SI20910A - Wear- and damage resistant ski - Google Patents

Wear- and damage resistant ski Download PDF


Publication number
SI20910A SI200100171A SI200100171A SI20910A SI 20910 A SI20910 A SI 20910A SI 200100171 A SI200100171 A SI 200100171A SI 200100171 A SI200100171 A SI 200100171A SI 20910 A SI20910 A SI 20910A
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Slovenian (sl)
Janez Ravnik
Matjaž Šarabon
Original Assignee
Elan, D.D.
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Application filed by Elan, D.D. filed Critical Elan, D.D.
Priority to SI200100171A priority Critical patent/SI20910A/en
Publication of SI20910A publication Critical patent/SI20910A/en



  • Professional, Industrial, Or Sporting Protective Garments (AREA)


The wear- and damage-resistant ski includes a front part (1) with tip (11), a rear part (2) with tail (21) and either an even or relief upper surface (4), where the lateral sides are located (6). The lateral sides are on their lower side rounded off by an edge. To prevent wear and damage there is at least on one part of the upper ski surface (4), meaning in particular the remaining parts of the ski on its upper surface that come in contact with the edges (6) when crossing skis, there is at least one protector (5) in the form of a coating anticipated, which is attached either mechanically or non-mechanically. Thanks to this it is possible to substantially enhance the wear and damage resistivity of the ski and at the same time to repair an already damaged ski to look well again and regain all of its technical features.


Proti obrabi in poškodbam zaščitena smučkaProtected ski against wear and damage

Izum spada na področje športa oz. športnih rekvizitov, namreč na področje smuči.The invention belongs to the field of sports or. sports equipment, namely in the field of skis.

Pri tem izum temelji na problemu, kako pri smučki bistveno povečati odpornost proti obrabi in poškodbam na njeni ^gornji površini, namreč na najbolj izpostavljenih lokacijah le-te, vključno z robovi.The invention is based on the problem of significantly increasing the resistance of the ski to wear and damage on its upper surface, namely at its most exposed locations, including its edges.

Smučka je tudi med regularno uporabo v bistvu vseskozi izpostavljena nevarnosti obrabe in nastanka poškodb na njeni zgornji površini oz. najbolj izpostavljenih lokacijah le-te, vključno z robovi. Poškodbe so različne odrgnine, vdrtine, posnetja in podobne anomalije, ki so posledica medsebojnega udarjanja smuči, udarjanja smučke ob druge predmete in še zlasti ob prekrižanju smuči tudi kontakta z vsaj enim od robnikov preostale smučke v paru. Do poškodb zaradi prekrižanja smuči in torej zaradi kontakta robnikov ene smučke z vsakokrat najbolj izpostavljenimi lokacijami na zgornji površini preostale smučke v paru prihaja npr. bodisi med smučanjem ali med vlečenjem smučarja navkreber s pomočjo vlečne naprave ali tudi med nameščanjem smučarja na sedežnico.Even during regular use, the ski is essentially exposed to the risk of wear and tear on its upper surface or the surface. most exposed locations, including edges. Injuries are various abrasions, indentations, clips and similar anomalies, which are the result of hitting the ski with each other, hitting the ski with other objects, and especially when crossing the ski with contact with at least one of the edges of the remaining ski in pairs. Damage due to cross-country skiing and therefore due to the contact of the edges of one ski with the most exposed locations on the upper surface of the remaining ski in pairs, for example. either while skiing or while pulling the skier uphill with the help of a towing device or also while placing the skier on a chairlift.

Uvodoma zastavljeni problem obrabe je še zlasti pereč v primeru smuči, s katerimi razpolagajo izposojevalnice smuči na smučiščih, v hotelih in v podobnih športnorekreacijskih ali turističnih objektih. Po eni strani namreč te smuči dostikrat uporabljajo smučarji, ki so dokaj nevešči smučanja. Po drugi strani je odnos uporabnikov do smuči, ki si jih proti plačilu izposodijo, v večini primerov drugačen kot do listih smuči, ki si jih kupijo za trajno lastno uporabo. Vsekakor pa je dejstvo, da večina uporabnikov, ki ima namen izposoditi si smuči, pričakuje, da jim bo za plačan znesek uporabnine omogočeno smučati na kolikor toliko neobrabljenih, neopraskanih in neobtolčenih smučeh. Uvodoma zastavljeni problem je torej utemeljen.The problem of wear and tear presented in the first place is especially acute in the case of skis, which are available to ski rental facilities at ski slopes, in hotels and similar sports and recreational or tourist facilities. On the one hand, these skis are often used by skiers who are quite skilful. On the other hand, the attitude of users towards the skis they rent for remuneration is in most cases different from the sheets of skis they buy for their own permanent use. However, it is a fact that most users who intend to rent skis expect that they will be able to ski for as many unused, unpainted and uncoated skis for the paid amount of the fee. The problem posed earlier is therefore justified.

Prijavitelju ni znano, da bi se s tovrstnim problemom doslej kdorkoli resno ukvarjal. Nedavno tega je sicer takorekoč vsak proizvajalec v svojem programu imel tudi vsaj en model smuči, ki so bile izdelane iz aluminijevih zlitin. Pri tovrstnih smučeh je bila možnost nastanka površinskih poškodb sicer nekoliko manjša kot pri trenutno dominantnih izvedbah smuči z leseno ali poliuretansko sredico, prevlečeno s površinsko plastjo iz umetnih mas, vendar pa niti ne bistveno. Dejstvo je namreč, da največ poškodb, tj. odrgnin, ureznin, odkrušenj, posnetij in podobnih, nastane kot posledica kontakta z robnikom preostale smučke. Robnik je neizogibno opremljen s karseda ostrim robom in izveden iz kakovostnega jekla visoke trdote, čemur npr. tudi aluminijeve legure težko kljubujejo. Po drugi strani robniki morajo biti ostri in jih v ta namen občasno celo brusijo, tako da niti ni zaželeno da bi bila npr. zgornja površina smučke na najbolj izpostavljenih lokacijah tako trda, da bi prišlo do krhanja oz. eliminacije ostrine robnika.The applicant is not aware that anyone who has had this type of problem would be seriously involved so far. Most recently, though, every manufacturer has also had at least one model of aluminum alloy ski in their program. In such skis, the possibility of surface damage was slightly less than in the currently dominant skis with a wooden or polyurethane core coated with a plastic surface layer, but it was not significant. The fact is that the most injuries, ie. abrasions, cuts, cuts, clips and the like occur as a result of contact with the curb of the rest of the ski. The edge is inevitably fitted with the sharpest possible edge and is made of high quality high hardness steel, e.g. even aluminum alloys are difficult to withstand. On the other hand, the edges need to be sharp and even brushed for this purpose, so that it is not desirable for it to be. the top surface of the ski in the most exposed locations is so hard that it will break or break. elimination of edge sharpness.

Po izumu proti obrabi in poškodbam zaščitena smučka obsega prednje območje s konico, zadnje območje z repom kot tudi bodisi piano ali reliefno izvedeno zgornjo površino, ob kateri se nahajata bočni ploskvi, ki sta spodaj zaključeni z robnikoma. Vsaj na delu zgornje površine smučke, namreč na vsakokrat proti obrabi in kontaktu z robnikom preostale smučke v primeru prekrižanja smuči najbolj izpostavljenih lokacijah zgornje površine smučke, je predviden vsaj en kot obloga, zlasti kot linijska obloga in še zlasti kot letev zasnovan ščitnik. Vsakokraten ščitnik je na zgornji površini pritrjen bodisi mehansko ali nemehansko. Mehanska pritrditev je mogoča npr. s pomočjo vijakov, ki so vstavljivi skozi luknje, predvidene v ščitniku, ali s pomočjo čepov, s katerimi je opremljen ščitnik in ki so vtisljivi v ustrezno razporejene slepe luknje na smučki oz. njeni zgornji površini, ali tudi na druge splošno znane načine, od katerih so nekateri pojasnjeni ali omenjeni v zvezi z obravnavo primerov izvedbe. Nemehanski način pritrditve ščitnikov obsega npr. lepljenje ali varjenje le-teh na zgornjo površino smučke. Nadelje je mogoče vsakokraten ščitnik zasnovati tako, da poteka bodisi po celotni dolžini smučke, namreč preko osrednjega območja ter prednjega območja izvzemši konico kot tudi preko zadnjega območja izvzemši njegov skrajni del oz. rep ali tako, da poteka po celotni dolžini in je zaključen na odmiku od konice oz. repa, ali tudi tako, da npr. poteka zgolj po prednjem in/ali zadnjem območju smučke.According to the invention for wear and damage, the protected ski comprises a front area with a tip, a rear area with a tail, as well as either a piano or embossed upper surface, adjacent to the lateral surfaces, which are flush with the edges below. At least part of the upper surface of the ski, namely in each case against wear and contact with the curb of the remaining ski, in case of crossings of the skis to the most exposed locations of the upper surface of the ski, at least one angle is provided as a liner, in particular as a liner liner and especially as a lath-shaped shield. Each shield is attached to the upper surface either mechanically or non-mechanically. Mechanical attachment is possible eg. by means of screws which can be inserted through the holes provided in the shield or by means of studs fitted with the shield and which are imprinted in the properly arranged blind holes on the ski or. its upper surface, or also by other generally known means, some of which are explained or mentioned in connection with the handling of embodiments. The non-mechanical method of mounting the shields, e.g. gluing or welding them to the upper surface of the ski. The overhang can be designed in such a way that it runs either along the entire length of the ski, namely through the central area and the front area, excluding the tip, as well as across the rear area, excluding its extreme part or. tail or so that it runs along its entire length and is completed at a distance from the tip or. beets, or also such that e.g. runs only along the front and / or back area of the ski.

Izum bo v nadaljevanju konkretiziran s primeri izvedbe in podrobneje obrazložen v povezavi s priloženo skico, kjer kažejo sl. 1 proti obrabi in poškodbam zaščiteno smučko v tlorisu, sl. 2 različico smučke po sl. 1 sl.3 nadaljnjo različico smučke po izumu, sl. 4 še nadaljnjo različico smučke po izumu, sl. 5 pa še nadaljnjo različico smučke po izumu, sl. 6 prvi primer izvedbe ščitnika v prerezu v ravnini VI-VI po sl. 1, sl. 7 nadaljnji primer izvedbe ščitnika, spet v prerezu v ravnini VI-VI po sl. 1.The invention will hereinafter be concretized with embodiments and explained in more detail in connection with the accompanying drawing, where FIGS. 1 is a plan view of a ski protected against wear and damage, FIG. 2 illustrates a ski according to FIG. 1 is a further embodiment of the ski according to the invention; 4 is a further embodiment of the ski according to the invention; 5 is a further embodiment of the ski according to the invention; 6 is a first embodiment of a cross-sectional view of the shield in plane VI-VI according to FIG. 1, FIG. 7 is a further embodiment of the shield, again in cross section in plane VI-VI according to FIG. 1.

Na sl. 1 je prikazana smučka, ki v osnovi sestoji iz prednjega območja 1 s konico 11, zadnjega območja 2 z repom 21 in osrednjega območja 3. Smučka je v prikazanem primeru na svoji zgornji površini 4 na prednjem območju 1 in zadnjem območju 2, ne pa tudi v osrednjem območju 3, opremljena z vsakokrat po dvema vzdolžno potekajočima ščitnikoma 5. V danem primeru je vsak od ščitnikov 5 tako razporejen, da poteka v bližini vsakokrat pripadajoče bočne ploskve 6 smučke, ki je spodaj zaključena z robnikom 7.In FIG. 1 shows a ski consisting essentially of a front area 1 with a tip 11, a rear area 2 with a tail 21, and a central area 3. In the example shown, the ski is on its upper surface 4 in the front area 1 and the rear area 2, but not in the central region 3, each provided with two longitudinally extending guards 5. In each case, each of the guards 5 is arranged so as to extend adjacent to the respective lateral surface 6 of the ski, which is terminated below by curb 7.

Na sl. 2 je prikazana smučka, pri kateri sta predvidena dva razmeroma široka ščitnika 5, ki sta nameščena na zgornji površini 4 smučke in potekata preko prednjega območja 1, zadnjega območja 2 in tudi preko osrednjega območja 3, vendar pa sta zaključena na odmiku od konice 11 in repa 21 smučke.In FIG. 2 shows a ski in which two relatively wide shields 5 are provided, which are located on the upper surface 4 of the ski and extend over the front area 1, the rear area 2 and also through the central area 3, but are completed at a distance from the tip 11 and tail 21 skis.

Na sl. 3 je prikazana smučka, pri kateri sta predvidena dva razmeroma široka ščitnika 5, ki sta nameščena na zgornji površini 4 smučke in potekata preko prednjega območja 1, zadnjega območja 2 in tudi preko osrednjega območja 3, in sicer vse od konice 11 do repa 21 smučke.In FIG. 3 shows a ski in which two relatively wide shields 5 are provided, which are mounted on the upper surface 4 of the ski and extend over the front area 1, the rear area 2 and also through the central area 3, all from the tip 11 to the tail 21 of the ski .

Ščitniki 5, ki so vidni na zgornji površini 4 smučk po sl. 1, 2 in 3, so mehansko pritrjeni na smučko, namreč na njeno zgornjo površino 4, in sicer tako kot je to prikazano na sl. 6 in 7 ali v splošnem tudi na drugačne možne načine mehanskega pritrjevanja, ki pa so v bistvu analogni (npr. s kovičenjem, mozničenjem, z zvezo utora in peresa, s T-utorom, lastovičjim repom in podobno).The shields 5 which are visible on the upper surface 4 of the skis according to FIG. 1, 2 and 3 are mechanically attached to the ski, namely to its upper surface 4, as shown in FIG. 6 and 7 or, in general, by other possible means of mechanical fastening, but which are substantially analogous (for example, by riveting, dowels, grooves and pens, T-grooves, swallow-tails, and the like).

Ščitnik 5 po sl. 6 je izveden kot letev oz. v splošnem kot obloga, zlasti linijska obloga, ki je opremljena z med seboj ekvidistančno razporejenimi vgreznj enimi skoznjimi luknjami 51, ki so predvidene za prejem vijakov 52, s pomočjo katerih je ščitnik 5 pritrdljiv na zgornjo površino 4 smučke.The shield 5 of FIG. 6 is made as a lath, respectively. in general as a liner, in particular a liner liner, which is provided with equidistantly arranged indentations through one of the holes 51, which are provided for receiving screws 52, by means of which the shield 5 is attached to the upper surface 4 of the ski.

Ščitnik 5 po sl. 7 je izveden kot letev oz. v splošnem spet kot obloga,, ki je opremljena z med seboj ekvidistančno razporejenimi čepi 53, ki so vtisljivi v njim ustrezno razporejene slepe luknje 54 na zgornji površini 4 smučke.The shield 5 of FIG. 7 is made as a lath, respectively. generally again, as a lining ,, provided with equidistantly arranged studs 53, which are imprinted therein by blind holes 54 arranged on the upper surface 4 of the ski.

Prednost mehanske pritrditve ščitnika 5 je npr. zlasti ta, da je ščitnik 5 v tem primeru odstranljiv in ga je mogoče v primeru poškodb ali obrabe zamenjati z drugim.The mechanical fastening of the shield 5 is advantageous, for example. in particular that the shield 5 is removable in this case and can be replaced with another in the event of damage or wear.

V splošnem je mogoče - kot je bilo prej omenjeno - izbrati tudi drugačno mehansko pritrditev ščitnikov 5 na zgornjo površino 4 smučke.In general, as previously mentioned, it is also possible to choose a different mechanical attachment of the shields 5 to the upper surface 4 of the ski.

Pritrditev ščitnikov 5 na zgornjo površino 4 smučke je lahko tudi nemehanska. Tasko sta npr. ščitnika 5 pri smučki po sl. 4 na zgornjo površino 4 smučke prilepljena, medtem ko sta ščitnika 5 pri smučki po sl. 5 na zgornji površino 4 smučke privarjena in za nameček tudi zelo opazno umaknjena od bočnih ploskev 6 smučke oz. od robnikov 7 proti notranjosti smučke. Dasiravno je v primerih nemehanske pritrditve ščitnikov 5 po sl. 4 in 5 vsakokraten ščitnik 5 v splošnem na zgornji površini 4 smučke neodstranljivo pritrjen, so tovrstne izvedbe lahko prednostne v primerih smuči za zahtevnejše smučarje, saj v teh primerih smučka ni oslabljena z izvrtinami, hkrati pa so tudi obremenitvene in deformacijske karakteristike lahko ugodnejše. Tak način pritrditve je lahko prednosten npr. tudi ob popravilu že poškodovanih smuči ali celo po odstranitvi poprej mehansko nameščenih ščitnikov 5.Attaching the shields 5 to the upper surface 4 of the ski may also be non-mechanical. They are, for example, 5 in the ski according to FIG. 4 to the upper surface 4 of the ski are glued, while the skirts 5 of the ski according to FIG. 5 welded to the upper surface 4 of the ski and, in addition, very noticeably removed from the lateral surfaces 6 of the ski or. from curbs 7 toward the inside of the ski. In the cases of non-mechanical attachment of the shields 5 according to FIG. 4 and 5, in each case, the shield 5 is generally non-removably fastened to the upper surface 4 of the ski, such designs may be preferred in the case of skis for more demanding skiers, since in these cases the ski is not weakened by the bores, and the load and deformation characteristics may be more favorable. Such an attachment method may be preferred e.g. even after repairing skis that have already been damaged or even after removing mechanically-fitted guards 5.

V splošnem je gradivo ščitnika 5 tako izbrano, da je karseda odporno proti poškodbam zaradi kontakta z robniki 7, pri čemer slednjih tudi ne sme poškodovati, po drugi strani pa naj bi njegove fizikalne karakteristike kar najbolje ustrezale karakteristikam same smučke.In general, the material of the shield 5 is so selected as to be as resistant as possible to damage due to contact with the edges 7, and the latter should not be damaged, and on the other hand, its physical characteristics should best match the characteristics of the ski itself.

Zahvaljujoč prigraditvi omenjenih ščitnikov 5 na prednostno obrabi in poškodbam vsakokrat najbolj izpostavljene lokacije na zgornji površini 4 smučke je torej pri smučki mogoče bistveno povečati odpornost proti obrabi in poškodbam. Povrhu vsega je mogoče na ta način lično in po tehnični plati neoporečno popraviti tudi že poškodovane smuči.Thanks to the attachment of the aforementioned shields 5 to the preferred wear and tear of the most exposed location on the upper surface 4 of the ski, it is therefore possible to significantly increase the resistance to wear and damage in the ski. On top of that, even damaged skis can be repaired in a personal and technical way.

Claims (13)

PATENTNI ZAHTEVKIPATENT APPLICATIONS 1. Proti obrabi in poškodbam zaščitena smučka, obsegajoča prednje območje (1) s konico (11), zadnje območje (2) z repom (21), ter bodisi piano ali reliefno izvedeno zgornjo površino (4), ob kateri se nahajata bočni ploskvi (6), ki sta spodaj zaključeni z robnikoma (7), označena s tem, daje vsaj na delu zgornje površine (4) smučke, namreč na vsakokrat proti obrabi in kontaktu z robnikom (6) preostale smučke v primeru prekrižanja smuči najbolj izpostavljenih lokacijah zgornje površine (4) smučke, predviden vsaj en kot obloga zasnovan ščitnik (5).1. A ski protected against wear and damage, comprising a front area (1) with a tip (11), a back area (2) with a tail (21), and either a piano or embossed upper surface (4) adjacent to the lateral surfaces (6), which are terminated below by curbs (7), characterized in that at least on the part of the upper surface (4) of the ski, in each case against wear and contact with the curb (6), the remaining skis in the event of cross-country skiing are the most exposed locations. the upper surface (4) of the ski, provided at least one lining-shaped shield (5). 2. Proti obrabi in poškodbam zaščitena smučka po zahtevku 1, označena s tem, daje vsaj na delu zgornje površine (4) smučke, namreč na vsakokrat proti obrabi in kontaktu z robnikom (6) preostale smučke v primeru prekrižanja smuči najbolj izpostavljenih lokacijah zgornje površine'(4) smučke, predviden vsaj en kot linijska obloga zasnovan ščitnik (5).A wear-protected ski according to claim 1, characterized in that at least part of the upper surface (4) of the ski, in each case against wear and contact with the curb (6) of the remaining ski, in the case of cross-skis, the most exposed locations of the upper surface '(4) skis, provided at least one liner designed shield (5). 3. Proti obrabi in poškodbam zaščitena smučka po zahtevku 1 ali 2, označena s tem, da je vsaj na delu zgornje površine (4) smučke, namreč na vsakokrat proti obrabi in kontaktu z robnikom (6) preostale smučke v primeru prekrižanja smuči najbolj izpostavljenih lokacijah zgornje površine (4) smučke, predviden vsaj en kot letev zasnovan ščitnik (5).A wear-protected ski according to claim 1 or 2, characterized in that at least part of the upper surface (4) of the ski, in each case against wear and contact with the curb (6) of the remaining ski, in the case of cross-skis, is most exposed locations of the upper surface (4) of the ski, provided at least one lath-shaped shield (5). 4. Smučka po enem od zahtevkov 1 do 3, označena s tem, da je ščitnik (5) zasnovan kot letev in mehansko ter s tem v splošnem odstranljivo pritrdljiv na zgornjo površino (4) smučke.Ski according to one of Claims 1 to 3, characterized in that the shield (5) is designed as a lath and mechanical and thus generally removably fastened to the upper surface (4) of the ski. 5. Smučka po zahtevku 4, označena s tem, daje ščitnik (5) zasnovan kot letev in mehansko ter s tem v splošnem odstranljivo pritrdljiv na zgornjo površino (4) smučke, pri čemer je ščitnik (5) opremljen z ekvidistančno razporejenimi skoznjimi luknjami (51), predvidenimi za prejem vijakov (52) za pritrditev ščitnika (5) na zgornjo površino (4) smučke.A ski according to claim 4, characterized in that the shield (5) is designed as a lath and mechanical and thus generally removably fastened to the upper surface (4) of the ski, the shield (5) being provided with equidistantly spaced through holes (5). 51) for receiving screws (52) for securing the shield (5) to the upper surface (4) of the ski. 6. Smučka po zahtevku 4, označena s tem, daje ščitnik (5) zasnovan kot letev in mehansko ter s tem v splošnem odstranljivo pritrdljiv na zgornjo površino (4) smučke, pri čemer je ščitnik (5) opremljen z ekvidistančno razporejenimi čepi (53), ki so vtisljivi v le-tem ustrezno razporejene slepe luknje (54), ki so iuzvedene v zgornji površini (4) smučke.6. A ski according to claim 4, characterized in that the shield (5) is designed as a lath and mechanical and thus generally removably fastened to the upper surface (4) of the ski, the shield (5) being provided with equidistantly arranged studs (53). ), which are imprinted in them by the properly arranged blind holes (54) which are introduced in the upper surface (4) of the ski. 7. Smučka po enem od zahtevkov 1 do 3, označena s tem, da je ščitnik (5) zasnovan kot letev in nemehansko ter s tem v splošnem neodstranljivo pritrdljiv na zgornjo površino (4) smučke.Ski according to one of Claims 1 to 3, characterized in that the shield (5) is designed as a lath and non-mechanical, and thus generally unshakably attached to the upper surface (4) of the ski. 8. Smučka po zahtevku 7, označena s tem, da je ščitnik (5) zasnovan kot letev in nemehansko, namreč z lepljenjem pritrdljiv na zgornjo površino (4) smučke.A ski according to claim 7, characterized in that the shield (5) is designed as a lath and non-mechanical, namely by adhesive attachment to the upper surface (4) of the ski. 9. Smučka po zahtevku 7, označena s tem, da je ščitnik (5) zasnovan kot letev in nemehansko, namreč z varjenjem pritrdljiv na zgornjo površino (4) smučke.A ski according to claim 7, characterized in that the shield (5) is designed as a lath and non-mechanical, namely by welding it is attached to the upper surface (4) of the ski. 10. Smučka po kateremkoli od zahtevkov 1 do 9, označena s tem, da je na zgornji površini (4) smučke predviden vsaj en ščitnik (5), ki poteka po celotni dolžini smučke, namreč preko osrednjega območja (3) ter prednjega območja (1) izvzemši konico (11) kot tudi preko zadnjega območja (2) izvzemši njegov skrajni del oz. rep (21).Ski according to any one of claims 1 to 9, characterized in that at least one shield (5) extending over the entire length of the ski is provided on the upper surface (4) of the ski, namely through the central area (3) and the front area (4). 1) excluding the tip (11) as well as beyond the posterior region (2), excluding its extreme part, or. tail (21). 11. Smučka po kateremkoli od zahtevkov 1 do 9, označena s tem, da je na zgornji površini (4) smučke predviden vsaj en ščitnik (5), ki poteka po celotni dolžini smučke, namreč preko osrednjega območja (3) ter prednjega območja (1), kjer je zaključen na odmiku od konice (11), kot tudi preko zadnjega območja (2), kjer je zaključen na odmiku od njegovega skrajnega dela oz. repa (21).A ski according to any one of claims 1 to 9, characterized in that at least one shield (5) extending over the entire length of the ski is provided on the upper surface (4) of the ski, namely through the central area (3) and the front area (4). 1), where it is terminated at a distance from the tip (11), as well as beyond the rear region (2), where it is terminated at a distance from its extremity or. beets (21). 12. Smučka po kateremkoli od zahtevkov 1 do 7, označena s tem, da je na zgornji površini (4) smučke predviden vsaj en ščitnik (5), ki poteka preko prednjega območja (1) izvzemši konico (11) in zadnjega območja (2) izvzemši njegov skrajni del oz. rep (21).Ski according to any one of claims 1 to 7, characterized in that at least one shield (5) is provided on the upper surface (4) of the ski, which extends over the front area (1), excluding the tip (11) and the rear area (2). ) except for its extreme part or. tail (21). 13. Smučka po kateremkoli od zahtevkov 1 do 9, označena s tem, da je na zgornji površini (4) smučke predviden vsaj en ščitnik (5), ki poteka preko prednjega območja (1) izvzemši konico (11).14. Smučka po kateremkoli od zahtevkov 1 do 9, označena s tem, da je na zgornji površini (4) smučke predviden vsaj en ščitnik (5), ki poteka preko zadnjega območja (2) izvzemši njegov skrajni del oz. rep (21).Ski according to any one of claims 1 to 9, characterized in that at least one shield (5) extending over the front region (1) is provided on the upper surface (4) of the ski, except for the tip (11). A ski according to any one of claims 1 to 9, characterized in that at least one shield (5) extending over the rear region (2) is provided on the upper surface (4) of the ski, except for its extreme part or. tail (21).
SI200100171A 2001-06-26 2001-06-26 Wear- and damage resistant ski SI20910A (en)

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