direktno v odvedeni zrak. Tako se ob enostavni in poceni konstrukciji zagotavlja dobro tesnjenje, kar je največkrat problem pri drugih rešitvah vpenjanja ploščnih izmenjevalnikov toplote v napravo.Between the top plate of the appliance containing the duct connections and the bottom sheet representing the bottom of the appliance are the guides in which the plate heat exchangers lie. These plates, when inserted into the plate heat exchangers in the guides, are compressed by means of tensioning screws or other clamping method to the heat exchangers in such a way as to ensure good sealing and thus a minimum loss of fresh air that goes directly into the exhaust air. Thus, with a simple and inexpensive design, good sealing is ensured, which is often a problem with other solutions of clamping plate heat exchangers to the unit.

Sprememba pretoka svežega zraka skozi ploščni izmenjevalnik toploteChanging the flow of fresh air through the plate heat exchanger

2o v zimskem času in mimo njega v letnem času je rešena z dvema zavesama, ki se navijata v nasprotni smeri na navijalno palico zaves. Pri zapiranju pretoka svežega zraka skozi ploščni izmenjevalnik toplote se zavesa ob njem odvija navzdol tako, da prekrije ploščni izmenjevalnik toplote. Istočasno se druga zavesa pred rešetko by-passa dviguje in tako odpira pretok svežega zraka mimo ploščnega izmenjevalnika skozi rešetko. Pri vrtenju navijalne palice zaves v nasprotno smer se zapira pretok zraka skozi rešetko by-passa in odpira pretok zraka skozi ploščni izmenjevalnik toplote. Navijalno palico zaves vrti servopogon. Taka rešitev takoimenovanega by-passa je konstrukcijsko precej enostavnejša od dozdaj znanih rešitev in zagotavlja zelo dobro tesnjenje zraka. Sveži zrak gre tako skozi ploščni izmenjevalnik ali mimo njega v prostor ob zunanjih stranicah naprave po izumu. Nad stranicami se vpihuje sveži zrak preko usmerjevalnih loput v prostor. Po potrebi je lahko za ploščnim izmenjevalnikom toplote tudi vodni ali električni grelnik za dogrevanje zraka.2o in winter and past it in the season is solved by two curtains that wind in the opposite direction to the winding rod of the curtains. When the fresh air flow through the plate heat exchanger is closed, the curtain next to it flows downwards so as to cover the plate heat exchanger. At the same time, the second curtain rises in front of the by-pass grille, opening fresh air flow past the plate exchanger through the grille. Turning the curtain rod in the opposite direction closes the airflow through the by-pass grille and opens the airflow through the plate heat exchanger. The winding rod of the curtains rotates the actuator. This so-called by-pass solution is much simpler in structure than the solutions known so far and provides very good air sealing. Fresh air is then passed through or past the plate exchanger into the space adjacent to the outer sides of the apparatus according to the invention. Above the sides, fresh air is blown through the directional flaps into the room. If necessary, a water or electric air heater may be behind the plate heat exchanger.

Prednja stranica naprave po izumu je na tečajih in se lahko enostavno odpre. Tako se dobi za čiščenje in vzdrževanje dostop do vseh notranjih površin naprave in do vseh pomembnih delov naprave v njeni notranjosti: električne napeljave, električne svetilke, ploščnega izmenjevalnika toplote, zavese by-passa, servopogona by-passa, presostata za ugotavljanje zamazanosti filtra, vodnega ali električnega grelnika, če je potreben.The front of the device according to the invention is hinged and can be easily opened. This gives access to all internal surfaces of the device and to all important parts of the device inside: cleaning of electrical installations, electric lamps, plate heat exchanger, by-pass curtain, serv-by-pass servomotor, greaseproof filter, water or an electric heater if needed.

V zgornjem besedilu je bila opisana enostranska naprava z enimThe text above described a one-sided device with one

2o ploščnim izmenjevalnikom toplote. V napravi po izumu lahko leži eden ob drugem tudi več ploščnih izmenjevalnikov toplote s fitri pod njimi. Dve enostranski napravi, spojeni na zadnji stranici, predstavljata dvostransko napravo namenjeno za postavitev nad dvema vrstama termičnih blokov oziroma za potrebe po večji širini naprave. Tako se s spojitvijo dveh naprav po izumu naredi dvostranska naprava. Za večje dolžine naprav se lahko postavi več naprav po izumu eno poleg druge.2o plate heat exchanger. In the apparatus according to the invention, several plate heat exchangers with fittings beneath them may be side by side. The two one-sided devices connected at the back are a two-sided device designed to be positioned above two types of thermal blocks or for larger widths. Thus, by connecting two devices according to the invention, a two-sided device is made. For longer device lengths, several devices according to the invention may be placed side by side.

Naprava po izumu je v nadaljevanju podrobneje opisana na osnovi izvedbenega primera in slik, od katerih kaže:The device according to the invention is described below in more detail based on an embodiment and figures, of which:

slika 1 pogled od spredaj na napravo po izumu brez prednje stranice s ploščnim izmenjevalnikom toplote na eni strani in by-pass rešetko na drugi strani;Fig. 1 is a front view of the device according to the invention without a front face with a plate heat exchanger on one side and a by-pass grille on the other;

slika 2 stranski pogled na enostransko napravo po izumu v prerezu A-A;Figure 2 is a side view of a one-sided device according to the invention in cross-section A-A;

slika 3 stranski pogled na enostransko napravo po izumu v prerezu B-B;3 is a side view of a one-sided device according to the invention in cross-section B-B;

slika 4 stranski pogled na enostransko napravo po izumu v prerezu4 is a cross-sectional side view of a one-sided device according to the invention


slika 5 pogled od spredaj na napravo po izumu brez prednje stranice s ploščnim izmenjevalnikom toplote na levi in desni strani in by-pass rešetko na sredini;Fig. 5 is a front view of the device according to the invention without a front face with a plate heat exchanger on the left and right sides and a by-pass grille in the middle;

slika 6 pogled na napravo po izumu z več ploščnimi izmenjevalniki toplote in več filtri na eni strani in by-pass rešetko na drugi strani v prerezu D-D;6 is a view of an apparatus according to the invention with multiple plate heat exchangers and multiple filters on one side and a by-pass grate on the other in cross section D-D;

slika 7 pogled od strani na dvostransko napravo po izumu v prerezu7 is a cross-sectional side view of a double-sided device according to the invention


Naprava po izumu ima lahko po dolžini postavljenih enega ali več ploščnih izmenjevalnikov toplote in temu primerno enega ali več filtrov.The device according to the invention may have one or more plate heat exchangers and one or more filters accordingly.

Če se dve enostranski napravi spojita na zadnji steni, nastane dvostranska naprava. V nadaljevanju je opisana enostranskna naprava z enim izmenjevalnikom toplote in enim filtrom.If two one-sided devices merge on the back wall, a two-sided device is created. The following describes a single-sided device with one heat exchanger and one filter.

Napravo po izumu sestavlja osrednje ohišje 1 iz spodnje pločevine 1A, zgornje pločevine 1B, zadnje pločevine 1C, leve pločevine 1D in desne io pločevine 1E. Okrog osrednjega ohišja 1 so prednja stranica 2, ki se lahko odpre okoli tečaja 48, zadnja stranica 3, leva stranica 4 in desna stranicaThe device according to the invention consists of a central housing 1 of the lower plate 1A, the upper plate 1B, the rear plate 1C, the left plate 1D and the right io plate 1E. Around the central housing 1 are the front side 2, which can be opened around the hinge 48, the rear side 3, the left side 4 and the right side

5. Pod osrednjim ohišjem 1 je sesalno korito 7 in sesalni prostor 6, v katerem se zbira onesnažen zrak. Sesalno korito 7 ima v spodnjem delu eno ali več odprtin 7E za odvod kondenza in nečistoč, prednjo stranico 7A is in zadnjo stranico 7B, ki se poševno dvigata v obliki črke V in na vrhu prednji zgornji rob 7C in zadnji zgornji rob 7D. Onesnažen zrak gre iz sesalnega prostora 6 pred sesalnim koritom 7 mimo prednje stranice 7A in prednjega zgornjega roba 7C sesalnega korita 7 skozi prednjo sesalno režo 8 v razbremenilni prostor 10. Na nasprotni strani za sesalnim koritom5. Under the central housing 1 there is a suction sump 7 and a suction chamber 6 in which the polluted air is collected. The intake manifold 7 has one or more openings 7E for draining condensation and impurities in the lower portion, the front side 7A is and the rear side 7B rising obliquely in the form of a letter V and at the top the front upper edge 7C and the rear upper edge 7D. Contaminated air enters the intake compartment 6 in front of the intake manifold 7 past the front side 7A and the front upper edge 7C of the intake manifold 7 through the front intake slot 8 into the relief space 10. On the opposite side behind the intake manifold

7 gre onesnažen zrak iz sesalnega prostora 6 mimo zadnje stranice 7B in zadnjega zgornjega roba 7D skozi zadnjo sesalno režo 9 v razbremenilni prostor 10. Iz razbremenilnega prostora 10 gre onesnažen odpadni zrak skozi filter 11, ploščni izmenjevalnik 12 toplote in kanalski priključek 13 iz naprave. Svež zrak prihaja skozi kanalski priključek 14 v prostor 15 in nato skozi ploščni izmenjevalnik 12 toplote ali rešetko by-passa 16 mimo distančnih nosilcev 17A in 17B v prostor 18 ob prednji stranici 2, v prostor 19 ob levi stranici 4 in v prostor 20 ob desni stranici 5. Iz prostorov 18, 19 in 20 se vpihuje zrak mimo prednje usmerjevalne lopute 21, leve usmerjevalne lopute 22 in desne usmerjevalne lopute 23 v prezračevani prostor. Za ploščnim izmenjevalnikom 12 toplote je lahko tudi vodni ali električni grelnik 24. Pločevine, ki obdajajo prostor 15, v katerega prihaja pozimi mrzel zunanji zrak, so izolirane, da preprečimo nastajanje io kondenza.7, the contaminated air from the suction room 6 passes past the back side 7B and the rear upper edge 7D through the rear suction slot 9 into the discharge space 10. From the relief space 10, the exhaust air is passed through the filter 11, the plate heat exchanger 12 and the duct 13 from the device. Fresh air enters through duct 14 into space 15 and then through a plate heat exchanger 12 or bypass 16 through past spacers 17A and 17B to space 18 on front 2, space 19 on left 4, and space 20 on right pages 5. From rooms 18, 19 and 20, air is blown past the front directional flap 21, the left directional flap 22 and the right directional flap 23 into the ventilated area. Behind the plate heat exchanger 12 may also be a water or electric heater 24. The sheets surrounding the enclosure 15 into which the cold outside air enters in winter are insulated to prevent io condensation.

V prednji sesalni reži 8 spremeni prednji vodilni profil 25 smer zraka navzdol proti sesalnemu koritu 7 in potem spremeni onesnaženi zrak ponovno smer navzgor proti filtru 11. Na podoben način spremeni smer onesnaženega zraka zadnji vodilni profil 26. V razbremenilnem prostoruIn the front intake slot 8, the front leading profile 25 changes the air direction downward towards the intake manifold 7 and then changes the contaminated air upwards again to the filter 11. Similarly, the direction of the polluted air changes the rear leading profile 26. In the relief space

10 se zmanjša hitrost zraka na primerno hitrost pred filtrom 11. Pri spremembi smeri zraka ob prednjem vodilnem profilu 25 in zadnjem vodilnem profilu 26 se na koncu prednje sesalne reže 8 in zadnje sesalne reže 9 izloča na dno sesalnega korita 7 del maščob in drugih nečistoč iz zraka, kar predstavlja prvo stopnjo filtracije. Nad prednjim vodilnim10 decreases the air velocity to a suitable velocity in front of the filter 11. When changing the direction of the air along the front guide profile 25 and the rear guide profile 26, a portion of grease and other impurities are removed from the bottom of the intake manifold 7 at the end of the intake manifold 7. air, which is the first stage of filtration. Above the front leading

2o profilom 25 je prednji vodilni profil 27 filtra 11 in nad zadnjim vodilnim profilom 26 je zadnji vodilni profil 28 filtra 11. V ta profila je vstavljen filter 11 za fino izločanje maščob in drugih nečistoč. Sesalno korito 7 je obešeno na levi strani naprave preko dveh levih nosilnih ploščic 29A, 29B z navojem. Na leve nosilne ploščice 29A, 29B sta priviti dve levi navojni palici 30A, 30B, ki s pomočjo levih slepih navojnih matic 31 A, 31B visita na levi nosilni palici 32A. Leva nosilna palica 32A je obešena v utora 33A in 33B na levem distančnem nosilcu 34A, ki ima tudi vlogo povezave med osrednjim ohišjem 1 in levo stranico 4. Sesalno korito 7 je obešeno na desni strani naprave preko dveh desnih nosilnih ploščic 29C, 29D z navojem. Na desne nosilne ploščice 29C, 29D sta priviti dve desni navojni palici 30C, 30D, ki s pomočjo desnih slepih navojnih matic 31 C, 31D visita na desni nosilni palici 32B. Desna nosilna palica 32B je obešena v utora io 33C in 33D na desnem distančnem nosilcu 34B, ki ima tudi vlogo povezave med osrednjim ohišjem 1 in desno stranico 5. Z vrtenjem slepih navojnih matic 31 A, 31 B, 31C in 31D se lahko regulira višina sesalnih rež 8 in 9. V primeru potrebe po čiščenju sesalnega korita 7 ali izvlačenju filtrov 11 iz naprave, se lahko spusti sesalno korito 7 na nižjo višino tako, is da se nosilni palici 32A in 32B odmakne iz njunih utorov 33A, 33B, 33C in2o profile 25 is the front leading profile 27 of filter 11 and above the last leading profile 26 is the last leading profile 28 of filter 11. A filter 11 is inserted into these profiles for fine elimination of grease and other impurities. The suction sump 7 is suspended on the left side of the device via the two left threaded carrier plates 29A, 29B. To the left support pads 29A, 29B are screwed two left threaded rods 30A, 30B which, by means of the left blind threaded nuts 31 A, 31B, hang on the left support rod 32A. The left support rod 32A is suspended in slots 33A and 33B on the left spacer bracket 34A, which also acts as a connection between the central housing 1 and the left side 4. The suction sump 7 is suspended on the right side of the device via the two right carrier pads 29C, 29D with thread . To the right of the carrier pads 29C, 29D are screwed two right threaded rods 30C, 30D which by the right blind threaded nuts 31 C, 31D visits the right carrier rod 32B. The right support rod 32B is hung in the grooves io 33C and 33D on the right spacer bracket 34B, which also acts as a connection between the central housing 1 and the right side 5. By adjusting the blind threaded nuts 31 A, 31 B, 31C and 31D, the height can be adjusted suction slots 8 and 9. If it is necessary to clean the suction trough 7 or to remove the filters 11 from the apparatus, the suction trough 7 can be lowered to a lower height by moving the carrier rods 32A and 32B from their slots 33A, 33B, 33C and

33D in spusti na spodnjo pločevino 1A.33D and lower to 1A bottom plate.

Ploščni izmenjevalnik 12 toplote leži v osrednjem ohišju 1 med spodnjo pločevino 1A in zgornjo pločevino 1B na vodilih 35A, 35B, 35C in 35D. Tesnenje ploščnega izmenjevalnika 12 toplote se zagotovi tako, da seThe plate heat exchanger 12 lies in the central housing 1 between the lower plate 1A and the upper plate 1B on guides 35A, 35B, 35C and 35D. The sealing of the plate heat exchanger 12 shall be ensured by

2o spodnjo pločevino 1A in zgornjo pločevino 1B stisne k ploščnemu izmenjevalniku 12 toplote. Stiskanje spodnje pločevine 1A in zgornje pločevine 1B se lahko izvede preko vodil 35A in 35C s prednjim napenjalnim vijakom 36A in preko vodil 35B in 35D z zadnjim napenjalnim vijakom 36B. Namesto napenjalnih vijakov 36A in 36B se lahko uporabi tudi drug način stiskanja kot npr. s klipsnami itd. Za ploščnim izmenjevalnikom 12 toplote je lahko grelnik zraka 24, kot npr. vodni grelnik, električni grelnik.2o squeezes the lower plate 1A and the upper plate 1B to the plate heat exchanger 12. Compression of the lower plate 1A and the upper plate 1B can be performed via guides 35A and 35C with a front tensioning screw 36A and through guides 35B and 35D with a rear tensioning screw 36B. Instead of tensioning screws 36A and 36B, another method of compression may be used such as e.g. with clips etc. Behind the plate heat exchanger 12 may be an air heater 24, such as e.g. water heater, electric heater.

Leva pločevina 1D in desna pločevina 1E imata na zgornjem delu narejeni vodilni izvrtini, ki vodita navijalno palico 37. Na navijalno palico 37 je pred ploščnim izmenjevalnikom 12 toplote navita zavesa ploščnega izmenjevalnika toplote 38. Pred rešetko by-passa 16 je navita v nasprotni smeri zavesa rešetke by-passa 39. Pri vrtenju navijalne palice 37 se navija io ena zavesa, druga pa odvija. Tako se lahko izmenično zapira dovod svežega zraka iz prostora 15 skozi ploščni izmenjevalnik 12 toplote in skozi rešetko by-passa 16. Navijalno palico 37 vrti servomotor 40, ki je lahko pritrjen na levi, desni ali na obeh straneh osrednjega ohišja 1.The left sheet metal 1D and the right sheet metal 1E have guide holes in the upper part leading the winding rod 37. The curtain of the plate heat exchanger 38 is wound on the winding rod 37 in front of the heat exchanger 12. by-pass grilles 39. One rotates the curtain rod 37 while the other curves unfold. In this way, fresh air from the space 15 can be alternately closed through the plate heat exchanger 12 and through the by-pass grate 16. The winding rod 37 is rotated by a servomotor 40, which can be attached to the left, right or both sides of the central housing 1.

Na nosilni pločevini 41 svetilke 43 leži pod ustreznim kotom za dobro is osvetlitev delovnega področja pod napravo steklo 42 svetilke 43. Nad njim je svetilka 43 z ohišjem 44. Steklo 42 svetilke 43 je mogoče položiti na nosilno pločevino 41 svetilke 43 tako, da je med pločevino 41 in steklom 42 ena vpihovalna reža 45 na zgornji strani stekla 42 ali druga vpihovalna reža 46 na spodnji strani stekla 42 ali da sta reži 45 in 46 na obeh straneh stekla 42 svetilke 43. Manjši del svežega zraka iz prostora 18 gre tako lahko skozi eno izmed rež 45 ali 46 ali skozi obe reži 45 in 46. Tako se prepreči mazanje stekla 42 svetilke 43 z onesnaženim zrakom iz prostora 6 pod napravo po izumu, istočasno pa nastala zračna zavesa pomaga vračati onesnaženi zrak, ki je šel morebiti mimo sesalne reže 8 nazaj k sesalni reži 8. Katera izmed vpihovalnih rež 45, 46 bo odprta, je odvisno od širine naprave po izumu oz. od razdalje med sesalnim koritom 7 in prednjo stranico 2. Med prednjo stranico 2 naprave in nosilno pločevinoOn the supporting plate 41 of the lamp 43 lies at an appropriate angle for good use and illumination of the working area below the device glass 42 of the lamp 43. Above it is a lamp 43 with a housing 44. The glass 42 of the lamp 43 can be placed on the supporting plate 41 of the lamp 43 so that between sheet 41 and glass 42 one blowing slot 45 on the upper side of the glass 42 or the other blowing slot 46 on the lower side of the glass 42 or that the slots 45 and 46 on both sides of the glass 42 lamp 43. A small amount of fresh air from the space 18 can thus pass through one of the slots 45 or 46 or through both slots 45 and 46. This prevents the luminaire glass 42 from contaminated air from the compartment 6 under the device of the invention being prevented, while at the same time the resulting air curtain helps to return the contaminated air that may have gone past the suction slot 8. Which of the blowing slots 45, 46 will be open, depends on the width of the device according to the invention or. from the distance between the intake manifold 7 and the front side 2. Between the front side 2 of the device and the carrier plate

41 svetilke 43 je vpihovalna reža 4. Manjši del svežega zraka se iz prostora 18 vpihuje skozi režo 47 v sesalni prostor 6. Ta vpihovani zrak ustvari za prednjo stranico 2 naprave zračno zaveso, ki preprečuje, da bi šel morebitni onesnaženi zrak, ki je šel mimo sesalne reže 8 tudi mimo prednje stranice 2 v prostor kuhinje. V vpihovalne reže 45, 46 in 47 gre io lahko le manjši del svežega zraka iz prostora 18. Pretežna količina svežega zraka se vpihuje iz prostorov 18, 19 in 20 preko usmerjevalnih loput 21,22 in 23 v prezračevani prostor.41 of the lamp 43 is a blower slot 4. A small portion of fresh air is expelled from the compartment 18 through a slot 47 into the intake compartment 6. This blown air creates an air curtain for the front side 2 of the device to prevent any contaminated air from escaping. past the suction slot 8 also past the front 2 into the kitchen area. Only a small portion of fresh air from compartment 18 can be inserted into the blowing slots 45, 46 and 47. The majority of fresh air is blown from the compartments 18, 19 and 20 via the directing flaps 21,22 and 23 into the ventilated space.

Naprava po izumu ima lahko v eni vrsti en ploščni izmenjevalnik 12 toplote ali več ploščnih izmenjevalnikov 12, 12A, ..., 12N toplote in pod njimi en filter 11 ali več filtrov 11, 11A, ..., 11N. En ploščni izmenjevalnik 12 toplote ali več ploščnih izmenjevalnikov 12, 12A, ..., 12N toplote so lahko položeni le na eni strani osrednjega dela 1 tako, da je na drugi strani rešetka by-passa 16, lahko pa je na drugi strani rešetke by-passa 16' položen še eden ploščni izmenjevalnik 12' toplote ali več ploščnih izmenjevalnikov 12', 12A', ..., 12N' toplote, ki so v vodilih 35A', 35B', 35C' in 35D' stisnjeni k spodnji pločevini 1A' in zgornji pločevini 1B' z napenjalnima vijakoma 36A', 36B'.The device according to the invention may have in one row one plate heat exchanger 12 or more plate heat exchangers 12, 12A, ..., 12N heat and below them one filter 11 or more filters 11, 11A, ..., 11N. One plate heat exchanger 12 or more plate heat exchangers 12, 12A, ..., 12N heat can be placed only on one side of the central part 1 so that the by-pass 16 is on the other side, or on the other side of the grid by -pass 16 'placed another plate heat exchanger 12' or more plate heat exchangers 12 ', 12A', ..., 12N 'heat which are compressed to the lower plate 1A in guides 35A', 35B ', 35C' and 35D ' 'and top plates 1B' with tensioning screws 36A ', 36B'.

Ena naprava po izumu je lahko na strani zadnje pločevine 1C privijačena ali na drugačen način spojena z drugo napravo na strani zadnje pločevine 1C' tako, da sestavlja dvostransko napravo. V takem primeru napravi po izumu ni potrebno imeti zadnje stranice 3.One device according to the invention may be screwed on or on the side of the rear sheet 1C or otherwise connected to another device on the side of the rear plate 1C 'to form a double-sided device. In such a case, the device according to the invention does not need to have a rear face 3.

Claims (13)

PATENTNI ZAHTEVKIPATENT APPLICATIONS 1. Varčna sesalno-vpihovalna napa, ki jo sestavlja osrednje ohišje (1) , prednja stranica (2), zadnja stranica (3), leva stranica (4) in desna1. Economical suction hood consisting of a central housing (1), front (2), rear (3), left side (4) and right 5 stranica (5), ki ločijo spodnji sesalni prostor (6) s sesalnim koritom (7) in nosilcem (41) svetilke (43) od zgornjega dela, na katerem je kanalski priključek (13) za odvod odpadnega zraka in kanalski priključek (14) za dovod svežega zraka, označena s tem, io da je v sesalnem prostoru (6) sesalno korito (7), nad katerim je prednja sesalna reža (8) in zadnja sesalna reža (9), ploščati filter (11) ali več ploščatih filtrov (11, 11 A, ..., 11 N) za odvod maščob in drugih nečistoč iz zraka in ploščni izmenjevalnik (12) toplote ali več ploščnih izmenjevalnikov (12, 12A.....12N) toplote in, daje pred enim ploščnim is izmenjevainikom (12) toplote ali večimi ploščnimi izmenjevalniki (12, 12A, ..., 12N) toplote navijalna palica (37) z zaveso ploščnega izmenjevalnika (38) toplote in z zaveso rešetke by-passa (39) in, da je nad nosilcem (41) svetilke (43) steklo (42) svetilke (43) z eno izmed vpihovalnih rež (45, 46) ali obema hkrati in, da je med prednjo stranico5 sides (5) separating the lower intake compartment (6) with the intake manifold (7) and the lamp holder (41) from the upper part, on which there is a duct connection (13) for the exhaust air outlet and the duct connection (14) ) for supplying fresh air, characterized in that, in the suction chamber (6), there is a suction sump (7) above which the front suction slot (8) and the rear suction slot (9) have a flat filter (11) or more flat filters (11, 11 A, ..., 11 N) for the removal of grease and other impurities from the air and the plate heat exchanger (12) or more plate heat exchangers (12, 12A ..... 12N) and, before one plate heat exchanger (12) or multiple plate heat exchangers (12, 12A, ..., 12N) heat coil rod (37) with plate heat exchanger curtain (38) and by-pass grate curtain (39) and that above the holder (41) of the lamp (43) the glass (42) of the lamp (43) with one of the blowing slots (45, 46) or both at the same time and between the front 20 (2) in nosilcem (41) svetilke (43) vpihovalna reža (47).20 (2) and the lamp holder (41) (43) the blowing slot (47). 2. Varčna sesalno-vpihovalna napa, po zahtevku 1, označena s tem, da je sesalno korito (7) postavljeno pod filter (11), ki je pod ploščnim izmenjevalnikom (12) toplote in, da ima sesalno korito (7) večjo širino od širine filtra (11) in ploščnega izmenjevalnika (12) toplote in, da ima sesalno korito prednjo stranico (7A) in zadnjo stranico (7B) nagnjenoEconomical suction hood according to claim 1, characterized in that the suction sump (7) is placed under a filter (11) which is below the plate heat exchanger (12) and that the suction sump (7) has a wider width from the width of the filter (11) and the plate heat exchanger (12) and that the suction pan has a front side (7A) and a back side (7B) 5 eno proti drugi v obliki črke V in, da ima sesalno korito na dnu eno ali več odprtin za odvod kondenza (7E).5 to one another in the form of a V, and to have at the bottom one or more condensate outlets (7E) at the bottom. 3. Varčna sesalno-vpihovalna napa, po zahtevku 2, označena s tem, io da je prednji zgornji rob (7C) in zadnji zgornji rob (7D) sesalnega korita (7) dvakrat zapognjen tako, da je pod robom (7C) in (7D) ležišče za nosilne ploščice (29A, 29B, 29C, 29D) z navojem in, da so robovi (7C) in (7D) zarezani tako, da gredo v njih in iz njih navojne palice (30A, 30B, 30C, 30D) pri obešanju in razobešanju sesalnega korita (7) izEconomical suction hood according to claim 2, characterized in that the front upper edge (7C) and rear upper edge (7D) of the intake manifold (7) are double-folded so as to be below the edge (7C) and ( 7D) bearing plate (29A, 29B, 29C, 29D) threaded and the edges (7C) and (7D) being cut so that threaded rods (30A, 30B, 30C, 30D) are threaded into and out of them. when hanging and uncoupling the intake manifold (7) from 15 varčne sesalno-vpihovalne nape.15 economical suction hoods. 4. Varčna sesalno-vpihovalna napa, po zahtevkih od 1 do 3, označena s tem, da visi sesalno korito (7) na osrednjem delu (1) preko nosilnih ploščicEconomical suction hood according to claims 1 to 3, characterized in that it hangs the suction sump (7) on the central part (1) over the supporting plates 20 (29A, 29B, 29C, 29D) z navojem v katere so privite navojne palice (30A, 30B, 30C, 30D), ki na vrhu visijo preko slepih matic (31A, 31 B, 31 C, 31 D), namenjenih tudi za regulacijo višine sesalnih rež (8, 9), na nosilnih palicah (32A, 32B), ki ležijo v utorih (33A, 33B) levega distančnega nosilca (34A) in utorih (33C, 33D) desnega distančnega nosilca (34B), s katerih je možno spustiti nosilni palici (32A, 32B) na spodnjo pločevino (1A) in s tem tudi celotno sesalno korito (7) v položaj za čiščenje.20 (29A, 29B, 29C, 29D) with threaded threaded rods (30A, 30B, 30C, 30D), which hang on top over blind nuts (31A, 31 B, 31 C, 31 D), also intended for adjusting the height of the suction slots (8, 9), on the supporting rods (32A, 32B) lying in the grooves (33A, 33B) of the left spacer bracket (34A) and the grooves (33C, 33D) of the right spacer bracket (34B), with of which it is possible to lower the carrier rods (32A, 32B) to the lower plate (1A) and thus the entire suction pan (7) to the cleaning position. 5. Varčna sesalno-vpihovalna napa, po zahtevkih od 1 do 3, označena s tem, da je nad prednjim zgornjim robom (7C) prednji vodilni profil (25) in nad zadnjim zgornjim robom (7D) zadnji vodilni profil (26) in, da sta vodilna io profila (25, 26) zakrivljena navzdol tako, da spremeni onesnaženi zrak v sesalnih režah (8, 9) smer toka navzdol proti sesalnemu koritu (7), da se izločajo nečistoče iz zraka in, da je možna razbremenitev hitrosti zraka pred filtrom (11) ali večimi filtri (11, 11 A, ..., 11 N).The economical suction hood according to claims 1 to 3, characterized in that, above the front upper edge (7C), there is a front guide profile (25) and above the rear upper edge (7D) the rear guide profile (26) and, that the guide io of the profile (25, 26) is curved downward by changing the polluted air in the suction slots (8, 9) downstream to the suction sump (7), to remove impurities from the air and to relieve air velocity before the filter (11) or more filters (11, 11 A, ..., 11 N). isis 6. Varčna sesalno-vpihovalna napa, po zahtevku 5, označena s tem, da je na prednji vodilni profil (25) postavljen prednji vodilni profil (27) filtra (11) in, da je na zadnji vodilni profil (26) postavljen zadnji vodilni profil (28) filtra (11) in, da je v profilih (27, 28) nameščen filter (11) aliEconomical suction hood according to claim 5, characterized in that a front guide profile (27) of the filter (11) is mounted on the front guide profile (25) and that a rear guide is mounted on the rear guide profile (26) filter profile (28) (11) and that filter (11) is provided in the profiles (27, 28), or 20 več filtrov (11, 11 A, 11 N).20 more filters (11, 11 A, 11 N). 7. Varčna sesalno-vpihovalna napa, po zahtevku 1, označena s tem, da so na spodnjo pločevino (1A) pritrjena kotna vodila (35A, 35B) in, da so na zgornjo pločevino (1B) pritrjena kotna vodila (35C,35D) in, da v teh vodilih leži eden ploščni izmenjevalnik (12) toplote ali več ploščnih izmenjevalnikov (12, 12A, ..., 12N) toplote ki so v namen tesnjenjaEconomical suction hood according to claim 1, characterized in that the angle guides (35A, 35B) are attached to the lower plate (1A) and the angular guides (35C, 35D) are attached to the upper plate (1B). and that in these guides lies one plate heat exchanger (12) or more plate heat exchangers (12, 12A, ..., 12N) for sealing purposes 5 stisnjeni med spodnjo pločevino (1A) in zgornjo pločevino (1B).5 sandwiched between the lower sheet (1A) and the upper sheet (1B). 8. Varčna sesalno-vpihovalna napa, po zahtevku 7, označena s tem, da je med kotnimi vodili (35A, 35C) napenjalni vijak z levim in desnim io navojem ali klipsna (36A) in med kotnimi vodili (35B, 35D) napenjalni vijak z levim in desnim navojem ali klipsna (36B) za stiskanje spodnje pločevine (1A) in zgornje pločevine (1B) k ploščnemu izmenjevalniku (12) toplote ali k večim ploščnim izmenjevalnikom (12, 12A, ..., 12N). toplote.Economical suction hood according to claim 7, characterized in that there is a tension screw with left and right io threads between the angular guides (35A, 35C) or a piston (36A) and between the angular guides (35B, 35D) with left and right threads or piston (36B) for compressing the lower plate (1A) and upper plate (1B) to the plate heat exchanger (12) or to multiple plate heat exchangers (12, 12A, ..., 12N). heat. 9. Varčna sesalno-vpihovalna napa, po zahtevku 7 in 8, označena s tem, da so na nasprotni strani kotnih vodil (35A, 35B, 35C, 35D) za enega ploščnega izmenjevalnika (12) toplote ali več ploščnih izmenjevalnikovEconomical suction hood according to Claims 7 and 8, characterized in that they are on the opposite side of the angular guides (35A, 35B, 35C, 35D) for one or more plate heat exchangers (12) 20 (12, 12A, ..., 12N) toplote postavljena kotna vodila (35A', 35B', 35C',20 (12, 12A, ..., 12N) heat positioned angle guides (35A ', 35B', 35C ', 35D') za enega ploščnega izmenjevalnika (12') toplote ali več ploščnih izmenjevalnikov (12', 12A', ..., 12N') toplote z napenjalnimi vijaki (36A1,35D ') for one plate heat exchanger (12') or more plate heat exchangers (12 ', 12A', ..., 12N ') with tension screws (36A 1 , 36Β') in da je med kotnimi vodih' (35A, 35B, 35C, 35D) in kotnimi vodili (35A', 35B', 35C', 35D') prostor za by-pass rešetko (16').36Β ') and that there is a space for by-pass lattice (16') between the angular lines' (35A, 35B, 35C, 35D) and the angular guides (35A ', 35B', 35C ', 35D'). 10. Varčna sesalno-vpihovalna napa, po zahtevku 1,A economical suction hood according to claim 1, 5 označena s tem, da leži v prostoru (15) pred enim ploščnim izmenjevalnikom (12) toplote ali večimi ploščnimi izmenjevalniki (12, 12A, ..., 12N) toplote pod zgornjo pločevino (1B) navijalna palica (37), ki ima ležišče v levi pločevini (1D) in desni pločevini (1E), na katero je navita zavesa io ploščnega izmenjevalnika (38) toplote tako, da se odvija in navija pred ploščnim izmenjevalnikom (12) toplote ali pred večimi ploščnimi izmenjevalniki (12, 12A, ..., 12N) toplote na strani navijalne palice (37) pri ploščnem izmenjevalniku (12) toplote ali pri večih ploščnih izmenjevalnikih (12, 12A, ..., 12N) toplote in, da je v nasprotni smeri is navita zavesa rešetke by-passa (39) tako, da se odvija in navija pred rešetko by-passa (16) ali (16') tako, da se pri navijanju ene zavese druga spušča in obratno.5, characterized in that it is located in the space (15) in front of one plate heat exchanger (12) or several plate heat exchangers (12, 12A, ..., 12N) under the upper plate (1B) having a winding rod (37) having a bed in the left plate (1D) and the right plate (1E) on which the curtain io of the plate heat exchanger (38) is wound so as to be unrolled and wound in front of the plate heat exchanger (12) or in front of several plate heat exchangers (12, 12A, ..., 12N) of heat on the side of the winding rod (37) at the plate exchanger (12) or at several plate heat exchangers (12, 12A, ..., 12N) and in the opposite direction is the grate curtain by -passa (39) by unscrewing and bending against the bypass pass (16) or (16 ') by lowering the other curtain when winding one curtain and vice versa. 11. Varčna sesalno-vpihovalna napa, po zahtevkih 9 in 10,11. Economical suction hood according to claims 9 and 10, 2o označena s tem, da je pred enim ploščnim izmenjevalnikom (12') toplote ali pred večimi ploščnimi izmenjevalniki (12', 12A'..... 12N') toplote tudi navita zavesa ploščnega izmenjevalnika toplote na enak način kot pred ploščnim izmenjevalnikom (12') toplote ali pred večimi ploščnimi izmenjevalniki (12, 12A, .... 12N) toplote2o, characterized in that, in front of one plate heat exchanger (12 ') or in front of several plate heat exchangers (12', 12A '..... 12N'), the curtain of the plate heat exchanger is wound in the same manner as before the plate heat exchanger (2 '). 12 ') of heat or in front of several plate heat exchangers (12, 12A, .... 12N) 12. Varčna sesalno-vpihovalna napa, po zahtevkih 10 in 11, označena s tem, da sta zavesa (38) ploščnega izmenjevalnika (12) toplote in zavesa (39) rešetke by-passa (16) narejeni iz obstojnega za zrak in vodo neprepustnega materiala, npr. plastificirano platno in obteženi na spodnjem robu posamezne zavese (38,39).Economical suction hood according to claims 10 and 11, characterized in that the curtain (38) of the plate heat exchanger (12) and the curtain (39) of the by-pass grille (16) are made of air and water resistant material, e.g. plasticized canvas and weighted at the lower edge of each curtain (38,39). 13. Varčna sesalno-vpihovalna napa, po zahtevku 10 in 11 označena s tem, da navijalno palico (37) vrti v eno in drugo smer servopogon (40).Economical suction hood according to claim 10 and 11, characterized in that the winding rod (37) rotates the actuator (40) in one and the other direction.
SI200300229A 2003-09-10 2003-09-10 Cost-effective suction-injecting extractor hood SI21627A (en)

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Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
WO2014142767A2 (en) 2013-03-14 2014-09-18 Provent D.O.O. Kitchen hood

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* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
WO2014142767A2 (en) 2013-03-14 2014-09-18 Provent D.O.O. Kitchen hood
WO2014142767A3 (en) * 2013-03-14 2015-01-08 Provent D.O.O. Kitchen hood

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