OA12449A - Easy-to-install, mechanically-operated automatic/manual device for controlling an outlet for water or any fluid. - Google Patents

Easy-to-install, mechanically-operated automatic/manual device for controlling an outlet for water or any fluid. Download PDF


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OA12449A OA1200300212A OA1200300212A OA12449A OA 12449 A OA12449 A OA 12449A OA 1200300212 A OA1200300212 A OA 1200300212A OA 1200300212 A OA1200300212 A OA 1200300212A OA 12449 A OA12449 A OA 12449A
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easy installation
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Rafael Sosa
Original Assignee
Ana Lidieth Madrigal Chavarria
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Application filed by Ana Lidieth Madrigal Chavarria filed Critical Ana Lidieth Madrigal Chavarria
Priority to OA1200300212A priority Critical patent/OA12449A/en
Publication of OA12449A publication Critical patent/OA12449A/en



    • F16K21/00Fluid-delivery valves, e.g. self-closing valves
    • F16K21/04Self-closing valves, i.e. closing automatically after operation
    • F16K21/18Self-closing valves, i.e. closing automatically after operation closed when a rising liquid reaches a predetermined level
    • F16K21/20Self-closing valves, i.e. closing automatically after operation closed when a rising liquid reaches a predetermined level by means making use of air-suction through an opening closed by the rising liquid
    • E03C1/00Domestic plumbing installations for fresh water or waste water; Sinks
    • E03C1/12Plumbing installations for waste water; Basins or fountains connected thereto; Sinks
    • E03C1/24Overflow devices for basins or baths
    • E03C1/242Overflow devices for basins or baths automatically actuating supply or draining valves
    • F16K31/00Actuating devices; Operating means; Releasing devices
    • F16K31/02Actuating devices; Operating means; Releasing devices electric; magnetic
    • F16K31/06Actuating devices; Operating means; Releasing devices electric; magnetic using a magnet, e.g. diaphragm valves, cutting off by means of a liquid
    • F16K31/08Actuating devices; Operating means; Releasing devices electric; magnetic using a magnet, e.g. diaphragm valves, cutting off by means of a liquid using a permanent magnet
    • G05D9/00Level control, e.g. controlling quantity of material stored in vessel
    • G05D9/04Level control, e.g. controlling quantity of material stored in vessel with auxiliary non-electric power


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  • Hydrology & Water Resources (AREA)
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  • Water Supply & Treatment (AREA)
  • Fluid-Driven Valves (AREA)


The primary objective of the invention is to provide, to ail users of potable water servicesupplied by the service provider company, a device that installe easity and allows use of thewater System without having to be présent while filling up containers, tanks, troughs, barrels, 5 tubs, bathtubs, toïlets, pools, and réservoirs in general, with the security that once the desiredwater level is reached the flow wilt be stopped, thus making unnecessary the presence of aperson to start or stop the flow of water. A secondary objective of the invention is to provide adevice that avoids wastage of water due to forgetfulness, by functioning totally and completelyas a sea, against any non-required passage of the vital liquid or once the container in question 10 has been filled. A third and no less important objective of this invention is to provide to ailhomes and places where the water supply is scarce and only available for a few hours, mostotten at nîght, a low-cost device that allows people to not neglect their other activitlès orphysiological needs, such as nighttîme rest, in otder to tend to the filling of containersnecessary for their daily consumption and needs. 15 PREVIOUS TECHNIQUE.
There exist many simple fluid control Systems that use relatively cheap components. Oneexample of control by feedback is a drinking trough that uses a float to détermine the waterlevel, When the water level faits below a set point, the float drops, opens a valve, and allowsmore water into the trough, When the water level lises the float also rises, and upon reaching 20 a certain point the valve is closed and the water flow is eut off. The disadvantage of this floatflow valve is that the valve seat progressively gets wom down by the water pressure, and aftera short time needs to be replaced. In the device represented by this invention there is nowearing down of the valve seat; it functions by totally opening or shutting off the flow of water ofsny other liquid. Another example is U.S. patent 4,094,327, which is a valve for toilet tanks. 25 Said valve Is supported inside the tank at the water inflow point as a vertical column. There existsimpler système as well, which use a rod with a copper or plastic bail at the end that acts as afloat. Ail such Systems in many cases obstrue! the functioning of the drain valve. This inventionis installed outside the tank, and thus the drain valve remains inside the tank withoutobstructions. Another example is U.S. patent 4,566,484, in which the valve is submerged 30 within the liquid. This invention is installed on the side of the tank to be fitied. Another exampleis ES 2 096 539, which is a storage tank shutoff valve. Said control valve uses two tubes andmore complex mechanisms. This invention is installed outside of the tank and uses only onetube, which conducts the fluid. Consequently, this invention substitutes for any complex 012449 2 mechanism used to substituts an eiectronic valve. An eiectronic valve is inadéquate in somecases, such as where flammabte fuels are présent, or in the case of vessels or bathtubs were apenson wili be immersed in the water. An eiectronic valve is controlled by an electric oreiectronic water-level guard and électrodes that detect high or low water level, This invention 5 has the fonctions and simple mechanisms of an eiectronic valve. In order to fuifiB theaforementioned objectives and others, this invention is a device that can be easiiy instaiied atan outfiow of water or any other Hquid, with mechanical fonctioning that nerîher needs nor usesany source of eiectric or eiectronic energy, rechargeable or standard batteries, solar energy,nor any other power-source mechanism, in order to fin any kind of containers, tanks, troughs, 10 barrels. tubs, bathtubs, toiiets, pools, réservoirs, or simNar vessels. either automatically ormanuaiiy. inciuding the ability to connect it to any garden hose or other type of hose.BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE FIGURES.
The aforementïoned and other objectives of the advantages represented by this invention wiBbe easiiy apparent by way of référencé to the following detaiied description, when constdered 15 together with the accompanying figures, wherein Figure. 1 is a layout and cross-sectional viewof the:
Automatic/Manual Device for Controlling Outfiow of Water or any Fluid, withMechanical Functioning and Easy Installation. In this drawing the invention is shown atrest. Switch Q is in the ON (connected) position, indicating that the water or fluid is flowing
20 from the INFLOW to the OUTFLOW of the device. Switch Q is actîvated by cyiinder N.Selector P is in "automatic’ position. Selector P has a métal ring O attached to it. Spring Aexerts pressure on round magnet M, placing it at the bottom of air chamber U, thus forcingsmail magnet K to remain in the upper inside part of cyiinder Z, situated on the upperlongitudinal shaft of the device. Cyiinder Z houses piston J. Piston J houses small magnet K 25 and a smail rubber stopper I at its Iower end. Small rubber stopper I is drawn away from hole Hto free the water or fluid to flow through duct S, thereby releasing the pressure of the water orfiquid in pressure chambers V and W. Rubber membranes D and F are actîvated by thepassage of water or fluid. Rubber membranes D and F are separated from valve seats Y andX. The water coming from the device INFLOW arrives at pressure chamber W, where lt splits 30 in two directions. First, the majority of the water or fluid is dtscharged through the OUTFLOWduct of the device. Secondly, the water or fluid in pressure chamber W passes to pressurechamber V and is dtscharged through duct S and subsequently through the device OUTFLOW.Figure 2 is a layout and cross-sectional view of the:
Automatic/Manual Device for Controlling Outfiow of Water or any Fluid, with 35 Mechanical Functioning and Easy Installation. In this drawing the invention is shownactîvated by the water or fluid level detected by the double tube T. Switch Q is in the OFFPosition (fonction disconnected), indicating that the water or fluid is. not clrculating 012449
Switch Q is aetivated by cylinder N. Setector P is in "automatic' position. Spring N iscompressed when round magnet M rises. Round magnet M and cylinder N are raised byrubber membrane L, which is sensitive to hydrostatic pressure. Membrane L is raised by thehydrostatic pressure in air chamber V coming fram double tube T. The hydrostatic pressure in
5 double tube T is relayed through projection duct Γ and transmitted through rubber hose R toentrance duct 1 into air chamber U. When round magnet M lises it changes the position ofsmaîl magnet K, moving it to the lower portion of cylinder 2, situated on the upper longitudinalshaft of the device. Cylinder 2 houses piston J. Piston J houses smali magnet K and a smallrubber stopper I at its lower end. Small rubber stopper I is plugging hôte H. WlthhoIeH 10 plugged, the water or fluid does not flow through duct S. In pressure chambers V and W thewater or fluid pressure beoomes equal to the INFLOW pressure, thus exerting pressure onmembranes O and F. Membranes D and F shut off the flow of water or fluid at valve seats Xand Y, thus automatically shutting off the flow of water or liquid once the container or réservoirin question is full. In order to obtain water or liquid without removing the device, switch Q can 15 be operated manually by holding it in the ON position. When released, switch Q returnsautomatically to the OFF position due to the water or fluid levai detected by double tube T (seeFigure 2).
Figure 3 is a layout and cross-sectiona! view of the:
Automatic/Manual Device for Controlling Outflow of Water or any Fluid, with 20 Mechanicaf Functîonîng and Easy Installation. In this drawing the invention is shownaetivated as in Figure 2, with the following variations: 1) Switch P is in the “manual" position. 2)No water or fluid level is présent in double tube T, and thus no hydrostatic pressure exists. 3)Métal ring O is held to round magnet M by magnetic force. With the aforementioned variations,switch Q can be operated manually to activais or deactivate the device. If switch Q is operated 25 manually and left in the ON position (connected), as shown in Figure 1, the device is aetivatedby the water or fluid level detected by double tube T (see Figure 2). OETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED FEATURES,
The Automatic/Manual Device for Controlling Outflow of Water or any Fluid, withMechanical Functîonîng and Easy Installation, is comprised of the part A dedicated to the 30 admission or inflow of the water or other fluid, as can be noted in Figure 1, where A is thestream inflow with a threadable end and arm B, which can be pointed in whatever direction isdesirod, attached to the device housing C. Duct B for the passage of water or other fluid Jeadsto pressure chamber W, which houses the first rubber membrane D, which has a smalldiametric orifice 2. Its latéral portion communicates with pressure chamber V and cylinder Z. 35 Pressure chamber V houses the second rubber membrane F, which has a small diametricorifice 3. The second rubber membrane F is supported by part G, which in turn has a smaliorifice H. Cylinder Z houses piston J. Piston J houses small magnet K and rubber stopper I, 012449 4 with rubber stopper I belng situated at hs external Iower end. for purposes of plugging the smailmiliimetric hole H located on the longitudinal shaft that allows the fiow of water or fluid towardduct S. A third.rubber membrane L can also be noted, which serves as support for cylindricalmagnet M end cylinder N. Cylinder N has a projection which communicates with controtler Q, 5 with the following positions: ON or OFF, as required. Moving up in Figure 1, spring N can beseen, along with the métal ring O attached to the arm of selector P, for the ‘manual’ or‘automatic" positions. Rubber tube R can also be seen, joining ducts 1 and Γ in order to exertthe hydrostatic pressure necessary to cause movement of magnets M and K, and thus toobserve the objectives set forth in this invention. Also in Figure 1 can be seen double tube T, 10 both tubes of which can be copper, or only partially (intemaliy or extemalty) with the other partbeing of plastic matériel (polymer or PVC). A hook used to hang the device on the container tobe fîlled can also be seen. Besides orifice Γ for connecting rubber hose R, the double tube Talso has In its upper portion a smooth boîe to enabfe it to be attached or connected to the sameexit orifice of the device. thereby allowing the device to be more functional in containers with a 16 small opening or access, and H needs no greater hydrostatic pressure in order to fonction withits completely mechanical mechantem, and needs no energy source such as batteries (standardor rechargeable), soîar celis. electricity, electronic parts or connections, or similar items.

Claims (7)

  1. υ1 24 49 5 CLAIMS With this invention having been specificaily described and its nature determined, atong with themanner in which same is to be used, the following are claimed as exclusive property and righte: 1) Automatic/Manuai Device for Controiling Outflow of Water or any Fluid, withMechanicai Functioning and Easy Installation, characterized due to its consisting of: a 5 mechanism for the admission of water or any other fluid, comprised of part A, which consiste ofa threadable orifice for the admission of water or other fluid, an arm-shaped duct B which canbe pointed in whatever direction fe desired, attached to the device housing C. A first rubbermembrane D, with a small diametric orifice 2, for communication with pressure chamber WRubber membrane D is supported by part E of solid material, which ailows it to form a secure 10 seal against valve seat Y. Membrane D and part E are activated by the fiow of water, andfacilitate the fiow of water or fluid from the device INFLOW to the OUTFLOW when the deviceis connected for purposes of fifling any type of container, tank, trough, barrei, tub, bathtub,toitet, pool, réservoir, or similar vessel, either automaticaiiy or manually. Pressure chamber Wcommunicates, by way of s duct in its latéral portion with a small diametric orifice 3, with 15 pressure chamber V and cylinder Z. Pressure chamber V houses the second rubbermembrane F, which bas a small diametric orifice 3. The second rubber membrane F issupported by part G, which aiiows it to form a secure seal against valve seat X. Part G has asmall orifice H that ailows water or fluid to fiow through duct S. Cylinder Z houses piston J.Piston J houses small magnet K and the small rubber part I at its lower external end, The small 20 magnet K inside cylinder J functions with inverted poiarity with respect to cylîndrical magnet M,so that the small rubber part I can open or close the millimetric hole H. A third rubbermembrane L, sensitive to hydrostatic pressure, can also be noted, which serves as support forcylîndrical magnet M and cylinder N. Cylinder N has a projection which communicates withswitch Q. Swstch Q indicates the following positions: ON or OFF, and can be moved according 25 to the required functioning of the device, either activated or deactivated, Spring N exertspressure on round magnet M, moving h to the bottom of air chamber U. Métal ring O isattached to selector P in order to select the “manual" or “automatic' position, A double tube Tthat detects the water level, forming hydrostatic pressure within double tube T. The hydrostaticpressure in double tube T is transmitted through its projection duct Γ and through rubber hose 30 R to entrance 1 of air chamber U, thus causing both magnets to move. Both tubes of doubletube T can be copper, or only partially (internally or externally) with the other part being ofplastic material (polymer or PVC), A hook used to hang the device on the container to be filledcan also be seen. Besides orifice 1', double tube T also has in its upper portion a smooth holeto enabie il to be attached or connected to the same exit orifice of the device. 35 012449
  2. 2) Automatic/Manual Device for Controlling Outflow of Water or any Fluid, withMecbanical Functioning and Easy Installation, in accordance with Ctaim 1, characterized bythe water inflow joint on the upper portion of the device consisting of a leakproof threadextending radialiy, thus facilitating îts installation and mounting without the use of any toois. 5
  3. 3) Automatic/Manual Device for Controlling Outflow of Water or any Fluid, with Mecbanical Functioning and Easy Installation, in accordance with Claim 1, characterized bythe water inflow duct B on the latéral portion of the device œvolving axially depending on theneeds and direction of use to be given to the device.
  4. 4} Automatic/Manual Device for Controlling Outflow of Water or any Fluid, with 10 Mechanical Functioning and Easy Installation, in accordance with Claim 1, characterized byboth magnets (the cylindrical one and the small plastic-covered one) possessing differentpolarities in order to repel each otber and perform the function of a coil in an efectronic valve,thereby substituting for the fonctions of the eiectric coil and cote.
  5. 5, Automatic/Manual Device for Controlling Outflow of Water or any Fluid, with 15 Mechantcal Functioning and Easy installation, in accordance with Claims 1 and 4,characterized by both magnets functioning totaliy and not partiatly, which causes the water flowto be eut off compietely, not gradually as happens with the functioning of other similar devicescurrently in use, such as float valves.
  6. 6) Automatic/Manual Device for Controiling Outflow of Water or any Fluid, with20 Mechanicat Functioning and Easy Installation, jn accordance with Claim 1, characterized by said device functioning without electricity, batteries, solar energy, nor electrical. electronic, orsimilar mechanisms, parts, and connections.
  7. 7} Automatic/Manual Device for Controiling Outflow of Water or any Fluid, withMechanical Functioning and Easy installation, in accordance with Claim 1, characterized by 25 the fact that any type of hose can be connected to said water inflow mechanism for spécifie andset filling. 3) Automatic/Manual Device for Controlling Outflow of Water or any Fluid, withMechanical Functioning and Easy Installation, in accordance with Claim 1, characterized bythe fact that its functioning is totally and compietely mechanical, and thus can be safely used 30 for handling ail manner of flammable fuels, whether liquid or gaseous. 9) Automatic/Manual Device for Controlling Outflow of Water or any Fluid, withMechanical Functioning and Easy Installation, in accordance with Claim 1, characterized bythe fact that the device can operate at between 0.01 and 200 psi. 10) Automatic/Manual Device for Controlling Outflow of Water or any Fiuid, with35 Mechanical Functioning and Easy installation, in accordance whh Claim 1, characterized by the fact that once the container to which the device is attached has been filled, it is not 012449 necessary to disconned the device in order to make use of the fluid (liquld or gas) in question. Said device is only activated ON-OFF manually at its rear portion so that the fluid may flow. and once the device is no langer activated manually the fluid automaticaily stops fiowing. 11) Automatic/Manual Device for Controfling Outflow of Water or any Fluid, with5 Mechanicaî Functioaïng and Easy Installation. în accordance with Ciaims 1, 8, 6, and 10, characterized by the faot that said device may be used as a flow valve when in manuelposition» with any type and size of tubing and with any type of fluid (liquld and gaseous) andwith any levai of working pressure. 12) Automatic/Manual Device for Controfling Outflow of Water or any Fluid, wHh10 Mechanicaî Functioning and Easy Installation, in accordance with Ciaims 1, 4, and 5, characterized by the fact that the magnats can be of different sizes and geometrical shapesimaginable, depending on the size and shape of the device requtred and possible uses ofsame. There can also be more titan two magnets of different shapes and sizes with inversepolarity, in order for this device and others based on the same principle to fonction. 15
OA1200300212A 2002-02-15 2002-02-15 Easy-to-install, mechanically-operated automatic/manual device for controlling an outlet for water or any fluid. OA12449A (en)

Priority Applications (1)

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OA1200300212A OA12449A (en) 2002-02-15 2002-02-15 Easy-to-install, mechanically-operated automatic/manual device for controlling an outlet for water or any fluid.

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OA1200300212A OA12449A (en) 2002-02-15 2002-02-15 Easy-to-install, mechanically-operated automatic/manual device for controlling an outlet for water or any fluid.

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OA12449A true OA12449A (en) 2006-05-23



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OA1200300212A OA12449A (en) 2002-02-15 2002-02-15 Easy-to-install, mechanically-operated automatic/manual device for controlling an outlet for water or any fluid.

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