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SE186802C1 SE186802DA SE186802C1 SE 186802 C1 SE186802 C1 SE 186802C1 SE 186802D A SE186802D A SE 186802DA SE 186802 C1 SE186802 C1 SE 186802C1
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  • Closing And Opening Devices For Wings, And Checks For Wings (AREA)


KLASS INTERNATIONELLSVENSK E 05b68a:61 PATENT- OCH REGISTRERINGSVERKET Ans. 7086/1961 den 7/7 1961Hartill en ritning L MARZOCCHI, BOLOGNA, ITALIEN Fjaderlfis, sank& for diirrar eller liknande Prioritet begard frdn den 8 jolt /960 (Itallen) Foreliggande uppfinning avser ett fj aderlas, sarskilt for arra; bommar, grindar och liknande, saval som for Monster. CLASS INTERNATIONAL SWEDISH E 05b68a: 61 PATENT AND REGISTRATION AGENCY Ans. 7086/1961 of 7/7 1961In addition to a drawing L MARZOCCHI, BOLOGNA, ITALY Fjaderlfis, sank & for diirrar or similar Priority requested from 8 jolt / 960 (Itallen) The present invention relates to a spring load, especially for arra; barriers, gates and the like, saval as for Monster.

Man kanner val till, att de fjaderlas, som for narvarande i allmanhet anvandas for att liana dinar och dylikt stangda, n6dvandigOra, att vederborande manovrerar handtaget for att astadkomma oppnande eller stangartde sasom en forsta rorelse och darefter i manga fall att han utfor en. andra r8relse for undandragande av de laskolvar eller reglar, med vilka laset ãr fOrreglat. Detta innebar en fOrlust av tid och arbete. It is possible to choose that the spring locks, which are at present generally used for lining dinar and such rods, are necessary, that the person in question maneuvers the handle to bring about opening or rods as a first movement and then in many cases that he performs one. second movement for the elimination of the welding pistons or studs with which the welding is interlocked. This meant a loss of time and work.

Uppfinningen avser sarskilt ett sadant fjaderlas, vid vilket den kraft, som maste anvandas far att manOvrera trycket eller handtaget eller liknande for att kunna oppna eller stanga arren, fonstret eller dylikt, jamval utnyttjas for paverkan av den fOrefintliga fjaderkolven eller liknande, som kan forekomma i laset. The invention relates in particular to such a spring load, in which the force which must be used may maneuver the pressure or the handle or the like in order to be able to open or close the scar, the window or the like, may be used to influence the existing spring piston or the like which may occur in laset.

Hittills kanda fjaderlas av ovan angiven typ ha icke mojliggjort, att man oppnar eller stanger dorren oberoende av, °in vid Opp-flings- resp. stangningsverkan man utovar tryck eller dragning pa handtaget. Dessutom ar det ett onskemal, att sedan en dorr oppnats resp. stangts, pa det ovan angivna sattet, handtaget ay sig sjalvt skall Atervanda till sift normala vilolage, samtidigt som laskolven aterigen skall skjutas ut till laslage, oxen om dorren icke dr stangd. Hitherto, springs of the above-mentioned type have not made it possible to open or close the door independently of, in at Opp-flings- resp. closing action when applying pressure or pulling on the handle. In addition, it is a wishful thinking that after a door has been opened resp. closed, in the manner indicated above, the handle ay itself shall Atervanda to sift normal resting positions, at the same time as the welding piston shall again be pushed out to the locking position, the ox if the door is not closed.

Foreliggande uppfinning avser en anordning for detta andamal. The present invention relates to a device for this purpose.

Enligt uppfinningen ar ett handtag vid sin ena ande ledbart forbundet med dorren e. d. och ph ett Iran denna led skilt stalle pa handtaget är ett med tva lutande plan forsett mellanled genom en led f6rbundet med handtaget. De lutande planen aro anordnade att vid sin av handtagets rorelse foranledda rorelse paverka ett eller flera stilt for att laga undan fjaderlasets sparregel. According to the invention, a handle at one end is hingedly connected to the door, etc., and in Iran this joint is located separately on the handle, an intermediate joint provided with two inclined planes is connected to the handle by a joint. The inclined planes are arranged to, during their movement caused by the movement of the handle, affect one or more positions in order to remedy the spring load saving rule.

Vid en ytterligare utforingsform av fjaderlaset enligt foreliggande uppfinning bildas de lutande planen av en med sluten Oppning med lutande plan pa hada sidor f8rsedd mellandel, anordnad att med vardera sidan paverka ett stiff. In a further embodiment of the spring load according to the present invention, the inclined planes are formed by an intermediate part provided with a closed opening with a inclined plane on either side, arranged to actuate a stiff with each side.

Fjaderlaset enligt uppfinningen kan vara forsett med ett eller flera trycken, handtag eller liknande, som aro anordnade att nedtryckas, dragas upp eller fram eller eljest manovreras pa lampligt satt ay vederborande for att oppna eller stanga dorren, fonstret eller liknande, samt en mekanisk overforingsanordning for omvandlande av den nyss namnda rorelsen i en r8relse for forskjutning ay fjaderregeln fran sift lage. The spring load according to the invention may be provided with one or more presses, handles or the like, which are arranged to be depressed, pulled up or forward or otherwise maneuvered in a suitable manner or adjacent to open or close the door, window or the like, and a mechanical transfer device for transforming the newly mentioned movement into a movement for displacement of the spring rule from the sift layer.

Darvid omvandlas foretradesvis tryckes- eller handtagsrdrelsen genom lampliga medel till en fram- och tillbakagaende rorelse, som kan ske i vertikal riktning, av en eller flera lasbalkar am det slag, som vanligen anvandes few att stanga Mister och liknande. In this case, the pressure or handle movement is preferably converted by suitable means into a reciprocating movement, which can take place in the vertical direction, by one or more load beams of the type commonly used to support Mister and the like.

Man kan aven anvanda enkla kinematiska medel for omvandling av den kraft, som utovas p0. trycket, handtaget eller liknande for oppnande resp. stangande av dOrren eller liknande, till en kraft f Or paverkan ay en fjaderregel av det slag, som verkar under vridning av en axel, vanligen en kvadratisk axel, kring sitt centrum. One can also use simple kinematic means for converting the force exerted on p0. the pressure, the handle or the like for opening resp. closing the door or the like, to a force f Or affecting a spring rule of the kind which acts while rotating an axis, usually a square axis, about its center.

Aven andra utforingsformer ay ett las enligt uppfinningen kunna forekomma, vid vilka den kraft, som utovas pa trycket eller handtaget till dorren eller liknande utnyttjas for paverkan av lasets fjadrande regel, men det forekommer amen utforingsformer, vid vilka detta icke sker, utan i stallet regeln manovreras helt enkelt genom det tryck, som uppkommer mot dess lutande flank i dess oppning, varvid man kan vidtaga sarskilda anordningar fOr omvandling ay regelns rullande rOrelse till en glidande rorelse. Other embodiments of a lock according to the invention may also occur, in which the force exerted on the pressure or the handle of the door or the like is used to influence the resilient rule of the lock, but there are embodiments in which this does not happen, but instead the rule is simply maneuvered by the pressure which arises against its inclined flank in its opening, whereby special devices can be taken for converting the rolling motion of the rule into a sliding motion.

Uppfinningen mojliggor ocksa ytterligare 2— — utvecklingsformer, i vilka man kan utbyta trycken av konventionell art mot tryckknappar under i ovrigt lika arbetsbetingelser, och utova ett tryck pa dem for att Oppna eller stanga &wren eller liknande och láta derma kraft formedlas av enkla mekaniska medel sasom lutande plan o. d. for pdverkan av fj derregeln for &wren resp. for astadkommande av rorelse av lasstangen for fonster. The invention also enables further forms of development in which the pressures of a conventional nature can be exchanged for pushbuttons under otherwise equal working conditions, and a pressure can be exerted on them to open or close the wrench or the like and allow this force to be mediated by simple mechanical means such as tilting plan od for pdverkan av fj derregeln for & wren resp. for effecting the movement of the load bar for windows.

Vid dorrar och dylikt, vilka skola kunna oppnas och stangas pa hada sidor, anordnas trycket eller handtaget pa hada sidor av dorren, men pa luckor, garderobsdorrar, lador och liknande, dar vederbOrande person stalldigt befinner sig pa samma sida om &wren eller dylikt, anordnar man endast handtaget pd. den ifragavarande sidan. In the case of doors and the like, which can be opened and closed on either side, the pressure or handle is arranged on each side of the door, but on doors, wardrobe doors, barns and the like, where the person in question is constantly on the same side if the door or the like, arranges man only the handle pd. the page in question.

Dessa och andra omstandigheter vid anordningen enligt uppfinningen komma att tydligare framga. air foljande beskrivning i samband med bifogade ritning, pa vilken vissa ut`foringsexempel av uppfinningen askadliggj orts. These and other circumstances of the device according to the invention will become clearer. air following description in connection with the accompanying drawing, in which certain embodiments of the invention are based.

Pa ritningen visar fig. 1 i perspektivisk bild en anordning enligt uppfinningen, forsedd med trycket pa bada sidor. Fig. 2 visar en perspektivisk bild av en annan anordning enligt uppfinningen, avsedd exempelvis for Muster, luckor och liknande. Fig. 3 visar en bild for forklaring air funktion av fjaderregelns rorelser. Fig. 4 visar en perspektivisk bild air en detalj i anordningen for oppnande air en diforr. Fig. 5 visar en bild av en vid trycket vridbart fast platta. Fig. 6 visar ovanifran en anordning under anvandande av detaljerna enligt de hada narmast foregaende figurerna. Fig. 7 visar en anordning for oppnande av en dorr i en avvikande utformning. Fig. 8 visar i perspektiv en trycklumpp for dorrar. Fig. 9 visar samma knapp ovanifran och fig. 10 visar bakifran en anordning for oppnande air dOrrar enligt f5religgande uppfinning i en utforingsform, som gör det mojligt att tillampa den vid konventionella fjaderregler for vridbara trycken. Fig. 11 visar slutligen en bild, deMs i sektion, ovanifran av samma anordning. In the drawing, Fig. 1 shows in perspective view a device according to the invention, provided with the pressure on both sides. Fig. 2 shows a perspective view of another device according to the invention, intended for example for Patterns, doors and the like. Fig. 3 shows an image for explaining the function of the spring rule movements. Fig. 4 shows a perspective view of a detail in the device for obtaining air a diforr. Fig. 5 shows a view of a fixed plate rotatable under pressure. Fig. 6 shows from above a device using the details according to the most recent figures. Fig. 7 shows a device for opening a door in a different design. Fig. 8 shows in perspective a pressure lump for doors. Fig. 9 shows the same button from above and Fig. 10 shows from behind a device for opening air doors according to the present invention in an embodiment which makes it possible to apply it to conventional spring rules for rotatable pressures. Fig. 11 finally shows a view, deMs in section, from above of the same device.

Vid anordningen enligt fig. 1, 2 och 3 betecknar 1 tryckena och 2 en med tryckena ledbart forbunden plat eller skiva, vilken i sitt mittparti Or forsedd med en dubbelverkande Oppning 4, fig. 2, resp. en snedsidig urtagning 3, fig. 1, i form air en trekantig urskarning i platen eller skivan 2. In the device according to Figs. 1, 2 and 3, 1 denotes the presses and 2 denote a plate or disc hingedly connected to the pressures, which in its central portion Or is provided with a double-acting opening 4, Figs. 2, respectively. a sloping recess 3, Fig. 1, in the form of a triangular cut-out in the plate or disc 2.

:Vied hjalp av en tapp 5 är trycket ledbart fast vid ramen pa. dorren, fOnstret eller liknande, pa vilken trycket genom havstangsverkan skall verka, och vid 6 ar den nyss namnda skivan eller platen 2 fast vid trycket, vilket kraften f Or oppnande utOvas. Genom att man antingen drar eller skjuter p5. trycket 1, sh att delta vrider sig kring tappen 5, kommer det under fOrmedling air tappen 6 att forskjuta plattan eller skivan 2, sa att denna med sin sneda yta 3 resp. sin oppning 4 verkar pa ett stift 7, som är forenat med den fja.- derbelastade regeln 8, fig. 2 och 3 resp. 8', fig. 1, sa att denna fores ut frail sitt regelingrepp. Vid anordningen enligt fig. 1 är en fjader 9 anordnad att aterfOra regelstangen 8' till lasningslage. : With the help of a pin 5, the pressure is articulated to the frame pa. the door, the window or the like, on which the pressure through the action of the sea rod is to act, and at 6 the newly mentioned disc or plate 2 is fixed to the pressure, which the force f Or opening is exerted. By either pulling or pushing p5. the pressure 1, sh to participate rotates around the pin 5, it will during the transmission air pin 6 displace the plate or disc 2, so that this with its oblique surface 3 resp. its opening 4 acts on a pin 7, which is joined to the spring-loaded bolt 8, Figs. 2 and 3, respectively. 8 ', fig. 1, said that this is carried out frail its control engagement. In the device according to Fig. 1, a spring 9 is arranged to return the control rod 8 'to the welding position.

I fig. 4 11 utgores trycket eller handtaget av delen 101, medan den air trycket eller handtaget manovrerade skivan eller plattan är betecknad med 102, och dess sneda ytor Ore betecknade 103. In Fig. 411, the pressure or handle is constituted by the part 101, while the air pressure or handle maneuvered disc or plate is denoted by 102, and its inclined surfaces Ore are denoted 103.

Dessa sneda ytor ha till andamal att vid rorelse av skivan 102 pa grund av att handtaget 101 vrides kring tappen 105 och under overf5rande av rorelsen via tappen 106, eller alternativt pa grund av att tryck utovas knappen 114, fig. 8 och 9, som är direkt fast vid skivan 102, astadkomma forskjutning av ett stift 107, vilket pa nagot pa ritningen icke narmare visat satt är fOrbundet med den fj derbelastade regeln, eller eventuellt i motsvarighet till en variant av anordningen enligt fig. 2, astadkomma forskjutning av ett par stift, vilka aro fdsta vid regelstingerna vid en stangningsanordning for Mister. Regelstangerna kunna givetvis amen i detta fall med hjalp air fjadrar motsvarande fjadern 9, fig. 1, hallas under sadan fjaderspanning, att de sjalvstandigt atervanda till sitt reglande lage, da man slapper trycket eller handtaget. These inclined surfaces have the purpose that when the disc 102 is moved due to the handle 101 being rotated around the pin 105 and during the transfer of the movement via the pin 106, or alternatively due to pressure being exerted on the button 114, Figs. 8 and 9, which are directly attached to the disc 102, to cause displacement of a pin 107, which in some way not shown in more detail in the drawing is connected to the spring-loaded rule, or possibly corresponding to a variant of the device according to Fig. 2, to cause displacement of a pair of pins , which are the first at the rule stings at a closing device for Mister. The control rods can of course amen in this case with auxiliary air springs corresponding to the spring 9, fig. 1, are held under such spring tension that they independently return to their regulating position, when you release the pressure or the handle.

Vid den nagot avvikande utfOringsform, som visas i fig. 10 och 11, är uppfinningen tillampad pa ett las med en fyrkantig axel 113, vilken vid sin vridning verkar undandragande pa en fjaderbelastad regelkolv. Handtaget 101 är namligen forenat med tva utsprang 110 och 111. Vid handtagets vridning at ena hallet kommer utskottet 110 att paverka en skiva 112, som Or fast vid axeln 113, sá att denna vrides i en riktning, vid vilken regelkolven drages undan, och vid vridning av handtaget i andra riktningen paverkas i stallet utskottet 111 och skivan 112 for vridning, men avert denna sker i samma riktning, och aven da drages foljaktligen regelkolven undan och laset oppnas. Skivan 112 är namligen fast pa axeln 113. In the slightly different embodiment shown in Figs. 10 and 11, the invention is applied to a lock with a square shaft 113, which in its rotation acts as a puller on a spring-loaded control piston. Namely, the handle 101 is combined with two projections 110 and 111. When the handle is rotated at one hall, the projection 110 will actuate a disc 112, which is fixed to the shaft 113, so that it is rotated in a direction in which the rule piston is pulled away, and at rotation of the handle in the other direction is affected in the stable the projection 111 and the disc 112 for rotation, but avert this takes place in the same direction, and even then the rule piston is consequently pulled away and the latch is opened. Namely, the disc 112 is fixed to the shaft 113.

Det Mir bemarkas att vid flera av de ovan angivna utforingsformerna av uppfinningen handtaget resp. handtagen dro sa anordnade, att de kunna alternativt pressas in mot dorren eller dragas bort fran denna av den person, som avser att oppna dorren. Den mekaniska lankforbindelsen mellan handtaget och regelkolven leder i varje fall till att regeln standigt drages undan. Dess aterforande till reglat 'age sker foljaktligen genom fjaderkraft. It is noted that in several of the above-mentioned embodiments of the invention the handle resp. the handles are arranged so that they can alternatively be pressed against the door or pulled away from it by the person who intends to open the door. In any case, the mechanical link connection between the handle and the rule piston leads to the rule being constantly pulled away. Its return to regulation 'consequently takes place by spring force.

Man kan fOlj aktligen anordna handtag endast pa ena sidan om dorren eller pa hada sidor ay densamma, och regelkolven drages undan lika vãl i det ena som i det andra fallet. Om man onskar kunna lasa dOrren, sa att — —3 den icke skall kunna Oppnas, sa kan detta latt ske genom att man forenar sjalva handtaget med ett nyckellas, som i sitt lasningslage forhindrar, att handtaget bibringas den for Opp-fling av regeln avsedda rorelsen. Actually, handles can only be arranged on one side of the door or on either side thereof, and the rule piston is pulled away as well in one case as in the other. If you wish to be able to lock the door, so that it cannot be opened, this can be done by combining the handle itself with a key lock, which in its locking mode prevents the handle from being given the one intended for opening the rule. rorelsen.

Det ar for uppfinningens praktiska varde av betydelse, att den rorelse, for vilken handtaget utsattes, verkar i huvudsak vinkelratt mot d8rrens plan, vilket gar anvandningen av fjaderlaset enligt uppfinningen synnerligen bekvamt och lattillgangligt. It is important for the practical value of the invention that the movement to which the handle is subjected acts substantially perpendicular to the plane of the door, which makes the use of the spring load according to the invention extremely convenient and easily accessible.

Uppfinningen är givetvis icke inskrankt till de sarskilda ovan beskrivna och pa ritningen visade utforingsformerna, utan allehanda olika modifikationer kunna vidtagas Mom uppfinningens ram, sarskilt med hansyn till dimensioneringen, formen och materialet i de olika delarna. Samtliga delar kunna givetvis ersattas med sina tekniska ekvivalenter. The invention is of course not limited to the particular embodiments described above and shown in the drawing, but all sorts of different modifications can be made within the scope of the invention, especially with regard to the dimensioning, shape and material in the various parts. All parts can of course be replaced with their technical equivalents.

Claims (2)

P a tentansprak:T a tentansprak: 1. Foreliggande uppfinning avser ett fjaderlas, sarskilt for dorrar, Mister och liknande, vid vilket den kraft, som maste utnyttj as for oppnande av dorren, fonstret eller liknande, jamval är anordnad att draga un dan den fjaderbelastade sparregeln i laset. Enligt uppfinningen ãr ett handtag (1, 101) vid sin ena ande ledbart forbundet med dorren e. d. och pa ett fran denna led (5, 105) skilt stalle pa handtaget (1, 101) fir ett med tva lutande plan (3, 103) forsett mellanled (2, 4, 102, 112) genom en led (6, 106) forbundet med handtaget. De lutande planen (3, 103) aro anordnade att vid sin av handtagets (1, 101) riirelse f8ranledda rorelse paverka ett eller flera stilt (7, 107) for att draga undan fjaderlasets sparregel (8, 8').The present invention relates to a spring load, in particular for doors, misters and the like, in which the force which must be used for opening the door, the window or the like is arranged to pull away from the spring-loaded saving rule in the load. According to the invention, a handle (1, 101) at its one end is articulated to the door and at a position separate from this joint (5, 105) on the handle (1, 101) for a plane with two slopes (3, 103) provide intermediate link (2, 4, 102, 112) through a link (6, 106) connected to the handle. The inclined planes (3, 103) are arranged to, during their movement caused by the movement of the handle (1, 101), actuate one or more positions (7, 107) in order to pull away the spring rule (8, 8 ') of the spring load. 2. Vid ett fjaderlas enligt patentanspraket 1 bildas de lutande planen (3) av en med sluten oppning med lutande plan pa hada sidor forsedd mellandel (4), anordnad att med vardera sidan paverka ett stift (7). Anforda publikationer: Patentskrifter fran Sverige 8 325, 86 780; Danmark 70 350; Schweiz 175 957; Storbritannien 424 935; Tyskland 326872.In the case of a spring weld according to claim 1, the inclined planes (3) are formed by an intermediate part (4) provided with a closed opening with an inclined plane on either side, arranged to actuate a pin (7) on each side. Request publications: Patents from Sweden 8,325, 86,780; Denmark 70 350; Switzerland 175 957; United Kingdom 424,935; Germany 326872.
SE186802D SE186802C1 (en)

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SE186802C1 true SE186802C1 (en) 1963-01-01



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SE186802D SE186802C1 (en)

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Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
EP0113655A2 (en) 1983-01-07 1984-07-18 Johann Dipl.Innenarchitekt Kabele Door handle

Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
EP0113655A2 (en) 1983-01-07 1984-07-18 Johann Dipl.Innenarchitekt Kabele Door handle

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