SI21354A - Device for lowering loads - Google Patents

Device for lowering loads Download PDF


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SI21354A SI200200299A SI200200299A SI21354A SI 21354 A SI21354 A SI 21354A SI 200200299 A SI200200299 A SI 200200299A SI 200200299 A SI200200299 A SI 200200299A SI 21354 A SI21354 A SI 21354A
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lowering device
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Application filed by Marko MAKAROVIČ filed Critical Marko MAKAROVIČ
Priority to SI200200299A priority Critical patent/SI21354A/en
Publication of SI21354A publication Critical patent/SI21354A/en



  • Emergency Lowering Means (AREA)


The device for lowering loads with automatic speed adjustment without any external power source provides reliable lowering of loads without the intervention by any person using such a device, rescuer and rescued person. The automatic speed control is provided by a brake mechanism with variable geometry, which is selected according to the type of application, where the device is used. The mechanism provides that the potential energy of the load is transformed into another form of energy thus keeping the load speed within a narrow range, within the previously defined specification, for a wide range of load masses.




Naprava za spust bremena spada v področje naprav za spuščanje bremena z višine ali v globino. Prednostno se naprava uporablja za reševalne namene iz zgradb. Napravo je mogoče uporabiti za desantne in druge namene, ko je potrebno spustiti tovor iz zračnega transportnega vozila, ter za druge namene, ko je potrebno spustiti breme z višine ali v globino.The load lowering device falls within the scope of the load lowering devices from a height or depth. Preferably, the device is used for ambulance purposes from buildings. The device can be used for landing and other purposes when it is necessary to lower the load from an air transport vehicle and for other purposes when it is necessary to lower the load from height or depth.


Pri reševalnih akcijah je potrebno večkrat spustiti breme z višine ali v globino. Pogosto ni na razpolago vira energije, na katerega bi priključili vitel ali druge priprave, ki za pomik potrebujejo zunanji vir energije.In rescue operations, it is necessary to lower the load several times from a height or a depth. Often there is no power source available to connect the winch or other devices that need an external power source to move it.

Priprave, ki omogočajo pomikanje v obeh smereh so zaradi zahteve po obojestranskem pomiku bolj zapletene od naprav, ki bi zagotavljale pomik lc v eno stran. Zaradi zapletenosti in posledične višje cene se omenjene priprave ne uporabljajo v namene, ko potrebujemo le enkraten spust.Because of the requirement for double-sided movement, devices that allow you to move in both directions are more complex than devices that would provide one-way scrolling. Due to the complexity and the consequent higher price, these preparations are not used for the purposes of needing only a single descent.

Dosedanje priprave in mehanizmi, ki omogočajo spust brez zunanjega vira energije, zahtevajo regulacijo pomika s strani reševalne osebe ali reševane osebe, kar v kritičnih trenutkih ni zanesljivo.So far, preparations and mechanisms that allow for descent without an external source of energy require regulation of movement by the rescue person or rescue person, which is not reliable at critical moments.

Dosedanje izkušnje pri reševanju kažejo na potrebo po zanesljivi napravi s samodejno regulacijo hitrosti pomika v okviru specifikacij, brez zunanjega vira energije, brez posredovanja osebe, ki napravo uporablja, reševalca ali reševane osebe, ob minimalnih stroških izdelave in brez dodatnega prednastavljanja, ki bi omogočala spust širokega razpona mas bremen v relativno ozkem razponu hitrosti.The experience to date has shown the need for a reliable device with automatic speed control within specifications, without an external power source, without the intervention of the person using the device, the rescuer or the rescued person, at minimal cost of manufacture and without additional presetting to allow the descent a wide range of load masses over a relatively narrow speed range.


Na področju tehnike, kamor spada naprava, opisana v tem patentu, obstaja več naprav. Najpomembnejše med njimi so padalo, vitel, alpinistična zavora in naprave s samodejno regulacijo hitrosti.In the technical field to which the apparatus described in this patent belongs, there are several devices. The most important of these are parachutes, winches, climbing brakes and devices with automatic speed control.

Padalo je možno uporabiti za reševanje le z velike višine. Pri reševanju oseb je njegova uporabnost omejena zaradi potrebe po znanju uporabe padala. Za reševanje iz stavb, je uporaba padala zaradi močnih vetrov pogosto nevarna. Padalo ne moremo uporabiti za reševanje z majhnih višin.The parachute can only be used for rescue from a great height. In the rescue of persons, its usefulness is limited by the need to know how to use a parachute. To escape from buildings, the use of parachutes is often dangerous due to strong winds. The parachute cannot be used to rescue from low altitudes.

Vitel omogoča spust bremena in njegov dvig. Znane rešitve vitlov in naprav, ki omogočajo pomik bremena v obeh smereh poznamo v številnih izvedbah. Za vse izvedbe vitlov je značilen mehanizem, ki omogoča pomik bremena v obeh smereh. Zaradi obojestranskega delovanja, vsebuje vitel mehanizem, ki omogoča poleg spusta bremena tudi njegov dvig. Vitel je potrebno vključiti oz. krmiliti s strani operaterja.The winch allows the load to be lowered and lifted. Known solutions of winches and devices that allow the load to move in both directions are known in many embodiments. All winch designs are characterized by a mechanism that allows the load to move in both directions. Due to the two-way operation, the winch contains a mechanism that allows it to be lifted in addition to lowering the load. The winch must be switched on or off. to be controlled by the operator.

Zaradi večkratne uporabe in obojestranskega delovanja je vitel za isto spustno višino, težji, večji, kompleksnejši in s tem tudi dražji.Multiple use and two-way operation make the winch the same lower height, heavier, larger, more complex and therefore more expensive.

Alpinistična zavora omogoča spuščanje le osebe, ki sama uravnava hitrost spuščanja. Za spuščanje mora biti vrv spuščena, tako da obstaja v primeru požara velika nevarnost, da vrv hitro izgubi predvideno nosilnost.The mountaineering brake only allows the person to self-regulate the speed of descent. To lower it, the rope must be lowered so that in the event of a fire there is a high risk that the rope will quickly lose its intended load.

Poznanih je več vrst naprav za spust bremena s samodejno regulacijo hitrosti, brez zunanjega vira energije, omogoča zanesljiv spust bremena brez posredovanja osebe, ki napravo uporablja, reševalca ali reševane osebe.There are several types of load-lowering devices with automatic speed control, without an external power source, which enables reliable load lowering without the intervention of the person using it, the rescuer or the rescued person.

Naprava je podobna vitlom z navijalno-odvijalnim mehanizmom. Pri napravi za spust bremena s samodejno regulacijo hitrosti nimamo navijalno-odvijalnega mehanizma. Funkcijo regulacije hitrosti sproščanja vezi omogoča vgrajen zavorni mehanizem.The device is similar to winches with winding mechanism. There is no winding mechanism on the load lowering device with automatic speed control. The link release rate control function is made possible by the integrated brake mechanism.

Dosedanje naprave z različnimi zaviralnimi mehanizmi vsebujejo sisteme, katerim se sila zaviranja spreminja v odvisnosti od različnih veličin. Podeljenih je več patentov naprav s samodejno regulacijo hitrosti v relativno širokem razponu hitrosti glede na razpon mase bremena.Previously, devices with different braking mechanisms contain systems which vary in braking force depending on different sizes. Several patents of devices with automatic speed control are granted over a relatively wide speed range according to the load mass range.

V linearni odvisnosti od hitrosti odvijanja vrvi delujejo naprave, ki vsebujejo elektromagnetno zavoro. Primer takšne naprave je napisan v DE 3419239.Depending on the speed of rope unwinding, devices containing an electromagnetic brake operate. An example of such a device is written in DE 3419239.

Sila zaviranja v kvadratični odvisnosti od hitrosti odvijanja vrvi zagotavljajo klasična centrifugalna zavora primer opisan v EP 371129 in hidravlična zavora opisana v US 4088201.The braking force, quadratically dependent on the rope unwinding rate, is provided by the classic centrifugal brake example described in EP 371129 and the hydraulic brake described in US 4088201.

Tomi mehanizem, pri katerem je zaviralna sila odvisna od teže bremena, je opisan v DE 3610215. Kombinacija zavorne sile klasične centrifugalne zavore in torne zavore je prikazana v patentu JP 04075671.The mechanism for which the braking force depends on the weight of the load is described in DE 3610215. The combination of the braking force of a conventional centrifugal brake and a friction brake is shown in JP 04075671.

Primer zaviralnega mehanizma, ki dosega zaviralni učinek zaradi pretoka medija in/ali v kombinaciji s klasičnim centrifugalnim mehanizmom, je opisana v US 5083633.An example of an inhibitory mechanism that achieves an inhibitory effect due to the flow of the medium and / or in combination with a conventional centrifugal mechanism is described in US 5083633.

Nekatere naprave imajo med odvijalnim bobnom in zavornim mehanizmom vgrajen prenos, ki omogoča zmanjšanje gabaritov in teže zavornega mehanizma ter s tem tudi celotne naprave. Primer takšne naprave je opisan v DE 1110014.Some devices incorporate a transmission between the reel drum and the brake mechanism to reduce the size and weight of the brake mechanism and thus the entire device. An example of such a device is described in DE 1110014.


Naprava je takšne konstrukcije, da omogoča samodejno regulacijo hitrosti glede na hitrost spuščanja bremena. Pri predstavljeni napravi je zavorni mehanizem namensko razvita centrifugalna zavora, ki ima variabilno geometrijo položaja mase. Mehanizem omogoča v primerjavi s klasičnimi zavornimi mehanizmi, doseganje ožjega razpona hitrosti glede na predviden razpon mas bremena. Takšen mehanizem je mogoče brez dodatnega nastavljanja uporabiti za spust različno težkih bremen in pri tem se hitrosti spuščanja relativno malo razlikujejo. Dosežen razpon hitrosti je odvisen od kinematike gibanja mas in je izbran glede na specifičen namen uporabe.The device is of such construction that it enables automatic speed control with respect to the load lowering speed. With the device presented, the brake mechanism is a purpose-built centrifugal brake that has a variable geometry of position of mass. The mechanism allows, compared to conventional braking mechanisms, to achieve a narrower speed range relative to the intended load mass range. Such a mechanism can be used for lowering differently heavy loads without additional tuning, with relatively low launch speeds. The speed range attained depends on the kinematics of the motion of the masses and is selected according to the specific purpose of use.

Mehanizmu vsebuje prednostno dušilni element, ki zagotavlja primemo stabilnost delovanja mehanizma. Naprava vsebuje prednostno spiralno vzmet, ki zagotavlja prednapetost vrvi, ter tako ustvari zaupanje uporabnika v funkcionalnost naprave, ko se oseba v kritičnih trenutkih odloča, ali se spustiti ali ne. Vzmet omogoča povratek vrvi le v omejenem področju, nato se sprosti. Vzmet zagotavlja tudi enostavno izvedbo hermetične zaprtosti naprave in tako njeno dolgotrajno uporabnost.The mechanism preferably comprises a damping element, which ensures the stability of the mechanism's operation. The device incorporates a preferred coil spring that provides a pre-tensioning of the rope, thus creating the user's confidence in the functionality of the device when a person decides at a critical moment whether to lower or not. The spring allows the rope to return only in a limited area, then it is released. The spring also ensures easy sealing of the device and thus its long service life.

Naprava lahko vsebuje tudi gonilo, ki zmanjša potrebno maso uteži.The device may also include a gear unit that reduces the required weight.

Zavorna obloga omogoča, zaradi relativno majhne obrabe, vgraditev dodatnega ročičnega mehanizma, ki dodatno zmanjšajo potrebno maso uteži.Due to the relatively low wear, the brake pad allows the installation of an additional crank mechanism, which further reduces the required weight of the weights.

Prednostna izvedba take naprave je prikazana na sliki 1., njen prerez je prikazan na sliki 2. in prikaz naprave brez okrova na sliki 5, centrifugalna zavora(4) v različnih pogledih je prikazana na sliki 3. Pogled, ki prikazuje zatezalni mehanizem v prerezu, je prikazan na sliki 4.A preferred embodiment of such a device is shown in Figure 1. Its cross-section is shown in Figure 2. and a device without a housing in Figure 5, the centrifugal brake (4) is shown in various views in Figure 3. A view showing the tensioning mechanism in cross section. , is shown in Figure 4.

Utež(12), vodena z vodilom(14), deluje preko vzmeti(13) na zavorno ročico(15), na kateri je pritrjena zavorna obloga(16), ki drsi po notranji površini okrova(8). Vodilo(14) ima prednostno tudi funkcijo dušilke. Ogrodje centrifugalne zavore tvorita prednja plošča(17) in zadnja plošča(18), ki sta togo povezani z vijakom(19) in usmerjata utež(12), ter služita kot vpetje ročici zavore(15).The weight (12), guided by the guide (14), acts via a spring (13) on the brake lever (15), which holds the brake pad (16), which slides along the inner surface of the housing (8). The guide (14) also preferably has a throttle function. The center of the centrifugal brake is formed by the front panel (17) and the rear panel (18), which are rigidly connected to the screw (19) and direct the weight (12) and serve to engage the brake lever (15).

Vzmet(13) je najbolj kritičen element zavornega mehanizma. Varovalni obroč(20) zagotavlja varnost v primeru loma vzmet in je hkrati varovalni element pred preobremenitvijo vrvi. Masa se v primeru loma vzmeti postavi v položaj z naj večjo zaviralno silo.The spring (13) is the most critical element of the braking mechanism. The retaining ring (20) provides safety in the event of a spring break and is at the same time a retaining element against overloading the rope. In the event of spring breakage, the mass is placed in the position with the highest braking force.

Spiralna vzmet(ll) povezuje okrov(8) z bobnom navitja(5) in omogoča omejen povraten gib bobna. V primeru prekoračitve predvidene dolžine od vitja se Žakelj, ki se opira na okrov(8), sprosti, ter tako omogoči nadaljnje odvijanje bobna(5) brez povratne sile vzmeti(l 1).The coil spring (11) connects the housing (8) to the winding drum (5) and allows a limited return movement of the drum. In case of exceeding the intended length from the twist, the Jack, which rests on the housing (8), is released, thus allowing the drum (5) to be unwound further without the return force of the spring (l 1).

Zavorni mehanizem je dimenzioniran glede na vrsto aplikacije kjer se naprava uporablja. Zavorni mehanizem zagotavlja, da se potencialna energija bremena pretvori v drugo oblike energije, prednostno v toplotno energijo, in pri tem ohranja hitrost bremena v okviru predhodno definirane specifikacije za predhodno definiran obseg bremen. Deli naprave lahko vključujejo elemente, prednostno hladilna rebra ali sisteme, ki pospešujejo odvod toplote.The brake mechanism is sized according to the type of application where the device is used. The braking mechanism ensures that the potential energy of the load is converted to another form of energy, preferably thermal energy, while maintaining the load velocity within the predefined specification for the predefined load range. Parts of the device may include elements, preferably cooling fins or systems that promote heat dissipation.

Naprava lahko vsebuje sistem, ki zmanjšuje vlažnost ali pa je heretično zaprta, ter tako omogoča njeno dolgotrajno uporabnost.The device may contain a system that reduces humidity or is heretically closed to allow long-term use.

Breme se spušča pritrjeno na gibljivo vez, prednostno jekleno žično vrv(3), ki je shranjena ob ali v napravi, prednostno navita na boben(5), in se pri delovanju sprošča s predvideno hitrostjo. Hitrost spuščanja vrvi(3) določa zavorni mehanizem, ki zavira odvijanje bobna(5), ki je prednostno togo povezan s kletko(4). Povezava med zavornim mchamzmom(4) in bobnom(5) je prednostno toga, prednostno izvedena z vijačno zvezo(ll) ali preko dodatnega gonila, ki zaradi spremenjene centrifugalne sile omogoča dosego večjega zavornega momenta, kar zavisi od prestavnega razmerja gonila.The load is lowered to a flexible link, preferably a steel wire rope (3) stored next to or in the device, preferably wound on a drum (5), and released at the intended speed. The lowering speed of the rope (3) is determined by the brake mechanism, which inhibits the unwinding of the drum (5), which is preferably rigidly connected to the cage (4). The connection between the brake mchamzm (4) and the drum (5) is preferably rigid, preferably made with a screw connection (11l) or via an additional gear unit, which, due to the changed centrifugal force, allows for greater braking torque, which depends on the gear ratio of the gear unit.

Nosilno konstrukcijo tvorita prednostno okrov(8) in prirobnica(9), preko krogličnih ležajev(7) osi(6) nosita zavoro(4) in boben(5). Zavora(4) in boben(5) sta na os prednostno pritrjena oblikovno, kar preprečuje njun pomik vzdolž osi(6). Vrtenje osi omogoča vležajenje, ki je prednostno izvedeno s krogličnimi ležaj i(7). Žična vrv(3) poteka skozi izvrtino v okrovu(8).The supporting structure is preferably formed by a housing (8) and a flange (9), carrying a brake (4) and a drum (5) over the ball bearings (7). The brakes (4) and the drum (5) are preferably formally attached to the axle, which prevents them from moving along the axis (6). The rotation of the axle allows for a bearing which is preferably carried out with ball bearings i (7). The wire rope (3) runs through the hole in the housing (8).

Pritrdilno mesto naprave je prednostno nosilno uho(l), ki je pritrjeno na okrov, prednostno z varjenim spojem. Na konec žične vrvi(3), je pritrjen pritrdilni segment, prednostno nosilno uho(2), na katerega se pritrdi breme.The mounting point of the device is preferably a support ear (l) that is attached to the housing, preferably by a welded joint. At the end of the wire rope (3), a securing segment, preferably a load-bearing ear (2), is attached to which a load is attached.

Naprava se uporablja tako, da jo povežemo prednostno z gibljivo ali s togo zvezo ali neposredno na pritrdilno mesto na izhodiščnem mestu spusta ali v njegovi neposredni okolici.The device is used by connecting it preferably to a flexible or rigid joint or directly to a mounting point at the starting point of the descent or in its immediate surroundings.

Na pritrdilni segment(2) na koncu žične vrvi se pritrdi breme.A load is attached to the fastening segment (2) at the end of the wire rope.

Napravo je moč uporabiti brez ali z prožilnim mehanizmom, ki zahteva sprostitev blokade proti sprostitvi vrvi, prednostno zapore bobna proti vrtenju.The device can be used without or with an actuator which requires the release of the anti-roll bar, preferably the drum lock.

Prednostna izvedba naprave s prožilnim mehanizmom je prikazana na sliki 6., njen prerez je prikazan na sliki 7. in prikaz naprave brez okrova na sliki 8.. Prožilni mehanizem je prednostno sestavljen iz zatiča(21), ki preko vzmetene ročice(22) omogoča sprostitev bobna(5). Zatič(21) je v primem blokiranega mehanizma postavljen v položaj, da leži v izvrtini v okrovu(8) in izvrtini v bobnu(5), ter tako preprečuje relativen zasuk med bobnom(5) in okrovom(8). Prednostno zagotavlja, stabilno lego ročice(22) v skrajnih položajih, natezno obremenjena vijačna vzmet, ki je z enim koncem pritrjena na okrov(8), na drugem koncu pa na ročico(22) tako, da leži os vrtenja ročice med pritrdilnima mestoma vzmeti.A preferred embodiment of the actuator with the actuator is shown in Figure 6. Its cross-section is shown in Figure 7. The device of the actuator is preferably composed of a pin (21) which, via a spring lever (22), enables releasing the drum (5). The pin (21) is positioned in the prime of the locked mechanism so that it lies in the bore in the housing (8) and the bore in the drum (5), thus preventing a relative rotation between the drum (5) and the housing (8). Preferably, a stable lever position (22) in the extreme positions provides a tensile-loaded screw spring which is fixed at one end to the housing (8) and at the other end to the lever (22) such that the axis of rotation of the lever lies between the mounting points of the spring .

Naprava je prednostno za enkratno uporabo, kar prispeva k pocenitvi izdelave, ali za večkratno uporabo. Priključni točki sta lahko tudi zamenjani, tako da naprava potuje skupaj z bremenom.The device is preferably disposable, which contributes to the low cost of manufacture or reusability. The connection points can also be swapped so that the device travels along with the load.

Prednostno je naprava na mestu že predhodno nameščena za primer morebitnega reševanja, ali jo na reševalno mesto prinesemo pri reševanju.Preferably, the device is pre-installed on site for possible rescue, or brought to the rescue site for rescue.

Claims (8)

PATENTNI ZAHTEVKIPATENT APPLICATIONS 1. Naprava za spust bremena, označena s tem, da vsebuje centrifugalni zavorni mehanizem z variabilno geometrij o(4), ki opravlja funkcijo regulacije hitrosti sproščanja vezi in prednostno sestoji iz uteži(12), vodena z vodilom(14), deluje preko vzmeti(13) na zavorno ročico(15), na kateri je pritrjena zavorna obloga(16), ki drsi po notranji površini okrova(8), bobna(5) pritijenega na zavoro z vijaki(l 1), jeklene žične vrvi(3), ki poteka skozi izvrtino v okrovu(8) in je navita na boben(5), osi(6) ki povezuje zavor ter boben(5) z okrovora(S) in prirobnico(9) preko krogličnih ležajev(7), pritrdilnega ušesa naprave(l) privarjenega na okrov(8) in pritrdilnega ušesa(2) za pritrditev bremena, pritrjenega na konec žične vrvi(3).A load lowering device, characterized in that it contains a centrifugal brake mechanism with variable geometry o (4), which performs the function of regulating the release rate of the bond and preferably consists of weights (12), guided by a guide (14), acting through a spring (13) to the brake lever (15) on which the brake lining (16) is mounted, which slides on the inner surface of the housing (8), the drum (5) attached to the brake by screws (l 1), steel wire ropes (3) passing through the bore in the housing (8) and wound on the drum (5), the axle (6) connecting the brake and the drum (5) from the housing (S) and the flange (9) via ball bearings (7), the mounting eye a device (l) welded to the housing (8) and a mounting eye (2) for attaching a load attached to the end of a wire rope (3). 2. Naprava za spust bremena, po zahtevku 1., označena s tem, da ima dodan prožilni mehanizem in prednostno sestoji iz zatiča(21) povezanega preko ročice(22), ki ji stabilno lego v skrajnih položajih zagotavlja natezno obremenjena vijačna vzmet, ki je z enim koncem pritijena na okrov, na drugem koncu pa na ročico tako, da leži os vrtenja ročice med pritrdilnima mestoma.2. The load-release device according to claim 1, characterized in that it has an actuated actuator and preferably consists of a pin (21) connected via a lever (22), which is provided with a tensile-loaded helical spring which is stable in the extreme positions. it is attached to one housing by one end and to the other end by a lever such that the axis of rotation of the lever lies between the mounting points. 3. Naprava za spust bremena, po zahtevku 1., označena s tem, da mehanizem vključuje dušilko, kije prednostno hkrati tudi vodilo mase(14).3. A load lowering device according to claim 1, characterized in that the mechanism includes a throttle, preferably also a mass guide (14). 4. Naprava za spust bremena, po zahtevku 1., označena s tem, da vključuje hladilna rebra.4. The load lowering device according to claim 1, characterized in that it includes cooling fins. 5. N aprava za spust bremena, po zahtevku 1 označena s tem, da vključuje sistem prisilnega hlajenja.5. A load-release device according to claim 1, characterized in that it includes a forced cooling system. -76. Naprava za spust bremena, označena s tem, da vključuje povratni mehanizem omejenega dosega, prednostno spiralna vzmet(l 1), ki povezuje okrov(8) in boben(5).-76. A load lowering device, characterized in that it includes a limited-range feedback mechanism, preferably a helical spring (11) connecting the housing (8) and the drum (5). 7. Naprava za spust bremena, označena s tem, da vključuje zavarovanje pred preobremenitvijo vrvi, prednostno varovalni obroČ(20).7. A load lowering device, characterized in that it includes rope overload protection, preferably a retaining ring (20). 8. Naprava za spust bremena, označena s tem, daje hermetično zaprta.8. The load lowering device, characterized in that it is sealed. 9. Naprava za spust bremena, označena s tem, da naprava vključuje sistem za zniževanje vlažnosti.9. Load relief device, characterized in that the device includes a humidity reduction system.
SI200200299A 2002-12-13 2002-12-13 Device for lowering loads SI21354A (en)

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SI200200299A SI21354A (en) 2002-12-13 2002-12-13 Device for lowering loads

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SI200200299A SI21354A (en) 2002-12-13 2002-12-13 Device for lowering loads

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SI200200299A SI21354A (en) 2002-12-13 2002-12-13 Device for lowering loads

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