MXPA99002672A - Aguilon nozzle with multi-position profile - Google Patents

Aguilon nozzle with multi-position profile


Publication number
MXPA99002672A MXPA/A/1999/002672A MX9902672A MXPA99002672A MX PA99002672 A MXPA99002672 A MX PA99002672A MX 9902672 A MX9902672 A MX 9902672A MX PA99002672 A MXPA99002672 A MX PA99002672A
Prior art keywords
pivot arm
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Spanish (es)
L Reitz Eric
Original Assignee
Grove Us Llc
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Application filed by Grove Us Llc filed Critical Grove Us Llc
Publication of MXPA99002672A publication Critical patent/MXPA99002672A/en



The present invention relates to a combination comprising: a boom having a distal end, a supporting structure connected adjacent to the distal end of the boom, a first pulley assembly supported by the support structure, the first pulley assembly includes at least one pulley, a pivot arm having a first end and a second end, a portion of the pivot arm, adjacent the first end of the pivot arm, is integrally attached to the support structure about a pivot axis, in where the pivot arm rotates about the pivot axis, a first degree of rotation to a first work position and is rotated about the pivot axis to a second degree of rotation to a stowed position, and a second supported pulley assembly adjacent at the second end of the pivot arm, the second pulley assembly includes at least one pulley, wherein the second pulley assembly is contained within the boom When the pivot arm is in stowed position


AGUILON NOZZLE WITH MULTIPLE POSITION PROFILE BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Field of the Invention The present invention relates to a boom nozzle, and more particularly, a multiple position low profile boom nozzle. 2. Description of Related Art The boom of a boom, of multiple section, or otherwise is typically a welded steel structure that houses and provides support for one or more pulleys mounted to an arrow, and is used to redirect a line of lift or load around the end tip of the boom towards the load. The boom nozzle pulleys can be mounted to an individual boom, although there is often an upper pulley assembly and a lower pulley assembly, the upper or primary pulley directs the load or lift line around the end of the boom toward the pulley assembly lower or secondary (ie lower boom nozzle pulley, auxiliary boom nozzle pulley, boom extension pulley). The secondary pulley assembly is necessary to accommodate multiple parts of the line required when the loads, which are greater than the permissible limit for one or two parts of the line, are high. In case that loads that exceed the allowable limit are not raised, then a poiea location is sufficient. When multiple parts of a line are required, a hook pulley is used to lift the load. A hook pulley is a lifting device consisting of one or more pulleys enclosed in a steel housing with a hook in the bottom used to hold the load. For two line parts, the wire rope must pass over the lower pulley in the boom nozzle, continue down around the hook pulley, and then back again against the boom nozzle where it joins a terminal tab. For three or more line parts, an appropriate number of lower and hook nozzle pulleys is required, and the load line is passed by the pulley back and forth between the two until the number of line parts is obtained. When lifting loads using multiple line parts at higher boom angles, the return lines from the hook pulley to the lower boom nozzle pulleys must bridge the bottom of the boom sections. This requires that the boom nozzle extends below the bottom of the boom to accommodate the necessary location of the lower boom nozzle pulleys. Therefore, the overall height of the boom nozzle becomes larger than desirable as it reduces the height of a load to which a load can be lifted. A compact boom nozzle is an important feature when lifting loads in confined areas where access capacity is limited. However, it is also desirable that the maximum lifting capacity is not compromised.
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION An object of the present invention is to provide a multiple position boom nozzle that overcomes the problems and disadvantages described above. A further object of the present invention is to provide a compact boom nozzle. A further object of the present invention is to provide a multiple profile low profile boom nozzle having a primary and a secondary sheave assembly with the secondary sheave assembly that is storable. Another object of the present invention is to provide a boom nozzle that is compact and maximizes lifting capabilities. It is also an object of the present invention to provide a multiple position boom nozzle having primary and secondary pulley assemblies that are movable so that the primary and secondary pulley assemblies can each support a load bearing member. These and other objects are provided by a multiple position boom nozzle, comprising: a support structure positioned at one end and holding at least a first pulley assembly including at least one pulley; a pivot arm having a first and second end, the first end connected to said support structure, the second end that holds a second pulley assembly, the second pulley assembly that includes at least one pulley, the pivot arm having at least a first working position and a second stowed position, the pivot arm extending towards the boom in the stowed position. These and other objectives are further provided by a multiple position boom nozzle, comprising: a support structure positioned at one end of a boom and supporting at least a first pulley assembly, the first pulley assembly including at least one pulley; first load support means to support a load; second load support means for supporting a load; a pivot arm having a first and a second end, the first end pivotally connected to the support structure, the second end supporting a second pulley assembly, the second pulley assembly including at least one pulley, the arm of pivot having at least a first working position and a second working position, the first load bearing means which are supported by the first pulley assembly and the second load bearing means which are supported by the second set of pulley when the pivot arm is in the second working position. Other objects, features and characteristics of the present invention; methods, operation and functions of the related elements of the structure; combination of parts; and manufacturing savings will become apparent from the following detailed description of the preferred embodiments and the accompanying drawings, all of which form a part of this specification, wherein like reference numbers designate corresponding parts in the different figures.
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS The present invention will be more fully understood from the detailed description given below and the accompanying drawings which are given by way of example only, and are therefore not limiting of the present invention, and wherein: Figs. 1A and 1B illustrate a side view and an end view, respectively, of an embodiment of the boom nozzle according to the present invention in a complete boom nozzle configuration: Figs. 2A and 2B illustrate a lateral life and an end view, respectively, of the boom nozzle embodiment according to the present invention in an auxiliary boom nozzle configuration and holding two load-bearing members; Figs. 3A and 3B illustrate a side view and an end view, respectively, of the boom nozzle embodiment according to the present invention in the auxiliary boom nozzle configuration and supporting an individual load bearing member; and Figs. 4A and 4B illustrate a side view and an end view, respectively, of the shape of the boom nozzle according to the present invention in a compact or stowed boom nozzle configuration.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED MODALITIES Figs. 1A and 1B illustrate a side view and an end view, respectively, of an embodiment of the boom nozzle according to the present invention in a complete boom nozzle configuration. As shown in Figs. 1A and 1B, a boom nozzle 12 is positioned at one end of a multiple section boom 10. The boom nozzle 12 is a support structure for holding a primary set of pulleys 16 in a first arrow 14. The boom nozzle 12 also supports a pivot arm 18 in a first arrow 14. As shown in Fig. 1B, the pivot arm 18 is formed of two parallel plates 20 and a second arrow 22. The pivot arm 18 holds a second set of pulleys 24 in the secondary arrow 22. Each of the primary pulley assembly 16 or secondary 24 includes at least one pulley. As shown in Fig. 1B, the boom nozzle embodiment in accordance with the present invention illustrated herein includes a pulley in the primary pulley assembly 16, and two pulleys in the secondary pulley assembly 5 24. A lifting rope load 26 connected to an elevator (not shown) passed along the primary and secondary sheave assemblies 16 and 24 and a hook pulley 28. The end of a load line 26 is attached to the boom nozzle 12 by (? a terminal tab 30. As described before the pivot arm 18 is pivotally connected to the boom nozzle 12 on the first arrow 14. Accordingly, by pivoting the pivot arm 18 about the first arrow 14, the assembly of secondary pulleys 24 can be placed in one of several positions. As further shown in Fig. 1A, the boom nozzle 12 includes a first mounting hole 32 formed in a lower right corner, a second mounting hole 34 formed in a lower left corner, and a third mounting hole 36 formed in the upper left corner. The pivot arm 18 also includes a fourth mounting hole 37 formed therein. Placing a locking pin 38 in the fourth mounting hole 37 and the second mounting hole 34 as shown in Fig. 1A. the pivot arm 18 is locked perpendicular to the boom 10.
This position is referred to as the complete boom nozzle configuration. The full boom configuration is used to raise any load that requires three or more line parts. In addition, the full boom nozzle configuration can be used at any time when a compact boom nozzle is not required. Pivoting the pivot arm 18 upwards and placing the locking pin 38 into the fourth mounting hole 37 and the third mounting hole 36, the pivot arm 18 can be locked so that the pivot arm extends away from the boom 10. In this position, referred to as the auxiliary boom nozzle configuration, the pivot arm 18 forms an obtuse angle with the boom 10. Figs. 2A and 2B illustrate a side view and an end view, respectively, of the shape of the boom nozzle according to the present invention in the auxiliary boom nozzle configuration. As shown in Figs. 2A and 2B, in the auxiliary boom nozzle configuration, a main load-lifting cable 46, connected to a main lifter (not shown), passed by the first pulley assembly 16 and the hook pulley 28. The end of the cable main load elevator 46 is attached to the boom nozzle 12 using the terminal tab 30. In addition an auxiliary load elevator cable 40, connected to an auxiliary lifter (not shown), is passed by the primary pulley assembly 16 and the assembly of secondary pulley 24. The end of the auxiliary load elevator cable 40 is attached to a stop sphere 42. Accordingly, when in the auxiliary boom nozzle configuration, the main and auxiliary load elevator cables could be used at the same time . In addition, there is a second option for an auxiliary boom nozzle configuration. Figs. 3A and 3B illustrate a side view and an end view, respectively of this second option. With the first main load lifting cable 46 passed through the entire configuration of Figs. 1A and 1B, a switch for the auxiliary boom nozzle configuration can be easily achieved by pulling the locking pin 38, turning the pivot arm 18 in the auxiliary boom nozzle configuration, and reinstalling the locking pin in the fourth and fifth holes 37 and 36. This will provide additional boom length, reduce the height of the boom nozzle, and can be achieved without passing the main load-lifting cable 46. With the mobile section of the boom 10 partially extended, the pivot arm 18 it is rotated towards the boom 10 until the pivot arm 18 extends towards the boom 10. The pivot arm 18 can be locked in that position, referred to as the compact boom nozzle configuration or the boom nozzle configuration. inserting the locking pin 38 into the fourth mounting hole 37 and the first mounting hole 38. Figs. 4A and 4B illustrate a side view and an end view, respectively, of the stowed boom nozzle configuration. As shown in Fig. 4A, retracting the movable section of the boom 10 causes the pivot arm 18 with the secondary pulley assembly 24 attached thereto to extend inside the boom 10. In the stowed boom nozzle configuration, the load-lifting cable 26 is passed in the primary pulley assembly 16 and the hook pulley 28, and the end thereof is joined to the piercing nozzle 12 by the terminal tongue 30. The configuration of compact or stowed boom nozzle it can be used when one or more parts of the line are required to lift a load and it is desirable to have the ability to increase the load lift without increasing the boom lift when working in a confined area. Having thus described the invention, it will be obvious that it can be varied in many ways. Such variations are not considered to be separate from the spirit and scope of the invention, and all such modifications as would be obvious to one skilled in the art are intended to be included within the scope of the following claims.

Claims (16)

1. A multiple position boom nozzle, comprising: a support structure (12) positioned at a distal end of a boom (10) and holding at least a first set of pulleys (16), the first set of pulleys ( 16) that includes at least one pulley; a pivot arm (18) having a first and second end, OR the first end pivotally connected to said support structure (12), the second end holding a second pulley assembly (24), the second pulley assembly ( 24) which includes at least one pulley, di pivot arm (18) having at least a first working position and a stowed position, the second end of the pivot arm (18) extending to a proximal end of said boom (10) in said stowed position.
The boom nozzle of claim 1, wherein the pivot arm (18) extends within the boom (10) in said stowed position.
3. The boom nozzle of claim 2, wherein the pivot arm (18) extends perpendicular to said boom (10) in the first working position.
The boom nozzle of claim 1, wherein said pivot arm (18) extends perpendicular to the boom (10) in the first working position.
5. The boom nozzle of claim 1, wherein the support structure (12) includes a first and second hole (32, 34) formed therein; the pivot arm (18) includes a third hole (37) formed therein; and which further includes a locking pin (38) placed in the first and third holes (32, 37) to lock the pivot arm (18) in the stowed position, and placed in the second and third holes (34, 37). ) the pivot arm (18) in said first working position.
The boom nozzle of claim 1, wherein the pivot arm (18) has a second working position in which first load bearing means (28) are supported by the first set of pulleys (16) by means of a first cable and second load bearing means (42) are supported by the second set of pulleys (24) by means of a second cable.
The boom nozzle of claim 6, wherein the pivot arm (18) extends away from the proximal end of said boom in said second working position.
The boom nozzle of claim 7, wherein the second set of pulleys (24) is located in the boom (10) when the pivot arm (18) is in the stowed position.
The boom nozzle of claim 1, wherein the second set of pulleys (24) is located in the boom (10) when the pivot arm (18) is in the stowed position.
The boom nozzle of claim 7. wherein the pivot arm (18) extends perpendicular to said boom (10) in the first working position.
The boom nozzle of claim 6, wherein the support structure (12) includes first, second and third holes (32, 34, 36) formed therein; the pivot arm (18) includes a fourth hole (37) formed therein; and that further includes a locking pin (38) placed in the first and fourth holes to lock the pivot arm (18) in the stowed position, placed in the second and fourth holes (34, 37) to lock the arm of pivot (18) in the first working position, and placed in the third and fourth holes (36, 37) to lock the pivot arm (18) in the second working position.
12. A multiple position boom nozzle, comprising: a support structure (12) positioned at one end of a boom (10) and holding at least a first set of pulleys (16), the first set of pulleys (16) which includes at least one pulley; a pivot arm (18) having a first and second end, the first end pivotally positioned to said support structure (12), the second end that holds a second set of pulleys (24). the second set of pulleys (24) including at least one pulley, the pivot arm (18) having at least a first working position and a second working position, the first set of pulleys (16) holding first load support means (28) by means of a first cable and the second set of pulleys (24) supporting second load bearing means (42) by means of a second cable when the pivot arm 818) is in said second work position.
The boom nozzle of claim 12, wherein the pivot arm (18) extends away from the boom (10) in said second working position.
The boom nozzle of claim 12, wherein the support structure (12) includes first and second holes (34, 36) formed therein; the pivot arm (18) includes a third hole (37) formed therein; and which further includes a locking pin (38) placed in the first and third holes (34, 37) to lock said pivot arm (18) in the first working position, and placed in the second and third holes (36). , 37) to lock the pivot arm (18) in the second working position.
15. The boom nozzle of claim 12, wherein the pivot arm (18) extends perpendicular to the boom (10) in the first working position. The boom nozzle of claim 15, wherein the pivot arm (18) extends away from the boom (10) in said second working position.
MXPA/A/1999/002672A 1998-03-20 1999-03-19 Aguilon nozzle with multi-position profile MXPA99002672A (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
US09044751 1998-03-20

Publications (1)

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MXPA99002672A true MXPA99002672A (en) 2000-10-01



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