NZ605557A - Control systems and methods for a road toll system - Google Patents

Control systems and methods for a road toll system Download PDF


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NZ605557A NZ605557A NZ60555713A NZ605557A NZ 605557 A NZ605557 A NZ 605557A NZ 605557 A NZ605557 A NZ 605557A NZ 60555713 A NZ60555713 A NZ 60555713A NZ 605557 A NZ605557 A NZ 605557A
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Joachim Back
Alexander Leopold
Oliver Nagy
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Kapsch Trafficcom Ag
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Publication of NZ605557A publication Critical patent/NZ605557A/en



605557 A control system and control method for a road toll system which is based on onboard units carried by vehicles for a road toll system is disclosed. . The control system comprises at least one recording vehicle and at least one control vehicle. Each of which comprises a read unit for reading the license plate number of a license plate of the vehicle and are wirelessly connected to a central violation server. The recording vehicle is configured to detect a traffic or toll violation of an on-board unit, or of a vehicle carrying the same, and, if a violation exists, to transmit a violation data record, including the location of the violation and the license plate number read result of the vehicle, to the violation server. The violation server is configured to register control vehicles, including the positions or the surroundings thereof, and to provide violation data records, the locations of the violations of which are in the surroundings of a position, to a control vehicle that is registered with this position or these surrounding. The control vehicle is configured to register the position or surroundings thereof in the violation server and to determine a violation data record that has been provided by the violation server for a read license plate number and, if such a record exists, to issue an alert message. g the license plate number of a license plate of the vehicle and are wirelessly connected to a central violation server. The recording vehicle is configured to detect a traffic or toll violation of an on-board unit, or of a vehicle carrying the same, and, if a violation exists, to transmit a violation data record, including the location of the violation and the license plate number read result of the vehicle, to the violation server. The violation server is configured to register control vehicles, including the positions or the surroundings thereof, and to provide violation data records, the locations of the violations of which are in the surroundings of a position, to a control vehicle that is registered with this position or these surrounding. The control vehicle is configured to register the position or surroundings thereof in the violation server and to determine a violation data record that has been provided by the violation server for a read license plate number and, if such a record exists, to issue an alert message.


Patents Form 5 NZ. No. 605557 NEW ZEALAND Patents Act 1953 TE SPECIFICATION L SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR A ROAD TOLL SYSTEM We, KAPSCH TRAFFICCOM AG, an Austrian company of Am Europlatz 2, A-1120 Wien, AUSTRIA, do hereby declare the invention, for which we pray that a patent may be granted to us, and the method by which it is to be performed, to be particularly described in and by the following statement:- _ 1 _ (Followed by 1A) -1A- Control Systems and Methods for a Road Toll System The present invention relates to control systems and methods for a road toll system which is based on on-board units carried by vehicles.
In modern road toll systems, vehicles subject to tolls are equipped with on-board units (OBUs), which can be used to locate the es so as to then charge tolls (fees) for their usage of the road. The OBUs can take on a variety of designs: The OBUs can be of the "self-locating" type, which is to say, they can continually determine the locations f themselves, for example by means of a satellite navigation receiver as part of a satellite navigation system (global navigation satellite system, GNSS) and report the locations thus determined tion ) either directly to a back office of the road toll system, be it via a mobile communication network or a network of geographically distributed radio beacons, or in the form of "abstracted" toll transactions, which are calculated based on the reported positions. As an alternative, such GNSS OBUs could simply store the ed positions or toll transactions thereof, or debit the fees calculated based thereon from an internal toll credit account. The OBUs can also be of the "externally located" type, for example using a plurality of toll or radio beacons which are geographically distributed over the road toll system and which establish the respective short range communication or DSRC (dedicated short range communication) with passing OBUs and localize them with respect to the known beacon locations thereof due to the limited ication range. ponding reported positions, or toll ctions calculated based thereon, can then be generated by the OBUs or the toll beacons and processed either in the OBUs or in the back office.
It is the object of the invention to create novel control systems and methods for aining and enforcing traffic or toll violations in such road toll systems.
This object is achieved in a first aspect of the invention by a control system of the type mentioned above, sing: at least one recording vehicle and at least one control vehicle, which each comprise a read unit for reading the license plate number of a license plate of the vehicle and are wirelessly ted to a central violation server, wherein the recording vehicle is configured to detect a traffic or toll violation of an on-board unit, or of a vehicle carrying the same, and, if a violation exists, to transmit a violation data record, including the location of the violation and the license plate number read result of the vehicle, to the violation server, n the ion server is configured to er control vehicles, including the positions or the surroundings f, and to provide violation data records, the locations of the violations of which are within the surroundings of a position, to a control vehicle that is registered with this position or these surroundings, and n the control vehicle is configured to register the position or surroundings f in the violation server and to determine a violation data record that has been provided by the violation server for a read license plate number and, if such a record exists, to issue an alert message.
In second, third and fourth aspects, the invention relates to recording vehicles, violation servers and l vehicles, which are characterized by the aforementioned components and functionalities.
In a fifth aspect, the invention relates to a control method in a road toll system which is based on on-board units carried by vehicles, using at least one recording vehicle and at least one control vehicle, which can wirelessly communicate with a l violation server, comprising the following steps: in the recording vehicle: - detecting a traffic or toll violation of an on—board unit or of a vehicle carrying the same, and if a violation exists, - transmitting a violation data , containing a determined location of the violation and a read license plate number of the vehicle, to the violation server; in the violation server: — registering control vehicles, including positions or the surroundings thereof, - receiving violation data records from ing vehicles and, if the locations of the violations thereof are within the surroundings of a position, ~ providing these violation data records to a control vehicle that is registered with this position or these ndings; in the l vehicle: - registering the position or surroundings f in the violation server, - reading the license plate number of a license plate of a passing vehicle, — determining a violation data record provided by a violation server for a read license plate number and, if such a record exists, and - issuing an alert message.
The invention is based on the novel approach of a distributed l system, which is composed of a first fleet of recording vehicles ("hunters") and a second fleet of control vehicles ("catchers"), which icate with each other via a common violation server. The "hunters" are quipped for automatic violation detection and are not required to take any further action for violating es than that of generating violation data records; their interactions with the controlled vehicles are brief, and consequently they can move about quickly and even check vehicles traveling at high speed or in opposing traffic, and their number can be kept low, whereby the overall equipment costs are contained. The "catchers" require comparatively little equipment because they do not ascertain violations, but only read vehicle license plate numbers, search for associated ion data records and issue alerts for violating vehicles. The crew of the control vehicle can then, for example, stop the violating vehicle and t a local manual check. Because of the low ent requirements, control vehicles (catchers) can be provided in large numbers and can thus also specifically conduct time- consuming local inspections. For e, ng fleets of special- purpose vehicles, such as emergency vehicles, means of public transportation, taxis and the like, can be converted into control vehicles and perform the control functions thereof in mobile fashion in moving traffic, and in nary fashion in stopped traffic, while a few complex recording vehicles (hunters) continually move through moving traffic in a highly mobile fashion and generate violation data s. As a result, automatic controls of on-board units themselves can be carried out even in large, broadly branched road systems that contain high-speed and opposing traffic routes.
The devices and methods of the ion are suited both for (DSCR) OBUs of the ally located type that already comprise a DSRC radio interface, and for (GNSS) OBUs of the self-locating type that additionally comprise a DSRC radio interface for control and setting purposes.
The number of control vehicles is ably considerably higher than that of recording vehicles, in particular preferably higher by at least a power of ten.
The violations detected by the ing e can include all types of toll or traffic violations that can be automatically detected, for example speeding violations detected by means of a speed measuring unit of the recording vehicle, bans on driving (including time-based bans) detected by means of a vehicle ion unit of the recording vehicle, and the like. The violations are preferably toll ions, and in particular such which can be ascertained based on a toll parameter that can be read out from the rd unit via the DSRC radio interface. Such toll parameters can be arbitrary and provide information, for example, about the deployment e of the vehicle (for example emergency vehicle, means of public transportation, private vehicle, truck and the like), the status of the user of the e, the size, weight, emission class, number of axles of the vehicle, or the relationship between the (user-specific) on- board unit and the physical vehicle (referenced via the license plate, for e) and the like. Any time a toll is calculated, be it during communication with a toll beacon or the calculation of toll transactions from reported positions, the toll parameters of the OBU are employed so as to determine the amount of the toll - or whether an tion to pay the toll even exists.
A preferred embodiment of the invention is thus characterized in that the detection in the ing vehicle takes place by reading out at least one toll parameter from the on-board unit via the DSRC radio interface and checking the toll parameter for accuracy.
In still a further aspect, the invention relates ically to checking vehicle shape-specific toll parameters. Such vehicle shape- c parameters, which determine the amount of a road toll to be paid, can be, for example, the dimensions of the vehicle, the current number of axles (with or without trailer), a particular body design such as a truck or passenger car, and the like, and can be set or stored as toll parameters in an on-board unit. 80 as to detect abusive faulty settings of such toll parameters, the recording vehicle comprises a DSRC transceiver for reading out the toll parameter of a passing vehicle and a sensor for detecting a shape parameter of the vehicle, n the recording vehicle is configured to verify that the toll parameter is consistent with the shape parameter and, in the case of inconsistency, to it the violation data , including the location of the violation and the license plate number read result of the vehicle, to the violation .
As an alternative or in addition, the recording vehicle can be equipped with a unit for measuring the speed, and preferably the driving direction of a passing vehicle, so as to also determine the traffic or toll violation based on these measured values.
As described, the detected shape ter and the read-out toll parameter can preferably be the vehicle length or number of axles, in particular broken down ing to classes ("classified"). The shape parameter of a vehicle to be controlled can be detected in a wide variety of ways, for example using an electronic camera containing object recognition re, using a radar detector for vehicle measurement or detection of the wheels of the same, or preferably using a laser rangefinder or laser scanner, which detects at least a portion of the shape of the vehicle by scanning the same as it passes. A 2D or 3D image (profile or "point cloud" of laser distance measurement points) of at least a portion of the vehicle is d by the relative movement between the recording vehicle and the controlled vehicle, and based thereon the shape parameter can be obtained, for example by means of object recognition re, for example as a e length or number of axles, based on which, for example, a conclusion can be drawn of a n vehicle class (passenger car, truck, truck with trailer, and the like).
The recording vehicle can determine the location of the ion itself, for example by means of a satellite navigation receiver, or receive it directly from the on-board unit that is being d, for example if the same comprises a dedicated position determination unit or learns of the position thereof in another manner, for example from a stationary radio beacon.
It is particularly advantageous if the recording vehicle is equipped with a unit for measuring the speed, and preferably the driving direction, of a passing vehicle, and adds these measured values to the ion data . In this case, the violation server can also be configured to extrapolate a temporal change of the location of the violation based on the aforementioned measured values, so as to take this into consideration when checking whether a location of a ion des with the surroundings of a position at a ular time. This can increase the likelihood that a violating vehicle will be picked up by a control vehicle, by generating estimations of the nts of the violating vehicles and coordinating them with the positions of the control vehicles.
According to a further characteristic of the invention, the violation data record can also contain a time stamp and the violation server can be configured to take only violation data records into consideration that are within a predetermined time period. As an alternative or in addition, the control vehicle can be configured to discard violation data records that have time stamps outside a predetermined time range. This allows old data records to be automatically eliminated.
Additional characteristics and advantages of the invention will be apparent from the following description of a preferred ment, which references the accompanying drawings, in which: shows a schematic overview of the operating principle of the control devices and of the control method of the ion in a e population of a road system; FIGS. 2a and 2b show different device components and method steps when a vehicle to be controlled passes a recording vehicle; FIGS. 3a and 3b show different device components and method steps when a vehicle to be controlled passes a control vehicle; is a flow chart of the part of the method that takes place in the recording vehicle; and is a flow chart of the parts of the method that take place in the violation server and in the control vehicle. is a schematic illustration of a road toll system 1, in which a plurality of vehicles 2 that are subject to tolls move about on a road system, which is not shown in , for example a nationwide road system. The road toll system 1 is used to charge tolls (fees) for arbitrary road usages by the es 2, and more ically both usages of traffic areas of moving traffic in form of roadway, territory, e or border tolls, and of traffic areas of stopped traffic in form of visitation or parking fees.
For this purpose, according to FIGS. 2 and 3 all vehicles 2 that are subject to tolls are equipped with rd units (OBUs) 3, which can be used to locate the vehicles 2 and consequently they can be charged tolls.
The OBUs 3 can take on a variety of designs: The OBUs 3 can be of the "self—locating" type, which is to say, they can continually determine the ons thereof themselves, for example by means of a satellite navigation er as part of a satellite navigation system (global navigation satellite system, GNSS) and report the ons thus determined ("position fixes") either directly to a back office 4 of the road toll system 1, be it via a mobile communication network or a network of geographically distributed radio beacons, or in the form of "abstracted" toll transactions, which are calculated based on the reported positions. As an alternative, such GNSS OBUs 3 could simply store the reported positions or toll transactions thereof, or debit the fees calculated based thereon from an internal toll credit account. The OBUs 3 can also be of the nally located" type, for example using a plurality of toll or radio beacons which are geographically distributed over the road toll system 1 and which establish the respective short range communication or DSRC (dedicated short range communication) with passing OBUs 3 and localize the known beacon locations thereof due to the limited communication range. Corresponding reported positions, or toll transactions calculated based n, can then be generated by the OBUs 3 or the toll beacons and processed either in the OBUs 3 or in the back office 4.
So as to correctly calculate the toll in the road toll system 1, one or more toll parameters 00 that are specific to the tive vehicle 2 are set or stored in the OBUs 3. The toll parameters 00 can be of any arbitrary type and can, for example, e information about the ment purpose of the vehicle 2 (for example emergency vehicle, means of public transportation, private vehicle, truck and the like), the status of the user of the vehicle 2, about the size, weight, emission class, number of axles of the vehicle 2 with or without trailer, and the like. Any time a toll is ated, be it during communication with a toll beacon or the calculation of toll transactions from reported positions, the toll parameters DC of the OBU 3 are employed so as to determine the amount of the toll - or whether an obligation to pay the toll even exists. ter, toll parameters 00 that are considered include those which can be validated (cross-checked) by checking the exterior ance, which is to say the shape of the vehicle 2 which carries the OBU 3. Such toll parameters 0C are referred to as e shape-specific in this invention. Vehicle shape-specific toll parameters OC can, for example, include one or more dimensions of the vehicle 2, the body design thereof (boxy body, platform body, passenger car or truck body), number of axles, number of trailers, and the like.
The control devices and methods described hereafter are suitable for those OBUs 3, the vehicle shape—specific toll parameters DC of which set or stored therein can be read out via a DSRC radio ace, as is the case, for example, with DSRC OBUs according to the RFID, GEN—DSRC, UNI-DSRC, ITS-G5 or WAVE (wireless access in a vehicle environment) standards. GNSS OBUs 3, which onally contain a DSRC radio interface for ut of the toll parameters thereof for control purposes, are also suited and can be checked in the manner described below.
Moreover, the control devices and methods described herein are, of course, also able to ascertain whether a vehicle 2 that is subject to toll is even equipped with an OBU 3 and - since the read-out of toll parameters requires a correctly functioning OBU 3 - check the onality of an OBU 3.
Finally, the described control devices and methods are also able to detect and enforce general traffic violations of the vehicles 2, such as speeding violations, transgressions of (night) driving bans and other traffic offenses, insofar as they can be automatically detected by means of measuring units, sensors and the like.
A control device is used in the road toll system 1 for the aforementioned control purposes, which is composed of a first fleet of recording vehicles 5, a second fleet of control vehicles 6, and a violation server 7 in the back office 4.
Preferably a considerably higher number of control vehicles 6 than ing vehicles 5 is provided. The ratio of the number of control vehicles 6 to recording vehicles 5 is preferably at least 10:1, and preferably 100:1, 1000:1 and more. As will be described below, l vehicles 6 have a simpler design than recording vehicles 5 and are operated with a different movement behavior, which results in a balanced coverage ratio of the spheres of action of recording and control vehicles at minimal costs. The recording vehicles 5 move ually in flowing traffic, and the ctions thereof with the vehicles 2 to be controlled are brief, while the control vehicles 6 can be used both in mobile and in stationary fashion and have longer interactions with the vehicles 2 being lled if they conduct stop checks or enforce toll violations.
As is shown in the overview in the recording es 5 are used to track down vehicles 2 that commit a traffic or toll violation, for example a speeding violation, or that contain a faulty or incorrectly set OBU 3, or none at all, in the tively defined detection ranges, and transmit this information as a traffic or toll violation in form of a violation data record to the violation server 7; the interactions that take place for this purpose between the recording vehicle 5 and the vehicle 2 will be described in more detail ter based on FIGS. 2 and 4. The control vehicles 6 are used to check vehicles 2 that are located in the respective surroundings 9 with respect to the violation data records that are provided for these es by the violation server 7 and to issue an alert message if a ion data record exists for a vehicle 2. The crew of the control vehicle 6 can then take the appropriate further verification and ement measures, for example stop the e 2, conduct a traffic check, charge a subsequent toll, impose a fine and the like. The interactions that take place for this purpose between the control vehicle 6, the violation server 7 and the vehicle 2 will be described in more detail hereafter based on FIGS. 3 and 5.
The recording vehicles 5, the control vehicles 6, and the violation server 7 are ted to each other via a ss network for this purpose, for example a mobile communication network, in particular a GSM, UMTS or LTE network, but also satellite-based mobile communication networks (for e iridium), preferably by packet- switched connections. As an alternative, it would be conceivable to utilize a k of geographically distributed radio beacons in the road toll system 1, for example a DSRC , via which the recording and control vehicles 5, 6 can communicate whenever a beacon passes.
FIGS. 2a and 2b show one of the recording vehicles 5 in detail at two consecutive times as a vehicle 2 on a road 10 passes in opposing traffic. The recording vehicle 5 is equipped with a DSRC transceiver 11 for DSRC radio communication with the OBU 3 of the vehicle 2, a license plate number read unit 12 for automatically reading al character ition, OCR) a license plate 13 of the vehicle 2, and a sensor 14, which here is a laser scanner, for detecting a parameter of the outside shape of the vehicle 2, which hereinafter is referred to as the shape parameter CL.
In the present example, the shape parameter CL is a vehicle class ("passenger car", "truck with two axles", "truck with three axles", "truck with four axles", "truck with trailer", and the like); however, of course any other property of the outside shape of the vehicle 2 which can be ined by way of the sensor 14 can serve as the shape parameter CL, similarly to the aforementioned e shape-specific toll parameter The sensor 14 for detecting the shape parameter CL can be designed in any manner that is known from the prior art, for example in form of an electronic camera, which can record one or more images of the passing vehicle 2, including from different viewing angles, with these images then being used to extract ponding properties and shape parameters of the vehicle 2 by means of image recognition software. As an ative, the sensor 14 can be a radar or laser inder or r, which scans the vehicle 2 as it passes using a radar or laser beam or fan 15' so as to detect one or more dimensions or contours of the passing vehicle 2 in form of a scanning profile of a scanning point cloud.
The license plate number read unit 12 of the ing vehicle 5 carries out an OCR read process known from the prior art of an official license plate number LPN on the license plate 13 of the vehicle 2 ("automatic license plate number recognition", ALNR); the imaging path or ation flow is shown schematically with the arrow 16.
The DSRC transceiver 11 of the recording vehicle 5 establishes DSRC radio communication 17 with the OBU 3 so as to a) ascertain whether an OBU 3 is even present in the vehicle 3, b) thereby (implicitly) check whether the OBU 3 responds, which is to say functions correctly, and c) read out the toll parameter 00 set or stored in the OBU 3 for the further ation. During this examination, the read—out toll parameter OC of the OBU 3 should be consistent with the shape parameter CL of the vehicle 2 detected by the sensor 14. For example, if the toll parameter OC indicates "three-axle truck", the sensor 14 should also detect a shape parameter CL that is consistent therewith; if not, a toll violation exists and the vehicle 2 is a "violating vehicle".
Of course, a toll parameter OC that is read out from the OBU 3 can additionally be dependent on components other than the vehicle shape, for example the status or usage purpose of the vehicle 2, the time, the l temporal conditions (for example night driving ban), vehicle emission class restrictions, speeds, and the like, which can likewise be taken into consideration when checking the violation.
All components, these being the DSCR transceiver 11, license plate number read unit 12, and sensor 14, of the recording vehicle 5 are connected to each other - optionally via a controller (not shown) - and the recording vehicle 2 can, as described, communicate with the l violation server 7 ssly via a communication unit (not shown).
The operating ple of the recording vehicle 5 and the recording process that takes place when a vehicle 2 passes will now be bed in more detail with nce to FIGS. 2 and 4. When the vehicle 2 approaches the recording vehicle 5 (step 18), in a first step 19 the license plate number LPN of the vehicle 2 is read from the license plate 13 using a license plate number read unit 12 (arrow 16). The step 19 can also be carried out at any later time of the method of as long as the license plate number read result LPN is not yet required, for example this can be done at a later time by reading the rear license plate 13 of the vehicle 2.
Subsequently, in a step 20, the shape parameter CL of the vehicle 2 is ed by way of the sensor 14, in the example shown this is done by laser scanning and detecting the number of axles of the vehicle 2, based on which an axle—based vehicle class (”class") is determined as the shape parameter CL.
In a subsequent decision step 21, it is d based on the shape parameter CL whether or not the vehicle 2 is even subject to tolls.
Two-axle vehicles 2, for example, can be defined as not being subject to tolls, and vehicles 2 with more than two axles can be defined as being subject to tolls. If the shape parameter CL indicates an obligation to pay tolls (branch "y"), in the subsequent step 22 t is established with the OBU 3 using the DSRC transceiver 11 (arrow 17). The toll parameter CC is read out from the OBU 3 for this purpose, and a successful read— out also indicates that the OBU 3 is present and functioning. The subsequent on step 23 then switches directly to step 25 for generating a violation data record DELR if the read-out fails (branch "n").
Othen/vise (branch "y" of step 23), it is checked in the further decision 24 whether the detected shape parameter CL and the read-out toll ter OC match or are consistent with each other, which is to say the toll parameter 00 of the OBU 3 is set such that it corresponds to the shape parameter CL that has been detected based on the outside shape of the vehicle 2. If so (branch "y"), everything is fine and the method ends at 26. If not (branch "n"), an inconsistency exists, which constitutes a potential toll violation, and the process switches to step 25 for generating the violation data record DELR.
In step 25, the violation data record DELR is generated, which contains the detected shape parameter CL, the read-out toll parameter OC and the license plate number read result LPN, and ally other data such as the current location ("location of the violation") DO and the current time ("time of the violation") DT of the recording process, additional master data read out from the OBU 3 such as the OBU identifier OID, user master data, e master data and the like.
The location of the violation DO can be determined in a wide variety of ways: The recording e 5 can be ed with a separate position determination unit, for example a satellite navigation receiver, and record the current location of the vehicle's passage as the location of the violation DO. As an alternative, the OBU 3, in ular if it is of the self—locating type, can make the current position thereof available to the ing vehicle 5 as the location of the ion DO. The known locations of neighboring radio beacons of a beacon-based road toll system 1 can also be used for approximation.
In the step 27, the violation data record DELR is then transmitted to the violation server 7 for further use by the control vehicles 6.
Of course steps 19 to 24 - provided they do not require each other - can also be d out in a different order.
The steps that take place in the violation server 7 and an exemplary control vehicle 6 will be described based on FIGS. 3 and 5.
FIGS. 3a and 3b show the situation as a control vehicle 6 passes a vehicle 2 to be controlled at two consecutive times. In preparation for (or during) such a check, the violation server 7 selectively provides the l vehicles 6 with those violation data s DELR that originate from violations in the respective surroundings 9 thereof.
For this purpose, every control vehicle 6 ers with its own position LOC (or directly with the surroundings 9 thereof) in the violation server 7 during a ration phase 28. The current position LOC (or surroundings 9) of the control vehicle 6 can be autonomously determined by the same, for example, in a position determination step 29, such as with the aid of a satellite navigation receiver, based on information from neighboring beacons, or the like. As an alternative, the position LOC or the surroundings 9 can also be manually d by the user in an input unit of the control vehicle 6 in step 29.
During the subsequent registration step 30, the control vehicle 6 registers with the position LOC (or surroundings 9) f in the violation server 7, which opens a dedicated task 31 for every registered control vehicle 6.
Using the task 31, the violation server 7 can "filter" (phase 32) all violation data records DELR that have d in step 27, and those that arrive thereafter, in a on-specific manner. For this purpose, the violation server checks whether the on of the violation D0 of a violation data record DELR is within the surroundings 9 of the position LOC of a control vehicle 6, and if so, it makes this violation data record DELR available to this control vehicle 6 (step 33). The control vehicle 6 adds the violation data records DELR provided with in this way to a local violation data record list locDELR 34.
The provision of the violation data records DELR, which have been filtered in a location—specific manner, in step 33 can take place both continually, for example periodically or as needed, for example in that the violation server 7 transmits each individual violation data record DELR to the l vehicle 6, or in batches (using batch processing), in that the control vehicle 6 picks up the violation data records DELR that are provided at a particular time from the violation server 7, or receives them transmitted from the server.
With the optional time of the violation DT, the violation data records DELR also bear a respective "time stamp", which can limit the temporal validity of the messages, For example, violation data records DELR that are "too old", which is to say those having time stamps DT that are outside a predetermined time period, can be automatically discarded, both in the ion server 7 and in the control vehicle 6, and/or the violation server 7 can make available only "current" violation data records DELR to a control vehicle 6, which is to say those having time stamps DT that are within a ermined time period.
During the registration phase 28, the control vehicles 6 thus basically "subscribe to ion data records DELR from the surroundings 9 thereof, until, in a step 35, they it a de-registration request to the violation server 7, whereupon the same s the task The control es 6 are thus provided with the respective current and location-specific violation data records DELR from the surroundings 9 f and can, when a vehicle 2 passes or is checked, carry out control tasks 36 which utilize the respective local violation data record list 34. ing to FIGS. 3 and 5, during every control task 36, as a vehicle 2 approaches (step 37), the license plate number LPN is automatically read in a first step 38 from the license plate 13 using a license plate number read unit 39 of the control vehicle 6 (arrow 40).
Subsequently, in step 41, the control vehicle 6 picks a ng violation data record DELR from the local violation data record list 34, provided such a record exists. if no violation data record DELR exists for the license plate number read result LPN (branch "n" in checking step 42), the task 36 ends at 43, and the license plate number read result LPN can be deleted again, for example for confidentiality reasons. However, if a violation data record DELR exists for the license plate number read result LPN (branch "y"), the process branches off to the alert step 44, in which the control vehicle 6 issues an alert message to the crew.
The alert message can, for example, be an optical or acoustic alert, or a display on a screen, which also indicates the read license plate number LPN and the violation data record DELR. The crew can then take appropriate enforcement measures, for example stop the e 2, further check the OBU 3, and optionally levy a subsequent toll or impose a fine. The alert message can onally be automatically displayed on a signaling unit 47 of the control vehicle 6 which is outwardly visible for the checked vehicle 2 (arrow 48), so as to prompt the same to stop, for e, using fluorescent lettering "STOP".
Optionally, in task 36 additionally the OBU 3 also be again read out using the DSCR transceiver 45 of the control vehicle 6 (arrow 46), for example for further consistency checks or identifications.
The violation server 7 can ally be ed with estimation algorithms, which carry out an estimation of the temporal changes of the locations of the violations DO (as the "last bouts" of the ing vehicles 2), based on speeds and driving directions of the es 2 that were measured when the violation was recorded. To this end, the ing vehicle 5 can be equipped with a unit 49 for measuring the speed and the driving direction, which is to say the movement vector v, of a vehicle 2. The unit 49 can also be implemented by a license plate number read unit 12 which is designed as a video camera and in the images of which movements can be detected, or by a DSRC transceiver 11 designed as a Doppler radar, or by appropriate measurements using the sensor 14, for example laser or LIDAR ements on the scanning beam or fan 15.
The speed measuring units 11, 12, 14, 49 of the recording vehicle can moreover be used to detect general traffic violations of the vehicles 2, for example to detect speeding violations.
The movement vector v of the vehicle 2 at the time of the violation DT can be integrated in the ion data record DELR and transmitted to the violation server 7. The violation server 7 can then extrapolate or te potential new whereabouts D0 of the vehicle 2 for later times, also with the support of road system maps of the road system, and take this into consideration during phase 32 for those times at which the violation data records DELR that are relevant for the surroundings 9 of a control vehicle 6 are selected. Violation data records DELR of vehicles 2, the locations of violations D0 of which were formerly outside the ndings 9 of the position LOC of a control vehicle 6, can thus be within the surroundings 9 at a later time - on an olated basis — and thus be made available to this control vehicle 6, or to the local violation data record list 34 thereof.
The surroundings 9 of the control vehicles 6 are thus dynamically adapted in terms of time. in on, the surroundings 9 can be specifically adapted to the circumstances of the road system in which the control vehicle 6 moves about, so as to also take the movement of the same into eration: The ndings 9 are then no longer circles (as shown schematically in , but are dynamically adapted in accordance with the own movements of a control vehicle 6 and the options of the same to make turns in the road system, for example they are adapted in an ic or tree-shaped manner, so as to always obtain the selection of those violation data records DELR from the violation server 7, and add to the local violation data record list locDELR 34, which have the highest hood that the control vehicle 6 will encounter these violating vehicles 2 during the movement of the control vehicle. As an alternative, any arbitrary shapes of surroundings 9 can be predetermined.
The invention is thus not limited to the shown embodiments, but encompasses all variants and modifications that are d by the scope of the accompanying claims.

Claims (24)

1. A control system for a road toll system which is based on on- board units carried by vehicles, comprising: at least one recording vehicle and at least one control vehicle, which each comprise a read unit for reading the license plate number of a license plate of the vehicle and are wirelessly connected to a central violation server, wherein the recording vehicle is configured to detect a traffic or toll ion of an on-board unit, or of a vehicle carrying the same, and, if a violation exists, to transmit a violation data record, including the location of the violation and the license plate number read result of the e, to the ion , wherein the violation server is configured to register control vehicles, including the positions or the surroundings thereof, and to provide violation data records, the locations of the violations of which are in the surroundings of a position, to a control vehicle that is registered with this position or these surroundings, and wherein the control vehicle is ured to register the on or surroundings thereof in the violation server and to determine a ion data record that has been provided by the violation server for a read license plate number and, if such a record exists, to issue an alert
2. The control system according to claim 1 for a road toll system comprising on-board units, from which at least one vehicle shape-specific toll parameter can be read out via a DSRC radio interface, characterized in that the recording vehicle ses a DSRC transceiver for reading out the toll parameter of a passing vehicle and a sensor for detecting a shape parameter of the vehicle, wherein the recording vehicle is configured to check the toll parameter for consistency with the shape parameter and, in case of inconsistency, to transmit the violation data record, including the location of the violation and license plate number read result of the vehicle, to the violation server.
3. The system according to claim 1 or 2, characterized in that the recording vehicle is ed with a unit for measuring the speed, and preferably the driving direction, of a passing vehicle so as to determine the traffic or toll violation also based on these ed values.
4. The system according to any one of claims 1 to 3, characterized by a first plurality of recording vehicles and a second plurality of l vehicles, wherein the second ity is considerably greater than the first, ably by at least a power of ten.
5. The system according to any one of claims 2 to 4, characterized in that the shape parameter and the toll parameter are a tive vehicle length or a respective number of vehicle axles.
6. The system according to any one of claims 2 to 5, characterized in that the sensor is a laser rangefinder or laser scanner, which detects at least a portion of the shape of the vehicle by scanning as it passes and generates at least one shape parameter therefrom.
7. The system ing to any one of claims 1 to 6, characterized in that the violation data record also contains a time stamp, and the violation server is configured to take only violation data records into consideration that are within a predetermined time period.
8. The system according to any one of claims 1 to 7, terized in that the recording vehicle is equipped with a unit for measuring the speed and driving direction of a passing vehicle and adds these measured values to the violation data record, and that the violation server is ured to extrapolate a temporal change of the location of the violation based on the aforementioned measurement values so as to take this into consideration when checking whether a location of a violation is within the surroundings of a position at a particular time.
9. A recording vehicle for a control system ing to any one of claims 1 to 8, characterized by a communication unit for wirelessly communicating with a central violation server, a DSRC transceiver for reading out a vehicle shape-specific toll parameter of a passing vehicle, a sensor for detecting a shape parameter of the e, and a read unit for reading the license plate number of a license plate of the vehicle, wherein the recording e is configured to check the toll parameter for consistency with the shape parameter and, in case of inconsistency, to transmit a violation data , including the location of the violation and license plate number read result of the vehicle, to the violation .
10. The recording vehicle according to claim 9, characterized in that the sensor is a laser scanner, which detects at least a portion of the shape of the vehicle by scanning as it passes and generates at least one shape parameter therefrom.
11. The recording vehicle according to claim 9 or 10, characterized in that it is equipped with a unit for determining the location of the violation, preferably a ite navigation er.
12. The recording e according to any one of claims 9 to 11, terized in that it is equipped with a unit for measuring the speed, and preferably the driving direction, of a passing vehicle and adds these ed values to the violation data record.
13. A violation server for a control system according to any one of claims 1 to 8, characterized by a communication unit for wirelessly communicating with recording vehicles and control vehicles, n the violation server is configured - to receive violation data records from recording vehicles andsknethese, - to er control vehicles, including the positions or the surroundings thereof, and - to provide ion data records, the locations of the violations of which are within the surroundings of a position, to a l vehicle that is registered with this position or these surroundings.
14. The violation server according to claim 13, characterized in that the violation data record also contains a time stamp, and the violation server is configured to take only violation data records into consideration that are within a predetermined time period.
15. The violation server according to claim 13 or 14, terized in that the violation data record also contains measured values regarding the speed and driving direction, and the violation server is configured to extrapolate a temporal change of the location of the violation based on the aforementioned measured values so as to take these into consideration when ng whether a location of a violation is within the surroundings of a on at a particular time.
16. A control vehicle for a control system according to any one of claims 1 to 8, characterized by a communication unit for wirelessly icating with a central violation server, a unit for ering the position or surroundings thereof in the violation server, and a read unit for reading the license plate number of a license plate ofapasfingvemcb, wherein the control vehicle is configured to determine a violation data record that has been provided by the violation server for a read license plate number and, if such a record exists, to issue an alert message.
17. The control vehicle according to claim 16, characterized in that the ion data record also contains a time stamp, and the control e is ured to d violation data records that are outside a predetermined time period.
18. The control vehicle according to claim 16 or 17, characterized in that it is equipped with a unit for determining the position thereof, preferably a satellite navigation receiver, so as to register the position in the violation server.
19. A control method for a road toll system which is based on on- board units carried by vehicles, using at least one recording vehicle and at least one control vehicle, which can wirelessly communicate with a central violation server, comprising the following steps: in the recording vehicle: - detecting a traffic or toll violation of an on-board unit or of a vehicle carrying the same and, if a violation exists, - itting a violation data record, containing a determined location of the ion and a read license plate number of the vehicle, to the violation server; in the violation server: - registering l vehicles, including positions or the surroundings thereof, - receiving violation data s from recording vehicles and, if the locations of the ions thereof are within the surroundings of a position, — ing these violation data records to a control vehicle that is registered with this position or these surroundings; in the control vehicle: - registering the position or surroundings thereof in the violation server, - reading the license plate number of a passing vehicle, - ining a violation data record provided by the violation server for a read license plate number and, if such a record exists, - issuing an alert e.
20. The l method according to claim 19 for a road toll system comprising on-board units, from which at least one vehicle shape-specific toll parameter can be read out via a DSRC radio interface, characterized by the following steps: in the recording vehicle: - reading out the toll parameter of a passing vehicle by means of a DSRC transceiver, - detecting a shape parameter of the vehicle by means of a sensor, — checking the toll parameter for consistency with the shape parameter and, in case of inconsistency, — transmitting a violation data record, including the location of the ion and license plate number read result of the vehicle, to the violation server.
21. The method according to claim 19 or 20, characterized in that the speed, and preferably the driving direction, of a passing vehicle are measured in the recording vehicle and the traffic or toll violation is also determined based on these measured .
22. The method according to claim 20 or claim 21, characterized in that the shape parameter and the toll parameter are a respective e length or a respective number of vehicle axles.
23. The method according to any one of claims 19 to 22, characterized in that the violation data record also contains a time stamp, and the violation server only takes violation data records into consideration ning time stamps within a predetermined time period and/or the control vehicle discards violation data records ning time stamps outside a predetermined time period.
24. The method according to any one of claims 19 to 23, characterized in that the ing vehicle measures the speed, and ably the driving direction, of a passing vehicle and adds these to the violation data record, and based thereon the ion server extrapolates a temporal change of the location of the violation, so as to take this into consideration when checking whether a location of a violation is within the surroundings of a position at a particular time. KAPSCH TRAFFICCOM AG By Their Attorneys HENRY HUGHES Per: 10 11 12 14 5
NZ605557A 2012-02-02 2013-01-10 Control systems and methods for a road toll system NZ605557A (en)

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