SE202205C1 - - Google Patents


Publication number
SE202205C1 SE202205DA SE202205C1 SE 202205 C1 SE202205 C1 SE 202205C1 SE 202205D A SE202205D A SE 202205DA SE 202205 C1 SE202205 C1 SE 202205C1
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inlet pipe
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Swedish (sv)
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Publication of SE202205C1 publication Critical patent/SE202205C1/sv



  • Devices For Dispensing Beverages (AREA)


Uppfinnare: S A Maxwell Prioritet begtird !ran den 19 juli 1962 (Storbritannien) Foreliggande uppfinning hanfor sig till vatskebehallare av det slag, som innefattar atminstone ett utlopp viol sin owe del samt ett inloppsror sig genom overdelen och en vasentlig stracka in i behallaren, varvid behallaren under anvandning Miles fylld med vatska sa att inforandet av en viss volym av vatska genom inloppsroret medfor avgivande av samma mangd vatska genom utlappet eller ett av utloppen. Inventor: SA Maxwell Priority set forth July 19, 1962 (Great Britain). The present invention relates to a water tank of the type comprising at least one outlet in its owe part and an inlet pipe extending through the upper part and a substantial distance into the tank. , the container in use Miles filled with liquid said that the introduction of a certain volume of liquid through the inlet pipe entails the discharge of the same amount of liquid through the outlet or one of the outlets.

SAdana vatskebehallare kunna anvarrdas t. ex. vid uppvarmning av kallt vatten, som inledes i behallaren frau. vattenledningsnatet. Vid varje slag av apparater, som skola matas Iran vattenledningsnatet, liar det hittills varit nOdvandigt att tillfora vattnet frdn en tryckutjamningstank, forsedd med ett med vattenledningsnatet forbundet inlopp och en kulventil, som forhindrar vattnet i tanken att stiga upp till intaget. Deniia anordning är vanligen obligatorisk, i andamal att bindra fororening av vattenledningsnatet genom fororeningar i en forbrAares ledningar. Elia" en Arlan tank vanligtvis joke är lamplig fOr anvandning som varmare eller for andra aridamal, for vilka en vattenmangd maste lagras, är det vanligt att anvd.nda en tryckutjdmningstank och en lagertank. Dessa tvâ behallare upptaga stort utrymme or& detta är i somliga fall en nackdel, t. ex. vid en portioneringsapparat for varma drycker, i vilken kallt vatten uppvarmes, milan det blandas med dryckens andra ingredienser och -vilken innefattar en mangd anima utrustning fiirutom vattenforsorjningsanordningarna. SAdana water containers can be stored e.g. when heating cold water, which is introduced into the container frau. the water pipe network. For each type of appliance to be fed to the Iran water mains, it has hitherto been necessary to supply the water from a pressure equalization tank, provided with an inlet connected to the water mains and a ball valve which prevents the water in the tank from rising to the inlet. This device is usually mandatory, in order to bind contamination of the water pipe network through contaminants in a consumer's pipes. Elia "an Arlan tank usually joke is suitable for use as a heater or for other aridamal, for which a quantity of water must be stored, it is common to use a pressure relief tank and a storage tank. These two containers take up a lot of space and this is in some cases a disadvantage, for example in a portioning apparatus for hot beverages, in which cold water is heated, milan it is mixed with the other ingredients of the beverage and which comprises a multitude of animated equipment in addition to the water supply devices.

Det är ett andamal med fOreliggande uppfinning att Ora dylika vatskebeihallare an vandbara vid vattenledningsnat, vid vilka namnda nackdelar undvikas. It is an object of the present invention to make such liquid tank holders usable at water pipe nights, in which the said disadvantages are avoided.

En vatskebehallare enligt uppfirmingen kannetecknas av att inloppsriiret är forsett med en oppning pa en omedelbart under behallarens overdel belagen niva, varjamte behallaren star i fOrbindelse med atmosfaren sa att den maximala mangd vdtsika som dtersuges genom inloppet, om trycket i inloppet faller under atmosfarstrycket, kommer att vara endast den volym som befinner sig ovanfor oppningens niva i inloppsroret, varefter Inloppet star i forbindelse med atmosfaren. A liquid container according to the invention can be characterized in that the inlet pipe is provided with an opening at a level immediately below the upper part of the container, each container being in communication with the atmosphere so that the maximum amount of liquid sucked through the inlet, if the pressure in the inlet falls below the atmosphere. be only the volume that is above the level of the opening in the inlet pipe, after which the inlet is in connection with the atmosphere.

Pet kir framballas att for astadkommande av effektiv uttagning av vatska genom utlappet vid tillforsel av vatska genom inloppet, maste behallaren vara ,fylld med valska titan narvaro av nagot luftutrymme, och pa grund harav dr det omojligt for inloppet att komma I fOrbindelse med atmosfaren genom utloppet, tam att en viss .mangd. vatska forst drages genom inloppet. It is recommended that in order to achieve efficient withdrawal of liquid through the outlet when supplying liquid through the inlet, the container must be filled with volatile titanium in the presence of some air space, and due to this it is impossible for the inlet to come into contact with the atmosphere through the outlet. , tam that a certain .mangd. liquid first is drawn through the inlet.

Inloppsoppningen bor vara omedelbart under behallarens overdel, sa att den ovanfor befintliga vatskemangden ãr ett minimum. Utformningen av behallarens overdel bestammer aven den vatskemangd, som befinner sig ovanfor inloppsoppningen. Derma form bor t. ex. joke vara konikav inat, om inloppet, °oh utloppet aro anordnade vid motstallda sidor av behallaren utan bor vara platt eller t. o. m. konvex. The inlet opening should be immediately below the top of the container, so that the existing water shortage is a minimum. The design of the upper part of the container also determines the water basket, which is located above the inlet opening. This form should e.g. joke be conical inward, if the inlet, ° oh the outlet aro arranged at opposite sides of the container but should be flat or even convex.

Inloppsoppningen kan utgoras av inloppsrorets oppna ande. Det dr emellertid fordelaktigt, att inloppsroret straeker sig till ett vasentligt djup I behallaren, varvid Oppningen dr anordnad vid inloppsrorets sida pa ett stal- 2j202 le nara under behallarens lock och har liten area i forhallande till inloppsrorets oppna an-de. Deana an.ordning ar sarskilt lamplig, om t. ex. vatskan i behallaren skall uppvarmas, emedan den storsta delen av den instrommandevatskan fran inloppet hommer att inledas i behallaren pa vasentligt djup genom inloppsrOrets oppna ande, sa. •att majligheten minskas for att temperaturen hos den genom utloppet ,angivna vatskan skall reduceras av den kalla instrommande vatskan an vad som är fallet vid tidigare anordningar, vid vilka all instrommande vatska inledes i behallaren nara overdelen. Emellertid kommer vid denna senare anordning en liten del av den kalla vatskan sannolikt att instromma i behallaren nara dess overdel genom Oppningen i inloppsrorets sida och for att minska graden av inblandning av denna kalla vatska i den uppvarmda vatska, som uttages genom utloppet, placeras lampligen denna oppning i inloppsroret pa ett stalle, som ar riktat fran utloppet. The inlet opening can be formed by the opening of the inlet pipe. However, it is advantageous for the inlet pipe to extend to a substantial depth in the container, the opening being arranged at the side of the inlet pipe on a stable surface under the lid of the container and having a small area in relation to the open end of the inlet pipe. This device is particularly suitable, if e.g. the liquid in the container must be heated, since the largest part of the inflowing liquid from the inlet is to be introduced into the container at a substantial depth through the open spirit of the inlet pipe, so. • that the possibility is reduced that the temperature of the liquid indicated by the outlet is to be reduced by the cold inflowing liquid than is the case with previous devices, in which all inflowing liquid is introduced into the container near the upper part. However, in this latter device a small part of the cold liquid is likely to flow into the container near its upper part through the opening in the side of the inlet pipe and in order to reduce the degree of admixture of this cold liquid in the heated liquid taken out through the outlet, this is conveniently placed. opening in the inlet pipe in a place, which is directed from the outlet.

Nar vatskan I behallaren skall uppvarmas, farses lampligen behallaren med en expansionsventil, som medgiver gradvis utslapp av vatska frail hehallaren, dvs. i beroende av vatskans utvidgning vid dess uppvarmning, men som ar stangd när trycket i behallaren hOjes snabbt, sasom t. ex. nar ytterligare vatska matas in i behallaren genom inloppet. When the liquid in the container is to be heated, the container is suitably stuffed with an expansion valve, which allows gradual discharge of liquid from the container, ie. depending on the expansion of the liquid during its heating, but which is closed when the pressure in the container is raised rapidly, such as e.g. when additional liquid is fed into the container through the inlet.

Behallaren kan mottaga vatten fran natet for uppvarmning eller andra andamal, och cm behallaren anvandes tillsammans med en backventil, som Or forbunden mellan inloppet och natet, kan apparaten, amen utan en med kulventil forsedd tryckutjamningstank, anses medfOra mycket smd mojligheter for att nagot vatten shall atergâ frail apparaten in i natet, och har i praktiken vunnit ber5rda myndigheters godkannande. The container can receive water from the net for heating or other purposes, and if the container is used together with a non-return valve, which is connected between the inlet and the net, the apparatus, amen without a pressure valve provided with a ball valve, can be considered to have very small possibilities for some water to return the device into the net, and has in practice won the approval of the relevant authorities.

Uppfinningen beskrives nu med hanvisning till hifogade ritningar, pa vilka fig. 1 Or en perspektivbild i detalj av en portioneringsapparat fOr drycker, som innefattar en vatskehehallare, fig. 2 en delsektion ay en annan utforingsform ay en vatskebehallare och fig. 3 en frontgenomskarning av en expansionsventil for anvandning tillsammans med vatskebehallaren. The invention will now be described with reference to the accompanying drawings, in which Fig. 1 is a perspective view in detail of a beverage dispenser comprising a liquid container, Fig. 2 a partial section of another embodiment of a liquid container and Fig. 3 a front section of a beverage container. expansion valve for use with the water tank.

Den portioneringsapparat for drycker som visas i fig. 1 innefattar en portioneningsenhet 10 for torra varor, och apparatens doll. (ej visad) innefattar en myatvaljaremekanism. Koppar tillfOras till ett serveringslage 11 frail en koppfOrdelare 12 och mjolk tillfores, am sa onshas, fran en behallare 13. Varmt vat-ten erhalles frail en vattenviarmare eller vatAcebehallare 14 till ett blandningsrum 15, fran vilket det tillsammans med de torra in gredienserna passerar till en kopp, som redan anbringats vid serveringslaget 11. Vat-ten tillf Ores fran natet till vattenvarmaren 14, och denna ar Torsedd med tva utlopp och ett expansionsror, varvid vatten fran det ena ay utloppen anvandes Tor beredning av drycken, medan vatten frail det andra utloppet anvandes for spolning av de ror, geonra vilka injolk har strommat. The beverage portioning apparatus shown in Fig. 1 includes a portion serving unit 10 for dry goods, and the doll of the apparatus. (not shown) includes a myat selection mechanism. Copper is supplied to a serving machine 11 from a cup distributor 12 and milk is supplied, as usual, from a container 13. Hot water is obtained from a water heater or water container 14 to a mixing chamber 15, from which it passes together with the dry ingredients to a cup, which has already been applied to the serving layer 11. The water is supplied to Ores from the net to the water heater 14, and this is Torsedd with two outlets and an expansion pipe, whereby water from one of the outlets is used Tor preparation of the drink, while water from the other the outlet was used for flushing the pipes, geonra which injolk has flowed.

Behallaren 20, som visas i fig. 2, Or omkring 305 mm lang och omkring 178 mm i diameter och innehaller en termostatreglerad doppvarmare 21, vilken stracker sig genom och Or monterad i en oppning I behallarens sida. Behallarens nedre del har en oppning, som begransas av en kort nedatriktad cylindrisk vagg, inuti vilken ür fastsvetsad en ihalig invandigt gangad hylsa fOr en avtappningspropp 22. Denna propp har en gangad del for beroring inuti hylsan och ett forstorat huvud, mellan vilket och hylsans ande finnes en tatningsring 23. Huvudet Or sexkantigt, sa att det latt kan lossas, da. behallaren shall tommas. The container 20, shown in Fig. 2, is about 305 mm long and about 178 mm in diameter and contains a thermostatically controlled immersion heater 21, which extends through and is mounted in an opening in the side of the container. The lower part of the container has an opening, which is delimited by a short downwardly directed cylindrical cradle, inside which is welded a hollow internally threaded sleeve for a drain plug 22. This plug has a threaded part for contact inside the sleeve and an enlarged head, between which and the spirit of the sleeve there is a sealing ring 23. The head Or hexagonal, said that it can be easily loosened, then. the container shall be emptied.

Vid ,behallarens overdel ooh nara dess ena ande finnes ett inlopp 24, vilket innefattar en utvandigt gangad hussning 25, som Or forsedd med ett axiellt hal. Inlets nedre del mottager ena linden av ett styvt ror 26 med oppna andar, vilket stracker sig nedat inuti behallaren till ett djup ay omkring 152 mm. Vid ett stalle omkring 3,2 mm nedanfor huyens flata del har roret en cirkular oppning 27 omkring 0,94 mm i diameter och huvudsakligen riktad !frail behallarens axel. For att fasta inloppsroret vid bussningen anvandes en mutter med en invandig ansats yid dess ovre ande, varvid ansatsen ar i beroring med en flans pa en hylsa, som omgiver inloppsroret. At the upper part of the container and near one of its ends there is an inlet 24, which comprises an externally threaded housing 25, which Or is provided with an axial hall. The lower part of the inlet receives one of the lindens of a rigid tube 26 with open spirits, which extends downwards inside the container to a depth of about 152 mm. At a stable about 3.2 mm below the flat part of the hut, the tube has a circular opening 27 about 0.94 mm in diameter and substantially directed towards the axis of the container. To secure the inlet pipe to the bushing, a nut with an internal shoulder is used at its upper end, the shoulder being in contact with a flange on a sleeve surrounding the inlet pipe.

Utloppen 28 och 29 fran behallaren aro anordnade vid behallarens overdel. Vart och ett ay utloppen innefattar en cylindrisk del, som ar fastsvetsad inuti en kort uppstaende cylindrisk flans, vilken omgiver oppningen i behallaren och vid sin ovre del ar utformad i ett stycke med en utvandigt gangad buss-fling, med mindre diameter an hylsan. Ett axiellt hal stracker sig genom hylsans hela langd ocih bussningen ar i forbrindelse med ett utloppsror, som ar fast yid bussningen medelst en mutter pa samma salt som inloppsr8ret. Utloppet 28 anvandes for tillforsel ay vatten fOr blandning med de torra ingredienserna vid apparatens anvandning och utloppet 29 anyandes tor tillfOrsel av vatten for spolning ay de tor, genom vilka mj01k strOmmat. The outlets 28 and 29 from the container are arranged at the upper part of the container. Each of the outlets comprises a cylindrical part, which is welded inside a short upright cylindrical flange, which surrounds the opening in the container and at its upper part is formed in one piece with an externally threaded bushing, with a smaller diameter than the sleeve. An axial shaft extends through the entire length of the sleeve and the bushing is in communication with an outlet pipe, which is fixed to the bushing by means of a nut on the same salt as the inlet pipe. The outlet 28 is used to supply water for mixing with the dry ingredients in the use of the apparatus and the outlet 29 is to supply water for rinsing the dry, through which milk flows.

Vidare flumes ett expansionsror 30, som vid sin 'Tyre ande ar tippet mot atmosfaren, 202 203 och vars area är en storleksordning stOrre an arean has utloppsoppningarna. ExpansionsrOret innefattar en ventilkagla 31, som är forsedd med en tatningsring 32, anordnad att samverka med ett ventilate 33, am yentilkaglan skulle lyftas. Furthermore, an expansion pipe 30, which at its Tire spirit is the tip towards the atmosphere, 202 203 and whose area is an order of magnitude larger than the area has the outlet openings. The expansion tube comprises a valve cone 31, which is provided with a sealing ring 32, arranged to cooperate with a valve 33, in which case the valve cone would be lifted.

Behallaren är yid anvdndning avsedd alt fyllas med vatten till en niva. mellan ,expansionsrorets 30 nedre del och averloppsroret 34. Overloppsrorets lage bestammer den hogsta mojliga vdtskenivan. Om vattnet i behallaren expanderar ph grand av temperaturh8jning, kan vattnet langsamt passera ventilkaglan 31 i det mellanrum, som bildas mellan kaglan och sdlet 35, och ventilkaglan är aven forsedd med ett hal 36. The container is intended for use or filled with water to a level. between, the lower part of the expansion pipe 30 and the overflow pipe 34. The position of the overflow pipe determines the highest possible weight disc. If the water in the container expands ph grand of temperature rise, the water can slowly pass the valve cone 31 in the space formed between the cone and the saddle 35, and the valve cone is also provided with a slide 36.

Om vatten inledes i hehallaren genom iii- lappet 24, 8ppnas automatiskt det ena av utloppen och vatten kan frill stromma ut genom detta utlopp. Pd. grand av den plOtsliga tryckokningen i behallaren bringas ventilkaglan 31 i expansionsroret 30 att forskjutas i riktning uppat, sh att tatningsringen 32 kommer i beroring med sitet 33 och sluter expansionsroret. Medan saledes vattnet i expansionsr5ret verkar utjamnande vid langsamma variationer av vattennivan, har det ringa eller ingen yerkan pa de plotsliga tryckOkningar som uppsta, när vatten inledes genom inloppet, och saledes blir den volym av varmt vatten som avgives genom 'utloppsroret i huvudsak lika star som volymen has det instrommande vattnet. If water is introduced into the holder through the inlet 24, one of the outlets is automatically opened and water can flow out through this outlet. Pd. Due to the sudden pressure rise in the container, the valve cone 31 in the expansion tube 30 is caused to be displaced in the upward direction, so that the sealing ring 32 comes into contact with the site 33 and closes the expansion tube. Thus, while the water in the expansion tube has a leveling effect with slow variations in the water level, it has little or no effect on the sudden pressure rises that occur when water is introduced through the inlet, and thus the volume of hot water discharged through the outlet tube is substantially equal to the volume has the inflowing water.

Emedan den nedre anden av den vertikala styva rorformade delen av inloppet 24 befinner sig pa ett .djup av omkring 127 eller 152 mm och den lilla oppningen 27 i roret fir riktad bort fran utloppen 28 och 20, kommer temperaturen has det genom utloppen avgivna vattnet att obetydligt payerkas av det kalla vattnet som inledes i behallaren. Since the lower end of the vertical rigid tubular portion of the inlet 24 is at a depth of about 127 or 152 mm and the small opening 27 in the tube is directed away from the outlets 28 and 20, the temperature will have the water discharged through the outlets to insignificant payerkas of the cold water that begins in the tank.

Om tilledningstrycket skulle falla under atmosfarstrycket, kommer vatten att sugas tillbaka genom inloppet till dess inlet vatten finnes kvar i expansionsroret, och vattennivan i sjalva behallaren sjunker dä till den lilla oppningen 27 i inloppsroret blottas. Detta bringar inloppet i forbindelse med atmosfaren, och intet ytterligare vatten kommer att avlagsnas. Should the supply pressure fall below atmospheric pressure, water will be sucked back through the inlet until inlet water remains in the expansion pipe, and the water level in the container itself then drops to the small opening 27 in the inlet pipe. This connects the inlet to the atmosphere, and no additional water will be deposited.

Behallaren 20 avger en forutbestamd vatskemangd for blandning med de andra ingredienserna i drycken, och det foreligger intet behov att anordna en tryckutjdmningstank, vilken skulle upptaga start ‘utrymme. Innan vattnet nkr varmaren, passerar det frail nätet genom ett filter, en backventil, en magnetventil, som oppnas automatiskt under en forutbestamd period, nar apparaten anYandes, samt en tryckregulator, som tj'anar till att uppratthalla trycket has det vatten, som avgives av magnetventilen vid ett konstant vdrde, oberoende av vaxlingar i vattenledningstrycket. The container 20 dispenses a predetermined liquid basket for mixing with the other ingredients in the beverage, and there is no need to provide a pressure relief tank which would take up starting space. Before the water enters the heater, the frail network passes through a filter, a non-return valve, a solenoid valve, which opens automatically for a predetermined period when the apparatus is in use, and a pressure regulator, which serves to maintain the pressure of the water given off by the solenoid valve at a constant value, independent of fluctuations in the water line pressure.

Claims (3)

Patentansprak:Patent claim: 1. Vatskebehallare av det slag som innefattar atminstone ett utlopp vid sin Ovre del samt ett inloppsror strdaande sig genom overdelen och en vdsentlig stracka in i behallaren, varvid behallaren under anvdndning halles fylld med vitska sh att inf8randet av en viss volym av vatska genom inloppsroret medfor avgivande av samma mangd vatska genom utloppet eller ett av utloppen, kannetecknad av att inloppsraret (26) ;ar forsett med en oppning (27) pa en omedelbart under behallarens overdel belagen niva, varjamte behallaren (20) stir i forbindelse med atmosfaren sa att den maximala mangd vatska som atersuges genom inloppet (24), om trycket i inloppet (24) faller under atmosfarstrycket, kommer att vara endast den volym som ,befinner sig ovanfor Oppningens (27) niva 1 inloppsroret (26), varefter inloppet (24) star i fOrbindelse med atmosfaren.Liquid container of the type comprising at least one outlet at its upper part and an inlet pipe extending through the upper part and a substantial distance into the container, the container being used during filling being filled with whiskey which the introduction of a certain volume of liquid through the inlet pipe entails dispensing the same amount of liquid through the outlet or one of the outlets, characterized in that the inlet pipe (26) is provided with an opening (27) at a level immediately below the upper part of the container, the container (20) being in communication with the atmosphere so that it maximum amount of liquid which is sucked back through the inlet (24), if the pressure in the inlet (24) falls below the atmospheric pressure, will be only the volume which is above the level 1 of the opening (27) in the opening (27), after which the inlet (24) is in connection with the atmosphere. 2. VdtskebehMlare enligt patentansprhket 1, kannetecknad av att arean has oppningen (27) i inloppsroret (26) är liten relativt arean has inloppsrOrets (26) 8ppna ande, varjamte inloppsrOrets (26) Oppning (27) ãr anordnad i ett fran utloppet .eller utloppen (28, 29) riktat age.2. A liquid container according to claim 1, characterized in that the area having the opening (27) in the inlet pipe (26) is small relative to the opening of the inlet pipe (26), and the inlet pipe (26) opening (27) is arranged in one from the outlet or. the outlets (28, 29) directed age. 3. Vatskebehallare enligt patentanspraket 2, inneifattande ett termostatstyrt varmeelement och avsedd for en portioneringsapparat for drycker, kdnnetecknad av att behallaren (20) har ett expansionsror (30), varjamte expansionsroret (30) innef attar en ventii (31), som normait ar appen, men är anordnad att stangas till f8ljd av en snabb tryckhojning i behallaren.. Anforda publikationer:Liquid container according to claim 2, comprising a thermostatically controlled heating element and intended for a portioning apparatus for beverages, characterized in that the container (20) has an expansion tube (30), each expansion tube (30) comprising a vent (31), which is normally the app. , but is arranged to be closed as a result of a rapid pressure increase in the container .. Request publications:
SE202205D SE202205C1 (en)

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SE202205C1 true SE202205C1 (en) 1965-01-01



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SE202205D SE202205C1 (en)

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